Search results for: dynamic marketing capabilities
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 5992

Search results for: dynamic marketing capabilities

5512 Evaluating the Location of Effective Product Advertising on Facebook Ads

Authors: Aulia F. Hadining, Atya Nur Aisha, Dimas Kurninatoro Aji


Utilization of social media as a marketing tool is growing rapidly, including for SMEs. Social media allows the user to give product evaluation and recommendations to the public. In addition, the social media facilitate word-of-mouth marketing communication. One of the social media that can be used is Facebook, with Facebook Ads. This study aimed to evaluate the location of Facebook Ads, to obtain an appropriate advertising design. There are three alternatives location consist of desktop, right-hand column and mobile. The effectiveness and efficiency of advertising will be measured based on advertising metrics such as reach, click, Cost per Click (CUC) and Unique Click-Through-Rate (UCTR). Facebook's Ads Manager was used for seven days, targeted by age (18-24), location (Bandung), language (Indonesia) and keywords. The result was 13,999 total reach, as well as 342 clicks. Based on the results of comparison using ANOVA, there was a significant difference for each placement location based on advertising metrics. Mobile location was chosen to be successful ads, because it produces the lowest CUC, amounting to Rp 691,- per click and 14% UCTR. Results of this study showed Facebook Ads was useful and cost-effective media to promote the product of SME, because it could be view by many people in the same time.

Keywords: marketing communication, social media, Facebook Ads, mobile location

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5511 Impact of Storytelling for Effective Marketing and Reputation Management of Heritage Tourism Destination with Special Reference to Haflong (Assam, India)

Authors: Rohit Sarin


This paper is an attempt to prove the impact of storytelling for effective marketing and maintaining the reputation of the destination for long run. This notable aspect of heritage tourism is cultural exchange among the various communities who visit our country India. Every destination has a life cycle like the product known as destination life cycle. India is considered to be the hub of cultural heritage tourism; its cultural heritage tourism can be traced back to several centuries. Heritage tourism has gained the popularity of global cuisine activity. The statistics of 2014 reveals 903 million International Tourist in heritage tourism destination is done to know the impact of storytelling for their visit to particulars heritage tourism destination. SWOT analysis of the destination is undertaken for the research purpose. A collection of data from the travel agency was taken who visited the heritage tourism destination and were asked to fill questionnaire for the research purpose to know the impact of storytelling for their visit to destination. A total of 100 respondents filled the questionnaire. Likert scale was used in the paper also highlighted the scope, advantage and disadvantage of storytelling for effective marketing and reputation management.

Keywords: destination life cycle, heritage tourism, random sampling, reputation management, storytelling

Procedia PDF Downloads 573
5510 Planar Plasmonic Terahertz Waveguides for Sensor Applications

Authors: Maidul Islam, Dibakar Roy Chowdhury, Gagan Kumar


We investigate sensing capabilities of a planar plasmonic THz waveguide. The waveguide is comprised of one dimensional array of periodically arranged sub wavelength scale corrugations in the form of rectangular dimples in order to ensure the plasmonic response. The THz waveguide transmission is observed for polyimide (as thin film) substance filling the dimples. The refractive index of the polyimide film is varied to examine various sensing parameters such as frequency shift, sensitivity and Figure of Merit (FoM) of the fundamental plasmonic resonance supported by the waveguide. In efforts to improve sensing characteristics, we also examine sensing capabilities of a plasmonic waveguide having V shaped corrugations and compare results with that of rectangular dimples. The proposed study could be significant in developing new terahertz sensors with improved sensitivity utilizing the plasmonic waveguides.

Keywords: plasmonics, sensors, sub-wavelength structures, terahertz

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5509 Design of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Walls Considering Shear Amplification by Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior

Authors: Sunghyun Kim, Hong-Gun Park


In the performance-based design (PBD), by using the nonlinear dynamic analysis (NDA), the actual performance of the structure is evaluated. Unlike frame structures, in the wall structures, base shear force which is resulted from the NDA, is greatly amplified than that from the elastic analysis. This shear amplifying effect causes repeated designs which make designer difficult to apply the PBD. Therefore, in this paper, factors which affect shear amplification were studied. For the 20-story wall model, the NDA was performed. From the analysis results, the base shear amplification factor was proposed.

Keywords: performance based design, shear amplification factor, nonlinear dynamic analysis, RC shear wall

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5508 Optimal Dynamic Economic Load Dispatch Using Artificial Immune System

Authors: I. A. Farhat


The dynamic economic dispatch (DED) problem is one of the complex, constrained optimization problems that have nonlinear, con-convex and non-smooth objective functions. The purpose of the DED is to determine the optimal economic operation of the committed units while meeting the load demand. Associated to this constrained problem there exist highly nonlinear and non-convex practical constraints to be satisfied. Therefore, classical and derivative-based methods are likely not to converge to an optimal or near optimal solution to such a dynamic and large-scale problem. In this paper, an Artificial Immune System technique (AIS) is implemented and applied to solve the DED problem considering the transmission power losses and the valve-point effects in addition to the other operational constraints. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique, two case studies are considered. The results obtained using the AIS are compared to those obtained by other methods reported in the literature and found better.

Keywords: artificial immune system, dynamic economic dispatch, optimal economic operation, large-scale problem

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5507 Analyzing the Impact of Unilever's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Strategies on Consumer Attitudes and Loyalty in International Markets: A Focus on Sustainable Marketing Practices

Authors: Lydia Nkechi Philip


Due to its well-documented commitment to sustainability across diverse global markets, Unilever, a multinational consumer goods powerhouse, serves as a compelling case study. The study's goal is to critically examine Unilever's CSR initiatives, assessing their alignment with international standards and the impact on consumer perceptions and loyalty. The study investigates how Unilever's CSR practices resonate with consumers in various regions using a mixed-methods approach that includes surveys and interviews. The conceptual framework considers the role of sustainable marketing practices as a bridge builder in the CSR-consumer relationship. The findings are expected to provide valuable insights for businesses seeking to navigate the complex terrain of global markets while remaining ethical and sustainable. As consumers place a higher value on socially responsible brands, this study examines Unilever's CSR impact on consumer behavior. The abstract captures the essence of the study, providing a sneak peek at the methodology, key objectives, and anticipated contributions to our understanding of CSR's role in shaping consumer attitudes and loyalty in the global marketplace.

Keywords: Unilever, consumer loyalty, sustainable marketing practices, consumer loyalties

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5506 Reinforced Concrete Slab under Static and Dynamic Loading

Authors: Aaron Aboshio, Jianqiao Ye


In this study, static and dynamic responses of a typical reinforced concrete flat slab, designed to British Standard (BS 8110, 1997) and under self and live loadings for dance halls are reported. Linear perturbation analysis using finite element method was employed for modal, impulse loading and frequency response analyses of the slab under the aforementioned loading condition. Results from the static and dynamic analyses, comprising of the slab fundamental frequencies and mode shapes, dynamic amplification factor, maximum deflection, stress distributions among other valuable outcomes are presented and discussed. These were gauged with the limiting provisions in the design code with a view to optimise the structure and ensure both adequate strength and economical section for large clear span slabs. This is necessary owing to the continued increase in cost of erecting building structures and the squeeze on public finance globally.

Keywords: economical design, finite element method, modal dynamics, reinforced concrete, slab

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5505 Dynamic Analysis of Turbo Machinery Foundation for Different Rotating Speed

Authors: Sungyani Tripathy, Atul Desai


Turbo machinery Frame Foundation is very important for power generation, gas, steam, hydro, geothermal and nuclear power plants. The Turbo machinery Foundation system was simulated in SAP: 2000 software and dynamic response of foundation was analysed. In this paper, the detailed study of turbo machinery foundation with different running speed has considered. The different revolution per minute considered in this study is 4000 rpm, 6000 rpm, 8000 rpm, 1000 rpm and 12000 rpm. The above analysis has been carried out considering Winkler spring soil model, solid finite element modelling and dynamic analysis of Turbo machinery foundations. The comparison of frequency and time periods at various mode shapes are addressed in this study. Current work investigates the effect of damping on the response spectra curve at the foundation top deck, considering the dynamic machine load. It has been found that turbo generator foundation with haunches remains more elastic during seismic action for different running speeds.

Keywords: turbo machinery, SAP: 2000, response spectra, running speeds

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5504 Application of the Piloting Law Based on Adaptive Differentiators via Second Order Sliding Mode for a Fixed Wing Aircraft

Authors: Zaouche Mohammed, Amini Mohammed, Foughali Khaled, Hamissi Aicha, Aktouf Mohand Arezki, Boureghda Ilyes


In this paper, we present a piloting law based on the adaptive differentiators via high order sliding mode controller, by using an aircraft in virtual simulated environment. To deal with the design of an autopilot controller, we propose a framework based on Software in the Loop (SIL) methodology and we use MicrosoftTM Flight Simulator (FS-2004) as the environment for plane simulation. The aircraft dynamic model is nonlinear, Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) and tightly coupled. The nonlinearity resides in the dynamic equations and also in the aerodynamic coefficients' variability. In our case, two (02) aircrafts are used in the flight tests, the Zlin-142 and MQ-1 Predator. For both aircrafts and in a very low altitude flight, we send the piloting control inputs to the aircraft which has stalled due to a command disconnection. Then, we present the aircraft’s dynamic behavior analysis while reestablishing the command transmission. Finally, a comparative study between the two aircraft’s dynamic behaviors is presented.

Keywords: adaptive differentiators, second order sliding modes, dynamic adaptation of the gains, microsoft flight simulator, Zlin-142, MQ-1 predator

Procedia PDF Downloads 423
5503 Dynamic Measurement System Modeling with Machine Learning Algorithms

Authors: Changqiao Wu, Guoqing Ding, Xin Chen


In this paper, ways of modeling dynamic measurement systems are discussed. Specially, for linear system with single-input single-output, it could be modeled with shallow neural network. Then, gradient based optimization algorithms are used for searching the proper coefficients. Besides, method with normal equation and second order gradient descent are proposed to accelerate the modeling process, and ways of better gradient estimation are discussed. It shows that the mathematical essence of the learning objective is maximum likelihood with noises under Gaussian distribution. For conventional gradient descent, the mini-batch learning and gradient with momentum contribute to faster convergence and enhance model ability. Lastly, experimental results proved the effectiveness of second order gradient descent algorithm, and indicated that optimization with normal equation was the most suitable for linear dynamic models.

Keywords: dynamic system modeling, neural network, normal equation, second order gradient descent

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5502 Dynamic Properties of Recycled Concrete Aggregate from Resonant Column Tests

Authors: Wojciech Sas, Emil Soból, Katarzyna Gabryś, Andrzej Głuchowski, Alojzy Szymański


Depleting of natural resources is forcing the man to look for alternative construction materials. One of them is recycled concrete aggregates (RCA). RCA from the demolition of buildings and crushed to proper gradation can be a very good replacement for natural unbound granular aggregates, gravels or sands. Physical and the mechanical properties of RCA are well known in the field of basic civil engineering applications, but to proper roads and railways design dynamic characteristic is need as well. To know maximum shear modulus (GMAX) and the minimum damping ratio (DMIN) of the RCA dynamic loads in resonant column apparatus need to be performed. The paper will contain literature revive about alternative construction materials and dynamic laboratory research technique. The article will focus on dynamic properties of RCA, but early studies conducted by the authors on physical and mechanical properties of this material also will be presented. The authors will show maximum shear modulus and minimum damping ratio. Shear modulus and damping ratio degradation curves will be shown as well. From exhibited results conclusion will be drawn at the end of the article.

Keywords: recycled concrete aggregate, shear modulus, damping ratio, resonant column

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5501 Future-Proofing the Workforce: A Case Study of Integrated Human Capability Frameworks to Support Business Success

Authors: Penelope Paliadelis, Asheley Jones, Glenn Campbell


This paper discusses the development of co-designed capability frameworks for two large multinational organizations led by a university department. The aim was to create evidence-based, integrated capability frameworks that could define, identify, and measure human skill capabilities independent of specific work roles. The frameworks capture and cluster human skills required in the workplace and capture their application at various levels of mastery. Identified capability gaps inform targeted learning opportunities for workers to enhance their employability skills. The paper highlights the value of this evidence-based framework development process in capturing, defining, and assessing desired human-focused capabilities for organizational growth and success.

Keywords: capability framework, human skills, work-integrated learning, credentialing, digital badging

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5500 Reduction of Dynamic Influences in Composite Rubber-Concrete Block Designed to Walls Construction

Authors: Maciej Major, Izabela Major


The aim of this paper is a numerical analysis of three-layered block design to walls construction subjected to the dynamic load. The block consists of the layers: concrete with rubber pads in shape of crosses, space filled with air and concrete with I-shape rubber pads. The main purpose of rubber inserts embedded during the production process is additional protection against the transversal dynamic load. For the analysis, as rubber, the Zahorski hyperelastic incompressible material model was assumed. A concentrated force as dynamic load applied to the external block surface was investigated. The results for the considered block observed as the stress distribution plot were compared to the results obtained for the solid concrete block. In order to estimate the percentage damping of proposed composite, rubber-concrete block in relation to the solid block the numerical analysis with the use of finite element method based on ADINA software was performed.

Keywords: dynamics, composite, rubber, Zahorski

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5499 Research on Static and Dynamic Behavior of New Combination of Aluminum Honeycomb Panel and Rod Single-Layer Latticed Shell

Authors: Xu Chen, Zhao Caiqi


In addition to the advantages of light weight, resistant corrosion and ease of processing, aluminum is also applied to the long-span spatial structures. However, the elastic modulus of aluminum is lower than that of the steel. This paper combines the high performance aluminum honeycomb panel with the aluminum latticed shell, forming a new panel-and-rod composite shell structure. Through comparative analysis between the static and dynamic performance, the conclusion that the structure of composite shell is noticeably superior to the structure combined before.

Keywords: combination of aluminum honeycomb panel, rod latticed shell, dynamic performence, response spectrum analysis, seismic properties

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5498 Speed Control of Hybrid Stepper Motor by Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Controller

Authors: Talha Ali Khan


This paper presents an adaptive neuro-fuzzy interference system (ANFIS), which is applied to a hybrid stepper motor (HSM) to regulate its speed. The dynamic response of the HSM with the ANFIS controller is studied during the starting process and under different load disturbance. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is compared with that of the conventional PI controller. The proposed method solves the problem of nonlinearities and load changes of the HSM drives. The proposed controller ensures fast and precise dynamic response with an excellent steady state performance. Matlab/Simulink program is used for this dynamic simulation study.

Keywords: stepper motor, hybrid, ANFIS, speed control

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5497 Impact of Sensory Marketing on Consumer Consumption Behaviour in the Hotel Spa Industry

Authors: Li (Claudia) Chen


With the rapid development of the global economy, the growing prevalence of customer health consciousness has arisen over the last decade. Consumers are considered more healthy lifestyles and wellness routines in their daily life, and likewise, they are inclined to invest disposable incomes in enhancing their health and wellness, beauty, and social identity. Nowadays, visiting spas has become a popular activity; particularly, millennials are increasingly prone to visiting spas. It has now become one of the major places for relaxation, rejuvenation, revitalization, and enjoyment by providing various types of spa services such as hotel and resort spas, destination spas, mineral, and thermal spring spas, medical spas, and so forth. The hotel and resort spa has been becoming increasingly popular among other spas, which is the largest number of spas and revenue over the last five years, and has now surpassed day/salon spas as the industry revenue leader. In the hotel and resort spa industry, sensory experience plays a vital role in the customer journey, and it encompasses all aspects of the sense that can affect the overall experience. Consumers use senses-sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste to gather the information that contributes to the establishment of an experience, and all senses interacting together form the foundation of sensory experiences. Sensory marketing as a marketing strategy engages consumers' senses and affects their behaviour, yet consumers are often unaware of the way senses interact with their day-to-day experiences. Indeed, it is important to understand consumer sensory experience in terms of how it influences consumer consumption behaviour. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the sensory experiences of consumers and the ways that sensory experiences shape consumer behaviour in the hotel and resort spa industry. This paper consists of in-depth interviews, focus groups, and participant-observation methods to collect data from different stakeholders. The findings reveal that multisensory experiences play vital roles in consumer spa experiences and are highly influential in consumer perception, cognition, and behaviour. Moreover, the findings also demonstrate that sensory stimuli bring positive or negative effects on consumer experience in the hotel spa industry. Ultimately, the findings also offer additional insight to managers on sensory marketing strategy to stimulate brand experience that can establish customer loyalty.

Keywords: sensory marketing, senses, consumer behaviour, multi-sensory marketing, hotel and resorts spa industry, qualitative research

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5496 Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Rotor Dynamic Stability

Authors: A. Chellil, A. Nour, S. Lecheb , H. Mechakra, A. Bouderba, H. Kebir


The study of the rotor dynamic in transient system allowed to determine the vibratory responses due to various excitations. This work presents a coupled gyroscopic effect in the defects of a rotor under dynamic loading. Calculations of different energies and virtual work from the various elements of the rotor are developed. To treat real systems a model of finite element was developed. This model of the rotor makes it possible to extract the frequencies and modal deformed, and to calculate the stresses in the critical zone. The study of the rotor in transient system allowed to determine the vibratory responses due to the unbalances, crack and various excitations.

Keywords: rotor, defect, finite element, numerical

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5495 Digital Customer Relationship Management on Service Delivery Performance

Authors: Reuben Kinyuru Njuguna, Martin Mabuya Njuguna


Digital platforms, such as The Internet, and the advent of digital marketing strategies, have led to many changes in the marketing of goods and services. These have resulted in improved service quality, enhanced customer relations, productivity gains, marketing transaction cost reductions, improved customer service and flexibility in fulfilling customers’ changing needs and lifestyles. Consequently, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of digital marketing practices on the financial performance of mobile network operators in the telecommunications industry in Kenya. The objectives of the study were to establish how digital customer relationship management strategies on performance of mobile network operators in Kenya. The study used an explanatory cross-sectional survey research design, while the target population was made up of from the 4 major mobile network operators in Kenya, namely Safaricom Limited, Airtel Networks Kenya Limited, Finserve Africa Limited and Telkom Kenya Limited. Sampling strategy was stratified sampling with a sample size of 97 respondents. Digital customer relationship strategies were seen to influence firm performance, through enhancing convenience, building trust, encouraging growth in market share through creating sustainable relationships, building commitment with customers, enhancing customer retention and customer satisfaction. Digital customer relationship management were seen to maximize gross profits by increasing customer satisfaction, loyalty and retention. The study recommended upscaling the use of digital customer relationship management strategies to further enhance firm performance, given their great potential in this regard.

Keywords: customer relationship management, customer service delivery, performance, customer satisfaction

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5494 A New Sign Subband Adaptive Filter Based on Dynamic Selection of Subbands

Authors: Mohammad Shams Esfand Abadi, Mehrdad Zalaghi, Reza ebrahimpour


In this paper, we propose a sign adaptive filter algorithm with the ability of dynamic selection of subband filters which leads to low computational complexity compared with conventional sign subband adaptive filter (SSAF) algorithm. Dynamic selection criterion is based on largest reduction of the mean square deviation at each adaption. We demonstrate that this simple proposed algorithm has the same performance of the conventional SSAF and somewhat faster than it. In the presence of impulsive interferences robustness of the simple proposed algorithm as well as the conventional SSAF and outperform the conventional normalized subband adaptive filter (NSAF) algorithm. Therefore, it is preferred for environments under impulsive interferences. Simulation results are presented to verify these above considerations very well have been achieved.

Keywords: acoustic echo cancellation (AEC), normalized subband adaptive filter (NSAF), dynamic selection subband adaptive filter (DS-NSAF), sign subband adaptive filter (SSAF), impulsive noise, robust filtering

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5493 The Contribution of Algerian Sports Channels on YouTube to the Marketing of Professional Players Abroad: The View of Algerian Sports Content Makers

Authors: Ali Mana, Okba Lahmar


It is natural that sports media seeks to reach the audience of viewers wherever they are and at any time. Perhaps YouTube is one of the most important platforms in which the Algerian audience resides, as Alexa, which is one of the most important tools for providing usage statistics, indicated that the number of Algerian audience views of this site has exceeded 11 million views per month, and many Algerian content makers have initiated the creation of Sports channels in order to achieve profit goals. They also seek through it to market professional footballers abroad, in addition to influencing the opinions of fans towards them. This scene directs us to study the extent to which these channels contribute to discovering professional players, marketing to them, and protecting them from negative criticism. We also aim to know the extent of the influence of the content makers of these channels on the Algerian audience and to raise their awareness of the positive support of the players, regardless of their level of performance. To collect the necessary data, a descriptive study was conducted in which interview and observation were adopted as two basic tools. The sample included 04 sports content makers out of the total community that organizes more than 50 channels. It was chosen intentionally and included channels with more than 300,000 subscribers.

Keywords: sports content creators, YouTube, professional player, Algerian public, sports marketing

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5492 Examining the Relationship Between Green Procurement Practices and Firm’s Performance in Ghana

Authors: Clement Yeboah


Prior research concludes that environmental commitment positively drives organisational performance. Nonetheless, the nexus and conditions under which environmental commitment capabilities contribute to a firm’s performance are less understood. The purpose of this quantitative relational study was to examine the relationship between environmental commitment and 500 firms’ performances in Ghana. The researchers further seek to draw insights from the resource-based view to conceptualize environmental commitment and green procurement practices as resource capabilities to enhance firm performance. The researchers used insights from the contingent resource-based view to examine green leadership orientation conditions under which environmental commitment capability contributes to firm performance through green procurement practices. The study’s conceptual framework was tested on primary data from some firms in the Ghanaian market. PROCESS Macro was used to test the study’s hypotheses. Beyond that, green procurement practices mediated the association between environmental commitment capabilities and the firm’s performance. The study further seeks to find out whether green leadership orientation positively moderates the indirect relationship between environmental commitment capabilities and firm performance through green procurement practices. While conventional wisdom suggests that improved environmental commitment capabilities help improve a firm’s performance, this study tested this presumed relationship between environmental commitment capabilities and firm performance and provides theoretical arguments and empirical evidence to justify how green procurement practices uniquely and in synergy with green leadership orientation transform this relationship. The study results indicated a positive correlation between environmental commitment and firm performance. This result suggests that firms that prioritize environmental sustainability and demonstrate a strong commitment to environmentally responsible practices tend to experience better overall performance. This includes financial gains, operational efficiency, enhanced reputation, and improved relationships with stakeholders. The study's findings inform policy formulation in Ghana related to environmental regulations, incentives, and support mechanisms. Policymakers can use the insights to design policies that encourage and reward firms for their environmental commitments, thereby fostering a more sustainable and environmentally responsible business environment. The findings from such research can influence the design and development of educational programs in Ghana, specifically in fields related to sustainability, environmental management, and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Institutions may consider integrating environmental and sustainability topics into their business and management courses to create awareness and promote responsible practices among future business professionals. Also the study results can also promote the adoption of environmental accounting practices in Ghana. By recognizing and measuring the environmental impacts and costs associated with business activities, firms can better understand the financial implications of their environmental commitments and develop strategies for improved performance.

Keywords: firm’s performance, green procurement practice, environmental commitment, environmental management, sustainability

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5491 Dynamic Analysis of Transmission Line Towers

Authors: L. Srikanth, D. Neelima Satyam


The transmission line towers are one of the important life line structures in the distribution of power from the source to the various places for several purposes. The predominant external loads which act on these towers are wind and earthquake loads. In this present study tower is analyzed using Indian Standards IS: 875:1987 (Wind Load), IS: 802:1995 (Structural Steel), IS:1893:2002 (Earthquake) and dynamic analysis of tower has been performed considering ground motion of 2001 Bhuj Earthquake (India). The dynamic analysis was performed considering a tower system consisting two towers spaced 800m apart and 35m height each. This analysis has been performed using numerical time stepping finite difference method which is central difference method were employed by a developed MATLAB program to get the normalized ground motion parameters includes acceleration, frequency, velocity which are important in designing the tower. The tower is analyzed using response spectrum analysis.

Keywords: response spectra, dynamic analysis, central difference method, transmission tower

Procedia PDF Downloads 399
5490 Performance Evaluation of Task Scheduling Algorithm on LCQ Network

Authors: Zaki Ahmad Khan, Jamshed Siddiqui, Abdus Samad


The Scheduling and mapping of tasks on a set of processors is considered as a critical problem in parallel and distributed computing system. This paper deals with the problem of dynamic scheduling on a special type of multiprocessor architecture known as Linear Crossed Cube (LCQ) network. This proposed multiprocessor is a hybrid network which combines the features of both linear type of architectures as well as cube based architectures. Two standard dynamic scheduling schemes namely Minimum Distance Scheduling (MDS) and Two Round Scheduling (TRS) schemes are implemented on the LCQ network. Parallel tasks are mapped and the imbalance of load is evaluated on different set of processors in LCQ network. The simulations results are evaluated and effort is made by means of through analysis of the results to obtain the best solution for the given network in term of load imbalance left and execution time. The other performance matrices like speedup and efficiency are also evaluated with the given dynamic algorithms.

Keywords: dynamic algorithm, load imbalance, mapping, task scheduling

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5489 Stability Analysis of Three-Lobe Journal Bearing Lubricated with a Micropolar Fluids

Authors: Boualem Chetti


The dynamic characteristics of a three-lobe journal bearing lubricated with micropolar fluids are determined by the linear stability theory. Lubricating oil containing additives and contaminants is modeled as micropolar fluid. The modified Reynolds equation is obtained using the micropolar lubrication theory and the finite difference technique has been used to solve it. The dynamic characteristics in terms of stiffness, damping coefficients, the critical mass and whirl ratio are determined for various values of size of material characteristic length and the coupling number. The computed results show compared with Newtonian fluids, that micropolar fluid exhibits better stability.

Keywords: three-lobe bearings, micropolar fluid, dynamic characteristics, stability analysis

Procedia PDF Downloads 362
5488 Its about Cortana, Microsoft’s Virtual Assistant

Authors: Aya Idriss, Esraa Othman, Lujain Malak


Artificial intelligence is the emulation of human intelligence processes by machines, particularly computer systems that act logically. Some of the specific applications of AI include natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision. Cortana is a virtual assistant and she’s an example of an AI Application. Microsoft made it possible for this app to be accessed not only on laptops and PCs but can be downloaded on mobile phones and used as a virtual assistant which was a huge success. Cortana can offer a lot apart from the basic orders such as setting alarms and marking the calendar. Its capabilities spread past that, for example, it provides us with listening to music and podcasts on the go, managing my to-do list and emails, connecting with my contacts hands-free by simply just telling the virtual assistant to call somebody, gives me instant answers and so on. A questionnaire was sent online to numerous friends and family members to perform the study, which is critical in evaluating Cortana's recognition capacity and the majority of the answers were in favor of Cortana’s capabilities. The results of the questionnaire assisted us in determining the level of Cortana's skills.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, Cortana, AI, abstract

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5487 Low-Cost IoT System for Monitoring Ground Propagation Waves due to Construction and Traffic Activities to Nearby Construction

Authors: Lan Nguyen, Kien Le Tan, Bao Nguyen Pham Gia


Due to the high cost, specialized dynamic measurement devices for industrial lands are difficult for many colleges to equip for hands-on teaching. This study connects a dynamic measurement sensor and receiver utilizing an inexpensive Raspberry Pi 4 board, some 24-bit ADC circuits, a geophone vibration sensor, and embedded Python open-source programming. Gather and analyze signals for dynamic measuring, ground vibration monitoring, and structure vibration monitoring. The system may wirelessly communicate data to the computer and is set up as a communication node network, enabling real-time monitoring of background vibrations at various locations. The device can be utilized for a variety of dynamic measurement and monitoring tasks, including monitoring earthquake vibrations, ground vibrations from construction operations, traffic, and vibrations of building structures.

Keywords: sensors, FFT, signal processing, real-time data monitoring, ground propagation wave, python, raspberry Pi 4

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5486 Video Materials as a Persuasive Strategy in Tourism Discourse

Authors: Ganna Zakharova


The persuasive influence of tourism promotional materials is very much experienced nowadays. In order to attract the attention of viewers, marketers choose various techniques in their digital texts. Video is an essential element for attraction and seduction; it is a trigger element for tourists. This solution for web marketing engages and convinces potential tourists to book a tourism product. Embedding video materials into a website provides useful information, create different feelings in viewers, and help them finalize their decisions. The present article discusses video solutions for health tourism websites used to allure potential tourists. The paper reviews the influential elements of persuasive tourism marketing videos. The article highlights how these components as persuasive strategies of tourism promotional materials can influence the decisions of tourism websites’ users. The result section provides the real examples of the deployment of the mentioned technique to convince the audience by the website of 'Karpaty' resort (Ukraine). This technique is worth attention as it plays an important role in the promotion of tourism services. The data collection of this study will provide updated information in relation to the rhetoric of tourism.

Keywords: tourism discourse, persuasive video, influential videos in marketing, persuasive discourse, tourism promotion

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5485 The Impact of Innovations in Human Resource Practices, Innovation Capabilities and Competitive Advantage on Company Performance

Authors: Bita Kharazi


The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of innovations in human resource practices, innovation capabilities, and competitive advantage on company performance. This research was applied in terms of purpose and in terms of method, it was descriptive research of correlation type. The statistical population of this research was all the employees of Zar Industrial and Research Group. The sampling method was available in this research, and Cochran's formula was used to determine the statistical sample size. A standard questionnaire was used to collect information in this research, and SPSS software and simultaneous regression statistical tests were used to analyze the data. Based on the findings of the present research, it was found that the components of creativity in human resource practices, innovation capability, and competitive advantage have a significant impact on the company's performance.

Keywords: human resource management, innovation, competitive advantage, company performance

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5484 Evaluation of Postural Stability in Patients with Flat Feet: A Controlled Trial

Authors: Ghada Mohamed Rashad, Doaa Ayoub Elimy, Mohamed Hussein Elgendy, Ahmed Mohamed Fathi Elshiwi, Mahmoud Ghazy


Background: Flat feet cause changes in foot mobility, foot posture, and load distribution under the foot which influences dynamic balance, that is essential in activities of daily living and for optimal performance in sports activity. Purpose: To investigate the effect of flat feet on dynamic balance including overall stability index (OAI), anteroposterior stability index (APSI) and mediolateral stability index (MLSI). Study Design: The design of the study was an experimental design. Subjects: Forty subjects from both sexes were selected from the Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, their mean age (23.55 ± 1.74 ) years, divided into two groups, group A (8 males and 12 females) with flat feet, and group B (9 males and 11 females) with normal feet. Methods: The Navicular Drop Test was used to determine if the feet were pronated and Biodex Balance System was used to assess dynamic balance at level 8 and level 4 for both groups. Results: There was no significant difference in dynamic balance including (OSI, APSI and MLSI) of the Biodex at stability level (8) (most stable) (p = 0.56). While there was a significant difference between both groups in all dependent variables at stability level (4) (less stable level) (p = 0.0001). Conclusion: It may be concluded that flat feet have an effect on dynamic balance and there is balance affection in subjects with flat feet.

Keywords: flat feet, dynamic balance, postural stability, types of flat feet, eversion strength

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5483 Leadership's Controlling via Complexity Investigation in Crisis Scenarios

Authors: Jiří Barta, Oldřich Svoboda, Jiří F. Urbánek


In this paper will be discussed two coin´s sides of crisis scenarios dynamics. On the one's side is negative role of subsidiary scenario branches in its compactness weakening by means unduly chaotic atomizing, having many interactive feedbacks cases, increasing a value of a complexity here. This negative role reflects the complexity of use cases, weakening leader compliancy, which brings something as a ´readiness for controlling capabilities provision´. Leader´s dissatisfaction has zero compliancy, but factual it is a ´crossbar´ (interface in fact) between planning and executing use cases. On the other side of this coin, an advantage of rich scenarios embranchment is possible to see in a support of response awareness, readiness, preparedness, adaptability, creativity and flexibility. Here rich scenarios embranchment contributes to the steadiness and resistance of scenario mission actors. These all will be presented in live power-points ´Blazons´, modelled via DYVELOP (Dynamic Vector Logistics of Processes) on the Conference.

Keywords: leadership, controlling, complexity, DYVELOP, scenarios

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