Search results for: Haunch connection
785 Cooperative Game Theory and Small Hold Farming: Towards A Conceptual Model
Authors: Abel Kahuni
Cooperative game theory (CGT) postulates that groups of players are crucial units of the decision-making and impose cooperative behaviour. Accordingly, cooperative games are regarded as competition between coalitions of players, rather than between individual players. However, the basic supposition in CGT is that the cooperative is formed by all players. One of the emerging questions in CGT is how to develop cooperatives and fairly allocate the payoff. Cooperative Game Theory (CGT) may provide a framework and insights into the ways small holder farmers in rural resettlements may develop competitive advantage through marketing cooperatives. This conceptual paper proposes a non-competition model for small holder farmers of homogenous agri-commodity under CGT conditions. This paper will also provide brief insights into to the theory of cooperative games in-order to generate an understanding of CGT, cooperative marketing gains and its application in small holder farming arrangements. Accordingly, the objective is to provide a basic introduction to this theory in connection with economic competitive theories in the context of small holder farmers. The key value proposition of CGT is the equitable and fair sharing of cooperative gains.Keywords: game theory, cooperative game theory, cooperatives, competition
Procedia PDF Downloads 78784 Mapping of Urban Green Spaces Towards a Balanced Planning in a Coastal Landscape
Authors: Rania Ajmi, Faiza Allouche Khebour, Aude Nuscia Taibi, Sirine Essasi
Urban green spaces (UGS) as an important contributor can be a significant part of sustainable development. A spatial method was employed to assess and map the spatial distribution of UGS in five districts in Sousse, Tunisia. Ecological management of UGS is an essential factor for the sustainable development of the city; hence the municipality of Sousse has decided to support the districts according to different green spaces characters. And to implement this policy, (1) a new GIS web application was developed, (2) then the implementation of the various green spaces was carried out, (3) a spatial mapping of UGS using Quantum GIS was realized, and (4) finally a data processing and statistical analysis with RStudio programming language was executed. The intersection of the results of the spatial and statistical analyzes highlighted the presence of an imbalance in terms of the spatial UGS distribution in the study area. The discontinuity between the coast and the city's green spaces was not designed in a spirit of network and connection, hence the lack of a greenway that connects these spaces to the city. Finally, this GIS support will be used to assess and monitor green spaces in the city of Sousse by decision-makers and will contribute to improve the well-being of the local population.Keywords: distributions, GIS, green space, imbalance, spatial analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 206783 The Role of the Rate of Profit Concept in Creating Economic Stability in Islamic Financial Market
Authors: Trisiladi Supriyanto
This study aims to establish a concept of rate of profit on Islamic banking that can create economic justice and stability in the Islamic Financial Market (Banking and Capital Markets). A rate of profit that creates economic justice and stability can be achieved through its role in maintaining the stability of the financial system in which there is an equitable distribution of income and wealth. To determine the role of the rate of profit as the basis of the profit sharing system implemented in the Islamic financial system, we can see the connection of rate of profit in creating financial stability, especially in the asset-liability management of financial institutions that generate a stable net margin or the rate of profit that is not affected by the ups and downs of the market risk factors, including indirect effect on interest rates. Furthermore, Islamic financial stability can be seen from the role of the rate of profit on the stability of the Islamic financial assets value that are measured from the Islamic financial asset price volatility in the Islamic Bond Market in the Capital Market.Keywords: economic justice, equitable distribution of income, equitable distribution of wealth, rate of profit, stability in the financial system
Procedia PDF Downloads 314782 Adaptive Architecture: Reformulation of Socio-Ecological Systems
Authors: Pegah Zamani
This multidisciplinary study interrogates the reformulation of socio-ecological systems by bringing different disciplines together and incorporating ecological, social, and technological components to the sustainable design. The study seeks for a holistic sustainable system to understand the multidimensional impact of the evolving innovative technologies on responding to the variable socio-environmental conditions. Through a range of cases, from the vernacular built spaces to the sophisticated optimized systems, the research unfolds how far the environmental elements would impact the performance of a sustainable building, its micro-climatic ecological requirements, and its human inhabitation. As a product of the advancing technologies, an optimized and environmentally responsive building offers new identification, and realization of the built space through reformulating the connection to its internal and external environments (such as solar, thermal, and airflow), as well as its dwellers. The study inquires properties of optimized buildings, by bringing into the equation not only the environmental but also the socio-cultural, morphological, and phenomenal factors. Thus, the research underlines optimized built space as a product and practice which would not be meaningful without addressing and dynamically adjusting to the diversity and complexity of socio-ecological systems.Keywords: ecology, morphology, socio-ecological systems, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 205781 U-Turn on the Bridge to Freedom: An Interaction Process Analysis of Task and Relational Messages in Totalistic Organization Exit Conversations on Online Discussion Boards
Authors: Nancy Di Tunnariello, Jenna L. Currie-Mueller
Totalistic organizations include organizations that operate by playing a prominent role in the life of its members through embedding values and practices. The Church of Scientology (CoS) is an example of a religious totalistic organization and has recently garnered attention because of the questionable treatment of members by those with authority, particularly when members try to leave the Church. The purpose of this study was to analyze exit communication and evaluate the task and relational messages discussed on online discussion boards for individuals with a previous or current connection to the totalistic CoS. Using organizational exit phases and interaction process analysis (IPA), researchers coded 30 boards consisting of 14,179 thought units from the website. Findings report all stages of exit were present, and post-exit surfaced most often. Posts indicated more tasks than relational messages, where individuals mainly provided orientation/information. After a discussion of the study’s contributions, limitations and directions for future research are explained.Keywords: Bales' IPA, organizational exit, relational messages, scientology, task messages, totalistic organizations
Procedia PDF Downloads 130780 Technical Considerations of High Voltage Direct Current for Interconnection of Iran Grid to Neighboring Countries
Authors: Mojtaba Abolfazli, Mohammad Gahderi, Alireza Ashoorizadeh, Rahim Zeinali
Interconnection between countries provides noticeable economic, technical and environmental benefits. Iran grid has an excellent condition for connection to neighbouring countries. There are two main options including High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) and High Voltage Alternative Current (HVAC) for interconnection between the grids. At present, all of Iran cross border interconnections are HVAC while HVDC brings more benefits in comparison which should be considered by system planners. This paper presents a comprehensive review of technical considerations of HVDC for interconnection of Iran grid to neighbouring countries. Converter technology, converter transformers, converter valves, filters, and transmission link are studied for a good cognition to HVDC. In addition, a comparison between HVDC and HVAC for transmitting of power is discussed. Finally, a conclusion on HVDC technology and components is drawn out to provide a comprehensive knowledge for system planners.Keywords: interconnection, HVDC, HVAC, voltage sourced converter, current sourced converter
Procedia PDF Downloads 355779 Investigating the Relationship and Interaction between Auditory Processing Disorder and Auditory Attention
Authors: Amirreza Razzaghipour Sorkhab
The exploration of the connection between cognition and Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) holds significant value. Individuals with APD experience challenges in processing auditory information through the central auditory nervous system's varied pathways. Understanding the importance of auditory attention in individuals with APD, as well as the primary diagnostic tools such as language and auditory attention tests, highlights the critical need for assessing their auditory attention abilities. While not all children with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) show deficits in auditory attention, there are often deficiencies in cognitive and attentional performance. The link between various types of attention deficits and APD suggests impairments in sustained and divided auditory attention. Research into the origins of APD should also encompass higher-level processes, such as auditory attention. It is evident that investigating the interaction between APD and auditory and cognitive functions holds significant value. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that APD tests may be influenced by cognitive factors, but despite signs of auditory attention interaction with auditory processing skills and the influence of cognitive factors on tests for this disorder, auditory attention measures are not typically included in APD diagnostic protocols. Therefore, incorporating attention assessment tests into the battery of tests for individuals with auditory processing disorder will be beneficial for obtaining useful insights into their attentional abilities.Keywords: auditory processing disorder, auditory attention, central auditory processing disorder, top-down pathway
Procedia PDF Downloads 67778 E-Government, China Internet Plus, and the One Belt One Road Initiative: The Africa Connection
Authors: Isaac Kofi Mensah, Mi Jianing
The lack of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) infrastructure in African countries is hampering the successful adoption, development and implementation of e-government in Africa. Electronic government is the use of ICTs to modernize government public administration processes and to provide government services to citizens with a purpose to enhance efficiency, accountability, and transparency in government’s interaction with the citizenry. ICT application in public administration has the potential to modernize and create smarter government and improvement in public service delivery. China’s Internet Plus policy and One Belt One Road strategy present a golden opportunity for countries in Africa to attract the huge financial investment through Chinese IT companies to develop and close Africa’s ICT infrastructure gap. This study recommends the establishment of One Belt One Road ICT Infrastructure Fund for Africa (OBOR ICT Fund for Africa) to enable countries in Africa to source solely for the purpose of ICT infrastructure development in the public sector/government machinery which would in turn promote the adoption and development of e-government in the public sectors of respective countries in Africa.Keywords: e-government, public service delivery, internet plus, one belt one road initiative, China, Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 679777 Hydrogen Storage in Salt Caverns: Rock Mechanical Design
Authors: Dirk Zapf, Bastian Leuger
For several years, natural gas and crude oil have been stored in salt caverns in Germany and also worldwide. The dimensioning concepts have been continuously developed from a rock mechanics point of view. In addition to the possibilities of realizing large numerical calculation models based on real survey data nowadays, especially the consideration of mechanical processes such as damage and healing played a role in the development of adequate material laws. In addition, thermodynamic aspects have had to be considered for some years in the operation of a gas storage cavern since temperature changes have a significant influence on the stress states in the vicinity of a storage cavern. The possibility of thermally induced fracturing processes is also investigated in the context of rock mechanics dimensioning. In recent years, the energy crisis and the finite nature of fossil fuel use have led to increased discussion of the use of salt caverns for hydrogen storage. In this paper, state of the art is presented, the current research work is described, and an outlook is given as to which questions still need to be answered from a rock mechanics point of view in connection with large-scale storage of hydrogen in salt caverns.Keywords: cavern design, hydrogen, rock salt, thermomechanical coupled calculations
Procedia PDF Downloads 122776 Transmission of ASCII Code Messages Using a High Power (50mW) Underwater Laser Communication Prototype in Two Controlled Scenarios
Authors: Lessly Borja, Anthony Gualli, Kelly Baño, Fabricio Santacruz
In this article, a prototype of underwater communication using a long-range laser (50mW) has been carried out in two aquatic scenarios (fish tank and swimming pool) with the aim of recreating Aqua-Fi technology (the future of underwater communications) using a Bluetooth connection to the transmitter to send data in ASCII code by means of light. Initially, the transmitter and receiver circuits were programmed in Arduino so that the data would travel by light pulses in the aforementioned code. To obtain the results of the underwater communication, two scenarios were chosen (fish tank and swimming pool), where the power value of the received signal was calculated from its peak-to-peak voltage using the Oscilloscope equipment (ESPOCH). Finally, it was concluded that the maximum communication range of this prototype is 12m underwater, and it was observed that the power decreases as the distance increases. However, this prototype still needs to improve communication so that the information is not distorted or lost when there is movement and dispersion of the water. It is hoped that it will form the basis for future research.Keywords: prototype, underwater, communication, power, voltage, distance
Procedia PDF Downloads 92775 Perceived Social Support, Resilience and Relapse Risk in Recovered Addicts
Authors: Islah Ud Din, Amna Bibi
The current study was carried out to examine the perceived social support, resilience and relapse risk in recovered addicts. A purposive sampling technique was used to collect data from recovered addicts. A multidimensional scale of perceived social support by was used to measure the perceived social support. The brief Resilience Scale (BRS) was used to assess resilience. The Stimulant Relapse Risk Scale (SRRS) was used to examine the relapse risk. Resilience and Perceived social support have substantial positive correlations, whereas relapse risk and perceived social support have significant negative associations. Relapse risk and resilience have a strong inverse connection. Regression analysis was used to check the mediating effect of resilience between perceived social support and relapse risk. The findings revealed that perceived social support negatively predicted relapse risk. Results showed that Resilience plays a role as partial mediation between perceived social support and relapse risk. This Research will allow us to explore and understand the relapse risk factor and the role of perceived social support and resilience in recovered addicts. The study's findings have immediate consequences in the prevention of relapse. The study will play a significant part in drug rehabilitation centers, clinical settings and further research.Keywords: perceived social support, resilience, relapse risk, recovered addicts, drugs addiction
Procedia PDF Downloads 37774 Rewriting, Reframing, and Restructuring the Story: A Narrative and Solution Focused Therapy Approach to Family Therapy
Authors: Eman Tadros
Solution Focused Therapy sheds a positive light on a client’s problem(s) by instilling hope, focusing on the connection with the client, and describing the problem in a way to display change being possible. Solution focused therapists highlight clients’ positive strengths, reframe what clients say, do, or believe in a positive statement, action, or belief. Narrative Therapy focuses on the stories individuals tell about their past in which shape their current and future lives. Changing the language used aids clients in reevaluating their values and views of themselves, this then constructs a more positive way of thinking about their story. Both therapies are based on treating each client as an individual with a problem rather than that the individual is a problem and being able to give power back to the client. The purpose of these ideologies is to open a client to alternative understandings. This paper displays how clinicians can empower and identify their clients’ positive strengths and resiliency factors. Narrative and Solution-Focused Techniques will be integrated to instill positivity and empowerment in clients. Techniques such as deconstruction, collaboration, complimenting, miracle/exception/scaling questioning will be analyzed and modeled. Furthermore, bridging Solution Focused Therapy and Narrative Therapy gives a voice to unheard client(s).Keywords: solution focused therapy, narrative therapy, empowerment, resilience
Procedia PDF Downloads 240773 Power System Modeling for Calculations in Frequency and Steady State Domain
Authors: G. Levacic, A. Zupan
Application of new technological solutions and installation of new elements into the network requires special attention when investigating its interaction with the existing power system. Special attention needs to be devoted to the occurrence of harmonic resonance. Sources of increasing harmonic penetration could be wind power plants, Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) devices, underground and submarine cable installations etc. Calculation in frequency domain with various software, for example, the software for power systems transients EMTP-RV presents one of the most common ways to obtain the harmonic impedance of the system. Along calculations in frequency domain, such software allows performing of different type of calculations as well as steady-state domain. This paper describes a power system modeling with software EMTP-RV based on data from SCADA/EMS system. The power flow results on 220 kV and 400 kV voltage levels retrieved from EMTP-RV are verified by comparing with power flow results from power transmissions system planning software PSS/E. The determination of the harmonic impedance for the case of remote power plant connection with cable up to 2500 Hz is presented as an example of calculations in frequency domain.Keywords: power system modeling, frequency domain, steady state, EMTP-RV, PSS/E
Procedia PDF Downloads 323772 Impact of Hashtags in Tweets Regarding COVID-19 on the Psyche of Pakistanis: A Critical Discourse Analytical Study
Authors: Muhammad Hamza
This study attempts to analyze the social media reports regarding Covid-19 that impacted the psyche of Pakistanis. This Study is delimited to hashtags from Tweets on a social media platform. During Covid-19, it has been observed that it affected the psychological conditions of Pakistanis. With the application of the three-dimensional model presented by Fairclough, together with a data analytic software “FireAnt” i.e., social media and data analysis toolkit, which is used to filter, identify, report and export data from social media accurately. A detailed and explicit exploration of the various hashtags by users from different fields was conducted. This study conducted a quantitative as well as qualitative methods of analysis. The study examined the perspectives of the Pakistanis behind the use of various hashtags with the lenses of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). While conducting this research, CDA was helpful to reveal the connection between the psyche of the people and the Covid-19 pandemic. It was found that how different Pakistanis used social media and how Covid-19 impacted their psyche. After collecting and analyzing the hashtags from twitter it was concluded that majority of people received negative impact from social media reports, while, some people used their hashtags positively and were found positive during Covid-19, and some people were found neutral.Keywords: Covid, Covid-19, psyche, Covid Pakistan
Procedia PDF Downloads 60771 Modeling the Intricate Relationship between miRNA Dysregulation and Breast Cancer Development
Authors: Sajed Sarabandi, Mostafa Rostampour Vajari
Breast cancer is the most frequent form of cancer among women and the fifth-leading cause of cancer-related deaths. A common feature of cancer cells is their ability to survive and evade apoptosis. Understanding the mechanisms of these pathways and their regulatory factors can lead to the development of effective treatment strategies. In this study, we aim to model the effect of key miRNAs, which are significant regulatory factors in breast cancer. We designed a Petri net focusing on two crucial pathways, proliferation, and apoptosis, and identified the role of miRNAs in these pathways. Our analysis indicates that the upregulation of miRNAs 99a and 372 can effectively increase apoptosis and decrease proliferation. Moreover, we demonstrate that miRNA-600, previously reported as a potential candidate for treatment, may not be a suitable target due to its dual activity in proliferation. Therefore, further research is required to investigate the potential of this miRNA in cancer treatment. Our model shows that a combination of miRNA upregulation and knockdown can efficiently influence key genes such as MDM2 and PTEN, leading to the activation of apoptosis in cancer cells. Ultimately, our model successfully simulates the connection between regulatory miRNAs and key genes in breast cancer.Keywords: breast cancer, microRNAs, bio-modeling, Petri net
Procedia PDF Downloads 37770 Vortex-Induced Vibrations of Two Cylinders in Close Proximity
Authors: Ravi Chaithanya Mysa, Abouzar Kaboudian, Boo Cheong Khoo, Rajeev Kumar Jaiman
The phenomenon of vortex-induced vibration has applications in off-shore industry, power transmission, energy extraction, etc. Two cylinders in crossflow whose centers are displaced in transverse direction are considered in the present work. The effects of the gap distance between the cylinders on the vortex shedding are presented. The inline distance between the cylinder centers is kept at zero. Two setups are considered for the study: first, we assume the two cylinders vibrate as a single rigid body mounted on a spring, and in the other case, each cylinder is mounted on a separate spring with no rigid connection to the other cylinder. The study focuses on the effect of transverse gap on the fluid-structure coupled response of two setups mentioned and corresponding flow contours. Incompressible flow is assumed in the Eulerian framework. The cylinder movement is modeled by a single degree of freedom rigid body motion (translational motion) in the Lagrangian framework. The governing equations were numerically solved by standard Petrov-Galerkin second order finite element schemes.Keywords: cross-flow, vortex-induced vibrations, cylinder, close proximity
Procedia PDF Downloads 497769 Some Specialized Prosaic Arts of the Ancient Arabic Literature; An Introductory Analysis
Authors: Shams Ul Hussain Zaheer, Bakht Rahman, Shehla Shams, Bibi Alia
Arabic literature, from the very past, is divided into two basic parts: prose and poetry. It will not be wrong if it is said that this division of literature is found even in the era of ignorance (before-Islam). In this period, prose was given a kind of ignorance while poetry was given much significance since people showed deeper interest in its melodious impact while listening and singing as compared to prose writing. Because poetry was directly appealing to the emotions of the people, it was celebrated as universal genre and prose remained in a subordinate position due to its diction. Despite this attitude towards the genre of prose, some of the prosaic arts were orally transmitted from one generation to another during the era of ignorance. Later on, in the Omayyad and Abbasside periods, when literature was properly classified, this art was given its proper placement in the history. In this connection, there are three important aspects of this genre i.e. will, tales, and sacerdotal words. This paper traces the historical background of these categories and how they contributed to the modern understanding of literature in terms of its diction, themes, and kinds of prose writing. This is a descriptive and qualitative research which will add insight into the role these terms can play in understanding the thinking and inclination of people in the days of ignorance.Keywords: Arabic literature, era of ignorance, prose, special arts, analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 94768 Mapping Network Connection of Personality Traits and Psychiatric Symptoms in Chinese Adolescents
Authors: Yichao Lv, Minmin Cai, Yanqiang Tao, Xinyuan Zou, Chao Zhang, Xiangping Liu
Objective: This study aims to explore the network structure of personality traits and mental health and identify key factors for effective intervention strategies. Methods: All participants (N = 6,067; 3,368 females) underwent the Eysenck Personality Scale (EPQ) to measure personality traits and the Symptom Self-rating Scale (SCL-90) to measure psychiatric symptoms. Using the mean value of the SCL-90 total score plus one standard deviation as the cutoff, 854 participants (14.08%; 528 females) were categorized as individuals exhibiting potential psychological symptoms and were included in the follow-up network analysis. The structure and bridge centrality of the network for dimensions of EPQ and SCL-90 were estimated. Results: Between the EPQ and SCL-90, psychoticism (P), extraversion (E), and neuroticism (N) showed the strongest positive correlations with somatization (Som), interpersonal sensitivity (IS), and hostility (Hos), respectively. Extraversion (E), somatization (Som), and anxiety (Anx) were identified as the most important bridge factors influencing the overall network. Conclusions: This study explored the network structure and complex connections between mental health and personality traits from a network perspective, providing potential targets for intervening in adolescent personality traits and mental health.Keywords: EPQ, SCL-90, Chinese adolescents, network analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 48767 Evaluating and Reflecting on Virtual Exercise Programs during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: Teng Minnie Y., Jarus Tal, Wong Anita
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the lifestyle of all Canadians. While "stay-at-home" public health directives have been implemented to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, they may also lead to or worsen physical and social health challenges for older adults. In particular, older adults with disabilities are especially vulnerable. In response, we quickly adapted to virtual rehabilitation exercise intervention for older adults. Objectives: First, to identify the factors that influenced the acceptability and feasibility of virtual exercise implementation, and second, to evaluate whether the virtual delivery was effective for health promotion in older adults with disabilities. Methods: We carried out weekly virtual exercise programs from January 2021 to June 2021. We conducted semi-structured focus groups and interviews to explore the perspectives of participants who are older adults. The focus group and interview data are transcribed and coded thematically. Conclusions: The acceptability and feasibility of delivering exercises virtually were influenced by the provision of a safe and supportive environment for social connection, the availability of the necessary technology, and the role of the support system.Keywords: physical activity, virtual exercises, older adults, people with disabilities
Procedia PDF Downloads 88766 The Role of NAD+ and Nicotinamide (Vitamin B3) in Glaucoma: A Literature Review
Authors: James Pietris
Glaucoma is a collection of irreversible optic neuropathies which, if left untreated, lead to severe visual field loss. These diseases are a leading cause of blindness across the globe and are estimated to affect approximately 80 million people, particularly women and people of Asian descent.1This represents a major burden on healthcare systems worldwide. Recently, there has been increasing interest in the potential of nicotinamide (vitamin B3) as a novel option in the management of glaucoma. This review aims to analyse the currently available literature to determine whether there is evidence of an association between nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and glaucomatous optic neuropathy and whether nicotinamide has the potential to prevent or reverse these effects. The literature showed a strong connection between reduced NAD+ levels and retinal ganglion cell dysfunction through multiple different studies. There is also evidence of the positive effect of nicotinamide supplementation on retinal ganglion cell function in models of mouse glaucoma and in a study involving humans. Based on the literature findings, a recommendation has been made that more research into the efficacy, appropriate dosing, and potential side effects of nicotinamide supplementation is needed before it can be definitively determined whether it is appropriate for widespread prophylactic and therapeutic use against glaucoma in humans.Keywords: glaucoma, nicotinamide, vitamin B3, optic neuropathy
Procedia PDF Downloads 107765 Permanent Magnet Generator – One Phase Regime Operation
Authors: Pawel Pistelok
The article presents the concept of an electromagnetic circuit of a 3-phase surface-mounted permanent magnet generator designed for a single phase operation. A cross section of electromagnetic circuit and a field-circuit model of generator used for computations are shown. The paper presents comparative analysis of simulation results obtained for two different versions of generator regarding construction of armature winding. In the first version of generator the voltages generated in each of three winding phases have different rms values (different number of turns in each of phases), three winding phases are connected in series and one phase load is connected to the two output terminals of generator. The second version of generator is very similar, i.e. three winding phases are connected in series and one phase load is powered by generator, but in this version the voltages generated in each of winding phases have exactly the same rms values (the same number of turns in each of phases). The time waveforms of voltages, currents and electromagnetic torques in the airgaps of two machine versions for rated power are shown.Keywords: permanent magnet generator, permanent magnets, synchronous generator, vibration, course of torque, single phase work, unsymmetrical operation point, serial connection of winding phase
Procedia PDF Downloads 695764 New Insights Into Fog Role In Atmospheric Deposition Using Satellite Images
Authors: Suruchi
This study aims to examine the spatial and temporal patterns of fog occurrences across Czech Republic. It utilizes satellite imagery and other data sources to achieve this goal. The main objective is to understand the role of fog in atmospheric deposition processes and its potential impact on the environment and ecosystems. Through satellite image analysis, the study will identify and categorize different types of fog, including radiation fog, orographic fog, and mountain fog. Fog detection algorithms and cloud type products will be evaluated to assess the frequency and distribution of fog events throughout the Czech Republic. Furthermore, the regions covered by fog will be classified based on their fog type and associated pollution levels. This will provide insights into the variability in fog characteristics and its implications for atmospheric deposition. Spatial analysis techniques will be used to pinpoint areas prone to frequent fog events and evaluate their pollution levels. Statistical methods will be employed to analyze patterns in fog occurrence over time and its connection with environmental factors. The ultimate goal of this research is to offer fresh perspectives on fog's role in atmospheric deposition processes, enhancing our understanding of its environmental significance and informing future research and environmental management initiatives.Keywords: pollution, GIS, FOG, satellie, atmospheric deposition
Procedia PDF Downloads 23763 Common Regulatory Mechanisms Reveals Links between Aberrant Glycosylation and Biological Hallmarks in Cancer
Authors: Jahanshah Ashkani, Kevin J. Naidoo
Glycosylation is the major posttranslational modification (PTM) process in cellular development. In tumour development, it is marked by structural alteration of carbohydrates (glycans) that is the result of aberrant glycosylation. Altered glycan structures affect cell surface ligand-receptor interactions that interfere with the regulation of cell adhesion, migration, and proliferation. The resulting changes in glycan biosynthesis pathways originate from altered expression of glycosyltransferases and glycosidases. While the alteration in glycosylation patterns is a recognized “hallmark of cancer”, the influential overview of the biology of cancer proposes eight hallmarks with no explicit suggestion to connectivity with glycosylation. Recently, we have discovered a connection between the glycosyltransferase gene expression and cancer type and subtype. Here we present an association between aberrant glycosylation and the biological hallmarks of breast cancer by exploring the common regulatory mechanisms at the genomic scale. The result of this study bridges the glycobiological and biological pathways that are accepted hallmarks of cancer by connecting their common regulatory pathways. This is an impetus for further investigation as target therapies of breast cancer are very likely to be uncovered from this.Keywords: aberrant glycosylation, biological hallmarks, breast cancer, regulatory mechanism
Procedia PDF Downloads 255762 A Study on Earthquake Activities and Tectonic Setting in the Northeastern Part of Egypt
Authors: Sayed Abdallah Mohamed Dahy
Northeastern part of Egypt is considered one of the few regions of the world whereas evidence of historical activities has been documented during the last 48 centuries or more. Instrumental, historical and pre-historical seismicity data indicate that large destructive earthquakes have occurred quite frequently in the investigated area. The main aims in the present study were to redraw attention to the fact that the northeastern part of Egypt is seismically active and this result is associated with earthquake risk in the region. The interaction of the African, Arabian and Eurasian plates and Sinai subplate, is the main factor behind the earthquake activities of northeastern part of Egypt. All earthquakes occur at shallow depth and are concentrated at four seismic zones, these zones including the Gulfs of Suez and Aqaba, around the entrance of the Gulf of Suez and the fourth one is located at the south-west of great Cairo (Dahshour area). The seismicity map of the previous zones shows that the activity is coincide with the major tectonic trends of the Suez rift, Aqaba rift with their connection with the great rift system of the Red Sea and Gulf of Suez-Cairo-Alexandria trend.Keywords: earthquake ectivities, Egypt, northeastern, tectonic setting
Procedia PDF Downloads 402761 Gender Role Conflict and Subjective Well-Being of Chinese Teenagers: A Study Based on High School Students from Guangdong and Yunnan
Authors: Yuan Zhang, Xin Fu, Yixin Tan
Gender role conflict is a key factor influencing the mental health condition of adolescents. It has a strong connection with the noticeably growing mental health crisis of high school students. This study elucidates the relationship between gender role conflict and reports of subjective well-being of teenagers through mixed-methods empirical research based on surveys conducted in two Chinese cities, namely Shenzhen and Yuxi. These two cities are from two provinces of very distinct economic and cultural backgrounds. We believe a comparison between the two cities reveals the unequally distributed social conditions in China. We found that teenagers who possess a higher degree of gender role conflict tend to exhibit more negative emotions and that this relationship is conditioned upon other important factors such as gender, only child status, and socio-economic factors. Furthermore, we discovered that the social environment that is more progressive and open to various gender roles is correlated with higher levels of subjective well-being of teenagers in Shenzhen and Yunnan.Keywords: gender role conflict, mental health conditions, subjective well-being, social environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 126760 A Full-Scale Test of Coping-Girder Integrated Bridge
Authors: Heeyoung Lee, Woosung Bin, Kangseog Seo, Hyojeong Yun, Zuog An
Recently, a new continuous bridge system has been proposed to increase the space under the bridge and to improve aesthetic aspect of the urban area. The main feature of the proposed bridge is to connect steel I-girders and coping by means of prestressed high-strength steel bars and steel plate. The proposed bridge is able to lower the height of the bridge to ensure the workability and efficiency through a reduction of the cost of road construction. This study presents the experimental result of the full-scale connection between steel I-girders and coping under the negative bending moment. The composite behavior is thoroughly examined and discussed under the specific load levels such as service load, factored load and crack load. Structural response showed full composite action until the final load level because no relative displacement between coping and girder was observed. It was also found prestressing force into high-strength bars was able to control tensile stresses of deck slab. This indicated that cracks in deck slab can be controlled by above-mentioned prestressing force.Keywords: coping, crack, integrated bridge, full-scale test
Procedia PDF Downloads 441759 Design for Sentiment-ancy: Conceptual Framework to Improve User’s Well-being Through Fostering Emotional Attachment in the Use Experience with Their Assistive Devices
Authors: Seba Quqandi
This study investigates the bond that people form using their assistive devices and the tactics applied during the product design process to help improve the user experience leading to a long-term product relationship. The aim is to develop a conceptual framework with which to describe and analyze the bond people form with their assistive devices and to integrate human emotions as a factor during the development of the product design process. The focus will be on the assistive technology market, namely, the Aid-For-Daily-Living market for situational impairments, to increase the quality of wellbeing. Findings will help us better understand the real issues of the product experience concerning people’s interaction throughout the product performance, establish awareness of the emotional effects in the daily interaction that fosters the product attachment, and help product developers and future designers create a connection between users and their assistive devices. The research concludes by discussing the implications of these findings for professionals and academics in the form of experiments in order to identify new areas that can stimulate new /or developed design directions.Keywords: experience design, interaction design, emotion, design psychology, assistive tools, customization, userentred design
Procedia PDF Downloads 232758 A Survey on Early Screen Exposure during Infancy and Autism
Authors: I. Mahmood
This survey was conducted to explore the hypothesis that excessive screen exposure combined with a subsequent decrease in parent-child interaction during infancy might be associated with autism. The main questions being asked are: Were children with autism exposed to long hours of screen time during the first 2 years of life? And what was the reason(s) for exposure at such an early age? Other variables were also addressed in this survey. An Arabic questionnaire was administered online (June 2019) via a Facebook page, relatively well-known in Arab countries. 1725 parents of children diagnosed with autism participated in this survey. Results show that 80.9% of children surveyed who were diagnosed with autism had been exposed to screens for long periods of time during the first 2 years of life. It can be inferred from the results of this survey that over-exposure to screens disrupt the parent-child interaction which is shown to be associated with ASD. The results of this survey highlight the harmful effects of screen exposure during infancy and the importance of parent-child interaction during the critical period of brain development. This paper attempts to further explore the connection between parent-child interaction and ASD, as well as serve as a call for further research and investigation of the relation between screens and parent-child interactions during infancy and Autism.Keywords: attachment disorder, autism, screen exposure, virtual autism
Procedia PDF Downloads 128757 Fatigue Life Estimation Using N-Code for Drive Shaft of Passenger Vehicle
Authors: Tae An Kim, Hyo Lim Kang, Hye Won Han, Seung Ho Han
The drive shaft of passenger vehicle has its own function such as transmitting the engine torque from the gearbox and differential gears to the wheels. It must also compensate for all variations in angle or length resulting from manoeuvring and deflection for perfect synchronization between joints. Torsional fatigue failures occur frequently at the connection parts of the spline joints in the end of the drive shaft. In this study, the fatigue life of a drive shaft of passenger vehicle was estimated by using the finite element analysis. A commercial software of n-Code was applied under twisting load conditions, i.e. 0~134kgf•m and 0~188kgf•m, in which the shear strain range-fatigue life relationship considering Signed Shear method, Smith-Watson-Topper equation, Neuber-Hoffman Seeger method, size sensitivity factor and surface roughness effect was taken into account. The estimated fatigue life was verified by a twisting load test of the real drive shaft in a test rig. (Human Resource Training Project for Industry Matched R & D, KIAT, N036200004).Keywords: drive shaft, fatigue life estimation, passenger vehicle, shear strain range-fatigue life relationship, torsional fatigue failure
Procedia PDF Downloads 276756 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Rights Priciples and Obligations
Authors: Adel Atta Youssef Rezkalla
Russia's invasion of Ukraine tested the international community and prompted not only states but also non-state actors to take deterrent measures in response. In fact, international sports federations, notably FIFA and UEFA, have managed to shift the power dynamic quite effectively by imposing a blanket ban on Russian national teams and clubs. The purpose of this article is to examine the human rights consequences of such actions by international sports organizations. First, the article moves away from assessing the legal status of FIFA and UEFA under international law and examines the question of how a legal connection can be established with their human rights obligations. Secondly, the human rights aspects of the controversial FIFA and UEFA measures against Russian athletes are examined and these are analyzed in more detail using the proportionality test than the principle of non-discrimination under international human rights law. Finally, the main avenues for redress for possible human rights violations related to the actions taken by these organizations are identified and the challenges of arbitration and litigation in Switzerland are highlighted.Keywords: sustainable development, human rights, the right to development, the human rights-based approach to development, environmental rights, economic development, social sustainability human rights protection, human rights violations, workers’ rights, justice, security.
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