Search results for: hardness and microstructures
484 Investigating Methanol Interaction on Hexagonal Ceria-BTC Microrods
Authors: Jamshid Hussain, Kuen Song Lin
For prospective applications, chemists and materials scientists are particularly interested in creating 3D-micro/nanocomposite structures with shapes and unique characteristics. Ceria has recently been produced with a variety of morphologies, including one-dimensional structures (nanoparticles, nanorods, nanowires, and nanotubes). It is anticipated that this material can be used in different fields, such as catalysis, methanol decomposition, carbon monoxide oxidation, optical materials, and environmental protection. Distinct three-dimensional hydrated ceria-BTC (CeO₂-1,3,5-Benzenetricarboxylic-acid) microstructures were successfully synthesized via a hydrothermal route in an aqueous solution. FE-SEM and XRD patterns reveal that a ceria-BTC framework diameter and length are approximately 1.45–2.4 and 5.5–6.5 µm, respectively, at 130 oC and with pH 2 for 72 h. It was demonstrated that the reaction conditions affected the 3D ceria-BTC architecture. The hexagonal ceria-BTC microrod comprises organic linkers, which are transformed into hierarchical ceria microrod in the presences of air at 400 oC was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The Ce-O bonding of the hierarchical ceria microrod (HCMs) species has a bond distance and coordination number of 2.44 and 6.89, respectively, which attenuates the EXAFS spectra. Compared to the ceria powder, the HCMs produced more oxygen vacancies and Ce3+ as shown by the XPS and XANES/EXAFS analyses.Keywords: hierarchical ceria microrod, three-dimensional ceria, methanol decomposition, reaction mechanism, XANES/EXAFS
Procedia PDF Downloads 17483 Towards the Design of Gripper Independent of Substrate Surface Structures
Authors: Annika Schmidt, Ausama Hadi Ahmed, Carlo Menon
End effectors for robotic systems are becoming more and more advanced, resulting in a growing variety of gripping tasks. However, most grippers are application specific. This paper presents a gripper that interacts with an object’s surface rather than being dependent on a defined shape or size. For this purpose, ingressive and astrictive features are combined to achieve the desired gripping capabilities. The developed prototype is tested on a variety of surfaces with different hardness and roughness properties. The results show that the gripping mechanism works on all of the tested surfaces. The influence of the material properties on the amount of the supported load is also studied and the efficiency is discussed.Keywords: claw, dry adhesion, insects, material properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 359482 Comparative Study on the Precipitation Behavior in Two Al-Mg Alloys (Al-12 wt. % Mg and Al-8 wt. % Mg)
Aluminum-magnesium alloys are widely used in industry thanks to their mechanical properties and corrosion resistivity. These properties are related to the magnesium content and to the applied heat treatments. Although they are already well studied, questions concerning the microstructural stability and the effect of different heat treatments are still being asked. In this work we have presented a comparative study on the behavior of the precipitation reactions during different heat treatment in two different Al-Mg alloys (Al–8 wt. % Mg and Al–12 wt. % Mg). For this purpose, we have used various experimental techniques as dilatometry, calorimetry, optical microscopy, and microhardness measurements. The obtained results shown that, the precipitation kinetics and the mechanical responses to the applied heat treatments, of the two studied alloys, are different.Keywords: Al-Mg alloys, precipitation, hardness, heat treatments
Procedia PDF Downloads 388481 Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of Nano TiO2 and Clay Filler Filled Epoxy Composites
Authors: A. Mimaroglu, H. Unal
In this study, the mechanical properties of nano filled epoxy composites were evaluated. The matrix material is epoxy. nano fillers are Al2O3, TiO2 and clay added in 2.5- 10 wt% by weight ratio. Test samples were prepared using an open mould type die. Mechanical tests were carried out. The tensile strength, elastic modulus, elongation at break and the hardness of the composite materials were obtained and evaluated. It was seen from the results that the filler content had a high influence on the level of the mechanical properties of the epoxy composites.Keywords: nano, epoxy, composite, fillers, clay
Procedia PDF Downloads 391480 A Study on the Magnetic and Mechanical Properties of Nd-Fe-B Sintered Magnets According to Sintering Temperature
Authors: J. H. Kim, S. Y. Park, K. M. Lim, S. K. Hyun
The effect of sintering temperature on the magnetic and mechanical properties of Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets has been investigated in this study. The sintering temperature changed from 950°C to 1120°C. While remanence and hardness of the magnets increased with increasing sintering temperature, the coercivity first increased, and then decreased. The optimum magnetic and mechanical properties of the magnets were obtained at the sintering temperature of 1050°C. In order to clarify the reason for the variation on magnetic and mechanical properties of the magnets, we systematically analyzed the microstructure.Keywords: magnetic and mechanical property, microstructure, permanent magnets, sintered Nd-Fe-B magnet
Procedia PDF Downloads 337479 Effect of Zinc Additions on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-3Al Alloy
Authors: Erkan Koç, Mehmet Ünal, Ercan Candan
In this study, the effect of zinc content (0.5-3.0 wt.%) in as-cast Mg-3Al alloy which were fabricated with high-purity raw materials towards the microstructure and mechanical properties was studied. Microstructure results showed that increase in zinc content changed the secondary phase distribution of the alloys. Mechanical test results demonstrate that with the increasing Zn addition the enhancement of the hardness value by 29%, ultimate tensile strength by 16% and yield strength by 15% can be achieved as well as decreasing of elongation by 33%. The improvement in mechanical properties for Mg-Al–Zn alloys with increasing Zn content up to 3% of weight may be ascribed to second phase strengthening.Keywords: magnesium, zinc, mechanical properties, Mg17Al12
Procedia PDF Downloads 422478 The Effect of Iron Deficiency on the Magnetic Properties of Ca₀.₅La₀.₅Fe₁₂₋yO₁₉₋δ M-Type Hexaferrites
Authors: Kang-Hyuk Lee, Wei Yan, Sang-Im Yoo
Recently, Ca₁₋ₓLaₓFe₁₂O₁₉ (Ca-La M-type) hexaferrites have been reported to possess higher crystalline anisotropy compared with SrFe₁₂O₁₉ (Sr M-type) hexaferrite without reducing its saturation magnetization (Ms), resulting in higher coercivity (Hc). While iron deficiency is known to be helpful for the growth and the formation of NiZn spinel ferrites, the effect of iron deficiency in Ca-La M-type hexaferrites has never been reported yet. In this study, therefore, we tried to investigate the effect of iron deficiency on the magnetic properties of Ca₀.₅La₀.₅Fe₁₂₋yO₁₉₋δ hexaferrites prepared by solid state reaction. As-calcined powder was pressed into pellets and sintered at 1275~1325℃ for 4 h in air. Samples were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Powder XRD analyses revealed that Ca₀.₅La₀.₅Fe₁₂₋yO₁₉₋δ (0.75 ≦ y ≦ 2.15) ferrites calcined at 1250-1300℃ for 12 h in air were composed of single phase without the second phases. With increasing the iron deficiency, y, the lattice parameters a, c and unite cell volumes were decreased first up to y=10.25 and then increased again. The highest Ms value of 77.5 emu/g was obtainable from the sample of Ca₀.₅La₀.₅Fe₁₂₋yO₁₉₋δ sintered at 1300℃ for 4 h in air. Detailed microstructures and magnetic properties of Ca-La M-type hexagonal ferrites will be presented for a discussionKeywords: Ca-La M-type hexaferrite, magnetic properties, iron deficiency, hexaferrite
Procedia PDF Downloads 461477 Mechanical Investigation Approach to Optimize the High-Velocity Oxygen Fuel Fe-Based Amorphous Coatings Reinforced by B4C Nanoparticles
Authors: Behrooz Movahedi
Fe-based amorphous feedstock powders are used as the matrix into which various ratios of hard B4C nanoparticles (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 vol.%) as reinforcing agents were prepared using a planetary high-energy mechanical milling. The ball-milled nanocomposite feedstock powders were also sprayed by means of high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) technique. The characteristics of the powder particles and the prepared coating depending on their microstructures and nanohardness were examined in detail using nanoindentation tester. The results showed that the formation of the Fe-based amorphous phase was noticed over the course of high-energy ball milling. It is interesting to note that the nanocomposite coating is divided into two regions, namely, a full amorphous phase region and homogeneous dispersion of B4C nanoparticles with a scale of 10–50 nm in a residual amorphous matrix. As the B4C content increases, the nanohardness of the composite coatings increases, but the fracture toughness begins to decrease at the B4C content higher than 20 vol.%. The optimal mechanical properties are obtained with 15 vol.% B4C due to the suitable content and uniform distribution of nanoparticles. Consequently, the changes in mechanical properties of the coatings were attributed to the changes in the brittle to ductile transition by adding B4C nanoparticles.Keywords: Fe-based amorphous, B₄C nanoparticles, nanocomposite coating, HVOF
Procedia PDF Downloads 135476 Wear and Mechanical Properties of Nodular Iron Modified with Copper
Authors: J. Ramos, V. Gil, A. F. Torres
The nodular iron is a material that has shown great advantages respect to other materials (steel and gray iron) in the production of machine elements. The engineering industry, especially automobile, are potential users of this material. As it is known, the alloying elements modify the properties of steels and castings. Copper has been investigated as a structural modifier of nodular iron, but studies of its mechanical and tribological implications still need to be addressed for industrial use. With the aim of improving the mechanical properties of nodular iron, alloying elements (Mn, Si, and Cu) are added in order to increase their pearlite (or ferrite) structure according to the percentage of the alloying element. In this research (using induction furnace process) nodular iron with three different percentages of copper (residual, 0,5% and 1,2%) was obtained. Chemical analysis was performed by optical emission spectrometry and microstructures were characterized by Optical Microscopy (ASTM E3) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The study of mechanical behavior was carried out in a mechanical test machine (ASTM E8) and a Pin on disk tribometer (ASTM G99) was used to assess wear resistance. It is observed that copper increases the pearlite structure improving the wear behavior; tension behavior. This improvement is observed in higher proportion with 0,5% due to the fact that too much increase of pearlite leads to ductility loss.Keywords: copper, mechanical properties, nodular iron, pearlite structure, wear
Procedia PDF Downloads 386475 Intermetallic Phases in the Fusion Weld of CP Ti to Stainless Steel
Authors: Juzar Vohra, Ravish Malhotra, Tim Pasang, Mana Azizi, Yuan Tao, Masami Mizutani
In this paper, dissimilar welding of titanium to stainless steels is reported. Laser Beam Welding (LBW) and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) were employed to join CPTi to SS304. The welds were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). FeTi, Ti2Cr and Fe2Ti dendrites are formed along with beta phase titanium matrix. The hardness values of these phases are high which makes them brittle and leading to cracking along the weld pool. However, it is believed that cracking, hence, fracturing of this weld joint is largely due to the difference in thermal properties of the two alloys.Keywords: dissimilar metals, fusion welding, intermetallics, brittle
Procedia PDF Downloads 496474 The Effect of Vanadium Addition on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of A319 Aluminum Alloy
Authors: Musbah Mahfoud, Ibtisam Mustafa
The present work highlights some of our up-to-date findings on the effect of vanadium addition on the mechanical properties and microstructure of one of the most versatile aluminum-silicon alloys, i.e., A319. In terms of microstructure, it was found that in addition to its ability to refine some of the constituent phases, vanadium also helps in retarding the formation of some of the detrimental intermetallic compounds, such as those involving Al-Fe-Si. Preliminary studies of the effect of vanadium on the mechanical properties of A319 have shown that vanadium additions up to 0.4% cause slight increase in the yield and tensile strength. However, the vanadium addition did not show a significant effect on the hardness of the alloy.Keywords: aluminium, vanadium, intermetallic, microstructure, mechanical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 633473 Tensile and Fracture Properties of Cast and Forged Composite Synthesized by Addition of in-situ Generated Al3Ti-Al2O3 Particles to Magnesium
Authors: H. M. Nanjundaswamy, S. K. Nath, S. Ray
TiO2 particles have been added in molten aluminium to result in aluminium based cast Al/Al3Ti-Al2O3 composite, which has been added then to molten magnesium to synthesize magnesium based cast Mg-Al/Al3Ti-Al2O3 composite. The nominal compositions in terms of Mg, Al, and TiO2 contents in the magnesium based composites are Mg-9Al-0.6TiO2, Mg-9Al-0.8TiO2, Mg-9Al-1.0TiO2 and Mg-9Al-1.2TiO2 designated respectively as MA6T, MA8T, MA10T and MA12T. The microstructure of the cast magnesium based composite shows grayish rods of intermetallics Al3Ti, inherited from aluminium based composite but these rods, on hot forging, breaks into smaller lengths decreasing the average aspect ratio (length to diameter) from 7.5 to 3.0. There are also cavities in between the broken segments of rods. β-phase in cast microstructure, Mg17Al12, dissolves during heating prior to forging and re-precipitates as relatively finer particles on cooling. The amount of β-phase also decreases on forging as segregation is removed. In both the cast and forged composite, the Brinell hardness increases rapidly with increasing addition of TiO2 but the hardness is higher in forged composites by about 80 BHN. With addition of higher level of TiO2 in magnesium based cast composite, yield strength decreases progressively but there is marginal increase in yield strength over that of the cast Mg-9 wt. pct. Al, designated as MA alloy. But the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) in the cast composites decreases with the increasing particle content indicating possibly an early initiation of crack in the brittle inter-dendritic region and their easy propagation through the interfaces of the particles. In forged composites, there is a significant improvement in both yield strength and UTS with increasing TiO2 addition and also, over those observed in their cast counterpart, but at higher addition it decreases. It may also be noted that as in forged MA alloy, incomplete recovery of forging strain increases the strength of the matrix in the composites and the ductility decreases both in the forged alloy and the composites. Initiation fracture toughness, JIC, decreases drastically in cast composites compared to that in MA alloy due to the presence of intermetallic Al3Ti and Al2O3 particles in the composite. There is drastic reduction of JIC on forging both in the alloy and the composites, possibly due to incomplete recovery of forging strain in both as well as breaking of Al3Ti rods and the voids between the broken segments of Al3Ti rods in composites. The ratio of tearing modulus to elastic modulus in cast composites show higher ratio, which increases with the increasing TiO2 addition. The ratio decreases comparatively more on forging of cast MA alloy than those in forged composites.Keywords: composite, fracture toughness, forging, tensile properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 250472 Design and Synthesis of Gradient Nanocomposite Materials
Authors: Pu Ying-Chih, Yang Yin-Ju, Hang Jian-Yi, Jang Guang-Way
Organic-Inorganic hybrid materials consisting of graded distributions of inorganic nano particles in organic polymer matrices were successfully prepared by the sol-gel process. Optical and surface properties of the resulting nano composites can be manipulated by changing their compositions and nano particle distribution gradients. Applications of gradient nano composite materials include sealants for LED packaging and screen lenses for smartphones. Optical transparency, prism coupler, TEM, SEM, Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDX), Izod impact strength, conductivity, pencil hardness, and thermogravimetric characterizations of the nano composites were performed and the results will be presented.Keywords: Gradient, Hybrid, Nanocomposite, Organic-Inorganic
Procedia PDF Downloads 506471 Pioneer Synthesis and Characterization of Boron Containing Hard Materials
Authors: Gülşah Çelik Gül, Figen Kurtuluş
The first laboratory synthesis of hard materials such as diamond proceeded to attack of developing materials with high hardness to compete diamond. Boron rich solids are good candidates owing to their short interatomic bond lengths and strong covalent character. Boron containing hard material was synthesized by modified-microwave method under nitrogen atmosphere by using a fuel (glycine or urea), amorphous boron and/or boric acid in appropriate molar ratio. Characterizations were done by x-ray diffraction (XRD), fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive analyze (SEM/EDS), thermo gravimetric/differantial thermal analysis (TG/DTA).Keywords: boron containing materials, hard materials, microwave synthesis, powder X-ray diffraction
Procedia PDF Downloads 593470 Experimental Study on Post-Fire Mechanical Properties of S235 Steel
Authors: Mahyar Maali, Merve Sagiroglu, Mahmut Kilic, Abdulkadir Cuneyt Aydin
In order to evaluate the residual strength of S235 (St37) steel structures after the fire, an experimental program was undertaken to investigate the post-fire mechanical properties. Tensile coupons taken from S235 sheets were exposed to varying temperatures as 200°C, 400°C, 600°C, and 800 °C. The samples were then allowed to cool down to ambient temperature before they were tested to failure. To obtain the mechanical properties of steels; tensile tests are performed, and the post-fire stress-strain curves are evaluated. The microstructures of the heat-treated specimens were examined by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). It is seen that morphology and size of the precipitates in the specimens change, as the heat increases. The modulus of elasticity decreases, and deformation increases with temperature. Energy dissipation decreases due to lower stress according to the stress-strain curves of the specimens. Especially, the mechanical properties were decreased compared with the pre-fire ones. As a result of the post-fire and pre-fire behavior of S235, a set of equations is evaluated to predict the mechanical properties after the fire. These types of equations may allow the structural and/or fire engineers to predict accurately the post-fire behavior of the buildings constructed with S235 type steel.Keywords: post-fire behavior, stress-strain curves, experimental study, S235 steel
Procedia PDF Downloads 350469 Full Potential Calculation of Structural and Electronic Properties of Perovskite BiAlO3 and BiGaO3
Authors: M. Harmel, H. Khachai
The first principles within the full potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method were applied to study the structural and electronic properties of cubic perovskite-type compounds BiAlO3 and BiGaO3. The lattice constant, bulk modulus, its pressure derivative, band structure and density of states were obtained. The results show that BiGaO3 should exhibit higher hardness and stiffness than BiAlO3. The Al–O or Ga–O bonds are typically covalent with a strong hybridization as well as Bi–O ones that have a significant ionic character. Both materials are weakly ionic and exhibit wide and indirect band gaps, which are typical of insulators.Keywords: DFT, Ab initio, electronic structure, Perovskite structure, ferroelectrics
Procedia PDF Downloads 397468 Thermal Diffusion of Photovoltaic Organic Semiconductors Determined by Scanning Photothermal Deflection Technique
Authors: K.L. Chiu, Johnny K. W. Ho, M. H. Chan, S. H. Cheung, K. H. Chan, S.K. So
Thermal diffusivity is an important quantity in heat conduction. It measures the rate of heat transfer from the hot side to the cold side of a material. In solid-state materials, thermal diffusivity reveals information related to morphologies and solid quality, as thermal diffusivity can be affected by microstructures. However, thermal diffusivity studies on organic semiconductors are very limited. In this study, scanning photothermal deflection (SPD) technique is used to study the thermal diffusivities of different classes of semiconducting polymers. The reliability of the technique was confirmed by crossing-checking our SPD derived experimental values of different reference materials with their known diffusivities from the literature. To show that thermal diffusivity determination is a potential tool for revealing microscopic properties of organic photovoltaic semiconductors, SPD measurements were applied to various organic semiconducting films with different crystallinities. It is observed that organic photovoltaic semiconductors possess low thermal diffusivity, with values in the range of 0.3mm²/s to 1mm²/s. It is also discovered that polymeric photovoltaic semiconductors with greater molecular planarity, stronger stacking and higher crystallinity would possess greater thermal diffusivities. Correlations between thermal, charge transport properties will be discussed.Keywords: polymer crystallinity, photovoltaic organic semiconductors, photothermal deflection technique, thermal diffusion
Procedia PDF Downloads 144467 Effect of Aging Treatment on Tensile Properties of AZ91D Mg Alloy
Authors: Ju Hyun Won, Seok Hong Min, Tae Kwon Ha
Phase equilibria of AZ91D Mg alloys for nonflammable use, containing Ca and Y, were carried out by using FactSage® and FTLite database, which revealed that solid solution treatment, could be performed at temperatures from 400 to 450 °C. Solid solution treatment of AZ91D Mg alloy without Ca and Y was successfully conducted at 420 °C and supersaturated microstructure with all beta phase resolved into matrix was obtained. In the case of AZ91D Mg alloy with some Ca and Y, however, a little amount of intermetallic particles were observed after solid solution treatment. After solid solution treatment, each alloy was annealed at temperatures of 180 and 200 °C for time intervals from 1 min to 48 hrs and hardness of each condition was measured by micro-Vickers method. Peak aging conditions were deduced as at the temperature of 200 °C for 10 hrs.Keywords: Mg alloy, AZ91D, nonflammable alloy, phase equilibrium, peak aging
Procedia PDF Downloads 431466 Effect of Farsi gum (Amygdalus Scoparia Spach) in Combination with Sodium Caseinate on Textural, Stability, Sensory Characteristics and Rheological Properties of Whipped Cream
Authors: Samaneh Mashayekhi
Cream (whipped cream) is one of the dairy products that can be used in desserts, pastries, cakes, and ice creams. In this product, some parameters such as taste and flavor, quality stability, whipping ability, and stability of foam after whipping are very important. The objective of this study is applicable of Farsi gum and sodium caseinate in 3 biopolymer ratios (1:1, 1:2, and 2:1) and 0.15, 0.30, and 0.45 %wt. concentrations in whipped cream formulation. Sample without hydrocolloids was considered as a control. Before whipping, viscosity of all creams was increased continuously with increasing shear rate. In addition, the viscosity was increased with the increasing hydrocolloids addition (in constant shear rate). Microscopic observations showed that polydispersity of systems before whipping. Overrun of F, FC11, and FC21 samples were increased (with increasing total hydrocollid concentration 0.15 to 0.30 % wt.); then decreased this parameter with increasing to 0.45 % wt. concentration. However, mean comparison of FC12 samples overrun showed that this value was increased with increasing total hydrocolloids concentration. 0.45FC21 sample had significantly (P<0.05) highest overrun (118.44±9.11). Synersis of whipped cream samples are reduced with hydrocolloid addition. B sample had significantly (P<0.05) highest serum separation (16.66±0.80%), and 0.45FC12 had a low one (5.94±0.19%) in compered with others synersis. Mean comparison of hardness and adhesiveness of whipped cream revealed that Farsi gum addition alone and in combination with sodium caseinate increased the previous textural characteristics. Results exhibited that 0.4FG12 had significantly (P<0.05) highest hardness (267.00±18.38 g).Mean comparison of droplet size of cream sample before whipping displaced that hydrocolloid addition had no significant effect (P>0.05), and mean droplet size of the samples ranged between 1.93-2.16 µm. Generally, the mean droplet size of whipped cream increased after whipping with increasing hydrocolloid concentration (0.15-0.45 % wt.). Color parameter analysis showed that Farsi gum addition alone and in combination with sodium caseinate had no significant effect (P>0.05) on these parameters (Lightness, Redness, and Yellowness). Based on sensory evaluation results, appearance, color, flavor, and taste of whipped creams not influenced by hydrocolloids addition; but 0.45FC12 sample had higher value. Based on the above results, Farsi gum had suggested to potential application in a whipped cream formulation; however, further research need to foundingof their functionality.Keywords: whipped cream, farsi gum, sodium caseinate, overrun, droplet size, texture analysis, sensory evaluation
Procedia PDF Downloads 98465 A Generalization of the Secret Sharing Scheme Codes Over Certain Ring
Authors: Ibrahim Özbek, Erdoğan Mehmet Özkan
In this study, we generalize (k,n) threshold secret sharing scheme on the study Ozbek and Siap to the codes over the ring Fq+ αFq. In this way, it is mentioned that the method obtained in that article can also be used on codes over rings, and new advantages to be obtained. The method of securely sharing the key in cryptography, which Shamir first systematized and Massey carried over to codes, became usable for all error-correcting codes. The firewall of this scheme is based on the hardness of the syndrome decoding problem. Also, an open study area is left for those working for other rings and code classes. All codes that correct errors with this method have been the working area of this method.Keywords: secret sharing scheme, linear codes, algebra, finite rings
Procedia PDF Downloads 76464 The Relation Between Protein-Protein and Polysaccharide-Protein Interaction on Aroma Release from Brined Cheese Model
Authors: Mehrnaz Aminifar
The relation between textural parameters and casein network on release of aromatic compounds was investigated over 90-days of ripening. Low DE maltodextrin and WPI were used to modify the textural properties of low fat brined cheese. Hardness, brittleness and compaction of casein network were affected by addition of maltodextrin and WPI. Textural properties and aroma release from cheese texture were affected by interaction of WPI protein-cheese protein and maltodexterin-cheese protein.Keywords: aroma release, brined cheese, maltodexterin, WPI
Procedia PDF Downloads 355463 Some Fundamental Physical Properties of BiGaO₃ Cubic Perovskite
Authors: B. Gueridi, T. Chihi, M. Fatmi, A. Faci
Some fundamental physical properties of BiGaO₃ were investigated under pressure and temperature effect using generalized gradient approximation and local density approximation approaches. The effect of orientation on Debye temperature and sound waves velocities were estimated from elastic constants. The value of the bulk modulus of BiGaO₃ is a sign of its high hardness because it is linked to an isotropic deformation. BiGaO₃ is a semiconductor and ductile material with covalent bonding (Ga–O), and the Bi-O bonding is ionic. The optical transitions were observed when electrons pass from the top of the valence band (O-2p) to the bottom of the conduction band (Ga-4p or Bi-6p). The thermodynamic parameters are determined in temperature and pressure ranging from 0 to 1800 K and 0 to 50 GPa.Keywords: BiGaO₃ perovskite, optical absorption, first principle, band structure
Procedia PDF Downloads 133462 Mesoporous Carbon Sphere/Nickel Cobalt Sulfide Core-Shell Microspheres for Supercapacitor Electrode Material
Authors: Charmaine Lamiel, Van Hoa Nguyen, Marjorie Baynosa, Jae-Jin Shim
The depletion of non-renewable sources had led to the continuous development of various energy storage systems in order to cope with the world’s demand in energy. Supercapacitors have attracted considerable attention because they can store more energy than conventional capacitors and have higher power density than batteries. The combination of carbon-based material and metal chalcogenides are now being considered in response to the search for active electrode materials exhibiting high electrochemical performance. In this study, a hierarchical mesoporous carbon sphere@nickel cobalt sulfide (CS@Ni-Co-S) core-shell was synthesized using a simple hydrothermal method. The CS@Ni-Co-S core-shell microstructures exhibited a high capacitance of 724.4 F g−1 at 2 A g−1 in a 6 M KOH electrolyte. Good specific retention of 86.1% and high Coulombic efficiency of 97.9% was obtained after 2000 charge-discharge cycles. The electrode exhibited a high energy density of 58.0 Wh kg−1 (1440 W kg−1) and high power density of 7200 W kg−1 (34.2 Wh kg−1). The reaction involved green synthesis without further sulfurization or post-heat treatment. Through this study, a cost-effective and facile synthesis of CS@Ni-Co-S as an active electrode showed favorable electrochemical performance.Keywords: carbon sphere, electrochemical, hydrothermal, nickel cobalt sulfide, supercapacitor
Procedia PDF Downloads 236461 Quality of Donut Supplemented with Hom Nin Rice Flour
Authors: Supatchalee Sirichokworrakit, Pannin Intasen, Chansuda Angkawut
Hom Nin rice (Oryza Sativa L.) was processed into flour and used to substitute wheat flour in donuts. The donuts were prepared with 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80% Hom Nin rice flour (HNF). The donuts were subjected to proximate, texture, color and sensory evaluations. The results of the study revealed that the ash, moisture, crude fiber contents increased while crude fat and protein contents decreased as the level of HNF increased. The hardness and chewiness of donut increased as the HNF increased but the cohesiveness, springiness, and specific volume decreased. Color of donut (L*, a*, and b* values) decreased with the addition of HNF. Overall acceptability for the 20-40% HNF additions did not differ significantly from the score of the 100% wheat flour.Keywords: Hom Nin rice, donut, texture evaluation, sensory evaluation
Procedia PDF Downloads 295460 Development of Imprinting and Replica Molding of Soft Mold Curved Surface
Authors: Yung-Jin Weng, Chia-Chi Chang, Chun-Yu Tsai
This paper is focused on the research of imprinting and replica molding of quasi-grey scale soft mold curved surface microstructure mold. In this paper, a magnetic photocuring forming system is first developed and built independently, then the magnetic curved surface microstructure soft mode is created; moreover, the magnetic performance of the magnetic curved surface at different heights is tested and recorded, and through experimentation and simulation, the magnetic curved surface microstructure soft mold is used in the research of quasi-grey scale soft mold curved surface microstructure imprinting and replica molding. The experimental results show that, under different surface curvatures and voltage control conditions, different quasi-grey scale array microstructures take shape. In addition, this paper conducts research on the imprinting and replica molding of photoresist composite magnetic powder in order to discuss the forming performance of magnetic photoresist, and finally, the experimental result is compared with the simulation to obtain more accurate prediction and results. This research is predicted to provide microstructure component preparation technology with heterogeneity and controllability, and is a kind of valid shaping quasi-grey scale microstructure manufacturing technology method.Keywords: soft mold, magnetic, microstructure, curved surface
Procedia PDF Downloads 326459 Transparency Phenomenon in Kuew Teow
Authors: Muhammad Heikal Ismail, Law Chung Lim, Hii Ching Lik
In maintaining food quality and shelf life, drying is employed in food industry as the most reliable perseverance technique. In this way, heat pump drying and hot air drying of fresh rice noodles was deduced to freeze drying in achieving quality attributes of oil content Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images, texture, and colour. Soxthlet analysis shows freeze dried noodles contain more than 10 times oil content, distinct pores of SEM images, higher hardness by more than three times, and wider colour changes by average more than two times to both methods to explain the less transparency physical outlook of freeze dried samples.Keywords: freeze drying, heat pump drying, noodles, Soxthlet
Procedia PDF Downloads 486458 Effect of Y Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Sn-Zn Eutectic Alloy
Authors: Jung-Ho Moon, Tae Kwon Ha
The effect of Yttrium addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Sn-Zn eutectic alloy, which has been attracting intensive focus as a Pb-free solder material, was investigated in this study. Phase equilibrium has been calculated by using FactSage® to evaluate the composition and fraction of equilibrium intermetallic compounds and construct a phase diagram. In the case of Sn-8.8 Zn eutectic alloy, the as-cast microstructure was typical lamellar. With addition of 0.25 wt. %Y, a large amount of pro-eutectic phases have been observed and various YZnx intermetallic compounds were expected to successively form during cooling. Hardness of Sn-8.8 Zn alloy was not affected by Y-addition and both alloys could be rolled by 90% at room temperature.Keywords: Sn-Zn eutectic alloy, yttrium, FactSage®, microstructure, mechanical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 470457 Benzimidazole as Corrosion Inhibitor for Heat Treated 6061 Al-SiCp Composite in Acetic Acid
Authors: Melby Chacko, Jagannath Nayak
6061 Al-SiCp composite was solutionized at 350 °C for 30 minutes and water quenched. It was then underaged at 140 °C (T6 treatment). The aging behaviour of the composite was studied using Rockwell B hardness measurement. Corrosion behaviour of the underaged sample was studied in different concentrations of acetic acid and at different temperatures. Benzimidazole at different concentrations was used for the inhibition studies. Inhibition efficiency of benzimidazole was calculated for different experimental conditions. Thermodynamic parameters were found out which suggested benzimidazole is an efficient inhibitor and it adsorbed onto the surface of composite by mixed adsorption where chemisorption is predominant.Keywords: 6061 Al-SiCp composite, T6 treatment, corrosion inhibition, chemisorption
Procedia PDF Downloads 399456 The Effect of Feedstock Powder Treatment / Processing on the Microstructure, Quality, and Performance of Thermally Sprayed Titanium Based Composite Coating
Authors: Asma Salman, Brian Gabbitas, Peng Cao, Deliang Zhang
The performance of a coating is strongly dependent upon its microstructure, which in turn is dependent on the characteristics of the feedstock powder. This study involves the evaluation and performance of a titanium-based composite coating produced by the HVOF (high-velocity oxygen fuel) spraying method. The feedstock for making the composite coating was produced using high energy mechanical milling of TiO2 and Al powders followed by a combustion reaction. The characteristics of the feedstock powder were improved by treating it with an organic binder. Two types of coatings were produced using treated and untreated feedstock powders. The microstructures and characteristics of both types of coatings were studied, and their thermal shock resistance was accessed by dipping into molten aluminum. The results of this study showed that feedstock treatment did not have a significant effect on the microstructure of the coatings. However, it did affect the uniformity, thickness and surface roughness of the coating on the steel substrate. A coating produced by an untreated feedstock showed better thermal shock resistance in molten aluminum compared with the one produced by PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) treatment.Keywords: coating, feedstock, powder processing, thermal shock resistance, thermally spraying
Procedia PDF Downloads 272455 Magnetorheological Silicone Composites Filled with Micro- and Nano-Sized Magnetites with the Addition of Ionic Liquids
Authors: M. Masłowski, M. Zaborski
Magnetorheological elastomer composites based on micro- and nano-sized Fe3O4 magnetoactive fillers in silicone rubber are reported and studied. To improve the dispersion of applied fillers in polymer matrix, ionic liquids such as 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium diethylphosphate, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate,1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate, trihexyltetradecylphosphonium chloride were added during the process of composites preparation. The method of preparation process influenced the specific properties of MREs (isotropy/anisotropy), similarly to ferromagnetic particles content and theirs quantity. Micro and non-sized magnetites were active fillers improving the mechanical properties of elastomers. They also changed magnetic properties and reinforced the magnetorheological effect of composites. Application of ionic liquids as dispersing agents influenced the dispersion of magnetic fillers in the elastomer matrix. Scanning electron microscopy images used to observe magnetorheological elastomer microstructures proved that the dispersion improvement had a significant effect on the composites properties. Moreover, the particles orientation and their arrangement in the elastomer investigated by vibration sample magnetometer showed the correlation between MRE microstructure and their magnetic properties.Keywords: magnetorheological elastomers, iron oxides, ionic liquids, dispersion
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