Search results for: ancient Egyptian food
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 4366

Search results for: ancient Egyptian food

4366 Revival of Ancient Egyptian Food Habits: Preserving the Past and Living the Present

Authors: Dina M. Ezz El-Din


A variety of sources on Ancient Egypt provides us with knowledge about its agricultural and eating habits. This wealth of information testifies that the ancient Egyptians disposed of a wide variety of food choices. Egyptian agricultural diet was complemented by livestock breeding (Cows, sheep, geese, ducks, quail, pigeons, pelicans, etc). Moreover, the ancient Egyptians planted and harvested large amounts of cereals and vegetables (onions, leeks, lettuces, garlic). They had a varied and well-balanced diet throughout their history. Like in modern times, their eating habits not only changed from one region to the other, but also these also differed according to social classes. The present research is a descriptive-analytical study that tackles eating habits and culinary experience of the ancient Egyptians in an attempt to revive and preserve Egyptians’ food heritage. It focuses on different meals that were prepared and consumed in different occasions, and the habits that can be traced in Egypt in modern times. It also suggests means of bringing to life the ancient Egyptians’ food experience through restaurants and other tourism activities.

Keywords: cultural heritage, ancient Egyptian food, eating habits, preserving food traditions

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4365 Astronomical Panels of Measuring and Dividing Time in Ancient Egypt

Authors: Omnia Abd Elghany Zaki Mohamed Mahmoud


The ancient Egyptian used the stars to measure time or in a more precise sense as one of the astronomical means of measuring time. These methods differed throughout the historical ages. They began with simple observations of observing astronomical phenomena and watching them, such as observing the movements of the stars in the sky. The year, to know the days, nights, and other means used to help set the time when the sky overcast, and so the researcher tries through archaeological evidence to demonstrate the knowledge of the ancient Egyptian stars of heaven, and movements through the first pre-history. It is not believed that the astronomical information possessed by the Egyptian was limited, and simple, it was reaching a level of almost optimal in terms of importance, and the goal he wanted to reach the ancient Egyptian, and also help him to know the time, and the passage of time; which ended in finally trying to find a system of timing and calculation of time. It was noted that there were signs that the stellar creed was known, and prosperous, especially since the pre-family ages, and this is evident on the inscriptions that come back to that period. The Egyptian realized that some of the stars remain visible at night, The ancient Egyptian was familiar with the daily journey of the stars. This is what was adopted in many paragraphs of the texts of the pyramids, and its references to the rise of the deceased king of the heavenly world between the stars of the eternal sky. It was noted that the ancient Egyptian link between the doctrine of the star, it find that the public The lunar was known to the ancient Egyptian, and sang it for two years: and the stellar solar; but it was based on the appearance of the star Sirius, and this is the first means used to measure time, and know the calendar stars.

Keywords: archaeology, astronomical panels, ancient Egypt, Egyptian

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4364 Archaeology Study of Soul Houses in Ancient Egypt on Five Models in the Grand Egyptian Museum

Authors: Ayman Aboelkassem, Mahmoud Ali


Introduction: The models of soul houses have appeared in the prehistory, old kingdom and middle kingdom period. These soul houses represented the imagination of the deceased about his house in the afterlife, some of these soul houses were two floors and the study will examine five models of soul houses which were discovered near Saqqara site by an Egyptian mission. These models had been transferred to The Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) to be ready to display at the new museum. We focus on models of soul houses (GEM Numbers, 1276, 1280, 1281, 1282, 8711) these models of soul houses were related to the old kingdom period. These models were all made of pottery, the five models have an oval shape and were decorated with relief. Methodology: The study will focus on the development of soul houses during the different periods in ancient Egypt, the function of soul houses, the kind of offerings which were put in it and the symbolism of the offerings colors in ancient Egyptian believe. Conclusion: This study is useful for the heritage and ancient civilizations especially when we talk about opening new museums like The Grand Egyptian Museum which will display a new collection of soul houses. The study of soul houses and The kinds of offerings which put in it reflect the economic situation in the Egyptian society and kinds of oils which were famous in ancient Egypt.

Keywords: archaeology study, Grand Egyptian Museum, relief, soul houses

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4363 Documentation Project on Boat Models from Saqqara, in the Grand Egyptian Museum

Authors: Ayman Aboelkassem, Mohamoud Ali, Rezq Diab


This project aims to document and preserve boat models which were discovered in the Saqqara by Czech Institute of Egyptology archeological mission at Saqqara (GEM numbers, 46007, 46008, 46009). These boat models dates back to Egyptian Old Kingdom and have been transferred to the Conservation Center of the Grand Egyptian Museum, to be displayed at the new museum.The project objectives making such boat models more visible to visitors through the use of 3D reconstructed models and high resolution photos which describe the history of using the boats during the Ancient Egyptian history. Especially, The Grand Egyptian Museum is going to exhibit the second boat of King Khufu from Old kingdom. The project goals are to document the boat models and arrange an exhibition, where such Models going to be displayed next to the Khufu Second Boat. The project shows the importance of using boats in Ancient Egypt, and connecting their usage through Ancient Egyptian periods till now. The boat models had a unique Symbolized in ancient Egypt and connect the public with their kings. The Egyptian kings allowed high ranked employees to put boat models in their tombs which has a great meaning that they hope to fellow their kings in the journey of the afterlife.

Keywords: archaeology, boat models, 3D digital tools for heritage management, museums

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4362 Archaeology Study of Soul Houses in Ancient Egypt on Five Models in the Grand Egyptian Museum

Authors: Mahmoud Aly, Mohamed Ismail, Mohamed Badereldin, Amro Mostafa


Introduction: The models of soul houses were appeared in the prehistory, old kingdom, and middle kingdom period. They represented the imagination of the deceased about his house in the afterlife, some of these soul houses were two floors, and the study will examine five models of soul houses which were discovered near Saqqara site by an Egyptian mission. These models had been transferred to The Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) to be ready to display at the new museum. We focus upon five models of soul houses (GEM Numbers, 1276,1280,1281,1282,8711) they related to the old kingdom period. These models were all made of pottery, the five models have oval shape and were decorated with relief. Methodology: The study will focus on the development of soul houses during the different periods in ancient Egypt and the kinds of offerings which will reflect the economic situation in the Egyptian society and kinds of oils which were famous in ancient Egypt. Conclusion: This research focuses on the function of soul house and the kind of offerings which were put in it, This study will be useful for the heritage and ancient civilizations, specially when we talk about opening new museums like The Grand Egyptian Museum, which will display a new collection of soul houses.

Keywords: archaeology study, grand egyptian museum, relief, soul houses

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4361 The Digital Library and Its Influential Role in Developing the Establishment of the Grand Egyptian Museum

Authors: Gourg Ebrahim Shafik Eskandar


The essential role of the digital library in developing museum display methods, recording ancient Egyptian antiquities, facilitating scientific research and storing antiquities in the Grand Egyptian Museum, which helped and saved a lot of time and money spent to equip the Grand Egyptian Museum. The technology of digital library, linking it to ancient Egyptian antiquities and the latest results, which scientific research has reached in the field of libraries and its impact on many areas of tourism and antiquities. The research also aims to show the main role of the digital library and the Arab countries emulating European countries in digitizing libraries and recent developments in Egyptian libraries and their role in many areas of life and linking them to Egyptology. The research will also explain how the museum display methods will be developed in the Grand Egyptian Museum, and the recording of ancient Egyptian antiquities in order to facilitate the process of scientific research and methods of storing antiquities, and it will also work to save time and effort for researchers. The research will also deal with lighting, and its prominent role in the display in the interior design and coordination of the Grand Egyptian Museum, through which the unique artifacts and artifacts displayed can be displayed, and they can be used in a strong or simple form. Depending on the condition of the piece to be displayed. The research will also go to show the role of the digital library in how the Grand Egyptian Museum contains gathering areas and how to distribute spaces, guidance, information, reception, libraries, lecture halls, restaurants, cafeterias, shops, permanent and temporary galleries, and bathrooms.

Keywords: grand egyptian museum, egyptian, museum, egyptian museum

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4360 The Digital Library and Its Influential Role in Developing the Establishment of the Grand Egyptian Museum

Authors: Haitham Magdy Hamad, Mohamed Ahmed Madkour


The essential role of the digital library in developing museum display methods, recording ancient Egyptian antiquities, facilitating scientific research, and storing antiquities in the Grand Egyptian Museum, which helped and saved a lot of time and money spent to equip the Grand Egyptian Museum. The technology of digital libraries, linking it to ancient Egyptian antiquities and the latest results, which scientific research has reached in the field of libraries and its impact on many areas of tourism and antiquities. The research also aims to show the main role of the digital library and the Arab countries emulating European countries in digitizing libraries and recent developments in Egyptian libraries and their role in many areas of life and linking them to Egyptology. The research will also explain how the museum display methods will be developed in the Grand Egyptian Museum, and the recording of ancient Egyptian antiquities in order to facilitate the process of scientific research and methods of storing antiquities will also work to save time and effort for researchers. The research will also deal with lighting and its prominent role in the display in the interior design and coordination of the Grand Egyptian Museum, through which the unique artifacts and artifacts displayed can be displayed, and they can be used in a strong or simple form. Depending on the condition of the piece to be displayed. The research will also go to show the role of the digital library in how the Grand Egyptian Museum contains gathering areas and how to distribute spaces, guidance, information, reception, libraries, lecture halls, restaurants, cafeterias, shops, permanent and temporary galleries, and bathrooms.

Keywords: knowledge, library, culture, archaeology, grand Egyptian museum, numbering

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4359 Warfare Ships at Ancient Egypt: Since Pre-Historic Era (3700 B.C.) Uptill the End of the 2nd Intermediate Period (1550 B.C.)

Authors: Mohsen Negmeddin


Throughout their history, ancient Egyptians had known several kinds and types of boats, which were made from two main kinds of materials, the local one, as the dried papyrus reeds and the local tree trunks, the imported one, as the boats which were made from Lebanon cedar tree trunks. A varied using of these boats, as the fish hunting small boats, the transportation and trade boats "Cargo Boats", as well as the ceremonial boats, and the warfare boats. The research is intending for the last one, the warfare boats and the river/maritime battles since the beginning of ancient Egyptian civilization at the pre-historic era up till the end of the second intermediate period, to reveal the kinds and types of those fighting ships before establishing the Egyptian navy at the beginning of the New Kingdome (1550-1770 B.C). Two methods will follow at this research, the mention of names and titles of these ships through the texts (ancient Egyptian language) resources, and the depiction of it at the scenes.

Keywords: the warfare boats, the maritime battles, the pre-historic era, the second intermediate period

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4358 Documentation Project on Decorated Wooden Coffins From Luxor, in the Cairo Museum

Authors: Hassan Mohmed, Mohamed Ismail, Aiman Rezk


Introduction: This project aims to document and preserve decorated wooden coffins which were discovered in Luxor by Egyptian mission at Luxor, (SR Numbers:2514,2519,2520,2521,5469).These decorated wooden coffins dates back to Egyptian New Kingdom period and has been transferred to the Cairo Museum, to be displayed at the museum. These decorated wooden coffins discovered in the cache-tomb of Bab el-gasus at Deir el-Bahari, Luxor. This site has been dictated for the burials of priests of Amun through 18th Dynasty the coffins owners held these titles, which are as follows: "the embalmer of the beautiful-house (the place of embalming)" and "the servant in the place of truth". Methodology: Methodology: The project objectives making such decorated wooden coffins more visible to visitors through the use of 3D reconstructed coffins and high resolution photos which describe the history of using the wooden coffins during the Ancient Egyptian history Especially, The Cairo Museum is going to exhibit decorated wooden coffins in New kingdom. The project goals is to document decorated wooden coffins and arrange an exhibition, where such decorated wooden coffins going to be displayed next to the Ramses 2nd coffin, This research focuses on the text analyses and the technology. Paleographic information found on these objects. Conclusion: The project shows the importance of using coffins in Ancient Egypt, and connecting their usage through Ancient Egyptian periods; the coffins had a unique Symbolized in ancient Egypt and connect the public with their kings. The Egyptian put coffins in their tombs that they hope to save their bodies’ afterlife. This research will be beneficial and useful for the heritage and ancient civilizations, Indeed this study will open a destination in order to know how to identify these collections and how to exhibit them commensurate with the natural of the ancient Egyptian history and heritage.

Keywords: archaeology, decorated wooden coffins, 3D digital tools for heritage management, museums

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4357 Means of Securing Graves in the Egyptian Kingdom Era

Authors: Mohamed Saeed Ahmed Salman


This research aims to study the means of securing graves in the Egyptian kingdom era, and revolves around many basic ideas used by the ancient Egyptian to protect his graves from thieves, which included architectural characteristics, which gave it importance only others. The most important of which was the choice of the place of the grave, which chose a kohl place in the desert to protect the graves, which is the valley of kings, and whether the choice of that place had an impact in protecting the grave or not, in addition to other elements followed in the architectural planning, which was in the valley of kings. The multiplicity of the tomb, the construction of the well chamber to deceive the thieves by the end of the graves suddenly, the construction of the wells of the tombs, which contained the burial chamber at the bottom of the main well and the effect of all these factors on the graves, and this shows the importance of the graves to the ancient Egyptian and his belief in resurrection and immortality. The Egyptian resorted to the elements of protection and was a religious worker by The protector gods and special texts to protect the deceased from any danger to protect the tomb. As for the human factor of securing the tomb through human guards (police) and security teams based on the guard and the words indicating the protection and the guard teams and the teams of the majai. The most important developments that arose on the cemetery from Tamit entrance, corridors, chambers, burial chamber and coffin, and the use of sand to close the well after from one cemetery to another and from time to time where it was built in the late period inside the temple campus to be under the attention of the priests and their protection, as the study dealt with an analytical study For the means of securing graves in the Egyptian kingdom period.

Keywords: Egyptian kingdom, ancient Egyptian, securing graves, Means of securing graves, Egypt, archaeology

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4356 Means of Securing Graves in the Egyptian Kingdom Era

Authors: Mohamed Ahmed Madkour, Haitham Magdy Hamad


This research aims to study the means of securing graves in the Egyptian kingdom era, and revolves around many basic ideas used by the ancient Egyptian to protect his graves from thieves, which included architectural characteristics, which gave it importance only others. The most important of which was the choice of the place of the grave, which chose a kohl place in the desert to protect the graves, which is the valley of kings, and whether the choice of that place had an impact in protecting the grave or not, in addition to other elements followed in the architectural planning, which was in the valley of kings. The multiplicity of the tomb, the construction of the well chamber to deceive the thieves by the end of the graves suddenly, the construction of the wells of the tombs, which contained the burial chamber at the bottom of the main well and the effect of all these factors on the graves, and this shows the importance of the graves to the ancient Egyptian and his belief in resurrection and immortality. The Egyptian resorted to the elements of protection and was a religious worker by The protector gods and special texts to protect the deceased from any danger to protect the tomb. As for the human factor of securing the tomb through human guards (police) and security teams based on the guard and the words indicating the protection and the guard teams and the teams of the majai. The most important developments that arose on the cemetery from Tamit entrance, corridors, chambers, burial chamber and coffin, and the use of sand to close the well after from one cemetery to another and from time to time where it was built in the late period inside the temple campus to be under the attention of the priests and their protection, as the study dealt with an analytical study For the means of securing graves in the Egyptian kingdom period.

Keywords: archaeology, Egyptian kingdom era, graves, tombs, ancient Egyptian

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4355 The Grand Egyptian Museum as a Cultural Interface

Authors: Mahmoud Moawad Mohamed Osman


The Egyptian civilization was and still is an inspiration for many human civilizations and modern sciences. For this reason, there is still a passion for the ancient Egyptian civilization. Due to the breadth and abundance of the outputs of the ancient Egyptian civilization, many museums have been established that contribute to displaying and demonstrating the splendor of the ancient Egyptian civilization, and among those museums is the Grand Egyptian Museum (Egypt's gift to the whole world). The idea of establishing the Grand Egyptian Museum began in the nineties of the last century, and in 2002 the foundation stone was laid for the museum project to be built in a privileged location overlooking the eternal pyramids of Giza, where the Egyptian state was declared, and under the auspices of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Union of Architects. , for an international architectural competition for the best design for the museum. The current design submitted by Heneghan Peng Architects in Ireland won, and its design was based on the rays of the sun extending from the tops of the three pyramids when they meet to represent a conical mass, which is the Grand Egyptian Museum. The construction of the museum project began in May 2005, when the site was paved and prepared, and in 2006, the largest antiquities restoration center in the Middle East was established, dedicated to the restoration, preservation, maintenance and rehabilitation of the antiquities scheduled to be displayed in the museum halls, which was opened in 2010. The construction of the museum building, which has an area of more than 300,000 square meters, was completed during the year 2021, and includes a number of exhibition halls, each of which is considered larger than many current museums in Egypt and the world. The museum is considered one of the most important and greatest achievements of modern Egypt. It was created to be an integrated global civilizational, cultural and entertainment edifice, and to be the first destination for everyone interested in ancient Egyptian heritage, as the largest museum in the world that tells the story of the history of ancient Egyptian civilization, as it contains a large number of distinctive and unique artifacts, including the treasures of the golden king Tutankhamun, which... It is displayed for the first time in its entirety since the discovery of his tomb in November 1922, in addition to the collection of Queen Hetepheres, the guard of the mother of King Khufu, the builder of the Great Pyramid in Giza, as well as the Museum of King Khufu’s Boats, as well as various archaeological collectibles from the pre-dynastic era until the Greek and Roman eras.

Keywords: grand egyptian museum, egyptian civilization, education, museology

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4354 Surgical Imaging in Ancient Egypt

Authors: Mohamed Ahmed Madkour, Haitham Magdy Hamad


This research aims to study of the surgery science and imaging in ancient Egypt, and how to diagnose the surgical cases, whether due to injuries or disease that requires surgical intervention, Medical diagnosis and how to treat it. The ancient Egyptian physician tried to change over from magic and theological thinking to become a stand-alone experimental science, they were able to distinguish between diseases and they divide them into internal and external diseases even this division exists to date in modern medicine. There is no evidence to recognize the amount of human knowledge in the prehistoric knowledge of medicine and surgery except skeleton. It is not far from the human being in those times familiar with some means of treatment, Surgery in the Stone age was rudimentary, Flint stone was used after trimming in a certain way as a lancet to slit and open the skin. Wooden tree branches were used to make splints to treat bone fractures. Surgery developed further when copper was discovered, it led to the advancement of Egyptian civilization, then modern and advanced tools appeared in the operating theater like a knife or a scalpel. The climate and environmental conditions have preserved medical papyri and human remains that have confirmed their knowledge of surgical methods including sedation. The ancient Egyptians reached a great importance in surgery, evidenced by the scenes that depict the pathological image and the surgical process, but the image alone is not sufficient to prove the pathology, its presence in ancient Egypt and its treatment method. As there are a number of medical papyri, especially Edwin Smith and Ebris, which prove the ancient Egyptian surgeon's knowledge of the pathological condition that It requires a surgical intervention, otherwise its diagnosis and the method of treatment will not be described with such accuracy through these texts. Some surgeries are described in the department of surgery at Ebris papyrus. The level of surgery in ancient Egypt was high, and they performed surgery such as hernias and Aneurysm, however we have not received a lengthy explanation of the various surgeries and the surgeon has usually only said “treated surgically”. It is evident in the Ebris papyrus that they used sharp surgical tools and cautery in operations where bleeding is expected, such as hernias, arterial sacs and tumors.

Keywords: ancient Egypt, archaeology, Egyptian history, ancient asurgical imaging, Egyptian civilization, civilization

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4353 Surgical Imaging in Ancient Egypt

Authors: Ahmed Hefny Mohamed El-Badwy


This research aims to study of the surgery science and imaging in ancient Egypt, and how to diagnose the surgical cases, whether due to injuries or disease that requires surgical intervention, Medical diagnosis and how to treat it. The ancient Egyptian physician tried to change over from magic and theological thinking to become a stand-alone experimental science, they were able to distinguish between diseases, and they divide them into internal and external diseases even this division exists to date in modern medicine. There is no evidence to recognize the amount of human knowledge in the prehistoric knowledge of medicine and surgery except skeleton. It is not far from the human being in those times familiar with some means of treatment, Surgery in the Stone age was rudimentary, Flint stone was used after trimming in a certain way as a lancet to slit and open the skin. Wooden tree branches were used to make splints to treat bone fractures. Surgery developed further when copper was discovered, it led to the advancement of Egyptian civilization, then modern and advanced tools appeared in the operating theater, like a knife or a scalpel, there is evidence of surgery performed in ancient Egypt during the dynastic period (323 – 3200 BC). The climate and environmental conditions have preserved medical papyri and human remains that have confirmed their knowledge of surgical methods, including sedation. The ancient Egyptians reached a great importance in surgery, evidenced by the scenes that depict the pathological image and the surgical process, but the image alone is not sufficient to prove the pathology, its presence in ancient Egypt and its treatment method. As there are a number of medical papyri, especially Edwin Smith and Ebris, which prove the ancient Egyptian surgeon's knowledge of the pathological condition that It requires a surgical intervention, otherwise, its diagnosis and the method of treatment will not be described with such accuracy through these texts. Some surgeries are described in the department of surgery at Ebris papyrus (recipes from 863 to 877). The level of surgery in ancient Egypt was high, and they performed surgery such as hernias and Aneurysm, however, we have not received a lengthy explanation of the various surgeries, and the surgeon has usually only said “treated surgically”. It is evident in the Ebris papyrus that they used sharp surgical tools and cautery in operations where bleeding is expected, such as hernias, arterial sacs and tumors.

Keywords: ancientegypt, egypt, archaeology, the ancient egyptian

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4352 Methods Employed to Mitigate Wind Damage on Ancient Egyptian Architecture

Authors: Hossam Mohamed Abdelfattah Helal Hegazi


Winds and storms are considered crucial weathering factors, representing primary causes of destruction and erosion for all materials on the Earth's surface. This naturally includes historical structures, with the impact of winds and storms intensifying their deterioration, particularly when carrying high-hardness sand particles during their passage across the ground. Ancient Egyptians utilized various methods to prevent wind damage to their ancient architecture throughout the ancient Egyptian periods . One of the techniques employed by ancient Egyptians was the use of clay or compacted earth as a filling material between opposing walls made of stone, bricks, or mud bricks. The walls made of reeds or woven tree branches were covered with clay to prevent the infiltration of winds and rain, enhancing structural integrity, this method was commonly used in hollow layers . Additionally, Egyptian engineers innovated a type of adobe brick with uniformly leveled sides, manufactured from dried clay. They utilized stone barriers, constructed wind traps, and planted trees in rows parallel to the prevailing wind direction. Moreover, they employed receptacles to drain rainwater resulting from wind-loaded rain and used mortar to fill gaps in roofs and structures. Furthermore, proactive measures such as the removal of sand from around historical and archaeological buildings were taken to prevent adverse effects

Keywords: winds, storms, weathering, destruction, erosion, materials, Earth's surface, historical structures, impact

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4351 Means of Securing Graves in the Egyptian Kingdom Era

Authors: Haitham Nabil Zaghlol Hasan


This research aims to study the means of securing graves in the Egyptian kingdom era, and revolves around many basic ideas used by the ancient Egyptian to protect his graves from thieves, which included architectural characteristics, which gave it importance only others. The most important of which was the choice of the place of the grave, which chose a kohl place in the desert to protect the graves, which is the valley of kings, and whether the choice of that place had an impact in protecting the grave or not, in addition to other elements followed in the architectural planning, which was in the valley of kings. The multiplicity of the tomb, the construction of the well chamber to deceive the thieves by the end of the graves suddenly, the construction of the wells of the tombs, which contained the burial chamber at the bottom of the main well and the effect of all these factors on the graves, and this shows the importance of the graves to the ancient Egyptian and his belief in resurrection and immortality. The Egyptian resorted to the elements of protection and was a religious worker by The protector gods and special texts to protect the deceased from any danger to protect the tomb. As for the human factor of securing the tomb through human guards (police) and security teams based on the guard and the words indicating the protection and the guard teams and the teams of the majai. The most important developments that arose on the cemetery from Tamit entrance, corridors, chambers, burial chamber and coffin, and the use of sand to close the well after from one cemetery to another and from time to time where it was built in the late period inside the temple campus to be under the attention of the priests and their protection, as the study dealt with an analytical study For the means of securing graves in the Egyptian kingdom period.

Keywords: Egypt, archaeology, civilization, Egyptian

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4350 Metrology in Egyptian Architecture, Interrelation with Archaeology

Authors: Monica M. Marcos


In the framework of Archaeological Research, Heritage Conservation and Restoration, the object of study is metrology applied in composition of religious architecture in ancient Egypt, and usefulness in Archaology. The objective is the determination of the geometric and metrological relations in architectural models and the module used in the initial project of the buildings. The study and data collection of religious buildings, tombs and temples of the ancient Egypt, is completed with plans. The measurements systematization and buildings modulation makes possible to establish common compositional parameters, with a module determined by the measurement unit used. The measurement system corresponding to the main period of egyptian history, was the Egyptian royal cubit. The analysis of units measurements, used in architectural design, provides exact numbers on buildable spaces dimensions. It allows establishing proportional relationships between them, and finding a geometric composition module, on which the original project was based. This responds to a philosophical and functional concept of projected spaces. In the heritage rehabilitation and restoration field, knowledge of metrology helps in excavation, reconstruction and restoration of construction elements. The correct use of metrology contributes to the identification of possible work areas, helping to locate where the damaged or missing areas are. Also in restoration projects, metrology is useful for reordering and locating decontextualized parts of buildings. The conversion of measurements taken in the current International System to the ancient egyptian measurements, allows understand its conceptual purpose and its functionality, which makes easier to carry out archaeological intervention. In the work carried out in archaeological excavations, metrology is an essential tool for locating sites and establishing work zones.

Keywords: egyptology, metrology, archaeology, measurements, Egyptian cubit

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4349 Surgical Imaging in Ancient Egypt

Authors: Gourg Ebrahim Shafik Eskandar


This research aims to study of the surgery science and imaging in ancient Egypt, and how to diagnose the surgical cases, whether due to injuries or disease that requires surgical intervention, Medical diagnosis and how to treat it. The ancient Egyptian physician tried to change over from magic and theological thinking to become a stand-alone experimental science, they were able to distinguish between diseases and they divide them into internal and external diseases even this division exists to date in modern medicine. There is no evidence to recognize the amount of human knowledge in the prehistoric knowledge of medicine and surgery except skeleton. It is not far from the human being in those times familiar with some means of treatment, Surgery in the Stone age was rudimentary, Flint stone was used after trimming in a certain way as a lancet to slit and open the skin. Wooden tree branches were used to make splints to treat bone fractures. Surgery developed further when copper was discovered, it led to the advancement of Egyptian civilization, then modern and advanced tools appeared in the operating theater like a knife or a scalpel, there is evidence of surgery performed in ancient Egypt during the dynastic period (323 – 3200 BC). The climate and environmental conditions have preserved medical papyri and human remains that have confirmed their knowledge of surgical methods including sedation. The ancient Egyptians reached a great importance in surgery, evidenced by the scenes that depict the pathological image and the surgical process, but the image alone is not sufficient to prove the pathology, its presence in ancient Egypt and its treatment method. As there are a number of medical papyri, especially Edwin Smith and Ebris, which prove the ancient Egyptian surgeon's knowledge of the pathological condition that It requires a surgical intervention, otherwise its diagnosis and the method of treatment will not be described with such accuracy through these texts. Some surgeries are described in the department of surgery at Ebris papyrus (recipes from 863 to 877). The level of surgery in ancient Egypt was high, and they performed surgery such as hernias and Aneurysm, however we have not received a lengthy explanation of the various surgeries and the surgeon has usually only said “treated surgically”. It is evident in the Ebris papyrus that they used sharp surgical tools and cautery in operations where bleeding is expected, such as hernias, arterial sacs and tumors.

Keywords: ancient egypt, egypt, surgical imaging, surgery in the stone age

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4348 Morphological Comparison of the Gustatory Papillae of New Zealand White Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and Egyptian Fruit Bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus) Using Scanning Electron Microscopic Examinations

Authors: Mohamed Abumandour


This research presents a comparison of the morphological structure of the gustatory papillae in New Zealand white rabbits as domestic mammals and Egyptian fruit bats as wild mammals. In this study, the tongues of adult healthy New Zealand white rabbits and Egyptian fruit bats of both sexes were used. In the New Zealand white rabbits, there are three types of the gustatory papillae; fungiform, foliate and circumvallate papillae while the Egyptian fruit bats tongue contain only two types; fungiform and circumvallate papillae. In New Zealand white rabbits, there only one subtype is the round shape fungiform papillae while in Egyptian fruit bats, there are two subtypes; small rectangular fungiform papillae and large round fungiform papillae. In New Zealand white rabbits, there only two circumvallate papillae while in Egyptian fruit bats, there are three papillae. The shape, size, number, and distribution of the lingual papillae were varied according to their location within the tongue (region-specific) in relation to the feeding habits, strategies for obtaining food, climate conditions, and types of food particles.

Keywords: morphology, circumvallate papillae, fungiform papillae, foliate papillae

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4347 Analytical Study and Conservation Processes of a Wooden Coffin of Middel Kingdom, Ancient Egypt

Authors: Mohamed Ahmed Abd El Kader


This paper describes the conservation processes of an Ancient Egyptian wooden coffin dating back to the Middle Kingdom, ancient Egypt, using several scientific and analytical methods in order to provide a deeper understanding of the deterioration status and a greater awareness of how well preserved the object is. Visual observation and 2D Programs, as well as Optical Microscopy (OM), Environmental scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) were used in our study. The identification of wood species and the composition of the pigments and previous restoration materials were made. The coffin was previously conserved and stored in improper conditions, which led to its further deterioration; the surface of the lid dust, which obscured the decorations as well as all necessary restoration work was promptly carried out as soon as the coffin was transferred from the display hall from the Egyptian Museum to the Wood Conservation Laboratory of the Grand Egyptian Museum-Conservation Center (GEM-CC). The analyses provided detailed information concerning the original materials and the materials added during the previous treatment interventions, which was considered when applying the conservation plan. Conservation procedures have been applied with high accuracy to conserve the coffin including cleaning, consolidation of fragile painted layers, and the wooden boards forming the sides of the coffin were reassembled in their original positions. The materials and methods that were applied were extremely effective in stability and reinforcement of the coffin without harmfulness to the original materials and the coffin was successfully conserved and ready to display in the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM).

Keywords: coffin, middle kingdom, deterioration, 2d program

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4346 The Impact of Implementing European Quality Labeling System on the Supply Chain Performance of Food Industry: An Empirical Study of the Egyptian Traditional Food Sector

Authors: Nourhan A. Saad, Sara Elgazzar, Gehan Saleh


The food industry nowadays is becoming customer-oriented and needs faster response time to deal with food incidents. There is a deep need for good traceability systems to help the supply chain (SC) partners to minimize production and distribution of unsafe or poor quality products, which in turn will enhance the food SC performance. The current food labeling systems implemented in developing countries cannot guarantee that food is authentic, safe and of good quality. Therefore, the use of origin labels, mainly the geographical indications (GIs), allows SC partners to define quality standards and defend their products' reputation. According to our knowledge there are no studies discussed the use of GIs in developing countries. This research represents a research schema about the implementation of European quality labeling system in developing countries and its impact on enhancing SC performance. An empirical study was conducted on the Egyptian traditional food sector based on a sample of seven restaurants implementing the Med-diet labeling system. First, in-depth interviews were carried out to analyze the Egyptian traditional food SC. Then, a framework was developed to link the European quality labeling system and SC performance. Finally, a structured survey was conducted based on the applied framework to investigate the impact of Med-diet labeling system on the SC performance. The research provides an applied framework linking Med-diet quality labeling system to SC performance of traditional food sector in developing countries generally and especially in the Egyptian traditional food sector. The framework can be used as a SC performance management tool to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of food industry's SC performance.

Keywords: food supply chain, med-diet labeling system, quality labeling system, supply chain performance

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4345 Surgical Imaging in Ancient Egypt

Authors: Haitham Nabil Zaghlol Hasan


This research aims to study of the surgery science and imaging in ancient Egypt and how to diagnose the surgical cases, whether due to injuries or disease that requires surgical intervention, Medical diagnosis and how to treat it. The ancient Egyptian physician tried to change over from magic and theological thinking to become a stand-alone experimental science, they were able to distinguish between diseases, and they divide them into internal and external diseases even though this division exists to date in modern medicine. There is no evidence to recognize the amount of human knowledge in the prehistoric knowledge of medicine and surgery except skeleton. It is not far from the human being in those times familiar with some means of treatment, Surgery in the Stone age was rudimentary, Flint stone was used after trimming in a certain way as a lancet to slit and open the skin. Wooden tree branches were used to make splints to treat bone fractures. Surgery developed further when copper was discovered, it led to the advancement of Egyptian civilization, then modern and advanced tools appeared in the operating theater, like a knife or a scalpel, there is evidence of surgery performed in ancient Egypt during the dynastic period (323 – 3200 BC). The climate and environmental conditions have preserved medical papyri and human remains that have confirmed their knowledge of surgical methods, including sedation. The ancient Egyptians reached great importance in surgery, evidenced by the scenes that depict the pathological image and the surgical process, but the image alone is not sufficient to prove the pathology, its presence in ancient Egypt and its treatment method. As there are a number of medical papyri, especially Edwin Smith and Ebris, which prove the ancient Egyptian surgeon's knowledge of the pathological condition that It requires surgical intervention, otherwise, its diagnosis and the method of treatment will not be described with such accuracy through these texts. Some surgeries are described in the department of surgery at Ebris papyrus (recipes from 863 to 877). The level of surgery in ancient Egypt was high, and they performed surgery such as hernias and Aneurysm, however, we have not received a lengthy explanation of the various surgeries, and the surgeon has usually only said: “treated surgically”. It is evident in the Ebris papyrus that they used sharp surgical tools and cautery in operations where bleeding is expected, such as hernias, arterial sacs and tumors.

Keywords: egypt, ancient_egypt, civilization, archaeology

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4344 Theory about the Gebel El-Arak Knife: Egyptian Knife with Canaanite Relief

Authors: Doaa El-Shereef


This paper will focus on proving a theory that it is an Egyptian knife with Canaanite relief and will discuss the nature of the Gebel el-Arak Knife and the civilization to which it belongs and the relationship of the Canaanite deity with Mount Abydos in Egypt, and the influence between the ancient Egyptian religion and the Canaanite religion and their effect on each other. Finally, the paper will discuss in full detail the engraving of the two faces of the knife handle and analyze the register on the front face, which is the scene of the two lions engraved, and between them, an old man symbolized as the deity in the middle and compared it with other drawings similar in the Egyptian civilization. The paper will also discuss the registers on the back face, which are the engravings of a battle, soldiers, uniforms, and boats, and how the back face describes a water battle between three Egyptian boats and two foreign ships. In addition, it will prove that those foreign ships were not Mesopotamian ships because, in the period to which the knife of Gebel Al-Arak belongs, between 3300-3100 BC, there were no battles or trade exchanges between Egypt and Mesopotamia on sea routes. However, there was already a strong land and sea trade between Canaan and Egypt during Chalcolithic Age (4500-3500 BC), as described in many primary sources.

Keywords: Canaan, Egypt, Gebel el-Arak Knife, Louvre

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4343 3D Scanning Documentation and X-Ray Radiography Examination for Ancient Egyptian Canopic Jar

Authors: Abdelrahman Mohamed Abdelrahman


Canopic jars are one of the vessels of funerary nature used by the ancient Egyptian in mummification process that were used to save the viscera of the mummified body after being extracted from the body and treated. Canopic jars are made of several types of materials like Limestone, Alabaster, and Pottery. The studied canopic jar dates back to Late period, located in the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM), Giza, Egypt. This jar carved from limestone with carved hieroglyphic inscriptions, and it filled and closed by mortar from inside. Some aspects of damage appeared in the jar, such as dust, dirts, classification, wide crack, weakness of limestone. In this study, we used documentation and investigation modern techniques to document and examine the jar. 3D scanning and X-ray Radiography imaging used in applied study. X-ray imaging showed that the mortar was placed at a time when the jar contained probably viscera where the mortar appeared that not reach up to the base of the inner jar. Through the three-dimensional photography, the jar was documented, and we have 3D model of the jar, and now we have the ability through the computer to see any part of the jar in all its details. After that, conservation procedures have been applied with high accuracy to conserve the jar, including mechanical, wet, and chemical cleaning, filling wide crack in the body of the jar using mortar consisting of calcium carbonate powder mixing with primal E330 S, and consolidation, so the limestone became strong after using paraloid B72 2% concentrate as a consolidate material.

Keywords: vessel, limestone, canopic jar, mortar, 3D scanning, X-ray radiography

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4342 The Canaanite Trade Network between the Shores of the Mediterranean Sea

Authors: Doaa El-Shereef


The Canaanite civilization was one of the early great civilizations of the Near East, they influenced and been influenced from the civilizations of the ancient world especially the Egyptian and Mesopotamia civilizations. The development of the Canaanite trade started from the Chalcolithic Age to the Iron Age through the oldest trade route in the Middle East. This paper will focus on defining the Canaanites and from where did they come from and the meaning of the term Canaan and how the Ancient Manuscripts define the borders of the land of Canaan and this essay will describe the Canaanite trade route and their exported goods such as cedar wood, and pottery.

Keywords: archaeology, bronze age, Canaanite, colonies, Massilia, pottery, shipwreck, vineyards

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4341 Archaeological Study of Statues of King Thutmosis III from Luxor

Authors: Mahmoud Abualsoud


The era of Thutmosis III represents a transitional period between the art of the Thutmoside art and the Amarna period, so we intend to declare that it serves as the cradle of Amarna art. The study will examine the Statues of king Thutmose III that was discovered in Luxor by an Egyptian mission. These Statues have been transferred to the Conservation Center of the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) to be conserved and made ready to be displayed at the new museum (the project of the century). We focus on three Statues chosen because they relate to different years of the king's reign. These Statues were all made of granite. The first one is a Kneeling statue representing the god Amun showing king Thutmose III offering to the goddess Hathor. The second is decorated with king Thutmose III with the red crown, between the goddess Hathor and the royal wife, Nefertari. The third shows the king offering NW vessels and bread to the god Seker. Each statue is divided into registers containing a description and decorated with scenes of the king presenting offerings to gods. The proposed study will focus on the development which happened sequentially according to differences that occur in each statue. We will use comparative research to determine the workshops of these statues, whether one or several, and what are the distinguishing features of each one. We will examine what innovations the artisans added to royal art. The description and the texts will be translated with linguistic comments. This research focuses on text analyses and technology. Paleographic information found on these objects includes the names and titles of the king. This research focuses on text analyses and technology. The study aims to create a manual that may help in dating the artwork of Thutmosis III. This research will be beneficial and useful for heritage and ancient civilizations, particularly when we talk about opening museums like the Grand Egyptian Museum, which will exhibit a collection of statues. Indeed, this kind of study will open a new destination in order to know how to identify these collections and how to exhibit them commensurate with the nature of ancient Egyptian history and heritage.

Keywords: archaeological study, Giza, new kingdom, statues, royal art

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4340 Antmicrobial Packaging, a Step Towards Safe Food: A Review

Authors: Hafiz A. Sakandar, M. Afzaal, U. Khan, M. N. Akhtar


Food is the primary concern of living organisms, provision of diet for maintenance of good physical and mental health is a basic right of an individual and the outcome of factors related to diet on health has been matter of apprehension since ancient times. Healthy and fresh food always demanded by the consumers. Modern research has find out many alternatives of traditional packaging. Now the consumer knows that good packaging system is that which protects the food from the contaminants and increases shelf life of food product. While in Pakistan about 40% of fruits and vegetables lost due to spoilage caused by poor handling, transportation, and poor packaging interaction with other environmental conditions. So it is crucial for developing countries like Pakistan to pay attention to these exacerbating situations for economy losses by considering food packaging an ultimate solution to the problem.

Keywords: packaging, food safety, antimicrobial, food losses

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4339 Archaeological Study of Statues of King Thutmosis III from Luxor

Authors: Ahmed Mamdouh


Introduction: The era of Thutmosis III represents a transitional period between the art of the Thutmoside art and the Amarna period, so we intend to declare that it serves as the cradle of Amarna art. The study will examine the Statues of king Thutmose III that was discovered in Luxor by an Egyptian mission. These Statues have been transferred to the Conservation Center of the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) to be conserved and made ready to bedisplayed at the new museum (the project of the century). We focus upon three Statues (GEM numbers 45863, 45864, 45865), chosen because they relate to different years of the king's reign. These Statues were all made of granite. The first one is a Kneeling statue representing the god Amun showing king Thutmose III offering to the goddess Hathor. The second is decorated with king Thutmose III with the red crown, between the goddess Hathor and the royal wife, Nefertari. The third shows the king offering NW vessels and bread to the god Seker. Each Statue is divided into registers containing a description and decorated with scenes of the king presenting offerings to gods. Methodology: The proposed study will focus on the development which happened sequentially according to differences that occur in each Statue. We will use comparative research to determine the workshops of these statues, whether one or several, and what are the distinguishing features of each one. We will examine what innovations the artisans added to royal art. The description and the texts will be translated with linguistic comments. This research focuses on text analyses and technology. Paleographic information found on these objects includes the names and titles of the king. Conclusion: This research focuses on text analyses and technology. The study aims to create a manual that may help in dating the artwork of Thutmosis III. This research will be beneficial and useful for heritage and ancient civilizations, particularly when we talk about opening museums like the Grand Egyptian museum, which will exhibit a collection of statues. Indeed this kind of study will open a new destination in order to know how to identify these collections and how to exhibit them commensurate with the nature of ancient Egyptian history and heritage.

Keywords: archaeological study, Giza, new kingdom, statues, royal art

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4338 The Egyptian eGovernment Journey

Authors: Ali Abdelsattar Elshabrawy


The Egyptian government is struggling to build it's eGovernment project. They succeeded to build the Egyptian digital portal, which contain links for number of services provided by different ministries. For achieving such success, their are requirements necessary to build such a project such as: internet dissemination, IT literacy, Strategy, disqualification of paper based services. This paper is going to clarify the main obstacles to the Egyptian eGovernment project from both the supply and demand sides. Also will clarify the most critical requirements in this phase of the project lifecycle. This paper should be in great value for the project team and also for many other developing countries that share the same obstacles.

Keywords: the egyptian egovernment project lifecycle, supply side barriers, demand side barriers, egovernment project requirements

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4337 Interdisciplinary Urban Design: Toward Egyptian Manifesto

Authors: Hisham M. G. Abusaada


This article focuses on the field the art of the city, at the beginning of the third millennium, in the 21st century. It seems that a few Egyptian architects suffer from the lack of the ability to create and share knowledge in their field of proficiency. The assumption is that this weakness is the main reason that led to the invalidity of the local theorizing process. The presupposition is that the absence of respecting the conceptualization of enlightenment during the two phases of preparing and teaching the educational programs makes the students urban design projects not well designed. This paper submits an Egyptian Manifesto, to formulate some guidelines for the development of the work of some researchers, scholars and specialist's method.

Keywords: Egyptian manifesto, pedagogy, knowledge, urban design

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