Search results for: sparse system identification
19797 Pion/Muon Identification in a Nuclear Emulsion Cloud Chamber Using Neural Networks
Authors: Kais Manai
The main part of this work focuses on the study of pion/muon separation at low energy using a nuclear Emulsion Cloud Chamber (ECC) made of lead and nuclear emulsion films. The work consists of two parts: particle reconstruction algorithm and a Neural Network that assigns to each reconstructed particle the probability to be a muon or a pion. The pion/muon separation algorithm has been optimized by using a detailed Monte Carlo simulation of the ECC and tested on real data. The algorithm allows to achieve a 60% muon identification efficiency with a pion misidentification smaller than 3%.Keywords: nuclear emulsion, particle identification, tracking, neural network
Procedia PDF Downloads 50819796 VISMA: A Method for System Analysis in Early Lifecycle Phases
Authors: Walter Sebron, Hans Tschürtz, Peter Krebs
The choice of applicable analysis methods in safety or systems engineering depends on the depth of knowledge about a system, and on the respective lifecycle phase. However, the analysis method chain still shows gaps as it should support system analysis during the lifecycle of a system from a rough concept in pre-project phase until end-of-life. This paper’s goal is to discuss an analysis method, the VISSE Shell Model Analysis (VISMA) method, which aims at closing the gap in the early system lifecycle phases, like the conceptual or pre-project phase, or the project start phase. It was originally developed to aid in the definition of the system boundary of electronic system parts, like e.g. a control unit for a pump motor. Furthermore, it can be also applied to non-electronic system parts. The VISMA method is a graphical sketch-like method that stratifies a system and its parts in inner and outer shells, like the layers of an onion. It analyses a system in a two-step approach, from the innermost to the outermost components followed by the reverse direction. To ensure a complete view of a system and its environment, the VISMA should be performed by (multifunctional) development teams. To introduce the method, a set of rules and guidelines has been defined in order to enable a proper shell build-up. In the first step, the innermost system, named system under consideration (SUC), is selected, which is the focus of the subsequent analysis. Then, its directly adjacent components, responsible for providing input to and receiving output from the SUC, are identified. These components are the content of the first shell around the SUC. Next, the input and output components to the components in the first shell are identified and form the second shell around the first one. Continuing this way, shell by shell is added with its respective parts until the border of the complete system (external border) is reached. Last, two external shells are added to complete the system view, the environment and the use case shell. This system view is also stored for future use. In the second step, the shells are examined in the reverse direction (outside to inside) in order to remove superfluous components or subsystems. Input chains to the SUC, as well as output chains from the SUC are described graphically via arrows, to highlight functional chains through the system. As a result, this method offers a clear and graphical description and overview of a system, its main parts and environment; however, the focus still remains on a specific SUC. It helps to identify the interfaces and interfacing components of the SUC, as well as important external interfaces of the overall system. It supports the identification of the first internal and external hazard causes and causal chains. Additionally, the method promotes a holistic picture and cross-functional understanding of a system, its contributing parts, internal relationships and possible dangers within a multidisciplinary development team.Keywords: analysis methods, functional safety, hazard identification, system and safety engineering, system boundary definition, system safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 22619795 Satellite LiDAR-Based Digital Terrain Model Correction using Gaussian Process Regression
Authors: Keisuke Takahata, Hiroshi Suetsugu
Forest height is an important parameter for forest biomass estimation, and precise elevation data is essential for accurate forest height estimation. There are several globally or nationally available digital elevation models (DEMs) like SRTM and ASTER. However, its accuracy is reported to be low particularly in mountainous areas where there are closed canopy or steep slope. Recently, space-borne LiDAR, such as the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI), have started to provide sparse but accurate ground elevation and canopy height estimates. Several studies have reported the high degree of accuracy in their elevation products on their exact footprints, while it is not clear how this sparse information can be used for wider area. In this study, we developed a digital terrain model correction algorithm by spatially interpolating the difference between existing DEMs and GEDI elevation products by using Gaussian Process (GP) regression model. The result shows that our GP-based methodology can reduce the mean bias of the elevation data from 3.7m to 0.3m when we use airborne LiDAR-derived elevation information as ground truth. Our algorithm is also capable of quantifying the elevation data uncertainty, which is critical requirement for biomass inventory. Upcoming satellite-LiDAR missions, like MOLI (Multi-footprint Observation Lidar and Imager), are expected to contribute to the more accurate digital terrain model generation.Keywords: digital terrain model, satellite LiDAR, gaussian processes, uncertainty quantification
Procedia PDF Downloads 18419794 Radio Frequency Identification (Rfid) Cost-Effective, Location-Based System for Managing Construction Materials
Authors: Mourad Bakouka, Abdelaziz Rabehi
Companies need to have logistics and transportation in place that can adapt to the changing nature of construction sites. This ensures they can react quickly when needed. A study was conducted to develop a way to locate and track materials on construction sites. The system is an RFID/GPS integration that's required to pull off this feat. The study also reports how the platform has been used in construction. They found many advantages to using it, including reductions in both time and costs as well as improved management of materials orders. . For example, the time in which a project could start up was shortened from two weeks to three days with just a single digital order. As of now, the technology is still limited in its widespread adoption due largely to overall lack of awareness and difficulty connecting to it. However, as more and more companies embrace it in construction, the technology is expected to become ubiquitous. The developed platform provides contractors and construction managers with real-time information about the status of materials and work, allowing them to better manage the workflow in a project. The study sheds new light on this subject, which is essential to know. This work is becoming increasingly aware of the use of smart tools in constructing buildings.Keywords: materials management, internet of things (IoT), radio frequency identification (RFID), construction site, supply chain management
Procedia PDF Downloads 8219793 Influence of Optimization Method on Parameters Identification of Hyperelastic Models
Authors: Bale Baidi Blaise, Gilles Marckmann, Liman Kaoye, Talaka Dya, Moustapha Bachirou, Gambo Betchewe, Tibi Beda
This work highlights the capabilities of particles swarm optimization (PSO) method to identify parameters of hyperelastic models. The study compares this method with Genetic Algorithm (GA) method, Least Squares (LS) method, Pattern Search Algorithm (PSA) method, Beda-Chevalier (BC) method and the Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) method. Four classic hyperelastic models are used to test the different methods through parameters identification. Then, the study compares the ability of these models to reproduce experimental Treloar data in simple tension, biaxial tension and pure shear.Keywords: particle swarm optimization, identification, hyperelastic, model
Procedia PDF Downloads 17119792 A Comprehensive Evaluation of Supervised Machine Learning for the Phase Identification Problem
Authors: Brandon Foggo, Nanpeng Yu
Power distribution circuits undergo frequent network topology changes that are often left undocumented. As a result, the documentation of a circuit’s connectivity becomes inaccurate with time. The lack of reliable circuit connectivity information is one of the biggest obstacles to model, monitor, and control modern distribution systems. To enhance the reliability and efficiency of electric power distribution systems, the circuit’s connectivity information must be updated periodically. This paper focuses on one critical component of a distribution circuit’s topology - the secondary transformer to phase association. This topology component describes the set of phase lines that feed power to a given secondary transformer (and therefore a given group of power consumers). Finding the documentation of this component is call Phase Identification, and is typically performed with physical measurements. These measurements can take time lengths on the order of several months, but with supervised learning, the time length can be reduced significantly. This paper compares several such methods applied to Phase Identification for a large range of real distribution circuits, describes a method of training data selection, describes preprocessing steps unique to the Phase Identification problem, and ultimately describes a method which obtains high accuracy (> 96% in most cases, > 92% in the worst case) using only 5% of the measurements typically used for Phase Identification.Keywords: distribution network, machine learning, network topology, phase identification, smart grid
Procedia PDF Downloads 30119791 Risk Identification of Investment Feasibility in Indonesia’s Toll Road Infrastructure Investment
Authors: Christo Februanto Putra
This paper presents risk identification that affects investment feasibility on toll road infrastructure in Indonesia using qualitative methods survey based on the expert practitioner in investor, contractor, and state officials. The problems on infrastructure investment in Indonesia, especially on KPBU model contract, is many risk factors in the investment plan is not calculated in detail thoroughly. Risk factor is a value used to provide an overview of the risk level assessment of an event which is a function of the probability of the occurrence and the consequences of the risks that arise. As results of the survey which is to show which risk factors impacts directly to the investment feasibility and rank them by their impacts on the investment.Keywords: risk identification, indonesia toll road, investment feasibility
Procedia PDF Downloads 28019790 Multi Biomertric Personal Identification System Based On Hybird Intellegence Method
Authors: Laheeb M. Ibrahim, Ibrahim A. Salih
Biometrics is a technology that has been widely used in many official and commercial identification applications. The increased concerns in security during recent years (especially during the last decades) have essentially resulted in more attention being given to biometric-based verification techniques. Here, a novel fusion approach of palmprint, dental traits has been suggested. These traits which are authentication techniques have been employed in a range of biometric applications that can identify any postmortem PM person and antemortem AM. Besides improving the accuracy, the fusion of biometrics has several advantages such as increasing, deterring spoofing activities and reducing enrolment failure. In this paper, a first unimodel biometric system has been made by using (palmprint and dental) traits, for each one classification applying an artificial neural network and a hybrid technique that combines swarm intelligence and neural network together, then attempt has been made to combine palmprint and dental biometrics. Principally, the fusion of palmprint and dental biometrics and their potential application has been explored as biometric identifiers. To address this issue, investigations have been carried out about the relative performance of several statistical data fusion techniques for integrating the information in both unimodal and multimodal biometrics. Also the results of the multimodal approach have been compared with each one of these two traits authentication approaches. This paper studies the features and decision fusion levels in multimodal biometrics. To determine the accuracy of GAR to parallel system decision-fusion including (AND, OR, Majority fating) has been used. The backpropagation method has been used for classification and has come out with result (92%, 99%, 97%) respectively for GAR, while the GAR) for this algorithm using hybrid technique for classification (95%, 99%, 98%) respectively. To determine the accuracy of the multibiometric system for feature level fusion has been used, while the same preceding methods have been used for classification. The results have been (98%, 99%) respectively while to determine the GAR of feature level different methods have been used and have come out with (98%).Keywords: back propagation neural network BP ANN, multibiometric system, parallel system decision-fusion, practical swarm intelligent PSO
Procedia PDF Downloads 53419789 Evaluation of Diagnosis Performance Based on Pairwise Model Construction and Filtered Data
Authors: Hyun-Woo Cho
It is quite important to utilize right time and intelligent production monitoring and diagnosis of industrial processes in terms of quality and safety issues. When compared with monitoring task, fault diagnosis represents the task of finding process variables responsible causing a specific fault in the process. It can be helpful to process operators who should investigate and eliminate root causes more effectively and efficiently. This work focused on the active use of combining a nonlinear statistical technique with a preprocessing method in order to implement practical real-time fault identification schemes for data-rich cases. To compare its performance to existing identification schemes, a case study on a benchmark process was performed in several scenarios. The results showed that the proposed fault identification scheme produced more reliable diagnosis results than linear methods. In addition, the use of the filtering step improved the identification results for the complicated processes with massive data sets.Keywords: diagnosis, filtering, nonlinear statistical techniques, process monitoring
Procedia PDF Downloads 24519788 Spatial Rank-Based High-Dimensional Monitoring through Random Projection
Authors: Chen Zhang, Nan Chen
High-dimensional process monitoring becomes increasingly important in many application domains, where usually the process distribution is unknown and much more complicated than the normal distribution, and the between-stream correlation can not be neglected. However, since the process dimension is generally much bigger than the reference sample size, most traditional nonparametric multivariate control charts fail in high-dimensional cases due to the curse of dimensionality. Furthermore, when the process goes out of control, the influenced variables are quite sparse compared with the whole dimension, which increases the detection difficulty. Targeting at these issues, this paper proposes a new nonparametric monitoring scheme for high-dimensional processes. This scheme first projects the high-dimensional process into several subprocesses using random projections for dimension reduction. Then, for every subprocess with the dimension much smaller than the reference sample size, a local nonparametric control chart is constructed based on the spatial rank test to detect changes in this subprocess. Finally, the results of all the local charts are fused together for decision. Furthermore, after an out-of-control (OC) alarm is triggered, a diagnostic framework is proposed. using the square-root LASSO. Numerical studies demonstrate that the chart has satisfactory detection power for sparse OC changes and robust performance for non-normally distributed data, The diagnostic framework is also effective to identify truly changed variables. Finally, a real-data example is presented to demonstrate the application of the proposed method.Keywords: random projection, high-dimensional process control, spatial rank, sequential change detection
Procedia PDF Downloads 29919787 Obstacle Avoidance Using Image-Based Visual Servoing Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
Authors: Tong He, Long Chen, Irag Mantegh, Wen-Fang Xie
This paper proposes an image-based obstacle avoidance and tracking target identification strategy in GPS-degraded or GPS-denied environment for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The traditional force algorithm for obstacle avoidance could produce local minima area, in which UAV cannot get away obstacle effectively. In order to eliminate it, an artificial potential approach based on harmonic potential is proposed to guide the UAV to avoid the obstacle by using the vision system. And image-based visual servoing scheme (IBVS) has been adopted to implement the proposed obstacle avoidance approach. In IBVS, the pixel accuracy is a key factor to realize the obstacle avoidance. In this paper, the deep reinforcement learning framework has been applied by reducing pixel errors through constant interaction between the environment and the agent. In addition, the combination of OpenTLD and Tensorflow based on neural network is used to identify the type of tracking target. Numerical simulation in Matlab and ROS GAZEBO show the satisfactory result in target identification and obstacle avoidance.Keywords: image-based visual servoing, obstacle avoidance, tracking target identification, deep reinforcement learning, artificial potential approach, neural network
Procedia PDF Downloads 14319786 Identification of Switched Reluctance Motor Parameters Using Exponential Swept-Sine Signal
Authors: Abdelmalek Ouannou, Adil Brouri, Laila Kadi, Tarik
Switched reluctance motor (SRM) has a major interest in a large domain as in electric vehicle driving because of its wide range of speed operation, high performances, low cost, and robustness to run under degraded conditions. The purpose of the paper is to develop a new analytical approach for modeling SRM parameters. Then, an identification scheme is proposed to obtain the SRM parameters. Since the SRM is featured by a highly nonlinear behavior, modeling these devices is difficult. Then, it is convenient to develop an accurate model describing the SRM. Furthermore, it is always operated in the magnetically saturated mode to maximize the energy transfer. Accordingly, it is shown that the SRM can be accurately described by a generalized polynomial Hammerstein model, i.e., the parallel connection of several Hammerstein models having polynomial nonlinearity. Presently an analytical identification method is developed using a chirp excitation signal. Afterward, the parameters of the obtained model have been determined using Finite Element Method analysis. Finally, in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed method, a comparison between the true and estimate models has been performed. The obtained results show that the output responses are very close.Keywords: switched reluctance motor, swept-sine signal, generalized Hammerstein model, nonlinear system
Procedia PDF Downloads 23919785 A Digital Filter for Symmetrical Components Identification
Authors: Khaled M. El-Naggar
This paper presents a fast and efficient technique for monitoring and supervising power system disturbances generated due to dynamic performance of power systems or faults. Monitoring power system quantities involve monitoring fundamental voltage, current magnitudes, and their frequencies as well as their negative and zero sequence components under different operating conditions. The proposed technique is based on simulated annealing optimization technique (SA). The method uses digital set of measurements for the voltage or current waveforms at power system bus to perform the estimation process digitally. The algorithm is tested using different simulated data to monitor the symmetrical components of power system waveforms. Different study cases are considered in this work. Effects of number of samples, sampling frequency and the sample window size are studied. Results are reported and discussed.Keywords: estimation, faults, measurement, symmetrical components
Procedia PDF Downloads 46619784 An Approach of Computer Modalities for Exploration of Hieroglyphics Substantial in an Investigation
Authors: Aditi Chauhan, Neethu S. Mohan
In the modern era, the advancement and digitalization in technology have taken place during an investigation of crime scene. The rapid enhancement and investigative techniques have changed the mean of identification of suspect. Identification of the person is one of the significant aspects, and personal authentication is the key of security and reliability in society. Since early 90 s, people have relied on comparing handwriting through its class and individual characteristics. But in today’s 21st century we need more reliable means to identify individual through handwriting. An approach employing computer modalities have lately proved itself auspicious enough in exploration of hieroglyphics substantial in investigating the case. Various software’s such as FISH, WRITEON, and PIKASO, CEDAR-FOX SYSTEM identify and verify the associated quantitative measure of the similarity between two samples. The research till date has been confined to identify the authorship of the concerned samples. But prospects associated with the use of computational modalities might help to identify disguised writing, forged handwriting or say altered or modified writing. Considering the applications of such modal, similar work is sure to attract plethora of research in immediate future. It has a promising role in national security too. Documents exchanged among terrorist can also be brought under the radar of surveillance, bringing forth their source of existence.Keywords: documents, identity, computational system, suspect
Procedia PDF Downloads 17719783 Identification of EEG Attention Level Using Empirical Mode Decompositions for BCI Applications
Authors: Chia-Ju Peng, Shih-Jui Chen
This paper proposes a method to discriminate electroencephalogram (EEG) signals between different concentration states using empirical mode decomposition (EMD). Brain-computer interface (BCI), also called brain-machine interface, is a direct communication pathway between the brain and an external device without the inherent pathway such as the peripheral nervous system or skeletal muscles. Attention level is a common index as a control signal of BCI systems. The EEG signals acquired from people paying attention or in relaxation, respectively, are decomposed into a set of intrinsic mode functions (IMF) by EMD. Fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis is then applied to each IMF to obtain the frequency spectrums. By observing power spectrums of IMFs, the proposed method has the better identification of EEG attention level than the original EEG signals between different concentration states. The band power of IMF3 is the most obvious especially in β wave, which corresponds to fully awake and generally alert. The signal processing method and results of this experiment paves a new way for BCI robotic system using the attention-level control strategy. The integrated signal processing method reveals appropriate information for discrimination of the attention and relaxation, contributing to a more enhanced BCI performance.Keywords: biomedical engineering, brain computer interface, electroencephalography, rehabilitation
Procedia PDF Downloads 39119782 Improved Rare Species Identification Using Focal Loss Based Deep Learning Models
Authors: Chad Goldsworthy, B. Rajeswari Matam
The use of deep learning for species identification in camera trap images has revolutionised our ability to study, conserve and monitor species in a highly efficient and unobtrusive manner, with state-of-the-art models achieving accuracies surpassing the accuracy of manual human classification. The high imbalance of camera trap datasets, however, results in poor accuracies for minority (rare or endangered) species due to their relative insignificance to the overall model accuracy. This paper investigates the use of Focal Loss, in comparison to the traditional Cross Entropy Loss function, to improve the identification of minority species in the “255 Bird Species” dataset from Kaggle. The results show that, although Focal Loss slightly decreased the accuracy of the majority species, it was able to increase the F1-score by 0.06 and improve the identification of the bottom two, five and ten (minority) species by 37.5%, 15.7% and 10.8%, respectively, as well as resulting in an improved overall accuracy of 2.96%.Keywords: convolutional neural networks, data imbalance, deep learning, focal loss, species classification, wildlife conservation
Procedia PDF Downloads 19319781 Selection the Most Suitable Method for DNA Extraction from Muscle of Iran's Canned Tuna by Comparison of Different DNA Extraction Methods
Authors: Marjan Heidarzadeh
High quality and purity of DNA isolated from canned tuna is essential for species identification. In this study, the efficiency of five different methods for DNA extraction was compared. Method of national standard in Iran, the CTAB precipitation method, Wizard DNA Clean Up system, Nucleospin and GenomicPrep were employed. DNA was extracted from two different canned tuna in brine and oil of the same tuna species. Three samples of each type of product were analyzed with the different methods. The quantity and quality of DNA extracted was evaluated using the 260 nm absorbance and ratio A260/A280 by spectrophotometer picodrop. Results showed that the DNA extraction from canned tuna preserved in different liquid media could be optimized by employing a specific DNA extraction method in each case. Best results were obtained with CTAB method for canned tuna in oil and with Wizard method for canned tuna in brine.Keywords: canned tuna PCR, DNA, DNA extraction methods, species identification
Procedia PDF Downloads 65819780 Roadmaps as a Tool of Innovation Management: System View
Authors: Matich Lyubov
Today roadmaps are becoming commonly used tools for detecting and designing a desired future for companies, states and the international community. The growing popularity of this method puts tasks such as identifying basic roadmapping principles, creation of concepts and determination of the characteristics of the use of roadmaps depending on the objectives as well as restrictions and opportunities specific to the study area on the agenda. However, the system approach, e.g. the elements which are recognized to be major for high-quality roadmapping, remains one of the main fields for improving the methodology and practice of their development as limited research was devoted to the detailed analysis of the roadmaps from the view of system approach. Therefore, this article is an attempt to examine roadmaps from the view of the system analysis, to compare areas, where, as a rule, roadmaps and systems analysis are considered the most effective tools. To compare the structure and composition of roadmaps and systems models the identification of common points between construction stages of roadmaps and system modeling and the determination of future directions for research roadmaps from a systems perspective are of special importance.Keywords: technology roadmap, roadmapping, systems analysis, system modeling, innovation management
Procedia PDF Downloads 31119779 Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Day-Care Centres
Authors: Kenneth Larsen, Astrid Aasland, Synnve Schjølberg, Trond Diseth
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are neurodevelopmental disorders emerging in early development characterized by impairment in social communication skills and a restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior and interests. Early identification and interventions potentially improve development and quality of life of children with ASD. Symptoms of ASD are apparent through the second year of life, yet diagnostic age are still around 4 years of age. This study explored whether symptoms associated with ASD are possible to identify in typical Norwegian day-care centers in the second year of life. Results of this study clearly indicates that most described symptoms also are identifiable by day-care staff, and that a short observation list of 5 symptoms clearly identify children with ASD from a sample of normal developing peers.Keywords: autism, early identification, day-care, screening
Procedia PDF Downloads 39519778 Smart Safari: Safari Guidance Mobile Application
Authors: D. P. Lawrence, T. M. M. D. Ariyarathna, W. N. K. De Silva, M. D. S. C. De Silva, Lasantha Abeysiri, Pradeep Abeygunawardhna
Safari traveling is one of the most famous hobbies all over the world. In Sri Lanka, 'Yala' is the second-largest national park, which is a better place to go for a safari. Many number of local and foreign travelers are coming to go for a safari in 'Yala'. But 'Yala' does not have a mobile application that is made to facilitate the traveler with some important features that the traveler wants to achieve in the safari experience. To overcome these difficulties, the proposed mobile application by adding those identified features to make travelers, guiders, and administration's works easier. The proposed safari traveling guidance mobile application is called 'SMART SAFARI' for the 'Yala' National Park in Sri Lanka. There are four facilities in this mobile application that provide for travelers as well as the guiders. As the first facility, the guider and traveler can view the created map of the park, and the guider can add temporary locations of animals and special locations on the map. This is a Geographic Information System (GIS) to capture, analyze, and display geographical data. And as the second facility is to generate optimal paths according to the travelers' requirements through the park by using machine learning techniques. In the third part, the traveler can get information about animals using an animal identification system by capturing the animal. As in the other facility, the traveler will be facilitated to add reviews and a rate and view those comments under categorized sections and pre-defined score range. With those facilities, this user-friendly mobile application provides the user to get a better experience in safari traveling, and it will probably help to develop tourism culture in Sri Lanka.Keywords: animal identification system, geographic information system, machine learning techniques, pre defined score range
Procedia PDF Downloads 13419777 A Review on Intelligent Systems for Geoscience
Authors: R Palson Kennedy, P.Kiran Sai
This article introduces machine learning (ML) researchers to the hurdles that geoscience problems present, as well as the opportunities for improvement in both ML and geosciences. This article presents a review from the data life cycle perspective to meet that need. Numerous facets of geosciences present unique difficulties for the study of intelligent systems. Geosciences data is notoriously difficult to analyze since it is frequently unpredictable, intermittent, sparse, multi-resolution, and multi-scale. The first half addresses data science’s essential concepts and theoretical underpinnings, while the second section contains key themes and sharing experiences from current publications focused on each stage of the data life cycle. Finally, themes such as open science, smart data, and team science are considered.Keywords: Data science, intelligent system, machine learning, big data, data life cycle, recent development, geo science
Procedia PDF Downloads 13619776 Identification and Prioritisation of Students Requiring Literacy Intervention and Subsequent Communication with Key Stakeholders
Authors: Emilie Zimet
During networking and NCCD moderation meetings, best practices for identifying students who require Literacy Intervention are often discussed. Once these students are identified, consideration is given to the most effective process for prioritising those who have the greatest need for Literacy Support and the allocation of resources, tracking of intervention effectiveness and communicating with teachers/external providers/parents. Through a workshop, the group will investigate best practices to identify students who require literacy support and strategies to communicate and track their progress. In groups, participants will examine what they do in their settings and then compare with other models, including the researcher’s model, to decide the most effective path to identification and communication. Participants will complete a worksheet at the beginning of the session to deeply consider their current approaches. The participants will be asked to critically analyse their own identification processes for Literacy Intervention, ensuring students are not overlooked if they fall into the borderline category. A cut-off for students to access intervention will be considered so as not to place strain on already stretched resources along with the most effective allocation of resources. Furthermore, communicating learning needs and differentiation strategies to staff is paramount to the success of an intervention, and participants will look at the frequency of communication to share such strategies and updates. At the end of the session, the group will look at creating or evolving models that allow for best practices for the identification and communication of Literacy Interventions. The proposed outcome for this research is to develop a model of identification of students requiring Literacy Intervention that incorporates the allocation of resources and communication to key stakeholders. This will be done by pooling information and discussing a variety of models used in the participant's school settings.Keywords: identification, student selection, communication, special education, school policy, planning for intervention
Procedia PDF Downloads 4719775 Indian Road Traffic Flow Analysis Using Blob Tracking from Video Sequences
Authors: Balaji Ganesh Rajagopal, Subramanian Appavu alias Balamurugan, Ayyalraj Midhun Kumar, Krishnan Nallaperumal
Intelligent Transportation System is an Emerging area to solve multiple transportation problems. Several forms of inputs are needed in order to solve ITS problems. Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) is a core and important ITS area of this modern era. This involves travel time forecasting, efficient road map analysis and cost based path selection, Detection of the vehicle in the dynamic conditions and Traffic congestion state forecasting. This Article designs and provides an algorithm for traffic data generation which can be used for the above said ATIS application. By inputting the real world traffic situation in the form of video sequences, the algorithm determines the Traffic density in terms of congestion, number of vehicles in a given path which can be fed for various ATIS applications. The Algorithm deduces the key frame from the video sequences and follows the Blob detection, Identification and Tracking using connected components algorithm to determine the correlation between the vehicles moving in the real road scene.Keywords: traffic transportation, traffic density estimation, blob identification and tracking, relative velocity of vehicles, correlation between vehicles
Procedia PDF Downloads 51119774 Design and Implementation of an AI-Enabled Task Assistance and Management System
Authors: Arun Prasad Jaganathan
In today's dynamic industrial world, traditional task allocation methods often fall short in adapting to evolving operational conditions. This paper introduces an AI-enabled task assistance and management system designed to overcome the limitations of conventional approaches. By using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), the system intelligently interprets user instructions, analyzes tasks, and allocates resources based on real-time data and environmental factors. Additionally, geolocation tracking enables proactive identification of potential delays, ensuring timely interventions. With its transparent reporting mechanisms, the system provides stakeholders with clear insights into task progress, fostering accountability and informed decision-making. The paper presents a comprehensive overview of the system architecture, algorithm, and implementation, highlighting its potential to revolutionize task management across diverse industries.Keywords: artificial intelligence, machine learning, task allocation, operational efficiency, resource optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 6219773 Application of the Total Least Squares Estimation Method for an Aircraft Aerodynamic Model Identification
Authors: Zaouche Mohamed, Amini Mohamed, Foughali Khaled, Aitkaid Souhila, Bouchiha Nihad Sarah
The aerodynamic coefficients are important in the evaluation of an aircraft performance and stability-control characteristics. These coefficients also can be used in the automatic flight control systems and mathematical model of flight simulator. The study of the aerodynamic aspect of flying systems is a reserved domain and inaccessible for the developers. Doing tests in a wind tunnel to extract aerodynamic forces and moments requires a specific and expensive means. Besides, the glaring lack of published documentation in this field of study makes the aerodynamic coefficients determination complicated. This work is devoted to the identification of an aerodynamic model, by using an aircraft in virtual simulated environment. We deal with the identification of the system, we present an environment framework based on Software In the Loop (SIL) methodology and we use MicrosoftTM Flight Simulator (FS-2004) as the environment for plane simulation. We propose The Total Least Squares Estimation technique (TLSE) to identify the aerodynamic parameters, which are unknown, variable, classified and used in the expression of the piloting law. In this paper, we define each aerodynamic coefficient as the mean of its numerical values. All other variations are considered as modeling uncertainties that will be compensated by the robustness of the piloting control.Keywords: aircraft aerodynamic model, total least squares estimation, piloting the aircraft, robust control, Microsoft Flight Simulator, MQ-1 predator
Procedia PDF Downloads 28719772 Nonlinear Aerodynamic Parameter Estimation of a Supersonic Air to Air Missile by Using Artificial Neural Networks
Authors: Tugba Bayoglu
Aerodynamic parameter estimation is very crucial in missile design phase, since accurate high fidelity aerodynamic model is required for designing high performance and robust control system, developing high fidelity flight simulations and verification of computational and wind tunnel test results. However, in literature, there is not enough missile aerodynamic parameter identification study for three main reasons: (1) most air to air missiles cannot fly with constant speed, (2) missile flight test number and flight duration are much less than that of fixed wing aircraft, (3) variation of the missile aerodynamic parameters with respect to Mach number is higher than that of fixed wing aircraft. In addition to these challenges, identification of aerodynamic parameters for high wind angles by using classical estimation techniques brings another difficulty in the estimation process. The reason for this, most of the estimation techniques require employing polynomials or splines to model the behavior of the aerodynamics. However, for the missiles with a large variation of aerodynamic parameters with respect to flight variables, the order of the proposed model increases, which brings computational burden and complexity. Therefore, in this study, it is aimed to solve nonlinear aerodynamic parameter identification problem for a supersonic air to air missile by using Artificial Neural Networks. The method proposed will be tested by using simulated data which will be generated with a six degree of freedom missile model, involving a nonlinear aerodynamic database. The data will be corrupted by adding noise to the measurement model. Then, by using the flight variables and measurements, the parameters will be estimated. Finally, the prediction accuracy will be investigated.Keywords: air to air missile, artificial neural networks, open loop simulation, parameter identification
Procedia PDF Downloads 28119771 Geographic Information System-Based Identification of Road Traffic Crash Hotspots on Rural Roads in Oman
Authors: Mohammed Bakhit Kashoob, Mohammed Salim Al-Maashani, Ahmed Abdullah Al-Marhoon
The use of Geographic Information System (GIS) tools in the analysis of traffic crash data can help to identify locations or hotspots with high instances or risk of traffic crashes. The identification of traffic crash hotspots can effectively improve road safety measures. Mapping of road traffic crash hotspots can help the concerned authorities to give priority and take targeted measures and improvements to the road structure at these locations to reduce traffic crashes and fatalities. In Oman, there are countless rural roads that have more risks for traveling vehicles compared to urban roads. The likelihood of traffic crashes as well as fatality rate may increase with the presence of risks that are associated with the rural type of community. In this paper, the traffic crash hotspots on rural roads in Oman are specified using spatial analysis methods in GIS and traffic crash data. These hotspots are ranked based on the frequency of traffic crash occurrence (i.e., number of traffic crashes) and the rate of fatalities. The result of this study presents a map visualization of locations on rural roads with high traffic crashes and high fatalities rates.Keywords: road safety, rural roads, traffic crash, GIS tools
Procedia PDF Downloads 15019770 Factors Affecting the Caregiving Experience of Children with Parental Mental Illnesses: A Systematic Review
Authors: N. Anjana
Worldwide, the prevalence of mental illnesses is increasing. The issues of persons with mental illness and their caregivers have been well documented in the literature. However, data regarding the factors affecting the caregiving experience of children with parental mental illnesses is sparse. This systematic review aimed to examine the existing literature of the factors affecting the caregiving experience of children of parents with mental illnesses. A comprehensive search of databases such as PubMed, EBSCO, JSTOR, ProQuest Central, Taylor and Francis Online, and Google Scholar were performed to identify peer-reviewed papers examining the factors associated with caregiving experiences of children with parental mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and major depression, for the 10-year period ending November 2019. Two researchers screened studies for eligibility. One researcher extracted data from eligible studies while a second performed verification of results for accuracy and completeness. Quality appraisal was conducted by both reviewers. Data describing major factors associated with caregiving experiences of children with parental mental illnesses were synthesized and reported in narrative form. Five studies were considered eligible and included in this review. Findings are organized under major themes such as the impact of parental mental illness on children’s daily life, how children provide care to their mentally ill parents as primary carers, social and relationship factors associated with their caregiving, positive and negative experiences in caregiving and how children cope with their experiences with parental mental illnesses. Literature relating to the caregiving experiences of children with parental mental illnesses is sparse. More research is required to better understand the children’s caregiving experiences related to parental mental illnesses so as to better inform management for enhancing their mental health, wellbeing, and caregiving practice.Keywords: caregiving experience, children, parental mental illnesses, wellbeing
Procedia PDF Downloads 14119769 Dialect as a Means of Identification among Hausa Speakers
Authors: Hassan Sabo
Language is a system of conventionally spoken, manual and written symbols by human beings that members of a certain social group and participants in its culture express themselves. Communication, expression of identity and imaginative expression are among the functions of language. Dialect is a form of language, or a regional variety of language that is spoken in a particular geographical setting by a particular group of people. Hausa is one of the major languages in Africa, in terms of large number of people for whom it is the first language. Hausa is one of the western Chadic groups of languages. It constitutes one of the five or six branches of Afro-Asiatic family. The predominant Hausa speakers are in Nigeria and they live in different geographical locations which resulted to variety of dialects within the Hausa language apart of the standard Hausa language, the Hausa language has a variety of dialect that distinguish from one another by such features as phonology, grammar and vocabulary. This study intends to examine such features that serve as means of identification among Hausa speakers who are set off from others, geographically or socially.Keywords: dialect, features, geographical location, Hausa language
Procedia PDF Downloads 19619768 Conflicts Identification Approach among Stakeholders in Goal-Oriented Requirements Analysis
Authors: Muhammad Suhaib
Requirements Analysis are the most important part of software Engineering for both system application development, and project requirements. Conflicts often arise during the requirements gathering and analysis phase. This research aims to identify conflicts during the requirements gathering phase in software development life cycle, Research, Development, and Technology converted the world into a global village. During requirements elicitation/gathering phase it’s very difficult to understand the main objective of stakeholders, after completion of requirements elicitation task final results are used for Software Requirements Specification (SRS), SRS is the highly important outcome of the requirements analysis phase. this is the foundation between the developers and stakeholders or customers, proposed methodology will be helpful to identify those conflicts in a very easy manner during the initial phase of the project.Keywords: goal oriented requirements analysis, conflicts identification model, requirements analysis, requirements engineering
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