Search results for: dominant and codominant
1001 Convergence of Generalized Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and Successive Overrelaxation Methods for Various Classes of Matrices
Authors: Manideepa Saha, Jahnavi Chakrabarty
Generalized Jacobi (GJ) and Generalized Gauss-Seidel (GGS) methods are most effective than conventional Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods for solving linear system of equations. It is known that GJ and GGS methods converge for strictly diagonally dominant (SDD) and for M-matrices. In this paper, we study the convergence of GJ and GGS converge for symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrices, L-matrices and H-matrices. We introduce a generalization of successive overrelaxation (SOR) method for solving linear systems and discuss its convergence for the classes of SDD matrices, SPD matrices, M-matrices, L-matrices and for H-matrices. Advantages of generalized SOR method are established through numerical experiments over GJ, GGS, and SOR methods.Keywords: convergence, Gauss-Seidel, iterative method, Jacobi, SOR
Procedia PDF Downloads 1891000 The Development of the Kamakhya Temple as a Historical Landmark in the Present State of Assam, India
Authors: Priyanka Tamta, Sukanya Sharma
The Kamakhya Temple in Assam plays a very important role in the development of Assam as not only a historical place but also as an archaeologically important site. Temple building activity on the site began in 5th century AD when a cave temple dedicated to Lord Balabhadraswami was constructed here by King Maharajadhiraja Sri Surendra Varman. In the history of Assam, the name of this king is not found and neither the name of this form of Vishnu is known in this region. But this inscription sanctified the place as it recorded the first ever temple building activity in this region. The fifteen hundred years habitation history of the Kamakhya temple sites shows a gradual progression of the site from a religious site to an archaeological site and finally as a historical landmark. Here, in this paper, our main objective is to understand the evolution of Kamakhya temple site as a historical landscape and as an important landmark in the history of Assam. The central theme of the paper is the gradual development of the religious site to a historical landmark. From epigraphical records, it is known that the site received patronage from all ruling dynasties of Assam and its adjoining regions. Royal households of Kashmir, Nepal, Bengal, Orissa, Bihar, etc. have left their footprints on the site. According to records they donated wealth, constructed or renovated temples and participated in the overall maintenance of the deity. This made Kamakhya temple a ground of interaction of faiths, communities, and royalties of the region. Since the 5th century AD, there was a continuous struggle between different beliefs, faiths, and power on the site to become the dominant authority of the site. In the process, powerful beliefs system subsumed minor ones into a larger doctrine of beliefs. This can be seen in the case of the evolution of the Kamakhya temple site as one of the important Shakta temples in India. Today, it is cultural identity marker of the state of Assam within which it is located. Its diverse faiths and beliefs have been appropriated by powerful legends to the dominant faith of the land. The temple has evolved from a cave temple to a complex of seventeen temples. The faith has evolved from the worship of water, an element of nature to the worship of the ten different forms of the goddess with their five male consorts or Bhairavas. Today, it represents and symbolizes the relationship of power and control out of which it has emerged. During different periods of occupation certain architectural and iconographical characters developed which indicated diffusion and cultural adaptation. Using this as sources and the epigraphical records this paper will analyze the interactive and dynamic processes which operated in the building of this cultural marker, the archaeological site of Kamakhya.Keywords: cultural adaptation and diffusion, cultural and historical landscape, Kamakhya, Saktism, temple art and architecture, historiography
Procedia PDF Downloads 251999 Forster Energy Transfer and Optoelectronic Properties of (PFO/TiO2)/Fluorol 7GA Hybrid Thin Films
Authors: Bandar Ali Al-Asbahi, Mohammad Hafizuddin Haji Jumali
Forster energy transfer between poly (9,9'-di-n-octylfluorenyl-2,7-diyl) (PFO)/TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) as a donor and Fluorol 7GA as an acceptor has been studied. The energy transfer parameters were calculated by using mathematical models. The dominant mechanism responsible for the energy transfer between the donor and acceptor molecules was Forster-type, as evidenced by large values of quenching rate constant, energy transfer rate constant and critical distance of energy transfer. Moreover, these composites which were used as an emissive layer in organic light emitting diodes, were investigated in terms of current density–voltage and electroluminescence spectra.Keywords: energy transfer parameters, forster-type, electroluminescence, organic light emitting diodes
Procedia PDF Downloads 428998 Crash and Injury Characteristics of Riders in Motorcycle-Passenger Vehicle Crashes
Authors: Z. A. Ahmad Noor Syukri, A. J. Nawal Aswan, S. V. Wong
The motorcycle has become one of the most common type of vehicles used on the road, particularly in the Asia region, including Malaysia, due to its size-convenience and affordable price. This study focuses only on crashes involving motorcycles with passenger cars consisting 43 real world crashes obtained from in-depth crash investigation process from June 2016 till July 2017. The study collected and analyzed vehicle and site parameters obtained during crash investigation and injury information acquired from the patient-treating hospital. The investigation team, consisting of two personnel, is stationed at the Emergency Department of the treatment facility, and was dispatched to the crash scene once receiving notification of the related crashes. The injury information retrieved was coded according to the level of severity using the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) and classified into different body regions. The data revealed that weekend crashes were significantly higher for the night time period and the crash occurrence was the highest during morning hours (commuting to work period) for weekdays. Bad weather conditions play a minimal effect towards the occurrence of motorcycle – passenger vehicle crashes and nearly 90% involved motorcycles with single riders. Riders up to 25 years old are heavily involved in crashes with passenger vehicles (60%), followed by 26-55 year age group with 35%. Male riders were dominant in each of the age segments. The majority of the crashes involved side impacts, followed by rear impacts and cars outnumbered the rest of the passenger vehicle types in terms of crash involvement with motorcycles. The investigation data also revealed that passenger vehicles were the most at-fault counterpart (62%) when involved in crashes with motorcycles and most of the crashes involved situations whereby both of the vehicles are travelling in the same direction and one of the vehicles is in a turning maneuver. More than 80% of the involved motorcycle riders had sustained yellow severity level during triage process. The study also found that nearly 30% of the riders sustained injuries to the lower extremities, while MAIS level 3 injuries were recorded for all body regions except for thorax region. The result showed that crashes in which the motorcycles were found to be at fault were more likely to occur during night and raining conditions. These types of crashes were also found to be more likely to involve other types of passenger vehicles rather than cars and possess higher likelihood in resulting higher ISS (>6) value to the involved rider. To reduce motorcycle fatalities, it first has to understand the characteristics concerned and focus may be given on crashes involving passenger vehicles as the most dominant crash partner on Malaysian roads.Keywords: motorcycle crash, passenger vehicle, in-depth crash investigation, injury mechanism
Procedia PDF Downloads 324997 Investigation of Astrocyte Physiology on Stiffness-Controlled Cellulose Acetate Nanofiber as a Tissue Scaffold
Authors: Sun Il Yu, Jung Hyun Joo, Hwa Sung Shin
Astrocytes are known as dominant cells in CNS and play a role as a supporter of CNS activity and regeneration. Recently, three-dimensional culture of astrocytes were actively applied to understand in vivo astrocyte works. Electrospun nanofibers are attractive for 3D cell culture system because they have a high surface to volume ratio and porous structure, and have already been used for 3D astrocyte cultures. In this research, the stiffness of cellulose acetate (CA) nanofiber was controlled by heat treatment. As stiffness increased, astrocyte cell viability and adhesion increased. Reactivity of astrocyte was also upregulated in stiffer CA nanofiber in terms of GFAP, an intermediate filament protein. Finally, we demonstrated that stiffness-controllable CA is attractive for astrocyte tissue engineering.Keywords: astrocyte, cellulose acetate, nanofiber, tissue scaffold
Procedia PDF Downloads 355996 First Principle Calculations of Magnetic and Electronic Properties of Double Perovskite Ba2MnMoO6
Authors: B. Bouadjemi, S. Bentata, W. Benstaali, A. Souidi, A. Abbad, T. Lantri, Z. Aziz, A. Zitouni
The electronic and magnetic structures of double perovskite Ba2MnMoO6 are systematically investigated using the first principle method of the Full Potential Linear Augmented Plane Waves Plus the Local Orbitals (FP-LAPW+LO) within the Local Spin Density Approximation (LSDA) and the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA). In order to take into account the strong on-site Coulomb interaction, we included the Hubbard correlation terms: LSDA+U and GGA+U approaches. Whereas half-metallic ferromagnetic character is observed due to dominant Mn spin-up and Mo spin-down contributions insulating ground state is obtained. The LSDA+U and GGA+U calculations yield better agreement with the theoretical and the experimental results than LSDA and GGA do.Keywords: electronic structure, double perovskite, first principles, Ba2MnMoO6, half-metallic
Procedia PDF Downloads 441995 Convectory Policing-Reconciling Historic and Contemporary Models of Police Service Delivery
Authors: Mark Jackson
Description: This paper is based on an theoretical analysis of the efficacy of the dominant model of policing in western jurisdictions. Those results are then compared with a similar analysis of a traditional reactive model. It is found that neither model provides for optimal delivery of services. Instead optimal service can be achieved by a synchronous hybrid model, termed the Convectory Policing approach. Methodology and Findings: For over three decades problem oriented policing (PO) has been the dominant model for western police agencies. Initially based on the work of Goldstein during the 1970s the problem oriented framework has spawned endless variants and approaches, most of which embrace a problem solving rather than a reactive approach to policing. This has included the Area Policing Concept (APC) applied in many smaller jurisdictions in the USA, the Scaled Response Policing Model (SRPM) currently under trial in Western Australia and the Proactive Pre-Response Approach (PPRA) which has also seen some success. All of these, in some way or another, are largely based on a model that eschews a traditional reactive model of policing. Convectory Policing (CP) is an alternative model which challenges the underpinning assumptions which have seen proliferation of the PO approach in the last three decades and commences by questioning the economics on which PO is based. It is argued that in essence, the PO relies on an unstated, and often unrecognised assumption that resources will be available to meet demand for policing services, while at the same time maintaining the capacity to deploy staff to develop solutions to the problems which were ultimately manifested in those same calls for service. The CP model relies on the observations from a numerous western jurisdictions to challenge the validity of that underpinning assumption, particularly in fiscally tight environment. In deploying staff to pursue and develop solutions to underpinning problems, there is clearly an opportunity cost. Those same staff cannot be allocated to alternative duties while engaged in a problem solution role. At the same time, resources in use responding to calls for service are unavailable, while committed to that role, to pursue solutions to the problems giving rise to those same calls for service. The two approaches, reactive and PO are therefore dichotomous. One cannot be optimised while the other is being pursued. Convectory Policing is a pragmatic response to the schism between the competing traditional and contemporary models. If it is not possible to serve either model with any real rigour, it becomes necessary to taper an approach to deliver specific outcomes against which success or otherwise might be measured. CP proposes that a structured roster-driven approach to calls for service, combined with the application of what is termed a resource-effect response capacity has the potential to resolve the inherent conflict between traditional and models of policing and the expectations of the community in terms of community policing based problem solving models.Keywords: policing, reactive, proactive, models, efficacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 484994 Relative Intensity Noise of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers Subject to Variable Polarization-Optical Feedback
Authors: Salam Nazhan Ahmed
Influence of variable polarization angle (θp) of optical feedback on the Relative Intensity Noise (RIN) of a Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser (VCSEL) has been experimentally investigated. The RIN is a minimum at θp = 0° for the dominant polarization mode (XP), and at θp = 90° for the suppressed polarization mode (YP) of VCSEL. Furthermore, the RIN of the XP mode increases rapidly with increasing θp, while for the YP mode, it increases slightly to θp = 45° and decreases for angles greater than 45°.Keywords: lasers, vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers, optical switching, optical polarization feedback, relative intensity noise
Procedia PDF Downloads 390993 High Frequency Sonochemistry: A New Field of Cavitation‐Free Acoustic Materials Synthesis and Manipulation
Authors: Amgad Rezk, Heba Ahmed, Leslie Yeo
Ultrasound presents a powerful means for material synthesis. In this talk, we showcase a new field demonstrating the possibility for harnessing sound energy sources at considerably higher frequencies (10 MHz to 1 GHz) compared to conventional ultrasound (kHz and up to ~2 MHz) for crystalising and manipulating a variety of nanoscale materials. At these frequencies, cavitation—which underpins most sonochemical processes—is largely absent, suggesting that altogether fundamentally different mechanisms are at dominant. Examples include the crystallization of highly oriented structures, quasi-2D metal-organic frameworks and nanocomposites. These fascinating examples reveal how the highly nonlinear electromechanical coupling associated with high-frequency surface vibration gives rise to molecular ordering and assembly on the nano and microscale.Keywords: high-frequency acoustics, microfluidics, crystallisation, composite nanomaterials
Procedia PDF Downloads 122992 Climate Change and Poverty Nexus
Authors: O. Babalola Oladapo, A. Igbatayo Samuel
Climate change and poverty are global issues which cannot be waved aside in welfare of the ever increasing population. The causes / consequences are far more elaborate in developing countries, including Nigeria, which poses threats to the existence of man and his environment. The dominant role of agriculture makes it obvious that even minor climate deteriorations can cause devastating socio-economic consequences. Policies to curb the climate change by reducing the consumption of fossil fuels like oil, gas or carbon compounds have significant economical impacts on the producers/suppliers of these fuels. Thus a unified political narrative that advances both agendas is needed, because their components of an environmental coin that needs to be addressed. The developed world should maintain a low-carbon growth & real commitment of 0.7% of gross national income, as aid to developing countries & renewable energy approach should be emphasized, hence global poverty combated.Keywords: climate change, greenhouse gases, Nigeria, poverty
Procedia PDF Downloads 374991 Toni Morrison as an African American Voice: A Marxist Analysis of Beloved
Authors: Irfan Mehmood
This paper examines the Marxist ideology in Toni Morrison's novel, Beloved. Toni Morrison writes about the society she inhabits and doesn't knowingly or emotionally leave. Marxism emphasizes the working class' dire economic status as well as the bourgeoisie as the dominant capitalist class. Using the Marxist literary theory promoted by Louis Althusser in his well-known book On the Reproduction of Capitalism, the chosen Toni Morrison piece is evaluated (1976). This essay explores how Morrison uses Marxist theory in her literary work to highlight the oppression of the Afro-American society and how the upper class ruled the lower class through the use of interpellation. In spite of hegemony and interpellation, certain major characters in this essay battle with the discriminatory ruling order.Keywords: Marxism, social class, Toni Morrison, African American literature.
Procedia PDF Downloads 132990 Reinforcement Effect on Dynamic Properties of Saturated Sand
Authors: R. Ziaie Moayed, M. Alibolandi
Dynamic behavior of soil are evaluated relative to a number of factors including: strain level, density, number of cycles, material type, fine content, geosynthetic inclusion, saturation, and effective stress. This paper investigate the dynamic behavior of saturated reinforced sand under cyclic stress condition. The cyclic triaxial tests are conducted on remolded specimens under various CSR which reinforced by different arrangement of non-woven geotextile. Aforementioned tests simulate field reinforced saturated deposits during earthquake or other cyclic loadings. This analysis revealed that the geotextile arrangement played dominant role on dynamic soil behavior and as geotextile close to top of specimen, the liquefaction resistance increased.Keywords: dynamic behavior, reinforced sand, triaxial test, non-woven geotextile
Procedia PDF Downloads 238989 The Effect of the Vernacular on Code-Switching Hebrew into Palestinian Arabic
Authors: Ward Makhoul
Code-switching (CS) is known as a ubiquitous phenomenon in multilingual societies and countries. Vernacular Palestinian Arabic (PA) variety spoken in Israel is among these languages, informally used for day-to-day conversations only. Such conversations appear to contain code-switched instances from Hebrew, the formal and dominant language of the country, even in settings where the need for CS seems to be unnecessary. This study examines the CS practices in PA and investigates the reason behind these CS instances in controlled settings and the correlation between bilingual dominance and CS. In the production-task interviews and Bilingual Language Profile test (BLP), there was a correlation between language dominance and CS; 13 participants were interviewed to elicit and analyze natural speech-containing CS instances, along with undergoing a BLP test. The acceptability judgment task observed the limits and boundaries of different code-switched linguistic structures.Keywords: code-switching, Hebrew, Palestinian-Arabic, vernacular
Procedia PDF Downloads 118988 Experimental Studies of Dragonfly Flight Aerodynamics
Authors: Mohd Izmir Bin Yamin, Thomas Arthur Ward
Past aerodynamic studies of flapping wing flight have shown that it has increased aerodynamic performances compared to fixed wing steady flight. One of the dominant mechanisms that is responsible for causing this phenomenon is a leading edge vortex, generated by the flapping motion of a flexible wing. Wind tunnel experiments were conducted to observe the aerodynamic profile of a flapping wing, by measuring the lift, drag and thrust. Analysis was done to explain how unsteady aerodynamics leads towards better power performances than a fixed wing flight. The information from this study can be used as a base line for designing future Bio-mimetic Micro Air Vehicles that are based on flying insect aerodynamic mechanisms.Keywords: flapping wing flight, leading edge vortex, aerodynamics performances, wind tunnel test
Procedia PDF Downloads 387987 Establishing a Cause-Effect Relationship among the Key Success Factors of Healthcare Waste Management in India
Authors: Ankur Chauhan, Amol Singh
The increasing human resource has led to the rapid increment in the generation of healthcare waste across the world. Since, this waste consists of the infectious and hazardous components emerged from the patient care activities in different healthcare facilities; therefore, its proper management becomes vital for mitigating its negative impact on society and environment. The present research work focuses on the identification of the key success factors for developing a successful healthcare waste management plan. In addition, the key success factors have been studied by developing a causal diagram with the help of a decision making trial and evaluation (DEMATEL) approach. The findings of the study would help in the filtration of dominant key success factors which would further help in making a comparative assessment of the waste management plan of different hospitals.Keywords: healthcare waste disposal, environment and society, multi-criteria decision making, DEMATEL
Procedia PDF Downloads 388986 Intimate Femicide–Suicide in Israel: The Role of Migration and the Context
Authors: Revital Sela-Shayovitz
The current study examined the nature, the characteristics and the extent of intimate femicide followed by suicide (femicide-suicide) in Israel between the years 2005 – 2014. Data were collected from the Israeli organization ‘No to Violence Against Women’ and from two daily and widely-read newspapers in Israel. The findings indicated that migration is a risk factor for intimate femicide-suicide: the majority of the cases occurred among immigrants (59%). Moreover, the vulnerability of Ethiopian immigrants is very high in comparison to the other groups in Israeli society. The dominant motives were the victim's desire for separation and arguments between partners. The main methods used were firearms and stabbing followed by hanging. Furthermore, a prior report about violence was documented in 37% of the cases. The paper discusses these findings in the context of the existing research, offers directions for future research, and suggests some response strategies.Keywords: ethnicity, immigrants, intimate femicide, suicide
Procedia PDF Downloads 155985 Offshore Wind Assessment and Analysis for South Western Mediterranean Sea
Authors: Abdallah Touaibia, Nachida Kasbadji Merzouk, Mustapha Merzouk, Ryma Belarbi
accuracy assessment and a better understand of the wind resource distribution are the most important tasks for decision making before installing wind energy operating systems in a given region, there where our interest come to the Algerian coastline and its Mediterranean sea area. Despite its large coastline overlooking the border of Mediterranean Sea, there is still no strategy encouraging the development of offshore wind farms in Algerian waters. The present work aims to estimate the offshore wind fields for the Algerian Mediterranean Sea based on wind data measurements ranging from 1995 to 2018 provided of 24 years of measurement by seven observation stations focusing on three coastline cities in Algeria under a different measurement time step recorded from 30 min, 60 min, and 180 min variate from one to each other, two stations in Spain, two other ones in Italy and three in the coast of Algeria from the east Annaba, at the center Algiers, and to Oran taken place at the west of it. The idea behind consists to have multiple measurement points that helping to characterize this area in terms of wind potential by the use of interpolation method of their average wind speed values between these available data to achieve the approximate values of others locations where aren’t any available measurement because of the difficulties against the implementation of masts within the deep depth water. This study is organized as follow: first, a brief description of the studied area and its climatic characteristics were done. After that, the statistical properties of the recorded data were checked by evaluating wind histograms, direction roses, and average speeds using MatLab programs. Finally, ArcGIS and MapInfo soft-wares were used to establish offshore wind maps for better understanding the wind resource distribution, as well as to identify windy sites for wind farm installation and power management. The study pointed out that Cap Carbonara is the windiest site with an average wind speed of 7.26 m/s at 10 m, inducing a power density of 902 W/m², then the site of Cap Caccia with 4.88 m/s inducing a power density of 282 W/m². The average wind speed of 4.83 m/s is occurred for the site of Oran, inducing a power density of 230 W/m². The results indicated also that the dominant wind direction where the frequencies are highest for the site of Cap Carbonara is the West with 34%, an average wind speed of 9.49 m/s, and a power density of 1722 W/m². Then comes the site of Cap Caccia, where the prevailing wind direction is the North-west, about 20% and 5.82 m/s occurring a power density of 452 W/m². The site of Oran comes in third place with the North dominant direction with 32% inducing an average wind speed of 4.59 m/s and power density of 189 W/m². It also shown that the proposed method is either crucial in understanding wind resource distribution for revealing windy sites over a large area and more effective for wind turbines micro-siting.Keywords: wind ressources, mediterranean sea, offshore, arcGIS, mapInfo, wind maps, wind farms
Procedia PDF Downloads 147984 The influence of Personality Traits on Appearance Evaluation among Chinese Teenagers
Authors: Yichen Liu, Gexing Ding
Past research seeking to understand our ability to update social impressions in light of behavioral inconsistencies has shown that morality is more dominant in impression formation and updating than ability (e.g. friendly vs. efficient). In this study, we aim to test whether this pattern holds among the teenage population in an eastern society. Our findings revealed that competency and moral judgments go beyond impression formation in social cognition by influencing physical attractiveness evaluation. Moreover, our results confirmed that moral description has a leading role over the other basic dimensions of human social cognition (i.e., competency) in driving the impression formation process in an eastern society. However, competency information was generally perceived as more favorable than moral information, regardless of valence. Further investigation is needed to understand the mechanism of such effects.Keywords: impression formation, social cognition, moral judgment, cross-cultural
Procedia PDF Downloads 216983 Drivers, Patterns and Economic Consequences of Cities’ Globalization
Authors: Denis Ushakov
Cities are the main actors of global production and trade, and dominant share of international business activity is now concentrating within a frame of global urban net. This trend transforms mechanisms and patterns of market economy institutes’ (such as competition, division of labor, international movement of capital and labor force) functioning; stimulates an appearance of new economical (development of rural areas), social (urbanization) and political (political and economical unity of the big countries) problems. All these reasons identified relevance and importance of purpose of this study – to consider a modern role of cities’ business systems in the global economy, to identify sources for global urban competitive advantages, to clear inter-cities economic relationships and patterns of cities’ positioning within a frame of global net.Keywords: globalization, urban business system, global city, transnationalization, networking
Procedia PDF Downloads 301982 Comparison of the Seismic Response of Planar Regular and Irregular Steel Frames
Authors: Robespierre Chavez, Eden Bojorquez, Alfredo Reyes-Salazar
This study compares the seismic response of regular and vertically irregular steel frames determined by nonlinear time history analysis and by using several sets of earthquake records, which are divided in two categories: The first category having 20 stiff-soil ground motion records obtained from the NGA database, and the second category having 30 soft-soil ground motions recorded in the Lake Zone of Mexico City and exhibiting a dominant period (Ts) of two seconds. The steel frames in both format regular and irregular were designed according to the Mexico City Seismic Design Provisions (MCSDP). The effects of irregularity throught the height on the maximum interstory drifts are estimated.Keywords: irregular steel frames, maximum interstory drifts, seismic response, seismic records
Procedia PDF Downloads 327981 Analyzing Electricity Demand Multipliers in the Malaysian Economy
Authors: Hussain Ali Bekhet, Tuan Ab Rashid Bin Tuan Abdullah, Tahira Yasmin
It is very important for electric utility to determine dominant sectors which have more impacts on electricity consumption in national economy system. The aim of this paper is to examine the electricity demand multipliers in Malaysia for (2005-2014) period. Malaysian Input-output tables, 2005 and 2010 are used. Besides, a new concept, electricity demand multiplier (EDM), is presented to identify key sectors imposing great impacts on electricity demand quantitatively. In order to testify the effectiveness of the Malaysian energy policies, it notes that there is fluctuation of the ranking sectors between 2005 and 2010. This could be reflected that there is efficiency with pace of development in Malaysia. This can be good indication for decision makers for designing future energy policies.Keywords: input-output model, demand multipliers, electricity, key sectors, Malaysia
Procedia PDF Downloads 372980 Seismic Analysis of URM Buildings in South Africa
Authors: Trevor N. Haas, Thomas van der Kolf
South Africa has some regions which are susceptible to moderate seismic activity. A peak ground acceleration of between 0.1g and 0.15g can be expected in the southern parts of the Western Cape. Unreinforced Masonry (URM) is commonly used as a construction material for 2 to 5 storey buildings in underprivileged areas in and around Cape Town. URM is typically regarded as the material most vulnerable to damage when subjected to earthquake excitation. In this study, a three-storey URM building was analysed by applying seven earthquake time-histories, which can be expected to occur in South Africa using a finite element approach. Experimental data was used to calibrate the in- and out-of-plane stiffness of the URM. The results indicated that tensile cracking of the in-plane piers was the dominant failure mode. It is concluded that URM buildings of this type are at risk of failure especially if sufficient ductility is not provided. The results also showed that connection failure must be investigated further.Keywords: URM, seismic analysis, FEM, Cape Town
Procedia PDF Downloads 368979 Butterfly Diversity along Urban-Rural Gradient in Kolkata, India
Authors: Sushmita Chaudhuri, Parthiba Basu
Urbanization leads to habitat degradation and is responsible for the fast disappearance of native butterfly species. Random sampling of rural, suburban and urban sites in an around Kolkata metropolis revealed the presence of 28 species of butterfly belonging to 5 different families in winter (February-March). Butterfly diversity, species richness and abundance decreased with increase in urbanization. Psyche (Leptosia nina of family Pieridae) was the most predominant butterfly species found everywhere in Kolkata during the winter period. The most dominant family was Nymphalidae (11species), followed by Pieridae (6 species), Lycaenidae (5 species), Papilionidae (4 species) and Hesperiidae (2 species). The rural and suburban sites had butterfly species that were unique to those sites. Vegetation cover and flowering shrub density were significantly related to butterfly diversity.Keywords: butterfly, Kolkata metropolis, Shannon-Weiner diversity index, species diversity
Procedia PDF Downloads 290978 Relationship between Interfacial Instabilities and Mechanical Strength of Multilayer Symmetric Polymer Melts
Authors: Mohammad Ranjbaran Madiseh
In this research, an experimental apparatus has been developed for observing interfacial stability and deformation of multilayer pressure-driven channel flows. The interface instability of the co-extrusion flow of polyethylene and polypropylene is studied experimentally in a slit geometry. By investigating the growing interfacial wave (IW) and tensile stress of extrudate samples, a relationship between interfacial instability (II) and mechanical properties of polypropylene (PP) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) has been established. It is shown that the mechanism of interfacial strength is related to interfacial instabilities as well as interfacial strength. It is shown that there is an ability to forecast the quality of final products in the co-extrusion process. In this study, it is found that the instability is controlled by its dominant wave number, which is associated with maximum tensile stress at the interface.Keywords: interfacial instability, interfacial strength, wave number, interfacial wave
Procedia PDF Downloads 92977 Assessing Prescribed Burn Severity in the Wetlands of the Paraná River -Argentina
Authors: Virginia Venturini, Elisabet Walker, Aylen Carrasco-Millan
Latin America stands at the front of climate change impacts, with forecasts projecting accelerated temperature and sea level rises compared to the global average. These changes are set to trigger a cascade of effects, including coastal retreat, intensified droughts in some nations, and heightened flood risks in others. In Argentina, wildfires historically affected forests, but since 2004, wetland fires have emerged as a pressing concern. By 2021, the wetlands of the Paraná River faced a dangerous situation. In fact, during the year 2021, a high-risk scenario was naturally formed in the wetlands of the Paraná River, in Argentina. Very low water levels in the rivers, and excessive standing dead plant material (fuel), triggered most of the fires recorded in the vast wetland region of the Paraná during 2020-2021. During 2008 fire events devastated nearly 15% of the Paraná Delta, and by late 2021 new fires burned more than 300,000 ha of these same wetlands. Therefore, the goal of this work is to explore remote sensing tools to monitor environmental conditions and the severity of prescribed burns in the Paraná River wetlands. Thus, two prescribed burning experiments were carried out in the study area (31°40’ 05’’ S, 60° 34’ 40’’ W) during September 2023. The first experiment was carried out on Sept. 13th, in a plot of 0.5 ha which dominant vegetation were Echinochloa sp., and Thalia, while the second trial was done on Sept 29th in a plot of 0.7 ha, next to the first burned parcel; here the dominant vegetation species were Echinochloa sp. and Solanum glaucophyllum. Field campaigns were conducted between September 8th and November 8th to assess the severity of the prescribed burns. Flight surveys were conducted utilizing a DJI® Inspire II drone equipped with a Sentera® NDVI camera. Then, burn severity was quantified by analyzing images captured by the Sentera camera along with data from the Sentinel 2 satellite mission. This involved subtracting the NDVI images obtained before and after the burn experiments. The results from both data sources demonstrate a highly heterogeneous impact of fire within the patch. Mean severity values obtained with drone NDVI images of the first experience were about 0.16 and 0.18 with Sentinel images. For the second experiment, mean values obtained with the drone were approximately 0.17 and 0.16 with Sentinel images. Thus, most of the pixels showed low fire severity and only a few pixels presented moderated burn severity, based on the wildfire scale. The undisturbed plots maintained consistent mean NDVI values throughout the experiments. Moreover, the severity assessment of each experiment revealed that the vegetation was not completely dry, despite experiencing extreme drought conditions.Keywords: prescribed-burn, severity, NDVI, wetlands
Procedia PDF Downloads 70976 A Nonstandard Finite Difference Method for Weather Derivatives Pricing Model
Authors: Clarinda Vitorino Nhangumbe, Fredericks Ebrahim, Betuel Canhanga
The price of an option weather derivatives can be approximated as a solution of the two-dimensional convection-diffusion dominant partial differential equation derived from the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, where one variable represents the weather dynamics and the other variable represent the underlying weather index. With appropriate financial boundary conditions, the solution of the pricing equation is approximated using a nonstandard finite difference method. It is shown that the proposed numerical scheme preserves positivity as well as stability and consistency. In order to illustrate the accuracy of the method, the numerical results are compared with other methods. The model is tested for real weather data.Keywords: nonstandard finite differences, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, partial differential equations approach, weather derivatives
Procedia PDF Downloads 113975 Association of Body Composition Parameters with Lower Limb Strength and Upper Limb Functional Capacity in Quilombola Remnants
Authors: Leonardo Costa Pereira, Frederico Santos Santana, Mauro Karnikowski, Luís Sinésio Silva Neto, Aline Oliveira Gomes, Marisete Peralta Safons, Margô Gomes De Oliveira Karnikowski
In Brazil, projections of population aging follow all world projections, the birth rate tends to be surpassed by the mortality rate around the year 2045. Historically, the population of Brazilian blacks suffered for several centuries from the oppression of dominant classes. A group, especially of blacks, stands out in relation to territorial, historical and social aspects, and for centuries they have isolated themselves in small communities, in order to maintain their freedom and culture. The isolation of the Quilombola communities generated socioeconomic effects as well as the health of these blacks. Thus, the objective of the present study is to verify the association of body composition parameters with lower and upper limb strength and functional capacity in Quilombola remnants. The research was approved by ethics committee (1,771,159). Anthropometric evaluations of hip and waist circumference, body mass and height were performed. In order to verify the body composition, the relationship between stature and body mass (BM) was performed, generating the body mass index (BMI), as well as the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) test. The Time Up and Go (TUG) test was used to evaluate the functional capacity, and a maximum repetition test (1MR) for knee extension and handgrip (HG) was applied for strength magnitude analysis. Statistical analysis was performed using the statistical package SPSS 22.0. Shapiro Wilk's normality test was performed. For the possible correlations, the suggestions of the Pearson or Spearman tests were adopted. The results obtained after the interpretation identified that the sample (n = 18) was composed of 66.7% of female individuals with mean age of 66.07 ± 8.95 years. The sample’s body fat percentage (%BF) (35.65 ± 10.73) exceeds the recommendations for age group, as well as the anthropometric parameters of hip (90.91 ± 8.44cm) and waist circumference (80.37 ± 17.5cm). The relationship between height (1.55 ± 0.1m) and body mass (63.44 ± 11.25Kg) generated a BMI of 24.16 ± 7.09Kg/m2, that was considered normal. The TUG performance was 10.71 ± 1.85s. In the 1MR test, 46.67 ± 13.06Kg and in the HG 23.93±7.96Kgf were obtained, respectively. Correlation analyzes were characterized by the high frequency of significant correlations for height, dominant arm mass (DAM), %BF, 1MR and HG variables. In addition, correlations between HG and BM (r = 0.67, p = 0.005), height (r = 0.51, p = 0.004) and DAM (r = 0.55, p = 0.026) were also observed. The strength of the lower limbs correlates with BM (r = 0.69, p = 0.003), height (r = 0.62, p = 0.01) and DAM (r = 0.772, p = 0.001). In this way, we can conclude that not only the simple spatial relationship of mass and height can influence in predictive parameters of strength or functionality, being important the verification of the conditions of the corporal composition. For this population, height seems to be a good predictor of strength and body composition.Keywords: African Continental Ancestry Group, body composition, functional capacity, strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 276974 Predictive Modeling of Flank Wear in Hard Turning Using the Taguchi Method
Authors: Suha K. Shihab, Zahid A. Khan, Aas Mohammad, Arshad Noor Siddiquee
This paper presents the influence of cutting parameters (cutting speed, feed and depth of cut) on flank wear (VB) in turning of 52100 hard alloy steel using multilayer coated carbide insert under dry condition. Nine experiments were performed based on Taguchi’s L9 orthogonal array. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the effects of the cutting parameters on flank wear. The results of the study revealed that the cutting speed (A) and feed rate (B) are the dominant factors affecting flank wear, while the depth of cut (C) has not a significant effect. The optimal combination of the cutting parameters for flank wear is found to be A1B1C1. The mathematical model for flank wear is found to be statistically significant. The predicted and measured values of flank wear are found to be very close to each other.Keywords: flank wear, hard turning, Taguchi approach, optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 665973 Genetic Diversity of Termite (Isoptera) Fauna of Western Ghats of India
Authors: A. S. Vidyashree, C. M. Kalleshwaraswamy, R. Asokan, H. M. Mahadevaswamy
Termites are very vital ecological thespians in tropical ecosystem, having been designated as “ecosystem engineers”, due to their significant role in providing soil ecosystem services. Despite their importance, our understanding of a number of their basic biological processes in termites is extremely limited. Developing a better understanding of termite biology is closely dependent upon consistent species identification. At present, identification of termites is relied on soldier castes. But for many species, soldier caste is not reported, that creates confusion in identification. The use of molecular markers may be helpful in estimating phylogenetic relatedness between the termite species and estimating genetic differentiation among local populations within each species. To understand this, termites samples were collected from various places of Western Ghats covering four states namely Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra during 2013-15. Termite samples were identified based on their morphological characteristics, molecular characteristics, or both. Survey on the termite fauna in Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu indicated the presence of a 16 species belongs to 4 subfamilies under two families viz., Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae. Termititidae was the dominant family which was belonging to 4 genera and four subfamilies viz., Macrotermitinae, Amitermitinae, Nasutitermitinae and Termitinae. Amitermitinae had three species namely, Microcerotermes fletcheri, M. pakistanicus and Speculitermes sinhalensis. Macrotermitinae had the highest number of species belonging two genera, namely Microtermes and Odontotermes. Microtermes genus was with only one species i.e., Microtermes obesi. The genus Odontotermes was represented by the highest number of species (07), namely, O. obesus was the dominant (41 per cent) and the most widely distributed species in Karnataka, Karala, Maharashtra and Tamil nadu followed by O. feae (19 per cent), O.assmuthi (11 per cent) and others like O. bellahunisensis O. horni O. redemanni, O. yadevi. Nasutitermitinae was represented by two genera namely Nasutitermes anamalaiensis and Trinervitermes biformis. Termitinae subfamily was represented by Labiocapritermes distortus. Rhinotermitidae was represented by single subfamily Heterotermetinae. In Heterotermetinae, two species namely Heterotermes balwanthi and H. malabaricus were recorded. Genetic relationship among termites collected from various locations of Western Ghats of India was characterized based on mitochondrial DNA sequences (12S, 16S, and COII). Sequence analysis and divergence among the species was assessed. These results suggest that the use of both molecular and morphological approaches is crucial in ensuring accurate species identification. Efforts were made to understand their evolution and to address the ambiguities in morphological taxonomy. The implication of the study in revising the taxonomy of Indian termites, their characterization and molecular comparisons between the sequences are discussed.Keywords: isoptera, mitochondrial DNA sequences, rhinotermitidae, termitidae, Western ghats
Procedia PDF Downloads 267972 Controlling Excitons Complexes in Two Dimensional MoS₂ Monolayers
Authors: Arslan Usman, Abdul Sattar, Hamid Latif, Afshan Ashfaq, Muhammad Rafique, Martin Koch
Two-dimensional materials have promising applications in optoelectronic and photonics; MoS₂ is the pioneer 2D material in the family of transition metal dichalcogenides. Its optical, optoelectronic, and structural properties are of practical importance along with its exciton dynamics. Exciton, along with exciton complexes, plays a vital role in realizing quantum devices. MoS₂ monolayers were synthesized using chemical vapour deposition (CVD) technique on SiO₂ and hBN substrates. Photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL) was used to identify the monolayer, which also reflects the substrate based peak broadening due to screening effects. In-plane and out of plane characteristic vibrational modes E¹₂g and A₁g, respectively, were detected in a different configuration on the substrate. The B-excitons and trions showed a dominant feature at low temperatures due to electron-phonon coupling effects, whereas their energies are separated by 100 meV.Keywords: 2D materials, photoluminescence, AFM, excitons
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