Search results for: error compensation
752 System of Quality Automation for Documents (SQAD)
Authors: R. Babi Saraswathi, K. Divya, A. Habeebur Rahman, D. B. Hari Prakash, S. Jayanth, T. Kumar, N. Vijayarangan
Document automation is the design of systems and workflows, assembling repetitive documents to meet the specific business needs. In any organization or institution, documenting employee’s information is very important for both employees as well as management. It shows an individual’s progress to the management. Many documents of the employee are in the form of papers, so it is very difficult to arrange and for future reference we need to spend more time in getting the exact document. Also, it is very tedious to generate reports according to our needs. The process gets even more difficult on getting approvals and hence lacks its security aspects. This project overcomes the above-stated issues. By storing the details in the database and maintaining the e-documents, the automation system reduces the manual work to a large extent. Then the approval process of some important documents can be done in a much-secured manner by using Digital Signature and encryption techniques. Details are maintained in the database and e-documents are stored in specific folders and generation of various kinds of reports is possible. Moreover, an efficient search method is implemented is used in the database. Automation supporting document maintenance in many aspects is useful for minimize data entry, reduce the time spent on proof-reading, avoids duplication, and reduce the risks associated with the manual error, etc.Keywords: e-documents, automation, digital signature, encryption
Procedia PDF Downloads 392751 Random Subspace Neural Classifier for Meteor Recognition in the Night Sky
Authors: Carlos Vera, Tetyana Baydyk, Ernst Kussul, Graciela Velasco, Miguel Aparicio
This article describes the Random Subspace Neural Classifier (RSC) for the recognition of meteors in the night sky. We used images of meteors entering the atmosphere at night between 8:00 p.m.-5: 00 a.m. The objective of this project is to classify meteor and star images (with stars as the image background). The monitoring of the sky and the classification of meteors are made for future applications by scientists. The image database was collected from different websites. We worked with RGB-type images with dimensions of 220x220 pixels stored in the BitMap Protocol (BMP) format. Subsequent window scanning and processing were carried out for each image. The scan window where the characteristics were extracted had the size of 20x20 pixels with a scanning step size of 10 pixels. Brightness, contrast and contour orientation histograms were used as inputs for the RSC. The RSC worked with two classes and classified into: 1) with meteors and 2) without meteors. Different tests were carried out by varying the number of training cycles and the number of images for training and recognition. The percentage error for the neural classifier was calculated. The results show a good RSC classifier response with 89% correct recognition. The results of these experiments are presented and discussed.Keywords: contour orientation histogram, meteors, night sky, RSC neural classifier, stars
Procedia PDF Downloads 140750 Management Problems in a Patient With Long-term Undiagnosed Permanent Hypoparathyroidism
Authors: Babarina Maria, Andropova Margarita
Introduction: Hypoparathyroidism (HypoPT) is a rare endocrine disorder with an estimated prevalence of 0.25 per 1000 individuals. The most common cause of HypoPT is the loss of active parathyroid tissue following thyroid or parathyroid surgery. Sometimes permanent postoperative HypoPT occures, manifested by hypocalcemia in combination with low levels of PTH during 6 months or more after surgery. Cognitive impairments in patients with hypocalcemia due to chronic HypoPT are observed, and this can lead to problems and challenges in everyday living: memory loss and impaired concentration, that may be the cause of poor compliance. Clinical case: Patient K., 66 years old, underwent thyroidectomy in 2013 (at the age of 55) because of papillary thyroid cancer T1NxMx, histopathology findings confirmed the diagnosis. 5 years after the surgery, she was followed up on an outpatient basis, TSH levelsonly were monitored, and the dose of levothyroxine was adjusted. In 2018 due to, increasing complaints include tingling and cramps in the arms and legs, memory loss, sleep disorder, fatigue, anxiety, hair loss, muscle pain, tachycardia, positive Chvostek, and Trousseau signs were diagnosed during examination, also in blood analyses: total Ca 1.86 mmol/l (2.15-2.55), Ca++ 0.96 mmol/l (1.12-1.3), P 1.55 mmol/l (0.74-1.52), Mg 0.79 mmol/l (0.66-1.07) - chronic postoperative HypoPT was diagnosed. Therapy was initiated: alfacalcidol 0.5 mcg per day, calcium carbonate 2000 mg per day, cholecalciferol 1000 IU per day, magnesium orotate 3000 mg per day. During the case follow-up, hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia persisted, hypercalciuria15.7 mmol/day (2.5-6.5) was diagnosed. Dietary recommendations were given because of the high content of phosphorus rich foods, and therapy was adjusted: the dose of alfacalcidol was increased to 2.5 mcg per day, and the dose of calcium carbonate was reduced to 1500 mg per day. As part of the screening for complications of hypoPT, data for cataracts, Fahr syndrome, nephrocalcinosis, and kidney stone disease were not obtained. However, HypoPT compensation was not achieved, and therefore hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg was initiated, the dose of alfacalcidol was increased to 3 mcg per day, calcium carbonate to 3000 mg per day, magnesium orotate and cholecalciferol were continued at the same doses. Therapeutic goals were achieved: calcium phosphate product <4.4 mmol2/l2, there were no episodes of hypercalcemia, twenty-four-hour urinary calcium excretion was significantly reduced. Conclusion: Timely prescription, careful explanation of drugs usage rules, and monitoring and maintaining blood and urine parameters within the target contribute to the prevention of HypoPT complications development and life-threatening events.Keywords: hypoparathyroidism, hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypercalciuria
Procedia PDF Downloads 109749 A Model for Diagnosis and Prediction of Coronavirus Using Neural Network
Authors: Sajjad Baghernezhad
Meta-heuristic and hybrid algorithms have high adeer in modeling medical problems. In this study, a neural network was used to predict covid-19 among high-risk and low-risk patients. This study was conducted to collect the applied method and its target population consisting of 550 high-risk and low-risk patients from the Kerman University of medical sciences medical center to predict the coronavirus. In this study, the memetic algorithm, which is a combination of a genetic algorithm and a local search algorithm, has been used to update the weights of the neural network and develop the accuracy of the neural network. The initial study showed that the accuracy of the neural network was 88%. After updating the weights, the memetic algorithm increased by 93%. For the proposed model, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictivity value, value/accuracy to 97.4, 92.3, 95.8, 96.2, and 0.918, respectively; for the genetic algorithm model, 87.05, 9.20 7, 89.45, 97.30 and 0.967 and for logistic regression model were 87.40, 95.20, 93.79, 0.87 and 0.916. Based on the findings of this study, neural network models have a lower error rate in the diagnosis of patients based on individual variables and vital signs compared to the regression model. The findings of this study can help planners and health care providers in signing programs and early diagnosis of COVID-19 or Corona.Keywords: COVID-19, decision support technique, neural network, genetic algorithm, memetic algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 67748 Investigation of Dry Ice Mixed Novel Hybrid Lubri-Coolant in Sustainable Machining of Ti-6AL-4V Alloy: A Comparison of Experimental and Modelling
Authors: Muhammad Jamil, Ning He, Aqib Mashood Khan, Munish Kumar Gupta
Ti-6Al-4V has numerous applications in the medical, automobile, and aerospace industries due to corrosion resistivity, structural stability, and chemical inertness to most fluids at room temperature. These peculiar characteristics are beneficial for their application and present formidable challenges during machining. Machining of Ti-6Al-4V produces an elevated cutting temperature above 1000oC at dry conditions. This accelerates tool wear and reduces product quality. Therefore, there is always a need to employ sustainable/effective coolant/lubricant when machining such alloy. In this study, Finite Element Modeling (FEM) and experimental analysis when cutting Ti-6Al-4V under a distinctly developed dry ice mixed hybrid lubri-coolant are presented. This study aims to model the milling process of Ti-6Al-4V under a proposed novel hybrid lubri-coolant using different cutting speeds and feed per tooth DEFORM® software package was used to conduct the FEM and the numerical model was experimentally validated. A comparison of experimental and simulation results showed a maximum error of no more than 6% for all experimental conditions. In a nutshell, it can be said that the proposed model is effective in predicting the machining temperature precisely.Keywords: friction coefficient, heat transfer, finite element modeling (FEM), milling Ti-6Al-4V
Procedia PDF Downloads 60747 Efficiency of Google Translate and Bing Translator in Translating Persian-to-English Texts
Authors: Samad Sajjadi
Machine translation is a new subject increasingly being used by academic writers, especially students and researchers whose native language is not English. There are numerous studies conducted on machine translation, but few investigations have assessed the accuracy of machine translation from Persian to English at lexical, semantic, and syntactic levels. Using Groves and Mundt’s (2015) Model of error taxonomy, the current study evaluated Persian-to-English translations produced by two famous online translators, Google Translate and Bing Translator. A total of 240 texts were randomly selected from different academic fields (law, literature, medicine, and mass media), and 60 texts were considered for each domain. All texts were rendered by the two translation systems and then by four human translators. All statistical analyses were applied using SPSS. The results indicated that Google translations were more accurate than the translations produced by the Bing Translator, especially in the domains of medicine (lexis: 186 vs. 225; semantic: 44 vs. 48; syntactic: 148 vs. 264 errors) and mass media (lexis: 118 vs. 149; semantic: 25 vs. 32; syntactic: 110 vs. 220 errors), respectively. Nonetheless, both machines are reasonably accurate in Persian-to-English translation of lexicons and syntactic structures, particularly from mass media and medical texts.Keywords: machine translations, accuracy, human translation, efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 78746 Enhancing Academic Writing Through Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges
Authors: Abubakar Abdulkareem, Nasir Haruna Soba
Artificial intelligence (AI) is developing at a rapid pace, revolutionizing several industries, including education. This talk looks at how useful AI can be for academic writing, with an emphasis on how it can help researchers be more accurate, productive, and creative. The academic world now relies heavily on AI technologies like grammar checkers, plagiarism detectors, and content generators to help with the writing, editing, and formatting of scholarly papers. This study explores the particular uses of AI in academic writing and assesses how useful and helpful these applications may be for both students and scholars. By means of an extensive examination of extant literature and a sequence of empirical case studies, we scrutinize the merits and demerits of artificial intelligence tools utilized in academic writing. Important discoveries indicate that although AI greatly increases productivity and lowers human error, there are still issues that need to be resolved, including reliance, ethical concerns, and the potential loss of critical thinking abilities. The talk ends with suggestions for incorporating AI tools into academic settings so that they enhance rather than take the place of the intellectual rigor that characterizes scholarly work. This study adds to the continuing conversation about artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education by supporting a methodical strategy that uses technology to enhance human abilities in academic writing.Keywords: artificial intelligence, academic writing, ai tools, productivity, ethics, higher education
Procedia PDF Downloads 31745 Comparison of Sensitivity and Specificity of Pap Smear and Polymerase Chain Reaction Methods for Detection of Human Papillomavirus: A Review of Literature
Authors: M. Malekian, M. E. Heydari, M. Irani Estyar
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted infection, which may lead to cervical cancer as the main cause of it. With early diagnosis and treatment in health care services, cervical cancer and its complications are considered to be preventable. This study was aimed to compare the efficiency, sensitivity, and specificity of Pap smear and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in detecting HPV. A literature search was performed in Google Scholar, PubMed and SID databases using the keywords 'human papillomavirus', 'pap smear' and 'polymerase change reaction' to identify studies comparing Pap smear and PCR methods for the detection. No restrictions were considered.10 studies were included in this review. All samples that were positive by pop smear were also positive by PCR. However, there were positive samples detected by PCR which was negative by pop smear and in all studies, many positive samples were missed by pop smear technique. Although The Pap smear had high specificity, PCR based HPV detection was more sensitive method and had the highest sensitivity. In order to promote the quality of detection and high achievement of the maximum results, PCR diagnostic methods in addition to the Pap smear are needed and Pap smear method should be combined with PCR techniques according to the high error rate of Pap smear in detection.Keywords: human papillomavirus, cervical cancer, pap smear, polymerase chain reaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 131744 Triangular Geometric Feature for Offline Signature Verification
Authors: Zuraidasahana Zulkarnain, Mohd Shafry Mohd Rahim, Nor Anita Fairos Ismail, Mohd Azhar M. Arsad
Handwritten signature is accepted widely as a biometric characteristic for personal authentication. The use of appropriate features plays an important role in determining accuracy of signature verification; therefore, this paper presents a feature based on the geometrical concept. To achieve the aim, triangle attributes are exploited to design a new feature since the triangle possesses orientation, angle and transformation that would improve accuracy. The proposed feature uses triangulation geometric set comprising of sides, angles and perimeter of a triangle which is derived from the center of gravity of a signature image. For classification purpose, Euclidean classifier along with Voting-based classifier is used to verify the tendency of forgery signature. This classification process is experimented using triangular geometric feature and selected global features. Based on an experiment that was validated using Grupo de Senales 960 (GPDS-960) signature database, the proposed triangular geometric feature achieves a lower Average Error Rates (AER) value with a percentage of 34% as compared to 43% of the selected global feature. As a conclusion, the proposed triangular geometric feature proves to be a more reliable feature for accurate signature verification.Keywords: biometrics, euclidean classifier, features extraction, offline signature verification, voting-based classifier
Procedia PDF Downloads 379743 Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory-Based Signal Detection for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing With All Index Modulation
Authors: Mahmut Yildirim
This paper proposed the bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) network-aided deep learning (DL)-based signal detection for Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with all index modulation (OFDM-AIM), namely Bi-DeepAIM. OFDM-AIM is developed to increase the spectral efficiency of OFDM with index modulation (OFDM-IM), a promising multi-carrier technique for communication systems beyond 5G. In this paper, due to its strong classification ability, Bi-LSTM is considered an alternative to the maximum likelihood (ML) algorithm, which is used for signal detection in the classical OFDM-AIM scheme. The performance of the Bi-DeepAIM is compared with LSTM network-aided DL-based OFDM-AIM (DeepAIM) and classic OFDM-AIM that uses (ML)-based signal detection via BER performance and computational time criteria. Simulation results show that Bi-DeepAIM obtains better bit error rate (BER) performance than DeepAIM and lower computation time in signal detection than ML-AIM.Keywords: bidirectional long short-term memory, deep learning, maximum likelihood, OFDM with all index modulation, signal detection
Procedia PDF Downloads 74742 Data-Driven Approach to Predict Inpatient's Estimated Discharge Date
Authors: Ayliana Dharmawan, Heng Yong Sheng, Zhang Xiaojin, Tan Thai Lian
To facilitate discharge planning, doctors are presently required to assign an Estimated Discharge Date (EDD) for each patient admitted to the hospital. This assignment of the EDD is largely based on the doctor’s judgment. This can be difficult for cases which are complex or relatively new to the doctor. It is hypothesized that a data-driven approach would be able to facilitate the doctors to make accurate estimations of the discharge date. Making use of routinely collected data on inpatient discharges between January 2013 and May 2016, a predictive model was developed using machine learning techniques to predict the Length of Stay (and hence the EDD) of inpatients, at the point of admission. The predictive performance of the model was compared to that of the clinicians using accuracy measures. Overall, the best performing model was found to be able to predict EDD with an accuracy improvement in Average Squared Error (ASE) by -38% as compared to the first EDD determined by the present method. It was found that important predictors of the EDD include the provisional diagnosis code, patient’s age, attending doctor at admission, medical specialty at admission, accommodation type, and the mean length of stay of the patient in the past year. The predictive model can be used as a tool to accurately predict the EDD.Keywords: inpatient, estimated discharge date, EDD, prediction, data-driven
Procedia PDF Downloads 174741 An Automatic Generating Unified Modelling Language Use Case Diagram and Test Cases Based on Classification Tree Method
Authors: Wassana Naiyapo, Atichat Sangtong
The processes in software development by Object Oriented methodology have many stages those take time and high cost. The inconceivable error in system analysis process will affect to the design and the implementation process. The unexpected output causes the reason why we need to revise the previous process. The more rollback of each process takes more expense and delayed time. Therefore, the good test process from the early phase, the implemented software is efficient, reliable and also meet the user’s requirement. Unified Modelling Language (UML) is the tool which uses symbols to describe the work process in Object Oriented Analysis (OOA). This paper presents the approach for automatically generated UML use case diagram and test cases. UML use case diagram is generated from the event table and test cases are generated from use case specifications and Graphic User Interfaces (GUI). Test cases are derived from the Classification Tree Method (CTM) that classify data to a node present in the hierarchy structure. Moreover, this paper refers to the program that generates use case diagram and test cases. As the result, it can reduce work time and increase efficiency work.Keywords: classification tree method, test case, UML use case diagram, use case specification
Procedia PDF Downloads 163740 Implementation of European Court of Human Right Judgments and State Sovereignty
Authors: Valentina Tereshkova
The paper shows how the relationship between international law and national sovereignty is viewed through the implementation of European Court of Human Right judgments. Methodology: Сonclusions are based on a survey of representatives of the legislative authorities and judges of the Krasnoyarsk region, the Rostov region, Sverdlovsk region and Tver region. The paper assesses the activities of the Russian Constitutional Court from 1998 to 2015 related to the establishment of the implementation mechanism and the Russian Constitutional Court judgments of 14.07.2015, № 21-P and of 19.04.2016, № 12-P where the Constitutional Court stated the impossibility of executing ECtHR judgments. I. Implementation of ECHR judgments by courts and other authorities. Despite the publication of the report of the RF Ministry of Justice on the implementation, we could not find any formal information on the Russian policy of the ECtHR judgment implementation. Using the results of the survey, the paper shows the effect of ECtHR judgments on law and legal practice in Russia. II. Implementation of ECHR judgments by Russian Constitutional Court. Russian Constitutional Court had implemented the ECtHR judgments. However, the Court determined on July, 14, 2015 its competence to consider the question of implementation of ECHR judgments. Then, it stated that the execution of the judgment [Anchugov and Gladkov case] was impossible because the Russian Constitution has the highest legal force on April, 19, 2016. Recently the CE Committee of Ministers asked Russia to provide ‘without further delay’ a compensation plan for the Yukos case. On November 11, 2016, Constitutional Court accepted a request from the Ministry of Justice to consider the possibility of execution of the ECtHR judgment in the Yukos case. Such a request has been made possible due to a lack of implementation mechanism. Conclusion: ECtHR judgments are as an effective tool to solve the structural problems of a legal system. However, Russian experts consider the ECHR as a tool of protection of individual rights. The paper shows link between the survey results and the absence of the implementation mechanism. New Article 104 par. 2 and Article 106 par. 2 of the Federal Law of the Constitutional Court are in conflict with international obligations of the Convention on the Law on Treaties 1969 and Article 46 ECHR. Nevertheless, a dialogue may be possible between Constitutional Court and the ECtHR. In its judgment [19.04.2016] the Constitutional Court determined that the general measures to ensure fairness, proportionality and differentiation of the restrictions of voting rights were possible in judicial practice. It also stated the federal legislator had the power ‘to optimize the system of Russian criminal penalties’. Despite the fact that the Constitutional Court presented the Görgülü case [Görgülü v Germany] as an example of non-execution of the ECtHR judgment, the paper proposes to draw on the experience of German Constitutional Court, which in the Görgülü case, on the one hand, stressed national sovereignty and, on the other hand, took advantage of this sovereignty, to resolve the issue in accordance with the ECHR.Keywords: implementation of ECtHR judgments, sovereignty, supranational jurisdictions, principle of subsidiarity
Procedia PDF Downloads 194739 Ambiguity Resolution for Ground-based Pulse Doppler Radars Using Multiple Medium Pulse Repetition Frequency
Authors: Khue Nguyen Dinh, Loi Nguyen Van, Thanh Nguyen Nhu
In this paper, we propose an adaptive method to resolve ambiguities and a ghost target removal process to extract targets detected by a ground-based pulse-Doppler radar using medium pulse repetition frequency (PRF) waveforms. The ambiguity resolution method is an adaptive implementation of the coincidence algorithm, which is implemented on a two-dimensional (2D) range-velocity matrix to resolve range and velocity ambiguities simultaneously, with a proposed clustering filter to enhance the anti-error ability of the system. Here we consider the scenario of multiple target environments. The ghost target removal process, which is based on the power after Doppler processing, is proposed to mitigate ghosting detections to enhance the performance of ground-based radars using a short PRF schedule in multiple target environments. Simulation results on a ground-based pulsed Doppler radar model will be presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Keywords: ambiguity resolution, coincidence algorithm, medium PRF, ghosting removal
Procedia PDF Downloads 153738 Life Cycle Assessment of Todays and Future Electricity Grid Mixes of EU27
Authors: Johannes Gantner, Michael Held, Rafael Horn, Matthias Fischer
At the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2015 a global agreement on the reduction of climate change was achieved stating CO₂ reduction targets for all countries. For instance, the EU targets a reduction of 40 percent in emissions by 2030 compared to 1990. In order to achieve this ambitious goal, the environmental performance of the different European electricity grid mixes is crucial. First, the electricity directly needed for everyone’s daily life (e.g. heating, plug load, mobility) and therefore a reduction of the environmental impacts of the electricity grid mix reduces the overall environmental impacts of a country. Secondly, the manufacturing of every product depends on electricity. Thereby a reduction of the environmental impacts of the electricity mix results in a further decrease of environmental impacts of every product. As a result, the implementation of the two-degree goal highly depends on the decarbonization of the European electricity mixes. Currently the production of electricity in the EU27 is based on fossil fuels and therefore bears a high GWP impact per kWh. Due to the importance of the environmental impacts of the electricity mix, not only today but also in future, within the European research projects, CommONEnergy and Senskin, time-dynamic Life Cycle Assessment models for all EU27 countries were set up. As a methodology, a combination of scenario modeling and life cycle assessment according to ISO14040 and ISO14044 was conducted. Based on EU27 trends regarding energy, transport, and buildings, the different national electricity mixes were investigated taking into account future changes such as amount of electricity generated in the country, change in electricity carriers, COP of the power plants and distribution losses, imports and exports. As results, time-dynamic environmental profiles for the electricity mixes of each country and for Europe overall were set up. Thereby for each European country, the decarbonization strategies of the electricity mix are critically investigated in order to identify decisions, that can lead to negative environmental effects, for instance on the reduction of the global warming of the electricity mix. For example, the withdrawal of the nuclear energy program in Germany and at the same time compensation of the missing energy by non-renewable energy carriers like lignite and natural gas is resulting in an increase in global warming potential of electricity grid mix. Just after two years this increase countervailed by the higher share of renewable energy carriers such as wind power and photovoltaic. Finally, as an outlook a first qualitative picture is provided, illustrating from environmental perspective, which country has the highest potential for low-carbon electricity production and therefore how investments in a connected European electricity grid could decrease the environmental impacts of the electricity mix in Europe.Keywords: electricity grid mixes, EU27 countries, environmental impacts, future trends, life cycle assessment, scenario analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 187737 Encryption and Decryption of Nucleic Acid Using Deoxyribonucleic Acid Algorithm
Authors: Iftikhar A. Tayubi, Aabdulrahman Alsubhi, Abdullah Althrwi
The deoxyribonucleic acid text provides a single source of high-quality Cryptography about Deoxyribonucleic acid sequence for structural biologists. We will provide an intuitive, well-organized and user-friendly web interface that allows users to encrypt and decrypt Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid sequence text. It includes complex, securing by using Algorithm to encrypt and decrypt Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid sequence. The utility of this Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid Sequence Text is that, it can provide a user-friendly interface for users to Encrypt and Decrypt store the information about Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid sequence. These interfaces created in this project will satisfy the demands of the scientific community by providing fully encrypt of Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid sequence during this website. We have adopted a methodology by using C# and Active Server Page.NET for programming which is smart and secure. Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid sequence text is a wonderful piece of equipment for encrypting large quantities of data, efficiently. The users can thus navigate from one encoding and store orange text, depending on the field for user’s interest. Algorithm classification allows a user to Protect the deoxy ribonucleic acid sequence from change, whether an alteration or error occurred during the Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid sequence data transfer. It will check the integrity of the Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid sequence data during the access.Keywords: algorithm, ASP.NET, DNA, encrypt, decrypt
Procedia PDF Downloads 235736 Vertical Accuracy Evaluation of Indian National DEM (CartoDEM v3) Using Dual Frequency GNSS Derived Ground Control Points for Lower Tapi Basin, Western India
Authors: Jaypalsinh B. Parmar, Pintu Nakrani, Ashish Chaurasia
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is considered as an important data in GIS-based terrain analysis for many applications and assessment of processes such as environmental and climate change studies, hydrologic modelling, etc. Vertical accuracy of DEM having geographically dynamic nature depends on different parameters which affect the model simulation outcomes. Vertical accuracy assessment in Indian landscape especially in low-lying coastal urban terrain such as lower Tapi Basin is very limited. In the present study, attempt has been made to evaluate the vertical accuracy of 30m resolution open source Indian National Cartosat-1 DEM v3 for Lower Tapi Basin (LTB) from western India. The extensive field investigation is carried out using stratified random fast static DGPS survey in the entire study region, and 117 high accuracy ground control points (GCPs) have been obtained. The above open source DEM was compared with obtained GCPs, and different statistical attributes were envisaged, and vertical error histograms were also evaluated.Keywords: CartoDEM, Digital Elevation Model, GPS, lower Tapi basin
Procedia PDF Downloads 359735 The Effect of Nursing Teamwork Training on Nursing Teamwork Effectiveness
Authors: Manar Ahmed Elbadawy
Background: Empirical evidence suggested that improving nursing teamwork (NTW) may be the key to reducing medical error. The functioning nursing teams require open communication, mutual respect, and shared mental models to activate quality patient care. The complexity and the high demands for specialized nursing knowledge and skill also require nursing staff to consult with one another and work in teams regularly. The current study aimed to evaluate the effect of the nursing teamwork training program on nursing teamwork effectiveness. Design: A quasi-experimental (one group pretest-posttest) design was utilized. Three medical intensive care units at a teaching hospital affiliated to Cairo University Hospital, Egypt. Subjects: A convenient sample of 48 nursing staff worked at the selected units. The Nursing Teamwork Observational Checklist was used. Results: Total (NTW) mean scores exhibited quite elevation post-program implementation compared to preprogram and showed little decrease 3 months later ( = 2.52, SD = ± 0.27, mean % =51.98, = 2.72, SD = ± 0.20, mean %=72.45, = 2.67, SD = ± 0.11, mean %= 67.48 respectively). Conclusion: Implementation of (NTW) training program had a positive effect on increasing (NTW) effectiveness. Regular and frequent short-term teamwork training is important to be introduced as well as sustainable monitoring is required to ensure nursing attitudes, knowledge and skills’ change about teamwork effectiveness.Keywords: effectiveness, nursing, teamwork, training
Procedia PDF Downloads 123734 Evaluation of Medication Administration Process in a Paediatric Ward
Authors: Zayed Alsulami, Asma Aldosseri, Ahmed Ezziden, Abdulrahman Alonazi
Children are more susceptible to medication errors than adults. Medication administration process is the last stage in the medication treatment process and most of the errors detected in this stage. Little research has been undertaken about medication errors in children in the Middle East countries. This study was aimed to evaluate how the paediatric nurses adhere to the medication administration policy and also to identify any medication preparation and administration errors or any risk factors. An observational, prospective study of medication administration process from when the nurses preparing patient medication until administration stage (May to August 2014) was conducted in Saudi Arabia. Twelve paediatric nurses serving 90 paediatric patients were observed. 456 drug administered doses were evaluated. Adherence rate was variable in 7 steps out of 16 steps. Patient allergy information, dose calculation, drug expiry date were the steps in medication administration with lowest adherence rates. 63 medication preparation and administration errors were identified with error rate 13.8% of medication administrations. No potentially life-threating errors were witnessed. Few logistic and administrative factors were reported. The results showed that the medication administration policy and procedure need an urgent revision to be more sensible for nurses in practice. Nurses’ knowledge and skills regarding the medication administration process should be improved.Keywords: medication sasfety, paediatric, medication errors, paediatric ward
Procedia PDF Downloads 397733 Evaluating Forecasting Strategies for Day-Ahead Electricity Prices: Insights From the Russia-Ukraine Crisis
Authors: Alexandra Papagianni, George Filis, Panagiotis Papadopoulos
The liberalization of the energy market and the increasing penetration of fluctuating renewables (e.g., wind and solar power) have heightened the importance of the spot market for ensuring efficient electricity supply. This is further emphasized by the EU’s goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. The day-ahead market (DAM) plays a key role in European energy trading, accounting for 80-90% of spot transactions and providing critical insights for next-day pricing. Therefore, short-term electricity price forecasting (EPF) within the DAM is crucial for market participants to make informed decisions and improve their market positioning. Existing literature highlights out-of-sample performance as a key factor in assessing EPF accuracy, with influencing factors such as predictors, forecast horizon, model selection, and strategy. Several studies indicate that electricity demand is a primary price determinant, while renewable energy sources (RES) like wind and solar significantly impact price dynamics, often lowering prices. Additionally, incorporating data from neighboring countries, due to market coupling, further improves forecast accuracy. Most studies predict up to 24 steps ahead using hourly data, while some extend forecasts using higher-frequency data (e.g., half-hourly or quarter-hourly). Short-term EPF methods fall into two main categories: statistical and computational intelligence (CI) methods, with hybrid models combining both. While many studies use advanced statistical methods, particularly through different versions of traditional AR-type models, others apply computational techniques such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) and support vector machines (SVMs). Recent research combines multiple methods to enhance forecasting performance. Despite extensive research on EPF accuracy, a gap remains in understanding how forecasting strategy affects prediction outcomes. While iterated strategies are commonly used, they are often chosen without justification. This paper contributes by examining whether the choice of forecasting strategy impacts the quality of day-ahead price predictions, especially for multi-step forecasts. We evaluate both iterated and direct methods, exploring alternative ways of conducting iterated forecasts on benchmark and state-of-the-art forecasting frameworks. The goal is to assess whether these factors should be considered by end-users to improve forecast quality. We focus on the Greek DAM using data from July 1, 2021, to March 31, 2022. This period is chosen due to significant price volatility in Greece, driven by its dependence on natural gas and limited interconnection capacity with larger European grids. The analysis covers two phases: pre-conflict (January 1, 2022, to February 23, 2022) and post-conflict (February 24, 2022, to March 31, 2022), following the Russian-Ukraine conflict that initiated an energy crisis. We use the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and symmetric mean absolute percentage error (sMAPE) for evaluation, as well as the Direction of Change (DoC) measure to assess the accuracy of price movement predictions. Our findings suggest that forecasters need to apply all strategies across different horizons and models. Different strategies may be required for different horizons to optimize both accuracy and directional predictions, ensuring more reliable forecasts.Keywords: short-term electricity price forecast, forecast strategies, forecast horizons, recursive strategy, direct strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 11732 Multi-Linear Regression Based Prediction of Mass Transfer by Multiple Plunging Jets
The paper aims to compare the performance of vertical and inclined multiple plunging jets and to model and predict their mass transfer capacity by multi-linear regression based approach. The multiple vertical plunging jets have jet impact angle of θ = 90O; whereas, multiple inclined plunging jets have jet impact angle of θ = 600. The results of the study suggests that mass transfer is higher for multiple jets, and inclined multiple plunging jets have up to 1.6 times higher mass transfer than vertical multiple plunging jets under similar conditions. The derived relationship, based on multi-linear regression approach, has successfully predicted the volumetric mass transfer coefficient (KLa) from operational parameters of multiple plunging jets with a correlation coefficient of 0.973, root mean square error of 0.002 and coefficient of determination of 0.946. The results suggests that predicted overall mass transfer coefficient is in good agreement with actual experimental values; thereby suggesting the utility of derived relationship based on multi-linear regression based approach and can be successfully employed in modelling mass transfer by multiple plunging jets.Keywords: mass transfer, multiple plunging jets, multi-linear regression, earth sciences
Procedia PDF Downloads 464731 Analytical Authentication of Butter Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled with Chemometrics
Authors: M. Bodner, M. Scampicchio
Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics was used to distinguish between butter samples and non-butter samples. Further, quantification of the content of margarine in adulterated butter samples was investigated. Fingerprinting region (1400-800 cm–1) was used to develop unsupervised pattern recognition (Principal Component Analysis, PCA), supervised modeling (Soft Independent Modelling by Class Analogy, SIMCA), classification (Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis, PLS-DA) and regression (Partial Least Squares Regression, PLS-R) models. PCA of the fingerprinting region shows a clustering of the two sample types. All samples were classified in their rightful class by SIMCA approach; however, nine adulterated samples (between 1% and 30% w/w of margarine) were classified as belonging both at the butter class and at the non-butter one. In the two-class PLS-DA model’s (R2 = 0.73, RMSEP, Root Mean Square Error of Prediction = 0.26% w/w) sensitivity was 71.4% and Positive Predictive Value (PPV) 100%. Its threshold was calculated at 7% w/w of margarine in adulterated butter samples. Finally, PLS-R model (R2 = 0.84, RMSEP = 16.54%) was developed. PLS-DA was a suitable classification tool and PLS-R a proper quantification approach. Results demonstrate that FT-IR spectroscopy combined with PLS-R can be used as a rapid, simple and safe method to identify pure butter samples from adulterated ones and to determine the grade of adulteration of margarine in butter samples.Keywords: adulterated butter, margarine, PCA, PLS-DA, PLS-R, SIMCA
Procedia PDF Downloads 147730 A Comparative Study of Wellness Among Sportsmen and Non Sportsmen
Authors: Jaskaran Singh Sidhu
Aim: The purpose of this study is to find the relationship between wellness among sportsmen and non sportsmen. Methodology: The present study is an experimental study for 80 senior secondary volleyball players of 16-19 years of age from Ludhiana District of Punjab (India), and 80 non-sportsperson were taken from senior secondary school of Ludhiana district. The sample for this study was taken through a random sampling technique. Tools: A five point scale havinf 50 items was used to acess the wellness Statistical Analysis: To find out the relationship among the variables exists or not, a t-test was used to test the significance of the difference between the means. Statistics for each characteristic were calculated; Mean, Standard deviation, Standard error of Mean. Data were analyzed using SPSS (statistical package for the social sciences). Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Results: Substantial deviations were noted at p<0.5 in the totality of wellness. Sportsmen show significant differences exist at p<0.5 in three parameters of wellness i.e., physical wellness, mental wellness, and social wellness. In spiritual and emotional wellness attributes, non-sportsmen shows significant difference at p<0.5. Conclusion: From the data interpretation it reflects that overall wellness can be improved by participation in sports. It further noted in study that participation in sports promote the attributes of wellness i.e., physical wellness, mental wellness, emotional wellness and social wellness.Keywords: physical, mental, social, emotional, wellness, spiritual
Procedia PDF Downloads 90729 Evaluating the Effect of Structural Reorientation to Thermochemical and Energetic Properties of 1,4-Diamino-3,6-Dinitropyrazolo[4,3- C]Pyrazole
Authors: Lamla Thungathaa, Conrad Mahlasea, Lisa Ngcebesha
1,4-Diamino-3,6-dinitropyrazolo[4,3-c]pyrazole (LLM-119) and its structural isomer 3,6-dinitropyrazolo[3,4-c]pyrazole-1,4(6H)-diamine were designed by structural reorientation of the fused pyrazole rings and their respective substituents (-NO2 and -NH2). Structural reorientation involves structural rearrangement which result in different structural isomers, employing this approach, six structural isomers of LLM-119 were achieved. The effect of structural reorientation (isomerisation and derivatives) on the enthalpy of formation, detonation properties, impact sensitivity, and density of these molecules is studied Computationally. The computational method used are detailed in the document and they yielded results that are close to the literature values with a relative error of 2% for enthalpy of formation, 2% for density, 0.05% for detonation velocity, and 4% for detonation pressure. The correlation of the structural reorientation to the calculated thermochemical and detonation properties of the molecules indicated that molecules with a -NO2 group attached to a Carbon atom and -NH2 connected to a Nitrogen atom maximize the enthalpy of formation and detonation velocity. The joining of pyrazole molecules has less effect on these parameters. It was seen that density and detonation pressure improved when both –NO2 or -NH2 functional groups were on the same side of the molecular structure. The structural reorientation gave rise to 3,4-dinitropyrazolo[3,4-c]pyrazole-1,6-diamine which exhibited optimal density and detonation performance compared to other molecules.Keywords: LLM-119, fused rings, azole, structural isomers, detonation properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 92728 Predicting Mortality among Acute Burn Patients Using BOBI Score vs. FLAMES Score
Authors: S. Moustafa El Shanawany, I. Labib Salem, F. Mohamed Magdy Badr El Dine, H. Tag El Deen Abd Allah
Thermal injuries remain a global health problem and a common issue encountered in forensic pathology. They are a devastating cause of morbidity and mortality in children and adults especially in developing countries, causing permanent disfigurement, scarring and grievous hurt. Burns have always been a matter of legal concern in cases of suicidal burns, self-inflicted burns for false accusation and homicidal attempts. Assessment of burn injuries as well as rating permanent disabilities and disfigurement following thermal injuries for the benefit of compensation claims represents a challenging problem. This necessitates the development of reliable scoring systems to yield an expected likelihood of permanent disability or fatal outcome following burn injuries. The study was designed to identify the risk factors of mortality in acute burn patients and to evaluate the applicability of FLAMES (Fatality by Longevity, APACHE II score, Measured Extent of burn, and Sex) and BOBI (Belgian Outcome in Burn Injury) model scores in predicting the outcome. The study was conducted on 100 adult patients with acute burn injuries admitted to the Burn Unit of Alexandria Main University Hospital, Egypt from October 2014 to October 2015. Victims were examined after obtaining informed consent and the data were collected in specially designed sheets including demographic data, burn details and any associated inhalation injury. Each burn patient was assessed using both BOBI and FLAMES scoring systems. The results of the study show the mean age of patients was 35.54±12.32 years. Males outnumbered females (55% and 45%, respectively). Most patients were accidently burnt (95%), whereas suicidal burns accounted for the remaining 5%. Flame burn was recorded in 82% of cases. As well, 8% of patients sustained more than 60% of total burn surface area (TBSA) burns, 19% of patients needed mechanical ventilation, and 19% of burnt patients died either from wound sepsis, multi-organ failure or pulmonary embolism. The mean length of hospital stay was 24.91±25.08 days. The mean BOBI score was 1.07±1.27 and that of the FLAMES score was -4.76±2.92. The FLAMES score demonstrated an area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of 0.95 which was significantly higher than that of the BOBI score (0.883). A statistically significant association was revealed between both predictive models and the outcome. The study concluded that both scoring systems were beneficial in predicting mortality in acutely burnt patients. However, the FLAMES score could be applied with a higher level of accuracy.Keywords: BOBI, burns, FLAMES, scoring systems, outcome
Procedia PDF Downloads 336727 Solar Radiation Time Series Prediction
Authors: Cameron Hamilton, Walter Potter, Gerrit Hoogenboom, Ronald McClendon, Will Hobbs
A model was constructed to predict the amount of solar radiation that will make contact with the surface of the earth in a given location an hour into the future. This project was supported by the Southern Company to determine at what specific times during a given day of the year solar panels could be relied upon to produce energy in sufficient quantities. Due to their ability as universal function approximators, an artificial neural network was used to estimate the nonlinear pattern of solar radiation, which utilized measurements of weather conditions collected at the Griffin, Georgia weather station as inputs. A number of network configurations and training strategies were utilized, though a multilayer perceptron with a variety of hidden nodes trained with the resilient propagation algorithm consistently yielded the most accurate predictions. In addition, a modeled DNI field and adjacent weather station data were used to bolster prediction accuracy. In later trials, the solar radiation field was preprocessed with a discrete wavelet transform with the aim of removing noise from the measurements. The current model provides predictions of solar radiation with a mean square error of 0.0042, though ongoing efforts are being made to further improve the model’s accuracy.Keywords: artificial neural networks, resilient propagation, solar radiation, time series forecasting
Procedia PDF Downloads 385726 Comparison of Unit Hydrograph Models to Simulate Flood Events at the Field Scale
Authors: Imene Skhakhfa, Lahbaci Ouerdachi
To ensure the overall coherence of simulated results, it is necessary to develop a robust validation process. In many applications, it is no longer content to calibrate and validate the model only in relation to the hydro graph measured at the outlet, but we try to better simulate the functioning of the watershed in space. Therefore the timing also performs compared to other variables such as water level measurements in intermediate stations or groundwater levels. As part of this work, we limit ourselves to modeling flood of short duration for which the process of evapotranspiration is negligible. The main parameters to identify the models are related to the method of unit hydro graph (HU). Three different models were tested: SNYDER, CLARK and SCS. These models differ in their mathematical structure and parameters to be calibrated while hydrological data are the same, the initial water content and precipitation. The models are compared on the basis of their performance in terms six objective criteria, three global criteria and three criteria representing volume, peak flow, and the mean square error. The first type of criteria gives more weight to strong events whereas the second considers all events to be of equal weight. The results show that the calibrated parameter values are dependent and also highlight the problems associated with the simulation of low flow events and intermittent precipitation.Keywords: model calibration, intensity, runoff, hydrograph
Procedia PDF Downloads 486725 An Improved Image Steganography Technique Based on Least Significant Bit Insertion
Authors: Olaiya Folorunsho, Comfort Y. Daramola, Joel N. Ugwu, Lawrence B. Adewole, Olufisayo S. Ekundayo
In today world, there is a tremendous rise in the usage of internet due to the fact that almost all the communication and information sharing is done over the web. Conversely, there is a continuous growth of unauthorized access to confidential data. This has posed a challenge to information security expertise whose major goal is to curtail the menace. One of the approaches to secure the safety delivery of data/information to the rightful destination without any modification is steganography. Steganography is the art of hiding information inside an embedded information. This research paper aimed at designing a secured algorithm with the use of image steganographic technique that makes use of Least Significant Bit (LSB) algorithm for embedding the data into the bit map image (bmp) in order to enhance security and reliability. In the LSB approach, the basic idea is to replace the LSB of the pixels of the cover image with the Bits of the messages to be hidden without destroying the property of the cover image significantly. The system was implemented using C# programming language of Microsoft.NET framework. The performance evaluation of the proposed system was experimented by conducting a benchmarking test for analyzing the parameters like Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). The result showed that image steganography performed considerably in securing data hiding and information transmission over the networks.Keywords: steganography, image steganography, least significant bits, bit map image
Procedia PDF Downloads 267724 A High Efficiency Reduced Rules Neuro-Fuzzy Based Maximum Power Point Tracking Controller for Photovoltaic Array Connected to Grid
Authors: Lotfi Farah, Nadir Farah, Zaiem Kamar
This paper achieves a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller using a high-efficiency reduced rules neuro-fuzzy inference system (HE2RNF) for a 100 kW stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) system connected to the grid. The suggested HE2RNF based MPPT seeks the optimal duty cycle for the boost DC-DC converter, making the designed PV system working at the maximum power point (MPP), then transferring this power to the grid via a three levels voltage source converter (VSC). PV current variation and voltage variation are chosen as HE2RNF-based MPPT controller inputs. By using these inputs with the duty cycle as the only single output, a six rules ANFIS is generated. The high performance of the proposed HE2RNF numerically in the MATLAB/Simulink environment is shown. The 0.006% steady-state error, 0.006s of tracking time, and 0.088s of starting time prove the robustness of this six reduced rules against the widely used twenty-five ones.Keywords: PV, MPPT, ANFIS, HE2RNF-based MPPT controller, VSC, grid connection
Procedia PDF Downloads 185723 Peak Data Rate Enhancement Using Switched Micro-Macro Diversity in Cellular Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output Systems
Authors: Jihad S. Daba, J. P. Dubois, Yvette Antar
With the exponential growth of cellular users, a new generation of cellular networks is needed to enhance the required peak data rates. The co-channel interference between neighboring base stations inhibits peak data rate increase. To overcome this interference, multi-cell cooperation known as coordinated multipoint transmission is proposed. Such a solution makes use of multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems under two different structures: Micro- and macro-diversity. In this paper, we study the capacity and bit error rate in cellular networks using MIMO technology. We analyse both micro- and macro-diversity schemes and develop a hybrid model that switches between macro- and micro-diversity in the case of hard handoff based on a cut-off range of signal-to-noise ratio values. We conclude that our hybrid switched micro-macro MIMO system outperforms classical MIMO systems at the cost of increased hardware and software complexity.Keywords: cooperative multipoint transmission, ergodic capacity, hard handoff, macro-diversity, micro-diversity, multiple-input-multiple output systems, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
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