Search results for: enhanced tobacco BAC F3
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 2999

Search results for: enhanced tobacco BAC F3

1589 Effective Leadership Styles Influence on Knowledge Sharing Behaviour among Employees of SME's in Nigeria

Authors: Christianah Oyelekan Oyewole, Adeniyi Temitope Adetunji


Earlier researchers acknowledge the significance of knowledge sharing among employees in improving their responsiveness when dealing with unpredicted situations. Effective leadership styles have been known to impact employee knowledge-sharing behavior within an organisation positively. The role of influential leaders in knowledge sharing is accomplished through enhanced social networks and technology. However, preliminary research pointed to a lack of clear conclusions from recently published studies on the impact of effective leadership styles on knowledge-sharing behaviour among employees. The present study addressed this problem through a structured literature review. The review demonstrated that knowledge managers incorporate incentives and reward systems with their leadership styles to influence knowledge-sharing behaviour among employees positively. There was ample evidence that rational, innovative, stable and participatory organisational cultures combined with supportive and command leadership enhance employee intention for knowledge sharing in the organisation. The analysis revealed that transformational, transactional, and mentor leadership styles enhance employees’ knowledge-sharing behavior. Overall, it was resolved that the relationship between knowledge-sharing behavior among employees and leadership styles is mediated by the ability of the organisation to prioritize employee development.

Keywords: leadership styles, knowledge sharing, transactional leadership, transformational leadership, mentor leadership, team performance, team productivity, motivation, and creativity

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1588 Lifelong Education for Teachers: A Tool for Achieving Effective Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools in Benue State, Nigeria

Authors: Adzongo Philomena Ibuh, Aloga O. Austin


The purpose of the study was to examine lifelong education for teachers as a tool for achieving effective teaching and learning. Lifelong education enhances social inclusion, personal development, citizenship, employability, teaching and learning, community and the nation, and the challenges of lifelong education were also discussed. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. A simple random sampling technique was used to select 80 teachers as sample from a population of 105 senior secondary school teachers in Makurdi local government area of Benue state. A 20-item self designed questionnaire subjected to expert validation and reliability was used to collect data. The reliability Alpha coefficient of 0.87 was established using Crombach Alpha technique, mean scores and standard deviation were used to answer the 2 research questions while chi-square was used to analyze data for the 2 hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed that, lifelong education for teachers can be used to achieve as a tool for achieving effective teaching and learning, and the study recommended among others that government, organizations and individuals should in collaboration put lifelong education programmes for teachers on the priority list. The paper concluded that the strategic position of lifelong education for teachers towards enhanced teaching and learning makes it imperative for all hands to be on deck to support the programme financially and otherwise.

Keywords: effective teaching and learning, lifelong education, teachers, tool

Procedia PDF Downloads 476
1587 Polymerspolyaniline/CMK-3/Hydroquinone Composite Electrode for Supercapacitor Application

Authors: Hu-Cheng Weng, Jhen-Ting Huang, Chia-Chia Chang, An-Ya Lo


In this study, carbon mesoporous material, CMK-3, was adopted as supporting material for electroactive polymerspolyaniline (PANI), polyaniline, for supercapacitor application, where hydroquinone (HQ) was integrated to enhance the redox reaction of PANI. The results show that the addition of PANI improves the capacitance of electrode from 89 F/g (CMK-3) to 337 F/g (PANI/CMK-3), the addition of HQ furtherly improves the capacitance to 463 F/g (PANI/CMK-3/HQ). The PANI provides higher energy density and also acts as binder of the electrode; the CMK-3 provides higher electron double layer capacitance EDLC and stabilize the polyaniline by its highly porosity. With the addition of HQ, the capacitance of PANI/CMK-3 was further enhanced. In-situ analyses including cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronopotentiometry (CP), electron impedance spectrum (EIS) analyses were applied for electrode performance examination. For materials characterization, the crystal structure, morphology, microstructure, and porosity were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and 77K N2 adsorption/desorption analyses, respectively. The effects of electrolyte pH value, PANI polymerization time, HQ concentration, and PANI/CMK-3 ratio on capacitance were discussed. The durability was also studied by long-term operation test. The results show that PANI/CMK-3/HQ with great potential for supercapacitor application. Finally, the potential of all-solid PANI/CMK-3/HQ based supercapacitor was successfully demonstrated.

Keywords: CMK3, PANI, redox electrolyte, solid supercapacitor

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1586 Magnetic Field Induced Mechanical Behavior of Fluid Filled Carbon Nanotube Foam

Authors: Siva Kumar Reddy, Anwesha Mukherjee, Abha Misra


Excellent energy absorption capability in carbon nanotubes (CNT) is shown in their bulk structure that behaves like super compressible foam. Furthermore, a tunable mechanical behavior of CNT foam is achieved using several methods like changing the concentration of precursors, polymer impregnation, non covalent functionalization of CNT microstructure etc. Influence of magnetic field on compressive behavior of magnetic CNT demonstrated an enhanced peak stress and energy absorption capability, which does not require any surface and structural modification of the foam. This presentation discusses the mechanical behavior of micro porous CNT foam that is impregnated in magnetic field responsive fluid. Magnetic particles are dispersed in a nonmagnetic fluid so that alignment of both particles and CNT could play a crucial role in controlling the stiffness of the overall structure. It is revealed that the compressive behavior of CNT foam critically depends on the fluid viscosity as well as magnetic field intensity. Both peak Stress and energy absorption in CNT foam followed a power law behavior with the increase in the magnetic field intensity. However, in the absence of magnetic field, both peak stress and energy absorption capability of CNT foam presented a linear dependence on the fluid viscosity. Hence, this work demonstrates the role magnetic filed in controlling the mechanical behavior of the foams prepared at nanoscale.

Keywords: carbon nanotubes, magnetic field, energy absorption capability and viscosity

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1585 Pectin Degrading Enzyme: Entrapment of Pectinase Using Different Synthetic and Non-Synthetic Polymers for Continuous Degradation of Pectin Polymer

Authors: Haneef Ur Rehman, Afsheen Aman, Abdul Hameed Baloch, Shah Ali Ul Qader


Pectinase is a heterogeneous group of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of pectin substances and widely has been used in food and textile industries. In current study, pectinase from B. licheniformis KIBGE-IB21 was immobilized within different polymers (calcium alginate beads, polyacrylamide gel and agar-agar matrix) to enhance its catalytic properties. Polyacrylamide gel was found to be most promising one and gave maximum (89%) immobilization yield. While less immobilization yield was observed in case of calcium alginate beads that only retained 46 % activity. The reaction time for maximum pectinolytic activity was increased from 5.0 to 10 minutes after immobilization. The temperature of pectinase for maximum enzyme activity was increased from 45 °C to 50 °C and 55 °C when it was immobilized within agar-agar and calcium alginate beads, respectively. The optimum pH of pectinase didn’t alter when it was immobilized within polyacrylamide gel and calcium alginate beads, but in case of agar-agar it was changed from pH 10 to pH 9.0. Thermal stability of pectinase was improved after immobilization and immobilized pectinase showed higher toleration against different temperatures as compared to free enzyme. It can be concluded that the entrapment is a simple, single step and promising procedure to immobilized pectinase within different synthetic and non-synthetic polymers and enhanced its catalytic properties.

Keywords: pectinase, characterization immobilization, polyacrylamide, agar-agar, calcium alginate beads

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1584 Trastuzumab Decorated Bioadhesive Nanoparticles for Targeted Breast Cancer Therapy

Authors: Kasi Viswanadh Matte, Abhisheh Kumar Mehata, M.S. Muthu


Brest cancer, up-regulated with human epidermal growth factor receptor type-2 (HER-2) led to the concept of developing HER-2 targeted anticancer therapeutics. Docetaxel-loaded D-α-tocopherol polyethylene glycol succinate 1000 conjugated chitosan (TPGS-g-chitosan) nanoparticles were prepared with or without Trastuzumab decoration. The particle size and entrapment efficiency of conventional, non-targeted and targeted nanoparticles were found to be in the range of 126-186 nm and 74-78% respectively. In-vitro, MDA-MB-231 cells showed that docetaxel-loaded non-targeted and HER-2 receptor targeted TPGS-g-chitosan nanoparticles have enhanced the cellular uptake and cytotoxicity with a promising bioadhesion property, in comparison to conventional nanoparticles. The IC50 values of non-targeted and targeted nanoparticles from cytotoxic assay were found to be 43 and 223 folds higher than DocelTM. The in-vivo pharmacokinetic study showed 2.33, and 2.82-fold enhancement in relative bioavailability of docetaxel for non-targeted and HER-2 receptor targeted nanoparticles, respectively than DocelTM, and after i.v administration, non-targeted and targeted nanoparticle achieved 3.48 and 5.94 times prolonged half-life in comparison to DocelTM. The area under the curve (AUC), relative bioavailability (FR) and mean residence time (MRT) were found to be higher for non-targeted and targeted nanoparticles compared to DocelTM. Further, histopathology results of non-targeted and targeted nanoparticles showed less toxicity on vital organs such as lungs, liver, and kidney compared to DocelTM.

Keywords: breast cancer, HER-2 receptor, targeted nanomedicine, chitosan, TPGS

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1583 Plasma Treatment of Poppy and Flax Seeds in Fluidized Bed Reactor

Authors: Jakub Perner, Jindrich Matousek, Hana Malinska


Adverse environmental conditions at planting (especially water shortage) can lead into reduced germination rate of seeds. The plasma treatment is one of the possibilities that can solve this problem. Such treatment can increase the germination rate of seeds and make germs grow faster due to increased wettability of seeds surface or disrupted seed coat. This could lead to enhanced oxygen and water transport into the seed and improve germination. Poppy and flax seeds were treated in fluidized bed reactor, and discharge power ranging from 10 to 40 W was used. The working gas was air at pressure 100 Pa. Poppy seeds were then planted into Petri dishes on 7 layers of filter paper saturated with water, and the number of germinated seeds was observed from 3 to 6 days after planting. Every plasma treated sample showed improved germination rate compared to untreated seeds (75.5%) six days after planting. Samples treated in 40W discharge had the highest germination rate (81.2%). The decreased contact angle of water on treated poppy seeds was observed from 85° (untreated) to 30–35° (treated). Untreated flax seeds have a germination rate over 98%; therefore, the weight of seeds was taken to be a measure of the successful germination. Treated flax seeds had a slightly higher weight than untreated. Also, the contact angle of water decreased from 99° (untreated) to 65-73° (treated); therefore the treatment of both species is considered to be successful.

Keywords: flax, germination, plasma treatment, poppy

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1582 Template-less Self-Assembled Morphologically Cubic BiFeO₃ for Improved Electrical Properties

Authors: Jenna Metera, Olivia Graeve


Ceramic capacitor technologies using lead based materials is being phased out for its environmental and handling hazards. Bismuth ferrite (BiFeO₃) is the next best replacement for those lead-based technologies. Unfortunately, the electrical properties in bismuth systems are not as robust as the lead alternatives. The improvement of electrical properties such as charge density, charge anisotropy, relative permittivity, and dielectric loss are the parameters that will make BiFeO₃ a competitive alternative to lead-based ceramic materials. In order to maximize the utility of these properties, we propose the ordering and an evaporation-induced self-assembly of a cubic morphology powder. Evaporation-induced self-assembly is a template-less, bottom-up, self-assembly option. The capillary forces move the particles closer together when the solvent evaporates, promoting organized agglomeration at the particle faces. The assembly of particles into organized structures can lead to enhanced properties compared to unorganized structures or single particles themselves. The interactions between the particles can be controlled based on the long-range order in the organized structure. The cubic particle morphology is produced through a hydrothermal synthesis with changes in the concentration of potassium hydroxide, which changes the morphology of the powder. Once the assembly materializes, the powder is fabricated into workable substrates for electrical testing after consolidation.

Keywords: evaporation, lead-free, morphology, self-assembly

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1581 Synergetic Effect of Dietary Essential Amino Acids (Lysine and Methionine) on the Growth, Body Composition and Enzymes Activities of Genetically Male Tilapia

Authors: Noor Khan, Hira Waris


This study was conducted on genetically male tilapia (GMT) fry reared in glass aquarium for three months to examine the synergetic effect of essential amino acids (EAA) supplementation on growth, body composition, and enzyme activities. Fish having average body weight of 16.56 ± 0.42g were fed twice a day on artificial feed (20% crude protein) procured from Oryza Organics (commercial feed) supplemented with EAA; methionine (M) and lysine (L) designated as T1 (0.3%M and 2%L), T2 (0.6%M and 4%L), T3 (0.9%M and 6%L) and control without EAA. Significantly higher growth performance was observed in T1, followed by T2, T3, and control. The results revealed that whole-body dry matter and crude protein were significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) in T3 (0.9% and 6%) feeding fish, while the crude fat was lower (p ≤ 0.05) in a similar group of fish. Additionally, protease, amylase, and lipase activities were also observed maximum (p ≤ 0.05) in response to T3 than other treatments and control. However, the EAA, especially lysine and methionine, were found significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) in T1 compared to other treatments. Conclusively, the addition of EAA, methionine, and lysine in the feed not only enhanced the growth performance of GMT fry but also improved body proximate composition and essential amino acid profile.

Keywords: genetically male tilapia, body composition, digestive enzyme activities, amino acid profile

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1580 From Linear to Circular Model: An Artificial Intelligence-Powered Approach in Fosso Imperatore

Authors: Carlotta D’Alessandro, Giuseppe Ioppolo, Katarzyna Szopik-Depczyńska


— The growing scarcity of resources and the mounting pressures of climate change, water pollution, and chemical contamination have prompted societies, governments, and businesses to seek ways to minimize their environmental impact. To combat climate change, and foster sustainability, Industrial Symbiosis (IS) offers a powerful approach, facilitating the shift toward a circular economic model. IS has gained prominence in the European Union's policy framework as crucial enabler of resource efficiency and circular economy practices. The essence of IS lies in the collaborative sharing of resources such as energy, material by-products, waste, and water, thanks to geographic proximity. It can be exemplified by eco-industrial parks (EIPs), which are natural environments for boosting cooperation and resource sharing between businesses. EIPs are characterized by group of businesses situated in proximity, connected by a network of both cooperative and competitive interactions. They represent a sustainable industrial model aimed at reducing resource use, waste, and environmental impact while fostering economic and social wellbeing. IS, combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven technologies, can further optimize resource sharing and efficiency within EIPs. This research, supported by the “CE_IPs” project, aims to analyze the potential for IS and AI, in advancing circularity and sustainability at Fosso Imperatore. The Fosso Imperatore Industrial Park in Nocera Inferiore, Italy, specializes in agriculture and the industrial transformation of agricultural products, particularly tomatoes, tobacco, and textile fibers. This unique industrial cluster, centered around tomato cultivation and processing, also includes mechanical engineering enterprises and agricultural packaging firms. To stimulate the shift from a traditional to a circular economic model, an AI-powered Local Development Plan (LDP) is developed for Fosso Imperatore. It can leverage data analytics, predictive modeling, and stakeholder engagement to optimize resource utilization, reduce waste, and promote sustainable industrial practices. A comprehensive SWOT analysis of the AI-powered LDP revealed several key factors influencing its potential success and challenges. Among the notable strengths and opportunities arising from AI implementation are reduced processing times, fewer human errors, and increased revenue generation. Furthermore, predictive analytics minimize downtime, bolster productivity, and elevate quality while mitigating workplace hazards. However, the integration of AI also presents potential weaknesses and threats, including significant financial investment, since implementing and maintaining AI systems can be costly. The widespread adoption of AI could lead to job losses in certain sectors. Lastly, AI systems are susceptible to cyberattacks, posing risks to data security and operational continuity. Moreover, an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis was employed to yield a prioritized ranking of the outlined AI-driven LDP practices based on the stakeholder input, ensuring a more comprehensive and representative understanding of their relative significance for achieving sustainability in Fosso Imperatore Industrial Park. While this study provides valuable insights into the potential of AIpowered LDP at the Fosso Imperatore, it is important to note that the findings may not be directly applicable to all industrial parks, particularly those with different sizes, geographic locations, or industry compositions. Additional study is necessary to scrutinize the generalizability of these results and to identify best practices for implementing AI-driven LDP in diverse contexts.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, climate change, Fosso Imperatore, industrial park, industrial symbiosis

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1579 The Impact of AI on Higher Education

Authors: Georges Bou Ghantous


This literature review examines the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on higher education, highlighting both the potential benefits and challenges associated with its adoption. The review reveals that AI significantly enhances personalized learning by tailoring educational experiences to individual student needs, thereby boosting engagement and learning outcomes. Automated grading systems streamline assessment processes, allowing educators to focus on improving instructional quality and student interaction. AI's data-driven insights provide valuable analytics, helping educators identify trends in at-risk students and refine teaching strategies. Moreover, AI promotes enhanced instructional innovation through the adoption of advanced teaching methods and technologies, enriching the educational environment. Administrative efficiency is also improved as AI automates routine tasks, freeing up time for educators to engage in research and curriculum development. However, the review also addresses the challenges that accompany AI integration, such as data privacy concerns, algorithmic bias, dependency on technology, reduced human interaction, and ethical dilemmas. This balanced exploration underscores the need for careful consideration of both the advantages and potential hurdles in the implementation of AI in higher education.

Keywords: administrative efficiency, data-driven insights, data privacy, ethical dilemmas, higher education, personalized learning

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1578 MEET (Maximise the Erasmus Experience Together): Gains, Challenges and Proposals

Authors: Susana Olmos, Catherine Spencer


Every year our School in DIT (Dublin Institute of Technology) hosts approximately 80 Erasmus students from partner universities across Europe. Our own students are required to spend a compulsory 3rd year abroad on study and/or work placements. This is an extremely rewarding experience for all of the students, however, it can also be a challenging one. With this in mind, we started a project which aimed to make this transition as easy and productive as possible. The project, which is called MEET: Maximise the Erasmus Experience Together, focuses on the students’ own active engagement in learning and preparation – outside of the classroom –and their own self-directed pursuit of opportunities to develop their confidence and preparedness, which would work as an important foundation for the transformative learning that study abroad implies. We focussed on creating more structured opportunities where Erasmus students from our partner universities (currently studying at DIT) and our second-year students could interact and learn from each other, and in so doing improve both their language and intercultural skills. Our experience so far has been quite positive and we have seen how students taking part in this project have developed as autonomous learners as well as enhanced both their linguistic and intercultural knowledge. As the linguistic element of our project was one of our main priorities, we asked the students to keep a reflective diary on the activities that were organised by the group in the TL. Also, we use questionnaires as well as personal interviews to assess their development. However, there are challenges and proposals we would make to bring this project forward for the near future.

Keywords: erasmus, intercultural competence, linguistic competence, extra curriculum activities

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1577 Design and Implementation of a 94 GHz CMOS Double-Balanced Up-Conversion Mixer for 94 GHz Imaging Radar Sensors

Authors: Yo-Sheng Lin, Run-Chi Liu, Chien-Chu Ji, Chih-Chung Chen, Chien-Chin Wang


A W-band double-balanced mixer for direct up-conversion using standard 90 nm CMOS technology is reported. The mixer comprises an enhanced double-balanced Gilbert cell with PMOS negative resistance compensation for conversion gain (CG) enhancement and current injection for power consumption reduction and linearity improvement, a Marchand balun for converting the single LO input signal to differential signal, another Marchand balun for converting the differential RF output signal to single signal, and an output buffer amplifier for loading effect suppression, power consumption reduction and CG enhancement. The mixer consumes low power of 6.9 mW and achieves LO-port input reflection coefficient of -17.8~ -38.7 dB and RF-port input reflection coefficient of -16.8~ -27.9 dB for frequencies of 90~100 GHz. The mixer achieves maximum CG of 3.6 dB at 95 GHz, and CG of 2.1±1.5 dB for frequencies of 91.9~99.4 GHz. That is, the corresponding 3 dB CG bandwidth is 7.5 GHz. In addition, the mixer achieves LO-RF isolation of 36.8 dB at 94 GHz. To the authors’ knowledge, the CG, LO-RF isolation and power dissipation results are the best data ever reported for a 94 GHz CMOS/BiCMOS up-conversion mixer.

Keywords: CMOS, W-band, up-conversion mixer, conversion gain, negative resistance compensation, output buffer amplifier

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1576 Breaking Sensitivity Barriers: Perovskite Based Gas Sensors With Dimethylacetamide-Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solvent Mixture Strategy

Authors: Endalamaw Ewnu Kassa, Ade Kurniawan, Ya-Fen Wu, Sajal Biring


Perovskite-based gas sensors represent a highly promising materials within the realm of gas sensing technology, with a particular focus on detecting ammonia (NH3) due to its potential hazards. Our work conducted thorough comparison of various solvents, including dimethylformamide (DMF), DMF-dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), dimethylacetamide (DMAC), and DMAC-DMSO, for the preparation of our perovskite solution (MAPbI3). Significantly, we achieved an exceptional response at 10 ppm of ammonia gas by employing a binary solvent mixture of DMAC-DMSO. In contrast to prior reports that relied on single solvents for MAPbI3 precursor preparation, our approach using mixed solvents demonstrated a marked improvement in gas sensing performance. We attained enhanced surface coverage, a reduction in pinhole occurrences, and precise control over grain size in our perovskite films through the careful selection and mixtures of appropriate solvents. This study shows a promising potential of employing binary and multi-solvent mixture strategies as a means to propel advancements in gas sensor technology, opening up new opportunities for practical applications in environmental monitoring and industrial safety.

Keywords: sensors, binary solvents, ammonia, sensitivity, grain size, pinholes, surface coverage

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1575 Numerical Analysis of Wire Laser Additive Manufacturing for Low Carbon Steels+

Authors: Juan Manuel Martinez Alvarez, Michele Chiumenti


This work explores the benefit of the thermo-metallurgical simulation to tackle the Wire Laser Additive Manufacturing (WLAM) of low-carbon steel components. The Finite Element Analysis is calibrated by process monitoring via thermal imaging and thermocouples measurements, to study the complex thermo-metallurgical behavior inherent to the WLAM process of low carbon steel parts.A critical aspect is the analysis of the heterogeneity in the resulting microstructure. This heterogeneity depends on both the thermal history and the residual stresses experienced during the WLAM process. Because of low carbon grades are highly sensitive to quenching, a high-gradient microstructure often arises due to the layer-by-layer metal deposition in WLAM. The different phases have been identified by scanning electron microscope. A clear influence of the heterogeneities on the final mechanical performance has been established by the subsequent mechanical characterization. The thermo-metallurgical analysis has been used to determine the actual thermal history and the corresponding thermal gradients during the printing process. The correlation between the thermos-mechanical evolution, the printing parameters and scanning sequence has been established. Therefore, an enhanced printing strategy, including optimized process window has been used to minimize the microstructure heterogeneity at ArcelorMittal.

Keywords: additive manufacturing, numerical simulation, metallurgy, steel

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1574 Formal Implementation of Routing Information Protocol Using Event-B

Authors: Jawid Ahmad Baktash, Tadashi Shiroma, Tomokazu Nagata, Yuji Taniguchi, Morikazu Nakamura


The goal of this paper is to explore the use of formal methods for Dynamic Routing, The purpose of network communication with dynamic routing is sending a massage from one node to others by using pacific protocols. In dynamic routing connections are possible based on protocols of Distance vector (Routing Information Protocol, Border Gateway protocol), Link State (Open Shortest Path First, Intermediate system Intermediate System), Hybrid (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol). The responsibility for proper verification becomes crucial with Dynamic Routing. Formal methods can play an essential role in the Routing, development of Networks and testing of distributed systems. Event-B is a formal technique consists of describing rigorously the problem; introduce solutions or details in the refinement steps to obtain more concrete specification, and verifying that proposed solutions are correct. The system is modeled in terms of an abstract state space using variables with set theoretic types and the events that modify state variables. Event-B is a variant of B, was designed for developing distributed systems. In Event-B, the events consist of guarded actions occurring spontaneously rather than being invoked. The invariant state properties must be satisfied by the variables and maintained by the activation of the events.

Keywords: dynamic rout RIP, formal method, event-B, pro-B

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1573 Remote Assessment and Change Detection of GreenLAI of Cotton Crop Using Different Vegetation Indices

Authors: Ganesh B. Shinde, Vijaya B. Musande


Cotton crop identification based on the timely information has significant advantage to the different implications of food, economic and environment. Due to the significant advantages, the accurate detection of cotton crop regions using supervised learning procedure is challenging problem in remote sensing. Here, classifiers on the direct image are played a major role but the results are not much satisfactorily. In order to further improve the effectiveness, variety of vegetation indices are proposed in the literature. But, recently, the major challenge is to find the better vegetation indices for the cotton crop identification through the proposed methodology. Accordingly, fuzzy c-means clustering is combined with neural network algorithm, trained by Levenberg-Marquardt for cotton crop classification. To experiment the proposed method, five LISS-III satellite images was taken and the experimentation was done with six vegetation indices such as Simple Ratio, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Enhanced Vegetation Index, Green Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index, Wide-Dynamic Range Vegetation Index, Green Chlorophyll Index. Along with these indices, Green Leaf Area Index is also considered for investigation. From the research outcome, Green Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index outperformed with all other indices by reaching the average accuracy value of 95.21%.

Keywords: Fuzzy C-Means clustering (FCM), neural network, Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm, vegetation indices

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1572 Efficiency of Microbial Metabolites on Quality Milk Production in Nili Ravi Breed of Buffalos

Authors: Sajjad Ur Rahman, Muhammad Tahir, Mukarram Bashir, Jawad, Aoun Muhammad, Muhammad Zohaib, Hannan Khan, Seemal Javaid, Mariam Azam


The efficiency of natural metabolites obtained from partially fermented soya hulls and wheat bran using Saccharomyces cerevisiae (DL-22 S/N) ensures a potential impact on the total milk yield and quality of milk production. On attaining a moderate number of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells around 1×10⁹ CFU/ml, the concentrate was further elevated under in-vivo conditions to study the quality of milk production in lactating buffalo. Ten lactating buffalos of the Nili Ravi breed having the same physical factors were given 12 gm of microbial metabolites daily, along with the palleted feed having 22 % proteins. Another group of 10 lactating animals with the same characteristics was maintained without metabolites. The body score, overall health, incidence of mastitis, milk fat, milk proteins, ash and solid not fat (SNF) were elevated on a weekly basis up to thirty days of trial. It was recorded that the average total increase in quality milk production was 0.9 liter/h/d, whereas SNF in the milk was enhanced to 0.71, and fats were decreased to 0.09 %. Moreover, during all periods of the trial, the overall non-specific immunity of buffalo was increased, as indicated by less than 0.2 % of mastitis incidence compared to 1.8% in the untreated buffalos.

Keywords: natural metabolites, quality milk, milk yield, microorganisms, fermentation, nonspecific immunity, better performing animals

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1571 CFD Investigation on Heat Transfer and Friction Characteristics of Rib Roughened Evacuated Tube Collector Solar Air Heater

Authors: Mohit Singla, Vishavjeet Singh Hans, Sukhmeet Singh


Heat transfer and friction characteristics of evacuated tube collector solar air heater artificially roughened with periodic circular rib of uniform cross-section were investigated. The present investigation was carried out in ANSYS Fluent 15.0 to study the impact of roughness geometry parameters, i.e. relative roughness pitch (P/e) of 8 and relative roughness height (e/Dh) of 0.064 and flow parameters, i.e. Reynolds number range of 2500-8000 on Nusselt number and friction factor. RNG k-ε with enhanced wall treatment turbulence model was selected for analysis. The results obtained for roughened evacuated tube collector has been compared with smooth evacuated tube collector for the similar flow conditions. With the increment in Reynolds number from 2500 to 8000, Nusselt number augments while friction factor decreases. Maximum enhancement ratio of Nusselt number and friction factor was 1.71 and 2.7 respectively, obtained at Reynolds number value of 8000. The value of thermo-hydraulic performance parameter was varied between 1.18 - 1.23 for the entire range of Reynolds number, indicates the advantage to use the roughened evacuated tube collector over smooth evacuated tube collector in solar air heater.

Keywords: artificial roughness, evacuated tube collector, friction factor, Nusselt number

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1570 Students’ Notions About Bioethical Issues - A Comparative Study in Indian Subcontinent

Authors: Astha Saxena


The present study is based in Indian subcontinent and aims at exploring students’ conceptions about ethical issues related to Biotechnology at both high school and undergraduate level. The data collection methods involved taking classroom notes, recording students’ observations and arguments, and focussed group discussions with students. The data was analysed using classroom discourse analysis and interpretive approaches. The findings depicted different aspects of students’ thinking, meaning making and ethical understanding with respect to complex bioethical issues such as genetically modified crops, in-vitro fertilization (IVF), human genomic project, cloning, etc., at high school as well as undergraduate level. The paper offers a comparative account of students’ arguments with respect to ethical issues in biotechnology at the high school & undergraduate level, where it shows a clear gradation in their ethical understanding from high school to undergraduate level, which can be attributed to their enhanced subject-matter knowledge. The nature of students’ arguments reveal that there is more reliance on the utilitarian aspect of these biotechnologies as against a holistic understanding about a particular bioethical issue. This study has implications for science teachers to delve into students’ thinking and notions about ethical issues in biotechnology and accordingly design appropriate pedagogical approaches.

Keywords: ethical issues, biotechnology, ethical understanding, argument, ethical reasoning, pedagogy

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1569 Real-Time Finger Tracking: Evaluating YOLOv8 and MediaPipe for Enhanced HCI

Authors: Zahra Alipour, Amirreza Moheb Afzali


In the field of human-computer interaction (HCI), hand gestures play a crucial role in facilitating communication by expressing emotions and intentions. The precise tracking of the index finger and the estimation of joint positions are essential for developing effective gesture recognition systems. However, various challenges, such as anatomical variations, occlusions, and environmental influences, hinder optimal functionality. This study investigates the performance of the YOLOv8m model for hand detection using the EgoHands dataset, which comprises diverse hand gesture images captured in various environments. Over three training processes, the model demonstrated significant improvements in precision (from 88.8% to 96.1%) and recall (from 83.5% to 93.5%), achieving a mean average precision (mAP) of 97.3% at an IoU threshold of 0.7. We also compared YOLOv8m with MediaPipe and an integrated YOLOv8 + MediaPipe approach. The combined method outperformed the individual models, achieving an accuracy of 99% and a recall of 99%. These findings underscore the benefits of model integration in enhancing gesture recognition accuracy and localization for real-time applications. The results suggest promising avenues for future research in HCI, particularly in augmented reality and assistive technologies, where improved gesture recognition can significantly enhance user experience.

Keywords: YOLOv8, mediapipe, finger tracking, joint estimation, human-computer interaction (HCI)

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1568 Anticancer Activity of Edible Coprinus Mushroom (Coprinus comatus) on Human Glioblastoma Cell Lines and Interaction with Temozolomide

Authors: Maria Borawska, Patryk Nowakowski, Sylwia K. Naliwajko, Renata Markiewicz-Zukowska, Anna Puscion-Jakubik, Krystyna Gromkowska-Kepka, Justyna Moskwa


Coprinus comatus (O. F. Müll.) Pers.) should not be confused with the common Ink Cap, which contains coprine and can induce coprine poisoning. We study the possibility of applying coprinus mushroom (Coprinus comatus), available in Poland, as food product supporting the treatment of human glioblastoma cells. The U87MG and T98 glioblastoma cell lines were exposed to water (CW) or ethanol 95° (CE) Cantharellus extracts (50-500 μg/ml), with or without temozolomide (TMZ) during 24, 48 or 72 hours. The cell division was examined by the H³-thymidine incorporation. The statistical analysis was performed using Statistica v. 13.0 software. Significant differences were assumed for p < 0.05. We found that both, CW and CE, administrated alone, had inhibitory effect on cell lines growth, but the CE extract had a higher degree of growth inhibition. The anti-tumor effect of TMZ (50 μM) on U87MG was enhanced by mushroom extracts, and the effect was lower to the effect after using Coprinus comatus extracts (CW and CE) alone. A significant decrease (p < 0.05) in pro-MMP2 (82.61 ± 6.3% of control) secretion in U87MG cells was observed after treated with CE (250 μg/ml). We conclude that extracts of Coprinus comatus, edible mushroom, present cytotoxic properties on U87MG and T98 cell lines and may cooperate with TMZ synergistically enhancing its growth inhibiting activity against glioblastoma U87MG cell line.

Keywords: anticancer, glioma, mushroom, temozolomide

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1567 Estimation of Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids Using MD-Stochastic Simulation-Based Approach

Authors: Sujoy Das, M. M. Ghosh


The thermal conductivity of a fluid can be significantly enhanced by dispersing nano-sized particles in it, and the resultant fluid is termed as "nanofluid". A theoretical model for estimating the thermal conductivity of a nanofluid has been proposed here. It is based on the mechanism that evenly dispersed nanoparticles within a nanofluid undergo Brownian motion in course of which the nanoparticles repeatedly collide with the heat source. During each collision a rapid heat transfer occurs owing to the solid-solid contact. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of the collision of nanoparticles with the heat source has shown that there is a pulse-like pick up of heat by the nanoparticles within 20-100 ps, the extent of which depends not only on thermal conductivity of the nanoparticles, but also on the elastic and other physical properties of the nanoparticle. After the collision the nanoparticles undergo Brownian motion in the base fluid and release the excess heat to the surrounding base fluid within 2-10 ms. The Brownian motion and associated temperature variation of the nanoparticles have been modeled by stochastic analysis. Repeated occurrence of these events by the suspended nanoparticles significantly contributes to the characteristic thermal conductivity of the nanofluids, which has been estimated by the present model for a ethylene glycol based nanofluid containing Cu-nanoparticles of size ranging from 8 to 20 nm, with Gaussian size distribution. The prediction of the present model has shown a reasonable agreement with the experimental data available in literature.

Keywords: brownian dynamics, molecular dynamics, nanofluid, thermal conductivity

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1566 Computer-Aided Classification of Liver Lesions Using Contrasting Features Difference

Authors: Hussein Alahmer, Amr Ahmed


Liver cancer is one of the common diseases that cause the death. Early detection is important to diagnose and reduce the incidence of death. Improvements in medical imaging and image processing techniques have significantly enhanced interpretation of medical images. Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems based on these techniques play a vital role in the early detection of liver disease and hence reduce liver cancer death rate.  This paper presents an automated CAD system consists of three stages; firstly, automatic liver segmentation and lesion’s detection. Secondly, extracting features. Finally, classifying liver lesions into benign and malignant by using the novel contrasting feature-difference approach. Several types of intensity, texture features are extracted from both; the lesion area and its surrounding normal liver tissue. The difference between the features of both areas is then used as the new lesion descriptors. Machine learning classifiers are then trained on the new descriptors to automatically classify liver lesions into benign or malignant. The experimental results show promising improvements. Moreover, the proposed approach can overcome the problems of varying ranges of intensity and textures between patients, demographics, and imaging devices and settings.

Keywords: CAD system, difference of feature, fuzzy c means, lesion detection, liver segmentation

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1565 TerraEnhance: High-Resolution Digital Elevation Model Generation using GANs

Authors: Siddharth Sarma, Ayush Majumdar, Nidhi Sabu, Mufaddal Jiruwaala, Shilpa Paygude


Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are digital representations of the Earth’s topography, which include information about the elevation, slope, aspect, and other terrain attributes. DEMs play a crucial role in various applications, including terrain analysis, urban planning, and environmental modeling. In this paper, TerraEnhance is proposed, a distinct approach for high-resolution DEM generation using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) combined with Real-ESRGANs. By learning from a dataset of low-resolution DEMs, the GANs are trained to upscale the data by 10 times, resulting in significantly enhanced DEMs with improved resolution and finer details. The integration of Real-ESRGANs further enhances visual quality, leading to more accurate representations of the terrain. A post-processing layer is introduced, employing high-pass filtering to refine the generated DEMs, preserving important details while reducing noise and artifacts. The results demonstrate that TerraEnhance outperforms existing methods, producing high-fidelity DEMs with intricate terrain features and exceptional accuracy. These advancements make TerraEnhance suitable for various applications, such as terrain analysis and precise environmental modeling.

Keywords: DEM, ESRGAN, image upscaling, super resolution, computer vision

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1564 Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase-Dependent CREB Activation is Required for the Induction of Aromatase in Tamoxifen-Resistant Breast Cancer

Authors: Ji Hye Im, Nguyen T. T. Phuong, Keon Wook Kang


Estrogens are important for the development and growth of estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer, for which anti-estrogen therapy is one of the most effective treatments. However, its efficacy can be limited by either de novo or acquired resistance. Aromatase is a key enzyme for the biosynthesis of estrogens, and inhibition of this enzyme leads to profound hypoestrogenism. Here, we found that the basal expression and activity of aromatase were significantly increased in tamoxifen (TAM)-resistant human breast cancer (TAMR-MCF-7) cells compared to control MCF-7 cells. We further revealed that aromatase immunoreactivity in tumor tissues was increased in recurrence group after TAM therapy compared to non-recurrence group after TAM therapy. Phosphorylation of Akt, extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), and p38 kinase were all increased in TAMR-MCF-7 cells. Inhibition of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) suppressed the transactivation of the aromatase gene and its enzyme activity. Furthermore, we have also shown that PI3K/Akt-dependent cAMP-response element binding protein (CREB) activation was required for the enhanced expression of aromatase in TAMR-MCF-7 cells. Our findings suggest that aromatase expression is up-regulated in TAM-resistant breast cancer via PI3K/Akt-dependent CREB activation.

Keywords: TAMR-MCF-7, CREB, estrogen receptor, aromatase

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1563 An Application of E-Learning Technology for Students with Deafness and Hearing Impairment

Authors: Eyup Bayram Guzel


There have been growing awareness that technology offers unique and promising advantages by offering up-to-data educational materials in promoting teaching and learning materials, new strategies for building enhanced communication environment for people with disabilities and specifically for this study concentrated on the students with deafness and hearing impairments. Creating e-learning environment where teachers and students work in collaboration to develop better educational outcomes is the foremost reason of conducting this research. This study examined the perspectives of special education teachers’ regarding an application of e-learning software called Multimedia Builder on the students with deafness and hearing impairments. Initial and follow up interviews were conducted with 15 special education teachers around the scope of qualitative case study. Grounded approach has been used to analyse and interpret the data. The research results revealed that application of Multimedia Builder software were influential on reading, sign language, vocabulary improvements, computer and ICT usage developments and on audio-visual learning achievements for the advantages of students with deafness and hearing impairments. The implications of the study encouraged the ways of using e-learning tools and strategies to promote unique and comprehensive learning experiences for the targeted students and their teachers.

Keywords: e-learning, special education, deafness and hearing impairment, computer-ICT usage.

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1562 Molecular Simulation Study on the Catalytic Role of Silicon-Doped Graphene in Carbon Dioxide Hydrogenation

Authors: Wilmer Esteban Vallejo Narváez, Serguei Fomine


The theoretical investigation of Si-doped graphene nanoflakes (NFs) was conducted to understand their catalytic impact on CO₂ reduction using molecular hydrogen at the Density Functional Theory (DFT) level. The introduction of silicon by substituting carbon induces defects in the NF structure, resulting in a polyradical ground state. This silicon defect significantly boosts reactivity towards substrates, making Si-doped graphene NFs more catalytically active in CO₂ reduction to formic acid compared to silicene. Notably, Si-doped graphene demonstrates a preference for formic acid over carbon monoxide, mirroring the behavior of silicene. Furthermore, investigations into formic acid-to-formaldehyde and formaldehyde-to-methanol conversions reveal instances where Si-doped graphene outperforms silicene in terms of efficacy. In the final reduction step, the methanol-to-methane reaction unfolds in four stages, with the rate-determining step involving hydrogen transfer from silicon to methyl. Notably, the activation energy for this step is lower in Si-doped graphene compared to silicene. Consequently, Si-doped graphene NFs emerge as superior catalysts with lower activation energies overall. Remarkably, throughout these catalytic processes, Si-doped graphene maintains environmental stability, further highlighting its enhanced catalytic activity without compromising graphene's inherent stability.

Keywords: silicon-doped graphene, CO₂ reduction, DFT, catalysis

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1561 Modified Single-Folded Potentials for the Alpha-²⁴Mg and Alpha-²⁸Si Elastic Scattering

Authors: M. N. A. Abdullah, Pritha Roy, R. R. Shil, D. R. Sarker


Alpha-nucleus interaction is obscured because it produces enhanced cross-sections at large scattering angles known as anomaly in large angle scattering (ALAS). ALAS is prominent in the elastic scattering of α-particles as well as in non-elastic processes involving α-particles for incident energies up to 50 MeV and for targets of mass A ≤ 50. The Woods-Saxon type of optical model potential fails to describe the processes in a consistent manner. Folded potential is a good candidate and often used to construct the potential which is derived from the microscopic as well as semi-microscopic folding calculations. The present work reports the analyses of the elastic scattering of α-particles from ²⁴Mg and ²⁸Si at Eα=22-100 MeV and 14.4-120 MeV incident energies respectively in terms of the modified single-folded (MSF) potential. To derive the MSF potential, we take the view that the nucleons in the target nuclei ²⁴Mg and ²⁸Si are primarily in α-like clusters and the rest of the time in unclustered nucleonic configuration. The MSF potential, found in this study, does not need any renormalization over the whole range of incident α energies, and the renormalization factor has been found to be exactly 1 for both the targets. The best-fit parameters yield 4Aα = 21 and AN = 3 for α-²⁴Mg potential, and 4Aα = 26 and AN = 2 for α-²⁸Si potential in time-average pictures. The root-mean-square radii of both ²⁴Mg and ²⁸Si are also deduced, and the results obtained from this work agree well with the outcomes of other studies.

Keywords: elastic scattering, optical model, folded potential, renormalization

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1560 Biologic Materials- Ecological Living Network

Authors: Ina Dajci


Biologic Materials presents groundbreaking transdisciplinary research aimed at fostering new collaborative models across the Built Environment, Forestry, and Agriculture sectors. This initiative seeks to establish innovative paradigms for local and global material flows by developing a biocompatible, regenerative material economy. The project focuses on creating materials derived from biowaste and silvicultural practices, ensuring the preservation of endangered indigenous and vernacular techniques through the integration of emerging biosciences. By utilizing biomaterials sourced from agricultural waste and forest byproducts, the initiative incorporates fabrication methods recognized by UNESCO as ‘intangible cultural heritage of humanity,’ which are currently at risk. The structural, mechanical, and environmental properties of these materials are enhanced through advanced CAD-CAM fabrication, along with energy-efficient biochemical and bacterial processes that promote healthy indigo coloration. Furthermore, the integration of AI technologies in species selection facilitates a novel partnership model, enabling designers to collaborate effectively with forest managers and silviculture practitioners. This collaborative approach not only optimizes the use of plant-based materials but also enhances biodiversity and climate resilience in regional ecosystems. Overall, this project embodies a holistic strategy for addressing environmental challenges while revitalizing traditional practices and fostering sustainable innovation.

Keywords: material, architecture, culture, heritage, ecology, environment

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