Search results for: improved teaching
6380 Prep: Pause, Reset, Establish Expectations, and Proceed. A Practical Approach for Classroom Transitions
Authors: Shane-Anthony Smith
Teachers across grade levels and content areas face a myriad of challenges in the classroom. From inconsistent attendance to disruptive behaviors, these challenges can have a dire impact on the educational space, untimely leading to a loss of instructional time and student disenfranchisement from learning. While these challenges are not new to the educational landscape, the post-COVID classroom has, in many instances, been more severely impacted by behaviors that are not conducive to learning. Despite the mounting challenges, the role of the teacher remains unchanged - that is, to create and maintain a safe environment that is conducive to learning and promotes successful learning outcomes. Accomplishing this feat is no easy task. Yet, there are steps teachers can - indeed, must - take to better set themselves and their students up for success. The key to achieving this success is effective classroom transitions. This paper presents a four-step approach for teachers to engage in successful classroom transitions to promote meaningful student engagement and active positive learning outcomes. The transition strategy I will explore is called PREP (Pause, Reset, Establish Expectations, and Proceed). I developed this strategy in my work as a Residency Director for my university’s teacher residency program. In this role, I am tasked with coaching emerging teachers and their in-service teaching mentors in the field, as well as providing mentorship to special education resident teachers pursuing teaching degrees in the program. As a teacher educator, being in Middle and High school classrooms provides an intricate and critical understanding of the challenges, opportunities, and possibilities in the classroom. For this paper, I will explore how teachers can optimize the opportunities PREP provides to keep students engaged and, thus, improve student achievement. I will describe the approach, explain its use, and provide case-study examples of its classroom application.Keywords: classroom management, teaching strategies, student engagement, classroom transition
Procedia PDF Downloads 796379 Structure of the Working Time of Nurses in Emergency Departments in Polish Hospitals
Authors: Jadwiga Klukow, Anna Ksykiewicz-Dorota
An analysis of the distribution of nurses’ working time constitutes vital information for the management in planning employment. The objective of the study was to analyze the distribution of nurses’ working time in an emergency department. The study was conducted in an emergency department of a teaching hospital in Lublin, in Southeast Poland. The catalogue of activities performed by nurses was compiled by means of continuous observation. Identified activities were classified into four groups: Direct care, indirect care, coordination of work in the department and personal activities. Distribution of nurses’ working time was determined by work sampling observation (Tippett) at random intervals. The research project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee by the Medical University of Lublin (Protocol 0254/113/2010). On average, nurses spent 31% of their working time on direct care, 47% on indirect care, 12% on coordinating work in the department and 10% on personal activities. The most frequently performed direct care tasks were diagnostic activities – 29.23% and treatment-related activities – 27.69%. The study has provided information on the complexity of performed activities and utilization of nurses’ working time. Enhancing the effectiveness of nursing actions requires working out a strategy for improved management of the time nurses spent at work. Increasing the involvement of auxiliary staff and optimizing communication processes within the team may lead to reduction of the time devoted to indirect care for the benefit of direct care.Keywords: emergency nurses, nursing care, workload, work sampling
Procedia PDF Downloads 3356378 Accounting for Rice Productivity Heterogeneity in Ghana: The Two-Step Stochastic Metafrontier Approach
Authors: Franklin Nantui Mabe, Samuel A. Donkoh, Seidu Al-Hassan
Rice yields among agro-ecological zones are heterogeneous. Farmers, researchers and policy makers are making frantic efforts to bridge rice yield gaps between agro-ecological zones through the promotion of improved agricultural technologies (IATs). Farmers are also modifying these IATs and blending them with indigenous farming practices (IFPs) to form farmer innovation systems (FISs). Also, different metafrontier models have been used in estimating productivity performances and their drivers. This study used the two-step stochastic metafrontier model to estimate the productivity performances of rice farmers and their determining factors in GSZ, FSTZ and CSZ. The study used both primary and secondary data. Farmers in CSZ are the most technically efficient. Technical inefficiencies of farmers are negatively influenced by age, sex, household size, education years, extension visits, contract farming, access to improved seeds, access to irrigation, high rainfall amount, less lodging of rice, and well-coordinated and synergized adoption of technologies. Albeit farmers in CSZ are doing well in terms of rice yield, they still have the highest potential of increasing rice yield since they had the lowest TGR. It is recommended that government through the ministry of food and agriculture, development partners and individual private companies promote the adoption of IATs as well as educate farmers on how to coordinate and synergize the adoption of the whole package. Contract farming concept and agricultural extension intensification should be vigorously pursued to the latter.Keywords: efficiency, farmer innovation systems, improved agricultural technologies, two-step stochastic metafrontier approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 2696377 Use of Extended Conversation to Boost Vocabulary Knowledge and Soft Skills in English for Employment Classes
Authors: James G. Matthew, Seonmin Huh, Frank X. Bennett
English for Specific Purposes, ESP, aims to equip learners with necessary English language skills. Many ESP programs address language skills for job performance, including reading job related documents and oral proficiency. Within ESP is English for occupational purposes, EOP, which centers around developing communicative competence for the globalized workplace. Many ESP and EOP courses lack the content needed to assist students to progress at work, resulting in the need to create lexical compilation for different professions. It is important to teach communicative competence and soft skills for real job-related problem situations and address the complexities of the real world to help students to be successful in their professions. ESP and EOP research is therefore trying to balance both profession-specific educational contents as well as international multi-disciplinary language skills for the globalized workforce. The current study will build upon the existing discussion by developing pedagogy to assist students in their career through developing a strong practical command of relevant English vocabulary. Our research question focuses on the pedagogy two professors incorporated in their English for employment courses. The current study is a qualitative case study on the modes of teaching delivery for EOP in South Korea. Two foreign professors teaching at two different universities in South Korea volunteered for the study to explore their teaching practices. Both professors’ curriculums included the components of employment-related concept vocabulary, business presentations, CV/resume and cover letter preparation, and job interview preparation. All the pre-made recorded video lectures, live online class sessions with students, teachers’ lesson plans, teachers’ class materials, students’ assignments, and midterm and finals video conferences were collected for data analysis. The study then focused on unpacking representative patterns in their teaching methods. The professors used their strengths as native speakers to extend the class discussion from narrow and restricted conversations to giving students broader opportunities to practice authentic English conversation. The methods of teaching utilized three main steps to extend the conversation. Firstly, students were taught concept vocabulary. Secondly, the vocabulary was then combined in speaking activities where students had to solve scenarios, and the students were required to expand on the given forms of words and language expressions. Lastly, the students had conversations in English, using the language learnt. The conversations observed in both classes were those of authentic, expanded English communication and this way of expanding concept vocabulary lessons into extended conversation is one representative pedagogical approach that both professors took. Extended English conversation, therefore, is crucial for EOP education.Keywords: concept vocabulary, english as a foreign language, english for employment, extended conversation
Procedia PDF Downloads 926376 An Improved Face Recognition Algorithm Using Histogram-Based Features in Spatial and Frequency Domains
Authors: Qiu Chen, Koji Kotani, Feifei Lee, Tadahiro Ohmi
In this paper, we propose an improved face recognition algorithm using histogram-based features in spatial and frequency domains. For adding spatial information of the face to improve recognition performance, a region-division (RD) method is utilized. The facial area is firstly divided into several regions, then feature vectors of each facial part are generated by Binary Vector Quantization (BVQ) histogram using DCT coefficients in low frequency domains, as well as Local Binary Pattern (LBP) histogram in spatial domain. Recognition results with different regions are first obtained separately and then fused by weighted averaging. Publicly available ORL database is used for the evaluation of our proposed algorithm, which is consisted of 40 subjects with 10 images per subject containing variations in lighting, posing, and expressions. It is demonstrated that face recognition using RD method can achieve much higher recognition rate.Keywords: binary vector quantization (BVQ), DCT coefficients, face recognition, local binary patterns (LBP)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3506375 Uncovering Geometrical Ideas in Weaving: An Ethnomathematical Approaches to School Pedagogy
Authors: Jaya Bishnu Pradhan
Weaving mat is one of the common activities performed in different community generally in the rural part of Nepal. Mat weavers’ practice mathematical ideas and concepts implicitly in order to perform their job. This study is intended to uncover the mathematical ideas embedded in mat weaving that can help teachers and students for the teaching and learning of school geometry. The ethnographic methodology was used to uncover and describe the beliefs, values, understanding, perceptions, and attitudes of the mat weavers towards mathematical ideas and concepts in the process of mat weaving. A total of 4 mat weavers, two mathematics teachers and 12 students from grade level 6-8, who are used to participate in weaving, were selected for the study. The whole process of the mat weaving was observed in a natural setting. The classroom observation and in-depth interview were taken with the participants with the help of interview guidelines and observation checklist. The data obtained from the field were categorized according to the themes regarding mathematical ideas embedded in the weaving activities, and its possibilities in teaching learning of school geometry. In this study, the mathematical activities in different sectors of their lives, their ways of understanding the natural phenomena, and their ethnomathematical knowledge were analyzed with the notions of pluralism. From the field data, it was found that the mat weaver exhibited sophisticated geometrical ideas in the process of construction of frame of mat. They used x-test method for confirming if the mat is rectangular. Mat also provides a good opportunity to understand the space geometry. A rectangular form of mat may be rolled up when it is not in use and can be converted to a cylindrical form, which usually can be used as larder so as to reserve food grains. From the observation of the situations, this cultural experience enables students to calculate volume, curved surface area and total surface area of the cylinder. The possibilities of incorporation of these cultural activities and its pedagogical use were observed in mathematics classroom. It is argued that it is possible to use mat weaving activities in the teaching and learning of school geometry.Keywords: ethnography, ethnomathematics, geometry, mat weaving, school pedagogy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1596374 Reproductive Health Education (RHE) Toolkit for Science Teachers
Authors: Ivy Jeralyn T. Andres, Eva B. Macugay
Using a descriptive research design utilizing the Research and Development (R&D) methodology, this study focused on the development of Reproductive Health Education (RHE) Toolkit for Science Teachers that provides a guide in teaching reproductive health. Based on the findings, the teacher-respondents identified nine topics that can be included in the development of the RHE toolkit. The topics included are The Male Reproductive System, The Female Reproductive System, The Roles of Hormones in Male and Female Reproductive System, Menstrual Cycle, Fertilization, Pregnancy and Childbirth, Breastfeeding, Human Reproductive and Developmental Concerns and Reproductive Health Management and Diseases. The developed RHE Toolkit is remarked as very highly valid and very highly acceptable learning material. The validators and evaluators acknowledged the developed RHE toolkit as clear, creative, and academically useful supplemental material for educating reproductive health. Moreover, it follows the principles of SMART objectives, factual, timely, and relevant content for both learners and the community as a whole. Science teachers should employ the RHE Toolkit in teaching reproductive health education into their respective classes. It is also suggested that the developed RHE toolkit can be implemented to elementary pupils and the community, particularly in rural areas.Keywords: reproductive health education, toolkit, science teachers, supplemental material
Procedia PDF Downloads 916373 Improving Pain Management for Trauma Patients at Two Rwandan Emergency Departments
Authors: Jean Pierre Hagenimana, Paulin Ruhato Banguti, Rebecca Lynn Churchill Anderson, Jean de Dieu Tuyishime, Gaston Nyirigira, Eugene Tuyishime
Background: Little is known regarding the effectiveness of pain protocols and guidelines used in Emergency Departments (ED) in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Therefore, to shed light on this research gap, this study aimed to evaluate the quality of pain management following the implementation of both the WHO pain ladder-based trauma pain management protocol in two Rwandan teaching hospitals. Methods: This was a pre-and post-intervention study. The intervention was a 1-day acute pain course training for ED clinical staff followed by 1 week of mentorship on the use of the WHO pain ladder-based trauma pain management. Results: 261 participants were enrolled in the study (124 before the intervention and 137 after the intervention). The number of patients with undocumented pain scores decreased from 58% to 24% after the intervention (p-value > 0.001), and most patients (62%) had mild pain. In addition, patients who were satisfied with the quality of pain management increased significantly from 42% before the intervention to 80% (p-value > 0.001). Barriers were identified, however, including inadequate training and experience, shortage of staff, and patient’s reluctance to report pain. Conclusion: The implementation of the WHO pain ladder-based trauma pain management protocol significantly improved the quality of pain management in both CHUK and CHUB referral Hospital emergency departments. Despite this, some barriers remain, such as inadequate training and experience, shortage of staff, and patient’s reluctance to report pain. Appropriate interventions should be implemented to address the identified barriers and ensure adequate pain management for patients admitted at the emergency departments in referral hospitals in Rwanda.Keywords: pain management, trauma, emergency departments, Rwanda
Procedia PDF Downloads 166372 Analysis of Capillarity Phenomenon Models in Primary and Secondary Education in Spain: A Case Study on the Design, Implementation, and Analysis of an Inquiry-Based Teaching Sequence
Authors: E. Cascarosa-Salillas, J. Pozuelo-Muñoz, C. Rodríguez-Casals, A. de Echave
This study focuses on improving the understanding of the capillarity phenomenon among Primary and Secondary Education students. Despite being a common concept in daily life and covered in various subjects, students’ comprehension remains limited. This work explores inquiry-based teaching methods to build a conceptual foundation of capillarity by examining the forces involved. The study adopts an inquiry-based teaching approach supported by research emphasizing the importance of modeling in science education. Scientific modeling aids students in applying knowledge across varied contexts and developing systemic thinking, allowing them to construct scientific models applicable to everyday situations. This methodology fosters the development of scientific competencies such as observation, hypothesis formulation, and communication. The research was structured as a case study with activities designed for Spanish Primary and Secondary Education students aged 9 to 13. The process included curriculum analysis, the design of an activity sequence, and its implementation in classrooms. Implementation began with questions that students needed to resolve using available materials, encouraging observation, experimentation, and the re-contextualization of activities to everyday phenomena where capillarity is observed. Data collection tools included audio and video recordings of the sessions, which were transcribed and analyzed alongside the students' written work. Students' drawings on capillarity were also collected and categorized. Qualitative analyses of the activities showed that, through inquiry, students managed to construct various models of capillarity, reflecting an improved understanding of the phenomenon. Initial activities allowed students to express prior ideas and formulate hypotheses, which were then refined and expanded in subsequent sessions. The generalization and use of graphical representations of their ideas on capillarity, analyzed alongside their written work, enabled the categorization of capillarity models: Intuitive Model: A visual and straightforward representation without explanations of how or why it occurs. Simple symbolic elements, such as arrows to indicate water rising, are used without detailed or causal understanding. It reflects an initial, immediate perception of the phenomenon, interpreted as something that happens "on its own" without delving into the microscopic level. Explanatory Intuitive Model: Students begin to incorporate causal explanations, though still limited and without complete scientific accuracy. They represent the role of materials and use basic terms such as ‘absorption’ or ‘attraction’ to describe the rise of water. This model shows a more complex understanding where the phenomenon is not only observed but also partially explained in terms of interaction, though without microscopic detail. School Scientific Model: This model reflects a more advanced and detailed understanding. Students represent the phenomenon using specific scientific concepts like ‘surface tension,’ cohesion,’ and ‘adhesion,’ including structured explanations connecting microscopic and macroscopic levels. At this level, students model the phenomenon as a coherent system, demonstrating how various forces or properties interact in the capillarity process, with representations on a microscopic level. The study demonstrated that the capillarity phenomenon can be effectively approached in class through the experimental observation of everyday phenomena, explained through guided inquiry learning. The methodology facilitated students’ construction of capillarity models and served to analyze an interaction phenomenon of different forces occurring at the microscopic level.Keywords: capillarity, inquiry-based learning, scientific modeling, primary and secondary education, conceptual understanding, Drawing analysis.
Procedia PDF Downloads 176371 Improved Technology Portfolio Management via Sustainability Analysis
Authors: Ali Al-Shehri, Abdulaziz Al-Qasim, Abdulkarim Sofi, Ali Yousef
The oil and gas industry has played a major role in improving the prosperity of mankind and driving the world economy. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) and Integrated Environmental Assessment (EIA) estimates, the world will continue to rely heavily on hydrocarbons for decades to come. This growing energy demand mandates taking sustainability measures to prolong the availability of reliable and affordable energy sources, and ensure lowering its environmental impact. Unlike any other industry, the oil and gas upstream operations are energy-intensive and scattered over large zonal areas. These challenging conditions require unique sustainability solutions. In recent years there has been a concerted effort by the oil and gas industry to develop and deploy innovative technologies to: maximize efficiency, reduce carbon footprint, reduce CO2 emissions, and optimize resources and material consumption. In the past, the main driver for research and development (R&D) in the exploration and production sector was primarily driven by maximizing profit through higher hydrocarbon recovery and new discoveries. Environmental-friendly and sustainable technologies are increasingly being deployed to balance sustainability and profitability. Analyzing technology and its sustainability impact is increasingly being used in corporate decision-making for improved portfolio management and allocating valuable resources toward technology R&D.This paper articulates and discusses a novel workflow to identify strategic sustainable technologies for improved portfolio management by addressing existing and future upstream challenges. It uses a systematic approach that relies on sustainability key performance indicators (KPI’s) including energy efficiency quotient, carbon footprint, and CO2 emissions. The paper provides examples of various technologies including CCS, reducing water cuts, automation, using renewables, energy efficiency, etc. The use of 4IR technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Analytics are also discussed. Overlapping technologies, areas of collaboration and synergistic relationships are identified. The unique sustainability analyses provide improved decision-making on technology portfolio management.Keywords: sustainability, oil& gas, technology portfolio, key performance indicator
Procedia PDF Downloads 1846370 University Short Courses Web Application Using ASP.Net
Authors: Ahmed Hariri
E-Learning has become a necessity in the advanced education. It is easier for the student and teacher communication also it speed up the process with less time and less effort. With the progress and the enormous development of distance education must keep up with this age of making a website that allows students and teachers to take all the advantages of advanced education. In this regards, we developed University Short courses web application which is specially designed for Faculty of computing and information technology, Rabigh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. After an elaborate review of the current state-of-the-art methods of teaching and learning, we found that instructors deliver extra short courses and workshop to students to enhance the knowledge of students. Moreover, this process is completely manual. The prevailing methods of teaching and learning consume a lot of time; therefore in this context, University Short courses web application will help to make process easy and user friendly. The site allows for students can view and register short courses online conducted by instructor also they can see courses starting dates, finishing date and locations. It also allows the instructor to put things on his courses on the site and see the students enrolled in the study material. Finally, student can print the certificate after finished the course online. ASP.NET, SQLSERVER, JavaScript SQL SERVER Database will use to develop the University Short Courses web application.Keywords: e-learning, short courses, ASP.NET, SQL SERVER
Procedia PDF Downloads 1356369 Chinese Vocabulary Acquisition and Mobile Assisted Language Learning
Authors: Yuqing Sun
Chinese has been regarded as one of the most difficult languages in learning due to its complex spelling structure, difficult pronunciation, as well as its varying forms. Since vocabulary acquisition is the basic process to acquire a language, to express yourself, to compose a sentence, and to conduct a communication, so learning the vocabulary is of great importance. However, the vocabulary contains pronunciation, spelling, recognition and application which may seem as a huge work. This may pose a question for the language teachers (language teachers in China who teach Chinese to the foreign students): How to teach them in an effective way? Traditionally, teachers have no choice but teach it all by themselves, then with the development of technology, they can use computer as a tool to help them (Computer Assisted Language Learning or CALL). Now, they move into the Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) method to guide their teaching, upon which the appraisal is convincing. It diversifies the learning material and the way of output, which can activate learners’ curiosity and accelerate their understanding. This paper will focus on actual case studies occurring in the universities in China of teaching the foreign students to learn Chinese, and the analysis of the utilization of WeChat channel as an example of MALL model to explore the active role of MALL to enhance the effectiveness of Chinese vocabulary acquisition.Keywords: Chinese, vocabulary acquisition, MALL, case
Procedia PDF Downloads 4156368 From the Classroom to Digital Learning Environments: An Action Research on Pedagogical Practices in Higher Education
Authors: Marie Alexandre, Jean Bernatchez
This paper focuses on the complexity of the face-to-face-to-distance learning transition process. Our research action aims to support the process of transition from classroom to distance learning for teachers in higher education with regard to pedagogical practices that can meet the various needs of students using digital learning environments. In Quebec and elsewhere in the world, the advent of digital education is helping to transform teaching, which is significantly changing the role of teachers. While distance education implies a dissociation of teaching and learning to a variable degree in space and time, distance education (DE) is becoming more and increasingly becoming a preferred option for maintaining the delivery of certain programs and providing access to programs and to provide access to quality activities throughout Quebec. Given the impact of teaching practices on educational success, this paper reports on the results of three research objectives: 1) To document teachers' knowledge of teaching in distance education through the design, experimentation and production of a repertoire of the determinants of pedagogical practices in response to students' needs. 2) Explain, according to a gendered logic, the adequacy between the pedagogical practices implemented in distance learning and the response to the profiles and needs expressed by students using digital learning environments; 3) Produce a model of a support approach during the process of transition from classroom to distance learning at the college level. A mixed methodology, i.e., a quantitative component (questionnaire survey) and a qualitative component (explanatory interviews and living lab) was used in cycles that were part of an ongoing validation process. The intervention includes the establishment of a professional collaboration group, webinars training webinars for the participating teachers on the didactic issue of knowledge-teaching in FAD, the didactic use of technologies, and the differentiated socialization models of educational success in college education. All of the tools developed will be used by partners in the target environment as well as by all teacher educators, students in initial teacher training, practicing teachers, and the general public. The results show that access to training leading to qualifications and commitment to educational success reflects the existing links between the people in the educational community. The relational stakes of being present in distance education take on multiple configurations and different dimensions of learning testify to needs and realities that are sometimes distinct depending on the life cycle. This project will be of interest to partners in the targeted field as well as to all teacher trainers, students in initial teacher training, practicing college teachers, and to university professors. The entire educational community will benefit from digital resources in education. The scientific knowledge resulting from this action research will benefit researchers in the fields of pedagogy, didactics, teacher training and pedagogy in higher education in a digital context.Keywords: action research, didactics, digital learning environment, distance learning, higher education, pedagogy technological, pedagogical content knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 886367 A Corpus-Assisted Discourse Analysis of Adjectival Collocation of the Word 'Education' in the American Context
Authors: Ngan Nguyen
The study analyses adjectives collocating with the word ‘education’ in the American language of the Corpus of Global Web-based English using a combination of corpus linguistic and discourse analytical methods to examine not only language patterns but also social political ideologies around the topic. Significant conclusions are deduced: (1) there are a large number of adjectival collocates of the word education which have been identified and classified into four categories representing four different aspects of education: level, quality, forms and types of education; (2) education, as in combination with three first categories, carries the meaning as the act and process of teaching and learning while with the last category having the meaning of a particular kind of teaching or training; (3) higher education is the topic that gains most concerns from the American public; (4) five most significant ideologies are discovered from the corpus: higher education associates with financial affairs, higher education is an industry, monetary policy of the government on higher education, people require greater accessibility to higher education and people value higher education. The study contributes to the field of developing meanings of words through corpus analysis and the field of discourse analysis.Keywords: adjectival collocation, American context, corpus linguistics, discourse analysis, education
Procedia PDF Downloads 3476366 Exploring Art Teacher Voice: Canadian Education - Local and International Perspectives
Authors: Amy Atkinson
Teacher burnout and dissatisfaction is a concerning challenge for visual art (VA) programs within the western (Canadian) educational context, however VA programs who offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum within international schools are thriving. The purpose of this research was to investigate the experiences of Canadian-educated seasoned VA teachers within a range of curriculums, administrative systems and locations focusing on issues related to the VA teaching experience such as viability of the artist-teacher relationship, teaching satisfaction and teacher burnout. Research was conducted using an auto-ethnography approach coupled with a comparative case study method using in-depth interviews. Insights were uncovered into VA teacher’s lived experience, values and decisions, occupational ideology, cultural knowledge, and perspectives. Research for creation methods were explored to develop a creative narrative to amplify teacher voice; endeavouring to make the obscure vivid, empathy possible, direct attention to individuality and locate the universal. Case study results sustain ethnographic observations revealing that VA teachers are experiencing more efficacy, satisfaction and success, with less burn out within the international school/IB context.Keywords: international baccalaureate, autoethnography, teacher voice, visual arts
Procedia PDF Downloads 1846365 The Use of Serious Games in the Context of Education 4.0: Enhancing Learning in High Schools and Universities
Authors: Maciej Zaręba, Paweł Dawid
The changing picture of modern education requires innovative methodologies to meet the demands of new generations of students. Serious games, which use gamification principles to enrich the learning process, have become key tools for increasing student engagement and developing basic skills. This article explores the use of serious games in Education 4.0, focusing on their implementation in teaching manufacturing management and engineering principles at the high school and university levels. By simulating complex, real-world challenges and their solutions, serious games provide immersive and interactive learning environments that appeal to Generation Y and Z. These simulations enable students to participate in decision-making in realistic contexts, effectively bridging the gap between theoretical teaching and practical application. Based on the principles of Education 4.0 - which emphasizes personalized, experiential and technology-based learning - serious games foster cognitive engagement, critical thinking, problem-solving solving and collaborative competencies. Additionally, this study assesses the transformative potential of serious games in reshaping traditional educational practices, equipping students with the flexible skills necessary to thrive in an increasingly connected and dynamic global landscape.Keywords: serious games, education 4.0, gamification, eLearning
Procedia PDF Downloads 56364 Integration of Acoustic Solutions for Classrooms
Authors: Eyibo Ebengeobong Eddie, Halil Zafer Alibaba
The neglect of classroom acoustics is dominant in most educational facilities, meanwhile, hearing and listening is the learning process in this kind of facilities. A classroom should therefore be an environment that encourages listening, without an obstacles to understanding what is being taught. Although different studies have shown teachers to complain that noise is the everyday factor that causes stress in classroom, the capacity of individuals to understand speech is further affected by Echoes, Reverberation, and room modes. It is therefore necessary for classrooms to have an ideal acoustics to aid the intelligibility of students in the learning process. The influence of these acoustical parameters on learning and teaching in schools needs to be further researched upon to enhance the teaching and learning capacity of both teacher and student. For this reason, there is a strong need to provide and collect data to analyse and define the suitable quality of classrooms needed for a learning environment. Research has shown that acoustical problems are still experienced in both newer and older schools. However, recently, principle of acoustics has been analysed and room acoustics can now be measured with various technologies and sound systems to improve and solve the problem of acoustics in classrooms. These acoustic solutions, materials, construction methods and integration processes would be discussed in this paper.Keywords: classroom, acoustics, materials, integration, speech intelligibility
Procedia PDF Downloads 4176363 Extent of I.C.T Application in Record Management and Factors Hindering the Utilization of E-Learning in the Government Owned Universities in Enugu State, Nigeria
Authors: Roseline Unoma Chidobi
The purpose of this study is to identify the extent of Information Communication Technology (ICT) application in record management and some factors militating against the utilization of e-learning in the universities in Enugu state. The study was a survey research the quantitative data were collected through a 30 – item questionnaire title extent of ICT Application in Record management and militating Factors in the utilization of e-learning (EIARMMFUE). This was administered on a population of 603 respondents made up of university academic staff and senior administrative staff. The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and t-test statistics on a modified 4 point rating scale. Findings of the study revealed among others that ICT are not adequately applied in the management of records in the Universities in Nigeria. Factors like wrong notion or superstitious believe hinder the effective utilization of e – learning approach. The study recommended that the use of ICT in record management should be enhanced in order to achieve effective school management. All the factors militating against the effective utilization of e-learning approach should be addressed for the maximum realization of teaching and learning.Keywords: e-learning, information communication, teaching, technology, tertiary institution
Procedia PDF Downloads 5266362 The Licence, Master, Doctorate in Algeria and Education Quality: Affect and Effect Outcomes
Authors: Farouk A. N. Bouhadiba
This work addresses the issue of the LMD(Licence, Master, Doctorat) in Algeria and the impact it has had on education quality in terms of educational affect and effect. It starts with a brief introduction to the financial means, the educational settings, and the social environment in place when the LMD was institutionalized in Algeria (2003-2004). Some factors for the success or failure of this top-down institutional endeavor are examined and analyzed. These include – among other factors - the teacher/student attitudes, apprehensions, and motivations on the one hand and the institutional euphoria for the LMD in Algeria on the other hand. Some issues at stake are discussed. More specifically, the professional versus the student affect on today’s attitudes, interests, and values is examined as a result of nearly two decades of LMD teaching and learning in Algerian universities. We shall then present some official curricula that, in terms of content, reflect the spirit, principles, and architectures of the LMD but which, in reality, are partially, if not fully, set aside when it comes to teaching practices, learning behaviors, motivation, and evaluation. The discussion on effect highlights attitudinal, developmental, and social markers that are indicative of the extent to which Education Quality in Algeria has been positively or negatively affected by the implementation of the LMD.Keywords: LMD bachelor's masters doctorat, affects and effects, education quality, Algeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 346361 Disequilibrium between the Demand and Supply of Teachers of English at the Junior Secondary Schools in Gashua, Yobe State: Options for 2015 and Beyond
Authors: Clifford Irikefe Gbeyonron
The Nigerian educational system, which has English language as a major medium of instruction, has been designed in such a way that the cognitive, psychomotor and affective endowments of the Nigerian learner could be explored. However, the human resources that would impart the desired knowledge, skills and values in the learners seem to be in short supply. This paucity is more manifest in the area of teachers of English. As a result, this research was conducted on the demand and supply of teachers of English at the junior secondary schools in Gashua, Yobe State. The results indicate that there was dearth of teachers of English the domain under review. This thus presents a challenge that should propel English language teacher education industries to produce more teachers of English. As a result, this paper recommends that the teacher production process should make use of qualified and enthusiastic teacher trainers that would be able to inculcate in-depth linguistic and communicative competence of English language and English language teaching skills in the potential teachers of English. In addition, English language education service providers should attract and retain the trained teachers of English in the business of English language teaching in such a way that all the states of Nigeria could experience educational development.Keywords: demand, supply, teachers of English, Yobe State
Procedia PDF Downloads 3756360 Implementing Action Research in EFL/ESL Classrooms: A Systematic Review of Literature 2010-2019
Authors: Amira D. Ali
Action research studies in education often address learners’ needs and empower practitioner-researcher to effectively change instructional practices and school communities. A systematic review of action research (AR) studies undertaken in EFL/ESL settings was conducted in this paper to systematically analyze empirical studies on action research published within a ten-year period (between 2010 and 2019). The review also aimed at investigating the focal strategies in teaching the language skills at school level and evaluating the overall quality of AR studies concerning focus, purpose, methodology and contribution. Inclusion criteria were established and 41 studies that fit were finally selected for the systematic review. Garrard’s (2007) Matrix Method was used to structure and synthesize the literature. Results showed a significant diversity in teaching strategies and implementation of the AR model. Almost a quarter of the studies focused on improving writing skills at elementary school level. In addition, findings revealed that (44%) of the studies used a mixed approach followed by qualitative method approach (41%), whereas only (15%) employed quantitative methodology. Research gaps for future action research in developing language skills were pointed out, and recommendations were offered.Keywords: action research, EFL/ESL context, language skills, systematic review
Procedia PDF Downloads 1406359 Sociolinguistic and Classroom Functions of Using Code-Switching in CLIL Context
Authors: Khatuna Buskivadze
The aim of the present study is to investigate the sociolinguistic and classroom functions and frequency of Teacher’s Code Switching (CS) in the Content and Language Integrated (CLIL) Lesson. Nowadays, Georgian society struggles to become the part of the European world, the English language itself plays a role in forming new generations with European values. Based on our research conducted in 2019, out of all 114 private schools in Tbilisi, full- programs of CLIL are taught in 7 schools, while only some subjects using CLIL are conducted in 3 schools. The goal of the former research was to define the features of Content and Language Integrated learning (CLIL) methodology within the process of teaching English on the Example of Georgian private high schools. Taking the Georgian reality and cultural features into account, the modified version of the questionnaire, based on the classification of using CS in ESL Classroom proposed By Ferguson (2009) was used. The qualitative research revealed students’ and teacher’s attitudes towards teacher’s code-switching in CLIL lesson. Both qualitative and quantitative research were conducted: the observations of the teacher’s lessons (Recording of T’s online lessons), interview and the questionnaire among Math’s T’s 20 high school students. We came to the several conclusions, some of them are given here: Math’s teacher’s CS behavior mostly serves (1) the conversational function of interjection; (2) the classroom functions of introducing unfamiliar materials and topics, explaining difficult concepts, maintaining classroom discipline and the structure of the lesson; The teacher and 13 students have negative attitudes towards using only Georgian in teaching Math. The higher level of English is the more negative is attitude towards using Georgian in the classroom. Although all the students were Georgian, their competence in English is higher than in Georgian, therefore they consider English as an inseparable part of their identities. The overall results of the case study of teaching Math (Educational discourse) in one of the private schools in Tbilisi will be presented at the conference.Keywords: attitudes, bilingualism, code-switching, CLIL, conversation analysis, interactional sociolinguistics.
Procedia PDF Downloads 1626358 Penetration of Social Media in Primary Education to Nurture Learning Habits in Toddlers during Covid-19
Authors: Priyadarshini Kiran, Gulshan Kumar
: Social media are becoming the most important tools for interaction among learners, pedagogues and parents where everybody can share, exchange, comment, discuss and create information and knowledge in a collaborative way. The present case study attempts to highlight the role of social media (WhatsApp) in nurturing learning habits in toddlers with the help of parents in primary education. The Case study is based on primary data collected from a primary school situated in a small town in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, India. In research methodology, survey and structured interviews have been used as a tool collected from parents and pedagogues. The findings Suggest: - To nurture learning habits in toddlers, parents and pedagogues use social media site (WhatsApp) in real-time and that too is convenient and handy; - Skill enhancement on the part of Pedagogues as a result of employing innovative teaching-learning techniques; - Social media sites serve as a social connectivity tool to ward off negativity and monotony on the part of parents and pedagogues in the wake of COVID- 19Keywords: innovative teaching-learning techniques, pedagogues, social media, nurture, toddlers
Procedia PDF Downloads 1756357 Towards Resilient and Sustainable Integrated Agro-ecosystems Through Appropriate Climate-smart Farming Practices in Morocco Rainfed Agriculture
Authors: Abdelali Laamari, Morad Faiz, Ali Amamou And Mohamed Elkoudrim
This research seeks to develop multi-disciplinary, multi-criteria, and multi-institutional approaches that consider the three main pillars of sustainability (environmental, economic, and social aspects) at the level of decision making regarding the adoption of improved technologies in the targeted case study region in Morocco. The study is aimed at combining sound R&I with extensive skills in applied research and policy evaluation. The intention is to provide new simple, and transferable tools and agricultural practices that will enable the uptake of sustainability and the resiliency of agro-ecosystems. The study will understand the state-of-the-art of the impact of climate change and identify the core bottlenecks and climate change’s impact on crop and livestock productivity of the targeted value chains in Morocco. Studies conducted during 2021-2022 showed that most of the farmers are using since 2010 the direct seeding and the system can be improved by adopting new fertilizer and varieties of wheat. The alley-cropping technology is based on Atriplex plant or olive trees. The introduction of new varieties of oat and quinoa has improved biomass and grain production in a dry season. The research is targeting other issues, such as social enterprises, to diversify women’s income resources and create new job opportunities through diversification of end uses of durum wheat and barley grains. Women’s local knowledge is rich on the different end uses of durum and barley grains that can improve their added value if they are transformed as couscous, pasta, or any other products.Keywords: agriculture, climate, production system, integration
Procedia PDF Downloads 766356 Epidemiological Profile of Healthcare Associated Infections in Intensive Care Unit
Authors: Abdessamad Dali-Ali, Houaria Beldjillali, Fouzia Agag, Asmaa Oukebdane, Ramzi Tidjani, Arslane Bettayeb, Khadidja Meddeber, Radia Dali-Yahia, Nori Midoun
Healthcare-associated infections are a real public health problem, especially in intensive care units. The aim of our study was to describe the epidemiological profile and to estimate the incidence of these infections at the intensive care unit of our teaching hospital. A prospective study was conducted, from June 2012 to December 2013. During this period, 305 patients having a duration of hospitalization equal or more than 48 hours were included in the study. In terms of the incidence of healthcare associated infections, nosocomial pneumonia occupied the first position with a cumulative incidence rate of 20.0%, followed by bacteremia (5.6%), central venous catheter infections (4%), and urinary tract infections (3%). In the case of isolated microorganisms, Gram-negative bacilli not enterobacteriaceae occupied the first place with 48.5%, followed by enterobacteria (32.1%). Acinetobacter baumannii was the most common germ (27.6%). Our study showed that the rate of health-care-associated infections was relatively high in the intensive care unit. A control program to reduce all infections is a priority for the Infection Control Associated Committee.Keywords: epidemiological profile, healthcare associated infections, intensive care units, teaching hospital of Oran, Algeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 3026355 The Impact of Experiential Learning on the Success of Upper Division Mechanical Engineering Students
Authors: Seyedali Seyedkavoosi, Mohammad Obadat, Seantorrion Boyle
The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness of a nontraditional experiential learning strategy in improving the success and interest of mechanical engineering students, using the Kinematics/Dynamics of Machine course as a case study. This upper-division technical course covers a wide range of topics, including mechanism and machine system analysis and synthesis, yet the complexities of ideas like acceleration, motion, and machine component relationships are hard to explain using standard teaching techniques. To solve this problem, a thorough design project was created that gave students hands-on experience developing, manufacturing, and testing their inventions. The main goals of the project were to improve students' grasp of machine design and kinematics, to develop problem-solving and presenting abilities, and to familiarize them with professional software. A questionnaire survey was done to evaluate the effect of this technique on students' performance and interest in mechanical engineering. The outcomes of the study shed light on the usefulness of nontraditional experiential learning approaches in engineering education.Keywords: experiential learning, nontraditional teaching, hands-on design project, engineering education
Procedia PDF Downloads 986354 The Acceptance of E-Assessment Considering Security Perspective: Work in Progress
Authors: Kavitha Thamadharan, Nurazean Maarop
The implementation of e-assessment as tool to support the process of teaching and learning in university has become a popular technological means in universities. E-Assessment provides many advantages to the users especially the flexibility in teaching and learning. The e-assessment system has the capability to improve its quality of delivering education. However, there still exists a drawback in terms of security which limits the user acceptance of the online learning system. Even though there are studies providing solutions for identified security threats in e-learning usage, there is no particular model which addresses the factors that influences the acceptance of e-assessment system by lecturers from security perspective. The aim of this study is to explore security aspects of e-assessment in regard to the acceptance of the technology. As a result a conceptual model of secure acceptance of e-assessment is proposed. Both human and security factors are considered in formulation of this conceptual model. In order to increase understanding of critical issues related to the subject of this study, interpretive approach involving convergent mixed method research method is proposed to be used to execute the research. This study will be useful in providing more insightful understanding regarding the factors that influence the user acceptance of e-assessment system from security perspective.Keywords: secure technology acceptance, e-assessment security, e-assessment, education technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 4606353 Joint Training Offer Selection and Course Timetabling Problems: Models and Algorithms
Authors: Gianpaolo Ghiani, Emanuela Guerriero, Emanuele Manni, Alessandro Romano
In this article, we deal with a variant of the classical course timetabling problem that has a practical application in many areas of education. In particular, in this paper we are interested in high schools remedial courses. The purpose of such courses is to provide under-prepared students with the skills necessary to succeed in their studies. In particular, a student might be under prepared in an entire course, or only in a part of it. The limited availability of funds, as well as the limited amount of time and teachers at disposal, often requires schools to choose which courses and/or which teaching units to activate. Thus, schools need to model the training offer and the related timetabling, with the goal of ensuring the highest possible teaching quality, by meeting the above-mentioned financial, time and resources constraints. Moreover, there are some prerequisites between the teaching units that must be satisfied. We first present a Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP) model to solve this problem to optimality. However, the presence of many peculiar constraints contributes inevitably in increasing the complexity of the mathematical model. Thus, solving it through a general purpose solver may be performed for small instances only, while solving real-life-sized instances of such model requires specific techniques or heuristic approaches. For this purpose, we also propose a heuristic approach, in which we make use of a fast constructive procedure to obtain a feasible solution. To assess our exact and heuristic approaches we perform extensive computational results on both real-life instances (obtained from a high school in Lecce, Italy) and randomly generated instances. Our tests show that the MIP model is never solved to optimality, with an average optimality gap of 57%. On the other hand, the heuristic algorithm is much faster (in about the 50% of the considered instances it converges in approximately half of the time limit) and in many cases allows achieving an improvement on the objective function value obtained by the MIP model. Such an improvement ranges between 18% and 66%.Keywords: heuristic, MIP model, remedial course, school, timetabling
Procedia PDF Downloads 6056352 Audio-Lingual Method and the English-Speaking Proficiency of Grade 11 Students
Authors: Marthadale Acibo Semacio
Speaking skill is a crucial part of English language teaching and learning. This actually shows the great importance of this skill in English language classes. Through speaking, ideas and thoughts are shared with other people, and a smooth interaction between people takes place. The study examined the levels of speaking proficiency of the control and experimental groups on pronunciation, grammatical accuracy, and fluency. As a quasi-experimental study, it also determined the presence or absence of significant changes in their speaking proficiency levels in terms of pronouncing the words correctly, the accuracy of grammar and fluency of a language given the two methods to the groups of students in the English language, using the traditional and audio-lingual methods. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed according to the stated specific problems. The study employed a video presentation with prior information about it. In the video, the teacher acts as model one, giving instructions on what is going to be done, and then the students will perform the activity. The students were paired purposively based on their learning capabilities. Observing proper ethics, their performance was audio recorded to help the researcher assess the learner using the modified speaking rubric. The study revealed that those under the traditional method were more fluent than those in the audio-lingual method. With respect to the way in which each method deals with the feelings of the student, the audio-lingual one fails to provide a principle that would relate to this area and follows the assumption that the intrinsic motivation of the students to learn the target language will spring from their interest in the structure of the language. However, the speaking proficiency levels of the students were remarkably reinforced in reading different words through the aid of aural media with their teachers. The study concluded that using an audio-lingual method of teaching is not a stand-alone method but only an aid of the teacher in helping the students improve their speaking proficiency in the English Language. Hence, audio-lingual approach is encouraged to be used in teaching English language, on top of the chalk-talk or traditional method, to improve the speaking proficiency of students.Keywords: audio-lingual, speaking, grammar, pronunciation, accuracy, fluency, proficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 706351 An Improved Single Point Closure Model Based on Dissipation Anisotropy for Geophysical Turbulent Flows
Authors: A. P. Joshi, H. V. Warrior, J. P. Panda
This paper is a continuation of the work carried out by various turbulence modelers in Oceanography on the topic of oceanic turbulent mixing. It evaluates the evolution of ocean water temperature and salinity by the appropriate modeling of turbulent mixing utilizing proper prescription of eddy viscosity. Many modelers in past have suggested including terms like shear, buoyancy and vorticity to be the parameters that decide the slow pressure strain correlation. We add to it the fact that dissipation anisotropy also modifies the correlation through eddy viscosity parameterization. This recalibrates the established correlation constants slightly and gives improved results. This anisotropization of dissipation implies that the critical Richardson’s number increases much beyond unity (to 1.66) to accommodate enhanced mixing, as is seen in reality. The model is run for a couple of test cases in the General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) and the results are presented here.Keywords: Anisotropy, GOTM, pressure-strain correlation, Richardson critical number
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