Search results for: GMO analyses
2158 Customer Experience Management in Food and Beverage Outlet at Indian School of Business: Methodology and Recommendations
Authors: Anupam Purwar
In conventional consumer product industry, stockouts are taken care by carrying buffer stock to check underserving caused by changes in customer demand, incorrect forecast or variability in lead times. But, for food outlets, the alternate of carrying buffer stock is unviable because of indispensable need to serve freshly cooked meals. Besides, the food outlet being the sole provider has no incentives to reduce stockouts, as they have no fear of losing revenue, gross profit, customers and market share. Hence, innovative, easy to implement and practical ways of addressing the twin problem of long queues and poor customer experience needs to be investigated. Current work analyses the demand pattern of 11 different food items across a routine day. Based on this optimum resource allocation for all food items has been carried out by solving a linear programming problem with cost minimization as the objective. Concurrently, recommendations have been devised to address this demand and supply side problem keeping in mind their practicability. Currently, the recommendations are being discussed and implemented at ISB (Indian School of Business) Hyderabad campus.Keywords: F&B industry, resource allocation, demand management, linear programming, LP, queuing analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1382157 Study the Effect of Lipoid Acid as a Protective Against Rheumatoid Arthritis Through Diminishing Pro-inflammatory Markers and Chemokine Expression
Authors: Khairy Mohamed Abdalla Zoheir
One of the most severe complications of Rheumatoid arthritis is delayed recovery. lipoic acid possesses antioxidant, hypoglycemic, and anti-inflammatory activity. In the present study, the effects of lipoic acid were investigated on the key mediators of Rheumatoid arthritis, namely, CD4+CD25+ T cell subsets, GITR expressing cells, CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells, T-helper-17 (Th17) cells and pro-inflammatory cytokines Interleukin-1β (IL-1β), Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and Tumor Necrosis Factor- α (TNF-α)] through flow-cytometry and qPCR analyses. Lipoic acid-treated mice showed a significant decrease in Rheumatoid arthritis, the frequency of GITR-expressing cells, and Th1 cytokines (IL-17A, TNF-αand Interferon- γ (IFN-γ) compared with positive and negative controlled mice. Lipoic acid treatment also downregulated the mRNA expression of the inflammatory mediators compared with the Rheumatoid arthritis mouse model and untreated mice. The number of Tregs was also found to be significantly upregulated in lipoic acid-treated mice. Our results were confirmed by the histopathological examination. This study showed the beneficial role of lipoic acid in promoting a well-balanced tool for the therapy of Rheumatoid arthritis.Keywords: lipoic acid, inflammatory markers, rheumatoid arthritis, qPCR
Procedia PDF Downloads 1012156 A Study of Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation
Authors: Ibrahim Bashir, Yahaya Y. Yusuf
The ongoing shift towards Industry 4.0 represents a critical growth factor in the industrial enterprise, where the digital transformation of industries is increasingly seen as a crucial element for competitiveness. This transformation holds substantial potential, yet its full benefits have yet to be realized due to the fragmented approach to introducing Industry 4.0 technologies. Therefore, this pilot study aims to explore the individual and collective impact of Industry 4.0 technologies and digital transformation on organizational performance. Data were collected through a questionnaire-based survey across 51 companies in the manufacturing industry in the United Kingdom. The correlations and multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to assess the relationship and impact between the variables in the study. The results show that Industry 4.0 and digital transformation positively influence organizational performance and that Industry 4.0 technologies positively influence digital transformation. The results of this pilot study indicate that the implementation of Industry 4.0 technology is vital for increasing organizational performance; however, their roles differ largely. The differences are manifest in how the types of Industry 4.0 technologies correlate with how organizations integrate digital technologies into their operations. Hence, there is a clear indication of a strong correlation between Industry 4.0 technology, digital transformation, and organizational performance. Consequently, our study presents numerous pertinent implications that propel the theory of I4.0, digital business transformation (DBT), and organizational performance forward, as well as guide managers in the manufacturing sector.Keywords: industry 4.0 technologies, digital transformation, digital integration, organizational performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1442155 Phylogenetic Analysis of the Thunnus Tuna Fish Using Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit I Gene Sequence
Authors: Yijun Lai, Saber Khederzadeh, Lingshaung Han
Species in Thunnus are organized due to the similarity between them. The closeness between T. maccoyii, T. thynnus, T. Tonggol, T. atlanticus, T. albacares, T. obsesus, T. alalunga, and T. orientails are in different degrees. However, the genetic pattern of differentiation has not been presented based on individuals yet, to the author’s best knowledge. Hence, we aimed to analyze the difference in individuals level of tuna species to identify the factors that contribute to the maternal lineage variety using Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COXI) gene sequences. Our analyses provided evidence of sharing lineages in the Thunnus. A phylogenetic analysis revealed that these lineages are basal to the other sequences. We also showed a close connection between the T. tonggol, T. thynnus, and T. albacares populations. Also, the majority of the T. orientalis samples were clustered with the T. alalunga and, then, T. atlanticus populations. Phylogenetic trees and migration modeling revealed high proximity of T. thynnus sequences to a few T. orientalis and suggested possible gene flow with T. tonggol and T. albacares lineages, while all T. obsesus samples indicated unique clustering with each other. Our results support the presence of old maternal lineages in Thunnus, as a legacy of an ancient wave of colonization or migration.Keywords: Thunnus Tuna, phylogeny, maternal lineage, COXI gene
Procedia PDF Downloads 2922154 Carbon@NiCoFeS Nanoparticles for Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Pollutants via Peroxymonosulfate Activation
Authors: Raqiqa Tur Rasool, Ghulam Abbas Ashraf
This study presents the synthesis and application of Carbon@NiCoFeS nanoparticles as a photocatalyst for the degradation of organic pollutants through peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activation. The Carbon@NiCoFeS nanoparticles, synthesized via a hydrothermal method, exhibit a highly crystalline and uniformly distributed nanostructure, as confirmed by XRD, SEM, TEM, and FTIR analyses. The photocatalytic performance was tested using ibuprofen (IBU) as a model pollutant under visible light, demonstrating remarkable efficiency across various conditions, including different concentrations of photocatalyst and PMS and a range of pH values. The enhanced activity is attributed to the synergistic effects of Ni, Co, and Fe, promoting effective electron-hole separation and reactive radical generation, primarily SO4•− and •OH. Quenching experiments highlighted sulfate radicals' predominant role in the degradation process. The Carbon@NiCoFeS photocatalyst also showed excellent reusability and stability over multiple cycles, and its versatility in degrading various organic pollutants underscores its potential for practical wastewater treatment applications. This research offers significant insights into multi-metal sulfide photocatalyst design, showcasing Carbon@NiCoFeS nanoparticles' promising role in environmental remediation via efficient PMS activation.Keywords: NiCoFeS nanoparticles, photocatalytic degradation, peroxymonosulfate activation, organic pollutant removal, wastewater treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 482153 Descriptive Epidemiology of Mortality in Certain Species of Captive Deer in Pakistan
Authors: Musadiq Idris, Sajjad Ali, Syed A. Khaliq, Umer Farooq
Postmortem record of 217 captive ungulates including Black-buck (n=31), Chinkara (n=20), Hog deer (n=116), Spotted deer (n=35), Red Deer n=(04), and Rusa deer (n=11) submitted to the Veterinary Research Institute, Lahore, Pakistan was analyzed to determine the primary cause of mortality in these animals. The submissions included temporal distribution from Government wildlife captive farms, zoo, and private ownerships, over a three year period (2007-2009). The most common cause of death was found to be trauma (20.27%), followed by parasitic diseases (15.67%), bacterial diseases (11.98%), stillbirths (9.21%), snakebites (2.76%), gut affections (2.30%), neoplasia (1.38%) and starvation (0.92%). The exact cause of death could not be determined in 77 of 217 animals. Pneumonia (8.29%) and tuberculosis (3.69%) were the most common bacterial diseases. Analyses for parasitic infestation revealed tapeworms to be highest (11.05%), followed by roundworms (8.29%) and hemoparasitism (5.07%) (babesiosis and theileriosis). The mortality rate in young ungulates was lower as compared to adults (32.26% and 67.74%). Gender wise data presented higher mortality in females (55.30%) compared to males (44.70%). In conclusion, highest mortality factor in captive ungulates was trauma, followed by parasitic and bacterial infestations/infections of tapeworms and pneumonia, respectively. Furthermore, necropsies provided substantial information on etiology of death and other related epidemiological aspects.Keywords: age, epidemiology, gender, mortality, ungulates
Procedia PDF Downloads 4722152 Heavy Metal Contamination and Its Ecological Risks in the Beach Sediments along the Atlantic Ocean
Authors: Armel Zacharie Ekoa Bessa, Annick Kwewouo Janpou
Sediments collected along the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean in Africa were analyzed by geochemical proxies such as the ICP-MS technique to determine their heavy metal contamination and related ecological risks. Several metals were selected and show a decreasing trend: Fe > Mn > Ni > Cu > Co > Zn > Cr > Cd. Several pollution indices have been calculated, including the enrichment factor (EF), whose values are generally higher than 1. 5; the geo-accumulation index (I-geo), with values of some elements (Co, Ni and Cu) in the sediments of the study area being higher than 0, and other metals (Zn, Cr, Fe and Mn) being lower than 0; the contamination factor (CF), where the values of all the selected elements are between 1 and 3; and the pollution load index (PLI), where the values in almost all the study sites are higher than 1. These results show moderate contamination of the investigated sediments with heavy metals. The potential ecological risk assessment (Eri and RI) suggests that this part of the African coast is a low to a slight risk area. Statistical analyses indicate that heavy metals have shown fairly similar trends with anthropogenic and natural sources. This study shows that this coastal area is not highly concentrated in heavy metals and reveals that the Atlantic coast of Africa would be moderately polluted by the metals studied, with a low to moderate ecological risk.Keywords: heavy metals, pollution, atlantic ocean, sediments
Procedia PDF Downloads 852151 Dynamic Mode Decomposition and Wake Flow Modelling of a Wind Turbine
Authors: Nor Mazlin Zahari, Lian Gan, Xuerui Mao
The power production in wind farms and the mechanical loads on the turbines are strongly impacted by the wake of the wind turbine. Thus, there is a need for understanding and modelling the turbine wake dynamic in the wind farm and the layout optimization. Having a good wake model is important in predicting plant performance and understanding fatigue loads. In this paper, the Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) was applied to the simulation data generated by a Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of flow around a turbine, perturbed by upstream inflow noise. This technique is useful in analyzing the wake flow, to predict its future states and to reflect flow dynamics associated with the coherent structures behind wind turbine wake flow. DMD was employed to describe the dynamic of the flow around turbine from the DNS data. Since the DNS data comes with the unstructured meshes and non-uniform grid, the interpolation of each occurring within each element in the data to obtain an evenly spaced mesh was performed before the DMD was applied. DMD analyses were able to tell us characteristics of the travelling waves behind the turbine, e.g. the dominant helical flow structures and the corresponding frequencies. As the result, the dominant frequency will be detected, and the associated spatial structure will be identified. The dynamic mode which represented the coherent structure will be presented.Keywords: coherent structure, Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), dominant frequency, Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3482150 The Role of Defense Mechanisms in Treatment Adherence in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: An Exploratory Study
Authors: F. Marchini, A. Caputo, J. Balonan, F. Fedele, A. Napoli, V. Langher
Aim: The present study aims to explore the specific role of defense mechanisms in persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus in treatment adherence. Materials and methods: A correlational study design was employed. Thirty-two persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus were enrolled and assessed with Defense Mechanism Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory-II, Toronto Alexithymia Scale and Self-Care Inventory-Revised. Bivariate correlation and two-step regression analyses were performed. Results: Treatment adherence negatively correlates with hetero-directed hostility (r= -.537; p < .01), whereas it is positively associated with principalization (r= .407; p < .05). These two defense mechanisms overall explain an incremental variance of 26.9% in treatment adherence (ΔF=4.189, df1=2, df2 =21, p < .05), over and above the control variables for depression and alexithymia. However, only higher hetero-directed hostility is found to be a solid predictor of a decreased treatment adherence (β=-.497, p < .05). Conclusions: Despite providing preliminary results, this pilot study highlights the original contribution of defense mechanisms in adherence to type 2 diabetes regimens. Specifically, hetero-directed hostility may relate to an unconscious process, according to which disease-related painful feelings are displaced onto care relationships with negative impacts on adherence.Keywords: alexithymia, defense mechanisms, treatment adherence, type 2 diabetes mellitus
Procedia PDF Downloads 3192149 Collaborative Rural Governance Strategy to Enhance Rural Economy Through Village-Owned Enterprise Using Soft System Methodology and Textual Network Analysis
Authors: Robert Saputra, Tomas Havlicek
This study discusses the design of collaborative rural governance strategies to enhance the rural economy through Village-owned Enterprises (VOE) in Riau Province, Indonesia. Using Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) combined with Textual Network Analysis (TNA) in the Rich Picture stage of SSM, we investigated the current state of VOE management. Significant obstacles identified include insufficient business feasibility analyses, lack of managerial skills, misalignment between strategy and practice, and inadequate oversight. To address these challenges, we propose a collaborative strategy involving regional governments, academic institutions, NGOs, and the private sector. This strategy emphasizes community needs assessments, efficient resource mobilization, and targeted training programs. A dedicated working group will ensure continuous monitoring and iterative improvements. Our research highlights the novel integration of SSM with TNA, providing a robust framework for improving VOE management and demonstrating the potential of collaborative efforts in driving rural economic development.Keywords: village-owned enterprises (VOE), rural economic development, soft system methodology (SSM), textual network analysis (TNA), collaborative governance
Procedia PDF Downloads 182148 Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) through Harvesting Encosternum delegorguei Insect (Harurwa) in Nerumedzo, Bikita District, Zimbabwe
Authors: Mkhokheli Sithole, Brenda N. Muchapondwa
Food security is becoming a critical issue for people residing mainly in the rural areas where frequent droughts interrupt food production, reduce income, compromise the ability to save and erode livelihoods. This tends to increase the vulnerability of poor households to food and income insecurity, hence, malnutrition. There is an emerging need for DRR strategies to complement the existing rain fed crop production based livelihoods. One of such strategies employed by the community of Nerumedzo in Bikita district is the harvesting of Encosternum delegorguei insect. This article analyses the livelihood impacts of Encosternum delegorguei insect as a DRR strategy. The research used a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. The insect samples were tested in the laboratory for their nutritional composition while surveys were done on a sample of 40 community members. Participatory observations and 5 focus group discussions were also done. The results revealed that harvesting the Encosternum delegorguei insects provides a livelihood for the locals by complementing crop production thereby mitigating potential negative effects of frequent droughts. The insects are now a significant source of income to poor households in the community.Keywords: disaster risk reduction, livelihoods, human, social sciences
Procedia PDF Downloads 1952147 Tsunami Vulnerability of Critical Infrastructure: Development and Application of Functions for Infrastructure Impact Assessment
Authors: James Hilton Williams
Recent tsunami events, including the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami, Japan, and the 2015 Illapel Tsunami, Chile, have highlighted the potential for tsunami impacts on the built environment. International research in the tsunami impacts domain has been largely focused toward impacts on buildings and casualty estimations, while only limited attention has been placed on the impacts on infrastructure which is critical for the recovery of impacted communities. New Zealand, with 75% of the population within 10 km of the coast, has a large amount of coastal infrastructure exposed to local, regional and distant tsunami sources. To effectively manage tsunami risk for New Zealand critical infrastructure, including energy, transportation, and communications, the vulnerability of infrastructure networks and components must first be determined. This research develops infrastructure asset vulnerability, functionality and repair- cost functions based on international post-event tsunami impact assessment data from technologically similar countries, including Japan and Chile, and adapts these to New Zealand. These functions are then utilized within a New Zealand based impact framework, allowing for cost benefit analyses, effective tsunami risk management strategies and mitigation options for exposed critical infrastructure to be determined, which can also be applied internationally.Keywords: impact assessment, infrastructure, tsunami impacts, vulnerability functions
Procedia PDF Downloads 1622146 Analysis of Generation Z and Perceptions of Conscious Consumption in the Light of Primary Data
Authors: Mónika Garai-Fodor, Nikoett Huszak
In the present study, we investigate the cognitive aspects of conscious consumer behaviour among Generation Z members. In our view, conscious consumption can greatly help to foster social responsibility, environmental and health-conscious behaviour, and ethical consumerism. We believe that it is an important educational task to promote and reinforce consumer behaviour among young people that increases and creates community value. In this study, we analysed the dimensions of young people's conscious consumer behaviour and its manifestation in concrete forms of behaviour, purchasing, and consumer decisions. As a result of a survey conducted through a snowball sampling procedure, the responses of 200 respondents who are members of Generation Z were analysed. The research analysed young people's perceptions and opinions of conscious living and their perceptions of self-conscious consumer behaviour. The primary research used a pre-tested standardised online questionnaire. Data were evaluated using bivariate and multivariate analyses in addition to descriptive statistics. The research presents results that are valid for the sample, and we plan to continue with a larger sample survey and extend it to other generations. Our main objective is to analyse what conscious living means to young people, what behavioural elements they associate with it, and what activities they themselves undertake in this context.Keywords: generation Z, conscious consumption, primary research, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 412145 Physico-Chemical and Phytoplankton Analyses of Kazaure Dam, Jigawa State, Nigeria
Authors: Aminu Musa Muhammad, Muhammad Kabiru Abubakar
Monthly changes in Phytoplankton periodicity, nutrient levels, temperature, pH, suspended solids, dissolved solids, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and biochemical oxygen demand of Kazaure Dam, Jigawa State, Nigeria were studied for a period of six months (July-Dec.-2011). Physico-chemical result showed that temperature and pH ranged between17-25˚C and 5.5-7.5, while dissolved solids and suspended solids ranged between 95-155 mg/L and 0.13-112 mg/L respectively. Dissolved oxygen (DO), Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), Chemical oxygen demand (COD), conductivity, nitrate, phosphate and sulphate ion concentrations were within the ranges of 3.5-3.6 mg/L, 4.8-7.2 mg/L, 8.10-12.30 mg/L, 21-58µΩ/cm, 0.2-8.1 mg/L, 2.4-18.1 mg/L, and 1.22-15.60 mg/L respectively. A total of 4514 Org/L phytoplankton were recorded, of which four classes of algae were identified. These comprised of Chlorophyta (44.1%), Cyanophyta(30.62%), Bacillariophyta(3.2%), Euglenophyta (32.1%). Descriptive statistics of the result showed that phytoplankton count varied with variation of physico-chemical parameters at 5% level during the study period. The abundance and distribution of the algae varied with the variation in the physico-chemical parameters. Pearson correlation showed that temperature and nutrients were significantly correlated with phytoplankton, while DO, sulphate and pH were insignificantly correlated, while there was no significant correlation with COD and phytoplankton.Keywords: correlation, phytoplankton, physico chemical, kazaure dam
Procedia PDF Downloads 5722144 Application of Large Eddy Simulation-Immersed Boundary Volume Penalization Method for Heat and Mass Transfer in Granular Layers
Authors: Artur Tyliszczak, Ewa Szymanek, Maciej Marek
Flow through granular materials is important to a vast array of industries, for instance in construction industry where granular layers are used for bulkheads and isolators, in chemical engineering and catalytic reactors where large surfaces of packed granular beds intensify chemical reactions, or in energy production systems, where granulates are promising materials for heat storage and heat transfer media. Despite the common usage of granulates and extensive research performed in this field, phenomena occurring between granular solid elements or between solids and fluid are still not fully understood. In the present work we analyze the heat exchange process between the flowing medium (gas, liquid) and solid material inside the granular layers. We consider them as a composite of isolated solid elements and inter-granular spaces in which a gas or liquid can flow. The structure of the layer is controlled by shapes of particular granular elements (e.g., spheres, cylinders, cubes, Raschig rings), its spatial distribution or effective characteristic dimension (total volume or surface area). We will analyze to what extent alteration of these parameters influences on flow characteristics (turbulent intensity, mixing efficiency, heat transfer) inside the layer and behind it. Analysis of flow inside granular layers is very complicated because the use of classical experimental techniques (LDA, PIV, fibber probes) inside the layers is practically impossible, whereas the use of probes (e.g. thermocouples, Pitot tubes) requires drilling of holes inside the solid material. Hence, measurements of the flow inside granular layers are usually performed using for instance advanced X-ray tomography. In this respect, theoretical or numerical analyses of flow inside granulates seem crucial. Application of discrete element methods in combination with the classical finite volume/finite difference approaches is problematic as a mesh generation process for complex granular material can be very arduous. A good alternative for simulation of flow in complex domains is an immersed boundary-volume penalization (IB-VP) in which the computational meshes have simple Cartesian structure and impact of solid objects on the fluid is mimicked by source terms added to the Navier-Stokes and energy equations. The present paper focuses on application of the IB-VP method combined with large eddy simulation (LES). The flow solver used in this work is a high-order code (SAILOR), which was used previously in various studies, including laminar/turbulent transition in free flows and also for flows in wavy channels, wavy pipes and over various shape obstacles. In these cases a formal order of approximation turned out to be in between 1 and 2, depending on the test case. The current research concentrates on analyses of the flows in dense granular layers with elements distributed in a deterministic regular manner and validation of the results obtained using LES-IB method and body-fitted approach. The comparisons are very promising and show very good agreement. It is found that the size, number of elements and their distribution have huge impact on the obtained results. Ordering of the granular elements (or lack of it) affects both the pressure drop and efficiency of the heat transfer as it significantly changes mixing process.Keywords: granular layers, heat transfer, immersed boundary method, numerical simulations
Procedia PDF Downloads 1382143 Application of Latent Class Analysis and Self-Organizing Maps for the Prediction of Treatment Outcomes for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Authors: Ben Clapperton, Daniel Stahl, Kimberley Goldsmith, Trudie Chalder
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a condition characterised by chronic disabling fatigue and other symptoms that currently can't be explained by any underlying medical condition. Although clinical trials support the effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), the success rate for individual patients is modest. Patients vary in their response and little is known which factors predict or moderate treatment outcomes. The aim of the project is to develop a prediction model from baseline characteristics of patients, such as demographics, clinical and psychological variables, which may predict likely treatment outcome and provide guidance for clinical decision making and help clinicians to recommend the best treatment. The project is aimed at identifying subgroups of patients with similar baseline characteristics that are predictive of treatment effects using modern cluster analyses and data mining machine learning algorithms. The characteristics of these groups will then be used to inform the types of individuals who benefit from a specific treatment. In addition, results will provide a better understanding of for whom the treatment works. The suitability of different clustering methods to identify subgroups and their response to different treatments of CFS patients is compared.Keywords: chronic fatigue syndrome, latent class analysis, prediction modelling, self-organizing maps
Procedia PDF Downloads 2262142 Pre-Service Teachers’ Reasoning and Sense Making of Variables
Authors: Olteanu Constanta, Olteanu Lucian
Researchers note that algebraic reasoning and sense making is essential for building conceptual knowledge in school mathematics. Consequently, pre-service teachers’ own reasoning and sense making are useful in fostering and developing students’ algebraic reasoning and sense making. This article explores the forms of reasoning and sense making that pre-service mathematics teachers exhibit and use in the process of analysing problem-posing tasks with a focus on first-degree equations. Our research question concerns the characteristics of the problem-posing tasks used for reasoning and sense making of first-degree equations as well as the characteristics of pre-service teachers’ reasoning and sense making in problem-posing tasks. The analyses are grounded in a post-structuralist philosophical perspective and variation theory. Sixty-six pre-service primary teachers participated in the study. The results show that the characteristics of reasoning in problem-posing tasks and of pre-service teachers are selecting, exploring, reconfiguring, encoding, abstracting and connecting. The characteristics of sense making in problem-posing tasks and of pre-service teachers are recognition, relationships, profiling, comparing, laddering and verifying. Beside this, the connection between reasoning and sense making is rich in line of flight in problem-posing tasks, while the connection is rich in line of rupture for pre-service teachers.Keywords: first-degree equations, problem posing, reasoning, rhizomatic assemblage, sense-making, variation theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 1162141 Estimations of Spectral Dependence of Tropospheric Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo in Sukhothai, Thailand
Authors: Siriluk Ruangrungrote
Analyses of available data from MFR-7 measurement were performed and discussed on the study of tropospheric aerosol and its consequence in Thailand. Since, ASSA (w) is one of the most important parameters for a determination of aerosol effect on radioactive forcing. Here the estimation of w was directly determined in terms of the ratio of aerosol scattering optical depth to aerosol extinction optical depth (ωscat/ωext) without any utilization of aerosol computer code models. This is of benefit for providing the elimination of uncertainty causing by the modeling assumptions and the estimation of actual aerosol input data. Diurnal w of 5 cloudless-days in winter and early summer at 5 distinct wavelengths of 415, 500, 615, 673 and 870 nm with the consideration of Rayleigh scattering and atmospheric column NO2 and Ozone contents were investigated, respectively. Besides, the tendency of spectral dependence of ω representing two seasons was observed. The characteristic of spectral results reveals that during wintertime the atmosphere of the inland rural vicinity for the period of measurement possibly dominated with a lesser amount of soil dust aerosols loading than one in early summer. Hence, the major aerosol loading particularly in summer was subject to a mixture of both soil dust and biomass burning aerosols.Keywords: aerosol scattering optical depth, aerosol extinction optical depth, biomass burning aerosol, soil dust aerosol
Procedia PDF Downloads 4062140 Microbial Diversity of El-Baida Marsh: Setif, Algeria
Authors: H. Necef, A. Benayad
Fungi are becoming more and more important in our life. Therefore, as a start for the symposium on filamentous fungi in biotechnology a short survey of the role of fungi in biotechnology. Salin soils occupy about 7% of land area; they are characterized by unsuitable physical conditions for the growth of living organisms. However, researches showed that some microorganisms especially fungi are able to grow and adapt to such extreme conditions; it is due to their ability to develop different physiological mechanisms in their adaptation. This is the first study on the physiological and biological characteristics of El-Beida marsh. Nine soil samples were taken at different points in two steps, the first was in winter (low temperature), and the second was in summer (high temperature). The physicochemical analyses of the soil were conducted, then the isolation process was applied using two methods, direct method and dilution method (10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4). Different species of fungi were identified belong to 21 genera in addition to 3 yeast species, Aspergillus showed the highest proportion by 43%, then Penicillium by 20% then Alternaria by 7%, in addition to various genera in different proportions. As for the sampling periods, it was observed that the spread of fungi in winter was higher than in summer with the proportion 75.47% and 24.53% respectively. Some halotolerant fungi have a biotechnological importance especially if the salinity of the medium is necessary for the fermentation, and if the halotolerance genes of the fungus will define, this will open the research to study and improve this property for the industrial important micro-organisms.Keywords: salinity, identification, aspergillus oryzae, halotolerance, fungi
Procedia PDF Downloads 4032139 Effect on Body Weight of Naltrexone/Bupropion in Overweight and Obese Participants with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in a Large Randomized Double-Blind Study
Authors: Amy Halseth, Kevin Shan, Kye Gilder, John Buse
The study assessed the effect of prolonged-release naltrexone 32 mg/bupropion 360 mg (NB) on cardiovascular (CV) events in overweight/obese participants at elevated CV risk. Participants must lose ≥ 2% body weight at 16 wks, without a sustained increase in blood pressure, to continue drug. The study was terminated early after second interim analysis with 50% of all CV events. Data on CV endpoints has been published. Current analyses focus on weight change. Intent-to-treat (ITT) population (placebo [PBO] N=4450, NB N=4455) was 54.5% female, 83.5% white, mean age 61 yrs, mean BMI 37.3 kg/m2; 85.2% had type 2 diabetes, 32.1% had CV disease, 17.4% had both. At 52 wks, ITT-LOCF analysis showed greater least squares mean percent change in weight (LSM%ΔBW) with NB (-3.1%; 95% CI -4.8, -1.4) vs PBO (-0.3%; 95% CI -1.9, 1.4). Both groups demonstrated greater weight loss while on-treatment (NB [-7.3%], PBO [-3.9%]). Odds ratios of 5% and 10% weight loss were 3.3 and 4.1 (ITT-LOCF), respectively, in NB over PBO. At 104 wks, on-treatment LSM%ΔBW was -6.3% with NB (n=1137) vs -3.5% with PBO (n=741). Major reasons for NB withdrawal were adverse events (AE, 29%) and patient decision (21%), with GI disorders being the most common. Weight loss with NB in this study, in an older population predominantly with diabetes and elevated CV risk, was somewhat lower than that observed in overweight/obese participants without diabetes and similar to participants with diabetes in Phase 3 studies.Keywords: contrave, mysimba, obesity, pharmacotherapy, weight loss
Procedia PDF Downloads 3202138 A Contrastive Rhetoric Study: The Use of Textual and Interpersonal Metadiscoursal Markers in Persian and English Newspaper Editorials
Authors: Habibollah Mashhady, Moslem Fatollahi
This study tries to contrast the use of metadiscoursal markers in English and Persian Newspaper Editorials as persuasive text types. These markers are linguistic elements in the text which do not add to the propositional content of it, rather they serve to realize the Halliday’s (1985) textual and interpersonal functions of language. At first, some of the most common markers from five subcategories of Text Connectives, Illocution Markers, Hedges, Emphatics, and Attitude Markers were identified in both English and Persian newspapers. Then, the frequency of occurrence of these markers in both English and Persian corpus consisting of 44 randomly selected editorials (18,000 words in each) from several English and Persian newspapers was recorded. After that, using a two-way chi square analysis, the overall x2 obs was found to be highly significant. So, the null hypothesis of no difference was confidently rejected. Finally, in order to determine the contribution of each subcategory to the overall x 2 value, one-way chi square analyses were applied to the individual subcategories. The results indicated that only two of the five subcategories of markers were statistically significant. This difference is then attributed to the differing spirits prevailing in the linguistic communities involved. Regarding the minor research question it was found that, in contrast to English writers, Persian writers are more writer-oriented in their writings.Keywords: metadiscoursal markers, textual meta-function, interpersonal meta-function, persuasive texts, English and Persian newspaper editorials
Procedia PDF Downloads 5752137 Effect of Social Media on Online Buyer Behavior
Authors: Zebider Asire Munyelet, Yibeltal Chanie Manie
In the modern digital landscape, the increase of social media platforms has become identical to the evolution of online consumer behavior. This study investigates the complicated relationship between social media and the purchasing decisions of online buyers. Through an extensive review of existing literature and empirical research, the aim is to comprehensively analyze the multidimensional impact that social media exerts on the various stages of the online buyer's journey. The investigation encompasses the exploration of how social media platforms serve as influential channels for information dissemination, product discovery, and consumer engagement. Additionally, the study investigates the psychological aspects underlying the role of social media in shaping buyer preferences, perceptions, and trust in online transactions. The methodologies employed include both quantitative and qualitative analyses, incorporating surveys, interviews, and data analytics to derive meaningful insights. Statistical models are applied to distinguish patterns in online buyer behavior concerning product awareness, brand loyalty, and decision-making processes. The expected outcomes of this research contribute not only to the academic understanding of the dynamic interplay between social media and online buyer behavior but also offer practical implications for marketers, e-commerce platforms, and policymakers.Keywords: social platforms, buyer behavior, consumer behavior, digital era
Procedia PDF Downloads 802136 Jalovchat Gabbroic Intrusive of the Caucasus: Petrological Study, Geochemical Peculiarities and Formation Conditions
Authors: Giorgi Chichinadze, David Shengelia, Tamara Tsutsunava, Nikoloz Maisuradze, Giorgi Beridze
The Jalovchat intrusive is built up of hornblende gabbros, gabbro-norites and norites. Within the intrusive hornblende-bearing gabbro-pegmatites are widespread. That is a coarse-grained rock with gigantic hornblende crystals. By its unusual composition, the Jalovchat intrusive has no analogue in the Caucasus. However, petrologically and geochemically, the intrusive rocks were studied insufficiently. For comprehensive investigations, the authors applied appropriate methodologies: Microscopic study of thin sections, petro- and geochemical analyses of the samples and also different petrogenic, rare and rare earth elements diagrams and spidergrams. Analytical study established that the Jalovchat intrusive by its composition corresponds mainly to the mid-ocean ridge basalts and according to geodynamic type belongs to the subduction type. In general, it is an anomalous phenomenon, as in the rocks of such composition crystallization of hornblende and especially of its gigantic crystals is atypical. The authors believe that the water-rich magma reservoir, which was necessary for the crystallization of gigantic hornblende crystals, appeared as a result of melting of water-rich mid-ocean ridge basaltic rocks during the subduction process in Bajocian time.Keywords: gabbro-pegmatite, intrusive, petrogenesis, petrogeochemistry, the Caucasus
Procedia PDF Downloads 2102135 The Legality of the Individual Education Plan from the Teachers’ Perspective in Saudi Arabia
Authors: Sohil I. Alqazlan
Introduction and Objectives: The individual educational plans (IEPs) is the cornerstone in education for students with special education need (SEN). The Saudi government supported the students’ right to have an IEP, and their education is one of the primary goals for the Ministry of Education (MoE). However, this support does not reflect the huge government investment. For example, some SEN students do not have an IEP, and poor communication was found between IEP teams and student's families. As a result, this study investigated perspectives and understandings of the IEP from the views of SEN teachers in the Saudi context. Methods: This study design utilised a qualitative approach, where in-depth semi-structured interviews were used with 8 SEN teachers in Riyadh (the capital city of Saudi Arabia) schools. In terms of analysing the interviews’ findings, the researcher used the thematic analyses approach. Results and Conclusion: The legality and the consideration of the legal document in Saudi Arabia are the main areas wherein study participants were questioned. It was observed that the IEP is not considered a legal document in the region of Saudi Arabia. As interpreted from the response of the SEN teachers, the IEP lacks the required legality with respect to its implementation in Saudi Arabia. All teachers were in agreement that the IEP is not considered to be a legal document in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. As a result, they did not use it for all their students with SEN. Such findings might have affected the teaching quality, and school outcomes as all SEN students must be supported individually depending on their needs.Keywords: individual education plan, special education, IEP, teachers
Procedia PDF Downloads 1722134 Progress, Challenges, and Prospects of Non-Conventional Feed Resources for Livestock Production in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review
Authors: Clyde Haruzivi, Olusegun Oyebade Ikusika, Thando Conference Mpendulo
Feed scarcity, increasing demand for animal products due to the growing human population, competition for conventional feed resources for humans and animal production, and ever-increasing prices of these feed resources are major constraints to the livestock industry in Sub-Saharan Africa. As a result, the industry is suffering immensely as the cost of production is high, hence the reduced returns. Most affected are the communal and resource-limited farmers who cannot afford the cost of conventional feed resources to supplement feeds, especially in arid and semi-arid areas where the available feed resources are not adequate for maintenance and production. This has tasked researchers and animal scientists to focus on the potential of non-conventional feed resources (NCFRs). Non-conventional feed resources could fill the gap through reduced competition, cost of feed, increased supply, increased profits, and independency as farmers will be utilizing locally available feed resources. Identifying available non-conventional feed resources is vital as it creates possibilities for novel feed industries and markets and implements methods of using these feedstuffs to improve livestock production and livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa. Hence, this research work analyses the progress, challenges, and prospects of some non-conventional feed resources in Sub-Saharan Africa.Keywords: non-conventional, feed resources, livestock production, food security, Sub-Saharan
Procedia PDF Downloads 1152133 Patient Perspectives on Telehealth During the Pandemic in the United States
Authors: Manal Sultan Alhussein, Xiang Michelle Liu
Telehealth is an advanced technology using digital information and telecommunication facilities that provide access to health services from a distance. It slows the transmission factor of COVID-19, especially for elderly patients and patients with chronic diseases during the pandemic. Therefore, understanding patient perspectives on telehealth services and the factors impacting their option of telehealth service will shed light on the measures that healthcare providers can take to improve the quality of telehealth services. This study aimed to evaluate perceptions of telehealth services among different patient groups and explore various aspects of telehealth utilization in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. An online survey distributed via social media platforms was used to collect research data. In addition to the descriptive statistics, both correlation and regression analyses were conducted to test research hypotheses. The empirical results highlighted that the factors such as accessibility to telehealth services and the type of specialty clinics that the patients required play important roles in the effectiveness of telehealth services they received. However, the results found that patients’ waiting time to receive telehealth services and their annual income did not significantly influence their desire to select receiving healthcare services via telehealth. The limitations of the study and future research directions are discussed.Keywords: telehealth, patient satisfaction, pandemic, healthcare, survey
Procedia PDF Downloads 1142132 Design and Comparative Analysis of Grid-Connected Bipv System with Monocrystalline Silicon and Polycrystalline Silicon in Kandahar Climate
Authors: Ahmad Shah Irshad, Naqibullah Kargar, Wais Samadi
Building an integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) system is a new and modern technique for solar energy production in Kandahar. Due to its location, Kandahar has abundant sources of solar energy. People use both monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon solar PV modules for the grid-connected solar PV system, and they don’t know which technology performs better for the BIPV system. This paper analyses the parameters described by IEC61724, “Photovoltaic System Performance Monitoring Guidelines for Measurement, Data Exchange and Analysis,” to evaluate which technology shows better performance for the BIPV system. The monocrystalline silicon BIPV system has a 3.1% higher array yield than the polycrystalline silicon BIPV system. The final yield is 0.2%, somewhat higher for monocrystalline silicon than polycrystalline silicon. Monocrystalline silicon has 0.2% and 4.5% greater yearly yield factor and capacity factors than polycrystalline silicon, respectively. Monocrystalline silicon shows 0.3% better performance than polycrystalline silicon. With 1.7% reduction and 0.4% addition in collection losses and useful energy produced, respectively, monocrystalline silicon solar PV system shows good performance than polycrystalline silicon solar PV system. But system losses are the same for both technologies. The monocrystalline silicon BIPV system injects 0.2% more energy into the grid than the polycrystalline silicon BIPV system.Keywords: photovoltaic technologies, performance analysis, solar energy, solar irradiance, performance ratio
Procedia PDF Downloads 3722131 Cost Effectiveness of Slit-Viscoelastic Dampers for Seismic Retrofit of Structures
Authors: Minsung Kim, Jinkoo Kim
In order to reduce or eliminate seismic damage in structures, many researchers have investigated various energy dissipation devices. In this study, the seismic capacity and cost of a slit-viscoelastic seismic retrofit system composed of a steel slit plate and viscoelastic dampers connected in parallel are evaluated. The combination of the two different damping mechanisms is expected to produce enhanced seismic performance of the building. The analysis model of the system is first derived using various link elements in the nonlinear dynamic analysis software Perform 3D, and fragility curves of the structure retrofitted with the dampers are obtained using incremental dynamic analyses. The analysis results show that the displacement of the structure equipped with the hybrid dampers is smaller than that of the structure with slit dampers due to the enhanced self-centering capability of the system. It is also observed that the initial cost of hybrid system required for the seismic retrofit is smaller than that of the structure with viscoelastic dampers. Acknowledgement: This research was financially supported by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy(MOTIE) and Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology(KIAT) through the International Cooperative R&D program(N043100016_Development of low-cost high-performance seismic energy dissipation devices using viscoelastic material).Keywords: damped cable systems, seismic retrofit, viscous dampers, self-centering
Procedia PDF Downloads 2702130 Re-Defining Food Waste and Food Waste Management in the Food Service Sector: A Case Study in a University Food Service Unit
Authors: Boineelo P. Lefadola, Annemarie T. Viljoen, Gerrie E. Du Rand
The food service sector wastes staggering quantities of food. More than one-third of food produced today gets wasted. This is both perplexing and daunting given that not all that is wasted is accounted for when measuring food waste. It is recognised that the present food waste definitions are ambiguous and do not really take into account all food waste generated. The contention is that food waste in the food service sector can be prevented or reduced if we have an explicit food waste definition in the context of food service. This study, therefore, explores the definition of the concept of food waste in the food service sector and its implications on sustainable food waste management strategies. An ethnographic research approach was adopted. A university food service unit was selected as a research site. Data collection techniques employed included document analyses, participant observations, focus group discussions with front-of-house and back-of-house staff, and one-on-one interviews with staff on managerial positions. A grounded theory approach was applied to analyse data. The concept of food waste was constructed differently by different levels of staff. Whereas managers raised discussion from a financial perspective, BOH and FOH staff drew upon socio-cultural implications. This study lays the foundation for a harmonised definition of the concept of food waste in food service.Keywords: food service, food waste, food waste management, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2752129 Evaluation of the Potability Qualities of Pretreated Distilled Water Produced from Biomass Fuelled Water Distiller
Authors: E. I. Oluwasola, J. A. V. Famurewa, R. Aboloma, K. Adesina
Water samples with pretreatment and without pretreatment were obtained from locally constructed biomass fuelled stainless steel water distiller. The water samples were subjected to Microbial, Physicochemical and Minerals analyses for comparison with NAFDAC and WHO Standards for potable water. The results of the physicochemical and microbiological properties of the raw water(A), and the two distilled water samples (B; distill water without pretreatment) and (C; distill water with pretreatment) showed reduction in most of the quality parameters evaluated in the distilled water samples to the level that conforms to the W.H.O standards for drinking water however, lower values were obtained for the pretreated distilled water sample. The values of 0.0016mg/l, 0.0052mg/l and 0.0528mg/l for the arsenic, chromium and lead content respectively in the raw water were within the permissible limit specified by WHO however; the values of cadmium (0.067mg/l) and mercury (0.0287mg/l) are above the maximum tolerable for drinking water thus, making the raw water unsafe for human consumption. Similarly, the high total plate count (278cfu /ml) and coliform count (1100/100ml) indicate that the raw water is potentially harmful while the distilled water samples showed nil coliform count and low total plate count (35cfu/ml,18cfu/ml) for B and C respectively making the distilled water microbiologically safer for human consumption.Keywords: biomass, distillation, mineral, potable, physicochemical
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