Search results for: trend surface analysis
32261 Enhancement of Hydrophobicity of Thermally Evaporated Bi Thin Films by Oblique Angle Deposition
Authors: Ravish K. Jain, Jatinder Kaur, Shaira Arora, Arun Kumar, Amit K. Chawla, Atul Khanna
Surface-dependent properties such as hydrophobicity can be modified significantly by oblique angle deposition technique. Bi thin films were studied for their hydrophobic nature. The effects of oblique angle deposition on structural, surface morphology, electrical and wettability properties of Bi thin films have been studied and a comparison of these physical properties of normally deposited and obliquely deposited Bi films has been carried out in this study. X-ray diffraction studies found that films have highly oriented hexagonal crystal structure and crystallite size is smaller for obliquely deposited (70 nm) film as compared to that of the normally deposited film (111 nm). Raman spectra of the films consist of peaks corresponding to E_g and A_1g first-order Raman modes of bismuth. The atomic force and scanning electron microscopy studies show that the surface roughness of obliquely deposited film is higher as compared to that of normally deposited film. Contact angle measurements revealed that both films are strongly hydrophobic in nature with the contact angles of 105ᵒ and 119ᵒ for normally and obliquely deposited films respectively. Oblique angle deposition enhances the hydrophobicity of the film. The electrical conductivity of the film is significantly reduced by oblique angle deposition. The activation energies for electrical conduction were determined by four-probe measurements and are 0.016 eV and 0.018 eV for normally and obliquely deposited films respectively.Keywords: bi thin films, hydrophobicity, oblique angle deposition, surface morphology
Procedia PDF Downloads 26132260 Chemotactic Behaviour of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Response to Silicate Substituted Hydroxyapatite
Authors: Dinara Ikramova, Karin A. Hing, Simon C. F. Rawlinson
Silicate-substituted hydroxyapatite (SiHA) has been shown to enhance bone regeneration in vivo compared with phase pure stoichiometric hydroxyapatite. Evidence suggests that substrate chemistry dependent formation of a permissive protein layer on the surface of synthetic bone graft substitute materials is key for bioactivity and cell attachment. However, little information is available on whether the substrate chemistry may affect cell migration and recruitment. The aim of this study is to investigate whether or not human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSCs) exhibit a chemotactic response to SiHA porous granules and if it can be linked to either the ion exchange or protein sequestering and enrichment on the surface of the material. 150mg of SiHA granules with 80% total porosity and 20% strut porosity were incubated in 1ml of either Serum Free Media (SFM) or 10% Serum Containing Media (SCM) under static cell culture conditions (37°C, 5% CO2) in absence of cells. Protein sequestering and exchange of calcium, phosphate and silicate ions were analysed at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 hours with n=12 per time point. Migration of hMSCs in the presence of 150mg of SiHA granules was assessed over 24 hours using a modified transwell migration system in either SFM or SCM (n=6) with 30% serum containing media acting as a positive control. At 24 hours protein sequestering and ionic exchange were analysed, and the number of cells was quantified using a high throughput confocal microscope (IN Cell Analyser 6000). In acellular condition, both calcium and phosphate ion concentrations in media showed a decrease at 24 hours which was greater in SFM than in SCM. This suggests possible formation and precipitation of a bone like apatite on the surface of SiHA. Reduction in this activity observed in SCM indicates that the presence of serum proteins is interfering with the ion exchange at the material and media interface. Adsorbed protein levels showed fluctuation over time followed by sharp decrease at 24 hours, suggesting a possible protein rearrangement on the surface of the material. The ion analysis performed on SFM and SCM after 24-hour incubation with cells in the presence of granules showed a greater reduction in phosphate concentration in both SFM and SCM compared to phosphate levels in acellular condition. Silicate concentration in SCM increased from 1.6mM (absence of cells) to 5.1mM (presence of cells). This indicates that the cells are promoting the uptake of phosphate and release of silicate ions. No significant change was seen in levels of adsorbed proteins in the presence and absence of cells. Further analysis is required to determine whether the species of these proteins change over time. The analysis of cell migration after 24-hour incubation showed more cells migrating towards the granules, 12.7% in SFM and 8.3% in SCM, than in positive control, 4.5% in SFM and 3.6% in SCM respectively. These results suggest that SiHA has a chemotactic activity independent of serum proteins. A property which has not previously been demonstrated for a synthetic bone graft material.Keywords: cell migration, hMSCs, SiHA, transwell migration system
Procedia PDF Downloads 13232259 Advanced Biosensor Characterization of Phage-Mediated Lysis in Real-Time and under Native Conditions
Authors: Radka Obořilová, Hana Šimečková, Matěj Pastucha, Jan Přibyl, Petr Skládal, Ivana Mašlaňová, Zdeněk Farka
Due to the spreading of antimicrobial resistance, alternative approaches to combat superinfections are being sought, both in the field of lysing agents and methods for studying bacterial lysis. A suitable alternative to antibiotics is phage therapy and enzybiotics, for which it is also necessary to study the mechanism of their action. Biosensor-based techniques allow rapid detection of pathogens in real time, verification of sensitivity to commonly used antimicrobial agents, and selection of suitable lysis agents. The detection of lysis takes place on the surface of the biosensor with immobilized bacteria, which has the potential to be used to study biofilms. An example of such a biosensor is surface plasmon resonance (SPR), which records the kinetics of bacterial lysis based on a change in the resonance angle. The bacteria are immobilized on the surface of the SPR chip, and the action of phage as the mass loss is monitored after a typical lytic cycle delay. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a technique for imaging of samples on the surface. In contrast to electron microscopy, it has the advantage of real-time imaging in the native conditions of the nutrient medium. In our case, Staphylococcus aureus was lysed using the enzyme lysostaphin and phage P68 from the familyPodoviridae at 37 ° C. In addition to visualization, AFM was used to study changes in mechanical properties during lysis, which resulted in a reduction of Young’s modulus (E) after disruption of the bacterial wall. Changes in E reflect the stiffness of the bacterium. These advanced methods provide deeper insight into bacterial lysis and can help to fight against bacterial diseases.Keywords: biosensors, atomic force microscopy, surface plasmon resonance, bacterial lysis, staphylococcus aureus, phage P68
Procedia PDF Downloads 13432258 Uncertainty in Near-Term Global Surface Warming Linked to Pacific Trade Wind Variability
Authors: M. Hadi Bordbar, Matthew England, Alex Sen Gupta, Agus Santoso, Andrea Taschetto, Thomas Martin, Wonsun Park, Mojib Latif
Climate models generally simulate long-term reductions in the Pacific Walker Circulation with increasing atmospheric greenhouse gases. However, over two recent decades (1992-2011) there was a strong intensification of the Pacific Trade Winds that is linked with a slowdown in global surface warming. Using large ensembles of multiple climate models forced by increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and starting from different ocean and/or atmospheric initial conditions, we reveal very diverse 20-year trends in the tropical Pacific climate associated with a considerable uncertainty in the globally averaged surface air temperature (SAT) in each model ensemble. This result suggests low confidence in our ability to accurately predict SAT trends over 20-year timescale only from external forcing. We show, however, that the uncertainty can be reduced when the initial oceanic state is adequately known and well represented in the model. Our analyses suggest that internal variability in the Pacific trade winds can mask the anthropogenic signal over a 20-year time frame, and drive transitions between periods of accelerated global warming and temporary slowdown periods.Keywords: trade winds, walker circulation, hiatus in the global surface warming, internal climate variability
Procedia PDF Downloads 26832257 High Frequency Nanomechanical Oscillators Based on Synthetic Nanowires
Authors: Minjin Kim, Jihwan Kim, Bongsoo Kim, Junho Suh
We demonstrate nanomechanical resonators constructed with synthetic nanowires (NWs) and study their electro-mechanical properties at millikelvin temperatures. Nanomechanical resonators are fabricated using single-crystalline Au NWs and InAs NWs. The mechanical resonance signals are acquired by either magnetomotive or capacitive detection methods. The Au NWs are synthesized by chemical vapor transport method at 1100 °C, and they exhibit clean surface and single-crystallinity with little defects. Due to pristine surface quality, these Au NW mechanical resonators could provide an ideal model system for studying surface-related effects on the mechanical systems. The InAs NWs are synthesized by molecular beam epitaxy or metal organic chemical vapor deposition method. The InAs NWs show electronic conductance modulation resembling Coulomb blockade, which also manifests in the mechanical resonance signals in the form of damping and resonance frequency shift. Our result provides an evidence of strong electro-mechanical coupling in synthetic NW nanomechanical resonators.Keywords: Au nanowire, InAs nanowire, nanomechanical resonator, synthetic nanowires
Procedia PDF Downloads 21032256 Next Generation Membrane for Water Desalination: Facile Fabrication of Patterned Graphene Membrane
Authors: Jae-Kyung Choi, Soon-Yong Kwon, Hyung Duk Yun, Hyun-Sang Chung, Seongho Seo, Kukjin Bae
Recently, there were several attempts to utilize a graphene layer as a water desalination membrane. In order to use a graphene layer as a water desalination membrane, fabrication of crack-free suspension of graphene on a porous membrane, having hydrophobic surface, and generation of a uniform holes on a graphene are very important. In here, we showed a simple chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method to create a patterned graphene membrane on a patterned platinum film. After CVD growth process of patterned graphene layer/patterned Pt on SiO2 substrates, the patterned graphene layer can be successfully transferred onto arbitrary substrates via thermal-assisted transfer method. In this result, the transferred patterned graphene membrane has so hydrophobic surface which will certainly impact on the naturally and speed pass way for fresh water. In addition to this, we observed that overlapping of patterned graphene membranes reported previously by our group may generate different size of holes.Keywords: chemical vapor deposition (CVD), hydrophobic surface, membrane desalination, porous graphene
Procedia PDF Downloads 47132255 Modelling Asymmetric Magnetic Recording Heads with an Underlayer Using Superposition
Authors: Ammar Edress Mohamed, Mustafa Aziz, David Wright
This paper analyses and calculates the head fields of asymmetrical 2D magnetic recording heads when the soft-underlayer is present using the appropriate Green's function to derive the surface potential/field by utilising the surface potential for asymmetrical head without underlayer. The results follow closely the corners, while the gap region shows a linear behaviour for d/g < 0.5 compared with the calculated fields from finite-element.Keywords: magnetic recording, finite elements, asymmetrical magnetic heads, superposition, Laplace's equation
Procedia PDF Downloads 39332254 Quantification of Effects of Shape of Basement Topography below the Circular Basin on the Ground Motion Characteristics and Engineering Implications
Authors: Kamal, Dinesh Kumar, J. P. Narayan, Komal Rani
This paper presents the effects of shape of basement topography on the characteristics of the basin-generated surface (BGS) waves and associated average spectral amplification (ASA) in the 3D basins having circular surface area. Seismic responses were computed using a recently developed 3D fourth-order spatial accurate time-domain finite-difference (FD) algorithm based on parsimonious staggered-grid approximation of 3D viscoelastic wave equations. An increase of amplitude amplification and ASA towards the centre of different considered basins was obtained. Further, it may be concluded that ASA in basin very much depends on the impedance contrast, exposure area of basement to the incident wave front, edge-slope, focusing of the BGS-waves and sediment-damping. There is an urgent need of incorporation of a map of differential ground motion (DGM) caused by the BGS-waves as one of the output maps of the seismic microzonation.Keywords: 3D viscoelastic simulation, basin-generated surface waves, maximum displacement, average spectral amplification
Procedia PDF Downloads 29832253 Deciphering Suitability of Rhamnolipids as Emulsifying Agent for Hydrophobic Pollutants
Authors: Asif Jamal, Samia Sakindar, Ramla Rehman
Biosurfactants are amphiphilic surface active compounds obtained from natural resources such as plants and microorganisms. Because of their diverse physicochemical characteristics biosurfactant are replacing synthetic compounds in various commercial applications. In present study, a strain of P. aeruginosa was isolated from crude oil contaminated soil as efficient biosurfactant producers. The biosurfactant production was analyzed as a function of surface tension reduction, oil spreading capacity, emulsification index and hemolysis assay. This bacterial strain showed excellent emulsion activity of EI24 85%, surface tension reduction up to 28.6 mNm-1 and 7.0 mm oil displacement zone. Physicochemical and biological properties of extracted rhamnolipid were also investigated in current study. The chemical composition of product from strain PSS was analyzed by FTIR spectroscopy. The results revealed that extracted biosurfactant was rhamnolipid type in nature having RL-1 and RL-2 homologues. The surface behavior of rhamnolipid in aqueous phase was investigated varying extreme pH, temperature, salt conditions and with various hydrocarbons. The results indicated that biosurfactant produced by strain PSS Which showed stability during high temperature up to 121 C, salt concentrations up to 20% and pH range between (4—14). The emulsification activity with different hydrocarbons was also remarkable. It was concluded that rhamnolipid biosurfactant produced by strain PSS has excellent potential as emulsifying/remediation agent for broad range of hydrophobic pollutants.Keywords: P. aeruginosa, bioremediation, rhamnolipid, surfactants
Procedia PDF Downloads 28132252 A Novel Photocrosslinkable and Cytocompatible Chitosan Coating for TI6AL4V Surfaces
Authors: D. Zujur, J. Moret, D. Rodriguez, L. Cruz, J. Lira, L. Gil, E. Dominguez, J. F. Alvarez-Barreto
In this work, chitosan (CH) has been used to produce a novel coating for Ti6Al4V, the most widely used alloy in orthopedic implants, so as to improve the biological tissue response at the metallic surface. The Ti6Al4V surface was sandblasted with alumina particles and observed by SEM. Chitosan was chemically modified, via crodiimide chemistry, with lactobionic and 4-azidebenzoic acid to make it soluble at physiological pH and photo-crosslinkable, respectively. The reaction was verified by FTIR, NMR, and UV/vis spectroscopy. Ti6Al4V surfaces were coated with solutions of the modified CH and exposed to UV light, causing the polymer crosslinking, and formation of a hydrogel on the surface. The crosslinking reaction was monitored by FTIR at different exposure times. Coating morphology was observed by SEM. The coating´s cytocompatibility was determined in vitro through the culture of rat bone marrow´s mesenchymal stem cells, using an MTT assay. The results show that the developed coating is cytocompatible, easy to apply and could be used for further studies in the encapsulation of bioactive molecules to improve osteogenic potential at the tissue-implant interface.Keywords: chitosan, photo-crosslinking, Ti6Al4V, bioactive coating, hydrogel
Procedia PDF Downloads 32732251 Surface Morphology and Wetting Behavior of the Aspidiotus spp. Scale Covers
Authors: Meril Kate Mariano, Billy Joel Almarinez Divina Amalin, Jose Isagani Janairo
The scale insects Aspidiotus destructor and Aspidiotus rigidus exhibit notable scale covers made of wax which provides protection against water loss and is capable to resist wetting, thus making them a desirable model for biomimetic designs. Their waxy covers enable them to infest mainly leaves of coconut trees despite the harsh wind and rain. This study aims to describe and compare the micro morphological characters on the surfaces of their scale covers consequently, how these micro structures affect their wetting properties. Scanning electron microscope was used for the surface characterization while an optical contact angle meter was employed in the wetting measurement. The scale cover of A. destructor is composed of multiple overlapping layers of wax that is arranged regularly while that of A. rigidus is composed of a uniform layer of wax with much more prominent wax ribbons irregularly arranged compared to the former. The protrusions found on the two organisms are formed by the wax ribbons that differ in arrangement with their height being A. destructor (3.57+1.29) < A. rigidus (4.23+1.22) and their density A. destructor (15+2.94) < A. rigidus (18.33+2.64). These morphological measurements could affect the contact angle (CA θ) measurement of A. destructor (102.66+9.78°) < A. rigidus (102.77 + 11.01°) wherein the assessment that the interaction of the liquid to the microstructures of the substrate is a large factor in the wetting properties of the insect scales is realized. The calculated surface free energy of A. destructor (38.47 mJ/m²) > A. rigidus (31.02 mJ/m²) shows inverse proportionality with the CA measurement. The dispersive interaction between the surface and liquid is more prevalent compared to the polar interaction for both Aspidiotus species, which was observed using the Fowkes method. The results of this study have possible applications to be a potential biomimetic design for various industries such as textiles and coatings.Keywords: Aspidiotus spp., biomimetics, contact angle, surface characterization, wetting behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 12432250 Cost Comparison between R.C.C. Structures and Composite Columns Structures
Authors: Assad Rashid, Umair Ahmed, Zafar Baig
A new trend in construction is widely influenced by the use of Steel-Concrete Composite Columns. The rapid growth in Steel-Concrete Composite construction has widely decreased the conventional R.C.C structures. Steel Concrete composite construction has obtained extensive receiving around the globe. It is considering the fact that R.C.C structures construction is most suitable and economical for low-rise construction, so it is used in farming systems in most of the buildings. However, increased dead load, span restriction, less stiffness and risky formwork make R.C.C construction uneconomical and not suitable when it comes to intermediate to high-rise buildings. A Base + Ground +11 storey commercial building was designed on ETABS 2017 and made a comparison between conventional R.C.C and encased composite column structure. After performing Equivalent Static non-linear analysis, it has been found that construction cost is 13.01% more than R.C.C structure but encased composite column building has 7.7% more floor area. This study will help in understanding the behavior of conventional R.C.C structure and Encased Composite column structure.Keywords: composite columns structure, equivalent static non-linear analysis, comparison between R.C.C and encased composite column structures, cost-effective structure
Procedia PDF Downloads 20032249 Development of Coastal Inundation–Inland and River Flow Interface Module Based on 2D Hydrodynamic Model
Authors: Eun-Taek Sin, Hyun-Ju Jang, Chang Geun Song, Yong-Sik Han
Due to the climate change, the coastal urban area repeatedly suffers from the loss of property and life by flooding. There are three main causes of inland submergence. First, when heavy rain with high intensity occurs, the water quantity in inland cannot be drained into rivers by increase in impervious surface of the land development and defect of the pump, storm sewer. Second, river inundation occurs then water surface level surpasses the top of levee. Finally, Coastal inundation occurs due to rising sea water. However, previous studies ignored the complex mechanism of flooding, and showed discrepancy and inadequacy due to linear summation of each analysis result. In this study, inland flooding and river inundation were analyzed together by HDM-2D model. Petrov-Galerkin stabilizing method and flux-blocking algorithm were applied to simulate the inland flooding. In addition, sink/source terms with exponentially growth rate attribute were added to the shallow water equations to include the inland flooding analysis module. The applications of developed model gave satisfactory results, and provided accurate prediction in comprehensive flooding analysis. The applications of developed model gave satisfactory results, and provided accurate prediction in comprehensive flooding analysis. To consider the coastal surge, another module was developed by adding seawater to the existing Inland Flooding-River Inundation binding module for comprehensive flooding analysis. Based on the combined modules, the Coastal Inundation – Inland & River Flow Interface was simulated by inputting the flow rate and depth data in artificial flume. Accordingly, it was able to analyze the flood patterns of coastal cities over time. This study is expected to help identify the complex causes of flooding in coastal areas where complex flooding occurs, and assist in analyzing damage to coastal cities. Acknowledgements—This research was supported by a grant ‘Development of the Evaluation Technology for Complex Causes of Inundation Vulnerability and the Response Plans in Coastal Urban Areas for Adaptation to Climate Change’ [MPSS-NH-2015-77] from the Natural Hazard Mitigation Research Group, Ministry of Public Safety and Security of Korea.Keywords: flooding analysis, river inundation, inland flooding, 2D hydrodynamic model
Procedia PDF Downloads 36332248 A Prediction of Electrical Cost for High-Rise Building Construction
Authors: Picha Sriprachan
The increase in electricity prices affects the cost of high-rise building construction. The objectives of this research are to study the electrical cost, trend of electrical cost and to forecast electrical cost of high-rise building construction. The methods of this research are: 1) to study electrical payment formats, cost data collection methods, and the factors affecting electrical cost of high-rise building construction, 2) to study the quantity and trend of cumulative percentage of the electrical cost, and 3) to forecast the electrical cost for different types of high-rise buildings. The results of this research show that the average proportion between electrical cost and the value of the construction project is 0.87 percent. The proportion of electrical cost for residential, office and commercial, and hotel buildings are closely proportional. If construction project value increases, the proportion of electrical cost and the value of the construction project will decrease. However, there is a relationship between the amount of electrical cost and the value of the construction project. During the structural construction phase, the amount of electrical cost will increase and during structural and architectural construction phase, electrical cost will be maximum. The cumulative percentage of the electrical cost is related to the cumulative percentage of the high-rise building construction cost in the same direction. The amount of service space of the building, number of floors and the duration of the construction affect the electrical cost of construction. The electrical cost of construction forecasted by using linear regression equation is close to the electrical cost forecasted by using the proportion of electrical cost and value of the project.Keywords: high-rise building construction, electrical cost, construction phase, architectural phase
Procedia PDF Downloads 39132247 Silver Grating for Strong and Reproducible SERS Response
Authors: Y. Kalachyova, O. Lyutakov, V. Svorcik
One of the most significant obstacles for the application of surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is the poor reproducibility of SERS active substrates: SERS intensity can be varied from one substrate to another and moreover along the one substrate surface. High enhancement of the near-field intensity is the key factor for ultrasensitive SERS realization. SERS substrate can be prepared through introduction of highly ordered metal array, where light focusing is achieved through excitation of surface plasmon-polaritons (SPPs). In this work, we report the preparation of silver nanostructures with plasmon absorption peaks tuned by the metal arrangement. Excimer laser modification of poly(methyl methacrylate) followed by silver evaporation is proposed as an effective way for the creation of reproducible and effective surface plasmon-polaritons (SPP)-based SERS substrate. Theoretical and experimental studies were performed to optimize structure parameter for effective SPP excitation. It was found that the narrow range of grating periodicity and metal thickness exist, where SPPs can be most efficiently excited. In spite of the fact, that SERS response was almost always achieved, the enhancement factor was found to vary more with the effectivity of SPP excitation. When the real structure parameters were set to optimal for SPP excitation, a SERS enhancement factor was achieved up to four times. Theoretical and experimental investigation of SPP excitation on the two-dimensional periodical silver array was performed with the aim to make SERS response as high as possible.Keywords: grating, nanostructures, plasmon-polaritons, SERS
Procedia PDF Downloads 27032246 Response Surface Methodology for the Optimization of Radioactive Wastewater Treatment with Chitosan-Argan Nutshell Beads
Authors: Fatima Zahra Falah, Touria El. Ghailassi, Samia Yousfi, Ahmed Moussaif, Hasna Hamdane, Mouna Latifa Bouamrani
The management and treatment of radioactive wastewater pose significant challenges to environmental safety and public health. This study presents an innovative approach to optimizing radioactive wastewater treatment using a novel biosorbent: chitosan-argan nutshell beads. By employing Response Surface Methodology (RSM), we aimed to determine the optimal conditions for maximum removal efficiency of radioactive contaminants. Chitosan, a biodegradable and non-toxic biopolymer, was combined with argan nutshell powder to create composite beads. The argan nutshell, a waste product from argan oil production, provides additional adsorption sites and mechanical stability to the biosorbent. The beads were characterized using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) to confirm their structure and composition. A three-factor, three-level Box-Behnken design was utilized to investigate the effects of pH (3-9), contact time (30-150 minutes), and adsorbent dosage (0.5-2.5 g/L) on the removal efficiency of radioactive isotopes, primarily focusing on cesium-137. Batch adsorption experiments were conducted using synthetic radioactive wastewater with known concentrations of these isotopes. The RSM analysis revealed that all three factors significantly influenced the adsorption process. A quadratic model was developed to describe the relationship between the factors and the removal efficiency. The model's adequacy was confirmed through analysis of variance (ANOVA) and various diagnostic plots. Optimal conditions for maximum removal efficiency were pH 6.8, a contact time of 120 minutes, and an adsorbent dosage of 0.8 g/L. Under these conditions, the experimental removal efficiency for cesium-137 was 94.7%, closely matching the model's predictions. Adsorption isotherms and kinetics were also investigated to elucidate the mechanism of the process. The Langmuir isotherm and pseudo-second-order kinetic model best described the adsorption behavior, indicating a monolayer adsorption process on a homogeneous surface. This study demonstrates the potential of chitosan-argan nutshell beads as an effective and sustainable biosorbent for radioactive wastewater treatment. The use of RSM allowed for the efficient optimization of the process parameters, potentially reducing the time and resources required for large-scale implementation. Future work will focus on testing the biosorbent's performance with real radioactive wastewater samples and investigating its regeneration and reusability for long-term applications.Keywords: adsorption, argan nutshell, beads, chitosan, mechanism, optimization, radioactive wastewater, response surface methodology
Procedia PDF Downloads 3832245 Applying a Noise Reduction Method to Reveal Chaos in the River Flow Time Series
Authors: Mohammad H. Fattahi
Chaotic analysis has been performed on the river flow time series before and after applying the wavelet based de-noising techniques in order to investigate the noise content effects on chaotic nature of flow series. In this study, 38 years of monthly runoff data of three gauging stations were used. Gauging stations were located in Ghar-e-Aghaj river basin, Fars province, Iran. The noise level of time series was estimated with the aid of Gaussian kernel algorithm. This step was found to be crucial in preventing removal of the vital data such as memory, correlation and trend from the time series in addition to the noise during de-noising process.Keywords: chaotic behavior, wavelet, noise reduction, river flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 46932244 Study of Trend, Dimension and Effect of Organizational Politics on Workers Performance in Public Organizations
Authors: Eniola Simbiat Ibude
Work politics could be referred to as office politics or organizational politics. Work place politics take different form, direction, and dimensions. Studies of these features of organizational politics have been conducted in the private sector and much has been left to be studied on the other side of the fence, namely in larger bureaucracies and in public sector system. This is the gap the study tried to fill. This study also focuses on the negative effects that perceptions of politics seem to have on job attitudes (i.e., job satisfaction, organizational commitment) and on affective performance. This was with a view to understanding the relevance of its effects on job performance. The descriptive survey research design of the ex-post facto type was adopted for this study since the variables being studied had already occurred and were, therefore, not manipulated. Data were analyzed using the descriptive and inferential statistics of frequency counts, simple percentages, ANOVA, and multiple regression. Findings show that the joint and relative effect of organizational politics on workers performance, planning, coordination and supervision of work (B 0.71), delaying information for carrying out work (B 0.67), criticizing and wasting time for work done (B 0.56) has contributed to workers performance. The effect could be seen as negative on workers performance. Conclusively, every employee will not react to organizational politics the same way. The 'social arsenal' or the 'social skills' of the individual are a good buffer against the potential aftermaths of organizational politics. Also, from this study, it could be concluded that the perceptions of politics have a more complex relationship with job performance, a relationship that may be different for various types of employees.Keywords: bureaucracies, dimension, politics, trend
Procedia PDF Downloads 24332243 Calibration of 2D and 3D Optical Measuring Instruments in Industrial Environments at Submillimeter Range
Authors: Alberto Mínguez-Martínez, Jesús de Vicente y Oliva
Modern manufacturing processes have led to the miniaturization of systems and, as a result, parts at the micro-and nanoscale are produced. This trend seems to become increasingly important in the near future. Besides, as a requirement of Industry 4.0, the digitalization of the models of production and processes makes it very important to ensure that the dimensions of newly manufactured parts meet the specifications of the models. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the scrap and the cost of non-conformities, ensuring the stability of the production at the same time. To ensure the quality of manufactured parts, it becomes necessary to carry out traceable measurements at scales lower than one millimeter. Providing adequate traceability to the SI unit of length (the meter) to 2D and 3D measurements at this scale is a problem that does not have a unique solution in industrial environments. Researchers in the field of dimensional metrology all around the world are working on this issue. A solution for industrial environments, even if it is not complete, will enable working with some traceability. At this point, we believe that the study of the surfaces could provide us with a first approximation to a solution. Among the different options proposed in the literature, the areal topography methods may be the most relevant because they could be compared to those measurements performed using Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM’s). These measuring methods give (x, y, z) coordinates for each point, expressing it in two different ways, either expressing the z coordinate as a function of x, denoting it as z(x), for each Y-axis coordinate, or as a function of the x and y coordinates, denoting it as z (x, y). Between others, optical measuring instruments, mainly microscopes, are extensively used to carry out measurements at scales lower than one millimeter because it is a non-destructive measuring method. In this paper, the authors propose a calibration procedure for the scales of optical measuring instruments, particularizing for a confocal microscope, using material standards easy to find and calibrate in metrology and quality laboratories in industrial environments. Confocal microscopes are measuring instruments capable of filtering the out-of-focus reflected light so that when it reaches the detector, it is possible to take pictures of the part of the surface that is focused. Varying and taking pictures at different Z levels of the focus, a specialized software interpolates between the different planes, and it could reconstruct the surface geometry into a 3D model. As it is easy to deduce, it is necessary to give traceability to each axis. As a complementary result, the roughness Ra parameter will be traced to the reference. Although the solution is designed for a confocal microscope, it may be used for the calibration of other optical measuring instruments by applying minor changes.Keywords: industrial environment, confocal microscope, optical measuring instrument, traceability
Procedia PDF Downloads 15732242 The Effect of Balance Training on Stable and Unstable Surfaces under Cognitive Dual-Task Condition on the Two Directions of Body Sway, Functional Balance and Fear of Fall in Non-Fallers Older Adults
Authors: Elham Azimzadeh, Fahimeh Khorshidi, Alireza Farsi
Balance impairment and fear of falling in older adults may reduce their quality of life. Reactive balance training could improve rapid postural responses and fall prevention in the elderly during daily tasks. Performing postural training and simultaneously cognitive dual tasks could be similar to the daily circumstances. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the effect of balance training on stable and unstable surfaces under dual cognitive task conditions on postural control and fear of falling in the elderly. Methods: Thirty non-fallers of older adults (65-75 years) were randomly assigned to two training groups: stable-surface (n=10), unstable-surface (n=10), or a control group (n=10). The intervention groups underwent six weeks of balance training either on a stable (balance board) or an unstable (wobble board) surface while performing a cognitive dual task. The control group received no balance intervention. COP displacements in the anterioposterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) directions using a computerized balance board, functional balance using TUG, and fear of falling using FES-I were measured in all participants before and after the interventions. Summary of Results: Mixed ANOVA (3 groups * 2 times) with repeated measures and post hoc test showed a significant improvement in both intervention groups in AP index (F= 11/652, P= 0/0002) and functional balance (F= 9/961, P= 0/0001). However, the unstable surface training group had more improvement. However, the fear of falling significantly improved after training on an unstable surface (p= 0/035). All groups had no significant improvement in the ML index (p= 0/817). In the present study, there was an improvement in the AP index after balance training. Conclusion: Unstable surface training may reduce reaction time in posterior ankle muscle activity. Furthermore, focusing attention on cognitive tasks can lead to maintaining balance unconsciously. Most of the daily activities need attention distribution among several activities. So, balance training concurrent to a dual cognitive task is challenging and more similar to the real world. According to the specificity of the training principle, it may improve functional independence and fall prevention in the elderly.Keywords: cognitive dual task, elderly, fear of falling, postural control, unstable surface
Procedia PDF Downloads 6332241 Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of End Milling Process with Multiple Finger Inserted Cutters
Authors: G. Krishna Mohana Rao, P. Ravi Kumar
Milling is the process of removing unwanted material with suitable tool. Even though the milling process is having wider application, the vibration of machine tool and work piece during the process produces chatter on the products. Various methods of preventing the chatter have been incorporated into machine tool systems. Damper is cut into equal number of parts. Each part is called as finger. Multiple fingers were inserted in the hollow portion of the shank to reduce tool vibrations. In the present work, nonlinear static and dynamic analysis of the damper inserted end milling cutter used to reduce the chatter was done. A comparison is made for the milling cutter with multiple dampers. Surface roughness was determined by machining with multiple finger inserted milling cutters.Keywords: damping inserts, end milling, vibrations, nonlinear dynamic analysis, number of fingers
Procedia PDF Downloads 52532240 Analysis of Vibration of Thin-Walled Parts During Milling Made of EN AW-7075 Alloy
Authors: Jakub Czyżycki, Paweł Twardowski
Thin-walled components made of aluminum alloys are increasingly found in many fields of industry, and they dominate the aerospace industry. The machining of thinwalled structures encounters many difficulties related to the high susceptibility of the workpiece, which causes vibrations including the most unfavorable ones called chatter. The effect of these phenomena is the difficulty in obtaining the required geometric dimensions and surface quality. The purpose of this study is to analyze vibrations arising during machining of thin-walled workpieces made of aluminum alloy EN AW-7075. Samples representing actual thin-walled workpieces were examined in a different range of dimensions characterizing thin-walled workpieces. The tests were carried out in HSM high-speed machining (cutting speed vc = 1400 m/min) using a monolithic solid carbide endmill. Measurement of vibration was realized using a singlecomponent piezoelectric accelerometer 4508C from Brüel&Kjær which was mounted directly on the sample before machining, the measurement was made in the normal feed direction AfN. In addition, the natural frequency of the tested thin-walled components was investigated using a laser vibrometer for an broader analysis of the tested samples. The effect of vibrations on machining accuracy was presented in the form of surface images taken with an optical measuring device from Alicona. A classification of the vibrations produced during the test was carried out, and were analyzed in both the time and frequency domains. Observed significant influence of the thickness of the thin-walled component on the course of vibrations during machining.Keywords: high-speed machining, thin-walled elements, thin-walled components, milling, vibrations
Procedia PDF Downloads 5832239 A Hybrid LES-RANS Approach to Analyse Coupled Heat Transfer and Vortex Structures in Separated and Reattached Turbulent Flows
Authors: C. D. Ellis, H. Xia, X. Chen
Experimental and computational studies investigating heat transfer in separated flows have been of increasing importance over the last 60 years, as efforts are being made to understand and improve the efficiency of components such as combustors, turbines, heat exchangers, nuclear reactors and cooling channels. Understanding of not only the time-mean heat transfer properties but also the unsteady properties is vital for design of these components. As computational power increases, more sophisticated methods of modelling these flows become available for use. The hybrid LES-RANS approach has been applied to a blunt leading edge flat plate, utilising a structured grid at a moderate Reynolds number of 20300 based on the plate thickness. In the region close to the wall, the RANS method is implemented for two turbulence models; the one equation Spalart-Allmaras model and Menter’s two equation SST k-ω model. The LES region occupies the flow away from the wall and is formulated without any explicit subgrid scale LES modelling. Hybridisation is achieved between the two methods by the blending of the nearest wall distance. Validation of the flow was obtained by assessing the mean velocity profiles in comparison to similar studies. Identifying the vortex structures of the flow was obtained by utilising the λ2 criterion to identify vortex cores. The qualitative structure of the flow compared with experiments of similar Reynolds number. This identified the 2D roll up of the shear layer, breaking down via the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. Through this instability the flow progressed into hairpin like structures, elongating as they advanced downstream. Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) analysis has been performed on the full flow field and upon the surface temperature of the plate. As expected, the breakdown of POD modes for the full field revealed a relatively slow decay compared to the surface temperature field. Both POD fields identified the most energetic fluctuations occurred in the separated and recirculation region of the flow. Latter modes of the surface temperature identified these levels of fluctuations to dominate the time-mean region of maximum heat transfer and flow reattachment. In addition to the current research, work will be conducted in tracking the movement of the vortex cores and the location and magnitude of temperature hot spots upon the plate. This information will support the POD and statistical analysis performed to further identify qualitative relationships between the vortex dynamics and the response of the surface heat transfer.Keywords: heat transfer, hybrid LES-RANS, separated and reattached flow, vortex dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 23232238 Design and Development of the Force Plate for the Study of Driving-Point Biodynamic Responses
Authors: Vikas Kumar, V. H. Saran, Arpit Mathur, Avik Kathuria
The evaluation of biodynamic responses of the human body to whole body vibration exposure is necessary to quantify the exposure effects. A force plate model has been designed with the help of CAD software, which was investigated by performing the modal, stress and strain analysis using finite element approach in the software. The results of the modal, stress and strain analysis were under the limits for measurements of biodynamic responses to whole body vibration. The physical model of the force plate was manufactured and fixed to the vibration simulator and further used in the experimentation for the evaluation of apparent mass responses of the ten recruited subjects standing in an erect posture exposed to vertical whole body vibration. The platform was excited with sinusoidal vibration at vibration magnitude: 1.0 and 1.5 m/s2 rms at different frequency of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12.5, 16 and 20 Hz. The results of magnitude of normalised apparent mass have shown the trend observed in the many past studies. The peak in the normalised apparent mass has been observed at 4 & 5 Hz frequency of vertical whole body vibration. The nonlinearity with respect to vibration magnitude has been also observed in the normalised apparent mass responses.Keywords: whole body vibration, apparent mass, modeling, force plate
Procedia PDF Downloads 41832237 Theoretical Analysis of the Existing Sheet Thickness in the Calendering of Pseudoplastic Material
Authors: Muhammad Zahid
The mechanical process of smoothing and compressing a molten material by passing it through a number of pairs of heated rolls in order to produce a sheet of desired thickness is called calendering. The rolls that are in combination are called calenders, a term derived from kylindros the Greek word for the cylinder. It infects the finishing process used on cloth, paper, textiles, leather cloth, or plastic film and so on. It is a mechanism which is used to strengthen surface properties, minimize sheet thickness, and yield special effects such as a glaze or polish. It has a wide variety of applications in industries in the manufacturing of textile fabrics, coated fabrics, and plastic sheeting to provide the desired surface finish and texture. An analysis has been presented for the calendering of Pseudoplastic material. The lubrication approximation theory (LAT) has been used to simplify the equations of motion. For the investigation of the nature of the steady solutions that exist, we make use of the combination of exact solution and numerical methods. The expressions for the velocity profile, rate of volumetric flow and pressure gradient are found in the form of exact solutions. Furthermore, the quantities of interest by engineering point of view, such as pressure distribution, roll-separating force, and power transmitted to the fluid by the rolls are also computed. Some results are shown graphically while others are given in the tabulated form. It is found that the non-Newtonian parameter and Reynolds number serve as the controlling parameters for the calendering process.Keywords: calendering, exact solutions, lubrication approximation theory, numerical solutions, pseudoplastic material
Procedia PDF Downloads 14932236 Research Progress of the Relationship between Urban Rail Transit and Residents' Travel Behavior during 1999-2019: A Scientific Knowledge Mapping Based on Citespace and Vosviewer
Authors: Zheng Yi
Among the attempts made worldwide to foster urban and transport sustainability, transit-oriented development certainly is one of the most successful. Residents' travel behavior is a concern in the researches about the impacts of transit-oriented development. The study takes 620 English journal papers in the core collection database of Web of Science as the study objects; the paper tries to map out the scientific knowledge mapping in the field and draw the basic conditions by co-citation analysis, co-word analysis, a total of citation network analysis and visualization techniques. This study teases out the research hotspots and evolution of the relationship between urban rail transit and resident's travel behavior from 1999 to 2019. According to the results of the analysis of the time-zone view and burst-detection, the paper discusses the trend of the next stage of international study. The results show that in the past 20 years, the research focuses on these keywords: land use, behavior, model, built environment, impact, travel behavior, walking, physical activity, smart card, big data, simulation, perception. According to different research contents, the key literature is further divided into these topics: the attributes of the built environment, land use, transportation network, transportation policies. The results of this paper can help to understand the related researches and achievements systematically. These results can also provide a reference for identifying the main challenges that relevant researches need to address in the future.Keywords: urban rail transit, travel behavior, knowledge map, evolution of researches
Procedia PDF Downloads 11032235 Assessing the Influence of Using Traditional Methods of Construction on Cost and Quality of Building Construction
Authors: Musoke Ivan, Birungi Racheal
The construction trend is characterized by increased use of modern methods yet traditional methods are cheaper in terms of costs, in addition to the benefits it offers to the construction sector, like providing more jobs that could have been worked with the intensive machines. The purpose of this research was to assess the influence of using Traditional methods of construction (TMC) on the costs and quality of building structures and determine the different ways. Traditional methods of construction (TMC) can be applicable and integrated into the construction trend, and propose ways how this can be a success. The study adopted a quantitative method approach targeting various construction professionals like Architects, Quantity surveyors, Engineers, and Construction Managers. Questionnaires and analyses of literature were used to obtain research data and findings. Simple random sampling was used to select 40 construction professionals to which questionnaires were administered. The data was then analyzed using Microsoft Excel. The findings of the research indicate that Traditional methods of construction (TMCs) in Uganda are cheaper in terms of costs, but the quality is still low. This is attributed to a lack of skilled labour and efficient supervision while undertaking tasks leading to low quality. The study identifies strategies that would improve Traditional methods of construction (TMC), which include the employment of skilled manpower and effective supervision. It also identifies the need by stakeholders like the government, clients, and professionals to appreciate Traditional methods of construction (TMCs) and allow for a levelled ground for Traditional Methods of Construction and Modern methods of construction (MMCs).Keywords: traditional methods of construction, integration, cost, quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 6332234 Variability Studies of Seyfert Galaxies Using Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer Observations
Authors: Ayesha Anjum, Arbaz Basha
Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are the actively accreting centers of the galaxies that host supermassive black holes. AGN emits radiation in all wavelengths and also shows variability across all the wavelength bands. The analysis of flux variability tells us about the morphology of the site of emission radiation. Some of the major classifications of AGN are (a) Blazars, with featureless spectra. They are subclassified as BLLacertae objects, Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQs), and others; (b) Seyferts with prominent emission line features are classified into Broad Line, Narrow Line Seyferts of Type 1 and Type 2 (c) quasars, and other types. Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is an optical telescope based in Mexico that has observed and classified billions of objects based on automated photometric and spectroscopic methods. A sample of blazars is obtained from the third Fermi catalog. For variability analysis, we searched for light curves for these objects in Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) and Near Earth Orbit WISE (NEOWISE) in two bands: W1 (3.4 microns) and W2 (4.6 microns), reducing the final sample to 256 objects. These objects are also classified into 155 BLLacs, 99 FSRQs, and 2 Narrow Line Seyferts, namely, PMNJ0948+0022 and PKS1502+036. Mid-infrared variability studies of these objects would be a contribution to the literature. With this as motivation, the present work is focused on studying a final sample of 256 objects in general and the Seyferts in particular. Owing to the fact that the classification is automated, SDSS has miclassified these objects into quasars, galaxies, and stars. Reasons for the misclassification are explained in this work. The variability analysis of these objects is done using the method of flux amplitude variability and excess variance. The sample consists of observations in both W1 and W2 bands. PMN J0948+0022 is observed between MJD from 57154.79 to 58810.57. PKS 1502+036 is observed between MJD from 57232.42 to 58517.11, which amounts to a period of over six years. The data is divided into different epochs spanning not more than 1.2 days. In all the epochs, the sources are found to be variable in both W1 and W2 bands. This confirms that the object is variable in mid-infrared wavebands in both long and short timescales. Also, the sources are observed for color variability. Objects either show a bluer when brighter trend (BWB) or a redder when brighter trend (RWB). The possible claim for the object to be BWB (present objects) is that the longer wavelength radiation emitted by the source can be suppressed by the high-energy radiation from the central source. Another result is that the smallest radius of the emission source is one day since the epoch span used in this work is one day. The mass of the black holes at the centers of these sources is found to be less than or equal to 108 solar masses, respectively.Keywords: active galaxies, variability, Seyfert galaxies, SDSS, WISE
Procedia PDF Downloads 13032233 Preparation of Silver and Silver-Gold, Universal and Repeatable, Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Platforms from SERSitive
Authors: Pawel Albrycht, Monika Ksiezopolska-Gocalska, Robert Holyst
Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) is a technique of growing importance not only in purely scientific research related to analytical chemistry. It finds more and more applications in broadly understood testing - medical, forensic, pharmaceutical, food - and everywhere works perfectly, on one condition that SERS substrates used for testing give adequate enhancement, repeatability, and homogeneity of SERS signal. This is a problem that has existed since the invention of this technique. Some laboratories use as SERS amplifiers colloids with silver or gold nanoparticles, others form rough silver or gold surfaces, but results are generally either weak or unrepeatable. Furthermore, these structures are very often highly specific - they amplify the signal only of a small group of compounds. It means that they work with some kinds of analytes but only with those which were used at a developer’s laboratory. When it comes to research on different compounds, completely new SERS 'substrates' are required. That underlay our decision to develop universal substrates for the SERS spectroscopy. Generally, each compound has different affinity for both silver and gold, which have the best SERS properties, and that's what depends on what signal we get in the SERS spectrum. Our task was to create the platform that gives a characteristic 'fingerprint' of the largest number of compounds with very high repeatability - even at the expense of the intensity of the enhancement factor (EF) (possibility to repeat research results is of the uttermost importance). As specified above SERS substrates are offered by SERSitive company. Applied method is based on cyclic potentiodynamic electrodeposition of silver or silver-gold nanoparticles on the conductive surface of ITO-coated glass at controlled temperature of the reaction solution. Silver nanoparticles are supplied in the form of silver nitrate (AgNO₃, 10 mM), gold nanoparticles are derived from tetrachloroauric acid (10 mM) while sodium sulfite (Na₂O₃, 5 mM) is used as a reductor. To limit and standardize the size of the SERS surface on which nanoparticles are deposited, photolithography is used. We secure the desired ITO-coated glass surface, and then etch the unprotected ITO layer which prevents nanoparticles from settling at these sites. On the prepared surface, we carry out the process described above, obtaining SERS surface with nanoparticles of sizes 50-400 nm. The SERSitive platforms present highly sensitivity (EF = 10⁵-10⁶), homogeneity and repeatability (70-80%).Keywords: electrodeposition, nanoparticles, Raman spectroscopy, SERS, SERSitive, SERS platforms, SERS substrates
Procedia PDF Downloads 15632232 The Effect of Irradiation Distance on Microhardness of Hybrid Resin Composite Polymerization Using Light-Emitting Diodes
Authors: Deli Mona, Rafika Husni
The aim of this research is to evaluate the effect of lighting distance on surface hardness of light composite resin. We held laboratory experimental research with post-test only group design. The samples used are 30 disc-like hybrid composite resins with the diameter is 6 mm and the thickness is 2 mm, lighted by an LED for 20 seconds. They were divided into 3 groups, and every group was consisted by 10 samples, which were 0 mm, 2 mm, and 5 mm lighting distance group. Every samples group was treated with hardness test, Vicker Hardness Test, then analyzed with one-way ANOVA test to evaluate the effect of lighting distance differences on surface hardness of light composite resin. Statistic test result shown hardness mean change of composite renin between 0 mm and 2 mm lighting distance with 0.00 significance (p<0.05), between 0 mm and 5 mm lighting distance with 0.00 significance (p<0.05), and 2 mm and 5 mm lighting distance with 0.05 significance (p<0.05). According to the result of this research, we concluded that the further lighting distance, the more surface hardness decline of hybrid composite resin.Keywords: composite resin hybrid, tip distance, microhardness, light curing LED
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