Search results for: Mexican context
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Paper Count: 5830

Search results for: Mexican context

4570 Health Transformation Program and Effects on Health Expenditures

Authors: Zeynep Karacor, Rahime Hulya Ozturk


In recent years, the rise of population density and the problem of aging population took attention to the health expenditures. In Turkey, some regulations and infrastructure changes in health sector have occurred. These changes are called Health Transformation Program. The productivity of health services, patient satisfaction, quality of services are tried to be improved with this program. Some radical changes are applied in Turkish economy in this context. The aim of this paper is to present the effects of Health Transformation Program on health expenditures. In the first part of the paper, some information’s about health system and applications in Turkey are discussed. In the second part, the aims of Health Transformation Program are explained. And in the third part the effects of Health Transformation Program on health expenditures are examined.

Keywords: health transformation program, Turkey, health services, health expenditures

Procedia PDF Downloads 396
4569 Unsupervised Learning of Spatiotemporally Coherent Metrics

Authors: Ross Goroshin, Joan Bruna, Jonathan Tompson, David Eigen, Yann LeCun


Current state-of-the-art classification and detection algorithms rely on supervised training. In this work we study unsupervised feature learning in the context of temporally coherent video data. We focus on feature learning from unlabeled video data, using the assumption that adjacent video frames contain semantically similar information. This assumption is exploited to train a convolutional pooling auto-encoder regularized by slowness and sparsity. We establish a connection between slow feature learning to metric learning and show that the trained encoder can be used to define a more temporally and semantically coherent metric.

Keywords: machine learning, pattern clustering, pooling, classification

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4568 Using Vulnerability to Reduce False Positive Rate in Intrusion Detection Systems

Authors: Nadjah Chergui, Narhimene Boustia


Intrusion Detection Systems are an essential tool for network security infrastructure. However, IDSs have a serious problem which is the generating of massive number of alerts, most of them are false positive ones which can hide true alerts and make the analyst confused to analyze the right alerts for report the true attacks. The purpose behind this paper is to present a formalism model to perform correlation engine by the reduction of false positive alerts basing on vulnerability contextual information. For that, we propose a formalism model based on non-monotonic JClassicδє description logic augmented with a default (δ) and an exception (є) operator that allows a dynamic inference according to contextual information.

Keywords: context, default, exception, vulnerability

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4567 Remote Criminal Proceedings as Implication to Rethink the Principles of Criminal Procedure

Authors: Inga Žukovaitė


This paper aims to present postdoc research on remote criminal proceedings in court. In this period, when most countries have introduced the possibility of remote criminal proceedings in their procedural laws, it is not only possible to identify the weaknesses and strengths of the legal regulation but also assess the effectiveness of the instrument used and to develop an approach to the process. The example of some countries (for example, Italy) shows, on the one hand, that criminal procedure, based on orality and immediacy, does not lend itself to easy modifications that pose even a slight threat of devaluation of these principles in a society with well-established traditions of this procedure. On the other hand, such strong opposition and criticism make us ask whether we are facing the possibility of rethinking the traditional ways to understand the safeguards in order to preserve their essence without devaluing their traditional package but looking for new components to replace or compensate for the so-called “loss” of safeguards. The reflection on technological progress in the field of criminal procedural law indicates the need to rethink, on the basis of fundamental procedural principles, the safeguards that can replace or compensate for those that are in crisis as a result of the intervention of technological progress. Discussions in academic doctrine on the impact of technological interventions on the proceedings as such or on the limits of such interventions refer to the principles of criminal procedure as to a point of reference. In the context of the inferiority of technology, scholarly debate still addresses the issue of whether the court will not gradually become a mere site for the exercise of penal power with the resultant consequences – the deformation of the procedure itself as a physical ritual. In this context, this work seeks to illustrate the relationship between remote criminal proceedings in court and the principle of immediacy, the concept of which is based on the application of different models of criminal procedure (inquisitorial and adversarial), the aim is to assess the challenges posed for legal regulation by the interaction of technological progress with the principles of criminal procedure. The main hypothesis to be tested is that the adoption of remote proceedings is directly linked to the prevailing model of criminal procedure, arguing that the more principles of the inquisitorial model are applied to the criminal process, the more remote criminal trial is acceptable, and conversely, the more the criminal process is based on an adversarial model, more the remote criminal process is seen as incompatible with the principle of immediacy. In order to achieve this goal, the following tasks are set: to identify whether there is a difference in assessing remote proceedings with the immediacy principle between the adversarial model and the inquisitorial model, to analyse the main aspects of the regulation of remote criminal proceedings based on the examples of different countries (for example Lithuania, Italy, etc.).

Keywords: remote criminal proceedings, principle of orality, principle of immediacy, adversarial model inquisitorial model

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4566 Affects Associations Analysis in Emergency Situations

Authors: Joanna Grzybowska, Magdalena Igras, Mariusz Ziółko


Association rule learning is an approach for discovering interesting relationships in large databases. The analysis of relations, invisible at first glance, is a source of new knowledge which can be subsequently used for prediction. We used this data mining technique (which is an automatic and objective method) to learn about interesting affects associations in a corpus of emergency phone calls. We also made an attempt to match revealed rules with their possible situational context. The corpus was collected and subjectively annotated by two researchers. Each of 3306 recordings contains information on emotion: (1) type (sadness, weariness, anxiety, surprise, stress, anger, frustration, calm, relief, compassion, contentment, amusement, joy) (2) valence (negative, neutral, or positive) (3) intensity (low, typical, alternating, high). Also, additional information, that is a clue to speaker’s emotional state, was annotated: speech rate (slow, normal, fast), characteristic vocabulary (filled pauses, repeated words) and conversation style (normal, chaotic). Exponentially many rules can be extracted from a set of items (an item is a previously annotated single information). To generate the rules in the form of an implication X → Y (where X and Y are frequent k-itemsets) the Apriori algorithm was used - it avoids performing needless computations. Then, two basic measures (Support and Confidence) and several additional symmetric and asymmetric objective measures (e.g. Laplace, Conviction, Interest Factor, Cosine, correlation coefficient) were calculated for each rule. Each applied interestingness measure revealed different rules - we selected some top rules for each measure. Owing to the specificity of the corpus (emergency situations), most of the strong rules contain only negative emotions. There are though strong rules including neutral or even positive emotions. Three examples of the strongest rules are: {sadness} → {anxiety}; {sadness, weariness, stress, frustration} → {anger}; {compassion} → {sadness}. Association rule learning revealed the strongest configurations of affects (as well as configurations of affects with affect-related information) in our emergency phone calls corpus. The acquired knowledge can be used for prediction to fulfill the emotional profile of a new caller. Furthermore, a rule-related possible context analysis may be a clue to the situation a caller is in.

Keywords: data mining, emergency phone calls, emotional profiles, rules

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4565 Antiglycemic Activity of Raw Plant Materials as Potential Components of Functional Food

Authors: Ewa Flaczyk, Monika Przeor, Joanna Kobus-Cisowska, Józef Korczak


The aim of this paper was to collect the information concerning the most popular raw plant materials of antidiabetic activity, in a context of functional food developing production. The elaboration discusses morphological elements possible for an application in functional food production of the plants such as: common bean, ginger, Ceylon cinnamon, white mulberry, fenugreek, French lilac, ginseng, jambolão, and bitter melon. An activity of bioactive substances contained in these raw plant materials was presented, pointing their antiglycemic and also hypocholesterolemic, antiarthritic, antirheumatic, antibacterial, and antiviral activity in the studies on humans and animals. Also the genesis of functional food definition was presented.

Keywords: antiglycemic activity, raw plant materials, functional food, food, nutritional sciences

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4564 The Return Migration as One of the Possibilities of Migrant Mobility after the Financial Crisis

Authors: Sabrina Mortet


The economic crisis, which struck the world economy in mid-2008, had an impact on migration in Europe, especially the employment situation of migrant workers. That’s why migrants tended to be the first to lose their jobs during the crisis, victims of the rule "last–in, first-out”. In the same context, the economic recession which affected the migration flows, immigration level has slowed while emigration has increased in some European countries. Since people go where jobs are, we will try to speak about the mobility of migrants after the crisis by focusing on return migration to see if migrants in the period of recession prefer going home or staying in the host country; and we will take Spain as a case of study, because it had attracted an extraordinarily high inflows of migration and it is one of the EU country which was hardly affected by the financial crisis.

Keywords: economic crisis, international migration, mobility, return migration, employement

Procedia PDF Downloads 332
4563 Principal Component Analysis Applied to the Electric Power Systems – Practical Guide; Practical Guide for Algorithms

Authors: John Morales, Eduardo Orduña


Currently the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) theory has been used to develop algorithms regarding to Electric Power Systems (EPS). In this context, this paper presents a practical tutorial of this technique detailed their concept, on-line and off-line mathematical foundations, which are necessary and desirables in EPS algorithms. Thus, features of their eigenvectors which are very useful to real-time process are explained, showing how it is possible to select these parameters through a direct optimization. On the other hand, in this work in order to show the application of PCA to off-line and on-line signals, an example step to step using Matlab commands is presented. Finally, a list of different approaches using PCA is presented, and some works which could be analyzed using this tutorial are presented.

Keywords: practical guide; on-line; off-line, algorithms, faults

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4562 EU Regulation 868/04: Report of a Unilateral Approach on Unfair Subsidisation and Unfair Pricing Practices and Its Failure

Authors: Andrea Trimarchi


This paper is designed to provide a comprehensive overview on the EU Regulation No. 868/2004 concerning protection against subsidisation and unfair pricing practices regarding non-EU carriers and causing injury to Community air carriers. The analysis will focus, at first, on the exegetical scrutiny of the legal categories encompassed by the Regulation. In addition to that, while considering the peculiarities of such legal instrument, the attention will be addressed on the assessment on its effectiveness. The Regulation, indeed, having received lots of criticism, is in need of a profound revision. In this context, the present work will try to take into account the policy alternatives. In light of the failure of Regulation 868, which is to be seen as the expression of a unilateral and regional approach, there would seem to be the necessity for the aviation sector to reconsider the topic of subsidisation and unfair pricing practices in a more international oriented manner.

Keywords: non-EU airlines, aviation, subisidisation, unfair

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4561 Cyber-Bullying Beyond Parental Control in High Schools

Authors: Eke Chidi Idi


School violence is a global phenomenon that affects one of the core institutions of modern society to some degree across many countries, and on a global scale. Within this context, this study explores the impact of parental control on perpetrators of cyber bullying as a form of school-based violence in high schools in uMgungundlovu district of KwaZulu-Natal province in South Africa. Insights for this study were drawn from 18 in-depth interviews and two (2) focus group forums. The key themes that emerged from the findings include: (1) Parents are ignorant of their children involvement in cyber-crimes (2) Parents cannot adequately monitor what their children do on their cell phones (3) Female learners are the most affected as victims of cyber-crime.

Keywords: school, violence, parental control, cyber bullying

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4560 Phonetic Variability of Arabic /x/, /ɣ/

Authors: Mohammad Anani


In Jordanian Arabic, the phonetic realization of the Arabic voiceless velar fricative /x/ and the voiced velar fricative /ɣ/ is highly context-sensitive and is largely influenced by the preceding or following consonants. In particular, the place of articulation, viz. velar or uvular, is determined by co-occurrence restrictions and mutual dependency between various ‘emphatic’/’non-emphatic’ consonantal and vocalic articulations. Anticipation of an upcoming ‘emphatic’ consonant: a uvular plosive or a voiced alveolar trill alters the place of articulation of the fricative so that it becomes uvular. On the other hand, the anticipation of an upcoming ‘non-emphatic’ consonant entails constraints of a different order than those relevant to the ‘emphatics.’

Keywords: Arabic velar/ uvular articulation dependency, emphatic/non-emphatic environment, lip protrusion and positioning of tongue, vowel formant frequencies values

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4559 Understanding the Challenges of Lawbook Translation via the Framework of Functional Theory of Language

Authors: Tengku Sepora Tengku Mahadi


Where the speed of book writing lags behind the high need for such material for tertiary studies, translation offers a way to enhance the equilibrium in this demand-supply equation. Nevertheless, translation is confronted by obstacles that threaten its effectiveness. The primary challenge to the production of efficient translations may well be related to the text-type and in terms of its complexity. A text that is intricately written with unique rhetorical devices, subject-matter foundation and cultural references will undoubtedly challenge the translator. Longer time and greater effort would be the consequence. To understand these text-related challenges, the present paper set out to analyze a lawbook entitled Learning the Law by David Melinkoff. The book is chosen because it has often been used as a textbook or for reference in many law courses in the United Kingdom and has seen over thirteen editions; therefore, it can be said to be a worthy book for studies in law. Another reason is the existence of a ready translation in Malay. Reference to this translation enables confirmation to some extent of the potential problems that might occur in its translation. Understanding the organization and the language of the book will help translators to prepare themselves better for the task. They can anticipate the research and time that may be needed to produce an effective translation. Another premise here is that this text-type implies certain ways of writing and organization. Accordingly, it seems practicable to adopt the functional theory of language as suggested by Michael Halliday as its theoretical framework. Concepts of the context of culture, the context of situation and measures of the field, tenor and mode form the instruments for analysis. Additional examples from similar materials can also be used to validate the findings. Some interesting findings include the presence of several other text-types or sub-text-types in the book and the dependence on literary discourse and devices to capture the meanings better or add color to the dry field of law. In addition, many elements of culture can be seen, for example, the use of familiar alternatives, allusions, and even terminology and references that date back to various periods of time and languages. Also found are parts which discuss origins of words and terms that may be relevant to readers within the United Kingdom but make little sense to readers of the book in other languages. In conclusion, the textual analysis in terms of its functions and the linguistic and textual devices used to achieve them can then be applied as a guide to determine the effectiveness of the translation that is produced.

Keywords: functional theory of language, lawbook text-type, rhetorical devices, culture

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4558 Impact of Experience-Oriented Marketing on the Buying Behaviour of the Consumers: An Application in Konya

Authors: Ebru Esen, Omer Akkaya, Nattanan Pankrobkaew


Though the experience concept found its place in the field of marketing in 1982, it is today in front of us as an important phenomenon in understanding the consumer behaviours. In parallel with the globalization and intensification of the competition, the enterprises have been in an effort to provide unique experiences for their consumers by going beyond providing services with the products. In this context, experience-oriented marketing enables the enterprises to use the marketing strategies of providing experiences for their customers and to have advantages in terms of competition. Based on it, this article discusses the concepts of experience, experience-oriented marketing and buying behaviour of consumers as a whole, and details about the application conducted in Konya Selcuklu University.

Keywords: consumer behavior, experience, experience marketing, marketing

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4557 Contextual Sentiment Analysis with Untrained Annotators

Authors: Lucas A. Silva, Carla R. Aguiar


This work presents a proposal to perform contextual sentiment analysis using a supervised learning algorithm and disregarding the extensive training of annotators. To achieve this goal, a web platform was developed to perform the entire procedure outlined in this paper. The main contribution of the pipeline described in this article is to simplify and automate the annotation process through a system of analysis of congruence between the notes. This ensured satisfactory results even without using specialized annotators in the context of the research, avoiding the generation of biased training data for the classifiers. For this, a case study was conducted in a blog of entrepreneurship. The experimental results were consistent with the literature related annotation using formalized process with experts.

Keywords: sentiment analysis, untrained annotators, naive bayes, entrepreneurship, contextualized classifier

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4556 Winery Owners’ Perceptions of Social Media in Promoting Wine Tourism: Case Study of Langhe, Italy

Authors: Magali Canovi, Francesca Pucciarelli


Over the past decade Langhe has developed as a wine tourism destination and has become increasingly popular on an international basis. Wine tourism has been recognized as an important business driver for wineries in Langhe and wine owners have taken advantage of this opportunity through developing a variety of tourism-related activities at their wineries, notably winery visits, wine tastings, cellar-door sales, B&Bs and/or restaurants. In order to promote these tourism-related activities and attract an increasing number of wine tourists, wineries have started to engage in social media. While tourism scholars are now well aware of the benefits social media provides to both travellers and service providers, the existing literature on social media from supplier’s perspective remains limited. Accordingly, this paper aims to fill this gap through providing new insights into how service providers, that is winery owners, exploit social media to promote tourism online. The paper explores the importance and the role of social media as part of wineries’ marketing strategies to promote wine tourism online. The focus lies on understanding, which motives drive winery owners to activate and implement social media activities in promoting wine tourism. A case study approach is adopted, using the North Italian wine region of Langhe in Piedmont. Empirical evidence is provided by a sample of 28 winery owners. An interpretivist approach to research is adopted in order to extend current understandings of social media within the context of wine tourism. In line with the interpretivist perspective, this paper uses discourse analysis (DA) as a methodological approach for analyzing and interpreting winery owners’ accounts. Three key findings emerge from this research. First, there is a general understanding among winery owners what social media represents an opportunity in promoting wine tourism – if not even a must have. Second, the majority of interviewed winery owners are currently applying to some extent social media to promote wine tourism online as well as to interact and engage with tourists directly. Lastly, a varying degree of usage of social media amongst wineries is identified, with some wineries not recognizing social media as a crucial tool in marketing communication strategies. On the other extent, some commonalities in strategies and platforms chosen can be detected by these wineries that actively participate in social media. In conclusion, the main contribution of this paper is that it extends current understandings of social media in the wine tourism context by offering valuable insights into how service providers perceive and engage in social media.

Keywords: langhe, promotion, social media, wine tourism

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4555 The Psychometric Properties of the Team Climate Inventory Scale: A Validation Study in Jordan’s Collectivist Society

Authors: Suhair Mereish


This research is aimed at examining the climate for innovation in organisations with the aim of validating the psychometric properties of the Team Climate Inventory (TCI -14) for Jordan’s collectivist society. The innovativeness of teams may be improved or obstructed by the climate within the team. Further, personal factors are considered an important element that influences the climate for innovation. Accordingly, measuring the employees' personality traits using the Big Five Inventory (BFI-44) could provide insights that aid in understanding how to improve innovation. Thus, studying the climate for innovation and its associations with personality traits is valuable, considering the insights it could offer on employee performance, job satisfaction, and well-being. Essentially, the Team Climate Inventory instrument has never been tested in Jordan’s collectivist society. Accordingly, in order to address the existing gap in the literature as a whole and, more specifically, in Jordan, it is essential to investigate its factorial structure and reliability in this particular context. It is also important to explore whether the factorial structure of the Team Climate Inventory in Jordan’s collectivist society demonstrates a similar or different structure to what has been found in individualistic ones. Lastly, examining if there are associations between the Team Climate Inventory and personality traits of Jordanian employees is pivotal. The quantitative study was carried out among Jordanian employees employed in two of the top 20 companies in Jordan, a shipping and logistics company (N=473) and a telecommunications company (N=219). To generalise the findings, this was followed by collecting data from the general population of this country (N=399). The participants completed the Team Climate Inventory. Confirmatory factor analyses and reliability tests were conducted to confirm the factorial structure, validity, and reliability of the inventory. Findings presented that the four-factor structure of the Team Climate Inventory in Jordan revealed a similar structure to the ones in Western culture. The four-factor structure has been confirmed with good fit indices and reliability values. Moreover, for climate for innovation, regression analysis identified agreeableness (positive) and neuroticism (negative) from the Big Five Inventory as significant predictors. This study will contribute to knowledge in several ways. First, by examining the reliability and factorial structure in a Jordanian collectivist context rather than a Western individualistic one. Second, by comparing the Team Climate Inventory structure in Jordan with findings for the Team Climate Inventory from Western individualistic societies. Third, by studying its relationships with personality traits in that country. Furthermore, findings from this study will assist practitioners in the field of organisational psychology and development to improve the climate for innovation for employees working in organisations in Jordan. It is also expected that the results of this research will provide recommendations to professionals in the business psychology sector regarding the characteristics of employees who hold positive and negative perceptions of the workplace climate.

Keywords: big five inventory, climate for innovation, collectivism, individualism, Jordan, team climate inventory

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4554 A Technical Overview of LLM-Powered Cover Letter Generation

Authors: Shivani Dinkar Patil, Shirlene Rose Bandela, Revati Vikas Bhavsar, Venkata Chaitanya K., Aryan Agrawal


This project outlines a significant challenge in the job application process: crafting a compelling and relevant cover letter. It highlights the limitations of existing AI-generated cover letter drafts, noting their generic nature and lack of personalization. This project aims at aiding candidates in securing their dream jobs by generating the best possible cover letter tailored to a specific job posting. This is achieved with minimal hassle, leveraging AI technologies to enhance personalization and context. The project distinguishes itself by focusing on the candidate's unique qualifications and experiences, ensuring the cover letter resonates with potential employers and stands out in a pool of applicants.

Keywords: large language models, NLP, software engineering, prompt engineering

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4553 Anonymity and Irreplaceability: Gross Anatomical Practices in Japanese Medical Education

Authors: Ayami Umemura


Without exception, all the bodies dissected in the gross anatomical practices are bodies that have lived irreplaceable lives, laughing and talking with family and friends. While medical education aims to cultivate medical knowledge that is universally applicable to all human bodies, it relies on a unique, irreplaceable, and singular entity. In this presentation, we will explore the ``irreplaceable relationship'' that is cultivated between medical students and anonymous cadavers during gross anatomical practices, drawing on Emmanuel Levinas's ``ethics of the face'' and Martin Buber's discussion of “I-Thou.'' Through this, we aim to present ``a different ethic'' that emerges only in the context of face-to-face relationships, which differs from the generalized, institutionalized, mass-produced ethics like seen in so-called ``ethics codes.'' Since the 1990s, there has been a movement around the world to use gross anatomical practices as an "educational tool" for medical professionalism and medical ethics, and some educational institutions have started disclosing the actual names, occupations, and places of birth of corpses to medical students. These efforts have also been criticized because they lack medical calmness. In any case, the issue here is that this information is all about the past that medical students never know directly. The critical fact that medical students are building relationships from scratch and spending precious time together without any information about the corpses before death is overlooked. Amid gross anatomical practices, a medical student is exposed to anonymous cadavers with faces and touching and feeling them. In this presentation, we will examine a collection of essays written by medical students on gross anatomical practices collected by the Japanese Association for Volunteer Body Donation from medical students across the country since 1978. There, we see the students calling out to the corpse, being called out to, being encouraged, superimposing the carcasses on their own immediate family, regretting parting, and shedding tears. Then, medical students can be seen addressing the dead body in the second person singular, “you.” These behaviors reveal an irreplaceable relationship between the anonymous cadavers and the medical students. The moment they become involved in an irreplaceable relationship between “I and you,” an accidental and anonymous encounter becomes inevitable. When medical students notice being the inevitable takers of voluntary and addressless gifts, they pledge to become “Good Doctors” owing the anonymous persons. This presentation aims to present “a different ethic” based on uniqueness and irreplaceability that comes from the faces of the others embedded in each context, which is different from “routine” and “institutionalized” ethics. That can only be realized ``because of anonymity''.

Keywords: anonymity, irreplaceability, uniqueness, singularlity, emanuel levinas, martin buber, alain badiou, medical education

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4552 Role of Academic Library in/for Information Literacy

Authors: Veena Rani


This paper presents the role of academic library in information literacy in the present time. Information is the very important aspect for the growth of any country. In this context information literacy is an essential tool in the development of various fields. Academic library is an essential part of university as well as of an institution. In Academic library we can include university library, college library as well as school library. Academic libraries are playing an important role for information literacy. Academic libraries provide excellent services for the benefit of students, teachers, researchers, and all those who are interested in education. All over the world many of the schemes, policies and services provide for information literacy.

Keywords: information literacy, academic library, tool literacy, higher education

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4551 Generation Z: Insights into Travel Behavior

Authors: Joao Ferreira Do Rosario, Nuno Gustavo, Ana Machado, Lurdes Calisto, Luisa Carvalho, Georgette Andraz


Currently, tourism small and medium enterprises (TSMEs) face serious economic and financial problems, making recovery efforts difficult. How the pandemic will affect tourists' behavior is still to be known. Will tourists be even more cautious regarding their choices or, on the contrary, will they be more adventurers with an enormous desire to travel in search of the lost freedom? Tourists may become even more demanding when traveling, more austere, or less concerned and eager to socialize. Adjusting to this "new tourist" is an added challenge for tourism service providers. Generation Z made up of individuals born in 1995 and following years, currently tends to assume a particular role and meaning in the present and future economic and social context, considering that we are facing the youngest workforce as well as tomorrow's consumers. This generation is distinguished from others as it is the first generation to combine a high level of education and technological knowledge and to fully experience the digital world. These young people are framed by a new value system that can explain new behaviours and consumption, namely, in the context of tourism. All these considerations point to the importance of investigating this target group as it is essential to understand how these individuals perceive, understand, act, and can be involved in a new environment built around a society regulated by new priorities and challenges of a sustainable nature. This leads not only to a focus on short-term market choices but mainly to predict future choices from a longer-term perspective. Together with the social background of a person, values are considered a stable antecedent of behavior and might therefore predict not just immediate, but also future choices. Furthermore, the meaning attributed to travel has a general connotation and goes beyond a specific travel choice or experience. In other words, values and travel's meaning form a chain of influences on the present and future travel behavior. This study explores the social background and values of Generation Z travelers vs the meaning these tourists give to travel. The aim is to discover in their present behavior cues to predict travel choices so that the future of tourism can be secured. This study also provides data for predicting the tourism choices of youngsters in the more immediate future. Methodologically, a quantitative approach was adopted based on the collection of data through a survey. Since academic research on Generation Z of tourists is still scarce, it is expected to contribute to deepening scientific knowledge in this area. Furthermore, it is expected that this research will support tourism professionals in defining differentiated marketing strategies and adapted to the requirements of this target, in a new time.

Keywords: Generation Z, travel behavior, travel meaning, Generation Z Values

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4550 The Effect of Physical Evidence of Themed Casino Hotels on Customer Value and Satisfaction

Authors: Tao Zhang, Fen Zhang


Physical evidence has emerged as an important concept for understanding customers' behavior in the service industry. While it is still not clear about the effect of physical evidence of themed casino hotels on customer value and satisfaction. After deciding on the research context, the processes of this research started with a review of literature in three subject areas: physical evidence, customer value, and customer satisfactions. Insights from the literature review and pilot interviews are important input that informs the development of the specific research questions. Data collection for this research will be done for two studies: a photo elicitation study and an in-depth interview study.

Keywords: casino, customer value, customer satisfaction, hotel, physical evidence

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4549 Comparative Study of Poetics of Ancient China and Greece

Authors: Junwu Tian


Chinese poetics originated in the pre-Qin period, while Western poetics came into being in the Hellenistic period. Although there was no mutual communication and influence between the two kinds of poetics due to both geographical distance and chronological displacement, the Sino-Western thinkers shared much in common, particularly in the social function of literature and art, the pursuit of unified and harmonious aesthetics, the advocacy of poets’ subjective initiative in the creative process of literature and art. In the sphere of rhetoric, the poetics of the pre-Qin scholars and their Greek counterparts also had heterogeneous similarities. By comparing the aesthetic ideas of Confucius, Mencius, Xun Zi, and Deng Xi with those of Plato, Aristotle, and Protagoras, this paper intends to reveal the common concerns of Chinese and Western poetics in the context of heterogeneous cultures and in their respective origin periods.

Keywords: Pre-Qin poetics, ancient Greek poetics, heterogeneous similarity, origin period

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4548 The Role of Social and Technical Lean Implementation in Improving Operational Performance: Insights from the Pharmaceutical Industry

Authors: Bernasconi Matteo, Grothkopp Mark, Friedli Thomas


The objective of this paper is to examine the relationships between technical and social lean bundles as well as operational performance in the context of the pharmaceutical industry. We investigate the direct and mediating effects of the lean bundles total productive maintenance (TPM), total quality management (TQM), Just-In-Time (JIT), and human resource management (HRM) on operational performance. Our analysis relies on 113 manufacturing facilities from the St.Gallen OPEX benchmarking database. The results show that HRM has a positive indirect effect on operational performance mediated by the technical lean bundles.

Keywords: human resource management, operational performance, pharmaceutical industry, technical lean practices

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4547 Facilitating Knowledge Transfer for New Product Development in Portfolio Entrepreneurship: A Case Study of a Sodium-Ion Battery Start-up in China

Authors: Guohong Wang, Hao Huang, Rui Xing, Liyan Tang, Yu Wang


Start-ups are consistently under pressure to overcome liabilities of newness and smallness. They must focus on assembling resource and engaging constant renewal and repeated entrepreneurial activities to survive and grow. As an important form of resource, knowledge is constantly vital to start-ups, which will help start-ups with developing new product in hence forming competitive advantage. However, significant knowledge is usually needed to be identified and exploited from external entities, which makes it difficult to achieve knowledge transfer; with limited resources, it can be quite challenging for start-ups balancing the exploration and exploitation of knowledge. The research on knowledge transfer has become a relatively well-developed domain by indicating that knowledge transfer can be achieved through plenty of patterns, yet it is still under-explored that what processes and organizational practices help start-ups facilitating knowledge transfer for new product in the context portfolio entrepreneurship. Resource orchestration theory emphasizes the initiative and active management of company or the manager to explain the fulfillment of resource utility, which will help understand the process of managing knowledge as a certain kind of resource in start-ups. Drawing on the resource orchestration theory, this research aims to explore how knowledge transfer can be facilitated through resource orchestration. A qualitative single-case study of a sodium-ion battery new venture was conducted. The case company is sampled deliberately from representative industrial agglomeration areas in Liaoning Province, China. It is found that distinctive resource orchestration sub-processes are leveraged to facilitate knowledge transfer: (i) resource structuring makes knowledge available across the portfolio; (ii) resource bundling makes combines internal and external knowledge to form new knowledge; and (iii) resource harmonizing balances specific knowledge configurations across the portfolio. Meanwhile, by purposefully reallocating knowledge configurations to new product development in a certain new venture (exploration) and gradually adjusting knowledge configurations to being applied to existing products across the portfolio (exploitation), resource orchestration processes as a whole make exploration and exploitation of knowledge balanced. This study contributes to the knowledge management literature through proposing a resource orchestration view and depicting how knowledge transfer can be facilitated through different resource orchestration processes and mechanisms. In addition, by revealing the balancing process of exploration and exploitation of knowledge, and laying stress on the significance of the idea of making exploration and exploitation of knowledge balanced in the context of portfolio entrepreneurship, this study also adds specific efforts to entrepreneurship and strategy management literature.

Keywords: exploration and exploitation, knowledge transfer, new product development, portfolio entrepreneur, resource orchestration

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4546 Emergency Surgery in the Elderly, What Particularities

Authors: Mekroud Amel


Introduction The rate of use by the elderly of emergency departments, operating rooms and intensive care units has increased worldwide. Emergency surgery is a context where evaluation is often insufficient, with incomplete information gathering. The aim of this work is to shed light on the frequent use of emergency surgeries by the elderly and their characteristics, as well as on the lack of geriatric assessment scores in the emergency room. Material : Prospective, observational and descriptive, monocentric study. Patients aged 65 and over, admitted for emergency surgery in the operating room, were counted. Emergency operating room including visceral surgery, urology, traumatology and neurosurgery. Parameters studied: Patient characteristics, degree of autonomy, type of surgical pathology, operative management times, preoperative evaluation, postoperative outcome Results : 192 patients were identified over 12 months, from 09.01.2017 to 08.31.2018 Age from 65 to 101 years, 79.81 years +/- 8.38. With predominance of the age group between [65-75 years] 41.1% Female predominance, Sexratio = 0.81 Elderly subjects with total motor autonomy are in the majority at 57.8% Subjects without pathological ATCD represent 12.5% of cases Those who are on only one type of medication or without any treatment are at 36.9% Discussion : The emergency operative care of the elderly patient for a surgical or traumatological pathology is characterized by many specificities linked first to the emergency context, where the evaluation is often insufficient, besides the fact that the elderly patient has particularities requiring reception in centers with experience in the care of this category of patient, or, failing that, a center which uses the minimum of geriatric evaluation scores which are simplified for the emergency departments. In our hospital, we have not yet made this evaluation routine in the emergency room and this delay in the introduction of these scores can be directly attributed to the covid 19 pandemic. Besides the standard preoperative assessment, only 43.2% of patients were assessed in the preoperative period by an anesthesiologist. Traumatological emergencies come first 68.2% followed by visceral emergencies 19.2% (including proctological, urological emergencies), neurosurgical emergencies 7.8% and finally peripheral emergency surgery all acts combined 4.7%. Hospital stay at 9.6 +/- 16.8 days, average operability time of 4.5 +/- 3 days. Death rate at 7.29% Conclusion This work has demonstrated the major impact of emergency surgery, which remains curable for the most part, on the elderly patient despite total motor and cognitive autonomy preoperatively. The improvement of the preoperative evaluation, the reduction of the operating time and enhanced recovery after surgery, with personalized protocols, are the only guarantee for the resumption of preoperative autonomy in these patients.

Keywords: emergency surgery, elderly patients, preoperative geriatric scores, curable emergency surgical pathologies

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4545 Anthropomorphism and Its Impact on the Implementation and Perception of AI

Authors: Marie Oldfield


Anthropomorphism is a technique used by humans to make sense of their surroundings. Anthropomorphism is a widely used technique used to influence consumers to purchase goods or services. These techniques can entice consumers into buying something to fulfill a gap or desire in their life, ranging from loneliness to the desire to be exclusive. By manipulating belief systems, consumer behaviour can be exploited. This paper examines a series of studies to show how anthropomorphism can be used as a basis for exploitation. The first set of studies in this paper examines how anthropomorphism is used in marketing and the effects on humans engaging with this technique. The second set of studies examines how humans can be potentially exploited by artificial agents. We then discuss the consequences of this type of activity within the context of dehumanisation. This research has found potential serious consequences for society and humanity, which indicate an urgent need for further research in this area.

Keywords: anthropomorphism, ethics, human-computer interaction, AI

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4544 Queer Social Realism and Architecture in British Cinema: Tenement Housing, Unions and the Affective Body

Authors: Christopher Pullen


This paper explores the significance of British cinema in the late 1950s and early 1960s as offering a renaissance of realist discourse, in the representation of everyday social issues. Offering a rejection of Hollywood cinema and the superficially of the middle classes, these ‘kitchen sink dramas’ often set within modest and sometimes squalid domestic and social environments, focused on the political struggle of the disenfranchised examining poverty, the oppressed and the outsider. While films like Look Back in Anger and Room at the Top looked primarily at male heterosexual subjectivity, films like A Taste of Honey and Victim focused on female and queer male narratives. Framing the urban landscape as a discursive architectural arena, representing basic living conditions and threatening social worlds, these iconic films established new storytelling processes for the outsider. This paper examines this historical context foregrounding the contemporary films Beautiful Thing (Hettie Macdonald, 1996), Weekend (Andrew Haigh, 2011) and Pride (Marcus Warchus, 2014), while employing the process of textual analysis in relation to theories of affect, defined by writers such as Lisa U. Marks and Sara Ahmed. Considering both romance narratives and public demonstrations of unity, where the queer ‘affective’ body is placed within architectural and social space, Beautiful Thing tells the story of gay male teenagers falling in love despite oppression from family and school, Weekend examines a one-night stand between young gay men and the unlikeliness of commitment, but the drive for sensitivity, and Pride foregrounds an historical relationship between queer youth activists and the miner’s union, who were on strike between 1984-5. These films frame the queer ‘affective’ body within politicized public space, evident in lower class men’s working clubs, tenement housing and brutal modernist tower blocks, focusing on architectural features such as windows, doorways and staircases, relating temporality, desire and change. Through such an examination a hidden history of gay male performativity is revealed, framing the potential of contemporary cinema to focus on the context of the outsider in encouraging social change.

Keywords: queer, affect, cinema, architecture, life chances

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4543 The Effects of the Inference Process in Reading Texts in Arabic

Authors: May George


Inference plays an important role in the learning process and it can lead to a rapid acquisition of a second language. When learning a non-native language, i.e., a critical language like Arabic, the students depend on the teacher’s support most of the time to learn new concepts. The students focus on memorizing the new vocabulary and stress on learning all the grammatical rules. Hence, the students became mechanical and cannot produce the language easily. As a result, they are unable to predict the meaning of words in the context by relying heavily on the teacher, in that they cannot link their prior knowledge or even identify the meaning of the words without the support of the teacher. This study explores how the teacher guides students learning during the inference process and what are the processes of learning that can direct student’s inference.

Keywords: inference, reading, Arabic, language acquisition

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4542 Developing a Cybernetic Model of Interdepartmental Logistic Interactions in SME

Authors: Jonas Mayer, Kai-Frederic Seitz, Thorben Kuprat


In today’s competitive environment production’s logistic objectives such as ‘delivery reliability’ and ‘delivery time’ and distribution’s logistic objectives such as ‘service level’ and ‘delivery delay’ are attributed great importance. Especially for small and mid-sized enterprises (SME) attaining these objectives pose a key challenge. Within this context, one of the difficulties is that interactions between departments within the enterprise and their specific objectives are insufficiently taken into account and aligned. Interdepartmental independencies along with contradicting targets set within the different departments result in enterprises having sub-optimal logistic performance capability. This paper presents a research project which will systematically describe the interactions between departments and convert them into a quantifiable form.

Keywords: department-specific actuating and control variables, interdepartmental interactions, cybernetic model, logistic objectives

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4541 Applying Sliding Autonomy for a Human-Robot Team on USARSim

Authors: Fang Tang, Jacob Longazo


This paper describes a sliding autonomy approach for coordinating a team of robots to assist the human operator to accomplish tasks while adapting to new or unexpected situations by requesting help from the human operator. While sliding autonomy has been well studied in the context of controlling a single robot. Much work needs to be done to apply sliding autonomy to a multi-robot team, especially human-robot team. Our approach aims at a hierarchical sliding control structure, with components that support human-robot collaboration. We validated our approach in the USARSim simulation and demonstrated that the human-robot team's overall performance can be improved under the sliding autonomy control.

Keywords: sliding autonomy, multi-robot team, human-robot collaboration, USARSim

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