Search results for: literature survey
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 11499

Search results for: literature survey

849 Systematic Review of Digital Interventions to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Primary Care

Authors: Anastasia Constantinou, Panayiotis Laouris, Stephen Morris


Background: Climate change has been reported as one of the worst threats to healthcare. The healthcare sector is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions with primary care being responsible for 23% of the NHS’ total carbon footprint. Digital interventions, primarily focusing on telemedicine, offer a route to change. This systematic review aims to quantify and characterize the carbon footprint savings associated with the implementation of digital interventions in the setting of primary care. Methods: A systematic review of published literature was conducted according to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Item for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. MEDLINE, PubMed, and Scopus databases as well as Google scholar were searched using key terms relating to “carbon footprint,” “environmental impact,” “sustainability”, “green care”, “primary care,”, and “general practice,” using citation tracking to identify additional articles. Data was extracted and analyzed in Microsoft Excel. Results: Eight studies were identified conducted in four different countries between 2010 and 2023. Four studies used interventions to address primary care services, three studies focused on the interface between primary and specialist care, and one study addressed both. Digital interventions included the use of mobile applications, online portals, access to electronic medical records, electronic referrals, electronic prescribing, video-consultations and use of autonomous artificial intelligence. Only one study carried out a complete life cycle assessment to determine the carbon footprint of the intervention. It estimate that digital interventions reduced the carbon footprint at primary care level by 5.1 kgCO2/visit, and at the interface with specialist care by 13.4 kg CO₂/visit. When assessing the relationship between travel-distance saved and savings in emissions, we identified a strong correlation, suggesting that most of the carbon footprint reduction is attributed to reduced travel. However, two studies also commented on environmental savings associated with reduced use of paper. Patient savings in the form of reduced fuel cost and reduced travel time were also identified. Conclusion: All studies identified significant reductions in carbon footprint following implementation of digital interventions. In the future, controlled, prospective studies incorporating complete life cycle assessments and accounting for double-consulting effects, use of additional resources, technical failures, quality of care and cost-effectiveness are needed to fully appreciate the sustainable benefit of these interventions

Keywords: carbon footprint, environmental impact, primary care, sustainable healthcare

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848 Assessing Suitability and Acceptability of Development Plans and Town Planning Scheme in Small and Medium Town: A Case of Gujarat

Authors: Priyanshu Sharma


Urban development mechanism has evolved over the years in India, and various planning models and tools have been adopted by different states. Large cities have been able to make and implement plans with the varied degree. However, it has been observed these mechanisms face challenges to gain the momentum in small and medium towns. Gujarat has a very robust legislation that empowers planning authorities to prepare development plans (DP) and town planning scheme (TPS). The DP- TPS planning methods are quite popular for large cities in Gujarat. However, it has been observed that in the smaller towns these methods of plan preparation are facing severe agitations. Recently, development authorities of many small towns like Himmatnagar, Nadiad, and Junagadh, etc. have faced serious protest from local residents. This is because of the large amount of land deduction under the provisions of DP and TPS. And this number of opposition has been increasing since 2012 in Gujarat. This study aims to understand in detail the reasons for agitation against the plans prepared by smaller towns. It will further try to see whether the current framework of urban planning (DP and TPS) are really suitable for these towns. After understanding the development concerns and background, the aim and objectives of the study were outlined: Aim: To evaluate the suitability and acceptability of the current urban development mechanism for the small and medium towns. Objectives: (i) To review the GTPUD Act and identify the provision related to small and medium towns (ii) To understand preparation process of development plan and town planning scheme and issues related to it (iii) To understand the issues raised by the different stakeholder w.r.t plan because of which the plan and authority was agitated (iv) To find out the possible option through which these plans can be made suitable and acceptable to the stakeholder. The approach of this study is more qualitative based with the intention to understand the time frame process of preparation of development plan and town planning scheme and issues related to it. On the basis of literature study, the three towns were selected, and the detailed questionnaire was prepared for the stakeholders (development authorities and local residents) which include the time process taken in the preparation of DP and TPS and what were issues faced during the process and who all were involved. Lastly, the study looks into aspects of the land value of original plots and readjusted plots by concluding the argument whether this TP scheme model really worked in small and medium towns. Because the land deduction under TP scheme is allowed up to 50% as per the act and there is no distinct provision for small and medium towns under the act, so how this could be justified to smaller towns where the market value have not changed over the years. After analyzing the issues and reason behind the agitation against the DP and TPS in these small and medium towns. The broader recommendation has been given which can make these plans acceptable and suitable for the stakeholder.

Keywords: development plans, medium towns, small towns, town planning schemes

Procedia PDF Downloads 159
847 Indigenous Nigeria's Oil Sector: Stages, Opportunities, and Obstacles regarding Corporate Social Responsibility

Authors: Laura Dumuje


The ongoing debate in terms of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative in Niger Delta originates from existing gap between stated objectives of organizations in the Nigerian oil sector and the activities that threaten the economy. CSR in developing countries is becoming popular, and to contribute to scientific knowledge, we need to research on CSR practices and discourse in indigenous Nigeria that is scarce. Despite governments mandate in terms of unofficial gas blazing, methane is being released into the atmosphere which contributes to global warming. Does this practice apply to indigenous companies? In this context, we need to investigate CSR policies in local Nigeria. To get a better understanding of CSR among indigenous oil companies in Nigeria, our study focuses on discourse and rhetoric in terms of CSR, as well as growth regarding CSR. This current study contribution is twofold: on the one hand, it aims to better understand practitioner’s rationale and fundamentals of CSR in Nigerian oil companies. On the other hand, it intends to identify the stages of CSR initiatives, advantages and difficulties of CSR implementation in indigenous Nigeria oil sector. This study will use the qualitative research as methodological strategy. Instrument for data collection is semi-structured interview. Besides interview, we will conduct some focus group discussions with relevant stakeholders. Participants for this study consist of employees, managers and top level executives of indigenous oil companies in Nigeria. Key informants such as government institutions, environmental organizations and community leaders will take part of our samples. It is important to note that despite significant findings in some studies, there are still some gaps. To help filling this existing gaps, we have formulated some research questions, as follows: ‘What are the stages, opportunities and obstacles of having corporate social responsibility practice in indigenous oil companies in Nigeria?’ This ongoing research sub-questions as follows: What are the CSR discourses and practices among indigenous companies in the Nigerian oil sector? What is the actual status regarding CSR development? What are the main perceptions of opportunities and obstacles with regard to CSR in indigenous Nigerian oil companies? Who are the main stakeholders of indigenous Nigerian oil companies and their different meanings and understandings of CSR practices? Important to note regarding the above questions, the following objectives have been determined: This research conducts a literature review with the aim of uncovering, understanding and identifying importance of CSR practices in western and developing countries; It aims to identify specific characteristics of the national context in respect to CSR engagement in Nigeria; Relevant to perform empirical research with employees, managers, executives, and key informants in indigenous Nigerian oil companies in order to identify different understandings of CSR initiatives and its relevance to the society; To conclude, provide managerial recommendations regarding the adoption of CSR in Nigeria.

Keywords: corporate social responsibility, indigenous, organization, Nigeria

Procedia PDF Downloads 186
846 Mindmax: Building and Testing a Digital Wellbeing Application for Australian Football Players

Authors: Jo Mitchell, Daniel Johnson


MindMax is a digital community and learning platform built to maximise the wellbeing and resilience of AFL Players and Australian men. The MindMax application engages men, via their existing connection with sport and video games, in a range of wellbeing ideas, stories and actions, because we believe fit minds, kick goals. MindMax is an AFL Players Association led project, supported by a Movember Foundation grant, to improve the mental health of Australian males aged between 16-35 years. The key engagement and delivery strategy for the project was digital technology, sport (AFL) and video games, underpinned by evidenced based wellbeing science. The project commenced April 2015, and the expected completion date is March 2017. This paper describes the conceptual model underpinning product development, including progress, key learnings and challenges, as well as the research agenda. Evaluation of the MindMax project is a multi-pronged approach of qualitative and quantitative methods, including participatory design workshops, online reference groups, longitudinal survey methods, a naturalistic efficacy trial and evaluation of the social and economic return on investment. MindMax is focused on the wellness pathway and maximising our mind's capacity for fitness by sharing and promoting evidence-based actions that support this. A range of these ideas (from ACT, mindfulness and positive psychology) are already being implemented in AFL programs and services, mostly in face-to-face formats, with strong engagement by players. Player's experience features strongly as part of the product content. Wellbeing science is a discipline of psychology that explores what helps individuals and communities to flourish in life. Rather than ask questions about illness and poor functioning, wellbeing scientists and practitioners ask questions about wellness and optimal functioning. While illness and wellness are related, they operate as separate constructs and as such can be influenced through different pathways. The essential idea was to take the evidence-based wellbeing science around building psychological fitness to the places and spaces that men already frequent, namely sport and video games. There are 800 current senior AFL players, 5000+ past players, and 11 million boys and men that are interested in the lives of AFL Players; what they think and do to be their best both on and off field. AFL Players are also keen video gamers – using games as one way to de-stress, connect and build wellbeing. There are 9.5 million active gamers in Australia with 93% of households having a device for playing games. Video games in MindMax will be used as an engagement and learning tool. Gamers (including AFL players) can also share their personal experience of how games help build their mental fitness. Currently available games (i.e., we are not in the game creation business) will also be used to motivate and connect MindMax participants. The MindMax model is built with replication by other sport codes (e.g., Cricket) in mind. It is intended to not only support our current crop of athletes but also the community that surrounds them, so they can maximise their capacity for health and wellbeing.

Keywords: Australian football league, digital application, positive psychology, wellbeing

Procedia PDF Downloads 239
845 Effects of Learner-Content Interaction Activities on the Context of Verbal Learning Outcomes in Interactive Courses

Authors: Alper Tolga Kumtepe, Erdem Erdogdu, M. Recep Okur, Eda Kaypak, Ozlem Kaya, Serap Ugur, Deniz Dincer, Hakan Yildirim


Interaction is one of the most important components of open and distance learning. According to Moore, who proposed one of the keystones on interaction types, there are three basic types of interaction: learner-teacher, learner-content, and learner-learner. From these interaction types, learner-content interaction, without doubt, can be identified as the most fundamental one on which all education is based. Efficacy, efficiency, and attraction of open and distance learning systems can be achieved by the practice of effective learner-content interaction. With the development of new technologies, interactive e-learning materials have been commonly used as a resource in open and distance learning, along with the printed books. The intellectual engagement of the learners with the content that is course materials may also affect their satisfaction for the open and distance learning practices in general. Learner satisfaction holds an important place in open and distance learning since it will eventually contribute to the achievement of learning outcomes. Using the learner-content interaction activities in course materials, Anadolu University, by its Open Education system, tries to involve learners in deep and meaningful learning practices. Especially, during the e-learning material design and production processes, identifying appropriate learner-content interaction activities within the context of learning outcomes holds a big importance. Considering the lack of studies adopting this approach, as well as its being a study on the use of e-learning materials in Open Education system, this research holds a big value in open and distance learning literature. In this respect, the present study aimed to investigate a) which learner-content interaction activities included in interactive courses are the most effective in learners’ achievement of verbal information learning outcomes and b) to what extent distance learners are satisfied with these learner-content interaction activities. For this study, the quasi-experimental research design was adopted. The 120 participants of the study were from Anadolu University Open Education Faculty students living in Eskişehir. The students were divided into 6 groups randomly. While 5 of these groups received different learner-content interaction activities as a part of the experiment, the other group served as the control group. The data were collected mainly through two instruments: pre-test and post-test. In addition to those tests, learners’ perceived learning was assessed with an item at the end of the program. The data collected from pre-test and post-test were analyzed by ANOVA, and in the light of the findings of this approximately 24-month study, suggestions for the further design of e-learning materials within the context of learner-content interaction activities will be provided at the conference. The current study is planned to be an antecedent for the following studies that will examine the effects of activities on other learning domains.

Keywords: interaction, distance education, interactivity, online courses

Procedia PDF Downloads 194
844 Blockchain Platform Configuration for MyData Operator in Digital and Connected Health

Authors: Minna Pikkarainen, Yueqiang Xu


The integration of digital technology with existing healthcare processes has been painfully slow, a huge gap exists between the fields of strictly regulated official medical care and the quickly moving field of health and wellness technology. We claim that the promises of preventive healthcare can only be fulfilled when this gap is closed – health care and self-care becomes seamless continuum “correct information, in the correct hands, at the correct time allowing individuals and professionals to make better decisions” what we call connected health approach. Currently, the issues related to security, privacy, consumer consent and data sharing are hindering the implementation of this new paradigm of healthcare. This could be solved by following MyData principles stating that: Individuals should have the right and practical means to manage their data and privacy. MyData infrastructure enables decentralized management of personal data, improves interoperability, makes it easier for companies to comply with tightening data protection regulations, and allows individuals to change service providers without proprietary data lock-ins. This paper tackles today’s unprecedented challenges of enabling and stimulating multiple healthcare data providers and stakeholders to have more active participation in the digital health ecosystem. First, the paper systematically proposes the MyData approach for healthcare and preventive health data ecosystem. In this research, the work is targeted for health and wellness ecosystems. Each ecosystem consists of key actors, such as 1) individual (citizen or professional controlling/using the services) i.e. data subject, 2) services providing personal data (e.g. startups providing data collection apps or data collection devices), 3) health and wellness services utilizing aforementioned data and 4) services authorizing the access to this data under individual’s provided explicit consent. Second, the research extends the existing four archetypes of orchestrator-driven healthcare data business models for the healthcare industry and proposes the fifth type of healthcare data model, the MyData Blockchain Platform. This new architecture is developed by the Action Design Research approach, which is a prominent research methodology in the information system domain. The key novelty of the paper is to expand the health data value chain architecture and design from centralization and pseudo-decentralization to full decentralization, enabled by blockchain, thus the MyData blockchain platform. The study not only broadens the healthcare informatics literature but also contributes to the theoretical development of digital healthcare and blockchain research domains with a systemic approach.

Keywords: blockchain, health data, platform, action design

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843 An Analysis of the Strategic Pathway to Building a Successful Mobile Advertising Business in Nigeria: From Strategic Intent to Competitive Advantage

Authors: Pius A. Onobhayedo, Eugene A. Ohu


Nigeria has one of the fastest growing mobile telecommunications industry in the world. In the absence of fixed connection access to the Internet, access to the Internet is primarily via mobile devices. It, therefore, provides a test case for how to penetrate the mobile market in an emerging economy. We also hope to contribute to a sparse literature on strategies employed in building successful data-driven mobile businesses in emerging economies. We, therefore, sought to identify and analyse the strategic approach taken in a successful locally born mobile data-driven business in Nigeria. The analysis was carried out through the framework of strategic intent and competitive advantages developed from the conception of the company to date. This study is based on an exploratory investigation of an innovative digital company based in Nigeria specializing in the mobile advertising business. The projected growth and high adoption of mobile in this African country, coinciding with the smartphone revolution triggered by the launch of iPhone in 2007 opened a new entrepreneurial horizon for the founder of the company, who reached the conclusion that ‘the future is mobile’. This dream led to the establishment of three digital businesses, designed for convergence and complementarity of medium and content. The mobile Ad subsidiary soon grew to become a truly African network with operations and campaigns across West, East and South Africa, successfully delivering campaigns in several African countries including Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, Uganda, Zimbabwe, and Zambia amongst others. The company recently declared a 40% year-end profit which was nine times that of the previous financial year. This study drew from an in-depth interview with the company’s founder, analysis of primary and secondary data from and about the business, as well as case studies of digital marketing campaigns. We hinge our analysis on the strategic intent concept which has been proposed to be an engine that drives the quest for sustainable strategic advantage in the global marketplace. Our goal was specifically to identify the strategic intents of the founder and how these were transformed creatively into processes that may have led to some distinct competitive advantages. Along with the strategic intents, we sought to identify the respective absorptive capacities that constituted favourable antecedents to the creation of such competitive advantages. Our recommendations and findings will be pivotal information for anybody wishing to invest in the world’s fastest technology business space - Africa.

Keywords: Africa, competitive advantage, competitive strategy, digital, mobile business, marketing, strategic intent

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842 Artificial Intelligence: Reimagining Education

Authors: Silvia Zanazzi


Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our world, transitioning from scientific exploration to practical applications that impact daily life. The emergence of generative AI is reshaping education, prompting new questions about the role of teachers, the nature of learning, and the overall purpose of schooling. While AI offers the potential for optimizing teaching and learning processes, concerns about discrimination and bias arising from training data and algorithmic decisions persist. There is a risk of a disconnect between the rapid development of AI and the goals of building inclusive educational environments. The prevailing discourse on AI in education often prioritizes efficiency and individual skill acquisition. This narrow focus can undermine the importance of collaborative learning and shared experiences. A growing body of research challenges this perspective, advocating for AI that enhances, rather than replaces, human interaction in education. This study aims to examine the relationship between AI and education critically. Reviewing existing research will identify both AI implementation’s potential benefits and risks. The goal is to develop a framework that supports the ethical and effective integration of AI into education, ensuring it serves the needs of all learners. The theoretical reflection will be developed based on a review of national and international scientific literature on artificial intelligence in education. The primary objective is to curate a selection of critical contributions from diverse disciplinary perspectives and/or an inter- and transdisciplinary viewpoint, providing a state-of-the-art overview and a critical analysis of potential future developments. Subsequently, the thematic analysis of these contributions will enable the creation of a framework for understanding and critically analyzing the role of artificial intelligence in schools and education, highlighting promising directions and potential pitfalls. The expected results are (1) a classification of the cognitive biases present in representations of AI in education and the associated risks and (2) a categorization of potentially beneficial interactions between AI applications and teaching and learning processes, including those already in use or under development. While not exhaustive, the proposed framework will serve as a guide for critically exploring the complexity of AI in education. It will help to reframe dystopian visions often associated with technology and facilitate discussions on fostering synergies that balance the ‘dream’ of quality education for all with the realities of AI implementation. The discourse on artificial intelligence in education, highlighting reductionist models rooted in fragmented and utilitarian views of knowledge, has the merit of stimulating the construction of alternative perspectives that can ‘return’ teaching and learning to education, human growth, and the well-being of individuals and communities.

Keywords: education, artificial intelligence, teaching, learning

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841 Urban and Building Information Modeling’s Applications for Environmental Education: Case Study of Educational Campuses

Authors: Samar Alarif


Smart sustainable educational campuses are the latest paradigm of innovation in the education domain. Campuses become a hub for sustainable environmental innovations. University has a vital role in paving the road for digital transformations in the infrastructure domain by preparing skilled engineers and specialists. The open digital platform enables smart campuses to simulate real education experience by managing their infrastructure within the curriculums. Moreover, it allows the engagement between governments, businesses, and citizens to push for innovation and sustainable services. Urban and building information modeling platforms have recently attained widespread attention in smart campuses due to their applications and benefits for creating the campus's digital twin in the form of an open digital platform. Qualitative and quantitative strategies were used in directing this research to develop and validate the UIM/BIM platform benefits for smart campuses FM and its impact on the institution's sustainable vision. The research findings are based on literature reviews and case studies of the TU berlin El-Gouna campus. Textual data will be collected using semi-structured interviews with actors, secondary data like BIM course student projects, documents, and publications related to the campus actors. The study results indicated that UIM/BIM has several benefits for the smart campus. Universities can achieve better capacity-building by integrating all the actors in the UIM/BIM process. Universities would achieve their community outreach vision by launching an online outreach of UIM/BIM course for the academic and professional community. The UIM/BIM training courses would integrate students from different disciplines and alumni graduated as well as engineers and planners and technicians. Open platforms enable universities to build a partnership with the industry; companies should be involved in the development of BIM technology courses. The collaboration between academia and the industry would fix the gap, promote the academic courses to reply to the professional requirements, and transfer the industry's academic innovations. In addition to that, the collaboration between academia, industry, government vocational and training centers, and civil society should be promoted by co-creation workshops, a series of seminars, and conferences. These co-creation activities target the capacity buildings and build governmental strategies and policies to support expanding the sustainable innovations and to agree on the expected role of all the stakeholders to support the transformation.

Keywords: smart city, smart educational campus, UIM, urban platforms, sustainable campus

Procedia PDF Downloads 123
840 The Management of Company Directors Conflicts of Interest in Large Corporations and the Issue of Public Interest

Authors: Opemiposi Adegbulu


The research investigates the existence of a public interest consideration or rationale for the management of directors’ conflicts of interest within large public corporations. This is conducted through extensive literature review and theories on the definition of conflicts of interest, the firm and purposes of the fiduciary duty of loyalty under which the management of these conflicts of interest find their foundation. Conflicts of interest is an elusive, diverse and engaging subject, a cross-cutting problem of governance which involves all levels of governance, ranging from local to global, public to corporate or financial sectors. It is a common issue that affects corporate governance and corporate culture, having a negative impact on the reputation of corporations and their trustworthiness. It is clear that addressing this issue is imperative for good governance of corporations as they are increasingly becoming and are powerful global economies with significant power and influence in the society. Similarly, the bargaining power of these powerful corporations has been recognised by international organisations such as the UN and the OECD. This is made evident by the increasing calls and push for greater responsibility of these corporations for environmental and social disasters caused by their corporate activities and their impact in various parts of the world. Equally, in the US, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act like other legislation and regulatory efforts made to manage conflicts of interest linked to corporate governance, in many countries indicates that there is a (global) public interest in the maintenance of the orderly functioning of commerce. Consequently, the governance of these corporations is tremendously pivotal to the society as it touches upon a key aspect of the good functioning of society. This is because corporations, particularly large international corporations can be said to be the plumbing of the global economy. This study will employ theoretical, doctrinal and comparative methods. The research will make use largely of theory-guided methodology and theoretical framework – theories of the firm, public interest, regulation, conflicts of interest in general, directors’ conflicts of interest and corporate governance. Although, the research is intended to be narrowed down to the topic of conflicts of interest in corporate governance, the subject of company directors’ duty of loyalty and the management of conflicts of interest, an examination of the history, origin and typology of conflicts of interest in general will be carried out in order to identify some specific challenges to understanding and identifying these conflicts of interest; origin, diverging theories, psychological barrier to definition, similarities with public sector conflicts of interest due to the notions of corrosion of trust, the effect on decision-making and judgment, “being in a particular kind of situation”, etc. The result of this research will be useful and relevant in the identification of the rationale for the management of directors’ conflicts of interest, contributing to the understanding of conflicts of interest in the private sector and the significance of public interest in corporate governance of large corporations.

Keywords: conflicts of interest, corporate governance, corporate law, directors duty of loyalty, public interest

Procedia PDF Downloads 370
839 Institutional Cooperation to Foster Economic Development: Universities and Social Enterprises

Authors: Khrystyna Pavlyk


In the OECD countries, percentage of adults with higher education degrees has increased by 10 % during 2000-2010. Continuously increasing demand for higher education gives universities a chance of becoming key players in socio-economic development of a territory (region or city) via knowledge creation, knowledge transfer, and knowledge spillovers. During previous decade, universities have tried to support spin-offs and start-ups, introduced courses on sustainability and corporate social responsibility. While much has been done, new trends are starting to emerge in search of better approaches. Recently a number of universities created centers that conduct research in a field social entrepreneurship, which in turn underpin educational programs run at these universities. The list includes but is not limited to the Centre for Social Economy at University of Liège, Institute for Social Innovation at ESADE, Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Oxford, Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Rosklide, Social Entrepreneurship Initiative at INSEAD. Existing literature already examined social entrepreneurship centers in terms of position in the institutional structure, initial and additional funding, teaching initiatives, research achievements, and outreach activities. At the same time, Universities can become social enterprises themselves. Previous research revealed that universities use both business and social entrepreneurship models. Universities which are mainly driven by a social mission are more likely to transform into social entrepreneurial institutions. At the same time, currently, there is no clear understanding of what social entrepreneurship in higher education is about and thus social entrepreneurship in higher education needs to be studied and promoted at the same time. Main roles which socially oriented university can play in city development include: buyer (implementation of socially focused local procurement programs creates partnerships focused on local sustainable growth.); seller (centers created by universities can sell socially oriented goods and services, e.g. in consultancy.); employer (Universities can employ socially vulnerable groups.); business incubator (which will help current student to start their social enterprises). In the paper, we will analyze these in more detail. We will also examine a number of indicators that can be used to assess the impact, both direct and indirect, that universities can have on city's economy. At the same time, originality of this paper mainly lies not in methodological approaches used, but in countries evaluated. Social entrepreneurship is still treated as a relatively new phenomenon in post-transitional countries where social services were provided only by the state for many decades. Paper will provide data and example’s both from developed countries (the US and EU), and those located in CIS and CEE region.

Keywords: social enterprise, university, regional economic development, comparative study

Procedia PDF Downloads 256
838 Forecasting Residential Water Consumption in Hamilton, New Zealand

Authors: Farnaz Farhangi


Many people in New Zealand believe that the access to water is inexhaustible, and it comes from a history of virtually unrestricted access to it. For the region like Hamilton which is one of New Zealand’s fastest growing cities, it is crucial for policy makers to know about the future water consumption and implementation of rules and regulation such as universal water metering. Hamilton residents use water freely and they do not have any idea about how much water they use. Hence, one of proposed objectives of this research is focusing on forecasting water consumption using different methods. Residential water consumption time series exhibits seasonal and trend variations. Seasonality is the pattern caused by repeating events such as weather conditions in summer and winter, public holidays, etc. The problem with this seasonal fluctuation is that, it dominates other time series components and makes difficulties in determining other variations (such as educational campaign’s effect, regulation, etc.) in time series. Apart from seasonality, a stochastic trend is also combined with seasonality and makes different effects on results of forecasting. According to the forecasting literature, preprocessing (de-trending and de-seasonalization) is essential to have more performed forecasting results, while some other researchers mention that seasonally non-adjusted data should be used. Hence, I answer the question that is pre-processing essential? A wide range of forecasting methods exists with different pros and cons. In this research, I apply double seasonal ARIMA and Artificial Neural Network (ANN), considering diverse elements such as seasonality and calendar effects (public and school holidays) and combine their results to find the best predicted values. My hypothesis is the examination the results of combined method (hybrid model) and individual methods and comparing the accuracy and robustness. In order to use ARIMA, the data should be stationary. Also, ANN has successful forecasting applications in terms of forecasting seasonal and trend time series. Using a hybrid model is a way to improve the accuracy of the methods. Due to the fact that water demand is dominated by different seasonality, in order to find their sensitivity to weather conditions or calendar effects or other seasonal patterns, I combine different methods. The advantage of this combination is reduction of errors by averaging of each individual model. It is also useful when we are not sure about the accuracy of each forecasting model and it can ease the problem of model selection. Using daily residential water consumption data from January 2000 to July 2015 in Hamilton, I indicate how prediction by different methods varies. ANN has more accurate forecasting results than other method and preprocessing is essential when we use seasonal time series. Using hybrid model reduces forecasting average errors and increases the performance.

Keywords: artificial neural network (ANN), double seasonal ARIMA, forecasting, hybrid model

Procedia PDF Downloads 339
837 A Report of 5-Months-Old Baby with Balanced Chromosomal Rearrangements along with Phenotypic Abnormalities

Authors: Mohit Kumar, Beklashwar Salona, Shiv Murti, Mukesh Singh


We report here a case of five-months old male baby, born as second child of non-consanguineous parents with no considerable history of genetic abnormality which was referred to our cytogenetic laboratory for chromosomal analysis. Physical dysmorphic facial features including mongoloid face, cleft palate, simian crease, and developmental delay were observed. We present this case with unique balanced autosomal translocation of t(3;10)(p21;p13). The risk of phenotypic abnormalities based on de novo balanced translocation was estimated to be 7%. The association of balanced chromosomal rearrangement with Down syndrome features such as multiple congenital anomalies, facial dysmorphism and congenital heart anomalies are very rare in a 5-months old male child. Trisomy-21 is not uncommon in chromosomal abnormality with the birth defect and balanced translocations are frequently observed in patients with secondary infertility or recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA). Two ml heparinized peripheral blood cells cultured in RPMI-1640 for 72 hours supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum, phytohemagglutinin (PHA), and antibiotics were used for chromosomal analysis. A total 30 metaphases images were captured using Olympus-BX51 microscope and analyzed using Bio-view karyotyping software through GTG-banding (G bands by trypsin and Giemsa) according to International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature 2016. The results showed balanced translocation between short arm of chromosome # 3 and short arm of chromosome # 10. The karyotype of the child was found to be 46,XY,t(3;10)(p21; p13). Chromosomal abnormalities are one of the major causes of birth defect in new born babies. Also, balanced translocations are frequently observed in patients with secondary infertility or recurrent spontaneous abortion. The index case presented with dysmorphic facial features and had a balanced translocation 46,XY,t(3;10)(p21;p13). This translocation with break points at (p21; p13) has not been reported in the literature in a child with facial dysmorphism. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of novel balanced translocation t(3;10) with break points in a child with dysmorphic features. We found balanced chromosomal translocation instead of any trisomy or unbalanced aberrations along with some phenotypic abnormalities. Therefore, we suggest that such novel balanced translocation with abnormal phenotype should be reported in order to enable the pathologist, pediatrician, and gynecologist to have a better insight into the intricacies of chromosomal abnormalities and their associated phenotypic features. We hypothesized that dysmorphic features as seen in this case may be the result of change in the pattern of genes located at the breakpoint area in balanced translocations or may be due to deletion or mutation of genes located on the p-arm of chromosome # 3 and p-arm of chromosome # 10.

Keywords: balanced translocation, karyotyping, phenotypic abnormalities, facial dimorphisms

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836 Interculturalizing Ethiopian Universities: Between Initiation and Institutionalization

Authors: Desta Kebede Ayana, Lies Sercu, Demelash Mengistu


The study is set in Ethiopia, a sub-Saharan multilingual, multiethnic African country, which has seen a significant increase in the number of universities in recent years. The aim of this growth is to provide access to education for all cultural and linguistic groups across the country. However, there are challenges in promoting intercultural competence among students in this diverse context. The aim of the study is to investigate the interculturalization of Ethiopian Higher Education Institutions as perceived by university lecturers and administrators. In particular, the study aims to determine the level of support for this educational innovation and gather suggestions for its implementation and institutionalization. The researchers employed semi-structured interviews with administrators and lecturers from two large Ethiopian universities to gather data. Thematic analysis was utilized for coding and analyzing the interview data, with the assistance of the NVIVO software. The findings obtained from the grounded analysis of the interview data reveal that while there are opportunities for interculturalization in the curriculum and campus life, support for educational innovation remains low. Administrators and lecturers also emphasize the government's responsibility to prioritize interculturalization over other educational innovation goals. The study contributes to the existing literature by examining an under-researched population in an under-researched context. Additionally, the study explores whether Western perspectives of intercultural competence align with the African context, adding to the theoretical understanding of intercultural education. The data for this study was collected through semi-structured interviews conducted with administrators and lecturers from two large Ethiopian universities. The interviews allowed for an in-depth exploration of the participants' views on interculturalization in higher education. Thematic analysis was applied to the interview data, allowing for the identification and organization of recurring themes and patterns. The analysis was conducted using the NVIVO software, which aided in coding and analyzing the data. The study addresses the extent to which administrators and lecturers support the interculturalization of Ethiopian Higher Education Institutions. It also explores their suggestions for implementing and institutionalizing intercultural education, as well as their perspectives on the current level of institutionalization. The study highlights the challenges in interculturalizing Ethiopian universities and emphasizes the need for greater support and prioritization of intercultural education. It also underscores the importance of considering the African context when conceptualizing intercultural competence. This research contributes to the understanding of intercultural education in diverse contexts and provides valuable insights for policymakers and educational institutions aiming to promote intercultural competence in higher education settings.

Keywords: administrators, educational change, Ethiopia, intercultural competence, lecturers

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835 Chatbots and the Future of Globalization: Implications of Businesses and Consumers

Authors: Shoury Gupta


Chatbots are a rapidly growing technological trend that has revolutionized the way businesses interact with their customers. With the advancements in artificial intelligence, chatbots can now mimic human-like conversations and provide instant and efficient responses to customer inquiries. In this research paper, we aim to explore the implications of chatbots on the future of globalization for both businesses and consumers. The paper begins by providing an overview of the current state of chatbots in the global market and their growth potential in the future. The focus is on how chatbots have become a valuable tool for businesses looking to expand their global reach, especially in areas with high population density and language barriers. With chatbots, businesses can engage with customers in different languages and provide 24/7 customer service support, creating a more accessible and convenient customer experience. The paper then examines the impact of chatbots on cross-cultural communication and how they can help bridge communication gaps between businesses and consumers from different cultural backgrounds. Chatbots can potentially facilitate cross-cultural communication by offering real-time translations, voice recognition, and other innovative features that can help users communicate effectively across different languages and cultures. By providing more accessible and inclusive communication channels, chatbots can help businesses reach new markets and expand their customer base, making them more competitive in the global market. However, the paper also acknowledges that there are potential drawbacks associated with chatbots. For instance, chatbots may not be able to address complex customer inquiries that require human input. Additionally, chatbots may perpetuate biases if they are programmed with certain stereotypes or assumptions about different cultures. These drawbacks may have significant implications for businesses and consumers alike. To explore the implications of chatbots on the future of globalization in greater detail, the paper provides a thorough review of existing literature and case studies. The review covers topics such as the benefits of chatbots for businesses and consumers, the potential drawbacks of chatbots, and how businesses can mitigate any risks associated with chatbot use. The paper also discusses the ethical considerations associated with chatbot use, such as privacy concerns and the need to ensure that chatbots do not discriminate against certain groups of people. The ethical implications of chatbots are particularly important given the potential for chatbots to be used in sensitive areas such as healthcare and financial services. Overall, this research paper provides a comprehensive analysis of chatbots and their implications for the future of globalization. By exploring both the potential benefits and drawbacks of chatbot use, the paper aims to provide insights into how businesses and consumers can leverage this technology to achieve greater global reach and improve cross-cultural communication. Ultimately, the paper concludes that chatbots have the potential to be a powerful tool for businesses looking to expand their global footprint and improve their customer experience, but that care must be taken to mitigate any risks associated with their use.

Keywords: chatbots, conversational AI, globalization, businesses

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834 Mental Health Monitoring System as an Effort for Prevention and Handling of Psychological Problems in Students

Authors: Arif Tri Setyanto, Aditya Nanda Priyatama, Nugraha Arif Karyanta, Fadjri Kirana A., Afia Fitriani, Rini Setyowati, Moh.Abdul Hakim


The Basic Health Research Report by the Ministry of Health (2018) shows an increase in the prevalence of mental health disorders in the adolescent and early adult age ranges. Supporting this finding, data on the psychological examination of the student health service unit at one State University recorded 115 cases of moderate and severe health problems in the period 2016 - 2019. More specifically, the highest number of cases was experienced by clients in the age range of 21-23 years or equivalent, with the mid-semester stage towards the end. Based on the distribution of cases experienced and the disorder becomes a psychological problem experienced by students. A total of 29% or the equivalent of 33 students experienced anxiety disorders, 25% or 29 students experienced problems ranging from mild to severe, as well as other classifications of disorders experienced, including adjustment disorders, family problems, academics, mood disorders, self-concept disorders, personality disorders, cognitive disorders, and others such as trauma and sexual disorders. Various mental health disorders have a significant impact on the academic life of students, such as low GPA, exceeding the limit in college, dropping out, disruption of social life on campus, to suicide. Based on literature reviews and best practices from universities in various countries, one of the effective ways to prevent and treat student mental health disorders is to implement a mental health monitoring system in universities. This study uses a participatory action research approach, with a sample of 423 from a total population of 32,112 students. The scale used in this study is the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) to measure depression and the Taylor Minnesota Anxiety Scale (TMAS) to measure anxiety levels. This study aims to (1) develop a digital-based health monitoring system for students' mental health situations in the mental health category. , dangers, or those who have mental disorders, especially indications of symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders, and (2) implementing a mental health monitoring system in universities at the beginning and end of each semester. The results of the analysis show that from 423 respondents, the main problems faced by all coursework, such as thesis and academic assignments. Based on the scoring and categorization of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), 191 students experienced symptoms of depression. A total of 24.35%, or 103 students experienced mild depression, 14.42% (61 students) had moderate depression, and 6.38% (27 students) experienced severe or extreme depression. Furthermore, as many as 80.38% (340 students) experienced anxiety in the high category. This article will review this review of the student mental health service system on campus.

Keywords: monitoring system, mental health, psychological problems, students

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833 Encouraging the Uptake of Entrepreneurship by Graduates of Higher Education Institutions in South Africa

Authors: Chux Gervase Iwu, Simon Nsengimane


Entrepreneurship stimulates socio-economic development in many countries, if not all. It creates jobs and decreases unemployment and inequality. There are other benefits that are accruable from entrepreneurship, namely the empowerment of women and the promotion of better livelihoods. Innovation has become a weapon for business competition, growth, and sustainability. Paradoxically, it is a threat to businesses because products can be duplicated; new products may decrease the market share of existing ones or delete them from the market. This creates a constant competitive environment that calls for updates, innovation, and the invention of new products and services. Thus, the importance of higher education in instilling a good entrepreneurial mindset in students has become even more critical. It can be argued that the business environment is under enormous pressure from several factors, including the fourth industrial revolution, which calls for the adoption and use of information and communication technology, which is the catalyst for many innovations and organisational changes. Therefore, it is crucial that higher education students are equipped with relevant knowledge and skills to respond effectively to the needs of the business environment and create a vibrant entrepreneurship ecosystem. In South Africa, entrepreneurship education or some form of it has been a privilege for economic and management fields of study, leaving behind other fields. Entrepreneurship should not be limited to business faculties but rather extended to other fields of study. This is perhaps the reason for low levels of entrepreneurship uptake among South African graduates if they are compared with the graduates in other countries. There may be other reasons for the low entrepreneurship uptake. Some of these have been documented in extant literature to include (1) not enough time was spent teaching entrepreneurship in the business faculties, (2) the skills components in the curricula are insufficient, and (3) the overall attitudes/mindsets necessary to establish and run sustainable enterprises seem absent. Therefore, four important areas are recognised as crucial for the effective implementation of entrepreneurship education: policy, private sector engagement, curriculum development, and teacher development. The purpose of this research is to better comprehend the views, aspirations, and expectations of students and faculty members to design an entrepreneurial teaching model for higher education institutions. A qualitative method will be used to conduct a purposive interview with undergraduate and graduate students in select higher institutions. Members of faculty will also be included in the sample as well as, where possible, two or more government personnel responsible for higher education policy development. At present, interpretative analysis is proposed for the analysis of the interviews with the support of Atlas Ti. It is hoped that an entrepreneurship education model in the South African context is realised through this study.

Keywords: entrepreneurship education, higher education institution, graduate unemployment, curriculum development

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832 Cross-Comparison between Land Surface Temperature from Polar and Geostationary Satellite over Heterogenous Landscape: A Case Study in Hong Kong

Authors: Ibrahim A. Adeniran, Rui F. Zhu, Man S. Wong


Owing to the insufficiency in the spatial representativeness and continuity of in situ temperature measurements from weather stations (WS), the use of temperature measurement from WS for large-range diurnal analysis in heterogenous landscapes has been limited. This has made the accurate estimation of land surface temperature (LST) from remotely sensed data more crucial. Moreover, the study of dynamic interaction between the atmosphere and the physical surface of the Earth could be enhanced at both annual and diurnal scales by using optimal LST data derived from satellite sensors. The tradeoff between the spatial and temporal resolution of LSTs from satellite’s thermal infrared sensors (TIRS) has, however, been a major challenge, especially when high spatiotemporal LST data are recommended. It is well-known from existing literature that polar satellites have the advantage of high spatial resolution, while geostationary satellites have a high temporal resolution. Hence, this study is aimed at designing a framework for the cross-comparison of LST data from polar and geostationary satellites in a heterogeneous landscape. This could help to understand the relationship between the LST estimates from the two satellites and, consequently, their integration in diurnal LST analysis. Landsat-8 satellite data will be used as the representative of the polar satellite due to the availability of its long-term series, while the Himawari-8 satellite will be used as the data source for the geostationary satellite because of its improved TIRS. For the study area, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HK SAR) will be selected; this is due to the heterogeneity in the landscape of the region. LST data will be retrieved from both satellites using the Split window algorithm (SWA), and the resulting data will be validated by comparing satellite-derived LST data with temperature data from automatic WS in HK SAR. The LST data from the satellite data will then be separated based on the land use classification in HK SAR using the Global Land Cover by National Mapping Organization version3 (GLCNMO 2013) data. The relationship between LST data from Landsat-8 and Himawari-8 will then be investigated based on the land-use class and over different seasons of the year in order to account for seasonal variation in their relationship. The resulting relationship will be spatially and statistically analyzed and graphically visualized for detailed interpretation. Findings from this study will reveal the relationship between the two satellite data based on the land use classification within the study area and the seasons of the year. While the information provided by this study will help in the optimal combination of LST data from Polar (Landsat-8) and geostationary (Himawari-8) satellites, it will also serve as a roadmap in the annual and diurnal urban heat (UHI) analysis in Hong Kong SAR.

Keywords: automatic weather station, Himawari-8, Landsat-8, land surface temperature, land use classification, split window algorithm, urban heat island

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831 Advancing Trustworthy Human-robot Collaboration: Challenges and Opportunities in Diverse European Industrial Settings

Authors: Margarida Porfírio Tomás, Paula Pereira, José Manuel Palma Oliveira


The decline in employment rates across sectors like industry and construction is exacerbated by an aging workforce. This has far-reaching implications for the economy, including skills gaps, labour shortages, productivity challenges due to physical limitations, and workplace safety concerns. To sustain the workforce and pension systems, technology plays a pivotal role. Robots provide valuable support to human workers, and effective human-robot interaction is essential. FORTIS, a Horizon project, aims to address these challenges by creating a comprehensive Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) solution. This solution focuses on multi-modal communication and multi-aspect interaction, with a primary goal of maintaining a human-centric approach. By meeting the needs of both human workers and robots, FORTIS aims to facilitate efficient and safe collaboration. The project encompasses three key activities: 1) A Human-Centric Approach involving data collection, annotation, understanding human behavioural cognition, and contextual human-robot information exchange. 2) A Robotic-Centric Focus addressing the unique requirements of robots during the perception and evaluation of human behaviour. 3) Ensuring Human-Robot Trustworthiness through measures such as human-robot digital twins, safety protocols, and resource allocation. Factor Social, a project partner, will analyse psycho-physiological signals that influence human factors, particularly in hazardous working conditions. The analysis will be conducted using a combination of case studies, structured interviews, questionnaires, and a comprehensive literature review. However, the adoption of novel technologies, particularly those involving human-robot interaction, often faces hurdles related to acceptance. To address this challenge, FORTIS will draw upon insights from Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), including risk perception and technology acceptance models. Throughout its lifecycle, FORTIS will uphold a human-centric approach, leveraging SSH methodologies to inform the design and development of solutions. This project received funding from European Union’s Horizon 2020/Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101135707 (FORTIS).

Keywords: skills gaps, productivity challenges, workplace safety, human-robot interaction, human-centric approach, social sciences and humanities, risk perception

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830 Thinking for Writing: Evidence of Language Transfer in Chinese ESL Learners’ Written Narratives

Authors: Nan Yang, Hye Pae


English as a second language (ESL) learners are often observed to have transferred traits of their first languages (L1) and habits of using their L1s to their use of English (second language, L2), and this phenomenon is coined as language transfer. In addition to the transfer of linguistic features (e.g., grammar, vocabulary, etc.), which are relatively easy to observe and quantify, many cross-cultural theorists emphasized on a much subtle and fundamental transfer existing on a higher conceptual level that is referred to as conceptual transfer. Although a growing body of literature in linguistics has demonstrated evidence of L1 transfer in various discourse genres, very limited studies address the underlying conceptual transfer that is happening along with the language transfer, especially with the extended form of spontaneous discourses such as personal narrative. To address this issue, this study situates itself in the context of Chinese ESL learners’ written narratives, examines evidence of L1 conceptual transfer in comparison with native English speakers’ narratives, and provides discussion from the perspective of the conceptual transfer. It is hypothesized that Chinese ESL learners’ English narrative strategies are heavily influenced by the strategies that they use in Chinese as a result of the conceptual transfer. Understanding language transfer cognitively is of great significance in the realm of SLA, as it helps address challenges that ESL learners around the world are facing; allow native English speakers to develop a better understanding about how and why learners’ English is different; and also shed light in ESL pedagogy by providing linguistic and cultural expectations in native English-speaking countries. To achieve the goals, 40 college students were recruited (20 Chinese ESL learners and 20 native English speakers) in the United States, and their written narratives on the prompt 'The most frightening experience' were collected for quantitative discourse analysis. 40 written narratives (20 in Chinese and 20 in English) were collected from Chinese ESL learners, and 20 written narratives were collected from native English speakers. All written narratives were coded according to the coding scheme developed by the authors prior to data collection. Statistical descriptive analyses were conducted, and the preliminary results revealed that native English speakers included more narrative elements such as events and explicit evaluation comparing to Chinese ESL students’ both English and Chinese writings; the English group also utilized more evaluation device (i.e., physical state expressions, indirectly reported speeches, delineation) than Chinese ESL students’ both English and Chinese writings. It was also observed that Chinese ESL students included more orientation elements (i.e., the introduction of time/place, the introduction of character) in their Chinese and English writings than the native English-speaking participants. The findings suggest that a similar narrative strategy was observed in Chinese ESL learners’ Chinese narratives and English narratives, which is considered as the evidence of conceptual transfer from Chinese (L1) to English (L2). The results also indicate that distinct narrative strategies were used by Chinese ESL learners and native English speakers as a result of cross-cultural differences.

Keywords: Chinese ESL learners, language transfer, thinking-for-speaking, written narratives

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829 University Climate and Psychological Adjustment: African American Women’s Experiences at Predominantly White Institutions in the United States

Authors: Faheemah N. Mustafaa, Tamarie Macon, Tabbye Chavous


A major concern of university leaders worldwide is how to create environments where students from diverse racial/ethnic, national, and cultural backgrounds can thrive. Over the past decade or so in the United States, African American women have done exceedingly well in terms of college enrollment, academic performance, and completion. However, the relative academic successes of African American women in higher education has in some ways overshadowed social challenges many Black women continue to encounter on college campuses in the United States. Within predominantly White institutions (PWIs) in particular, there is consistent evidence that many Black students experience racially hostile climates. However, research studies on racial climates within PWIs have mostly focused on cross-sectional comparisons of minority and majority group experiences, and few studies have examined campus racial climate in relation to short- and longer-term well-being. One longitudinal study reported that African American women’s psychological well-being was positively related to their comfort in cross-racial interactions (a concept closely related to campus climate). Thus, our primary research question was: Do African American women’s perceptions of campus climate (tension and positive association) during their freshman year predict their reports of psychological distress and well-being (self-acceptance) during their sophomore year? Participants were part of a longitudinal survey examining African American college students’ academic identity development, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. The final subsample included 134 self-identified African American/Black women enrolled in PWIs. Accounting for background characteristics (mother’s education, family income, interracial contact, and prior levels of outcomes), we employed hierarchical regression to examine relationships between campus racial climate during freshman year and psychological adjustment one year later. Both regression models significantly predicted African American women’s psychological outcomes (for distress, F(7,91)= 4.34, p < .001; and for self-acceptance, F(7,90)= 4.92, p < .001). Although none of the controls were significant predictors, perceptions of racial tension on campus were associated with both distress and self-acceptance. More perceptions of tension were related to African American women’s greater psychological distress the following year (B= 0.22, p= .01). Additionally, racial tension predicted later self-acceptance in the expected direction: Higher first-year reports of racial tension were related to less positive attitudes toward the self during the sophomore year (B= -0.16, p= .04). However, perceptions that it was normative for Black and White students to socialize on campus (or positive association scores) were unrelated to psychological distress or self-acceptance. Findings highlight the relevance of examining multiple facets of campus racial climate in relation to psychological adjustment, with possible emphasis on the import of racial tension on African American women’s psychological adjustment. Results suggest that negative dimensions of campus racial climate may have lingering effects on psychological well-being, over and above more positive aspects of climate. Thus, programs targeted toward improving student relations on campus should consider addressing cross-racial tensions.

Keywords: higher education, psychological adjustment, university climate, university students

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828 The Effect of Data Integration to the Smart City

Authors: Richard Byrne, Emma Mulliner


Smart cities are a vision for the future that is increasingly becoming a reality. While a key concept of the smart city is the ability to capture, communicate, and process data that has long been produced through day-to-day activities of the city, much of the assessment models in place neglect this fact to focus on ‘smartness’ concepts. Although it is true technology often provides the opportunity to capture and communicate data in more effective ways, there are also human processes involved that are just as important. The growing importance with regards to the use and ownership of data in society can be seen by all with companies such as Facebook and Google increasingly coming under the microscope, however, why is the same scrutiny not applied to cities? The research area is therefore of great importance to the future of our cities here and now, while the findings will be of just as great importance to our children in the future. This research aims to understand the influence data is having on organisations operating throughout the smart cities sector and employs a mixed-method research approach in order to best answer the following question: Would a data-based evaluation model for smart cities be more appropriate than a smart-based model in assessing the development of the smart city? A fully comprehensive literature review concluded that there was a requirement for a data-driven assessment model for smart cities. This was followed by a documentary analysis to understand the root source of data integration to the smart city. A content analysis of city data platforms enquired as to the alternative approaches employed by cities throughout the UK and draws on best practice from New York to compare and contrast. Grounded in theory, the research findings to this point formulated a qualitative analysis framework comprised of: the changing environment influenced by data, the value of data in the smart city, the data ecosystem of the smart city and organisational response to the data orientated environment. The framework was applied to analyse primary data collected through the form of interviews with both public and private organisations operating throughout the smart cities sector. The work to date represents the first stage of data collection that will be built upon by a quantitative research investigation into the feasibility of data network effects in the smart city. An analysis into the benefits of data interoperability supporting services to the smart city in the areas of health and transport will conclude the research to achieve the aim of inductively forming a framework that can be applied to future smart city policy. To conclude, the research recognises the influence of technological perspectives in the development of smart cities to date and highlights this as a challenge to introduce theory applied with a planning dimension. The primary researcher has utilised their experience working in the public sector throughout the investigation to reflect upon what is perceived as a gap in practice of where we are today, to where we need to be tomorrow.

Keywords: data, planning, policy development, smart cities

Procedia PDF Downloads 312
827 Groundwater Quality Assessment in the Vicinity of Tannery Industries in Warangal, India

Authors: Mohammed Fathima Shahanaaz, Shaik Fayazuddin, M. Uday Kiran


Groundwater quality is deteriorating day by day in different parts of the world due to various reasons, toxic chemicals are being discharged without proper treatment into inland water bodies and land which in turn add pollutants to the groundwater. In this kind of situation, the rural communities which do not have municipal drinking water have to rely on groundwater though it is polluted for various uses. Tannery industry is one of the major industry which provides economy and employment to India. Since most of the developed countries stopped using chemicals which are toxic, the tanning industry which uses chromium as its major element are being shifted towards developing countries. Most of the tanning industries in India can be found in clusters concentrated mainly in states of Tamilnadu, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and limited places of Punjab. Limited work is present in the case of tanneries of Warangal. There exists 18 group of tanneries in Desaipet, Enamamula region of Warangal, out of which 4 are involved in dry process and are low responsible for groundwater pollution. These units of tanneries are discharging their effluents after treatment into Sai Cheruvu. Though the treatment effluents are being discharged, the Sai Cheruvu is turned in to Pink colour, with higher levels of BOD, COD, chromium, chlorides, total hardness, TDS and sulphates. An attempt was made to analyse the groundwater samples around this polluted Sai Cheruvu region since literature shows that a single tannery can pollute groundwater to a radius of 7-8 kms from the point of disposal. Sample are collected from 6 different locations around Sai Cheruvu. Analysis was performed for determining various constituents in groundwater such as pH, EC, TDS, TH, Ca+2, Mg+2, HCO3-, Na+, K+, Cl-, SO42-, NO3-, F and Cr+6. The analysis of these constitutes gave values greater than permissible limits. Even chromium is also present in groundwater samples which is exceeding permissible limits People in Paidepally and Sardharpeta villages already stopped the usage of groundwater. They are buying bottle water for drinking purpose. Though they are not using groundwater for drinking purpose complaints are made about using this water for washing also. So treatment process should be adopted for groundwater which should be simple and efficient. In this study rice husk silica (RHS) is used to treat pollutants in groundwater with varying dosages of RHS and contact time. Rice husk is treated, dried and place in a muffle furnace for 6 hours at 650°C. Reduction is observed in total hardness, chlorides and chromium levels are observed after the application RHS. Pollutants reached permissible limits for 27.5mg/l and 50 mg/l of dosage for a contact time of 130 min at constant pH and temperature.

Keywords: chromium, groundwater, rice husk silica, tanning industries

Procedia PDF Downloads 202
826 Seeking Compatibility between Green Infrastructure and Recentralization: The Case of Greater Toronto Area

Authors: Sara Saboonian, Pierre Filion


There are two distinct planning approaches attempting to transform the North American suburb so as to reduce its adverse environmental impacts. The first one, the recentralization approach, proposes intensification, multi-functionality and more reliance on public transit and walking. It thus offers an alternative to the prevailing low-density, spatial specialization and automobile dependence of the North American suburb. The second approach concentrates instead on the provision of green infrastructure, which rely on natural systems rather than on highly engineered solutions to deal with the infrastructure needs of suburban areas. There are tensions between these two approaches as recentralization generally overlooks green infrastructure, which can be space consuming (as in the case of water retention systems), and thus conflicts with the intensification goals of recentralization. The research investigates three Canadian planned suburban centres in the Greater Toronto Area, where recentralization is the current planning practice, despite rising awareness of the benefits of green infrastructure. Methods include reviewing the literature on green infrastructure planning, a critical analysis of the Ontario provincial plans for recentralization, surveying residents’ preferences regarding alternative suburban development models, and interviewing officials who deal with the local planning of the three centres. The case studies expose the difficulties in creating planned suburban centres that accommodate green infrastructure while adhering to recentralization principles. Until now, planners have been mostly focussed on recentralization at the expense of green infrastructure. In this context, the frequent lack of compatibility between recentralization and the space requirements of green infrastructure explains the limited presence of such infrastructures in planned suburban centres. Finally, while much attention has been given in the planning discourse to the economic and lifestyle benefits of recentralization, much less has been made of the wide range of advantages of green infrastructure, which explains limited public mobilization over the development of green infrastructure networks. The paper will concentrate on ways of combining recentralization with green infrastructure strategies and identify the aspects of the two approaches that are most compatible with each other. The outcome of such blending will marry high density, public-transit oriented developments, which generate walkability and street-level animation, with the presence of green space, naturalized settings and reliance on renewable energy. The paper will advance a planning framework that will fuse green infrastructure with recentralization, thus ensuring the achievement of higher density and reduced reliance on the car along with the provision of critical ecosystem services throughout cities. This will support and enhance the objectives of both green infrastructure and recentralization.

Keywords: environmental-based planning, green infrastructure, multi-functionality, recentralization

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825 Optimization of the Administration of Intravenous Medication by Reduction of the Residual Volume, Taking User-Friendliness, Cost Efficiency, and Safety into Account

Authors: A. Poukens, I. Sluyts, A. Krings, J. Swartenbroekx, D. Geeroms, J. Poukens


Introduction and Objectives: It has been known for many years that with the administration of intravenous medication, a rather significant part of the planned to be administered infusion solution, the residual volume ( the volume that remains in the IV line and or infusion bag), does not reach the patient and is wasted. This could possibly result in under dosage and diminished therapeutic effect. Despite the important impact on the patient, the reduction of residual volume lacks attention. An optimized and clearly stated protocol concerning the reduction of residual volume in an IV line is necessary for each hospital. As described in my Master’s thesis, acquiring the degree of Master in Hospital Pharmacy, administration of intravenous medication can be optimized by reduction of the residual volume. Herewith effectiveness, user-friendliness, cost efficiency and safety were taken into account. Material and Methods: By usage of a literature study and an online questionnaire sent out to all Flemish hospitals and hospitals in the Netherlands (province Limburg), current flush methods could be mapped out. In laboratory research, possible flush methods aiming to reduce the residual volume were measured. Furthermore, a self-developed experimental method to reduce the residual volume was added to the study. The current flush methods and the self-developed experimental method were compared to each other based on cost efficiency, user-friendliness and safety. Results: There is a major difference between the Flemish and the hospitals in the Netherlands (Province Limburg) concerning the approach and method of flushing IV lines after administration of intravenous medication. The residual volumes were measured and laboratory research showed that if flushing was done minimally 1-time equivalent to the residual volume, 95 percent of glucose would be flushed through. Based on the comparison, it became clear that flushing by use of a pre-filled syringe would be the most cost-efficient, user-friendly and safest method. According to laboratory research, the self-developed experimental method is feasible and has the advantage that the remaining fraction of the medication can be administered to the patient in unchanged concentration without dilution. Furthermore, this technique can be applied regardless of the level of the residual volume. Conclusion and Recommendations: It is recommendable to revise the current infusion systems and flushing methods in most hospitals. Aside from education of the hospital staff and alignment on a uniform substantiated protocol, an optimized and clear policy on the reduction of residual volume is necessary for each hospital. It is recommended to flush all IV lines with rinsing fluid with at least the equivalent volume of the residual volume. Further laboratory and clinical research for the self-developed experimental method are needed before this method can be implemented clinically in a broader setting.

Keywords: intravenous medication, infusion therapy, IV flushing, residual volume

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824 Health Risk Assessment from Potable Water Containing Tritium and Heavy Metals

Authors: Olga A. Momot, Boris I. Synzynys, Alla A. Oudalova


Obninsk is situated in the Kaluga region 100 km southwest of Moscow on the left bank of the Protva River. Several enterprises utilizing nuclear energy are operating in the town. A special attention in the region where radiation-hazardous facilities are located has traditionally been paid to radioactive gas and aerosol releases into the atmosphere; liquid waste discharges into the Protva river and groundwater pollution. Municipal intakes involve 34 wells arranged 15 km apart in a sequence north-south along the foot of the left slope of the Protva river valley. Northern and southern water intakes are upstream and downstream of the town, respectively. They belong to river valley intakes with mixed feeding, i.e. precipitation infiltration is responsible for a smaller part of groundwater, and a greater amount is being formed by overflowing from Protva. Water intakes are maintained by the Protva river runoff, the volume of which depends on the precipitation fallen out and watershed area. Groundwater contamination with tritium was first detected in a sanitary-protective zone of the Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (SRC-IPPE) by Roshydromet researchers when realizing the “Program of radiological monitoring in the territory of nuclear industry enterprises”. A comprehensive survey of the SRC-IPPE’s industrial site and adjacent territories has revealed that research nuclear reactors and accelerators where tritium targets are applied as well as radioactive waste storages could be considered as potential sources of technogenic tritium. All the above sources are located within the sanitary controlled area of intakes. Tritium activity in water of springs and wells near the SRC-IPPE is about 17.4 – 3200 Bq/l. The observed values of tritium activity are below the intervention levels (7600 Bq/l for inorganic compounds and 3300 Bq/l for organically bound tritium). The risk has being assessed to estimate possible effect of considered tritium concentrations on human health. Data on tritium concentrations in pipe-line drinking water were used for calculations. The activity of 3H amounted to 10.6 Bq/l and corresponded to the risk of such water consumption of ~ 3·10-7 year-1. The risk value given in magnitude is close to the individual annual death risk for population living near a NPP – 1.6·10-8 year-1 and at the same time corresponds to the level of tolerable risk (10-6) and falls within “risk optimization”, i.e. in the sphere for planning the economically sound measures on exposure risk reduction. To estimate the chemical risk, physical and chemical analysis was made of waters from all springs and wells near the SRC-IPPE. Chemical risk from groundwater contamination was estimated according to the EPA US guidance. The risk of carcinogenic diseases at a drinking water consumption amounts to 5·10-5. According to the classification accepted the health risk in case of spring water consumption is inadmissible. The compared assessments of risk associated with tritium exposure, on the one hand, and the dangerous chemical (e.g. heavy metals) contamination of Obninsk drinking water, on the other hand, have confirmed that just these chemical pollutants are responsible for health risk.

Keywords: radiation-hazardous facilities, water intakes, tritium, heavy metal, health risk

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823 Hydrodynamic Characterisation of a Hydraulic Flume with Sheared Flow

Authors: Daniel Rowe, Christopher R. Vogel, Richard H. J. Willden


The University of Oxford’s recirculating water flume is a combined wave and current test tank with a 1 m depth, 1.1 m width, and 10 m long working section, and is capable of flow speeds up to 1 ms−1 . This study documents the hydrodynamic characteristics of the facility in preparation for experimental testing of horizontal axis tidal stream turbine models. The turbine to be tested has a rotor diameter of 0.6 m and is a modified version of one of two model-scale turbines tested in previous experimental campaigns. An Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) was used to measure the flow at high temporal resolution at various locations throughout the flume, enabling the spatial uniformity and turbulence flow parameters to be investigated. The mean velocity profiles exhibited high levels of spatial uniformity at the design speed of the flume, 0.6 ms−1 , with variations in the three-dimensional velocity components on the order of ±1% at the 95% confidence level, along with a modest streamwise acceleration through the measurement domain, a target 5 m working section of the flume. A high degree of uniformity was also apparent for the turbulence intensity, with values ranging between 1-2% across the intended swept area of the turbine rotor. The integral scales of turbulence exhibited a far higher degree of variation throughout the water column, particularly in the streamwise and vertical scales. This behaviour is believed to be due to the high signal noise content leading to decorrelation in the sampling records. To achieve more realistic levels of vertical velocity shear in the flume, a simple procedure to practically generate target vertical shear profiles in open-channel flows is described. Here, the authors arranged a series of non-uniformly spaced parallel bars placed across the width of the flume and normal to the onset flow. By adjusting the resistance grading across the height of the working section, the downstream profiles could be modified accordingly, characterised by changes in the velocity profile power law exponent, 1/n. Considering the significant temporal variation in a tidal channel, the choice of the exponent denominator, n = 6 and n = 9, effectively provides an achievable range around the much-cited value of n = 7 observed at many tidal sites. The resulting flow profiles, which we intend to use in future turbine tests, have been characterised in detail. The results indicate non-uniform vertical shear across the survey area and reveal substantial corner flows, arising from the differential shear between the target vertical and cross-stream shear profiles throughout the measurement domain. In vertically sheared flow, the rotor-equivalent turbulence intensity ranges between 3.0-3.8% throughout the measurement domain for both bar arrangements, while the streamwise integral length scale grows from a characteristic dimension on the order of the bar width, similar to the flow downstream of a turbulence-generating grid. The experimental tests are well-defined and repeatable and serve as a reference for other researchers who wish to undertake similar investigations.

Keywords: acoustic doppler Velocimeter, experimental hydrodynamics, open-channel flow, shear profiles, tidal stream turbines

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822 Social Enterprises in India: Conceptualization and Challenges

Authors: Prajakta Khare


There is a huge number of social enterprises operating in India, across all enterprise sizes and forms addressing diverse social issues. Some cases such as such as Aravind eye care, Narayana Hridalaya, SEWA have been studied extensively in management literature and are known cases in social entrepreneurship. But there are several smaller social enterprises in India that are not called so per se due to the lack of understanding of the concept. There is a lack of academic research on social entrepreneurship in India and the term ‘social entrepreneurship’ is not yet widely known in the country, even by people working in this field as was found by this study. The present study aims to identify the most prominent form of social enterprises in India, the profile of the entrepreneurs, challenges faced, the lessons (theory and practices) emerging from their functioning and finally the factors contributing to the enterprises’ success. This is a preliminary exploratory study using primary data from 30 social enterprises in India. The study used snow ball sampling and a qualitative analysis. Data was collected from founders of social enterprises through written structured questionnaires, open-ended interviews and field visits to enterprises. The sample covered enterprises across sectors such as environment, affordable education, children’s rights, rain water harvesting, women empowerment etc. The interview questions focused on founder’s background and motivation, qualifications, funding, challenges, founder’s understanding and perspectives on social entrepreneurship, government support, linkages with other organizations etc. apart from several others. The interviews were conducted across 3 languages - Hindi, Marathi, English and were then translated and transcribed. 50% of founders were women and 65% of the total founders were highly qualified with a MBA, PhD or MBBS. The most important challenge faced by these entrepreneurs is recruiting skilled people. When asked about their understanding of the term, founders had diverse perspectives. Also, their understandings about the term social enterprise and social entrepreneur were extremely varied. Some founders identified the terms with doing something good for the society, some thought that every business can be called a social enterprise. 35% of the founders were not aware of the term social entrepreneur/ social entrepreneurship. They said that they could identify themselves as social entrepreneurs after discussions with the researcher. The general perception in India is that ‘NGOs are corrupt’- fighting against this perception to secure funds is also another problem as pointed out by some founders. There are unique challenges that social entrepreneurs in India face, as the political, social, economic environment around them is rapidly changing; and getting adequate support from the government is a problem. The research in its subsequent stages aims to clarify existing, missing and new definitions of the term to provide deeper insights in the terminology and issues relating to Social Entrepreneurship in India.

Keywords: challenges, India, social entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurs

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821 Strategies for Incorporating Intercultural Intelligence into Higher Education

Authors: Hyoshin Kim


Most post-secondary educational institutions have offered a wide variety of professional development programs and resources in order to advance the quality of education. Such programs are designed to support faculty members by focusing on topics such as course design, behavioral learning objectives, class discussion, and evaluation methods. These are based on good intentions and might help both new and experienced educators. However, the fundamental flaw is that these ‘effective methods’ are assumed to work regardless of what we teach and whom we teach. This paper is focused on intercultural intelligence and its application to education. It presents a comprehensive literature review on context and cultural diversity in terms of beliefs, values and worldviews. What has worked well with a group of homogeneous local students may not work well with more diverse and international students. It is because students hold different notions of what is means to learn or know something. It is necessary for educators to move away from certain sets of generic teaching skills, which are based on a limited, particular view of teaching and learning. The main objective of the research is to expand our teaching strategies by incorporating what students bring to the course. There have been a growing number of resources and texts on teaching international students. Unfortunately, they tend to be based on the deficiency model, which treats diversity not as strengths, but as problems to be solved. This view is evidenced by the heavy emphasis on assimilationist approaches. For example, cultural difference is negatively evaluated, either implicitly or explicitly. Therefore the pressure is on culturally diverse students. The following questions reflect the underlying assumption of deficiencies: - How can we make them learn better? - How can we bring them into the mainstream academic culture?; and - How can they adapt to Western educational systems? Even though these questions may be well-intended, there seems to be something fundamentally wrong as the assumption of cultural superiority is embedded in this kind of thinking. This paper examines how educators can incorporate intercultural intelligence into the course design by utilizing a variety of tools such as pre-course activities, peer learning and reflective learning journals. The main goal is to explore ways to engage diverse learners in all aspects of learning. This can be achieved by activities designed to understand their prior knowledge, life experiences, and relevant cultural identities. It is crucial to link course material to students’ diverse interests thereby enhancing the relevance of course content and making learning more inclusive. Internationalization of higher education can be successful only when cultural differences are respected and celebrated as essential and positive aspects of teaching and learning.

Keywords: intercultural competence, intercultural intelligence, teaching and learning, post-secondary education

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820 Effects of Sexual Activities in Male Athletes Performance

Authors: Andreas Aceranti, Simonetta Vernocchi, Marco Colorato, Massimo Briamo, Giovanni Abalsamo


Most of the benefits of sport come from related physical activity, however, there are secondary psychological positive effects. There are also obvious disadvantages, high tensions related to failure, injuries, eating disorders and burnout. Depressive symptoms and illnesses related to anxiety or stress can be preventable or even simply alleviated through regular activity and exercise. It has been shown that the practice of a sport brings physical benefits, but can also have psychological and spiritual benefits. Reduced performance in male individuals has been linked to sexual activity before competitions in the past. The long-standing debate about the impact of sexual activity on sports performance has been controversial in the mainstream media in recent decades. This salacious topic has generated extensive discussion, although its high-quality data has been limited. Literature has, so far, mainly included subjective assessments from surveys. However, such surveys can be skewed as these assessments are based on individual beliefs, perceptions, and memory. There has been a long discussion over the years but even there objective data has been lacking. One reason behind coaches' bans on sexual activity before sporting events may be the belief that abstinence increases frustration, which in turn is shifted into aggressive behavior toward competitors. However, this assumption is not always valid. In fact, depriving an athlete of a normal activity can cause feelings of guilt and loss of concentration. Sexual activity during training can promote relaxation and positively influence performance. The author concludes that, although there is a need for scientific research in this area, it seems that sexual intercourse does not decrease performance unless it is accompanied by late night socialization, loss of sleep or drinking. Although the effects of sexual engagement on aerobic and strength athletic performance have not been definitively established, most research seems to rule out a direct impact. In order to analyze, as much as possible without bias, whether sexual activity significantly affects an athletic performance or not, we sampled 5 amateur athletes, between 22 and 25 years old and all male. The study was based on the timing of 4 running races of 5 champions. We asked participants to respect guidelines to avoid sexual activity (sex or masturbation) 12 hours before 2 of the 4 competitions, and to practice before the remaining 2 races.In doing so, we were able to compare and analyze the impact of activity and abstinence on performance results. We have come to the conclusion that sexual behavior on athletic performance needs to be better understood, more randomized trials and high-quality controls are strongly needed but available information suggests that sexual activity the day before a race has no negative effects on performance.

Keywords: sex, masturbation, male performance, soccer

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