Search results for: theoretical model
18416 Walkability and Urban Social Identity
Authors: Reihaneh Rafiemanzelat
One of the most recent fields of investigation in urban issues focuses on the walkability in urban spaces. The paper aims to establish the theoretical relationship between the people's link with definite urban public spaces and the social identity processes derived from the relation with these places. The theoretical aspects which are examined for this purpose are: the concept of walkability and its developments and the social identity theories derived from walkable spaces. In fact, the paper presents the main results obtained from an empirical investigation which concern to the genesis of urban social identity in particular street as one of the main elements of public spaces in cities. İsmet İnönü Blvd which known as Salamis Street in Famagusta, North Cyprus is one of the main street in city whit high level of physical and social activities all the time. The urban social identity of users was analyzed, focusing on three main factors: walkability of space, social identification, and image of the space. These three factors were analyzed in relation to a series of items in the initial questionnaire, evaluation of existing natural resources, and environmental attitudes.Keywords: walkability, urban public space, pedestrian, social activity, social identity
Procedia PDF Downloads 43418415 Reference Model for the Implementation of an E-Commerce Solution in Peruvian SMEs in the Retail Sector
Authors: Julio Kauss, Miguel Cadillo, David Mauricio
E-commerce is a business model that allows companies to optimize the processes of buying, selling, transferring goods and exchanging services through computer networks or the Internet. In Peru, the electronic commerce is used infrequently. This situation is due, in part to the fact that there is no model that allows companies to implement an e-commerce solution, which means that most SMEs do not have adequate knowledge to adapt to electronic commerce. In this work, a reference model is proposed for the implementation of an e-commerce solution in Peruvian SMEs in the retail sector. It consists of five phases: Business Analysis, Business Modeling, Implementation, Post Implementation and Results. The present model was validated in a SME of the Peruvian retail sector through the implementation of an electronic commerce platform, through which the company increased its sales through the delivery channel by 10% in the first month of deployment. This result showed that the model is easy to implement, is economical and agile. In addition, it allowed the company to increase its business offer, adapt to e-commerce and improve customer loyalty.Keywords: e-commerce, retail, SMEs, reference model
Procedia PDF Downloads 32118414 Liesegang Phenomena: Experimental and Simulation Studies
Authors: Vemula Amalakrishna, S. Pushpavanam
Change and motion characterize and persistently reshape the world around us, on scales from molecular to global. The subtle interplay between change (Reaction) and motion (Diffusion) gives rise to an astonishing intricate spatial or temporal pattern. These pattern formation in nature has been intellectually appealing for many scientists since antiquity. Periodic precipitation patterns, also known as Liesegang patterns (LP), are one of the stimulating examples of such self-assembling reaction-diffusion (RD) systems. LP formation has a great potential in micro and nanotechnology. So far, the research on LPs has been concentrated mostly on how these patterns are forming, retrieving information to build a universal mathematical model for them. Researchers have developed various theoretical models to comprehensively construct the geometrical diversity of LPs. To the best of our knowledge, simulation studies of LPs assume an arbitrary value of RD parameters to explain experimental observation qualitatively. In this work, existing models were studied to understand the mechanism behind this phenomenon and challenges pertaining to models were understood and explained. These models are not computationally effective due to the presence of discontinuous precipitation rate in RD equations. To overcome the computational challenges, smoothened Heaviside functions have been introduced, which downsizes the computational time as well. Experiments were performed using a conventional LP system (AgNO₃-K₂Cr₂O₇) to understand the effects of different gels and temperatures on formed LPs. The model is extended for real parameter values to compare the simulated results with experimental data for both 1-D (Cartesian test tubes) and 2-D(cylindrical and Petri dish).Keywords: reaction-diffusion, spatio-temporal patterns, nucleation and growth, supersaturation
Procedia PDF Downloads 15318413 Diachronic Evolution and Multifaceted Interpretation of City-Mountain Landscape Culture: From Ritualistic Divinity to Poetic Aesthetics
Authors: Junjie Fu
This paper explores the cultural evolution of the "city-mountain" landscape in ancient Chinese cities, tracing its origins in the regional mountain and town division within the national system. It delves into the cultural archetype of "city-mountain" landscape divine imagery and its spatial characteristics, drawing from the spatial conception of mountain worship and divine order in the model of Kunlun and Penglai. Furthermore, it examines the shift from religious to daily life influences, leading to a poetic aesthetic turn in the "city-mountain" landscape. The paper also discusses the organizational structure of the "city-mountain" poetic landscape and its role as a space for enjoyment. By studying the cultural connotations, evolving relationships, and power mechanisms of the "city-mountain" landscape, this research provides theoretical insights for the construction and development of "city-mountain" landscapes and mountain cities.Keywords: city-mountain landscape, cultural image, divinity, landscape image, poetry
Procedia PDF Downloads 8818412 Experimental and Theoratical Methods to Increase Core Damping for Sandwitch Cantilever Beam
Authors: Iyd Eqqab Maree, Moouyad Ibrahim Abbood
The purpose behind this study is to predict damping effect for steel cantilever beam by using two methods of passive viscoelastic constrained layer damping. First method is Matlab Program, this method depend on the Ross, Kerwin and Unger (RKU) model for passive viscoelastic damping. Second method is experimental lab (frequency domain method), in this method used the half-power bandwidth method and can be used to determine the system loss factors for damped steel cantilever beam. The RKU method has been applied to a cantilever beam because beam is a major part of a structure and this prediction may further leads to utilize for different kinds of structural application according to design requirements in many industries. In this method of damping a simple cantilever beam is treated by making sandwich structure to make the beam damp, and this is usually done by using viscoelastic material as a core to ensure the damping effect. The use of viscoelastic layers constrained between elastic layers is known to be effective for damping of flexural vibrations of structures over a wide range of frequencies. The energy dissipated in these arrangements is due to shear deformation in the viscoelastic layers, which occurs due to flexural vibration of the structures. The theory of dynamic stability of elastic systems deals with the study of vibrations induced by pulsating loads that are parametric with respect to certain forms of deformation. There is a very good agreement of the experimental results with the theoretical findings. The main ideas of this thesis are to find the transition region for damped steel cantilever beam (4mm and 8mm thickness) from experimental lab and theoretical prediction (Matlab R2011a). Experimentally and theoretically proved that the transition region for two specimens occurs at modal frequency between mode 1 and mode 2, which give the best damping, maximum loss factor and maximum damping ratio, thus this type of viscoelastic material core (3M468) is very appropriate to use in automotive industry and in any mechanical application has modal frequency eventuate between mode 1 and mode 2.Keywords: 3M-468 material core, loss factor and frequency, domain method, bioinformatics, biomedicine, MATLAB
Procedia PDF Downloads 27218411 Digital Geography and Geographic Information System in Schools: Towards a Hierarchical Geospatial Approach
Authors: Mary Fargher
This paper examines the opportunities of using a more hierarchical approach to geospatial enquiry in using GIS in school geography. A case is made that it is not just the lack of teacher technological knowledge that is stopping some teachers from using GIS in the classroom but that there is a gap in their understanding of how to link GIS use more specifically to the pedagogy of teaching geography with GIS. Using a hierarchical approach to geospatial enquiry as a theoretical framework, the analysis shows clearly how concepts of spatial distribution, interaction, relation, comparison, and temporal relationships can be used by teachers more explicitly to capitalise on the analytical power of GIS and to construct what can be interpreted as powerful geographical knowledge. An exemplar illustrating this approach on the topic of geo-hazards is then presented for critical analysis and discussion. Recommendations are then made for a model of progression for geography teacher education with GIS through hierarchical geospatial enquiry that takes into account beginner, intermediate, and more advanced users.Keywords: digital geography, GIS, education, hierarchical geospatial enquiry, powerful geographical knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 15318410 Kinetic Façade Design Using 3D Scanning to Convert Physical Models into Digital Models
Authors: Do-Jin Jang, Sung-Ah Kim
In designing a kinetic façade, it is hard for the designer to make digital models due to its complex geometry with motion. This paper aims to present a methodology of converting a point cloud of a physical model into a single digital model with a certain topology and motion. The method uses a Microsoft Kinect sensor, and color markers were defined and applied to three paper folding-inspired designs. Although the resulted digital model cannot represent the whole folding range of the physical model, the method supports the designer to conduct a performance-oriented design process with the rough physical model in the reduced folding range.Keywords: design media, kinetic facades, tangible user interface, 3D scanning
Procedia PDF Downloads 41418409 A Large Language Model-Driven Method for Automated Building Energy Model Generation
Authors: Yake Zhang, Peng Xu
The development of building energy models (BEM) required for architectural design and analysis is a time-consuming and complex process, demanding a deep understanding and proficient use of simulation software. To streamline the generation of complex building energy models, this study proposes an automated method for generating building energy models using a large language model and the BEM library aimed at improving the efficiency of model generation. This method leverages a large language model to parse user-specified requirements for target building models, extracting key features such as building location, window-to-wall ratio, and thermal performance of the building envelope. The BEM library is utilized to retrieve energy models that match the target building’s characteristics, serving as reference information for the large language model to enhance the accuracy and relevance of the generated model, allowing for the creation of a building energy model that adapts to the user’s modeling requirements. This study enables the automatic creation of building energy models based on natural language inputs, reducing the professional expertise required for model development while significantly decreasing the time and complexity of manual configuration. In summary, this study provides an efficient and intelligent solution for building energy analysis and simulation, demonstrating the potential of a large language model in the field of building simulation and performance modeling.Keywords: artificial intelligence, building energy modelling, building simulation, large language model
Procedia PDF Downloads 2818408 An Improved Model of Estimation Global Solar Irradiation from in situ Data: Case of Oran Algeria Region
Authors: Houcine Naim, Abdelatif Hassini, Noureddine Benabadji, Alex Van Den Bossche
In this paper, two models to estimate the overall monthly average daily radiation on a horizontal surface were applied to the site of Oran (35.38 ° N, 0.37 °W). We present a comparison between the first one is a regression equation of the Angstrom type and the second model is developed by the present authors some modifications were suggested using as input parameters: the astronomical parameters as (latitude, longitude, and altitude) and meteorological parameters as (relative humidity). The comparisons are made using the mean bias error (MBE), root mean square error (RMSE), mean percentage error (MPE), and mean absolute bias error (MABE). This comparison shows that the second model is closer to the experimental values that the model of Angstrom.Keywords: meteorology, global radiation, Angstrom model, Oran
Procedia PDF Downloads 23418407 The Role of Information and Communication Technology to Enhance Transparency in Public Funds Management in the DR Congo
Authors: Itulelo Matiyabu Imaja, Manoj Maharaj, Patrick Ndayizigamiye
Lack of transparency in public funds management is observed in many African countries. The DR Congo is among the most corrupted countries in Africa, and this is due mainly to lack of transparency and accountability in public funds management. Corruption has a negative effect on the welfare of the country’s citizens and the national economic growth. Public funds collection and allocation are the major areas whereby malpractices such as bribe, extortion, embezzlement, nepotism and other practices related to corruption are prevalent. Hence, there is a need to implement strong mechanisms to enforce transparency in public funds management. Many researchers have suggested some control mechanisms in curbing corruption in public funds management focusing mainly on law enforcement and administrative reforms with little or no insight on the role that ICT can play in preventing and curbing the corrupt behaviour. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), there are slight indications that the government of the DR Congo is integrating ICT to fight corruption in public funds collection and allocation. However, such government initiatives are at an infancy stage, with no tangible evidence on how ICT could be used effectively to address the issue of corruption in the context of the country. Hence, this research assesses the role that ICT can play for transparency in public funds management and suggest a framework for its adoption in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This research uses the revised Capability model (Capability, Empowerment, Sustainability model) as the guiding theoretical framework. The study uses the exploratory design methodology coupled with a qualitative approach to data collection and purposive sampling as sampling strategy.Keywords: corruption, DR congo, ICT, management, public funds, transparency
Procedia PDF Downloads 35118406 Expert Review on Conceptual Design Model of Assistive Courseware for Low Vision (AC4LV) Learners
Authors: Nurulnadwan Aziz, Ariffin Abdul Mutalib, Siti Mahfuzah Sarif
This paper reports an ongoing project regarding the development of Conceptual Design Model of Assistive Courseware for Low Vision (AC4LV) learners. Having developed the intended model, it has to be validated prior to producing it as guidance for the developers to develop an AC4LV. This study requires two phases of validation process which are through expert review and prototyping method. This paper presents a part of the validation process which is findings from experts review on Conceptual Design Model of AC4LV which has been carried out through a questionnaire. Results from 12 international and local experts from various respectable fields in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) were discussed and justified. In a nutshell, reviewed Conceptual Design Model of AC4LV was formed. Future works of this study are to validate the reviewed model through prototyping method prior to testing it to the targeted users.Keywords: assistive courseware, conceptual design model, expert review, low vision learners
Procedia PDF Downloads 54718405 Dark Heritage Tourism and Visitor Behaviour: The Case of Elmina Castle, Ghana
Authors: Girish Prayag, Wantanee Suntikul, Elizabeth Agyeiwaah
Current research on dark tourism largely follows residents’ perspectives with limited evaluations of tourists’ experiences. Unravelling the case of a dark heritage site in Elmina, Ghana, this paper develops a theoretical model to understand the relationships among four constructs namely, motivation, tourism impacts, place attachment, and satisfaction. Based on a sample of 414 domestic tourists, PLS-SEM confirmed several relationships and inter-relationships among the four constructs. For example, motivation had a positive relationship with perceptions of positive and negative tourism impacts suggesting that the more tourists were motivated to visit the site for cultural/learning experiences, the more positive and negative tourism impacts they perceived. Implications for dark tourism and heritage site management are offered.Keywords: dark tourism, motivation, place attachment, tourism impacts
Procedia PDF Downloads 43418404 Application of Model Tree in the Prediction of TBM Rate of Penetration with Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique
Authors: Ehsan Mehryaar
The rate of penetration is (RoP) one of the vital factors in the cost and time of tunnel boring projects; therefore, predicting it can lead to a substantial increase in the efficiency of the project. RoP is heavily dependent geological properties of the project site and TBM properties. In this study, 151-point data from Queen’s water tunnel is collected, which includes unconfined compression strength, peak slope index, angle with weak planes, and distance between planes of weaknesses. Since the size of the data is small, it was observed that it is imbalanced. To solve that problem synthetic minority oversampling technique is utilized. The model based on the model tree is proposed, where each leaf consists of a support vector machine model. Proposed model performance is then compared to existing empirical equations in the literature.Keywords: Model tree, SMOTE, rate of penetration, TBM(tunnel boring machine), SVM
Procedia PDF Downloads 17418403 A Critical Discourse Analysis: Embedded Inequalities in the UK Disability Social Security System
Authors: Cara Williams
In 2006, the UK Labour government published a Green Paper introducing Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) as a replacement for Incapacity Benefit (IB), as well as a new Work Capability Assessment (WCA); signalling a controversial political and economic shift in disability welfare policy. In 2016, the Conservative government published Improving Lives: The Work, Health, and Disability Green Paper, as part of their social reform agenda, evidently to address the ‘injustice’ of the ‘disability employment gap’. This paper contextualises ESA in the wider ideology and rhetoric of ‘welfare to work’, ‘dependency’ and ‘responsibility’. Using the British ‘social model of disability’ as a theoretical framework, the study engages in a critical discourse analysis of these two Green Papers. By uncovering the medicalised conceptions embedded in the texts, the analysis has revealed ESA is linked with late capitalisms concern with the ‘disability category’.Keywords: disability, employment, social security, welfare
Procedia PDF Downloads 16818402 Y-Y’ Calculus in Physical Sciences and Engineering with Particular Reference to Fundamentals of Soil Consolidation
Authors: Sudhir Kumar Tewatia, Kanishck Tewatia, Anttriksh Tewatia
Advancements in soil consolidation are discussed, and further improvements are proposed with particular reference to Tewatia’s Y-Y’ Approach, which is called the Settlement versus Rate of Settlement Approach in consolidation. A branch of calculus named Y-Y' (or y versus dy/dx) is suggested (as compared to the common X-Y', x versus dy/dx, dy/dx versus x or Newton-Leibniz branch) that solves some complicated/unsolved theoretical and practical problems in physical sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, and allied sciences) and engineering in an amazingly simple and short manner, particularly when independent variable X is unknown and X-Y' Approach can’t be used. Complicated theoretical and practical problems in 1D, 2D, 3D Primary and Secondary consolidations with non-uniform gradual loading and irregularly shaped clays are solved with elementary school level Y-Y' Approach, and it is interesting to note that in X-Y' Approach, equations become more difficult while we move from one to three dimensions, but in Y-Y' Approach even 2D/3D equations are very simple to derive, solve, and use; rather easier sometimes. This branch of calculus will have a far-reaching impact on understanding and solving the problems in different fields of physical sciences and engineering that were hitherto unsolved or difficult to be solved by normal calculus/numerical/computer methods. Some particular cases from soil consolidation that basically creeps and diffusion equations in isolation and in combination with each other are taken for comparison with heat transfer. The Y-Y’ Approach can similarly be applied in wave equations and other fields wherever normal calculus works or fails. Soil mechanics uses mathematical analogies from other fields of physical sciences and engineering to solve theoretical and practical problems; for example, consolidation theory is a replica of the heat equation from thermodynamics with the addition of the effective stress principle. An attempt is made to give them mathematical analogies.Keywords: calculus, clay, consolidation, creep, diffusion, heat, settlement
Procedia PDF Downloads 9618401 Influence of Entrepreneurial Passion in the Relationship between the Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Intention: The Case of Moroccan Students
Authors: Soukaina Boutaky, Abdelhak Sahibeddine
A study was carried out among students who have especially a scientific and technical educational background and who had opportunities to benefit from a program entrepreneurship course of 50 hours; at Higher School of Technology Khenifra, Morocco. This article has as a goal to explain the relationship between entrepreneurial education, entrepreneurial passion and entrepreneurial intention. The authors chose Bandura’s theory of social cognition as a theoretical framework. The modeling methods equation is adopted to analyze the hypotheses by SMART PLS for 188 students. The results show a strong positive relationship between entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial passion. They also reveal that entrepreneurship education affects entrepreneurial intention through the effect of entrepreneurial passion, particularly among women than men. In addition, this study contributes in a theoretical way to the level of the relationship between entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial passion, and these results provide educators and public decision-makers with advice on the importance of entrepreneurship training based on emotional traits such as passion; which constitutes a key and essential element to encourage young graduates to choose an entrepreneurial career as an alternative option or to develop entrepreneurial passion among the business leaders of tomorrow.Keywords: entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial passion, entrepreneurial intention, equation modeling methods
Procedia PDF Downloads 19418400 An Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation of Human Muscle
Authors: Sina Saadati, Mohammadreza Razzazi
In this article, we have tried to present an agent-based model of human muscle. A suitable model of muscle is necessary for the analysis of mankind's movements. It can be used by clinical researchers who study the influence of motion sicknesses, like Parkinson's disease. It is also useful in the development of a prosthesis that receives the electromyography signals and generates force as a reaction. Since we have focused on computational efficiency in this research, the model can compute the calculations very fast. As far as it concerns prostheses, the model can be known as a charge-efficient method. In this paper, we are about to illustrate an agent-based model. Then, we will use it to simulate the human gait cycle. This method can also be done reversely in the analysis of gait in motion sicknesses.Keywords: agent-based modeling and simulation, human muscle, gait cycle, motion sickness
Procedia PDF Downloads 11418399 Predictive Analytics for Theory Building
Authors: Ho-Won Jung, Donghun Lee, Hyung-Jin Kim
Predictive analytics (data analysis) uses a subset of measurements (the features, predictor, or independent variable) to predict another measurement (the outcome, target, or dependent variable) on a single person or unit. It applies empirical methods in statistics, operations research, and machine learning to predict the future, or otherwise unknown events or outcome on a single or person or unit, based on patterns in data. Most analyses of metabolic syndrome are not predictive analytics but statistical explanatory studies that build a proposed model (theory building) and then validate metabolic syndrome predictors hypothesized (theory testing). A proposed theoretical model forms with causal hypotheses that specify how and why certain empirical phenomena occur. Predictive analytics and explanatory modeling have their own territories in analysis. However, predictive analytics can perform vital roles in explanatory studies, i.e., scientific activities such as theory building, theory testing, and relevance assessment. In the context, this study is to demonstrate how to use our predictive analytics to support theory building (i.e., hypothesis generation). For the purpose, this study utilized a big data predictive analytics platform TM based on a co-occurrence graph. The co-occurrence graph is depicted with nodes (e.g., items in a basket) and arcs (direct connections between two nodes), where items in a basket are fully connected. A cluster is a collection of fully connected items, where the specific group of items has co-occurred in several rows in a data set. Clusters can be ranked using importance metrics, such as node size (number of items), frequency, surprise (observed frequency vs. expected), among others. The size of a graph can be represented by the numbers of nodes and arcs. Since the size of a co-occurrence graph does not depend directly on the number of observations (transactions), huge amounts of transactions can be represented and processed efficiently. For a demonstration, a total of 13,254 metabolic syndrome training data is plugged into the analytics platform to generate rules (potential hypotheses). Each observation includes 31 predictors, for example, associated with sociodemographic, habits, and activities. Some are intentionally included to get predictive analytics insights on variable selection such as cancer examination, house type, and vaccination. The platform automatically generates plausible hypotheses (rules) without statistical modeling. Then the rules are validated with an external testing dataset including 4,090 observations. Results as a kind of inductive reasoning show potential hypotheses extracted as a set of association rules. Most statistical models generate just one estimated equation. On the other hand, a set of rules (many estimated equations from a statistical perspective) in this study may imply heterogeneity in a population (i.e., different subpopulations with unique features are aggregated). Next step of theory development, i.e., theory testing, statistically tests whether a proposed theoretical model is a plausible explanation of a phenomenon interested in. If hypotheses generated are tested statistically with several thousand observations, most of the variables will become significant as the p-values approach zero. Thus, theory validation needs statistical methods utilizing a part of observations such as bootstrap resampling with an appropriate sample size.Keywords: explanatory modeling, metabolic syndrome, predictive analytics, theory building
Procedia PDF Downloads 27718398 Ground Motion Modeling Using the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator
Authors: Yildiz Stella Dak, Jale Tezcan
Ground motion models that relate a strong motion parameter of interest to a set of predictive seismological variables describing the earthquake source, the propagation path of the seismic wave, and the local site conditions constitute a critical component of seismic hazard analyses. When a sufficient number of strong motion records are available, ground motion relations are developed using statistical analysis of the recorded ground motion data. In regions lacking a sufficient number of recordings, a synthetic database is developed using stochastic, theoretical or hybrid approaches. Regardless of the manner the database was developed, ground motion relations are developed using regression analysis. Development of a ground motion relation is a challenging process which inevitably requires the modeler to make subjective decisions regarding the inclusion criteria of the recordings, the functional form of the model and the set of seismological variables to be included in the model. Because these decisions are critically important to the validity and the applicability of the model, there is a continuous interest on procedures that will facilitate the development of ground motion models. This paper proposes the use of the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) in selecting the set predictive seismological variables to be used in developing a ground motion relation. The LASSO can be described as a penalized regression technique with a built-in capability of variable selection. Similar to the ridge regression, the LASSO is based on the idea of shrinking the regression coefficients to reduce the variance of the model. Unlike ridge regression, where the coefficients are shrunk but never set equal to zero, the LASSO sets some of the coefficients exactly to zero, effectively performing variable selection. Given a set of candidate input variables and the output variable of interest, LASSO allows ranking the input variables in terms of their relative importance, thereby facilitating the selection of the set of variables to be included in the model. Because the risk of overfitting increases as the ratio of the number of predictors to the number of recordings increases, selection of a compact set of variables is important in cases where a small number of recordings are available. In addition, identification of a small set of variables can improve the interpretability of the resulting model, especially when there is a large number of candidate predictors. A practical application of the proposed approach is presented, using more than 600 recordings from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) database, where the effect of a set of seismological predictors on the 5% damped maximum direction spectral acceleration is investigated. The set of candidate predictors considered are Magnitude, Rrup, Vs30. Using LASSO, the relative importance of the candidate predictors has been ranked. Regression models with increasing levels of complexity were constructed using one, two, three, and four best predictors, and the models’ ability to explain the observed variance in the target variable have been compared. The bias-variance trade-off in the context of model selection is discussed.Keywords: ground motion modeling, least absolute shrinkage and selection operator, penalized regression, variable selection
Procedia PDF Downloads 33018397 Multinomial Dirichlet Gaussian Process Model for Classification of Multidimensional Data
Authors: Wanhyun Cho, Soonja Kang, Sanggoon Kim, Soonyoung Park
We present probabilistic multinomial Dirichlet classification model for multidimensional data and Gaussian process priors. Here, we have considered an efficient computational method that can be used to obtain the approximate posteriors for latent variables and parameters needed to define the multiclass Gaussian process classification model. We first investigated the process of inducing a posterior distribution for various parameters and latent function by using the variational Bayesian approximations and important sampling method, and next we derived a predictive distribution of latent function needed to classify new samples. The proposed model is applied to classify the synthetic multivariate dataset in order to verify the performance of our model. Experiment result shows that our model is more accurate than the other approximation methods.Keywords: multinomial dirichlet classification model, Gaussian process priors, variational Bayesian approximation, importance sampling, approximate posterior distribution, marginal likelihood evidence
Procedia PDF Downloads 44518396 The Use of Haar Wavelet Mother Signal Tool for Performance Analysis Response of Distillation Column (Application to Moroccan Case Study)
Authors: Mahacine Amrani
This paper aims at reviewing some Moroccan industrial applications of wavelet especially in the dynamic identification of a process model using Haar wavelet mother response. Two recent Moroccan study cases are described using dynamic data originated by a distillation column and an industrial polyethylene process plant. The purpose of the wavelet scheme is to build on-line dynamic models. In both case studies, a comparison is carried out between the Haar wavelet mother response model and a linear difference equation model. Finally it concludes, on the base of the comparison of the process performances and the best responses, which may be useful to create an estimated on-line internal model control and its application towards model-predictive controllers (MPC). All calculations were implemented using AutoSignal Software.Keywords: process performance, model, wavelets, Haar, Moroccan
Procedia PDF Downloads 31818395 Application of Waterflooding to the Kashkari Oil Field in Northern Afghanistan
Authors: Zabihullah Mahdi, Mahdi Nayab, Sadaf Jalal, Navid Seddiqi
Hydrocarbons represent an important natural resource for the rehabilitation and sustainable development of Afghanistan. In this paper, the use of waterflooding is demonstrated for the petroleum reservoirs of the Kashkari oil field in northern Afghanistan. The technique is based on the Buckley–Leverett frontal-displacement theory, which enables computation of the progress of the waterfront in the reservoir. The relative permeabilities of oil and water, the residual oil saturation, and the irreducible water saturation are obtained from a laboratory experiment. The technique is applied to the laboratory plane-reservoir model to investigate the displacement mechanism and is then compared with the theoretical calculation. Lastly, the technique is applied to the Kashkari oil field to predict the feasible amount of oil that could be produced from this reservoir.Keywords: Buckley–Leverett, waterflooding, petroleum reservoir engineering, two-phase flow, immiscible displacement, porous media, relative permeability
Procedia PDF Downloads 20518394 The Cross-cultural Adaptation Experience of Foreign Scholars in China
Authors: Jiexiu Chen
This research aims to examine several vital issues relating to the foreign scholars’ cross-cultural adaptation in China, including how they perceive about the adaptation process, what the affecting factors are in the adaptation, and which strategies they will apply to deal with perceived cultural differences. The target population of this research is academics regularly working or long-term visiting in these joint colleges, and semi-structured interviews are used in data collection. Moreover, the theoretical perspectives mainly include Ward’s sociocultural and psychological adaptation theory, Berry’s adaptation strategies and Black and his colleague’s expatriate’s adjustment model. This research offers an in-depth profile as well as theory-based analysis about this unique group, and the results of this research are profound in offering directory suggestions for foreign scholars to facilitate their adaptation in China better and for the Chinese universities to eliminate intercultural obstacles, and optimize the international cooperation programs in China.Keywords: cross-cultural adaptation, foreign scholars, expatriates
Procedia PDF Downloads 42518393 Model Estimation and Error Level for Okike’s Merged Irregular Transposition Cipher
Authors: Okike Benjamin, Garba E. J. D.
The researcher has developed a new encryption technique known as Merged Irregular Transposition Cipher. In this cipher method of encryption, a message to be encrypted is split into parts and each part encrypted separately. Before the encrypted message is transmitted to the recipient(s), the positions of the split in the encrypted messages could be swapped to ensure more security. This work seeks to develop a model by considering the split number, S and the average number of characters per split, L as the message under consideration is split from 2 through 10. Again, after developing the model, the error level in the model would be determined.Keywords: merged irregular transposition, error level, model estimation, message splitting
Procedia PDF Downloads 31418392 3D Multimedia Model for Educational Design Engineering
Authors: Mohanaad Talal Shakir
This paper tries to propose educational design by using multimedia technology for Engineering of computer Technology, Alma'ref University College in Iraq. This paper evaluates the acceptance, cognition, and interactiveness of the proposed model by students by using the statistical relationship to determine the stage of the model. Objectives of proposed education design are to develop a user-friendly software for education purposes using multimedia technology and to develop animation for 3D model to simulate assembling and disassembling process of high-speed flow.Keywords: CAL, multimedia, shock tunnel, interactivity, engineering education
Procedia PDF Downloads 62318391 Moral Identity and Moral Attentiveness as Predictors of Ethical Leadership in Financial Sector
Authors: Pilar Gamarra Gamarra, Michele Girotto
In the expanding field of leaders’ ethical behavior research, little attention has been paid to the association between finance leaders’ ethical traits (beyond personality) and ethical leadership, and more importantly, how these ethical characteristics can be predictors of ethical behavior at the leadership level in the financial sector. In this study, we tested a theoretical model based on uponsocial cognitive theory (Bandura, 1986) and the cognitive-developmental model (Piaget, 1932) to examine leaders’ moral identity and moral attentiveness as antecedents of ethical leadership. After the 2008 economic crisis, the marketplace has awakened to the potential dangers of unethical behavior. The unethical behavior of the leaders of the financial sector was identified as guilty of this economic catastrophe. For that reason, it seems increasingly prudent for organizations to have leaders who are cognitively inclined toward ethical behavior. This evidence suggests that moral attentiveness and moral identity is perhaps one way of identifying those kinds of leaders. For leaders who are morally attentive and have a high moral identity, themes of ethics interventions are consistent with their way of seeing the word. As a result, these leaders could become critical components of change in organizations and could provide the energy and skills necessary for these efforts to be successful. Ethical behavior of leader from the financial sector and marketing sectors must be joined to manage the change. In this study, a leader’s moral identity, leader’s moral attentiveness, and self-importance of Ethical Leadership are measured for financial and marketing leaders to be compared to determine the relationship between the three variables in each sector. Other conclusion related to gender, educational level or generation are obtained.Keywords: ethical leadership, moral identity, moral attentiveness, financial leaders, marketing leaders, ethical behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 17718390 Determining Factors for Opening Accounts, Customers’ Perception and Their Satisfaction Level Towards the First Security Islamic Bank of Bangladesh
Authors: Md. Akiz Uddin
This research attempted to identify the determining factors that extensively persuaded customers of the First Security Islamic Bank Limited (FSIBL) to open accounts and their perception and satisfaction level towards it. Initially, a theoretical model was established based on existing literature reviews. After that, a self-administered structured questionnaire was developed, and data were collected from 180 customers of the FSIBL of Bangladesh using purposive sampling technique. The collected data were later analyzed through a statistical software. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to verify the model of the study and test the hypotheses. The study particularly examined the determinants of opening accounts, customers’ perception and their satisfaction level towards the bank on several factors like the bank’s compliance with Shariah law, use of modern technology, assurance, reliability, empathy, profitability, and responsiveness. To examine the impact of religious belief on being FSIBL clients, the study also investigates non-Muslim clients’ perception about FSIBL. The study focused on FSIBL customers only from five branches of Dhaka city. The study found that the religious beliefs is the most significant factors for Muslim customers for considering FSIBL to open an account, and they are satisfied with the services, too. However, for non-Muslim customers, other benefits like E-banking, various user-friendly services are the most significant factors for choosing FSIBL. Their satisfaction level is also statistically significant. Furthermore, even if the non- Muslim customers didn’t consider religious beliefs as determinant factors for choosing FSIBL, the respondents informed that they have trust that people who believe in shariah law are more reliable to keep money with them. These findings open up the avenue for future researchers to conduct more study in this area through employing a larger sample size and more branches and extending the current model by incorporating new variables. The study will be an important addition to the potentials of Islamic banking system, literature of service quality and customer satisfaction level, particularly in the success of Islamic banking system in Bangladesh.Keywords: islamic banking, customers’ satisfaction, customers’ perception, shariah law
Procedia PDF Downloads 7618389 Diagnostic Assessment for Mastery Learning of Engineering Students with a Bayesian Network Model
Authors: Zhidong Zhang, Yingchen Yang
In this study, a diagnostic assessment model for Mastery Engineering Learning was established based on a group of undergraduate students who studied in an engineering course. A diagnostic assessment model can examine both students' learning process and report achievement results. One very unique characteristic is that the diagnostic assessment model can recognize the errors and anything blocking students in their learning processes. The feedback is provided to help students to know how to solve the learning problems with alternative strategies and help the instructor to find alternative pedagogical strategies in the instructional designs. Dynamics is a core course in which is a common course being shared by several engineering programs. This course is a very challenging for engineering students to solve the problems. Thus knowledge acquisition and problem-solving skills are crucial for student success. Therefore, developing an effective and valid assessment model for student learning are of great importance. Diagnostic assessment is such a model which can provide effective feedback for both students and instructor in the mastery of engineering learning.Keywords: diagnostic assessment, mastery learning, engineering, bayesian network model, learning processes
Procedia PDF Downloads 15318388 A Combined Error Control with Forward Euler Method for Dynamical Systems
Authors: R. Vigneswaran, S. Thilakanathan
Variable time-stepping algorithms for solving dynamical systems performed poorly for long time computations which pass close to a fixed point. To overcome this difficulty, several authors considered phase space error controls for numerical simulation of dynamical systems. In one generalized phase space error control, a step-size selection scheme was proposed, which allows this error control to be incorporated into the standard adaptive algorithm as an extra constraint at negligible extra computational cost. For this generalized error control, it was already analyzed the forward Euler method applied to the linear system whose coefficient matrix has real and negative eigenvalues. In this paper, this result was extended to the linear system whose coefficient matrix has complex eigenvalues with negative real parts. Some theoretical results were obtained and numerical experiments were carried out to support the theoretical results.Keywords: adaptivity, fixed point, long time simulations, stability, linear system
Procedia PDF Downloads 31218387 Modelling Residential Space Heating Energy for Romania
Authors: Ion Smeureanu, Adriana Reveiu, Marian Dardala, Titus Felix Furtuna, Roman Kanala
This paper proposes a linear model for optimizing domestic energy consumption, in Romania. Both techno-economic and consumer behavior approaches have been considered, in order to develop the model. The proposed model aims to reduce the energy consumption, in households, by assembling in a unitary model, aspects concerning: residential lighting, space heating, hot water, and combined space heating – hot water, space cooling, and passenger transport. This paper focuses on space heating domestic energy consumption model, and quantify not only technical-economic issues, but also consumer behavior impact, related to people decision to envelope and insulate buildings, in order to minimize energy consumption.Keywords: consumer behavior, open source energy modeling system (OSeMOSYS), MARKAL/TIMES Romanian energy model, virtual technologies
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