Search results for: adaptive computer games
2890 An Adaptive Conversational AI Approach for Self-Learning
Authors: Airy Huang, Fuji Foo, Aries Prasetya Wibowo
In recent years, the focus of Natural Language Processing (NLP) development has been gradually shifting from the semantics-based approach to deep learning one, which performs faster with fewer resources. Although it performs well in many applications, the deep learning approach, due to the lack of semantics understanding, has difficulties in noticing and expressing a novel business case with a pre-defined scope. In order to meet the requirements of specific robotic services, deep learning approach is very labor-intensive and time consuming. It is very difficult to improve the capabilities of conversational AI in a short time, and it is even more difficult to self-learn from experiences to deliver the same service in a better way. In this paper, we present an adaptive conversational AI algorithm that combines both semantic knowledge and deep learning to address this issue by learning new business cases through conversations. After self-learning from experience, the robot adapts to the business cases originally out of scope. The idea is to build new or extended robotic services in a systematic and fast-training manner with self-configured programs and constructed dialog flows. For every cycle in which a chat bot (conversational AI) delivers a given set of business cases, it is trapped to self-measure its performance and rethink every unknown dialog flows to improve the service by retraining with those new business cases. If the training process reaches a bottleneck and incurs some difficulties, human personnel will be informed of further instructions. He or she may retrain the chat bot with newly configured programs, or new dialog flows for new services. One approach employs semantics analysis to learn the dialogues for new business cases and then establish the necessary ontology for the new service. With the newly learned programs, it completes the understanding of the reaction behavior and finally uses dialog flows to connect all the understanding results and programs, achieving the goal of self-learning process. We have developed a chat bot service mounted on a kiosk, with a camera for facial recognition and a directional microphone array for voice capture. The chat bot serves as a concierge with polite conversation for visitors. As a proof of concept. We have demonstrated to complete 90% of reception services with limited self-learning capability.Keywords: conversational AI, chatbot, dialog management, semantic analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1362889 An Accurate Computer-Aided Diagnosis: CAD System for Diagnosis of Aortic Enlargement by Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Authors: Mahdi Bazarganigilani
Aortic enlargement, also known as an aortic aneurysm, can occur when the walls of the aorta become weak. This disease can become deadly if overlooked and undiagnosed. In this paper, a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system was introduced to accurately diagnose aortic enlargement from chest x-ray images. An enhanced convolutional neural network (CNN) was employed and then trained by transfer learning by using three different main areas from the original images. The areas included the left lung, heart, and right lung. The accuracy of the system was then evaluated on 1001 samples by using 4-fold cross-validation. A promising accuracy of 90% was achieved in terms of the F-measure indicator. The results showed using different areas from the original image in the training phase of CNN could increase the accuracy of predictions. This encouraged the author to evaluate this method on a larger dataset and even on different CAD systems for further enhancement of this methodology.Keywords: computer-aided diagnosis systems, aortic enlargement, chest X-ray, image processing, convolutional neural networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 1642888 Embedding Employability Skills in Computer and Information Science Program Curriculum
Authors: Nadezda Pizika
The paper discusses possible approaches of embedding the development of employability skills in the program curriculum. This paper contains analysis of the problem areas raised by employers regarding new graduates’ readiness to join workforce, the ways of possible improvements, and the actions required from different stakeholders. The case discussed in the paper is related to Computer and Information Science (CIS) Program offered at Higher Colleges of Technology (UAE).Keywords: curriculum design, employability skills, employers, graduates, education, entrepreneurship
Procedia PDF Downloads 3262887 Governance of Climate Adaptation Through Artificial Glacier Technology: Lessons Learnt from Leh (Ladakh, India) In North-West Himalaya
Authors: Ishita Singh
Social-dimension of Climate Change is no longer peripheral to Science, Technology and Innovation (STI). Indeed, STI is being mobilized to address small farmers’ vulnerability and adaptation to Climate Change. The experiences from the cold desert of Leh (Ladakh) in North-West Himalaya illustrate the potential of STI to address the challenges of Climate Change and the needs of small farmers through the use of Artificial Glacier Techniques. Small farmers have a unique technique of water harvesting to augment irrigation, called “Artificial Glaciers” - an intricate network of water channels and dams along the upper slope of a valley that are located closer to villages and at lower altitudes than natural glaciers. It starts to melt much earlier and supplements additional irrigation to small farmers’ improving their livelihoods. Therefore, the issue of vulnerability, adaptive capacity and adaptation strategy needs to be analyzed in a local context and the communities as well as regions where people live. Leh (Ladakh) in North-West Himalaya provides a Case Study for exploring the ways in which adaptation to Climate Change is taking place at a community scale using Artificial Glacier Technology. With the above backdrop, an attempt has been made to analyze the rural poor households' vulnerability and adaptation practices to Climate Change using this technology, thereby drawing lessons on vulnerability-livelihood interactions in the cold desert of Leh (Ladakh) in North-West Himalaya, India. The study is based on primary data and information collected from 675 households confined to 27 villages of Leh (Ladakh) in North-West Himalaya, India. It reveals that 61.18% of the population is driving livelihoods from agriculture and allied activities. With increased irrigation potential due to the use of Artificial Glaciers, food security has been assured to 77.56% of households and health vulnerability has been reduced in 31% of households. Seasonal migration as a livelihood diversification mechanism has declined in nearly two-thirds of households, thereby improving livelihood strategies. Use of tactical adaptations by small farmers in response to persistent droughts, such as selling livestock, expanding agriculture lands, and use of relief cash and foods, have declined to 20.44%, 24.74% and 63% of households. However, these measures are unsustainable on a long-term basis. The role of policymakers and societal stakeholders becomes important in this context. To address livelihood challenges, the role of technology is critical in a multidisciplinary approach involving multilateral collaboration among different stakeholders. The presence of social entrepreneurs and new actors on the adaptation scene is necessary to bring forth adaptation measures. Better linkage between Science and Technology policies, together with other policies, should be encouraged. Better health care, access to safe drinking water, better sanitary conditions, and improved standards of education and infrastructure are effective measures to enhance a community’s adaptive capacity. However, social transfers for supporting climate adaptive capacity require significant amounts of additional investment. Developing institutional mechanisms for specific adaptation interventions can be one of the most effective ways of implementing a plan to enhance adaptation and build resilience.Keywords: climate change, adaptation, livelihood, stakeholders
Procedia PDF Downloads 702886 Transformation of the Traditional Landscape of Kabul Old City: A Study for Its Conservation
Authors: Mohammad Umar Azizi, Tetsuya Ando
This study investigates the transformation of the traditional landscape of Kabul Old City through an examination of five case study areas. Based on physical observation, three types of houses are found: traditional, mixed and modern. Firstly, characteristics of the houses are described according to construction materials and the number of stories. Secondly, internal and external factors are considered in order to implement a conservation plan. Finally, an adaptive conservation plan is suggested to protect the traditional landscape of Kabul Old City.Keywords: conservation, district 1, Kabul Old City, landscape, transformation, traditional houses
Procedia PDF Downloads 2242885 Quick Reference: Cyber Attacks Awareness and Prevention Method for Home Users
Authors: Haydar Teymourlouei
It is important to take security measures to protect your computer information, reduce identify theft, and prevent from malicious cyber-attacks. With cyber-attacks on the continuous rise, people need to understand and learn ways to prevent from these attacks. Cyber-attack is an important factor to be considered if one is to be able to protect oneself from malicious attacks. Without proper security measures, most computer technology would hinder home users more than such technologies would help. Knowledge of how cyber-attacks operate and protective steps that can be taken to reduce chances of its occurrence are key to increasing these security measures. The purpose of this paper is to inform home users on the importance of identifying and taking preventive steps to avoid cyberattacks. Throughout this paper, many aspects of cyber-attacks will be discuss: what a cyber-attack is, the affects of cyber-attack for home users, different types of cyber-attacks, methodology to prevent such attacks; home users can take to fortify security of their computer.Keywords: cyber-attacks, home user, prevention, security, technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 3982884 A Comparative Study of the Challenges of E-Learning in Nigerian Universities
Authors: J. N. Anene, A. A. Bello, C. C. Anene
The paper carried out a comparative study of the challenges of e-learning in Nigerian universities. The purpose of the study was to determine if there was a significant difference in the challenges faced by students in e-learning in Nigerian Universities. A total of two hundred and twenty-eight students from nine universities constituted the sample for the study. A simple random sampling technique was employed in selecting thirty–two students from one of each university in the six geo-political zones of Nigeria. The questionnaire based on 'yes or no' and column charts constituted the instrument employed in the study. Percentages were used to analyse 'yes or no' while column charts were used to compare responds of the students. The finding of the study revealed that majority of students in all the universities under study claimed that their universities lacked appropriate software, that good quality educational content online was lacking, they also agreed that sustainability of e-learning was not prioritized, that they had no access to appropriate content for ICT-enhanced learning and training and that they had access to affordable and reliable computers. For lecturers, the computer certification should be the first on the list of promotion requirements. The finding of the study revealed that students from seven out of nine universities confirmed that their universities lack of appropriate software whereas the other two claimed that they have appropriate software. Also, out of nine universities, two disagreed to the fact that good quality educational content online lacked, whereas seven agreed that they lacked good quality educational content online. The finding of the study also revealed that most of the respondents in almost all the university under study agreed that sustainability of e-learning was not prioritized. The study recommended among other that the Nigerian Government should make concerted effort to provide the enablement for all lecturers and students to become computer literate. This should be done within a time frame, and at the end of the computer course, certificates should be issued, and no student should graduate in his or her field of study without passing the computer course.Keywords: e-learning, developing countries, computer literacy, ICT
Procedia PDF Downloads 3372883 Generalization of Zhou Fixed Point Theorem
Authors: Yu Lu
Fixed point theory is a basic tool for the study of the existence of Nash equilibria in game theory. This paper presents a significant generalization of the Veinott-Zhou fixed point theorem for increasing correspondences, which serves as an essential framework for investigating the existence of Nash equilibria in supermodular and quasisupermodular games. To establish our proofs, we explore different conceptions of multivalued increasingness and provide comprehensive results concerning the existence of the largest/least fixed point. We provide two distinct approaches to the proof, each offering unique insights and advantages. These advancements not only extend the applicability of the Veinott-Zhou theorem to a broader range of economic scenarios but also enhance the theoretical framework for analyzing equilibrium behavior in complex game-theoretic models. Our findings pave the way for future research in the development of more sophisticated models of economic behavior and strategic interaction.Keywords: fixed-point, Tarski’s fixed-point theorem, Nash equilibrium, supermodular game
Procedia PDF Downloads 572882 A Review of Deep Learning Methods in Computer-Aided Detection and Diagnosis Systems based on Whole Mammogram and Ultrasound Scan Classification
Authors: Ian Omung'a
Breast cancer remains to be one of the deadliest cancers for women worldwide, with the risk of developing tumors being as high as 50 percent in Sub-Saharan African countries like Kenya. With as many as 42 percent of these cases set to be diagnosed late when cancer has metastasized and or the prognosis has become terminal, Full Field Digital [FFD] Mammography remains an effective screening technique that leads to early detection where in most cases, successful interventions can be made to control or eliminate the tumors altogether. FFD Mammograms have been proven to multiply more effective when used together with Computer-Aided Detection and Diagnosis [CADe] systems, relying on algorithmic implementations of Deep Learning techniques in Computer Vision to carry out deep pattern recognition that is comparable to the level of a human radiologist and decipher whether specific areas of interest in the mammogram scan image portray abnormalities if any and whether these abnormalities are indicative of a benign or malignant tumor. Within this paper, we review emergent Deep Learning techniques that will prove relevant to the development of State-of-The-Art FFD Mammogram CADe systems. These techniques will span self-supervised learning for context-encoded occlusion, self-supervised learning for pre-processing and labeling automation, as well as the creation of a standardized large-scale mammography dataset as a benchmark for CADe systems' evaluation. Finally, comparisons are drawn between existing practices that pre-date these techniques and how the development of CADe systems that incorporate them will be different.Keywords: breast cancer diagnosis, computer aided detection and diagnosis, deep learning, whole mammogram classfication, ultrasound classification, computer vision
Procedia PDF Downloads 932881 Cost Overruns in Mega Projects: Project Progress Prediction with Probabilistic Methods
Authors: Yasaman Ashrafi, Stephen Kajewski, Annastiina Silvennoinen, Madhav Nepal
Mega projects either in construction, urban development or energy sectors are one of the key drivers that build the foundation of wealth and modern civilizations in regions and nations. Such projects require economic justification and substantial capital investment, often derived from individual and corporate investors as well as governments. Cost overruns and time delays in these mega projects demands a new approach to more accurately predict project costs and establish realistic financial plans. The significance of this paper is that the cost efficiency of megaprojects will improve and decrease cost overruns. This research will assist Project Managers (PMs) to make timely and appropriate decisions about both cost and outcomes of ongoing projects. This research, therefore, examines the oil and gas industry where most mega projects apply the classic methods of Cost Performance Index (CPI) and Schedule Performance Index (SPI) and rely on project data to forecast cost and time. Because these projects are always overrun in cost and time even at the early phase of the project, the probabilistic methods of Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) and Bayesian Adaptive Forecasting method were used to predict project cost at completion of projects. The current theoretical and mathematical models which forecast the total expected cost and project completion date, during the execution phase of an ongoing project will be evaluated. Earned Value Management (EVM) method is unable to predict cost at completion of a project accurately due to the lack of enough detailed project information especially in the early phase of the project. During the project execution phase, the Bayesian adaptive forecasting method incorporates predictions into the actual performance data from earned value management and revises pre-project cost estimates, making full use of the available information. The outcome of this research is to improve the accuracy of both cost prediction and final duration. This research will provide a warning method to identify when current project performance deviates from planned performance and crates an unacceptable gap between preliminary planning and actual performance. This warning method will support project managers to take corrective actions on time.Keywords: cost forecasting, earned value management, project control, project management, risk analysis, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4062880 The Effectiveness of Gamified Learning on Student Learning in Computer Science Education: A Systematic Review (2010-2018)
Authors: Shurui Bai, Biyun Huang, Khe Foon Hew
Gamification is defined as the use of game design elements in non-game contexts. The primary purpose of using gamification in an educational context is to engage students in school activities such that their likelihood of completion is increased. But how actually effective is gamification in improving student learning? In order to answer this question, this paper provides a systematic review of prior research studies on gamification in K-12 and university contexts limited to computer science discipline. Unlike other published gamification review works, we specifically analyzed comparison-based studies in quasi-experiment, historical control, and randomization rather than studies with mere anecdotal or phenomenological results. The main purpose for this is to discuss possible causal effects of gamified practices on student performance, behavior change, and perceptual skills following an integrative model. Implications for practice are discussed, along with several suggestions for future research studies.Keywords: computer science, gamification, learning performance, systematic review
Procedia PDF Downloads 1322879 Flexible 3D Virtual Desktop Using Handles for Cloud Environments
Due to the improvement in performance of computer hardware and the development of operating systems, a multi-tasking for several programs has become one of the basic functions to computer users. It is natural for computer users to want more functional, convenient, and visual GUI functions (Graphic User Interface). In this paper, a 3D virtual desktop system was proposed to meet users’ requirements for cloud environments such as a virtual desktop function in the Windows environment. The proposed system uses the handles of the windows to hide or restore several windows. It connects the list of task spaces using the circular double linked list to manage the handles. Each handle list is registered in the corresponding task space being executed. The 3D virtual desktop is efficient and flexible in handling the numbers of task spaces and can help users to work under more comfortable environments. Acknowledgment: This research was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (NRF-2015R1D1A1A01057680).Keywords: virtual desktop, GUI, cloud, virtualization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2102878 Collaborative and Experimental Cultures in Virtual Reality Journalism: From the Perspective of Content Creators
Authors: Radwa Mabrook
Virtual Reality (VR) content creation is a complex and an expensive process, which requires multi-disciplinary teams of content creators. Grant schemes from technology companies help media organisations to explore the VR potential in journalism and factual storytelling. Media organisations try to do as much as they can in-house, but they may outsource due to time constraints and skill availability. Journalists, game developers, sound designers and creative artists work together and bring in new cultures of work. This study explores the collaborative experimental nature of VR content creation, through tracing every actor involved in the process and examining their perceptions of the VR work. The study builds on Actor Network Theory (ANT), which decomposes phenomena into their basic elements and traces the interrelations among them. Therefore, the researcher conducted 22 semi-structured interviews with VR content creators between November 2017 and April 2018. Purposive and snowball sampling techniques allowed the researcher to recruit fact-based VR content creators from production studios and media organisations, as well as freelancers. Interviews lasted up to three hours, and they were a mix of Skype calls and in-person interviews. Participants consented for their interviews to be recorded, and for their names to be revealed in the study. The researcher coded interviews’ transcripts in Nvivo software, looking for key themes that correspond with the research questions. The study revealed that VR content creators must be adaptive to change, open to learn and comfortable with mistakes. The VR content creation process is very iterative because VR has no established work flow or visual grammar. Multi-disciplinary VR team members often speak different languages making it hard to communicate. However, adaptive content creators perceive VR work as a fun experience and an opportunity to learn. The traditional sense of competition and the strive for information exclusivity are now replaced by a strong drive for knowledge sharing. VR content creators are open to share their methods of work and their experiences. They target to build a collaborative network that aims to harness VR technology for journalism and factual storytelling. Indeed, VR is instilling collaborative and experimental cultures in journalism.Keywords: collaborative culture, content creation, experimental culture, virtual reality
Procedia PDF Downloads 1282877 Differences in Activity Patterns between Adult and U-21 Major League Players in Four Field Positions
Authors: U. Harel, E. Carmeli
The Purpose was to measure differences in activity patterns between major league adult and U-21 soccer players. Four U-21 players and four adult team players were evaluated using a repeated measures technique. All eight players were affiliated with the Maccabi Haifa soccer club from the Israeli professional and U-21major leagues, depending on the player’s age. GPS sensors were attached to the players during five consecutive games to identify patterns regarding running distance and speed according to the field positions. There was no significant difference in the total running distances covered by two age groups. When measuring running speed, an advantage was observed in the adult group when comparing two players from different age groups that played the same position. Differences in activity patterns were evident between adult and U-21 major league soccer players. Furthermore, differences in within group activity pattern emerged between the positions under investigation. These findings provide valuable knowledge that may serve the principle of training specificity.Keywords: physical fitness, soccer, positional differences, GPS, training specificity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1552876 The Impact of Sport Tourism on Small Scale Business Development in Sri Lanka
Authors: Vimuckthi Charika Wickramaratne, Prasansha Kumari
Sport tourism refers to travel which involves either observing or participating in a sporting event apart from their usual environment. Sport tourism in a fast growing sector of the Sri Lankan travelling industry since Cricket are more popular sport game in the country. This study intends to analyze the impact of these popular sport events for creating and developing small scale business in the country. Primary data gathered from 100 small entrepreneurs around Keththarama Cricket Ground in Sri Lanka. Collected data analyzed using descriptive research methods. The study revealed that local and international visitors for cricket games had impacted on small scale business activities such as retail, handicraft, transport, vehicle parking, small restaurant, hotels, foods and beverage industry. In addition, it was identified that these type of small business are sessional income generating activities for the short period.Keywords: sport tourism, small scale business, cricket, entrepreneurs
Procedia PDF Downloads 3002875 Public and Private Domains: Contradictions and Covenants in Evolution of Game Policy
Authors: Mingzhu Lyu, Runlei Ren, Xinyu Dai, Jiaxuan Pi, Kanghua Li
The study of video game policy in China has been divided into two branches: "pedagogy" and "game industry". The binary perspective of policy reveals the "contradictory" side of policy performance. Based on this suspicion, this paper constructs a three-dimensional sequence of time, content and institutions of game policy, and establishes the "contradictory" aspects of policy performance between 1949 and 2019. A central-level database of game policies, clarifying that our game policies follow a shift from reactive response to proactive guidance, stigmatization and de-stigmatization, the evolutionary logic. The study found that the central government has always maintained a strict requirement and prudent guidance for game policy, and the deep contradictions in game policy stem from the essential conflict between the natural amusement of games and the seriousness of the educational system, and the Chinese government's use of the understanding of the public and private domains and the Managing of the conflict.Keywords: game industry, gaming policy, public domain, private domain
Procedia PDF Downloads 1492874 Intensive Neurophysiological Rehabilitation System: New Approach for Treatment of Children with Autism
Authors: V. I. Kozyavkin, L. F. Shestopalova, T. B. Voloshyn
Introduction: Rehabilitation of children with Autism is the issue of the day in psychiatry and neurology. It is attributed to constantly increasing quantity of autistic children - Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Existing rehabilitation approaches in treatment of children with Autism improve their medico- social and social- psychological adjustment. Experience of treatment for different kinds of Autistic disorders in International Clinic of Rehabilitation (ICR) reveals the necessity of complex intensive approach for healing this malady and wider implementation of a Kozyavkin method for treatment of children with ASD. Methods: 19 children aged from 3 to 14 years were examined. They were diagnosed ‘Autism’ (F84.0) with comorbid neurological pathology (from pyramidal insufficiency to para- and tetraplegia). All patients underwent rehabilitation in ICR during two weeks, where INRS approach was used. INRS included methods like biomechanical correction of the spine, massage, physical therapy, joint mobilization, wax-paraffin applications. They were supplemented by art- therapy, ergotherapy, rhythmical group exercises, computer game therapy, team Olympic games and other methods for improvement of motivation and social integration of the child. Estimation of efficacy was conducted using parent’s questioning and done twice- on the onset of INRS rehabilitation course and two weeks afterward. For efficacy assessment of rehabilitation of autistic children in ICR standardized tool was used, namely Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC). This scale was selected because any rehabilitation approaches for the child with Autism can be assessed using it. Results: Before the onset of INRS treatment mean score according to ATEC scale was 64,75±9,23, it reveals occurrence in examined children severe communication, speech, socialization and behavioral impairments. After the end of the rehabilitation course, the mean score was 56,5±6,7, what indicates positive dynamics in comparison to the onset of rehabilitation. Generally, improvement of psychoemotional state occurred in 90% of cases. Most significant changes occurred in the scope of speech (16,5 before and 14,5 after the treatment), socialization (15.1 before and 12,5 after) and behavior (20,1 before and 17.4 after). Conclusion: As a result of INRS rehabilitation course reduction of autistic symptoms was noted. Particularly improvements in speech were observed (children began to spell out new syllables, words), there was some decrease in signs of destructiveness, quality of contact with the surrounding people improved, new skills of self-service appeared. The prospect of the study is further, according to evidence- based medicine standards, deeper examination of INRS and assessment of its usefulness in treatment for Autism and ASD.Keywords: intensive neurophysiological rehabilitation system (INRS), international clinic od rehabilitation, ASD, rehabilitation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1692873 Parenting Styles and Their Relation to Videogame Addiction
Authors: Petr Květon, Martin Jelínek
We try to identify the role of various aspects of parenting style in the phenomenon of videogame playing addiction. Relevant self-report questionnaires were part of a wider set of methods focused on the constructs related to videogame playing. The battery of methods was administered in school settings in paper and pencil form. The research sample consisted of 333 (166 males, 167 females) elementary and high school students at the age between 10 and 19 years (m=14.98, sd=1.77). Using stepwise regression analysis, we assessed the influence of demographic variables (gender and age) and parenting styles. Age and gender together explained 26.3% of game addiction variance (F(2,330)=58.81, p<.01). By adding four aspect of parenting styles (inconsistency, involvement, control, and warmth) another 10.2% of variance was explained (∆F(4,326)=13.09, p<.01). The significant predictor was gender of the respondent, where males scored higher on game addiction scale (B=0.70, p<.01), age (β=-0.18, p<.01), where younger children showed higher level of addiction, and parental inconsistency (β=0.30, p<.01), where the higher the inconsistency in upbringing, the more developed game playing addiction.Keywords: gender, parenting styles, video games, addiction
Procedia PDF Downloads 3512872 Advantages of Computer Navigation in Knee Arthroplasty
Authors: Mohammad Ali Al Qatawneh, Bespalchuk Pavel Ivanovich
Computer navigation has been introduced in total knee arthroplasty to improve the accuracy of the procedure. Computer navigation improves the accuracy of bone resection in the coronal and sagittal planes. It was also noted that it normalizes the rotational alignment of the femoral component and fully assesses and balances the deformation of soft tissues in the coronal plane. The work is devoted to the advantages of using computer navigation technology in total knee arthroplasty in 62 patients (11 men and 51 women) suffering from gonarthrosis, aged 51 to 83 years, operated using a computer navigation system, followed up to 3 years from the moment of surgery. During the examination, the deformity variant was determined, and radiometric parameters of the knee joints were measured using the Knee Society Score (KSS), Functional Knee Society Score (FKSS), and Western Ontario and McMaster University Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) scales. Also, functional stress tests were performed to assess the stability of the knee joint in the frontal plane and functional indicators of the range of motion. After surgery, improvement was observed in all scales; firstly, the WOMAC values decreased by 5.90 times, and the median value to 11 points (p < 0.001), secondly KSS increased by 3.91 times and reached 86 points (p < 0.001), and the third one is that FKSS data increased by 2.08 times and reached 94 points (p < 0.001). After TKA, the axis deviation of the lower limbs of more than 3 degrees was observed in 4 patients at 6.5% and frontal instability of the knee joint just in 2 cases at 3.2%., The lower incidence of sagittal instability of the knee joint after the operation was 9.6%. The range of motion increased by 1.25 times; the volume of movement averaged 125 degrees (p < 0.001). Computer navigation increases the accuracy of the spatial orientation of the endoprosthesis components in all planes, reduces the variability of the axis of the lower limbs within ± 3 °, allows you to achieve the best results of surgical interventions, and can be used to solve most basic tasks, allowing you to achieve excellent and good outcomes of operations in 100% of cases according to the WOMAC scale. With diaphyseal deformities of the femur and/or tibia, as well as with obstruction of their medullary canal, the use of computer navigation is the method of choice. The use of computer navigation prevents the occurrence of flexion contracture and hyperextension of the knee joint during the distal sawing of the femur. Using the navigation system achieves high-precision implantation for the endoprosthesis; in addition, it achieves an adequate balance of the ligaments, which contributes to the stability of the joint, reduces pain, and allows for the achievement of a good functional result of the treatment.Keywords: knee joint, arthroplasty, computer navigation, advantages
Procedia PDF Downloads 912871 Bridging the Digital Divide in India: Issus and Challenges
Authors: Parveen Kumar
The cope the rapid change of technology and to control the ephemeral rate of information generation, librarians along with their professional colleagues need to equip themselves as per the requirement of the electronic information society. E-learning is purely based on computer and communication technologies. The terminologies like computer based learning. It is the delivery of content via all electronic media through internet, internet, Extranets television broadcast, CD-Rom documents, etc. E-learning poses lot of issues in the transformation of literature or knowledge from the conventional medium to ICT based format and web based services.Keywords: e-learning, digital libraries, online learning, electronic information society
Procedia PDF Downloads 5102870 The Influence of the Intellectual Capital on the Firms’ Market Value: A Study of Listed Firms in the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE)
Authors: Bita Mashayekhi, Seyed Meisam Tabatabaie Nasab
Intellectual capital is one of the most valuable and important parts of the intangible assets of enterprises especially in knowledge-based enterprises. With respect to increasing gap between the market value and the book value of the companies, intellectual capital is one of the components that can be placed in this gap. This paper uses the value added efficiency of the three components, capital employed, human capital and structural capital, to measure the intellectual capital efficiency of Iranian industries groups, listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE), using a 8 years period data set from 2005 to 2012. In order to analyze the effect of intellectual capital on the market-to-book value ratio of the companies, the data set was divided into 10 industries, Banking, Pharmaceutical, Metals & Mineral Nonmetallic, Food, Computer, Building, Investments, Chemical, Cement and Automotive, and the panel data method was applied to estimating pooled OLS. The results exhibited that value added of capital employed has a positive significant relation with increasing market value in the industries, Banking, Metals & Mineral Nonmetallic, Food, Computer, Chemical and Cement, and also, showed that value added efficiency of structural capital has a positive significant relation with increasing market value in the Banking, Pharmaceutical and Computer industries groups. The results of the value added showed a negative relation with the Banking and Pharmaceutical industries groups and a positive relation with computer and Automotive industries groups. Among the studied industries, computer industry has placed the widest gap between the market value and book value in its intellectual capital.Keywords: capital employed, human capital, intellectual capital, market-to-book value, structural capital, value added efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 3782869 Electrocardiogram Signal Denoising Using a Hybrid Technique
Authors: R. Latif, W. Jenkal, A. Toumanari, A. Hatim
This paper presents an efficient method of electrocardiogram signal denoising based on a hybrid approach. Two techniques are brought together to create an efficient denoising process. The first is an Adaptive Dual Threshold Filter (ADTF) and the second is the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). The presented approach is based on three steps of denoising, the DWT decomposition, the ADTF step and the highest peaks correction step. This paper presents some application of the approach on some electrocardiogram signals of the MIT-BIH database. The results of these applications are promising compared to other recently published techniques.Keywords: hybrid technique, ADTF, DWT, thresholding, ECG signal
Procedia PDF Downloads 3242868 An Efficient Strategy for Relay Selection in Multi-Hop Communication
Authors: Jung-In Baik, Seung-Jun Yu, Young-Min Ko, Hyoung-Kyu Song
This paper proposes an efficient relaying algorithm to obtain diversity for improving the reliability of a signal. The algorithm achieves time or space diversity gain by multiple versions of the same signal through two routes. Relays are separated between a source and destination. The routes between the source and destination are set adaptive in order to deal with different channels and noises. The routes consist of one or more relays and the source transmits its signal to the destination through the routes. The signals from the relays are combined and detected at the destination. The proposed algorithm provides a better performance than the conventional algorithms in bit error rate (BER).Keywords: multi-hop, OFDM, relay, relaying selection
Procedia PDF Downloads 4482867 Router 1X3 - RTL Design and Verification
Authors: Nidhi Gopal
Routing is the process of moving a packet of data from source to destination and enables messages to pass from one computer to another and eventually reach the target machine. A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. It is connected to two or more data lines from different networks (as opposed to a network switch, which connects data lines from one single network). This paper mainly emphasizes upon the study of router device, its top level architecture, and how various sub-modules of router i.e. Register, FIFO, FSM and Synchronizer are synthesized, and simulated and finally connected to its top module.Keywords: data packets, networking, router, routing
Procedia PDF Downloads 8152866 Plant Layout Analysis by Computer Simulation for Electronic Manufacturing Service Plant
Authors: D. Visuwan, B. Phruksaphanrat
In this research, computer simulation is used for Electronic Manufacturing Service (EMS) plant layout analysis. The current layout of this manufacturing plant is a process layout, which is not suitable due to the nature of an EMS that has high-volume and high-variety environment. Moreover, quick response and high flexibility are also needed. Then, cellular manufacturing layout design was determined for the selected group of products. Systematic layout planning (SLP) was used to analyse and design the possible cellular layouts for the factory. The cellular layout was selected based on the main criteria of the plant. Computer simulation was used to analyse and compare the performance of the proposed cellular layout and the current layout. It is found that the proposed cellular layout can generate better performances than the current layout. In this research, computer simulation is used for Electronic Manufacturing Service (EMS) plant layout analysis. The current layout of this manufacturing plant is a process layout, which is not suitable due to the nature of an EMS that has high-volume and high-variety environment. Moreover, quick response and high flexibility are also needed. Then, cellular manufacturing layout design was determined for the selected group of products. Systematic layout planning (SLP) was used to analyse and design the possible cellular layouts for the factory. The cellular layout was selected based on the main criteria of the plant. Computer simulation was used to analyse and compare the performance of the proposed cellular layout and the current layout. It found that the proposed cellular layout can generate better performances than the current layout.Keywords: layout, electronic manufacturing service plant, computer simulation, cellular manufacturing system
Procedia PDF Downloads 3092865 The Effect of Computer-Based Formative Assessment on Learning Outcome
Authors: Van Thien NGO
The purpose of the study is to examine the effect of student response systems in computer-based formative assessment on learning outcomes. The backward design course is a tool to be applied for collecting necessary assessment evidence. The quasi-experimental research design involves collecting pre and posttest data on students assigned to the control group and the experimental group. The sample group consists of 150 college students randomly selected from two of the eight classes of electrical and electronics students at Cao Thang Technical College in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Findings from this research revealed that the experimental group, in which student response systems were applied, got better results than the controlled group, who did not apply them. Results show that using student response systems for technology-based formative assessment is vital and meaningful not only for teachers but also for students in the teaching and learning process.Keywords: student response system, computer-based formative assessment, learning outcome, backward design course
Procedia PDF Downloads 1332864 An Approach to Tackle Start up Problems Using Applied Games
Authors: Aiswarya Gopal, Kamal Bijlani, Vinoth Rengaraj, R. Jayakrishnan
In the business world, the term “startup” is frequently ringing the bell with the high frequency of young ventures. The main dilemma of startups is the unsuccessful management of the unique risks that have to be confronted in the present world of competition and technology. This research work tried to bring out a game based methodology to improve enough real-world experience among entrepreneurs as well as management students to handle risks and challenges in the field. The game will provide experience to the player to overcome challenges like market problems, running out of cash, poor management, and product problems which can be resolved by a proper strategic approach in the entrepreneurship world. The proposed serious game works on the life cycle of a new software enterprise where the entrepreneur moves from the planning stage to secured financial stage, laying down the basic business structure, and initiates the operations ensuring the increment in confidence level of the player.Keywords: business model, game based learning, poor management, start up
Procedia PDF Downloads 4772863 Design of Wireless Readout System for Resonant Gas Sensors
Authors: S. Mohamed Rabeek, Mi Kyoung Park, M. Annamalai Arasu
This paper presents a design of a wireless read out system for tracking the frequency shift of the polymer coated piezoelectric micro electromechanical resonator due to gas absorption. The measure of this frequency shift indicates the percentage of a particular gas the sensor is exposed to. It is measured using an oscillator and an FPGA based frequency counter by employing the resonator as a frequency determining element in the oscillator. This system consists of a Gas Sensing Wireless Readout (GSWR) and an USB Wireless Transceiver (UWT). GSWR consists of an oscillator based on a trans-impedance sustaining amplifier, an FPGA based frequency readout, a sub 1GHz wireless transceiver and a micro controller. UWT can be plugged into the computer via USB port and function as a wireless module to transfer gas sensor data from GSWR to the computer through its USB port. GUI program running on the computer periodically polls for sensor data through UWT - GSWR wireless link, the response from GSWR is logged in a file for post processing as well as displayed on screen.Keywords: gas sensor, GSWR, micromechanical system, UWT, volatile emissions
Procedia PDF Downloads 4842862 Using Probe Person Data for Travel Mode Detection
Authors: Muhammad Awais Shafique, Eiji Hato, Hideki Yaginuma
Recently GPS data is used in a lot of studies to automatically reconstruct travel patterns for trip survey. The aim is to minimize the use of questionnaire surveys and travel diaries so as to reduce their negative effects. In this paper data acquired from GPS and accelerometer embedded in smart phones is utilized to predict the mode of transportation used by the phone carrier. For prediction, Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Adaptive boosting (AdaBoost) are employed. Moreover a unique method to improve the prediction results from these algorithms is also proposed. Results suggest that the prediction accuracy of AdaBoost after improvement is relatively better than the rest.Keywords: accelerometer, AdaBoost, GPS, mode prediction, support vector machine
Procedia PDF Downloads 3622861 An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction on Student Achievement in Differing Science Content Areas
Authors: Edwin Christmann, John Hicks
This meta-analysis compared the mathematics achievement of students who received either traditional instruction or traditional instruction supplemented with computer-assisted instruction (CAI). From the 27 conclusions, an overall mean effect size of 0.236 was calculated, indicating that, on average, students receiving traditional instruction supplemented with CAI attained higher mathematics achievement than did 59.48 percent of those receiving traditional instruction per se.Keywords: CAI, science, meta-analysis, traditional
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