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54 Experimental Characterisation of Composite Panels for Railway Flooring
Authors: F. Pedro, S. Dias, A. Tadeu, J. António, Ó. López, A. Coelho
Railway transportation is considered the most economical and sustainable way to travel. However, future mobility brings important challenges to railway operators. The main target is to develop solutions that stimulate sustainable mobility. The research and innovation goals for this domain are efficient solutions, ensuring an increased level of safety and reliability, improved resource efficiency, high availability of the means (train), and satisfied passengers with the travel comfort level. These requirements are in line with the European Strategic Agenda for the 2020 rail sector, promoted by the European Rail Research Advisory Council (ERRAC). All these aspects involve redesigning current equipment and, in particular, the interior of the carriages. Recent studies have shown that two of the most important requirements for passengers are reasonable ticket prices and comfortable interiors. Passengers tend to use their travel time to rest or to work, so train interiors and their systems need to incorporate features that meet these requirements. Among the various systems that integrate train interiors, the flooring system is one of the systems with the greatest impact on passenger safety and comfort. It is also one of the systems that takes more time to install on the train, and which contributes seriously to the weight (mass) of all interior systems. Additionally, it presents a strong impact on manufacturing costs. The design of railway floor, in the development phase, is usually made relying on a design software that allows to draw and calculate several solutions in a short period of time. After obtaining the best solution, considering the goals previously defined, experimental data is always necessary and required. This experimental phase has such great significance, that its outcome can provoke the revision of the designed solution. This paper presents the methodology and some of the results of an experimental characterisation of composite panels for railway application. The mechanical tests were made for unaged specimens and for specimens that suffered some type of aging, i.e. heat, cold and humidity cycles or freezing/thawing cycles. These conditionings aim to simulate not only the time effect, but also the impact of severe environmental conditions. Both full solutions and separated components/materials were tested. For the full solution, (panel) these were: four-point bending tests, tensile shear strength, tensile strength perpendicular to the plane, determination of the spreading of water, and impact tests. For individual characterisation of the components, more specifically for the covering, the following tests were made: determination of the tensile stress-strain properties, determination of flexibility, determination of tear strength, peel test, tensile shear strength test, adhesion resistance test and dimensional stability. The main conclusions were that experimental characterisation brings a huge contribution to understand the behaviour of the materials both individually and assembled. This knowledge contributes to the increase the quality and improvements of premium solutions. This research work was framed within the POCI-01-0247-FEDER-003474 (coMMUTe) Project funded by Portugal 2020 through the COMPETE 2020.Keywords: durability, experimental characterization, mechanical tests, railway flooring system
Procedia PDF Downloads 15553 Adapting to College: Exploration of Psychological Well-Being, Coping, and Identity as Markers of Readiness
Authors: Marit D. Murry, Amy K. Marks
The transition to college is a critical period that affords abundant opportunities for growth in conjunction with novel challenges for emerging adults. During this time, emerging adults are garnering experiences and acquiring hosts of new information that they are required to synthesize and use to inform life-shaping decisions. This stage is characterized by instability and exploration, which necessitates a diverse set of coping skills to successfully navigate and positively adapt to their evolving environment. However, important sociocultural factors result in differences that occur developmentally for minority emerging adults (i.e., emerging adults with an identity that has been or is marginalized). While the transition to college holds vast potential, not all are afforded the same chances, and many individuals enter into this stage at varying degrees of readiness. Understanding the nuance and diversity of student preparedness for college and contextualizing these factors will better equip systems to support incoming students. Emerging adulthood for ethnic, racial minority students presents itself as an opportunity for growth and resiliency in the face of systemic adversity. Ethnic, racial identity (ERI) is defined as an identity that develops as a function of one’s ethnic-racial group membership. Research continues to demonstrate ERI as a resilience factor that promotes positive adjustment in young adulthood. Adaptive coping responses (e.g., engaging in help-seeking behavior, drawing on personal and community resources) have been identified as possible mechanisms through which ERI buffers youth against stressful life events, including discrimination. Additionally, trait mindfulness has been identified as a significant predictor of general psychological health, and mindfulness practice has been shown to be a self-regulatory strategy that promotes healthy stress responses and adaptive coping strategy selection. The current study employed a person-centered approach to explore emerging patterns across ethnic identity development and psychological well-being criterion variables among college freshmen. Data from 283 incoming college freshmen at Northeastern University were analyzed. The Brief COPE Acceptance and Emotional Support scales, the Five Factor Mindfulness Questionnaire, and MIEM Exploration and Affirmation measures were used to inform the cluster profiles. The TwoStep auto-clustering algorithm revealed an optimal three-cluster solution (BIC = 848.49), which classified 92.6% (n = 262) of participants in the sample into one of the three clusters. The clusters were characterized as ‘Mixed Adjustment’, ‘Lowest Adjustment’, and ‘Moderate Adjustment.’ Cluster composition varied significantly by ethnicity X² (2, N = 262) = 7.74 (p = .021) and gender X² (2, N = 259) = 10.40 (p = .034). The ‘Lowest Adjustment’ cluster contained the highest proportion of students of color, 41% (n = 32), and male-identifying students, 44.2% (n = 34). Follow-up analyses showed higher ERI exploration in ‘Moderate Adjustment’ cluster members, also reported higher levels of psychological distress, with significantly elevated depression scores (p = .011), psychological diagnoses of depression (p = .013), anxiety (p = .005) and psychiatric disorders (p = .025). Supporting prior research, students engaging with identity exploration processes often endure more psychological distress. These results indicate that students undergoing identity development may require more socialization and different services beyond normal strategies.Keywords: adjustment, coping, college, emerging adulthood, ethnic-racial identity, psychological well-being, resilience
Procedia PDF Downloads 11152 Advocating for Indigenous Music in Latin American Music Education
Authors: Francisco Luis Reyes
European colonization had a profound impact on Latin America. The influence of the old continent can be perceived in the culture, religion, and language of the region as well as the beliefs and attitudes of the population. Music education is not an exception to this phenomenon. With Europeans controlling cultural life and erecting educational institutions across the continent for several centuries, Western European Art Music (WEAM) has polarized music learning in formal spaces. In contrast, the musics from the indigenous population, the African slaves, and the ones that emerged as a result of the cultural mélanges have largely been excluded from primary and secondary schooling. The purpose of this paper is to suggest the inclusion of indigenous music education in primary and secondary music education. The paper employs a philosophical inquiry in order to achieve this aim. Philosophical inquiry seeks to uncover and examine individuals' unconscious beliefs, principles, values, and assumptions to envision potential possibilities. This involves identifying and describing issues within current music teaching and learning practices. High-quality philosophical research tackles problems that are sufficiently narrow (addressing a specific aspect of a single complex topic), realistic (reflecting the experiences of music education), and significant (addressing a widespread and timely issue). Consequently, this methodological approach fits this topic, as the research addresses the omnipresence of WEAM in Latin American music education, the exclusion of indigenous music, and argues about the transformational impact said artistic expressions can have on practices in the region. The paper initially addresses how WEAM became ubiquitous in the region by recounting historical events, and adressing the issues other types of music face entering higher education. According to Shifres and Rosabal-Coto (2017) Latin America still upholds the musical heritage of their colonial period, and its formal music education institutions promote the European ontology instilled during European expansion. In accordance, the work of Reyes and Lorenzo-Quiles (2024), and Soler, Lorenzo-Quiles, and Hargreaves (2014), demonstrate how music institutions in the region uphold foreign narratives. Their studies show that music programs in Puerto Rico and Colombia instruct students in WEAM as well as require skills in said art form to enter the profession, just like other authors have argued (Cain & Walden, 2019, Walden, 2016). Subsequently, the research explains the issues faced by prospective music educators that do not practice WEAM. Roberts (1991a, 1991b, 1993), Green (2012) have found that music education students that do not adhere to the musical culture of their institution, are less likely to finish their degrees. Hence, practicioners of tradional musics might feel out of place in the environment. The ubiquity of WEAM and the exclusion of traditional musics of the region, provide the primary challenges to the inclusion of indigenous musics in formal spaces in primary and secondary education. The presentation then laids the framework for the inclusion indigenous music, and conclusively offers examples of how the musical expressions from the continent can improove the music education practices of the region. As an ending, the article highlights the benefits of these musics that are lacking in current practices.Keywords: indigenous music education, postmodern music education, decolonization in music education, music education practice, Latin American music education
Procedia PDF Downloads 3751 Metal Contamination in an E-Waste Recycling Community in Northeastern Thailand
Authors: Aubrey Langeland, Richard Neitzel, Kowit Nambunmee
Electronic waste, ‘e-waste’, refers generally to discarded electronics and electrical equipment, including products from cell phones and laptops to wires, batteries and appliances. While e-waste represents a transformative source of income in low- and middle-income countries, informal e-waste workers use rudimentary methods to recover materials, simultaneously releasing harmful chemicals into the environment and creating a health hazard for themselves and surrounding communities. Valuable materials such as precious metals, copper, aluminum, ferrous metals, plastic and components are recycled from e-waste. However, persistent organic pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and some polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and heavy metals are toxicants contained within e-waste and are of great concern to human and environmental health. The current study seeks to evaluate the environmental contamination resulting from informal e-waste recycling in a predominantly agricultural community in northeastern Thailand. To accomplish this objective, five types of environmental samples were collected and analyzed for concentrations of eight metals commonly associated with e-waste recycling during the period of July 2016 through July 2017. Rice samples from the community were collected after harvest and analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and gas furnace atomic spectroscopy (GF-AS). Soil samples were collected and analyzed using methods similar to those used in analyzing the rice samples. Surface water samples were collected and analyzed using absorption colorimetry for three heavy metals. Environmental air samples were collected using a sampling pump and matched-weight PVC filters, then analyzed using Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICAP-AES). Finally, surface wipe samples were collected from surfaces in homes where e-waste recycling activities occur and were analyzed using ICAP-AES. Preliminary1 results indicate that some rice samples have concentrations of lead and cadmium significantly higher than limits set by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Similarly, some soil samples show levels of copper, lead and cadmium more than twice the maximum permissible level set by the USDA and WHO, and significantly higher than other areas of Thailand. Surface water samples indicate that areas near e-waste recycling activities, particularly the burning of e-waste products, result in increased levels of cadmium, lead and copper in surface waters. This is of particular concern given that many of the surface waters tested are used in irrigation of crops. Surface wipe samples measured concentrations of metals commonly associated with e-waste, suggesting a danger of ingestion of metals during cooking and other activities. Of particular concern is the relevance of surface contamination of metals to child health. Finally, air sampling showed that the burning of e-waste presents a serious health hazard to workers and the environment through inhalation and deposition2. Our research suggests a need for improved methods of e-waste recycling that allows workers to continue this valuable revenue stream in a sustainable fashion that protects both human and environmental health. 1Statistical analysis to be finished in October 2017 due to follow-up field studies occurring in July and August 2017. 2Still awaiting complete analytic results.Keywords: e-waste, environmental contamination, informal recycling, metals
Procedia PDF Downloads 36250 Reactive X Proactive Searches on Internet After Leprosy Institutional Campaigns in Brazil: A Google Trends Analysis
Authors: Paulo Roberto Vasconcellos-Silva
The "Janeiro Roxo" (Purple January) campaign in Brazil aims to promote awareness of leprosy and its early symptoms. The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected institutional campaigns, mostly considering leprosy a neglected disease by the media. Google Trends (GT) is a tool that tracks user searches on Google, providing insights into the popularity of specific search terms. Our prior research has categorized online searches into two types: "Reactive searches," driven by transient campaign-related stimuli, and "Proactive searches," driven by personal interest in early symptoms and self-diagnosis. Using GT we studied: (i) the impact of "Janeiro Roxo" on public interest in leprosy (assessed through reactive searches) and its early symptoms (evaluated through proactive searches) over the past five years; (ii) changes in public interest during and after the COVID-19 pandemic; (iii) patterns in the dynamics of reactive and proactive searches Methods: We used GT's "Relative Search Volume" (RSV) to gauge public interest on a scale from 0 to 100. "HANSENÍASE" (HAN) was a proxy for reactive searches, and "HANSENÍASE SINTOMAS" (leprosy symptoms) (H.SIN) for proactive searches (interest in leprosy or in self-diagnosis). We analyzed 261 weeks of data from 2018 to 2023, using polynomial trend lines to model trends over this period. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to compare weekly RSV, monthly (MM) and annual means (AM). Results: Over a span of 261 weeks, there was consistently higher Relative Search Volume (RSV) for HAN compared to H.SIN. Both search terms exhibited their highest (MM) in January months during all periods. COVID-19 pandemic: a decline was observed during the pandemic years (2020-2021). There was a 24% decrease in RSV for HAN and a 32.5% decrease for H.SIN. Both HAN and H.SIN regained their pre-pandemic search levels in January 2022-2023. Breakpoints indicated abrupt changes - in the 26th week (February 2019), 55th and 213th weeks (September 2019 and 2022) related to September regional campaigns (interrupted in 2020-2021). Trend lines for HAN exhibited an upward curve between 33rd-45th week (April to June 2019), a pandemic-related downward trend between 120th-136th week (December 2020 to March 2021), and an upward trend between 220th-240th week (November 2022 to March 2023). Conclusion: The "Janeiro Roxo" campaign, along with other media-driven activities, exerts a notable influence on both reactive and proactive searches related to leprosy topics. Reactive searches, driven by campaign stimuli, significantly outnumber proactive searches. Despite the interruption of the campaign due to the pandemic, there was a subsequent resurgence in both types of searches. The recovery observed in reactive and proactive searches post-campaign interruption underscores the effectiveness of such initiatives, particularly at the national level. This suggests that regional campaigns aimed at leprosy awareness can be considered highly successful in stimulating proactive public engagement. The evaluation of internet-based campaign programs proves valuable not only for assessing their impact but also for identifying the needs of vulnerable regions. These programs can play a crucial role in integrating regions and highlighting their needs for assistance services in the context of leprosy awareness.Keywords: health communication, leprosy, health campaigns, information seeking behavior, Google Trends, reactive searches, proactive searches, leprosy early identification
Procedia PDF Downloads 6349 Targeting TACI Signaling Enhances Immune Function and Halts Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Progression
Authors: Yong H Sheng, Beatriz Garcillán, Eden Whitlock, Yukli Freedman, SiLing Yang, M Arifur Rahman, Nicholas Weber, Fabienne Mackay
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is closely associated with immune dysfunction, yet the mechanisms underlying this immune deficiency remain poorly understood. Transmembrane Activator and CAML Interactor (TACI), a receptor known for its role in IL-10 regulation and autoimmunity, to the best of our knowledge has not been investigated in the context of anti-tumor immunity or its impact on CLL progression. This study addresses the gap by exploring the role of TACI in regulating CLL cells within the tumor microenvironment and its broader effects on disease progression and immune competence. We utilized the Eµ-TCL1 mouse model to generate CLL mice deficient in TACI and examined the consequences of TACI loss in adoptive transfer models over a five-week period. Comprehensive transcriptomic analysis, including RNA sequencing and microarray, was employed to determine TACI’s influence on the CLL gene expression profile. Additionally, we studied TACI’s direct role in CLL cell migration and immune modulation using patient-derived CLL cells in culture and Patient-Derived Xenograph (PDX) models. Our findings demonstrate that TACI signaling plays a pivotal role in promoting CLL progression and immune suppression. Loss of TACI signaling significantly inhibited CLL development and enhanced immune functionality. When TACI+/+ or TACI-/- TCL1 CLL cells were transferred into wild-type recipient mice, those receiving TACI-deficient cells showed reduced disease progression and lower incidence of CLL. Mice with TACI-/- CLL cells exhibited normalized serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-10, restored proportions of T-cell subsets, and improved immune compartment function compared to counterparts with TACI+/+ CLL cells. Mechanistically, TACI-deficient CLL cells expressed significantly lower levels of IL-10, TNF, and inhibitory receptors such as PD-L1 and PD-L2. These cells also display restored circulating immunoglobulin levels and responses to T cell-dependent antigens, highlighting a recovery of immune competence. Further mechanistic studies revealed that TACI signaling drives CLL cell migration and homing to the spleen, where these cells actively establish an immunosuppressive microenvironment that supports immune evasion and tumor growth. Patient-derived CLL cells and PDX models confirmed TACI’s direct role in enhancing CLL cell migration and fostering immune suppression, emphasizing its critical function in the tumor microenvironment. By disrupting TACI signaling, we observed a reduction in CLL-associated immune suppression and tumor progression, offering a promising therapeutic avenue. This study establishes, for the first time, that targeting TACI disrupts key mechanisms underlying CLL progression while preserving vital immune functions. Unlike existing treatments that often impair immunity and lead to infection-related complications, TACI inhibition offers the dual benefit of controlling disease and maintaining immune homeostasis. These findings provide a strong rationale for developing therapeutic strategies that inhibit TACI as a means to improve outcomes in CLL patients. Beyond its implications for CLL, this research underscores the broader importance of TACI in regulating immune-tumor interactions, paving the way for future studies into its role in other malignancies.Keywords: chronic lymphocytic leukemia, TACI, IL-10, immune suppression
Procedia PDF Downloads 1548 Obesity and Lifestyle of Students in Roumanian Southeastern Region
Authors: Mariana Stuparu-Cretu, Doina-Carina Voinescu, Rodica-Mihaela Dinica, Daniela Borda, Camelia Vizireanu, Gabriela Iordachescu, Camelia Busila
Obesity is involved in the etiology or acceleration of progression of important non-communicable diseases, such as: metabolic, cardiovascular, rheumatological, oncological and depression. It is a need to prevent the obesity occurrence, like a key link in disease management. From this point of view, the best approach is to early educate youngsters upon the need for a healthy nutrition lifestyle associated with constant physical activities. The objective of the study was to assess correlations between weight condition, physical activities and food preferences of students from South East Romania. Questionnaires were applied on high school students in Galati: 1006 girls and 880 boys, aged between 14 and 19 years (being approved by Local School Inspectorate and the Ethics Committee of the 'Dunarea de Jos' University of Galati). The collected answers have been statistically processed by using the multivariate regression method (PLS2) by Unscramble X program (Camo, Norway). Multiple variables such as age group, body mass index, nutritional habits and physical activities were separately analysed, depending on gender and general mathematical models were proposed to explain the obesity trend at an early age. The study results show that overweight and obesity are present in less than a fifth of the adolescents who were surveyed. With a very small variation and a strong correlation of over 86% for 99% of the cases, a general preference for sweet foods, nocturnal eating associated with computer work and a reduced period of physical activity is noticed for girls. In addition, the overweight girls consume sweet juices and alcohol, although a percentage of them also practice the gym. There is also a percentage of the normoponderal girls that consume high caloric foods which predispose this group to turn into overweight cases in time. Within the studied group, statistics for the boys show a positive correlation of almost 87% for over 96% of cases. They prefer high calories foods, fast food, and sweet juices, and perform medium physical activities. Both overweight and underweight boys are more sedentary. Over 15% of girls and over a quarter of boys consume alcohol. All these bad eating habits seem to increase with age, for both sexes. To conclude, obesity and overweight assessed in adolescents in S-E Romania reveal nonsignificant percentage differences between boys and girls. However, young people in this area of the country are sedentary in general; a significant percentage prefers sweets / sweet juices / fast-food and practice computer nourishing. The authors consider that at this age, it is very useful to adapt nutritional education by new methods of food processing and market supply. This would require an early understanding of the difference among foods and nutrients and the benefits of physical activities integrated into the healthy current lifestyle, as a measure for preventing and managing non-communicable chronic diseases related to nutritional errors and sedentarism. Acknowledgment— This study has been partial founded by the Francophone University Agency, Project Réseau régional dans le domaine de la santé, la nutrition et la sécurité alimentaire (SaIN), no.21899/ 06.09.2017.Keywords: adolescents, body mass index, nutritional habits, obesity, physical activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 25947 Schoolwide Implementation of Schema-Based Instruction for Mathematical Problem Solving: An Action Research Investigation
Authors: Sara J. Mills, Sally Howell
The field of special education has long struggled to bridge the research to practice gap. There is ample evidence from research of effective strategies for students with special needs, but these strategies are not routinely implemented in schools in ways that yield positive results for students. In recent years, the field of special education has turned its focus to implementation science. That is, discovering effective methods of implementing evidence-based practices in school settings. Teacher training is a critical factor in implementation. This study aimed to successfully implement Schema-Based Instruction (SBI) for math problem solving in four classrooms in a special primary school serving students with language deficits, including students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Intellectual Disabilities (ID). Using an action research design that allowed for adjustments and modification to be made over the year-long study, two cohorts of teachers across the school were trained and supported in six-week learning cycles to implement SBI in their classrooms. The learning cycles included a one-day training followed by six weeks of one-on-one or team coaching and three fortnightly cohort group meetings. After the first cohort of teachers completed the learning cycle, modifications and adjustments were made to lesson materials in an attempt to improve their effectiveness with the second cohort. Fourteen teachers participated in the study, including master special educators (n=3), special education instructors (n=5), and classroom assistants (n=6). Thirty-one students participated in the study (21 boys and 10 girls), ranging in age from 5 to 12 years (M = 9 years). Twenty-one students had a diagnosis of ASD, 20 had a diagnosis of mild or moderate ID, with 13 of these students having both ASD and ID. The remaining students had diagnosed language disorders. To evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation approach, both student and teacher data was collected. Student data included pre- and post-tests of math word problem solving. Teacher data included fidelity of treatment checklists and pre-post surveys of teacher attitudes and efficacy for teaching problem solving. Finally, artifacts were collected throughout the learning cycle. Results from cohort 1 and cohort 2 revealed similar outcomes. Students improved in the number of word problems they answered correctly and in the number of problem-solving steps completed independently. Fidelity of treatment data showed that teachers implemented SBI with acceptable levels of fidelity (M = 86%). Teachers also reported increases in the amount of time spent teaching problem solving, their confidence in teaching problem solving and their perception of students’ ability to solve math word problems. The artifacts collected during instruction indicated that teachers made modifications to allow their students to access the materials and to show what they knew. These findings are in line with research that shows student learning can improve when teacher professional development is provided over an extended period of time, actively involves teachers, and utilizes a variety of learning methods in classroom contexts. Further research is needed to evaluate whether these gains in teacher instruction and student achievement can be maintained over time once the professional development is completed.Keywords: implementation science, mathematics problem solving, research-to-practice gap, schema based instruction
Procedia PDF Downloads 12646 Remote BioMonitoring of Mothers and Newborns for Temperature Surveillance Using a Smart Wearable Sensor: Techno-Feasibility Study and Clinical Trial in Southern India
Authors: Prem K. Mony, Bharadwaj Amrutur, Prashanth Thankachan, Swarnarekha Bhat, Suman Rao, Maryann Washington, Annamma Thomas, N. Sheela, Hiteshwar Rao, Sumi Antony
The disease burden among mothers and newborns is caused mostly by a handful of avoidable conditions occurring around the time of childbirth and within the first month following delivery. Real-time monitoring of vital parameters of mothers and neonates offers a potential opportunity to impact access as well as the quality of care in vulnerable populations. We describe the design, development and testing of an innovative wearable device for remote biomonitoring (RBM) of body temperatures in mothers and neonates in a hospital in southern India. The architecture consists of: [1] a low-cost, wearable sensor tag; [2] a gateway device for ‘real-time’ communication link; [3] piggy-backing on a commercial GSM communication network; and [4] an algorithm-based data analytics system. Requirements for the device were: long battery-life upto 28 days (with sampling frequency 5/hr); robustness; IP 68 hermetic sealing; and human-centric design. We undertook pre-clinical laboratory testing followed by clinical trial phases I & IIa for evaluation of safety and efficacy in the following sequence: seven healthy adult volunteers; 18 healthy mothers; and three sets of babies – 3 healthy babies; 10 stable babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and 1 baby with hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE). The 3-coin thickness, pebble-design sensor weighing about 8 gms was secured onto the abdomen for the baby and over the upper arm for adults. In the laboratory setting, the response-time of the sensor device to attain thermal equilibrium with the surroundings was 4 minutes vis-a-vis 3 minutes observed with a precision-grade digital thermometer used as a reference standard. The accuracy was ±0.1°C of the reference standard within the temperature range of 25-40°C. The adult volunteers, aged 20 to 45 years, contributed a total of 345 hours of readings over a 7-day period and the postnatal mothers provided a total of 403 paired readings. The mean skin temperatures measured in the adults by the sensor were about 2°C lower than the axillary temperature readings (sensor =34.1 vs digital = 36.1); this difference was statistically significant (t-test=13.8; p<0.001). The healthy neonates provided a total of 39 paired readings; the mean difference in temperature was 0.13°C (sensor =36.9 vs digital = 36.7; p=0.2). The neonates in the NICU provided a total of 130 paired readings. Their mean skin temperature measured by the sensor was 0.6°C lower than that measured by the radiant warmer probe (sensor =35.9 vs warmer probe = 36.5; p < 0.001). The neonate with HIE provided a total of 25 paired readings with the mean sensor reading being not different from the radian warmer probe reading (sensor =33.5 vs warmer probe = 33.5; p=0.8). No major adverse events were noted in both the adults and neonates; four adult volunteers reported mild sweating under the device/arm band and one volunteer developed mild skin allergy. This proof-of-concept study shows that real-time monitoring of temperatures is technically feasible and that this innovation appears to be promising in terms of both safety and accuracy (with appropriate calibration) for improved maternal and neonatal health.Keywords: public health, remote biomonitoring, temperature surveillance, wearable sensors, mothers and newborns
Procedia PDF Downloads 21045 Smart Laboratory for Clean Rivers in India - An Indo-Danish Collaboration
Authors: Nikhilesh Singh, Shishir Gaur, Anitha K. Sharma
Climate change and anthropogenic stress have severely affected ecosystems all over the globe. Indian rivers are under immense pressure, facing challenges like pollution, encroachment, extreme fluctuation in the flow regime, local ignorance and lack of coordination between stakeholders. To counter all these issues a holistic river rejuvenation plan is needed that tests, innovates and implements sustainable solutions in the river space for sustainable river management. Smart Laboratory for Clean Rivers (SLCR) an Indo-Danish collaboration project, provides a living lab setup that brings all the stakeholders (government agencies, academic and industrial partners and locals) together to engage, learn, co-creating and experiment for a clean and sustainable river that last for ages. Just like every mega project requires piloting, SLCR has opted for a small catchment of the Varuna River, located in the Middle Ganga Basin in India. Considering the integrated approach of river rejuvenation, SLCR embraces various techniques and upgrades for rejuvenation. Likely, maintaining flow in the channel in the lean period, Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) is a proven technology. In SLCR, Floa-TEM high-resolution lithological data is used in MAR models to have better decision-making for MAR structures nearby of the river to enhance the river aquifer exchanges. Furthermore, the concerns of quality in the river are a big issue. A city like Varanasi which is located in the last stretch of the river, generates almost 260 MLD of domestic waste in the catchment. The existing STP system is working at full efficiency. Instead of installing a new STP for the future, SLCR is upgrading those STPs with an IoT-based system that optimizes according to the nutrient load and energy consumption. SLCR also advocate nature-based solutions like a reed bed for the drains having less flow. In search of micropollutants, SLCR uses fingerprint analysis involves employing advanced techniques like chromatography and mass spectrometry to create unique chemical profiles. However, rejuvenation attempts cannot be possible without involving the entire catchment. A holistic water management plan that includes storm management, water harvesting structure to efficiently manage the flow of water in the catchment and installation of several buffer zones to restrict pollutants entering into the river. Similarly, carbon (emission and sequestration) is also an important parameter for the catchment. By adopting eco-friendly practices, a ripple effect positively influences the catchment's water dynamics and aids in the revival of river systems. SLCR has adopted 4 villages to make them carbon-neutral and water-positive. Moreover, for the 24×7 monitoring of the river and the catchment, robust IoT devices are going to be installed to observe, river and groundwater quality, groundwater level, river discharge and carbon emission in the catchment and ultimately provide fuel for the data analytics. In its completion, SLCR will provide a river restoration manual, which will strategise the detailed plan and way of implementation for stakeholders. Lastly, the entire process is planned in such a way that will be managed by local administrations and stakeholders equipped with capacity-building activity. This holistic approach makes SLCR unique in the field of river rejuvenation.Keywords: sustainable management, holistic approach, living lab, integrated river management
Procedia PDF Downloads 6144 Precocious Puberty Due to an Autonomous Ovarian Cyst in a 3-Year-Old Girl: Case Report
Authors: Aleksandra Chałupnik, Zuzanna Chilimoniuk, Joanna Borowik, Aleksandra Borkowska, Anna Torres
Background: Precocious puberty is the occurrence of secondary sexual characteristics in girls before the age of 8. The diverse etiology of premature puberty is crucial to determine whether it is true precocious puberty, depending on the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, or pseudo-precocious, which is independent of the activation of this axis. Whatever the cause, premature action of the sex hormones leads to the common symptoms of various forms of puberty. These include the development of sexual characteristics, acne, acceleration of growth rate and acceleration of skeletal maturation. Due to the possible genetic basis of the disorders, an interdisciplinary search for the cause is needed. Case report: The case report concerns a patient of a pediatric gynecology clinic who, at the age of two years, developed advanced thelarhe (M3) and started recurrent vaginal bleeding. In August 2019, gonadotropin suppression initially and after LHRH stimulation and high estradiol levels were reported at the Endocrinology Department. Imaging examinations showed a cyst in the right ovary projection. The bone age was six years. The entire clinical picture indicated pseudo- (peripheral) precocious in the course of ovarian autonomic cyst. In the follow-up ultrasound performed in September, the image of the cyst was stationary and normalization of estradiol levels and clinical symptoms was noted. In December 2019, cyst regression and normal gonadotropin and estradiol concentrations were found. In June 2020, white mucus tinged with blood on the underwear, without any other disturbing symptoms, was observed for several days. Two consecutive USG examinations carried out in the same month confirmed the change in the right ovary, the diameter of which was 25 mm with a very high level of estradiol. Germinal tumor markers were normal. On the Tanner scale, the patient scored M2P1. The labia and hymen had puberty features. The correct vaginal entrance was visible. Another active vaginal bleeding occurred in the first week of July 2020. The considered laparoscopic treatment was abandoned due to the lack of oncological indications. Treatment with Tamoxifen was recommended in July 2020. In the initiating period of treatment, no maturation progression, and even reduction of symptoms, no acceleration of growth and a marked reduction in the size of the cysts were noted. There was no bleeding. After the size of the cyst and hormonal activity increased again, the treatment was changed to Anastrozole, the effect of which led to a reduction in the size of the cyst. Conclusions: The entire clinical picture indicates alleged (peripheral) puberty. Premature puberty in girls, which is manifested as enlarged mammary glands with high levels of estrogens secreted by autonomic ovarian cysts and prepubertal levels of gonadotropins, may indicate McCune-Albright syndrome. Vaginal bleeding may also occur in this syndrome. Cancellation of surgical treatment of the cyst made it impossible to perform a molecular test that would allow to confirm the diagnosis. Taking into account the fact that cysts are often one of the first symptoms of McCune-Albrigt syndrome, it is important to remember about multidisciplinary care for the patient and careful search for skin and bone changes or other hormonal disorders.Keywords: McCune Albrigth's syndrome, ovarian cyst, pediatric gynaecology, precocious puberty
Procedia PDF Downloads 19143 A Digital Clone of an Irrigation Network Based on Hardware/Software Simulation
Authors: Pierre-Andre Mudry, Jean Decaix, Jeremy Schmid, Cesar Papilloud, Cecile Munch-Alligne
In most of the Swiss Alpine regions, the availability of water resources is usually adequate even in times of drought, as evidenced by the 2003 and 2018 summers. Indeed, important natural stocks are for the moment available in the form of snow and ice, but the situation is likely to change in the future due to global and regional climate change. In addition, alpine mountain regions are areas where climate change will be felt very rapidly and with high intensity. For instance, the ice regime of these regions has already been affected in recent years with a modification of the monthly availability and extreme events of precipitations. The current research, focusing on the municipality of Val de Bagnes, located in the canton of Valais, Switzerland, is part of a project led by the Altis company and achieved in collaboration with WSL, BlueArk Entremont, and HES-SO Valais-Wallis. In this region, water occupies a key position notably for winter and summer tourism. Thus, multiple actors want to apprehend the future needs and availabilities of water, on both the 2050 and 2100 horizons, in order to plan the modifications to the water supply and distribution networks. For those changes to be salient and efficient, a good knowledge of the current water distribution networks is of most importance. In the current case, the water drinking network is well documented, but this is not the case for the irrigation one. Since the water consumption for irrigation is ten times higher than for drinking water, data acquisition on the irrigation network is a major point to determine future scenarios. This paper first presents the instrumentation and simulation of the irrigation network using custom-designed IoT devices, which are coupled with a digital clone simulated to reduce the number of measuring locations. The developed IoT ad-hoc devices are energy-autonomous and can measure flows and pressures using industrial sensors such as calorimetric water flow meters. Measurements are periodically transmitted using the LoRaWAN protocol over a dedicated infrastructure deployed in the municipality. The gathered values can then be visualized in real-time on a dashboard, which also provides historical data for analysis. In a second phase, a digital clone of the irrigation network was modeled using EPANET, a software for water distribution systems that performs extended-period simulations of flows and pressures in pressurized networks composed of reservoirs, pipes, junctions, and sinks. As a preliminary work, only a part of the irrigation network was modelled and validated by comparisons with the measurements. The simulations are carried out by imposing the consumption of water at several locations. The validation is performed by comparing the simulated pressures are different nodes with the measured ones. An accuracy of +/- 15% is observed on most of the nodes, which is acceptable for the operator of the network and demonstrates the validity of the approach. Future steps will focus on the deployment of the measurement devices on the whole network and the complete modelling of the network. Then, scenarios of future consumption will be investigated. Acknowledgment— The authors would like to thank the Swiss Federal Office for Environment (FOEN), the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture (OFAG) for their financial supports, and ALTIS for the technical support, this project being part of the Swiss Pilot program 'Adaptation aux changements climatiques'.Keywords: hydraulic digital clone, IoT water monitoring, LoRaWAN water measurements, EPANET, irrigation network
Procedia PDF Downloads 14742 The Plight of the Rohingyas: Design Guidelines to Accommodate Displaced People in Bangladesh
Authors: Nazia Roushan, Maria Kipti
The sensitive issue of a large-scale entry of Rohingya refugees to Bangladesh has arisen again since August of 2017. Incited by ethnic and religious conflict, the Rohingyas—an ethnic group concentrated in the north-west state of Rakhine in Myanmar—have been fleeing to what is now Bangladesh from as early as the late 1700s in four main exoduses. This long-standing persecution has recently escalated, and accommodating the recent wave of exodus has been especially challenging due to the sheer volume of a million refugees concentrated in refugee camps in two small administrative units (upazilas) in the south-east of the country: the host area. This drastic change in the host area’s social fabric is putting a lot of strain on the country’s economic, demographic and environmental stability, and security. Although Bangladesh’s long-term experience with disaster management has enabled it to respond rapidly to the crisis, the government is failing to cope with this enormous problem and has taken insufficient steps towards improving the living conditions to inhibit the inflow of more refugees. On top of that, the absence of a comprehensive national refugee policy, and the density of the structures of the camps are constricting the upgrading of the shelters to international standards. As of December 2016, the combined number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) due to conflict and violence (stock), and new displacements due to disasters (flow) in Bangladesh had exceeded 1 million. These numbers have increased dramatically in the last few months. Moreover, by 2050, Bangladesh will have as much as 25 million climate refugees just from its coastal districts. To enhance the resilience of the vulnerable, it is crucial to methodically factorize further interventions between Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience (DRR) and the concept of Building Back Better (BBB) in the rehabilitation-reconstruction period. Considering these points, this paper provides a palette of options for design guidelines related to the living spaces and infrastructures for refugees. This will encourage the development of national standards for refugee camps, and the national and local level rehabilitation-reconstruction practices. Unhygienic living conditions, vulnerability, and the general lack of control over life are pervasive throughout the camps. This paper, therefore, proposes site-specific strategic and physical planning and design for shelters for refugees in Bangladesh that will lead to sustainable living environments through the following: a) site survey of existing two registered and one makeshift unregistered refugee camps to document and study their physical conditions, b) questionnaires and semi-structured focus group discussions carried out among the refugees and stakeholders to understand what the lived experiences and needs are; and c) combining the findings with international minimum standards for shelter and settlement from International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC), Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). These proposals include temporary shelter solutions that balance between lived spaces and regimented, repetitive plans using readily available and cheap materials, erosion control and slope stabilization strategies, and most importantly, coping mechanisms for the refugees to be self-reliant and resilient.Keywords: architecture, Bangladesh, refugee camp, resilience, Rohingya
Procedia PDF Downloads 23741 CLOUD Japan: Prospective Multi-Hospital Study to Determine the Population-Based Incidence of Hospitalized Clostridium difficile Infections
Authors: Kazuhiro Tateda, Elisa Gonzalez, Shuhei Ito, Kirstin Heinrich, Kevin Sweetland, Pingping Zhang, Catia Ferreira, Michael Pride, Jennifer Moisi, Sharon Gray, Bennett Lee, Fred Angulo
Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is the most common cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and infectious diarrhea in healthcare settings. Japan has an aging population; the elderly are at increased risk of hospitalization, antibiotic use, and C. difficile infection (CDI). Little is known about the population-based incidence and disease burden of CDI in Japan although limited hospital-based studies have reported a lower incidence than the United States. To understand CDI disease burden in Japan, CLOUD (Clostridium difficile Infection Burden of Disease in Adults in Japan) was developed. CLOUD will derive population-based incidence estimates of the number of CDI cases per 100,000 population per year in Ota-ku (population 723,341), one of the districts in Tokyo, Japan. CLOUD will include approximately 14 of the 28 Ota-ku hospitals including Toho University Hospital, which is a 1,000 bed tertiary care teaching hospital. During the 12-month patient enrollment period, which is scheduled to begin in November 2018, Ota-ku residents > 50 years of age who are hospitalized at a participating hospital with diarrhea ( > 3 unformed stools (Bristol Stool Chart 5-7) in 24 hours) will be actively ascertained, consented, and enrolled by study surveillance staff. A stool specimen will be collected from enrolled patients and tested at a local reference laboratory (LSI Medience, Tokyo) using QUIK CHEK COMPLETE® (Abbott Laboratories). which simultaneously tests specimens for the presence of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and C. difficile toxins A and B. A frozen stool specimen will also be sent to the Pfizer Laboratory (Pearl River, United States) for analysis using a two-step diagnostic testing algorithm that is based on detection of C. difficile strains/spores harboring toxin B gene by PCR followed by detection of free toxins (A and B) using a proprietary cell cytotoxicity neutralization assay (CCNA) developed by Pfizer. Positive specimens will be anaerobically cultured, and C. difficile isolates will be characterized by ribotyping and whole genomic sequencing. CDI patients enrolled in CLOUD will be contacted weekly for 90 days following diarrhea onset to describe clinical outcomes including recurrence, reinfection, and mortality, and patient reported economic, clinical and humanistic outcomes (e.g., health-related quality of life, worsening of comorbidities, and patient and caregiver work absenteeism). Studies will also be undertaken to fully characterize the catchment area to enable population-based estimates. The 12-month active ascertainment of CDI cases among hospitalized Ota-ku residents with diarrhea in CLOUD, and the characterization of the Ota-ku catchment area, including estimation of the proportion of all hospitalizations of Ota-ku residents that occur in the CLOUD-participating hospitals, will yield CDI population-based incidence estimates, which can be stratified by age groups, risk groups, and source (hospital-acquired or community-acquired). These incidence estimates will be extrapolated, following age standardization using national census data, to yield CDI disease burden estimates for Japan. CLOUD also serves as a model for studies in other countries that can use the CLOUD protocol to estimate CDI disease burden.Keywords: Clostridium difficile, disease burden, epidemiology, study protocol
Procedia PDF Downloads 26340 Carthage-Burned and Rome-Reiterative: Mirrored Distortions of Imperial Trauma and Historiography
Authors: Sarah H. Davies
In the year 146 BCE, the Roman general Scipio Aemilianus – soon to be ‘anointed,’ via mass-spilling of blood-on-land, as “(‘triumphal’) Africanus” – stood atop a hill, overlooking the city of Carthage, as its urban-scape was burned and people killed, violated, captured… ‘poetically’ consumed. From an ineffable-seeming distance – constructed, in imperial fascination – the scene was (and is, apparently) painted in a disturbingly ‘romantic’ light. Such a snap-shot vista, projected before a mind’s-eye in panorama, and in (ongoing) construction, has seeped across ancient and modern lines, with multiple, interwoven iterations. This study conducts a reading, both ‘postcolonial’ and anti-imperial, in interruption of an ongoing (re)iteration of imperial violence, mirrored in distortion between “ancient” and “modern” forms that are physical, ideological, and ontological. Using an analysis of ancient literary works, from the historiographical (Polybius’ Histories) to the epic-poetic (Vergil’s Aeneid), placed in juxtaposition with a range of modern material, both literary-historical (e.g., Gibbon’s Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire) and visual (Cole’s The Course of Empire), this study destabilizes ongoing formations. Such formations attempt to inflict ‘an assumed’ repetition, engaged in normalizing a city violently destroyed as somehow ‘natural’ and/or ‘inevitable,’ and by extension, ‘tragically necessary.’ The reiterations – across media and contexts – create a distorted aesthetic (itself an act of profound violence) that fetishizes and even produces sensory, illusory pleasures (of co-complicit harm, within and across communities) regarding ‘period-shifting events’ of mass-murder and cultural erasure. ‘The vista over Carthage burning’ was/is (but does not ever have to be) thereby a manufactured stage-set, a commodity for imperial reproduction. Such a projection frames an overly-simplistic, ‘safe’-seeming (and yet incredibly dangerous) binary regarding (caricatured) “victims” and “victors.” At the same time, the projection renders an epistemological frame whereby ‘The One’ and ‘The Other’ are asserted as inherently antagonistic categories of being, in which One ‘must’ replace Other – the latter portrayed in gendered, exoticized, and time-distorted ways, as a scripted-object. All the while, a very particular subset of narrative is woven, whereby Carthage (elided in ‘victim’ status) specifically is/was Troy (again, elided), is/was every ‘destroyed city’ (also elided), and is/was yet another essential marking-point of “History,” twisted into ‘becoming’ a ‘reset’ point in a ‘cyclical pattern,’ inscribed as a tragic plot or lifetime repeated. The script itself entails pervasive violence. And yet, there always remains a trip-wire written into the constructed-cyclical. In part, this realization comes from a deconstruction of the tiered violences of an over-worn trope. The realization then also comes from a revelation of erased realities of human-experiences, in which ‘victim’ and ‘victor’ suffer, in fractured differences of ongoing, system(at)ic (re)trauma. The contours and silences of the historical records contain all the ongoing scars. This study therefore unravels the intersectional tableaux of ‘Carthage-burning’ and ‘Rome-reiterative,’ providing a collective investigation into conceptual formations, fractured across millennia. Ultimately, perhaps, such a re-reading – occurring via a commodified past will echo words from the Aeneid: “perhaps, once upon a time, to have remembered even these things, it will have been healing.Keywords: antiquity, carthage, empire, historiography, rome, ruination
Procedia PDF Downloads 2039 Effect of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) Extract on Damaged Brain Cells
Authors: Batul Kagalwala
The nervous system is made up of complex delicate structures such as the spinal cord, peripheral nerves and the brain. These are prone to various types of injury ranging from neurodegenerative diseases to trauma leading to diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple system atrophy etc. Unfortunately, because of the complicated structure of nervous system, spontaneous regeneration, repair and healing is seldom seen due to which brain damage, peripheral nerve damage and paralysis from spinal cord injury are often permanent and incapacitating. Hence, innovative and standardized approach is required for advance treatment of neurological injury. Nigella sativa (N. sativa), an annual flowering plant native to regions of southern Europe and Asia; has been suggested to have neuroprotective and anti-seizures properties. Neuroregeneration is found to occur in damaged cells when treated using extract of N. sativa. Due to its proven health benefits, lots of experiments are being conducted to extract all the benefits from the plant. The flowers are delicate and are usually pale blue and white in color with small black seeds. These seeds are the source of active components such as 30–40% fixed oils, 0.5–1.5% essential oils, pharmacologically active components containing thymoquinone (TQ), ditimoquinone (DTQ) and nigellin. In traditional medicine, this herb was identified to have healing properties and was extensively used Middle East and Far East for treating diseases such as head ache, back pain, asthma, infections, dysentery, hypertension, obesity and gastrointestinal problems. Literature studies have confirmed the extract of N. sativa seeds and TQ have inhibitory effects on inducible nitric oxide synthase and production of nitric oxide as well as anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities. Experimental investigation will be conducted to understand which ingredient of N. sativa causes neuroregeneration and roots to its healing property. An aqueous/ alcoholic extract of N. sativa will be made. Seed oil is also found to have used by researchers to prepare such extracts. For the alcoholic extracts, the seeds need to be powdered and soaked in alcohol for a period of time and the alcohol must be evaporated using rotary evaporator. For aqueous extracts, the powder must be dissolved in distilled water to obtain a pure extract. The mobile phase will be the extract while the suitable stationary phase (substance that is a good adsorbent e.g. silica gels, alumina, cellulose etc.) will be selected. Different ingredients of N. sativa will be separated using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) for treating damaged cells. Damaged brain cells will be treated individually and in different combinations of 2 or 3 compounds for different intervals of time. The most suitable compound or a combination of compounds for the regeneration of cells will be determined using DOE methodology. Later the gene will also be determined and using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) it will be replicated in a plasmid vector. This plasmid vector shall be inserted in the brain of the organism used and replicated within. The gene insertion can also be done by the gene gun method. The gene in question can be coated on a micro bullet of tungsten and bombarded in the area of interest and gene replication and coding shall be studied. Investigation on whether the gene replicates in the organism or not will be examined.Keywords: black cumin, brain cells, damage, extract, neuroregeneration, PCR, plasmids, vectors
Procedia PDF Downloads 66138 A Novel Paradigm in the Management of Pancreatic Trauma
Authors: E. Tan, O. McKay, T. Clarnette T., D. Croagh
Background: Historically with pancreatic trauma, complete disruption of the main pancreatic duct (MPD), classified as Grade IV-V by the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST), necessitated a damage-control laparotomy. This was to avoid mortality, shorten diet upgrade timeframe, and hence shorter length of stay. However, acute pancreatic resection entailed complications of pancreatic fistulas and leaks. With the advance of imaging-guided interventions, non-operative management such as percutaneous and transpapillary drainage of traumatic peripancreatic collections have been trialled favourably. The aim of this case series is to evaluate the efficacy of endoscopic ultrasound-guided (EUS) transmural drainage in managing traumatic peripancreatic collections as a less invasive alternative to traditional approaches. This study also highlights the importance of anatomical knowledge regarding peripancreatic collection’s common location in the lesser sac, the pancreas relationship to adjacent organs, and the formation of the main pancreatic duct in regards to the feasibility of therapeutic internal drainage. Methodology: A retrospective case series was conducted at a single tertiary endoscopy unit, analysing patient data over a 5-year period. Inclusion criteria outlined patients age 5 to 80-years-old, traumatic pancreatic injury of at least Grade IV and haemodynamic stability. Exclusion criteria involved previous episodes of pancreatitis or abdominal trauma. Patient demographics and clinicopathological characteristics were retrospectively collected. Results: The study identified 7 patients with traumatic pancreatic injuries that were managed from 2018-2022; age ranging from 5 to 34 years old, with majority being female (n=5). Majority of the mechanisms of trauma were a handlebar injury (n=4). Diagnosis was confirmed with an elevated lipase and computerized tomotography (CT) confirmation of proximal pancreatic transection with MPD disruption. All patients sustained an isolated single organ grade IV pancreatic injury, except case 4 and 5 with other intra-abdominal visceral Grade 1 injuries. 6 patients underwent early ERCP-guided transpapillary drainage with 1 being unsuccessful for pancreatic duct stent insertion (case 1) and 1 complication of stent migration (case 2). Surveillance imaging post ERCP showed the stents were unable to bridge the disrupted duct and development of symptomatic collections with an average size of 9.9cm. Hence, all patients proceeded to EUS-guided transmural drainage, with 2/7 patients requiring repeat drainages (case 6 and 7). Majority (n=6) had a cystogastrostomy, whilst 1 (case 6) had a cystoenterostomy due to feasibility of the peripancreatic collection being adjacent to duodenum rather than stomach. However, case 6 subsequently required repeat EUS-guided drainage with cystogastrostomy for ongoing collections. Hence all patients avoided initial laparotomy with an average index length of stay of 11.7 days. Successful transmural drainage was demonstrated, with no long-term complications of pancreatic insufficiency; except for 1 patient requiring a distal pancreatectomy at 2 year follow-up due to chronic pain. Conclusion: The early results of this series support EUS-guided transmural drainage as a viable management option for traumatic peripancreatic collections, showcasing successful outcomes, minimal complications, and long-term efficacy in avoiding surgical interventions. More studies are required before the adoption of this procedure as a less invasive and complication-prone management approach for traumatic peripancreatic collections.Keywords: endoscopic ultrasound, cystogastrostomy, pancreatic trauma, traumatic peripancreatic collection, transmural drainage
Procedia PDF Downloads 4837 Role of Dedicated Medical Social Worker in Fund Mobilisation and Economic Evaluation in Ovarian Cancer: Experience from a Tertiary Referral Centre in Eastern India
Authors: Aparajita Bhattacharya, Mousumi Dutta, Zakir Husain, Dionne Sequeira, Asima Mukhopadhyay
Background: Tata Medical Centre (TMC), Kolkata is a major cancer referral centre in Eastern India and neighbouring countries providing state of the art facilities; however, it is a non-profit organisation with patients requiring to pay at subsidised rates. Although a system for social assessment and applying for governmental/ non-governmental (NGO) funds is in place, access is challenging. Amongst gynaecological cancers (GC), ovarian cancer (OC) is associated with the highest treatment cost; majority of which is required at the beginning when complex surgery is performed and funding arrangements cannot be made in time. We therefore appointed a dedicated Medical Social Worker (MSW) in 2016, supported by NGO for GC patients in order to assist patients/family members to access/avail these funds more readily and assist in economic evaluation for both direct and opportunity costs. Objectives: To reflect on our experience and challenges in collecting data on economic evaluation of cancer patients and compare success rates in achieving fund mobilization after introduction of MSW. Methods: A Retrospective survey. Patients with OC and their relatives were seen by the MSW during the initial outpatients department visit and followed though till discharge from the hospital and during follow-up visits. Assistance was provided in preparing the essential documents/paperwork/contacts for the funding agencies including both governmental (Chief-Minister/Prime-Minister/President) and NGO sources. In addition, a detailed questionnaire was filled up for economic assessment of direct/opportunity costs during the entire treatment and 12 months follow up period which forms a part of the study called HEPTROC (Health economic evaluation of primary treatment for ovarian cancer) developed in collaboration with economics departments of Universities. Results: In 2015, 102 patients were operated for OC; only 16 patients (15.68 %) had availed funding of a total sum of INR 1640000 through the hospital system for social assessment. Following challenges were faced by majority of the relatives: 1. Gathering important documents/proper contact details for governmental funding bodies and difficulty in following up the current status 3. Late arrival of funds. In contrast in 2016, 104 OC patients underwent surgery; the direct cost of treatment was significantly higher (median, INR 300000- 400000) compared to other GCs (n=274). 98/104 (94.23%) OC patients could be helped to apply for funds and 90/104(86.56%) patients received funding amounting to a total of INR 10897000. There has been a tenfold increase in funds mobilized in 2016 after the introduction of dedicated MSW in GC. So far, in 2017 (till June), 46/54(85.18%) OC patients applied for funds and 37/54(68.51%) patients have received funding. In a qualitative survey, all patients appreciated the role of the MSW who subsequently became the key worker for patient follow up and the chief portal for patient reported outcome monitoring. Data collection quality for the HEPTROC study was improved when questionnaires were administered by the MSW compared to researchers. Conclusion: Introduction of cancer specific MSW can expedite the availability of funds required for cancer patients and it can positively impact on patient satisfaction and outcome reporting. The economic assessment will influence fund allocation and decision for policymaking in ovarian cancer. Acknowledgement: Jivdaya Foundation Dallas, Texas.Keywords: economic evaluation, funding, medical social worker, ovarian cancer
Procedia PDF Downloads 15636 Burkholderia Cepacia ST 767 Causing a Three Years Nosocomial Outbreak in a Hemodialysis Unit
Authors: Gousilin Leandra Rocha Da Silva, Stéfani T. A. Dantas, Bruna F. Rossi, Erika R. Bonsaglia, Ivana G. Castilho, Terue Sadatsune, Ary Fernandes Júnior, Vera l. M. Rall
Kidney failure causes decreased diuresis and accumulation of nitrogenous substances in the body. To increase patient survival, hemodialysis is used as a partial substitute for renal function. However, contamination of the water used in this treatment, causing bacteremia in patients, is a worldwide concern. The Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc), a group of bacteria with more than 20 species, is frequently isolated from hemodialysis water samples and comprises opportunistic bacteria, affecting immunosuppressed patients, due to its wide variety of virulence factors, in addition to innate resistance to several antimicrobial agents, contributing to the permanence in the hospital environment and to the pathogenesis in the host. The objective of the present work was to characterize molecularly and phenotypically Bcc isolates collected from the water and dialysate of the Hemodialysis Unit and from the blood of patients at a Public Hospital in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, between 2019 and 2021. We used 33 Bcc isolates, previously obtained from blood cultures from patients with bacteremia undergoing hemodialysis treatment (2019-2021) and 24 isolates obtained from water and dialysate samples in a Hemodialysis Unit (same period). The recA gene was sequenced to identify the specific species among the Bcc group. All isolates were tested for the presence of some genes that encode virulence factors such as cblA, esmR, zmpA and zmpB. Considering the epidemiology of the outbreak, the Bcc isolates were molecularly characterized by Multi Locus Sequence Type (MLST) and by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The verification and quantification of biofilm in a polystyrene microplate were performed by submitting the isolates to different incubation temperatures (20°C, average water temperature and 35°C, optimal temperature for group growth). The antibiogram was performed with disc diffusion tests on agar, using discs impregnated with cefepime (30µg), ceftazidime (30µg), ciprofloxacin (5µg), gentamicin (10µg), imipenem (10µg), amikacin 30µg), sulfametazol/trimethoprim (23.75/1.25µg) and ampicillin/sulbactam (10/10µg). The presence of ZmpB was identified in all isolates, while ZmpA was observed in 96.5% of the isolates, while none of them presented the cblA and esmR genes. The antibiogram of the 33 human isolates indicated that all were resistant to gentamicin, colistin, ampicillin/sulbactam and imipenem. 16 (48.5%) isolates were resistant to amikacin and lower rates of resistance were observed for meropenem, ceftazidime, cefepime, ciprofloxacin and piperacycline/tazobactam (6.1%). All isolates were sensitive to sulfametazol/trimethoprim, levofloxacin and tigecycline. As for the water isolates, resistance was observed only to gentamicin (34.8%) and imipenem (17.4%). According to PFGE results, all isolates obtained from humans and water belonged to the same pulsotype (1), which was identified by recA sequencing as B. cepacia¸, belonging to sequence type ST-767. By observing a single pulse type over three years, one can observe the persistence of this isolate in the pipeline, contaminating patients undergoing hemodialysis, despite the routine disinfection of water with peracetic acid. This persistence is probably due to the production of biofilm, which protects bacteria from disinfectants and, making this scenario more critical, several isolates proved to be multidrug-resistant (resistance to at least three groups of antimicrobials), turning the patient care even more difficult.Keywords: hemodialysis, burkholderia cepacia, PFGE, MLST, multi drug resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 10135 Case Report: Peripartum Cardiomyopathy, a Rare but Fatal Condition in Pregnancy and Puerperium
Authors: Sadaf Abbas, HimGauri Sabnis
Introduction: Peripartum cardiomyopathy is a rare but potentially life-threatening condition that presents as heart failure during the last month of pregnancy or within five months postpartum. The incidence of postpartum cardiomyopathy ranges from 1 in 1300 to 1 in 15,000 pregnancies. Risk factors include multiparty, advanced maternal age, multiple pregnancies, pre-eclampsia, and chronic hypertension. Study: A 30-year-old Para3+0 presented to the Emergency Department of St’Marry Hospital, Isle of Wight, on the seventh day postpartum, with acute shortness of breath (SOB), chest pain, cough, and a temperature of 38 degrees. The risk factors were smoking and class II obesity (BMI of 40.62). The patient had mild pre-eclampsia in the last pregnancy and was on labetalol and aspirin during an antenatal period, which was stopped postnatally. There was also a history of pre-eclampsia and haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets (HELLP syndrome) in previous pregnancies, which led to preterm delivery at 35 weeks in the second pregnancy, and the first baby was stillborn at 24 weeks. On assessment, there was a national early warning score (NEWS score) of 3, persistent tachycardia, and mild crepitation in the lungs. Initial investigations revealed an enlarged heart on chest X-ray, and a CT pulmonary angiogram indicated bilateral basal pulmonary congestion without pulmonary embolism, suggesting fluid overload. Laboratory results showed elevated CRP and normal troponin levels initially, which later increased, indicating myocardial involvement. Echocardiography revealed a severely dilated left ventricle with an ejection fraction (EF) of 31%, consistent with severely impaired systolic function. The cardiology team reviewed the patient and admitted to the Coronary Care Unit. As sign and symptoms were suggestive of fluid overload and congestive cardiac failure, management was done with diuretics, beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors), proton pump inhibitors, and supportive care. During admission, there was complications such as acute kidney injury, but then recovered well. Chest pain had resolved following the treatment. After being admitted for eight days, there was an improvement in the symptoms, and the patient was discharged home with a further plan of cardiac MRI and genetic testing due to a family history of sudden cardiac death. Regular appointment has been made with the Cardiology team to follow-up on the symptoms. Since discharge, the patient made a good recovery. A cardiac MRI was done, which showed severely impaired left ventricular function, ejection fraction (EF) of 38% with mild left ventricular dilatation, and no evidence of previous infarction. Overall appearance is of non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy. The main challenge at the time of admission was the non-availability of a cardiac radiology team, so the definitive diagnosis was delayed. The long-term implications include risk of recurrence, chronic heart failure, and, consequently, an effect on quality of life. Therefore, regular follow-up is critical in patient’s management. Conclusions: Peripartum cardiomyopathy is one of the cardiovascular diseases whose causes are still unknown yet and, in some cases, are uncontrolled. By raising awareness about the symptoms and management of this complication it will reduce morbidity and mortality rates and also the length of stay in the hospital.Keywords: cardiomyopathy, cardiomegaly, pregnancy, puerperium
Procedia PDF Downloads 3634 Biological Soil Crust Effects on Dust Control Around the Urmia Lake
Authors: Abbas Ahmadi, Nasser Aliasgharzad, Ali Asghar Jafarzadeh
Nowadays, drying of the Urmia Lake as a largest saline lake in the world and emerging its saline bed from water has caused the risk of salty dune storms, which threats the health of human society and also plants and animal communities living in the region. Biological soil crusts (BSCs) as a dust stabilizer attracted the attention of Soil conservation experts in recent years. Although the presence of water by the impenetrable lake bed and endorheic basin can be an advantage to create BSCs, but the extraordinary of the lake bed salinity is a factor for prevention of its establishment in the region. Therefore, the present research work has been carried out to investigate the effects of inoculating the Cyanobacteria, algae and their combination to create BSCs for dust control. In this study, an algae attributed to Chlamydomonas sp and a cyanobacteria attributed to Anabaena sp isolated from the soils of Urmia Lake margin were used to create BSC in four soil samples which collected from 0-10 cm of the current margin (A), the previous bed (B), affected lands by lake (C) and Quomtappe sand dune (D). The main characteristics of the A, B and C soil samples are their highly salinity (their ECe are 108, 140 and 118 dS/m, respectively) and sodicity. Also, texture class of the soil A was loamy sand, and other two soils had clay textures. Soil D was Non-saline, but it was sodic with a sandy texture class. This study was conducted separately in each soil in a completely randomized design under four inoculation treatments of non-inoculated (T0), Algae (T1), cyanobacteria (T2) and equal mixture of algae and cyanobacteria (T3) with three replications. In the experiment, the soil was placed into wind tunnel trays, and a suspension containing microorganisms mixed with the trays surface soil. During the experiment, water was sprayed to the trays at the morning and evening of every day. After passing the incubation period (30 days), some characteristics of samples such as pH, EC, cold water extractable carbohydrate (CWEC), hot water extractable carbohydrate (HWEC), sulfuric acid extractable carbohydrate (SAEC), organic matter, crust thickness, penetration resistance, wind erosion threshold velocity and soil loss in the wind tunnel were measured, and Correlation between the measured characteristics was obtained through the SPSS software. Analysis of variance and so comparison between the means of treatments were analyzed with MSTATC software. In this research, Chlorophyll, an amount, was used as an indicator of the microorganism's population in the samples. Based on obtained results, the amount of Chlorophyll a in the T2 treatment of soil A and all treatments of soil D was significantly increased in comparison to the control and crust thickness showed increase in all treatments by microorganism’s inoculation. But effect of the treatments was significant in soils A and D. At all treatment’s inoculation of microorganisms in soil A caused to increase %46, %34 and %55 of the wind erosion threshold velocity in T1, T2 and T3 treatments in comparison to the control, respectively, and in soil D all treatments caused wind erosion threshold velocity became two times more than control. However, soil loss in the wind tunnel experiments was significant in T2 and T3 treatments of these soils and T1 treatment had no effect in reducing soil loss. Correlation between Chlorophyll a and salinity shows the important role of salinity in microbial growth prevention and formation of BSCs in the studied samples. In general, according to the obtained results, it can be concluded that salinity reduces the growth of microorganisms in saline soils of the region, and in soils with fine textures, salinity role in prevention of the microbial growth is clear. Also, using the mix of algae and cyanobacteria together caused the synergistic growth of them and consequently, better protection of the soil against wind erosion was provided.Keywords: wind erosion, algae, cyanobacteria, carbohydrate
Procedia PDF Downloads 6533 Evaluating Forecasting Strategies for Day-Ahead Electricity Prices: Insights From the Russia-Ukraine Crisis
Authors: Alexandra Papagianni, George Filis, Panagiotis Papadopoulos
The liberalization of the energy market and the increasing penetration of fluctuating renewables (e.g., wind and solar power) have heightened the importance of the spot market for ensuring efficient electricity supply. This is further emphasized by the EU’s goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. The day-ahead market (DAM) plays a key role in European energy trading, accounting for 80-90% of spot transactions and providing critical insights for next-day pricing. Therefore, short-term electricity price forecasting (EPF) within the DAM is crucial for market participants to make informed decisions and improve their market positioning. Existing literature highlights out-of-sample performance as a key factor in assessing EPF accuracy, with influencing factors such as predictors, forecast horizon, model selection, and strategy. Several studies indicate that electricity demand is a primary price determinant, while renewable energy sources (RES) like wind and solar significantly impact price dynamics, often lowering prices. Additionally, incorporating data from neighboring countries, due to market coupling, further improves forecast accuracy. Most studies predict up to 24 steps ahead using hourly data, while some extend forecasts using higher-frequency data (e.g., half-hourly or quarter-hourly). Short-term EPF methods fall into two main categories: statistical and computational intelligence (CI) methods, with hybrid models combining both. While many studies use advanced statistical methods, particularly through different versions of traditional AR-type models, others apply computational techniques such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) and support vector machines (SVMs). Recent research combines multiple methods to enhance forecasting performance. Despite extensive research on EPF accuracy, a gap remains in understanding how forecasting strategy affects prediction outcomes. While iterated strategies are commonly used, they are often chosen without justification. This paper contributes by examining whether the choice of forecasting strategy impacts the quality of day-ahead price predictions, especially for multi-step forecasts. We evaluate both iterated and direct methods, exploring alternative ways of conducting iterated forecasts on benchmark and state-of-the-art forecasting frameworks. The goal is to assess whether these factors should be considered by end-users to improve forecast quality. We focus on the Greek DAM using data from July 1, 2021, to March 31, 2022. This period is chosen due to significant price volatility in Greece, driven by its dependence on natural gas and limited interconnection capacity with larger European grids. The analysis covers two phases: pre-conflict (January 1, 2022, to February 23, 2022) and post-conflict (February 24, 2022, to March 31, 2022), following the Russian-Ukraine conflict that initiated an energy crisis. We use the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and symmetric mean absolute percentage error (sMAPE) for evaluation, as well as the Direction of Change (DoC) measure to assess the accuracy of price movement predictions. Our findings suggest that forecasters need to apply all strategies across different horizons and models. Different strategies may be required for different horizons to optimize both accuracy and directional predictions, ensuring more reliable forecasts.Keywords: short-term electricity price forecast, forecast strategies, forecast horizons, recursive strategy, direct strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1132 Improving Data Completeness and Timely Reporting: A Joint Collaborative Effort between Partners in Health and Ministry of Health in Remote Areas, Neno District, Malawi
Authors: Wiseman Emmanuel Nkhomah, Chiyembekezo Kachimanga, Moses Banda Aron, Julia Higgins, Manuel Mulwafu, Kondwani Mpinga, Mwayi Chunga, Grace Momba, Enock Ndarama, Dickson Sumphi, Atupere Phiri, Fabien Munyaneza
Background: Data is key to supporting health service delivery as stakeholders, including NGOs rely on it for effective service delivery, decision-making, and system strengthening. Several studies generated debate on data quality from national health management information systems (HMIS) in sub-Saharan Africa. This limits the utilization of data in resource-limited settings, which already struggle to meet standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO). We aimed to evaluate data quality improvement of Neno district HMIS over a 4-year period (2018 – 2021) following quarterly data reviews introduced in January 2020 by the district health management team and Partners In Health. Methods: Exploratory Mixed Research was used to examine report rates, followed by in-depth interviews using Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). We used the WHO module desk review to assess the quality of HMIS data in the Neno district captured from 2018 to 2021. The metrics assessed included the completeness and timeliness of 34 reports. Completeness was measured as a percentage of non-missing reports. Timeliness was measured as the span between data inputs and expected outputs meeting needs. We computed T-Test and recorded P-values, summaries, and percentage changes using R and Excel 2016. We analyzed demographics for key informant interviews in Power BI. We developed themes from 7 FGDs and 11 KIIs using Dedoose software, from which we picked perceptions of healthcare workers, interventions implemented, and improvement suggestions. The study was reviewed and approved by Malawi National Health Science Research Committee (IRB: 22/02/2866). Results: Overall, the average reporting completeness rate was 83.4% (before) and 98.1% (after), while timeliness was 68.1% and 76.4 respectively. Completeness of reports increased over time: 2018, 78.8%; 2019, 88%; 2020, 96.3% and 2021, 99.9% (p< 0.004). The trend for timeliness has been declining except in 2021, where it improved: 2018, 68.4%; 2019, 68.3%; 2020, 67.1% and 2021, 81% (p< 0.279). Comparing 2021 reporting rates to the mean of three preceding years, both completeness increased from 88% to 99% (in 2021), while timeliness increased from 68% to 81%. Sixty-five percent of reports have maintained meeting a national standard of 90%+ in completeness while only 24% in timeliness. Thirty-two percent of reports met the national standard. Only 9% improved on both completeness and timeliness, and these are; cervical cancer, nutrition care support and treatment, and youth-friendly health services reports. 50% of reports did not improve to standard in timeliness, and only one did not in completeness. On the other hand, factors associated with improvement included improved communications and reminders using internal communication, data quality assessments, checks, and reviews. Decentralizing data entry at the facility level was suggested to improve timeliness. Conclusion: Findings suggest that data quality in HMIS for the district has improved following collaborative efforts. We recommend maintaining such initiatives to identify remaining quality gaps and that results be shared publicly to support increased use of data. These results can inform Ministry of Health and its partners on some interventions and advise initiatives for improving its quality.Keywords: data quality, data utilization, HMIS, collaboration, completeness, timeliness, decision-making
Procedia PDF Downloads 8531 Quality of Care for the Maternal Complications at Selected Primary and Secondary Health Facilities of Bangladesh: Lessons Learned from a Formative Research
Authors: Mohiuddin Ahsanul Kabir Chowdhury, Nafisa Lira Huq, Afroza Khanom, Rafiqul Islam, Abdullah Nurus Salam Khan, Farhana Karim, Nabila Zaka, Shams El Arifeen, Sk. Masum Billah
After having astounding achievements in reducing maternal mortality and achieving the target for Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5, the Government of Bangladesh has set new target to reduce Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) to 70 per 100,000 live births aligning with targets of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Aversion of deaths from maternal complication by ensuring quality health care could be an important path to accelerate the rate of reduction of MMR. This formative research was aimed at exploring the provision of quality maternal health services at different level of health facilities. The study was conducted in 1 district hospital (DH) and 4 Upazila health complexes (UHC) of Kurigram district of Bangladesh, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative research methods. We conducted 14 key informant interviews with facility managers and 20 in-depth interviews with health care providers and support staff. Besides, we observed 387 normal deliveries from which we found 17 cases of post partum haemorrhage (PPH) and 2 cases of eclampsia during the data collection period extended from July-September 2016. The quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, and the qualitative component underwent thematic analysis with the broad themes of facility readiness for maternal complication management, and management of complications. Inadequacy in human resources has been identified as the most important bottleneck to provide quality care to manage maternal complications. The DH had a particular paucity of human resources in medical officer cadre where about 61% posts were unfilled. On the other hand, in the UHCs the positions mostly empty were obstetricians (75%, paediatricians (75%), staff nurses (65%), and anaesthetists (100%). The workload on the existing staff is increased because of the persistence of vacant posts. Unavailability of anesthetists and consultants does not permit the health care providers (HCP) of lower cadres to perform emergency operative procedures and forces them to refer the patients although referral system is not well organized in rural Bangladesh. Insufficient bed capacity, inadequate training, shortage of emergency medicines etc. are other hindrance factors for facility readiness. Among the 387 observed delivery case, 17 (4.4%) were identified as PPH cases, and only 2 cases were found as eclampsia/pre-eclampsia. The majority of the patients were treated with uterine message (16 out of 17, 94.1%) and injectable Oxytocin (14 out of 17, 82.4%). The providers of DH mentioned that they can manage the PPH because of having provision for diagnostic and blood transfusion services, although not as 24/7 services. Regarding management of eclampsia/pre-eclampsia, HCPs provided Diazepam, MgSO4, and other anti-hypertensives. The UHCs did not have MgSO4 at stock even, and one facility manager admitted that they treat eclampsia with Diazepam only. The nurses of the UHCs were found to be afraid to handle eclampsia cases. The upcoming interventions must ensure refresher training of service providers, continuous availability of essential medicine and equipment needed for complication management, availability of skilled health workforce, availability of functioning blood transfusion unit and pairing of consultants and anaesthetists to reach the newly set targets altogether.Keywords: Bangladesh, health facilities, maternal complications, quality of care
Procedia PDF Downloads 23530 Ensemble Sampler For Infinite-Dimensional Inverse Problems
Authors: Jeremie Coullon, Robert J. Webber
We introduce a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sam-pler for infinite-dimensional inverse problems. Our sam-pler is based on the affine invariant ensemble sampler, which uses interacting walkers to adapt to the covariance structure of the target distribution. We extend this ensem-ble sampler for the first time to infinite-dimensional func-tion spaces, yielding a highly efficient gradient-free MCMC algorithm. Because our ensemble sampler does not require gradients or posterior covariance estimates, it is simple to implement and broadly applicable. In many Bayes-ian inverse problems, Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) meth-ods are needed to approximate distributions on infinite-dimensional function spaces, for example, in groundwater flow, medical imaging, and traffic flow. Yet designing efficient MCMC methods for function spaces has proved challenging. Recent gradi-ent-based MCMC methods preconditioned MCMC methods, and SMC methods have improved the computational efficiency of functional random walk. However, these samplers require gradi-ents or posterior covariance estimates that may be challenging to obtain. Calculating gradients is difficult or impossible in many high-dimensional inverse problems involving a numerical integra-tor with a black-box code base. Additionally, accurately estimating posterior covariances can require a lengthy pilot run or adaptation period. These concerns raise the question: is there a functional sampler that outperforms functional random walk without requir-ing gradients or posterior covariance estimates? To address this question, we consider a gradient-free sampler that avoids explicit covariance estimation yet adapts naturally to the covariance struc-ture of the sampled distribution. This sampler works by consider-ing an ensemble of walkers and interpolating and extrapolating between walkers to make a proposal. This is called the affine in-variant ensemble sampler (AIES), which is easy to tune, easy to parallelize, and efficient at sampling spaces of moderate dimen-sionality (less than 20). The main contribution of this work is to propose a functional ensemble sampler (FES) that combines func-tional random walk and AIES. To apply this sampler, we first cal-culate the Karhunen–Loeve (KL) expansion for the Bayesian prior distribution, assumed to be Gaussian and trace-class. Then, we use AIES to sample the posterior distribution on the low-wavenumber KL components and use the functional random walk to sample the posterior distribution on the high-wavenumber KL components. Alternating between AIES and functional random walk updates, we obtain our functional ensemble sampler that is efficient and easy to use without requiring detailed knowledge of the target dis-tribution. In past work, several authors have proposed splitting the Bayesian posterior into low-wavenumber and high-wavenumber components and then applying enhanced sampling to the low-wavenumber components. Yet compared to these other samplers, FES is unique in its simplicity and broad applicability. FES does not require any derivatives, and the need for derivative-free sam-plers has previously been emphasized. FES also eliminates the requirement for posterior covariance estimates. Lastly, FES is more efficient than other gradient-free samplers in our tests. In two nu-merical examples, we apply FES to challenging inverse problems that involve estimating a functional parameter and one or more scalar parameters. We compare the performance of functional random walk, FES, and an alternative derivative-free sampler that explicitly estimates the posterior covariance matrix. We conclude that FES is the fastest available gradient-free sampler for these challenging and multimodal test problems.Keywords: Bayesian inverse problems, Markov chain Monte Carlo, infinite-dimensional inverse problems, dimensionality reduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 15429 A Human Factors Approach to Workload Optimization for On-Screen Review Tasks
Authors: Christina Kirsch, Adam Hatzigiannis
Rail operators and maintainers worldwide are increasingly replacing walking patrols in the rail corridor with mechanized track patrols -essentially data capture on trains- and on-screen reviews of track infrastructure in centralized review facilities. The benefit is that infrastructure workers are less exposed to the dangers of the rail corridor. The impact is a significant change in work design from walking track sections and direct observation in the real world to sedentary jobs in the review facility reviewing captured data on screens. Defects in rail infrastructure can have catastrophic consequences. Reviewer performance regarding accuracy and efficiency of reviews within the available time frame is essential to ensure safety and operational performance. Rail operators must optimize workload and resource loading to transition to on-screen reviews successfully. Therefore, they need to know what workload assessment methodologies will provide reliable and valid data to optimize resourcing for on-screen reviews. This paper compares objective workload measures, including track difficulty ratings and review distance covered per hour, and subjective workload assessments (NASA TLX) and analyses the link between workload and reviewer performance, including sensitivity, precision, and overall accuracy. An experimental study was completed with eight on-screen reviewers, including infrastructure workers and engineers, reviewing track sections with different levels of track difficulty over nine days. Each day the reviewers completed four 90-minute sessions of on-screen inspection of the track infrastructure. Data regarding the speed of review (km/ hour), detected defects, false negatives, and false positives were collected. Additionally, all reviewers completed a subjective workload assessment (NASA TLX) after each 90-minute session and a short employee engagement survey at the end of the study period that captured impacts on job satisfaction and motivation. The results showed that objective measures for tracking difficulty align with subjective mental demand, temporal demand, effort, and frustration in the NASA TLX. Interestingly, review speed correlated with subjective assessments of physical and temporal demand, but to mental demand. Subjective performance ratings correlated with all accuracy measures and review speed. The results showed that subjective NASA TLX workload assessments accurately reflect objective workload. The analysis of the impact of workload on performance showed that subjective mental demand correlated with high precision -accurately detected defects, not false positives. Conversely, high temporal demand was negatively correlated with sensitivity and the percentage of detected existing defects. Review speed was significantly correlated with false negatives. With an increase in review speed, accuracy declined. On the other hand, review speed correlated with subjective performance assessments. Reviewers thought their performance was higher when they reviewed the track sections faster, despite the decline in accuracy. The study results were used to optimize resourcing and ensure that reviewers had enough time to review the allocated track sections to improve defect detection rates in accordance with the efficiency-thoroughness trade-off. Overall, the study showed the importance of a multi-method approach to workload assessment and optimization, combining subjective workload assessments with objective workload and performance measures to ensure that recommendations for work system optimization are evidence-based and reliable.Keywords: automation, efficiency-thoroughness trade-off, human factors, job design, NASA TLX, performance optimization, subjective workload assessment, workload analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 12228 Computational, Human, and Material Modalities: An Augmented Reality Workflow for Building form Found Textile Structures
Authors: James Forren
This research paper details a recent demonstrator project in which digital form found textile structures were built by human craftspersons wearing augmented reality (AR) head-worn displays (HWDs). The project utilized a wet-state natural fiber / cementitious matrix composite to generate minimal bending shapes in tension which, when cured and rotated, performed as minimal-bending compression members. The significance of the project is that it synthesizes computational structural simulations with visually guided handcraft production. Computational and physical form-finding methods with textiles are well characterized in the development of architectural form. One difficulty, however, is physically building computer simulations: often requiring complicated digital fabrication workflows. However, AR HWDs have been used to build a complex digital form from bricks, wood, plastic, and steel without digital fabrication devices. These projects utilize, instead, the tacit knowledge motor schema of the human craftsperson. Computational simulations offer unprecedented speed and performance in solving complex structural problems. Human craftspersons possess highly efficient complex spatial reasoning motor schemas. And textiles offer efficient form-generating possibilities for individual structural members and overall structural forms. This project proposes that the synthesis of these three modalities of structural problem-solving – computational, human, and material - may not only develop efficient structural form but offer further creative potentialities when the respective intelligence of each modality is productively leveraged. The project methodology pertains to its three modalities of production: 1) computational, 2) human, and 3) material. A proprietary three-dimensional graphic statics simulator generated a three-legged arch as a wireframe model. This wireframe was discretized into nine modules, three modules per leg. Each module was modeled as a woven matrix of one-inch diameter chords. And each woven matrix was transmitted to a holographic engine running on HWDs. Craftspersons wearing the HWDs then wove wet cementitious chords within a simple falsework frame to match the minimal bending form displayed in front of them. Once the woven components cured, they were demounted from the frame. The components were then assembled into a full structure using the holographically displayed computational model as a guide. The assembled structure was approximately eighteen feet in diameter and ten feet in height and matched the holographic model to under an inch of tolerance. The construction validated the computational simulation of the minimal bending form as it was dimensionally stable for a ten-day period, after which it was disassembled. The demonstrator illustrated the facility with which computationally derived, a structurally stable form could be achieved by the holographically guided, complex three-dimensional motor schema of the human craftsperson. However, the workflow traveled unidirectionally from computer to human to material: failing to fully leverage the intelligence of each modality. Subsequent research – a workshop testing human interaction with a physics engine simulation of string networks; and research on the use of HWDs to capture hand gestures in weaving seeks to develop further interactivity with rope and chord towards a bi-directional workflow within full-scale building environments.Keywords: augmented reality, cementitious composites, computational form finding, textile structures
Procedia PDF Downloads 17627 A Multi-Scale Approach to Space Use: Habitat Disturbance Alters Behavior, Movement and Energy Budgets in Sloths (Bradypus variegatus)
Authors: Heather E. Ewart, Keith Jensen, Rebecca N. Cliffe
Fragmentation and changes in the structural composition of tropical forests – as a result of intensifying anthropogenic disturbance – are increasing pressures on local biodiversity. Species with low dispersal abilities have some of the highest extinction risks in response to environmental change, as even small-scale environmental variation can substantially impact their space use and energetic balance. Understanding the implications of forest disturbance is therefore essential, ultimately allowing for more effective and targeted conservation initiatives. Here, the impact of different levels of forest disturbance on the space use, energetics, movement and behavior of 18 brown-throated sloths (Bradypus variegatus) were assessed in the South Caribbean of Costa Rica. A multi-scale framework was used to measure forest disturbance, including large-scale (landscape-level classifications) and fine-scale (within and surrounding individual home ranges) forest composition. Three landscape-level classifications were identified: primary forests (undisturbed), secondary forests (some disturbance, regenerating) and urban forests (high levels of disturbance and fragmentation). Finer-scale forest composition was determined using measurements of habitat structure and quality within and surrounding individual home ranges for each sloth (home range estimates were calculated using autocorrelated kernel density estimation [AKDE]). Measurements of forest quality included tree connectivity, density, diameter and height, species richness, and percentage of canopy cover. To determine space use, energetics, movement and behavior, six sloths in urban forests, seven sloths in secondary forests and five sloths in primary forests were tracked using a combination of Very High Frequency (VHF) radio transmitters and Global Positioning System (GPS) technology over an average period of 120 days. All sloths were also fitted with micro data-loggers (containing tri-axial accelerometers and pressure loggers) for an average of 30 days to allow for behavior-specific movement analyses (data analysis ongoing for data-loggers and primary forest sloths). Data-loggers included determination of activity budgets, circadian rhythms of activity and energy expenditure (using the vector of the dynamic body acceleration [VeDBA] as a proxy). Analyses to date indicate that home range size significantly increased with the level of forest disturbance. Female sloths inhabiting secondary forests averaged 0.67-hectare home ranges, while female sloths inhabiting urban forests averaged 1.93-hectare home ranges (estimates are represented by median values to account for the individual variation in home range size in sloths). Likewise, home range estimates for male sloths were 2.35 hectares in secondary forests and 4.83 in urban forests. Sloths in urban forests also used nearly double (median = 22.5) the number of trees as sloths in the secondary forest (median = 12). These preliminary data indicate that forest disturbance likely heightens the energetic requirements of sloths, a species already critically limited by low dispersal ability and rates of energy acquisition. Energetic and behavioral analyses from the data-loggers will be considered in the context of fine-scale forest composition measurements (i.e., habitat quality and structure) and are expected to reflect the observed home range and movement constraints. The implications of these results are far-reaching, presenting an opportunity to define a critical index of habitat connectivity for low dispersal species such as sloths.Keywords: biodiversity conservation, forest disturbance, movement ecology, sloths
Procedia PDF Downloads 11426 The Role of Uzbek Music Culture in Tourism
Authors: Odina Omonjonova
The Uzbek people have a rich history and a rapidly developing music culture for several centuries. Monuments, shrines, places of culture and spirituality, which are the most beautiful proofs of history, show that this country has been a center of wisdom since ancient times. Nowadays, Uzbekistan is opening its face to the world with its unique spiritual heritage, historical monuments, peaceful corners and beautiful landscapes. Tourists from many countries visit and get acquainted with Uzbek culture and history and acknowledge it with great respect. The place of traditional music in describing the national color on the world scale is incomparable. Oral folk works that have reached this period, lapar, yalla, songs and ‘Shashmaqom’ are the intangible spiritual wealth of the Uzbek people. They embody the ancient and great history, spiritual world, artistic philosophy, spirit and values of our nation. National music is the main part of the culture of the nation, and here it is worth emphasizing the importance of music in the tourism of Uzbekistan. Foreign guests can enjoy our national music in various ways: (1) Concerts: There are many concert halls and cultural centers in the cities of Uzbekistan, where many concerts and events are held. Well-known musicians, singers and ensembles add more beauty to the beauty of these places, performing musical samples in Shashmaqom and other traditional styles. In these concert programs, tourists will have the opportunity to listen to works of art in an attractive live performance. (2) Festivals: Many music festivals are held in Uzbekistan throughout the year. The ‘Sharq Taronalari’ international music festival is a unique holiday where musicians from all over the world gather to celebrate the diversity of musical traditions. In recent years, traditional music has been played regularly in a number of festivals such as the ‘International Maqom Festival’, ‘International Craft Festival’ and ‘Boysun Bahari’ held in our country, which has increased the attention of travelers to our music culture. (3) Cultural seminars. Tourists interested in hands-on musical experience can participate in musical workshops. These classes allow tourists to learn to play traditional musical instruments and even participate in group activities. (4) Street musicians: In the central places and ancient streets of Uzbekistan's cities, we can meet street musicians playing soulful tunes. Performing and singing folklore samples on modern instruments directly attracts foreign guests. In Uzbekistan, national music and tourism have a direct and indirect connection. Music serves as a bridge between the country's history and its modern identity and enriches the travel experience. The impact of national music on tourism goes beyond mere statistics. Although tourist arrivals have increased significantly due to music-related attractions, the real impact lies in the stories and live testimonies of visitors. Travelers often say that the rhythms of Uzbekistan touched their hearts and broadened their worldview. In addition, music tourism strengthens the country's economy, provides employment, supports local artisans and performers, and provides an opportunity to showcase their talents to a global audience. In short, Uzbekistan is not only a place of interest, but it is among the countries that attract travelers with its unique national music. Uzbek music, folklore, songs, from the wonderful melodies of ‘Shashmaqom’ to the attractive sounds of traditional musical instruments, give aesthetic and spiritual pleasure and are important in organizing a large-scale trip for tourists visiting the country.Keywords: traditional music, folklore, shashmaqom, tourism, festivals, street musicians, traditional musical instruments
Procedia PDF Downloads 4225 Analyzing Perceptions of Leadership Capacities After a Year-Long Leadership Development Training: An Exploratory Study of School Leaders in South Africa
Authors: Norma Kok, Diemo Masuko, Thandokazi Dlongwana, Komala Pillay
CONTEXT: While many school principals have been outstanding teachers and have inherent leadership potential, many have not had access to the quality of leadership development or support that empowers them to produce high-quality education outcomes in extremely challenging circumstances. Further, school leaders in under-served communities face formidable challenges arising from insufficient infrastructure, overcrowded classrooms, socio-economic challenges within the community, and insufficient parental involvement, all of which put a strain on principals’ ability to lead their schools effectively. In addition few school leaders have access to other supportive networks, and many do not know how to build and leverage social capital to create opportunities for their schools and learners. Moreover, we know that fostering parental involvement in their children’s learning improves a child’s morale, attitude, and academic achievement across all subject areas, and promotes better behaviour and social adjustment. Citizen Leader Lab facilitates the Partners for Possibility (PfP) programme to provide leadership development and support to school leaders serving under-resourced communities in South Africa to create effective environments of learning. This is done by creating partnerships between school leaders and private-sector business leaders over a 12-month period. (185) OBJECTIVES: To explore school leaders’ perceptions of their leadership capacities and changes at their schools after being exposed to a year-long leadership development training programme. METHODS: School leaders gained new leadership capacities e.g. resilience, improved confidence, communication and conflict resolution skills - catalysing into improved cultures of collaborative decision-making and environments for enhanced teaching and learningprogramme based on the 70:20:10 model whereby: 10% of learning comes from workshops, 20% of learning takes place through peer learning and 70% of learning occurs through experiential learning as partnerships work together to identify and tackle challenges in targeted schools. Participants completed a post-programme questionnaire consisting of structured and unstructured questions and semi-structured interviews were conducted with them and their business leader. The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed and thematic content analysis was undertaken. The analysis was inductive and emerging themes were identified. A code list was generated after coding was undertaken using computer software (Dedoose). Quantitative data gathered from surveys was aggregated and analysed. RESULTS: School leadership found the programme interesting and rewarding. They gained new leadership capacities such as resilience, improved confidence, communication and conflict resolution skills - catalyzing into improved cultures of collaborative decision-making and environments for enhanced teaching and learning. New networks resulted in tangible outcomes such as upgrades to school infrastructure, water and sanitation, vegetable gardens at schools resulting in nutrition for learners and/or intangible outcomes such as skills for members of school management teams (SMTs). Collaborative leadership led to SMTs being more aligned, efficient, and cohesive; and teachers being more engaged and motivated. Notable positive changes at the school inspired parents and community members to become more actively involved in the school and in their children’s education. CONCLUSION: The PfP programme leads to improved leadership capacities and improved school culture which leads to improved teaching and learning and new resources for schools.Keywords: collaborative decision-making, collaborative leadership, community involvement, confidence
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