Search results for: pressure loss coefficients
1084 Multi-Agent Searching Adaptation Using Levy Flight and Inferential Reasoning
Authors: Sagir M. Yusuf, Chris Baber
In this paper, we describe how to achieve knowledge understanding and prediction (Situation Awareness (SA)) for multiple-agents conducting searching activity using Bayesian inferential reasoning and learning. Bayesian Belief Network was used to monitor agents' knowledge about their environment, and cases are recorded for the network training using expectation-maximisation or gradient descent algorithm. The well trained network will be used for decision making and environmental situation prediction. Forest fire searching by multiple UAVs was the use case. UAVs are tasked to explore a forest and find a fire for urgent actions by the fire wardens. The paper focused on two problems: (i) effective agents’ path planning strategy and (ii) knowledge understanding and prediction (SA). The path planning problem by inspiring animal mode of foraging using Lévy distribution augmented with Bayesian reasoning was fully described in this paper. Results proof that the Lévy flight strategy performs better than the previous fixed-pattern (e.g., parallel sweeps) approaches in terms of energy and time utilisation. We also introduced a waypoint assessment strategy called k-previous waypoints assessment. It improves the performance of the ordinary levy flight by saving agent’s resources and mission time through redundant search avoidance. The agents (UAVs) are to report their mission knowledge at the central server for interpretation and prediction purposes. Bayesian reasoning and learning were used for the SA and results proof effectiveness in different environments scenario in terms of prediction and effective knowledge representation. The prediction accuracy was measured using learning error rate, logarithm loss, and Brier score and the result proves that little agents mission that can be used for prediction within the same or different environment. Finally, we described a situation-based knowledge visualization and prediction technique for heterogeneous multi-UAV mission. While this paper proves linkage of Bayesian reasoning and learning with SA and effective searching strategy, future works is focusing on simplifying the architecture.Keywords: Levy flight, distributed constraint optimization problem, multi-agent system, multi-robot coordination, autonomous system, swarm intelligence
Procedia PDF Downloads 1441083 Research on Structural Changes in Plastic Deformation during Rolling and Crimping of Tubes
Authors: Hein Win Zaw
Today, the advanced strategies for aircraft production technology potentially need the higher performance, and on the other hand, those strategies and engineering technologies should meet considerable process and reduce of production costs. Thus, professionals who are working in these scopes are attempting to develop new materials to improve the manufacturability of designs, the creation of new technological processes, tools and equipment. This paper discusses about the research on structural changes in plastic deformation during rotary expansion and crimp of pipes. Pipelines are experiencing high pressure and pulsating load. That is why, it is high demands on the mechanical properties of the material, the quality of the external and internal surfaces, preserve cross-sectional shape and the minimum thickness of the pipe wall are taking into counts. In the manufacture of pipes, various operations: distribution, crimping, bending, etc. are used. The most widely used at various semi-products, connecting elements found the process of rotary expansion and crimp of pipes. In connection with the use of high strength materials and less-plastic, these conventional techniques do not allow obtaining high-quality parts, and also have a low economic efficiency. Therefore, research in this field is relevantly considerable to develop in advanced. Rotary expansion and crimp of pipes are accompanied by inhomogeneous plastic deformation, which leads to structural changes in the material, causes its deformation hardening, by this result changes the operational reliability of the product. Parts of the tube obtained by rotary expansion and crimp differ by multiplicity of form and characterized by various diameter in the various section, which formed in the result of inhomogeneous plastic deformation. The reliability of the coupling, obtained by rotary expansion and crimp, is determined by the structural arrangement of material formed by the formation process; there is maximum value of deformation, the excess of which is unacceptable. The structural state of material in this condition is determined by technological mode of formation in the rotary expansion and crimp. Considering the above, objective of the present study is to investigate the structural changes at different levels of plastic deformation, accompanying rotary expansion and crimp, and the analysis of stress concentrators of different scale levels, responsible for the formation of the primary zone of destruction.Keywords: plastic deformation, rolling of tubes, crimping of tubes, structural changes
Procedia PDF Downloads 3321082 Management Tools for Assessment of Adverse Reactions Caused by Contrast Media at the Hospital
Authors: Pranee Suecharoen, Ratchadaporn Soontornpas, Jaturat Kanpittaya
Background: Contrast media has an important role for disease diagnosis through detection of pathologies. Contrast media can, however, cause adverse reactions after administration of its agents. Although non-ionic contrast media are commonly used, the incidence of adverse events is relatively low. The most common reactions found (10.5%) were mild and manageable and/or preventable. Pharmacists can play an important role in evaluating adverse reactions, including awareness of the specific preparation and the type of adverse reaction. As most common types of adverse reactions are idiosyncratic or pseudo-allergic reactions, common standards need to be established to prevent and control adverse reactions promptly and effectively. Objective: To measure the effect of using tools for symptom evaluation in order to reduce the severity, or prevent the occurrence, of adverse reactions from contrast media. Methods: Retrospective review descriptive research with data collected on adverse reactions assessment and Naranjo’s algorithm between June 2015 and May 2016. Results: 158 patients (10.53%) had adverse reactions. Of the 1,500 participants with an adverse event evaluation, 137 (9.13%) had a mild adverse reaction, including hives, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and headache. These types of symptoms can be treated (i.e., with antihistamines, anti-emetics) and the patient recovers completely within one day. The group with moderate adverse reactions, numbering 18 cases (1.2%), had hypertension or hypotension, and shortness of breath. Severe adverse reactions numbered 3 cases (0.2%) and included swelling of the larynx, cardiac arrest, and loss of consciousness, requiring immediate treatment. No other complications under close medical supervision were recorded (i.e., corticosteroids use, epinephrine, dopamine, atropine, or life-saving devices). Using the guideline, therapies are divided into general and specific and are performed according to the severity, risk factors and ingestion of contrast media agents. Patients who have high-risk factors were screened and treated (i.e., prophylactic premedication) for prevention of severe adverse reactions, especially those with renal failure. Thus, awareness for the need for prescreening of different risk factors is necessary for early recognition and prompt treatment. Conclusion: Studying adverse reactions can be used to develop a model for reducing the level of severity and setting a guideline for a standardized, multidisciplinary approach to adverse reactions.Keywords: role of pharmacist, management of adverse reactions, guideline for contrast media, non-ionic contrast media
Procedia PDF Downloads 3031081 Phytochemical Screening and Assessment of Hepatoprotective Activity of Geigeria alata Leaves Ethanolic Extract on Wistar Rats
Authors: Girgis Younan, Ikram Eltayeb
Geigeria alata belongs to the family Asteraceae, is an effective plant traditionally used in Sudan as a therapy for hepatic disease and as an antiepileptic, antispasmodic and to treat cough and intestinal complaints.The liver is responsible for many critical functions within the body and any liver disease or injury will result in the loss of those functions leading to significant damage in the body. Liver diseases cause increase in liver enzymes (AST, ALP ALT) and total bilirubin and a decrease in total blood protein level. The objective of this study is to investigate the hepato-protective activity of Geigeria alata leaves ethanolic extract. The plant leaves were extracted using 96% ethanol using Soxhlet apparatus. The hepatoprotective effect was determined using 25 wistar rats, the rats was divided to 5 groups, each group contain 5 rats: [Normal control group] receiving purified water, liver damage was induced in wistar rats by administering a 1:1 (v/v) mixture of CCl4 (1.25 ml/kg) and olive oil once at day four of the experiment [negative control group]. Two doses of extract [400mg/kg and 200mg/kg] was applied daily for 7 days, and standard drug Silymarin (200 mg/kg) were administered daily for 7 days to CCl4-treated rats. The degree of hepato-protective activity was evaluated by determining the hepatic marker enzymes AST, ALP, ALT, total Bilirubin and total proteins (TP). Results have shown that, the extract of G.alata leaves reduced the level of liver enzymes ALT, AST, ALP, total bilirubin and increased the level of total proteins. Since the levels of liver enzymes; bilirubin and total protein are considered as markers of liver function, the extract has proven to reduce the detrimental effects of liver toxicity induced using CCl4. The hepato-protective effect of extract on liver was found to be dose dependent, where the 400mg/kg dose of the extract exhibited higher activity than 200mg/kg dose. In addition, the effect of the higher dose (400mg/kg) of the extract was found to be higher than Silymarin standard drug. The result concludes that, G.alata leaves extract was found to exhibit profound hepato-protective activity, which justifies the traditional use of the plant for the treatment of hepatic diseases.Keywords: alata, extract, geigeria, hepatoprotective
Procedia PDF Downloads 2351080 Cardiac Protective Effect of Olive Oil against Ischemia Reperfusion- Induced Cardiac Arrhythmias in Isolated Diabetic Rat Hearts
Authors: Ishfaq A. Bukhari, Bassem Yousef Sheikh, Abdulrahman Almotrefi, Osama Yousaf, Amer Mahmood
Olive oil is the primary source of fat in the Mediterranean diet which is associated with a low mortality for cardiovascular disease. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, and has been reported for variety of beneficial cardiovascular effects including blood pressure lowering, anti-platelet, anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory effects. Growing number evidences from preclinical and clinical studies have shown that olive oil improves insulin resistance, decrease vessels stiffness and prevent thromboembolism. We evaluated the effects of olive against streptozotocin-induced physiological disorders in the animal models of diabetes and ischemia and reperfusion (I/R)- induced cardiac arrhythmias. Diabetes was induced in male rats with a single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (60 mg/kg), rats were treated for two months with olive oil (1 ml/kg p.o). Control animals received saline. Blood glucose, body weight were monitored every 14 days. At the end of the treatment rats were sacrificed hearts were isolated for mounting on langedorff’s apparatus. The blood glucose and body weight was not significantly different in the control and olive treated animals. The control diabetic animals exhibited 100% incidence of I/R –induced ventricular fibrillation which was reduced to 0% with olive oil, treatment. The duration of ventricular fibrillation reduced from 98.8± 2.3 (control) to 0 seconds in the olive oil treated group. Diltiazem, a calcium channel blocker (1 µm/L) showed similar results and protected the I/R-induced cardiac disorders. The biochemical analysis of the cardiac tissues showed that diabetes and I/R produce marked pathological changes in the cardiomyocytes including decreased glutathione (GSH) and increased oxidative stress (Malondialdehyde; MDA). Pretreatment of animals with olive oil (1 ml/kg p.o) increased GSH and MDA levels. Olive oil also improved the diabetic-induced histopathological changes in the cardiomyocytes. These finding indicates that olive possesses cardiac protective properties. Further studies are under way in our lab to explore the mechanism of the cardio-protective effect of olive oil.Keywords: diabeties, ischemia-reperfusion, olive oil, rats heart
Procedia PDF Downloads 4641079 Interactive Garments: Flexible Technologies for Textile Integration
Authors: Anupam Bhatia
Upon reviewing the literature and the pragmatic work done in the field of E- textiles, it is observed that the applications of wearable technologies have found a steady growth in the field of military, medical, industrial, sports; whereas fashion is at a loss to know how to treat this technology and bring it to market. The purpose of this paper is to understand the practical issues of integration of electronics in garments; cutting patterns for mass production, maintaining the basic properties of textiles and daily maintenance of garments that hinder the wide adoption of interactive fabric technology within Fashion and leisure wear. To understand the practical hindrances an experimental and laboratory approach is taken. “Techno Meets Fashion” has been an interactive fashion project where sensor technologies have been embedded with textiles that result in set of ensembles that are light emitting garments, sound sensing garments, proximity garments, shape memory garments etc. Smart textiles, especially in the form of textile interfaces, are drastically underused in fashion and other lifestyle product design. Clothing and some other textile products must be washable, which subjects to the interactive elements to water and chemical immersion, physical stress, and extreme temperature. The current state of the art tends to be too fragile for this treatment. The process for mass producing traditional textiles becomes difficult in interactive textiles. As cutting patterns from larger rolls of cloth and sewing them together to make garments breaks and reforms electronic connections in an uncontrolled manner. Because of this, interactive fabric elements are integrated by hand into textiles produced by standard methods. The Arduino has surely made embedding electronics into textiles much easier than before; even then electronics are not integral to the daily wear garments. Soft and flexible interfaces of MEMS (micro sensors and Micro actuators) can be an option to make this possible by blending electronics within E-textiles in a way that’s seamless and still retains functions of the circuits as well as the garment. Smart clothes, which offer simultaneously a challenging design and utility value, can be only mass produced if the demands of the body are taken care of i.e. protection, anthropometry, ergonomics of human movement, thermo- physiological regulation.Keywords: ambient intelligence, proximity sensors, shape memory materials, sound sensing garments, wearable technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 3941078 The Effects of Human Activities on Plant Diversity in Tropical Wetlands of Lake Tana (Ethiopia)
Authors: Abrehet Kahsay Mehari
Aquatic plants provide the physical structure of wetlands and increase their habitat complexity and heterogeneity, and as such, have a profound influence on other biotas. In this study, we investigated how human disturbance activities influenced the species richness and community composition of aquatic plants in the wetlands of Lake Tana, Ethiopia. Twelve wetlands were selected: four lacustrine, four river mouths, and four riverine papyrus swamps. Data on aquatic plants, environmental variables, and human activities were collected during the dry and wet seasons of 2018. A linear mixed effect model and a distance-based Redundancy Analysis (db-RDA) were used to relate aquatic plant species richness and community composition, respectively, to human activities and environmental variables. A total of 113 aquatic plant species, belonging to 38 families, were identified across all wetlands during the dry and wet seasons. Emergent species had the maximum area covered at 73.45 % and attained the highest relative abundance, followed by amphibious and other forms. The mean taxonomic richness of aquatic plants was significantly lower in wetlands with high overall human disturbance scores compared to wetlands with low overall human disturbance scores. Moreover, taxonomic richness showed a negative correlation with livestock grazing, tree plantation, and sand mining. The community composition also varied across wetlands with varying levels of human disturbance and was primarily driven by turnover (i.e., replacement of species) rather than nestedness resultant(i.e., loss of species). Distance-based redundancy analysis revealed that livestock grazing, tree plantation, sand mining, waste dumping, and crop cultivation were significant predictors of variation in aquatic plant communities’ composition in the wetlands. Linear mixed effect models and distance-based redundancy analysis also revealed that water depth, turbidity, conductivity, pH, sediment depth, and temperature were important drivers of variations in aquatic plant species richness and community composition. Papyrus swamps had the highest species richness and supported different plant communities. Conservation efforts should therefore focus on these habitats and measures should be taken to restore the highly disturbed and species poor wetlands near the river mouths.Keywords: species richness, community composition, aquatic plants, wetlands, Lake Tana, human disturbance activities
Procedia PDF Downloads 1281077 Outcome of Emergency Response Team System in In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Authors: Jirapat Suriyachaisawat, Ekkit Surakarn
Introduction: To improve early detection and mortality rate of In- Hospital Cardiac arrest, Emergency Response Team (ERT) system was planned and implemented since June 2009 to detect pre-arrest conditions and for any concerns. The ERT consisted of on duty physicians and nurses from emergency department. ERT calling criteria consisted of acute change of HR < 40 or > 130 beats per minute, systolic blood pressure < 90mmHg, respiratory rate <8 or > 28 breaths per minute, O2 saturation < 90%, acute change in conscious state, acute chest pain or worried about the patients. From the data on ERT system implementation in our hospital in early phase (during June 2009-2011), there was no statistic significance in difference in In-Hospital cardiac arrest incidence and overall hospital mortality rate. Since the introduction of the ERT service in our hospital, we have conducted continuous educational campaign to improve awareness in an attempt to increase use of the service. Methods: To investigate outcome of ERT system in In-Hospital cardiac arrest and overall hospital mortality rate. We conducted a prospective, controlled before-and after examination of the long term effect of a ERT system on the incidence of cardiac arrest. We performed Chi -square analysis to find statistic significance. Results: Of a total 623 ERT cases from June 2009 until December 2012, there were 72 calls in 2009, 196 calls in 2010 ,139 calls in 2011 and 245 calls in 2012.The number of ERT calls per 1000 admissions in year 2009-10 was 7.69, 5.61 in 2011 and 9.38 in 2013. The number of Code blue calls per 1000 admissions decreased significantly from 2.28 to 0.99 per 1000 admissions (P value < 0.001). The incidence of cardiac arrest decreased progressively from 1.19 to 0.34 per 1000 admissions and significant in difference in year 2012 (P value < 0.001). The overall hospital mortality rate decreased by 8 % from 15.43 to 14.43 per 1000 admissions (P value 0.095). Conclusions: ERT system implementation was associated with progressive reduction in cardiac arrests over three year period, especially statistic significant in difference in 4th year after implementation. We also found an inverse association between number of ERT use and the risk of occurrence of cardiac arrests, But we have not found difference in overall hospital mortality rate.Keywords: emergency response team, ERT, cardiac arrest, emergency medicine
Procedia PDF Downloads 3111076 Study of Variation in Linear Growth and Other Parameters of Male Albino Rats on Exposure to Chronic Multiple Stress after Birth
Authors: Potaliya Pushpa, Kataria Sushma, D. S. Chowdhary, Dadhich Abhilasha
Introduction: Stress is a nonspecific response of the body to a stressor or triggering stimulus. Chronic stress exposure contributes to various remarkable alterations o growth and development. Collective effects of stressors lead to several changes which are physical, physiological and behavioral in nature. Objective: To understand on an animal model how various chronic stress affect the somatic body growth as it can be useful for effective stress treatment and prevention of stress related illnesses. Material and Method: By selective fostering only male pup colonies were made and 102 male albino rats were studied. They were divided two groups as Control and Stressed. The experimental groups were exposed to four major types of stress as maternal deprivation, Restraint stress, electric foot shock and noise stress for affecting emotional, physical and physiological activities. Exposure was from birth to 17 week of life. Roentgenographs were taken in two planes as Dorso-ventral and Lateral and then measured for each rat. Various parameters were observed at specific intervals. Parameters recorded were Body weight and for linear growth it was summation of Cranial length, Head rump length and tail length. Behavior changes were also observed. Result: Multiple chronic stresses resulted in loss of approx. 25% of mean body weight. Maximal difference was found on 119th day (i.e. 87.81 gm) between the control and stressed group. Linear growth showed retardation which was found to be significant in stressed group on statistical analysis. Cranial Length and Head-rump Length showed maximum difference after maternal deprivation stress. After maternal deprivation (Day 21) and electric foot shock (Day 101) maximum difference i.e. 0.39 cm and 0.47 cm were found in cranial length of two groups. Electric foot shock had considerable impact on tail length. Noise Stress affected moreover behavior as compact to physical growth. Conclusion: Collective study showed that chronic stress not only resulted in reduced body weight in albino rats but also total linear size of rat thus affecting whole growth and development.Keywords: stress, microscopic anatomy, macroscopic anatomy, chronic multiple stress, birth
Procedia PDF Downloads 2661075 Fast Transient Workflow for External Automotive Aerodynamic Simulations
Authors: Christina Peristeri, Tobias Berg, Domenico Caridi, Paul Hutcheson, Robert Winstanley
In recent years the demand for rapid innovations in the automotive industry has led to the need for accelerated simulation procedures while retaining a detailed representation of the simulated phenomena. The project’s aim is to create a fast transient workflow for external aerodynamic CFD simulations of road vehicles. The geometry used was the SAE Notchback Closed Cooling DrivAer model, and the simulation results were compared with data from wind tunnel tests. The meshes generated for this study were of two types. One was a mix of polyhedral cells near the surface and hexahedral cells away from the surface. The other was an octree hex mesh with a rapid method of fitting to the surface. Three different grid refinement levels were used for each mesh type, with the biggest total cell count for the octree mesh being close to 1 billion. A series of steady-state solutions were obtained on three different grid levels using a pseudo-transient coupled solver and a k-omega-based RANS turbulence model. A mesh-independent solution was found in all cases with a medium level of refinement with 200 million cells. Stress-Blended Eddy Simulation (SBES) was chosen for the transient simulations, which uses a shielding function to explicitly switch between RANS and LES mode. A converged pseudo-transient steady-state solution was used to initialize the transient SBES run that was set up with the SIMPLEC pressure-velocity coupling scheme to reach the fastest solution (on both CPU & GPU solvers). An important part of this project was the use of FLUENT’s Multi-GPU solver. Tesla A100 GPU has been shown to be 8x faster than an Intel 48-core Sky Lake CPU system, leading to significant simulation speed-up compared to the traditional CPU solver. The current study used 4 Tesla A100 GPUs and 192 CPU cores. The combination of rapid octree meshing and GPU computing shows significant promise in reducing time and hardware costs for industrial strength aerodynamic simulations.Keywords: CFD, DrivAer, LES, Multi-GPU solver, octree mesh, RANS
Procedia PDF Downloads 1161074 CFD Modeling of Stripper Ash Cooler of Circulating Fluidized Bed
Authors: Ravi Inder Singh
Due to high heat transfer rate, high carbon utilizing efficiency, fuel flexibilities and other advantages numerous circulating fluidized bed boilers have grown up in India in last decade. Many companies like BHEL, ISGEC, Thermax, Cethar Limited, Enmas GB Power Systems Projects Limited are making CFBC and installing the units throughout the India. Due to complexity many problems exists in CFBC units and only few have been reported. Agglomeration i.e clinker formation in riser, loop seal leg and stripper ash coolers is one of problem industry is facing. Proper documentation is rarely found in the literature. Circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler bottom ash contains large amounts of physical heat. While the boiler combusts the low-calorie fuel, the ash content is normally more than 40% and the physical heat loss is approximately 3% if the bottom ash is discharged without cooling. In addition, the red-hot bottom ash is bad for mechanized handling and transportation, as the upper limit temperature of the ash handling machinery is 200 °C. Therefore, a bottom ash cooler (BAC) is often used to treat the high temperature bottom ash to reclaim heat, and to have the ash easily handled and transported. As a key auxiliary device of CFB boilers, the BAC has a direct influence on the secure and economic operation of the boiler. There are many kinds of BACs equipped for large-scale CFB boilers with the continuous development and improvement of the CFB boiler. These ash coolers are water cooled ash cooling screw, rolling-cylinder ash cooler (RAC), fluidized bed ash cooler (FBAC).In this study prototype of a novel stripper ash cooler is studied. The Circulating Fluidized bed Ash Coolers (CFBAC) combined the major technical features of spouted bed and bubbling bed, and could achieve the selective discharge on the bottom ash. The novel stripper ash cooler is bubbling bed and it is visible cold test rig. The reason for choosing cold test is that high temperature is difficult to maintain and create in laboratory level. The aim of study to know the flow pattern inside the stripper ash cooler. The cold rig prototype is similar to stripper ash cooler used industry and it was made after scaling down to some parameter. The performance of a fluidized bed ash cooler is studied using a cold experiment bench. The air flow rate, particle size of the solids and air distributor type are considered to be the key parameters of the operation of a fluidized bed ash cooler (FBAC) are studied in this.Keywords: CFD, Eulerian-Eulerian, Eulerian-Lagraingian model, parallel simulations
Procedia PDF Downloads 5121073 Nonlinear Evolution of the Pulses of Elastic Waves in Geological Materials
Authors: Elena B. Cherepetskaya, Alexander A. Karabutov, Natalia B. Podymova, Ivan Sas
Nonlinear evolution of broadband ultrasonic pulses passed through the rock specimens is studied using the apparatus ‘GEOSCAN-02M’. Ultrasonic pulses are excited by the pulses of Q-switched Nd:YAG laser with the time duration of 10 ns and with the energy of 260 mJ. This energy can be reduced to 20 mJ by some light filters. The laser beam radius did not exceed 5 mm. As a result of the absorption of the laser pulse in the special material – the optoacoustic generator–the pulses of longitudinal ultrasonic waves are excited with the time duration of 100 ns and with the maximum pressure amplitude of 10 MPa. The immersion technique is used to measure the parameters of these ultrasonic pulses passed through a specimen, the immersion liquid is distilled water. The reference pulse passed through the cell with water has the compression and the rarefaction phases. The amplitude of the rarefaction phase is five times lower than that of the compression phase. The spectral range of the reference pulse reaches 10 MHz. The cubic-shaped specimens of the Karelian gabbro are studied with the rib length 3 cm. The ultimate strength of the specimens by the uniaxial compression is (300±10) MPa. As the reference pulse passes through the area of the specimen without cracks the compression phase decreases and the rarefaction one increases due to diffraction and scattering of ultrasound, so the ratio of these phases becomes 2.3:1. After preloading some horizontal cracks appear in the specimens. Their location is found by one-sided scanning of the specimen using the backward mode detection of the ultrasonic pulses reflected from the structure defects. Using the computer processing of these signals the images are obtained of the cross-sections of the specimens with cracks. By the increase of the reference pulse amplitude from 0.1 MPa to 5 MPa the nonlinear transformation of the ultrasonic pulse passed through the specimen with horizontal cracks results in the decrease by 2.5 times of the amplitude of the rarefaction phase and in the increase of its duration by 2.1 times. By the increase of the reference pulse amplitude from 5 MPa to 10 MPa the time splitting of the phases is observed for the bipolar pulse passed through the specimen. The compression and rarefaction phases propagate with different velocities. These features of the powerful broadband ultrasonic pulses passed through the rock specimens can be described by the hysteresis model of Preisach-Mayergoyz and can be used for the location of cracks in the optically opaque materials.Keywords: cracks, geological materials, nonlinear evolution of ultrasonic pulses, rock
Procedia PDF Downloads 3511072 Oleic Acid Enhances Hippocampal Synaptic Efficacy
Authors: Rema Vazhappilly, Tapas Das
Oleic acid is a cis unsaturated fatty acid and is known to be a partially essential fatty acid due to its limited endogenous synthesis during pregnancy and lactation. Previous studies have demonstrated the role of oleic acid in neuronal differentiation and brain phospholipid synthesis. These evidences indicate a major role for oleic acid in learning and memory. Interestingly, oleic acid has been shown to enhance hippocampal long term potentiation (LTP), the physiological correlate of long term synaptic plasticity. However the effect of oleic acid on short term synaptic plasticity has not been investigated. Short term potentiation (STP) is the physiological correlate of short term synaptic plasticity which is the key underlying molecular mechanism of short term memory and neuronal information processing. STP in the hippocampal CA1 region has been known to require the activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs). The NMDAR dependent hippocampal STP as a potential mechanism for short term memory has been a subject of intense interest for the past few years. Therefore in the present study the effect of oleic acid on NMDAR dependent hippocampal STP was determined in mouse hippocampal slices (in vitro) using Multi-electrode array system. STP was induced by weak tetanic Stimulation (one train of 100 Hz stimulations for 0.1s) of the Schaffer collaterals of CA1 region of the hippocampus in slices treated with different concentrations of oleic acid in presence or absence of NMDAR antagonist D-AP5 (30 µM) . Oleic acid at 20 (mean increase in fEPSP amplitude = ~135 % Vs. Control = 100%; P<0.001) and 30 µM (mean increase in fEPSP amplitude = ~ 280% Vs. Control = 100%); P<0.001) significantly enhanced the STP following weak tetanic stimulation. Lower oleic acid concentrations at 10 µM did not modify the hippocampal STP induced by weak tetanic stimulation. The hippocampal STP induced by weak tetanic stimulation was completely blocked by the NMDA receptor antagonist D-AP5 (30µM) in both oleic acid and control treated hippocampal slices. This lead to the conclusion that the hippocampal STP elicited by weak tetanic stimulation and enhanced by oleic acid was NMDAR dependent. Together these findings suggest that oleic acid may enhance the short term memory and neuronal information processing through the modulation of NMDAR dependent hippocampal short-term synaptic plasticity. In conclusion this study suggests the possible role of oleic acid to prevent the short term memory loss and impaired neuronal function throughout development.Keywords: oleic acid, short-term potentiation, memory, field excitatory post synaptic potentials, NMDA receptor
Procedia PDF Downloads 3361071 An Autonomous Space Debris-Removal System for Effective Space Missions
Authors: Shriya Chawla, Vinayak Malhotra
Space exploration has noted an exponential rise in the past two decades. The world has started probing the alternatives for efficient and resourceful sustenance along with utilization of advanced technology viz., satellites on earth. Space propulsion forms the core of space exploration. Of all the issues encountered, space debris has increasingly threatened the space exploration and propulsion. The efforts have resulted in the presence of disastrous space debris fragments orbiting the earth at speeds up to several kilometres per hour. Debris are well known as a potential damage to the future missions with immense loss of resources, mankind, and huge amount of money is invested in active research on them. Appreciable work had been done in the past relating to active space debris-removal technologies such as harpoon, net, drag sail. The primary emphasis is laid on confined removal. In recently, remove debris spacecraft was used for servicing and capturing cargo ships. Airbus designed and planned the debris-catching net experiment, aboard the spacecraft. The spacecraft represents largest payload deployed from the space station. However, the magnitude of the issue suggests that active space debris-removal technologies, such as harpoons and nets, still would not be enough. Thus, necessitating the need for better and operative space debris removal system. Techniques based on diverting the path of debris or the spacecraft to avert damage have turned out minimal usage owing to limited predictions. Present work focuses on an active hybrid space debris removal system. The work is motivated by the need to have safer and efficient space missions. The specific objectives of the work are 1) to thoroughly analyse the existing and conventional debris removal techniques, their working, effectiveness and limitations under varying conditions, 2) to understand the role of key controlling parameters in coupled operation of debris capturing and removal. The system represents the utilization of the latest autonomous technology available with an adaptable structural design for operations under varying conditions. The design covers advantages of most of the existing technologies while removing the disadvantages. The system is likely to enhance the probability of effective space debris removal. At present, systematic theoretical study is being carried out to thoroughly observe the effects of pseudo-random debris occurrences and to originate an optimal design with much better features and control.Keywords: space exploration, debris removal, space crafts, space accidents
Procedia PDF Downloads 1701070 Long-Term Outcome of Emergency Response Team System in In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Authors: Jirapat Suriyachaisawat, Ekkit Surakarn
Introduction: To improve early detection and mortality rate of in-hospital cardiac arrest, Emergency Response Team (ERT) system was planned and implemented since June 2009 to detect pre-arrest conditons and for any concerns. The ERT consisted of on duty physicians and nurses from emergency department. ERT calling criteria consisted of acute change of HR < 40 or > 130 beats per minute, systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg, respiratory rate <8 or >28 breaths per minute, O2 saturation <90%, acute change in conscious state, acute chest pain or worry about the patients. From the data on ERT system implementation in our hospital in early phase (during June 2009-2011), there was no statistic significance in difference in in-hospital cardiac arrest incidence and overall hospital mortality rate. Since the introduction of the ERT service in our hospital, we have conducted continuous educational campaign to improve awareness in an attempt to increase use of the service. Methods: To investigate outcome of ERT system in in-hospital cardiac arrest and overall hospital mortality rate, we conducted a prospective, controlled before-and after examination of the long term effect of a ERT system on the incidence of cardiac arrest. We performed chi-square analysis to find statistic significance. Results: Of a total 623 ERT cases from June 2009 until December 2012, there were 72 calls in 2009, 196 calls in 2010, 139 calls in 2011 and 245 calls in 2012. The number of ERT calls per 1000 admissions in year 2009-10 was 7.69; 5.61 in 2011 and 9.38 in 2013. The number of code blue calls per 1000 admissions decreased significantly from 2.28 to 0.99 per 1000 admissions (P value < 0.001). The incidence of cardiac arrest decreased progressively from 1.19 to 0.34 per 1000 admissions and significant in difference in year 2012 (P value < 0.001 ). The overall hospital mortality rate decreased by 8 % from 15.43 to 14.43 per 1000 admissions (P value 0.095). Conclusions: ERT system implementation was associated with progressive reduction in cardiac arrests over three year period, especially statistic significant in difference in 4th year after implementation. We also found an inverse association between number of ERT use and the risk of occurrence of cardiac arrests, but we have not found difference in overall hospital mortality rate.Keywords: cardiac arrest, outcome, in-hospital, ERT
Procedia PDF Downloads 1991069 Valorization, Conservation and Sustainable Production of Medicinal Plants in Morocco
Authors: Elachouri Mostafa, Fakchich Jamila, Lazaar Jamila, Elmadmad Mohammed, Marhom Mostafa
Of course, there has been a great growth in scientific information about medicinal plants in recent decades, but in many ways this has proved poor compensation, because such information is accessible, in practice, only to a very few people and anyway, rather little of it is relevant to problems of management and utilization, as encountered in the field. Active compounds are used in most traditional medicines and play an important role in advancing sustainable rural livelihoods through their conservation, cultivation, propagation, marketing and commercialization. Medicinal herbs are great resources for various pharmaceutical compounds and urgent measures are required to protect these plant species from their natural destruction and disappearance. Indeed, there is a real danger of indigenous Arab medicinal practices and knowledge disappearing altogether, further weakening traditional Arab culture and creating more insecurity, as well as forsaking a resource of inestimable economic and health care importance. As scientific approach, the ethnopharmacological investigation remains the principal way to improve, evaluate, and increase the odds of finding of biologically active compounds derived from medicinal plants. As developing country, belonging to the Mediterranean basin, Morocco country is endowed with resources of medicinal and aromatic plants. These plants have been used over the millennia for human welfare, even today. Besides, Morocco has a large plant biodiversity, in fact, its medicinal flora account more than 4200 species growing on various bioclimatic zones from subhumide to arid and Saharan. Nevertheless, the human and animal pressure resulting from the increase of rural population needs has led to degradation of this patrimony. In this paper, we focus our attention on ethnopharmacological studies carried out in Morocco. The goal of this work is to clarify the importance of herbs as platform for drugs discovery and further development, to highlight the importance of ethnopharmacological study as approach on discovery of natural products in the health care field, and to discuss the limit of ethnopharmacological investigation of drug discovery in Morocco.Keywords: Morocco, medicinal plants, ethnopharmacology, natural products, drug-discovery
Procedia PDF Downloads 3171068 An Empirical Investigation of Factors Influencing Construction Project Selection Processes within the Nigeria Public Sector
Authors: Emmanuel U. Unuafe, Oyegoke T. Bukoye, Sandhya Sastry, Yanqing Duan
Globally, there is increasing interest in project management due to a shortage in infrastructure services supply capability. Hence, it is of utmost importance that organisations understand that choosing a particular project over another is an opportunity cost – tying up the organisations resources. In order to devise constructive ways to bring direction, structure, and oversight to the process of project selection has led to the development of tools and techniques by researchers and practitioners. However, despite the development of various frameworks to assist in the appraisal and selection of government projects, failures are still being recorded with government projects. In developing countries, where frameworks are rarely used, the problems are compounded. To improve the situation, this study will investigate the current practice of construction project selection processes within the Nigeria public sector in order to inform theories of decision making from the perspective of developing nations and project management practice. Unlike other research around construction projects in Nigeria this research concentrate on factors influencing the selection process within the Nigeria public sector, which has received limited study. The authors report the findings of semi-structured interviews of top management in the Nigerian public sector and draw conclusions in terms of decision making extant theory and current practice. Preliminary results from the data analysis show that groups make project selection decisions and this forces sub-optimal decisions due to pressure on time, clashes of interest, lack of standardised framework for selecting projects, lack of accountability and poor leadership. Consequently, because decision maker is usually drawn from different fields, religious beliefs, ethnic group and with different languages. The choice of a project by an individual will be greatly influence by experience, political precedence than by realistic investigation as well as his understanding of the desired outcome of the project, in other words, the individual’s ideology and their level of fairness.Keywords: factors influencing project selection, public sector construction project selection, projects portfolio selection, strategic decision-making
Procedia PDF Downloads 3311067 2D Titanium, Vanadium Carbide Mxene, and Polyaniline Heterostructures for Electrochemical Energy Storage
Authors: Ayomide A. Sijuade, Nafiza Anjum
The rising demand to meet the need for clean and sustainable energy solutions has led the market to create effective energy storage technologies. In this study, we look at the possibility of using a heterostructure made of polyaniline (PANI), titanium carbide (Ti₃C₂), and vanadium carbide (V₂C) for energy storage devices. V₂C is a two-dimensional transition metal carbide with remarkable mechanical and electrical conductivity. Ti₃C2 has solid thermal conductivity and mechanical strength. PANI, on the other hand, is a conducting polymer with customizable electrical characteristics and environmental stability. Layer-by-layer assembly creates the heterostructure of V₂C, Ti₃C₂, and PANI, allowing for precise film thickness and interface quality control. Structural and morphological characterization is carried out using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. For energy storage applications, the heterostructure’s electrochemical performance is assessed. Electrochemical experiments, such as cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge-discharge tests, examine the heterostructure’s charge storage capacity, cycle stability, and rate performance. Comparing the heterostructure to the individual components reveals better energy storage capabilities. V₂C, Ti₃C₂, and PANI synergize to increase specific capacitance, boost charge storage, and prolong cycling stability. The heterostructure’s unique arrangement of 2D materials and conducting polymers promotes effective ion diffusion and charge transfer processes, improving the effectiveness of energy storage. The heterostructure also exhibits remarkable electrochemical stability, which minimizes capacity loss after repeated cycling. The longevity and long-term dependability of energy storage systems depend on this quality. By examining the potential of V₂C, Ti₃C₂, and PANI heterostructures, the results of this study expand energy storage technology. These materials’ specialized integration and design show potential for use in hybrid energy storage systems, lithium-ion batteries, and supercapacitors. Overall, the development of high-performance energy storage devices utilizing V₂C, Ti₃C₂, and PANI heterostructures is clarified by this research, opening the door to the realization of effective, long-lasting, and eco-friendly energy storage solutions to satisfy the demands of the modern world.Keywords: MXenes, energy storage materials, conductive polymers, composites
Procedia PDF Downloads 591066 Flash Flood in Gabes City (Tunisia): Hazard Mapping and Vulnerability Assessment
Authors: Habib Abida, Noura Dahri
Flash floods are among the most serious natural hazards that have disastrous environmental and human impacts. They are associated with exceptional rain events, characterized by short durations, very high intensities, rapid flows and small spatial extent. Flash floods happen very suddenly and are difficult to forecast. They generally cause damage to agricultural crops and property, infrastructures, and may even result in the loss of human lives. The city of Gabes (South-eastern Tunisia) has been exposed to numerous damaging floods because of its mild topography, clay soil, high urbanization rate and erratic rainfall distribution. The risks associated with this situation are expected to increase further in the future because of climate change, deemed responsible for the increase of the frequency and the severity of this natural hazard. Recently, exceptional events hit Gabes City causing death and major property losses. A major flooding event hit the region on June 2nd, 2014, causing human deaths and major material losses. It resulted in the stagnation of storm water in the numerous low zones of the study area, endangering thereby human health and causing disastrous environmental impacts. The characterization of flood risk in Gabes Watershed (South-eastern Tunisia) is considered an important step for flood management. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method coupled with Monte Carlo simulation and geographic information system were applied to delineate and characterize flood areas. A spatial database was developed based on geological map, digital elevation model, land use, and rainfall data in order to evaluate the different factors susceptible to affect flood analysis. Results obtained were validated by remote sensing data for the zones that showed very high flood hazard during the extreme rainfall event of June 2014 that hit the study basin. Moreover, a survey was conducted from different areas of the city in order to understand and explore the different causes of this disaster, its extent and its consequences.Keywords: analytical hierarchy process, flash floods, Gabes, remote sensing, Tunisia
Procedia PDF Downloads 1091065 Appraisal of Different Levels of Soybean Meal in Diets on Growth, Digestive Enzyme Activity, Antioxidation and Gut Histology of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Authors: Zakir Hossain, Arzu Pervin, Halima Jahan, Rabeya Akter, Abdel Omri
Replacement of fish meal with soybean meal is an effective way to relieve the pressure on fish meal as the supply of this feed ingredient is dwindling and certainly is not sustainable in long term at present levels in commercial feeds. This study was designed to determine the effect of fishmeal (FM) replacement with soybean meal (SBM) in diet on growth, digestive enzyme activity, antioxidation and gut histomorphology of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Five diets were formulated where SBM0 contained 100% FM, FM substituted with graded levels of a mix of SBM to replace 25% (SBM25), 50% (SBM50), 75% (SBM75) and 100% (SBM100) of FM. Juvenile tilapia having weight and length of 6.60±0.13 g and 5.42±0.17 cm were randomly divided into five treatment groups having 40 individual each group and fed to visual satiation for 90 days. Diet with SBM was increased significant in body weight gain and specific growth rate in fish compared to the fish fed with SBM100. Fish having the similar weight (74.34±5.41 g) fed the diets SBM50, SBM75 and SBM100 containing higher level of SBM showed significantly longer intestine compared to SBM0. Villus height of stomach and intestine were significantly greater in the fish fed with the diets SBM0, SBM25 and SBM50 compared to SBM100. Muscular thickness was inversely changed with the increasing villus height. Protease activity was increased significantly in stomach, anterior and posterior intestine of fish fed with SBM0 and SBM25 compared to SBM100. In anterior and posterior segment of intestine, significantly higher lipase activity was observed in fish fed with the diets SBM0 and SBM25 compared to diet SBM100. In stomach, amylase activity was also significantly greater in SBM0 compared to SBM100. The antioxidant enzymes including catalase and superoxide dismutase of liver were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the O. niloticus fed SBM100 compared to the ones fed SBM0. These results suggest that the replacement of FM upto 75% with SBM could be possible considering the growth performances, gut health and activities digestive enzymes and antioxidant enzymes in O. niloticus.Keywords: soybean meal, fish meal, digestive enzymes, anti-oxidant enzymes
Procedia PDF Downloads 1741064 Clinical Outcomes of Toric Implantable Collamer Lens (T-ICL) and Toric Implantable Phakic Contact Lens (IPCL) for Correction of High Myopia with Astigmatism: Comparative Study
Authors: Mohamed Salah El-Din Mahmoud, Heba Radi Atta Allah
Background: Our study assesses the safety profile and efficacy of toric Implantable Collamer Lens (T-ICL) and toric implantable phakic contact lens (IPCL) for the correction of high myopia with astigmatism. Methods: A prospective interventional randomized comparative study included 60 myopic eyes divided into 2 groups, group A including 30 eyes that were implanted with T-ICL, and group B including 30 eyes that were implanted with toric IPCL. The refractive results, visual acuity, corneal endothelial cell count, and intraocular pressure (IOP) were evaluated at baseline and at 1, 6, and 9 months post-surgery. Any complications either during or after surgery were assessed. Results: A significant reduction in both spherical and cylindrical refractive errors with good predictability was reported in both groups compared with preoperative values. Regarding the predictability, In T-ICL group (A), the median spherical and cylindrical errors were significantly improved from (-10 D & -4.5 D) pre-operatively to (-0.25 D & - 0.3 D) at the end of 9 months follow up period. Similarly, in the toric IPCL group (B), the median spherical and cylindrical errors were significantly improved from (-11 D & -4.5 D) pre-operatively to (-0.25 D & - 0.3 D) at the end of 9 months follow up period. A statistically significant improvement of UCDVA at 9 months postoperatively was found in both groups, as median preoperative Log Mar UCDVA was 1.1 and 1.3 in groups A and B respectively, which was significantly improved to 0.2 in both groups at the end of follow-up period. Regarding IOP, no significant difference was found between both groups, either pre-operatively or during the postoperative period. Regarding the endothelial count, no significant differences were found during the pre-operative and postoperative follow-up periods between the two groups. Fortunately, no intra or postoperative complications as cataract, keratitis or lens decentration had occurred. Conclusions: Toric IPCL is a suitable alternative to T-ICL for the management of high myopia with astigmatism, especially in developing countries, as it is cheaper and easier for implantation than T-ICL. However, data over longer follow-up periods are needed to confirm its safety and stability.Keywords: T-ICL, Toric IPCL, IOP, corneal endothelium
Procedia PDF Downloads 1491063 Influence of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Protein Integrity and Quality of Chicken Meat
Authors: Nafees Ahmed, Nur Izyani Kamaruzman, Saralla Nathan, Mohd Ezharul Hoque Chowdhury, Anuar Zaini Md Zain, Iekhsan Othman, Sharifah Binti Syed Hassan
Meat quality is always subject to consumer scrutiny when purchasing from retail markets on mislabeling as fresh meat. Various physiological and biochemical changes influence the quality of meat. As a major component of muscle tissue, proteins play a major role in muscle foods. In meat industry, freezing is the most common form of storage of meat products. Repeated cycles of freezing and thawing are common in restaurants, kitchen, and retail outlets and can also occur during transportation or storage. Temperature fluctuation is responsible for physical, chemical, and biochemical changes. Repeated cycles of ‘freeze-thaw’ degrade the quality of meat by stimulating the lipid oxidation and surface discoloration. The shelf life of meat is usually determined by its appearance, texture, color, flavor, microbial activity, and nutritive value and is influenced by frozen storage and subsequent thawing. The main deterioration of frozen meat during storage is due to protein. Due to the large price differences between fresh and frozen–thawed meat, it is of great interest to consumer to know whether a meat product is truly fresh or not. Researchers have mainly focused on the reduction of moisture loss due to freezing and thawing cycles of meat. The water holding capacity (WHC) of muscle proteins and reduced water content are key quality parameters of meat that ultimately changes color and texture. However, there has been limited progress towards understanding the actual mechanisms behind the meat quality changes under the freeze–thaw cycles. Furthermore, effect of freeze-thaw process on integrity of proteins is ignored. In this paper, we have studied the effect of ‘freeze-thawing’ on physicochemical changes of chicken meat protein. We have assessed the quality of meat by pH, spectroscopic measurements, Western Blot. Our results showed that increase in freeze-thaw cycles causes changes in pH. Measurements of absorbance (UV-visible and IR) indicated the degradation of proteins. The expression of various proteins (CREB, AKT, MAPK, GAPDH, and phosphorylated forms) were performed using Western Blot. These results indicated the repeated cycles of freeze-thaw is responsible for deterioration of protein, thus causing decrease in nutritious value of meat. It damges the use of these products in Islamic Sharia.Keywords: chicken meat, freeze-thaw, halal, protein, western blot
Procedia PDF Downloads 4111062 The Role of Nickel on the High-Temperature Corrosion of Modell Alloys (Stainless Steels) before and after Breakaway Corrosion at 600°C: A Microstructural Investigation
Authors: Imran Hanif, Amanda Persdotter, Sedigheh Bigdeli, Jesper Liske, Torbjorn Jonsson
Renewable fuels such as biomass/waste for power production is an attractive alternative to fossil fuels in order to achieve a CO₂ -neutral power generation. However, the combustion results in the release of corrosive species. This puts high demands on the corrosion resistance of the alloys used in the boiler. Stainless steels containing nickel and/or nickel containing coatings are regarded as suitable corrosion resistance material especially in the superheater regions. However, the corrosive environment in the boiler caused by the presence of water vapour and reactive alkali very rapidly breaks down the primary protection, i.e., the Cr-rich oxide scale formed on stainless steels. The lifetime of the components, therefore, relies on the properties of the oxide scale formed after breakaway, i.e., the secondary protection. The aim of the current study is to investigate the role of varying nickel content (0–82%) on the high-temperature corrosion of model alloys with 18% Cr (Fe in balance) in the laboratory mimicking industrial conditions at 600°C. The influence of nickel is investigated on both the primary protection and especially the secondary protection, i.e., the scale formed after breakaway, during the oxidation/corrosion process in the dry O₂ (primary protection) and more aggressive environment such as H₂O, K₂CO₃ and KCl (secondary protection). All investigated alloys experience a very rapid loss of the primary protection, i.e., the Cr-rich (Cr, Fe)₂O₃, and the formation of secondary protection in the aggressive environments. The microstructural investigation showed that secondary protection of all alloys has a very similar microstructure in all more aggressive environments consisting of an outward growing iron oxide and inward growing spinel-oxide (Fe, Cr, Ni)₃O₄. The oxidation kinetics revealed that it is possible to influence the protectiveness of the scale formed after breakaway (secondary protection) through the amount of nickel in the alloy. The difference in oxidation kinetics of the secondary protection is linked to the microstructure and chemical composition of the complex spinel-oxide. The detailed microstructural investigations were carried out using the extensive analytical techniques such as electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD), energy dispersive X-rays spectroscopy (EDS) via the scanning and transmission electron microscopy techniques and results are compared with the thermodynamic calculations using the Thermo-Calc software.Keywords: breakaway corrosion, EBSD, high-temperature oxidation, SEM, TEM
Procedia PDF Downloads 1431061 Comprehensive Longitudinal Multi-omic Profiling in Weight Gain and Insulin Resistance
Authors: Christine Y. Yeh, Brian D. Piening, Sarah M. Totten, Kimberly Kukurba, Wenyu Zhou, Kevin P. F. Contrepois, Gucci J. Gu, Sharon Pitteri, Michael Snyder
Three million deaths worldwide are attributed to obesity. However, the biomolecular mechanisms that describe the link between adiposity and subsequent disease states are poorly understood. Insulin resistance characterizes approximately half of obese individuals and is a major cause of obesity-mediated diseases such as Type II diabetes, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. This study makes use of longitudinal quantitative and high-throughput multi-omics (genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, glycoproteomics etc.) methodologies on blood samples to develop multigenic and multi-analyte signatures associated with weight gain and insulin resistance. Participants of this study underwent a 30-day period of weight gain via excessive caloric intake followed by a 60-day period of restricted dieting and return to baseline weight. Blood samples were taken at three different time points per patient: baseline, peak-weight and post weight loss. Patients were characterized as either insulin resistant (IR) or insulin sensitive (IS) before having their samples processed via longitudinal multi-omic technologies. This comparative study revealed a wealth of biomolecular changes associated with weight gain after using methods in machine learning, clustering, network analysis etc. Pathways of interest included those involved in lipid remodeling, acute inflammatory response and glucose metabolism. Some of these biomolecules returned to baseline levels as the patient returned to normal weight whilst some remained elevated. IR patients exhibited key differences in inflammatory response regulation in comparison to IS patients at all time points. These signatures suggest differential metabolism and inflammatory pathways between IR and IS patients. Biomolecular differences associated with weight gain and insulin resistance were identified on various levels: in gene expression, epigenetic change, transcriptional regulation and glycosylation. This study was not only able to contribute to new biology that could be of use in preventing or predicting obesity-mediated diseases, but also matured novel biomedical informatics technologies to produce and process data on many comprehensive omics levels.Keywords: insulin resistance, multi-omics, next generation sequencing, proteogenomics, type ii diabetes
Procedia PDF Downloads 4291060 Height of Highway Embankment for Tolerable Residual Settlement of Loose Cohesionless Subsoil Overlain by Stronger Soil
Authors: Sharifullah Ahmed
Residual settlement of cohesionless or non-plastic soil of different strength underlying highway embankment overlain by stronger soil layer highway embankment is studied. A parametric study is carried out for different height of embankment and for different ESAL factor. The sum of elastic settlements of cohesionless subsoil due to axle induced stress and due to self-weight of pavement layers is termed as the residual settlement. The values of residual settlement (Sr) for different heights of road embankment (He) are obtained and presented as design charts for different SPT Value (N60) and ESAL factor. For rigid pavement and flexible pavement in approach to bridge or culvert, the tolerable residual settlement is 0.100m. This limit is taken as 0.200m for flexible pavement in general sections of highway without approach to bridge or culvert. A simplified guideline is developed for design of highway embankment underlain by very loose to loose cohesionless subsoil overlain by a stronger soil layer for limiting value of the residual settlement. In the current research study range of ESAL factor is 1-10 and range of SPT value (N60) is 1-10. That is found that, ground improvement is not required if the overlying stronger layer is minimum 1.5m and 4.0m for general road section of flexible pavement except bridge or culvert approach and for rigid pavement or flexible pavement in bridge or culvert approach. Tables and charts are included in the prepared guideline to obtain minimum allowable height of highway embankment to limit the residual settlement with in mentioned tolerable limit. Allowable values of the embankment height (He) are obtained corresponding to tolerable or limiting level of the residual settlement of loose subsoil for different SPT value, thickness of stronger layer (d) and ESAL factor. The developed guideline is may be issued to be used in assessment of the necessity of ground improvement in case of cohesionless subsoil underlying highway embankment overlain by stronger subsoil layer for limiting residual settlement. The ground improvement is only to be required if the residual settlement of subsoil is more than tolerable limit.Keywords: axle pressure, equivalent single axle load, ground improvement, highway embankment, tolerable residual settlement
Procedia PDF Downloads 1291059 Pomegranates Attenuates Cognitive and Behavioural Deficts and reduces inflammation in a Transgenic Mice Model of Alzheimer's Disease
Authors: M. M. Essa, S. Subash, M. Akbar, S. Al-Adawi, A. Al-Asmi, G. J. Guillemein
Objective: Transgenic (tg) mice which contain an amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene mutation, develop extracellular amyloid beta (Aβ) deposition in the brain, and severe memory and behavioural deficits with age. These mice serve as an important animal model for testing the efficacy of novel drug candidates for the treatment and management of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Several reports have suggested that oxidative stress is the underlying cause of Aβ neurotoxicity in AD. Pomegranates contain very high levels of antioxidants and several medicinal properties that may be useful for improving the quality of life in AD patients. In this study, we investigated the effect of dietary supplementation of Omani pomegranate extract on the memory, anxiety and learning skills along with inflammation in an AD mouse model containing the double Swedish APP mutation (APPsw/Tg2576). Methods: The experimental groups of APP-transgenic mice from the age of 4 months were fed custom-mix diets (pellets) containing 4% pomegranate. We assessed spatial memory and learning ability, psychomotor coordination, and anxiety-related behavior in Tg and wild-type mice at the age of 4-5 months and 18-19 months using the Morris water maze test, rota rod test, elevated plus maze test, and open field test. Further, inflammatory parameters also analysed. Results: APPsw/Tg2576 mice that were fed a standard chow diet without pomegranates showed significant memory deficits, increased anxiety-related behavior, and severe impairment in spatial learning ability, position discrimination learning ability and motor coordination along with increased inflammation compared to the wild type mice on the same diet, at the age of 18-19 months In contrast, APPsw/Tg2576 mice that were fed a diet containing 4% pomegranates showed a significant improvements in memory, learning, locomotor function, and anxiety with reduced inflammatory markers compared to APPsw/Tg2576 mice fed the standard chow diet. Conclusion: Our results suggest that dietary supplementation with pomegranates may slow the progression of cognitive and behavioural impairments in AD. The exact mechanism is still unclear and further extensive research needed.Keywords: Alzheimer's disease, pomegranates, oman, cognitive decline, memory loss, anxiety, inflammation
Procedia PDF Downloads 5291058 Patterns of Eosinophilia in Cardiac Patients and its Association with Endomyocardial Disease Presenting to Tertiary Care Hospital in Peshawar
Authors: Rashid Azeem
Introduction: Eosinophilia, which can be categorized as mild, moderate, and severe form on the basis of increasing eosinophil counts, might be responsible for a wide range of cardiac manifestations, varying from a simple myocarditis to a severe state like endomyocardial fibrosis. Eosinophils are involved in the pathogenesis of a variety of cardiovascular disorder like Loffler endocarditis, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangitis (EGPH), and hyper eosinophilic (HES). Among them HES carries and incidence rate b/w 48% and 75% and is the main causes of cardiac motility and mobility due to eosinophilia involvement. Aims and objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the frequency of eosinophilia in cardiac patients and to ascertain the evidence of endomyocardial diseases in eosinophilic patients in a cardiology institution Material and Methods: This cross sectional analytical study was conducted in hematology Department of Peshawar institute of Cardiology after approval from hospital ethical and research committee. All 70 patients were subjected to detailed history and clinical examination. Investigation like CBC, Chest X-ray, ECG, Echo, Angiography findings were used to monitor patient’s clinical status. Data is analyzed using SPSS version 25 and MS Excel. Results: Out of 70 patients in our study, a total of 66 patients(94 %) shows evidence of cardiac manifestations. In our study, we have observed a number of abnormal ECG patterns in cardiac patients presenting with eosinophilia, like T wave changes, loss of R wave, sinus bradycardia with LVH strain, and ST wave abnormality. abnormal echocardiographic findings were observed in our patients, like valvular abnormalities (in 45.7%), RWMA abnormalities (in 2.8%), isolated ventricular dysfunction (in 21.4%), and in 10% patients, normal echocardiography. We further noted abnormal coronary angiography findings in cardiac patients with eosinophilia ranging from single vessel to multi vessel occlusions. Conclusions: Eosinophils are involved in the pathogenesis of a variety of cardiovascular disorders which can be detected by various diagnostic means, and the severity of the disease increases with time and with increasing eosinophil count ranging from simple myocarditis to a fatal condition like endomyocardial fibrosis. Thus, increased eosinophilic count as a laboratory parameter in cardiac patients may be a sign of endomyocardial damage which will further help cardiologist to intervene more aggressively then routine approach to a cardiac patient.Keywords: eosinophilia, endomyocardial fibrosis, cardiac, hypereosinophilic syndrome
Procedia PDF Downloads 671057 Estimating Algae Concentration Based on Deep Learning from Satellite Observation in Korea
Authors: Heewon Jeong, Seongpyo Kim, Joon Ha Kim
Over the last few tens of years, the coastal regions of Korea have experienced red tide algal blooms, which are harmful and toxic to both humans and marine organisms due to their potential threat. It was accelerated owing to eutrophication by human activities, certain oceanic processes, and climate change. Previous studies have tried to monitoring and predicting the algae concentration of the ocean with the bio-optical algorithms applied to color images of the satellite. However, the accurate estimation of algal blooms remains problems to challenges because of the complexity of coastal waters. Therefore, this study suggests a new method to identify the concentration of red tide algal bloom from images of geostationary ocean color imager (GOCI) which are representing the water environment of the sea in Korea. The method employed GOCI images, which took the water leaving radiances centered at 443nm, 490nm and 660nm respectively, as well as observed weather data (i.e., humidity, temperature and atmospheric pressure) for the database to apply optical characteristics of algae and train deep learning algorithm. Convolution neural network (CNN) was used to extract the significant features from the images. And then artificial neural network (ANN) was used to estimate the concentration of algae from the extracted features. For training of the deep learning model, backpropagation learning strategy is developed. The established methods were tested and compared with the performances of GOCI data processing system (GDPS), which is based on standard image processing algorithms and optical algorithms. The model had better performance to estimate algae concentration than the GDPS which is impossible to estimate greater than 5mg/m³. Thus, deep learning model trained successfully to assess algae concentration in spite of the complexity of water environment. Furthermore, the results of this system and methodology can be used to improve the performances of remote sensing. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the 'Climate Technology Development and Application' research project (#K07731) through a grant provided by GIST in 2017.Keywords: deep learning, algae concentration, remote sensing, satellite
Procedia PDF Downloads 1841056 LTE Modelling of a DC Arc Ignition on Cold Electrodes
Authors: O. Ojeda Mena, Y. Cressault, P. Teulet, J. P. Gonnet, D. F. N. Santos, MD. Cunha, M. S. Benilov
The assumption of plasma in local thermal equilibrium (LTE) is commonly used to perform electric arc simulations for industrial applications. This assumption allows to model the arc using a set of magneto-hydromagnetic equations that can be solved with a computational fluid dynamic code. However, the LTE description is only valid in the arc column, whereas in the regions close to the electrodes the plasma deviates from the LTE state. The importance of these near-electrode regions is non-trivial since they define the energy and current transfer between the arc and the electrodes. Therefore, any accurate modelling of the arc must include a good description of the arc-electrode phenomena. Due to the modelling complexity and computational cost of solving the near-electrode layers, a simplified description of the arc-electrode interaction was developed in a previous work to study a steady high-pressure arc discharge, where the near-electrode regions are introduced at the interface between arc and electrode as boundary conditions. The present work proposes a similar approach to simulate the arc ignition in a free-burning arc configuration following an LTE description of the plasma. To obtain the transient evolution of the arc characteristics, appropriate boundary conditions for both the near-cathode and the near-anode regions are used based on recent publications. The arc-cathode interaction is modeled using a non-linear surface heating approach considering the secondary electron emission. On the other hand, the interaction between the arc and the anode is taken into account by means of the heating voltage approach. From the numerical modelling, three main stages can be identified during the arc ignition. Initially, a glow discharge is observed, where the cold non-thermionic cathode is uniformly heated at its surface and the near-cathode voltage drop is in the order of a few hundred volts. Next, a spot with high temperature is formed at the cathode tip followed by a sudden decrease of the near-cathode voltage drop, marking the glow-to-arc discharge transition. During this stage, the LTE plasma also presents an important increase of the temperature in the region adjacent to the hot spot. Finally, the near-cathode voltage drop stabilizes at a few volts and both the electrode and plasma temperatures reach the steady solution. The results after some seconds are similar to those presented for thermionic cathodes.Keywords: arc-electrode interaction, thermal plasmas, electric arc simulation, cold electrodes
Procedia PDF Downloads 1251055 Evaluation of Low Temperature as Treatment Tool for Eradication of Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Ceratitis capitata) in Artificial Diet
Authors: Farhan J. M. Al-Behadili, Vineeta Bilgi, Miyuki Taniguchi, Junxi Li, Wei Xu
Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) is one of the most destructive pests of fruits and vegetables. Medfly originated from Africa and spread in many countries, and is currently an endemic pest in Western Australia. Medfly has been recorded from over 300 plant species including fruits, vegetables, nuts and its main hosts include blueberries, citrus, stone fruit, pome fruits, peppers, tomatoes, and figs. Global trade of fruits and other farm fresh products are suffering from the damages of this pest, which prompted towards the need to develop more effective ways to control these pests. The available quarantine treatment technologies mainly include chemical treatment (e.g., fumigation) and non-chemical treatments (e.g., cold, heat and irradiation). In recent years, with the loss of several chemicals, it has become even more important to rely on non-chemical postharvest control technologies (i.e., heat, cold and irradiation) to control fruit flies. Cold treatment is one of the most potential trends of focus in postharvest treatment because it is free of chemical residues, mitigates or kills the pest population, increases the strength of the fruits, and prolongs storage time. It can also be applied to fruits after packing and ‘in transit’ during lengthy transport by sea during their exports. However, limited systematic study on cold treatment of Medfly stages in artificial diets was reported, which is critical to provide a scientific basis to compare with previous research in plant products and design an effective cold treatment suitable for exported plant products. The overall purpose of this study was to evaluate and understand Medfly responses to cold treatments. Medfly stages were tested. The long-term goal was to optimize current postharvest treatments and develop more environmentally-friendly, cost-effective, and efficient treatments for controlling Medfly. Cold treatment with different exposure times is studied to evaluate cold eradication treatment of Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata), that reared on carrot diet. Mortality is important aspect was studied in this study. On the other hand, study effects of exposure time on mortality means of medfly stages.Keywords: cold treatment, fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, carrot diet, temperature effects
Procedia PDF Downloads 226