Search results for: reservoir analysis
27653 Chemometric QSRR Evaluation of Behavior of s-Triazine Pesticides in Liquid Chromatography
Authors: Lidija R. Jevrić, Sanja O. Podunavac-Kuzmanović, Strahinja Z. Kovačević
This study considers the selection of the most suitable in silico molecular descriptors that could be used for s-triazine pesticides characterization. Suitable descriptors among topological, geometrical and physicochemical are used for quantitative structure-retention relationships (QSRR) model establishment. Established models were obtained using linear regression (LR) and multiple linear regression (MLR) analysis. In this paper, MLR models were established avoiding multicollinearity among the selected molecular descriptors. Statistical quality of established models was evaluated by standard and cross-validation statistical parameters. For detection of similarity or dissimilarity among investigated s-triazine pesticides and their classification, principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) were used and gave similar grouping. This study is financially supported by COST action TD1305.Keywords: chemometrics, classification analysis, molecular descriptors, pesticides, regression analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 39527652 Application of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) on the Virtual Process Hazard Analysis of Acetone Production Process
Authors: Princes Ann E. Prieto, Denise F. Alpuerto, John Rafael C. Unlayao, Neil Concibido, Monet Concepcion Maguyon-Detras
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) has been used in the virtual Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) of the Acetone production process through the dehydrogenation of isopropyl alcohol, for which very limited process risk assessment has been published. In this study, the potential failure modes, effects, and possible causes of selected major equipment in the process were identified. During the virtual FMEA mock sessions, the risks in the process were evaluated and recommendations to reduce and/or mitigate the process risks were formulated. The risk was estimated using the calculated risk priority number (RPN) and was classified into four (4) levels according to their effects on acetone production. Results of this study were also used to rank the criticality of equipment in the process based on the calculated criticality rating (CR). Bow tie diagrams were also created for the critical hazard scenarios identified in the study.Keywords: chemical process safety, failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), process hazard analysis (PHA), process safety management (PSM)
Procedia PDF Downloads 13827651 A Small Graphic Lie. The Photographic Quality of Pierre Bourdieu’s Correspondance Analysis
Authors: Lene Granzau Juel-Jacobsen
The problem of beautification is an obvious concern of photography, claiming reference to reality, but it also lies at the very heart of social theory. As we become accustomed to sophisticated visualizations of statistical data in pace with the development of software programs, we should not only be inclined to ask new types of research questions, but we also need to confront social theories based on such visualization techniques with new types of questions. Correspondence Analysis, GIS analysis, Social Network Analysis, and Perceptual Maps are current examples of visualization techniques popular within the social sciences and neighboring disciplines. This article discusses correspondence analysis, arguing that the graphic plot of correspondence analysis is to be interpreted much similarly to a photograph. It refers no more evidently or univocally to reality than a photograph, representing social life no more truthfully than a photograph documents. Pierre Bourdieu’s theoretical corpus, especially his theory of fields, relies heavily on correspondence analysis. While much attention has been directed towards critiquing the somewhat vague conceptualization of habitus, limited focus has been placed on the equally problematic concepts of social space and field. Based on a re-reading of the Distinction, the article argues that the concepts rely on ‘a small graphic lie’ very similar to a photograph. Like any other piece of art, as Bourdieu himself recognized, the graphic display is a politically and morally loaded representation technique. However, the correspondence analysis does not necessarily serve the purpose he intended. In fact, it tends towards the pitfalls he strove to overcome.Keywords: datavisualization, correspondance analysis, bourdieu, Field, visual representation
Procedia PDF Downloads 6827650 Development of a Multi-Factorial Instrument for Accident Analysis Based on Systemic Methods
Authors: C. V. Pietreanu, S. E. Zaharia, C. Dinu
The present research is built on three major pillars, commencing by making some considerations on accident investigation methods and pointing out both defining aspects and differences between linear and non-linear analysis. The traditional linear focus on accident analysis describes accidents as a sequence of events, while the latest systemic models outline interdependencies between different factors and define the processes evolution related to a specific (normal) situation. Linear and non-linear accident analysis methods have specific limitations, so the second point of interest is mirrored by the aim to discover the drawbacks of systemic models which becomes a starting point for developing new directions to identify risks or data closer to the cause of incidents/accidents. Since communication represents a critical issue in the interaction of human factor and has been proved to be the answer of the problems made by possible breakdowns in different communication procedures, from this focus point, on the third pylon a new error-modeling instrument suitable for risk assessment/accident analysis will be elaborated.Keywords: accident analysis, multi-factorial error modeling, risk, systemic methods
Procedia PDF Downloads 20827649 Blood Flow Estimator of the Left Ventricular Assist Device Based in Look-Up-Table: In vitro Tests
Authors: Tarcisio F. Leao, Bruno Utiyama, Jeison Fonseca, Eduardo Bock, Aron Andrade
This work presents a blood flow estimator based in Look-Up-Table (LUT) for control of Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD). This device has been used as bridge to transplantation or as destination therapy to treat patients with heart failure (HF). Destination Therapy application requires a high performance LVAD; thus, a stable control is important to keep adequate interaction between heart and device. LVAD control provides an adequate cardiac output while sustaining an appropriate flow and pressure blood perfusion, also described as physiologic control. Because thrombus formation and system reliability reduction, sensors are not desirable to measure these variables (flow and pressure blood). To achieve this, control systems have been researched to estimate blood flow. LVAD used in the study is composed by blood centrifugal pump, control, and power supply. This technique used pump and actuator (motor) parameters of LVAD, such as speed and electric current. Estimator relates electromechanical torque (motor or actuator) and hydraulic power (blood pump) via LUT. An in vitro Mock Loop was used to evaluate deviations between blood flow estimated and actual. A solution with glycerin (50%) and water was used to simulate the blood viscosity with hematocrit 45%. Tests were carried out with variation hematocrit: 25%, 45% and 58% of hematocrit, or 40%, 50% and 60% of glycerin in water solution, respectively. Test with bovine blood was carried out (42% hematocrit). Mock Loop is composed: reservoir, tubes, pressure and flow sensors, and fluid (or blood), beyond LVAD. Estimator based in LUT is patented, number BR1020160068363, in Brazil. Mean deviation is 0.23 ± 0.07 L/min for mean flow estimated. Larger mean deviation was 0.5 L/min considering hematocrit variation. This estimator achieved deviation adequate for physiologic control implementation. Future works will evaluate flow estimation performance in control system of LVAD.Keywords: blood pump, flow estimator, left ventricular assist device, look-up-table
Procedia PDF Downloads 18727648 Factors Affecting in Soil Analysis Technique Adopted by the Southern Region Farmers, Syria
Authors: Moammar Dayoub
The study aimed to know the reality of farmers and determine the extent of adoption of the recommendations of the fertilizer and the difficulties and problems they face. The study was conducted on a random sample of farmers consist of 95 farmers who had analysed their field soil in scientific research centres in agricultural southern region through the form specially prepared for this purpose, the results showed that the rate of adoption of the fertilizer recommendations whole amounted to an average of 36.9% in the southern region, The degree of adoption was 34.7% in the region. The results showed that 41% of farmers did not implement the recommendations because of the non-convenient analysis, and 34% due to neglect, and 15% due to the weather and an environment, while 10% of them for lack of manure in the suitable time. The study also revealed that Independent factors affecting the continuing adoption of soil analysis are: farms experience, sampling method in farmer’s schools, irrigated area, and personal knowledge of farmers in analysing the soil. Also, show that the application of fertilizer recommendations led to increased production by 15-20%, this analysis emphasizes the importance of soil analysis and adherence to the recommendations of the research centres.Keywords: adoption, recommendations of the fertilizer, soil analysis, southern region
Procedia PDF Downloads 16927647 Prediction of the Heat Transfer Characteristics of Tunnel Concrete
Authors: Seung Cho Yang, Jae Sung Lee, Se Hee Park
This study suggests the analysis method to predict the damages of tunnel concrete caused by fires. The result obtained from the analyses of concrete temperatures at a fire in a tunnel using ABAQUS was compared with the test result. After the reliability of the analysis method was verified, the temperatures of a tunnel at a real fire and those of concrete during the fire were estimated to predict fire damages. The temperatures inside the tunnel were estimated by FDS, a CFD model. It was deduced that the fire performance of tunnel lining and the fire damages of the structure at an actual fire could be estimated by the analysis method.Keywords: fire resistance, heat transfer, numerical analysis, tunnel fire
Procedia PDF Downloads 43827646 Cost Efficiency of European Cooperative Banks
Authors: Karolína Vozková, Matěj Kuc
This paper analyzes recent trends in cost efficiency of European cooperative banks using efficient frontier analysis. Our methodology is based on stochastic frontier analysis which is run on a set of 649 European cooperative banks using data between 2006 and 2015. Our results show that average inefficiency of European cooperative banks is increasing since 2008, smaller cooperative banks are significantly more efficient than the bigger ones over the whole time period and that share of net fee and commission income to total income surprisingly seems to have no impact on bank cost efficiency.Keywords: cooperative banks, cost efficiency, efficient frontier analysis, stochastic frontier analysis, net fee and commission income
Procedia PDF Downloads 21127645 Experimental Analysis of the Origins of the Anisotropy Behavior in the 2017 AA Aluminum Alloy
Authors: May Abdelghani
The present work is devoted to the study of the microstructural anisotropy in mechanical cyclic behavior of the 2017AA aluminum alloy which is widely used in the aerospace industry. The main purpose of the study is to investigate the microstructural origins of this anisotropy already confirmed in our previous work in 2017AA aluminum alloy. To do this, we have used the microstructural analysis resources such as Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to see the differences between breaks from different directions of cyclic loading. Another resource of investigation was used in this study is that the EBSD method, which allows us to obtain a mapping of the crystallographic texture of our material. According to the obtained results in the microscopic analysis, we are able to identify the origins of the anisotropic behavior at the macroscopic scale.Keywords: fatigue damage, cyclic behavior, anisotropy, microstructural analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 41227644 Exergy Analysis of Reverse Osmosis for Potable Water and Land Irrigation
Authors: M. Sarai Atab, A. Smallbone, A. P. Roskilly
A thermodynamic study is performed on the Reverse Osmosis (RO) desalination process for brackish water. The detailed RO model of thermodynamics properties with and without an energy recovery device was built in Simulink/MATLAB and validated against reported measurement data. The efficiency of desalination plants can be estimated by both the first and second laws of thermodynamics. While the first law focuses on the quantity of energy, the second law analysis (i.e. exergy analysis) introduces quality. This paper used the Main Outfall Drain in Iraq as a case study to conduct energy and exergy analysis of RO process. The result shows that it is feasible to use energy recovery method for reverse osmosis with salinity less than 15000 ppm as the exergy efficiency increases twice. Moreover, this analysis shows that the highest exergy destruction occurs in the rejected water and lowest occurs in the permeate flow rate accounting 37% for 4.3% respectively.Keywords: brackish water, exergy, irrigation, reverse osmosis (RO)
Procedia PDF Downloads 17527643 Statistical Analysis of Interferon-γ for the Effectiveness of an Anti-Tuberculous Treatment
Authors: Shishen Xie, Yingda L. Xie
Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially serious infectious disease that remains a health concern. The Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) is a blood test to find out if an individual is tuberculous positive or negative. This study applies statistical analysis to the clinical data of interferon-gamma levels of seventy-three subjects who diagnosed pulmonary TB in an anti-tuberculous treatment. Data analysis is performed to determine if there is a significant decline in interferon-gamma levels for the subjects during a period of six months, and to infer if the anti-tuberculous treatment is effective.Keywords: data analysis, interferon gamma release assay, statistical methods, tuberculosis infection
Procedia PDF Downloads 30627642 Multivariate Analysis of Spectroscopic Data for Agriculture Applications
Authors: Asmaa M. Hussein, Amr Wassal, Ahmed Farouk Al-Sadek, A. F. Abd El-Rahman
In this study, a multivariate analysis of potato spectroscopic data was presented to detect the presence of brown rot disease or not. Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy (1,350-2,500 nm) combined with multivariate analysis was used as a rapid, non-destructive technique for the detection of brown rot disease in potatoes. Spectral measurements were performed in 565 samples, which were chosen randomly at the infection place in the potato slice. In this study, 254 infected and 311 uninfected (brown rot-free) samples were analyzed using different advanced statistical analysis techniques. The discrimination performance of different multivariate analysis techniques, including classification, pre-processing, and dimension reduction, were compared. Applying a random forest algorithm classifier with different pre-processing techniques to raw spectra had the best performance as the total classification accuracy of 98.7% was achieved in discriminating infected potatoes from control.Keywords: Brown rot disease, NIR spectroscopy, potato, random forest
Procedia PDF Downloads 19027641 Modeling and Statistical Analysis of a Soap Production Mix in Bejoy Manufacturing Industry, Anambra State, Nigeria
Authors: Okolie Chukwulozie Paul, Iwenofu Chinwe Onyedika, Sinebe Jude Ebieladoh, M. C. Nwosu
The research work is based on the statistical analysis of the processing data. The essence is to analyze the data statistically and to generate a design model for the production mix of soap manufacturing products in Bejoy manufacturing company Nkpologwu, Aguata Local Government Area, Anambra state, Nigeria. The statistical analysis shows the statistical analysis and the correlation of the data. T test, Partial correlation and bi-variate correlation were used to understand what the data portrays. The design model developed was used to model the data production yield and the correlation of the variables show that the R2 is 98.7%. However, the results confirm that the data is fit for further analysis and modeling. This was proved by the correlation and the R-squared.Keywords: General Linear Model, correlation, variables, pearson, significance, T-test, soap, production mix and statistic
Procedia PDF Downloads 44527640 A Trends Analysis of Yatch Simulator
Authors: Jae-Neung Lee, Keun-Chang Kwak
This paper describes an analysis of Yacht Simulator international trends and also explains about Yacht. Examples of yacht Simulator using Yacht Simulator include image processing for totaling the total number of vehicles, edge/target detection, detection and evasion algorithm, image processing using SIFT (scale invariant features transform) matching, and application of median filter and thresholding.Keywords: yacht simulator, simulator, trends analysis, SIFT
Procedia PDF Downloads 43327639 The Use of Ward Linkage in Cluster Integration with a Path Analysis Approach
Authors: Adji Achmad Rinaldo Fernandes
Path analysis is an analytical technique to study the causal relationship between independent and dependent variables. In this study, the integration of Clusters in the Ward Linkage method was used in a variety of clusters with path analysis. The variables used are character (x₁), capacity (x₂), capital (x₃), collateral (x₄), and condition of economy (x₄) to on time pay (y₂) through the variable willingness to pay (y₁). The purpose of this study was to compare the Ward Linkage method cluster integration in various clusters with path analysis to classify willingness to pay (y₁). The data used are primary data from questionnaires filled out by customers of Bank X, using purposive sampling. The measurement method used is the average score method. The results showed that the Ward linkage method cluster integration with path analysis on 2 clusters is the best method, by comparing the coefficient of determination. Variable character (x₁), capacity (x₂), capital (x₃), collateral (x₄), and condition of economy (x₅) to on time pay (y₂) through willingness to pay (y₁) can be explained by 58.3%, while the remaining 41.7% is explained by variables outside the model.Keywords: cluster integration, linkage, path analysis, compliant paying behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 18827638 Assessment of the Energy Balance Method in the Case of Masonry Domes
Authors: M. M. Sadeghi, S. Vahdani
Masonry dome structures had been widely used for covering large spans in the past. The seismic assessment of these historical structures is very complicated due to the nonlinear behavior of the material, their rigidness, and special stability configuration. The assessment method based on energy balance concept, as well as the standard pushover analysis, is used to evaluate the effectiveness of these methods in the case of masonry dome structures. The Soltanieh dome building is used as an example to which two methods are applied. The performance points are given from superimposing the capacity, and demand curves in Acceleration Displacement Response Spectra (ADRS) and energy coordination are compared with the nonlinear time history analysis as the exact result. The results show a good agreement between the dynamic analysis and the energy balance method, but standard pushover method does not provide an acceptable estimation.Keywords: energy balance method, pushover analysis, time history analysis, masonry dome
Procedia PDF Downloads 28127637 Sensitivity Analysis for 14 Bus Systems in a Distribution Network with Distributed Generators
Authors: Lakshya Bhat, Anubhav Shrivastava, Shiva Rudraswamy
There has been a formidable interest in the area of Distributed Generation in recent times. A wide number of loads are addressed by Distributed Generators and have better efficiency too. The major disadvantage in Distributed Generation is voltage control- is highlighted in this paper. The paper addresses voltage control at buses in IEEE 14 Bus system by regulating reactive power. An analysis is carried out by selecting the most optimum location in placing the Distributed Generators through load flow analysis and seeing where the voltage profile rises. MATLAB programming is used for simulation of voltage profile in the respective buses after introduction of DG’s. A tolerance limit of +/-5% of the base value has to be maintained. To maintain the tolerance limit, 3 methods are used. Sensitivity analysis of 3 methods for voltage control is carried out to determine the priority among the methods.Keywords: distributed generators, distributed system, reactive power, voltage control, sensitivity analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 70327636 Mn3O4 anchored Broccoli-Flower like Nickel Manganese Selenide Composite for Ultra-efficient Solid-State Hybrid Supercapacitors with Extended Durability
Authors: Siddhant Srivastav, Shilpa Singh, Sumanta Kumar Meher
Innovative renewable energy sources for energy storage/conversion is the demand of the current scenario in electrochemical machinery. In this context, choosing suitable organic precipitants for tuning the crystal characteristics and microstructures is a challenge. On the same note, herein we report broccoli flower-like porous Mn3O4/NiSe2−MnSe2 composite synthesized using a simple two step hydrothermal synthesis procedure assisted by sluggish precipitating agent and an effective cappant followed by intermediated anion exchange. The as-synthesized material was exposed to physical and chemical measurements depicting poly-crystallinity, stronger bonding and broccoli flower-like porous arrangement. The material was assessed electrochemically by cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronopotentiometry (CP) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements. The Electrochemical studies reveal redox behavior, supercapacitive charge-discharge shape and extremely low charge transfer resistance. Further, the fabricated Mn3O4/NiSe2−MnSe2 composite based solid-state hybrid supercapacitor (Mn3O4/NiSe2−MnSe2 ||N-rGO) delivers excellent rate specific capacity, very low internal resistance, with energy density (~34 W h kg–1) of a typical rechargeable battery and power density (11995 W kg–1) of an ultra-supercapacitor. Consequently, it can be a favorable contender for supercapacitor applications for high performance energy storage utilizations. A definitive exhibition of the supercapacitor device is credited to electrolyte-ion buffering reservior alike behavior of broccoli flower like Mn3O4/NiSe2−MnSe2, enhanced by upgraded electronic and ionic conductivities of N- doped rGO (negative electrode) and PVA/KOH gel (electrolyte separator), respectivelyKeywords: electrolyte-ion buffering reservoir, intermediated-anion exchange, solid-state hybrid supercapacitor, supercapacitive charge-dischargesupercapacitive charge-discharge
Procedia PDF Downloads 7627635 Research on a Digital Basketball Sports Game (DBSG) Framework Based on the Female Perspective
Authors: Ran Yue, Zhejing Li
Context: The context of this study is the field of Digital Basketball Sports Games (DBSG). The existing DBSGs often prioritize competitiveness and confrontation, neglecting the narrative and progressive expression, especially from a female standpoint. This study aims to address this gap by analyzing existing DBSGs and proposing a comprehensive framework tailored to meet the needs and desires of women in basketball. Research Aim: The aim of this research is to examine the narrative perspectives of women in basketball and understand their desires and expectations within the sport. It also seeks to investigate methods to seamlessly integrate women's basketball stories into gameplay, addressing their specific needs and expectations. Additionally, the study aims to develop a digital basketball sports game framework that combines narrative richness and entertainment, with a focus on the female audience. Methodology: The study utilizes affective-arousal theories as a psychological framework to explore how emotional arousal influences player engagement and responses in the digital basketball sports game. It employs in-depth case studies to examine specific instances and gain insights into the implementation and impact of narrative elements and educational features in existing DBSGs. Comparative studies are conducted to analyze different DBSGs, identifying effective strategies and shortcomings. Findings: The research findings contribute to the development of a digital basketball game framework from a female perspective. This framework enhances the completeness, diversity, and inclusivity of digital basketball sports games. By addressing the specific needs of women in basketball, including fundamental knowledge, sports skills, safety awareness, and rehabilitation training methods, the framework provides a foundational reservoir for a broader range of basketball participation. It enriches the gaming experience by enhancing enjoyment, narrative, and diversity. It also acts as a catalyst to encourage more women to engage with basketball stories, participate in the sport, persevere, and derive greater enjoyment while benefiting their physical fitness and health. Theoretical Importance: The study contributes to the existing literature by incorporating game motivation psychology theories and proposing a comprehensive framework that caters to the specific needs of women in basketball. It emphasizes the importance of considering the narrative and progressive expression in DBSGs, especially from a female perspective. The research explores affective-arousal theories and provides insights into how emotional arousal can influence player engagement and responses in digital basketball sports games. Data Collection and Analysis Procedures: The study collects data through in-depth case studies of existing DBSGs, examining specific instances to uncover insights into the implementation and impact of narrative elements and educational features. Comparative studies are conducted to contrast and analyze various DBSGs, identifying effective strategies and shortcomings. The analysis procedures involve identifying commonalities, differences, strengths, and weaknesses among the DBSGs, guiding the development of a female-centric perspective in the proposed framework. Questions Addressed: The study addresses the following questions: What are the narrative perspectives of women in basketball? How can women's basketball stories be seamlessly integrated into gameplay? What are the specific needs and expectations of women in basketball? What effective strategies and shortcomings exist in current DBSGs? How can a digital basketball game framework be developed to cater to the female audience? Conclusion: In conclusion, this study contributes to the field of DBSGs by proposing a comprehensive digital basketball game framework from a female perspective. The framework enhances the inclusivity, diversity, and enjoyment of DBSGs by addressing the specific needs and desires of women in basketball. It provides a foundation for a broader range of basketball participation, enriching the gaming experience and benefiting women's physical fitness and health. The research, using affective-arousal theories and in-depth case studies, provides valuable insights into the implementation and impact of narrative elements and educational features in existing DBSGs, guiding the development of the proposed female-centric framework.Keywords: digital basketball game, game framework, female perspective, game narratives
Procedia PDF Downloads 6627634 Techno-Economic Analysis of the Production of Aniline
Authors: Dharshini M., Hema N. S.
The project for the production of aniline is done by providing 295.46 tons per day of nitrobenzene as feed. The material and energy balance calculations for the different equipment like distillation column, heat exchangers, reactor and mixer are carried out with simulation via DWSIM. The conversion of nitrobenzene to aniline by hydrogenation process is considered to be 96% and the total production of the plant was found to be 215 TPD. The cost estimation of the process is carried out to estimate the feasibility of the plant. The net profit and percentage return of investment is estimated to be ₹27 crores and 24.6%. The payback period was estimated to be 4.05 years and the unit production cost is ₹113/kg. A techno-economic analysis was performed for the production of aniline; the result includes economic analysis and sensitivity analysis of critical factors. From economic analysis, larger the plant scale increases the total capital investment and annual operating cost, even though the unit production cost decreases. Uncertainty analysis was performed to predict the influence of economic factors on profitability and the scenario analysis is one way to quantify uncertainty. In scenario analysis the best-case scenario and the worst-case scenario are compared with the base case scenario. The best-case scenario was found at a feed rate of 120 kmol/hr with a unit production cost of ₹112.05/kg and the worst-case scenario was found at a feed rate of 60 kmol/hr with a unit production cost of ₹115.9/kg. The base case is closely related to the best case by 99.2% in terms of unit production cost. since the unit production cost is less and the profitability is more with less payback time, it is feasible to construct a plant at this capacity.Keywords: aniline, nitrobenzene, economic analysis, unit production cost
Procedia PDF Downloads 10927633 Assessing Role of Newspapers in Creating Awareness of HIV/AIDS in Pakistan
Authors: Fatima Kiran
This study investigates the HIV/AIDS coverage in the selected newspapers. The premises of the study depend upon the fact that informing public about any social issue that effects people’s life is among one of the fundamental functions of media, such as HIV/AIDS is one of prime importance. In this study two most prime newspapers of Pakistan Daily Jang and Daily Dawn were analyzed. This paper adopted two approaches for investigation one is content analysis and another is discourse analysis. The content analysis was used to determine the frequency of HIV/AIDS content coverage. Discourse analysis was used to determine consciousness of these newspapers on covering HIV/AIDS stories with correct language and terminologies according to the given media guideline of UNICEF. Total 368 editions from 1st July 2017 to 31st December 2017 were sampled for the study. The result of the study indicates that newspapers have severely underestimated the severity of HIV/AIDS. The coverage given by newspapers is dissatisfactory. Selected newspapers used inappropriate terminologies and language in the stories which shows negligence of newspapers regarding HIV/AIDS issue.Keywords: Pakistani newspapers, HIV/AIDS, coverage, public awareness, content analysis, discourse analysis, press consciousness
Procedia PDF Downloads 14427632 Computer Simulation Studies of Aircraft Wing Architectures on Vibration Responses
Authors: Shengyong Zhang, Mike Mikulich
Vibration is a crucial limiting consideration in the analysis and design of airplane wing structures to avoid disastrous failures due to the propagation of existing cracks in the material. In this paper, we build CAD models of aircraft wings to capture the design intent with configurations. Subsequent FEA vibration analysis is performed to study the natural vibration properties and impulsive responses of the resulting user-defined wing models. This study reveals the variations of the wing’s vibration characteristics with respect to changes in its structural configurations. Integrating CAD modelling and FEA vibration analysis enables designers to improve wing architectures for implementing design requirements in the preliminary design stage.Keywords: aircraft wing, CAD modelling, FEA, vibration analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 16527631 The Comparative Analysis of International Financial Reporting Standart Adoption through Earnings Response Coefficient and Conservatism Principle: Case Study in Jakarta Islamic Index 2010 – 2014
Authors: Dwi Wijiastutik, Tarjo, Yuni Rimawati
The purpose of this empirical study is to analyse how to the market reaction and the conservative degree changes on the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standart (IFRS) through Jakarta Islamic Index. The study also has given others additional analysis on the profitability, capital structure and size company toward IFRS adoption. The data collection methods used in this study reveals as secondary data and deep analysis to the company’s annual report and daily price stock at yahoo finance. We analyse 40 companies listed on Jakarta Islamic Index from 2010 to 2014. The result of the study concluded that IFRS has given a different on the depth analysis to the two of variance analysis: Moderated Regression Analysis and Wilcoxon Signed Rank to test developed hypotheses. Our result on the regression analysis shows that market response and conservatism principle is not significantly after IFRS Adoption in Jakarta Islamic Index. Furthermore, in addition, analysis on profitability, capital structure, and company size show that significantly after IFRS adoption. The findings of our study help investor by showing the impact of IFRS for making decided investment.Keywords: IFRS, earnings response coefficient, conservatism principle
Procedia PDF Downloads 27327630 Contextual Sentiment Analysis with Untrained Annotators
Authors: Lucas A. Silva, Carla R. Aguiar
This work presents a proposal to perform contextual sentiment analysis using a supervised learning algorithm and disregarding the extensive training of annotators. To achieve this goal, a web platform was developed to perform the entire procedure outlined in this paper. The main contribution of the pipeline described in this article is to simplify and automate the annotation process through a system of analysis of congruence between the notes. This ensured satisfactory results even without using specialized annotators in the context of the research, avoiding the generation of biased training data for the classifiers. For this, a case study was conducted in a blog of entrepreneurship. The experimental results were consistent with the literature related annotation using formalized process with experts.Keywords: sentiment analysis, untrained annotators, naive bayes, entrepreneurship, contextualized classifier
Procedia PDF Downloads 39727629 Sensitivity Analysis for 14 Bus Systems in a Distribution Network with Distribution Generators
Authors: Lakshya Bhat, Anubhav Shrivastava, Shivarudraswamy
There has been a formidable interest in the area of Distributed Generation in recent times. A wide number of loads are addressed by Distributed Generators and have better efficiency too. The major disadvantage in Distributed Generation is voltage control- is highlighted in this paper. The paper addresses voltage control at buses in IEEE 14 Bus system by regulating reactive power. An analysis is carried out by selecting the most optimum location in placing the Distributed Generators through load flow analysis and seeing where the voltage profile rises. Matlab programming is used for simulation of voltage profile in the respective buses after introduction of DG’s. A tolerance limit of +/-5% of the base value has to be maintained.To maintain the tolerance limit , 3 methods are used. Sensitivity analysis of 3 methods for voltage control is carried out to determine the priority among the methods.Keywords: distributed generators, distributed system, reactive power, voltage control, sensitivity analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 59027628 Discourse Analysis of the Concept of Citizenship in Textbooks in Iran
Authors: Jafar Ahmadi
This research has been done as a discourse analysis of the concept of citizenship in textbooks in Iran. The purpose of this study is to identify the dominant citizenship discourse in textbooks in the content of textbooks. The research method in this research is qualitative and qualitative content analysis. The statistical sample was selected in a purposeful manner and according to the research topic of books related to Persian literature, religious education and social education. The selected theoretical framework of this research is the three theories of citizenship (pre-modern, modern and postmodern). For each of these discourses, components and indicators have been extracted that are the basis of data analysis. The research findings show that the dominant citizenship discourse on the content of Iranian textbooks is pre-modern discourse and is the basis of this type of religious citizenship discourse. Finally, the findings show that the government uses the institution of education to reproduce its power.Keywords: citizenship, textbooks, discourse analysis, religious citizenship, representation
Procedia PDF Downloads 19927627 Numerical Modal Analysis of a Multi-Material 3D-Printed Composite Bushing and Its Application
Authors: Paweł Żur, Alicja Żur, Andrzej Baier
Modal analysis is a crucial tool in the field of engineering for understanding the dynamic behavior of structures. In this study, numerical modal analysis was conducted on a multi-material 3D-printed composite bushing, which comprised a polylactic acid (PLA) outer shell and a thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) flexible filling. The objective was to investigate the modal characteristics of the bushing and assess its potential for practical applications. The analysis involved the development of a finite element model of the bushing, which was subsequently subjected to modal analysis techniques. Natural frequencies, mode shapes, and damping ratios were determined to identify the dominant vibration modes and their corresponding responses. The numerical modal analysis provided valuable insights into the dynamic behavior of the bushing, enabling a comprehensive understanding of its structural integrity and performance. Furthermore, the study expanded its scope by investigating the entire shaft mounting of a small electric car, incorporating the 3D-printed composite bushing. The shaft mounting system was subjected to numerical modal analysis to evaluate its dynamic characteristics and potential vibrational issues. The results of the modal analysis highlighted the effectiveness of the 3D-printed composite bushing in minimizing vibrations and optimizing the performance of the shaft mounting system. The findings contribute to the broader field of composite material applications in automotive engineering and provide valuable insights for the design and optimization of similar components.Keywords: 3D printing, composite bushing, modal analysis, multi-material
Procedia PDF Downloads 11027626 Analysis of Patient No-Shows According to Health Conditions
Authors: Sangbok Lee
There has been much effort on process improvement for outpatient clinics to provide quality and acute care to patients. One of the efforts is no-show analysis or prediction. This work analyzes patient no-shows along with patient health conditions. The health conditions refer to clinical symptoms that each patient has, out of the followings; hyperlipidemia, diabetes, metastatic solid tumor, dementia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, coronary artery disease, myocardial infraction, congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation, stroke, drug dependence abuse, schizophrenia, major depression, and pain. A dataset from a regional hospital is used to find the relationship between the number of the symptoms and no-show probabilities. Additional analysis reveals how each symptom or combination of symptoms affects no-shows. In the above analyses, cross-classification of patients by age and gender is carried out. The findings from the analysis will be used to take extra care to patients with particular health conditions. They will be forced to visit clinics by being informed about their health conditions and possible consequences more clearly. Moreover, this work will be used in the preparation of making institutional guidelines for patient reminder systems.Keywords: healthcare system, no show analysis, process improvment, statistical data analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 23327625 Thermoelectric Cooler As A Heat Transfer Device For Thermal Conductivity Test
Authors: Abdul Murad Zainal Abidin, Azahar Mohd, Nor Idayu Arifin, Siti Nor Azila Khalid, Mohd Julzaha Zahari Mohamad Yusof
A thermoelectric cooler (TEC) is an electronic component that uses ‘peltier’ effect to create a temperature difference by transferring heat between two electrical junctions of two different types of materials. TEC can also be used for heating by reversing the electric current flow and even power generation. A heat flow meter (HFM) is an equipment for measuring thermal conductivity of building materials. During the test, water is used as heat transfer medium to cool the HFM. The existing re-circulating cooler in the market is very costly, and the alternative is to use piped tap water to extract heat from HFM. However, the tap water temperature is insufficiently low to enable heat transfer to take place. The operating temperature for isothermal plates in the HFM is 40°C with the range of ±0.02°C. When the temperature exceeds the operating range, the HFM stops working, and the test cannot be conducted. The aim of the research is to develop a low-cost but energy-efficient TEC prototype that enables heat transfer without compromising the function of the HFM. The objectives of the research are a) to identify potential of TEC as a cooling device by evaluating its cooling rate and b) to determine the amount of water savings using TEC compared to normal tap water. Four (4) peltier sets were used, with two (2) sets used as pre-cooler. The cooling water is re-circulated from the reservoir into HFM using a water pump. The thermal conductivity readings, the water flow rate, and the power consumption were measured while the HFM was operating. The measured data has shown decrease in average cooling temperature difference (ΔTave) of 2.42°C and average cooling rate of 0.031°C/min. The water savings accrued from using the TEC is projected to be 8,332.8 litres/year with the application of water re-circulation. The results suggest the prototype has achieved required objectives. Further research will include comparing the cooling rate of TEC prototype against conventional tap water and to optimize its design and performance in terms of size and portability. The possible application of the prototype could also be expanded to portable storage for medicine and beverages.Keywords: energy efficiency, thermoelectric cooling, pre-cooling device, heat flow meter, sustainable technology, thermal conductivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 15527624 Biosynthesis of Tumor Inhibitory Podophyllotoxin, Quercetin and Kaempferol from Callogenesis of Dysosma Pleiantha (Hance) Woodson
Authors: Palaniyandi Karuppaiya, Hsin Sheng Tsay, Fang Chen
Medicinal herbs do represent a huge and noteworthy reservoir for novel anticancer drugs discovery. Dysosma pleiantha (Hance) Woodson (Berberidaceae), one of the oldest traditional Chinese medicinal herb, highly prized by the mountain tribes of Taiwan and China for its medicinal properties contained pharmaceutically important antitumor compounds podophyllotoxin, quercetin and kaempferol. Among lignans, podophyllotoxin is an active antitumor compound and has now been modified to produce clinically useful drugs etoposide and teniposide. In recent years, natural populations of D. peliantha have declined considerably due to anthropogenic activities such as habitat destruction and commercial exploitation for medicinal applications. As to its overall conservation status, D. pleiantha has been ranked as threatened on the China Species Red List. In the present study, an efficient in vitro callus culture system of D. pleiantha was established on Gamborg’s medium with various combinations and concentrations of different auxins and cytokinins under dark condition. Best callus induction was recorded in 2 mg/L 2, 4 - Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) along with 0.2 mg/L kinetin and the maximum callus proliferation was achieved at 1 mg/L 2,4-D. Among the explants tested, maximum callus induction (86 %) was achieved from tender leaves. Hence, in subsequent experiments, leaf callus was further investigated for suitable callus biomass and production level of anticancer compounds under the influence of different additives. A maximum fresh callus biomass (8.765 g) was recorded in callus proliferation medium contained 500 mg/L casein hydrolysate. High performance liquid chromatography results revealed that the addition of different concentrations of peptone (1, 2 and 4 g/L) in callus proliferation medium enhanced podophyllotoxin (16 fold), quercetin (12 fold) and kaempferol (5 fold) accumulation than control. Thus, the established in vitro callus culture under the influence of different additives may offer an alternative source of enhanced production of podophyllotoxin, kaempferol and quecertin without harming natural plant population.Keywords: dysosma pleiantha, kaempferol, podophyllotoxin, quercetin
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