Search results for: small group instruction
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 13060

Search results for: small group instruction

12460 Effects of Plyometric Exercises on Agility, Power and Speed Improvement of U-17 Female Sprinters in Case of Burayu Athletics Project, Oromia, Ethiopia

Authors: Abdeta Bayissa Mekessa


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of plyometric exercises on agility, power, and speed and improvement of U-17 female sprinters in the case of the Burayu Athletics project. The true experimental research design was employed for conducting this study. The total populations of the study were 14 U-17 female sprinters from Burayu athletics project. The populations were small in numbers; therefore, the researcher took all as a sample by using comprehensive sampling techniques. These subjects were classified into the Experimental group (N=7) and the Control group (N=7) by using simple random sampling techniques. The Experimental group participated in plyometric training for 8 weeks, 3 days per week and 60 minutes duration per day in addition to their regular training. But, the control groups were following their only regular training program. The variables selected for the purpose of this study were agility, power and speed. The tests were the Illinois agility test, standing long jump test, and 30m sprint test, respectively. Both groups were tested before (pre-test) and after (post-test) 8 weeks of plyometric training. For data analysis, the researcher used SPSS version 26.0 software. The collected data was analyzed using a paired sample t-test to observe the difference between the pre-test and post-test results of the plyometric exercises of the study. The significant level of p<0.05 was considered. The result of the study shows that after 8 weeks of plyometric training, significant improvements were found in Agility (MD=0.45, p<0.05), power (MD=-1.157, P<0.05) and speed (MD=0.37, P<0.05) for experimental group subjects. On the other hand, there was no significant change (P>0.05) in those variables in the control groups. Finally, the findings of the study showed that eight (8) weeks of plyometric exercises had a positive effect on agility, power and speed improvement of female sprinters. Therefore, Athletics coaches and athletes are highly recommended to include plyometric exercise in their training program.

Keywords: ploymetric exercise, speed power, aglity, female sprinter

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12459 Antihyperlipidemia Combination of Simvastatin and Herbal Drink (Conventional Drug Interaction Potential Study and Herbal As Prevention Adverse Effect on Combination Therapy Hyperlipidemia)

Authors: Gesti Prastiti, Maylina Adani, Yuyun darma A. N., M. Khilmi F., Yunita Wahyu Pratiwi


Combination therapy may allow interaction on two drugs or more that can give adverse effects on patients. Simvastatin is a drug of antihyperlipidemia it can interact with drugs which work on cytochrome P450 CYP3A4 because it can interfere the performance of simvastatin. Flavonoid found in plants can inhibit the cytochrome P450 CYP3A4 if taken with simvastatin and can increase simvastatin levels in the body and increases the potential side effects of simvastatin such as myopati and rhabdomyolysis. Green tea leaves and mint are herbal medicine which has the effect of antihiperlipidemia. This study aims to determine the potential interaction of simvastatin with herbal drinks (green tea leaves and mint). This research method are experimental post-test only control design. Test subjects were divided into 5 groups: normal group, negative control group, simvastatin group, a combination of green tea group and the combination group mint leaves. The study was conducted over 32 days and total cholesterol levels were analyzed by enzymatic colorimetric test method. Results of this study is the obtainment of average value of total cholesterol in each group, the normal group (65.92 mg/dL), the negative control group the average total cholesterol test in the normal group was (69.86 mg/dL), simvastatin group (58.96 mg/dL), the combination of green tea group (58.96 mg/dL), and the combination of mint leaves (63.68 mg/dL). The conclusion is between simvastatin combination therapy with herbal drinks have the potential for pharmacodynamic interactions with a synergistic effect, antagonist, and a powerful additive, so the combination therapy are no more effective than a single administration of simvastatin therapy.

Keywords: hyperlipidemia, simvastatin, herbal drinks, green tea leaves, mint leaves, drug interactions

Procedia PDF Downloads 397
12458 Organizational Challenges Facing a Small Recruitment Agency: Case Study of a Firm Based in South India

Authors: Anirban Sengupta


The recruitment industry plays a critical role in connecting employers with talent. While there are many big recruitment firms and big organizations that can also afford to have their own recruitment teams, small recruitment agencies form an essential part of the ecosystem serving a vast majority of small and medium sized clients. These clients utilize the services of the recruitment agencies to be able to scale their operations. However, there are significant organizational challenges that a small recruitment agency faces to build a sustainable and growing business. This case study explores the organizational challenges faced by a small recruitment agency in South India in an increasingly competitive landscape. Through this paper, the authors hope to understand, analyze and share the challenges faced by this firm and suggest a systematic approach to address the challenges. The study uses both qualitative and quantitative data collected from the agency’s management and employees based on the year 2024. The findings reveal that the agency struggles with limited resources, unpredictable clients, and lack of scalable processes and systems, which impacts not only the business outcomes but also key areas like employee performance management, compensation and benefits, and employee well-being. Based on these insights, the study proposes several strategies for overcoming these challenges, such as implementing scalable systems and processes. This research contributes to the understanding of the specific obstacles faced by small recruitment agencies in regional contexts and offers actionable recommendations for improving their organizational health, which may, in turn, positively impact their competitiveness.

Keywords: recruitment, organizational challenges, performance management, recruitment technology, application tracking system

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12457 Ethnic Minority Small and Medium Enterprises and Entrepreneurial Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case of United Kingdom

Authors: Muhammad Bilal Mustafa, Javed Hussain, Simeon Babatunde


The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities of countless organisations beyond their size, type, and location. However, some groups and sectors are disproportionally get impacted by the pandemic. In the context of the UK, ethnic Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) turn out to be the most precarious group among all private sectors. Many ethnic SMEs shut down their business operations during a pandemic. A large portion of Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) owners have huge concerns regarding their business’ survival and resilience. The current UK-centric studies have focused on the large business population, and there is a gap in ethnic SMEs and how they get affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, there is a need to further knowledge and academic research to investigate the fundamental factors that could strengthen the resilience of ethnic SMEs as well as contribute to long-term sustainability. Therefore, this study aims to capture the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on ethnic SMEs in the UK and assess the survival measures taken by ethnic SMEs during Covid-19. Besides, this study adopts a dynamic capabilities perspective that how firms' specific capabilities enable ethnic SMEs to exploit entrepreneurial opportunities during the Covid-19 pandemic. Finally, this research will help ethnic SMEs to develop vigorous resilience to address future external shocks and market uncertainties.

Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, ethnic minority SMEs, entrepreneurial resilience, dynamic capabilities, sustainability

Procedia PDF Downloads 162
12456 The Effects on Abomasal Emtying Rate of Erythromycin and Bethanechol in Healthy, Premature and Diarrheic Calves

Authors: Sebnem Canikli Engin, Mutlu Sevinc, Hasan Guzelbektes


In this study, we aim to define the effects of erythromycin and bethanechol which are prokinetic agents, on the value of abomasal discharge in healthy, diarrhea and premature calves. In the work, 5 healty calves, 12 diarrheaic calves and 12 premature calves, amounting to a total of 29 calves. In healty calves work; the same 5 calves were used for controlled, erythromycin and bethanechol studies (there was a 48-hour waiting period between each work). In diarrheic calves work; 12 diarrheic calves were used during the study (4 of them for control group, 4 of them bethanechol group and last 4 calves erythromycin group). In premature calves works; 12 premature calves were used during the study (4 of them for control group, 4 of them bethanechol group and last 4 calves erythromycin group). 10 mg/kg IM dose of erythromycin were applied to each erythromycin group, 0,07 mg/kg IM dose of bethanechol were applied on bethanechol group. No drugs were applied to the control group and substitution milk was given to all calves. 50 mg/kg acetominophen and 25 gram/L glucose have been added into the substitution milk to evaluate the speed of gastrointestinal motility with the test results of absorptions of acetominophen and glucose. The blood samples have been taken before substitution milk application and 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 and 300 minutes after substitution milk application. Respiratory rates and number of heartbeats were also recorded during the test time. No changes were observed in the number of heartbeats, respiratory rates and general conditions for all groups after drug application. It is observed that, the feces of some calves became slightly watery and viscous and premature calves generaly defecated after 180 minutes. When Cmax, Tmax and AUC values of acetaminophen and glucose are compared with control group’s after applying erythromycin on the calves in the premature group, we obtain higher Cmax (P<0,05), shorter Tmax and greather AUC (P>0,05) values. In conclusion, according to clinical and laboratory findings, it may be stated that the application of 10 mg/kg doze of erythromycin IM has provided faster abomazal emptying in premature calves.

Keywords: abomazal emptying, bethanechol, calf, erythromycin

Procedia PDF Downloads 338
12455 Effects of Varied Packages of Plyometric Traning on Leg Explosive Power and VO2 Max Among College Men Students

Authors: Nisithkumar Datta, Rakesh Bharti


The purpose of the study was to find out the effects of varied packages of plyometric training on leg explosive power and VO2 max among college men students. Sixty male students were selected and divided into four equal groups. Group I underwent low-intensity plyometric training, Group II underwent medium intensity plyometric training and Group III underwent high-intensity plyometric training for three days per week for twelve weeks. Group IV acted as control group. The variables namely leg explosive power and VO2 max were selected as dependent variables. The analysis of covariance was used to analyze the significant difference. The 0.05 level of confidence was fixed as the level of significance to test the ‘F’ ratio obtained by the analysis of covariance. The result of the study indicates due to varied packages of plyometric training, the leg explosive power and VO2 max has been improved significantly.

Keywords: leg explosive power, plyometric exercise, VO2 max, men students

Procedia PDF Downloads 379
12454 Optimal Number of Reconfigurable Robots in a Transport System

Authors: Mari Chaikovskaia, Jean-Philippe Gayon, Alain Quilliot


We consider a fleet of elementary robots that can be connected in different ways to transport loads of different types. For instance, a single robot can transport a small load, and the association of two robots can either transport a large load or two small loads. We seek to determine the optimal number of robots to transport a set of loads in a given time interval, with or without reconfiguration. We show that the problem with reconfiguration is strongly NP-hard by a reduction to the bin-packing problem. Then, we study a special case with unit capacities and derive simple formulas for the minimum number of robots, up to 3 types of loads. For this special case, we compare the minimum number of robots with or without reconfiguration and show that the gain is limited in absolute value but may be significant for small fleets.

Keywords: fleet sizing, reconfigurability, robots, transportation

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12453 Improving Young Learners' Vocabulary Acquisition: A Pilot Program in a Game-Based Environment

Authors: Vasiliki Stratidou


Modern simulation mobile games have the potential to enhance students’ interest, motivation and creativity. Research conducted on the effectiveness of digital games for educational purposes has shown that such games are also ideal at providing an appropriate environment for language learning. The paper examines the issue of simulation mobile games in regard to the potential positive impacts on L2 vocabulary learning. Sixteen intermediate level students, aged 10-14, participated in the experimental study for four weeks. The participants were divided into experimental (8 participants) and control group (8 participants). The experimental group was planned to learn some new vocabulary words via digital games while the control group used a reading passage to learn the same vocabulary words. The study investigated the effect of mobile games as well as the traditional learning methods on Greek EFL learners’ vocabulary learning in a pre-test, an immediate post-test, and a two-week delayed retention test. A teacher’s diary and learners’ interviews were also used as tools to estimate the effectiveness of the implementation. The findings indicated that the experimental group outperformed the control group in acquiring new words through mobile games. Therefore, digital games proved to be an effective tool in learning English vocabulary.

Keywords: control group, digital games, experimental group, second language vocabulary learning, simulation games

Procedia PDF Downloads 241
12452 All for One, or One for All: A Comparative Evaluation of the Role of Social Relations in Explaining Individual versus Group Participation in the Radicalization and Terrorism Process amongst Far-Right Actors in the United States

Authors: Jack Wippell


This paper explores the role of social relations in explaining far-right actors' decisions over whether to travel down the process of radicalization and terrorism alone or in a group. To this end, a joint comparative method of difference and agreement is applied to four case studies across key temporal points on the radicalization and terrorism pathway to generate a theory of why individuals decide to radicalize and/or act alone or within a group. While social relations are identified as playing some moderate role in explaining why certain individuals radicalize alone versus within a group, this paper argues they play a significant role in affecting decisions over whether to act alone versus in a group. These findings suggest new avenues of distinction and understanding of far-right actors' processes of radicalization and terrorism, in turn, offering potential new avenues for counter-terrorism policy and important areas for future research.

Keywords: far-right, lone-actor, terrorism, United States, radicalization

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12451 Preventive and Attenuative Effect of Vitamin E on Selenite-induced Cataract in Rat

Authors: Seyedeh Zeinab Peighambarzadeh, Mehdi Tavana


Cataract is the most common cause of blindness worldwide and its incidence will increase as the World’s population ages. Even in modern ophthalmology, there is no effective medical treatment for cataract except surgery. Development of a drug which could prevent or delay the onset of cataract will lessen this burden and reduce the number of blind patients waiting for cataract surgery. This study was undertaken to evaluate the protective effect of vitamin E on Selenite-induced Cataract in Sprague-dawely rats. Cataracts were induced in rats by administration of sodium selenite. On postpartum day ten, in group I, saline was injected subcutaneously. Group II rat pups received subcutaneous injection of vitamin E (60mg/kg B.W.) at day 8 postpartum and every other day thereafter. Group III and IV rat pups received a subcutaneous injection of sodium selenite (13mg/kg B.W.) at day 10 postpartum. Group IV also received subcutaneous injection of vitamin E (60mg/kg B.W.) at day 8 postpartum and every other day thereafter. The development of cataract in rats was assessed clinically by slit-lamp biomicroscope from day 14 up to postpartum day 28. After sacrifice, extricated pup lenses were analyzed for total and soluble protein concentrations and eletrophoretic pattern (SDS-PAGE). There was no opacification of lens in Group I and II. There was mature cataract in 95% of Group III. In group IV, 55% of rats developed sub capsular or cortical cataract. Cataractous and biochemical changes of the crystalline lens proteins due to selenite can be retard or prevented by vitamin E.

Keywords: preventive effect, selenite-induced cataract, vitamin E, rat

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12450 Wellbeing Warriors: A Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Effect of Martial Arts Training on Mental Health Outcomes

Authors: Brian Moore, Stuart Woodcock, Dean Dudley


Mental health problems have significant social and economic consequences; however, many individuals do not seek traditional assistance for mental health difficulties. Martial arts training may provide an inexpensive alternative to traditional psychological therapy. While limited research has suggested martial arts training may be an efficacious intervention, the validity and reliability of this are questionable given the small number of relevant studies and other methodological problems. The study examined the effects of 10-week martial arts-based psycho-social intervention which was evaluated using a randomized controlled trial. The intervention was delivered to 283 secondary school students, aged between 12-14 years, who were recruited from government and catholic secondary schools in New South Wales, Australia. The intervention was delivered in a group format onsite at participating schools and had an intervention dose of 10 x 50-60 minute sessions, once per week for 10 weeks. Data were collected at baseline, post-intervention, and 12-week follow-up. Results found a consistent pattern for strength based wellbeing outcomes. All primary and secondary measures relating to resilience and self-efficacy improved for the intervention group and declined for the control group. As these findings were derived from a robust design and rigorous evaluation, they provide valid and reliable evidence that martial arts-based psycho-social interventions can be considered as an efficacious method of improving strength and wellbeing outcomes.

Keywords: martial arts, mental health, resilience, self-efficacy

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12449 Practice of Supply Chain Management in Local SMEs

Authors: Oualid Kherbach, Marian Liviu Mocan, Amine Ghoumrassi, Cristian Dumitrache


The Globalization system and the development of economy, e-business, and introduction of new technologies formation create new challenges to all organizations particularly for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Many studies on supply chain management (SCM) focus on large companies with universal operations employing high-stage information technology. These make a gap in the knowing of how SMEs use and practice supply chain management. In this screenplay, successful practices of supply chain management (SCM) can give SMEs an edge over their competitors. However, SMEs in Romania and Balkan countries face problems in SCM implementation and practices due to lack of resources and direction. The objectives of this research highlight the supply chain management practices of the small and medium enterprise strip in Romania and understand how SMEs manage and use SCM. This study Checks the potential existence of systematic differences between small businesses and medium-sized businesses with regard to supply chain management practices and the application of supply management has contributed to the improvement performance and increase the profitability of companies such as increasing the market share and improving the level of clients.

Keywords: globalization, small and medium enterprises, supply chain management, practices

Procedia PDF Downloads 370
12448 Exploring the Effect of Nursing Students’ Self-Directed Learning and Technology Acceptance through the Use of Digital Game-Based Learning in Medical Terminology Course

Authors: Hsin-Yu Lee, Ming-Zhong Li, Wen-Hsi Chiu, Su-Fen Cheng, Shwu-Wen Lin


Background: The use of medical terminology is essential to professional nurses on clinical practice. However, most nursing students consider traditional lecture-based teaching of medical terminology as boring and overly conceptual and lack motivation to learn. It is thus an issue to be discussed on how to enhance nursing students’ self-directed learning and improve learning outcomes of medical terminology. Digital game-based learning is a learner-centered way of learning. Past literature showed that the most common game-based learning for language education has been immersive games and teaching games. Thus, this study selected role-playing games (RPG) and digital puzzle games for observation and comparison. It is interesting to explore whether digital game-based learning has positive impact on nursing students’ learning of medical terminology and whether students can adapt well on this type of learning. Results can be used to provide references for institutes and teachers on teaching medical terminology. These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for the conference. Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. The electronic file of your paper will be formatted further at WASET. Define all symbols used in the abstract. Do not cite references in the abstract. Do not delete the blank line immediately above the abstract; it sets the footnote at the bottom of this column. Page margins are 1,78 cm top and down; 1,65 cm left and right. Each column width is 8,89 cm and the separation between the columns is 0,51 cm. Objective: The purpose of this research is to explore respectively the impact of RPG and puzzle game on nursing students’ self-directed learning and technology acceptance. The study further discusses whether different game types bring about different influences on students’ self-directed learning and technology acceptance. Methods: A quasi-experimental design was adopted in this study so that repeated measures between two groups could be conveniently conducted. 103 nursing students from a nursing college in Northern Taiwan participated in the study. For three weeks of experiment, the experiment group (n=52) received “traditional teaching + RPG” while the control group (n=51) received “traditional teaching + puzzle games”. Results: 1. On self-directed learning: For each game type, there were significant differences for the delayed tests of both groups as compared to the pre and post-tests of each group. However, there were no significant differences between the two game types. 2. On technology acceptance: For the experiment group, after the intervention of RPG, there were no significant differences concerning technology acceptance. For the control group, after the intervention of puzzle games, there were significant differences regarding technology acceptance. Pearson-correlation coefficient and path analysis conducted on the results of the two groups revealed that the dimension were highly correlated and reached statistical significance. Yet, the comparison of technology acceptance between the two game types did not reach statistical significance. Conclusion and Recommend: This study found that through using different digital games on learning, nursing students have effectively improved their self-directed learning. Students’ technology acceptances were also high for the two different digital game types and each dimension was significantly correlated. The results of the experimental group showed that through the scenarios of RPG, students had a deeper understanding of medical terminology, which reached the ‘Understand’ dimension of Bloom’s taxonomy. The results of the control group indicated that digital puzzle games could help students memorize and review medical terminology, which reached the ‘Remember’ dimension of Bloom’s taxonomy. The findings suggest that teachers of medical terminology could use digital games to assist their teaching according to their goals on cognitive learning. Adequate use of those games could help improve students’ self-directed learning and further enhance their learning outcome on medical terminology.

Keywords: digital game-based learning, medical terminology, nursing education, self-directed learning, technology acceptance model

Procedia PDF Downloads 167
12447 Effects of Vertimax Training on Agility, Quickness and Acceleration

Authors: Dede Basturk, Metin Kaya, Halil Taskin, Nurtekin Erkmen


In total, 29 students studying in Selçuk University Physical Training and Sports School who are recreationally active participated voluntarilyin this study which was carried out in order to examine effects of Vertimax trainings on agility, quickness and acceleration. 3 groups took their parts in this study as Vertimax training group (N=10), Ordinary training group (N=10) and Control group (N=9). Measurements were carried out in performance laboratory of Selçuk University Physical Training and Sports School. A training program for quickness and agility was followed up for subjects 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) for 8 weeks. Subjects taking their parts in vertimax training group and ordinary training group participated in the training program for quickness and agility. Measurements were applied as pre-test and post-test. Subjects of vertimax training group followed the training program with vertimax device and subjects of ordinary training group followed the training program without vertimax device. As to control group who are recreationally active, they did not participate in any program. 4 gate photocells were used for measuring and measurement of distances was carried out in m. Furthermore, single gate photocell and honi were used for agility test. Measurements started with 15 minutes of warm-up. Acceleration, quickness and agility tests were applied on subjects. 3 measurements were made for each subject at 3 minutes resting intervals. The best rating of three measurements was recorded. 5 m quickness pre-test value of vertimax training groups has been determined as 1,11±0,06 s and post-test value has been determined as 1,06 ± 0,08 s (P<0,05). 5 m quickness pre-test value of ordinary training group has been determined as 1,11±0,06 s and post-test value has been determined as 1,07±0,07 s (P<0,05).5 m quickness pre-test value of control group has been determined as 1,13±0,08 s and post-test value has been determined as 1,10 ± 0,07 s (P>0,05). Upon examination of 10 m acceleration value before and after the training, 10 m acceleration pre-test value of vertimax training group has been determined as 1,82 ± 0,07 s and post-test value has been determined as 1,76±0,83 s (P>0,05). 10 m acceleration pre-test value of ordinary training group has been determined as 1,83±0,05 s and post-test value has been determined as 1,78 ± 0,08 s (P>0,05).10 m acceleration pre-test value of control group has been determined as 1,87±0,11 s and post-test value has been determined as 1,83 ± 0,09 s (P>0,05). Upon examination of 15 m acceleration value before and after the training, 15 m acceleration pre-test value of vertimax training group has been determined as 2,52±0,10 s and post-test value has been determined as 2,46 ± 0,11 s (P>0,05).15 m acceleration pre-test value of ordinary training group has been determined as 2,52±0,05 s and post-test value has been determined as 2,48 ± 0,06 s (P>0,05). 15 m acceleration pre-test value of control group has been determined as 2,55 ± 0,11 s and post-test value has been determined as 2,54 ± 0,08 s (P>0,05).Upon examination of agility performance before and after the training, agility pre-test value of vertimax training group has been determined as 9,50±0,47 s and post-test value has been determined as 9,66 ± 0,47 s (P>0,05). Agility pre-test value of ordinary training group has been determined as 9,99 ± 0,05 s and post-test value has been determined as 9,86 ± 0,40 s (P>0,05). Agility pre-test value of control group has been determined as 9,74 ± 0,45 s and post-test value has been determined as 9,92 ± 0,49 s (P>0,05). Consequently, it has been observed that quickness and acceleration features were developed significantly following 8 weeks of vertimax training program and agility features were not developed significantly. It is suggested that training practices used for the study may be used for situations which may require sudden moves and in order to attain the maximum speed in a short time. Nevertheless, it is also suggested that this training practice does not make contribution in development of moves which may require sudden direction changes. It is suggested that productiveness and innovation may come off in terms of training by using various practices of vertimax trainings.

Keywords: vertimax, training, quickness, agility, acceleration

Procedia PDF Downloads 497
12446 The Effect of Drug Prevention Programme Based On Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Multidimensional Self Concept Module Towards Resiliency and Aggression Among At-Risk Youth in Malaysia

Authors: Mohammad Aziz Shah Mohamed Arip, Aslina Ahmad, Fauziah Mohd Sa'ad, Samsiah Mohd Jais, Syed Sofian Syed Salim


This experimental study evaluates the effect of using Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Multidimensional Self-Concept Model (MSCM) in a drug prevention programme to increase resiliency and reduce aggression among at-risk youth in Malaysia. A number of 60 (N=60) university students who were at-risk of taking drugs were involved in this study. Participants were identified with self-rating scales, Adolescent Resilience Attitude Scale (ARAS) and Aggression Questionnaire. Based on the mean score of these instruments, the participants were divided into the treatment group, and the control group. Data were analyzed using t-test. The finding showed that the mean score of resiliency was increased in the treatment group compared to the control group. It also shows that the mean score of aggression was reduced in the treatment group compared to the control group. Drug Prevention Programme was found to help in enhancing resiliency and reducing aggression among participants in the treatment group compared to the controlled group. Implications were given regarding the preventive actions on drug abuse among youth in Malaysia.

Keywords: drug prevention programme, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), multidimensional self concept model (MSCM), resiliency, aggression, at-risk youth

Procedia PDF Downloads 729
12445 The Use of a Rabbit Model to Evaluate the Influence of Age on Excision Wound Healing

Authors: S. Bilal, S. A. Bhat, I. Hussain, J. D. Parrah, S. P. Ahmad, M. R. Mir


Background: The wound healing involves a highly coordinated cascade of cellular and immunological response over a period including coagulation, inflammation, granulation tissue formation, epithelialization, collagen synthesis and tissue remodeling. Wounds in aged heal more slowly than those in younger, mainly because of comorbidities that occur as one age. The present study is about the influence of age on wound healing. 1x1cm^2 (100 mm) wounds were created on the back of the animal. The animals were divided into two groups; one group had animals in the age group of 3-9 months while another group had animals in the age group of 15-21 months. Materials and Methods: 24 clinically healthy rabbits in the age group of 3-21 months were used as experimental animals and divided into two groups viz A and B. All experimental parameters, i.e., Excision wound model, Measurement of wound area, Protein extraction and estimation, Protein extraction and estimation and DNA extraction and estimation were done by standard methods. Results: The parameters studied were wound contraction, hydroxyproline, glucosamine, protein, and DNA. A significant increase (p<0.005) in the hydroxyproline, glucosamine, protein and DNA and a significant decrease in wound area (p<0.005) was observed in the age group of 3-9 months when compared to animals of an age group of 15-21 months. Wound contraction together with hydroxyproline, glucosamine, protein and DNA estimations suggest that advanced age results in retarded wound healing. Conclusion: The decrease wound contraction and accumulation of hydroxyproline, glucosamine, protein and DNA in group B animals may be associated with the reduction or delay in growth factors because of the advancing age.

Keywords: age, wound healing, excision wound, hydroxyproline, glucosamine

Procedia PDF Downloads 660
12444 Reduce the Impact of Wildfires by Identifying Them Early from Space and Sending Location Directly to Closest First Responders

Authors: Gregory Sullivan


The evolution of global warming has escalated the number and complexity of forest fires around the world. As an example, the United States and Brazil combined generated more than 30,000 forest fires last year. The impact to our environment, structures and individuals is incalculable. The world has learned to try to take this in stride, trying multiple ways to contain fires. Some countries are trying to use cameras in limited areas. There are discussions of using hundreds of low earth orbit satellites and linking them together, and, interfacing them through ground networks. These are all truly noble attempts to defeat the forest fire phenomenon. But there is a better, simpler answer. A bigger piece of the solutions puzzle is to see the fires while they are small, soon after initiation. The approach is to see the fires while they are very small and report their location (latitude and longitude) to local first responders. This is done by placing a sensor at geostationary orbit (GEO: 26,000 miles above the earth). By placing this small satellite in GEO, we can “stare” at the earth, and sense temperature changes. We do not “see” fires, but “measure” temperature changes. This has already been demonstrated on an experimental scale. Fires were seen at close to initiation, and info forwarded to first responders. it were the first to identify the fires 7 out of 8 times. The goal is to have a small independent satellite at GEO orbit focused only on forest fire initiation. Thus, with one small satellite, focused only on forest fire initiation, we hope to greatly decrease the impact to persons, property and the environment.

Keywords: space detection, wildfire early warning, demonstration wildfire detection and action from space, space detection to first responders

Procedia PDF Downloads 71
12443 Lactate in Critically Ill Patients an Outcome Marker with Time

Authors: Sherif Sabri, Suzy Fawzi, Sanaa Abdelshafy, Ayman Nagah


Introduction: Static derangements in lactate homeostasis during ICU stay have become established as a clinically useful marker of increased risk of hospital and ICU mortality. Lactate indices or kinetic alteration of the anaerobic metabolism make it a potential parameter to evaluate disease severity and intervention adequacy. This is an inexpensive and simple clinical parameter that can be obtained by a minimally invasive means. Aim of work: Comparing the predictive value of dynamic indices of hyperlactatemia in the first twenty four hours of intensive care unit (ICU) admission with other static values are more commonly used. Patients and Methods: This study included 40 critically ill patients above 18 years old of both sexes with Hyperlactamia (≥ 2 m mol/L). Patients were divided into septic group (n=20) and low oxygen transport group (n=20), which include all causes of low-O2. Six lactate indices specifically relating to the first 24 hours of ICU admission were considered, three static indices and three dynamic indices. Results: There were no statistically significant differences among the two groups regarding age, most of the laboratory results including ABG and the need for mechanical ventilation. Admission lactate was significantly higher in low-oxygen transport group than the septic group [37.5±11.4 versus 30.6±7.8 P-value 0.034]. Maximum lactate was significantly higher in low-oxygen transport group than the septic group P-value (0.044). On the other hand absolute lactate (mg) was higher in septic group P-value (< 0.001). Percentage change of lactate was higher in the septic group (47.8±11.3) than the low-oxygen transport group (26.1±12.6) with highly significant P-value (< 0.001). Lastly, time weighted lactate was higher in the low-oxygen transport group (1.72±0.81) than the septic group (1.05±0.8) with significant P-value (0.012). There were statistically significant differences regarding lactate indices in survivors and non survivors, whether in septic or low-oxygen transport group. Conclusion: In critically ill patients, time weighted lactate and percent in lactate change in the first 24 hours can be an independent predictive factor in ICU mortality. Also, a rising compared to a falling blood lactate concentration over the first 24 hours can be associated with significant increase in the risk of mortality.

Keywords: critically ill patients, lactate indices, mortality in intensive care, anaerobic metabolism

Procedia PDF Downloads 242
12442 Effects of Knowledge of Results on Specified Skill Acquisition among Fresh Cricket Players

Authors: Rasheed O. Oloyede, Joseph O. Adelusi, Peter O. Akinbile


This study was conducted to investigate the extent with which knowledge of results influences the performance of cricket players. A sample of 160 fresh students in the Department of Physical and Health Education who are novice in the game were randomly assigned into two groups. The first group of eighty (80) subjects was classified as experimental group while the second group of eighty (80) subjects was the control group. Subjects in both groups were asked to bowl and bat ten times each for a period of six weeks. After the first round, the subjects in the experimental group were allowed feedback on their performance in the first trial while those in the control group were denied feedback. Two null hypotheses generated for the study were tested using percentages and chi-square statistical analysis at 0.05 level of significance. Analysis of data showed that knowledge of results influenced the performance of cricket players. It was concluded that knowledge of results is pertinent for effective skill acquisition and could enhance better performance among unskilled cricket players. Hence, it is suggested that immediate feedback on the level of skill acquisition by the prospective and unskilled cricket players would inspire them for better performance in cricket tournaments.

Keywords: batting, bowling, knowledge of results, performance, skill acquisition

Procedia PDF Downloads 466
12441 The Effect of Lepidium Meyenii on Viability, Motility, and Sperm Morphology in Treatment of Infertility Among Adult Male Wistar Rats

Authors: Arefeh Sabzipour


In the present work, the effect of Lepidium meyenii on viability, motility, and sperm morphology in the treatment of infertility of adult male Wistar rats was evaluated. 21 male Wistar rats were adopted, fed and brought up in the same conditions to reach the weight of 230±5 g. after that, they were randomly divided into three groups, including two experimental groups and one control group, each group consisted of 7 rates. Lepidium meyenii was extracted and pulverized. Mice in the control group were treated with distilled water, and experimental groups were gavage with alcoholic juice extracted from Lepidium meyenii once a day for 10 consecutive days. After rates were killed, the testes were isolated. Different parameters includes semen volume in mice, sperm count, sperm motility, morphology, and viability, were evaluated. The results shows that sperm motility and sperm survival indices were significantly different between groups, and sperm count and sperm morphology indices were not significantly different. Sperm motility index in intervention group 1 was equal to 77.00±2.499 and was significantly higher than the one in intervention group two (70.14±3.579, P=0.018) and control group (69.43 ±7.323, P=0.018). Sperm survival index was 91.14 ± 2.410 in intervention group 1, 79.43± 5.062 in intervention group 2, and in the control group (P<0.001). Based on the results of the present study, Lepidium meyenii had great effect on improving sperm indices of mice, especially sperm motility index and sperm survival index. Sperm count index and sperm morphology index, although increased, were not statistically significant.

Keywords: infertility, lepidium, sperm morphology, sperm survival

Procedia PDF Downloads 76
12440 Effects of Cassia tora Seeds Extract on Type 2 Diabetes Induced Mice

Authors: Min-Ju Jo, Min-Young Um, Moonsung Choi, Sooim Shin


Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is characterized by insulin resistance, the inability of β-cell and the dysfunction of mitochondria. To characterize effects of Cassia tora extract on mitochondrial dysfunction related T2D, the reduced glutathione level, amount of mitochondrial complexes and activities of mitochondrial complexes were measured. Three groups of mice were modeled; a control group was fed a normal diet, a diabetic group was fed a diabetic diet high in fat and carbohydrates, and a third group was fed a diabetic diet + 70% ethanol extracted Cassia tora seeds for 12 weeks. The amount of mitochondria was determined by Bradford assay after isolation of mitochondria in liver from each group. During isolation of mitochondria, cytosolic fractions of the tissue were collected to measure the reduced glutathione level. Interestingly, high level of the reduced glutathione was observed in Cassia tora treated group and decreased activities of mitochondrial complexes in Cassia tora treated group compared to the diabetic diet group. It indicates that Cassia tora has the potential to increase the reduced form of glutathione functioned as an important antioxidant in cells, and to reduce mitochondrial metabolic compensatory mechanism.

Keywords: antioxidant, Cassia tora, diabetes, electron transport chain, glutathione, mitochondria, spectrophotometry

Procedia PDF Downloads 179
12439 Cytotoxic Effect of Biologically Transformed Propolis on HCT-116 Human Colon Cancer Cells

Authors: N. Selvi Gunel, L. M. Oktay, H. Memmedov, B. Durmaz, H. Kalkan Yildirim, E. Yildirim Sozmen


Object: Propolis which consists of compounds that are accepted as antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, immune-modulator and cytotoxic, is frequently used in current therapeutic applications. However, some of them result in allergic side effects, causing consumption to be restricted. Previously our group has succeeded in producing a new biotechnological product which was less allergenic. In this study, we purpose to optimize production conditions of this biologically-transformed propolis and determine the cytotoxic effects of obtained new products on colon cancer cell line (HCT-116). Method: Firstly, solid propolis samples were dissolved in water after weighing, grinding and sizing (sieve-35mesh) and applied 40 kHz/10 min ultrasonication. Samples were prepared according to inoculation with Lactobacillus plantarum in two different proportions (2.5% and 3.5%). Chromatographic analyzes of propolis were performed by UPLC-MS/MS (Waters, Milford, MA) system. Results were analysed by UPLC-MS/MS system MassLynx™ 4.1 software. HCT-116 cells were treated with propolis examples at 25-1000 µg/ml concentrations and cytotoxicity were measured by using WST-8 assay at 24, 48, and 72 hours. Samples with biological transformation were compared with the non-transformed control group samples. Our experiment groups were formed as follows: untreated (group 1), propolis dissolved in water ultrasonicated at 40 kHz/10 min (group 2), propolis dissolved in water ultrasonicated at 40 kHz/10 min and inoculated 2.5% L. plantarum L1 strain (group 3), propolis dissolved in water ultrasonicated at 40 kHz/10 min and inoculated 3.5% L. plantarum L3 strain (group 4). Obtained data were calculated with Graphpad Software V5 and analyzed by two-way ANOVA test followed by Bonferroni test. Result: As a result of our study, the cytotoxic effect of propolis samples on HCT-116 cells was evaluated. There was a 7.21 fold increase in group 3 compared to group 2 in the concentration of 1000 µg/ml, and it was a 6.66 fold increase in group 3 compared to group 1 at the end of 24 hours. At the end of 48 hours, in the concentration of 500 µg/ml, it was determined 4.7 fold increase in group 4 compared to group 3. At the same time, in the concentration of 750 µg/ml it was determined 2.01 fold increase in group 4 compared to group 3 and in the same concentration, it was determined 3.1 fold increase in group 4 compared to group 2. Also, at the 72 hours, in the concentration of 750 µg/ml, it was determined 2.42 fold increase in group 3 according to group 2 and in the same time, in the concentration of 1000 µg/ml, it was determined 2.13 fold increase in group 4 according to group 2. According to cytotoxicity results, the group which were ultrasonicated at 40 kHz/10min and inoculated 3.5% L. plantarum L3-strain had a higher cytotoxic effect. Conclusion: It is known that bioavailability of propolis is halved in six months. The data obtained from our results indicated that biologically-transformed propolis had more cytotoxic effect than non-transformed group on colon cancer cells. Consequently, we suggested that L. plantarum-transformation provides both reduction of allergenicity and extension of bioavailability period by enhancing healthful polyphenols.

Keywords: bio-transformation, propolis, colon cancer, cytotoxicity

Procedia PDF Downloads 142
12438 Effect of Fortification of Expressed Human Breast Milk with Olive Oil and Skimmed Milk in Improving Weight Gain in Very Low Birth Weight Neonates and Shortening Their Length of Hospital Stay

Authors: Sumrina Kousar


Objective: The aim of this study was to observe the effect of fortification of expressed human breast milk with olive oil and skimmed milk in improving weight gain in very low birth weight neonates and shortening their length of hospital stay. Study Design and place: A randomized controlled trial was carried out at the Combined Military Hospital Lahore from March 2018 to March 2019. Methods: Neonates admitted with very low birth weight and gestational age of < 34 weeks were included in the study. Sixty babies were enrolled using non-probability consecutive sampling; a random number table was used to allocate them into a fortification group and a control group. The control group received expressed milk alone, while olive oil 1 ml twice daily and skimmed milk 1 gram in every third feed were added to expressed milk in the fortification group. Data was analyzed on SPSS 20. Proportions were compared by applying the chi-square test. An independent sample t-test was applied for comparing means. A p-value of ≤ 0.05 was considered significant. Results: The study comprised of 60 neonates, with 30 in each of the groups. Weight gain was 24.83±5.63 in the fortification group and 11.72±3.95 in the control group (p =< 0.001). Mean hospital stay was 20.5716.511 in the fortification group and 27.678.89 in the control group (p =< 0.043). Conclusion: Olive oil and skimmed milk fortification of breast milk was effective for weight gain and reducing the length of hospital stay in very low birth weight neonates.

Keywords: fortification, olive oil, skimmed milk, weight gain

Procedia PDF Downloads 169
12437 Web-Based Cognitive Writing Instruction (WeCWI): A Theoretical-and-Pedagogical e-Framework for Language Development

Authors: Boon Yih Mah


Web-based Cognitive Writing Instruction (WeCWI)’s contribution towards language development can be divided into linguistic and non-linguistic perspectives. In linguistic perspective, WeCWI focuses on the literacy and language discoveries, while the cognitive and psychological discoveries are the hubs in non-linguistic perspective. In linguistic perspective, WeCWI draws attention to free reading and enterprises, which are supported by the language acquisition theories. Besides, the adoption of process genre approach as a hybrid guided writing approach fosters literacy development. Literacy and language developments are interconnected in the communication process; hence, WeCWI encourages meaningful discussion based on the interactionist theory that involves input, negotiation, output, and interactional feedback. Rooted in the e-learning interaction-based model, WeCWI promotes online discussion via synchronous and asynchronous communications, which allows interactions happened among the learners, instructor, and digital content. In non-linguistic perspective, WeCWI highlights on the contribution of reading, discussion, and writing towards cognitive development. Based on the inquiry models, learners’ critical thinking is fostered during information exploration process through interaction and questioning. Lastly, to lower writing anxiety, WeCWI develops the instructional tool with supportive features to facilitate the writing process. To bring a positive user experience to the learner, WeCWI aims to create the instructional tool with different interface designs based on two different types of perceptual learning style.

Keywords: WeCWI, literacy discovery, language discovery, cognitive discovery, psychological discovery

Procedia PDF Downloads 562
12436 The Evaluation of the Safety Coefficient of Soil Slope Stability by Group Pile

Authors: Seyed Abolhassan Naeini, Hamed Yekehdehghan


One of the factors that affect the constructions adjacent to a slope is stability. There are various methods for the stability of the slopes, one of which is the use of concrete group piles. This study, using FLAC3D software, has tried to investigate the changes in safety coefficient because of the use of concrete group piles. In this research, furthermore, the optimal position of the piles has been investigated and the results show that the group pile does not affect the toe of the slope. In addition, the effect of the piles' burial depth on the slope has been studied. Results show that by increasing the piles burial depth on a slope, the level of stability and as a result the safety coefficient increases. In the investigation of reducing the distance between the piles and increasing the depth of underground water, it was observed that the obtained safety coefficient increased. Finally, the effect of the resistance of the lower stabilizing layer of the slope on stabilization was investigated by the pile group. The results showed that due to the behavior of the pile as a deep foundation, the stronger the soil layers are in the stable part of a stronger slope (in terms of resistance parameters), the more influential the piles are in enhancing the coefficient of safety.

Keywords: safety coefficient, group pile, slope, stability, FLAC3D software

Procedia PDF Downloads 94
12435 Effect of Synbiotics on Rats' Intestinal Microbiota

Authors: Da Yoon Yu, Jeong A. Kim, In Sung Kim, Yeon Hee Hong, Jae Young Kim, Sang Suk Lee, Sung Chan Kim, So Hui Choe, In Soon Choi, Kwang Keun Cho


The present study was conducted to identify the effects of synbiotics composed of lactic acid (LA) bacteria (LAB) and sea tangle on rat’s intestinal microorganisms and anti-obesity effects. The experiment was conducted for six weeks using an 8-week old male rat as experiment animals and the experimental design was to use six treatments groups of 4 repetitions using three mice per repetition. The treatment groups were organized into a normal fat diet control (NFC), a high fat (HF) diet control (HFC), a prebiotic 0% treatment (HF+LA+sea tangle 0%, ST0), a prebiotic 5% treatment (HF+LA+sea tangle 5%, ST5), a prebiotic 10% treatment (HF+LA+sea tangle 10%, ST10), and a prebiotic 15% treatment group (HF+LA+sea tangle 15%, ST15) to conduct experiments with various levels of prebiotics. According to the results of the experiment, the NFC group showed the highest daily weight gain (22.34g) and the ST0 group showed the lowest daily weight gain (19.41g). However, weight gains during the entire experimental period were the highest in the HFC group (475.73g) and the lowest in the ST0 group (454.23g). Feed efficiency was the highest in the HFC group (0.20). Treatment with synbiotics composed of LAB and sea tangle suppressed weight increases due to HF diet and reduced feed efficiency. Intestinal microorganisms were identified through pyrosequncing and according to the results, Firmicutes phylum (approximately 60%) and Bacteroidetes phylum (approximately 30%) accounted for approximately 90% or more of intestinal microorganisms in all of the treatment groups indicating these bacteria are dominating in the intestines. Firmicutes that is related to weight increases accounted for 64.96% of microorganisms in the NFC group, 75.32% in the HFC group, 59.51% in the ST0 group, 61.29% in the ST5 group, 49.91% in the ST10 group, and 39.65% in the ST15 group. Therefore, Firmicutes showed the highest share the HFC group that showed high weight gains and the lowest share in the group treated with mixed synbiotics composed of LAB and sea tangle. Bacteroidetes that is related to weight gain inhibition accounted for 32.12% of microorganisms in the NFC group, and HFC group 21.57%, ST0 group 37.66%, ST5 group 34.92%, ST10 group 44.46%, and ST15 group 53.22%. Therefore, the share of Bacteroidetes was the lowest in the HFC group with no addition of synbiotics and increased along with the level of treatment with synbiotics. Changes in blood components were not significantly different among the groups and SCFA yields were shown to be higher in groups treated with synbiotics than in groups not added with synbiotics. Through the present study, it was shown that the supply of synbiotics composed of LAB and sea tangle increased feed intake but led to weight losses and that the intake of synbiotics composed of LAB and sea tangle had anti-obesity effects due to decreases in Firmicutes which are microorganisms related to weight gains and increases in Bacteroidetes which are microorganisms related to weight losses. Therefore, synbiotics composed of LAB and sea tangle are considered to have the effect to prevent metabolic disorders in the rat.

Keywords: bacteroidetes, firmicutes, intestinal microbiota, lactic acid, sea tangle, synbiotics

Procedia PDF Downloads 400
12434 Design and Development of Small Peptides as Anti-inflammatory Agents

Authors: Palwinder Singh


Beyond the conventional mode of working with anti-inflammatory agents through enzyme inhibition, herein, an alternate substrate of cyclooxygenase-2 was developed. Proline centered pentapeptide iso-conformational to arachidonic acid exhibited appreciable selectivity for COX-2 overcoming acetic acid and formalin induced pain in rats to almost 80% and was treated as a substrate by the enzyme. Remarkably, COX-2 metabolized the pentapeptide into small fragments consisting mainly of di- and tri-peptides that ensured the safe breakdown of the peptide under in-vivo conditions. The kinetic parameter Kcat/Km for COX-2 mediated metabolism of peptide 6.3 x 105 M-1 s-1 was quite similar to 9.5 x 105 M-1 s-1 for arachidonic acid. Evidenced by the dynamic molecular studies and the use of Y385F COX-2, it was observed that the breakage of the pentapeptide has probably taken place through H-bond activation of the peptide bond by the side chains of Y385 and S530.

Keywords: small peptides, anti-inflammatory agents, cyclooxygenase-2, unnatural substrates

Procedia PDF Downloads 70
12433 The Effect of a Reactive Poly (2-Vinyl-2-Oxazoline) Monolayer of Carbon Fiber Surface on the Mechanical Property of Carbon Fiber/Polypropylene Composite Using Maleic Anhydride Grafted Polypropylene

Authors: Teruya Goto, Hokuto Chiba, Tatsuhiro Takahashi


Carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic resin using short carbon fiber has been produced by melt mixing and the improvement of mechanical properties has been frequently reported up to now. One of the most frequently reported enhancement has been seen in carbon fiber / polypropylene (PP) composites by adding small amount of maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene (MA-g-PP) into PP matrix. However, the further enhancement of tensile strength and tensile modules has been expected for lightning the composite more. Our present research aims to improve the mechanical property by using a highly reactive monolayer polymer, which can react with both COOH of carbon fiber surface and maleic anhydride of MA-g-PP in the matrix, on carbon fiber for PP/CF composite. It has been known that oxazoline has much higher reactivity with COOH without catalysts, compared with amine group and alcohol OH group. However, oxazoline group has not been used for the interface. To achieve the purpose, poly-2-vinyl-2-oxazoline (Pvozo), having highly reactivity with COOH and maleic anhydride, has been originally synthesized through radical polymerization using 2-vinyl-2-oxazoline as a monomer, resulting in the Mw around 140,000. Monolayer Pvozo chemically reacted on CF was prepared in 1-methoxy-2-propanol solution of Pvozo by heating at 100oC for 3 hours. After this solution treatment, unreacted Pvozo was completely washed out by methanol, resulting the uniform formation of the monolayer Pvozo on CF. Monolayer Pvozo coated CF was melt mixed by with PP and a small amount of MA-g-PP for the preparation of the composite samples using a batch type melt mixer. With performing the tensile strength tests of the composites, the tensile strength of CF/MA-g-PP/PP showed 40% increase, compared to that of CF/PP. While, that of Pvozo coated CF/MA-g-PP/PP exhibited 80% increase, compared to that of CF/PP. To get deeper insight of the dramatic increase, the weight percentage of chemically grafted polymer based on CF was evaluated by dissolving and removing the matrix polymer by xylene using by thermos gravimetric analysis (TGA). The chemically grafted remained polymer was found to be 0.69wt% in CF/PP, 0.98wt% in CF/MA-g-PP/PP, 1.51wt% in Pvozo coated CF/MA-g-PP/PP, suggesting that monolayer Pvozo contributed to the increase of the grafted polymer amount. In addition, the very strong adhesion by Pvozo was confirmed by observing the fractured cross-sectional surface of the composite by scanning electron micrograph (SEM). As a conclusion, the effectiveness of a highly reactive monolayer Pvozo on CF for the enhancement of the mechanical properties of CF/PP composite was demonstrated, which can be interpreted by the clear evidence of the increase of the grafting polymer on CF.

Keywords: CFRTP, interface, oxazoline, polymer graft, mechanical property

Procedia PDF Downloads 213
12432 Role of Giardia lamblia Infection in the Pathogenesis of Gastritis in Patients with Dyspepsia

Authors: Aly Kassem, Eman A. Sabet, Hanaa A. El-Hady, Doha S. Mohamed, Abeer Sheneef, Mona Fattouh, Mamdouh M. Esmat


Objective: Giardia lamblia parasite is the most common protozoal infection in human. Concomitant Helecobacter Pylori (H. pylori) and Giardia lamblia infection is common for their similar mode of transmission and strong correlation to socioeconomic levels. Only few reports had described gastric giardiasis. Our aim was to detect H. pylori and Giardia in gastric antral mucosal biopsies from patients with dyspepsia. The impact of both pathogens on clinical, endoscopic and histopathogical changes was studied. Methods: 48 patients with dyspepsia (group1) and 28 control patients (patients undergoing esophagogastroduodenoscopy EGD for reasons other than dyspepsia), (group 2) were studied. Endoscopic data were reported and gastric biopsy specimens were obtained for subsequent PCR assay for both organisms and for histopathological and electron microscopic examination. Results: Endoscopic antral gastritis and duodenal lesions were found in both groups, however, they were significantly more frequently in group 1 (p= 0.002 and P= 0.0005 respectively). Esophageal lesions, nodular antral gastritis, gastric ulcers and superficial corpal gastritis were found only in group 1. PCR detected H. pylori infection in 58% Vs 64 % for group 1 and group 2 respectively (P: NS). Giardia infection was present in 67 % Vs 42 % for group 1 and group 2 respectively (P=0.0003, Odd ratio=2.6). Co-infection with H. pylori and Giardia was present in 33% of group 1 Vs 36% for group 2 (P:NS). Abnormal histologic findings were found in both groups, however, intestinal metaplasia was found in group 1 only. Cellular abnormalities in the form of cytoplasmic vacuoles, mitochondrial destruction or nuclear abnormalities were found by Electron microscopic study in infected subjects of both groups. Conclusion: H. pylori is not the only gastric pathogen in our community, gastric giardiasis is another pathogen. Its contribution might be a factor in persistent dyspepsia after H. pylori eradication.

Keywords: dyspepsia, gastritis, Giardia lamblia, H. pylori

Procedia PDF Downloads 306
12431 Comparison of Surface Hardness of Filling Material Glass Ionomer Cement Which Soaked in Alcohol Containing Mouthwash and Alcohol-Free Mouthwash

Authors: Farid Yuristiawan, Aulina R. Rahmi, Detty Iryani, Gunawan


Glass ionomer cement is one of the filling material that often used in the field of dentistry because it is relatively less expensive and mostly available. Surface hardness is one of the most important properties of restoration material; it is the ability of material to stand against indentation, which is directly connected to the material compressive strength and its ability to withstand abrasion. The higher surface hardness of a material means it is better to withstand abrasion. The existence of glass ionomer cement in the mouth makes it susceptible to any substance that comes into mouth, one of them is mouthwash which is a solution that used for many purposes such as antiseptic, astringent, to prevent caries, and bad breath. The presence of alcohol in mouthwash could affect the properties of glass ionomer cement, surface hardness. Objective: To determine the comparison of surface hardness of glass ionomer cement which soaked in alcohol containing mouthwash and alcohol-free mouthwash. Methods: This research is a laboratory experimental type study. There were 30 samples made from GC FUJI IX GP EXTRA and then soaked in artificial saliva for the first 24 hours inside incubator which temperature and humidity were controlled. Samples then divided into three groups. The first group will be soaked in alcohol-containing mouthwash; second group will be soaked alcohol-free mouthwash and control group will be soaked in artificial saliva for 6 hours inside incubator. Listerine is the mouthwash that was used on this research and surface hardness was examined using Vickers Hardness Tester. The result of this research shows mean value for surface hardness of the first group is 16.36 VHN, 24.04 VHN for second group, and 43.60 VHN for control group. The result one way ANOVA with post hoc Bonferroni comparing test show significant results p = 0.00. Conclusions: The data showed there were statistically significant differences of surface hardness between each group, which surface hardness of the first group is lower than the second group, and both surface hardness of the first (alcohol mouthwash) and second group (alcohol-free mouthwash) are lowered than control group (p = 0.00).

Keywords: glass ionomer cement, mouthwash, surface hardness, Vickers hardness tester

Procedia PDF Downloads 226