Search results for: Christian leaders
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 1130

Search results for: Christian leaders

560 Prospects and Challenges of Enforcing Accountability and Transperancy for Good Governance: An Analysis of Nigeria’s Situation

Authors: Mahmoud Datti Yola


There is wider agreement among the scholars of political science and public administration that transparency and accountability constituted one of the most crucial ingredients of good governance. In addition democratic government is expected to be accountable and responsive to the wishes and aspirations of the people. In Nigeria, after more than fifteen years to the handover of power to the civilian administration, the leaders has not been at their best, as people’ expectations for nation building, socio-economic progress and better opportunities has been dashed by high level corruption, rising insecurity, absence of the rule of law and lack of transparency and accountability. The objective of this paper is to examine the prospects and challenges of transparency and accountability in Nigeria’s democratic governance. The study utilizes secondary data for this purpose. The study is of the view that the enormous task of dealing with the issue of corruption, insecurity and promotion of ethics and accountability in Nigeria lies not only in effective oversight of the executive by the legislative bodies, respect for the rule of law and an independent judiciary, but also in the ability of the citizens, civil society organizations and other associations to hold elected and appointed officials accountable.

Keywords: good governance, transperancy, accountability, Nigeria

Procedia PDF Downloads 613
559 Hyaluronan and Hyaluronan-Associated Genes in Human CD8 T Cells

Authors: Emily Schlebes, Christian Hundhausen, Jens W. Fischer


The glycosaminoglycan hyaluronan (HA) is a major component of the extracellular matrix, typically produced by fibroblasts of the connective tissue but also by immune cells. Here, we investigated the capacity of human peripheral blood CD8 T cells from healthy donors to produce HA and to express HA receptors as well as HA degrading enzymes. Further, we evaluated the effect of pharmacological HA inhibition on CD8 T cell function. Using immunocytochemistry together with quantitative PCR analysis, we found that HA synthesis is rapidly induced upon antibody-induced T cell receptor (TCR) activation and almost exclusively mediated by HA synthase 3 (HAS3). TCR activation also resulted in the upregulation of HA receptors CD44, hyaluronan-mediated motility receptor (HMMR), and layilin (LAYN), although kinetics and strength of expression varied greatly between subjects. The HA-degrading enzymes HYAL1 and HYAL2 were detected at low levels and induced by cell activation in some individuals. Interestingly, expression of HAS3, HA receptors, and hyaluronidases were modulated by the proinflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-1bβ in most subjects. To assess the functional role of HA in CD8 T cells, we performed carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE) based proliferation assays and cytokine analysis in the presence of the HA inhibitor 4- Methylumbelliferone (4-MU). Despite significant inter-individual variation with regard to the effective dose, 4-MU resulted in the inhibition of CD8 T cell proliferation and reduced release of TNF-α and IFN-γ. Collectively, these data demonstrate that human CD8 T cells respond to TCR stimulation with a synthesis of HA and expression of HA-related genes. They further suggest that HA inhibition may be helpful in interfering with pathogenic T cell activation in human disease.

Keywords: CD8 T cells, extracellular matrix, hyaluronan, hyaluronan synthase 3

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558 An Optimization Model for the Arrangement of Assembly Areas Considering Time Dynamic Area Requirements

Authors: Michael Zenker, Henrik Prinzhorn, Christian Böning, Tom Strating


Large-scale products are often assembled according to the job-site principle, meaning that during the assembly the product is located at a fixed position, while the area requirements are constantly changing. On one hand, the product itself is growing with each assembly step, whereas varying areas for storage, machines or working areas are temporarily required. This is an important factor when arranging products to be assembled within the factory. Currently, it is common to reserve a fixed area for each product to avoid overlaps or collisions with the other assemblies. Intending to be large enough to include the product and all adjacent areas, this reserved area corresponds to the superposition of the maximum extents of all required areas of the product. In this procedure, the reserved area is usually poorly utilized over the course of the entire assembly process; instead a large part of it remains unused. If the available area is a limited resource, a systematic arrangement of the products, which complies with the dynamic area requirements, will lead to an increased area utilization and productivity. This paper presents the results of a study on the arrangement of assembly objects assuming dynamic, competing area requirements. First, the problem situation is extensively explained, and existing research on associated topics is described and evaluated on the possibility of an adaptation. Then, a newly developed mathematical optimization model is introduced. This model allows an optimal arrangement of dynamic areas, considering logical and practical constraints. Finally, in order to quantify the potential of the developed method, some test series results are presented, showing the possible increase in area utilization.

Keywords: dynamic area requirements, facility layout problem, optimization model, product assembly

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557 Everyone Can Sing: A Feasibility Study of Class Choir as a Mental Health Promoting Intervention Among 0-3rd Grade Students in Denmark

Authors: Anne Tetens, Susan Andersen, Lars Ole Bonde, Pia Jeppesen, Katrine Rich Madsen


Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) has emphasized the critical need for feasible and effective school-based mental health promotion interventions. High-quality music education in school has been suggested to promote well-being, inclusion, and positive relations, which are essential for children’s mental health. This study explores the potential of choir singing as a distinct approach to enhance children’s mental health within the school setting. ‘Everyone Can Sing’ is a class-based mental health promotion intervention for children in grades 0-3 (ages 5-10) in Danish primary school, which integrates choir singing into the students’ normal school schedule twice a week to promote mental health through the increase of school well-being, class coherence and social inclusion. The intervention uses trained choir leaders to lead the lessons in close collaboration with the class teacher, placing a distinct emphasis on well-being and the inclusive aspect of musical expression through body and voice. Aim: The aim of the study is to evaluate the feasibility of the Everyone Can Sing intervention with the specific objective to assess implementation and changes in mental health parameters, including school well-being, class coherence and social inclusion. Methodologies: The study is a feasibility study of a one-year intervention, which started in January 2024 and is being implemented in grades 0-3 (ages 5-10) across three different Danish primary schools. It is designed according to a mixed methods approach, including both quantitative and qualitative methods. Baseline questionnaires were obtained from students, parents and teachers, and follow-up is planned at 12 months. Participant observations of class choir and individual and group interviews with students, teachers, choir leaders, and school management are collected during the intervention period. The study uses the validated ‘Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire’ for parent- and teacher-reports. The student questionnaire, which assesses school well-being, class coherence, social inclusion and indicators of mental health, was developed and validated for this study. Participant observations and interviews provide in-depth insights into the implementation process and participants’ experiences of the mental health-promoting potential of the intervention. Findings: The study included 41 classes across three schools (N=904) and questionnaire data from students (n=845, = 93%), teachers (n=890, = 98%), and parents (n=608, = 67%) at baseline. Follow-up data will be obtained in January 2025. While collection and analyses of data are still ongoing, preliminary implementation findings based on interviews and observations indicate high levels of engagement and acceptability. At 6 months into the intervention period, the study protocol is on track and suggests that the intervention is well-received. Further findings and analyses will be presented. The final results of the study will be used to decide whether the AKS intervention should proceed to a future, full-size effectiveness trial, return to refinement of the intervention or the evaluation design, or stop. Contributions: This study will provide valuable insights into new approaches to school-based mental health promotion initiatives. If feasible, the vision is to implement the intervention or elements of it in primary schools across all five Danish regions, potentially lowering the mental health burden.

Keywords: child mental health, early childhood, mental health promotion, mixed methods research, school-based intervention.

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556 Using Kalosara Tradition for Conflict Resolution in Tolaki's People, Southeast Sulawesi

Authors: S. S. Ramis Rauf


This study will be explained the role of local wisdom in Tolakinese customary law on customs offense. The scope of this study was the informants who have a conflict located in Southeast Sulawesi. Then, their conflicts were resolved by using Kalosara tradition. The method of this study was a qualitative research by applying the techniques of deep interviews, revealing experiences and stories from informants, interviews customary leaders who are skilled and experienced in the customary settlement process of Kalosara tradition. Kalosara, as Tolakinese local wisdom, has contained in Tolakinese customary law. Kalosara was the application of customary law which was guided by Tolaki’s people when there was a problem. Knowledge and understanding of the customs have been conceived as something that comes from the ancestors. They created custom rules based on the law of Allah SWT for the elderly to do with full of awareness. Then, it was hereditary obeying by their children from generation to generation. The conflict occurred because of several things, namely bad words, aspersion, and other violations (such as harassment and affair). In custom settlement process, kalosara was done by using the enforcement of Tolakinese customary law that managed within an institution. It was called as Sara Wonua. It led by someone who was called as Pu'utobu that serves as a customary leader.

Keywords: kalosara, conflict resolution, tradition, unity, diversity

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555 Top Management Support as an Enabling Factor for Academic Innovation through Knowledge Sharing

Authors: Sawsan J. Al-husseini, Talib A. Dosa


Educational institutions are today facing increasing pressures due to economic, political and social upheaval. This is only exacerbated by the nature of education as an intangible good which relies upon the intellectual assets of the organisation, its staff. Top management support has been acknowledged as having a positive general influence on knowledge management and creativity. However, there is a lack of models linking top management support, knowledge sharing, and innovation within higher education institutions, in general within developing countries, and particularly in Iraq. This research sought to investigate the impact of top management support on innovation through the mediating role of knowledge sharing in Iraqi private HEIs. A quantitative approach was taken and 262 valid responses were collected to test the causal relationships between top management support, knowledge sharing, and innovation. Employing structural equation modelling with AMOS v.25, the research demonstrated that knowledge sharing plays a pivotal role in the relationship between top management support and innovation. The research has produced some guidelines for researchers as well as leaders, and provided evidence to support the use of knowledge sharing to increase innovation within the higher education environment in developing countries, particularly Iraq.

Keywords: top management support, knowledge sharing, innovation, structural equation modelling

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554 The New Media and Their Economic and Socio-Political Imperatives for Africa: A Study of Nigeria

Authors: Chukwukelue Uzodinma Umenyilorah


The advent of the New Media as enabled by information and communication technology from the 19th through the 21st century has no doubt taken its toll on all fronts of human existence; especially in Africa. Apart from shortening the distance between all parts of the world, technology and the new media has also succeeded in making the world a global village. Hence, it is now easy to relay live audio and visual signals across the length and breadth of the world in real time. People now contract and execute businesses across countries, conferences are held and ideas are shared with a simple push of a button. Likewise, political leaders and diplomats are now just a click away from reaching those important decisions that take their country’s fortunes to the next level. On the flip side, ICT and the New Media have also contributed in no small measure in aiding global terrorism and general insecurity around the world. More interesting is the fact that as developing economies, African countries have massively embraced the information technology and this has helped them in keeping up with the trends in the polity of other model democracies around the world. This paper is therefore designed to determine the how much effect ICT and the New Media has exerted on the economic, social and political lives of African. Nigeria shall be used as a case in point for the purpose of this paper.

Keywords: Africa, ICT, new media, Nigeria

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553 “It Just Feels Risky”: Intuition vs Evidence in Child Sexual Abuse Cases. Proposing an Empirically Derived Risk and Protection Protocol

Authors: Christian Perrin, Nicholas Blagden, Louise Allen, Sarah Impey


Social workers in the UK and professionals globally are faced with a particular challenge when dealing with allegations of child sexual abuse (CSA) in the community. In the absence of a conviction or incontestable evidence, staff can often find themselves unable to take decisive action to remove a child from harm, even though there may be a credible threat to their welfare. Conversely, practitioners may over-calculate risk through fear of being accountable for harm. This is, in part, due to the absence of a structured and evidence-based risk assessment tool which can predict the likelihood of a person committing child sexual abuse. Such assessments are often conducted by forensic professionals who utilise offence-specific data and personal history information to calculate risk. In situations where only allegations underpin a case, this mode of assessment is not viable. There are further ethical issues surrounding the assessment of risk in this area which require expert consideration and sensitive planning. This paper explores this entangled problem extant in the wider call to prevent sexual and child sexual abuse in the community. To this end, 32 qualitative interviews were undertaken with social workers dealing with CSA cases. Results were analysed using thematic analysis and operationalised to formulate a risk and protection protocol for use in case management. This paper reports on the early findings associated with the initial indications of protocol reliability. Implications for further research and practice are discussed.

Keywords: sexual offending, child sexual offence, offender rehabilitation, risk assessment, offence prevention

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552 Development of Policy and Planning Processes Towards a Comprehensive Tourism Plan, Community Participation: The Case of Cameroon

Authors: Ruth Yunji Nange


Tourism has continued to increase as a significant industry, enhancing economic growth and development in Cameroon; due to the tremendous success of this industry, community participation (CP) has enhanced tourism development (TD). While gaining augmented attractiveness, considering how local CP is encouraged in such initiatives has become imperative. It has become essential to examine the importance of CP in the development of policies and planning processes for the equitable distribution of benefits and the effects of TD in the country. This study will exactly explore the cases of CP in the most populated cities in Cameroon (Douala and Yaoundé) and also understand how local CP is incorporated into tourism to enhance development in the tourism industry in particular and Cameroon in general. This paper is based on a qualitative research method, semi-structured interviews, and in-depth, face-to-face interviews carried out with the top administrators of tourism, both in the public and private sectors, such as the minister, provincial and regional delegates of tourism, non-governmental organizations (NGO), leaders of local community associations and tour operators. The forms and surveys were open-ended with a high level of flexibility. The findings of this study will pose implications for the development of CP in tourism initiatives programs in Cameroon and other developing economies.

Keywords: Cameroon, local community, participation and planning, tourism

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551 Involvement in Health Policy and Political Efficacy among Hospital Nurses in Jordan: A Descriptive Survey

Authors: Raeda F. Abualrub, Amani Abdulnabi


Aim: The aims of this study were to (a) examine the levels of nurses' political efficacy and involvement in health policy; and (b) explore the relationships between political efficacy, involvement in health policy, and participants’ background variables. Background: Nurses as citizens and health care providers have the right to express their opinions and beliefs in regard to issues that are concerned with the health care system or the public health domain. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional design using was utilized. A self-administered questionnaire (Political Efficacy Scale & Involvement in Health Policy Scale) was completed by a convenience sample of 302 nurses. Results: The results of this study showed low levels of involvement in health policy and political efficacy and a positive weak correlation between political efficacy and involvement in health policy. The perceived level of political efficacy was associated positively with nurses’ age and experience. Conclusions: Nurse administrators and managers may empower, support, and encourage nurses to enhance their involvement in health policy. Implications for Nursing Management: The findings have implications for nursing leaders and administrators to design appropriate strategies to enhance nurses’ involvement in health policy development.

Keywords: health policy, Jordan, nurses, political efficacy

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550 Not Three Gods but One: Why Reductionism Does Not Serve Our Theological Discourse

Authors: Finley Lawson


The triune nature of God is one of the most complex doctrines of Christianity, and its complexity is further compounded when one considers the incarnation. However, many of the difficulties and paradoxes associated with our idea of the divine arise from our adherence to reductionist ontology. In order to move our theological discourse forward, in respect to divine and human nature, a holistic interpretation of our profession of faith is necessary. The challenge of a holistic interpretation is that it questions our ability to make any statement about the genuine, ontological individuation of persons (both divine and human), and in doing so raises the issue of whether we are, ontologically, bound to descend in to a form of pan(en)theism. In order to address the ‘inevitable’ slide in to pan(en)theism. The impact of two forms of holistic interpretation, Boolean and Non-Boolean, on our concept of personhood will be examined. Whilst a Boolean interpretation allows for a greater understanding of the relational nature of the Trinity, it is the Non-Boolean interpretation which has greater ontological significance. A Non-Boolean ontology, grounded in our scientific understanding of the nature of the world, shows our quest for individuation rests not in ontological fact but in epistemic need, and that it is our limited epistemology that drives our need to divide that which is ontologically indivisible. This discussion takes place within a ‘methodological’, rather than ‘doctrinal’ approach to science and religion - examining assumptions and methods that have shaped our language and beliefs about key doctrines, rather than seeking to reconcile particular Christian doctrines with particular scientific theories. Concluding that Non-Boolean holism is the more significant for our doctrine is, in itself, not enough. A world without division appears much removed from the distinct place of man and divine as espoused in our creedal affirmation, to this end, several possible interpretations for understanding Non-Boolean human – divine relations are tentatively put forward for consideration.

Keywords: holism, individuation, ontology, Trinitarian relations

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549 Presenting Research-Based Mindfulness Tools for Corporate Wellness

Authors: Dana Zelicha


The objective of this paper is to present innovative mindfulness tools specifically designed by OWBA—The Well Being Agency for organisations and corporate wellness programmes. The OWBA Mindfulness Tools (OWBA-MT) consist of practical mindfulness exercises to educate and train employees and business leaders to think, feel, and act more mindfully. Among these cutting-edge interventions are Mindful Meetings, Mindful Decision Making and Unitasking activities, intended to cultivate mindful communication and compassion in the workplace and transform organisational culture. In addition to targeting CEO’s and leaders within large corporations, OWBA-MT is also directed at the needs of specific populations such as entrepreneurs’ resilience and women empowerment. The goals of the OWBA-MT are threefold: to inform, inspire and implement. The first goal is to inform participants about the relationship between workplace stress, distractibility and miscommunication in the framework of mindfulness. The second goal is for the audience to be inspired to share those practices with other members of their organisation. The final objective is to equip participants with the tools to foster a compassionate, mindful and well-balanced work environment. To assess these tools, a 6-week case study was conducted as part of an employee wellness programme for a large international corporation. The OWBA-MT were introduced in a workshop forum once-a-week, with participants practicing these tools both in the office and at home. The workshops occurred 1 day a week (2 hours each), with themes and exercises varying weekly. To reinforce practice at home, participants received reflection forms and guided meditations online. Materials were sent via-email at the same time each day to ensure consistency and participation. To evaluate the effectiveness of the mindfulness intervention, improvements in four categories were measured: listening skills, mindfulness levels, prioritising skills and happiness levels. These factors were assessed using online self-reported questionnaires administered at the start of the intervention, and then again 4-weeks following completion. The measures included the Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS), Listening Skills Inventory (LSI), Time Management Behaviour Scale (TMBS) and a modified version of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ). All four parameters showed significant improvements from the start of the programme to the 4-week follow-up. Participant testimonials exhibited high levels of satisfaction and the overall results indicate that the OWBA-MT intervention substantially impacted the corporation in a positive way. The implications of these results suggest that OWBA-MT can improve employees’ capacities to listen and work well with others, to manage time effectively, and to experience enhanced satisfaction both at work and in life. Although corporate mindfulness programmes have proven to be effective, the challenge remains the low engagement levels at home in between training sessions and to implement the tools beyond the scope of the intervention. OWBA-MT has offered an innovative approach to enforce engagement levels at home by sending daily online materials outside the workshop forum with a personalised response. The limitations also noteworthy to consider for future research include the afterglow effect and lack of generalisability, as this study was conducted on a small and fairly homogenous sample.

Keywords: corporate mindfulness, listening skills, mindful leadership, mindfulness tools, organisational well being

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548 Revealing Corruption through Strategic Narration in Mandla Langa’s Memory of Stones (2000)

Authors: Dzunisani Sibuyi


This article demonstrates how corruption is revealed in Mandla Langa’s Memory of Stones (2000) through the deployment of narrational strategies by applying narrative theories by Gerard Genette’s Narrative Discourse and Narrative Discourse Revisited, as well as Mikhail Bakhtin’s Dialogic Imagination to the text. This is accomplished by analysing Langa’s use of extradiegetic-heterodiegetic and intradiegetic-homodiegetic narrational strategies respectively employed by the anonymous narrator and character narrator Mpanza. The narration provided by these narrators is multi-voiced in its approach to the events depicting corruption from various completing and explanatory perspectives. In addition, Langa also employs narrative techniques of narrating times such as simultaneous, subsequent, and interpolated narration to highlight corruption taking place, which is highlighted by situating the story in its presentness moments coinciding with the corruption action. As a result, by emphasising the events portraying the plight of the main characters and their struggle to resist and defeat corrupt leaders, the narration strategically reveals corruption.

Keywords: narrational strategies, narrating voice, dialogism, corruption, Gérard Genette, Mandla Langa, Mikhail Bakhtin, time(s) of the narration

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547 Palace Diplomacy: The Means and the End to the Chinese Control of African Economy

Authors: Toyin Cotties Adetiba


Notably, China is a major global economy, thus increasing debate parlance of foreign policy that sees China as a superpower. China’s investment in Africa is visibly seen in African markets with substantial involvement of its multinationals in key commercial sectors such as infrastructure, telecoms, and agriculture. Not minding its positive economic impact on Africa, the debate around the China-African relationship has continued to be filled with some sort of inconsistency and ambiguity. This work engaged a qualitative research method while answering the question of whether the socioeconomic marriage of convenience between African states and China, is a means and the end to the Chinese control of African economy? Can China-Africa’s relationship engender Africa’s economic development or is it a threat to Africa’s development? The paper argued that through the secret dealings of the Chinese companies with African leaders, couched as palace diplomacy, the Chinese have cornered African economy. Concluding that there is need for the reform of the approaches to curtailing socio-economic and political corruption in Africa in the form of applications of ideas molded and refined to transparency in dealing with the Chinese, while economic institutions in African is empowered to effectively fight corruption.

Keywords: Africans, corruption, diplomacy, companies, development

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546 Social Entrepreneurship and Organizational Effectiveness: Evidence from Malaysia

Authors: Fakhrul Anwar Zainol, Wan Norhayate Wan Daud, Zulhamri Abdullah, Mohd Rafi Yaacob


Malaysia has made great strides in eradicating poverty. Based on the latest figures of the 9th Malaysian Plan Mid-term review, the overall hardcore poverty percentage is down to 0.7%, and only 3.6% of the Malaysian population is living below the overall poverty line. While in the past significant efforts had been taken by the government through various developmental project to alleviate poverty in rural area had proven successful. Today, urban poverty in Malaysia is an increasingly visible phenomenon due to rural-urban migration and the natural population growth in urban areas. Given the changing dimensions and emerging new forms of poverty as a result of unwanted effects of development there is a dire need to re-examine and re-visit urban poverty in Malaysia. Based on the leaders’ perceptions, this study affirmed that social entrepreneurship organizations in Malaysia have try to overcome the urban poverty through social entrepreneurship. The new framework has been developed from the results of this study. It shows that social entrepreneurship contributed to the organizational effectiveness. This result indicates that it is important to have social entrepreneurship in order to increase the socio economy and achieve the organization’s mission. Therefore, this study has proven that social entrepreneurship is beneficial to the Malaysian.

Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship, Organizational Effectiveness, Urban Poverty, Malaysia.

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545 The Effects of Transformational Leadership on Process Innovation through Knowledge Sharing

Authors: Sawsan J. Al-Husseini, Talib A. Dosa


Transformational leadership has been identified as the most important factor affecting innovation and knowledge sharing; it leads to increased goal-directed behavior exhibited by followers and thus to enhanced performance and innovation for the organization. However, there is a lack of models linking transformational leadership, knowledge sharing, and process innovation within higher education (HE) institutions in general within developing countries, particularly in Iraq. This research aims to examine the mediating role of knowledge sharing in the transformational leadership and process innovation relationship. A quantitative approach was taken and 254 usable questionnaires were collected from public HE institutions in Iraq. Structural equation modelling with AMOS 22 was used to analyze the causal relationships among factors. The research found that knowledge sharing plays a pivotal role in the relationship between transformational leadership and process innovation, and that transformational leadership would be ideal in an educational context, promoting knowledge sharing activities and influencing process innovation in the public HE in Iraq. The research has developed some guidelines for researchers as well as leaders and provided evidence to support the use of TL to increase process innovation within HE environment in developing countries, particularly in Iraq.

Keywords: transformational leadership, knowledge sharing, process innovation, structural equation modelling, developing countries

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544 Reading Knowledge Development and Its Phases with Generation Z

Authors: Onur Özdemir, M.Erhan ORHAN


Knowledge Development (KD) is just one of the important phases of Knowledge Management (KM). KD is the phase in which intelligence is used to see the big picture. In order to understand whether information is important or not, we have to use the intelligence cycle that includes four main steps: aiming, collecting data, processing and utilizing. KD also needs these steps. To make a precise decision, the decision maker has to be aware of his subordinates’ ideas. If the decision maker ignores the ideas of his subordinates or participants of the organization, it is not possible for him to get the target. KD is a way of using wisdom to accumulate the puzzle. If the decision maker does not bring together the puzzle pieces, he cannot get the big picture, and this shows its effects on the battlefield. In order to understand the battlefield, the decision maker has to use the intelligence cycle. To convert information to knowledge, KD is the main means for the intelligence cycle. On the other hand, the “Z Generation” born after the millennium are really the game changers. They have different attitudes from their elders. Their understanding of life is different - the definition of freedom and independence have different meanings to them than others. Decision makers have to consider these factors and rethink their decisions accordingly. This article tries to explain the relation between KD and Generation Z. KD is the main method of target managing. But if leaders neglect their people, the world will be seeing much more movements like the Arab Spring and other insurgencies.

Keywords: knowledge development, knowledge management, generation Z, intelligence cycle

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543 Innovation and Creativity: Inspiring the Next Generation in the Ethekwini Municipality

Authors: Anneline Chetty


Innovation is not always born in a sterile lab or is not always about applications and technology. Innovative solutions to community challenges can be borne out of the creativity of community members. This was proven by Professor Anil Gupta who for more than two decades scoured rural India for its hidden innovations motivated by the belief that the most powerful ideas for fighting poverty and hardship will not come from corporate research labs, but from ordinary people struggling to survive. The Ethekwini Municipality is a city in South Africa which adopted a similar approach, recognising the innovativeness of youth (students and school pupils) in its area. The intention was to make the youth a part of the solution to challenges faced by the Municipality. In this regard, five areas were selected and five groups of students were identified. Each group was sent into the community to identify challenges and engage with community leaders as well as members. Each group was tasked to come with solutions to these challenges which were to be presented at an Innovation Summit. The presented solutions were judged and the winning solution would be implemented by the Municipality. This paper, documents the experience of the students as well as the kinds of solutions that were presented. The purpose is to highlight the importance of using the ingenious minds and creativity of youth and channel their energy into becoming part of society’s solutions as opposed to being the problem

Keywords: innovation, indigenous, entrepreneurship, community

Procedia PDF Downloads 404
542 Using Open Source Data and GIS Techniques to Overcome Data Deficiency and Accuracy Issues in the Construction and Validation of Transportation Network: Case of Kinshasa City

Authors: Christian Kapuku, Seung-Young Kho


An accurate representation of the transportation system serving the region is one of the important aspects of transportation modeling. Such representation often requires developing an abstract model of the system elements, which also requires important amount of data, surveys and time. However, in some cases such as in developing countries, data deficiencies, time and budget constraints do not always allow such accurate representation, leaving opportunities to assumptions that may negatively affect the quality of the analysis. With the emergence of Internet open source data especially in the mapping technologies as well as the advances in Geography Information System, opportunities to tackle these issues have raised. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to demonstrate such application through a practical case of the development of the transportation network for the city of Kinshasa. The GIS geo-referencing was used to construct the digitized map of Transportation Analysis Zones using available scanned images. Centroids were then dynamically placed at the center of activities using an activities density map. Next, the road network with its characteristics was built using OpenStreet data and other official road inventory data by intersecting their layers and cleaning up unnecessary links such as residential streets. The accuracy of the final network was then checked, comparing it with satellite images from Google and Bing. For the validation, the final network was exported into Emme3 to check for potential network coding issues. Results show a high accuracy between the built network and satellite images, which can mostly be attributed to the use of open source data.

Keywords: geographic information system (GIS), network construction, transportation database, open source data

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541 The Global Economic System and the Third World Development

Authors: Monday Dickson


Shortly before the end of the second world war, allied leaders and other western powers designed an economic regime that would foster, among other things, global economic reconstruction, prosperity and overall development of countries of the world. They founded both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), with a general consensus that while the latter should specialize in monitoring global and national economies and acting as a lender of last resort, the former should focus on fighting poverty and promoting development. In setting the rules for world trade, the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) evolved into the World Trade Organisation (WTO). This paper, therefore, examines the impact of the activities of these institutions on the transformation and development aspirations of countries of the Third World. The study adopts the descriptive and analytical methods of investigation and derived relevant secondary data from books, journal articles, encyclopedia as well as reports from countries of the Third World. Findings show that rather than fostering poverty reduction and overall development as envisaged, the activities of global economy system leads to the “development of underdevelopment” of the Third World Countries. The strategic options that are available to countries of the Third World derived from the ability of the national governments to develop programmes of systematic exploration and exploitation of vital indices of relations with strategic countries to advance their development agenda.

Keywords: development, global economic system, prosperity, third world

Procedia PDF Downloads 447
540 Examining the Predicting Effect of Mindfulness on Psychological Well-Being among Undergraduate Students

Authors: Piyanee Klainin-Yobas, Debbie Ramirez, Zenaida Fernandez, Jenneth Sarmiento, Wareerat Thanoi, Jeanette Ignacio, Ying Lau


In many countries, university students experience various stressors that may negatively affect their psychological well-being (PWB). Hence, they are at risk for physical and mental problems. This research aimed to examine the predicting effects of mindfulness, self-efficacy, and social support on psychological well-being among undergraduate students. A non-experimental research was conducted at a university in the Philippines. All students enrolled in undergraduate programs were eligible for this study unless they had chronic medical or mental health problems. Power analysis was used to calculate an adequate sample size and a convenience sampling of 630 was recruited. Data were collected through online self-reported questionnaires from year 2013 to 2015. All self-reported scales used in this study had sound psychometric properties. Descriptive statistics, correlational analyses, and structural equation modeling were performed to analyze the research data. Results showed that the participants were mostly Filipino, female, Christian, and in Schools of Nursing. Mindfulness, self-efficacy, support from family, support from friends, and support from significant others were significant predictors of psychological well-being. Mindfulness was the strongest predictor of positive psychological well-being whereas self-efficacy was the strongest predictor of negative psychological well-being. In conclusion, findings from this study add knowledge to the existing literature regarding the predictors of psychological well-being. Psychosocial interventions, with the focus on strengthening mindfulness and self-efficacy, could be delivered to undergraduate students to help them enhance psychological well-being. More studies can be undertaken to test the interventions and multi-centered research can be conducted to enhance generalizability of research findings.

Keywords: mindfulness, self-efficacy, social support, psychological wellbeing

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539 Sustainable Energy Supply through the Microgrid Concept: A Case Study of University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Authors: Christian Ndubisi Madu, Benjamin C. Ozumba, Ifeanyi E. Madu, Valentine E. Nnadi, Ikenna C. Ezeasor


The ability to generate power and achieve energy security is one of the driving forces behind the emerging ‘microgrid’ concept. Traditional power supply often operates with centralized infrastructure for generating, transmitting and distributing electricity. The inefficiency and the incessant power outages associated with the centralized power supply system in Nigeria has alienated many users who frequently turn to electric power generator sets to power their homes and offices. Such acts are unsustainable and lead to increase in the use of fossil fuels, generation of carbon dioxide emissions and other gases, and noise pollution. They also pose significant risks as they entail random purchases and storage of gasolines which are fire hazards. It is therefore important that organizations rethink their relationships to centralized power suppliers in other to improve energy accessibility and security. This study explores the energy planning processes and learning taking place at the University of Nigeria Enugu Campus as the school lead microgrid feasibility studies in its community. There is need to develop community partners to deal with the issue of energy efficiency and also to create a strategic alliance to confront political, regulatory and economic barriers to locally-based energy planning. Community-based microgrid can help to reduce the cost of adoption and diversify risks. This study offers insights into the ways in which microgrids can further democratize energy planning, procurement, and access, while simultaneously promoting efficiency and sustainability.

Keywords: microgrid, energy efficiency, sustainability, energy security

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538 The Importance of Jewish Influence on Foundation of Manichaean Philosophical and Religious System

Authors: Tatyana Suvorkina


It is indisputable that the problem of the origin of Manichaeism is very complex. Manichaeism is characterized as a syncretic religion, which was influenced by many teachings, but it is difficult to define one which can be called fundamental. The aim of this paper is an attempt to regard Jewish apocalyptic tradition as one of the most defining source of formation of Manichaean systems. To realize this aim a comparison of the Manichean texts and the Jewish apocryphal literature is made. Consideration is given first to the Coptic Manichaean treatise Kephalaia, The Cologne Mani Codex and to books of Enoch. Under the article it is not denied that Manichaeism was influenced by different doctrines and, passed through centuries, it could adapt and strengthen this influence at an even deeper level. But the fact that the Judeo-Christian environment where Mani grew up and where the first sprouts of his teaching were formed had impact on future prophet seems obvious. Nevertheless, attempts to analyze the system of Mani within the Jewish tradition are quite rare, although such studies were carried out for Gnosticism. But Manichaeism, despite the Gnostic features it contains, is not 'one of the Gnostics' to place it under this term among the rest. Frequently, gnostic currents are pointed out as the main sources for the formation of Mani’s teachings. But it seems possible that Mani's interest in Gnosticism was motivated by the fact that he considered it as something close to that interpretation of Hebrew texts, which he aspired to undertake. The question of understanding the Manichaean system is connected not only with Manichaeism but also with other dualistic teachings, which were recognized by contemporaries as Manichaean. It is seen that polemics between Manicheans and Hellenized Christianity separated from Judaism and continued to separate with every century, were polemics between adherents of initially two different worldviews who had, however, a common source. Therefore an analysis of the controversy in the context of interpretations of this common source by disputing parties is seen very important for further study.

Keywords: dualism, Jewish apocalypticism, Manichaeism, syncretism

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537 Approach to Establish Logistics as a Central Scientific Discipline of Tomorrow's Industry

Authors: Johannes Dregger, Michael Schmidt, Christian Prasse, Michael ten Hompel


Most of the today’s companies face increasing need to operate efficiently. Driven by global trends like shorter product cycles, mass customization and the rising speed of delivery, manufacturing value chains are becoming more and more distributed. Manufacturing processes are becoming highly integrated, e.g. 3D printing. All these changes are affecting companies´ organization. They are leading towards individual, small scale, and ad-hoc logistics processes and structures, and finally, towards a significant increase in the importance of logistics itself since traditional value chains transform into agile value networks. In the past logistics has been following manufacturing but in the future industry, this role allocation might change. With this increase in the logistics practice of companies and businesses, the relevance of logistics research as the methodological foundation of logistics networks and processes is gaining importance. Logistics research is evolving into a central and highly interdisciplinary science for the future industry. Using the example of Germany, this paper discusses ways to establish logistics as a central scientific discipline of the future industry. About three million people work in the logistics sector in Germany. Only automotive and retail industry have more employees. Even though there is a bunch of logistics degree programs at more than 100 institutions of higher education, a common understanding of logistics as a research discipline is missing. In this paper an innovative approach will be presented, including; identified perspectives on logistics, such as process orientation, IT orientation or employees orientation, relevant scientific disciplines for logistics science, a concept for interdisciplinary research approaches to unify the perspectives of the different scientific disciplines on logistics and the methodological base of logistics science.

Keywords: logistics, logistics science, logistics management, future challenges

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536 Ethno-Religious Conflicts In Nigeria; Implications for National Security

Authors: Samuel Onyekachi Chidi


Nigeria today faces more internal threats stemming from ethnic and religious conflicts than external sources. This article seeks to examine the ethno-religious conflicts in Nigeria from 2015 to 2021 and their impact on national security. The research was guided by six objectives. The theoretical framework adopted for this study is Structural Conflict Theory, which provides an adequate explanation, a predictive rationale for the frequent occurrence of ethno-religious conflicts and a tendency to provide the necessary insight for their resolution. The results of the study revealed that there is a strong relationship between ethnicity, religion, conflict and national security and that the ethno-religious conflicts experienced in Nigeria have gross implications for national security. The study recommends that the secularity of the Nigerian state be restored and preserved and that the state of origin be removed and replaced by the state of residence in all our national documents, as this will reduce ethnic identity, which is in opposition to nationalism. Religious leaders, traditional rulers, the media and other stakeholders should support the government in its fight to reduce ethno-religious conflict by sensitizing its youth, preaching unity and peaceful coexistence, and discouraging the use of violence as a means of settling disputes between groups and individuals.

Keywords: ethnicity, religion, conflict, national security

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535 First Time Voters Representation of Leadership as Exemplified by 2016 Presidentiables

Authors: Fevy Kae Mateo, Kimberly Javier, Alyzza Marie Palles


Leadership is a process of relationship involving interaction with other people. Leaders emphasise authority, which executes and implements regulations, maintains the rules and leads to a better future. The First Time voters are very significant because there are the stakeholders of the type of leader to be deployed. They also have the capacity of engaging the government and can be the agents of change. The objective of the study is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of leader. Moreover, the study identifies the qualities of a leader. Finally, the study determines first-time voter’s representation of a leader. Focus Group Discussion was carried out into two groups of first time voter’s ages 18 to 21 years old. Verbatim transcripts of the discussion were analyzed using Thematic Analysis. Overall results showed super ordinate themes for weaknesses of leader: Lace of transparency in the government, poor communication strategy, and valuing experience over potential and other contributory factor; for strength of a leader: analytical skill, emotional intelligence in political work, analytical ability and economic status on political participation; finally, in the representation of a leader: positive representation of a leader and negative representation of a leader.

Keywords: first time voters, focus group discussion, leadership, qualitative research design

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534 Human Performance Technology (HPT) as an Entry Point to Achieve Organizational Development in Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Education

Authors: Alkhathlan Mansour


Current research aims at achieving the organizational development in the educational institutions in the governorate of Al-Kharj through the human performance technology (HPT) model that is named; “The Intellectual Model to improve human performance”. To achieve the goal of this research, it tools -that it is consisting of targeted questionnaires to research sample numbered (120)- have been set up. This sample is represented in; department managers in Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University (50), educational supervisors in the Department of Education (40), school administrators in the governorate (30), and the views of education experts through personal interviews in the proposal to achieve organizational development through the intellectual model to improve human performance. Among the most important research results is that there are many obstacles prevent the organizational development in the educational institutions, so the research suggested a model to achieve organizational development through human performance technologies, as well as the researcher recommended through the results of his research that the administrators have to take into account the justice in the distribution of incentives to employees of educational institutions and training leaders in educational institutions on organizational development strategies and working on the preparation of experts of organizational development in the educational institutions to develop the necessary policies and procedures of each institution.

Keywords: human performance, development, education, organizational

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533 Using Information and Communication Technologies in Teaching Translation: Students of English as a Case Study

Authors: Guessabi Fatiha


Nowadays, there is no sphere of human life that does not use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in practice. This type of development grew widely in the last years of the 20th century and impacted many fields such as education, health, financing, job markets, communication, governments, industrial productivity, etc. Recently, in higher education, the use of ICTs has been essential and significant during the Covid19 pandemic. Thanks to technology, although the universities in Algeria were locked down during the period of covid19, learning was easily continued, and students were collaborating, communicating, socializing, and learning at a distance. Therefore, ICT tools are required in translation courses to enhance and improve translation teaching. This research explores the use of ICT in teaching and learning translation. The research comes along with a theoretical framework; the literature review is produced to highlight some essential ICT concepts and translation teaching. In order to achieve the study objective, a questionnaire is distributed to the third-year English LMD students at Tahri Mohamed University, and an interview is addressed to the translation teacher. The results and discussion obtained from this investigation confirmed the hypothesis and revealed that the use of ICT is essential in translation courses and it improves translation teaching. Hence, by using ICT in the classroom, the students become more active, and the teachers of translation become knowledge facilitators and leaders.

Keywords: COVID19, ICT, learning, students, teaching, TMU, translation

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532 Strengthening Farmer-to-farmer Knowledge Sharing Network: A Pathway to Improved Extension Service Delivery

Authors: Farouk Shehu Abdulwahab


The concept of farmer-farmer knowledge sharing was introduced to bridge the extension worker-farmer ratio gap in developing countries. However, the idea was poorly accepted, especially in typical agrarian communities. Therefore, the study explores the concept of a farmer-to-farmer knowledge-sharing network to enhance extension service delivery. The study collected data from 80 farmers randomly selected through a series of multiple stages. The Data was analysed using a 5-point Likert scale and descriptive statistics. The Likert scale results revealed that 62.5% of the farmers are satisfied with farmer-to-farmer knowledge-sharing networks. Moreover, descriptive statistics show that lack of capacity building and low level of education are the most significant problems affecting farmer-farmer sharing networks. The major implication of these findings is that the concept of farmer-farmer knowledge-sharing networks can work better for farmers in developing countries as it was perceived by them as a reliable alternative for information sharing. Therefore, the study recommends introducing incentives into the concept of farmer-farmer knowledge-sharing networks and enhancing the capabilities of farmers who are opinion leaders in the farmer-farmer concept of knowledge-sharing to make it more sustainable.

Keywords: agricultural productivity, extension, farmer-to-farmer, livelihood, technology transfer

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531 The Impact of Self-Viewing in Virtual Teamwork on Team Creativity: The Mediating Effect of Objective Self-Awareness and the Moderating Effect of Psychological Safety

Authors: Xueyang Li


This thesis investigates the impact of self-viewing on team creativity in virtual teamwork and examines the role of objective self-awareness and psychological safety in this context. The study uses a quantitative research approach and collects data from 304 participants working in virtual teams. We hypothesized that observing oneself in online meetings would lead to a heightened sense of objective self and thus lower team creativity and that psychological safety would moderate their relationship. We tested these hypotheses in a laboratory experiment manipulating whether participants were able to observe themselves during the completion of an online team creativity task and manipulating whether participants were subjected to a psychological safety intervention. The results indicate that self-observation has a negative effect on team creativity in virtual teamwork, while objective self-awareness mediates this relationship, and psychological safety plays a moderating role. We discuss several aspects of the theoretical explanation of the findings. This study contributes to the existing literature by highlighting the importance of self-observation in virtual teamwork and provides practical implications for managers and team leaders to promote creativity in virtual teams.

Keywords: objective self-awareness, psychological safety, self-viewing, team creativity, virtual teamwork

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