Search results for: boundary shear stress
1004 Environmental Fatigue Analysis for Control Rod Drive Mechanisms Seal House
Authors: Xuejiao Shao, Jianguo Chen, Xiaolong Fu
In this paper, the elastoplastic strain correction factor computed by software of ANSYS was modified, and the fatigue usage factor in air was also corrected considering in water under reactor operating condition. The fatigue of key parts on control rod drive mechanisms was analyzed considering the influence of environmental fatigue caused by the coolant in the react pressure vessel. The elastoplastic strain correction factor was modified by analyzing thermal and mechanical loads separately referring the rules of RCC-M 2002. The new elastoplastic strain correction factor Ke(mix) is computed to replace the original Ke computed by the software of ANSYS when evaluating the fatigue produced by thermal and mechanical loads together. Based on the Ke(mix) and the usage cycle and fatigue design curves, the new range of primary plus secondary stresses was evaluated to obtain the final fatigue usage factor. The results show that the precision of fatigue usage factor can be elevated by using modified Ke when the amplify of the primary and secondary stress is large to some extent. One approach has been proposed for incorporating the environmental effects considering the effects of reactor coolant environments on fatigue life in terms of an environmental correction factor Fen, which is the ratio of fatigue life in air at room. To incorporate environmental effects into the RCCM Code fatigue evaluations, the fatigue usage factor based on the current Code design curves is multiplied by the correction factor. The contribution of environmental effects to results is discussed. Fatigue life decreases logarithmically with decreasing strain rate below 10%/s, which is insensitive to strain rate when temperatures below 100°C.Keywords: environmental fatigue, usage factor, elastoplastic strain correction factor, environmental correction
Procedia PDF Downloads 3241003 The Relationship Between Soldiers’ Psychological Resilience, Leadership Style and Organisational Commitment
Authors: Rosita Kanapeckaite
The modern operational military environment is a combination of factors such as change, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Stiehm (2002) refers to such situations as VUCA situations. VUCA is an acronym commonly used to describe the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of various situations and conditions. Increasingly fast-paced military operations require military personnel to demonstrate readiness and resilience under stressful conditions in order to maintain the optimum cognitive and physical performance necessary to achieve success. Military resilience can be defined as the ability to cope with the negative effects of setbacks and associated stress on military performance and combat effectiveness. In the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous modern operational environment, both current and future operations require and place a higher priority on enhancing and maintaining troop readiness and resilience to win decisively in multidimensional combat. This paper explores the phenomenon of soldiers' psychological resilience, theories of leadership, and commitment to the organisation. The aim of the study is to examine the relationship between soldiers' psychological resilience, leadership style and commitment to the organisation. The study involved 425 professional soldiers, the research method was a questionnaire survey. The instruments used were measures of psychological resilience, leadership styles and commitment to the organisation. Results: transformational leadership style predicts higher psychological resilience, and psychologically resilient professional servicemen are more committed to the organisation. The study confirms the importance of soldiers' psychological resilience for their commitment to the organisation. The paper also discusses practical applications.Keywords: resilience, commitment, solders, leadership style
Procedia PDF Downloads 741002 Perception of Healthcare Workers Regarding the Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Their Children
Authors: Saima Batool, Saima Rafique
Background and Objective: Pandemics like COVID-19 adversely affect children’s behavior and psychological development by disrupting routine life activities. Children of healthcare workers are exposed additionally due to the fear of parental exposure to the virus. The objective of this study was to assess the perception of frontline healthcare workers (HCWs) regarding the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their children. We also sought to identify the difference in the psychological impact on children of male and female healthcare workers. Methods: A survey questionnaire was developed comprising 10 questions about the perception of HCWs regarding the psychological impact of COVID-19 on their children. It was distributed both online and face-to-face among 150 healthcare professionals working in training and non-training posts in 4 public and 5 nongovernment hospitals in Pakistan. The mean and standard deviation were calculated for each survey item using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 26.0. Results: The response rate was 71.3%, and the majority (64.2%) of the healthcare professionals were ≥30 years of age. Ninety-two HCWs (85.98%) either agreed or strongly agreed that parental separation from their kids for long hours during the pandemic had a negative psychological impact on their children. There was a significant difference in the perceived psychological impact of COVID-19 on the children of male and female HCWs, with a mean survey score of 2.29 ± 1.82 and 1.69 ± 0.79, respectively (t = 2.29, p-value = 0.024). Conclusion: Children of healthcare workers experience more stress and anxiety because of long duty hours and working in high-risk settings. Continuous psychological support and counseling services may be adopted formally to prevent unforeseen adverse events or any long-term negative impact on their physical and mental health.Keywords: healthcare workers, pandemic, COVID-19, anxiety, psychological
Procedia PDF Downloads 531001 Memory Consolidation: Application of Retrieval Strategies in the Classroom
Authors: Eric Tardif, Nicolas Meylan
Recent studies suggest that the consolidation of episodic memory is better achieved through repeated retrieval than with the use of concept mapping or repeated study. Although such laboratory results highly appeal to educationalists, it remains to be shown whether they can be directly used in a classroom setting. Forty-five college students (42 girls; mean age 16.1 y/o) were asked to remember pairs of biology-related words (e.g. mitochondria-energy) in two configurations. The first configuration consisted of a three-minute study of pairs of words followed by a final one-minute test in which the first word of a pair was shown and the subject asked to write down the second associated word. This procedure was repeated three times. The second configuration consisted of a one-minute study of a list of pairs of words, which was immediately followed by a one-minute test. This procedure was repeated 6 times. Subjects filled out a small questionnaire assessing their general mood, level of fatigue, stress and motivation to do the exercise. One week later, subjects were given a final test using the same words. A total of 8 lists of words were studied and tested during the semester. Results showed that subjects recalled more correct words when using the second configuration, both within the study period and one week later, confirming laboratory findings. However, the general performance (mean items recalled) as well as the motivation to do the exercise gradually decreased during the semester. Motivation was positively correlated with performance (r=0.77, p<0.05). The results suggest that laboratory findings may provide some applications in education but other variables inherent to the classroom setting must also be considered.Keywords: long-term, episodic memory, consolidation, retrieval, school setting
Procedia PDF Downloads 3391000 Orthogonal Metal Cutting Simulation of Steel AISI 1045 via Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic Method
Authors: Seyed Hamed Hashemi Sohi, Gerald Jo Denoga
Machining or metal cutting is one of the most widely used production processes in industry. The quality of the process and the resulting machined product depends on parameters like tool geometry, material, and cutting conditions. However, the relationships of these parameters to the cutting process are often based mostly on empirical knowledge. In this study, computer modeling and simulation using LS-DYNA software and a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) methodology, was performed on the orthogonal metal cutting process to analyze three-dimensional deformation of AISI 1045 medium carbon steel during machining. The simulation was performed using the following constitutive models: the Power Law model, the Johnson-Cook model, and the Zerilli-Armstrong models (Z-A). The outcomes were compared against the simulated results obtained by Cenk Kiliçaslan using the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the empirical results of Jaspers and Filice. The analysis shows that the SPH method combined with the Zerilli-Armstrong constitutive model is a viable alternative to simulating the metal cutting process. The tangential force was overestimated by 7%, and the normal force was underestimated by 16% when compared with empirical values. The simulation values for flow stress versus strain at various temperatures were also validated against empirical values. The SPH method using the Z-A model has also proven to be robust against issues of time-scaling. Experimental work was also done to investigate the effects of friction, rake angle and tool tip radius on the simulation.Keywords: metal cutting, smoothed particle hydrodynamics, constitutive models, experimental, cutting forces analyses
Procedia PDF Downloads 263999 Assessment of in vitro Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Potentials of Methanol Extract of Chrysophyllum albidum Cotyledon
Authors: Christianah Adebimpe Dare, Nelson Oghenebrorhie Elvis
This study was aimed at analysing the phytochemicals in Chrysophyllum albidum cotyledon extract and their in vitro antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The star apple fruit was bought at Igbona market Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. The seed from the fruit was removed and defatted. The residue was exhaustively extracted with methanol. The Chrysophyllum albidum cotyledon methanol extract (CCME) was phytochemically screened, flavonoids and phenol contents, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory assays were carried out on the extract using standard procedures. Phytochemicals analysis revealed the presence of steroids, tannins, flavonoid, saponin, triterpenes, and xanthoproteins. The phenolic concentration, total flavonoids concentration, and total sugar concentration were found to be 26.72 ± 0.048 µgTAE/mg, 23.12 ± 1.92µg of Rutin equivalent (RTE)/mg (10.49 ± 1.12µg of Quercetin equivalent (QE/mg) and 778.38 ± 12.82 µg of glucose/ml, respectively. The extract demonstrated significant inhibitory effect compared with the standards as potent antioxidant with percentage inhibition of DPPH as 38.10 %-39.51 %, lipid peroxidation as 45.85 %-65.85 %; ferric reducing power showed linear correlation to the standard and the anti-inflammatory potential with 22.06 %-26.37 % protection of the human red blood membrane and the percentage inhibition of denaturation of albumin 3.42 %-7.32 %. The study showed that C. albidum cotyledon methanol extract is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent to combat oxidative stress and pathological diseases caused by reactive species.Keywords: albumin denaturation, free radicals, lipid peroxidation, reactive species
Procedia PDF Downloads 140998 Food Supplements and Natural Products to Slow Down Biological Aging
Authors: Coppa Federica, Iannello Giulia, Pennisi Stefania, Giuffrida Graziella, Lo Faro Riccardo, Cartelli Simone, Ferruggia Greta, Brundo Maria Violetta
In recent years, a new field of basic research has emerged: the biology and physiology of extracellular vesicles and their application in diagnostics and therapy. In particular, exosomes attract the scientific community as nanovesicles of endosomal origin, which can be secreted by a variety of cells and are found in all biological fluids. Exosomes have recently gained attention also in the cosmetic field: in fact, they are used in creams, serums and masks for topical use, proving to have a series of therapeutic and anti-aging benefits. To date, the oral administration of exosomes is the subject of attention because it represents a non-invasive and efficient method for delivering bioactive molecules into the intestine. We decided to focus our research on the creation of a food supplement that contains various bioactive factors, vitamins, and a new technology called AMPLEX PLUS, containing a mixture of 20 different biologically active factors (GF20) and exosomes isolated and purified from bovine colostrum. We have demonstrated in vitro that this new supplement acts on telomerase, slowing down cell aging. Amplex plus increased the proliferation rate of cells and the addition of it reduced the rate of telomere shortening. Under oxidative stress conditions (H2O2 – induced), the TSR increased; however, treatment with colostrum appeared to attenuate this increase. In particular, after 2 weeks of treatment, AMPLEX plus increased the proliferation rate of cells and exerted a protective effect on telomere length erosion, reducing the rate of its shortening.Keywords: AMPLEX PLUS, colostrum, exosomes, telomerase
Procedia PDF Downloads 57997 Seismic Loss Assessment for Peruvian University Buildings with Simulated Fragility Functions
Authors: Jose Ruiz, Jose Velasquez, Holger Lovon
Peruvian university buildings are critical structures for which very little research about its seismic vulnerability is available. This paper develops a probabilistic methodology that predicts seismic loss for university buildings with simulated fragility functions. Two university buildings located in the city of Cusco were analyzed. Fragility functions were developed considering seismic and structural parameters uncertainty. The fragility functions were generated with the Latin Hypercube technique, an improved Montecarlo-based method, which optimizes the sampling of structural parameters and provides at least 100 reliable samples for every level of seismic demand. Concrete compressive strength, maximum concrete strain and yield stress of the reinforcing steel were considered as the key structural parameters. The seismic demand is defined by synthetic records which are compatible with the elastic Peruvian design spectrum. Acceleration records are scaled based on the peak ground acceleration on rigid soil (PGA) which goes from 0.05g to 1.00g. A total of 2000 structural models were considered to account for both structural and seismic variability. These functions represent the overall building behavior because they give rational information regarding damage ratios for defined levels of seismic demand. The university buildings show an expected Mean Damage Factor of 8.80% and 19.05%, respectively, for the 0.22g-PGA scenario, which was amplified by the soil type coefficient and resulted in 0.26g-PGA. These ratios were computed considering a seismic demand related to 10% of probability of exceedance in 50 years which is a requirement in the Peruvian seismic code. These results show an acceptable seismic performance for both buildings.Keywords: fragility functions, university buildings, loss assessment, Montecarlo simulation, latin hypercube
Procedia PDF Downloads 144996 Most Recent Lifespan Estimate for the Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant Computed by Using Borland and Miller Method and Mass Balance in Brazil, Paraguay
Authors: Anderson Braga Mendes
Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant is settled on the Paraná River, which is a natural boundary between Brazil and Paraguay; thus, the facility is shared by both countries. Itaipu Power Plant is the biggest hydroelectric generator in the world, and provides clean and renewable electrical energy supply for 17% and 76% of Brazil and Paraguay, respectively. The plant started its generation in 1984. It counts on 20 Francis turbines and has installed capacity of 14,000 MWh. Its historic generation record occurred in 2016 (103,098,366 MWh), and since the beginning of its operation until the last day of 2016 the plant has achieved the sum of 2,415,789,823 MWh. The distinct sedimentologic aspects of the drainage area of Itaipu Power Plant, from its stretch upstream (Porto Primavera and Rosana dams) to downstream (Itaipu dam itself), were taken into account in order to best estimate the increase/decrease in the sediment yield by using data from 2001 to 2016. Such data are collected through a network of 14 automatic sedimentometric stations managed by the company itself and operating in an hourly basis, covering an area of around 136,000 km² (92% of the incremental drainage area of the undertaking). Since 1972, a series of lifespan studies for the Itaipu Power Plant have been made, being first assessed by Sir Hans Albert Einstein, at the time of the feasibility studies for the enterprise. From that date onwards, eight further studies were made through the last 44 years aiming to confer more precision upon the estimates based on more updated data sets. From the analysis of each monitoring station, it was clearly noticed strong increase tendencies in the sediment yield through the last 14 years, mainly in the Iguatemi, Ivaí, São Francisco Falso and Carapá Rivers, the latter situated in Paraguay, whereas the others are utterly in Brazilian territory. Five lifespan scenarios considering different sediment yield tendencies were simulated with the aid of the softwares SEDIMENT and DPOSIT, both developed by the author of the present work. Such softwares thoroughly follow the Borland & Miller methodology (empirical method of area-reduction). The soundest scenario out of the five ones under analysis indicated a lifespan foresight of 168 years, being the reservoir only 1.8% silted by the end of 2016, after 32 years of operation. Besides, the mass balance in the reservoir (water inflows minus outflows) between 1986 and 2016 shows that 2% of the whole Itaipu lake is silted nowadays. Owing to the convergence of both results, which were acquired by using different methodologies and independent input data, it is worth concluding that the mathematical modeling is satisfactory and calibrated, thus assigning credibility to this most recent lifespan estimate.Keywords: Borland and Miller method, hydroelectricity, Itaipu Power Plant, lifespan, mass balance
Procedia PDF Downloads 275995 Psycho-Social Problems Faced by Transgenders in Pakistani Society: A Qualitative Study
In the social, behavioral, and medical sciences, and particularly in Pakistani popular culture and political discourse, transgender issues are a relatively recent subject of research. The present study aimed to explore the lived experiences related to psycho-social issues faced by transgenders in Pakistani society. In this qualitative study, phenomenology research design was used. The purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used for data collection and in-depth interviews were conducted with N= 8 transgenders belonging to Lahore city, Pakistan. All interviews were audio recorded and transcribed properly. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to generate results in terms of themes. The results of the current study revealed different major themes such as psychological, social, and financial problems. Several emergent and sub-themes were also generated such as insomnia, suicidal ideation, stress, physical abuse, social rejection, discrimination at work workplace, less job opportunities, and harassment. Current study indicate that transgender suffer from different problems and struggle hard for their daily living. It was concluded that there should be a step taken at government level for the betterment of this community. The findings of the present study can help out transgender communities and activist to uncover their problem and empowering transgender individuals through education, skill development, and opportunities for growth. Their abilities can be utilized by providing education, polishing their skills, and employment opportunities. The data provides the knowledge that there should be strategies at family, society and government level for the betterment of transgenders.Keywords: psychological issues, social issues, financial issues, transgender, Pakistani society
Procedia PDF Downloads 31994 Psycho-Social Problems Faced by Transgenders in Pakistani Society: A Qualitative Study”
In the social, behavioral, and medical sciences, and particularly in Pakistani popular culture and political discourse, transgender issues are a relatively recent subject of research. The present study aimed to explore the lived experiences related to psycho-social issues faced by transgenders in Pakistani society. In this qualitative study, phenomenology research design was used. The purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used for data collection and in-depth interviews were conducted with N= 8 transgenders belonging to Lahore city, Pakistan. All interviews were audio recorded and transcribed properly. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to generate results in terms of themes. The results of the current study revealed different major themes such as psychological, social, and financial problems. Several emergent and sub-themes were also generated such as insomnia, suicidal ideation, stress, physical abuse, social rejection, discrimination at work workplace, less job opportunities, and harassment. Current study indicate that transgender suffer from different problems and struggle hard for their daily living. It was concluded that there should be a step taken at government level for the betterment of this community. The findings of the present study can help out transgender communities and activist to uncover their problem and empowering transgender individuals through education, skill development, and opportunities for growth. Their abilities can be utilized by providing education, polishing their skills, and employment opportunities. The data provides the knowledge that there should be strategies at family, society and government level for the betterment of transgenders.Keywords: psychological issues, social issues, financial issues, transgender, Pakistani society
Procedia PDF Downloads 35993 The Impact of Formulate and Implementation Strategy for an Organization to Better Financial Consequences in Malaysian Private Hospital
Authors: Naser Zouri
Purpose: Measures of formulate and implementation strategy shows amount of product rate-market based strategic management category such as courtesy, competence, and compliance to reach the high loyalty of financial ecosystem. Despite, it solves the market place error intention to fair trade organization. Finding: Finding shows the ability of executives’ level of management to motivate and better decision-making to solve the treatments in business organization. However, it made ideal level of each interposition policy for a hypothetical household. Methodology/design. Style of questionnaire about the data collection was selected to survey of both pilot test and real research. Also, divide of questionnaire and using of Free Scale Semiconductor`s between the finance employee was famous of this instrument. Respondent`s nominated basic on non-probability sampling such as convenience sampling to answer the questionnaire. The way of realization costs to performed the questionnaire divide among the respondent`s approximately was suitable as a spend the expenditure to reach the answer but very difficult to collect data from hospital. However, items of research survey was formed of implement strategy, environment, supply chain, employee from impact of implementation strategy on reach to better financial consequences and also formulate strategy, comprehensiveness strategic design, organization performance from impression on formulate strategy and financial consequences. Practical Implication: Dynamic capability approach of formulate and implement strategy focuses on the firm-specific processes through which firms integrate, build, or reconfigure resources valuable for making a theoretical contribution. Originality/ value of research: Going beyond the current discussion, we show that case studies have the potential to extend and refine theory. We present new light on how dynamic capabilities can benefit from case study research by discovering the qualifications that shape the development of capabilities and determining the boundary conditions of the dynamic capabilities approach. Limitation of the study :Present study also relies on survey of methodology for data collection and the response perhaps connection by financial employee was difficult to responds the question because of limitation work place.Keywords: financial ecosystem, loyalty, Malaysian market error, dynamic capability approach, rate-market, optimization intelligence strategy, courtesy, competence, compliance
Procedia PDF Downloads 307992 Parametric Study for Optimal Design of Hybrid Bridge Joint
Authors: Bongsik Park, Jae Hyun Park, Jae-Yeol Cho
Mixed structure, which is a kind of hybrid system, is incorporating steel beam and prestressed concrete beam. Hybrid bridge adopting mixed structure have some merits. Main span length can be made longer by using steel as main span material. In case of cable-stayed bridge having asymmetric span length, negative reaction at side span can be restrained without extra restraining devices by using weight difference between main span material and side span material. However angle of refraction might happen because of rigidity difference between materials and stress concentration also might happen because of abnormal loading transmission at joint in the hybrid bridge. Therefore the joint might be a weak point of the structural system and it needs to pay attention to design of the joint. However, design codes and standards about the joint in the hybrid-bridge have not been established so the joint designs in most of construction cases have been very conservative or followed previous design without extra verification. In this study parametric study using finite element analysis for optimal design of hybrid bridge joint is conducted. Before parametric study, finite element analysis was conducted based on previous experimental data and it is verified that analysis result approximated experimental data. Based on the finite element analysis results, parametric study was conducted. The parameters were selected as those have influences on joint behavior. Based on the parametric study results, optimal design of hybrid bridge joint has been determined.Keywords: parametric study, optimal design, hybrid bridge, finite element analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 426991 The Effect of Different Metal Nanoparticles on Growth and Survival of Pseudomonas syringae Bacteria
Authors: Omar Alhamd, Peter A. Thomas, Trevor J. Greenhough, Annette K. Shrive
The Pseudomonas syringae species complex includes many plant pathogenic strains with highly specific interactions with varied host species and cultivars. The rapid spread of these bacteria over the last ten years has become a cause for concern. Nanoparticles have previously shown promise in microbiological action. We have therefore investigated in vitro and in vivo the effects of different types and sizes of nanoparticles in order to provide quantitative information about their effect on the bacteria. The effects of several different nanoparticles against several bacteria strains were investigated. The effect of NP on bacterial growth was studied by measuring the optical density, biochemical and nutritional tests, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to determine the shape and size of NP. Our results indicate that their effects varied, with either a negative or a positive impact on both bacterial and plant growth. Additionally, the methods of exposure to nanoparticles have a crucial role in accumulation, translocation, growth response and bacterial growth. The results of our studies on the behaviour and effects of nanoparticles in model plants showed. Cerium oxide (CeO₂) and silver (Ag) NP showed significant antibacterial activity against several pathogenic bacteria. It was found that titanium nanoparticles (TiO₂) can have either a negative or a positive impact, according to concentration and size. It is also thought that environmental conditions can have a major influence on bacterial growth. Studies were therefore also carried out under some environmental stress conditions to test bacterial survival and to assess bacterial virulence. All results will be presented including information about the effects of different nanoparticles on Pseudomonas syringae bacteria.Keywords: plant microbiome, nanoparticles, 16S rRNA gene sequencing, bacterial survival
Procedia PDF Downloads 203990 Effects of Microbial Biofertilization on Nodulation, Nitrogen Fixation, and Yield of Lablab purpureus
Authors: Benselama Amel, Ounane S. Mohamed, Bekki Abdelkader
A collection of 20 isolates from fresh Nodules of the legume plant Lablab purpureus was isolated. These isolates have been authenticated by seedling inoculation grown in jars containing sand. The results obtained after two months of culture have revealed that the 20 isolates (100% of the isolates) are able to nodulate their host plants. The results obtained were analyzed statistically by ANOVA using the software statistica and had shown that the effect of the inoculation has significantly improved all the growth parameters (the height of the plant and the dry weight of the aerial parts and roots, and the number of nodules). We have evaluated the tolerance of all strains of the collection to the major stress factors as the salinity, pH and extreme temperature. The osmotolerance reached a concentration up to 1710mm of NaCl. The strains were also able to grow on a wide range of pH, ranging from 4.5 to 9.5, and temperature, between 4°C and 40°C. Also, we tested the effect of the acidity, aluminum and ferric deficit on the Lablab-rhizobia symbiosis. Lablab purpureus has not been affected by the presence of high concentrations of aluminum. On the other hand, iron deficiency has caused a net decrease in the dry biomass of the aerial part. The results of all the phenotypic characters have been treated by the statistical Minitab software, the numerical analysis had shown that these bacterial strains are divided into two distinct groups at a level of similarity of 86 %. The SDS-PAGE was carried out to determine the profile of the total protein of the strains. The coefficients of similarity of polypeptide bands between the isolates and strains reference (Bradyrhizobium, Mesorizobium sp.) confirm that our strain belongs to the groups of rhizobia.Keywords: SDS-PAGE, rhizobia, symbiosis, phenotypic characterization, Lablab purpureus
Procedia PDF Downloads 306989 Risk Factors and Epidemiological Aspects of Cleft Lip and Palate and Associated Orthodontic Anomalies in Western Algeria
Authors: Beghdadi Chafika, Mrabet Sonia, Heroual Nabila, Ahmed Fouatih Noureddine
Introduction: Cleft lip and palate are the most common congenital malformations of the orofacial sphere, accounting for one in every 700 births worldwide. They have a multifactorial origin, requiring multidisciplinary intervention from birth to adulthood. In the absence of work in Algeria on this pathology, we undertook a study to describe the epidemiological aspects and determine the risk factors. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study from February 2018 to June 2021, including all cleft patients referred to and or followed up for management at the ODF/ CHU d'Oran department. Results: 260 patients were included. Males predominated (sex ratio=1.17). The mean age of the patients was 1.65 ± 2.6 years, most of whom lived in Oran. The mean age of the mothers was 32.5 years, and 37 years for the fathers. More than half of all cases had cleft lip and palate, with a predominance on the left side. Consanguinity was found in 20%. Mothers had more medical history than fathers. Stress, emotional shock, active smoking in the father, low socio-economic status, and vitamin deficiency in the mother were the most common factors. Both dentitions were affected by various dental anomalies, the most frequent of which was a numerical anomaly (31.6%), followed by the delayed eruption (23.1%) with the absence of inclusion and transposition. All functions have been disrupted to varying degrees, depending on the severity of the damage. Because of the anatomical and physiological characteristics of clefts, any disturbance during embryogenesis alters the course of the latter, leading to congenital anomalies. Conclusion: The study enabled us to draw up a profile of cleft lip and palate and to identify certain risk factors to guide the main lines of prevention.Keywords: cleft lip and palate, dental anomalies, risk factors, orthodontics
Procedia PDF Downloads 5988 Modeling Water Inequality and Water Security: The Role of Water Governance
Authors: Pius Babuna, Xiaohua Yang, Roberto Xavier Supe Tulcan, Bian Dehui, Mohammed Takase, Bismarck Yelfogle Guba, Chuanliang Han, Doris Abra Awudi, Meishui Lia
Water inequality, water security, and water governance are fundamental parameters that affect the sustainable use of water resources. Through policy formulation and decision-making, water governance determines both water security and water inequality. Largely, where water inequality exists, water security is undermined through unsustainable water use practices that lead to pollution of water resources, conflicts, hoarding of water, and poor sanitation. Incidentally, the interconnectedness of water governance, water inequality, and water security has not been investigated previously. This study modified the Gini coefficient and used a Logistics Growth of Water Resources (LGWR) Model to access water inequality and water security mathematically, and discussed the connected role of water governance. We tested the validity of both models by calculating the actual water inequality and water security of Ghana. We also discussed the implications of water inequality on water security and the overarching role of water governance. The results show that regional water inequality is widespread in some parts. The Volta region showed the highest water inequality (Gini index of 0.58), while the central region showed the lowest (Gini index of 0.15). Water security is moderately sustainable. The use of water resources is currently stress-free. It was estimated to maintain such status until 2132 ± 18, when Ghana will consume half of the current total water resources of 53.2 billion cubic meters. Effectively, water inequality is a threat to water security, results in poverty, under-development heightens tensions in water use, and causes instability. With proper water governance, water inequality can be eliminated through formulating and implementing approaches that engender equal allocation and sustainable use of water resources.Keywords: water inequality, water security, water governance, Gini coefficient, moran index, water resources management
Procedia PDF Downloads 137987 Development of a Smart System for Measuring Strain Levels of Natural Gas and Petroleum Pipelines on Earthquake Fault Lines in Turkiye
Authors: Ahmet Yetik, Seyit Ali Kara, Cevat Özarpa
Load changes occur on natural gas and oil pipelines due to natural disasters. The displacement of the soil around the natural gas and oil pipes due to situations that may cause erosion, such as earthquakes, landslides, and floods, is the source of this load change. The exposure of natural gas and oil pipes to variable loads causes deformation, cracks, and breaks in these pipes. Cracks and breaks on the pipes cause damage to people and the environment due to reasons such as explosions. Especially with the examinations made after natural disasters, it can be easily understood which of the pipes has more damage in the regions followed. It has been determined that the earthquakes in Turkey caused permanent damage to the pipelines. This project was designed and realized because it was determined that there were cracks and gas leaks in the insulation gaskets placed in the pipelines, especially at the junction points. In this study, A new SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) application has been developed to monitor load changes caused by natural disasters. The newly developed SCADA application monitors the changes in the x, y, and z axes of the stresses occurring in the pipes with the help of strain gauge sensors placed on the pipes. For the developed SCADA system, test setups in accordance with the standards were created during the fieldwork. The test setups created were integrated into the SCADA system, and the system was followed up. Thanks to the SCADA system developed with the field application, the load changes that will occur on the natural gas and oil pipes are instantly monitored, and the accumulations that may create a load on the pipes and their surroundings are immediately intervened, and new risks that may arise are prevented. It has contributed to energy supply security, asset management, pipeline holistic management, and sustainability.Keywords: earthquake, natural gas pipes, oil pipes, strain measurement, stress measurement, landslide
Procedia PDF Downloads 72986 Working From Home: On the Relationship Between Place Attachment to Work Place, Extraversion and Segmentation Preference to Burnout
Authors: Diamant Irene, Shklarnik Batya
In on to its widespread effects on health and economic issues, Covid-19 shook the work and employment world. Among the prominent changes during the pandemic is the work-from-home trend, complete or partial, as part of social distancing. In fact, these changes accelerated an existing tendency of work flexibility already underway before the pandemic. Technology and means of advanced communications led to a re-assessment of “place of work” as a physical space in which work takes place. Today workers can remotely carry out meetings, manage projects, work in groups, and different research studies point to the fact that this type of work has no adverse effect on productivity. However, from the worker’s perspective, despite numerous advantages associated with work from home, such as convenience, flexibility, and autonomy, various drawbacks have been identified such as loneliness, reduction of commitment, home-work boundary erosion, all risk factors relating to the quality of life and burnout. Thus, a real need has arisen in exploring differences in work-from-home experiences and understanding the relationship between psychological characteristics and the prevalence of burnout. This understanding may be of significant value to organizations considering a future hybrid work model combining in-office and remote working. Based on Hobfoll’s Theory of Conservation of Resources, we hypothesized that burnout would mainly be found among workers whose physical remoteness from the workplace threatens or hinders their ability to retain significant individual resources. In the present study, we compared fully remote and partially remote workers (hybrid work), and we examined psychological characteristics and their connection to the formation of burnout. Based on the conceptualization of Place Attachment as the cognitive-emotional bond of an individual to a meaningful place and the need to maintain closeness to it, we assumed that individuals characterized with Place Attachment to the workplace would suffer more from burnout when working from home. We also assumed that extrovert individuals, characterized by the need of social interaction at the workplace and individuals with segmentationpreference – a need for separation between different life domains, would suffer more from burnout, especially among fully remote workers relative to partially remote workers. 194 workers, of which 111 worked from home in full and 83 worked partially from home, aged 19-53, from different sectors, were tested using an online questionnaire through social media. The results of the study supported our assumptions. The repercussions of these findings are discussed, relating to future occupational experience, with an emphasis on suitable occupational adjustment according to the psychological characteristics and needs of workers.Keywords: working from home, burnout, place attachment, extraversion, segmentation preference, Covid-19
Procedia PDF Downloads 191985 Probabilistic Fracture Evaluation of Reactor Pressure Vessel Subjected to Pressurized Thermal Shock
Authors: Jianguo Chen, Fenggang Zang, Yu Yang, Liangang Zheng
Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) is an important security barrier in nuclear power plant. Crack like defects may be produced on RPV during the whole operation lifetime due to the harsh operation condition and irradiation embrittlement. During the severe loss of coolant accident, thermal shock happened as the injection of emergency cooling water into RPV, which results in re-pressurization of the vessel and very high tension stress on the vessel wall, this event called Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS). Crack on the vessel wall may propagate even penetrate the vessel, so the safety of the RPV would undergo great challenge. Many assumptions in structure integrity evaluation make the result of deterministic fracture mechanics very conservative, which affect the operation lifetime of the plant. Actually, many parameters in the evaluation process, such as fracture toughness and nil-ductility transition temperature, have statistical distribution characteristics. So it is necessary to assess the structural integrity of RPV subjected to PTS event by means of Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics (PFM). Structure integrity evaluation methods of RPV subjected to PTS event are summarized firstly, then evaluation method based on probabilistic fracture mechanics are presented by considering the probabilistic characteristics of material and structure parameters. A comprehensive analysis example is carried out at last. The results show that the probability of crack penetrates through wall increases gradually with the growth of fast neutron irradiation flux. The results give advice for reactor life extension.Keywords: fracture toughness, integrity evaluation, pressurized thermal shock, probabilistic fracture mechanics, reactor pressure vessel
Procedia PDF Downloads 252984 Resonant Auxetic Metamaterial for Automotive Applications in Vibration Isolation
Authors: Adrien Pyskir, Manuel Collet, Zoran Dimitrijevic, Claude-Henri Lamarque
During the last decades, great efforts have been made to reduce acoustic and vibrational disturbances in transportations, as it has become a key feature for comfort. Today, isolation and design have neutralized most of the troublesome vibrations, so that cars are quieter and more comfortable than ever. However, some problems remain unsolved, in particular concerning low-frequency isolation and the frequency-dependent stiffening of materials like rubber. To sum it up, a balance has to be found between a high static stiffness to sustain the vibration source’s mass, and low dynamic stiffness, as wideband as possible. Systems meeting these criteria are yet to be designed. We thus investigated solutions inspired by metamaterials to control efficiently low-frequency wave propagation. Structures exhibiting a negative Poisson ratio, also called auxetic structures, are known to influence the propagation of waves through beaming or damping. However, their stiffness can be quite peculiar as well, as they can present regions of zero stiffness on the stress-strain curve for compression. In addition, auxetic materials can be easily adapted in many ways, inducing great tuning potential. Using finite element software COMSOL Multiphysics, a resonant design has been tested through statics and dynamics simulations. These results are compared to experimental results. In particular, the bandgaps featured by these structures are analyzed as a function of design parameters. Great stiffness properties can be observed, including low-frequency dynamic stiffness loss and broadband transmission loss. Such features are very promising for practical isolation purpose, and we hope to adopt this kind of metamaterial into an effective industrial damper.Keywords: auxetics, metamaterials, structural dynamics, vibration isolation
Procedia PDF Downloads 150983 Battle on Historical Water: An Analysis Roots of conflict between India and Sri Lanka and Victimization of Arrested Indian Fishermen
Authors: Xavier Louis, Madhava Soma Sundaram
The Palk Bay, a narrow strip of water, separates the state of Tamil Nadu in India from north Sri Lanka. The bay, which is 137 km in length and varies from 64 to 137 kilometers in width and is home to more than 580 fish species and chunks of shrimp’s resources, is divided by the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL). The bay, bordering it are five Tamil Nadu districts of India and three Sri Lankan districts and assumes importance as it is one of the areas presenting permanent and serious challenges to both India and Sri Lanka with respect to the fishing rights in the Bay. Fishermen from both sides were enjoying fishing with hormones for centuries. Katchchadeevu is a tiny Island located in the Bay, which was a part of India. After the Katchchadeevu agreement 1974 it became a part of Sri Lanka and a fishing conflict arose between the two countries' fishermen. Fuelling the dispute over Katchatheevu is the overfishing of Indian mechanized trawlers in Palk Bay and the damaging environmental and economic effects of trawling. Since 2008, more than 300 Indian fishermen have been killed by firing by Sri Lankan Navy, nearly 100 fishermen have gone missing and more than 3000 fishermen were arrested and later released after the trials for trespassing into Sri Lankan waters. Currently, more than 120 fishing boats and 29 fishermen are in Sri Lankan custody. This paper attempts to find out the causes of fishing conflict and who has the fishing rights in the mentioned waters, how the international treaties are complied with at the time of arrest and trials, how the arrested fishermen are treated by them and how they suffer from fishermen families without a breadwinner. A Semi-structured interview schedule tool was prepared by the researcher, which is suitable for measuring quantitative and qualitative aspects of the above-mentioned theme. One hundred arrested fishermen were interviewed and recorded their prison experiences in Sri Lanka. The research found that the majority of the fishermen believe that they have the right to fish in the historical water and that the Sri Lankan Naval personnel have brutally attacked the Indian fishermen at the time of the arrest. The majority of the fishermen accepted that they had limited fishing grounds. As a result, they entered Sri Lankan waters for their livelihood. The majority of the fishermen expected that they would also get their belongings back at the time of release, primarily the boats. Most of the arrested fishermen's families face financial crises in the absence of their breadwinners and this situation has created conditions for child labor among the affected families and some fishers migrate to different places for different occupations. The majority of the fishers have trauma about their victimization and face uncertainty in the future of their occupation. We can discuss more the causes and nature of the fishing conflict and the financial and psychological victimization of Indian fishermen in relation to the conflict.Keywords: palk bay, historical water, fishing conflict, arrested fishermen, victimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 80982 Challenges Faced by the Visually Impaired Children and their Parents in Doing Homework Assignments Using Braille
Authors: Shazia Farooq Mirza
The purpose of this study was to explore the challenges faced by visually impaired children and their parents in doing homework assignments using Braille. This study had a quantitative approach and it was descriptive in nature. It took place in 6 public and special private schools of Lahore.177 visually impaired children of grades 4-10 and 153 parents of the visually impaired children were the volunteer participants of this study which were selected through a convenient sampling method. A survey method was adopted for the data collection. And for this purpose 2 self-developed validated questionnaires were used as instruments. The instruments were constructed by exploring the factors and sub-factors from the literature review. Thirty students with visual impairment and 30 parents of the students with visual impairment filled the questionnaires as a pilot study, and it ensured the reliability of the instruments. Data were analyzed using a statistical package of social sciences and it was completely interpreted. Findings revealed that the common challenges faced by the students with visual impairment were Physical Stress, Readiness, Braille Knowledge, Braille Skill and Communications. And the major challenges faced by the parents of the students with visual impairment were the Availability of the helping material, the Availability of the reading material, Braille Knowledge, Braille skills, School and family interactions, Behavior management and the Environment and equipment. Conclusions were drawn on the basis of the major findings. Future suggestions are given in light of the conclusions. This study will be beneficial for the children with visual impairment, the parents of the children with visual impairment, the special education teachers and for the policymakers of the special schools.Keywords: challenges, visually impaired children, homework, parents, braille
Procedia PDF Downloads 123981 Antioxidant Activity and Hepatoprotective Potential of Genista quadriflora Munby against Paracetamol-Induced Liver Injury
Authors: Nacera Baali, Zahia Belloum, Souad Ameddah, Fadila Benayache, Samir Benayache, Chantal Wrutniak-Cabello
Allurement of herbs as health beneficial foods and as a source material for the development of new drugs, has led to greater furtherance in the study of herbal medicines during recent years. In the present study, in vitro antioxidant, free radical scavenging capacity, and hepatoprotective activity of butanolic extract from Genista quadriflora Munby (G.quadriflora) were evaluated using established in vitro models such as DPPH radical and hydrogen peroxide radical scavenging activities and antilipidperoxidation ability. Interestingly, the extract showed considerable in vitro antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities in a dose-dependent manner when compared to the standard antioxidant which verified the presence of antioxidant compound in extract tested. The hepatoprotective potential of G.quadriflora extract was also evaluated in male Wistar rats against paracetamol (APAP) induced liver damage. Therapy of G.quadriflora showed the liver protective effect on biochemical and histopathological alterations. Moreover, histological studies also supported the biochemical finding, that is, the maximum improvement in the histoarchitecture of the liver. Results revealed that G.quadriflora extract could protect the liver against APAP-induced oxidative damage by possibly increasing the antioxidant protection mechanism in rats. These findings are of great importance in view of the availability of the plant and its observed possible diverse applications in medicine and nutrition.Keywords: genista quadriflora munby, antioxidant, liver, paracetamol, oxidative stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 473980 Antioxidant Responses and Malondialdehyde Levels in African Cat Fish (Clarias gariepinus) from Eleyele River in Nigeria
Authors: Oluwatosin Adetola Arojojoye, Olajumoke Olufunlayo Alao, Philip Odigili
This study investigated the extent of pollution in Eleyele River in Oyo State, Nigeria by investigating the antioxidant status and malondialdehyde levels (index of lipid peroxidation) in the organs of African Catfish, Clarias gariepinus from the river. Clarias gariepinus weighing between 250g-400g were collected from Eleyele River (a suspected polluted river) and Clarias gariepinus from a clean fish farm (Durantee fisheries) were used as the control. Levels of malondialdehyde, glutathione concentration (GSH) and activities of antioxidant enzymes - superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) were evaluated in the post-mitochondrial fractions of the liver, kidney and gills of the fishes. From the results, there were increases in malondialdehyde level and GSH concentration in the liver, kidney and gills of Clarias gariepinus from Eleyele River when compared with control. Glutathione-S-transferase activity was induced in the liver and kidney of Clarias gariepinus from Eleyele River when compared with control. However, the activity of this enzyme was depleted in the gills of fishes from Eleyele River compared with control. Also there was an induction in SOD activity in the liver of Clarias gariepinus from Eleyele River when compared with control but there was a decrease in the activity of this enzyme in the kidney and gills of fishes from Eleyele River compared with control. Increase in lipid peroxidation and alterations in antioxidant system in Clarias gariepinus from Eleyele River show that the fishes were under oxidative stress. These suggest that the river is polluted probably as a result of industrial, domestic and agricultural wastes frequently discharged into the river. This could pose serious health risks to consumers of water and aquatic organisms from the river.Keywords: antioxidant, lipid peroxidation, Clarias gariepinus, Eleyele River
Procedia PDF Downloads 530979 Complex Management of Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy
Authors: Fahad Almehmadi, Abdullah Alrajhi, Bader K. Alaslab, Abdullah A. Al Qurashi, Hattan A. Hassani
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy (ARVD/C) is an uncommon, inheritable cardiac disorder characterized by the progressive substitution of cardiac myocytes by fibro-fatty tissues. This pathologic substitution predisposes patients to ventricular arrhythmias and right ventricular failure. The underlying genetic defect predominantly involves genes encoding for desmosome proteins, particularly plakophilin-2 (PKP2). These aberrations lead to impaired cell adhesion, heightening the susceptibility to fibrofatty scarring under conditions of mechanical stress. Primarily, ARVD/C affects the right ventricle, but it can also compromise the left ventricle, potentially leading to biventricular heart failure. Clinical presentations can vary, spanning from asymptomatic individuals to those experiencing palpitations, syncopal episodes, and, in severe instances, sudden cardiac death. The establishment of a diagnostic criterion specifically tailored for ARVD/C significantly aids in its accurate diagnosis. Nevertheless, the task of early diagnosis is complicated by the disease's frequently asymptomatic initial stages, and the overall rarity of ARVD/C cases reported globally. In some cases, as exemplified by the adult female patient in this report, the disease may advance to terminal stages, rendering therapies like Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) ablation ineffective. This case underlines the necessity for increased awareness and understanding of ARVD/C to aid in its early detection and management. Through such efforts, we aim to decrease morbidity and mortality associated with this challenging cardiac disorder.Keywords: ARVD/C, cardiology, interventional cardiology, cardiac electrophysiology
Procedia PDF Downloads 65978 The Counselling Practice of School Social Workers in Swedish Elementary Schools - A Focus Group Study
Authors: Kjellgren Maria, Lilliehorn Sara, Markström Urban
This article describes the counselling practice of school social workers (SSWs) with individual children. SSWs work in the school system’s pupil health team, whose primary task is health promotion and prevention. The work of SSWs is about helping children and adolescents who, for various reasons, suffer from mental ill-health, school absenteeism, or stress that make them unable to achieve their intended goals. SSWs preferably meet these children in individual counselling sessions. The aim of this article is to describe and analyse SSWs’ experience of counselling with children and to examine the characteristics of counselling practice. The data collection was conducted through four semi-structured focus group interviews with a total of 22 SSWs in four different regions in Sweden. SSWs provide counselling to children in order to bring about improved feelings or behavioural changes. It can be noted that SSWs put emphasis on both the counselling process and the alliance with the child. The interviews showed a common practice among SSWs regarding the structure of the counselling sessions, with certain steps and approaches being employed. However, the specific interventions differed and were characterised by an eclectic standpoint in which SSWs utilise a broad repertoire of therapeutic schools and techniques. Furthermore, a relational perspective emerged as a most prominent focus for the SSWs by re-emerging throughout the material. We believe that SSWs could benefit from theoretical perspectives on ‘contextual model’ and ‘attachment theory’ as ‘models of the mind’. Being emotionally close to the child and being able to follow their development requires a lot from SSWs, as both professional caregivers and as “safe havens”.Keywords: school social conselling, school social workers, contextual model, attachment thory
Procedia PDF Downloads 135977 Developing of Ecological Internal Insulation Composite Boards for Innovative Retrofitting of Heritage Buildings
Authors: J. N. Nackler, K. Saleh Pascha, W. Winter
WHISCERS™ (Whole House In-Situ Carbon and Energy Reduction Solution) is an innovative process for Internal Wall Insulation (IWI) for energy-efficient retrofitting of heritage building, which uses laser measuring to determine the dimensions of a room, off-site insulation board cutting and rapid installation to complete the process. As part of a multinational investigation consortium the Austrian part adapted the WHISCERS system to local conditions of Vienna where most historical buildings have valuable stucco facades, precluding the application of an external insulation. The Austrian project contribution addresses the replacement of commonly used extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) with renewable materials such as wood and wood products to develop a more sustainable IWI system. As the timber industry is a major industry in Austria, a new innovative and more sustainable IWI solution could also open up new markets. The first approach of investigation was the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to define the performance of wood fibre board as insulation material in comparison to normally used XPS-boards. As one of the results the global-warming potential (GWP) of wood-fibre-board is 15 times less the equivalent to carbon dioxide while in the case of XPS it´s 72 times more. The hygrothermal simulation program WUFI was used to evaluate and simulate heat and moisture transport in multi-layer building components of the developed IWI solution. The results of the simulations prove in examined boundary conditions of selected representative brickwork constructions to be functional and usable without risk regarding vapour diffusion and liquid transport in proposed IWI. In a further stage three different solutions were developed and tested (1 - glued/mortared, 2 - with soft board, connected to wall with gypsum board as top layer, 3 - with soft board and clay board as top layer). All three solutions presents a flexible insulation layer out of wood fibre towards the existing wall, thus compensating irregularities of the wall surface. From first considerations at the beginning of the development phase, three different systems had been developed and optimized according to assembly technology and tested as small specimen in real object conditions. The built prototypes are monitored to detect performance and building physics problems and to validate the results of the computer simulation model. This paper illustrates the development and application of the Internal Wall Insulation system.Keywords: internal insulation, wood fibre, hygrothermal simulations, monitoring, clay, condensate
Procedia PDF Downloads 219976 Mothers and Daughters’ Relationships: The Gender Dialectic in Cross Cultural Comparison
Authors: Ronit Reuven Even Zahav
Context: Mother-daughter relationships are crucial in shaping women's identities, yet research on these relationships during cross-cultural transitions is limited. Research aim: To explore and compare adult mother-daughter relationships among Ethiopian, Russian, and Israeli groups, focusing on gender and ethnicity. Methodology: Qualitative study with 87 participants, included 37 mother-daughter dyads, and 13 mothers, using semi-structured interviews on various themes related to the relationships. Findings: Revealed three relationship patterns among the groups, highlighting differences in sharing, expectations, and stress, with Ethiopian mothers showing distinct characteristics. Theoretical importance: Highlights the impact of intercultural transitions and societal status on mother-daughter relationships, contributing to understanding the gender dialectic. Data collection: Through semi-structured interviews that were thematically coded and analyzed for similarities and differences, providing insights into the relationships. Question addressed: Explored how mother-daughter relationships are influenced by gender, ethnicity, and cross-cultural transitions. Conclusion: Stresses the significance of comprehending the effects of intercultural transitions and social exclusion on mother-daughter relationships, emphasizing the gender dialectic and women's societal status. Cultural aspects of mother-daughter relationships such as sharing and closeness in context of gender expectations of similarity and difference in relationships emphasize the need for a gender-informed tool and contribute to the development of a gender-informed tool that can help comprehend and address inequalities and promote empowerment in mother-daughter relationships within diverse cultural groups.Keywords: gender dialectic, diversity, mother-daughter relationships, gender informed perspectives
Procedia PDF Downloads 19975 Aseismic Stiffening of Architectural Buildings as Preventive Restoration Using Unconventional Materials
Authors: Jefto Terzovic, Ana Kontic, Isidora Ilic
In the proposed design concept, laminated glass and laminated plexiglass, as ”unconventional materials”, are considered as a filling in a steel frame on which they overlap by the intermediate rubber layer, thereby forming a composite assembly. In this way vertical elements of stiffening are formed, capable for reception of seismic force and integrated into the structural system of the building. The applicability of such a system was verified by experiments in laboratory conditions where the experimental models based on laminated glass and laminated plexiglass had been exposed to the cyclic loads that simulate the seismic force. In this way the load capacity of composite assemblies was tested for the effects of dynamic load that was parallel to assembly plane. Thus, the stress intensity to which composite systems might be exposed was determined as well as the range of the structure stiffening referring to the expressed deformation along with the advantages of a particular type of filling compared to the other one. Using specialized software whose operation is based on the finite element method, a computer model of the structure was created and processed in the case study; the same computer model was used for analyzing the problem in the first phase of the design process. The stiffening system based on composite assemblies tested in laboratories is implemented in the computer model. The results of the modal analysis and seismic calculation from the computer model with stiffeners applied showed an efficacy of such a solution, thus rounding the design procedures for aseismic stiffening by using unconventional materials.Keywords: laminated glass, laminated plexiglass, aseismic stiffening, experiment, laboratory testing, computer model, finite element method
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