Search results for: downhole dynamics measurements
3032 Spatial Variability of Environmental Parameters and Its Relationship with an Environmental Injustice on the Bike Paths of Santiago, Chile
Authors: Alicia Muñoz, Pedro Oyola, Cristian Henriquez
Pollution in Santiago de Chile has a spatial variability due to different factors, including meteorological parameters and emission sources. Socioenvironmental aspects are also significant for pollution in the canopy layer since it influences the type of edification, vegetal mass proportion and other environmental conditions. This study analyzes spatially urban pollution in Santiago, specifically, from the bike path perspective. Bike paths are located in high traffic zones, as consequence, users are constantly exposed to urban pollution. Measurements were made at the higher polluted hour, three days a week, including three transit regimes, on the most polluted month of the year. The environmental parameters are fine particulate matter (Model 8520, DustTrak Aerosol Monitor, TSI), temperature and relative humidity; it was also considerate urban parameters as sky view factor and vegetal mass. Identification of an environmental injustice will be achieved with a spatial modeling, including all urban factors and environmental mediations with an economic index of population.Keywords: canopy layer, environmental injustice, spatial modeling, urban pollution
Procedia PDF Downloads 2313031 Developing an Advanced Algorithm Capable of Classifying News, Articles and Other Textual Documents Using Text Mining Techniques
Authors: R. B. Knudsen, O. T. Rasmussen, R. A. Alphinas
The reason for conducting this research is to develop an algorithm that is capable of classifying news articles from the automobile industry, according to the competitive actions that they entail, with the use of Text Mining (TM) methods. It is needed to test how to properly preprocess the data for this research by preparing pipelines which fits each algorithm the best. The pipelines are tested along with nine different classification algorithms in the realm of regression, support vector machines, and neural networks. Preliminary testing for identifying the optimal pipelines and algorithms resulted in the selection of two algorithms with two different pipelines. The two algorithms are Logistic Regression (LR) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). These algorithms are optimized further, where several parameters of each algorithm are tested. The best result is achieved with the ANN. The final model yields an accuracy of 0.79, a precision of 0.80, a recall of 0.78, and an F1 score of 0.76. By removing three of the classes that created noise, the final algorithm is capable of reaching an accuracy of 94%.Keywords: Artificial Neural network, Competitive dynamics, Logistic Regression, Text classification, Text mining
Procedia PDF Downloads 1223030 In-situ Fabrication of Silver-PDMS Nanocomposite Membrane with Application in Olefine Separation
Authors: P. Tirgarbahnamiri, S. Mahravani, N. Haddadpour, F. Yaghmaie, F. Barazandeh
In this study, silver nanoparticle-Polydimethylsiloxane membrane (SNP-PDMS) was prepared with an in-situ reduction method using AgNO3 in poly (dimethylsiloxane) hardener. Optical and mechanical properties as well as functionality of these membranes were determined employing, UV-Vis spectrophotometry, FTIR, strain-stress test and liquid/liquid filtration measurements. Silver nanoparticles are known to selectively absorb Olefins and may be used for separation of Alkanes from olefins. Yellow color of silver nanocomposites and transparency of blank polymer were observed employing optical microscope. λmax in 415-420 nm regions in UV-Vis spectrophotometry are related to silver nanoparticles absorbance. Based on stress-strain test results, tensile strength of silver nanoparticle PDMS (SNP-PDMS) membranes is higher than PDMS films of comparable size and thickness. Moreover, permeability of SNP-PDMS membranes were characterized using similar olefin/paraffin pair using a simple bench scale separation set- up. The silver -PDMS membranes retain their color and UV-vis characteristics for extended periods of time exceeding several months.Keywords: nanocomposite membrane, gas separation, facilitated transport, silver nanocomposite, PDMS, in-situ reduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 3343029 Non-Invasive Imaging of Tissue Using Near Infrared Radiations
Authors: Ashwani Kumar Aggarwal
NIR Light is non-ionizing and can pass easily through living tissues such as breast without any harmful effects. Therefore, use of NIR light for imaging the biological tissue and to quantify its optical properties is a good choice over other invasive methods. Optical tomography involves two steps. One is the forward problem and the other is the reconstruction problem. The forward problem consists of finding the measurements of transmitted light through the tissue from source to detector, given the spatial distribution of absorption and scattering properties. The second step is the reconstruction problem. In X-ray tomography, there is standard method for reconstruction called filtered back projection method or the algebraic reconstruction methods. But this method cannot be applied as such, in optical tomography due to highly scattering nature of biological tissue. A hybrid algorithm for reconstruction has been implemented in this work which takes into account the highly scattered path taken by photons while back projecting the forward data obtained during Monte Carlo simulation. The reconstructed image suffers from blurring due to point spread function. This blurred reconstructed image has been enhanced using a digital filter which is optimal in mean square sense.Keywords: least-squares optimization, filtering, tomography, laser interaction, light scattering
Procedia PDF Downloads 3163028 Modeling of a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Authors: Ahmed Elsayed Ahmed, Ashraf Hafez, A. N. Ouda, Hossam Eldin Hussein Ahmed, Hala Mohamed ABD-Elkader
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are playing increasingly prominent roles in defense programs and defense strategies around the world. Technology advancements have enabled the development of it to do many excellent jobs as reconnaissance, surveillance, battle fighters, and communications relays. Simulating a small unmanned aerial vehicle (SUAV) dynamics and analyzing its behavior at the preflight stage is too important and more efficient. The first step in the UAV design is the mathematical modeling of the nonlinear equations of motion. In this paper, a survey with a standard method to obtain the full non-linear equations of motion is utilized,and then the linearization of the equations according to a steady state flight condition (trimming) is derived. This modeling technique is applied to an Ultrastick-25e fixed wing UAV to obtain the valued linear longitudinal and lateral models. At the end, the model is checked by matching between the behavior of the states of the non-linear UAV and the resulted linear model with doublet at the control surfaces.Keywords: UAV, equations of motion, modeling, linearization
Procedia PDF Downloads 7443027 Basic One-Dimensional Modelica®-Model for Simulation of Gas-Phase Adsorber Dynamics
Authors: Adrian Rettig, Silvan Schneider, Reto Tamburini, Mirko Kleingries, Ulf Christian Muller
Industrial adsorption processes are, mainly due to si-multaneous heat and mass transfer, characterized by a high level of complexity. The conception of such processes often does not take place systematically; instead scale-up/down respectively number-up/down methods based on existing systems are used. This paper shows how Modelica® can be used to develop a transient model enabling a more systematic design of such ad- and desorption components and processes. The core of this model is a lumped-element submodel of a single adsorbent grain, where the thermodynamic equilibria and the kinetics of the ad- and desorption processes are implemented and solved on the basis of mass-, momentum and energy balances. For validation of this submodel, a fixed bed adsorber, whose characteristics are described in detail in the literature, was modeled and simulated. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results from the literature. Therefore, the model development will be continued, and the extended model will be applied to further adsorber types like rotor adsorbers and moving bed adsorbers.Keywords: adsorption, desorption, linear driving force, dynamic model, Modelica®, integral equation approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 3713026 Measures Adopted by FIFA and UEFA against Russian Athletes: A Human Rights Perspective
Authors: Ayyoub Jamali, Alena Kozlova
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has tested the mettle of the international community, prompting not only States but also non-state actors to take deterrent action in response. Indeed, international sports organisations, namely FIFA and UEFA, have been rather successful in shifting the power dynamics by introducing a complete ban on the Russian national and club teams. This article aims to inquire into the human rights implications of such actions taken by international sports organisations. First, the article departs from an assessment of the legal status of FIFA and UEFA under international law and reflects on how a legal link could be established vis-à-vis their human rights obligations. Second, it examines the human rights aspects of the impugned measures by FIFA and UEFA on the part of the Russian athletes, further scrutinising them against the international human rights law principle of non-discrimination through a proportionality test. Last, it draws basic pathways for how possible human rights violations committed in the context of measures adopted by such organisations could be remedied, outlining the challenges of arbitration and litigation in Switzerland.Keywords: FIFA, UEFA, FUR, ban, human rights, Russia, Ukraine, non-state actors
Procedia PDF Downloads 823025 Diagnostic Assessment for Mastery Learning of Engineering Students with a Bayesian Network Model
Authors: Zhidong Zhang, Yingchen Yang
In this study, a diagnostic assessment model for Mastery Engineering Learning was established based on a group of undergraduate students who studied in an engineering course. A diagnostic assessment model can examine both students' learning process and report achievement results. One very unique characteristic is that the diagnostic assessment model can recognize the errors and anything blocking students in their learning processes. The feedback is provided to help students to know how to solve the learning problems with alternative strategies and help the instructor to find alternative pedagogical strategies in the instructional designs. Dynamics is a core course in which is a common course being shared by several engineering programs. This course is a very challenging for engineering students to solve the problems. Thus knowledge acquisition and problem-solving skills are crucial for student success. Therefore, developing an effective and valid assessment model for student learning are of great importance. Diagnostic assessment is such a model which can provide effective feedback for both students and instructor in the mastery of engineering learning.Keywords: diagnostic assessment, mastery learning, engineering, bayesian network model, learning processes
Procedia PDF Downloads 1533024 A Copula-Based Approach for the Assessment of Severity of Illness and Probability of Mortality: An Exploratory Study Applied to Intensive Care Patients
Authors: Ainura Tursunalieva, Irene Hudson
Continuous improvement of both the quality and safety of health care is an important goal in Australia and internationally. The intensive care unit (ICU) receives patients with a wide variety of and severity of illnesses. Accurately identifying patients at risk of developing complications or dying is crucial to increasing healthcare efficiency. Thus, it is essential for clinicians and researchers to have a robust framework capable of evaluating the risk profile of a patient. ICU scoring systems provide such a framework. The Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation III and the Simplified Acute Physiology Score II are ICU scoring systems frequently used for assessing the severity of acute illness. These scoring systems collect multiple risk factors for each patient including physiological measurements then render the assessment outcomes of individual risk factors into a single numerical value. A higher score is related to a more severe patient condition. Furthermore, the Mortality Probability Model II uses logistic regression based on independent risk factors to predict a patient’s probability of mortality. An important overlooked limitation of SAPS II and MPM II is that they do not, to date, include interaction terms between a patient’s vital signs. This is a prominent oversight as it is likely there is an interplay among vital signs. The co-existence of certain conditions may pose a greater health risk than when these conditions exist independently. One barrier to including such interaction terms in predictive models is the dimensionality issue as it becomes difficult to use variable selection. We propose an innovative scoring system which takes into account a dependence structure among patient’s vital signs, such as systolic and diastolic blood pressures, heart rate, pulse interval, and peripheral oxygen saturation. Copulas will capture the dependence among normally distributed and skewed variables as some of the vital sign distributions are skewed. The estimated dependence parameter will then be incorporated into the traditional scoring systems to adjust the points allocated for the individual vital sign measurements. The same dependence parameter will also be used to create an alternative copula-based model for predicting a patient’s probability of mortality. The new copula-based approach will accommodate not only a patient’s trajectories of vital signs but also the joint dependence probabilities among the vital signs. We hypothesise that this approach will produce more stable assessments and lead to more time efficient and accurate predictions. We will use two data sets: (1) 250 ICU patients admitted once to the Chui Regional Hospital (Kyrgyzstan) and (2) 37 ICU patients’ agitation-sedation profiles collected by the Hunter Medical Research Institute (Australia). Both the traditional scoring approach and our copula-based approach will be evaluated using the Brier score to indicate overall model performance, the concordance (or c) statistic to indicate the discriminative ability (or area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve), and goodness-of-fit statistics for calibration. We will also report discrimination and calibration values and establish visualization of the copulas and high dimensional regions of risk interrelating two or three vital signs in so-called higher dimensional ROCs.Keywords: copula, intensive unit scoring system, ROC curves, vital sign dependence
Procedia PDF Downloads 1533023 Mathematical Properties of the Resonance of the Inner Waves in Rotating Stratified Three-Dimensional Fluids
Authors: A. Giniatoulline
We consider the internal oscillations of the ocean which are caused by the gravity force and the Coriolis force, for different models with changeable density, heat transfer, and salinity. Traditionally, the mathematical description of the resonance effect is related to the growing amplitude as a result of input vibrations. We offer a different approach: the study of the relation between the spectrum of the internal oscillations and the properties of the limiting amplitude of the solution for the harmonic input vibrations of the external forces. Using the results of the spectral theory of self-adjoint operators in Hilbert functional spaces, we prove that there exists an explicit relation between the localization of the frequency of the external input vibrations with respect to the essential spectrum of proper inner oscillations and the non-uniqueness of the limiting amplitude. The results may find their application in various problems concerning mathematical modeling of turbulent flows in the ocean.Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, essential spectrum, limiting amplitude, rotating fluid, spectral theory, stratified fluid, the uniqueness of solutions of PDE equations
Procedia PDF Downloads 2583022 Numerical and Experimental Study on Bed-Wall Heat Transfer in Conical Fluidized Bed Combustor
Authors: Ik–Tae Im, H. M. Abdelmotalib, M. A. Youssef, S. B. Young
In this study the flow characteristics and bed-to-wall heat transfer in a gas-solid conical fluidized bed combustor were investigated using both experimental and numerical methods. The computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations were carried out using a commercial software, Fluent V6.3. A two-fluid Eulerian-Eulerian model was applied in order to simulate the gas–solid flow and heat transfer in a conical sand-air bed with 30o con angle and 22 cm static bed height. Effect of different fluidizing number varying in the range of 1.5 - 2.3, drag models namely (Syamlal-O’Brien and Gidaspow), and friction viscosity on flow and bed-to-wall heat transfer were analyzed. Both bed pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient increased with increasing inlet gas velocity. The Gidaspow drag model showed a better agreement with experimental results than other drag model. The friction viscosity had no clear effect on both hydrodynamics and heat transfer.Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, heat transfer coefficient, hydrodynamics, renewable energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 4173021 Thermal Property of Multi-Walled-Carbon-Nanotube Reinforced Epoxy Composites
Authors: Min Ye Koo, Gyo Woo Lee
In this study, epoxy composite specimens reinforced with multi-walled carbon nanotube filler were fabricated using shear mixer and ultra-sonication processor. The mechanical and thermal properties of the fabricated specimens were measured and evaluated. From the electron microscope images and the results from the measurements of tensile strengths, the specimens having 0.6 wt% nanotube content show better dispersion and higher strength than those of the other specimens. The Young’s moduli of the specimens increased as the contents of the nanotube filler in the matrix were increased. The specimen having a 0.6 wt% nanotube filler content showed higher thermal conductivity than that of the other specimens. While, in the measurement of thermal expansion, specimens having 0.4 and 0.6 wt% filler contents showed a lower value of thermal expansion than that of the other specimens. On the basis of the measured and evaluated properties of the composites, we believe that the simple and time-saving fabrication process used in this study was sufficient to obtain improved properties of the specimens.Keywords: carbon nanotube filler, epoxy composite, ultra-sonication, shear mixer, mechanical property, thermal property
Procedia PDF Downloads 3713020 Synthesis, Characterization, Computational Study, Antimicrobial Evaluation, in Vivo Toxicity Study of Manganese (II) and Copper (II) Complexes with Derivative Sulfa-drug
Authors: Afaf Bouchoucha, Karima Si Larbi, Mohamed Amine Bourouaia, Salah.Boulanouar, Safia.Djabbar
The synthesis, characterization and comparative biological study of manganese (II) and copper (II) complexes with an heterocyclic ligand used in pharmaceutical field (Scheme 1), were reported. Two kinds of complexes were obtained with derivative sulfonamide, [M (L)₂ (H₂O)₂].H₂O and [M (L)₂ (Cl)₂]3H₂O. These complexes have been prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, FAB mass, ESR magnetic measurements, FTIR, UV-Visible spectra and conductivity. Their stability constants have been determined by potentiometric methods in a water-ethanol (90:10 v/v) mixture at a 0.2 mol l-1 ionic strength (NaCl) and at 25.0 ± 0.1 ºC using Sirko program. DFT calculations were done using B3LYP/6-31G(d) and B3LYP/LanL2DZ. The antimicrobial activity of ligand and complexes against the species Escherichia coli, P. aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, S. aureus, Bacillus subtilisan, Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Saccharomyces, Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus terreus has been carried out and compared using agar-diffusion method. Also, the toxicity study was evaluated on synchesis complexes using Mice of NMRI strain.Keywords: hetterocyclic ligand, complex, stability constant, antimicrobial activity, DFT, acute and genotoxicity study
Procedia PDF Downloads 1223019 Synergistic Erosion–Corrosion Behavior of Petroleum Pipelines at Various Conditions
Authors: M. A. Deyab, A. Al-Sabagh, S. Keera
The effects of flow velocity, sand concentration, sand size and temperature on erosion-corrosion of petroleum pipelines (carbon steel) in the oil sands slurry were studied by electrochemical polarization measurements. It was found that the anodic excursion spans of carbon steel in the oil sands slurry are characterized by the occurrence of a well-defined anodic peak, followed by a passive region. The data reveal that increasing flow velocity, sand concentration and temperature enhances the anodic peak current density (jAP) and shifts pitting potential (Epit) towards more negative values. The variation of sand particle size does not have apparent effect on polarization behavior of carbon steel. The ratios of the erosion rate to corrosion rate (E/C) were calculated and discussed. The ratio of erosion to corrosion rates E/C increased with increasing the flow velocity, sand concentration, sand size, and temperature indicating that an increasing slurry flow velocity, sand concentration, sand size and temperature resulted in an enhancement of the erosion effect.Keywords: erosion-corrosion, oil sands slurry, polarization, steel
Procedia PDF Downloads 3193018 Design and Development of the Force Plate for the Study of Driving-Point Biodynamic Responses
Authors: Vikas Kumar, V. H. Saran, Arpit Mathur, Avik Kathuria
The evaluation of biodynamic responses of the human body to whole body vibration exposure is necessary to quantify the exposure effects. A force plate model has been designed with the help of CAD software, which was investigated by performing the modal, stress and strain analysis using finite element approach in the software. The results of the modal, stress and strain analysis were under the limits for measurements of biodynamic responses to whole body vibration. The physical model of the force plate was manufactured and fixed to the vibration simulator and further used in the experimentation for the evaluation of apparent mass responses of the ten recruited subjects standing in an erect posture exposed to vertical whole body vibration. The platform was excited with sinusoidal vibration at vibration magnitude: 1.0 and 1.5 m/s2 rms at different frequency of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12.5, 16 and 20 Hz. The results of magnitude of normalised apparent mass have shown the trend observed in the many past studies. The peak in the normalised apparent mass has been observed at 4 & 5 Hz frequency of vertical whole body vibration. The nonlinearity with respect to vibration magnitude has been also observed in the normalised apparent mass responses.Keywords: whole body vibration, apparent mass, modeling, force plate
Procedia PDF Downloads 4183017 The System of Uniform Criteria for the Characterization and Evaluation of Elements of Economic Structure: The Territory, Infrastructure, Processes, Technological Chains, the End Products
Authors: Aleksandr A. Gajour, Vladimir G. Merzlikin, Vladimir I. Veselov
This paper refers to the analysis of the characteristics of industrial and lifestyle facilities heat- energy objects as a part of the thermal envelope of Earth's surface for inclusion in any database of economic forecasting. The idealized model of the Earth's surface is discussed. This model gives the opportunity to obtain the energy equivalent for each element of terrain and world ocean. Energy efficiency criterion of comfortable human existence is introduced. Dynamics of changes of this criterion offers the possibility to simulate the possible technogenic catastrophes with the spontaneous industrial development of the certain Earth areas. Calculated model with the confirmed forecast of the Gulf Stream freezing in the polar regions in 2011 due to the heat-energy balance disturbance for the oceanic subsurface oil polluted layer is given. Two opposing trends of human development under limited and unlimited amount of heat-energy resources are analyzed.Keywords: Earth's surface, heat-energy consumption, energy criteria, technogenic catastrophes
Procedia PDF Downloads 4043016 Electrode Performance of Carbon Coated Nanograined LiFePO4 in Lithium Batteries
Authors: Princess Stephanie P. Llanos, Rinlee Butch M. Cervera
Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) is a potential cathode material for lithium-ion batteries due to its promising characteristics. In this study, carbon-coated nanograined LiFePO4 is synthesized via wet chemistry method at a low temperature of 400 °C and investigated its performance as a cathode in Lithium battery. The X-ray diffraction pattern of the synthesized samples can be indexed to an orthorhombic LiFePO4 structure. Agglomerated particles that range from 200 nm to 300 nm are observed from scanning electron microscopy images. Transmission electron microscopy images confirm the crystalline structure of LiFePO4 and coating of amorphous carbon layer. Elemental mapping using Energy dispersive spectroscopy analysis revealed the homogeneous dispersion of Fe, P, O, and C elements. On the other hand, the electrochemical performances of the synthesized cathodes were investigated using cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge/discharge tests with different C-rates, and cycling performances. Galvanostatic charge and discharge measurements revealed that the sample sintered at 400 °C for 3 hours with carbon coating demonstrated the highest capacity among the samples which reaches up to 160 mAhg⁻¹ at 0.1C rate.Keywords: cathode, charge-discharge, electrochemical, lithium batteries
Procedia PDF Downloads 3313015 Amelioration of Arsenic and Mercury Induced Vasoconstriction by Eugenol, Linalool and Carvone
Authors: Swati Kundu, Seemi Farhat Basir, Luqman A. Khan
Acute and chronic exposure to arsenic and mercury is known to produce vasoconstriction. Pathways involved in this hypercontraction and their relative contribution are not understood. In this study, we measure agonist-induced contraction of isolated rat aorta exposed to arsenic and mercury aorta and delineate pathways mediating this effect. PE-induced hypercontraction of 37% and 32% was obtained with 25 µM As(III) and 6 nM Hg(II), respectively. Isometric contraction measurements in the presence of apocynin, verapamil and sodium nitroprusside indicates that the major cause of increased contraction is reactive oxygen species and depletion of nitric oxide. Calcium influx plays a minor role in both arsenic and mercury caused hypercontraction. In the unexposed aorta, eugenol causes relaxation by inhibiting ROS and elevating NO, linalool by blocking voltage dependent calcium channel (VDCC) and elevating NO, and carvone by blocking calcium influx through VDDC. Since arsenic and mercury caused hypercontraction is mediated by increased ROS and depletion of nitric oxide, we hypothesize that molecules which neutralize ROS or elevate NO will be better ameliorators. In line with this argument, we find eugenol to be the best ameliorator of arsenic and mercury hypercontraction followed by linalool and carvone.Keywords: carvone, eugenol, linalool, mercury
Procedia PDF Downloads 3293014 La0.80Ag0.15MnO3 Magnetic Nanoparticles for Self-Controlled Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia
Authors: Marian Mihalik, Kornel Csach, Martin Kovalik, Matúš Mihalik, Martina Kubovčíková, Maria Zentková, Martin Vavra, Vladimír Girman, Jaroslav Briančin, Marija Perovic, Marija Boškovic, Magdalena Fitta, Robert Pelka
Current nanomaterials for use in biomedicine are based mainly on iron oxides and on present knowledge on magnetic nanostructures. Manganites can represent another material which can be used optionally. Manganites and their unique electronic properties have been extensively studied in the last decades not only due to fundamental interest but to possible applications of colossal magnetoresistance, magnetocaloric effect, and ferroelectric properties. It was found that the oxygen-reduction reaction on perovskite oxide is intimately connected with metal ion e.g., orbital occupation. The effect of oxygen deviation from the stoichiometric composition on crystal structure was studied very carefully by many authors on LaMnO₃. Depending on oxygen content, the crystal structure changes from orthorhombic one to rhombohedric for oxygen content 3.1. In the case of hole-doped manganites, the change from the orthorhombic crystal structure, which is typical for La1-xCaxMnO3 based manganites, to the rhombohedric crystal structure (La1-xMxMnO₃ where M = K, Ag, and Sr based materials) results in an enormous increase of the Curie temperature. In our paper, we study the effect of oxygen content on crystal structure, thermal, and magnetic properties (including magnetocaloric effect) of La1-xAgxMnO₃nano particle system. The content of oxygen in samples was tuned by heat treatment in different thermal regimes and in various environment (air, oxygen, argon). Water nanosuspensions based on La0.80Ag0.15MnO₃ magnetic particles with the Curie temperature of about 43oC were prepared by two different approaches. First, by using a laboratory circulation mill for milling of powder in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and subsequent centrifugation. Second nanosuspension was prepared using an agate bowl, etching in citric acid and HNO3, ultrasound homogeniser, centrifugation, and dextran 40 kDA or 15 kDA as surfactant. Electrostatic stabilisation obtained by the first approach did not offer long term kinetic and aggregation colloidal stability and was unable to compensate for attractive forces between particles under a magnetic field. By the second approach, we prepared suspension oversaturated by dextran 40 kDA for steric stabilisation, with evidence of the presence of superparamagnetic behaviour. Low concentration of nanoparticles and not ideal coverage of nanoparticles impacting the stability of ferrofluids was the disadvantage of this approach. Strong steric stabilisation was observable at alcaic conditions under pH = ~10. Application of dextran 15 kDA leads to relatively stable ferrofluid with pH around physiological conditions, but desegregation of powder by HNO₃ was not effective enough, and the average size of fragments was to large of about 150 nm, and we did not see any signature of superparamagnetic behaviour. The prepared ferrofluids were characterised by scanning and transition microscope method, thermogravimetry, magnetization, and AC susceptibility measurements. Specific Absorption Rate measurements were undertaken on powder as well on ferrofluids in order to estimate the potential application of La₀.₈₀Ag₀.₁₅MnO₃ magnetic particles based ferrofluid for hyperthermia. Our complex study contains an investigation of biocompatibility and potential biohazard of this material.Keywords: manganites, magnetic nanoparticles, oxygen content, magnetic phase transition, magnetocaloric effect, ferrofluid, hyperthermia
Procedia PDF Downloads 913013 Simulation Analysis and Control of the Temperature Field in an Induction Furnace Based on Various Parameters
Authors: Sohaibullah Zarghoon, Syed Yousaf, Cyril Belavy, Stanislav Duris, Samuel Emebu, Radek Matusu
Induction heating is extensively employed in industrial furnaces due to its swift response and high energy efficiency. Designing and optimising these furnaces necessitates the use of computer-aided simulations. This study aims to develop an accurate temperature field model for a rectangular steel billet in an induction furnace by leveraging various parameters in COMSOL Multiphysics software. The simulation analysis incorporated temperature dynamics, considering skin depth, temperature-dependent, and constant parameters of the steel billet. The resulting data-driven model was transformed into a state-space model using MATLAB's System Identification Toolbox for the purpose of designing a linear quadratic regulator (LQR). This controller was successfully implemented to regulate the core temperature of the billet from 1000°C to 1200°C, utilizing the distributed parameter system circuit.Keywords: induction heating, LQR controller, skin depth, temperature field
Procedia PDF Downloads 443012 Organizational Learning, Job Satisfaction and Work Performance among Nurses
Authors: Rafia Rafique, Arifa Khadim
This research investigates the moderating role of job satisfaction between organizational learning and work performance among nurses. Correlation research design was used. Non-probability purposive sampling technique was utilized to recruit a sample of 110 nurses from public hospitals situated in the city of Lahore. The construct of organizational learning was measured using subscale of Integrated Scale for Measuring Organizational Learning. Job satisfaction was measured with the help of Job Satisfaction Survey. Performance of employees (task performance, contextual performance and counterproductive work behavior) was assessed by Individual Work Performance Questionnaire. Job satisfaction negatively moderates the relationship between organizational learning and counterproductive work behavior. Education has a significant positive relationship with organizational learning. Age, current hospital experience, marital satisfaction and salary of the nurses have positive relationship while number of children has significant negative relationship with counterproductive work behavior. These outcomes can be insightful in understanding the dynamics involved in work performance. Based on the result of this study relevant solutions can be proposed to improve the work performance of nurses.Keywords: counterproductive work behavior, nurses, organizational learning, work performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 4463011 In vivo Spectroscopic Study on the Effects of Ionising and Non-Ionising Radiation on Some Biophysical Properties of Rat Blood
Authors: S. H. Allehyani, H. S. Ibrahim, F. M. Ali, E. Sayd, T. Abou Aiad
The present study aimed to analyse the radiation risk associated with the exposure of haemoglobin (Hb) of rat red blood cells (rbcs) exposed to a 50-Hz 6-kV/m electric field, a fast neutron dose of 1 mSv, and mixed radiation from fast neutrons and an electric field distributed over a period of three weeks at a rate of 5 days/week and 8 hours/day. The dielectric measurements and the absorption spectra for the haemoglobin molecule in the frequency range of 1 kHz to 5 MHz were measured for all of the samples. The dielectric relaxation results demonstrated an increase in the dielectric increment (∆ε) for the rbcs from all of the irradiated animals, which indicates an increase in the electric dipole. Moreover, the results revealed a decrease in the relaxation time (τ) and the molecular radius (r) of the irradiated molecules, which indicates that the increase in ∆ε is mainly due to a pronounced increase in the centre of mass of the charge on the electric dipole of the Hb molecule. The results from the absorption spectra indicate that the ratio of met-haemoglobin to oxy-haemoglobin is altered by irradiation. Moreover, the results from the delayed effect studies show that the structure and function of the newly generated Hb molecules are altered and dissimilar to that of healthy Hb.Keywords: rat red blood cell haemoglobin, dielectric properties, absorption spectra, biochemical analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3683010 Trends and Prospects for the Development of Georgian Wine Market
Authors: E. Kharaishvili, M. Chavleishvili, M. Natsvaladze
The article presents the trends in Georgian wine market development and evaluates the competitive advantages of Georgia to enter the wine market based on its customs, traditions and historical practices combined with modern technologies. In order to analyze the supply of wine, dynamics of vineyard land area and grape varieties are discussed, trends in wine production are presented, trends in export and import are evaluated, local wine market, its micro and macro environments are studied and analyzed based on the interviews with experts and analysis of initial recording materials. For strengthening its position on the international market, the level of competitiveness of Georgian wine is defined, which is evaluated by “ex-ante” and “ex-post” methods, as well as by four basic and two additional factors of the Porter’s diamond method; potential advantages and disadvantages of Georgian wine are revealed. Conclusions are made by identifying the factors that hinder the development of Georgian wine market. Based on the conclusions, relevant recommendations are developed.Keywords: Georgian wine market, competitive advantage, bio wine, export-import, Porter's diamond model
Procedia PDF Downloads 3893009 Modelling the Dynamics of Corporate Bonds Spreads with Asymmetric GARCH Models
Authors: Sélima Baccar, Ephraim Clark
This paper can be considered as a new perspective to analyse credit spreads. A comprehensive empirical analysis of conditional variance of credit spreads indices is performed using various GARCH models. Based on a comparison between traditional and asymmetric GARCH models with alternative functional forms of the conditional density, we intend to identify what macroeconomic and financial factors have driven daily changes in the US Dollar credit spreads in the period from January 2011 through January 2013. The results provide a strong interdependence between credit spreads and the explanatory factors related to the conditions of interest rates, the state of the stock market, the bond market liquidity and the exchange risk. The empirical findings support the use of asymmetric GARCH models. The AGARCH and GJR models outperform the traditional GARCH in credit spreads modelling. We show, also, that the leptokurtic Student-t assumption is better than the Gaussian distribution and improves the quality of the estimates, whatever the rating or maturity.Keywords: corporate bonds, default risk, credit spreads, asymmetric garch models, student-t distribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 4753008 Two-Photon-Exchange Effects in the Electromagnetic Production of Pions
Authors: Hui-Yun Cao, Hai-Qing Zhou
The high precision measurements and experiments play more and more important roles in particle physics and atomic physics. To analyse the precise experimental data sets, the corresponding precise and reliable theoretical calculations are necessary. Until now, the form factors of elemental constituents such as pion and proton are still attractive issues in current Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). In this work, the two-photon-exchange (TPE) effects in ep→enπ⁺ at small -t are discussed within a hadronic model. Under the pion dominance approximation and the limit mₑ→0, the TPE contribution to the amplitude can be described by a scalar function. We calculate TPE contributions to the amplitude, and the unpolarized differential cross section with the only elastic intermediate state is considered. The results show that the TPE corrections to the unpolarized differential cross section are about from -4% to -20% at Q²=1-1.6 GeV². After considering the TPE corrections to the experimental data sets of unpolarized differential cross section, we analyze the TPE corrections to the separated cross sections σ(L,T,LT,TT). We find that the TPE corrections (at Q²=1-1.6 GeV²) to σL are about from -10% to -30%, to σT are about 20%, and to σ(LT,TT) are much larger. By these analyses, we conclude that the TPE contributions in ep→enπ⁺ at small -t are important to extract the separated cross sections σ(L,T,LT,TT) and the electromagnetic form factor of π⁺ in the experimental analysis.Keywords: differential cross section, form factor, hadronic, two-photon
Procedia PDF Downloads 1343007 Spectrophotometric Evaluation of Custom Microalgae-Based Bioink Formulations for Optimized Green Bioprinting
Authors: Olubusuyi Ayowole, Bashir Khoda
Green bioprinting, from the context of merging 3D bioprinting with microalgae cell organization, holds promise for industrial-scale optimization. This study employs spectrophotometric analysis to explore post-bioprinting cell growth density variation within hybrid hydrogel biomaterial scaffolds. Three hydrogel biomaterials—Alginic acid sodium salt (ALGINATE), Nanofibrillated Cellulose (NFC) – TEMPO, and CarboxyMethyl Cellulose (CMC)—are chosen for their scaffolding capabilities. Bioink development and analysis of their impact on cell proliferation and morphology are conducted. Chlorella microalgae cell growth within hydrogel compositions is probed using absorbance measurements, with additional assessment of shear thinning properties. Notably, NFC exhibits reduced shear thinning compared to CMC. Results reveal that while mono-hydrogel substrates with pronounced adhesion inhibit Chlorella cell proliferation, Alginate fosters increased cell concentration alongside a slight viscosity rise.Keywords: green bioprinting, 3d bioprinting, microalgae cell, hybrid hydrogel scaffolds, spectrophotometric analysis, bioink development, shear thinning properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 313006 Fertility Transition in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role Family Planning Programs
Authors: Vincent Otieno, Alfred Agwanda, Anne Khasakhala
Among the neo-Malthusian adherents, it is believed that rapid population growth strain countries’ capacity and performance. Fertility have however decelerated in most of the countries in the recent past. Scholars have concentrated on wide range of factors associated with fertility majorly at the national scale with some opining that analysis of trends and differentials in the various fertility parameters have been discussed extensively. However, others believe that considerably less attention has been paid to the fertility preference- a pathway through which various variables act on fertility. The Sub-Saharan African countries’ disparities amid almost similarities in policies is a cause of concern to demographers. One would point at the meager synergies that have been focused on the fertility preference as well, especially at the macro scale. Using Bongaarts reformulation of Easterlin and Crimmins (1985) conceptual scheme, the understanding of the current transition based on the fertility preference in general would help to provide explanations to the observed latest dynamics. This study therefore is an attempt to explain the current fertility transition through women’s fertility preference. Results reveal that indeed fertility transition is on course in most of the sub-Saharan countries with huge disparities in fertility preferences and its implementation indices.Keywords: fertility preference, the degree of implementation index, sub-Saharan Africa, transition
Procedia PDF Downloads 2433005 Effect of SCN5A Gene Mutation in Endocardial Cell
Authors: Helan Satish, M. Ramasubba Reddy
The simulation of an endocardial cell for gene mutation in the cardiac sodium ion channel NaV1.5, encoded by SCN5A gene, is discussed. The characterization of Brugada Syndrome by loss of function effect on SCN5A mutation due to L812Q mutant present in the DII-S4 transmembrane region of the NaV1.5 channel protein and its effect in an endocardial cell is studied. Ten Tusscher model of human ventricular action potential is modified to incorporate the changes contributed by L812Q mutant in the endocardial cells. Results show that BrS-associated SCN5A mutation causes reduction in the inward sodium current by modifications in the channel gating dynamics such as delayed activation, enhanced inactivation, and slowed recovery from inactivation in the endocardial cell. A decrease in the inward sodium current was also observed, which affects depolarization phase (Phase 0) that leads to reduction in the spike amplitude of the cardiac action potential.Keywords: SCN5A gene mutation, sodium channel, Brugada syndrome, cardiac arrhythmia, action potential
Procedia PDF Downloads 1263004 Estimating Gait Parameter from Digital RGB Camera Using Real Time AlphaPose Learning Architecture
Authors: Murad Almadani, Khalil Abu-Hantash, Xinyu Wang, Herbert Jelinek, Kinda Khalaf
Gait analysis is used by healthcare professionals as a tool to gain a better understanding of the movement impairment and track progress. In most circumstances, monitoring patients in their real-life environments with low-cost equipment such as cameras and wearable sensors is more important. Inertial sensors, on the other hand, cannot provide enough information on angular dynamics. This research offers a method for tracking 2D joint coordinates using cutting-edge vision algorithms and a single RGB camera. We provide an end-to-end comprehensive deep learning pipeline for marker-less gait parameter estimation, which, to our knowledge, has never been done before. To make our pipeline function in real-time for real-world applications, we leverage the AlphaPose human posture prediction model and a deep learning transformer. We tested our approach on the well-known GPJATK dataset, which produces promising results.Keywords: gait analysis, human pose estimation, deep learning, real time gait estimation, AlphaPose, transformer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1183003 Developing a Web GIS Tool for the Evaluation of Soil Erosion of a Watershed
Authors: Y. Fekir, K. Mederbal, M. A. Hamadouche, D. Anteur
The soil erosion by water has become one of the biggest problems of the environment in the world, threatening the majority of countries. There are several models to evaluate erosion. These models are still a simplified representation of reality. They permit the analysis of complex systems, measurements are complementary to allow an extrapolation in time and space and may combine different factors. The empirical model of soil loss proposed by Wischmeier and Smith (Universal Soil Loss Equation), is widely used in many countries. He considers that erosion is a multiplicative function of five factors: rainfall erosivity (the R factor) the soil erodibility factor (K), topography (LS), the erosion control practices (P) and vegetation cover and agricultural practices (C). In this work, we tried to develop a tool based on Web GIS functionality to evaluate soil losses caused by erosion taking into account five factors. This tool allows the user to integrate all the data needed for the evaluation (DEM, Land use, rainfall ...) in the form of digital layers to calculate the five factors taken into account in the USLE equation (R, K, C, P, LS). Accordingly, and after treatment of the integrated data set, a map of the soil losses will be achieved as a result. We tested the proposed tool on a watershed basin located in the weste of Algeria where a dataset was collected and prepared.Keywords: USLE, erosion, web gis, Algeria
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