Search results for: heterogeneous traffic
1760 Graph Based Traffic Analysis and Delay Prediction Using a Custom Built Dataset
Authors: Gabriele Borg, Alexei Debono, Charlie Abela
There on a constant rise in the availability of high volumes of data gathered from multiple sources, resulting in an abundance of unprocessed information that can be used to monitor patterns and trends in user behaviour. Similarly, year after year, Malta is also constantly experiencing ongoing population growth and an increase in mobilization demand. This research takes advantage of data which is continuously being sourced and converting it into useful information related to the traffic problem on the Maltese roads. The scope of this paper is to provide a methodology to create a custom dataset (MalTra - Malta Traffic) compiled from multiple participants from various locations across the island to identify the most common routes taken to expose the main areas of activity. This use of big data is seen being used in various technologies and is referred to as ITSs (Intelligent Transportation Systems), which has been concluded that there is significant potential in utilising such sources of data on a nationwide scale. Furthermore, a series of traffic prediction graph neural network models are conducted to compare MalTra to large-scale traffic datasets.Keywords: graph neural networks, traffic management, big data, mobile data patterns
Procedia PDF Downloads 1331759 Effect of Nanostructure on Hydrogen Embrittlement Resistance of the Severely Deformed 316LN Austenitic Steel
Authors: Frank Jaksoni Mweta, Nozomu Adachi, Yoshikazu Todaka, Hirokazu Sato, Yuta Sato, Hiromi Miura, Masakazu Kobayashi, Chihiro Watanabe, Yoshiteru Aoyagi
Advances in the consumption of hydrogen fuel increase demands of high strength steel pipes and storage tanks. However, high strength steels are highly sensitive to hydrogen embrittlement. Because the introduction of hydrogen into steel during the fabrication process or from the environment is unavoidable, it is essential to improve hydrogen embrittlement resistance of high strength steels through microstructural control. In the present study, the heterogeneous nanostructure with a tensile strength of about 1.8 GPa and the homogeneous nanostructure with a tensile strength of about 2.0 GPa of 316LN steels were generated after 92% heavy cold rolling and high-pressure torsion straining, respectively. The heterogeneous nanostructure is composed of twin domains, shear bands, and lamellar grains. The homogeneous nanostructure is composed of uniformly distributed ultrafine nanograins. The influence of heterogeneous and homogenous nanostructures on the hydrogen embrittlement resistance was investigated. The specimen for each nanostructure was electrochemically charged with hydrogen for 3, 6, 12, and 24 hours, respectively. Under the same hydrogen charging time, both nanostructures show almost the same concentration of the diffusible hydrogen based on the thermal desorption analysis. The tensile properties of the homogenous nanostructure were severely affected by the diffusible hydrogen. However, the diffusible hydrogen shows less impact on the tensile properties of the heterogeneous nanostructure. The difference in embrittlement behavior between the heterogeneous and homogeneous nanostructures was elucidated based on the mechanism of the cracks' growth observed in the tensile fractography. The hydrogen embrittlement was suppressed in the heterogeneous nanostructure because the twin domain became an obstacle for crack growth. The homogeneous nanostructure was not consisting an obstacle such as a twin domain; thus, the crack growth resistance was low in this nanostructure.Keywords: diffusible hydrogen, heterogeneous nanostructure, homogeneous nanostructure, hydrogen embrittlement
Procedia PDF Downloads 1251758 Synthetic Data-Driven Prediction Using GANs and LSTMs for Smart Traffic Management
Authors: Srinivas Peri, Siva Abhishek Sirivella, Tejaswini Kallakuri, Uzair Ahmad
Smart cities and intelligent transportation systems rely heavily on effective traffic management and infrastructure planning. This research tackles the data scarcity challenge by generating realistically synthetic traffic data from the PeMS-Bay dataset, enhancing predictive modeling accuracy and reliability. Advanced techniques like TimeGAN and GaussianCopula are utilized to create synthetic data that mimics the statistical and structural characteristics of real-world traffic. The future integration of Spatial-Temporal Generative Adversarial Networks (ST-GAN) is anticipated to capture both spatial and temporal correlations, further improving data quality and realism. Each synthetic data generation model's performance is evaluated against real-world data to identify the most effective models for accurately replicating traffic patterns. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks are employed to model and predict complex temporal dependencies within traffic patterns. This holistic approach aims to identify areas with low vehicle counts, reveal underlying traffic issues, and guide targeted infrastructure interventions. By combining GAN-based synthetic data generation with LSTM-based traffic modeling, this study facilitates data-driven decision-making that improves urban mobility, safety, and the overall efficiency of city planning initiatives.Keywords: GAN, long short-term memory (LSTM), synthetic data generation, traffic management
Procedia PDF Downloads 151757 The Asia-European Union (EU) Traffic Safety Benchmarking
Authors: Ghazwan Al-Haji
Traffic safety has become a major concern in Southeast Asia due to the increasing number of road accidents resulting in fatalities and injuries. Southeast Asia has one of the highest road traffic fatality rates in the world, in terms of both population and number of cars, nearly six times higher than the EU region. One of the reasons for this concerning trend is the increasing share of motorcycles as a form of transportation throughout Southeast Asia. The purpose of this study is to benchmark traffic safety situations and statistics in six countries in Asia and the EU, which Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Italy, Portugal and Sweden. The research will assess the priorities and causes of road accidents in the target nations. Further, the study will analyze the existing practices and promote best practices that can be implemented toward safer roads in Asian target countries. In order to achieve this goal, the study categorizes various factors contributing to traffic accidents and best practices into 4 pillars (Safer Behavior, Safer Roads, Safer Vehicles and Road Safety Management). The result of the study consists of a list of recommendations that can be applied by policymakers to promote safer roads in Asia towards 2030. The study is co-financed by the EU project ASIASAFE.Keywords: traffic safety, ASIASAFE, Southeast Asia, EU project
Procedia PDF Downloads 701756 Evaluation of Traffic Noise Level: A Case Study in Residential Area of Ishbiliyah , Kuwait
Authors: Jamal Almatawah, Hamad Matar, Abdulsalam Altemeemi
The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized environmental noise as harmful pollution that causes adverse psychosocial and physiologic effects on human health. The motor vehicle is considered to be one of the main source of noise pollution. It is a universal phenomenon, and it has grown to the point that it has become a major concern for both the public and policymakers. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to investigate the Traffic noise levels and the contributing factors that affect its level, such as traffic volume, heavy-vehicle Speed and other metrological factors in Ishbiliyah as a sample of a residential area in Kuwait. Three types of roads were selected in Ishbiliyah expressway, major arterial and collector street. The other source of noise that interferes the traffic noise has also been considered in this study. Traffic noise level is measured and analyzed using the Bruel & Kjaer outdoor sound level meter 2250-L (2250 Light). The Count-Cam2 Video Camera has been used to collect the peak and off-peak traffic count. Ambient Weather WM-5 Handheld Weather Station is used for metrological factors such as temperature, humidity and wind speed. Also, the spot speed was obtained using the radar speed: Decatur Genesis model GHD-KPH. All the measurement has been detected at the same time (simultaneously). The results showed that the traffic noise level is over the allowable limit on all types of roads. The average equivalent noise level (LAeq) for the Expressway, Major arterial and Collector Street was 74.3 dB(A), 70.47 dB(A) and 60.84 dB(A), respectively. In addition, a Positive Correlation coefficient between the traffic noise versus traffic volume and between traffic noise versus 85th percentile speed was obtained. However, there was no significant relation and Metrological factors. Abnormal vehicle noise due to poor maintenance or user-enhanced exhaust noise was found to be one of the highest factors that affected the overall traffic noise reading.Keywords: traffic noise, residential area, pollution, vehicle noise
Procedia PDF Downloads 691755 Estimating the Traffic Impacts of Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory Systems Using Microsimulation
Authors: C. B. Masera, M. Imprialou, L. Budd, C. Morton
Even though signalised intersections are necessary for urban road traffic management, they can act as bottlenecks and disrupt traffic operations. Interrupted traffic flow causes congestion, delays, stop-and-go conditions (i.e. excessive acceleration/deceleration) and longer journey times. Vehicle and infrastructure connectivity offers the potential to provide improved new services with additional functions of assisting drivers. This paper focuses on one of the applications of vehicle-to-infrastructure communication namely Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA). To assess the effectiveness of GLOSA in the urban road network, an integrated microscopic traffic simulation framework is built into VISSIM software. Vehicle movements and vehicle-infrastructure communications are simulated through the interface of External Driver Model. A control algorithm is developed for recommending an optimal speed that is continuously updated in every time step for all vehicles approaching a signal-controlled point. This algorithm allows vehicles to pass a traffic signal without stopping or to minimise stopping times at a red phase. This study is performed with all connected vehicles at 100% penetration rate. Conventional vehicles are also simulated in the same network as a reference. A straight road segment composed of two opposite directions with two traffic lights per lane is studied. The simulation is implemented under 150 vehicles per hour and 200 per hour traffic volume conditions to identify how different traffic densities influence the benefits of GLOSA. The results indicate that traffic flow is improved by the application of GLOSA. According to this study, vehicles passed through the traffic lights more smoothly, and waiting times were reduced by up to 28 seconds. Average delays decreased for the entire network by 86.46% and 83.84% under traffic densities of 150 vehicles per hour per lane and 200 vehicles per hour per lane, respectively.Keywords: connected vehicles, GLOSA, intelligent transport systems, vehicle-to-infrastructure communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 1721754 Congestion Mitigation on an Urban Arterial through Infrastructure Intervention
Authors: Attiq Ur Rahman Dogar, Sohaib Ishaq
Pakistan had experienced rapid motorization in the last decade. Due to the soft leasing schemes of banks and increase in average household income, even the middle class can now afford cars. The public transit system is inadequate and sparse. Due to these reasons, traffic demand on urban arterials has increased manifold. Poor urban transit planning and aging transportation systems have resulted in traffic congestion. The focus of this study is to improve traffic flow on a section of N-5 passing through the Rawalpindi downtown. Present efforts aim to carry out the analysis of traffic conditions on this section and to investigate the impact of traffic signal co-ordination on travel time. In addition to signal co-ordination, we also examined the effect of different infrastructure improvements on the travel time. After the economic analysis of alternatives and discussions, the improvement plan for Rawalpindi downtown urban arterial section is proposed for implementation.Keywords: signal coordination, infrastructure intervention, infrastructure improvement, cycle length, fuel consumption cost, travel time cost, economic analysis, travel time, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, traffic signals
Procedia PDF Downloads 3171753 Analysis of Operating Speed on Four-Lane Divided Highways under Mixed Traffic Conditions
Authors: Chaitanya Varma, Arpan Mehar
The present study demonstrates the procedure to analyse speed data collected on various four-lane divided sections in India. Field data for the study was collected at different straight and curved sections on rural highways with the help of radar speed gun and video camera. The data collected at the sections were analysed and parameters pertain to speed distributions were estimated. The different statistical distribution was analysed on vehicle type speed data and for mixed traffic speed data. It was found that vehicle type speed data was either follows the normal distribution or Log-normal distribution, whereas the mixed traffic speed data follows more than one type of statistical distribution. The most common fit observed on mixed traffic speed data were Beta distribution and Weibull distribution. The separate operating speed model based on traffic and roadway geometric parameters were proposed in the present study. The operating speed model with traffic parameters and curve geometry parameters were established. Two different operating speed models were proposed with variables 1/R and Ln(R) and were found to be realistic with a different range of curve radius. The models developed in the present study are simple and realistic and can be used for forecasting operating speed on four-lane highways.Keywords: highway, mixed traffic flow, modeling, operating speed
Procedia PDF Downloads 4601752 Classification of IoT Traffic Security Attacks Using Deep Learning
Authors: Anum Ali, Kashaf ad Dooja, Asif Saleem
The future smart cities trend will be towards Internet of Things (IoT); IoT creates dynamic connections in a ubiquitous manner. Smart cities offer ease and flexibility for daily life matters. By using small devices that are connected to cloud servers based on IoT, network traffic between these devices is growing exponentially, whose security is a concerned issue, since ratio of cyber attack may make the network traffic vulnerable. This paper discusses the latest machine learning approaches in related work further to tackle the increasing rate of cyber attacks, machine learning algorithm is applied to IoT-based network traffic data. The proposed algorithm train itself on data and identify different sections of devices interaction by using supervised learning which is considered as a classifier related to a specific IoT device class. The simulation results clearly identify the attacks and produce fewer false detections.Keywords: IoT, traffic security, deep learning, classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 1541751 Implications of Fuel Reloading in Heterogeneous Thorium-Based Fuel Designs for Improved Fuel Cycle Characteristics
Authors: Hendrik Bernard Van Der Walt, Frik Van Niekerk
Fuel models render a reduction in BOL when thorium is added to a reactor core. Thorium emulates the role of a fertile poison, and is beneficial for reducing beginning of cycle (BOC) excess reactivity. In spite of the build-up of 233U over the duration of a fuel cycle, the effects of fuel reloading have a significant impact on fuel viability, especially in the case of heterogeneous thorium-based fuels. The most common practice of compensating for the reduction of BOC reactivity is the addition of fissile isotopes (uranium fuel with increased enrichment or plutonium). This study introduces a heterogeneous thorium-based fuel with minimal fissile isotope additions. A pseudo reloading scheme was developed for numerical simulations of an infinite reactor based on the North-Anna 1 reactor operating in Virginia, USA. Use of this reloading pattern allows new thorium-based fuel to be loaded into the reactor model as part of a phasing in strategy at the end of any conventional reactor cycle. Results demonstrate the effects of thorium-based fuel on fuel cycle characteristics such as fuel cycle length, neutron economy and material matrix. Application of the above mentioned approach delivered promising results and presents a heterogeneous thorium-based fuel which could replace conventional fuel of typical, currently operating (or future) reactors without the need for expensive reactor redesign or fuel recycling strategies.Keywords: nuclear fuel, nuclear characteristics, nuclear fuel cycle, thorium-based fuel, heterogeneous design, fuel reloading
Procedia PDF Downloads 1351750 Reaction Rate Behavior of a Methane-Air Mixture over a Platinum Catalyst in a Single Channel Catalytic Reactor
Authors: Doo Ki Lee, Kumaresh Selvakumar, Man Young Kim
Catalytic combustion is an environmentally friendly technique to combust fuels in gas turbines. In this paper, the behavior of surface reaction rate on catalytic combustion is studied with respect to the heterogeneous oxidation of methane-air mixture in a catalytic reactor. Plug flow reactor (PFR), the simplified single catalytic channel assists in investigating the catalytic combustion phenomenon over the Pt catalyst by promoting the desired chemical reactions. The numerical simulation with multi-step elementary surface reactions is governed by the availability of free surface sites onto the catalytic surface and thereby, the catalytic combustion characteristics are demonstrated by examining the rate of the reaction for lean fuel mixture. Further, two different surface reaction mechanisms are adopted and compared for surface reaction rates to indicate the controlling heterogeneous reaction for better fuel conversion. The performance of platinum catalyst under heterogeneous reaction is analyzed under the same temperature condition, where the catalyst with the higher kinetic rate of reaction would have a maximum catalytic activity for enhanced methane catalytic combustion.Keywords: catalytic combustion, heterogeneous reaction, plug flow reactor, surface reaction rate
Procedia PDF Downloads 2731749 Model for Calculating Traffic Mass and Deceleration Delays Based on Traffic Field Theory
Authors: Liu Canqi, Zeng Junsheng
This study identifies two typical bottlenecks that occur when a vehicle cannot change lanes: car following and car stopping. The ideas of traffic field and traffic mass are presented in this work. When there are other vehicles in front of the target vehicle within a particular distance, a force is created that affects the target vehicle's driving speed. The characteristics of the driver and the vehicle collectively determine the traffic mass; the driving speed of the vehicle and external variables have no bearing on this. From a physical level, this study examines the vehicle's bottleneck when following a car, identifies the outside factors that have an impact on how it drives, takes into account that the vehicle will transform kinetic energy into potential energy during deceleration, and builds a calculation model for traffic mass. The energy-time conversion coefficient is created from an economic standpoint utilizing the social average wage level and the average cost of motor fuel. Vissim simulation program measures the vehicle's deceleration distance and delays under the Wiedemann car-following model. The difference between the measured value of deceleration delay acquired by simulation and the theoretical value calculated by the model is compared using the conversion calculation model of traffic mass and deceleration delay. The experimental data demonstrate that the model is reliable since the error rate between the theoretical calculation value of the deceleration delay obtained by the model and the measured value of simulation results is less than 10%. The article's conclusion is that the traffic field has an impact on moving cars on the road and that physical and socioeconomic factors should be taken into account while studying vehicle-following behavior. The deceleration delay value of a vehicle's driving and traffic mass have a socioeconomic relationship that can be utilized to calculate the energy-time conversion coefficient when dealing with the bottleneck of cars stopping and starting.Keywords: traffic field, social economics, traffic mass, bottleneck, deceleration delay
Procedia PDF Downloads 681748 UAV’s Enhanced Data Collection for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: Kamel Barka, Lyamine Guezouli, Assem Rezki
In this article, we propose a protocol called DataGA-DRF (a protocol for Data collection using a Genetic Algorithm through Dynamic Reference Points) that collects data from Heterogeneous wireless sensor networks. This protocol is based on DGA (Destination selection according to Genetic Algorithm) to control the movement of the UAV (Unmanned aerial vehicle) between dynamic reference points that virtually represent the sensor node deployment. The dynamics of these points ensure an even distribution of energy consumption among the sensors and also improve network performance. To determine the best points, DataGA-DRF uses a classification algorithm such as K-Means.Keywords: heterogeneous wireless networks, unmanned aerial vehicles, reference point, collect data, genetic algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 841747 Feasibility Study of Distributed Lightless Intersection Control with Level 1 Autonomous Vehicles
Authors: Bo Yang, Christopher Monterola
Urban intersection control without the use of the traffic light has the potential to vastly improve the efficiency of the urban traffic flow. For most proposals in the literature, such lightless intersection control depends on the mass market commercialization of highly intelligent autonomous vehicles (AV), which limits the prospects of near future implementation. We present an efficient lightless intersection traffic control scheme that only requires Level 1 AV as defined by NHTSA. The technological barriers of such lightless intersection control are thus very low. Our algorithm can also accommodate a mixture of AVs and conventional vehicles. We also carry out large scale numerical analysis to illustrate the feasibility, safety and robustness, comfort level, and control efficiency of our intersection control scheme.Keywords: intersection control, autonomous vehicles, traffic modelling, intelligent transport system
Procedia PDF Downloads 4591746 Energy Efficient Heterogeneous System for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
Authors: José Anderson Rodrigues de Souza, Teles de Sales Bezerra, Saulo Aislan da Silva Eleuterio, Jeronimo Silva Rocha
Mobile devices are increasingly occupying sectors of society and one of its most important features is mobility. However, the use of mobile devices is subject to the lifetime of the batteries. Thus, the use of energy batteries has become an important issue in the study of wireless network technologies. In this context, new solutions that enable aggregate energy efficiency not only through energy saving, and principally they are evaluated from a more realistic model of energy discharge, if easy adaptation to existing protocols. This paper presents a study on the energy needed and the lifetime for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) using a heterogeneous network and applying the LEACH protocol.Keywords: wireless sensor networks, energy efficiency, heterogeneous, LEACH protocol
Procedia PDF Downloads 5811745 Nuclear Characteristics of a Heterogeneous Thorium-Based Fuel Design Aimed at Increasing Fuel Cycle Length of a Typical PWR
Authors: Hendrik Bernard Van Der Walt, Frik Van Niekerk
Heterogeneous thorium-based fuels have been proposed as an alternative for conventional reactor fuels and many studies have shown promising results. Fuel cycle characteristics still have to be explored in detail. This study investigates the use of a novel thorium-based fuel design aimed at increasing fuel cycle length of a typical PWR with an explicit focus on thorium- uranium content, neutron spectrum, flux considerations and neutron economy.As nuclear reactions are highly dependent on reactor flux and material matrix, analytical and numerical calculations have been completed to predict the behaviour of the proposed nuclear fuel. The proposed design utilizes various ratios of thorium oxide and uranium oxide pellets within fuel pins, divided into heterogeneous sections of specified length. This design renders multiple regions with unique characteristics. The goal of this study is to determine and optimally utilize these characteristics. Proliferation considerations result in the need for denaturing of heterogeneous regions, which renders more unique characteristics, these aspects were examined in this study. Finally, the use of fertile thorium to emulate a burnable poison for managing excess BOL reactivity has been investigated, as well as an option for flux shaping in a typical PWR.Keywords: nuclear fuel, nuclear characteristics, nuclear fuel cycle, thorium-based fuel, heterogeneous design
Procedia PDF Downloads 1381744 Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Signal Control System for Mixed Traffic Conditions
Authors: Aneesh Babu, S. P. Anusha
A dynamic signal control system combines traditional traffic lights with an array of sensors to intelligently control vehicle and pedestrian traffic. The present study focus on evaluating the performance of dynamic signal control systems for mixed traffic conditions. Data collected from four different approaches to a typical four-legged signalized intersection at Trivandrum city in the Kerala state of India is used for the study. Performance of three other dynamic signal control methods, namely (i) Non-sequential method (ii) Webster design for consecutive signal cycle using flow as input, and (iii) dynamic signal control using RFID delay as input, were evaluated. The evaluation of the dynamic signal control systems was carried out using a calibrated VISSIM microsimulation model. Python programming was used to integrate the dynamic signal control algorithm through the COM interface in VISSIM. The intersection delay obtained from different dynamic signal control methods was compared with the delay obtained from fixed signal control. Based on the study results, it was observed that the intersection delay was reduced significantly by using dynamic signal control methods. The dynamic signal control method using delay from RFID sensors resulted in a higher percentage reduction in delay and hence is a suitable choice for implementation under mixed traffic conditions. The developed dynamic signal control strategies can be implemented in ITS applications under mixed traffic conditions.Keywords: dynamic signal control, intersection delay, mixed traffic conditions, RFID sensors
Procedia PDF Downloads 1081743 Grid Based Traffic Vulnerability Model Using Betweenness Centrality for Urban Disaster Management Information
Authors: Okyu Kwon, Dongho Kang, Byungsik Kim, Seungkwon Jung
We propose a technique to measure the impact of loss of traffic function in a particular area to surrounding areas. The proposed method is applied to the city of Seoul, which is the capital of South Korea, with a population of about ten million. Based on the actual road network in Seoul, we construct an abstract road network between 1kmx1km grid cells. The link weight of the abstract road network is re-adjusted considering traffic volume measured at several survey points. On the modified abstract road network, we evaluate the traffic vulnerability by calculating a network measure of betweenness centrality (BC) for every single grid cells. This study analyzes traffic impacts caused by road dysfunction due to heavy rainfall in urban areas. We could see the change of the BC value in all other grid cells by calculating the BC value once again when the specific grid cell lost its traffic function, that is, when the node disappeared on the grid-based road network. The results show that it is appropriate to use the sum of the BC variation of other cells as the influence index of each lattice cell on traffic. This research was supported by a grant (2017-MOIS31-004) from Fundamental Technology Development Program for Extreme Disaster Response funded by Korean Ministry of Interior and Safety (MOIS).Keywords: vulnerability, road network, beweenness centrality, heavy rainfall, road impact
Procedia PDF Downloads 951742 Automated Vehicle Traffic Control Tower: A Solution to Support the Next Level Automation
Authors: Xiaoyun Zhao, Rami Darwish, Anna Pernestål
Automated vehicles (AVs) have the potential to enhance road capacity, improving road safety and traffic efficiency. Research and development on AVs have been going on for many years. However, when the complicated traffic rules and real situations interacted, AVs fail to make decisions on contradicting situations, and are not able to have control in all conditions due to highly dynamic driving scenarios. This limits AVs’ usage and restricts the full potential benefits that they can bring. Furthermore, regulations, infrastructure development, and public acceptance cannot keep up at the same pace as technology breakthroughs. Facing these challenges, this paper proposes automated vehicle traffic control tower (AVTCT) acting as a safe, efficient and integrated solution for AV control. It introduces a concept of AVTCT for control, management, decision-making, communication and interaction with various aspects in transportation. With the prototype demonstrations and simulations, AVTCT has the potential to overcome the control challenges with AVs and can facilitate AV reaching their full potential. Possible functionalities, benefits as well as challenges of AVTCT are discussed, which set the foundation for the conceptual model, simulation and real application of AVTCT.Keywords: automated vehicle, connectivity and automation, intelligent transport system, traffic control, traffic safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 1401741 Transport Related Air Pollution Modeling Using Artificial Neural Network
Authors: K. D. Sharma, M. Parida, S. S. Jain, Anju Saini, V. K. Katiyar
Air quality models form one of the most important components of an urban air quality management plan. Various statistical modeling techniques (regression, multiple regression and time series analysis) have been used to predict air pollution concentrations in the urban environment. These models calculate pollution concentrations due to observed traffic, meteorological and pollution data after an appropriate relationship has been obtained empirically between these parameters. Artificial neural network (ANN) is increasingly used as an alternative tool for modeling the pollutants from vehicular traffic particularly in urban areas. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to model traffic air pollution, specifically CO concentration using neural networks. In case of CO concentration, two scenarios were considered. First, with only classified traffic volume input and the second with both classified traffic volume and meteorological variables. The results showed that CO concentration can be predicted with good accuracy using artificial neural network (ANN).Keywords: air quality management, artificial neural network, meteorological variables, statistical modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 5251740 Empirical Study and Modelling of Three-Dimensional Pedestrian Flow in Railway Foot-Over-Bridge Stair
Authors: Ujjal Chattaraj, M. Raviteja, Chaitanya Aemala
Over the years vehicular traffic has been given priority over pedestrian traffic. With the increase of population in cities, pedestrian traffic is increasing day by day. Pedestrian safety has become a matter of concern for the Traffic Engineers. Pedestrian comfort is primary important for the Engineers who design different pedestrian facilities. Pedestrian comfort and safety can be measured in terms of different level of service (LOS) of the facilities. In this study video data on pedestrian movement have been collected from different railway foot over bridges (FOB) in India. The level of service of those facilities has been analyzed. A cellular automata based model has been formulated to mimic the route choice behaviour of the pedestrians on the foot over bridges.Keywords: cellular automata model, foot over bridge, level of service, pedestrian
Procedia PDF Downloads 2651739 Mobility Management for Pedestrian Accident Predictability and Mitigation Strategies Using Multiple Linear Regression Along Tom Mboya Street in Nairobi City
Authors: Oscar Nekesa, Yoshitaka Kajita, Mio Suzuki
This paper aims to establish and quantify factors affecting pedestrian accidents, with essential factors that have been identified as including time of day, traffic signal time, pedestrian flow rate, pedestrian speed and traffic flux. The average of these variables has been found to be relatively large compared to other similar studies, which indicates a large variability of these factors. Using correlation analysis, it is evident that there is a high correlation between pedestrian and traffic flow rates with accident rates. Traffic signal duration and pedestrian volume are seen as salient indicators of the probability of accidents by linear regression. Green signal touchdown time predictors indicated that longer green signal touchdown times reduce the probability of accidents, whereas pedestrian traffic volume increases accident probability. The study recommends signal timings to be improved, pedestrian infrastructure enhanced, and traffic and pedestrian flows to be regulated to increase safety levels. It is recommended for future research to adopt the nonlinear models and consider other factors that might characterize the nature of pedestrian accidents.Keywords: pedestrian accidents, green signal duration, built environment, correlation and prediction
Procedia PDF Downloads 301738 Development of K-Factor for Road Geometric Design: A Case Study of North Coast Road in Java
Authors: Edwin Hidayat, Redi Yulianto, Disi Hanafiah
On the one hand, parameters which are used for determining the number of lane on the new road construction are average annual average daily traffic (AADT) and peak hour factor (K-factor). On the other hand, the value of K-factor listed in the guidelines and manual for road planning in Indonesia is a value of adoption or adaptation from foreign guidelines or manuals. Thus, the value is less suitable for Indonesian condition due to differences in road conditions, vehicle type, and driving behavior. The purpose of this study is to provide an example on how to determine k-factor values at a road segment with particular conditions in north coast road, West Java. The methodology is started with collecting traffic volume data for 24 hours over 365 days using PLATO (Automated Traffic Counter) with the approach of video image processing. Then, the traffic volume data is divided into per hour and analyzed by comparing the peak traffic volume in the 30th hour (or other) with the AADT in the same year. The analysis has resulted that for the 30th peak hour the K-factor is 0.97. This value can be used for planning road geometry or evaluating the road capacity performance for the 4/2D interurban road.Keywords: road geometry, K-factor, annual average daily traffic, north coast road
Procedia PDF Downloads 1611737 Direct Growth Rates of the Information Model for Traffic at the Service of Sustainable Development of Tourism in Dubrovacko-Neretvanska County 2014-2020
Authors: Vinko Viducic, Jelena Žanic Mikulicic, Maja Racic, Kristina Sladojevic
The research presented in this paper has been focused on analyzing the impact of traffic on the sustainable development of tourism in Croatia's Dubrovacko-Neretvanska County by the year 2020, based on the figures and trends reported in 2014 and using the relevant variables that characterise the synergy of traffic and tourism in, speaking from the geographic viewpoint, the most problematic county in the Republic of Croatia. The basic hypothesis has been confirmed through scientifically obtained research results, through the quantification of the model's variables and the direct growth rates of the designed model. On the basis of scientific insights into the sustainable development of traffic and tourism in Dubrovacko-Neretvanska County, it is possible to propose a new information model for traffic at the service of the sustainable development of tourism in the County for the period 2014-2020.Keywords: environment protection, hotel industry, private sector, quantification
Procedia PDF Downloads 2801736 Integrated Optimization of Vehicle Microscopic Behavior and Signal Control for Mixed Traffic Based on a Distributed Strategy
Authors: Siliang Luan
In this paper, an integrated-decentralized bi-level optimization framework is developed to coordinate intersection signal operations and vehicle driving behavior at an isolated signalized intersection in a mixed traffic environment. The framework takes advantage of both signal control and conflict elimination by incorporating an integrated level and a decentralized level. Two distinct signal control methods are introduced: the classical green phase control strategy and the white phase control strategy. The latter allows certain vehicles to pass through the intersection during a red phase, thereby reducing idle time. Besides, various vehicle trajectory optimization strategies are tailored to different vehicle-following types, leveraging the capabilities of CAV technology. Enhanced microscopic behavior control strategies, such as car-following and lane-changing controls, are also developed for CAVs to improve their performance in mixed traffic. These strategies are integrated into the proposed framework. The effectiveness of the framework is validated through numerical experiments and sensitivity analysis, demonstrating its advantages in terms of traffic effectiveness, stability, and energy economy.Keywords: traffic signal optimization, connected and automated vehicles, vehicle microscopic control, traffic control and information technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 71735 Geographic Information System for Simulating Air Traffic By Applying Different Multi-Radar Positioning Techniques
Authors: Amara Rafik, Mostefa Belhadj Aissa
Radar data is one of the many data sources used by ATM Air Traffic Management systems. These data come from air navigation radar antennas. These radars intercept signals emitted by the various aircraft crossing the controlled airspace and calculate the position of these aircraft and retransmit their positions to the Air Traffic Management System. For greater reliability, these radars are positioned in such a way as to allow their coverage areas to overlap. An aircraft will therefore be detected by at least one of these radars. However, the position coordinates of the same aircraft and sent by these different radars are not necessarily identical. Therefore, the ATM system must calculate a single position (radar track) which will ultimately be sent to the control position and displayed on the air traffic controller's monitor. There are several techniques for calculating the radar track. Furthermore, the geographical nature of the problem requires the use of a Geographic Information System (GIS), i.e. a geographical database on the one hand and geographical processing. The objective of this work is to propose a GIS for traffic simulation which reconstructs the evolution over time of aircraft positions from a multi-source radar data set and by applying these different techniques.Keywords: ATM, GIS, radar data, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1191734 Mathematical Study for Traffic Flow and Traffic Density in Kigali Roads
Authors: Kayijuka Idrissa
This work investigates a mathematical study for traffic flow and traffic density in Kigali city roads and the data collected from the national police of Rwanda in 2012. While working on this topic, some mathematical models were used in order to analyze and compare traffic variables. This work has been carried out on Kigali roads specifically at roundabouts from Kigali Business Center (KBC) to Prince House as our study sites. In this project, we used some mathematical tools to analyze the data collected and to understand the relationship between traffic variables. We applied the Poisson distribution method to analyze and to know the number of accidents occurred in this section of the road which is from KBC to Prince House. The results show that the accidents that occurred in 2012 were at very high rates due to the fact that this section has a very narrow single lane on each side which leads to high congestion of vehicles, and consequently, accidents occur very frequently. Using the data of speeds and densities collected from this section of road, we found that the increment of the density results in a decrement of the speed of the vehicle. At the point where the density is equal to the jam density the speed becomes zero. The approach is promising in capturing sudden changes on flow patterns and is open to be utilized in a series of intelligent management strategies and especially in noncurrent congestion effect detection and control.Keywords: statistical methods, traffic flow, Poisson distribution, car moving technics
Procedia PDF Downloads 2831733 Statistically Accurate Synthetic Data Generation for Enhanced Traffic Predictive Modeling Using Generative Adversarial Networks and Long Short-Term Memory
Authors: Srinivas Peri, Siva Abhishek Sirivella, Tejaswini Kallakuri, Uzair Ahmad
Effective traffic management and infrastructure planning are crucial for the development of smart cities and intelligent transportation systems. This study addresses the challenge of data scarcity by generating realistic synthetic traffic data using the PeMS-Bay dataset, improving the accuracy and reliability of predictive modeling. Advanced synthetic data generation techniques, including TimeGAN, GaussianCopula, and PAR Synthesizer, are employed to produce synthetic data that replicates the statistical and structural characteristics of real-world traffic. Future integration of Spatial-Temporal Generative Adversarial Networks (ST-GAN) is planned to capture both spatial and temporal correlations, further improving data quality and realism. The performance of each synthetic data generation model is evaluated against real-world data to identify the best models for accurately replicating traffic patterns. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks are utilized to model and predict complex temporal dependencies within traffic patterns. This comprehensive approach aims to pinpoint areas with low vehicle counts, uncover underlying traffic issues, and inform targeted infrastructure interventions. By combining GAN-based synthetic data generation with LSTM-based traffic modeling, this study supports data-driven decision-making that enhances urban mobility, safety, and the overall efficiency of city planning initiatives.Keywords: GAN, long short-term memory, synthetic data generation, traffic management
Procedia PDF Downloads 291732 A Study on the Planning of Urban Road Traffic Signs Based on the Leisure Involvement of Self-Driving Tourists
Authors: Chun-Lin Zhang, Min Wan
With the upgrade development of the tourism industry from the simple sightseeing tour to the leisure and vacation, people's travel idea has undergone a fundamental change. More and more people begin to pursue liberal and personal tourism, so self-driving tourism has become the main form of current tourism activities. With the self-driving tourism representing the general trend, the importance of convenient tourism transportation and perfect road traffic signs have become more and more prominent. A clear urban road traffic signs can help visitors quickly identify the direction and distance to the tourism destination. The purpose of this article is analyzing the planning of urban road traffic signs which can bring positive impact on the participation in the recreation involved of self-driving tourists. The content of this article is divided into three parts. Based on the literature review and theoretical analysis, the first part constructs a structural variance model. The model is from three dimensions: the attention of the self-driving tourists to the urban traffic signs along the road, the perception of the self-driving tourists to the road traffic signs itself, the perceptions of the self-driving tourists to the tourism destination information on the traffic signs. Through this model, the paper aims to explore the influence of the urban road traffic signs to the leisure psychological involvement and leisure behavior involvement of the self-driving tourists. The second part aims to verify through the hypothesis model the questionnaire survey and come to preliminary conclusions. The preliminary conclusions are as follows: firstly, the color, shape, size, setting mode and occurrence frequency of urban road traffic sign have significant influence on the leisure psychological involvement and leisure behavior involvement of the self-driving tourists. Secondly, the influence on the leisure behavior involvement is obviously higher than the influence on the leisure psychological involvement. Thirdly, the information about the tourism destination marked on the urban road traffic signs has not obviously influence on the leisure psychological involvement, but it has distinct influence on the leisure behavior involvement of self-driving tourists. The third part puts forward that the planning of urban road traffic signs should focus on the angle of the impact of road traffic signs on people's psychology and behavior. On the basis of the above conclusions, the paper researches the color, shape, size, setting mode and information labeling of urban road traffic signs so that they can preferably satisfy the demand of the leisure involvement of self-driving tourists.Keywords: leisure involvement, self-driving tourism, structural equation, urban road traffic signs
Procedia PDF Downloads 2371731 Roundabout Implementation Analyses Based on Traffic Microsimulation Model
Authors: Sanja Šurdonja, Aleksandra Deluka-Tibljaš, Mirna Klobučar, Irena Ištoka Otković
Roundabouts are a common choice in the case of reconstruction of an intersection, whether it is to improve the capacity of the intersection or traffic safety, especially in urban conditions. The regulation for the design of roundabouts is often related to driving culture, the tradition of using this type of intersection, etc. Individual values in the regulation are usually recommended in a wide range (this is the case in Croatian regulation), and the final design of a roundabout largely depends on the designer's experience and his/her choice of design elements. Therefore, before-after analyses are a good way to monitor the performance of roundabouts and possibly improve the recommendations of the regulation. This paper presents a comprehensive before-after analysis of a roundabout on the country road network near Rijeka, Croatia. The analysis is based on a thorough collection of traffic data (operating speeds and traffic load) and design elements data, both before and after the reconstruction into a roundabout. At the chosen location, the roundabout solution aimed to improve capacity and traffic safety. Therefore, the paper analyzed the collected data to see if the roundabout achieved the expected effect. A traffic microsimulation model (VISSIM) of the roundabout was created based on the real collected data, and the influence of the increase of traffic load and different traffic structures, as well as of the selected design elements on the capacity of the roundabout, were analyzed. Also, through the analysis of operating speeds and potential conflicts by application of the Surrogate Safety Assessment Model (SSAM), the traffic safety effect of the roundabout was analyzed. The results of this research show the practical value of before-after analysis as an indicator of roundabout effectiveness at a specific location. The application of a microsimulation model provides a practical method for analyzing intersection functionality from a capacity and safety perspective in present and changed traffic and design conditions.Keywords: before-after analysis, operating speed, capacity, design.
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