Search results for: usability performance metrics
12437 Fiber Based Pushover Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frame
Authors: Shewangizaw Tesfaye Wolde
The current engineering community has developed a method called performance based seismic design in which we design structures based on predefined performance levels set by the parties. Since we design our structures economically for the maximum actions expected in the life of structures they go beyond their elastic limit, in need of nonlinear analysis. In this paper conventional pushover analysis (nonlinear static analysis) is used for the performance assessment of the case study Reinforced Concrete (RC) Frame building located in Addis Ababa City, Ethiopia where proposed peak ground acceleration value by RADIUS 1999 project and others is more than twice as of EBCS-8:1995 (RADIUS 1999 project) by taking critical planar frame. Fiber beam-column model is used to control material nonlinearity with tension stiffening effect. The reliability of the fiber model and validation of software outputs are checked under verification chapter. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to propose a way for structural performance assessment of existing reinforced concrete frame buildings as well as design check.Keywords: seismic, performance, fiber model, tension stiffening, reinforced concrete
Procedia PDF Downloads 7712436 Correlation between Potential Intelligence Explanatory Study in the Perspective of Multiple Intelligence Theory by Using Dermatoglyphics and Culture Approaches
Authors: Efnie Indrianie
Potential Intelligence constitutes one essential factor in every individual. This intelligence can be a provision for the development of Performance Intelligence if it is supported by surrounding environment. Fingerprint analysis is a method in recognizing this Potential Intelligence. This method is grounded on pattern and number of finger print outlines that are assumed symmetrical with the number of nerves in our brain, in which these areas have their own function among another. These brain’s functions are later being transposed into intelligence components in accordance with the Multiple Intelligences theory. This research tested the correlation between Potential Intelligence and the components of its Performance Intelligence. Statistical test results that used Pearson correlation showed that five components of Potential Intelligence correlated with Performance Intelligence. Those five components are Logic-Math, Logic, Linguistic, Music, Kinesthetic, and Intrapersonal. Also, this research indicated that cultural factor had a big role in shaping intelligence.Keywords: potential intelligence, performance intelligence, multiple intelligences, fingerprint, environment, brain
Procedia PDF Downloads 53712435 Difficulties Arising from Cultural and Social Differences Between Languages and Its Impact on Translation and on Translator’s Performance
Authors: Belalia Douma Mohammed
The translator must have a wide knowledge of all fields, especially cultural and literary, so that he can enjoy smoothly translating scientific, literary, political, or any oral or written translation without distorting the meaning. so to be a transfer of the entire content, a correct and identical translation that expresses the culture and literature of the mother country. But this has always been an obstacle for any translator, as, for example, a person who translates from Spanish to another language may face the problem of different in speech speed, a difference that appears clearly considering the pronunciation of the Spanish language is more rapid than other languages, and this certrainly will effect the translator’s performance, as also the word “ snowed my heart” in the Arabic language is common and known to the Arabs as it means to make me happy and delight me, but translating it without transferring its culture, for example, to a country like Russia, may mean the cold that causes freezing of the heart, so in this research paper, we aim to research such difficulties and its impacts on translation and interpretation and on translator's performance.Keywords: interpretation, translation, performance, difficulties, differences
Procedia PDF Downloads 10012434 Understanding Knowledge Sharing and Its Effect on Creative Performance from a Dyadic Relationship Perspective
Authors: Fan Wei, Tang Yipeng
Knowledge sharing is of great value to organizational performance and innovation ability. However, the mainstream research has focused largely on the impact of knowledge sharing at the team level on individuals and teams. There is a lack of empirical studies on how employees interact in the exchange of knowledge and its effect on employees’ own creative performance. Based on communication accommodation theory and social exchange theory, this article explores the construction of an employee knowledge interaction mechanism under the moderating of social status and introduces the leader's creativity expectation as a moderating variable to explore its cross-level moderating effect on employee knowledge sharing and their own creative performance. An empirical test was conducted on 36 teaching and research teams in the two primary schools, and the results showed that: (1) Explicit/tacit knowledge of employees is positively correlated with acquisition of explicit/tacit knowledge; (2) Colleagues’ evaluations of employees’ social status play a moderating role between the employees’ explicit/tacit knowledge and the acquisition of explicit/tacit knowledge. (3) The leadership creativity expectation positively regulates the relationship between the employees' explicit knowledge acquisition and creative performance. This research helps to open the "black box" of the interpersonal interaction mechanism of knowledge sharing and also provides an important theoretical basis and practical guidance for organizational managers to effectively stimulate employee knowledge sharing and creative performance.Keywords: knowledge sharing, knowledge interaction, social status, leadership creativity expectations, creative performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 12112433 ICT-based Methodologies and Students’ Academic Performance and Retention in Physics: A Case with Newton Laws of Motion
Authors: Gabriel Ocheleka Aniedi A. Udo, Patum Wasinda
The study was carried out to appraise the impact of ICT-based teaching methodologies (video-taped instructions and Power Point presentations) on academic performance and retention of secondary school students in Physics, with particular interest in Newton Laws of Motion. The study was conducted in Cross River State, Nigeria, with a quasi-experimental research design using non-randomised pre-test and post-test control group. The sample for the study consisted of 176 SS2 students drawn from four intact classes of four secondary schools within the study area. Physics Achievement Test (PAT), with a reliability coefficient of 0.85, was used for data collection. Mean and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used in the treatment of the obtained data. The results of the study showed that there was a significant difference in the academic performance and retention of students taught using video-taped instructions and those taught using power point presentations. Findings of the study showed that students taught using video-taped instructions had a higher academic performance and retention than those taught using power point presentations. The study concludes that the use of blended ICT-based teaching methods can improve learner’s academic performance and retention.Keywords: video taped instruction (VTI), power point presentation (PPT), academic performance, retention, physics
Procedia PDF Downloads 9412432 Software Quality Measurement System for Telecommunication Industry in Malaysia
Authors: Nor Fazlina Iryani Abdul Hamid, Mohamad Khatim Hasan
Evolution of software quality measurement has been started since McCall introduced his quality model in year 1977. Starting from there, several software quality models and software quality measurement methods had emerged but none of them focused on telecommunication industry. In this paper, the implementation of software quality measurement system for telecommunication industry was compulsory to accommodate the rapid growth of telecommunication industry. The quality value of the telecommunication related software could be calculated using this system by entering the required parameters. The system would calculate the quality value of the measured system based on predefined quality metrics and aggregated by referring to the quality model. It would classify the quality level of the software based on Net Satisfaction Index (NSI). Thus, software quality measurement system was important to both developers and users in order to produce high quality software product for telecommunication industry.Keywords: software quality, quality measurement, quality model, quality metric, net satisfaction index
Procedia PDF Downloads 59312431 Positioning Organisational Culture in Knowledge Management Research
Authors: Said Al Saifi
This paper proposes a conceptual model for understanding the impact of organisational culture on knowledge management processes and their link with organisational performance. It is suggested that organisational culture should be assessed as a multi-level construct comprising artifacts, espoused beliefs and values, and underlying assumptions. A holistic view of organisational culture and knowledge management processes, and their link with organisational performance, is presented. A comprehensive review of previous literature was undertaken in the development of the conceptual model. Taken together, the literature and the proposed model reveal possible relationships between organisational culture, knowledge management processes, and organisational performance. Potential implications of organisational culture levels for the creation, sharing, and application of knowledge are elaborated. In addition, the paper offers possible new insight into the impact of organisational culture on various knowledge management processes and their link with organisational performance. A number of possible relationships between organisational culture factors, knowledge management processes, and their link with organisational performance were employed to examine such relationships. The research model highlights the multi-level components of organisational culture. These are: the artifacts, the espoused beliefs and values, and the underlying assumptions. Through a conceptualisation of the relationships between organisational culture, knowledge management processes, and organisational performance, the study provides practical guidance for practitioners during the implementation of knowledge management processes. The focus of previous research on knowledge management has been on understanding organisational culture from the limited perspective of promoting knowledge creation and sharing. This paper proposes a more comprehensive approach to understanding organisational culture in that it draws on artifacts, espoused beliefs and values, and underlying assumptions, and reveals their impact on the creation, sharing, and application of knowledge which can affect overall organisational performance.Keywords: knowledge application, knowledge creation, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, organisational culture, organisational performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 57812430 A Study of Agile Based Approaches to Improve Software Quality
Authors: Gurmeet Kaur
Agile software development methods are being recognized as popular, and efficient approach to the development of software system that has a short delivery period with high quality also that meets customer requirements with zero defect. In agile software development, quality means quality of code where in the quality is maintained through the use of methods or approaches like refactoring, test driven development, behavior driven development, acceptance test driven development, and demand driven development. Software quality is measured in term of metrics such as the number of defects during development of software. Usage of above mentioned methods or approaches, reduces the possibilities of defects in developed software, and hence improve quality. This paper focuses on study of agile based quality methods or approaches for software development that ensures improved quality of software as well as reduced cost, and customer satisfaction. Procedia PDF Downloads 17412429 Describing Professional Purchasers' Performance Applying the 'Big Five Inventory': Findings from a Survey in Austria
Authors: Volker Koch, Sigrid Swobodnik, Bernd M. Zunk
The success of companies on globalized markets is significantly influenced by the performance of purchasing departments and, of course, the individuals employed as professional purchasers. Nonetheless, this is generally accepted in practice, in literature as well as in empirical research, only insufficient attention was given to the assessment of this relationship between the personality of professional purchasers and their individual performance. This paper aims to describe the relationship against the background of the 'Big Five Inventory'. Based on the five dimensions of a personality (openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism) a research model was designed. The research model divides the individual performance of professional purchasers into two major dimensions: operational and strategic. The operational dimension consists of the items 'cost', 'quality delivery' and 'flexibility'; the strategic dimension comprises the positions 'innovation', 'supplier satisfaction' as wells as 'purchasing and supply management integration in the organization'. To test the research model, a survey study was performed, and an online questionnaire was sent out to purchasing professionals in Austrian companies. The data collected from 78 responses was used to test the research model applying a group comparison. The comparison points out that there is (i) an influence of the purchasers’ personality on the individual performance of professional purchasers and (ii) a link between purchasers’ personality to a high or a low individual performance of professional purchasers. The findings of this study may help human resource managers during staff recruitment processes to identify the 'right performing personality' for an operational and/or a strategic position in purchasing departments.Keywords: big five inventory, individual performance, personality, purchasing professionals
Procedia PDF Downloads 17212428 Sustainable Improvement in Soil Properties and Maize Performance by Organic Fertilizers at Different Levels
Authors: Shahid Iqbal, Haroon Z. Khan, Muhammad Arif
A sustainable agricultural system involving the improvement in soil properties and crop performance cannot be developed without organic fertilizer use. The effects of poultry manure compost (PMC) and pressmud compost (PrMC) at different levels on improving the soil properties and maize performance has not been yet described by any study comprehensively. Thus, field experiments (2011 and 2012) were conducted at Agronomy Research Area, University of Agriculture Faisalabad (31°26'5" N and 73°4'6" E) in sandy loam soil to determine the improvement in soil properties and maize performance due to application of PMC and PrMC each at five different levels (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 t ha-1). A control (unamended) treatment was also included for comparison. The results indicated that performance of PMC levels was superior to PrMC levels. Increasing both composts levels improved soil properties, maize growth, and stover yield. Results showed that during both years’ highest rates of PMC i.e. 10 and 8 t ha-1 improved the soil properties: ECe, pH, inorganic N, OM, and WHC higher than other treatments. While, 10 and 8 t PMC ha-1 also significantly increased leaf area index (LAI), crop growth rate (CGR) and net assimilation rate (NAR), and stover yield. Similarly, 10 and 8 t PMC ha-1 also improved the grain protein content, but contrarily, grain oil was lowest for 10 and 8 t ha-1 PMC during both years. Moreover, in both years highest gross and net income, and benefit cost ratio was also achieved by 10 and 8 t ha-1 PMC. It is concluded that PMC at rate of 10 and 8 t ha-1 sustainably improved soil properties and maize performance.Keywords: compost, soil, maize, growth, yield
Procedia PDF Downloads 36412427 Analysis of Biomarkers Intractable Epileptogenic Brain Networks with Independent Component Analysis and Deep Learning Algorithms: A Comprehensive Framework for Scalable Seizure Prediction with Unimodal Neuroimaging Data in Pediatric Patients
Authors: Bliss Singhal
Epilepsy is a prevalent neurological disorder affecting approximately 50 million individuals worldwide and 1.2 million Americans. There exist millions of pediatric patients with intractable epilepsy, a condition in which seizures fail to come under control. The occurrence of seizures can result in physical injury, disorientation, unconsciousness, and additional symptoms that could impede children's ability to participate in everyday tasks. Predicting seizures can help parents and healthcare providers take precautions, prevent risky situations, and mentally prepare children to minimize anxiety and nervousness associated with the uncertainty of a seizure. This research proposes a comprehensive framework to predict seizures in pediatric patients by evaluating machine learning algorithms on unimodal neuroimaging data consisting of electroencephalogram signals. The bandpass filtering and independent component analysis proved to be effective in reducing the noise and artifacts from the dataset. Various machine learning algorithms’ performance is evaluated on important metrics such as accuracy, precision, specificity, sensitivity, F1 score and MCC. The results show that the deep learning algorithms are more successful in predicting seizures than logistic Regression, and k nearest neighbors. The recurrent neural network (RNN) gave the highest precision and F1 Score, long short-term memory (LSTM) outperformed RNN in accuracy and convolutional neural network (CNN) resulted in the highest Specificity. This research has significant implications for healthcare providers in proactively managing seizure occurrence in pediatric patients, potentially transforming clinical practices, and improving pediatric care.Keywords: intractable epilepsy, seizure, deep learning, prediction, electroencephalogram channels
Procedia PDF Downloads 8612426 Deep Eutectic Solvent/ Polyimide Blended Membranes for Anaerobic Digestion Gas Separation
Authors: Glemarie C. Hermosa, Sheng-Jie You, Chien Chih Hu
Efficient separation technologies are required for the removal of carbon dioxide from natural gas streams. Membrane-based natural gas separation has emerged as one of the fastest growing technologies, due to the compactness, higher energy efficiency and economic advantages which can be reaped. The removal of Carbon dioxide from gas streams using membrane technology will also give the advantage like environmental friendly process compared to the other technologies used in gas separation. In this study, Polyimide membranes, which are mostly used in the separation of gases, are blended with a new kind of solvent: Deep Eutectic Solvents or simply DES. The three types of DES are used are choline chloride based mixed with three different hydrogen bond donors: Lactic acid, N-methylurea and Urea. The blending of the DESs to Polyimide gave out high permeability performance. The Gas Separation performance for all the membranes involving CO2/CH4 showed low performance while for CO2/N2 surpassed the performance of some studies. Among the three types of DES used the solvent Choline Chloride/Lactic acid exhibited the highest performance for both Gas Separation applications. The values are 10.5 for CO2/CH4 selectivity and 60.5 for CO2/N2. The separation results for CO2/CH4 may be due to the viscosity of the DESs affecting the morphology of the fabricated membrane thus also impacts the performance. DES/blended Polyimide membranes fabricated are novel and have the potential of a low-cost and environmental friendly application for gas separation.Keywords: deep eutectic solvents, gas separation, polyimide blends, polyimide membranes
Procedia PDF Downloads 31112425 Task Kicking Performance with Biomechanical Instrumentation
Authors: T. Hirata, M. G. Silva, L. M. Rosa
The balance ability during task kick in soccer is a determining factor in the execution of functional movements that require a high-performance motor coordination. The current experiment explored it during an instep soccer kick and functional task kicking. Their kicking performance was measured in terms of the sway characteristics using lateral and antero-posterior balance of the center of pressure (COP) for the supporting leg and the kinematic data, the supporting leg’s knee angle. The motion was realized with one-legged stance of five male indoor soccer players and using the trigger device ball controller. The results showed large balance in antero-posterior direction than in lateral direction. However, each player adopts a different way to kick the ball, and the media-lateral displacement of the COP showed no correlation with the balance skill.Keywords: kicking performance, center of pressure, one-legged stance, balance ability
Procedia PDF Downloads 61712424 Comparative Analysis of Teachers’ Performance in Private and Public Primary Schools in Oyo State, Nigeria
Authors: Oyetunji John Adenuga
This study on the comparative analysis of the performance of teachers in private and public schools was carried out in Ibadan North West Local Government Area of Oyo State. This study examined the justification for the claim that there is difference in the performance of teachers in private and public primary schools and at the same time identified factors responsible for the difference in the performance of these teachers. A descriptive survey research design was used for the study. Data generated were analysed using t-test and regression analysis. The findings of the study revealed that there is significant difference in the performance of teachers in private and private primary schools in Ibadan North West Local Government Area of Oyo State (t=64.09; df=459; p,.05). The findings also revealed that the method of teaching in private primary schools is significantly different from the method of teaching in public primary schools in Ibadan North West Local Government Area of Oyo State (t=73.08; df=459; p,.05). Findings revealed that school leadership and management have significant contribution on the performance of private and public primary school teachers in Ibadan North West Local Area of Oyo State. Based on the finding, the following recommendations were made: Primary school teachers need to be motivated and rewarded for excellent performance. Primary schools should be properly equipped with teaching-aid facilities, laboratories and libraries. Government should use the findings of this study to improve on teaching materials provided to the primary school teachers in Nigeria. Public primary schools should be designed by education planners, administrators and government. Headmasters, proprietors and teachers of primary schools should look inward and give a performance appraisal and evaluation of themselves form time to time based on subject they taught. Finally, school administrators should be conscious of the way they manage the teachers in schools not only in informal situations but also in formal settings.Keywords: private education, public education, school leadership, school management, teachers performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 34312423 The Impact of Innovations in Human Resource Practices, Innovation Capabilities and Competitive Advantage on Company Performance
Authors: Bita Kharazi
The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of innovations in human resource practices, innovation capabilities, and competitive advantage on company performance. This research was applied in terms of purpose and in terms of method, it was descriptive research of correlation type. The statistical population of this research was all the employees of Zar Industrial and Research Group. The sampling method was available in this research, and Cochran's formula was used to determine the statistical sample size. A standard questionnaire was used to collect information in this research, and SPSS software and simultaneous regression statistical tests were used to analyze the data. Based on the findings of the present research, it was found that the components of creativity in human resource practices, innovation capability, and competitive advantage have a significant impact on the company's performance.Keywords: human resource management, innovation, competitive advantage, company performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 2412422 Relationship between Interest, Attitude and Academic Performance among N.C.E Primary Education Studies of College of Education, Azare Bauchi State
Authors: Fatima Ibrahim
The Study assessed the relationship between interest, attitude and academic performance among N.C.E Primary Education Studies of College of Education, Azare Bauchi State. Stratified random sampling was used to select 234 respondents from N.C.E 100, 200 and 300 levels students with the total population of 552. Structured Questionnaire and students academic records were used for data collection. Four scale format was used for the respondents to indicate their degree of satisfaction on a four point scale. Four null hypothesis were formulated from research questions at tested at 0.05 level of significance. The data collected from the study were analyzed using descriptive statistics, pearson product moment correlation coefficient and independent test. The result of tested Null hypotheses revealed that: there was significant relationship between student’s interest and their academic performance since calculated p value of 0.000 is less than the 0.05 alpha level of significance at a correlation index level of .986 hence the Null hypothesis was rejected. There was significant relationship between student’s attitude and their academic performance in the study of P.E.S. Findings also revealed that majority of the students were interested in the study of P.E.S which helped them perform well. It was concluded that significant relationship exists between students interest, attitudinal academic performance among P.E.S students in College of Education Azare.Keywords: Attitude, Academic Performance, College of Education Azare, Interest, Students
Procedia PDF Downloads 22012421 An Empirical Study of Factors that Impact Government E-Services Acceptance by Citizens: Case Study from UAE
Authors: Emad Bataineh, Sara Al-Mutawa
The primary focus of this study is to investigate and identify the perceptions of potential end users relating to factors which impact on e-services acceptance. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has been adopted in this study as it can be extended when technologies are introduced. This research validates the developed TAM model and evaluates the variance of the outcome variable (acceptance of e-services). Five factors were adopted as determinants of acceptance of e-services: ease of use, security, trust, web skills, and language. The study was undertaken in the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) in the UAE. A quantitative survey methodology was adopted in this study, which surveyed 466 customers who use the GDRFA e-services. The overall findings revealed that security language, web skills and support significantly affected ease of use and perceived usefulness. However, the trust doesn’t affect the ease of use. Further, ease of use significantly affects intention to use and perceived usefulness while in turn intention to use was influenced by perceived usefulness. This study offers an understanding of people’s adoption of e-government services with the help of established theories such as TAM and various factors that influence the e-government adoption with reference to UAE.Keywords: e-government portal, e-service, usability, TAM model
Procedia PDF Downloads 43412420 The Effect of Research Unit Clique-Diversity and Power Structure on Performance and Originality
Authors: Yue Yang, Qiang Wu, Xingyu Gao
"Organized research units" have always been an important part of academia. According to the type of organization, there are public research units, university research units, and corporate research units. Existing research has explored the research unit in some depth from several perspectives. However, there is a research gap on the closer interaction between the three from a network perspective and the impact of this interaction on their performance as well as originality. Cliques are a special kind of structure under the concept of cohesive subgroups in the field of social networks, representing particularly tightly knit teams in a network. This study develops the concepts of the diversity of clique types and the diversity of clique geography based on cliques, starting from the diversity of collaborative activities characterized by them. Taking research units as subjects and assigning values to their power in cliques based on occupational age, we explore the impact of clique diversity and clique power on their performance as well as originality and the moderating role of clique relationship strength and structural holes in them. By collecting 9094 articles published in the field of quantum communication at WoSCC over the 15 years 2007-2021, we processed them to construct annual collaborative networks between a total of 533 research units and measured the network characteristic variables using Ucinet. It was found that the type and geographic diversity of cliques promoted the performance and originality of the research units, and the strength of clique relationships positively moderated the positive effect of the diversity of clique types on performance and negatively affected the promotional relationship between the geographic diversity of cliques and performance. It also negatively affected the positive effects of clique-type diversity and clique-geography diversity on originality. Structural holes positively moderated the facilitating effect of both types of factional diversity on performance and originality. Clique power promoted the performance of the research unit, but unfavorably affected its performance on novelty. Faction relationship strength facilitated the relationship between faction rights and performance and showed negative insignificance for clique power and originality. Structural holes positively moderated the effect of clique power on performance and originality.Keywords: research unit, social networks, clique structure, clique power, diversity
Procedia PDF Downloads 6012419 An Improvement of Multi-Label Image Classification Method Based on Histogram of Oriented Gradient
Authors: Ziad Abdallah, Mohamad Oueidat, Ali El-Zaart
Image Multi-label Classification (IMC) assigns a label or a set of labels to an image. The big demand for image annotation and archiving in the web attracts the researchers to develop many algorithms for this application domain. The existing techniques for IMC have two drawbacks: The description of the elementary characteristics from the image and the correlation between labels are not taken into account. In this paper, we present an algorithm (MIML-HOGLPP), which simultaneously handles these limitations. The algorithm uses the histogram of gradients as feature descriptor. It applies the Label Priority Power-set as multi-label transformation to solve the problem of label correlation. The experiment shows that the results of MIML-HOGLPP are better in terms of some of the evaluation metrics comparing with the two existing techniques.Keywords: data mining, information retrieval system, multi-label, problem transformation, histogram of gradients
Procedia PDF Downloads 37512418 Effects of Length of Time of Fasting upon Subjective and Objective Variables When Controlling Sleep, Food and Fluid Intakes
Authors: H. Alabed, K. Abuzayan. L. Fgie, K. Zarug
Ramadan requires individuals to abstain from food and fluid intake between sunrise and sunset; physiological considerations predict that poorer mood, physical performance and mental performance will result. In addition, any difficulties will be worsened because preparations for fasting and recovery from it often mean that nocturnal sleep is decreased in length, and this independently affects mood and performance. A difficulty of interpretation in many studies is that the observed changes could be due to fasting but also to the decreased length of sleep and altered food and fluid intakes before and after the daytime fasting. These factors were separated in this study, which took place over three separate days and compared the effects of different durations of fasting (4, 8 or 16h) upon a wide variety of measures (including subjective and objective assessments of performance, body composition, dehydration and responses to a short bout of exercise) - but with an unchanged amount of nocturnal sleep, controlled supper the previous evening, controlled intakes at breakfast and daytime naps not being allowed. Many of the negative effects of fasting observed in previous studies were present in this experiment also. These findings indicate that fasting was responsible for many of the changes previously observed, though some effect of sleep loss, particularly if occurring on successive days (as would occur in Ramadan) cannot be excluded.Keywords: drinking, eating, mental performance, physical performance, social activity, blood, sleepiness
Procedia PDF Downloads 39712417 A Study on Functional Performance and Physical Self-esteem Levels of Differently-Abled Basket Ballplayers: A Case Series
Authors: Prerna Mohan Saxena, Avni Joshi, Raju K Parasher
Disability is a state of decreased functioning associated with disease, disorder, injury, or other health condition, which in the context of one’s environment is experienced as an impairment, activity limitation, or participation restriction. With the concept of disability evolving over the years, the current ICF model of disability has integrated this concept into a comprehensive whole of multiple dimensions of human functioning, including biological, psychological, social, and environmental aspects. Wheelchair basketball is one of the greatest examples of adapted sports for the disabled. Through this study, we aim to evaluate the functional performance and self-esteem levels in differently-abled pediatric wheelchair basketball players, providing an insight on their abilities and deficits and how they can be worked on at a larger level to improve overall performance. The study was conducted on 9 pediatric wheelchair basketball players at Amar Jyoti school for inclusive education Delhi their physical performance was assessed using a battery of tests, and physical self esteem was assessed using the Physical self-description instrument (PSDQ-S). Results showed that 9 participants age ranged between 10-21 years, mostly males with BMI ranging between 16.7 to 28.9 kg/m2 most of them had the experience of 5 to 6 years of playing the sport. The data showed physical performance in accordance to years of experience of playing, physical self esteem showed a different perspective, with experience players scoring less on it. This study supports a multidimensional construct of physical performance and physical self-esteem, suggesting that both may be applied on the wheelchair basketball players at competitive levels.Keywords: ase series, physical performance, physical self-esteem, wheelchair basketball
Procedia PDF Downloads 13712416 Effect of Different Levels of Vitamin E and L-Carnitine on Performance of Broiler Chickens Under Heat Stress
Authors: S. Salari, M. A. Shirali, S. Tabatabaei, M. Sari, R. Jahanian
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different levels of vitamin E and L-carnitine on performance, blood parameters and immune responses of broilers under heat stress. For this purpose 396 one- day- old Ross 308 broiler chicks were randomly distributed between 9 treatments with 4 replicates (11 birds in each replicate). Dietary treatments consisted of three levels of vitamin E (0, 100 and 200 mg/ kg) and three levels of L-carnitine (0, 50 and 100 mg/ kg) that was done in completely randomized design with 3X3 factorial arrangement for 42 days. During the first three weeks, chickens were reared at normal temperature. From the beginning of the fourth week, all chickens were maintenance in a temperature range from 24-38 ° C for heat stress. Performance parameters including average feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion ratio were recorded weekly. The results showed that the levels of vitamin E had no significant effect on feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion ratio during the experiment. The use of L-carnitine decreased feed intake during the experiment (P < 0/05). But did not affect average daily gain and feed conversion ratio. Also, there was not significant interaction between vitamin E and L-carnitine for performance parameters except average daily gain during the starter period. The results of this study indicate that the use of different levels of vitamin E and L-carnitine under heat stress did not affected performance parameters of broiler chickens.Keywords: broiler, heat stress, l-carnitine, performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 48212415 Performance Evaluation of Al Jame’s Roundabout Using SIDRA
Authors: D. Muley, H. S. Al-Mandhari
This paper evaluates the performance of a multi-lane four-legged modern roundabout operating in Muscat using SIDRA model. The performance measures include Degree of Saturation (DOS), average delay, and queue lengths. The geometric and traffic data were used for model preparation. Gap acceptance parameters, critical gap, and follow-up headway were used for calibration of SIDRA model. The results from the analysis showed that currently the roundabout is experiencing delays up to 610 seconds with DOS 1.67 during peak hour. Further, sensitivity analysis for general and roundabout parameters was performed, amongst lane width, cruise speed, inscribed diameter, entry radius, and entry angle showed that inscribed diameter is the most crucial factor affecting delay and DOS. Upgradation of the roundabout to the fully signalized junction was found as the suitable solution which will serve for future years with LOS C for design year having DOS of 0.9 with average control delay of 51.9 seconds per vehicle.Keywords: performance analysis, roundabout, sensitivity analysis, SIDRA
Procedia PDF Downloads 38412414 Evaluation of Merger Premium and Firm Performance in Europe
Authors: Matthias Nnadi
This paper investigates the relationship between premiums and returns in the short and long terms in European merger and acquisition (M&A) deals. The study employs Calendar Time Portfolio (CTP) model and find strong evidence that in the long run, premiums have a positive impact on performance, and we also establish evidence of a significant difference between the abnormal returns of the high premium paying portfolio and the low premium paying ones. Even in cases where all sub-portfolios show negative abnormal returns, the high premium category still outperforms the low premium category. Our findings have implications for companies engaging in acquisitions.Keywords: mergers, premium, performance, returns, acquisitions
Procedia PDF Downloads 27812413 Performance Evaluation of Flexible Manufacturing System: A Simulation Study
Authors: Mohammed Ali
In this paper, evaluation of flexible manufacturing system is made under different manufacturing strategies. The objective of this paper is to test the impact of pallets and routing flexibility on system performance operating at different sequencing rules, dispatching rules and at unbalanced load condition. A computer simulation model is developed to evaluate the effects of aforementioned manufacturing strategies on the make-span performance of flexible manufacturing system. The impact of number of pallets is shown with the different levels of routing flexibility. In this paper, the same manufacturing system is modeled under different combination of sequencing and dispatching rules. A series of simulation experiments are conducted and results analyzed. The result of the simulation shows that there is impact of pallets and routing flexibility on the performance of the system.Keywords: flexibility, flexible manufacturing system, pallets, make-span, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 41812412 Performance Analysis of Next Generation OCDM-RoF-Based Hybrid Network under Diverse Conditions
Authors: Anurag Sharma, Rahul Malhotra, Love Kumar, Harjit Pal Singh
This paper demonstrates OCDM-ROF based hybrid architecture where data/voice communication is enabled via a permutation of Optical Code Division Multiplexing (OCDM) and Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) techniques under various diverse conditions. OCDM-RoF hybrid network of 16 users with DPSK modulation format has been designed and performance of proposed network is analyzed for 100, 150, and 200 km fiber span length under the influence of linear and nonlinear effect. It has been reported that Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) has the least effect while other nonlinearity affects the performance of proposed network.Keywords: OCDM, RoF, DPSK, PMD, eye diagram, BER, Q factor
Procedia PDF Downloads 63912411 Performance Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks in Areas for Sports Activities and Environmental Preservation
Authors: Teles de Sales Bezerra, Saulo Aislan da Silva Eleuterio, José Anderson Rodrigues de Souza, Ítalo de Pontes Oliveira
This paper presents a analysis of performance the Received Strength Signal Indicator (RSSI) to Wireless Sensor Networks, with a finality of investigate a behavior of ZigBee devices operating into real environments. The test of performance was realize using two Series 1 ZigBee Module and two modules of development Arduino Uno R3, evaluating in this form a measurements of RSSI into environments like places of sports, preservation forests and water reservoir.Keywords: wireless sensor networks, RSSI, Arduino, environments
Procedia PDF Downloads 62012410 Feature Engineering Based Detection of Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in Source Code Using Deep Neural Networks
Authors: Mst Shapna Akter, Hossain Shahriar
One of the most important challenges in the field of software code audit is the presence of vulnerabilities in software source code. Every year, more and more software flaws are found, either internally in proprietary code or revealed publicly. These flaws are highly likely exploited and lead to system compromise, data leakage, or denial of service. C and C++ open-source code are now available in order to create a largescale, machine-learning system for function-level vulnerability identification. We assembled a sizable dataset of millions of opensource functions that point to potential exploits. We developed an efficient and scalable vulnerability detection method based on deep neural network models that learn features extracted from the source codes. The source code is first converted into a minimal intermediate representation to remove the pointless components and shorten the dependency. Moreover, we keep the semantic and syntactic information using state-of-the-art word embedding algorithms such as glove and fastText. The embedded vectors are subsequently fed into deep learning networks such as LSTM, BilSTM, LSTM-Autoencoder, word2vec, BERT, and GPT-2 to classify the possible vulnerabilities. Furthermore, we proposed a neural network model which can overcome issues associated with traditional neural networks. Evaluation metrics such as f1 score, precision, recall, accuracy, and total execution time have been used to measure the performance. We made a comparative analysis between results derived from features containing a minimal text representation and semantic and syntactic information. We found that all of the deep learning models provide comparatively higher accuracy when we use semantic and syntactic information as the features but require higher execution time as the word embedding the algorithm puts on a bit of complexity to the overall system.Keywords: cyber security, vulnerability detection, neural networks, feature extraction
Procedia PDF Downloads 9112409 Exploring SSD Suitable Allocation Schemes Incompliance with Workload Patterns
Authors: Jae Young Park, Hwansu Jung, Jong Tae Kim
Whether the data has been well parallelized is an important factor in the Solid-State-Drive (SSD) performance. SSD parallelization is affected by allocation scheme and it is directly connected to SSD performance. There are dynamic allocation and static allocation in representative allocation schemes. Dynamic allocation is more adaptive in exploiting write operation parallelism, while static allocation is better in read operation parallelism. Therefore, it is hard to select the appropriate allocation scheme when the workload is mixed read and write operations. We simulated conditions on a few mixed data patterns and analyzed the results to help the right choice for better performance. As the results, if data arrival interval is long enough prior operations to be finished and continuous read intensive data environment static allocation is more suitable. Dynamic allocation performs the best on write performance and random data patterns.Keywords: dynamic allocation, NAND flash based SSD, SSD parallelism, static allocation
Procedia PDF Downloads 34012408 Improving Patient Journey in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Emergency Department: A Comprehensive Analysis of Patient Experience
Authors: Lolwa Alansari, Abdelhamid Azhaghdani, Sufia Athar, Hanen Mrabet, Annaliza Cruz, Tamara Alshadafat, Almunzer Zakaria
Introduction: Improving the patient experience is a fundamental pillar of healthcare's quadruple aims. Recognizing the importance of patient experiences and perceptions in healthcare interactions is pivotal for driving quality improvement. This abstract centers around the Patient Experience Program, an endeavor crafted with the purpose of comprehending and elevating the experiences of patients in the Obstetrics & Gynecology Emergency Department (OB/GYN ED). Methodology: This comprehensive endeavor unfolded through a structured sequence of phases following Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model, spanning over 12 months, focused on enhancing patient experiences in the Obstetrics & Gynecology Emergency Department (OB/GYN ED). The study meticulously examined the journeys of patients with acute obstetrics and gynecological conditions, collecting data from over 100 participants monthly. The inclusive approach covered patients of different priority levels (1-5) admitted for acute conditions, with no exclusions. Historical data from March and April 2022 serves as a benchmark for comparison, strengthening causality claims by providing a baseline understanding of OB/GYN ED performance before interventions. Additionally, the methodology includes the incorporation of staff engagement surveys to comprehensively understand the experiences of healthcare professionals with the implemented improvements. Data extraction involved administering open-ended questions and comment sections to gather rich qualitative insights. The survey covered various aspects of the patient journey, including communication, emotional support, timely access to care, care coordination, and patient-centered decision-making. The project's data analysis utilized a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative techniques to identify recurring themes and extract actionable insights and quantitative methods to assess patient satisfaction scores and relevant metrics over time, facilitating the measurement of intervention impact and longitudinal tracking of changes. From the themes we discovered in both the online and in-person patient experience surveys, several key findings emerged that guided us in initiating improvements, including effective communication and information sharing, providing emotional support and empathy, ensuring timely access to care, fostering care coordination and continuity, and promoting patient-centered decision-making. Results: The project yielded substantial positive outcomes, significantly improving patient experiences in the OB/GYN ED. Patient satisfaction levels rose from 62% to a consistent 98%, with notable improvements in satisfaction with care plan information and physician care. Waiting time satisfaction increased from 68% to a steady 97%. The project positively impacted nurses' and midwives' job satisfaction, increasing from 64% to an impressive 94%. Operational metrics displayed positive trends, including a decrease in the "left without being seen" rate from 3% to 1%, the discharge against medical advice rate dropping from 8% to 1%, and the absconded rate reducing from 3% to 0%. These outcomes underscore the project's effectiveness in enhancing both patient and staff experiences in the healthcare setting. Conclusion: The use of a patient experience questionnaire has been substantiated by evidence-based research as an effective tool for improving the patient experience, guiding interventions, and enhancing overall healthcare quality in the OB/GYN ED. The project's interventions have resulted in a more efficient allocation of resources, reduced hospital stays, and minimized unnecessary resource utilization. This, in turn, contributes to cost savings for the healthcare facility.Keywords: patient experience, patient survey, person centered care, quality initiatives
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