Search results for: features comparison
7668 Effectiveness of Office-Based Occupational Therapy for Office Workers with Low Back Pain: A Public Health Approach
Authors: Dina Jalalvand, Joshua A. Cleland
This double-blind, randomized control trial with parallel groups aimed to examine the effectiveness of office-based occupational therapy for office workers with low back pain on the intensity of pain and range of motion. Seventy-two male office workers (age: 20-50 years) with chronic low back pain (more than three months with at least two symptoms of chronic low back pain) satisfied eligibility criteria and agreed to participate in this study. The absence of joint burst following magnetic resonance imagining (MRI) was considered as an important inclusion criterion as well. Subjects were randomly assigned to a control or experimental group. The experimental group received the modified package of exercise-based occupational therapy, which included 11 simple exercise movements (derived from Williams and McKenzie), and the control group just received the conventional therapy, which included their routine physiotherapy sessions. The subjects completed the exercises three times a week for a duration of six weeks. Each exercise session was 10-15 minutes. Pain intensity and range of motion were the primary outcomes and were measured at baseline, 6 weeks, and 12 weeks after the end of the intervention using the numerical rating scale (NRS) and goniometer accordingly. Repeated measure ANOVA was used for analyzing data. The results of this study showed that significant decreases in pain intensity (p ≤ 0.05) and an increase in range of motion (p ≤ 0.001) in the experimental group in comparison with the control group after 6 and 12 weeks of intervention (between-group comparisons). In addition, there was a significant decrease in intensity of the pain (p ≤ 0.05) and an increase (p ≤ 0.001) in range of motion in the intervention group in comparison with baseline after 6 and 12 weeks (within-group comparison). This showed a positive effect of exercise-based occupational therapy that could potentially be used with low cost among office workers who suffer from low back pain. In addition, it should be noted that the introduced package of exercise training is easy to do, and there is not a need for a specific introduction.Keywords: public health, office workers, low back pain, occupational therapy
Procedia PDF Downloads 2207667 Leveraging SHAP Values for Effective Feature Selection in Peptide Identification
Authors: Sharon Li, Zhonghang Xia
Post-database search is an essential phase in peptide identification using tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) to refine peptide-spectrum matches (PSMs) produced by database search engines. These engines frequently face difficulty differentiating between correct and incorrect peptide assignments. Despite advances in statistical and machine learning methods aimed at improving the accuracy of peptide identification, challenges remain in selecting critical features for these models. In this study, two machine learning models—a random forest tree and a support vector machine—were applied to three datasets to enhance PSMs. SHAP values were utilized to determine the significance of each feature within the models. The experimental results indicate that the random forest model consistently outperformed the SVM across all datasets. Further analysis of SHAP values revealed that the importance of features varies depending on the dataset, indicating that a feature's role in model predictions can differ significantly. This variability in feature selection can lead to substantial differences in model performance, with false discovery rate (FDR) differences exceeding 50% between different feature combinations. Through SHAP value analysis, the most effective feature combinations were identified, significantly enhancing model performance.Keywords: peptide identification, SHAP value, feature selection, random forest tree, support vector machine
Procedia PDF Downloads 307666 Comparison of Applicability of Time Series Forecasting Models VAR, ARCH and ARMA in Management Science: Study Based on Empirical Analysis of Time Series Techniques
Authors: Muhammad Tariq, Hammad Tahir, Fawwad Mahmood Butt
Purpose: This study attempts to examine the best forecasting methodologies in the time series. The time series forecasting models such as VAR, ARCH and the ARMA are considered for the analysis. Methodology: The Bench Marks or the parameters such as Adjusted R square, F-stats, Durban Watson, and Direction of the roots have been critically and empirically analyzed. The empirical analysis consists of time series data of Consumer Price Index and Closing Stock Price. Findings: The results show that the VAR model performed better in comparison to other models. Both the reliability and significance of VAR model is highly appreciable. In contrary to it, the ARCH model showed very poor results for forecasting. However, the results of ARMA model appeared double standards i.e. the AR roots showed that model is stationary and that of MA roots showed that the model is invertible. Therefore, the forecasting would remain doubtful if it made on the bases of ARMA model. It has been concluded that VAR model provides best forecasting results. Practical Implications: This paper provides empirical evidences for the application of time series forecasting model. This paper therefore provides the base for the application of best time series forecasting model.Keywords: forecasting, time series, auto regression, ARCH, ARMA
Procedia PDF Downloads 3497665 Comparison Analysis on the Safety Culture between the Executives and the Operators: Case Study in the Aircraft Manufacturer in Taiwan
Authors: Wen-Chen Hwang, Yu-Hsi Yuan
According to the estimation made by researchers of safety and hygiene, 80% to 90% of workplace accidents in enterprises could be attributed to human factors. Nevertheless, human factors are not the only cause for accidents; instead, happening of accidents is also closely associated with the safety culture of the organization. Therefore, the most effective way of reducing accident rate would be to improve the social and the organizational factors that influence organization’s safety performance. Overview the present study is to understand the current level of safety culture in manufacturing enterprises. A tool for evaluating safety culture matching the needs and characteristics of manufacturing enterprises was developed by reviewing literature of safety culture, and taking the special backgrounds of the case enterprises into consideration. Expert validity was also implied for developing the questionnaire. Moreover, safety culture assessment was conducted through the practical investigation of the case enterprises. Total 505 samples were involved, 53 were executives and 452 were operators. The result of this study in comparison of the safety culture level between the executives and the operators was reached the significant level in 8 dimensions: Safety Commitment, Safety System, Safety Training, Safety Involvement, Reward and Motivation, Communication and Reporting, Leadership and Supervision, Learning and Changing. In general, the overall safety culture were executive level higher than operators level (M: 74.98 > 69.08; t=2.87; p < 0.01).Keywords: questionnaire survey, safety culture, t-test, media studies
Procedia PDF Downloads 3177664 Changing Body Ideals of Ethnically Diverse Gay and Heterosexual Men and the Proliferation of Social and Entertainment Media
Authors: Cristina Azocar, Ivana Markova
A survey of 565 male undergraduates examined the effects of exposure to social networking sites and entertainment media on young men’s body image. Exposure to social and to entertainment media was found to have negative effects on men’s body satisfaction, social comparison, and thin ideal internalization. Findings indicated significant differences in those men who were more exposed to social and to entertainment media than those who were not as exposed. Consistent with past studies, gay men were found to be more dissatisfied with their bodies than straight men. Gay men compared themselves to other better-looking individuals and internalized ideal body types seen in media significantly more than their straight counterparts. Surprisingly, straight men seem to care as much about their physical attractiveness/appearance as gay men do, but only in public settings such as at the beach, at athletic events (including gyms) and social events. Although on average ethnic groups were more similar than different, small but significant differences occurred with Asian men indicating significantly higher body dissatisfaction than White/European men and Middle Eastern/Arab men their counterparts. The study increases our knowledge about SNS and entertainment use and its associated body image, and body satisfaction affects among low-income ethnic minority men.Keywords: body dissatisfaction, body image, entertainment media, gay men, race and ethnicity, social economic status, social comparison, social media
Procedia PDF Downloads 1347663 A Corpus-Based Analysis on Code-Mixing Features in Mandarin-English Bilingual Children in Singapore
Authors: Xunan Huang, Caicai Zhang
This paper investigated the code-mixing features in Mandarin-English bilingual children in Singapore. First, it examined whether the code-mixing rate was different in Mandarin Chinese and English contexts. Second, it explored the syntactic categories of code-mixing in Singapore bilingual children. Moreover, this study investigated whether morphological information was preserved when inserting syntactic components into the matrix language. Data are derived from the Singapore Bilingual Corpus, in which the recordings and transcriptions of sixty English-Mandarin 5-to-6-year-old children were preserved for analysis. Results indicated that the rate of code-mixing was asymmetrical in the two language contexts, with the rate being significantly higher in the Mandarin context than that in the English context. The asymmetry is related to language dominance in that children are more likely to code-mix when using their nondominant language. Concerning the syntactic categories of code-mixing words in the Singaporean bilingual children, we found that noun-mixing, verb-mixing, and adjective-mixing are the three most frequently used categories in code-mixing in the Mandarin context. This pattern mirrors the syntactic categories of code-mixing in the Cantonese context in Cantonese-English bilingual children, and the general trend observed in lexical borrowing. Third, our results also indicated that English vocabularies that carry morphological information are embedded in bare forms in the Mandarin context. These findings shed light upon how bilingual children take advantage of the two languages in mixed utterances in a bilingual environment.Keywords: bilingual children, code-mixing, English, Mandarin Chinese
Procedia PDF Downloads 2147662 Selective Extraction of Couple Nickel(II) / Cobalt(II) by a Series of Schiff Bases in Sulfate Medium, in the Chloroforme-Water
Authors: N. Belhadj, M. Hadj Youcef, T. Benabdallah, Belbachir Ibtissem, N. Boceiri
This work deals with the synthesis, the structural elucidation and the exploration the extracting properties of a series of ortho-hydroxy Schiff base in sulfate medium. After the synthesis and characterization of their structures, the study of their behavior in solution was carried out by pH-metric titration in different media homogeneous and heterogeneous solution. This allowed to explore and to quantify in each of these media, some of their properties in solution such as, their acid-base behavior (determination and comparison of pKa), their distribution powers (determination and comparison of logKd), and their thermodynamic constants (determining ∆H°, ΔS° and ∆G°moy) by optimizing both the temperature and ionic strength. Study of the extraction of nickel (II) and cobalt(II) separately was undertaken in the aqueous-organic system, chloroform-water. Different extraction parameters have been thus optimized such, the pH, the concentration of extractant and the ionic strength, and the extraction constants established in each case. The extracted metal complexes have been isolated and their spatial configurations elucidated. The selective extraction of the couple cobalt (II)/nickel (II) was finally performed by our series of Schiff base in the chloroforme/water.Keywords: selective extraction, Schiff base, distribution, cobalt(II), nickel(II)
Procedia PDF Downloads 4617661 GAILoc: Improving Fingerprinting-Based Localization System Using Generative Artificial Intelligence
Authors: Getaneh Berie Tarekegn
A precise localization system is crucial for many artificial intelligence Internet of Things (AI-IoT) applications in the era of smart cities. Their applications include traffic monitoring, emergency alarming, environmental monitoring, location-based advertising, intelligent transportation, and smart health care. The most common method for providing continuous positioning services in outdoor environments is by using a global navigation satellite system (GNSS). Due to nonline-of-sight, multipath, and weather conditions, GNSS systems do not perform well in dense urban, urban, and suburban areas.This paper proposes a generative AI-based positioning scheme for large-scale wireless settings using fingerprinting techniques. In this article, we presented a novel semi-supervised deep convolutional generative adversarial network (S-DCGAN)-based radio map construction method for real-time device localization. We also employed a reliable signal fingerprint feature extraction method with t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE), which extracts dominant features while eliminating noise from hybrid WLAN and long-term evolution (LTE) fingerprints. The proposed scheme reduced the workload of site surveying required to build the fingerprint database by up to 78.5% and significantly improved positioning accuracy. The results show that the average positioning error of GAILoc is less than 39 cm, and more than 90% of the errors are less than 82 cm. That is, numerical results proved that, in comparison to traditional methods, the proposed SRCLoc method can significantly improve positioning performance and reduce radio map construction costs.Keywords: location-aware services, feature extraction technique, generative adversarial network, long short-term memory, support vector machine
Procedia PDF Downloads 767660 Analysis of the Internal Mechanical Conditions in the Lower Limb Due to External Loads
Authors: Kent Salomonsson, Xuefang Zhao, Sara Kallin
Human soft tissue is loaded and deformed by any activity, an effect known as a stress-strain relationship, and is often described by a load and tissue elongation curve. Several advances have been made in the fields of biology and mechanics of soft human tissue. However, there is limited information available on in vivo tissue mechanical characteristics and behavior. Confident mechanical properties of human soft tissue cannot be extrapolated from e.g. animal testing. Thus, there is need for non invasive methods to analyze mechanical characteristics of soft human tissue. In the present study, the internal mechanical conditions of the lower limb, which is subject to an external load, is studied by use of the finite element method. A detailed finite element model of the lower limb is made possible by use of MRI scans. Skin, fat, bones, fascia and muscles are represented separately and the material properties for them are obtained from literature. Previous studies have been shown to address macroscopic deformation features, e.g. indentation depth, to a large extent. However, the detail in which the internal anatomical features have been modeled does not reveal the critical internal strains that may induce hypoxia and/or eventual tissue damage. The results of the present study reveals that lumped material models, i.e. averaging of the material properties for the different constituents, does not capture regions of critical strains in contrast to more detailed models.Keywords: FEM, tissue, indentation, properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 3607659 Finding the Right Regulatory Path for Islamic Banking
Authors: Meysam Saidi
While the specific externalities and required regulatory measures in relation to Islamic banking are fairly uncertain, the business is growing across the world. Unofficial data indicate that the Islamic Finance market is growing with annual rate of 15% and it has reached 1.3 $ trillion size. This trend is associated with inherent systematic connection of Islamic financial institutions to other entities and different sectors of economies. Islamic banking has been subject of market development policies in major economies, most notably the UK. This trend highlights the need for identification of distinct risk features of Islamic banking and crafting customized regulatory measures. So far there has not been a significant systemic crisis in this market which can be attributed to its distinct nature. However, the significant growth and spread of its products worldwide necessitate an in depth study of its nature for customized congruent regulatory measures. In the post financial crisis era some market analysis and reports suggested that the Islamic banks fairly weathered the crisis. As far as heavily blamed conventional financial products such as subprime mortgage backed securities and speculative credit default swaps were concerned the immunity claim can be considered true, as Islamic financial institutions were not directly exposed to such products. Nevertheless, similar to the experience of the conventional banking industry, it can be only a matter of time for Islamic banks to face failures that can be specific to the nature of their business. Using the experience of conventional banking regulations and identifying those peculiarities of Islamic banking that need customized regulatory approach can aid to prevent major failures. Frank Knight has stated that “We perceive the world before we react to it, and we react not to what we perceive, but always to what we infer”. The debate over congruent Islamic banking regulations might not be an exception to Frank Knight’s statement but I will try to base my discussion on concrete evidences. This paper first analyzes both theoretical and actual features of Islamic banking in order to ascertain to its peculiarities in terms of market stability and other externalities. Next, the paper discusses distinct features of Islamic financial transactions and banking which might require customized regulatory measures. Finally, the paper explores how a more transparent path for the Islamic banking regulations can be drawn.Keywords: Islamic banking, regulation, risks, capital requirements, customer protection, financial stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 4107658 Metagenomic Identification of Cave Microorganisms in Lascaux and Other Périgord Caves
Authors: Lise Alonso, Audrey Dubost, Patricia Luis, Thomas Pommier, Yvan Moënne-Loccoz
The Lascaux Cave in South-Est France is an archeological landmark renowned for its Paleolithic paintings dating back c.18.000 years. Extensive touristic frequenting and repeated chemical treatments have resulted in the development of microbial stains on cave walls, which is a major issue in terms of art conservation. Therefore, it is of prime importance to better understand the microbiology specific to the Lascaux Cave, in comparison to regional situations. To this end, we compared the microbial community (i.e. both prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbial populations) of Lascaux Cave with three other anthropized Périgord caves as well as three pristine caves from the same area. We used state-of-the-art metagenomic analyses of cave wall samples to obtain a global view of the composition of the microbial community colonizing cave walls. We measured the relative abundance and diversity of four DNA markers targeting different fractions of the ribosomal genes of bacteria (i.e. eubacteria), archaea (i.e. archeobacteria), fungi and other micro-eukaryotes. All groups were highly abundant and diverse in all Périgord caves, as several hundred genera of microorganisms were identified in each. However, Lascaux Cave displayed a specify microbial community, which differed from those of both pristine and anthropized caves. Comparison of stains versus non-stained samples from the Passage area of the Lascaux Cave indicated that a few taxa (e.g. the Sordiaromycetes amongst fungi) were more prevalent within than outside stains, yet the main difference was in the relative proportion of the different microbial taxonomic groups and genera, which supposedly supports the biological origin of the stains. Overall, metagenomic sequencing of cave wall samples was effective to evidence the large colonization of caves by a diversified range of microorganisms. It also showed that Lascaux Cave represented a very particular situation in comparison with neighboring caves, probably in relation to the extent of disturbance it had undergone. Our results provide key baseline information to guide conservation efforts in anthropized caves such as Lascaux and pave the way to modern monitoring of ornamented caves.Keywords: cave conservation, Lascaux cave, microbes, paleolithic paintings
Procedia PDF Downloads 2447657 The Study on Blast Effect of Polymer Gel by Trazul Lead Block Test and Concrete Block Test
Authors: Young-Hun Ko, Seung-Jun Kim, Khaqan Baluch, Hyung- Sik Yang
In this study, the polymer gel was used as coupling material in a blasting hole and its comparison was made with other coupling materials like sand, water, and air. Trazul lead block test and AUTODYN numerical analysis were conducted to analyze the effects of the coupling materials on the intensity of the explosion, as well as the verification tests were conducted by using concrete block test. The emulsion explosives were used in decoupling conditions, sand, water, and polymer gel were used as the coupling materials. The lead block test and the numerical analysis showed that the expansion of the blast hole in the lead block was similar to that of the water and gelatin and followed by sand and air conditions. The validation of concrete block test result showed the similar result as Trazul lead block test and the explosion strength was measured at 0.8 for polymer gel, 0.7 for sand, and 0.6 for no coupling material, in comparison to the full charge (1.0) case.Keywords: Trazul lead block test, AUTODYN numerical analysis, coupling material, polymer gel, soil covering concrete block explosion test
Procedia PDF Downloads 3017656 Prediction of Metals Available to Maize Seedlings in Crude Oil Contaminated Soil
Authors: Stella O. Olubodun, George E. Eriyamremu
The study assessed the effect of crude oil applied at rates, 0, 2, 5, and 10% on the fractional chemical forms and availability of some metals in soils from Usen, Edo State, with no known crude oil contamination and soil from a crude oil spill site in Ubeji, Delta State, Nigeria. Three methods were used to determine the bioavailability of metals in the soils: maize (Zea mays) plant, EDTA and BCR sequential extraction. The sequential extract acid soluble fraction of the BCR extraction (most labile fraction of the soils, normally associated with bioavailability) were compared with total metal concentration in maize seedlings as a means to compare the chemical and biological measures of bioavailability. Total Fe was higher in comparison to other metals for the crude oil contaminated soils. The metal concentrations were below the limits of 4.7% Fe, 190mg/kg Cu and 720mg/kg Zn intervention values and 36mg/kg Cu and 140mg/kg Zn target values for soils provided by the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) guidelines. The concentration of the metals in maize seedlings increased with increasing rates of crude oil contamination. Comparison of the metal concentrations in maize seedlings with EDTA extractable concentrations showed that EDTA extracted more metals than maize plant.Keywords: availability, crude oil contamination, EDTA, maize, metals
Procedia PDF Downloads 2307655 Classroom Management Practices of Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management Instructors
Authors: Diana Ruth Caga-Anan
Classroom management is a critical skill but the styles are constantly evolving. It is constantly under pressure particularly in the college education level due to diversity in student profiles, modes of delivery, and marketization of higher education. This study sought to analyze the extent of implementation of classroom management practices (CMPs) of the college instructors of the Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management of a premier university in the Philippines. It was also determined if their length of teaching affects their classroom management style. A questionnaire with sixteen 'evidenced-based' CMPs grouped into five critical features of classroom management, adopted from the literature search of Simonsen et al. (2008), was administered to 4 instructor-respondents and to their 88 students. Weighted mean scores of each of the CMPs revealed that there were differences between the instructors’ self-scores and their students’ ratings on their implementation of CMPs. The critical feature of classroom management 'actively engage students in observable ways' got the highest mean score, corresponding to 'always' from the instructors’ self-rating and 'frequently' from their students’ ratings. However, 'use a continuum of strategies to respond to inappropriate behaviors' got the lowest scores from both the instructors and their students corresponding only to 'occasionally'. Analysis of variance showed that the only CMP affected by the length of teaching is the practice of 'prompting students to respond'. Based on the findings, some recommendations for the instructors to improve on the critical feature where they scored low are discussed and suggestions are included for future research.Keywords: classroom management, CMPs, critical features, evidence-based classroom management practices
Procedia PDF Downloads 1727654 Effect of Group Psychotherapy with Sertraline on Mental Health Status of Adolescents with First-Episode Depression
Authors: Li Yuan
Objective: The combination of group psychology and Sertraline was used to explore the impact on the mental health status of adolescent patients with first-episode depression. Methods: A total of 118 adolescent depressed patients admitted to Yan'an University Hospital from October 2023 to August 2024 were divided into control group and observation group by random single blind method with 59 patients in each group. The two groups were treated with Sertraline, the control group received usual care, and the observation group used the usual care. The scores of mental health status and sleep quality index were compared between the two groups. Results: In intra-group comparison, the mental health status and sleep quality of the observation and control groups were better than the pre-intervention scores, and the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). Post-intervention comparison: HAMA and HAMD scores were (12.36 ± 2.13) and (11.78 ± 2.02), significantly lower than (16.52 ± 2.09) and (15.79 ± 2.46), respectively (all P <0.05); PSQI score was (7.66 ± 1.05) and significantly lower (9.88 ± 3.01), with statistically significant difference (P <0.05). Conclusion: Self-regulation can improve their mental health and sleep quality.Keywords: group psychotherapy, Sertraline, adolescent, depression, mental health status
Procedia PDF Downloads 277653 Analysis and Detection of Facial Expressions in Autism Spectrum Disorder People Using Machine Learning
Authors: Muhammad Maisam Abbas, Salman Tariq, Usama Riaz, Muhammad Tanveer, Humaira Abdul Ghafoor
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) refers to a developmental disorder that impairs an individual's communication and interaction ability. Individuals feel difficult to read facial expressions while communicating or interacting. Facial Expression Recognition (FER) is a unique method of classifying basic human expressions, i.e., happiness, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, neutral, and anger through static and dynamic sources. This paper conducts a comprehensive comparison and proposed optimal method for a continued research project—a system that can assist people who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in recognizing facial expressions. Comparison has been conducted on three supervised learning algorithms EigenFace, FisherFace, and LBPH. The JAFFE, CK+, and TFEID (I&II) datasets have been used to train and test the algorithms. The results were then evaluated based on variance, standard deviation, and accuracy. The experiments showed that FisherFace has the highest accuracy for all datasets and is considered the best algorithm to be implemented in our system.Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, ASD, EigenFace, facial expression recognition, FisherFace, local binary pattern histogram, LBPH
Procedia PDF Downloads 1767652 A Dynamic Solution Approach for Heart Disease Prediction
Authors: Walid Moudani
The healthcare environment is generally perceived as being information rich yet knowledge poor. However, there is a lack of effective analysis tools to discover hidden relationships and trends in data. In fact, valuable knowledge can be discovered from application of data mining techniques in healthcare system. In this study, a proficient methodology for the extraction of significant patterns from the coronary heart disease warehouses for heart attack prediction, which unfortunately continues to be a leading cause of mortality in the whole world, has been presented. For this purpose, we propose to enumerate dynamically the optimal subsets of the reduced features of high interest by using rough sets technique associated to dynamic programming. Therefore, we propose to validate the classification using Random Forest (RF) decision tree to identify the risky heart disease cases. This work is based on a large amount of data collected from several clinical institutions based on the medical profile of patient. Moreover, the experts’ knowledge in this field has been taken into consideration in order to define the disease, its risk factors, and to establish significant knowledge relationships among the medical factors. A computer-aided system is developed for this purpose based on a population of 525 adults. The performance of the proposed model is analyzed and evaluated based on set of benchmark techniques applied in this classification problem.Keywords: multi-classifier decisions tree, features reduction, dynamic programming, rough sets
Procedia PDF Downloads 4117651 Comparison of Physical and Chemical Properties of Micro-Silica and Locally Produced Metakaolin and Effect on the Properties of Concrete
Authors: S. U. Khan, T. Ayub, N. Shafiq
The properties of locally produced metakaolin (MK) as cement replacing material and the comparison of reactivity with commercially available micro-silica have been investigated. Compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and load-deflection behaviour under bending are the properties that have been studied. The amorphous phase of MK with micro-silica was compared through X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern. Further, interfacial transition zone of concrete with micro-silica and MK was observed through Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM). Three mixes of concrete were prepared. One of the mix is without cement replacement as control mix, and the remaining two mixes are 10% cement replacement with micro-silica and MK. It has been found that MK, due to its irregular structure and amorphous phase, has high reactivity with portlandite in concrete. The compressive strength at early age is higher with MK as compared to micro-silica. MK concrete showed higher splitting tensile strength and higher load carrying capacity as compared to control and micro-silica concrete at all ages respectively.Keywords: metakaolin, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, load deflection, interfacial transition zone
Procedia PDF Downloads 2177650 Novel Hole-Bar Standard Design and Inter-Comparison for Geometric Errors Identification on Machine-Tool
Authors: F. Viprey, H. Nouira, S. Lavernhe, C. Tournier
Manufacturing of freeform parts may be achieved on 5-axis machine tools currently considered as a common means of production. In particular, the geometrical quality of the freeform parts depends on the accuracy of the multi-axis structural loop, which is composed of several component assemblies maintaining the relative positioning between the tool and the workpiece. Therefore, to reach high quality of the geometries of the freeform parts the geometric errors of the 5 axis machine should be evaluated and compensated, which leads one to master the deviations between the tool and the workpiece (volumetric accuracy). In this study, a novel hole-bar design was developed and used for the characterization of the geometric errors of a RRTTT 5-axis machine tool. The hole-bar standard design is made of Invar material, selected since it is less sensitive to thermal drift. The proposed design allows once to extract 3 intrinsic parameters: one linear positioning and two straightnesses. These parameters can be obtained by measuring the cylindricity of 12 holes (bores) and 11 cylinders located on a perpendicular plane. By mathematical analysis, twelve 3D points coordinates can be identified and correspond to the intersection of each hole axis with the least square plane passing through two perpendicular neighbour cylinders axes. The hole-bar was calibrated using a precision CMM at LNE traceable the SI meter definition. The reversal technique was applied in order to separate the error forms of the hole bar from the motion errors of the mechanical guiding systems. An inter-comparison was additionally conducted between four NMIs (National Metrology Institutes) within the EMRP IND62: JRP-TIM project. Afterwards, the hole-bar was integrated in RRTTT 5-axis machine tool to identify its volumetric errors. Measurements were carried out in real time and combine raw data acquired by the Renishaw RMP600 touch probe and the linear and rotary encoders. The geometric errors of the 5 axis machine were also evaluated by an accurate laser tracer interferometer system. The results were compared to those obtained with the hole bar.Keywords: volumetric errors, CMM, 3D hole-bar, inter-comparison
Procedia PDF Downloads 3867649 Energy Efficient Clustering with Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization
Authors: KumarShashvat, ArshpreetKaur, RajeshKumar, Raman Chadha
Wireless sensor networks have principal characteristic of having restricted energy and with limitation that energy of the nodes cannot be replenished. To increase the lifetime in this scenario WSN route for data transmission is opted such that utilization of energy along the selected route is negligible. For this energy efficient network, dandy infrastructure is needed because it impinges the network lifespan. Clustering is a technique in which nodes are grouped into disjoints and non–overlapping sets. In this technique data is collected at the cluster head. In this paper, Adaptive-PSO algorithm is proposed which forms energy aware clusters by minimizing the cost of locating the cluster head. The main concern is of the suitability of the swarms by adjusting the learning parameters of PSO. Particle Swarm Optimization converges quickly at the beginning stage of the search but during the course of time, it becomes stable and may be trapped in local optima. In suggested network model swarms are given the intelligence of the spiders which makes them capable enough to avoid earlier convergence and also help them to escape from the local optima. Comparison analysis with traditional PSO shows that new algorithm considerably enhances the performance where multi-dimensional functions are taken into consideration.Keywords: Particle Swarm Optimization, adaptive – PSO, comparison between PSO and A-PSO, energy efficient clustering
Procedia PDF Downloads 2497648 River Network Delineation from Sentinel 1 Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
Authors: Christopher B. Obida, George A. Blackburn, James D. Whyatt, Kirk T. Semple
In many regions of the world, especially in developing countries, river network data are outdated or completely absent, yet such information is critical for supporting important functions such as flood mitigation efforts, land use and transportation planning, and the management of water resources. In this study, a method was developed for delineating river networks using Sentinel 1 imagery. Unsupervised classification was applied to multi-temporal Sentinel 1 data to discriminate water bodies from other land covers then the outputs were combined to generate a single persistent water bodies product. A thinning algorithm was then used to delineate river centre lines, which were converted into vector features and built into a topologically structured geometric network. The complex river system of the Niger Delta was used to compare the performance of the Sentinel-based method against alternative freely available water body products from United States Geological Survey, European Space Agency and OpenStreetMap and a river network derived from a Shuttle Rader Topography Mission Digital Elevation Model. From both raster-based and vector-based accuracy assessments, it was found that the Sentinel-based river network products were superior to the comparator data sets by a substantial margin. The geometric river network that was constructed permitted a flow routing analysis which is important for a variety of environmental management and planning applications. The extracted network will potentially be applied for modelling dispersion of hydrocarbon pollutants in Ogoniland, a part of the Niger Delta. The approach developed in this study holds considerable potential for generating up to date, detailed river network data for the many countries where such data are deficient.Keywords: Sentinel 1, image processing, river delineation, large scale mapping, data comparison, geometric network
Procedia PDF Downloads 1407647 Imidacloprid and Acetamiprid Residues in Okra and Brinjal Grown in Peri-Urban Environments and Their Dietary Intake Assessment
Authors: Muhammad Atif Randhawa, Adnan Amjad
Assessment of insecticides used for growing vegetables in comparison with their safety status was the main purpose of this study. A total of 180 samples of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) and brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) comprising 30 samples of each vegetable were collected from the peri-urban farming system of Multan, Faisalabad and Gujranwala. The mean value for imidacloprid residues found in brinjal (0.226 mg kg-1) and okra (0.176 mg kg-1) from Multan region were greater than the residues reported from Gujranwala and Faisalabad, showing excessive application of imidacloprid in Multan. Out of total 180 samples analysed for imidacloprid and acetamaprid residues, (90 samples for each of okra and brinjal), 104 (58%) and 117 (65%) samples contained detectable imidacloprid and acetamiprid residues, respectively. Whereas 10% and 15% samples exceeded their respective MRLs for imidacloprid and acetamiprid residues. Dietary intake assessment for imidacloprid and acetamiprid was calculated according to their MPI values 3.84 and 4.48 mg person-1day-1, respectively. The dietary intake assessment data revealed that although a reasonable proportion of samples exceeded the MRLs in studied areas but their consumption was found within safe limit in comparison to values obtained for MPI.Keywords: Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI), insecticides, Maximum Residual Limits (MRLs), risk assessment, vegetables
Procedia PDF Downloads 3167646 Towards Dynamic Estimation of Residential Building Energy Consumption in Germany: Leveraging Machine Learning and Public Data from England and Wales
Authors: Philipp Sommer, Amgad Agoub
The construction sector significantly impacts global CO₂ emissions, particularly through the energy usage of residential buildings. To address this, various governments, including Germany's, are focusing on reducing emissions via sustainable refurbishment initiatives. This study examines the application of machine learning (ML) to estimate energy demands dynamically in residential buildings and enhance the potential for large-scale sustainable refurbishment. A major challenge in Germany is the lack of extensive publicly labeled datasets for energy performance, as energy performance certificates, which provide critical data on building-specific energy requirements and consumption, are not available for all buildings or require on-site inspections. Conversely, England and other countries in the European Union (EU) have rich public datasets, providing a viable alternative for analysis. This research adapts insights from these English datasets to the German context by developing a comprehensive data schema and calibration dataset capable of predicting building energy demand effectively. The study proposes a minimal feature set, determined through feature importance analysis, to optimize the ML model. Findings indicate that ML significantly improves the scalability and accuracy of energy demand forecasts, supporting more effective emissions reduction strategies in the construction industry. Integrating energy performance certificates into municipal heat planning in Germany highlights the transformative impact of data-driven approaches on environmental sustainability. The goal is to identify and utilize key features from open data sources that significantly influence energy demand, creating an efficient forecasting model. Using Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGB) and data from energy performance certificates, effective features such as building type, year of construction, living space, insulation level, and building materials were incorporated. These were supplemented by data derived from descriptions of roofs, walls, windows, and floors, integrated into three datasets. The emphasis was on features accessible via remote sensing, which, along with other correlated characteristics, greatly improved the model's accuracy. The model was further validated using SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) values and aggregated feature importance, which quantified the effects of individual features on the predictions. The refined model using remote sensing data showed a coefficient of determination (R²) of 0.64 and a mean absolute error (MAE) of 4.12, indicating predictions based on efficiency class 1-100 (G-A) may deviate by 4.12 points. This R² increased to 0.84 with the inclusion of more samples, with wall type emerging as the most predictive feature. After optimizing and incorporating related features like estimated primary energy consumption, the R² score for the training and test set reached 0.94, demonstrating good generalization. The study concludes that ML models significantly improve prediction accuracy over traditional methods, illustrating the potential of ML in enhancing energy efficiency analysis and planning. This supports better decision-making for energy optimization and highlights the benefits of developing and refining data schemas using open data to bolster sustainability in the building sector. The study underscores the importance of supporting open data initiatives to collect similar features and support the creation of comparable models in Germany, enhancing the outlook for environmental sustainability.Keywords: machine learning, remote sensing, residential building, energy performance certificates, data-driven, heat planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 597645 Reducing Hazardous Materials Releases from Railroad Freights through Dynamic Trip Plan Policy
Authors: Omar A. Abuobidalla, Mingyuan Chen, Satyaveer S. Chauhan
Railroad transportation of hazardous materials freights is important to the North America economics that supports the national’s supply chain. This paper introduces various extensions of the dynamic hazardous materials trip plan problems. The problem captures most of the operational features of a real-world railroad transportations systems that dynamically initiates a set of blocks and assigns each shipment to a single block path or multiple block paths. The dynamic hazardous materials trip plan policies have distinguishing features that are integrating the blocking plan, and the block activation decisions. We also present a non-linear mixed integer programming formulation for each variant and present managerial insights based on a hypothetical railroad network. The computation results reveal that the dynamic car scheduling policies are not only able to take advantage of the capacity of the network but also capable of diminishing the population, and environment risks by rerouting the active blocks along the least risky train services without sacrificing the cost advantage of the railroad. The empirical results of this research illustrate that the issue of integrating the blocking plan, and the train makeup of the hazardous materials freights must receive closer attentions.Keywords: dynamic car scheduling, planning and scheduling hazardous materials freights, airborne hazardous materials, gaussian plume model, integrated blocking and routing plans, box model
Procedia PDF Downloads 2057644 Detection of Powdery Mildew Disease in Strawberry Using Image Texture and Supervised Classifiers
Authors: Sultan Mahmud, Qamar Zaman, Travis Esau, Young Chang
Strawberry powdery mildew (PM) is a serious disease that has a significant impact on strawberry production. Field scouting is still a major way to find PM disease, which is not only labor intensive but also almost impossible to monitor disease severity. To reduce the loss caused by PM disease and achieve faster automatic detection of the disease, this paper proposes an approach for detection of the disease, based on image texture and classified with support vector machines (SVMs) and k-nearest neighbors (kNNs). The methodology of the proposed study is based on image processing which is composed of five main steps including image acquisition, pre-processing, segmentation, features extraction and classification. Two strawberry fields were used in this study. Images of healthy leaves and leaves infected with PM (Sphaerotheca macularis) disease under artificial cloud lighting condition. Colour thresholding was utilized to segment all images before textural analysis. Colour co-occurrence matrix (CCM) was introduced for extraction of textural features. Forty textural features, related to a physiological parameter of leaves were extracted from CCM of National television system committee (NTSC) luminance, hue, saturation and intensity (HSI) images. The normalized feature data were utilized for training and validation, respectively, using developed classifiers. The classifiers have experimented with internal, external and cross-validations. The best classifier was selected based on their performance and accuracy. Experimental results suggested that SVMs classifier showed 98.33%, 85.33%, 87.33%, 93.33% and 95.0% of accuracy on internal, external-I, external-II, 4-fold cross and 5-fold cross-validation, respectively. Whereas, kNNs results represented 90.0%, 72.00%, 74.66%, 89.33% and 90.3% of classification accuracy, respectively. The outcome of this study demonstrated that SVMs classified PM disease with a highest overall accuracy of 91.86% and 1.1211 seconds of processing time. Therefore, overall results concluded that the proposed study can significantly support an accurate and automatic identification and recognition of strawberry PM disease with SVMs classifier.Keywords: powdery mildew, image processing, textural analysis, color co-occurrence matrix, support vector machines, k-nearest neighbors
Procedia PDF Downloads 1227643 A Comparative Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of in vivo and in vitro Raised Holarrhena antidysenterica Linn.
Authors: Gayatri Nahak, Satyajit Kanungo, Rajani Kanta Sahu
Holarrhena antidysenterica Linn. (Apocynaceae) is a typical Indian medicinal plant popularly known as “Indrajav”. Traditionally the plant has been considered a popular remedy for the treatment of dysentery, diarrhea, intestinal worms and the seeds of this plant are also used as an anti-diabetic remedy. In the present study axillary shoot multiplication, callus induction and shoot regeneration from callus culture were obtained on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with different concentrations and combinations of plant growth regulators. Then in vivo and in vitro grown healthy plants were selected for study of antioxidant activity through DPPH and OH methods. Significantly higher antioxidant activity and phenol contents were observed in vitro raised plant in comparison to in vivo plants. The findings indicated the greater amount of phenolic compounds leads to more potent radical scavenging effect as shown in in vitro raised plant in comparison to in vivo plants which showed the ability to utilize tissue culture techniques towards development of desired bioactive metabolites from in vitro culture as an alternative way to avoid using endangered plants in pharmaceutical purposes.Keywords: Holarrhena antidysenterica, in vitro, in vivo, antioxidant activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 5117642 Palygorskite Bearing Calcic-Soils from Western Thar Desert: Implications for Late Quaternary Monsoonal Fluctuations
Authors: A. Hameed, N. Upreti, P. Srivastava
Main objective the present study is to investigate microscopic, sub-microscopic, clay mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of three calcic soil profiles from the western Thar Desert for the last 30 ka paleoclimatic information. Thin-sections of the soils show weakly to moderately developed pedofeatures dominated by powdery to well-indurated pedogenic calcium carbonate. Sub-microscopy of the representative calcretes show extensive growth of fibrous palygorskite in pore spaces of micritic and sparitic nodules. XRD of the total clay ( < 2 µm) and fine clay ( < 0.2 µm) fractions of the soils show dominance of smectite, palygorskite, chlorite, mica, kaolinite and small amounts of quartz and feldspar. Formation of the palygorskite is attributed to pedogenic processes associated with Bw, Bss and Bwk horizons during drier conditions over the last 30 ka. Formation of palygorskite was mainly favoured by strongly evaporating percolating water and precipitation of secondary calcite, high pH (9-10), high Mg, Si and low Al activities during pedogenesis. Age estimate and distribution of calcretes, palygorskite, and illuvial features indicate fluctuating monsoonal strength during MIS3-MIS1 stages. The pedogenic features in calcic soils of western Thar suggest relatively arid conditions during MIS3-MIS2 transition and LGM time that changed to relatively wetter conditions during post LGM time and again returned to dry conditions at ~4 ka in MIS1.Keywords: palygorskite, clay minerals, Thar, aridisol, late quaternary
Procedia PDF Downloads 1627641 Analytical Solution of Blassius Equation Using the Kourosh Method
Authors: Mohammad Reza Shahnazari, Reza Kazemi, Ali Saberi
Most of the engineering problems are in nonlinear forms. Nonlinear boundary layer problems defined in infinite intervals contain specific complexities, especially in boundary layer condition conformance. As an example of these nonlinear complex problems, the well-known Blasius equation can be mentioned, which itself is one of the classic boundary layer problems. No analytical solution has been proposed yet for the Blasius equation due to its complexity. In this paper, an analytical method, namely the Kourosh method, based on the singularity perturbation method and the Liao homotopy analysis is utilized to solve the Blasius problem. In this method, an inner solution is developed in the [0,1] interval to expedite the solution convergence. The magnitude of the f ˝(0), as an essential quantity for determining the physical parameters, is directly calculated from the solution of the boundary condition problem. The advantages of this solution are that it does not need any numerical solution, it has a closed form and that its validation is shown in the entire [0,∞] interval. Furthermore, all of the desirable parameters could be extracted through a series of simple analytical operations from the final solution. This solution also satisfies the continuity conditions, which is one of the main contributions of this paper in comparison with most of the other proposed analytical solutions available in the literature. Comparison with numerical solutions reveals that the proposed method is highly accurate and convenient for application.Keywords: Blasius equation, boundary layer, Kourosh method, analytical solution
Procedia PDF Downloads 3947640 Application of Ground-Penetrating Radar in Environmental Hazards
Authors: Kambiz Teimour Najad
The basic methodology of GPR involves the use of a transmitting antenna to send electromagnetic waves into the subsurface, which then bounce back to the surface and are detected by a receiving antenna. The transmitter and receiver antennas are typically placed on the ground surface and moved across the area of interest to create a profile of the subsurface. The GPR system consists of a control unit that powers the antennas and records the data, as well as a display unit that shows the results of the survey. The control unit sends a pulse of electromagnetic energy into the ground, which propagates through the soil or rock until it encounters a change in material or structure. When the electromagnetic wave encounters a buried object or structure, some of the energy is reflected back to the surface and detected by the receiving antenna. The GPR data is then processed using specialized software that analyzes the amplitude and travel time of the reflected waves. By interpreting the data, GPR can provide information on the depth, location, and nature of subsurface features and structures. GPR has several advantages over other geophysical survey methods, including its ability to provide high-resolution images of the subsurface and its non-invasive nature, which minimizes disruption to the site. However, the effectiveness of GPR depends on several factors, including the type of soil or rock, the depth of the features being investigated, and the frequency of the electromagnetic waves used. In environmental hazard assessments, GPR can be used to detect buried structures, such as underground storage tanks, pipelines, or utilities, which may pose a risk of contamination to the surrounding soil or groundwater. GPR can also be used to assess soil stability by identifying areas of subsurface voids or sinkholes, which can lead to the collapse of the surface. Additionally, GPR can be used to map the extent and movement of groundwater contamination, which is critical in designing effective remediation strategies. the methodology of GPR in environmental hazard assessments involves the use of electromagnetic waves to create high of the subsurface, which are then analyzed to provide information on the depth, location, and nature of subsurface features and structures. This information is critical in identifying and mitigating environmental hazards, and the non-invasive nature of GPR makes it a valuable tool in this field.Keywords: GPR, hazard, landslide, rock fall, contamination
Procedia PDF Downloads 847639 Statistical Tools for SFRA Diagnosis in Power Transformers
Authors: Rahul Srivastava, Priti Pundir, Y. R. Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava
For the interpretation of the signatures of sweep frequency response analysis(SFRA) of transformer different types of statistical techniques serves as an effective tool for doing either phase to phase comparison or sister unit comparison. In this paper with the discussion on SFRA several statistics techniques like cross correlation coefficient (CCF), root square error (RSQ), comparative standard deviation (CSD), Absolute difference, mean square error(MSE),Min-Max ratio(MM) are presented through several case studies. These methods require sample data size and spot frequencies of SFRA signatures that are being compared. The techniques used are based on power signal processing tools that can simplify result and limits can be created for the severity of the fault occurring in the transformer due to several short circuit forces or due to ageing. The advantages of using statistics techniques for analyzing of SFRA result are being indicated through several case studies and hence the results are obtained which determines the state of the transformer.Keywords: absolute difference (DABS), cross correlation coefficient (CCF), mean square error (MSE), min-max ratio (MM-ratio), root square error (RSQ), standard deviation (CSD), sweep frequency response analysis (SFRA)
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