Search results for: chemical process simulation (CPS)
21358 Production and Evaluation of Mango Pulp by Using Ohmic Heating Process
Authors: Sobhy M. Mohsen, Mohamed M. El-Nikeety, Tarek G. Mohamed, Michael Murkovic
The present work aimed to study the use of ohmic heating in the processing of mango pulp comparing to conventional method. Mango pulp was processed by using ohmic heating under the studied suitable conditions. Physical, chemical and microbiological properties of mango pulp were studied. The results showed that processing of mango pulp by using either ohmic heating or conventional method caused a decrease in the contents of TSS, total carbohydrates, total acidity, total sugars (reducing and non-reducing sugar) and an increase in phenol content, ascorbic acid and carotenoids compared to the conventional process. The increase in electric conductivity of mango pulp during ohmic heating was due to the addition of some electrolytes (salts) to increase the ions and enhance the process. The results also indicate that mango pulp processed by ohmic heating contained more phenols, carbohydrates and vitamin C and less HMF compared to that produced by conventional one. Total pectin and its fractions had slightly reduced by ohmic heating compared to conventional method. Enzymatic activities showed a reduction in poly phenoloxidase (PPO) and polygalacturonase (PG) activity in mango pulp processed by conventional method. However, ohmic heating completely inhibited PPO and PG activities.Keywords: ohmic heating, mango pulp, phenolic, sarotenoids
Procedia PDF Downloads 45621357 Modeling and Simulation of the Tripod Gait of a Hexapod Robot
Authors: El Hansali Hasnaa, Bennani Mohammed
Hexapod legged robot’s missions, particularly in irregular and dangerous areas, require high stability and high precision. In this paper, we consider the rectangular architecture body of legged robots with six legs distributed symmetrically along two sides, each leg contains three degrees of freedom for greater mobility. The aim of this work is planning tripod gait trajectory, based on the computing of the kinematic model to determine the joint variables in the lifting and the propelling phases. For this, appropriate coordinate frames are attached to the body and legs in order to obtain clear representation and efficient generation of the system equations. A simulation in MATLAB software platform is developed to confirm the kinematic model and various trajectories to the tripod gait adopted by the hexapod robot in its locomotion.Keywords: hexapod legged robot, inverse kinematic model, simulation in MATLAB, tripod gait
Procedia PDF Downloads 27821356 Block Mining: Block Chain Enabled Process Mining Database
Authors: James Newman
Process mining is an emerging technology that looks to serialize enterprise data in time series data. It has been used by many companies and has been the subject of a variety of research papers. However, the majority of current efforts have looked at how to best create process mining from standard relational databases. This paper is the first pass at outlining a database custom-built for the minimal viable product of process mining. We present Block Miner, a blockchain protocol to store process mining data across a distributed network. We demonstrate the feasibility of storing process mining data on the blockchain. We present a proof of concept and show how the intersection of these two technologies helps to solve a variety of issues, including but not limited to ransomware attacks, tax documentation, and conflict resolution.Keywords: blockchain, process mining, memory optimization, protocol
Procedia PDF Downloads 10421355 A Combined CFD Simulation of Plateau Borders including Films and Transitional Areas of Liquid Foams
Authors: Abdolhamid Anazadehsayed, Jamal Naser
An integrated computational fluid dynamics model is developed for a combined simulation of Plateau borders, films, and transitional areas between the film and the Plateau borders to reduce the simplifications and shortcomings of available models for foam drainage in micro-scale. Additionally, the counter-flow related to the Marangoni effect in the transitional area is investigated. The results of this combined model show the contribution of the films, the exterior Plateau borders, and Marangoni flow in the drainage process more accurately since the inter-influence of foam's elements is included in this study. The exterior Plateau borders flow rate can be four times larger than the interior ones. The exterior bubbles can be more prominent in the drainage process in cases where the number of the exterior Plateau borders increases due to the geometry of container. The ratio of the Marangoni counter-flow to the Plateau border flow increases drastically with an increase in the mobility of air-liquid interface. However, the exterior bubbles follow the same trend with much less intensity since typically, the flow is less dependent on the interface of air-liquid in the exterior bubbles. Moreover, the Marangoni counter-flow in a near-wall transition area is less important than an internal one. The influence of air-liquid interface mobility on the average velocity of interior foams is attained with more accuracy with more realistic boundary condition. Then it has been compared with other numerical and analytical results. The contribution of films in the drainage is significant for the mobile foams as the velocity of flow in the film has the same order of magnitude as the velocity in the Plateau border. Nevertheless, for foams with rigid interfaces, film's contribution in foam drainage is insignificant, particularly for the films near the wall of the container.Keywords: foam, plateau border, film, Marangoni, CFD, bubble
Procedia PDF Downloads 34521354 Data-Mining Approach to Analyzing Industrial Process Information for Real-Time Monitoring
Authors: Seung-Lock Seo
This work presents a data-mining empirical monitoring scheme for industrial processes with partially unbalanced data. Measurement data of good operations are relatively easy to gather, but in unusual special events or faults it is generally difficult to collect process information or almost impossible to analyze some noisy data of industrial processes. At this time some noise filtering techniques can be used to enhance process monitoring performance in a real-time basis. In addition, pre-processing of raw process data is helpful to eliminate unwanted variation of industrial process data. In this work, the performance of various monitoring schemes was tested and demonstrated for discrete batch process data. It showed that the monitoring performance was improved significantly in terms of monitoring success rate of given process faults.Keywords: data mining, process data, monitoring, safety, industrial processes
Procedia PDF Downloads 40121353 Simulation of X-Ray Tissue Contrast and Dose Optimisation in Radiological Physics to Improve Medical Imaging Students’ Skills
Authors: Peter J. Riley
Medical Imaging students must understand the roles of Photo-electric Absorption (PE) and Compton Scatter (CS) interactions in patients to enable optimal X-ray imaging in clinical practice. A simulator has been developed that shows relative interaction probabilities, color bars for patient dose from PE, % penetration to the detector, and obscuring CS as Peak Kilovoltage (kVp) changes. Additionally, an anthropomorphic chest X-ray image shows the relative tissue contrasts and overlying CS-fog at that kVp, which determine the detectability of a lesion in the image. A series of interactive exercises with MCQs evaluate the student's understanding; the simulation has improved student perception of the need to acquire "sufficient" rather than maximal contrast to enable patient dose reduction at higher kVp.Keywords: patient dose optimization, radiological physics, simulation, tissue contrast
Procedia PDF Downloads 9721352 Design of the Compliant Mechanism of a Biomechanical Assistive Device for the Knee
Authors: Kevin Giraldo, Juan A. Gallego, Uriel Zapata, Fanny L. Casado
Compliant mechanisms are designed to deform in a controlled manner in response to external forces, utilizing the flexibility of their components to store potential elastic energy during deformation, gradually releasing it upon returning to its original form. This article explores the design of a knee orthosis intended to assist users during stand-up motion. The orthosis makes use of a compliant mechanism to balance the user’s weight, thereby minimizing the strain on leg muscles during standup motion. The primary function of the compliant mechanism is to store and exchange potential energy, so when coupled with the gravitational potential of the user, the total potential energy variation is minimized. The design process for the semi-rigid knee orthosis involved material selection and the development of a numerical model for the compliant mechanism seen as a spring. Geometric properties are obtained through the numerical modeling of the spring once the desired stiffness and safety factor values have been attained. Subsequently, a 3D finite element analysis was conducted. The study demonstrates a strong correlation between the maximum stress in the mathematical model (250.22 MPa) and the simulation (239.8 MPa), with a 4.16% error. Both analyses safety factors: 1.02 for the mathematical approach and 1.1 for the simulation, with a consistent 7.84% margin of error. The spring’s stiffness, calculated at 90.82 Nm/rad analytically and 85.71 Nm/rad in the simulation, exhibits a 5.62% difference. These results suggest significant potential for the proposed device in assisting patients with knee orthopedic restrictions, contributing to ongoing efforts in advancing the understanding and treatment of knee osteoarthritis.Keywords: biomechanics, complaint mechanisms, gonarthrosis, orthoses
Procedia PDF Downloads 3921351 Analytical Design of Fractional-Order PI Controller for Decoupling Control System
Authors: Truong Nguyen Luan Vu, Le Hieu Giang, Le Linh
The FOPI controller is proposed based on the main properties of the decoupling control scheme, as well as the fractional calculus. By using the simplified decoupling technique, the transfer function of decoupled apparent process is firstly separated into a set of n equivalent independent processes in terms of a ratio of the diagonal elements of original open-loop transfer function to those of dynamic relative gain array and the fraction – order PI controller is then developed for each control loops due to the Bode’s ideal transfer function that gives the desired fractional closed-loop response in the frequency domain. The simulation studies were carried out to evaluate the proposed design approach in a fair compared with the other existing methods in accordance with the structured singular value (SSV) theory that used to measure the robust stability of control systems under multiplicative output uncertainty. The simulation results indicate that the proposed method consistently performs well with fast and well-balanced closed-loop time responses.Keywords: ideal transfer function of bode, fractional calculus, fractional order proportional integral (FOPI) controller, decoupling control system
Procedia PDF Downloads 33321350 Chemical Stability of Ceramic Crucibles to Molten Titanium
Authors: Jong-Min Park, Hyung-Ki Park, Seok Hong Min, Tae Kwon Ha
Titanium is widely used due to its high specific strength, good biocompatibility, and excellent corrosion resistance. In order to produce titanium powders, it is necessary to melt titanium, and generally it is conducted by an induction heating method using Al₂O₃ ceramic crucible. However, since titanium reacts chemically with Al₂O₃, it is difficult to melt titanium by the induction heating method using Al₂O₃ crucible. To avoid this problem, we studied the chemical stability of the various crucibles such as Al₂O₃, MgO, ZrO₂, and Y₂O₃ crucibles to molten titanium. After titanium lumps (Grade 2, O(oxygen)<0.25wt%) were placed in each crucible, they were heated to 1800℃ with a heating rate of 5 ℃/min, held at 1800℃ for 30 min, and finally cooled to room temperature with a cooling rate of 5 ℃/min. All heat treatments were carried out in high purity Ar atmosphere. To evaluate the chemical stability, thermodynamic data such as Ellingham diagram were utilized, and also Vickers hardness test, microstructure analysis, and EPMA quantitative analysis were performed. As a result, Al₂O₃, MgO and ZrO₂ crucibles chemically reacted with molten titanium, but Y₂O₃ crucible rarely reacted with it.Keywords: titanium, induction melting, crucible, chemical stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 30121349 Generation of Charged Nanoparticles and Their Contribution to the Thin Film and Nanowire Growth during Chemical Vapour Deposition
Authors: Seung-Min Yang, Seong-Han Park, Sang-Hoon Lee, Seung-Wan Yoo, Chan-Soo Kim, Nong-Moon Hwang
The theory of charged nanoparticles suggested that in many Chemical Vapour Depositions (CVD) processes, Charged Nanoparticles (CNPs) are generated in the gas-phase and become a building block of thin films and nanowires. Recently, the nanoparticle-based crystallization has become a big issue since the growth of nanorods or crystals by the building block of nanoparticles was directly observed by transmission electron microscopy observations in the liquid cell. In an effort to confirm charged gas-phase nuclei, that might be generated under conventional processing conditions of thin films and nanowires during CVD, we performed an in-situ measurement using differential mobility analyser and particle beam mass spectrometer. The size distribution and number density of CNPs were affected by process parameters such as precursor flow rate and working temperature. It was shown that many films and nanostructures, which have been believed to grow by individual atoms or molecules, actually grow by the building blocks of such charged nuclei. The electrostatic interaction between CNPs and the growing surface induces the self-assembly into films and nanowires. In addition, the charge-enhanced atomic diffusion makes CNPs liquid-like quasi solid. As a result, CNPs tend to land epitaxial on the growing surface, which results in the growth of single crystalline nanowires with a smooth surface.Keywords: chemical vapour deposition, charged nanoparticle, electrostatic force, nanostructure evolution, differential mobility analyser, particle beam mass spectrometer
Procedia PDF Downloads 45321348 Analysis of Nonlinear Bertrand Duopoly Game with Heterogeneous Players
Authors: Jixiang Zhang
A dynamic of Bertrand duopoly game is analyzed, where players use different production methods and choose their prices with bounded rationality. The equilibriums of the corresponding discrete dynamical systems are investigated. The stability conditions of Nash equilibrium under a local adjustment process are studied. The stability conditions of Nash equilibrium under a local adjustment process are studied. The stability of Nash equilibrium, as some parameters of the model are varied, gives rise to complex dynamics such as cycles of higher order and chaos. On this basis, we discover that an increase of adjustment speed of bounded rational player can make Bertrand market sink into the chaotic state. Finally, the complex dynamics, bifurcations and chaos are displayed by numerical simulation.Keywords: Bertrand duopoly model, discrete dynamical system, heterogeneous expectations, nash equilibrium
Procedia PDF Downloads 40721347 Simulation on Fuel Metering Unit Used for TurboShaft Engine Model
Authors: Bin Wang, Hengyu Ji, Zhifeng Ye
Fuel Metering Unit (FMU) in fuel system of an aeroengine sometimes has direct influence on the engine performance, which is neglected for the sake of easy access to mathematical model of the engine in most cases. In order to verify the influence of FMU on an engine model, this paper presents a co-simulation of a stepping motor driven FMU (digital FMU) in a turboshaft aeroengine, using AMESim and MATLAB to obtain the steady and dynamic characteristics of the FMU. For this method, mechanical and hydraulic section of the unit is modeled through AMESim, while the stepping motor is mathematically modeled through MATLAB/Simulink. Combining these two sub-models yields an AMESim/MATLAB co-model of the FMU. A simplified component level model for the turboshaft engine is established and connected with the FMU model. Simulation results on the full model show that the engine model considering FMU characteristics describes the engine more precisely especially in its transition state. An FMU dynamics will cut down the rotation speed of the high pressure shaft and the inlet pressure of the combustor during the step response. The work in this paper reveals the impact of FMU on engine operation characteristics and provides a reference to an engine model for ground tests.Keywords: fuel metering unit, stepping motor, AMESim/Matlab, full digital simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 25121346 Investigation of Atomic Adsorption on the Surface of BC3 Nanotubes
Authors: S. V. Boroznin, I. V. Zaporotskova, N. P. Polikarpova
Studing of nanotubes sorption properties is very important for researching. These processes for carbon and boron nanotubes described in the high number of papers. But the sorption properties of boron containing nanotubes, susch as BC3-nanotubes haven’t been studied sufficiently yet. In this paper we present the results of theoretical research into the mechanism of atomic surface adsorption on the two types of boron-carbon nanotubes (BCNTs) within the framework of an ionic-built covalent-cyclic cluster model and an appropriately modified MNDO quantum chemical scheme and DFT method using B3LYP functional with 6-31G basis. These methods are well-known and the results, obtained using them, were in good agreement with the experiment. Also we studied three position of atom location above the nanotube surface. These facts suggest us to use them for our research and quantum-chemical calculations. We studied the mechanism of sorption of Cl, O and F atoms on the external surface of single-walled BC3 arm-chair nanotubes. We defined the optimal geometry of the sorption complexes and obtained the values of the sorption energies. Analysis of the band structure suggests that the band gap is insensitive to adsorption process. The electron density is located near atoms of the surface of the tube. Also we compared our results with others, which have been obtained earlier for pure carbon and boron nanotubes. The most stable adsorption complex has been between boron-carbon nanotube and oxygen atom. So, it suggests us to make a research of oxygen molecule adsorption on the BC3 nanotube surface. We modeled five variants of molecule orientation above the nanotube surface. The most stable sorption complex has been defined between the oxygen molecule and nanotube when the oxygen molecule is located above the nanotube surface perpendicular to the axis of the tube.Keywords: Boron-carbon nanotubes, nanostructures, nanolayers, quantum-chemical calculations, nanoengineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 31821345 Numerical Analysis of Swirling Chamber Using Improved Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation Turbulence Model
Authors: Hamad M. Alhajeri
Swirling chamber is a promising cooling method for heavily thermally loaded parts like turbine blades due to the additional circumferential velocity and therefore improved turbulent mixing of the fluid. This paper investigates numerically the effect of turbulence model on the heat convection of the swirling chamber. Grid independence analysis is conducted to obtain the proper grid dimension. The work validated with experimental data available in the literature. Flow analysis using improved delayed detached eddy simulation turbulence model and Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes k-ɛ turbulence model is carried. The flow characteristic near the exit is reformed when improved delayed detached eddy simulation model used.Keywords: gas turbine, Nusselt number, flow characteristics, heat transfer
Procedia PDF Downloads 20221344 Optical Characterization of Lead Sulphide Thin Films Grown by Chemical Bath Deposition
Authors: Ekpekpo Arthur
Thin films can either be conductive or dielectric (non-conductive). It is formed through atom/molecules state or formed after decomposing the materials into atomic/molecular scale by physical or chemical processes. In this study, thin films of Lead Sulphide were deposited on glass substrate prepared from lead acetate and thiourea solution using chemical bath deposition (CBD). The glass slides were subjected to the pretreatment by soaking them in a solution of 50% sulphuric acid and 50% nitric acid. Lead sulphide was deposited at different parameters such as deposition time and temperature. The optical properties of the thin films were determined from spectroscopy measurements of absorbance and reflectance. Optical studies show that the band gap of lead sulphide ranges between 0.41 eV to 300K.Keywords: lead sulphide, spectroscopy, absorbance, reflectance
Procedia PDF Downloads 43321343 Deproteination and Demineralization of Shrimp Waste Using Lactic Acid Bacteria for the Production of Crude Chitin and Chitosan
Authors: Farramae Francisco, Rhoda Mae Simora, Sharon Nunal
Deproteination and demineralization efficiencies of shrimp waste using two Lactobacillus species treated with different carbohydrate sources for chitin production, its chemical conversion to chitosan and the quality of chitin and chitosan produced were determined. Using 5% glucose and 5% cassava starch as carbohydrate sources, pH slightly increased from the initial pH of 6.0 to 6.8 and 7.2, respectively after 24 h and maintained their pH at 6.7 to 7.3 throughout the treatment period. Demineralization (%) in 5 % glucose and 5 % cassava was highest during the first day of treatment which was 82% and 83%, respectively. Deproteination (%) was highest in 5% cassava starch on the 3rd day of treatment at 84.4%. The obtained chitin from 5% cassava and 5% glucose had a residual ash and protein below 1% and solubility of 59% and 44.3%, respectively. Chitosan produced from 5% cassava and 5% glucose had protein content below 0.05%; residual ash was 1.1% and 0.8%, respectively. Chitosan solubility and degree of deacetylation were 56% and 33% in 5% glucose and 48% and 29% in 5% cassava, respectively. The advantage this alternative technology offers over that of chemical extraction is large reduction in chemicals needed thus less effluent production and generation of a protein-rich liquor, although the demineralization process should be improved to achieve greater degree of deacetylation.Keywords: alternative carbon source, bioprocessing, lactic acid bacteria, waste utilization
Procedia PDF Downloads 48721342 Improving Monitoring and Fault Detection of Solar Panels Using Arduino Mega in WSN
Authors: Ali Al-Dahoud, Mohamed Fezari, Thamer Al-Rawashdeh, Ismail Jannoud
Monitoring and detecting faults on a set of Solar panels, using a wireless sensor network (WNS) is our contribution in this paper, This work is part of the project we are working on at Al-Zaytoonah University. The research problem has been exposed by engineers and technicians or operators dealing with PV panels maintenance, in order to monitor and detect faults within solar panels which affect considerably the energy produced by the solar panels. The proposed solution is based on installing WSN nodes with appropriate sensors for more often occurred faults on the 45 solar panels installed on the roof of IT faculty. A simulation has been done on nodes distribution and a study for the design of a node with appropriate sensors taking into account the priorities of the processing faults. Finally, a graphic user interface is designed and adapted to telemonitoring panels using WSN. The primary tests of hardware implementation gave interesting results, the sensors calibration and interference transmission problem have been solved. A friendly GUI using high level language Visial Basic was developed to carry out the monitoring process and to save data on Exel File.Keywords: Arduino Mega microcnotroller, solar panels, fault-detection, simulation, node design
Procedia PDF Downloads 46521341 Hydrogen Production from Solid Waste of Sago Processing Industries in Indonesia: Effect of Chemical and Biological Pretreatment
Authors: Pratikno Hidayat, Khamdan Cahyari
Hydrogen is the ultimate choice of energy carriers in future. It contents high energy density (42 kJ/g), emits only water vapor during combustion and has high energy conversion up to 50% in fuel cell application. One of the promising methods to produce hydrogen is from organic waste through dark fermentation method. It utilizes sugar-rich organic waste as substrate and hydrogen-producing microorganisms to generate the hydrogen. Solid waste of sago processing industries in Indonesia is one of the promising raw materials for both producing biofuel hydrogen and mitigating the environmental impact due to the waste disposal. This research was meant to investigate the effect of chemical and biological pretreatment i.e. acid treatment and mushroom cultivation toward lignocellulosic waste of these sago industries. Chemical pretreatment was conducted through exposing the waste into acid condition using sulfuric acid (H2SO4) (various molar i.e. 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4 M and various duration of exposure i.e. 30, 60 and 90 minutes). Meanwhile, biological treatment was conducted through utilization of the solid waste as growth media of mushroom (Oyster and Ling-zhi) for 3 months. Dark fermentation was conducted at pH 5.0, temperature 27℃ and atmospheric pressure. It was noticed that chemical and biological pretreatment could improve hydrogen yield with the highest yield at 3.8 ml/g VS (31%v H2). The hydrogen production was successfully performed to generate high percentage of hydrogen, although the yield was still low. This result indicated that the explosion of acid chemical and biological method might need to be extended to improve degradability of the solid waste. However, high percentage of hydrogen was resulted from proper pretreatment of residual sludge of biogas plant to generate hydrogen-producing inoculum.Keywords: hydrogen, sago waste, chemical, biological, dark fermentation, Indonesia
Procedia PDF Downloads 36721340 Confidence Intervals for Process Capability Indices for Autocorrelated Data
Authors: Jane A. Luke
Persistent pressure passed on to manufacturers from escalating consumer expectations and the ever growing global competitiveness have produced a rapidly increasing interest in the development of various manufacturing strategy models. Academic and industrial circles are taking keen interest in the field of manufacturing strategy. Many manufacturing strategies are currently centered on the traditional concepts of focused manufacturing capabilities such as quality, cost, dependability and innovation. Process capability indices was conducted assuming that the process under study is in statistical control and independent observations are generated over time. However, in practice, it is very common to come across processes which, due to their inherent natures, generate autocorrelated observations. The degree of autocorrelation affects the behavior of patterns on control charts. Even, small levels of autocorrelation between successive observations can have considerable effects on the statistical properties of conventional control charts. When observations are autocorrelated the classical control charts exhibit nonrandom patterns and lack of control. Many authors have considered the effect of autocorrelation on the performance of statistical process control charts. In this paper, the effect of autocorrelation on confidence intervals for different PCIs was included. Stationary Gaussian processes is explained. Effect of autocorrelation on PCIs is described in detail. Confidence intervals for Cp and Cpk are constructed for PCIs when data are both independent and autocorrelated. Confidence intervals for Cp and Cpk are computed. Approximate lower confidence limits for various Cpk are computed assuming AR(1) model for the data. Simulation studies and industrial examples are considered to demonstrate the results.Keywords: autocorrelation, AR(1) model, Bissell’s approximation, confidence intervals, statistical process control, specification limits, stationary Gaussian processes
Procedia PDF Downloads 39121339 Off-Line Detection of "Pannon Wheat" Milling Fractions by Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Methods
Authors: E. Izsó, M. Bartalné-Berceli, Sz. Gergely, A. Salgó
The aims of this investigation is to elaborate near-infrared methods for testing and recognition of chemical components and quality in “Pannon wheat” allied (i.e. true to variety or variety identified) milling fractions as well as to develop spectroscopic methods following the milling processes and evaluate the stability of the milling technology by different types of milling products and according to sampling times, respectively. This wheat categories produced under industrial conditions where samples were collected versus sampling time and maximum or minimum yields. The changes of the main chemical components (such as starch, protein, lipid) and physical properties of fractions (particle size) were analysed by dispersive spectrophotometers using visible (VIS) and near-infrared (NIR) regions of the electromagnetic radiation. Close correlation were obtained between the data of spectroscopic measurement techniques processed by various chemometric methods (e.g. principal component analysis (PCA), cluster analysis (CA) and operation condition of milling technology. Its obvious that NIR methods are able to detect the deviation of the yield parameters and differences of the sampling times by a wide variety of fractions, respectively. NIR technology can be used in the sensitive monitoring of milling technology.Keywords: near infrared spectroscopy, wheat categories, milling process, monitoring
Procedia PDF Downloads 40721338 Geographic Information System for District Level Energy Performance Simulations
Authors: Avichal Malhotra, Jerome Frisch, Christoph van Treeck
The utilization of semantic, cadastral and topological data from geographic information systems (GIS) has exponentially increased for building and urban-scale energy performance simulations. Urban planners, simulation scientists, and researchers use virtual 3D city models for energy analysis, algorithms and simulation tools. For dynamic energy simulations at city and district level, this paper provides an overview of the available GIS data models and their levels of detail. Adhering to different norms and standards, these models also intend to describe building and construction industry data. For further investigations, CityGML data models are considered for simulations. Though geographical information modelling has considerably many different implementations, extensions of virtual city data can also be made for domain specific applications. Highlighting the use of the extended CityGML models for energy researches, a brief introduction to the Energy Application Domain Extension (ADE) along with its significance is made. Consequently, addressing specific input simulation data, a workflow using Modelica underlining the usage of GIS information and the quantification of its significance over annual heating energy demand is presented in this paper.Keywords: CityGML, EnergyADE, energy performance simulation, GIS
Procedia PDF Downloads 17221337 Design and Modeling of a Green Building Energy Efficient System
Authors: Berhane Gebreslassie
Conventional commericial buildings are among the highest unwisely consumes enormous amount of energy and as consequence produce significant amount Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Traditional/conventional buildings have been built for years without consideration being given to their impact on the global warming issues as well as their CO2 contributions. Since 1973, simulation of Green Building (GB) for Energy Efficiency started and many countries in particular the US showed a positive response to minimize the usage of energy in respect to reducing the CO2 emission. As a consequence many software companies developed their own unique building energy efficiency simulation software, interfacing interoperability with Building Information Modeling (BIM). The last decade has witnessed very rapid growing number of researches on GB energy efficiency system. However, the study also indicates that the results of current GB simulation are not yet satisfactory to meet the objectives of GB. In addition most of these previous studies are unlikely excluded the studies of ultimate building energy efficiencies simulation. The aim of this project is to meet the objectives of GB by design, modeling and simulation of building ultimate energy efficiencies system. This research project presents multi-level, L-shape office building in which every particular part of the building materials has been tested for energy efficiency. An overall of 78.62% energy is saved, approaching to NetZero energy saving. Furthermore, the building is implements with distributed energy resources like renewable energies and integrating with Smart Building Automation System (SBAS) for controlling and monitoring energy usage.Keywords: ultimate energy saving, optimum energy saving, green building, sustainable materials and renewable energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 27721336 VISSIM Modeling of Driver Behavior at Connecticut Roundabouts
Authors: F. Clara Fang, Hernan Castaneda
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) has constructed four roundabouts in the State of Connecticut within the past ten years. VISSIM traffic simulation software was utilized to analyze these roundabouts during their design phase. The queue length and level of service observed in the field appear to be better than predicted by the VISSIM model. The objectives of this project are to: identify VISSIM input variables most critical to accurate modeling; recommend VISSIM calibration factors; and, provide other recommendations for roundabout traffic operations modeling. Traffic data were collected at these roundabouts using Miovision Technologies. Cameras were set up to capture vehicle circulating activity and entry behavior for two weekdays. A large sample size of filed data was analyzed to achieve accurate and statistically significant results. The data extracted from the videos include: vehicle circulating speed; critical gap estimated by Maximum Likelihood Method; peak hour volume; follow-up headway; travel time; and, vehicle queue length. A VISSIM simulation of existing roundabouts was built to compare both queue length and travel time predicted from simulation with measured in the field. The research investigated a variety of simulation parameters as calibration factors for describing driver behaviors at roundabouts. Among them, critical gap is the most effective calibration variable in roundabout simulation. It has a significant impact to queue length, particularly when the volume is higher. The results will improve the design of future roundabouts in Connecticut and provide decision makers with insights on the relationship between various choices and future performance.Keywords: driver critical gap, roundabout analysis, simulation, VISSIM modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 29221335 Satisfaction Among Preclinical Medical Students with Low-Fidelity Simulation-Based Learning
Authors: Shilpa Murthy, Hazlina Binti Abu Bakar, Juliet Mathew, Chandrashekhar Thummala Hlly Sreerama Reddy, Pathiyil Ravi Shankar
Simulation is defined as a technique that replaces or expands real experiences with guided experiences that interactively imitate real-world processes or systems. Simulation enables learners to train in a safe and non-threatening environment. For decades, simulation has been considered an integral part of clinical teaching and learning strategy in medical education. The several types of simulation used in medical education and the clinical environment can be applied to several models, including full-body mannequins, task trainers, standardized simulated patients, virtual or computer-generated simulation, or Hybrid simulation that can be used to facilitate learning. Simulation allows healthcare practitioners to acquire skills and experience while taking care of patient safety. The recent COVID pandemic has also led to an increase in simulation use, as there were limitations on medical student placements in hospitals and clinics. The learning is tailored according to the educational needs of students to make the learning experience more valuable. Simulation in the pre-clinical years has challenges with resource constraints, effective curricular integration, student engagement and motivation, and evidence of educational impact, to mention a few. As instructors, we may have more reliance on the use of simulation for pre-clinical students while the students’ confidence levels and perceived competence are to be evaluated. Our research question was whether the implementation of simulation-based learning positively influences preclinical medical students' confidence levels and perceived competence. This study was done to align the teaching activities with the student’s learning experience to introduce more low-fidelity simulation-based teaching sessions for pre-clinical years and to obtain students’ input into the curriculum development as part of inclusivity. The study was carried out at International Medical University, involving pre-clinical year (Medical) students who were started with low-fidelity simulation-based medical education from their first semester and were gradually introduced to medium fidelity, too. The Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale questionnaire from the National League of Nursing was employed to collect the responses. The internal consistency reliability for the survey items was tested with Cronbach’s alpha using an Excel file. IBM SPSS for Windows version 28.0 was used to analyze the data. Spearman’s rank correlation was used to analyze the correlation between students’ satisfaction and self-confidence in learning. The significance level was set at p value less than 0.05. The results from this study have prompted the researchers to undertake a larger-scale evaluation, which is currently underway. The current results show that 70% of students agreed that the teaching methods used in the simulation were helpful and effective. The sessions are dependent on the learning materials that are provided and how the facilitators engage the students and make the session more enjoyable. The feedback provided inputs on the following areas to focus on while designing simulations for pre-clinical students. There are quality learning materials, an interactive environment, motivating content, skills and knowledge of the facilitator, and effective feedback.Keywords: low-fidelity simulation, pre-clinical simulation, students satisfaction, self-confidence
Procedia PDF Downloads 7821334 Regular Laboratory Based Neonatal Simulation Program Increases Senior Clinicians’ Knowledge, Skills and Confidence Caring for Sick Neonates
Authors: Madeline Tagg, Choihoong Mui, Elizabeth Lek, Jide Menakaya
Introduction: Simulation technology is used by neonatal teams to learn and refresh skills and gain the knowledge and confidence to care for sick neonates. In-situ simulation is considered superior to laboratory-based programmes as it closely mirrors real life situations. This study reports our experience of running regular laboratory-based simulation sessions for senior clinicians and nurses and its impact on their knowledge, skills and confidence. Methods: A before and after questionnaire survey was carried out on senior clinicians and nurses that attended a scheduled laboratory-based simulation session. Participants were asked to document their expectations before a 3-hour monthly laboratory programme started and invited to feedback their reflections at the end of the session. The session included discussion of relevant clinical guidelines, immersion in a scenario and video led debrief. The results of the survey were analysed in three skills based categories - improved, no change or a worsened experience. Results: 45 questionnaires were completed and analysed. Of these 25 (55%) were completed by consultants seven and six by nurses and trainee doctors respectively, and seven respondents were unknown. 40 (88%) rated the session overall and guideline review as good/excellent, 39 respondents (86%) rated the scenario session good/excellent and 40/45 fed back a good/excellent debrief session. 33 (73%) respondents completed the before and after questionnaire. 21/33 (63%) reflected an improved knowledge, skill or confidence in caring for sick new-bon babies, eight respondents reported no change and four fed back a worse experience after the session. Discussion: Most respondents found the laboratory based structured simulation session beneficial for their professional development. They valued equally the whole content of the programme such as guideline review and equipment training as well as the simulation and debrief sessions. Two out three participants stated their knowledge of caring for sick new-born babies had been transformed positively by the session. Sessions where simulation equipment failed or relevant staff were absent contributed to a poor educational experience. Summary: A regular structured laboratory-based simulation programme with a rich content is a credible educational resource for improving the knowledge, skills and confidence of senior clinicians caring for sick new born babies.Keywords: knowledge, laboratory based, neonates, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 12221333 Optimizing Pick and Place Operations in a Simulated Work Cell for Deformable 3D Objects
Authors: Troels Bo Jørgensen, Preben Hagh Strunge Holm, Henrik Gordon Petersen, Norbert Kruger
This paper presents a simulation framework for using machine learning techniques to determine robust robotic motions for handling deformable objects. The main focus is on applications in the meat sector, which mainly handle three-dimensional objects. In order to optimize the robotic handling, the robot motions have been parameterized in terms of grasp points, robot trajectory and robot speed. The motions are evaluated based on a dynamic simulation environment for robotic control of deformable objects. The evaluation indicates certain parameter setups, which produce robust motions in the simulated environment, and based on a visual analysis indicate satisfactory solutions for a real world system.Keywords: deformable objects, robotic manipulation, simulation, real world system
Procedia PDF Downloads 28121332 Agriculture Water Quality Evaluation in Minig Basin
Authors: Ben Salah Nahla
The problem of water in Tunisia affects the quality and quantity. Tunisia is in a situation of water shortage. It was estimated that 4.6 Mm3/an. Moreover, the quality of water in Tunisia is also mediocre. In fact, 50% of the water has a high salinity (> 1.5g/l). There are several parameters which affect water quality such as sodium, fluoride. An excess of this parameter may induce some human health. Furthermore, the mining basin area has a problem of industrial waste. This problem may affect the water quality of the groundwater. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to assess the water quality in Basin Mining and the impact of fluorine. For this research, some water samples were done in the field and specific water analysis was implemented in the laboratory. Sampling is carried out on eight drilling in the area of the mining region. In the following, we will look at water view composition, physical and chemical quality. A physical-chemical analysis of water from a survey of the Mining area of Tunisia was performed and showed an excess for the following items: fluorine, sodium, sulfate. So many chemicals may be present in water. However, only a small number of them immediately concern in terms of health in all circumstances. Fluorine (F) is one particular chemical that is considered both necessary for the human body, but an excess of the rate of this chemical causes serious diseases. Sodium fluoride and sodium silicofluoride are more soluble and may spread in animals and plants where their toxicity largest organizations. The more complex particles such as cryolite and fluorite, almost insoluble, are more stable and less toxic. Thereafter, we will study the problem of excess fluorine in the water. The latter intended for human consumption must always comply with the limits for microbiological quality parameters and physical-chemical parameters defined by European standards (1.5 mg/l) and Tunisian (2 mg/l).Keywords: water, minier basin, fluorine, silicofluoride
Procedia PDF Downloads 58321331 The Effect of Non-Normality on CB-SEM and PLS-SEM Path Estimates
Authors: Z. Jannoo, B. W. Yap, N. Auchoybur, M. A. Lazim
The two common approaches to Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) are the Covariance-Based SEM (CB-SEM) and Partial Least Squares SEM (PLS-SEM). There is much debate on the performance of CB-SEM and PLS-SEM for small sample size and when distributions are non-normal. This study evaluates the performance of CB-SEM and PLS-SEM under normality and non-normality conditions via a simulation. Monte Carlo Simulation in R programming language was employed to generate data based on the theoretical model with one endogenous and four exogenous variables. Each latent variable has three indicators. For normal distributions, CB-SEM estimates were found to be inaccurate for small sample size while PLS-SEM could produce the path estimates. Meanwhile, for a larger sample size, CB-SEM estimates have lower variability compared to PLS-SEM. Under non-normality, CB-SEM path estimates were inaccurate for small sample size. However, CB-SEM estimates are more accurate than those of PLS-SEM for sample size of 50 and above. The PLS-SEM estimates are not accurate unless sample size is very large.Keywords: CB-SEM, Monte Carlo simulation, normality conditions, non-normality, PLS-SEM
Procedia PDF Downloads 41121330 Adsorption of NO and NH3 in MFI and H-ZSM5: Monte Carlo Simulation
Authors: Z. Jamalzadeh, A. Niaei, H. Erfannia
Due to developing industries, the emission of pollutants such as NOx, SOx, and CO2 are rapidly increased. Generally, NOx is attributed to the mono nitrogen oxides of NO and NO2 that is one of the most important atmospheric contaminants. Hence, controlling the emission of nitrogen oxides is environmentally urgent. Selective catalytic reduction of NOx is one of the most common techniques for NOx removal in which zeolites have wide application due to their high performance. In zeolitic processes, the catalytic reaction occurs mostly in the pores. Therefore, investigation of the adsorption phenomena of the molecules in order to gain an insight and understand the catalytic cycle is of important. Hence, in current study, benefiting from molecular simulations, the adsorption phenomena in the nanocatalysts of SCR of NOx process was investigated in order to get a good insight of the catalysts’ behavior. The effect of cation addition to the support in the catalysts’ behavior through adsorption step was explored by Mont Carlo (MC) using Materials Studio Package. Simulation time of 1 Ns accompanying 1 fs time step, COMPASS27 Force Field and the cut off radios of 12.5 Ȧ was applied for performed runs. It was observed that the adsorption capacity increases in the presence of cations. The sorption isotherms demonstrated the behavior of type I isotherm categories and sorption capacity diminished with increase in temperature whereas an increase was observed at high pressures. Besides, NO sorption showed higher sorption capacity than NH3 in H–ZSM5. In this respect, the energy distributions signified that the molecules could adsorb in just one sorption site at the catalyst and the sorption energy of NO was stronger than the NH3 in H-ZSM5. Furthermore, the isosteric heat of sorption data showed nearly same values for the molecules; however, it indicated stronger interactions of NO molecules with H-ZSM5 zeolite compared to the isosteric heat of NH3 which was low in value.Keywords: Monte Carlo simulation, adsorption, NOx, ZSM5
Procedia PDF Downloads 35921329 Simulation of Hamming Coding and Decoding for Microcontroller Radiation Hardening
Authors: Rehab I. Abdul Rahman, Mazhar B. Tayel
This paper presents a method of hardening the 8051 microcontroller, that able to assure reliable operation in the presence of bit flips caused by radiation. Aiming at avoiding such faults in the 8051 microcontroller, Hamming code protection was used in its SRAM memory and registers. A VHDL code and its simulation have been used for this hamming code protection.Keywords: radiation, hardening, bitflip, hamming
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