Search results for: window analysis
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 28279

Search results for: window analysis

27499 Rasch Analysis in the Development of 'Kohesif-Ques': An Instrument to Measure Social Cohesion

Authors: Paramita Sekar Ayu, Sunjaya Deni Kurniadi, Yamazaki Chiho, Hilfi Lukman, Koyama Hiroshi


Social cohesion, or closeness among members of society, is an important determinant of population health. A cohesive society is a crucial societal condition for a positive life evaluation and subjective wellbeing, and people living in a cohesive society are happier and more satisfied with life and achieve better health status. The objective of this study was to compose and validate a questionnaire for measuring social cohesion with Rasch analysis. We develop a set of 13 questions to measure 4 dimensions of social cohesion. Random samples of 166 Bandung citizens’ were selected to answer the questionnaire. To evaluate the questionnaire’s validity and reliability, Rasch analysis (a psychometric model for analyzing categorical data on questionnaire responses) was carried out using Winsteps version 3.75.0. Rasch analysis was performed on the response given to 13 items included in the questionnaire. The reliability coefficient, Cronbach’s alpha was 0.70, model RMSE 0.08, SD 0.54, separation 7.14, and reliability of 0.98. ‘Kohesif-Ques’ is a useful instrument to assess social cohesion.

Keywords: rasch analysis, rasch model, social cohesion, quesionnaire

Procedia PDF Downloads 178
27498 Estimation of Damping Force of Double Ended Shear Mode Magnetorheological Damper Using Computational Analysis

Authors: Gurubasavaraju T. M.


The magnetorheological (MR) damper could provide variable damping force with respect to the different input magnetic field. The damping force could be estimated through computational analysis using finite element and computational fluid dynamics analysis. The double-ended damper operates without changing the total volume of fluid. In this paper, damping force of double ended damper under different magnetic field is computed. Initially, the magneto-statics analysis carried out to evaluate the magnetic flux density across the fluid flow gap. The respective change in the rheology of the MR fluid is computed by using the experimentally fitted polynomial equation of shear stress versus magnetic field plot of MR fluid. The obtained values are substituted in the Herschel Buckley model to express the non-Newtonian behavior of MR fluid. Later, using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis damping characteristics in terms of force versus velocity and force versus displacement for the respective magnetic field is estimated. The purpose of the present approach is to characterize the preliminary designed MR damper before fabricating.

Keywords: MR fluid, double ended MR damper, CFD, FEA

Procedia PDF Downloads 181
27497 A Proposal on the Educational Transactional Analysis as a Dialogical Vision of Culture: Conceptual Signposts and Practical Tools for Educators

Authors: Marina Sartor Hoffer


The multicultural composition of today's societies poses new challenges to educational contexts. Schools are therefore called first to develop dialogic aptitudes and communicative skills adapted to the complex reality of post-modern societies. It is indispensable for educators and for young people to learn theoretical and practical tools during their scholastic path, in order to allow the knowledge of themselves and of the others with the aim of recognizing the value of the others regardless of their culture. Dialogic Skills help to understand and manage individual differences by allowing the solution of problems and preventing conflicts. The Educational Sector of Eric Berne’s Transactional Analysis offers a range of methods and techniques for this purpose. Educational Transactional Analysis is firmly anchored in the Personalist Philosophy and deserves to be promoted as a theoretical frame suitable to face the challenges of contemporary education. The goal of this paper is therefore to outline some conceptual and methodological signposts for the education to dialogue by drawing concepts and methodologies from educational transactional analysis.

Keywords: dialogic process, education to dialogue, educational transactional analysis, personalism, the good of the relationship

Procedia PDF Downloads 267
27496 A Sociocybernetics Data Analysis Using Causality in Tourism Networks

Authors: M. Lloret-Climent, J. Nescolarde-Selva


The aim of this paper is to propose a mathematical model to determine invariant sets, set covering, orbits and, in particular, attractors in the set of tourism variables. Analysis was carried out based on a pre-designed algorithm and applying our interpretation of chaos theory developed in the context of General Systems Theory. This article sets out the causal relationships associated with tourist flows in order to enable the formulation of appropriate strategies. Our results can be applied to numerous cases. For example, in the analysis of tourist flows, these findings can be used to determine whether the behaviour of certain groups affects that of other groups and to analyse tourist behaviour in terms of the most relevant variables. Unlike statistical analyses that merely provide information on current data, our method uses orbit analysis to forecast, if attractors are found, the behaviour of tourist variables in the immediate future.

Keywords: attractor, invariant set, tourist flows, orbits, social responsibility, tourism, tourist variables

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27495 Analysis of EEG Signals Using Wavelet Entropy and Approximate Entropy: A Case Study on Depression Patients

Authors: Subha D. Puthankattil, Paul K. Joseph


Analyzing brain signals of the patients suffering from the state of depression may lead to interesting observations in the signal parameters that is quite different from a normal control. The present study adopts two different methods: Time frequency domain and nonlinear method for the analysis of EEG signals acquired from depression patients and age and sex matched normal controls. The time frequency domain analysis is realized using wavelet entropy and approximate entropy is employed for the nonlinear method of analysis. The ability of the signal processing technique and the nonlinear method in differentiating the physiological aspects of the brain state are revealed using Wavelet entropy and Approximate entropy.

Keywords: EEG, depression, wavelet entropy, approximate entropy, relative wavelet energy, multiresolution decomposition

Procedia PDF Downloads 333
27494 A Corpus-Based Discourse Analysis of the Disappearance of MH370 in Malaysia and United Kingdom Newspapers: A Pilot Study

Authors: Theng Theng Ong


This pilot study adopts a corpus-based discourse analysis to explore the construction of Malaysia airline tragedy MH370 in the selected Malaysian and United Kingdom (UK) newspapers. Fairclough’s three-dimensional model is adopted in the study to support the corpus-based analysis. The analysis aims to determine the ways in which Malaysian Airline tragedy MH370 is linguistically defined and constructed in terms of keywords and collocation. The study also seeks to identify the types of discourse that are presented in the news articles. In addition, the differences or similarities in terms of keywords, topics or issues covered by the selected Malaysian and UK news media are examined.

Keywords: corpus, CDA, newspapers, airline tragedies

Procedia PDF Downloads 300
27493 Speeding up Nonlinear Time History Analysis of Base-Isolated Structures Using a Nonlinear Exponential Model

Authors: Nicolò Vaiana, Giorgio Serino


The nonlinear time history analysis of seismically base-isolated structures can require a significant computational effort when the behavior of each seismic isolator is predicted by adopting the widely used differential equation Bouc-Wen model. In this paper, a nonlinear exponential model, able to simulate the response of seismic isolation bearings within a relatively large displacements range, is described and adopted in order to reduce the numerical computations and speed up the nonlinear dynamic analysis. Compared to the Bouc-Wen model, the proposed one does not require the numerical solution of a nonlinear differential equation for each time step of the analysis. The seismic response of a 3d base-isolated structure with a lead rubber bearing system subjected to harmonic earthquake excitation is simulated by modeling each isolator using the proposed analytical model. The comparison of the numerical results and computational time with those obtained by modeling the lead rubber bearings using the Bouc-Wen model demonstrates the good accuracy of the proposed model and its capability to reduce significantly the computational effort of the analysis.

Keywords: base isolation, computational efficiency, nonlinear exponential model, nonlinear time history analysis

Procedia PDF Downloads 385
27492 Cancellation of Transducer Effects from Frequency Response Functions: Experimental Case Study on the Steel Plate

Authors: P. Zamani, A. Taleshi Anbouhi, M. R. Ashory, S. Mohajerzadeh, M. M. Khatibi


Modal analysis is a developing science in the experimental evaluation of dynamic properties of the structures. Mechanical devices such as accelerometers are one of the sources of lack of quality in measuring modal testing parameters. In this paper, eliminating the accelerometer’s mass effect of the frequency response of the structure is studied. So, a strategy is used for eliminating the mass effect by using sensitivity analysis. In this method, the amount of mass change and the place to measure the structure’s response with least error in frequency correction is chosen. Experimental modal testing is carried out on a steel plate and the effect of accelerometer’s mass is omitted using this strategy. Finally, a good agreement is achieved between numerical and experimental results.

Keywords: accelerometer mass, frequency response function, modal analysis, sensitivity analysis

Procedia PDF Downloads 447
27491 Exploring the Use of Digital Tools for the Analysis and Interpretation of the Poems of Seamus Heaney

Authors: Ashok Sachdeva


This research paper delves into the application of digital tools, especially Voyant Tools and AntConc version 4.0, for the analysis and interpretation of Seamus Heaney's poems. Scholars and literary aficionados can acquire deeper insights into Heaney's writings by utilising these tools, revealing hidden nuances and improving their knowledge. This paper outlines the methodology used, presents sample analyses and evaluates the merits and limitations of using digital tools in literary analysis. The combination of traditional close reading with digital analysis tools promises to offer new paths for understanding Heaney's vast tapestry of poetry. Seamus Heaney, a Nobel winner known for his vivid poetry, provides a treasure mine of literary discovery. The advent of digital tools gives an exciting opportunity to reveal previously unknown layers of meaning within his works. This paper investigates the use of Voyant Tools and AntConc version 4.0 to analyse and understand Heaney's writings, demonstrating the symbiotic relationship between traditional literary analysis and cutting-edge digital methodologies. Methodology: To demonstrate the efficiency of digital tools in the analysis of Heaney's poetry, a sample of his notable works will be entered into Voyant Tools and AntConc version 4.0. The former provides a graphic representation of word frequency, word clouds, and patterns over numerous poems. The latter, a concordance tool, enables detailed linguistic analysis, revealing patterns, and linguistic subtleties.

Keywords: digital tools, resonance, assonance, alliteration, creative quotient

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27490 Reliability Prediction of Tires Using Linear Mixed-Effects Model

Authors: Myung Hwan Na, Ho- Chun Song, EunHee Hong


We widely use normal linear mixed-effects model to analysis data in repeated measurement. In case of detecting heteroscedasticity and the non-normality of the population distribution at the same time, normal linear mixed-effects model can give improper result of analysis. To achieve more robust estimation, we use heavy tailed linear mixed-effects model which gives more exact and reliable analysis conclusion than standard normal linear mixed-effects model.

Keywords: reliability, tires, field data, linear mixed-effects model

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27489 Failure Analysis of Windshield Glass of Automobiles

Authors: Bhupinder Kaur, O. P. Pandey


An automobile industry is using variety of materials for better comfort and utility. The present work describes the details of failure analysis done for windshield glass of a four-wheeler class. The failure occurred in two different models of the heavy duty class of four wheelers, which analysed separately. The company reported that the failure has occurred only in their rear windshield when vehicles parked under shade for several days. These glasses were characterised by dilatometer, differential thermal analyzer, and X-ray diffraction. The glasses were further investigated under scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray dot mapping. The microstructural analysis of the glasses done at the surface as well as at the fractured area indicates that carbon as an impurity got segregated as banded structure throughout the glass. Since carbon absorbs higher heat, it causes thermal mismatch to the entire glass system, and glass shattered down. In this work, the details of sequential analysis done to predict the cause of failure are present.

Keywords: failure, windshield, thermal mismatch, carbon

Procedia PDF Downloads 248
27488 Lithium and Sodium Ion Capacitors with High Energy and Power Densities based on Carbons from Recycled Olive Pits

Authors: Jon Ajuria, Edurne Redondo, Roman Mysyk, Eider Goikolea


Hybrid capacitor configurations are now of increasing interest to overcome the current energy limitations of supercapacitors entirely based on non-Faradaic charge storage. Among them, Li-ion capacitors including a negative battery-type lithium intercalation electrode and a positive capacitor-type electrode have achieved tremendous progress and have gone up to commercialization. Inexpensive electrode materials from renewable sources have recently received increased attention since cost is a persistently major criterion to make supercapacitors a more viable energy solution, with electrode materials being a major contributor to supercapacitor cost. Additionally, Na-ion battery chemistries are currently under development as less expensive and accessible alternative to Li-ion based battery electrodes. In this work, we are presenting both lithium and sodium ion capacitor (LIC & NIC) entirely based on electrodes prepared from carbon materials derived from recycled olive pits. Yearly, around 1 million ton of olive pit waste is generated worldwide, of which a third originates in the Spanish olive oil industry. On the one hand, olive pits were pyrolized at different temperatures to obtain a low specific surface area semigraphitic hard carbon to be used as the Li/Na ion intercalation (battery-type) negative electrode. The best hard carbon delivers a total capacity of 270mAh/g vs Na/Na+ in 1M NaPF6 and 350mAh/g vs Li/Li+ in 1M LiPF6. On the other hand, the same hard carbon is chemically activated with KOH to obtain high specific surface area -about 2000 m2g-1- activated carbon that is further used as the ion-adsorption (capacitor-type) positive electrode. In a voltage window of 1.5-4.2V, activated carbon delivers a specific capacity of 80 mAh/g vs. Na/Na+ and 95 mAh/g vs. Li/Li+ at 0.1A /g. Both electrodes were assembled in the same hybrid cell to build a LIC/NIC. For comparison purposes, a symmetric EDLC supercapacitor cell using the same activated carbon in 1.5M Et4NBF4 electrolyte was also built. Both LIC & NIC demonstrates considerable improvements in the energy density over its EDLC counterpart, delivering a maximum energy density of 110Wh/Kg at a power density of 30W/kg AM and a maximum power density of 6200W/Kg at an energy density of 27 Wh/Kg in the case of NIC and a maximum energy density of 110Wh/Kg at a power density of 30W/kg and a maximum power density of 18000W/Kg at an energy density of 22 Wh/Kg in the case of LIC. In conclusion, our work demonstrates that the same biomass waste can be adapted to offer a hybrid capacitor/battery storage device overcoming the limited energy density of corresponding double layer capacitors.

Keywords: hybrid supercapacitor, Na-Ion capacitor, supercapacitor, Li-Ion capacitor, EDLC

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27487 Text Mining Analysis of the Reconstruction Plans after the Great East Japan Earthquake

Authors: Minami Ito, Akihiro Iijima


On March 11, 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred off the coast of Sanriku, Japan. It is important to build a sustainable society through the reconstruction process rather than simply restoring the infrastructure. To compare the goals of reconstruction plans of quake-stricken municipalities, Japanese language morphological analysis was performed by using text mining techniques. Frequently-used nouns were sorted into four main categories of “life”, “disaster prevention”, “economy”, and “harmony with environment”. Because Soma City is affected by nuclear accident, sentences tagged to “harmony with environment” tended to be frequent compared to the other municipalities. Results from cluster analysis and principle component analysis clearly indicated that the local government reinforces the efforts to reduce risks from radiation exposure as a top priority.

Keywords: eco-friendly reconstruction, harmony with environment, decontamination, nuclear disaster

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27486 Physico-Chemical Analysis of the Reclaimed Land Area of Kasur

Authors: Shiza Zafar


The tannery effluents contaminated about 400 acres land area in Kasur, Pakistan, has been reclaimed by removing polluted water after the long term effluent logging from the nearby tanneries. In an effort to describe the status of reclaimed soil for agricultural practices, the results of physicochemical analysis of the soil are reported in this article. The concentrations of the parameters such as pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Organic Matter (OM), Organic Carbon (OC), Available Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), and Sodium (Na) were determined by standard methods of analysis and results were computed and compared with various international standards for agriculture recommended by international organizations, groups of experts and or individual researchers. The results revealed that pH, EC, OM, OC, K, and Na are in accordance with the prescribed limits but P in soil exceeds the satisfactory range of P in agricultural soil. Thus, the reclaimed soil in Kasur can be inferred fit for the purpose of agricultural activities.

Keywords: soil toxicity, agriculture, reclaimed land, physico-chemical analysis

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27485 An Analysis of the Effect of Sharia Financing and Work Relation Founding towards Non-Performing Financing in Islamic Banks in Indonesia

Authors: Muhammad Bahrul Ilmi


The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of Islamic financing and work relation founding simultaneously and partially towards non-performing financing in Islamic banks. This research was regression quantitative field research, and had been done in Muammalat Indonesia Bank and Islamic Danamon Bank in 3 months. The populations of this research were 15 account officers of Muammalat Indonesia Bank and Islamic Danamon Bank in Surakarta, Indonesia. The techniques of collecting data used in this research were documentation, questionnaire, literary study and interview. Regression analysis result shows that Islamic financing and work relation founding simultaneously has positive and significant effect towards non performing financing of two Islamic Banks. It is obtained with probability value 0.003 which is less than 0.05 and F value 9.584. The analysis result of Islamic financing regression towards non performing financing shows the significant effect. It is supported by double linear regression analysis with probability value 0.001 which is less than 0.05. The regression analysis of work relation founding effect towards non-performing financing shows insignificant effect. This is shown in the double linear regression analysis with probability value 0.161 which is bigger than 0.05.

Keywords: Syariah financing, work relation founding, non-performing financing (NPF), Islamic Bank

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27484 Nanofluidic Cell for Resolution Improvement of Liquid Transmission Electron Microscopy

Authors: Deybith Venegas-Rojas, Sercan Keskin, Svenja Riekeberg, Sana Azim, Stephanie Manz, R. J. Dwayne Miller, Hoc Khiem Trieu


Liquid Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) is a growing area with a broad range of applications from physics and chemistry to material engineering and biology, in which it is possible to image in-situ unseen phenomena. For this, a nanofluidic device is used to insert the nanoflow with the sample inside the microscope in order to keep the liquid encapsulated because of the high vacuum. In the last years, Si3N4 windows have been widely used because of its mechanical stability and low imaging contrast. Nevertheless, the pressure difference between the inside fluid and the outside vacuum in the TEM generates bulging in the windows. This increases the imaged fluid volume, which decreases the signal to noise ratio (SNR), limiting the achievable spatial resolution. With the proposed device, the membrane is fortified with a microstructure capable of stand higher pressure differences, and almost removing completely the bulging. A theoretical study is presented with Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations which provide a deep understanding of the membrane mechanical conditions and proves the effectiveness of this novel concept. Bulging and von Mises Stress were studied for different membrane dimensions, geometries, materials, and thicknesses. The microfabrication of the device was made with a thin wafer coated with thin layers of SiO2 and Si3N4. After the lithography process, these layers were etched (reactive ion etching and buffered oxide etch (BOE) respectively). After that, the microstructure was etched (deep reactive ion etching). Then the back side SiO2 was etched (BOE) and the array of free-standing micro-windows was obtained. Additionally, a Pyrex wafer was patterned with windows, and inlets/outlets, and bonded (anodic bonding) to the Si side to facilitate the thin wafer handling. Later, a thin spacer is sputtered and patterned with microchannels and trenches to guide the nanoflow with the samples. This approach reduces considerably the common bulging problem of the window, improving the SNR, contrast and spatial resolution, increasing substantially the mechanical stability of the windows, allowing a larger viewing area. These developments lead to a wider range of applications of liquid TEM, expanding the spectrum of possible experiments in the field.

Keywords: liquid cell, liquid transmission electron microscopy, nanofluidics, nanofluidic cell, thin films

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27483 Occupational Safety Need Analysis for Turkey and Europe

Authors: Ismail Muratoglu, Ahmet Meyveci, Abdurrahman Tuncer, Erkan Demirci


This study is dedicated to the analysis of the problems of occupational safety in Turkey, Italy and Poland. The need analysis was applied to three different countries which are Turkey; 4, Poland; 1, Italy; 1 state. The number of the subjects is 891 in Turkey. The number of the subjects is 26 in Italy and the number of the subjects is 19 in Poland. The total number of samples of study is 936. Four different forms (Job Security Experts Form, Student Form, Teacher Form and Company Form) were applied. Results of experts of job security forms are rate of 7.1%. Then, the students’ forms are rate of 34.3%, teacher or instructor forms are rate of 9.9%. The last corporation forms are rate of 48.7%.

Keywords: Europe, need analysis, occupational safety, Turkey, vocational education

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27482 Prediction of Sound Transmission Through Framed Façade Systems

Authors: Fangliang Chen, Yihe Huang, Tejav Deganyar, Anselm Boehm, Hamid Batoul


With growing population density and further urbanization, the average noise level in cities is increasing. Excessive noise is not only annoying but also leads to a negative impact on human health. To deal with the increasing city noise, environmental regulations bring up higher standards on acoustic comfort in buildings by mitigating the noise transmission from building envelope exterior to interior. Framed window, door and façade systems are the leading choice for modern fenestration construction, which provides demonstrated quality of weathering reliability, environmental efficiency, and installation ease. The overall sound insulation of such systems depends both on glasses and frames, where glass usually covers the majority of the exposed surfaces, thus it is the main source of sound energy transmission. While frames in modern façade systems become slimmer for aesthetic appearance, which contribute to a minimal percentage of exposed surfaces. Nevertheless, frames might provide substantial transmission paths for sound travels through because of much less mass crossing the path, thus becoming more critical in limiting the acoustic performance of the whole system. There are various methodologies and numerical programs that can accurately predict the acoustic performance of either glasses or frames. However, due to the vast variance of size and dimension between frame and glass in the same system, there is no satisfactory theoretical approach or affordable simulation tool in current practice to access the over acoustic performance of a whole façade system. For this reason, laboratory test turns out to be the only reliable source. However, laboratory test is very time consuming and high costly, moreover different lab might provide slightly different test results because of varieties of test chambers, sample mounting, and test operations, which significantly constrains the early phase design of framed façade systems. To address this dilemma, this study provides an effective analytical methodology to predict the acoustic performance of framed façade systems, based on vast amount of acoustic test results on glass, frame and the whole façade system consist of both. Further test results validate the current model is able to accurately predict the overall sound transmission loss of a framed system as long as the acoustic behavior of the frame is available. Though the presented methodology is mainly developed from façade systems with aluminum frames, it can be easily extended to systems with frames of other materials such as steel, PVC or wood.

Keywords: city noise, building facades, sound mitigation, sound transmission loss, framed façade system

Procedia PDF Downloads 63
27481 Reliability Based Optimal Design of Laterally Loaded Pile with Limited Residual Strain Energy Capacity

Authors: M. Movahedi Rad


In this study, a general approach to the reliability based limit analysis of laterally loaded piles is presented. In engineering practice, the uncertainties play a very important role. The aim of this study is to evaluate the lateral load capacity of free head and fixed-head long pile when the plastic limit analysis is considered. In addition to the plastic limit analysis to control the plastic behaviour of the structure, uncertain bound on the complementary strain energy of the residual forces is also applied. This bound has a significant effect for the load parameter. The solution to reliability-based problems is obtained by a computer program which is governed by the reliability index calculation.

Keywords: reliability, laterally loaded pile, residual strain energy, probability, limit analysis

Procedia PDF Downloads 350
27480 Evaluating Surface Water Quality Using WQI, Trend Analysis, and Cluster Classification in Kebir Rhumel Basin, Algeria

Authors: Lazhar Belkhiri, Ammar Tiri, Lotfi Mouni, Fatma Elhadj Lakouas


This study evaluates the surface water quality in the Kebir Rhumel Basin by analyzing hydrochemical parameters. To assess spatial and temporal variations in water quality, we applied the Water Quality Index (WQI), Mann-Kendall (MK) trend analysis, and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). Monthly measurements of eleven hydrochemical parameters were collected across eight stations from January 2016 to December 2020. Calcium and sulfate emerged as the dominant cation and anion, respectively. WQI analysis indicated a high incidence of poor water quality at stations Ain Smara (AS), Beni Haroune (BH), Grarem (GR), and Sidi Khalifa (SK), where 89.5%, 90.6%, 78.2%, and 62.7% of samples, respectively, fell into this category. The MK trend analysis revealed a significant upward trend in WQI at Oued Boumerzoug (ON) and SK stations, signaling temporal deterioration in these areas. HCA grouped the dataset into three clusters, covering approximately 22%, 30%, and 48% of the months, respectively. Within these clusters, specific stations exhibited elevated WQI values: GR and ON in the first cluster, OB and SK in the second, and AS, BH, El Milia (EM), and Hammam Grouz (HG) in the third. Furthermore, approximately 38%, 41%, and 38% of samples in clusters one, two, and three, respectively, were classified as having poor water quality. These findings provide essential insights for policymakers in formulating strategies to restore and manage surface water quality in the region.

Keywords: surface water quality, water quality index (WQI), Mann-Kendall Trend Analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), spatial-temporal distribution, Kebir Rhumel Basin

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27479 A Modular Framework for Enabling Analysis for Educators with Different Levels of Data Mining Skills

Authors: Kyle De Freitas, Margaret Bernard


Enabling data mining analysis among a wider audience of educators is an active area of research within the educational data mining (EDM) community. The paper proposes a framework for developing an environment that caters for educators who have little technical data mining skills as well as for more advanced users with some data mining expertise. This framework architecture was developed through the review of the strengths and weaknesses of existing models in the literature. The proposed framework provides a modular architecture for future researchers to focus on the development of specific areas within the EDM process. Finally, the paper also highlights a strategy of enabling analysis through either the use of predefined questions or a guided data mining process and highlights how the developed questions and analysis conducted can be reused and extended over time.

Keywords: educational data mining, learning management system, learning analytics, EDM framework

Procedia PDF Downloads 327
27478 The Effect of Diet Intervention for Breast Cancer: A Meta-Analysis

Authors: Bok Yae Chung, Eun Hee Oh


Breast cancer patients require more nutritional interventions than others. However, a few studies have attempted to assess the overall nutritional status, to reduce body weight and BMI by improving diet, and to improve the prognosis of cancer for breast cancer patients. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of diet intervention in the breast cancer patients through meta-analysis. For the study purpose, 16 studies were selected by using PubMed, ScienceDirect, ProQuest and CINAHL. Meta-analysis was performed using a random-effects model, and the effect size on outcome variables in breast cancer was calculated. The effect size for outcome variables of diet intervention was a large effect size. For heterogeneity, moderator analysis was performed using intervention type and intervention duration. All moderators did not significant difference. Diet intervention has significant positive effects on outcome variables in breast cancer. As a result, it is suggested that the timing of the intervention should be no more than six months, but a strategy for sustaining long-term intervention effects should be added if nutritional intervention is to be administered for breast cancer patients in the future.

Keywords: breast cancer, diet, mete-analysis, intervention

Procedia PDF Downloads 435
27477 Series Network-Structured Inverse Models of Data Envelopment Analysis: Pitfalls and Solutions

Authors: Zohreh Moghaddas, Morteza Yazdani, Farhad Hosseinzadeh


Nowadays, data envelopment analysis (DEA) models featuring network structures have gained widespread usage for evaluating the performance of production systems and activities (Decision-Making Units (DMUs)) across diverse fields. By examining the relationships between the internal stages of the network, these models offer valuable insights to managers and decision-makers regarding the performance of each stage and its impact on the overall network. To further empower system decision-makers, the inverse data envelopment analysis (IDEA) model has been introduced. This model allows the estimation of crucial information for estimating parameters while keeping the efficiency score unchanged or improved, enabling analysis of the sensitivity of system inputs or outputs according to managers' preferences. This empowers managers to apply their preferences and policies on resources, such as inputs and outputs, and analyze various aspects like production, resource allocation processes, and resource efficiency enhancement within the system. The results obtained can be instrumental in making informed decisions in the future. The top result of this study is an analysis of infeasibility and incorrect estimation that may arise in the theory and application of the inverse model of data envelopment analysis with network structures. By addressing these pitfalls, novel protocols are proposed to circumvent these shortcomings effectively. Subsequently, several theoretical and applied problems are examined and resolved through insightful case studies.

Keywords: inverse models of data envelopment analysis, series network, estimation of inputs and outputs, efficiency, resource allocation, sensitivity analysis, infeasibility

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27476 Measurement and Analysis of Human Hand Kinematics

Authors: Tamara Grujic, Mirjana Bonkovic


Measurements and quantitative analysis of kinematic parameters of human hand movements have an important role in different areas such as hand function rehabilitation, modeling of multi-digits robotic hands, and the development of machine-man interfaces. In this paper the assessment and evaluation of the reach-to-grasp movement by using computerized and robot-assisted method is described. Experiment involved the measurements of hand positions of seven healthy subjects during grasping three objects of different shapes and sizes. Results showed that three dominant phases of reach-to-grasp movements could be clearly identified.

Keywords: human hand, kinematics, measurement and analysis, reach-to-grasp movement

Procedia PDF Downloads 464
27475 Comprehensive Profiling and Characterization of Untargeted Extracellular Metabolites in Fermentation Processes: Insights and Advances in Analysis and Identification

Authors: Marianna Ciaccia, Gennaro Agrimi, Isabella Pisano, Maurizio Bettiga, Silvia Rapacioli, Giulia Mensa, Monica Marzagalli


Objective: Untargeted metabolomic analysis of extracellular metabolites is a powerful approach that focuses on comprehensively profiling in the extracellular space. In this study, we applied extracellular metabolomic analysis to investigate the metabolism of two probiotic microorganisms with health benefits that extend far beyond the digestive tract and the immune system. Methods: Analytical techniques employed in extracellular metabolomic analysis encompass various technologies, including mass spectrometry (MS), which enables the identification of metabolites present in the fermentation media, as well as the comparison of metabolic profiles under different experimental conditions. Multivariate statistical analysis techniques like principal component analysis (PCA) or partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) play a crucial role in uncovering metabolic signatures and understanding the dynamics of metabolic networks. Results: Different types of supernatants from fermentation processes, such as dairy-free, not dairy-free media and media with no cells or pasteurized, were subjected to metabolite profiling, which contained a complex mixture of metabolites, including substrates, intermediates, and end-products. This profiling provided insights into the metabolic activity of the microorganisms. The integration of advanced software tools has facilitated the identification and characterization of metabolites in different fermentation conditions and microorganism strains. Conclusions: In conclusion, untargeted extracellular metabolomic analysis, combined with software tools, allowed the study of the metabolites consumed and produced during the fermentation processes of probiotic microorganisms. Ongoing advancements in data analysis methods will further enhance the application of extracellular metabolomic analysis in fermentation research, leading to improved bioproduction and the advancement of sustainable manufacturing processes.

Keywords: biotechnology, metabolomics, lactic bacteria, probiotics, postbiotics

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27474 Structural Reliability of Existing Structures: A Case Study

Authors: Z. Sakka, I. Assakkaf, T. Al-Yaqoub, J. Parol


A reliability-based methodology for the analysis assessment and evaluation of reinforced concrete structural elements of concrete structures is presented herein. The results of the reliability analysis and assessment for structural elements are verified by the results obtained from the deterministic methods. The analysis outcomes of reliability-based analysis are compared against the safety limits of the required reliability index β according to international standards and codes. The methodology is based on probabilistic analysis using reliability concepts and statistics of the main random variables that are relevant to the subject matter, and for which they are to be used in the performance-function equation(s) related to the structural elements under study. These methodology techniques can result in reliability index β, which is commonly known as the reliability index or reliability measure value that can be utilized to assess and evaluate the safety, human risk, and functionality of the structural component. Also, these methods can result in revised partial safety factor values for certain target reliability indices that can be used for the purpose of redesigning the reinforced concrete elements of the building and in which they could assist in considering some other remedial actions to improve the safety and functionality of the member.

Keywords: structural reliability, concrete structures, FORM, Monte Carlo simulation

Procedia PDF Downloads 518
27473 Sentiment Analysis of Consumers’ Perceptions on Social Media about the Main Mobile Providers in Jamaica

Authors: Sherrene Bogle, Verlia Bogle, Tyrone Anderson


In recent years, organizations have become increasingly interested in the possibility of analyzing social media as a means of gaining meaningful feedback about their products and services. The aspect based sentiment analysis approach is used to predict the sentiment for Twitter datasets for Digicel and Lime, the main mobile companies in Jamaica, using supervised learning classification techniques. The results indicate an average of 82.2 percent accuracy in classifying tweets when comparing three separate classification algorithms against the purported baseline of 70 percent and an average root mean squared error of 0.31. These results indicate that the analysis of sentiment on social media in order to gain customer feedback can be a viable solution for mobile companies looking to improve business performance.

Keywords: machine learning, sentiment analysis, social media, supervised learning

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27472 Detection of Image Blur and Its Restoration for Image Enhancement

Authors: M. V. Chidananda Murthy, M. Z. Kurian, H. S. Guruprasad


Image restoration in the process of communication is one of the emerging fields in the image processing. The motion analysis processing is the simplest case to detect motion in an image. Applications of motion analysis widely spread in many areas such as surveillance, remote sensing, film industry, navigation of autonomous vehicles, etc. The scene may contain multiple moving objects, by using motion analysis techniques the blur caused by the movement of the objects can be enhanced by filling-in occluded regions and reconstruction of transparent objects, and it also removes the motion blurring. This paper presents the design and comparison of various motion detection and enhancement filters. Median filter, Linear image deconvolution, Inverse filter, Pseudoinverse filter, Wiener filter, Lucy Richardson filter and Blind deconvolution filters are used to remove the blur. In this work, we have considered different types and different amount of blur for the analysis. Mean Square Error (MSE) and Peak Signal to Noise Ration (PSNR) are used to evaluate the performance of the filters. The designed system has been implemented in Matlab software and tested for synthetic and real-time images.

Keywords: image enhancement, motion analysis, motion detection, motion estimation

Procedia PDF Downloads 288
27471 Endothelial Dysfunction in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: An Updated Meta-Analysis

Authors: Anit S. Malhotra, Ajay Duseja, Neelam Chadha


Endothelial dysfunction is a precursor to atherosclerosis, and flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) in the brachial artery is the commonest method to evaluate endothelial function in humans. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common liver disorders encountered in clinical practice. An earlier meta-analysis had quantitatively assessed the degree of endothelial dysfunction using FMD. However, the largest study investigating the relation of FMD with NAFLD was published after that meta-analysis. In addition, that meta-analysis did not include some studies, including one from our centre. Therefore, an updating the previous meta-analysis was considered important. We searched PubMed, Cochrane Library, Embase, Scopus, SCI, Google Scholar, conference proceedings, and references of included studies till June 2017 to identify observational studies evaluating endothelial function using FMD in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Data was analyzed using MedCalc. Fourteen studies were found eligible for inclusion in the meta-analysis. Patients with NAFLD had lower brachial artery FMD as compared to controls, standardized mean difference (random effects model) being –1.279%; 95% confidence interval (CI), –1.478 to –0.914. The effect size became smaller after addition of the recent study with the largest sample size was included compared with the earlier meta-analysis. In conclusion, patients with NAFLD had low FMD values indicating that they are at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease although our results suggest the effect size is not as large as reported previously.

Keywords: endothelial dysfunction, flow-mediated dilatation, meta-analysis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Procedia PDF Downloads 190
27470 Detection Efficient Enterprises via Data Envelopment Analysis

Authors: S. Turkan


In this paper, the Turkey’s Top 500 Industrial Enterprises data in 2014 were analyzed by data envelopment analysis. Data envelopment analysis is used to detect efficient decision-making units such as universities, hospitals, schools etc. by using inputs and outputs. The decision-making units in this study are enterprises. To detect efficient enterprises, some financial ratios are determined as inputs and outputs. For this reason, financial indicators related to productivity of enterprises are considered. The efficient foreign weighted owned capital enterprises are detected via super efficiency model. According to the results, it is said that Mercedes-Benz is the most efficient foreign weighted owned capital enterprise in Turkey.

Keywords: data envelopment analysis, super efficiency, logistic regression, financial ratios

Procedia PDF Downloads 326