Search results for: resource-limited setting
1212 A Comparison Study of Different Methods Used in the Detection of Giardia lamblia on Fecal Specimen of Children
Authors: Muhammad Farooq Baig
Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare results obtained using a single fecal specimen for O&P examination, direct immunofluorescence assay (DFA), and two conventional staining methods. Design: Hundred and fifty children fecal specimens were collected and examined by each method. The O&P and the DFA were used as the reference method. Setting: The study was performed at the laboratory in the Basic Medical Science Institute JPMC Karachi. Patients or Other Participants: The fecal specimens were collected from children with a suspected Giardia lamblia infection. Main Outcome Measures: The amount of agreement and disagreement between methods.1) Presence of giardiasis in our population. 2) The sensitivity and specificity of each method. Results: There was 45(30%) positive 105 (70%) negative on DFA, 41 (27.4%) positive 109 (72.6%) negative on iodine and 34 (22.6%) positive 116(77.4%) on saline method. The sensitivity and specificity of DFA in comparision to iodine were 92.2%, 92.7% respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of DFA in comparisoin to saline method were 91.2%, 87.9% respectively. The sensitivity of iodine method and saline method in compariosn to DFA were 82.2%, 68.8% respectively. There is mark diffrence in sensitivity of DFA to conventional method. Conclusion: The study supported findings of other investigators who concluded that DFA method have the greater sensitivity. The immunologic methods were more efficient and quicker than the conventional O&P method.Keywords: direct immunofluorescence assay (DFA), ova and parasite (O&P), Giardia lamblia, children, medical science
Procedia PDF Downloads 4251211 Student Engagement and Perceived Academic Stress: Open Distance Learning in Malaysia
Authors: Ng Siew Keow, Cheah Seeh Lee
Students’ strong engagement in learning increases their motivation and satisfaction to learn, be resilient to combat academic stress. Engagement in learning is even crucial in the open distance learning (ODL) setting, where the adult students are learning remotely, lessons and learning materials are mostly delivered via online platforms. This study aimed to explore the relationship between learning engagement and perceived academic stress levels of adult students who enrolled in ODL learning mode. In this descriptive correlation study during the 2021-2022 academic years, 101 adult students from Wawasan Open University, Malaysia (WOU) were recruited through convenient sampling. The adult students’ online learning engagement levels and perceived academic stress levels were identified through the self-report Online Student Engagement Scale (OSE) and the Perception of Academic Stress Scale (PASS). The Pearson correlation coefficient test revealed a significant positive relationship between online student engagement and perceived academic stress (r= 0.316, p<0.01). The higher scores on PASS indicated lower levels of perceived academic stress. The findings of the study supported the assumption of the importance of engagement in learning in promoting psychological well-being as well as sustainability in online learning in the open distance learning context.Keywords: student engagement, academic stress, open distance learning, online learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1621210 The Effect of Voice Recognition Dictation Software on Writing Quality in Third Grade Students: An Action Research Study
Authors: Timothy J. Grebec
This study investigated whether using a voice dictation software program (i.e., Google Voice Typing) has an impact on student writing quality. The research took place in a third-grade general education classroom in a suburban school setting. Because the study involved minors, all data was encrypted and deidentified before analysis. The students completed a series of writings prior to the beginning of the intervention to determine their thoughts and skill level with writing. During the intervention phase, the students were introduced to the voice dictation software, given an opportunity to practice using it, and then assigned writing prompts to be completed using the software. The prompts written by nineteen student participants and surveys of student opinions on writing established a baseline for the study. The data showed that using the dictation software resulted in a 34% increase in the response quality (compared to the Pennsylvania State Standardized Assessment [PSSA] writing guidelines). Of particular interest was the increase in students' proficiency in demonstrating mastery of the English language and conventions and elaborating on the content. Although this type of research is relatively no, it has the potential to reshape the strategies educators have at their disposal when instructing students on written language.Keywords: educational technology, accommodations, students with disabilities, writing instruction, 21st century education
Procedia PDF Downloads 751209 Acoustics Barrier Design to Reduce Railway Noise by Using Maekawa's Method
Authors: Malinda Sabrina, Khoerul Anwar
Railway noise generated by pass-by train has been described as a form of environmental pollutants especially for the residential area near the railway. Many studies have shown, that environmental noise particularly transportation noise has negative effects on people which resulting in annoyance and specific health problems such as cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment and sleep disturbance. Therefore, various attempts are made to reduce the noise. One method of reducing such noise to acceptable noise levels is to build acoustically barrier walls. The objective of this study was to review the method of reducing railway noise and obtain the preliminary design of the acoustics barrier on the edge of railway tracks close to the residential area. The design of this barrier is using the Maekawa's method. Measurements have been performed in residential areas around the railroads in the Karawang - Indonesia with the absence of an acoustical barrier. From the observation, it was found that the railway was passed by five trains within thirty minutes. With the limited distance between the railway tracks and the location of the residential area as well as the street of residents, then it was obtained that a reduction in sound pressure level is 25 dBA. Maximum sound pressure level obtained is 86.9 dBA then by setting the barrier as high as 4 m at a distance, 2.5 m from the railway, the noise level received by residents in the settlement around the railway line becomes 61.9 dBA.Keywords: acoustics barrier, Maekawa's method, noise attenuation, railway noise
Procedia PDF Downloads 2031208 Pros and Cons of Distance Learning in Europe and Perspective for the Future
Authors: Aleksandra Ristic
The Coronavirus Disease – 2019 hit Europe in February 2020, and infections took place in four waves. It left consequences and demanded changes for the future. More than half of European countries responded quickly by declaring a state of emergency and introducing various containment measures that have had a major impact on individuals’ lives in recent years. Closing public lives was largely achieved by limited access and/or closing public institutions and services, including the closure of educational institutions. Teaching in classrooms converted to distance learning. In the research, we used a quantitative study to analyze various factors of distance learning that influenced pupils in different segments: teachers’ availability, family support, entire online conference learning, successful distance learning, time for themselves, reliable sources, teachers’ feedback, successful distance learning, online participation classes, motivation and teachers’ communication and theoretical review of the importance of digital skills, e-learning Index, World comparison of e-learning in the past, digital education plans for the field of Europe. We have gathered recommendations and distance learning solutions to improve the learning process by strengthening teachers and creating more tiered strategies for setting and achieving learning goals by the children.Keywords: availability, digital skills, distance learning, resources
Procedia PDF Downloads 1031207 Structural Strength Potentials of Nigerian Groundnut Husk Ash as Partial Cement Replacement in Mortar
Authors: F. A. Olutoge, O.R. Olulope, M. O. Odelola
This study investigates the strength potentials of groundnut husk ash as partial cement replacement in mortar and also develops a predictive model using Artificial Neural Network. Groundnut husks sourced from Ogbomoso, Nigeria, was sun dried, calcined to ash in a furnace at a controlled temperature of 600⁰ C for a period of 6 hours, and sieved through the 75 microns. The ash was subjected to chemical analysis and setting time test. Fine aggregate (sand) for the mortar was sourced from Ado Ekiti, Nigeria. The cement: GHA constituents were blended in ratios 100:0, 95:5, 90:10, 85:15 and 80:20 %. The sum of SiO₂, Al₂O₃, and Fe₂O₃ content in GHA is 26.98%. The compressive strength for mortars PC, GHA5, GHA10, GHA15, and GHA20 ranged from 6.3-10.2 N/mm² at 7days, 7.5-12.3 N/mm² at 14 days, 9.31-13.7 N/mm² at 28 days, 10.4-16.7 N/mm² at 56days and 13.35- 22.3 N/mm² at 90 days respectively, PC, GHA5 and GHA10 had competitive values up to 28 days, but GHA10 gave the highest values at 56 and 90 days while GHA20 had the lowest values at all ages due to dilution effect. Flexural strengths values at 28 days ranged from 1.08 to 1.87 N/mm² and increased to a range of 1.53-4.10 N/mm² at 90 days. The ANN model gave good prediction for compressive strength of the mortars. This study has shown that groundnut husk ash as partial cement replacement improves the strength properties of mortar.Keywords: compressive strength, groundnut husk ash, mortar, pozzolanic index
Procedia PDF Downloads 1551206 Language Development and Growing Spanning Trees in Children Semantic Network
Authors: Somayeh Sadat Hashemi Kamangar, Fatemeh Bakouie, Shahriar Gharibzadeh
In this study, we target to exploit Maximum Spanning Trees (MST) of children's semantic networks to investigate their language development. To do so, we examine the graph-theoretic properties of word-embedding networks. The networks are made of words children learn prior to the age of 30 months as the nodes and the links which are built from the cosine vector similarity of words normatively acquired by children prior to two and a half years of age. These networks are weighted graphs and the strength of each link is determined by the numerical similarities of the two words (nodes) on the sides of the link. To avoid changing the weighted networks to the binaries by setting a threshold, constructing MSTs might present a solution. MST is a unique sub-graph that connects all the nodes in such a way that the sum of all the link weights is maximized without forming cycles. MSTs as the backbone of the semantic networks are suitable to examine developmental changes in semantic network topology in children. From these trees, several parameters were calculated to characterize the developmental change in network organization. We showed that MSTs provides an elegant method sensitive to capture subtle developmental changes in semantic network organization.Keywords: maximum spanning trees, word-embedding, semantic networks, language development
Procedia PDF Downloads 1481205 Ageing in Place: Facing the Challenges
Authors: Daniella Arieli
As human population is ageing, globally, we are faced with the need to find solutions for the care of older people who have reached the stage of needing full-time nursing care. Basically, there are two basic alternatives: 1. moving the individual to an institutional setting, a care home, or other form of residency, and 2. Arranging care for them in their own home, what is known as “ageing in place”. As ageing in place is becoming popular in many parts of the world, there is a need to understand its’ everyday consequences for all the involved parties: the care recipient, her/his family members and the live-in care workers. This is crucial because choosing home care means that the role of the care recipient’s relatives becomes very demanding and requires a level of support and responsibility that is often beyond what families can offer. This is particularly challenging when the older person faces dementia. While most Western countries offer a range of social services, many citizens around the world find the care provided by governments and associated social support structures insufficient. Individuals and families find themselves in the position of having to take on the responsibility themselves and find a path for the care of frail members, while facing considerable personal burdens and challenging dilemmas. The aim of this work is to discuss those challenges. The study is based on an ethnographic study of home care for older people in Israel.Keywords: aging in place, family caregivers, policy making, qualitative research
Procedia PDF Downloads 1441204 Attitude towards Biology among Academic Talented Students in Term of Gender: Case Study of ASASIpintar Pre–University Programme
Authors: Sy Ing Ong, N. Norazman, H. W. You, A. Zahidi, R. Ahmad Faisal
The decline in students’ involvement in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) worldwide is alarming. In Malaysia, this scenario also draws the attention of Ministry of Education due to the high demand for professionals in STEM industries and for the sake of country development. Intensive researches have been done worldwide to identify the best solution to improve the enrolment of students in science studies. Attitude is being identified as one of the key factors that will influence students’ interest and achievement in academic. Male students are always associated with negative attitudes compared to female students towards the study of Biological science. Hence, this study investigates the attitudes of students towards Biology in the setting of an academic talented institution in Malaysia namely ASASIpintar Pre-University Programme. A total of 84 students were randomly selected from 127 students as the samples of this study. The instrument of Biology Attitude Scale (BAS) from Russell and Hollander (1975) was used to identify the attitudes of samples. Based on the analysis, there was no significant difference in the students’ mean attitude towards Biology subject in this institution between genders with a significant level of p = 0.05. This indicated that gender is not a key factor that influences students’ attitude towards Biology in this study. Future research can be done on other factors that will contribute to the attitude of students towards biology in Malaysia, especially for academically talented students.Keywords: academic talented, attitude, biology, gender
Procedia PDF Downloads 2291203 Implicit Transaction Costs and the Fundamental Theorems of Asset Pricing
Authors: Erindi Allaj
This paper studies arbitrage pricing theory in financial markets with transaction costs. We extend the existing theory to include the more realistic possibility that the price at which the investors trade is dependent on the traded volume. The investors in the market always buy at the ask and sell at the bid price. Transaction costs are composed of two terms, one is able to capture the implicit transaction costs and the other the price impact. Moreover, a new definition of a self-financing portfolio is obtained. The self-financing condition suggests that continuous trading is possible, but is restricted to predictable trading strategies which have left and right limit and finite quadratic variation. That is, predictable trading strategies of infinite variation and of finite quadratic variation are allowed in our setting. Within this framework, the existence of an equivalent probability measure is equivalent to the absence of arbitrage opportunities, so that the first fundamental theorem of asset pricing (FFTAP) holds. It is also proved that, when this probability measure is unique, any contingent claim in the market is hedgeable in an L2-sense. The price of any contingent claim is equal to the risk-neutral price. To better understand how to apply the theory proposed we provide an example with linear transaction costs.Keywords: arbitrage pricing theory, transaction costs, fundamental theorems of arbitrage, financial markets
Procedia PDF Downloads 3611202 Effect of Plant Biostimulants on Fruit Set, Yield, and Quality Attributes of “Farbaly” Apricot Cultivar
Authors: A. Tarantino, F. Lops, G. Disciglio, E. Tarantino
Apulia region (southern Italy) is excellent for heavy production of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.). Fruit quality is a combination of physical, chemical and nutritional characteristics. The present experiment was laid in the commercial orchard in Cerignola (Foggia district, Apulia region, 41°15’49’’N; 15°53’59’’E; 126 a.s.l.) during the 2014-2015 season. The experiment consisted of the use of three biostimulant treatments (Hendophyt®, Ergostim® and Radicon®) compared with untreated control on ‘Farbaly’ apricot cultivar, in order to evaluate the vegeto-productive and fruit qualitative attributes. Foliar spray of biostimulants was applied at different times during the growth season (at red ball, fruit setting and fruit development stages). Experimental data showed some specific differences among the biostimulant treatments, which fruit set, growth and productivity were affected. Moderate influences were found regarding the qualitative attributes of fruits. The soluble solid content was positively affected by Hendophyt® treatment. Antioxidant capacity was significantly higher in Hendophyt® and Radicon® treatments respect to the untreated control.Keywords: Prunus Armeniaca L., biostimulants, fruit set, fruit quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 2951201 Teacher Trainers’ Motivation in Transformation of Teaching and Learning: The Fun Way Approach
Authors: Malathi Balakrishnan, Gananthan M. Nadarajah, Noraini Abd Rahim, Amy Wong On Mei
The purpose of the study is to investigate the level of intrinsic motivation of trainers after attending a Continuous Professional Development Course (CPD) organized by Institute of Teacher Training Malaysia titled, ‘Transformation of Teaching and Learning the Fun Way’. This study employed a survey whereby 96 teacher trainers were given Situational Intrinsic Motivational Scale (SIMS) Instruments. Confirmatory factor analysis was carried out to get validity of this instrument in local setting. Data were analyzed with SPSS for descriptive statistic. Semi structured interviews were also administrated to collect qualitative data on participants experiences after participating in the two-day fun-filled program. The findings showed that the participants’ level of intrinsic motivation showed higher mean than the amotivation. The results revealed that the intrinsic motivation mean is 19.0 followed by Identified regulation with a mean of 17.4, external regulation 9.7 and amotivation 6.9. The interview data also revealed that the participants were motivated after attending this training program. It can be concluded that this program, which was organized by Institute of Teacher Training Malaysia, was able to enhance participants’ level of motivation. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) as a multidimensional approach to motivation was utilized. Therefore, teacher trainers may have more success using the ‘The fun way approach’ in conducting training program in future.Keywords: teaching and learning, motivation, teacher trainer, SDT
Procedia PDF Downloads 4641200 Temperature-Related Alterations to Mineral Levels and Crystalline Structure in Porcine Long Bone: Intense Heat Vs. Open Flame
Authors: Caighley Logan
The outcome of fire related fatalities, along with other research, has found fires can have a detrimental effect to the mineral and crystalline structures within bone. This study focused on the mineral and crystalline structures within porcine bone samples to analyse the changes caused, with the intent of effectively ‘reverse engineering’ the data collected from burned bone samples to discover what may have happened. Using Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR), and X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), the data collected from a controlled source of intense heat (muffle furnace) and an open fire, based in a living room setting in a standard size shipping container (8.5ft x 8ft) of a similar temperature with a known ignition source, a gasoline lighter. This approach is to analyse the changes to the samples and how the changes differ depending on the heat source. Results have found significant differences in the levels of remaining minerals for each type of heat/burning (p=<0.001), particularly Phosphorus and Calcium, this also includes notable additions of absorbed elements and minerals from the surrounding materials, i.e., Cerium (Ce), Bromine (Br) and Neodymium (Ne). The analysis techniques included provide validated results in conjunction with previous studies.Keywords: forensic anthropology, thermal alterations, porcine bone, FTIR, XRF
Procedia PDF Downloads 851199 Bacteriological Safety of Sachet Drinking Water Sold in Benin City, Nigeria
Authors: Stephen Olusanmi Akintayo
Access to safe drinking water remains a major challenge in Nigeria, and where available, the quality of the water is often in doubt. An alternative to the inadequate clean drinking water is being found in treated drinking water packaged in electrically heated sealed nylon and commonly referred to as “sachet water”. “Sachet water” is a common thing in Nigeria as the selling price is within the reach of members of the low socio- economic class and the setting up of a production unit does not require huge capital input. The bacteriological quality of selected “sachet water” stored at room temperature over a period of 56 days was determined to evaluate the safety of the sachet drinking water. Test for the detection of coliform bacteria was performed, and the result showed no coliform bacteria that indicates the absence of fecal contamination throughout 56 days. Heterotrophic plate count (HPC) was done at an interval 14 days, and the samples showed HPC between 0 cfu/mL and 64 cfu/mL. The highest count was observed on day 1. The count decreased between day 1 and 28, while no growths were observed between day 42 and 56. The decrease in HPC suggested the presence of residual disinfectant in the water. The organisms isolated were identified as Staphylococcus epidermis and S. aureus. The presence of these microorganisms in sachet water is indicative for contamination during processing and handling.Keywords: coliform, heterotrophic plate count, sachet water, Staphyloccocus aureus, Staphyloccocus epidermidis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3421198 Managing the Magnetic Protection of Workers in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Authors: Safoin Aktaou, Aya Al Masri, Kamel Guerchouche, Malorie Martin, Fouad Maaloul
Introduction: In the ‘Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)’ department, all workers involved in preparing the patient, setting it up, tunnel cleaning, etc. are likely to be exposed to ‘ElectroMagnetic fields (EMF)’ emitted by the MRI device. Exposure to EMF can cause adverse radio-biological effects to workers. The purpose of this study is to propose an organizational process to manage and control EMF risks. Materials and methods: The study was conducted at seven MRI departments using machines with 1.5 and 3 Tesla magnetic fields. We assessed the exposure of each one by measuring the two electromagnetic fields (static and dynamic) at different distances from the MRI machine both inside and around the examination room. Measurement values were compared with British and American references (those of the UK's ‘Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA)’ and the ‘American Radiology Society (ACR)’). Results: Following the results of EMF measurements and their comparison with the recommendations of learned societies, a zoning system that adapts to needs of different MRI services across the country has been proposed. In effect, three risk areas have been identified within the MRI services. This has led to the development of a good practice guide related to the magnetic protection of MRI workers. Conclusion: The guide established by our study is a standard that allows MRI workers to protect themselves against the risk of electromagnetic fields.Keywords: comparison with international references, measurement of electromagnetic fields, magnetic protection of workers, magnetic resonance imaging
Procedia PDF Downloads 1651197 An Exploration of Australian Teacher Training Programs in an Indonesian Context
Authors: Yayan Rahayani
Transnational Education (TNE) encompasses mobile and diverse student cohorts, a complex array of educational programs, and a range of providers that serve students across countries in a multicultural setting. In Australia, education is the fourth largest industry that contributes to economic prosperity, and Australia relies heavily on international students to support it. There is a concern that TNE in Australia is limited by a lack of understanding regarding cultural sensitivity towards international students. This research will contribute to the theories of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (CRP) by incorporating religion as a dimension of culture. This study will also investigate TNE practices provided for educators from culturally diverse backgrounds. The focus of this paper will examine TNE programs in Australia with a focus on Indonesian teachers to examine the extent that they are supported culturally and religiously within the programs. The study an ethnographically-informed case study approach using in-depth interviews. The preliminary results of the study highlight the lack of focus given to the local context of participants. Whilst programs may take into consideration the religious and cultural needs of the participants, the pedagogical focus of the content does not address the local and specific contexts of the participants who will return to Indonesia to teach.Keywords: culturally responsive pedagogy, professional development, teacher training, transnational education
Procedia PDF Downloads 1281196 Performance Evaluation of Clustered Routing Protocols for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: Awatef Chniguir, Tarek Farah, Zouhair Ben Jemaa, Safya Belguith
Optimal routing allows minimizing energy consumption in wireless sensor networks (WSN). Clustering has proven its effectiveness in organizing WSN by reducing channel contention and packet collision and enhancing network throughput under heavy load. Therefore, nowadays, with the emergence of the Internet of Things, heterogeneity is essential. Stable election protocol (SEP) that has increased the network stability period and lifetime is the first clustering protocol for heterogeneous WSN. SEP and its descendants, namely SEP, Threshold Sensitive SEP (TSEP), Enhanced TSEP (ETSSEP) and Current Energy Allotted TSEP (CEATSEP), were studied. These algorithms’ performance was evaluated based on different metrics, especially first node death (FND), to compare their stability. Simulations were conducted on the MATLAB tool considering two scenarios: The first one demonstrates the fraction variation of advanced nodes by setting the number of total nodes. The second considers the interpretation of the number of nodes while keeping the number of advanced nodes permanent. CEATSEP outperforms its antecedents by increasing stability and, at the same time, keeping a low throughput. It also operates very well in a large-scale network. Consequently, CEATSEP has a useful lifespan and energy efficiency compared to the other routing protocol for heterogeneous WSN.Keywords: clustering, heterogeneous, stability, scalability, IoT, WSN
Procedia PDF Downloads 1331195 Analysis of Translational Ship Oscillations in a Realistic Environment
Authors: Chen Zhang, Bernhard Schwarz-Röhr, Alexander Härting
To acquire accurate ship motions at the center of gravity, a single low-cost inertial sensor is utilized and applied on board to measure ship oscillating motions. As observations, the three axes accelerations and three axes rotational rates provided by the sensor are used. The mathematical model of processing the observation data includes determination of the distance vector between the sensor and the center of gravity in x, y, and z directions. After setting up the transfer matrix from sensor’s own coordinate system to the ship’s body frame, an extended Kalman filter is applied to deal with nonlinearities between the ship motion in the body frame and the observation information in the sensor’s frame. As a side effect, the method eliminates sensor noise and other unwanted errors. Results are not only roll and pitch, but also linear motions, in particular heave and surge at the center of gravity. For testing, we resort to measurements recorded on a small vessel in a well-defined sea state. With response amplitude operators computed numerically by a commercial software (Seaway), motion characteristics are estimated. These agree well with the measurements after processing with the suggested method.Keywords: extended Kalman filter, nonlinear estimation, sea trial, ship motion estimation
Procedia PDF Downloads 5241194 Exposing the Concealed Impact: Evaluating the Role of Development Projects on Corruption Perception in Afghanistan
Authors: Jawad Taheri
This paper investigates the impact of foreign aid-funded development projects on corruption perception in Afghanistan, utilizing instrumental variable (IV) approaches in regression analysis setting. Seven sub-categories of development projects are examined in order to have a glance over comparative usefulness of each project. The study incorporates natural disaster indicators as exogenous variables to mitigate endogeneity concerns and control variables. The findings reveal significant associations between certain types of projects and corruption perception. Road and bridge construction, irrigation, and agriculture projects are found to decrease corruption perception, fostering optimism and trust within affected communities. Mosque construction and healthcare initiatives aligned with religious beliefs also contribute to reduced corruption perception. However, drinking water projects are associated with increased corruption perception, highlighting potential challenges in their implementation. The study emphasizes the importance of well-implemented projects, cultural contexts, and effective governance in mitigating corruption and fostering trust within communities. These findings contribute to a refined understanding of the relationship between development projects and corruption perception in Afghanistan.Keywords: foreign aid, development projects, corruption perception, Afghanistan, instrumental variable analysis, survey of Afghan people (SAP), natural disasters, exogenous variation
Procedia PDF Downloads 771193 Understanding ASPECTS of Stroke: Interrater Reliability between Emergency Medicine Physician and Radiologist in a Rural Setup
Authors: Vineel Inampudi, Arjun Prakash, Joseph Vinod
Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the interrater reliability in grading ASPECTS score, between emergency medicine physician at first contact and radiologist among patients with acute ischemic stroke. Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of 86 acute ischemic stroke cases referred to the Department of Radiodiagnosis during November 2014 to January 2016. The imaging (plain CT scan) was performed using GE Bright Speed Elite 16 Slice CT Scanner. ASPECTS score was calculated separately by an emergency medicine physician and radiologist. Interrater reliability for total and dichotomized ASPECTS (≥ 6 and < 6) scores were assessed using statistical analysis (ICC and Cohen ĸ coefficients) on SPSS software (v17.0). Results: Interrater agreement for total and dichotomized ASPECTS was substantial (ICC 0.79 and Cohen ĸ 0.68) between the emergency physician and radiologist. Mean difference in ASPECTS between the two readers was only 0.15 with standard deviation of 1.58. No proportionality bias was detected. Bland Altman plot was constructed to demonstrate the distribution of ASPECT differences between the two readers. Conclusion: Substantial interrater agreement was noted in grading ASPECTS between emergency medicine physician at first contact and radiologist thereby confirming its robustness even in a rural setting.Keywords: ASPECTS, computed tomography, MCA territory, stroke
Procedia PDF Downloads 2371192 EFL Teachers’ Metacognitive Awareness as a Predictor of Their Professional Success
Authors: Saeedeh Shafiee Nahrkhalaji
Metacognitive knowledge increases EFL students’ ability to be successful learners. Although this relationship has been investigated by a number of scholars, EFL teachers’ explicit awareness of their cognitive knowledge has not been sufficiently explored. The aim of this study was to examine the role of EFL teachers’ metacognitive knowledge in their pedagogical performance. Furthermore, the role played by years of their academic education and teaching experience was also studied. Fifty female EFL teachers were selected. They completed Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) that assessed six components of metacognition including procedural knowledge, declarative knowledge, conditional knowledge, planning, evaluating, and management strategies. Near the end of the academic semester, the students of each class filled in ‘the Language Teacher Characteristics Questionnaire’ to evaluate their teachers’ pedagogical performance. Four elements of MAI, declarative knowledge, planning, evaluating, and management strategies were found to be significantly correlated with EFL teachers’ pedagogical success. Significant correlation was also established between metacognitive knowledge and EFL teachers’ years of academic education and teaching experience. The findings obtained from this research have contributing implication for EFL teacher educators. The discussion concludes by setting out directions for future research.Keywords: metacognotive knowledge, pedagogical performance, language teacher characteristics questionnaire, metacognitive awareness inventory
Procedia PDF Downloads 3291191 Effect of Implementing a Teaching Module about Diet and Exercises on Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Gout
Authors: Wafaa M. El- Kotb, Soheir Mohamed Weheida, Manal E. Fareed
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of implementing a teaching module about diet and exercises on clinical outcomes of patients with gout. Subjects: A purposive sample of 60 adult gouty patients was selected and randomly and alternatively divided into two equal groups 30 patients in each. Setting: The study was conducted in orthopedic out patient's clinic of Menoufia University. Tools of the study: Three tools were utilized for data collection: Knowledge assessment structured interview questionnaire, Clinical manifestation assessment tools and Nutritional assessment sheet. Results: All patients of both groups (100 %) had poor total knowledge score pre teaching, while 90 % of the study group had good total knowledge score post teaching by three months compared to 3.3 % of the control group. Moreover the recovery outcomes were significantly improved among study group compared to control group post teaching. Conclusion: Teaching study group about diet and exercises significantly improved their clinical outcomes. Recommendation: Patient's education about diet and exercises should be ongoing process for patients with gout.Keywords: clinical outcomes, diet, exercises, teaching module
Procedia PDF Downloads 3471190 Computational Analysis and Daily Application of the Key Neurotransmitters Involved in Happiness: Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins
Authors: Hee Soo Kim, Ha Young Kyung
Happiness and pleasure are a result of dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphin levels in the body. In order to increase the four neurochemical levels, it is important to associate daily activities with its corresponding neurochemical releases. This includes setting goals, maintaining social relationships, laughing frequently, and exercising regularly. The likelihood of experiencing happiness increases when all four neurochemicals are released at the optimal level. The achievement of happiness is important because it increases healthiness, productivity, and the ability to overcome adversity. To process emotions, electrical brain waves, brain structure, and neurochemicals must be analyzed. This research uses Chemcraft and Avogadro to determine the theoretical and chemical properties of the four neurochemical molecules. Each neurochemical molecule’s thermodynamic stability is calculated to observe the efficiency of the molecules. The study found that among dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, alpha-, beta-, and gamma-endorphin, beta-endorphin has the lowest optimized energy of 388.510 kJ/mol. Beta-endorphin, a neurotransmitter involved in mitigating pain and stress, is the most thermodynamically stable and efficient molecule that is involved in the process of happiness. Through examining such properties of happiness neurotransmitters, the science of happiness is better understood.Keywords: happiness, neurotransmitters, positive psychology, dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins
Procedia PDF Downloads 1541189 Chern-Simons Equation in Financial Theory and Time-Series Analysis
Authors: Ognjen Vukovic
Chern-Simons equation represents the cornerstone of quantum physics. The question that is often asked is if the aforementioned equation can be successfully applied to the interaction in international financial markets. By analysing the time series in financial theory, it is proved that Chern-Simons equation can be successfully applied to financial time-series. The aforementioned statement is based on one important premise and that is that the financial time series follow the fractional Brownian motion. All variants of Chern-Simons equation and theory are applied and analysed. Financial theory time series movement is, firstly, topologically analysed. The main idea is that exchange rate represents two-dimensional projections of three-dimensional Brownian motion movement. Main principles of knot theory and topology are applied to financial time series and setting is created so the Chern-Simons equation can be applied. As Chern-Simons equation is based on small particles, it is multiplied by the magnifying factor to mimic the real world movement. Afterwards, the following equation is optimised using Solver. The equation is applied to n financial time series in order to see if it can capture the interaction between financial time series and consequently explain it. The aforementioned equation represents a novel approach to financial time series analysis and hopefully it will direct further research.Keywords: Brownian motion, Chern-Simons theory, financial time series, econophysics
Procedia PDF Downloads 4741188 Bayesian Variable Selection in Quantile Regression with Application to the Health and Retirement Study
Authors: Priya Kedia, Kiranmoy Das
There is a rich literature on variable selection in regression setting. However, most of these methods assume normality for the response variable under consideration for implementing the methodology and establishing the statistical properties of the estimates. In many real applications, the distribution for the response variable may be non-Gaussian, and one might be interested in finding the best subset of covariates at some predetermined quantile level. We develop dynamic Bayesian approach for variable selection in quantile regression framework. We use a zero-inflated mixture prior for the regression coefficients, and consider the asymmetric Laplace distribution for the response variable for modeling different quantiles of its distribution. An efficient Gibbs sampler is developed for our computation. Our proposed approach is assessed through extensive simulation studies, and real application of the proposed approach is also illustrated. We consider the data from health and retirement study conducted by the University of Michigan, and select the important predictors when the outcome of interest is out-of-pocket medical cost, which is considered as an important measure for financial risk. Our analysis finds important predictors at different quantiles of the outcome, and thus enhance our understanding on the effects of different predictors on the out-of-pocket medical cost.Keywords: variable selection, quantile regression, Gibbs sampler, asymmetric Laplace distribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 1561187 The Effect of Artificial Intelligence on International Law, Legal Security and Privacy Issues
Authors: Akram Waheb Nasef Alzordoky
The wars and armed conflicts have frequently ended in violations of global humanitarian law and regularly devote the maximum severe global crimes, which include war crimes, crimes towards humanity, aggression and genocide. But, simplest inside the XX century, the guideline changed into an articulated idea of establishing a frame of worldwide criminal justice so that you can prosecute those crimes and their perpetrators. The first steps on this subject were made with the aid of setting up the worldwide army tribunals for warfare crimes at Nuremberg and Tokyo, and the formation of ad hoc tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. Ultimately, the global criminal courtroom was established in Rome in 1998 with the aim of justice and that allows you to give satisfaction to the sufferers of crimes and their families. The aim of the paper was to provide an ancient and comparative analysis of the establishments of worldwide criminal justice primarily based on which those establishments de lege lata fulfilled the goals of individual criminal responsibility and justice. Moreover, the authors endorse de lege ferenda that the everlasting global crook Tribunal, in addition to the potential case, additionally takes over the current ICTY and ICTR cases.Keywords: social networks privacy issues, social networks security issues, social networks privacy precautions measures, social networks security precautions measures
Procedia PDF Downloads 231186 Adapting Grain Crop Cleaning Equipment for Sesame and Other Emerging Spice Crops
Authors: Ramadas Narayanan, Surya Bhattrai, Vu Hoan
Threshing and cleaning are crucial post-harvest procedures that are carried out to separate the grain or seed from the harvested plant and eliminate any potential contaminants or foreign debris. After harvesting, threshing and cleaning are necessary for the clean seeds to guarantee high quality and acceptable for consumption or further processing. For mechanised production, threshing can be conducted in a thresher. Afterwards, the seeds are to be cleaned in dedicated seed-cleaning facilities. This research investigates the effectiveness of Kimseed cleaning equipment MK3, designed for grain crops for processing new crops such as sesame, fennel and kalonji. Subsequently, systematic trials were conducted to adapt the equipment to the applications in sesame and spice crops. It was done to develop methods for mechanising harvest and post-harvest operations. For sesame, it is recommended to have t a two-step process in the cleaning machine to remove large and small contaminants. The first step is to remove the large contaminants, and the second is to remove the smaller ones. The optimal parameters for cleaning fennel are a shaker frequency of 6.0 to 6.5 Hz and an airflow of 1.0 to 1.5 m/s. The optimal parameters for cleaning kalonji are a shaker frequency of 5.5Hz to 6.0 Hz and airflow of 1.0 to under 1.5m/s.Keywords: sustainable mechanisation, sead cleaning process, optimal setting, shaker frequency
Procedia PDF Downloads 731185 Predisposition of Small Scale Businesses in Fagge, Kano State, Nigeria, Towards Profit and Loss Sharing Mode of Finance
Authors: Farida, M. Shehu, Shehu U. R. Aliyu
Access to finance has been recognized in the literature as one of the major impediments confronting small scale businesses (SSBs). This largely arises due to high lending rate, religious inclinations, collateral, etc. Islamic mode finance operates under Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) arrangement between a borrower (business owner) and a lender (Islamic bank). This paper empirically assesses the determinants of predisposition of small scale business operators in Fagge local government area, Kano State, Nigeria, towards the PLS. Cross-sectional data from a sample of 291 small scale business operators was analyzed using logit and probit regression models. Empirical results reveal that while awareness and religion inclination positively drive interest towards the PLS, lending rate and collateral work against it. The paper, therefore, strongly recommends more advocacy campaigns and setting up of more Islamic banks in the country to cater for the financing and religious needs of SSBs in the study area.Keywords: Islamic finance, logit and probit models, profit and loss sharing small scale businesses, finance, commerce
Procedia PDF Downloads 3721184 Architecture and Students with Autism: Exploring Strategies for Their Inclusion in Society Mainstream
Authors: Safaa Mahmoud Issa
Architecture, as an art and science of designing, has always been the medium to create environments that fulfill their users’ needs. It could create an inclusive environment that would not isolate any individual regardless of his /her disabilities. It could help, hopefully, in setting the strategies that provide a supportive, educational environment that would allow the inclusion of students with autism. Architects could help in the battle against this neuro-developmental disorder by providing the accommodating environment, at home and at school, in order to prevent institutionalizing these children. Through a theoretical approach and a review of literature, this study will explore and analyze best practices in autism-friendly, supportive, teaching environments. Additionally, it would provide the range of measures, and set the strategies to deal with the students with autism sensory peculiarities, and that, in order to allow them to concentrate in the school environment, and be able to succeed, and to be integrated as an important addition to society and the social mainstream. Architects should take into consideration the general guidelines for an autism-friendly built environment, and apply them to specific buildings systems. And that, as certain design elements have great effect on children’s behavior, by appropriating architecture to provide inclusive accommodating environments, the basis for equalization of opportunities is set allowing these individuals a better, normal, non-institutional life, as the discussion presented in this study would reveal.Keywords: architecture, inclusion, students with autism, society mainstream
Procedia PDF Downloads 2211183 The Savior, the Absent, and the Model: The Role Social Workers Play in Young Women’s Romantic Relationships
Authors: Tehila Wright
Being involved in romantic relationships is a key task in the development of identity during emerging adulthood. To date, little research has focused on romantic relationships among young women who have coped with situations of distress and are treated by social workers. Moreover, the role of social workers in young women’s romantic relations is underexplored. This paper focuses on young women’s perception of the role played by their social workers in guiding them through romantic relationships. Methodology: This qualitative-feminist study is based on semi-structured in-depth interviews with 25 young heterosexual Jewish women aged 18-25 who are currently supported by social workers in the welfare system. Findings: The findings uncover three meanings given by participants to their relations with social workers regarding the young women's romantic relationships: 1)” The social worker as role model” namely, the social worker as setting an example for healthy conduct in romantic relationships. 2) "The social worker as savior," namely, the social worker as the one who supports participants escaping abusive romantic relationships. 3) "The present-absent social worker,” namely, despite being a significant figure in their lives, the social worker is experienced as disconnected and alienated. Conclusions and practice: Social workers can have a positive and important contribution to the romantic relationships of these young women. To be a central source of support in the young women's life, the social workers must be able to establish a relationship of trust with the young women.Keywords: young women, emerging adulthood, romantic relationship, women in distress
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