Search results for: critical infrastructure packed collisions
6845 Implementation of the Outputs of Computer Simulation to Support Decision-Making Processes
Authors: Jiri Barta
At the present time, awareness, education, computer simulation and information systems protection are very serious and relevant topics. The article deals with perspectives and possibilities of implementation of emergence or natural hazard threats into the system which is developed for communication among members of crisis management staffs. The Czech Hydro-Meteorological Institute with its System of Integrated Warning Service resents the largest usable base of information. National information systems are connected to foreign systems, especially to flooding emergency systems of neighboring countries, systems of European Union and international organizations where the Czech Republic is a member. Use of outputs of particular information systems and computer simulations on a single communication interface of information system for communication among members of crisis management staff and setting the site interoperability in the net will lead to time savings in decision-making processes in solving extraordinary events and crisis situations. Faster managing of an extraordinary event or a crisis situation will bring positive effects and minimize the impact of negative effects on the environment.Keywords: computer simulation, communication, continuity, critical infrastructure, information systems, safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 3346844 Effect of the Mould Rotational Speed on the Quality of Centrifugal Castings
Authors: M. A. El-Sayed, S. A. Aziz
Centrifugal casting is a standard casting technique for the manufacture of hollow, intricate and sound castings without the use of cores. The molten metal or alloy poured into the rotating mold forms a hollow casting as the centrifugal forces lift the liquid along the mold inner surface. The rotational speed of the die was suggested to greatly affect the manner in which the molten metal flows within the mould and consequently the probability of the formation of a uniform cylinder. In this work the flow of the liquid metal at various speeds and its effect during casting were studied. The results suggested that there was a critical range for the speed, within which the produced castings exhibited best uniformity and maximum mechanical properties. When a mould was rotated at speeds below or beyond the critical range defects were found in the final castings, which affected the uniformity and significantly lowered the mechanical properties.Keywords: centrifugal casting, rotational speed, critical speed range, mechanical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 4456843 The Power of Inferences and Assumptions: Using a Humanities Education Approach to Help Students Learn to Think Critically
Authors: Randall E. Osborne
A four-step ‘humanities’ thought model has been used in an interdisciplinary course for almost two decades and has been proven to aid in student abilities to become more inclusive in their world view. Lack of tolerance for ambiguity can interfere with this progression so we developed an assignment that seems to have assisted students in developing more tolerance for ambiguity and, therefore, opened them up to make more progress on the critical thought model. A four-step critical thought model (built from a humanities education approach) is used in an interdisciplinary course on prejudice, discrimination, and hate in an effort to minimize egocentrism and promote sociocentrism in college students. A fundamental barrier to this progression is a lack of tolerance for ambiguity. The approach to the course is built on the assumption that Tolerance for Ambiguity (characterized by a dislike of uncertain, ambiguous or situations in which expected behaviors are uncertain, will like serve as a barrier (if tolerance is low) or facilitator (if tolerance is high) of active ‘engagement’ with assignments. Given that active engagement with course assignments would be necessary to promote an increase in critical thought and the degree of multicultural attitude change, tolerance for ambiguity inhibits critical thinking and, ultimately multicultural attitude change. As expected, those students showing the least amount of decrease (or even an increase) in intolerance across the semester, earned lower grades in the course than those students who showed a significant decrease in intolerance, t(1,19) = 4.659, p < .001. Students who demonstrated the most change in their Tolerance for Ambiguity (showed an increasing ability to tolerate ambiguity) earned the highest grades in the course. This is, especially, significant because faculty did not know student scores on this measure until after all assignments had been graded and course grades assigned. An assignment designed to assist students in making their assumption and inferences processes visible so they could be explored, was implemented with the goal of this exploration then promoting more tolerance for ambiguity, which, as already outlined, promotes critical thought. The assignment offers students two options and then requires them to explore what they have learned about inferences and/or assumptions This presentation outlines the assignment and demonstrates the humanities model, what students learn from particular assignments and how it fosters a change in Tolerance for Ambiguity which, serves as the foundational component of critical thinking.Keywords: critical thinking, humanities education, sociocentrism, tolerance for ambiguity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2746842 Smart Grids in Morocco: An Outline of the Recent Developments, Key Drivers, and Recommendations for Better Implementation
Authors: Mohamed Laamim, Abdelilah Rochd, Aboubakr Benazzouz, Abderrahim El Fadili
Smart grids have recently sparked a lot of interest in the energy sector as they allow for the modernization and digitization of the existing power infrastructure. Smart grids have several advantages in terms of reducing the environmental impact of generating power from fossil fuels due to their capacity to integrate large amounts of distributed energy resources. On the other hand, smart grid technologies necessitate many field investigations and requirements. This paper focuses on the major difficulties that governments face around the world and compares them to the situation in Morocco. Also presented in this study are the current works and projects being developed to improve the penetration of smart grid technologies into the electrical system. Furthermore, the findings of this study will be useful to promote the smart grid revolution in Morocco, as well as to construct a strong foundation and develop future needs for better penetration of technologies that aid in the integration of smart grid features.Keywords: smart grids, microgrids, virtual power plants, digital twin, distributed energy resources, vehicle-to-grid, advanced metering infrastructure.
Procedia PDF Downloads 1446841 Radical Technological Innovation - Comparison of a Critical Success Factors Framework with Existing Literature
Authors: Florian Wohlfeil, Orestis Terzidis, Louisa Hellmann
Radical technological innovations enable companies to reach strong market positions and are thus desirable. On the other hand, the innovation process is related to significant costs and risks. Hence, the knowledge of the factors that influence success is crucial for technology driven companies. In a previous study, we have developed a conceptual framework of 25 Critical Success Factors for radical technological innovations and mapped them to four main categories: Technology, Organization, Market, and Process. We refer to it as the Technology-Organization-Market-Process (TOMP) framework. Taking the TOMP framework as a reference model, we conducted a structured and focused literature review of eleven standard books on the topic of radical technological innovation. With this approach, we aim to evaluate, expand, and clarify the set of Critical Success Factors detailed in the TOMP framework. Overall, the set of factors and their allocation to the main categories of the TOMP framework could be confirmed. However, the factor organizational home is not emphasized and discussed in most of the reviewed literature. On the other hand, an additional factor that has not been part of the TOMP framework is described to be important – strategy fit. Furthermore, the factors strategic alliances and platform strategy appear in the literature but in a different context compared to the reference model.Keywords: Critical Success Factors, radical technological innovation, TOMP framework, innovation process
Procedia PDF Downloads 6616840 Investigating the Road Maintenance Performance in Developing Countries
Authors: Jamaa Salih, Francis Edum-Fotwe, Andrew Price
One of the most critical aspects of the management of road infrastructure is the type and scale of maintenance systems adopted and the consequences of their inadequacy. The performance of road maintenance systems can be assessed by a number of important indicators such as: cost, safety, environmental impact, and level of complaints by users. A review of practice reveals that insufficient level of expenditure or poor management of the road network often has serious consequences for the economic and social life of a country in terms of vehicle operating costs (VOC), travel time costs, accident costs and environmental impact. Despite an increase in the attention paid by global road agencies to the environmental and the road users’ satisfaction, the overwhelming evidence from the available literature agree on the lack of similar levels of attention for the two factors in many developing countries. While many sources agree that the road maintenance backlog is caused by either the shortage of expenditures or lack of proper management or both, it appears that managing the available assets particularly in the developing countries is the main issue. To address this subject, this paper will concentrate on exposing the various issues related to this field.Keywords: environmental impact, performance indicators, road maintenance, users’ satisfaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 3576839 The Critical Success Factors for Effective ICT Governance in Malaysian Public Sector: A Delphi Study
Authors: Rosida A. Razak, Mohamad Shanudin Zakaria
The fundamental issues in ICT Governance (ICTG) implementation for Malaysian Public Sector (MPS) is how ICT be applied to support improvements in productivity, management effectiveness and the quality of services offered to its citizens. Our main concern is to develop and adopt a common definition and framework to illustrate how ICTG can be used to better align ICT with government’s operations and strategic focus. In particular, we want to identify and categorize factors that drive a successful ICTG process. This paper presents the results of an exploratory study to identify, validate and refine such Critical Success Factors (CSFs) and confirmed seven CSFs and nineteen sub-factors as influential factors that fit MPS after further validated and refined. The Delphi method applied in validation and refining process before being endorsed as appropriate for MPS. The identified CSFs reflect the focus areas that need to be considered strategically to strengthen ICT Governance implementation and ensure business success.Keywords: IT governance, critical success factors, productivity, CSFs
Procedia PDF Downloads 2816838 Optimizing Production Yield Through Process Parameter Tuning Using Deep Learning Models: A Case Study in Precision Manufacturing
Authors: Tolulope Aremu
This paper is based on the idea of using deep learning methodology for optimizing production yield by tuning a few key process parameters in a manufacturing environment. The study was explicitly on how to maximize production yield and minimize operational costs by utilizing advanced neural network models, specifically Long Short-Term Memory and Convolutional Neural Networks. These models were implemented using Python-based frameworks—TensorFlow and Keras. The targets of the research are the precision molding processes in which temperature ranges between 150°C and 220°C, the pressure ranges between 5 and 15 bar, and the material flow rate ranges between 10 and 50 kg/h, which are critical parameters that have a great effect on yield. A dataset of 1 million production cycles has been considered for five continuous years, where detailed logs are present showing the exact setting of parameters and yield output. The LSTM model would model time-dependent trends in production data, while CNN analyzed the spatial correlations between parameters. Models are designed in a supervised learning manner. For the model's loss, an MSE loss function is used, optimized through the Adam optimizer. After running a total of 100 training epochs, 95% accuracy was achieved by the models recommending optimal parameter configurations. Results indicated that with the use of RSM and DOE traditional methods, there was an increase in production yield of 12%. Besides, the error margin was reduced by 8%, hence consistent quality products from the deep learning models. The monetary value was annually around $2.5 million, the cost saved from material waste, energy consumption, and equipment wear resulting from the implementation of optimized process parameters. This system was deployed in an industrial production environment with the help of a hybrid cloud system: Microsoft Azure, for data storage, and the training and deployment of their models were performed on Google Cloud AI. The functionality of real-time monitoring of the process and automatic tuning of parameters depends on cloud infrastructure. To put it into perspective, deep learning models, especially those employing LSTM and CNN, optimize the production yield by fine-tuning process parameters. Future research will consider reinforcement learning with a view to achieving further enhancement of system autonomy and scalability across various manufacturing sectors.Keywords: production yield optimization, deep learning, tuning of process parameters, LSTM, CNN, precision manufacturing, TensorFlow, Keras, cloud infrastructure, cost saving
Procedia PDF Downloads 346837 Degradation of Hydrocarbons by Surfactants and Biosurfactants
Authors: Samira Ferhat, Redha Alouaoui, Leila Trifi, Abdelmalek Badis
The objective of this work is the use of natural surfactant (biosurfactant) and synthetic (sodium dodecyl sulfate and tween 80) for environmental application. In fact the solubility of the polycyclic hydrocarbon (naphthalene) and the desorption of the heavy metals in the presence of surfactants. The microorganisms selected in this work are bacterial strain (Bacillus licheniformis) for the production of biosurfactant for use in this study. In the first part of this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of surfactants solubilization certain hydrocarbons few soluble in water such as polyaromatic (case naphthalene). Tests have shown that from the critical micelle concentration, decontamination is performed. The second part presents the results on the desorption of heavy metals (for copper) by the three surfactants, using concentrations above the critical micelle concentration. The comparison between the desorption of copper by the three surfactants, it is shown that the biosurfactant is more effective than tween 80 and sodium dodecyl sulfate.Keywords: surfactants, biosurfactant, naphthalene, copper, critical micelle concentration, solubilization, desorption
Procedia PDF Downloads 3976836 ACO-TS: an ACO-based Algorithm for Optimizing Cloud Task Scheduling
Authors: Fahad Y. Al-dawish
The current trend by a large number of organizations and individuals to use cloud computing. Many consider it a significant shift in the field of computing. Cloud computing are distributed and parallel systems consisting of a collection of interconnected physical and virtual machines. With increasing request and profit of cloud computing infrastructure, diverse computing processes can be executed on cloud environment. Many organizations and individuals around the world depend on the cloud computing environments infrastructure to carry their applications, platform, and infrastructure. One of the major and essential issues in this environment related to allocating incoming tasks to suitable virtual machine (cloud task scheduling). Cloud task scheduling is classified as optimization problem, and there are several meta-heuristic algorithms have been anticipated to solve and optimize this problem. Good task scheduler should execute its scheduling technique on altering environment and the types of incoming task set. In this research project a cloud task scheduling methodology based on ant colony optimization ACO algorithm, we call it ACO-TS Ant Colony Optimization for Task Scheduling has been proposed and compared with different scheduling algorithms (Random, First Come First Serve FCFS, and Fastest Processor to the Largest Task First FPLTF). Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is random optimization search method that will be used for assigning incoming tasks to available virtual machines VMs. The main role of proposed algorithm is to minimizing the makespan of certain tasks set and maximizing resource utilization by balance the load among virtual machines. The proposed scheduling algorithm was evaluated by using Cloudsim toolkit framework. Finally after analyzing and evaluating the performance of experimental results we find that the proposed algorithm ACO-TS perform better than Random, FCFS, and FPLTF algorithms in each of the makespaan and resource utilization.Keywords: cloud Task scheduling, ant colony optimization (ACO), cloudsim, cloud computing
Procedia PDF Downloads 4226835 Analyze and Improve Project Delivery Time Enhancing Business Management System of Review and Approval Process for Project Design Submittals
Authors: Abdulaziz Alnajem, Amit Sharma
Business Case: Project delivery and enhancing activities' completion in the shortest possible time is critical during execution to proceed with the subsequent phases of Procurement, C & C phases of Contracts to have the required Production facilities/Infrastructure in place to achieve the Company strategic objective of 4.0 MBOPD oil production. SOR (Statement of requirement): Design and Engineering phase of Projects execution takes a long time. It is observed that, in most of the cases, company has crossed the Project Design Submittals review time as per the Contract/Company Standards, resulting into delays in projects completion, and cost impact to the company. Study Scope: Scope of the study covers the process from date of first submission of D & E documents by the contractor to final approval by the controlling team to proceed with the procurement of materials. This scope covers projects handled by the company’s project management teams and includes only the internal review process by the company.Keywords: business management system, project management, oil and gas, analysis, improvement, design, delays
Procedia PDF Downloads 2196834 Observation of Critical Sliding Velocity
Authors: Visar Baxhuku, Halil Demolli, Alishukri Shkodra
This paper presents the monitoring of vehicle movement, namely the developing of speed of vehicles during movement in a certain twist. The basic geometry data of twist are measured with the purpose of calculating the slide in border speed. During the research, measuring developed speed of passenger vehicles for the real conditions of the road surface, dry road with average damage, was realised. After setting values, the analysis was done in function security of movement in twist.Keywords: critical sliding velocity, moving velocity, curve, passenger vehicles
Procedia PDF Downloads 4216833 Assessing Sustainability of Bike Sharing Projects Using Envision™ Rating System
Authors: Tamar Trop
Bike sharing systems can be important elements of smart cities as they have the potential for impact on multiple levels. These systems can add a significant alternative to other modes of mass transit in cities that are continuously looking for measures to become more livable and maintain their attractiveness for citizens, businesses and tourism. Bike-sharing began in Europe in 1965, and a viable format emerged in the mid-2000s thanks to the introduction of information technology. The rate of growth in bike-sharing schemes and fleets has been very rapid since 2008 and has probably outstripped growth in every other form of urban transport. Today, public bike-sharing systems are available on five continents, including over 700 cities, operating more than 800,000 bicycles at approximately 40,000 docking stations. Since modern bike sharing systems have become prevalent only in the last decade, the existing literature analyzing these systems and their sustainability is relatively new. The purpose of the presented study is to assess the sustainability of these newly emerging transportation systems, by using the Envision™ rating system as a methodological framework and the Israeli 'Tel -O-Fun' – bike sharing project as a case study. The assessment was conducted by project team members. Envision™ is a new guidance and rating system used to assess and improve the sustainability of all types and sizes of infrastructure projects. This tool provides a holistic framework for evaluating and rating the community, environmental, and economic benefits of infrastructure projects over the course of their life cycle. This evaluation method has 60 sustainability criteria divided into five categories: Quality of life, leadership, resource allocation, natural world, and climate and risk. 'Tel -O-Fun' project was launched in Tel Aviv-Yafo on 2011 and today provides about 1,800 bikes for rent, at 180 rental stations across the city. The system is based on a complex computer terminal that is located in the docking stations. The highest-rated sustainable features that the project scored include: (a) Improving quality of life by: offering a low cost and efficient form of public transit, improving community mobility and access, enabling the flexibility of travel within a multimodal transportation system, saving commuters time and money, enhancing public health and reducing air and noise pollution; (b) improving resource allocation by: offering inexpensive and flexible last-mile connectivity, reducing space, materials and energy consumption, reducing wear and tear on public roads, and maximizing the utility of existing infrastructure, and (c) reducing of greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. Overall, 'Tel -O-Fun' project was highly scored as an environmentally sustainable and socially equitable infrastructure. The use of this practical framework for evaluation also yielded various interesting insights on the shortcoming of the system and the characteristics of good solutions. This can contribute to the improvement of the project and may assist planners and operators of bike sharing systems to develop a sustainable, efficient and reliable transportation infrastructure within smart cities.Keywords: bike sharing, Envision™, sustainability rating system, sustainable infrastructure
Procedia PDF Downloads 3416832 Utilising Indigenous Knowledge to Design Dykes in Malawi
Authors: Martin Kleynhans, Margot Soler, Gavin Quibell
Malawi is one of the world’s poorest nations and consequently, the design of flood risk management infrastructure comes with a different set of challenges. There is a lack of good quality hydromet data, both in spatial terms and in the quality thereof and the challenge in the design of flood risk management infrastructure is compounded by the fact that maintenance is almost completely non-existent and that solutions have to be simple to be effective. Solutions should not require any further resources to remain functional after completion, and they should be resilient. They also have to be cost effective. The Lower Shire Valley of Malawi suffers from frequent flood events. Various flood risk management interventions have been designed across the valley during the course of the Shire River Basin Management Project – Phase I, and due to the data poor environment, indigenous knowledge was relied upon to a great extent for hydrological and hydraulic model calibration and verification. However, indigenous knowledge comes with the caveat that it is ‘fuzzy’ and that it can be manipulated for political reasons. The experience in the Lower Shire valley suggests that indigenous knowledge is unlikely to invent a problem where none exists, but that flood depths and extents may be exaggerated to secure prioritization of the intervention. Indigenous knowledge relies on the memory of a community and cannot foresee events that exceed past experience, that could occur differently to those that have occurred in the past, or where flood management interventions change the flow regime. This complicates communication of planned interventions to local inhabitants. Indigenous knowledge is, for the most part, intuitive, but flooding can sometimes be counter intuitive, and the rural poor may have a lower trust of technology. Due to a near complete lack of maintenance of infrastructure, infrastructure has to be designed with no moving parts and no requirement for energy inputs. This precludes pumps, valves, flap gates and sophisticated warning systems. Designs of dykes during this project included ‘flood warning spillways’, that double up as pedestrian and animal crossing points, which provide warning of impending dangerous water levels behind dykes to residents before water levels that could cause a possible dyke failure are reached. Locally available materials and erosion protection using vegetation were used wherever possible to keep costs down.Keywords: design of dykes in low-income countries, flood warning spillways, indigenous knowledge, Malawi
Procedia PDF Downloads 2846831 Concrete Cracking Simulation Using Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element Method
Authors: R. Z. Wang, B. C. Lin, C. H. Huang
This study proposes a new method to simulate the crack propagation under mode-I loading using Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element (VFIFE) method. A new idea which is expected to combine both VFIFE and J-integral is proposed to calculate the stress density factor as the crack critical in elastic crack. The procedure of implement the cohesive crack propagation in VFIFE based on the fictitious crack model is also proposed. In VFIFIE, the structure deformation is described by numbers of particles instead of elements. The strain energy density and the derivatives of the displacement vector of every particle is introduced to calculate the J-integral as the integral path is discrete by particles. The particle on the crack tip separated into two particles once the stress on the crack tip satisfied with the crack critical and then the crack tip propagates to the next particle. The internal force and the cohesive force is applied to the particles.Keywords: VFIFE, crack propagation, fictitious crack model, crack critical
Procedia PDF Downloads 3366830 Jabodebek Light Rail Transit with Grade of Automation (GoA) No.3 (Driverless) Technology towards Jakarta Net-Zero Emissions (NZE) 2050
Authors: Nadilla Saskia, Octoria Nur, Assegaf Zareeva
Mass transport infrastructures are essential to enhance the connectivity between regions and regional equity in Indonesia. Indonesia’s capital city, Jakarta, ranked the 10th highest congestion rate in the world based on the 2019 traffic index, contributing to air pollution and energy consumption. Other than that, the World Air Quality Report in 2019 depicted Jakarta’s air pollutant concentration at 49.4 mg, the 5th highest in the world. Issues of severe traffic congestion, lack of sufficient urban infrastructure in Jakarta, and greenhouse gas emissions have to be addressed through mass transportation. Indonesia’s government is currently constructing The Greater Jakarta LRT (Light Rapid Transit) as convenient, efficient, and environmentally friendly transportation connecting Jakarta with Bekasi and Cibubur areas and plans to serve the passengers in August 2023. Greater Jakarta LRT is operated with Grade of Automation (GoA) No.3, Driverless Train Operation (DTO). Hence, the automated technology used in rail infrastructure is anticipated to address these issues with greater results. The paper will be validated and establish the extent to which the automation system would increase energy efficiency, help reduce carbon emissions, and benefit the environment. Based on the calculated CO2 emissions and fuel consumption for the existing condition (2015) during the feasibility study of the LRT Project and the predicted condition in 2030, it is obtained that Greater Jakarta LRT with GoA3 operation will reduce the CO2 emissions and fuel consumption by more than 50% in 2030. In the bigger picture, Greater Jakarta LRT supports the government's goal of achieving Jakarta Net-Zero Emissions (NZE) 2050.Keywords: LRT, Grade of Automation (GoA), energy efficiency, carbon emissions, railway infrastructure, DKI Jakarta
Procedia PDF Downloads 836829 Green It-Outsourcing Assurance Model for It-Outsourcing Vendors
Authors: Siffat Ullah Khan, Rahmat Ullah Khan, Rafiq Ahmad Khan, Habibullah Khan
Green IT or green computing has emerged as a fast growing business paradigm in recent years in order to develop energy-efficient Software and peripheral devices. With the constant evolution of technology and the world critical environmental status, all private and public information technology (IT) businesses are moving towards sustainability. We identified, through systematic literature review and questionnaire survey, 9 motivators, in total, faced by vendors in IT-Outsourcing relationship. Amongst these motivators 7 were ranked as critical motivators. We also identified 21, in total, practices for addressing these critical motivators. Based on these inputs we have developed Green IT-Outsourcing Assurance Model (GITAM) for IT-Outsourcing vendors. The model comprises four different levels. i.e. Initial, White, Green and Grey. Each level comprises different critical motivators and their relevant practices. We conclude that our model, GITAM, will assist IT-Outsourcing vendors in gauging their level in order to manage IT-Outsourcing activities in a green and sustainable fashion to assist the environment and to reduce the carbon emission. The model will assist vendors in improving their current level by suggesting various practices. The model will contribute to the body of knowledge in the field of Green IT.Keywords: Green IT-outsourcing Assurance Model (GITAM), Systematic Literature Review, Empirical Study, Case Study
Procedia PDF Downloads 2546828 Effect of Different By-Products on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Serum Parameters of Growing Simmental Crossbred Cattle
Authors: Fei Wang, Jie Meng, Qingxiang Meng
China is rich in straw and by-product resources, whose utilization has always been a hot topic. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of feeding soybean straw and wine distiller’s grain as a replacement for corn stover on performance of beef cattle. Sixty Simmental×local crossbred bulls averaging 12 months old and 335.7 ± 39.1 kg of body weight (BW) were randomly assigned into four groups (15 animals per group) and allocated to a diet with 40% maize stover (MSD), a diet with 40% wrapping package maize silage (PMSD), a diet with 12% soybean straw plus 28% maize stover (SSD) and a diet with 12% wine distiller’s grain plus 28% maize stover (WDD). Bulls were fed ad libitum an TMR consisting of 36.0% maize, 12.5% of DDGS, 5.0% of cottonseed meal, 4.0% of soybean meal and 40.0% of by-product as described above. Treatment period lasted for 22 weeks, consisting of 1 week of dietary adaptation. The results showed that dry matter intake (DMI) was significantly higher (P < 0.01) for PMSD group than MSD and SSD groups during 0-7 week and 8-14week, and PMSD and WDD groups had higher (P < 0.05) DMI values than MSD and SSD groups during the whole period. Average daily gain (ADG) values were 1.56, 1.72, 1.68 and 1.58 kg for MSD, PMSD, SSD and WDD groups respectively, although the differences were not significant (P > 0.05). The value of blood sugar concentration was significantly higher (P < 0.01) for MSD group than WDD group, and the blood urea nitrogen concentration of SSD group was lower (P < 0.05) than MSD and WDD groups. No significant difference (P > 0.05) of serum total cholesterol, triglycerides or total protein content was observed among the different groups. Ten bulls with similar body weight were selected at the end of feeding trial and slaughtered for measurement of slaughtering performance, carcass quality and meat chemical composition. SSD group had significantly lower (P < 0.05) shear force value and cooking loss than MSD and PMSD groups. The pH values of MSD and SSD groups were lower (P < 0.05) than PMSD and WDD groups. WDD group had a higher fat color brightness (L*) value than PMSD and SSD groups. There were no significant differences in dressing percentage, meat percentage, top grade meat weight, ribeye area, marbling score, meat color and meat chemical compositions among different dietary treatments. Based on these results, the packed maize stover silage showed a potential of improving the average daily gain and feed intake of beef cattle. Soybean straw had a significant effect on improving the tenderness and reducing cooking loss of beef. In general, soybean straw and packed maize stover silage would be beneficial to nitrogen deposition and showed a potential to substitute maize stover in beef cattle diets.Keywords: beef cattle, by-products, carcass quality, growth performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 5206827 Project Risk Assessment of the Mining Industry of Ghana
Authors: Charles Amoatey
The issue of risk in the mining industry is a global phenomenon and the Ghanaian mining industry is not exempted. The main purpose of this study is to identify the critical risk factors affecting the mining industry. The study takes an integrated view of the mining industry by examining the contribution of various risk factors to mining project failure in Ghana. A questionnaire survey was conducted to solicit the critical risk factors from key mining practitioners. About 80 respondents from 11 mining firms participated in the survey. The study identified 22 risk factors contributing to mining project failure in Ghana. The five most critical risk factors based on both probability of occurrence and impact were: (1) unstable commodity prices, (2) inflation/exchange rate, (3) land degradation, (4) high cost of living and (5) government bureaucracy for obtaining licenses. Furthermore, the study found that risk assessment in the mining sector has a direct link with mining project sustainability. Mitigation measures for addressing the identified risk factors were discussed. The key findings emphasize the need for a comprehensive risk management culture in the entire mining industry.Keywords: risk, assessment, mining, Ghana
Procedia PDF Downloads 4546826 Economic Impact of a Distribution Company under Power System Restructuring
Authors: Safa’ Abdelkarim Hammad
The electrical power system is one of the main parts of the nation's infrastructure, and the availability and cost of electricity are critical factors in industrial competitiveness and strategy. Restructuring of the electricity supply industries is a very complex exercise based on national energy strategies and policies, macroeconomic developments, and national conditions, and its application varies from country to country. Electricity regulation of natural monopolies is a challenging task. Regulators face the problem of providing appropriate incentives for improvement of efficiency. Incentive regulation is often considered as an efficient regulatory tool to handle the problem, and it is widely applied in several countries. However, the exact regulation methodologies differ from one country to another. Network quantitative reliability evaluation is an essential factor with regard to the quality of supply. The main factors used to judge the reliability of supply is measured by the number and duration of interruptions experienced by customers. Several indicators are used to evaluate reliability in distribution networks. This paper addresses the impact of incentive regulation and performance benchmarking in the field of electricity distribution in Jordan. The theory of efficiency measurement and the most common models; NCSQS and DEA models are presented.Keywords: incentive regulations, reliability, restructuring, Tarrif
Procedia PDF Downloads 1236825 Adaptive Certificate-Based Mutual Authentication Protocol for Mobile Grid Infrastructure
Authors: H. Parveen Begam, M. A. Maluk Mohamed
Mobile Grid Computing is an environment that allows sharing and coordinated use of diverse resources in dynamic, heterogeneous and distributed environment using different types of electronic portable devices. In a grid environment the security issues are like authentication, authorization, message protection and delegation handled by GSI (Grid Security Infrastructure). Proving better security between mobile devices and grid infrastructure is a major issue, because of the open nature of wireless networks, heterogeneous and distributed environments. In a mobile grid environment, the individual computing devices may be resource-limited in isolation, as an aggregated sum, they have the potential to play a vital role within the mobile grid environment. Some adaptive methodology or solution is needed to solve the issues like authentication of a base station, security of information flowing between a mobile user and a base station, prevention of attacks within a base station, hand-over of authentication information, communication cost of establishing a session key between mobile user and base station, computing complexity of achieving authenticity and security. The sharing of resources of the devices can be achieved only through the trusted relationships between the mobile hosts (MHs). Before accessing the grid service, the mobile devices should be proven authentic. This paper proposes the dynamic certificate based mutual authentication protocol between two mobile hosts in a mobile grid environment. The certificate generation process is done by CA (Certificate Authority) for all the authenticated MHs. Security (because of validity period of the certificate) and dynamicity (transmission time) can be achieved through the secure service certificates. Authentication protocol is built on communication services to provide cryptographically secured mechanisms for verifying the identity of users and resources.Keywords: mobile grid computing, certificate authority (CA), SSL/TLS protocol, secured service certificates
Procedia PDF Downloads 3086824 A Nonlinear Stochastic Differential Equation Model for Financial Bubbles and Crashes with Finite-Time Singularities
Authors: Haowen Xi
We propose and solve exactly a class of non-linear generalization of the Black-Scholes process of stochastic differential equations describing price bubble and crashes dynamics. As a result of nonlinear positive feedback, the faster-than-exponential price positive growth (bubble forming) and negative price growth (crash forming) are found to be the power-law finite-time singularity in which bubbles and crashes price formation ending at finite critical time tc. While most literature on the market bubble and crash process focuses on the nonlinear positive feedback mechanism aspect, very few studies concern the noise level on the same process. The present work adds to the market bubble and crashes literature by studying the external sources noise influence on the critical time tc of the bubble forming and crashes forming. Two main results will be discussed: (1) the analytical expression of expected value of the critical timeKeywords: bubble, crash, finite-time-singular, numerical simulation, price dynamics, stochastic differential equations
Procedia PDF Downloads 1336823 Urban Traffic: Understanding the Traffic Flow Factor Through Fluid Dynamics
Authors: Sathish Kumar Jayaraj
The study of urban traffic dynamics, underpinned by the principles of fluid dynamics, offers a distinct perspective to comprehend and enhance the efficiency of traffic flow within bustling cityscapes. Leveraging the concept of the Traffic Flow Factor (TFF) as an analog to the Reynolds number, this research delves into the intricate interplay between traffic density, velocity, and road category, drawing compelling parallels to fluid dynamics phenomena. By introducing the notion of Vehicle Shearing Resistance (VSR) as an analogy to dynamic viscosity, the study sheds light on the multifaceted influence of traffic regulations, lane management, and road infrastructure on the smoothness and resilience of traffic flow. The TFF equation serves as a comprehensive metric for quantifying traffic dynamics, enabling the identification of congestion hotspots, the optimization of traffic signal timings, and the formulation of data-driven traffic management strategies. The study underscores the critical significance of integrating fluid dynamics principles into the domain of urban traffic management, fostering sustainable transportation practices, and paving the way for a more seamless and resilient urban mobility ecosystem.Keywords: traffic flow factor (TFF), urban traffic dynamics, fluid dynamics principles, vehicle shearing resistance (VSR), traffic congestion management, sustainable urban mobility
Procedia PDF Downloads 636822 Analysis of the Learners’ Responses of the Adjusted Rorschach Comprehensive System: Critical Psychological Perspective
Authors: Mokgadi Moletsane-Kekae, Robert Kananga Mukuna
The study focuses on the analysis of the Adjusted Rorschach Comprehensive System’s responses. The purpose of the study is to analyse the participants’ rate responses of the Adjusted Rorschach Comprehensive System with regards to critical psychology approach. The use of critical psychology theory in this study was crucial because it responds to the current inadequate western theory or practice in the field of psychology. The participants were learners in previously disadvantaged school in the Western Cape, South Africa. The study adopted a qualitative approach and a case study design. The study was grounded on interpretivist paradigm. The sample size comprised six learners (three boys and three girls, aged of 14 years) from historically disadvantaged school. The Adjusted Rorschach Comprehensive System (ARCS) administration procedure, biographical information, semi-structured interviews, and observation were used to collect data. Data was analysed using thematic framework. The study found out that, factors that increased the response rates during the administration of ARCS were, language, seating arrangement, drawing, viewing, and describing. The study recommended that, psychological test designers take into consideration the philosophy or worldviews of the local people for whom the test is designed to minimize low response rates.Keywords: adjusted rorschach comprehensive system, critical psychology, learners, responses
Procedia PDF Downloads 3786821 Child-Friendly Digital Storytelling to Promote Young Learners' Critical Thinking in English Learning
Authors: Setyarini Sri, Nursalim Agus
Integrating critical thinking and digital based learning is one of demands in teaching English in 21st century. Child-friendly digital storytelling (CFDS) is an innovative learning model to promote young learners’ critical thinking. Therefore, this study aims to (1) investigate how child-friendly digital storytelling is implemented to promote young learners’ critical thinking in speaking English; (2) find out the benefits gained by the students in their learning based on CFDS. Classroom Action Research (CAR) took place in two cycles in which each of the cycle covered four phases namely: Planning, Acting, Observing, and Evaluating. Three classes of seventh graders were selected as the subjects of this study. Data were collected through observation, interview with some selected students as respondents, and document analysis in the form individual recorded storytelling. Sentences, phrases, words found in the transcribed data were identified and categorized based on Bloom taxonomy. The findings from the first cycle showed that the students seemed to speak critically that can be seen from the way they understood the story and related the story to their real life. Meanwhile, the result investigated from the second cycle likely indicated their higher level of critical thinking since the students spoke in English critically through comparing, questioning, analyzing, and evaluating the story by giving arguments, opinions, and comments. Such higher levels of critical thinking were also found in the students’ final project of individual recorded digital story. It is elaborated from the students’ statements in the interview who claimed CFDS offered opportunity to the students to promote their critical thinking because they comprehended the story deeply as they experienced in their real life. This learning model created good learning atmosphere and engaged the students directly so that they looked confident to retell the story in various perspectives. In term of the benefits of child-friendly digital storytelling, the students found it beneficial for some enjoyable classroom activities through watching beautiful and colorful pictures, listening to clear and good sounds, appealing moving motion and emotionally they were involved in that story. In the interview, the students also stated that child-friendly digital storytelling eased them to understand the meaning of the story as they were motivated and enthusiastic to speak in English critically.Keywords: critical thinking, child-friendly digital storytelling, English speaking, promoting, young learners
Procedia PDF Downloads 2826820 Cyber Warfare and Cyber Terrorism: An Analysis of Global Cooperation and Cyber Security Counter Measures
Authors: Mastoor Qubra
Cyber-attacks have frequently disrupted the critical infrastructures of the major global states and now, cyber threat has become one of the dire security risks for the states across the globe. Recently, ransomware cyber-attacks, wannacry and petya, have affected hundreds of thousands of computer servers and individuals’ private machines in more than hundred countries across Europe, Middle East, Asia, United States and Australia. Although, states are rapidly becoming aware of the destructive nature of this new security threat and counter measures are being taken but states’ isolated efforts would be inadequate to deal with this heinous security challenge, rather a global coordination and cooperation is inevitable in order to develop a credible cyber deterrence policy. Hence, the paper focuses that coordinated global approach is required to deter posed cyber threat. This paper intends to analyze the cyber security counter measures in four dimensions i.e. evaluation of prevalent strategies at bilateral level, initiatives and limitations for cooperation at global level, obstacles to combat cyber terrorism and finally, recommendations to deter the threat by applying tools of deterrence theory. Firstly, it focuses on states’ efforts to combat the cyber threat and in this regard, US-Australia Cyber Security Dialogue is comprehensively illustrated and investigated. Secondly, global partnerships and strategic and analytic role of multinational organizations, particularly United Nations (UN), to deal with the heinous threat, is critically analyzed and flaws are highlighted, for instance; less significance of cyber laws within international law as compared to other conflict prone issues. In addition to this, there are certain obstacles and limitations at national, regional and global level to implement the cyber terrorism counter strategies which are presented in the third section. Lastly, by underlining the gaps and grey areas in the current cyber security counter measures, it aims to apply tools of deterrence theory, i.e. defense, attribution and retaliation, in the cyber realm to contribute towards formulating a credible cyber deterrence strategy at global level. Thus, this study is significant in understanding and determining the inevitable necessity of counter cyber terrorism strategies.Keywords: attribution, critical infrastructure, cyber terrorism, global cooperation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2696819 Smart Grids in Morocco: An Outline of the Recent Development, Key Drivers and Recommendations for Future Implementation
Authors: Mohamed Laamim, Aboubakr Benazzouz, Abdelilah Rochd, Abdellatif Ghennioui, Abderrahim El Fadili
Smart grids have recently sparked a lot of interest in the energy sector as they allow for the modernization and digitization of the existing power infrastructure. Smart grids have several advantages in terms of reducing the environmental impact of generating power from fossil fuels due to their capacity to integrate large amounts of distributed energy resources. On the other hand, smart grid technologies necessitate many field investigations and requirements. This paper focuses on the major difficulties that governments face around the world and compares them to the situation in Morocco. Also presented in this study are the current works and projects being developed to improve the penetration of smart grid technologies into the electrical system. Furthermore, the findings of this study will be useful to promote the smart grid revolution in Morocco, as well as to construct a strong foundation and develop future needs for better penetration of technologies that aid in the integration of smart grid features.Keywords: smart grids, microgrids, virtual power plants, digital twin, distributed energy resources, vehicle-to-grid, advanced metering infrastructure
Procedia PDF Downloads 1586818 Novel Coprocessor for DNA Sequence Alignment in Resequencing Applications
Authors: Atef Ibrahim, Hamed Elsimary, Abdullah Aljumah, Fayez Gebali
This paper presents a novel semi-systolic array architecture for an optimized parallel sequence alignment algorithm. This architecture has the advantage that it can be modified to be reused for multiple pass processing in order to increase the number of processing elements that can be packed into a single FPGA and to increase the number of sequences that can be aligned in parallel in a single FPGA. This resolves the potential problem of many FPGA resources left unused for designs that have large values of short read length. When using the previously published conventional hardware design. FPGA implementation results show that, for large values of short read lengths (M>128), the proposed design has a slightly higher speed up and FPGA utilization over the the conventional one.Keywords: bioinformatics, genome sequence alignment, re-sequencing applications, systolic array
Procedia PDF Downloads 5326817 A Lifetime-Enhancing Monitoring Node Distribution Using Minimum Spanning Tree in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Authors: Sungchul Ha, Hyunwoo Kim
In mobile ad hoc networks, all nodes in a network only have limited resources and calculation ability. Therefore communication topology which have long lifetime is good for all nodes in mobile ad hoc networks. There are a variety of researches on security problems in wireless ad hoc networks. The existing many researches try to make efficient security schemes to reduce network power consumption and enhance network lifetime. Because a new node can join the network at any time, the wireless ad hoc networks are exposed to various threats and can be destroyed by attacks. Resource consumption is absolutely necessary to secure networks, but more resource consumption can be a critical problem to network lifetime. This paper focuses on efficient monitoring node distribution to enhance network lifetime in wireless ad hoc networks. Since the wireless ad hoc networks cannot use centralized infrastructure and security systems of wired networks, a new special IDS scheme is necessary. The scheme should not only cover all nodes in a network but also enhance the network lifetime. In this paper, we propose an efficient IDS node distribution scheme using minimum spanning tree (MST) method. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has superior performance in comparison with existing algorithms.Keywords: MANETs, IDS, power control, minimum spanning tree
Procedia PDF Downloads 3736816 Design and Field Programmable Gate Array Implementation of Radio Frequency Identification for Boosting up Tag Data Processing
Authors: G. Rajeshwari, V. D. M. Jabez Daniel
Radio Frequency Identification systems are used for automated identification in various applications such as automobiles, health care and security. It is also called as the automated data collection technology. RFID readers are placed in any area to scan large number of tags to cover a wide distance. The placement of the RFID elements may result in several types of collisions. A major challenge in RFID system is collision avoidance. In the previous works the collision was avoided by using algorithms such as ALOHA and tree algorithm. This work proposes collision reduction and increased throughput through reading enhancement method with tree algorithm. The reading enhancement is done by improving interrogation procedure and increasing the data handling capacity of RFID reader with parallel processing. The work is simulated using Xilinx ISE 14.5 verilog language. By implementing this in the RFID system, we can able to achieve high throughput and avoid collision in the reader at a same instant of time. The overall system efficiency will be increased by implementing this.Keywords: antenna, anti-collision protocols, data management system, reader, reading enhancement, tag
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