Search results for: OFHC copper film
1362 Self-Assembled Tin Particles Made by Plasma-Induced Dewetting
Authors: Han Joo Choe, Soon-Ho Kwon, Jung-Joong Lee
Tin particles of various size and distribution were self-assembled by plasma treating tin film deposited on silicon oxide substrates. Plasma treatment was conducted using an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) source. A range of ICP power and topographic templated substrates were evaluated to observe changes in particle size and particle distribution. Scanning electron microscopy images of the particles were analyzed using computer software. The evolution of tin film dewetting into particles initiated from the hole nucleation in grain boundaries. Increasing ICP power during plasma treatment produced larger number of particles per area and smaller particle size and particle-size distribution. Topographic templates were also effective in positioning and controlling the size of the particles. By combining the effects of ICP power and topographic templates, particles of similar size and well-ordered distribution were obtained.Keywords: dewetting, particles, plasma, tin
Procedia PDF Downloads 2561361 Spectrofluorimetric Investigation of Copper (II), Cobalt (II), Calcium (II), and Ferric (III) Influence on the Ciprofloxacin Binding to Bovine Serum Albumin
Authors: Ahmed K. Youssef, Shawkat M. B. Aly
The interaction between ciprofloxacin and bovine serum albumin (BSA) was investigated by UV-Visible absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. The influence of Cu²⁺ Ca²⁺, Co²⁺, and Fe³⁺ on the Cip-BSA interaction was investigated. The quenching of the BSA fluorescence emission in presence of ciprofloxacin as well as the influence of metal ions on the interaction was analyzed using the Stern-Volmer equation. The Stern-Volmer quenching constant, Kₛᵥ was calculated in presence and absence of the metal ions at the physiological pH of 7.4 using phosphate buffer. The experimental results showed that interaction mainly static in nature and quenching rate constant is decreased in presence of the studied metal ions with exception of Cu²⁺ ions. The decrease observed in the Kₛᵥ values in presence of Co²⁺, Ca²⁺, and Fe³⁺ can be understood on basis of competition between these metal and Cip when both of them existed in the BSA solution. Cu²⁺ induces interaction between Cip and BSA at faster quenching rates as inferred from the observed increase in the Kₛᵥ value. This allowed us to propose that copper (II) ions are directly involved in the process of Cip binding to BSA. The binding constant for Cip on BSA was determined and the metal ions effect on it was examined as well and their values were in line with the Kₛᵥ values.Keywords: bovine serum albumin, ciprofloxacin, fluorescence, metal ions effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 3921360 The Gender Criteria of Film Criticism: Creating the ‘Big’, Avoiding the Important
Authors: Eleni Karasavvidou
Social and anthropological research, parallel to Gender Studies, highlighted the relationship between social structures and symbolic forms as an important field of interaction and recording of 'social trends.' Since the study of representations can contribute to the understanding of the social functions and power relations, they encompass. This ‘mirage,’ however, has not only to do with the representations themselves but also with the ways they are received and the film or critical narratives that are established as dominant or alternative. Cinema and the criticism of its cultural products are no exception. Even in the rapidly changing media landscape of the 21st century, movies remain an integral and widespread part of popular culture, making films an extremely powerful means of 'legitimizing' or 'delegitimizing' visions of domination and commonsensical gender stereotypes throughout society. And yet it is film criticism, the 'language per se,' that legitimizes, reinforces, rewards and reproduces (or at least ignores) the stereotypical depictions of female roles that remain common in the realm of film images. This creates the need for this issue to have emerged (also) in academic research questioning gender criteria in film reviews as part of the effort for an inclusive art and society. Qualitative content analysis is used to examine female roles in selected Oscar-nominated films against their reviews from leading websites and newspapers. This method was chosen because of the complex nature of the depictions in the films and the narratives they evoke. The films were divided into basic scenes depicting social functions, such as love and work relationships, positions of power and their function, which were analyzed by content analysis, with borrowings from structuralism (Gennette) and the local/universal images of intercultural philology (Wierlacher). In addition to the measurement of the general ‘representation-time’ by gender, other qualitative characteristics were also analyzed, such as: speaking time, sayings or key actions, overall quality of the character's action in relation to the development of the scenario and social representations in general, as well as quantitatively (insufficient number of female lead roles, fewer key supporting roles, relatively few female directors and people in the production chain and how they might affect screen representations. The quantitative analysis in this study was used to complement the qualitative content analysis. Then the focus shifted to the criteria of film criticism and to the rhetorical narratives that exclude or highlight in relation to gender identities and functions. In the criteria and language of film criticism, stereotypes are often reproduced or allegedly overturned within the framework of apolitical "identity politics," which mainly addresses the surface of a self-referential cultural-consumer product without connecting it more deeply with the material and cultural life. One of the prime examples of this failure is the Bechtel Test, which tracks whether female characters speak in a film regardless of whether women's stories are represented or not in the films analyzed. If perceived unbiased male filmmakers still fail to tell truly feminist stories, the same is the case with the criteria of criticism and the related interventions.Keywords: representations, context analysis, reviews, sexist stereotypes
Procedia PDF Downloads 851359 The Destruction of Confucianism and Socialism in Chinese Popular Comedy Films
Authors: Shu Hui
Since 2010, the genre of comedy became predominant in film market in China. However, compared with the huge commercial success, these films received severe public criticism. These films are referred as trash (lan pian) by the public because of the fragment narrative, the non-professional photographing and advocating money warship. The paper aims to explain the contradictive phenomena between the higher box office and the lower mouth of word within hegemony theory. Four popular comedies that ranked top 20 in domestic revenue in the year the film released will be chosen to analyze their popularity in general. Differing from other popular films, these comedies’ popularity is generated from their disruptive pleasures instead of good stories or photographing. The destruction in Confucianism and socialism formulated the public consent or popularity, and caused the public criticism as well. Moreover, the happy-endings restore the normality at the superficial level.Keywords: Confucianism, destruction, reconcilation, socialism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1311358 Elaboration and Characterization of CdxZn1-XS Thin Films Deposed by Chemical Bath Deposition
Authors: Zellagui Rahima, Chaumont Denis, Boughelout Abderrahman, Adnane Mohamed
Thin films of CdxZn1-xS were deposed by chemical bath deposition on glass substrates for photovoltaic applications. The thin films CdZnS were synthesized by chemical bath (CBD) with different deposition protocols for optimized the parameter of deposition as the temperature, time of deposition, concentrations of ion and pH. Surface morphology, optical and chemical composition properties of thin film CdZnS were investigated by SEM, EDAX, spectrophotometer. The transmittance is 80% in visible region 300 nm – 1000 nm; it has been observed in that films the grain size is between 50nm and 100nm measured by SEM image and we also note that the shape of particle is changing with the change in concentration. This result favors of application these films in solar cells; the chemical analysis with EDAX gives information about the presence of Cd, Zn and S elements and investigates the stoichiometry.Keywords: thin film, solar cells, transmition, cdzns
Procedia PDF Downloads 2621357 Swelling Behaviour of Kappa Carrageenan Hydrogel in Neutral Salt Solution
Authors: Sperisa Distantina, Fadilah Fadilah, Mujtahid Kaavessina
Hydrogel films were prepared from kappa carrageenan by crosslinking with glutaraldehyde. Carrageenan films extracted from Kappaphycus alvarezii seaweed were immersed in glutaraldehyde solution for 2 min and then cured at 110 °C for 25 min. The obtained crosslinked films were washed with ethanol to remove the unreacted glutaraldehyde and then air dried to constant weights. The aim of this research was to study the swelling degree behaviour of the hydrogel film to neutral salts solution, namely NaCl, KCl, and CaCl2. The results showed that swelling degree of crosslinked films varied non-monotonically with salinity of NaCl. Swelling degree decreased with the increasing of KCl concentration. Swelling degree of crosslinked film in CaCl2 solution was lower than that in NaCl and in KCl solutions.Keywords: carrageenan, hydrogel, glutaraldehyde, salt, swelling
Procedia PDF Downloads 2441356 Multi-Modal Film Boiling Simulations on Adaptive Octree Grids
Authors: M. Wasy Akhtar
Multi-modal film boiling simulations are carried out on adaptive octree grids. The liquid-vapor interface is captured using the volume-of-fluid framework adjusted to account for exchanges of mass, momentum, and energy across the interface. Surface tension effects are included using a volumetric source term in the momentum equations. The phase change calculations are conducted based on the exact location and orientation of the interface; however, the source terms are calculated using the mixture variables to be consistent with the one field formulation used to represent the entire fluid domain. The numerical model on octree representation of the computational grid is first verified using test cases including advection tests in severely deforming velocity fields, gravity-based instabilities and bubble growth in uniformly superheated liquid under zero gravity. The model is then used to simulate both single and multi-modal film boiling simulations. The octree grid is dynamically adapted in order to maintain the highest grid resolution on the instability fronts using markers of interface location, volume fraction, and thermal gradients. The method thus provides an efficient platform to simulate fluid instabilities with or without phase change in the presence of body forces like gravity or shear layer instabilities.Keywords: boiling flows, dynamic octree grids, heat transfer, interface capturing, phase change
Procedia PDF Downloads 2461355 Cultural Artifact, Sign Language and Perspectives of Meaning in Select-Nollywood Films
Authors: Aniekan James Akpan
The use of signs and symbols to represent cardinal information is inalienable among African communities. It has been the tenable instrument of cultural transmission for decades, but in the current transposal of Western values, a good number of communicating codes and symbolic images have been gradually relegated to the background. This paper discusses the regeneration of cultural artifacts and sign languages in Nigerian films using Johnpaul Rebecca and Ayamma as models in a qualitative research based on Charles Sanders Pierce's Semiotics as well as quantitative methods of survey using questionnaire and focus group discussion as instruments to obtain data. With a population of 2,343 viewers of the movies used for the study and a sample size of 322 respondents using Philip Meyer’s guide, findings show that cultural relics can stabilise the subject matter of a film. Artifacts can stimulate curiosity and invoke nostalgia. Sign languages encode deeper information that ordinary speech may not properly convey in films. It concludes that the use of non-verbal codes in filmmaking deserves deep research into the culture portrayed and that non-verbal cues communicate deeper information about a people's cosmos in a film than dialogue. It recommends that adequate research should be made before producing a film and the idea of cultural values represented in artifacts and sign language should be ingrained in the courses for students to acquaint themselves with.Keywords: cultural artifact, Nollywood films, non-verbal communication, sign language
Procedia PDF Downloads 481354 Optimization of the Co-Precipitation of Industrial Waste Metals in a Continuous Reactor System
Authors: Thomas S. Abia II, Citlali Garcia-Saucedo
A continuous copper precipitation treatment (CCPT) system was conceived at Intel Chandler Site to serve as a first-of-kind (FOK) facility-scale waste copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), and manganese (Mn) co-precipitation facility. The process was designed to treat highly variable wastewater discharged from a substrate packaging research factory. The paper discusses metals co-precipitation induced by internal changes for manufacturing facilities that lack the capacity for hardware expansion due to real estate restrictions, aggressive schedules, or budgetary constraints. Herein, operating parameters such as pH and oxidation reduction potential (ORP) were examined to analyze the ability of the CCPT System to immobilize various waste metals. Additionally, influential factors such as influent concentrations and retention times were investigated to quantify the environmental variability against system performance. A total of 2,027 samples were analyzed and statistically evaluated to measure the performance of CCPT that was internally retrofitted for Mn abatement to meet environmental regulations. In order to enhance the consistency of the influent, a separate holding tank was cannibalized from another system to collect and slow-feed the segregated Mn wastewater from the factory into CCPT. As a result, the baseline influent Mn decreased from 17.2+18.7 mg1L-1 at pre-pilot to 5.15+8.11 mg1L-1 post-pilot (70.1% reduction). Likewise, the pre-trial and post-trial average influent Cu values to CCPT were 52.0+54.6 mg1L-1 and 33.9+12.7 mg1L-1, respectively (34.8% reduction). However, the raw Ni content of 0.97+0.39 mg1L-1 at pre-pilot increased to 1.06+0.17 mg1L-1 at post-pilot. The average Mn output declined from 10.9+11.7 mg1L-1 at pre-pilot to 0.44+1.33 mg1L-1 at post-pilot (96.0% reduction) as a result of the pH and ORP operating setpoint changes. In similar fashion, the output Cu quality improved from 1.60+5.38 mg1L-1 to 0.55+1.02 mg1L-1 (65.6% reduction) while the Ni output sustained a 50% enhancement during the pilot study (0.22+0.19 mg1L-1 reduced to 0.11+0.06 mg1L-1). pH and ORP were shown to be significantly instrumental to the precipitative versatility of the CCPT System.Keywords: copper, co-precipitation, industrial wastewater treatment, manganese, optimization, pilot study
Procedia PDF Downloads 2701353 Hazardous Effects of Metal Ions on the Thermal Stability of Hydroxylammonium Nitrate
Authors: Shweta Hoyani, Charlie Oommen
HAN-based liquid propellants are perceived as potential substitute for hydrazine in space propulsion. Storage stability for long service life in orbit is one of the key concerns for HAN-based monopropellants because of its reactivity with metallic and non-metallic impurities which could entrain from the surface of fuel tanks and the tubes. The end result of this reactivity directly affects the handling, performance and storability of the liquid propellant. Gaseous products resulting from the decomposition of the propellant can lead to deleterious pressure build up in storage vessels. The partial loss of an energetic component can change the ignition and the combustion behavior and alter the performance of the thruster. The effect of largely plausible metals- iron, copper, chromium, nickel, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, titanium and cadmium on the thermal decomposition mechanism of HAN has been investigated in this context. Studies involving different concentrations of metal ions and HAN at different preheat temperatures have been carried out. Effect of metal ions on the decomposition behavior of HAN has been studied earlier in the context of use of HAN as gun propellant. However the current investigation pertains to the decomposition mechanism of HAN in the context of use of HAN as monopropellant for space propulsion. Decomposition onset temperature, rate of weight loss, heat of reaction were studied using DTA- TGA and total pressure rise and rate of pressure rise during decomposition were evaluated using an in-house built constant volume batch reactor. Besides, reaction mechanism and product profile were studied using TGA-FTIR setup. Iron and copper displayed the maximum reaction. Initial results indicate that iron and copper shows sensitizing effect at concentrations as low as 50 ppm with 60% HAN solution at 80°C. On the other hand 50 ppm zinc does not display any effect on the thermal decomposition of even 90% HAN solution at 80°C.Keywords: hydroxylammonium nitrate, monopropellant, reaction mechanism, thermal stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 4241352 Hindi Cinema in a Post-Colonial India: A Study on Guru Dutt's Self-Expression in 'Pyasa'
Authors: Mrunmayee Das
This study aims to explore the film 'Pyasa' directed by actor-director Guru Dutt, filmed during the 1950’s golden age of Hindi cinema. 'Pyasa' was filmed after a decade of India being a new nation and narrates the world-view of a poet dressed in western ideals, tasting modernity, uprooted from his familial and social moorings causing friction of being between survival and self- expression. The research is based on literature review to study the attitudes, particularly the post-colonial, informing the film. In terms of the structure, the relational study of the film and the historical background of that time came first. Further explorations deal with the use of image making, dialogue, and poetry in the form of songs facilitating the central theme of the human plight of poverty, not of material but of thought. The literature review establishes Dutt’s style of expressing melodic melodrama through a dance between light and shadow majorly in the form of song sequences signifying the greys of the society. It was found in this research that melodrama is created by the changing contrasts and use of close-ups. The song sequences convey the tensions of being a contemporary liberal educated youth and having to deal with the societal-ills of this world, which highlights the theme of compulsion towards self-destruction. It is concluded that Dutt’s 'Pyasa' is a autobiographical commentary on the state of a nation doing away with a borrowed identity and refashioning its own.Keywords: cinema, Guru Dutt, post-colonial India, self-expression
Procedia PDF Downloads 1161351 Complimentary Allusions: Shawl Scenes in Rossellini, Lean, Fellini, Kubrick, and Bertolucci Films
Authors: Misha Nedeljkovich
In the film’s famous scene (Roma città aperta-1945), Pina (Anna Magnani) collapses in the street when machined-gunned by a German soldier. Her son Marcello (Vito Annchiarico) tries to revive her. Her death is signaling not closure, but the cycle of life; Marcello saves Francesco with the shawl taken from his mother’s corpse. One pivotal scene in Brief Encounter (1945) occurs in the apartment of Alec’s (Trevor Howard) friend Stephen (Valentine Dyall), when Stephen returns to catch Alec and Laura (Celia Johnson) together alone. David Lean directs this scene using her shawl as a sign of in flagrante delicto. In La Strada (1954), Gelsomina (Giulietta Masina) was waving good bye when her mother sensing impending doom changed her mind and desperately tried to stop her waving back with her shawl: Don’t go my daughter! Your shawl! Your shawl! Gelsomina refuses to return, waving back: It’s time to go! Stanley Kubrick’s tale of a boxer who crosses a mobster to win the heart of a lady, Killer’s Kiss (1955), reminds us that Times Square used to contain sweaty boxing gyms and dance halls. The film’s longest Times Square interlude is its oddest: the boxer Davie Gordon played by Jamie Smith has his shawl stolen by two playful men in Shriners’ hats who are silent except for one who blows a harmonica, faintly heard over honking cabs and overheard conversations. This long sequence appears to be joining in on directors’ shawl conversations with Kubrick’s own twist. Principle characters will never know why all this happened to them that evening. Love, death, happiness and everlasting misery all of that is caused by Dave’s shawl. Finally, the decade of cinematic shawl conversations conclude in Betolucci’s Before the Revolution (Prima della rivoluzione–1964). One of his character’s lifts up a shawl asking if this was a Rossellini’s shawl. I argue that exploring complimentary allusions in a film where directors are acknowledging their own great debt to another film or filmmaker will further our knowledge of film history adding both depth and resonance to the great works in cinema.Keywords: allusions, Bertolucci, Fellini, homage, Kubrick, lean, Rossellini
Procedia PDF Downloads 3971350 Use of Fish Gelatin Based-Films as Edible Pouch to Extend the Shelf-Life of Dried Chicken Powder and Chicken Oil
Authors: Soottawat Benjakul, Phakawat Tongnuanchan, Thummanoon Prodpran
Edible pouches made from fish gelatin film incorporated without and with palm oil (PO), basil essential oil (BEO) or oil mixture (M) were prepared and used to store chicken powder and chicken skin oil in comparison with nylon/low-density polyethylene (Nylon/LDPE) pouch during storage of 15 days. The moisture content of chicken powder packaged in pouches from fish gelatin films incorporated without and with various oils increased during 15 days of storage (p > 0.05). However, there was a non-significant change in moisture content of sample packaged in Nylon/LDPE pouch (p > 0.05). Samples packaged in pouches from fish gelatin films incorporated with oils had lower moisture content than those stored in pouch from gelatin film without oil added throughout the storage (p < 0.05). This coincided with the higher increases in darkness and yellowness for the latter. All samples packaged in pouches made from all films had the slight increase in PV, whereas a drastic increase in TBARS was observed for all samples during 15 days of storage. During 15 days of storage, chicken skin oil packaged in Nylon/LDPE pouch had higher TBARS and p-anisidine value than those stored in pouches made from fish gelatin, regardless of oil incorporated (p< 0.05). Therefore, pouches from gelatin film incorporated with oils could lower water migration and lipid oxidation in fat containing foods and oils.Keywords: edible pouch, fish gelatin, quality changes, storage stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2481349 Comparison of Catalyst Support for High Pressure Reductive Amination
Authors: Tz-Bang Du, Cheng-Han Hsieh, Li-Ping Ju, Hung-Jie Liou
Polyether amines synthesize by secondary hydroxyl polyether diol play an important role in epoxy hardener. The low molecular weight product is used in low viscosity and high transparent polyamine product for the logo, ground cover, especially for wind turbine blade, while the high molecular weight products are used in advanced agricultures such as a high-speed railway. High-pressure reductive amination process is required for producing these amines. In the condition of higher than 150 atm pressure and 200 degrees Celsius temperature, supercritical ammonia is used as a reactant and also a solvent. It would be a great challenge to select a catalyst support for such high-temperature alkaline circumstance. In this study, we have established a six-autoclave-type (SAT) high-pressure reactor for amination catalyst screening, which six experiment conditions with different temperature and pressure could be examined at the same time. We synthesized copper-nickel catalyst on different shaped alumina catalyst support and evaluated the catalyst activity for high-pressure reductive amination of polypropylene glycol (PPG) by SAT reactor. Ball type gamma alumina, ball type activated alumina and pellet type gamma alumina catalyst supports are evaluated in this study. Gamma alumina supports have shown better activity on PPG reductive amination than activated alumina support. In addition, the catalysts are evaluated in fixed bed reactor. The diamine product was successfully synthesized via this catalyst and the strength of the catalysts is measured. The crush strength of blank supports is about 13.5 lb for both gamma alumina and activated alumina. The strength increases to 20.3 lb after synthesized to be copper-nickel catalyst. After test in the fixed bed high-pressure reductive amination process for 100 hours, the crush strength of the used catalyst is 3.7 lb for activated alumina support, 12.0 lb for gamma alumina support. The gamma alumina is better than activated alumina to use as catalyst support in high-pressure reductive amination process.Keywords: high pressure reductive amination, copper nickel catalyst, polyether amine, alumina
Procedia PDF Downloads 2301348 Comparative Study in Dentinal Tubuli Occlusion Using Bioglass and Copper-Bromide Laser
Authors: Sun Woo Lee, Tae Bum Lee, Yoon Hwa Park, Yoo Jeong Kim
Cervical dentinal hypersensitivity (CDH) affects 8-30% of adults and nearly 85% of perio-treated patients. Various treatment schemes have been applied for treating CDH, among them being fluoride application, laser irradiation, and, recently, bioglass. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of bioglass, copper-bromide (Cu-Br) laser irradiation and their combination on dentinal tubule occlusion as a potential dentinal hypersensitivity treatment for CDH. 45 human dentin surfaces were organized into three equal groups: group A received Cu-Br laser only; group B received bioglass only; group C received bioglass followed by Cu-Br laser irradiation. Specimens were evaluated with regard to dentinal tubule occlusion under environmental scanning electron microscope. Treatment modality significantly affected dentinal tubule occlusion (p<0.001). Groups B and C scored higher dentinal tubule occlusion than group A. Binary logistic regression showed that bioglass application significantly (p<0.001) contributed to dentinal tubule occlusion, compared with other variables. Under the conditions used herein and within the limitations of this study, bioglass application, alone or combined with Cu-Br laser irradiation, is a superior method for producing dentinal tubule occlusion, and may lead to an effective treatment modality for CDH.Keywords: bioglass, Cu-Br laser, cervical dentinal hypersensitivity, dentinal tubule occlusion
Procedia PDF Downloads 3551347 Numerical Investigation of Slot Die Coating Based on VOF Method
Authors: Zhidi Lei, Xixi Cai, Jue Ding, Peifen Weng, Xiaowei Li
In the process of preparing thin films by chemical solution method, the uniformity of gel coating has a great influence on the subsequent film thickness. Based on a coating device, the research tracks the interface development of gas-liquid flow by volume of fluid method (VOF). The effects of fluid viscosity and wall wetting property for the shape and position of the coating window are discussed in the process of slot die coating. The result shows that downstream contact lines gets closer to the corner with the increase of fluid viscosity. When the viscosity increases from 0.2Pa∙s to 0.3Pa∙s, 18.2% of the vortex region area will be reduced. With the static contact angle of upper die head surface (θ_sd) increasing, X_u decreased gradually which cause the instability changes of upstream surface. Also, θ_sd increasing brings the reduction of vortex region.Keywords: film growth, vortex, VOF, slot die coating
Procedia PDF Downloads 3741346 Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Biological Activity of Bis{(E)-1-[(2,4,6-Tribromophenyl) Diazenyl] Naphthalen-2-Olato} Copper (II) Dimethyl Sulfoxide Monosolvate
Authors: Hassiba Bougueria, Nesrine Benarous, Souheyla Chetioui
Azo dyes are one of the most widely used compounds in organic chemistry, primarily due to their relatively simple preparation methods. They have therefore been widely used, in particular as colorants for textiles, printing inks, cosmetics, and food additives. In addition to their use as dyes, azo compounds have attracted much attention from chemists as their potential applications are important in coordination chemistry, metal-organic frameworks (MOF) structures, COF (covalent-organic frameworks), and catalysis. Moreover, they have found many applications in different fields, such as nonlinear optics, optical storage, photoluminescence, and magnetism. The compound bis{(E)-1-[(2,4,6-tribromophenyl)diazenyl]naphthalen-2-olato}copper(II) dimethyl sulfoxide monosolvate, the CuII atom is tetracoordinate with a square-planar geometry, surrounded by two bidentate (E)-1-[(2,4,6-tribromophenyl)diazenyl]naphthalene-2-olate ligands via two N atoms and two O atoms. The O-Cu-O angles and N-Cu-N are of the order of 177.90(16)° and 177.8(2)°, respectively. The distances Cu-O and Cu- N are 1.892(4) Å and 1.976(4) Å, respectively. The cohesion of the crystal is ensured by hydrogen bonds of the C—H…O type and by π=π staking interactions [centroid–centroid distance = 3.679(4)Å]. The DMSO solvent molecule is disordered at two positions with occupancy rates of 0.70 and 0.30.Keywords: azo dyes, DRX, structural characterization, biological activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 871345 Statistical Variability of Soil Parameters within the Copper Belt Region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Authors: Stephan P. Barkhuizen, Deon Greyling, Ryan J. Miller
The accurate determination of the engineering parameters of soil is necessary for the design of geotechnical structures, such as Tailings Storage Facilities. The shear strength and saturated permeability of soil and tailings samples obtained from 14 sites located in the copper belt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have been tested at six commercial soil laboratories in South Africa. This study compiles a database of the test results proved by the soil laboratories. The samples have been categorised into clay, silt, and sand, based on the Unified Soil Classification System, with tailings kept separate. The effective friction angle (Φ’) and cohesion (c’) were interpreted from the stress paths, in s’:t space, obtained from triaxial tests. The minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile, and maximum values for Φ’,c’, and saturated hydraulic conductivity (k) have been determined for the soil sample. The objective is to provide statistics of the measured values of the engineering properties for the TSF borrow material, foundation soils and tailings of this region.Keywords: Democratic Republic of the Congo, laboratory test work, soil engineering parameter variation, tailings storage facilities
Procedia PDF Downloads 681344 Synthesis, Characterization, Computational Study, Antimicrobial Evaluation, in Vivo Toxicity Study of Manganese (II) and Copper (II) Complexes with Derivative Sulfa-drug
Authors: Afaf Bouchoucha, Karima Si Larbi, Mohamed Amine Bourouaia, Salah.Boulanouar, Safia.Djabbar
The synthesis, characterization and comparative biological study of manganese (II) and copper (II) complexes with an heterocyclic ligand used in pharmaceutical field (Scheme 1), were reported. Two kinds of complexes were obtained with derivative sulfonamide, [M (L)₂ (H₂O)₂].H₂O and [M (L)₂ (Cl)₂]3H₂O. These complexes have been prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, FAB mass, ESR magnetic measurements, FTIR, UV-Visible spectra and conductivity. Their stability constants have been determined by potentiometric methods in a water-ethanol (90:10 v/v) mixture at a 0.2 mol l-1 ionic strength (NaCl) and at 25.0 ± 0.1 ºC using Sirko program. DFT calculations were done using B3LYP/6-31G(d) and B3LYP/LanL2DZ. The antimicrobial activity of ligand and complexes against the species Escherichia coli, P. aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, S. aureus, Bacillus subtilisan, Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Saccharomyces, Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus terreus has been carried out and compared using agar-diffusion method. Also, the toxicity study was evaluated on synchesis complexes using Mice of NMRI strain.Keywords: hetterocyclic ligand, complex, stability constant, antimicrobial activity, DFT, acute and genotoxicity study
Procedia PDF Downloads 1221343 Quality Assurance Comparison of Map Check 2, Epid, and Gafchromic® EBT3 Film for IMRT Treatment Planning
Authors: Khalid Iqbal, Saima Altaf, M. Akram, Muhammad Abdur Rafaye, Saeed Ahmad Buzdar
Objective: Verification of patient-specific intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) plans using different 2-D detectors has become increasingly popular due to their ease of use and immediate readout of the results. The purpose of this study was to test and compare various 2-D detectors for dosimetric quality assurance (QA) of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) with the vision to find alternative QA methods. Material and Methods: Twenty IMRT patients (12 of brain and 8 of the prostate) were planned on Eclipse treatment planning system using Varian Clinac DHX on both energies 6MV and 15MV. Verification plans of all such patients were also made and delivered to Map check2, EPID (Electronic portal imaging device) and Gafchromic EBT3. Gamma index analyses were performed using different criteria to evaluate and compare the dosimetric results. Results: Statistical analysis shows the passing rate of 99.55%, 97.23% and 92.9% for 6MV and 99.53%, 98.3% and 94.85% for 15 MV energy using a criteria of ±5% of 3mm, ±3% of 3mm and ±3% of 2mm respectively for brain, whereas using ±5% of 3mm and ±3% of 3mm gamma evaluation criteria, the passing rate is 94.55% and 90.45% for 6MV and 95.25%9 and 95% for 15 MV energy for the case of prostate using EBT3 film. Map check 2 results shows the passing rates of 98.17%, 97.68% and 86.78% for 6MV energy and 94.87%,97.46% and 88.31% for 15 MV energy respectively for brain using a criteria of ±5% of 3mm, ±3% of 3mm and ±3% of 2mm, whereas using ±5% of 3mm and ±3% of 3mm gamma evaluation criteria gives the passing rate of 97.7% and 96.4% for 6MV and 98.75%9 and 98.05% for 15 MV energy for the case of prostate. EPID 6 MV and gamma analysis shows the passing rate of 99.56%, 98.63% and 98.4% for the brain, 100% and 99.9% for prostate using the same criteria as for map check 2 and EBT 3 film. Conclusion: The results demonstrate excellent passing rates were obtained for all dosimeter when compared with the planar dose distributions for 6 MV IMRT fields as well as for 15 MV. EPID results are better than EBT3 films and map check 2 because it is likely that part of this difference is real, and part is due to manhandling and different treatment set up verification which contributes dose distribution difference. Overall all three dosimeter exhibits results within limits according to AAPM report.120.Keywords: gafchromic EBT3, radiochromic film dosimetry, IMRT verification, EPID
Procedia PDF Downloads 4211342 A Clinical Study of Correlation between Pterygium and Dry Eye
Authors: Megha Ramnik Kotecha
To study whether there is any clinical correlation between pterygium and dry eye and to evaluate the status of tear film in patients with pterygium. Methods: 100 eyes with pterygium were compared with 100 control eyes without pterygium. Patients between 20 – 70 years were included in the study. Detailed history was taken and Schirmer’s test and TBUT were performed on all to evaluate the status of dry eye. Schirmer’s test ˂10 mm and TBUT ˂10 seconds was considered abnormal. Results: Maximum number (52) of patients affected with dry eye in both the groups were in the age group 31-40 years which statistically showed age as a significant factor of association for both pterygium and dry eye (P<0.01).Schirmer’s test was slightly reduced in patients with pterygium(18.73±5.69 mm). TBUT was significantly reduced in the case group (12.26±2.24sec).TBUT decreased maximally in 51-60 yrs age group (13.00±2.77sec) with pterygium showing a tear film unstability. On comparision of pterygia and controls with normal and abnormal tear film, Odd’s Ratio was 1.14 showing risk of dry eye in pterygia patients to be 1.14 times higher than controls. Conclusion: Whether tear dysfunction is a precursor to pterygium growth or pterygium causes tear dysfunction is still not clear. Research and clinical evidence, however, suggest that there is a relationship between the two. This study is, therefore, undertaken to investigate the correlation between pterygium and dry eye. The patients with pterygia were compared with normals to evaluate their status regarding dryness. A close relationship exists between ocular irritation symptoms and functional evidence of tear instability. Schirmer’s test and TBUT should routinely be used in the outpatient department to diagnose dry eye in patients with pterygium and these patients should be promptly treated to prevent any sight threatening complications.Keywords: dry eye, pterygium, Schirmer's test, tear break up time (TBUT)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3001341 Cu Voids Detection of Electron Beam Inspection at the 5nm Node
Authors: Byungsik Moon
Electron beam inspection (EBI) has played an important role in detecting defects during the Fab process. The study focused on capturing buried Cu metal voids for 5nm technology nodes in Qualcomm Snapdragon mass production. This paper illustrates a case study where Cu metal voids can be detected without side effects with optimized EBI scanning conditions. The voids were buried in the VIA and not detected effectively by bright field inspection. EBI showed higher detectability, about 10 times that of bright fields, and a lower landing energy of EBI can avoid film damage. A comparison of detectability between EBI and bright field inspection was performed, and TEM confirmed voids that were detected by EBI. Therefore, a much higher detectability of buried Cu metal voids can be achieved without causing film damage.Keywords: electron beam inspection, EBI, landing energy, Cu metal voids, bright field inspection
Procedia PDF Downloads 751340 Experimental Investigation on Utilization of Waste Materials in Fly Ash Brick
Authors: S. Southamirajan, D. Dhavashankaran
Fly ash is one of the major residues generated during combustion of coal in thermal power plants. Fly ash brick technology is the process of converting industrial waste materials into quality building material. Another issue in earth is dumping of the Bagasse ash, rice husk ash and copper slag waste. In a growing country like India a huge amount of fly ash waste materials are polluting the environment. The necessity of recycling the materials play a big role in the development of the safe and non- polluted earth. Fly ash, lime, gypsum and quarry dust are used as a replacement material for fly ash. The fly ash was replaced by the Bagasse ash and rice husk ash in the proportion of 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5%, 15%, 17.5%, 20%, 22.5%, 25%27.5% and 30%. Two types of fly ash bricks were casted. One type is Bagasse ash replaced fly ash and another type is rice husk ash replaced fly ash bricks then copper slag are partially replaced in quarry dust. The prepared bricks are cured for 7 days and 28 days and dried in regular temperature. The mechanical and durability properties of optimum percentages of Bagasse ash and rice husk ash replaced fly ash bricks. The use of Bagasse ash and rice husk ash provides for considerable value – added utilization of Bagasse and rice husk in bricks and significant reductions in the production of greenhouse gases by the cement industry.Keywords: Bagasse Ash, Fly ash, bricks, mechanical & durability properties, Rice husk ash
Procedia PDF Downloads 1921339 Experimental Study of the Electrical Conductivity and Thermal Conductivity Property of Micro-based Al-Cu-Nb-Mo Alloy
Aluminum based alloys with a certain compositional blend and manufacturing method have been reported to have excellent electrical conductors. In the current investigation, metal powders of Aluminum (Al), Copper (Cu), Niobium (Nb), and Molybdenum (Mo) were weighed in accordance with certain ratios and spread equally by combining the powder particles. The metal particles were mixed using a tube mixer for 12 hours. Before pouring into a 30mm-diameter graphite mold, pre-pressed, and placed into an SPS furnace, the thermal conductivity of the mixed metal powders was evaluated using a portable Thermtest device. Axial pressure of 50 MPa was used at a heating rate of 50 oC/min, and a multi-stage heating procedure with a holding period of 10 min. was used to sinter at temperatures between 300 oC and 480 oC. After being cooled to room temperature, the specimens were unmolded to produce the aluminum, copper, niobium, and molybdenum alloy material. The HPS 2662 Precision Four-point Probe Meter was used to determine the electrical resistivity and the values used to calculate the electrical conductivity of the sintered alloy samples. Finally, the alloy with the highest electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity qualities was the one with the following composition: Al 93.5Cu4Nb1.5Mo1. It also had a density of 3.23 g/cm3. It could be advisable for usage in automobile radiator and electric transmission line components.Keywords: Al-Cu-Nb-Mo, electrical conductivity, alloy, sintering, thermal conductivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 921338 Planar Plasmonic Terahertz Waveguides for Sensor Applications
Authors: Maidul Islam, Dibakar Roy Chowdhury, Gagan Kumar
We investigate sensing capabilities of a planar plasmonic THz waveguide. The waveguide is comprised of one dimensional array of periodically arranged sub wavelength scale corrugations in the form of rectangular dimples in order to ensure the plasmonic response. The THz waveguide transmission is observed for polyimide (as thin film) substance filling the dimples. The refractive index of the polyimide film is varied to examine various sensing parameters such as frequency shift, sensitivity and Figure of Merit (FoM) of the fundamental plasmonic resonance supported by the waveguide. In efforts to improve sensing characteristics, we also examine sensing capabilities of a plasmonic waveguide having V shaped corrugations and compare results with that of rectangular dimples. The proposed study could be significant in developing new terahertz sensors with improved sensitivity utilizing the plasmonic waveguides.Keywords: plasmonics, sensors, sub-wavelength structures, terahertz
Procedia PDF Downloads 2271337 Thermodynamic Analysis of Wet Compression Integrated with Air-Film Blade Cooling in Gas Turbine Power Plants
Authors: Hassan Athari, Alireza Ruhi Sales, Amin Pourafshar, Seyyed Mehdi Pestei, Marc. A. Rosen
In order to achieve high efficiency and high specific work with lower emissions, the use of advanced gas turbine cycles for power generation is useful and advantageous. Here, evaporative inlet air cooling is analyzed thermodynamically in the form of air film blade cooling of gas turbines. As the ambient temperature increases during summer months, the performance of gas turbines particularly the output power and energy efficiency are significantly decreased. The utilization of evaporative inlet cooling in gas turbine cycles increases gas turbine performance, which can assist to solve the problem in meeting the increasing demands for electrical power and offsetting shortages during peak load times. In the present research, because of the importance of turbine blade cooling, the turbine is investigated with cold compressed air used for cooling the turbine blades. The investigation of the basic and modified cycles shows that, by adding an evaporative cooler to a simple gas turbine cycle, for a turbine inlet temperature of 1400 °C, an ambient temperature of 45 °C and a relative humidity of 15%, the specific work can reach 331 (kJ/kg air), while the maximum specific work of a simple cycle for the same conditions is 273.7 (kJ/kg air). The exergy results reveal that the highest exergy destruction occurs in the combustion chamber, where the large temperature differences and highly exothermic chemical reactions are the main sources of the irreversibility.Keywords: energy, exergy, wet compression, air-film cooling blade, gas turbine
Procedia PDF Downloads 1551336 In situ Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Study of Permalloy Thin Film Growth on Nanorippled Si
Authors: Sarathlal Koyiloth Vayalil, Stephan V. Roth, Gonzalo Santoro, Peng Zhang, Matthias Schwartzkopf, Bjoern Beyersdorff
Nanostructured magnetic thin films have gained significant relevance due to its applications in magnetic storage and recording media. Self-organized arrays of nanoparticles and nanowires can be produced by depositing metal thin films on nano-rippled substrates. The substrate topography strongly affects the film growth giving rise to anisotropic properties (optical, magnetic, electronic transport). Ion-beam erosion (IBE) method can provide large-area patterned substrates with the valuable possibility to widely modify pattern length scale by simply acting on ion beam parameters (i.e. energy, ions, geometry, etc.). In this work, investigation of the growth mechanism of Permalloy thin films on such nano-rippled Si (100) substrates using in situ grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering measurements (GISAXS) have been done. In situ GISAXS measurements during the deposition of thin films have been carried out at the P03/MiNaXS beam line of PETRA III storage ring of DESY, Hamburg. Nanorippled Si substrates prepared by low energy ion beam sputtering with an average wavelength of 33 nm and 1 nm have been used as templates. It has been found that the film replicates the morphology up to larger thickness regimes and also the growth is highly anisotropic along and normal to the ripple wave vectors. Various growth regimes have been observed. Further, magnetic measurements have been done using magneto-optical Kerr effect by rotating the sample in the azimuthal direction. Strong uniaxial magnetic anisotropy with its easy axis in a direction normal to the ripple wave vector has been observed. The strength of the magnetic anisotropy is found to be decreasing with increasing thin film thickness values. The mechanism of the observed strong uniaxial magnetic anisotropy and its depends on the thickness of the film has been explained by correlating it with the GISAXS results. In conclusion, we have done a detailed growth analysis of Permalloy thin films deposited on nanorippled Si templates and tried to explain the correlation between structure, morphology to the observed magnetic properties.Keywords: grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering, magnetic thin films, magnetic anisotropy, nanoripples
Procedia PDF Downloads 3141335 Study Mercapto-Nanoscavenger as a Promising Analytical Tool
Authors: Mohammed M. Algaradah
A chelating mercapto- nanoscavenger has been developed exploiting the high surface area of monodisperse nano-sized mesoporous silica. The nanoscavenger acts as a solid phase trace metal extractant whilst suspended as a quasi-stable sol in aqueous samples. This mode of extraction requires no external agitation as the particles move naturally through the sample by Brownian motion, convection and slow sedimentation. Careful size selection enables the nanoscavenger to be easily recovered together with the extracted analyte by conventional filtration or centrifugation. The research describes the successful attachment of chelator mercapto to ca. 136 ± 15 nm high surface area (BET surface area = 1006 m2 g-1) mesoporous silica particles. The resulting material had a copper capacity of ca. 1.34 ± 0.10 mmol g-1 and was successfully applied to the collection of a trace element from water. Essentially complete recovery of Cu (II) has been achieved from freshwater samples giving typical preconcentration factors of 100 from 50 µg/l samples. Data obtained from a nanoscavenger-based extraction of copper from samples were not significantly different from those obtained by using a conventional colorimetric procedure employing complexation/solvent extraction.Keywords: nano scavenger, mesoporous silica, trace metal, preconcentration
Procedia PDF Downloads 851334 A Modelling of Main Bearings in the Two-Stroke Diesel Engine
Authors: Marcin Szlachetka, Rafal Sochaczewski, Lukasz Grabowski
This paper presents the results of the load simulations of main bearings in a two-stroke Diesel engine. A model of an engine lubrication system with connections of its main lubrication nodes, i.e., a connection of its main bearings in the engine block with the crankshaft, a connection of its crankpins with its connecting rod and a connection of its pin and its piston has been created for our calculations performed using the AVL EXCITE Designer. The analysis covers the loads given as a pressure distribution in a hydrodynamic oil film, a temperature distribution on the main bush surfaces for the specified radial clearance values as well as the impact of the force of gas on the minimum oil film thickness in the main bearings depending on crankshaft rotational speeds and temperatures of oil in the bearings. One of the main goals of the research has been to determine whether the minimum thickness of the oil film at which fluid friction occurs can be achieved for each value of crankshaft speed. Our model calculates different oil film parameters, i.e., its thickness, a pressure distribution there, the change in oil temperature. Additional enables an analysis of an oil temperature distribution on the surfaces of the bearing seats. It allows verifying the selected clearances in the bearings of the main engine under normal operation conditions and extremal ones that show a significant increase in temperature above the limit value. The research has been conducted for several engine crankshaft speeds ranging from 1000 rpm to 4000 rpm. The oil pressure in the bearings has ranged 2-5 bar according to engine speeds and the oil temperature has ranged 90-120 °C. The main bearing clearance has been adopted for the calculation and analysis as 0.025 mm. The oil classified as SAE 5W-30 has been used for the simulations. The paper discusses the selected research results referring to several specific operating points and different temperatures of the lubricating oil in the bearings. The received research results show that for the investigated main bearing bushes of the shaft, the results fall within the ranges of the limit values despite the increase in the oil temperature of the bearings reaching 120˚C. The fact that the bearings are loaded with the maximum pressure makes no excessive temperature rise on the bush surfaces. The oil temperature increases by 17˚C, reaching 137˚C at a speed of 4000 rpm. The minimum film thickness at which fluid friction occurs has been achieved for each of the operating points at each of the engine crankshaft speeds. Acknowledgement: This work has been realized in the cooperation with The Construction Office of WSK ‘PZL-KALISZ’ S.A.’ and is part of Grant Agreement No. POIR.01.02.00-00-0002/15 financed by the Polish National Centre for Research and Development.Keywords: diesel engine, main bearings, opposing pistons, two-stroke
Procedia PDF Downloads 1391333 'Detective Chinatown' Series: Writing and Rewriting of Orientalism through the Lens of Culture Industry
Authors: Cai Yiting
As China's globalization has accelerated, Chinese films have begun to explore and express foreign cultures with greater frequency while simultaneously disseminating Chinese culture. Films shot abroad, including Finding Mr. Right (2013), Somewhere Only We Know (2015), and Wolf Warrior 2 (2017), and others, can be viewed as a reflection of how Chinese cinema conceptualizes and represents foreign countries in the context of globalization. Furthermore, they facilitate the exchange of Chinese and foreign cultures in the context of China's ‘going out’ policy and the Belt and Road Initiative. Nevertheless, it is apparent that these films are primarily motivated by commercial considerations with regard to their initial release. The consistent placement of the Chinatown Detective' film series in the Chinese New Year slot is indicative of the significant influence of the cultural industry on the series' creation. Moreover, the series represents Chen Sicheng's inaugural venture into filming in a multitude of international locations. This paper examines the film series Detective Chinatown through the lens of the cultural industry, analyzing how its production and presentation cater to the demands of the cultural industry by presenting Orientalism and contributing new connotations to it. The series, a product of standardized mass production, commodification and global appeal, reflects Orientalist representations through the exoticization of Chinese culture and the stereotypical and commercial-oriented imagination of Bangkok, New York and Tokyo. This study provides an understanding of the film series' role in contributing to contemporary Orientalism in the context of the culture industry.Keywords: orientalism, culture industry, Chinese globalisation, Detective Chinatown
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