Search results for: systemic disorders
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 1961

Search results for: systemic disorders

1451 Assessing Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Challenges in Young Children in Dubai: A Qualitative Study, 2016

Authors: Kadhim Alabady


Background: Autism poses a particularly large public health challenge and an inspiring lifelong challenge for many families; it is a lifelong challenge of a different kind. Purpose: Therefore, it is important to understand what the key challenges are and how to improve the lives of children who are affected with autism in Dubai. Method: In order to carry out this research we have used a qualitative methodology. We performed structured in–depth interviews and focus groups with mental health professionals working at: Al Jalila hospital (AJH), Dubai Autism Centre (DAC), Dubai Rehabilitation Centre for Disabilities, Latifa hospital, Private Sector Healthcare (PSH). In addition to that, we conducted quantitative approach to estimate ASD prevalence or incidence data due to lack of registry. ASD estimates are based on research from national and international documents. This approach was applied to increase the validity of the findings by using a variety of data collection techniques in order to explore issues that might not be highlighted through one method alone. Key findings: Autism is the most common of the Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Dubai Autism Center estimates it affects 1 in 146 births (0.68%). If we apply these estimates to the total number of births in Dubai for 2014, it is predicted there would be approximately 199 children (of which 58 were Nationals and 141 were Non–Nationals) suffering from autism at some stage. 16.4% of children (through their families) seek help for ASD assessment between the age group 6–18+. It is critical to understand and address factors for seeking late–stage diagnosis, as ASD can be diagnosed much earlier and how many of these later presenters are actually diagnosed with ASD. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a public health concern in Dubai. Families do not consult GPs for early diagnosis for a variety of reasons including cultural reasons. Recommendations: Effective school health strategies is needed and implemented by nurses who are qualified and experienced in identifying children with ASD. There is a need for the DAC to identify and develop a closer link with neurologists specializing in Autism, to work alongside and for referrals. Autism can be attributed to many factors, some of those are neurological. Currently, when families need their child to see a neurologist they have to go independently and search through the many that are available in Dubai and who are not necessarily specialists in Autism. Training of GP’s to aid early diagnosis of Autism and increase awareness. Since not all GP’s are trained to make such assessments increasing awareness about where to send families for a complete assessment and the necessary support. There is an urgent need for an adult autism center for when the children leave the safe environment of the school at 18 years. These individuals require a day center or suitable job training/placements where appropriate. There is a need for further studies to cover the needs of people with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, autism, pervasive developmental disorders, incidence

Procedia PDF Downloads 220
1450 Decoding Democracy's Notion in Aung San Suu Kyi's Speeches

Authors: Woraya Som-Indra


This article purposes to decode the notion of democracy embedded in the political speeches of Aung San Su Kyi by adopting critical discourse analysis approach, using Systemic Function Linguistics (SFL) and transitivity as a vital analytical tool. Two main objectives of the study are 1) to analyze linguistic strategies constituted the crucial characteristics of Su Kyi's political speeches by employing SFL and transitivity and 2) to examine ideology manifested the notion of democracy behind Su Kyi’s political speeches. The data consists of four speeches of Su Kyi delivering in different places within the year 2011 broadcasted through the website of US campaign for Burma. By employing linguistic tool and the concept of ideology as an analytical frame, the word choice selection found in the speeches assist explaining the manifestation of Su Kyi’s ideology toward democracy and power struggle. The finding revealed eight characters of word choice projected from Su Kyi’s political speeches, as follows; 1) support, hope and encouragement which render the recipients to uphold with the mutual aim to fight for democracy together and moving forwards for change and solution in the future, 2) aim and achievement evoke the recipients to attach with the purpose to fight for democracy, 3) challenge and change release energy to challenge the present political regime of Burma to change to the new political regime of democracy, 4) action, doing and taking signify the action and practical process to call for a new political regime, 5) struggle represents power struggle during the process of democracy requesting and it could refer to her long period of house arrest in Burma, 6) freedom implies what she has been long fighting for- to be released from house arrest, be able to access to the freedom of speech related to political ideology, and moreover, be able to speak out for the people of Burmese about their desirable political regime and political participation, 7) share and scarify call the recipients to have the spirit of shared value in the process of acquiring democracy, and 8) solution and achievement remind her recipients of what they have been long fighting for, and what could lead them to reach out the mutual achievement of a new political regime, i.e. democracy. Those word choice selections are plausible representation of democracy notion in Su Kyi’s terms. Due to her long journey of fighting for democracy in Burma, Suu Kyi’s political speeches always possess tremendously strong leadership characteristic, using words of wisdom and moreover, they are encoded with a wide range of words related to democracy ideology in order to push forward the future change into the Burma’s political regime.

Keywords: Aung San Su Kyi’s speeches, critical discourse analysis, democracy ideology, systemic function linguistics, transitivity

Procedia PDF Downloads 277
1449 A Case Study of the Influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on Racial and Ethnic Gaps in Behavioral Health Care Access

Authors: Shantol McIntosh


Due to environmental and underlying health disparities, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused an added set of economic implications worldwide. Black and Hispanic individuals are more susceptible to contract COVID-19, and if they do, they are more likely to have a severe case that necessitates hospitalization or results in death (Altarum et al., 2020). The literature shows that disparities in health and health treatment are nothing new as they have been recorded for decades and indicate systemic and structural imbalances rooted in racism and discrimination. The purpose of this study is to determine the frequency with which these populations have access to healthcare and treatment. The study will also highlight the key drivers of health disparities. Findings and implications for research and policy will be discussed.

Keywords: COVID-19, racial and ethnic disparities, discrimination, policy

Procedia PDF Downloads 192
1448 Use of the Occupational Repetitive Action Method in Different Productive Sectors: A Literature Review 2007-2018

Authors: Aanh Eduardo Dimate-Garcia, Diana Carolina Rodriguez-Romero, Edna Yuliana Gonzalez Rincon, Diana Marcela Pardo Lopez, Yessica Garibello Cubillos


Musculoskeletal disorders (MD) are the new epidemic of chronic diseases, are multifactorial and affect the different productive sectors. Although there are multiple instruments to evaluate the static and dynamic load, the method of repetitive occupational action (OCRA) seems to be an attractive option. Objective: It is aimed to analyze the use of the OCRA method and the prevalence of MD in workers of various productive sectors according to the literature (2007-2018). Materials and Methods: A literature review (following the PRISMA statement) of studies aimed at assessing the level of biomechanical risk (OCRA) and the prevalence of MD in the databases Scielo, Science Direct, Scopus, ProQuest, Gale, PubMed, Lilacs and Ebsco was realized; 7 studies met the selection criteria; the majority are quantitative (cross section). Results: it was evidenced (gardening and flower-growers) in this review that 79% of the conditions related to the task require physical requirements and involve repetitive movements. In addition, of the high appearance of DM in the high-low back, upper and lower extremities that are produced by the frequency of the activities carried out (footwear production). Likewise, there was evidence of 'very high risks' of developing MD (salmon industry) and a medium index (OCRA) for repetitive movements that require special care (U-Assembly line). Conclusions: the review showed the limited use of the OCRA method for the detection of MD in workers from different sectors, and this method can be used for the detection of biomechanical risk and the appearance of MD.

Keywords: checklist, cumulative trauma disorders, musculoskeletal diseases, repetitive movements

Procedia PDF Downloads 182
1447 Offering a Model for Selecting the Most Suitable Type of Thinking for Managers

Authors: H. Emari, Z. Emari


The purpose of this paper is to design an applied framework for strategic thinking which can be applied in all managerial levels and all types of organizational environments. No special applied frame has been presented for this thinking. This paper presents a theoretical framework for the thinking type of a manager by making a historical research and studying the scientific documents about thinking of a strategist. In the new theoretical framework it has been tried to suggest the best type of thinking for a strategist after analyzing the environment of his decisions. So, in this framework, the traditional viewpoint about strategic thinking, which has considered it as a special type of right-brain thinking against other types of right-brain thinking and suggested it for a strategist, was put aside and suggests that the strategist should use a suitable type of thinking under different conditions.

Keywords: strategic thinking, systemic thinking, lateral thinking, intuitive thinking, hybrid thinking

Procedia PDF Downloads 331
1446 Examining the Relationship between Concussion and Neurodegenerative Disorders: A Review on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Alzheimer’s Disease

Authors: Edward Poluyi, Eghosa Morgan, Charles Poluyi, Chibuikem Ikwuegbuenyi, Grace Imaguezegie


Background: Current epidemiological studies have examined the associations between moderate and severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) and their risks of developing neurodegenerative diseases. Concussion, also known as mild TBI (mTBI), is however quite distinct from moderate or severe TBIs. Only few studies in this burgeoning area have examined concussion—especially repetitive episodes—and neurodegenerative diseases. Thus, no definite relationship has been established between them. Objectives : This review will discuss the available literature linking concussion and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Materials and Methods: Given the complexity of this subject, a realistic review methodology was selected which includes clarifying the scope and developing a theoretical framework, developing a search strategy, selection and appraisal, data extraction, and synthesis. A detailed literature matrix was set out in order to get relevant and recent findings on this topic. Results: Presently, there is no objective clinical test for the diagnosis of concussion because the features are less obvious on physical examination. Absence of an objective test in diagnosing concussion sometimes leads to skepticism when confirming the presence or absence of concussion. Intriguingly, several possible explanations have been proposed in the pathological mechanisms that lead to the development of some neurodegenerative disorders (such as ALS and AD) and concussion but the two major events are deposition of tau proteins (abnormal microtubule proteins) and neuroinflammation, which ranges from glutamate excitotoxicity pathways and inflammatory pathways (which leads to a rise in the metabolic demands of microglia cells and neurons), to mitochondrial function via the oxidative pathways.

Keywords: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, mild traumatic brain injury, neurodegeneration

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1445 Improving Access to Training for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders through Telepractice: Parental Perception

Authors: Myriam Rousseau, Marie-Hélène Poulin, Suzie McKinnon, Jacinthe Bourassa


Context: There is a growing demand for effective training programs for parents of children with autism spectrum disorders. While traditional in-person training is effective, it can be difficult for some parents to participate due to distance, time, and cost. Telepractice, a form of distance education, could be a viable alternative to address these challenges. Research objective: The objective of this study is to explore the experiences of parents of children with autism who participated in a training program offered by telepractice in order to document: 1) the experience of parents who participated in a program telepractice training program for autistic children, 2) parental satisfaction with the telepractice modality, and 3) potential benefits of using telepractice to deliver training programs to parents of autistic children. Method: This study followed a qualitative research design, and Braun and Clarke's six-step procedure was used for the thematic analysis of the comments provided by parents. Data were collected through individual interviews with parents who participated in the project. The analysis focused on identifying patterns and themes in the comments in order to better understand parents' experiences with the telepractice modality. Results: The study revealed that parents were generally satisfied with the telepractice modality, as it was easy to use and enabled a better balance between work and family. This modality also enabled parents to share and receive mutual support. Despite the positive results, it is still relevant to offer training in different modalities to meet the different needs of parents. Conclusion: The study shows that parents of children with autism are generally satisfied with telepractice as a training modality. The results suggest that telepractice can be an effective alternative to traditional face-to-face training. The study highlights the importance of taking parents' needs and preferences into account when designing and implementing training programs.

Keywords: parents, children, training, telepractice

Procedia PDF Downloads 145
1444 HPTLC Based Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of Uraria picta Desv: A Dashmool Species

Authors: Hari O. Saxena, Ganesh


In the present investigation, chemical fingerprints of methanolic extracts of roots, stem and leaves of Uraria picta were developed using HPTLC technique. These fingerprints will be useful for authentication as well as in differentiating the species from adulterants. These will also serve as a biochemical marker for this valuable species in pharmaceutical industries and plant systemic studies. Roots, stem and leaves of Uraria picta were further evaluated for quantification of an active ingredient lupeol to find out alternatives to roots. Results showed more content of lupeol in stem (0.048%, dry wt.) as compare to roots (0.017%, dry wt.) suggesting the utilization of stem in place of roots. It will avoid uprooting of this prestigious plant which ultimately will promote its conservation.

Keywords: chemical fingerprints, lupeol, quantification, Uraria picta

Procedia PDF Downloads 258
1443 In silico Analysis towards Identification of Host-Microbe Interactions for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Linked to Reactive Arthritis

Authors: Anukriti Verma, Bhawna Rathi, Shivani Sharda


Reactive Arthritis (ReA) is a disorder that causes inflammation in joints due to certain infections at distant sites in the body. ReA begins with stiffness, pain, and inflammation in these areas especially the ankles, knees, and hips. It gradually causes several complications such as conjunctivitis in the eyes, skin lesions in hand, feet and nails and ulcers in the mouth. Nowadays the diagnosis of ReA is based upon a differential diagnosis pattern. The parameters for differentiating ReA from other similar disorders include physical examination, history of the patient and a high index of suspicion. There are no standard lab tests or markers available for ReA hence the early diagnosis of ReA becomes difficult and the chronicity of disease increases with time. It is reported that enteric disorders such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) that is inflammation in gastrointestinal tract namely Crohn’s Disease (CD) and Ulcerative Colitis (UC) are reported to be linked with ReA. Several microorganisms are found such as Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella and Yersinia causing IBD leading to ReA. The aim of our study was to perform the in-silico analysis in order to find interactions between microorganisms and human host causing IBD leading to ReA. A systems biology approach for metabolic network reconstruction and simulation was used to find the essential genes of the reported microorganisms. Interactomics study was used to find the interactions between the pathogen genes and human host. Genes such as nhaA (pathogen), dpyD (human), nagK (human) and kynU (human) were obtained that were analysed further using the functional, pathway and network analysis. These genes can be used as putative drug targets and biomarkers in future for early diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of IBD leading to ReA.

Keywords: drug targets, inflammatory bowel disease, reactive arthritis, systems biology

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1442 The Effect of the COVID-19 on Alzheimer’s Disease

Authors: Ayşe Defne Öz, Özlem Bozkurt


Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is counted as one of the most important global health problems and the main cause of dementia. The term dementia refers to a wide spectrum of disorders characterized by global, chronic, and generally irreversible cognitive deterioration. It is estimated that %60 % to 80 of the cases of dementia are because of AD. Alzheimer's is a slowly progressive brain disease. The reason for AD is unknown to the author's best knowledge, yet it is one of the topics that is most researched. AD shows the histopathologically abnormal accumulation of the protein beta-amyloid (plague) outside neurons and twisted strands of the protein tau (tangles) inside neurons in the brain. These changes are accompanied by damage to the brain tissue and the death of neurons. AD causes people to have difficulty remembering names or conversations. Some of the later symptoms are difficulty in talking and walking. Alzheimer's Disease is elevated by the illness and mortality of COVID-19. COVID-19 has affected many lives globally and had profound effects on human lives. COVID-19 is caused by SARS-CoV-2, which is a virus that attacks the respiratory and central nervous system and has neuroinvasive potential. More than %80 of COVID-19 patients have ageusia or anosmia, representing the pathognomic features of the disease. Patients with dementia are frail, and with the COVID-19 pandemic, including isolation, cognitive decline may exacerbate. Furthermore, patients with AD can be unable to follow the directions, such as covering their mouth and nose while coughing and can live in nursing homes which makes them more open to being infected. As COVID-19 is highly infectious and its management requires isolation and quarantine, the need for caregivers for AD management conflicts with that of COVID-19 and adds an extra burden on AD patients, caregivers, families, society, and the economy. Due to the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into the central nervous system, inflammation caused by COVID-19, prolonged hospitalization, and delirium, it has been reported that COVID-19 causes many neurological disorders and predisposition to AD.

Keywords: Alzheimer's disease, COVID-19, dementia, SARS-CoV-2

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1441 Comparison between High Resolution Ultrasonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Assessment of Musculoskeletal Disorders Causing Ankle Pain

Authors: Engy S. El-Kayal, Mohamed M. S. Arafa


There are various causes of ankle pain including traumatic and non-traumatic causes. Various imaging techniques are available for assessment of AP. MRI is considered to be the imaging modality of choice for ankle joint evaluation with an advantage of its high spatial resolution, multiplanar capability, hence its ability to visualize small complex anatomical structures around the ankle. However, the high costs and the relatively limited availability of MRI systems, as well as the relatively long duration of the examination all are considered disadvantages of MRI examination. Therefore there is a need for a more rapid and less expensive examination modality with good diagnostic accuracy to fulfill this gap. HRU has become increasingly important in the assessment of ankle disorders, with advantages of being fast, reliable, of low cost and readily available. US can visualize detailed anatomical structures and assess tendinous and ligamentous integrity. The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of HRU with MRI in the assessment of patients with AP. We included forty patients complaining of AP. All patients were subjected to real-time HRU and MRI of the affected ankle. Results of both techniques were compared to surgical and arthroscopic findings. All patients were examined according to a defined protocol that includes imaging the tendon tears or tendinitis, muscle tears, masses, or fluid collection, ligament sprain or tears, inflammation or fluid effusion within the joint or bursa, bone and cartilage lesions, erosions and osteophytes. Analysis of the results showed that the mean age of patients was 38 years. The study comprised of 24 women (60%) and 16 men (40%). The accuracy of HRU in detecting causes of AP was 85%, while the accuracy of MRI in the detection of causes of AP was 87.5%. In conclusions: HRU and MRI are two complementary tools of investigation with the former will be used as a primary tool of investigation and the latter will be used to confirm the diagnosis and the extent of the lesion especially when surgical interference is planned.

Keywords: ankle pain (AP), high-resolution ultrasound (HRU), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ultrasonography (US)

Procedia PDF Downloads 193
1440 Factors Affecting the Success of Premarital Screening Services in Middle Eastern Countries

Authors: Wafa Al Jabri


Background: In Middle Eastern Countries (MECs), there is a high prevalence of genetic blood disorders (GBDs), particularly sickle cell disease and thalassemia. The GBDs are considered a major public health concern that place a huge burden to individuals, families, communities, and health care systems. The high rates of consanguineous marriages, along with the unacceptable termination of at-risk pregnancy in MECs, reduce the possible solutions to control the high prevalence of GBDs. Since the early 1970s, most of MECs have started introducing premarital screening services (PSS) as a preventive measure to identify the asymptomatic carriers of GBDs and to provide genetic counseling to help couples plan for healthy families; yet, the success rate of PSS is very low. Purpose: This paper aims to highlight the factors that affect the success of PSS in MECs. Methods: An integrative review of articles located in CINAHL, PubMed, SCOPUS, and MedLine was carried out using the following terms: “premarital screening,” “success,” “effectiveness,” and “ genetic blood disorders”. Second, a hand search of the reference lists and Google searches were conducted to find studies that did not exist in the primary database searches. Only studies which are conducted in MECs and published after 2010 were included. Studies that were not published in English were excluded. Results: Eighteen articles were included in the review. The results showed that PSS in most of the MECs was successful in achieving its objective of identifying high-risk marriages; however, the service failed to meet its ultimate goal of reducing the prevalence of GBDs. Various factors seem to hinder the success of PSS, including poor public awareness, late timing of the screening, culture and social stigma, lack of prenatal diagnosis services and therapeutic abortion, emotional factors, religious beliefs, and lack of genetic counseling services. However, poor public awareness, late timing of the screening, religious misbeliefs, and the lack of adequate counseling services were the most common barriers identified. Conclusion and Implications: The review help in providing a framework for an effective preventive measure to reduce the prevalence of GBDs in MECS. This framework focuses primarily in overcoming the identified barriers by providing effective health education programs in collaboration with religious leaders, offering the screening test to young adults at an earlier stage, and tailoring the genetic counseling to consider people’s values, beliefs, and preferences.

Keywords: premarital screening, middle east, genetic blood disorders, factors

Procedia PDF Downloads 84
1439 EGF Serum Level in Diagnosis and Prediction of Mood Disorder in Adolescents and Young Adults

Authors: Monika Dmitrzak-Weglarz, Aleksandra Rajewska-Rager, Maria Skibinska, Natalia Lepczynska, Piotr Sibilski, Joanna Pawlak, Pawel Kapelski, Joanna Hauser


Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is a well-known neurotrophic factor that involves in neuronal growth and synaptic plasticity. The proteomic research provided in order to identify novel candidate biological markers for mood disorders focused on elevated EGF serum level in patients during depression episode. However, the EGF association with mood disorder spectrum among adolescents and young adults has not been studied extensively. In this study, we aim to investigate the serum levels of EGF in adolescents and young adults during hypo/manic, depressive episodes and in remission compared to healthy control group. In our study, we involved 80 patients aged 12-24 years in 2-year follow-up study with a primary diagnosis of mood disorder spectrum, and 35 healthy volunteers matched by age and gender. Diagnoses were established according to DSM-IV-TR criteria using structured clinical interviews: K-SADS for child and adolescents, and SCID for young adults. Clinical and biological evaluations were made at baseline and euthymic mood (at 3th or 6th month of treatment and after 1 and 2 years). The Young Mania Rating Scale and Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression were used for assessment. The study protocols were approved by the relevant ethics committee. Serum protein concentration was determined by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA) method. Human EGF (cat. no DY 236) DuoSet ELISA kit was used (R&D Systems). Serum EGF levels were analysed with following variables: age, age under 18 and above 18 years old, sex, family history of affective disorders, drug-free vs. medicated. Shapiro-Wilk test was used to test the normality of the data. The homogeneity of variance was calculated with Levene’s test. EGF levels showed non-normal distribution and the homogeneity of variance was violated. Non-parametric tests: Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskall-Wallis ANOVA, Friedman’s ANOVA, Wilcoxon signed rank test, Spearman correlation coefficient was applied in the analyses The statistical significance level was set at p<0.05. Elevated EGF level at baseline (p=0.001) and at month 24 (p=0.02) was detected in study subjects compared with controls. Increased EGF level in women at month 12 (p=0.02) compared to men in study group have been observed. Using Wilcoxon signed rank test differences in EGF levels were detected: decrease from baseline to month 3 (p=0.014) and increase comparing: month 3 vs. 24 (p=0.013); month 6 vs. 12 (p=0.021) and vs. 24 (p=0.008). EGF level at baseline was negatively correlated with depression and mania occurrence at 24 months. EGF level at 24 months was positively correlated with depression and mania occurrence at 12 months. No other correlations of EGF levels with clinical and demographical variables have been detected. The findings of the present study indicate that EGF serum level is significantly elevated in the study group of patients compared to the controls. We also observed fluctuations in EGF levels during two years of disease observation. EGF seems to be useful as an early marker for prediction of diagnosis, course of illness and treatment response in young patients during first episode od mood disorders, which requires further investigation. Grant was founded by National Science Center in Poland no 2011/03/D/NZ5/06146.

Keywords: biological marker, epidermal growth factor, mood disorders, prediction

Procedia PDF Downloads 190
1438 Circadian-Clock Controlled Drug Transport Across Blood-Cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier

Authors: André Furtado, Rafael Mineiro, Isabel Gonçalves, Cecília Santos, Telma Quintela


The development of therapies for central nervous system (CNS) disorders is one of the biggest challenges of current pharmacology, given the unique features of brain barriers, which limit drug delivery. Efflux transporters (ABC transporters) expressed at the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier (BCSFB), are the main obstacles for the delivery of therapeutic compounds into the CNS, compromising the effective treatment of brain cancer, brain metastasis from peripheral cancers, or even neurodegenerative disorders. It is thus extremely important to understand the regulation of these transporters for reducing their expression while treating a brain disorder or choosing the most appropriate conditions for drug administration. Based on the fact that the BCSFB have fine-tuned biological rhythms, studying the circadian variation of drug transport processes is critical for choosing the most appropriate time of the day for drug administration. In our study, using an in vitro model of the BCSFB, we characterized the circadian transport profile of methotrexate (MTX) and donepezil (DNPZ), two drugs involved in the treatment of cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease symptoms, respectively. We found that MTX is transported across the basal and apical membranes of the BCSFB in a circadian way. The circadian pattern of an ABC transporter, Abcc4, might be partially responsible for MTX circadian transport. Furthermore, regarding the DNPZ transport study, we observed that the regulation of Abcg2 expression by the circadian rhythm will impact the circadian-dependent transport of DNPZ across the BCSFB. Overall, our results will contribute to the current knowledge on brain pharmacoresistance at the BCSFB by disclosing how circadian rhythms control drug delivery to the brain, setting the grounds for a potential application of chronotherapy to brain diseases to enhance the efficacy of medications and minimize their side effects.

Keywords: blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier, ABC transporters, drug transport, chronotherapy

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1437 Ethical Considerations in In-Utero Gene Editing

Authors: Shruti Govindarajan


In-utero gene editing with CRISPR-Cas9 opens up new possibilities for treating genetic disorders during pregnancy while still in mother’s womb. By targeting genetic mutations in the early stages of fetal development, this approach could potentially prevent severe conditions—like cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and muscular dystrophy—from causing harm. CRISPR-Cas9, which allows precise DNA edits, could be delivered into fetal cells through vectors such as adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) or nanoparticles, correcting disease-causing mutations and possibly offering lifelong relief from these disorders. For families facing severe genetic diagnoses, in-utero gene editing could provide a transformative option. However, technical challenges remain, including ensuring that gene editing only targets the intended cells and verifying long-term safety. Ethical considerations are also at the forefront of this technology. The editing of a fetus's genes brings up difficult questions about consent, especially since these genetic changes will affect the child’s entire life without their input. There's also concern over possible unintended side effects, or changes passed down to future generations. Moreover, if used beyond therapeutic purposes, this technology could be misused for ‘enhancements,’ like selecting for certain physical or cognitive traits, raising concerns about inequality and social pressures. In this way, in-utero gene editing brings both exciting potential and complex moral questions. As research progresses, addressing these scientific and ethical concerns will be key to ensuring that this technology is used responsibly, prioritizing safety, fairness, and a focus on alleviating genetic disease. A cautious and inclusive approach, along with clear regulations, will be essential to realizing the benefits of in-utero gene editing while protecting against unintended consequences.

Keywords: in-utero gene editing, CRISPR, bioethics, genetic disorder

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1436 The Clinical Characteristics and Their Relationship with Sleep Disorders in Patients with Parkinson Disease Accompanied with Cognitive Impairment

Authors: Peng Guo


Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics and changes of video-polysomnography (v-PSG) in Parkinson disease (PD) patients accompanied with cognitive impairment. Methods Three hundred and ninety-four patients with PD were enrolled in Beijing Tiantan Hospital, according to CI level, the patients were divided into PD without cognitive impairment (PD-NCI), PD with mild cognitive impairment (PD-MCI), and PD with dementia (PDD) group. Collect patient's demographic data, including gender, onset age, education level and duration. The cognitive function of PD patients was evaluated by Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA) scale, and the overall cognitive function and cognitive domains of the three groups were compared.Using v-PSG to assess the sleep status of patients. Correlation analysis of MoCA Scale and v-PSG results in PD-CI group. Results 1. In 394 cases of PD, 94 cases (23.86%) in PD-NCI group , 177 cases(44.92%) in PD-MCI group , 123 cases (31.22%) in PDD group. 2.There was no significant difference in gender, age of onset, education level and duration in PD-NCI group, PD-MCI group and PDD group (P>0.05). 3. The total score of MoCA scale in PD-NCI group, PD-MCI group and PDD group decreased one by one. In PD-NCI group, PD-MCI group and PDD group, the scores of each cognitive domain in MoCA scale decreased significantly(P<0.05). 4.Compared with the PD-MCI group, PDD group had lower total sleep time, lower sleep efficiency (P<0.05). Compared with PD-NCI group, PDD group had lower total sleep time and lower sleep efficiency (P<0.05).5. The sleep efficiency of PD-CI patients is positively correlated with the total score of MoCA scale, visual spatial function, executive function, delayed recall and attention score(P<0.05). Conclusions The incidence of CI in PD patients was high; The cognitive function and cognitive domains of PD-CI patients were significantly impaired; In patients with PD-CI, total sleep time decreased, sleep efficiency decreased, and it was related to overall cognitive function and partial cognitive impairment.

Keywords: Parkinson disease, cognitive impairment, clinical characteristics, sleep disorders, video-polysomnography

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1435 Molecular Defects Underlying Genital Ambiguity in Egyptian Patients: A Systematic Review

Authors: Y. Z. Gad


Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) are defined as congenital conditions in which development of chromosomal, gonadal or anatomical sex is atypical. The DSD are relatively prevalent in Egypt. In spite of that, the relative rarity of the individual disease types or their molecular pathologies frequently resulted in reporting on single or few cases. This augmented the challenging nature of phenotype-genotype correlation in this disease group and its utilization in the management of such medical emergency. Through critical assessment of the published DSD reports, the current review aims at analyzing the clinical characteristics of the various DSD forms in relation to the underlying molecular pathologies. A systematic literature search was done in Pubmed, using relevant keywords (Egypt versus DSD, genital ambiguity or ambiguous genitalia, the old terms of 'intersex, hermaphroditism and pseudohermaphroditism', and a list of the DSD entities and their related genes). The search yielded 24 reports of molecular data in Egyptian patients presenting with ambiguous genitalia. However, only 21 publications fulfilled the criteria of inclusion of detailed clinical descriptions and definitive molecular diagnoses of individual patients. Curation of the data yielded a total of 53 cases that were ascertained from 40 families. Fifty-one patients present with ambiguous genitalia only while 2 had multiple congenital anomalies. Parental consanguinity was noted in 60% of cases. Sex of rearing at initial presentation was female in 75% and 60% in 46,XY and 46,XX DSD cases, respectively. The external genital phenotype in 2/3 of the 46,XY DSD cases showed moderate undermasculinization [Quigley scores 3 & 4] and 1/3 had severe presentations [scores 5 & 6]. For 46,XX subjects, 1 had severe virilization of the external genitalia while 8 had moderate phenotype. Hormonal data were inconclusive or contradictory to final diagnosis in a forth of cases. Collectively, 31 families [31/40, 77.5%] with 46,XY DSD had molecular defects in the genes, 5 alpha reductase 2 (SRD5A2) [12/31], 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 3 [8/31], androgen receptor [7/31], Steroidogenic factor 1 [2/31], luteinizing hormone receptor [1/31], and fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 [1/31]. In a multiethnic study, 9 families afflicted with 46,XX DSD due to 11 beta hydroxylase (CYP11B1) deficiency were documented. Two recurrent mutations, G34R and N160D, in SRD5A2 were present, respectively, in 42 and 17% of cases. Similarly, 4 recurrent mutations resulted in 89% of the CYP11B1 presentations. In conclusion, this analysis highlights the importance of autosomal recessive inheritance and inbreeding among DSD presentations, the importance of founder effect in at least 2 disorders, the difficulties in relating the genotype with the indeterminate genital phenotype, the under-reporting of some DSD subtypes, and the notion that the reported mutational profiles among Egyptian DSD cases are relatively different from those reported in other ethnic groups.

Keywords: disorders of sex development, genital ambiguity, mutation, molecular diagnosis, Egypt

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1434 Foundation Phase Teachers' Experiences of School Based Support Teams: A Case of Selected Schools in Johannesburg

Authors: Ambeck Celyne Tebid, Harry S. Rampa


The South African Education system recognises the need for all learners including those experiencing learning difficulties, to have access to a single unified system of education. For teachers to be pedagogically responsive to an increasingly diverse learner population without appropriate support has been proven to be unrealistic. As such, this has considerably hampered interest amongst teachers, especially those at the foundation phase to work within an Inclusive Education (IE) and training system. This qualitative study aimed at investigating foundation phase teachers’ experiences of school-based support teams (SBSTs) in two Full-Service (inclusive schools) and one Mainstream public primary school in the Gauteng province of South Africa; with particular emphasis on finding ways to supporting them, since teachers claimed they were not empowered in their initial training to teach learners experiencing learning difficulties. Hence, SBSTs were created at school levels to fill this gap thereby, supporting teaching and learning by identifying and addressing learners’, teachers’ and schools’ needs. With the notion that IE may be failing because of systemic reasons, this study uses Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) ecosystemic as well as Piaget’s (1980) maturational theory to examine the nature of support and experiences amongst teachers taking individual and systemic factors into consideration. Data was collected using in-depth, face-to-face interviews, document analysis and observation with 6 foundation phase teachers drawn from 3 different schools, 3 SBST coordinators, and 3 school principals. Data was analysed using the phenomenological data analysis method. Amongst the findings of the study is that South African full- service and mainstream schools have functional SBSTs which render formal and informal support to the teachers; this support varies in quality depending on the socio-economic status of the relevant community where the schools are situated. This paper, however, argues that what foundation phase teachers settled for as ‘support’ is flawed; as well as how they perceive the SBST and its role is problematic. The paper conclude by recommending that, the SBST should consider other approaches at foundation phase teacher support such as, empowering teachers with continuous practical experiences on how to deal with real classroom scenarios, as well as ensuring that all support, be it on academic or non-academic issues should be provided within a learning community framework where the teacher, family, SBST and where necessary, community organisations should harness their skills towards a common goal.

Keywords: foundation phase, full- service schools, inclusive education, learning difficulties, school-based support teams, teacher support

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1433 Comparison of Two Home Sleep Monitors Designed for Self-Use

Authors: Emily Wood, James K. Westphal, Itamar Lerner


Background: Polysomnography (PSG) recordings are regularly used in research and clinical settings to study sleep and sleep-related disorders. Typical PSG studies are conducted in professional laboratories and performed by qualified researchers. However, the number of sleep labs worldwide is disproportionate to the increasing number of individuals with sleep disorders like sleep apnea and insomnia. Consequently, there is a growing need to supply cheaper yet reliable means to measure sleep, preferably autonomously by subjects in their own home. Over the last decade, a variety of devices for self-monitoring of sleep became available in the market; however, very few have been directly validated against PSG to demonstrate their ability to perform reliable automatic sleep scoring. Two popular mobile EEG-based systems that have published validation results, the DREEM 3 headband and the Z-Machine, have never been directly compared one to the other by independent researchers. The current study aimed to compare the performance of DREEM 3 and the Z-Machine to help investigators and clinicians decide which of these devices may be more suitable for their studies. Methods: 26 participants have completed the study for credit or monetary compensation. Exclusion criteria included any history of sleep, neurological or psychiatric disorders. Eligible participants arrived at the lab in the afternoon and received the two devices. They then spent two consecutive nights monitoring their sleep at home. Participants were also asked to keep a sleep log, indicating the time they fell asleep, woke up, and the number of awakenings occurring during the night. Data from both devices, including detailed sleep hypnograms in 30-second epochs (differentiating Wake, combined N1/N2, N3; and Rapid Eye Movement sleep), were extracted and aligned upon retrieval. For analysis, the number of awakenings each night was defined as four or more consecutive wake epochs between sleep onset and termination. Total sleep time (TST) and the number of awakenings were compared to subjects’ sleep logs to measure consistency with the subjective reports. In addition, the sleep scores from each device were compared epoch-by-epoch to calculate the agreement between the two devices using Cohen’s Kappa. All analysis was performed using Matlab 2021b and SPSS 27. Results/Conclusion: Subjects consistently reported longer times spent asleep than the time reported by each device (M= 448 minutes for sleep logs compared to M= 406 and M= 345 minutes for the DREEM and Z-Machine, respectively; both ps<0.05). Linear correlations between the sleep log and each device were higher for the DREEM than the Z-Machine for both TST and the number of awakenings, and, likewise, the mean absolute bias between the sleep logs and each device was higher for the Z-Machine for both TST (p<0.001) and awakenings (p<0.04). There was some indication that these effects were stronger for the second night compared to the first night. Epoch-by-epoch comparisons showed that the main discrepancies between the devices were for detecting N2 and REM sleep, while N3 had a high agreement. Overall, the DREEM headband seems superior for reliably scoring sleep at home.

Keywords: DREEM, EEG, seep monitoring, Z-machine

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1432 Approach-Avoidance Conflict in the T-Maze: Behavioral Validation for Frontal EEG Activity Asymmetries

Authors: Eva Masson, Andrea Kübler


Anxiety disorders (AD) are the most prevalent psychological disorders. However, far from most affected individuals are diagnosed and receive treatment. This gap is probably due to the diagnosis criteria, relying on symptoms (according to the DSM-5 definition) with no objective biomarker. Approach-avoidance conflict tasks are one common approach to simulate such disorders in a lab setting, with most of the paradigms focusing on the relationships between behavior and neurophysiology. Approach-avoidance conflict tasks typically place participants in a situation where they have to make a decision that leads to both positive and negative outcomes, thereby sending conflicting signals that trigger the Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS). Furthermore, behavioral validation of such paradigms adds credibility to the tasks – with overt conflict behavior, it is safer to assume that the task actually induced a conflict. Some of those tasks have linked asymmetrical frontal brain activity to induced conflicts and the BIS. However, there is currently no consensus for the direction of the frontal activation. The authors present here a modified version of the T-Maze paradigm, a motivational conflict desktop task, in which behavior is recorded simultaneously to the recording of high-density EEG (HD-EEG). Methods: In this within-subject design, HD-EEG and behavior of 35 healthy participants was recorded. EEG data was collected with a 128 channels sponge-based system. The motivational conflict desktop task consisted of three blocks of repeated trials. Each block was designed to record a slightly different behavioral pattern, to increase the chances of eliciting conflict. This variety of behavioral patterns was however similar enough to allow comparison of the number of trials categorized as ‘overt conflict’ between the blocks. Results: Overt conflict behavior was exhibited in all blocks, but always for under 10% of the trials, in average, in each block. However, changing the order of the paradigms successfully introduced a ‘reset’ of the conflict process, therefore providing more trials for analysis. As for the EEG correlates, the authors expect a different pattern for trials categorized as conflict, compared to the other ones. More specifically, we expect an elevated alpha frequency power in the left frontal electrodes at around 200ms post-cueing, compared to the right one (relative higher right frontal activity), followed by an inversion around 600ms later. Conclusion: With this comprehensive approach of a psychological mechanism, new evidence would be brought to the frontal asymmetry discussion, and its relationship with the BIS. Furthermore, with the present task focusing on a very particular type of motivational approach-avoidance conflict, it would open the door to further variations of the paradigm to introduce different kinds of conflicts involved in AD. Even though its application as a potential biomarker sounds difficult, because of the individual reliability of both the task and peak frequency in the alpha range, we hope to open the discussion for task robustness for neuromodulation and neurofeedback future applications.

Keywords: anxiety, approach-avoidance conflict, behavioral inhibition system, EEG

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1431 Mental Health on Three Continents: A Comparison of Mental Health Disorders in the Usa, India and Brazil

Authors: Henry Venter, Murali Thyloth, Alceu Casseb


Historically, mental and substance use disorders were not a global health priority. Since the 1993 World Development Report, the importance of the contribution of mental health and substance abuse on the relative global burden associated with disease morbidity has been recognized with 300 million people worldwide suffering from depression alone. This led to an international effort to improve the mental health of populations around the world. Despite these efforts some countries remain at the top of the list of countries with the highest rate of mental illness. Important research questions were asked: Would there be commonalities regarding mental health between these countries; would there be common factors leading to the high prevalence of mental illness; and how prepared are these countries with mental health delivery? Findings from this research can aid organizations and institutions preparing mental health service providers to focus training and preparation to address specific needs revealed by the study. Methods: Researchers decided to compare three distinctly different countries at the top of the list of countries with the highest rate of mental illness, the USA, India and Brazil, situated on three different continents with different economies and lifestyles. Data were collected using archival research methodology, reviewing records and findings of international and national health and mental health studies to subtract and compare data and findings. Results: The findings indicated that India is the most depressed country in the world, followed by the USA (and China) with Brazil in Latin America with the greatest number of depressed individuals. By 2020 roughly 20% of India, acountry of over one billion citizens, will suffer from some form of mental illnees, yet there are less than 4,000 experts available. In the USA 164.8 million people were substance abusers and an estimate of 47.6 million adults, 18 or older, had any mental illness in 2018. That means that about one in five adults in the USA experiences some form of mental illness each year, but only 41% of those affected received mental health care or services in the past year. Brazil has the greatest number of depressed individuals, in Latin America. Adults living in Sao Paulo megacity has prevalence of mental disorders at greater levels than similar surveys conducted in other areas of the world with more than one million adults with serious impairment levels. Discussion: The results show that, despite the vast socioeconomic differences between the three countries, there are correlations regarding mental health prevalence and difficulty to provide adequate services including a lack of awareness of how serious mental illness is, stigma for seeking mental illness, with comorbidity a common phenomenon, and a lack of partnership between different levels of service providers, which weakens mental health service delivery. The findings also indicate that mental health training institutions have a monumental task to prepare personnel to address the future mental health needs in each of the countries compared, which will constitute the next phase of the research.

Keywords: mental health epidemiology, mental health disorder, mental health prevalence, mental health treatment

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1430 Determination of Vinpocetine in Tablets with the Vinpocetine-Selective Electrode and Possibilities of Application in Pharmaceutical Analysis

Authors: Faisal A. Salih


Vinpocetine (Vin) is an ethyl ester of apovincamic acid and is a semisynthetic derivative of vincamine, an alkaloid from plants of the genus Periwinkle (plant) vinca minor. It was found that this compound stimulates cerebral metabolism: it increases the uptake of glucose and oxygen, as well as the consumption of these substances by the brain tissue. Vinpocetine enhances the flow of blood in the brain and has a vasodilating, antihypertensive, and antiplatelet effect. Vinpocetine seems to improve the human ability to acquire new memories and restore memories that have been lost. This drug has been clinically used for the treatment of cerebrovascular disorders such as stroke and dementia memory disorders, as well as in ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology. It has no side effects, and no toxicity has been reported when using vinpocetine for a long time. For the quantitative determination of Vin in dosage forms, the HPLC methods are generally used. A promising alternative is potentiometry with Vin- selective electrode, which does not require expensive equipment and materials. Another advantage of the potentiometric method is that the pills and solutions for injections can be used directly without separation from matrix components, which reduces both analysis time and cost. In this study, it was found that the choice of a good plasticizer an electrode with the following membrane composition: PVC (32.8 wt.%), ortho-nitrophenyl octyl ether (66.6 wt.%), tetrakis-4-chlorophenyl borate (0.6 wt.%) exhibits excellent analytical performance: lower detection limit (LDL) 1.2•10⁻⁷ M, linear response range (LRR) 1∙10⁻³–3.9∙10⁻⁶ M, the slope of the electrode function 56.2±0.2 mV/decade). Vin masses per average tablet weight determined by direct potentiometry (DP) and potentiometric titration (PT) methods for the two different sets of 10 tablets were (100.35±0.2–100.36±0.1) mg for two sets of blister packs. The mass fraction of Vin in individual tablets, determined using DP, was (9.87 ± 0.02–10.16 ±0.02) mg, while the RSD was (0.13–0.35%). The procedure has very good reproducibility, and excellent compliance with the declared amounts was observed.

Keywords: vinpocetine, potentiometry, ion selective electrode, pharmaceutical analysis

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1429 Ethnobotanical Study on the Usage of Toxic Plants in Traditional Medicine in the City Center of Tlemcen, Algeria

Authors: Nassima Elyebdri, Asma Boumediou, Soumia Addoun


Traditional medicine has been part of the Algerian culture for decades. In particular, the city of Tlemcen still retains practices based on phytotherapy to the present day, as this kind of medicine fulfills the needs of its followers among the local population. The toxic plants contain diverse natural substances which supplied a lot of medicine in the pharmaceutical industry. In order to explore new medicinal sources among toxic plants, an ethnobotanical study was carried out on the use of these plants by the population, at Emir Abdelkader Square of the city of Tlemcen, a rather busy place with a high number of traditional health practitioners and herbalists. This is a descriptive and transversal study aimed at estimating the frequency of using toxic plants among the studied population, for a period of 4 months. The information was collected, using self-anonymous questionnaires, and analyzed by the IBM SPSS Statistics software used for statistical analysis. A sample of 200 people, including 120 women and 80 men, were interviewed. The mean age was 41 ± 16 years. Among those questioned, 83.5% used plants; 8% of them used toxic plants and 35% used plants that can be toxic under certain conditions. Some improvements were observed in 88% of the cases where toxic plants were used. 80 medicinal plants, belonging to 36 botanical families, were listed, identified and classified. The most frequent indications for these plants were for respiratory diseases in 64.7% of cases, and for digestive disorders in 51.5% of cases. 11% of these plants are toxic, 26% could be toxic under certain conditions. Among toxics plants, the most common ones are Berberis vulgaris with 5.4%, indicated in the treatment of uterine fibroids and thyroid, Rhamnus alaternus with 4.8% for hepatic jaundice, Nerium oleander with 3% for hemorrhoids, Ruta chalepensis with 1.2%, indicated for digestive disorders and dysmenorrhea, and Viscum album with 1.2%, indicated for respiratory diseases. The most common plants that could be toxic are Mentha pulegium (15.6%), Eucalyptus globulus (11.4%), and Pimpinella anisum (10.2%). This study revealed interesting results on the use of toxic plants, which are likely to serve as a basis for further ethno-pharmacological investigations in order to get new drug sources.

Keywords: ethnobotany, phytotherapy, Tlemcen, toxic plants

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1428 Mental Health Stigma: Barriers to Treatment and Participation in Mental Health Care among University Students in Kenya

Authors: Scholastic Nangila Adeli, Francisca Mbutitia Ngithi


Stigma is commonly associated with mental health patients and may act as a barrier to individuals who may seek or engage in treatment services. Stigmatization among university students is common whether they know someone with a mental health problem, or have a good knowledge and experience of mental health issues. The objective of this study was to establish the various barriers that prevent university students who have mental health challenges from seeking treatment and care. The study was a descriptive in nature where 320 respondents helped to establish the barriers to treatment or participation in mental health care among university students. A questionnaire was used to help establish the barriers and attitude towards mental illness among the respondents. Results from this study revealed that mental illnesses are common among university students and they are manifested in different forms like; anxiety and panic attacks, mood and eating disorders, Impulse control leading to gambling, alcohol and drug addictions, anger and depression leading to loneliness. Mental stigma (both social and self) was the major barrier with 62% of the respondents stating that social stigma was worse than self-stigma. This is because of the social discrimination towards the victim of mental challenges. On issues of attitude, 71% of the respondents said that they can never admit that they have a mental issue and would rather secretly seek clinical or psychological help for fear of being discriminated or excluded by peers. This view is informed by the societal belief that people with mental health challenges were dangerous (associating them with criminal behavior) and hard to socialize with or help. From the findings of this study, it is concluded that mental health problems are real among university students in Kenya and it is important for the university environment to minimize or eradicate stigma within the social circles. Stigma can be minimized or eradicated by creating awareness among university students and fostering social inclusion so that the students who have mental health challenges can experience a sense of belonging and acceptance hence build their self-esteem.

Keywords: disorders, impulse control, mental health problems, stigma

Procedia PDF Downloads 263
1427 A Rare Case of Clinically Amyopathic Dermatomyositis in a Filipino Female

Authors: Rene A. Amadore Jr., Ramar John Bangayan, Therese Eileen L. Natividad


This is a case of a 59-year-old female who presented with a two-year history of heliotrope rash, Gottron's papules, shawl sign, V-neck sign, and muscle weakness. She was previously managed as a case of systemic lupus erythematosus, who initially responded to unrecalled corticosteroids. She was, however, admitted due to a one-month progressively enlarging sacral mass, which eventually turned out to be an abscess. While the abscess was being treated, her autoimmune condition was worked up, and she was then managed as a case of clinically amyopathic dermatomyositis (CADM) with interstitial lung disease (ILD). She received corticosteroids and underwent the first cycle of cyclophosphamide infusion prior to discharge.

Keywords: clinically amyopathic dermatomyositis, interstitial lung disease, corticosteroids, sacral abscess

Procedia PDF Downloads 139
1426 Assessing the Empowerment of Muslim Women in Malawi: A Case Study of the Muslim Women's Organization

Authors: Ulemu Maseko


This study critically examines the empowerment of Muslim women in Malawi, focusing on the Muslim Women’s Organization (MWO) and its impact on gender equality within Islamic communities. It explores MWO's interpretation of Islamic women's rights, the stereotypes Muslim women face, and the factors limiting their rights. Utilizing qualitative methods, including interviews, focus groups, and participant observations, the research adopts phenomenological and feminist frameworks. Findings indicate that since its establishment in 1985, MWO has significantly advocated for gender equality by leveraging Islamic teachings and policy to support women’s empowerment, enabling Muslim women to participate in social change. However, entrenched cultural traditions, patriarchal structures, and systemic poverty remain barriers to empowerment.

Keywords: Islam, women empowerment, Malawi, Islamic feminism

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1425 Dietary Intake and the Risk of Hypertriglyceridemia in Adults: Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study

Authors: Parvin Mirmiran, Zahra Bahadoran, Sahar Mirzae, Fereidoun Azizi


Background and aim: Lifestyle factors, especially dietary intakes play an important role in metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins. In this study, we assessed the association between dietary factors and 3-year changes of serum triglycerides (TG), HDL-C and the atherogenic index of plasma among Iranian adults. This longitudinal study was conducted on 1938 subjects, aged 19-70 years, who participated in the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study. Demographics, anthropometrics and biochemical measurements including serum TG were assessed at baseline (2006-2008) and after a 3-year follow-up (2009-2011). Dietary data were collected by using a 168-food item, validated semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire at baseline. The risk of hypertriglyceridemia in the quartiles of dietary factors was evaluated using logistic regression models with adjustment for age, gender, body mass index, smoking, physical activity and energy intakes. Results: Mean age of the participants at baseline was 41.0±13.0 y. Mean TG and HDL-C at baseline was 143±86 and 42.2±10.0 mg/dl, respectively. Three-year change of serum TG were inversely related energy intake from phytochemical rich foods, whole grains, and legumes (P<0.05). Higher intakes compared to lower ones of dietary fiber and phytochemical-rich foods had similar impact on decreased risk of hyper-triglyceridemia (OR=0.58, 95% CI=0.34-1.00). Higher- compared to lower-dietary sodium to potassium ratios (Na/K ratio) increased the risk of hypertriglyceridemia by 63% (OR=0.1.63, 95% CI= 0.34-1.00). Conclusion: Findings showed that higher intakes of fiber and phytochemical rich foods especially whole grain and legumes could have protective effects against lipid disorders; in contrast higher sodium to potassium ratio had undesirable effect on triglycerides.

Keywords: lipid disorders, hypertriglyceridemia, diet, food science

Procedia PDF Downloads 468
1424 Functionalized Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery Applications

Authors: Temesgen Geremew


Functionalized nanoparticles have emerged as a revolutionary platform for drug delivery, offering significant advantages over traditional methods. By strategically modifying their surface properties, these nanoparticles can be designed to target specific tissues and cells, significantly reducing off-target effects and enhancing therapeutic efficacy. This targeted approach allows for lower drug doses, minimizing systemic exposure and potential side effects. Additionally, functionalization enables controlled release of the encapsulated drug, improving drug stability and reducing the frequency of administration, leading to improved patient compliance. This work explores the immense potential of functionalized nanoparticles in revolutionizing drug delivery, addressing limitations associated with conventional therapies and paving the way for personalized medicine with precise and targeted treatment strategies.

Keywords: nanoparticles, drug, nanomaterials, applications

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1423 Optimal Diversification and Bank Value Maximization

Authors: Chien-Chih Lin


This study argues that the optimal diversifications for the maximization of bank value are asymmetrical; they depend on the business cycle. During times of expansion, systematic risks are relatively low, and hence there is only a slight effect from raising them with a diversified portfolio. Consequently, the benefit of reducing individual risks dominates any loss from raising systematic risks, leading to a higher value for a bank by holding a diversified portfolio of assets. On the contrary, in times of recession, systematic risks are relatively high. It is more likely that the loss from raising systematic risks surpasses the benefit of reducing individual risks from portfolio diversification. Consequently, more diversification leads to lower bank values. Finally, some empirical evidence from the banks in Taiwan is provided.

Keywords: diversification, default probability, systemic risk, banking, business cycle

Procedia PDF Downloads 437
1422 Symptomatic Strategies: Artistic Approaches Resembling Psychiatric Symptoms

Authors: B. Körner


This paper compares deviant behaviour in two different readings: 1) as symptomatic for so-called ‘mental illness’ and 2) as part of artistic creation. It analyses works of performance art in the respective frames of psychiatric evaluation and performance studies. This speculative comparison offers an alternative interpretation of mad behaviour beyond pathologisation. It questions the distinction of psychiatric diagnosis, which can contribute to reducing the stigmatisation of mad people. The stigma associated with madness entails exclusion, prejudice, and systemic oppression. Symptoms of psychiatric diagnoses can be considered as behaviour exceptional to the psychological norm. This deviant behaviour constitutes an outsider role which is also defining for the societal role of ‘the artist’, whose transgressions of the norm are expected and celebrated. The research proposes the term ‘artistic exceptionalism’ for this phenomenon. In this study, a set of performance artworks are analysed within the frame of an art-theoretical interpretation and as if they were the basis of a psychiatric assessment. This critical comparison combines the perspective on ‘mental illness’ of mad studies with methods of interpretation used in performance studies. The research employs auto theory and artistic research; interweaving lived experience with scientific theory building through the double role of the author as both performance artist and survivor researcher. It is a distinctly personal and mad thought experiment. The research proposes three major categories of artistic strategies approaching madness: (a) confronting madness (processing and publicly addressing one's own experiences with mental distress through artistic creation), (b) creating critical conditions (conscious or unconscious, voluntary or involuntary creation of crisis situations in order to create an intense experience for a work of art), and (c) symptomatic strategies. This paper focuses on the last of the three categories: symptomatic strategies. These can be described as artistic methods with parallels to forms of coping with and/or symptoms of ‘mental disorders.’ These include, for example feverish activity, a bleak worldview, additional perceptions, an urge for order, and the intensification of emotional experience. The proposed categories are to be understood as a spectrum of approaches that are not mutually exclusive. This research does not aim to diagnose or pathologise artists or their strategies; disease value is neither sought nor assumed. Neither does it intend to belittle psychological suffering, implying that it cannot be so bad if it is productive for artists. It excludes certain approaches that romanticise and/or exoticise mental distress, for example, artistic portrayal of people in mental crisis (e.g., documentary-observational or exoticising depictions) or the deliberate and exaggerated imitation of their forms of expression and behaviour as ‘authentic’ (e.g., Art Brut). These are based on the othering of the Mad and thus perpetuate the social stigma to which they are subjected. By noting that the same deviant behaviour can be interpreted as the opposite in different contexts, this research offers an alternative approach to madness beyond the confines of psychiatry. It challenges the distinction of psychiatric diagnosis and exposes its social constructedness. Hereby, it aims to empower survivors and reduce the stigmatisation of madness.

Keywords: artistic research, mad studies, mental health, performance art, psychiatric stigma

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