Search results for: French as an additional language education
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Search results for: French as an additional language education

8103 Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Project Psychopedagogical Practices: Construction Proceedings and Validation

Authors: Cristina Costa-Lobo, Sandra Fernandes, Miguel Magalhães, José Dinis-Carvalho, Alfredo Regueiro, Ana Carvalho


This paper is a report on the findings of the construction and the validation of a questionnaire monetized in a portuguese higher education context with undergraduate students. The Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Project Psychopedagogical Practices consists of six scales: Critical appraisal of the project, Developed Learning and Skills, Teamwork, Teacher and Tutor Roles, Evaluation of Student Performance, and Project Effectiveness as a Teaching-Learning Methodology. The proceedings of its construction are analyzed, and the validity and internal consistency analysis are described. Findings indicate good indicators of validity, good fidelity and an interpretable factorial structure.

Keywords: entrepreneurship project, higher education, psychopedagogical practices, teacher and tutor roles

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8102 Teaching Reading in English: The Neglect of Phonics in Nigeria

Authors: Abdulkabir Abdullahi


Nigeria has not yet welcomed phonics into its primary schools. In government-owned primary schools teachers are functionally ignorant of the stories of the reading wars amongst international scholars. There are few or no Nigerian-authored phonics textbooks, and there has been no government-owned phonics curriculum either. There are few or no academic journal articles on phonics in the country and there is, in fact, a certain danger of confusion between phonics and phonetics among Nigerian publishers, authors, writers and academics as if Nigerian teachers of English and the educational policy makers of the country were unaware of reading failures/problems amongst Nigerian children, or had never heard of phonics or read of the stories of the reading wars or the annual phonics test in the United Kingdom, the United States of America and other parts of the world. It is on this note that this article reviews and examines, in the style of a qualitative inquiry, the body of arguments on phonics, and explores the effectiveness of phonics teaching, particularly, in a second-language learning contexts. While the merit of the paper is, perhaps, situated in its supreme effort to draw global attention to reading failures/problems in Nigeria and the ways the situation may affect English language learning, international academic relations and the educational future of the country, it leaves any quantitative verification of its claims to interested quantitative researchers in the world.

Keywords: graphemes, phonics, reading, reading wars, reading theories, phonemic awareness

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8101 Examining College Students’ Attitudes toward Diversity Environments in a Physical Activity Course

Authors: Young Ik Suh, Sanghak Lee, Tae Wook Chung


In recent year, cultural diversity has acquired increasing attentions in our society due to the cultural pluralism and globalization. With the emphasis of diversity in our society, higher education has played a significant role in preparing people to be successful in a diverse world. A number of colleges and universities provide various diversity-related courses that enhance students to recognize the importance of diversity and multiculturalism. However, little research has been conducted with diversity environments in physical activity and sports-related courses to appreciate students’ attitudes toward multiculturalism. Physical activity courses can be regarded as an essential and complementary part of general education. As well, playing and watching certain sports plays a critical role to foster mutual understanding between different races and to help social integration for minority communities. Therefore, it is expected that the appropriate diverse environments in physical activity courses may have a positive impact to the understandings of different cultures and races. The primary purpose of this study is to examine attitudes toward cultural diversity in a physical activity course among undergraduate students. In building on the scholarly foundation in this area, this study applies the established survey scale (e.g., Pluralism and Diversity Attitude Assessment [PADAA]) developed by Stanley (1996) and previous literature related to cultural diversity. The PADAA includes 19 questions. The following two research hypotheses were proposed. H1: Students who take a diversity-related physical course (i.e., Taekwondo) will provide positive attitude changes toward their cultural diversity. H2: Students who take a general physical activity course (i.e., Weight Training) will provide no significant attitude changes toward their cultural diversity. To test the research hypotheses, subjects will be selected from the both Taekwondo and Weight Training class at University of West Georgia. In the Taekwondo class, students will learn the history, meaning, basic terminology, and physical skills, which is a Korean martial art and the national sport of Korea. In the Weight Training class, students will not be exposed to any cultural diversity topics. Regarding data analysis, Doubly Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (Doubly MANCOVA), 2 (time period: pre and after) X 2 (diversity-related content exposure: Taekwondo and Weight Training), will be conducted on attitudes toward the cultural diversity with control variables such as gender and age. The findings of this study will add to the body of literature in cultural diversity because this will be the first known attempt to explain the college students’ attitudes toward cultural diversity in a physical activity courses. The expected results will state that the physical activity course focusing on diversity issues will have a positive impact on college students’ attitude toward cultural diversity. This finding will indicate that Universities need to create diverse programs (e.g., study abroad, exchange program, second language courses) and environments so that students can have positive interactions with other groups of races and different cultures. It is also expected that the positive perceptions and attitudes toward cultural diversity will break down cultural barriers and make students be ready for meeting several challenges in a multicultural and global society.

Keywords: cultural diversity, physical activity course, attitude, Taekwondo

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8100 Exploring Introducing a Plant-Based Diet into Patient Education in the Primary Care Setting, and the Positive Effects on Combatting Common Chronic Illnesses Such as Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, and Diabetes Mellitus Type II

Authors: Arielle Ferdinand


A plant-based diet focuses on foods from plant sources, limiting or altogether omitting animal products. Some of the most common chronic illnesses seen in primary care are hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes type II. These common chronic illnesses can often be debilitating, costly, time-consuming, and, when left untreated, can lead to an early death. Treatment and maintenance of care are also labor intensive for the patient. They are often required to have at least four blood pressure checks yearly and a hemoglobin A1C checked quarterly. Though preventative interventions and prevention education should be included in patient visits in the primary care setting, education about dietary interventions, such as a plant-based diet, also yields positive outcomes for patients who already have hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes mellitus type 2. Evidence will show that incorporating a plant-based diet results in decreased blood pressure, as well as decreased levels of LDL-C, improved post-prandial glucose levels, and a reduction in HbA1C. It is cost-effective for the patient by generally lower grocery costs, and it can either reduce or prevent the need to pay for more office visits and pharmacotherapy. Incorporating this method of dietary changes is an easy intervention during a primary care office visit that would greatly benefit the patient in many ways.

Keywords: plant-based, nutrition, diabetes, hyperlipidemia

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8099 Parental Monitoring of Learners’ Cell Phone Use in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

Authors: Melikhaya Skhephe, Robert Mawuli Kwasi Boadzo, Zanoxolo Berington Gobingca


This research study sought to examine parental monitoring of learners’ cell phone use in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. To this end, the researchers employed a quantitative approach. Data were obtained through questionnaires, with a sample of 15 parents having been purposively selected. The findings revealed that parents are unaware that they have to monitor the learner’s cell phone. Another finding was that parents in the 21-century did not support the use of mobile phones in education. The researchers recommend that parent’s discussion forums be created to educate parents on how a cell phone can be used in education. Cellphone companies need to be encouraged to educate parents on how they monitor cell phones used by learners. Another recommendation was that network providers need to restrict access to searching on the internet according to age.

Keywords: parental monitoring, app blocking services, learner’s cell phone use, cell phone

Procedia PDF Downloads 162
8098 Mothers’ Perception of the Child Vaccine Communication Practice: The Case of Amhara Region of Ethiopia

Authors: Amlakie Nigussie Assefa, Jemal Mohammed Haile, Amanuel Gebru Woldearegay


Childhood vaccination communication is an important strategy to promote child immunization. This study was conducted with the objective of examining mothers’/caregivers’ perceptions of the child vaccine communication practice in the Amhara Region of Ethiopia. The researchers employed a quantitative research design to achieve the objective. A pretested questionnaire was used to collect the required data. The quantitative method was used to analyze the data. To this end, the result of the one-sample t-test revealed that mothers/caregivers perceive that child vaccine communication is irrelevant, indicated by the average mean of 13.11<15 of the expected mean. The finding also indicated that interpersonal health communication principles were not applied, which is indicated by the average mean of 16.82<18 of the ideal mean. The independent sample t-test underscored that knowledge about vaccines has an impact on the perceived relevance of child vaccine communication (Yes: M=16.55 SD=6.323; No: M=9.24, SD=4.087) (F=97.150 p=0.000, p<0.05), and the implementation of interpersonal health communication principals (M=18.65, SD=5.517; No: (M=9.81, SD=4.491) (F=11.015, p=0.000, p<0.05). The analysis of variance showed that mothers /caregivers’ education level has an impact on the perceived relevance of child vaccine communication (F=3.844 p=0.004, p<0.05) and to the implementation of interpersonal health communication principles (F=6.334 p=0.000, p<0.05). Besides, the post-hoc test showed that the respondents’ in the “Other” education level category have a positive perception to the relevance of child vaccine communication ((M=4.2 p= 0.006, p<0.05) and to the implementation of interpersonal health communication principles (M=3.5 p=0.000, p<0.05). The correlation analysis shows that education level has a positive correlation with the perceived relevance of child vaccine communication (r =0.198, p=0.00, P<0.01) and with the perceived implementation of interpersonal health communication principles (r = 0.250, p = 0.000 p< 0.01). Furthermore, one-to-one, one-to-group, and door-to-door communication were the most preferred strategies used to communicate about child vaccines. What is more, health workers were the most trusted sources of child vaccine information. In conclusion, the study highlighted that mothers/caregivers did not have a positive view of the child vaccine communication. Hence, efforts have to be made to improve mothers’/caregivers' knowledge about child vaccines. Besides, the education level of mothers/caregivers should be taken into consideration during the implementation of child vaccine communication interventions.

Keywords: mothers’/caregivers' perception, child vaccine communication, preferred communication strategies, trusted sources

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8097 Network and Sentiment Analysis of U.S. Congressional Tweets

Authors: Chaitanya Kanakamedala, Hansa Pradhan, Carter Gilbert


Social media platforms, such as Twitter, are excellent datasets for understanding human interactions and sentiments. This report explores social dynamics among US Congressional members through a network analysis applied to a dataset of tweets spanning 2008 to 2017 from the ’US Congressional Tweets Dataset’. In this report, we preform network analysis where connections between users (edges) are established based on a similarity threshold: two tweets are connected if the tweets they post are similar. By utilizing the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) and NetworkX, we quantified tweet similarity and constructed a graph comprising various interconnected components. Each component represents a cluster of users with closely aligned content. We then preform sentiment analysis on each cluster to explore the prevalent emotions and opinions within these groups. Our findings reveal that despite the initial expectation of distinct ideological divisions typically aligning with party lines, the analysis exposed a high degree of topical convergence across tweets from different political affiliations. The analysis preformed in this report not only highlights the potential of social media as a tool for political communication but also suggests a complex layer of interaction that transcends traditional partisan boundaries, reflecting a complicated landscape of politics in the digital age.

Keywords: natural language processing, sentiment analysis, centrality analysis, topic modeling

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8096 Role of F18-FDG PET in Management of Differentiated Thyroid Cancers (TENIS) Patients

Authors: Seemab Safdar, Shazia Fatima, Ahmad Qureshy, M. Adnan Saeed, M. Faheem


Background: Thyroid cancer has 586,000 cases per year worldwide, and this translates to 3% of all tumor diagnoses. 90% of the cases fall under differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC), which includes follicular thyroid cancer (FTC) and papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). During their illness, 10% of patients develop distant metastases, and two-thirds of them develop resistance to radioactive iodine (RAI) treatment. It has been shown that in some circumstances, like DTC with high TG levels and negative 131I whole-body scintigraphy (TENIS), [18F] FDG-PET-CT is an effective imaging technique. This study determines the role of [18F] FDG-PET-CT in the treatment of TENIS patients. Methods: 16 patients (n = 12 female; 4 males, age 45 ± 15 years) with histologically proven thyroid cancer (Differentiated and poorly differentiated) and high TG with negative iodine scans were included in this prospective study from January 2024 to June 2024. They underwent scanning in state-of-the-art (GE Discovery MI) [18F] FDG-PET-CT for re-staging or diagnostics of recurrent disease using a standardized protocol. All DTC subtypes and PDTC were included. The referring physicians completed standardized questionnaires both before and after PET-CT to prospectively determine the examination's effect on clinical decision-making. Patient outcomes were measured by analysis of medical records. Moreover, after PET-CT, a change in the pre-PET-CT planned therapies was documented in 32% of cases and additional invasive diagnostic procedures could be waived in 37.5 % of cases. TG levels under TSH stimulation were significantly higher in patients showing PET-CT metastases compared to patients without such findings (68.75%). Results: Without PET-CT, physicians referring to the doctors had not established a complete treatment plan for 45% of patients with thyroid carcinoma. 12/16 patients showed FDG avidity in cervical lymph nodes that were not Iodine avid previously, 2 patients had FDG avid disease in the lungs. In the process, PET-CT helped plan patient management and created a clear plan for treatment in 68.75% of patients. Conclusions: This study confirms that [18F] FDG-PET-CT used in a routine clinical setting has a very important impact on the management of patients with thyroid cancer when TG levels are persistently high in the presence of negative Iodine Scans by initiating treatments and replacing additional imaging and invasive tests.

Keywords: PET-CT, TENIS, role, FDG

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8095 On the Blocked-off Finite-Volume Radiation Solutions in a Two-Dimensional Enclosure

Authors: Gyo Woo Lee, Man Young Kim


The blocked-off formulations for the analysis of radiative heat transfer are formulated and examined in order to find the solutions in a two-dimensional complex enclosure. The final discretization equations using the step scheme for spatial differencing practice are proposed with the additional source term to incorporate the blocked-off procedure. After introducing the implementation for inactive region into the general discretization equation, three different problems are examined to find the performance of the solution methods.

Keywords: radiative heat transfer, Finite Volume Method (FVM), blocked-off solution procedure, body-fitted coordinate

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8094 Digitalising the Instruction: Between Technology Integration and Instrumental Use

Authors: H. Zouar, I. Kassous, F. Benzert


The relentless pace of technology development in the last two decades has pervaded much of the recent educational discourse on a nation-wide scale. The rippling echoes of the buzz that account for the myriad of advantages the new technologies bring to the pedagogical activity has inevitably transcended from the western world to the Algerian educational contexts. Attempts have been made by Algerian practitioners to heed this digital advancement and push their instructional practices forward. However, due to the still largely existing first-order barriers as exemplified in the forms of deficient institutional infrastructure and unavailability of sufficient digital materials, the results of those attempts have polarised the views of Algerian academics regarding technology integration within higher education context. Hence, this study aims at measuring the possibility of integrating technology in our classrooms in a way that conforms to the philosophy of hybrid education. It also attempts to re-consider teachers’ understanding of technology integration in our context. Furthermore, the purpose of this research is also to reveal the level of teachers’ awareness regarding the distinction between technology integration and instrumental use. In view of the nature of these aims, a mixed-methods mode of investigation has been adopted to collect both qualitative and quantitative data from different perspectives. The data collection tools comprise of an observation as well as students’ and teachers’ questionnaires. The findings show that despite the fact that the examined context is not without its technological limitations, technology integration can be successfully incorporated contingent on teachers' level of knowledge and agency. Technology integration in Algerian universities does not proceed as the bedrock theory of it entails due to issues within teachers' general understanding of utilizing technology in class. It seems that technology is a means to an end, depending on the teachers who make use of it in order to deliver lessons (PowerPoint presentation) and issue commands (Facebook posting). Teachers' ability to clearly discern between integrating technology in their practices versus employing it as an instrument of instruction needs further consideration in order to establish a solid understanding of technology integration within higher education context.

Keywords: technology integration, hybrid education, teachers' understanding, teachers' awareness, instrumental use

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8093 Improving Climate Awareness and the Knowledge Related to Climate Change's Health Impacts on Medical Schools

Authors: Abram Zoltan


Over the past hundred years, human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, have released enough carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to dissipate additional heat into the lower atmosphere and affect the global climate. Climate change affects many social and environmental determinants of health: clean air, safe drinking water, and adequate food. Our aim is to draw attention to the effects of climate change on the health and health care system. Improving climate awareness and the knowledge related to climate change's health impacts are essential among medical students and practicing medical doctors. Therefore, in their everyday practice, they also need some assistance and up-to-date knowledge of how climate change can endanger human health and deal with these novel health problems. Our activity, based on the cooperation of more universities, aims to develop new curriculum outlines and learning materials on climate change's health impacts for medical schools. Special attention is intended to pay to the possible preventative measures against these impacts. For all of this, the project plans to create new curriculum outlines and learning materials for medical students, elaborate methodological guidelines and create training materials for medical doctors' postgraduate learning programs. The target groups of the project are medical students, educational staff of medical schools and universities, practicing medical doctors with special attention to the general practitioners and family doctors. We had searched various surveys, domestic and international studies about the effects of climate change and statistical estimation of the possible consequences. The health effects of climate change can be measured only approximately by considering only a fraction of the potential health effects and assuming continued economic growth and health progress. We can estimate that climate change is expected to cause about 250,000 more deaths. We conclude that climate change is one of the most serious problems of the 21st century, affecting all populations. In the short- to medium-term, the health effects of climate change will be determined mainly by human vulnerability. In the longer term, the effects depend increasingly on the extent to which transformational action is taken now to reduce emissions. We can contribute to reducing environmental pollution by raising awareness and by educating the population.

Keywords: climate change, health impacts, medical students, education

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8092 An Orphan Software Engineering Course: Supportive Ways toward a True Software Engineer

Authors: Haya Sammana


A well-defined curricula must be adopted to meet the increasing complexity and diversity in the software applications. In reality, some IT majors such as computer science and computer engineering receive the software engineering education in a single course which is considered as a big challenged for the instructors and universities. Also, it requires students to gain the most of practical experiences that simulate the real work in software companies. Furthermore, we have noticed that there is no consensus on how, when and what to teach in that introductory course to gain the practical experiences that are required by the software companies. Because all of software engineering disciplines will not fit in just one course, so the course needs reasonable choices in selecting its topics. This arises an important question which is an essential one to ask: Is this course has the ability to formulate a true software engineer that meets the needs of industry? This question arises a big challenge in selecting the appropriate topics. So answering this question is very important for the next undergraduate students. During teaching this course in the curricula, the feedbacks from an undergraduate students and the keynotes of the annual meeting for an advisory committee from industrial side provide a probable answer for the proposed question: it is impossible to build a true software engineer who possesses all the essential elements of software engineering education such teamwork, communications skills, project management skills and contemporary industrial practice from one course and it is impossible to have a one course covering all software engineering topics. Besides the used teaching approach, the author proposes an implemented three supportive ways aiming for mitigating the expected risks and increasing the opportunity to build a true software engineer.

Keywords: software engineering course, software engineering education, software experience, supportive approach

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8091 Story of Alex: Sociology of Gender

Authors: Karen V. Lee


The significance of this study involves autoethnographic research about a music teacher learning about the socialization of gender issues in teaching. Mentorship involving intervention helps with the consequences influencing a transgendered music teacher. Basic storytelling methodology involves the qualitative method of research as a theoretical framework where the author provides a storied reflection about political issues surrounding teachers and the sociology of gender. Sub-themes involve counseling, adult education to ensure students and teachers receive social, emotional, physical, spiritual, and educational resources that evoke visceral, emotional responses from the audience. Major findings share how stories are helpful resources for others who struggle with the socialization of gender. It is hoped the research dramatizes an episodic yet incomplete story that highlights the circumstances surrounding the protagonist having his sex reassignment surgery during his undergraduate education degree. In conclusion, the research is a reflexive storied framework that embraces a positive outlook about a transgendered teacher during his masectomy. The sensory experience seeks verisimilitude by evoking lifelike and believable feelings from others. Thus, the scholarly importance of the sociology of gender and society provides transformative aspects that contributes to social change. Overall, the surgery surrounding the story about transgendered issues are not uncommon in society. Thus, continued education supports the moral mission to help teachers overcome and understand issues of gender that can socially impacts their professional lives as teachers.

Keywords: sociology of gender, transgender, music teachers, story, autoethnography as research, ideology

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8090 The Beat of 'Desolation Row', 50 Years on

Authors: May Ziade


Postgraduate studies in English language and literature at the University of Sydney provided opportunity for research into one of the most significant singer/songwriters of our time, Bob Dylan, and his masterpiece from the mid-1960s, ‘Desolation Row’. With a title alluding to Jack Kerouac’s Desolation Angels as well as John Steinbeck’s Cannery Row, ‘Desolation Row’ is Bob Dylan’s magnum opus. Recorded on August 4 1965, it takes pride of place as the last track on the revolutionary 1965 album of rock poetics, Highway 61 Revisited. From its inception, its epic proportions (ten long verses) and rich and baffling imagery got our attention - it amused, fascinated and beguiled. The song’s surreal and dreamlike landscape and its cast of characters, drawn from history, fiction, mythology, theology, and popular culture, lured us in and begged interpretation. What were they doing there? Where is Desolation Row? Do they want to escape from or go to ‘Desolation Row’? What was Dylan writing about and what were his influences? Through literary analysis and historical research, this paper will examine the song’s lyrics, the mid-60s context and Dylan’s vast influences to make sense, offer explanations and make connections. In particular, research findings place the Beat poets and oeuvre as a significant literary influence but it is a rich, multilayered text that straddles traditions and emerges as a paradox – a paradox that has endured and endeared itself to many. As it turns 50 this year, what better way to acknowledge this momentous occasion than at an international English language conference.

Keywords: analysis, Bob Dylan, beat context, desolation row

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8089 Engineering the Topological Insulator Structures for Terahertz Detectors

Authors: M. Marchewka


The article is devoted to the possible optical transitions in double quantum wells system based on HgTe/HgCd(Mn)Te heterostructures. Such structures can find applications as detectors and sources of radiation in the terahertz range. The Double Quantum Wells (DQW) systems consist of two QWs separated by the transparent for electrons barrier. Such systems look promising from the point of view of the additional degrees of freedom. In the case of the topological insulator in about 6.4nm wide HgTe QW or strained 3D HgTe films at the interfaces, the topologically protected surface states appear at the interfaces/surfaces. Electrons in those edge states move along the interfaces/surfaces without backscattering due to time-reversal symmetry. Combination of the topological properties, which was already verified by the experimental way, together with the very well know properties of the DQWs, can be very interesting from the applications point of view, especially in the THz area. It is important that at the present stage, the technology makes it possible to create high-quality structures of this type, and intensive experimental and theoretical studies of their properties are already underway. The idea presented in this paper is based on the eight-band KP model, including the additional terms related to the structural inversion asymmetry, interfaces inversion asymmetry, the influence of the magnetically content, and the uniaxial strain describe the full pictures of the possible real structure. All of this term, together with the external electric field, can be sources of breaking symmetry in investigated materials. Using the 8 band KP model, we investigated the electronic shape structure with and without magnetic field from the application point of view as a THz detector in a small magnetic field (below 2T). We believe that such structures are the way to get the tunable topological insulators and the multilayer topological insulator. Using the one-dimensional electrons at the topologically protected interface states as fast and collision-free signal carriers as charge and signal carriers, the detection of the optical signal should be fast, which is very important in the high-resolution detection of signals in the THz range. The proposed engineering of the investigated structures is now one of the important steps on the way to get the proper structures with predicted properties.

Keywords: topological insulator, THz spectroscopy, KP model, II-VI compounds

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8088 Digital Geography and Geographic Information System in Schools: Towards a Hierarchical Geospatial Approach

Authors: Mary Fargher


This paper examines the opportunities of using a more hierarchical approach to geospatial enquiry in using GIS in school geography. A case is made that it is not just the lack of teacher technological knowledge that is stopping some teachers from using GIS in the classroom but that there is a gap in their understanding of how to link GIS use more specifically to the pedagogy of teaching geography with GIS. Using a hierarchical approach to geospatial enquiry as a theoretical framework, the analysis shows clearly how concepts of spatial distribution, interaction, relation, comparison, and temporal relationships can be used by teachers more explicitly to capitalise on the analytical power of GIS and to construct what can be interpreted as powerful geographical knowledge. An exemplar illustrating this approach on the topic of geo-hazards is then presented for critical analysis and discussion. Recommendations are then made for a model of progression for geography teacher education with GIS through hierarchical geospatial enquiry that takes into account beginner, intermediate, and more advanced users.

Keywords: digital geography, GIS, education, hierarchical geospatial enquiry, powerful geographical knowledge

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8087 Effects of the Age, Education, and Mental Illness Experience on Depressive Disorder Stigmatization

Authors: Soowon Park, Min-Ji Kim, Jun-Young Lee


Motivation: The stigma of mental illness has been studied in many disciplines, including social psychology, counseling psychology, sociology, psychiatry, public health care, and related areas, because individuals labeled as ‘mentally ill’ are often deprived of their rights and their life opportunities. To understand the factors that deepen the stigma of mental illness, it is important to understand the influencing factors of the stigma. Problem statement: Depression is a common disorder in adults, but the incidence of help-seeking is low. Researchers have believed that this poor help-seeking behavior is related to the stigma of mental illness, which results from low mental health literacy. However, it is uncertain that increasing mental health literacy decreases mental health stigmatization. Furthermore, even though decreasing stigmatization is important, the stigma of mental illness is still a stable and long-lasting phenomenon. Thus, factors other than knowledge about mental disorders have the power to maintain the stigma. Investigating the influencing factors that facilitate the stigma of psychiatric disease could help lower the social stigmatization. Approach: Face-to-face interviews were conducted with a multi-clustering sample. A total of 700 Korean participants (38% male), ranging in age from 18 to 78 (M(SD)age= 48.5(15.7)) answered demographical questions, Korean version of Link’s Perceived Devaluation and Discrimination (PDD) scale for the assessment of social stigmatization against depression, and the Korean version of the WHO-Composite International Diagnostic Interview for the assessment of mental disorders. Multiple-regression was conducted to find the predicting factors of social stigmatization against depression. Ages, sex, years of education, income, living location, and experience of mental illness were used as the predictors. Results: Predictors accounted for 14% of the variance in the stigma of depressive disorders (F(6, 693) = 20.27, p < .001). Among those, only age, years of education, and experience of mental illness significantly predicted social stigmatization against depression. The standardized regression coefficient of age had a negative association with stigmatization (β = -.20, p < .001), but years of education (β = .20, p < .001) and experience of mental illness (β = .08, p < .05) positively predicted depression stigmatization. Conclusions: The present study clearly demonstrates the association between personal factors and depressive disorder stigmatization. Younger age, more education, and self-stigma appeared to increase the stigmatization. Young, highly educated, and mentally ill people tend to reject patients with depressive disorder as friends, teachers, or babysitters; they also tend to think that those patients have lower intelligence and abilities. These results suggest the possibility that people from a high social class, or highly educated people, who have the power to make decisions, help maintain the social stigma against mental illness patients. To increase the awareness that people from high social classes have more stigmatization against depressive disorders will help decrease the biased attitudes against mentally ill patients.

Keywords: depressive disorder stigmatization, age, education, self-stigma

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8086 Source of Professionalism and Knowledge among Sport Industry Professionals in India with Limited Sport Management Higher Education

Authors: Sandhya Manjunath


The World Association for Sport Management (WASM) was established in 2012, and its mission is "to facilitate sport management research, teaching, and learning excellence and professional practice worldwide". As the field of sport management evolves, it have seen increasing globalization of not only the sport product but many educators have also internationalized courses and curriculums. Curricula should reflect globally recognized issues and disseminate specific intercultural knowledge, skills, and practices, but regional disparities still exist. For example, while India has some of the most ardent sports fans and events in the world, sport management education programs and the development of a proper curriculum in India are still in their nascent stages, especially in comparison to the United States and Europe. Using the extant literature on professionalization and institutional theory, this study aims to investigate the source of knowledge and professionalism of sports managers in India with limited sport management education programs and to subsequently develop a conceptual framework that addresses any gaps or disparities across regions. This study will contribute to WASM's (2022) mission statement of research practice worldwide, specifically to fill the existing disparities between regions. Additionally, this study may emphasize the value of higher education among professionals entering the workforce in the sport industry. Most importantly, this will be a pioneer study highlighting the social issue of limited sport management higher education programs in India and improving professional research practices. Sport management became a field of study in the 1980s, and scholars have studied its professionalization since this time. Dowling, Edwards, & Washington (2013) suggest that professionalization can be categorized into three broad categories of organizational, systemic, and occupational professionalization. However, scant research has integrated the concept of professionalization with institutional theory. A comprehensive review of the literature reveals that sports industry research is progressing in every country worldwide at its own pace. However, there is very little research evidence about the Indian sports industry and the country's limited higher education sport management programs. A growing need exists for sports scholars to pursue research in developing countries like India to develop theoretical frameworks and academic instruments to evaluate the current standards of qualified professionals in sport management, sport marketing, venue and facilities management, sport governance, and development-related activities. This study may postulate a model highlighting the value of higher education in sports management. Education stakeholders include governments, sports organizations and their representatives, educational institutions, and accrediting bodies. As these stakeholders work collaboratively in developed countries like the United States and Europe and developing countries like India, they simultaneously influence the professionalization (i.e., organizational, systemic, and occupational) of sport management education globally. The results of this quantitative study will investigate the current standards of education in India and the source of knowledge among industry professionals. Sports industry professionals will be randomly selected to complete the COSM survey on PsychData and rate their perceived knowledge and professionalism on a Likert scale. Additionally, they will answer questions involving their competencies, experience, or challenges in contributing to Indian sports management research. Multivariate regression will be used to measure the degree to which the various independent variables impact the current knowledge, contribution to research, and professionalism of India's sports industry professionals. This quantitative study will contribute to the limited academic literature available to Indian sports practitioners. Additionally, it shall synthesize knowledge from previous work on professionalism and institutional knowledge, providing a springboard for new research that will fill the existing knowledge gaps. While a further empirical investigation is warranted, our conceptualization contributes to and highlights India's burgeoning sport management industry.

Keywords: sport management, professionalism, source of knowledge, higher education, India

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8085 Efficiency of Nutritional Support Treatments in Children With Failure to Thrive

Authors: Mehves Isiklar Ekici, Ceyda Tuna Kirsaclioglu, Zarife Kuloglu, Aydan Kansu


Malnutrition is an important cause of morbidity and mortality as it accounts for 45% of child deaths under the age of 5 worldwide. Therefore, early recognition and effective treatment of failure to thrive and malnutrition are important. In this study, it was aimed to retrospectively evaluate the nutritional support treatment approaches (nutrition education and diet enrichment / use of enteral nutrition products) applied in children followed up with growth failure without underlying organic causes, and to compare the efficacy of nutritional support treatments. In this study, children aged 1 month to 18 years diagnosed with growth failure who were followed up for at least 12 months between January 2011 and February 2020, were included. Anthropometric measurements at baseline and during follow-up, type of nutritional support therapy and treatment compliance were evaluated based on the retrospective records. 119 children (median age:3.2, 69 girls) were included in the study. Nutrition education and dietary enrichment were provided to 28% of the patients (Group 1). In addition to dietary education and recommendations, enteral nutrition supplements was given in 78% of them (Group 2). Compliance to the treatment rates of the patients in Group 1 and Group 2 were not significantly different at both 6th and 12th month controls. At the end of the follow up children who comply with the treatment in Group 1 had significant increase in weight for age z scores (-1.74 vs 0.05, respectively, p=0.019) and body mass index z scores (-1.47 vs -0.53, respectively, p=0.034) compared with baseline measurements. Similar to Group 1, in Group 2 children with treatment compliance, had a significant increase in weight for age z scores (-2.24 vs. -0.54, respectively, p=0.00) and body mass index z scores (-2.27 vs. -1.06, respectively, p=0.00) compared with baseline measurements. The rate of patients with severe malnutrition decreased from 15% to 12%, for moderate malnutrition decreased from 54% to 33%. Moreover, it was observed that this decrease in the rate of patients with both severe and moderate malnutrition was more prominent in patients under 3 years of age. Although there was a significant increase in anthropometric measurements with treatment in both groups, there was no significant difference in between two groups terms of change in anthropometric measurements (p>0.05), therefore effectiveness. Failure to thrive and malnutrition in infancy and childhood cause health problems that can affect adult life. To conclude, nutritional education - dietary enrichment. recommendations and use of enteral nutrition supplements were both proven beneficial in this study. Researchers are willing to underline that the most important part of the treatment is to include the family to the process to ensure the treatment compliance.

Keywords: enteral nutrition supplements, failure to thrive, malnutrition, nutritional education

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8084 Causality between Stock Indices and Cryptocurrencies during the Russia-Ukraine War

Authors: Nidhal Mgadmi, Abdelhafidh Othmani


This article examines the causal relationship between stock indices and cryptocurrencies during the current war between Russia and Ukraine. The econometric investigation runs from February 24, 2022, to April 12, 2023, focusing on seven stock market indices (S&P500, DAX, CAC40, Nikkei, TSX, MOEX, and PFTS) and seven cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litcoin, Dash, Ripple, DigiByte and XEM). In this article, we try to understand how investors react to fluctuations in financial assets to seek safe havens in cryptocurrencies. We used dynamic causality to detect a possible causal relationship in the short term and seven models to estimate the long-term relationship between cryptocurrencies and financial assets. The causal relationship between financial market indexes and cryptocurrency coins in the short run indicates that three famous cryptocurrencies (BITCOIN, ETHEREUM, RIPPLE) and the two digital assets with minor popularity (XEM, Digibyte) are impacted by the German, Russian, and Ukrainian stock markets. In the long run, we found a positive and significate effect of the American, Canadian, French, and Ukrainian stock market indexes on Bitcoin. Thus, the stability of the traditional financial markets during the current war period can be explained on the one hand by investors’ fears of an unstable business climate, and on the other hand, by speculators’ sentiment towards new electronic products, which are perceived as hedging instruments and a safe haven in the face of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

Keywords: causality, stock indices, cryptocurrency, war, Russia, Ukraine

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8083 Combating Contraflow to Creativity Amongst Preservice Teachers in Teacher Arts Education

Authors: Michael Flannery, Annie ó Breacháin


Teaching the creative arts in preservice teacher education can be challenging. Some students find artistic self-expression and its related creative processes overwhelming. Low creative self-efficacy levels and creative habits of mind can impede their levels of motivation, engagement and persistence. For some, creative arts engagement can induce a state of anxiety and distress as opposed to flow. Flow theory posits that learners are happiest when they are learning in a state of flow. During the flow state, students feel, think and perform their best. They become so involved in the learning experience that nothing else seems to matter. The creative flow state is a crucial conduit of artistic processes to enable learners to explore and produce their best work. Despite the research conducted on flow state across several contexts, the phenomenon of personal flow state remains quite elusive. While some research has examined flow in relation to characteristics, conditions and personality traits, no research has investigated individuals' personal experiences of flow in a visual and tangible manner nor explored a relationship between flow state and teachers’ artistic development. This explorative case study explores preservice teachers’ impressions of flow using an arts-based approach. It identifies, categorizes and discusses patterns of commonality and difference. Grounded by theory concerning flow, self-efficacy and creative habits, this study ponders how emerging findings regarding flow impressions might aid teacher arts educators in helping preservice teachers who struggle with creative self-expression.

Keywords: creative arts, flow theory, presence, self-efficacy, teacher education

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8082 Challenges and Opportunities of Cloud-Based E-Learning Systems

Authors: Kashif Laeeq, Zubair A. Shaikh


The paradigm of education is drastically changing from conventional to e-learning model. Due to ease of learning with various other benefits, several educational institutions are adopting the e-learning models. Some institutions are still willing to transform their educational system on to e-learning, but due to limited resources, they are still compromising on the old traditional system. The cloud computing could be one of the best solutions to overcome this problem by providing hardware, software, and infrastructure resources with cost efficient manner. The adoption of cloud computing in education will bring revolution in this paradigm. This paper introduces various positive features of e-learning and presents a way how cloud computing technology can be provisioned e-learning model. This paper also investigates the numerous challenges and opportunities that would be observed in cloud computing adoption in e-learning domain. The concept and knowledge present in this paper may create a new direction of research in the domain of cloud-based e-learning.

Keywords: cloud-based e-learning, e-learning, cloud computing application, smart learning

Procedia PDF Downloads 409
8081 The Impact of COVID-19 on Childhood Academic Functioning and Anxiety: A Literature Review

Authors: Lindsey Giunta


This review examines the current literature regarding the impact of COVID-19 on academic functioning and anxiety in children and adolescents. The objective was to determine the ways in which the pandemic affected youth mental health and academics, in addition to the extent that these factors were transformed as a result of the worldwide state of affairs. Twenty papers were selected and reviewed, and data showed long term consequences in youth mental health resulting from the current pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic and its associated lockdowns led to disrupted childhood education, and data showed that the growth of cognitive executive functions was impacted to varying degrees dependent upon geographic location. The literature recommends supplemental education on the national level, as well as mental health promotion within communities and schools.

Keywords: pandemic, children, adolescents, anxiety, academic functioning

Procedia PDF Downloads 154
8080 Prevalence of Anaemia Amongst Antenatal Clinic Attendees at Booking: A Nigerian Study

Authors: S Eli, DGB Kalio, BOA Altraide, P Kua, DA MacPepple, FE Okonofua


Background: Anaemia in pregnancy is worrisome morbidity encountered by obstetricians and gynaecologist in the developing countries of the world. It is an indirect cause of maternal mortality and also a cause of perinatal mortality. Aim: The study aimed to ascertain the prevalence of anaemia amongst antenatal clinic (ANC) attendees at booking at The Rivers State University Teaching Hospital (RSUTH), Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. Method: The method was a cross-sectional study of ANC attendees at booking at RSUTH. The cut-off for anaemia by the WHO used for this study was packed cell volume (PCV) less than 33%. Simple randomized sampling method was used. Information was analyzed using SPSS version 25. Result: A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed, and 488 questionnaires retrieved. The mean age was of the ANC attendees was 31.44 years, and the modal parity was 0. Three hundred and fifty-seven (73.2%) of the respondents had a tertiary level of education, 126(25.8%) had a secondary level of education while 5 (1%) of the respondents had a primary level of education. Five (1%) of the respondents did not volunteer their educational status. The modal packed cell volume was 32%. Three hundred and eighty-two (78.3%) of the ANC attendees had PCV level less than 33% compared to 106 (21.7%) who had PCV equal or greater than 33%. Conclusion: The study revealed that the prevalence of anaemia in pregnancy amongst ANC attendees at the RSUTH was high, representing 73.3% of the subjects. Anaemia was common amongst multiparas (38.5%). Malaria prophylaxis, as well as encouraging pregnant women to be compliant with their routine antenatal drugs as well as counseling on the right diet, cannot be overemphasized during pregnancy. In addition, women should use family planning for child spacing for them to recover from previous pregnancies.

Keywords: anaemia, ANC attendees, Nigeria, prevalence

Procedia PDF Downloads 120
8079 Twitter Sentiment Analysis during the Lockdown on New-Zealand

Authors: Smah Almotiri


One of the most common fields of natural language processing (NLP) is sentimental analysis. The inferred feeling in the text can be successfully mined for various events using sentiment analysis. Twitter is viewed as a reliable data point for sentimental analytics studies since people are using social media to receive and exchange different types of data on a broad scale during the COVID-19 epidemic. The processing of such data may aid in making critical decisions on how to keep the situation under control. The aim of this research is to look at how sentimental states differed in a single geographic region during the lockdown at two different times.1162 tweets were analyzed related to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown using keywords hashtags (lockdown, COVID-19) for the first sample tweets were from March 23, 2020, until April 23, 2020, and the second sample for the following year was from March 1, 2020, until April 4, 2020. Natural language processing (NLP), which is a form of Artificial intelligence, was used for this research to calculate the sentiment value of all of the tweets by using AFINN Lexicon sentiment analysis method. The findings revealed that the sentimental condition in both different times during the region's lockdown was positive in the samples of this study, which are unique to the specific geographical area of New Zealand. This research suggests applying machine learning sentimental methods such as Crystal Feel and extending the size of the sample tweet by using multiple tweets over a longer period of time.

Keywords: sentiment analysis, Twitter analysis, lockdown, Covid-19, AFINN, NodeJS

Procedia PDF Downloads 192
8078 Strategic Model of Implementing E-Learning Using Funnel Model

Authors: Mohamed Jama Madar, Oso Wilis


E-learning is the application of information technology in the teaching and learning process. This paper presents the Funnel model as a solution for the problems of implementation of e-learning in tertiary education institutions. While existing models such as TAM, theory-based e-learning and pedagogical model have been used over time, they have generally been found to be inadequate because of their tendencies to treat materials development, instructional design, technology, delivery and governance as separate and isolated entities. Yet it is matching components that bring framework of e-learning strategic implementation. The Funnel model enhances all these into one and applies synchronously and asynchronously to e-learning implementation where the only difference is modalities. Such a model for e-learning implementation has been lacking. The proposed Funnel model avoids ad-ad-hoc approach which has made other systems unused or inefficient, and compromised educational quality. Therefore, the proposed Funnel model should help tertiary education institutions adopt and develop effective and efficient e-learning system which meets users’ requirements.

Keywords: e-learning, pedagogical, technology, strategy

Procedia PDF Downloads 453
8077 Impact of Digitized Monitoring & Evaluation System in Technical Vocational Education and Training

Authors: Abdul Ghani Rajput


Although monitoring and evaluation concept adopted by Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) organization to track the progress over the continuous interval of time based on planned interventions and subsequently, evaluating it for the impact, quality assurance and sustainability. In digital world, TVET providers are giving preference to have real time information to do monitoring of training activities. Identifying the benefits and challenges of digitized monitoring & evaluation real time information system has not been sufficiently tackled in this date. This research paper looks at the impact of digitized M&E in TVET sector by analyzing two case studies and describe the benefits and challenges of using digitized M&E system. Finally, digitized M&E have been identified as carriers for high potential of TVET sector.

Keywords: digitized M&E, innovation, quality assurance, TVET

Procedia PDF Downloads 231
8076 A Two-Stage Adaptation towards Automatic Speech Recognition System for Malay-Speaking Children

Authors: Mumtaz Begum Mustafa, Siti Salwah Salim, Feizal Dani Rahman


Recently, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems were used to assist children in language acquisition as it has the ability to detect human speech signal. Despite the benefits offered by the ASR system, there is a lack of ASR systems for Malay-speaking children. One of the contributing factors for this is the lack of continuous speech database for the target users. Though cross-lingual adaptation is a common solution for developing ASR systems for under-resourced language, it is not viable for children as there are very limited speech databases as a source model. In this research, we propose a two-stage adaptation for the development of ASR system for Malay-speaking children using a very limited database. The two stage adaptation comprises the cross-lingual adaptation (first stage) and cross-age adaptation. For the first stage, a well-known speech database that is phonetically rich and balanced, is adapted to the medium-sized Malay adults using supervised MLLR. The second stage adaptation uses the speech acoustic model generated from the first adaptation, and the target database is a small-sized database of the target users. We have measured the performance of the proposed technique using word error rate, and then compare them with the conventional benchmark adaptation. The two stage adaptation proposed in this research has better recognition accuracy as compared to the benchmark adaptation in recognizing children’s speech.

Keywords: Automatic Speech Recognition System, children speech, adaptation, Malay

Procedia PDF Downloads 398
8075 An Electronic and Performance Test for the Applicants to Faculty of Education for Early Childhood in Egypt for Measuring the Skills of Teacher Students

Authors: Ahmed Amin Mousa, Gehan Azam


The current study presents an electronic test to measure teaching skills. This test is a part of the admission system of the Faculty of Education for Early Childhood, Cairo University. The test has been prepared to evaluate university students who apply for admission the Faculty. It measures some social and physiological skills which are important for successful teachers, such as emotional adjustment and problem solving; moreover, the extent of their love for children and their capability to interact with them. The test has been approved by 13 experts. Finally, it has been introduced to 1,100 students during the admission system of the academic year 2016/2017. The results showed that most of the applicants have an auditory learning style. In addition, 97% of them have the minimum requirement skills for teaching children.

Keywords: electronic test, performance, early childhood, skills, teacher student

Procedia PDF Downloads 255
8074 The Effect of Health Program on the Fitness Ability of Abnormal BMI University Students

Authors: Hui-Fang Lee, Meng-Chu Liu, Wen-Chi Lu, Hsuan-Jung Hsieh


The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of health program on the fitness ability of abnormal BMI students of Ching-Yun University of Science and Technology. In order to achieve this purpose, self-regulation theory and dietary education were applied, and the effect of 10-week sports activities and three-day diet records on pre-test and post-test of fitness activities was analyzed. There were 40 original participants. Then, nine people who were with normal BMI, low attendance or unfinished fitness test were eliminated from this research. The valid samples were 31 (77.5%) participants. The fitness activities included sit-bending, one minute sit-up, standing long jump, and three-minute stage boarding. The averages of three-day diet records were compared, and differences of pre-test and post-test of the four fitness activities were analyzed with paired-samples t test. The results showed that there was a significant difference between pre-test and post of male students’ BMI and one minute sit-up. Females’ sit-bending and one minute sit-up had the same effect. Females had high fat intake in three-day diet records. The research showed that the use of self-regulation theory and dietary education, the implementation of sports activities and three-day diet records could significantly enhance the physical fitness indicators or effects. While in the course of sports, we should guide students to think about the gap between self-behavior and ideal behavior, then realize the main reasons and improving methods, and finally go towards the goal and improve the effect of physical fitness.

Keywords: self-regulation theory, dietary education, three-day diet records, physical fitness

Procedia PDF Downloads 324