Search results for: circular film cooling channel
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 4058

Search results for: circular film cooling channel

788 Aluminum Based Hexaferrite and Reduced Graphene Oxide a Suitable Microwave Absorber for Microwave Application

Authors: Sanghamitra Acharya, Suwarna Datar


Extensive use of digital and smart communication createsprolong expose of unwanted electromagnetic (EM) radiations. This harmful radiation creates not only malfunctioning of nearby electronic gadgets but also severely affects a human being. So, a suitable microwave absorbing material (MAM) becomes a necessary urge in the field of stealth and radar technology. Initially, Aluminum based hexa ferrite was prepared by sol-gel technique and for carbon derived composite was prepared by the simple one port chemical reduction method. Finally, composite films of Poly (Vinylidene) Fluoride (PVDF) are prepared by simple gel casting technique. Present work demands that aluminum-based hexaferrite phase conjugated with graphene in PVDF matrix becomes a suitable candidate both in commercially important X and Ku band. The structural and morphological nature was characterized by X-Ray diffraction (XRD), Field emission-scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and Raman spectra which conforms that 30-40 nm particles are well decorated over graphene sheet. Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) and conducting force microscopy (CFM) study further conforms the magnetic and conducting nature of composite. Finally, shielding effectiveness (SE) of the composite film was studied by using Vector network analyzer (VNA) both in X band and Ku band frequency range and found to be more than 30 dB and 40 dB, respectively. As prepared composite films are excellent microwave absorbers.

Keywords: carbon nanocomposite, microwave absorbing material, electromagnetic shielding, hexaferrite

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787 US-Iran Hostage Crisis by the Metaphor of Argo in the Light of Post-Modernist Post-Colonial and Realist Theories

Authors: Hatice Idil Gorgen


This paper argues that discourses and textuality which is literary tool of Western ethnocentrism create aggressive foreign policy against the West by Non-West countries. Quasi-colonial experiences create an inferiority complex on officially or not colonized areas by reconstructing their identity. This reconstructed identity leads revolution and resistance movement to feel secure themselves as a psychological defense against colonial powers. Knowledge learned by successful implementation of discourses grants right to has power for authority, in addition to serving as a tool to reinforce power of authority by its cognitive traits on foreign policy decision making. The combination of these points contributes to shaping and then make predictable state policies. In the methodology of paper, secondary data was firstly reviewed through university library using a range of sources such as academic abstract, OPAC system, bibliography databases and internet search engines. The film of Argo was used to strengthen and materialize theoretical explanations as a metaphor. This paper aims to highlight the cumulative effects on the construction of the identity throughout embedded discourses by textuality. To demonstrate it by a metaphor, Argo will be used as a primary source for good story-telling about history. U.S-Iran hostage crisis is mainly applied by aiming to see foundations Iran’s behavior in the context of its revolutionary identity and major influences of actions of U.S on it.

Keywords: discourse, post colonialism, post modernism, objectivity

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786 Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Through Porous Media by Means of Pore-Scale Approach: Effect of Obstacles Size and Arrangement on Tortuosity and Heat Transfer for a Porosity Degree

Authors: Annunziata D’Orazio, Arash Karimipour, Iman Moradi


The size and arrangement of the obstacles in the porous media has an influential effect on the fluid flow and heat transfer, even in the same porosity. Regarding to this, in the present study, several different amounts of obstacles, in both regular and stagger arrangements, in the analogous porosity have been simulated through a channel. In order to compare the effect of stagger and regular arrangements, as well as different quantity of obstacles in the same porosity, on fluid flow and heat transfer. In the present study, the Single Relaxation Time Lattice Boltzmann Method, with Bhatnagar-Gross-Ktook (BGK) approximation and D2Q9 model, is implemented for the numerical simulation. Also, the temperature field is modeled through a Double Distribution Function (DDF) approach. Results are presented in terms of velocity and temperature fields, streamlines, percentage of pressure drop and Nusselt number of the obstacles walls. Also, the correlation between tortuosity and Nusselt number of the obstacles walls, for both regular and staggered arrangements, has been proposed. On the other hand, the results illustrated that by increasing the amount of obstacles, as well as changing their arrangement from regular to staggered, in the same porosity, the rate of tortuosity and Nusselt number of the obstacles walls increased.

Keywords: lattice boltzmann method, heat transfer, porous media, pore-scale, porosity, tortuosity

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785 Evaluation of the Appropriateness of Common Oxidants for Ruthenium (II) Chemiluminescence in a Microfluidic Detection Device Coupled to Microbore High Performance Liquid Chromatography for the Analysis of Drugs in Formulations and Biological Fluids

Authors: Afsal Mohammed Kadavilpparampu, Haider A. J. Al Lawati, Fakhr Eldin O. Suliman, Salma M. Z. Al Kindy


In this work, we evaluated the appropriateness of various oxidants that can be used potentially with Ru(bipy)32+ CL system while performing CL detection in a microfluidic device using eight common active pharmaceutical ingredients- ciprofloxacin, hydrochlorothiazide, norfloxacin, buspirone, fexofenadine, cetirizine, codeine, and dextromethorphan. This is because, microfludics have very small channel volume and the residence time is also very short. Hence, a highly efficient oxidant is required for on-chip CL detection to obtain analytically acceptable CL emission. Three common oxidants were evaluated, lead dioxide, cerium ammonium sulphate and ammonium peroxydisulphate. Results obtained showed that ammonium peroxydisulphate is the most appropriate oxidant which can be used in microfluidic setup and all the tested analyte give strong CL emission while using this oxidant. We also found that Ru(bipy)33+ generated off-line by oxidizing [Ru(bipy)3]Cl2.6H2O in acetonitrile under acidic condition with lead dioxide was stable for more than 72 hrs. A highly sensitive microbore HPLC- CL method using ammonium peroxydisulphate as an oxidant in a microfluidic on-chip CL detection has been developed for the analyses of fixed-dose combinations of pseudoephedrine (PSE), fexofenadine (FEX) and cetirizine (CIT) in biological fluids and pharmaceutical formulations with minimum sample pre-treatment.

Keywords: oxidants, microbore High Performance Liquid Chromatography, chemiluminescence, microfluidics

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784 Analyzing Microblogs: Exploring the Psychology of Political Leanings

Authors: Meaghan Bowman


Microblogging has become increasingly popular for commenting on current events, spreading gossip, and encouraging individualism--which favors its low-context communication channel. These social media (SM) platforms allow users to express opinions while interacting with a wide range of populations. Hashtags allow immediate identification of like-minded individuals worldwide on a vast array of topics. The output of the analytic tool, Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC)--a program that associates psychological meaning with the frequency of use of specific words--may suggest the nature of individuals’ internal states and general sentiments. When applied to groupings of SM posts unified by a hashtag, such information can be helpful to community leaders during periods in which the forming of public opinion happens in parallel with the unfolding of political, economic, or social events. This is especially true when outcomes stand to impact the well-being of the group. Here, we applied the online tools, Google Translate and the University of Texas’s LIWC, to a 90-posting sample from a corpus of Colombian Spanish microblogs. On translated disjoint sets, identified by hashtag as being authored by advocates of voting “No,” advocates voting “Yes,” and entities refraining from hashtag use, we observed the value of LIWC’s Tone feature as distinguishing among the categories and the word “peace,” as carrying particular significance, due to its frequency of use in the data.

Keywords: Colombia peace referendum, FARC, hashtags, linguistics, microblogging, social media

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783 Methylglyoxal Induced Glycoxidation of Human Low Density Lipoprotein: A Biophysical Perspective and Its Role in Diabetes and Periodontitis

Authors: Minhal Abidi, Moinuddin


Diabetes mellitus (DM) induced metabolic abnormalities causes oxidative stress which leads to the pathogenesis of complications associated with diabetes like retinopathy, nephropathy periodontitis etc. Combination of glycation and oxidation 'glycoxidation' occurs when oxidative reactions affect the early state of glycation products. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) is prone to glycoxidative attack by sugars and methylglyoxal (MGO) being a strong glycating agent may have severe impact on its structure and consequent role in diabetes. Pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL1β and TNFα produced by the action of gram negative bacteria in periodontits (PD) can in turn lead to insulin resistance. This work discusses modifications to LDL as a result of glycoxidation. The changes in the protein molecule have been characterized by various physicochemical techniques and the immunogenicity of the modified molecules was also evaluated as they presented neo-epitopes. Binding of antibodies present in diabetes patients to the native and glycated LDL has been evaluated. Role of modified epitopes in the generation of antibodies in diabetes and periodontitis has been discussed. The structural perturbations induced in LDL were analyzed by UV–Vis, fluorescence, circular dichroism and FTIR spectroscopy, molecular docking studies, thermal denaturation studies, Thioflavin T assay, isothermal titration calorimetry, comet assay. MALDI-TOF, ketoamine moieties, carbonyl content and HMF content were also quantitated in native and glycated LDL. IL1β and TNFα levels were also measured in the type 2 DM and PD patients. We report increased carbonyl content, ketoamine moieties and HMF content in glycated LDL as compared to native analogue. The results substantiate that in hyperglycemic state MGO modification of LDL causes structural perturbations making the protein antigenic which could obstruct normal physiological functions and might contribute in the development of secondary complications in diabetic patients like periodontitis.

Keywords: advanced glycation end products, diabetes mellitus, glycation, glycoxidation, low density lipoprotein, periodontitis

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782 Management Practices in Hypertension: Results of Win-Over-A Pan India Registry

Authors: Abhijit Trailokya, Kamlesh Patel


Background: Hypertension is a common disease seen in clinical practice and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Many patients require combination therapy for the management of hypertension. Objective: To evaluate co-morbidities, risk factors and management practices of hypertension in Indian population. Material and methods: A total of 1596 hypertensive adult patients received anti-hypertensive medications were studied in a cross-sectional, multi-centric, non-interventional, observational registry. Statistical analysis: Categories or nominal data was expressed as numbers with percentages. Continuous variables were analyzed by descriptive statistics using mean, SD, and range Chi square test was used for in between group comparison. Results: The study included 73.50% males and 26.50% females. Overweight (50.50%) and obesity (30.01%) was common in the hypertensive patients (n=903). A total of 54.76% patients had history of smoking. Alcohol use (33.08%), sedentary life style (32.96%) and history of tobacco chewing (17.92%) were the other lifestyle habits of hypertensive patients. Diabetes (36.03%) and dyslipidemia (39.79%) history was common in these patients. Family history of hypertension and diabetes was seen in 82.21% and 45.99% patients respectively. Most (89.16%) patients were treated with combination of antihypertensive agents. ARBs were the by far most commonly used agents (91.98%) followed by calcium channel blockers (68.23%) and diuretics (60.21%). ARB was the most (80.35%) preferred agent as monotherapy. ARB was also the most common agent as a component of dual therapy, four drug and five drug combinations. Conclusion: Most of the hypertensive patients need combination treatment with antihypertensive agents. ARBs are the most preferred agents as monotherapy for the management of hypertension. ARBs are also very commonly used as a component of combination therapy during hypertension management.

Keywords: antihypertensive, hypertension, management, ARB

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781 Effect of Endurance Exercise Training on Blood Pressure in Elderly Female Patients with Hypertension

Authors: Elham Ahmadi


This study is conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of moderate physical activity (60% of maximal heart rate-MHR) on blood pressure in an elderly female with hypertension. Hypertension is considered a modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease through physical activity. The purpose and significance of this study were to investigate the role of exercise as an alternative therapy since some patients exhibit sensitivity/intolerance to some drugs. Initially, 65 hypertensive females (average age = 49.7 years) (systolic blood pressure, SBP >140 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure, DBP>85 mmHg) and 25 hypertensive females as a control group (average age = 50.3 years and systolic blood pressure, SBP >140 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure, DBP>85 mmHg) were selected. The subjects were divided based on their age, duration of disease, physical activity, and drug consumption. Then, blood pressure and heart rate (HR) were measured in all of the patients using a sphygmomanometer (pre-test). The exercise sessions consisted of warm-up, aerobic activity, and cooling down (total duration of 20 minutes for the first session up to 55 minutes in the last session). At the end of the 12th session (mid-test) and final session (24th session), blood pressure was measured for the last time (post-test). The control group was without any exercise during the study. The results were analyzed using a t-test. Our results indicated that moderate physical activity was effective in lowering blood pressure by 6.4/5.6–mm Hg for SBP and 2.4/4.3mm Hg for DBP in hypertensive patients, irrespective of age, duration of disease, and drug consumption ( P<.005). The control group indicates no changes in BP. Physical activity programs with moderate intensity (approximately at 60% MHR), three days per week, can be used not only as a preventive measure for diastolic hypertension (DBP>90 mmHg high blood pressure) but also as an alternative to drug therapy in the treatment of hypertension, as well.

Keywords: endurance exercise, elderly female, hypertension, physical activity

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780 Transdermal Therapeutic System of Lercanıdipine Hydrochloride: Fabrication and in Vivo Evaluation

Authors: Jiji Jose, R. Narayanacharyulu, Molly Mathew, Jisha Prems


Introduction: Lercanidipine hydrochloride (LD), an effective calcium channel blocker, widely used for the treatment of chronic stable angina and hypertension seems to be potential transdermal therapeutic system candidate, mainly due to its low oral bio availability, short half life and high first-pass metabolism. Objective: To develop transdermal therapeutic systems for LD and to evaluate its in vivo performance in rabbits. Methodology: Transdermal patches of LD were formulated using the polymer blend of eudragit RL100 (ERL) and polyvinyl pyrolidone (PVP) by casting method Propylene glycol (PG) and tween 80 were used as plasticizer and permeation enhancer respectively. The pharmaco kinetic parameters of LD after the administration of transdermal patches was compared with that of oral administration. The study was carried out in a two way crossover design in male New Zealand albino rabbits. Results: The formulation with ERL: PVP ratio 1:4 with 15% w/w PG as plasticizer and 4% w/w tween 80 as permeation enhancer showed the best drug release results. The pharmacokinetic parameters such as Cmax, tmax, mean residence time (MRT) and area under the curve (AUC 0-∞) were significantly different following transdermal administration compared to oral administration. The terminal half life of transdermally administered LD was found to similar that of oral administration. A sustained drug release over a period of 24 hrs was observed after transdermal administration. Conclusion: The fabricated transdermal delivery system have the potential to provide controlled and extended drug release, better bio availability and thus, this may improve the patient compliance.

Keywords: transdermal therapeutic system, lercanidipine hydrochloride, eudragit, skinpermeation

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779 Studying the Value-Added Chain for the Fish Distribution Process at Quang Binh Fishing Port in Vietnam

Authors: Van Chung Nguyen


The purpose of this study is to study the current status of the value chain for fish distribution at Quang Binh Fishing Port with 360 research samples in which the research subjects are fishermen, traders, retailers, and businesses. The research uses the approach of applying the value chain theoretical framework of Kaplinsky and Morris to quantify and describe market channels and actors participating in the value chain and analyze the value-added process of these companies according to market channels. The analysis results show that fishermen directly catch fish with high economic efficiency, but processing enterprises and, especially retailers, are the agents to obtain higher added value. Processing enterprises play a role that is not really clear due to outdated processing technology; in contrast, retailers have the highest added value. This shows that the added value of the fish supply chain at Quang Binh fishing port is still limited, leading to low output quality. Therefore, the selling price of fish to the market is still high compared to the abundant fish resources, leading to low consumption and limiting exports due to the quality of processing enterprises. This reduces demand and fishing capacity, and productivity is lower than potential. To improve the fish value chain at fishing ports, it is necessary to focus on improving product quality, strengthening linkages between actors, building brands and product consumption markets at the same time, improving the capacity of export processing enterprises.

Keywords: Quang Binh fishing port, value chain, market, distributions channel

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778 Low Complexity Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation for Cooperative Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Communication Systems without Cyclic Prefix

Authors: Tsui-Tsai Lin


Cooperative orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission, which possesses the advantages of better connectivity, expanded coverage, and resistance to frequency selective fading, has been a more powerful solution for the physical layer in wireless communications. However, such a hybrid scheme suffers from the carrier frequency offset (CFO) effects inherited from the OFDM-based systems, which lead to a significant degradation in performance. In addition, insertion of a cyclic prefix (CP) at each symbol block head for combating inter-symbol interference will lead to a reduction in spectral efficiency. The design on the CFO estimation for the cooperative OFDM system without CP is a suspended problem. This motivates us to develop a low complexity CFO estimator for the cooperative OFDM decode-and-forward (DF) communication system without CP over the multipath fading channel. Especially, using a block-type pilot, the CFO estimation is first derived in accordance with the least square criterion. A reliable performance can be obtained through an exhaustive two-dimensional (2D) search with a penalty of heavy computational complexity. As a remedy, an alternative solution realized with an iteration approach is proposed for the CFO estimation. In contrast to the 2D-search estimator, the iterative method enjoys the advantage of the substantially reduced implementation complexity without sacrificing the estimate performance. Computer simulations have been presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed CFO estimation.

Keywords: cooperative transmission, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), carrier frequency offset, iteration

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777 Data Protection, Data Privacy, Research Ethics in Policy Process Towards Effective Urban Planning Practice for Smart Cities

Authors: Eugenio Ferrer Santiago


The growing complexities of the modern world on high-end gadgets, software applications, scams, identity theft, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) make the “uninformed” the weak and vulnerable to be victims of cybercrimes. Artificial Intelligence is not a new thing in our daily lives; the principles of database management, logical programming, and garbage in and garbage out are all connected to AI. The Philippines had in place legal safeguards against the abuse of cyberspace, but self-regulation of key industry players and self-protection by individuals are primordial to attain the success of these initiatives. Data protection, Data Privacy, and Research Ethics must work hand in hand during the policy process in the course of urban planning practice in different environments. This paper focuses on the interconnection of data protection, data privacy, and research ethics in coming up with clear-cut policies against perpetrators in the urban planning professional practice relevant in sustainable communities and smart cities. This paper shall use expository methodology under qualitative research using secondary data from related literature, interviews/blogs, and the World Wide Web resources. The claims and recommendations of this paper will help policymakers and implementers in the policy cycle. This paper shall contribute to the body of knowledge as a simple treatise and communication channel to the reading community and future researchers to validate the claims and start an intellectual discourse for better knowledge generation for the good of all in the near future.

Keywords: data privacy, data protection, urban planning, research ethics

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776 Advancing Environmental Remediation Through the Production of Functional Porous Materials from Phosphorite Residue Tailings

Authors: Ali Mohammed Yimer, Ayalew Assen, Youssef Belmabkhout


Environmental remediation is a pressing global concern, necessitating innovative strategies to address the challenges posed by industrial waste and pollution. This study aims to advance environmental remediation by developing cutting-edge functional porous materials from phosphorite residue tailings. Phosphorite mining activities generate vast amounts of waste, which pose significant environmental risks due to their contaminants. The proposed approach involved transforming these phosphorite residue tailings into valuable porous materials through a series of physico-chemical processes including milling, acid-base leaching, designing or templating as well as formation processes. The key components of the tailings were extracted and processed to produce porous arrays with high surface area and porosity. These materials were engineered to possess specific properties suitable for environmental remediation applications, such as enhanced adsorption capacity and selectivity for target contaminants. The synthesized porous materials were thoroughly characterized using advanced analytical techniques (XRD, SEM-EDX, N2 sorption, TGA, FTIR) to assess their structural, morphological, and chemical properties. The performance of the materials in removing various pollutants, including heavy metals and organic compounds, were evaluated through batch adsorption experiments. Additionally, the potential for material regeneration and reusability was investigated to enhance the sustainability of the proposed remediation approach. The outdoors of this research holds significant promise for addressing the environmental challenges associated with phosphorite residue tailings. By valorizing these waste materials into porous materials with exceptional remediation capabilities, this study contributes to the development of sustainable and cost-effective solutions for environmental cleanup. Furthermore, the utilization of phosphorite residue tailings in this manner offers a potential avenue for the remediation of other contaminated sites, thereby fostering a circular economy approach to waste management.

Keywords: functional porous materials, phosphorite residue tailings, adsorption, environmental remediation, sustainable solutions

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775 Performance of Non-Deterministic Structural Optimization Algorithms Applied to a Steel Truss Structure

Authors: Ersilio Tushaj


The efficient solution that satisfies the optimal condition is an important issue in the structural engineering design problem. The new codes of structural design consist in design methodology that looks after the exploitation of the total resources of the construction material. In recent years some non-deterministic or meta-heuristic structural optimization algorithms have been developed widely in the research community. These methods search the optimum condition starting from the simulation of a natural phenomenon, such as survival of the fittest, the immune system, swarm intelligence or the cooling process of molten metal through annealing. Among these techniques the most known are: the genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, evolution strategies, particle swarm optimization, tabu search, ant colony optimization, harmony search and big bang crunch optimization. In this study, five of these algorithms are applied for the optimum weight design of a steel truss structure with variable geometry but fixed topology. The design process selects optimum distances and size sections from a set of commercial steel profiles. In the formulation of the design problem are considered deflection limitations, buckling and allowable stress constraints. The approach is repeated starting from different initial populations. The design problem topology is taken from an existing steel structure. The optimization process helps the engineer to achieve good final solutions, avoiding the repetitive evaluation of alternative designs in a time consuming process. The algorithms used for the application, the results of the optimal solutions, the number of iterations and the minimal weight designs, will be reported in the paper. Based on these results, it would be estimated, the amount of the steel that could be saved by applying structural analysis combined with non-deterministic optimization methods.

Keywords: structural optimization, non-deterministic methods, truss structures, steel truss

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774 Experimental Study of the Efficacy and Emission Properties of a Compression Ignition Engine Running on Fuel Additives with Varying Engine Loads

Authors: Faisal Mahroogi, Mahmoud Bady, Yaser H. Alahmadi, Ahmed Alsisi, Sunny Narayan, Muhammad Usman Kaisan


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia established Saudi Vision 2030, an initiative of the government with the goal of promoting more socioeconomic as well as cultural diversity. The kingdom, which is dedicated to sustainable development and clean energy, uses cutting-edge approaches to address energy-related issues, including the circular carbon economy (CCE) and a more varied energy mix. In order for Saudi Arabia to achieve its Vision 2030 goal of having a net zero future by 2060, sustainability is essential. By addressing the energy and climate issues of the modern world with responsibility and innovation, Vision 2030 is turning into a global role model for the transition to a sustainable future. As per the Ambitions of the National Environment Strategy of the Saudi Ministry of Environment, Agriculture, and Water (MEWA), raising environmental compliance across all sectors and reducing pollution and adverse environmental impacts are critical focus areas. As a result, the current study presents an experimental analysis of the performance and exhaust emissions of a diesel engine running mostly on waste cooking oil (WCO). A one-cylinder direct-injection diesel engine with constant speed and natural aspiration is the engine type utilized. Research was done on how the engine performed and emission parameters when fueled with a mixture of 10% butanol, 10% diesel, 10% WCO, and 10% diethyl ether (D70B10W10DD10). The study's findings demonstrated that engine emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOX) and carbon monoxide (CO) varied significantly depending on the load being applied. The brake thermal efficiency, cylinder pressure, and the brake power of the engine were all impacted by load change.

Keywords: ICE, waste cooking oil, fuel additives, butanol, combustion, emission characteristics

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773 Solution of Reduced Mass in Solar Glider with Electric Engine

Authors: Piotr Żabicki, Paweł Skutta


The project of a glider with an electric motor charged by solar power is an step toward the future of Polish gliding. Due to the popularity of the SZD-50-3 glider and its type of usage, the project was developed based on this model. By placing an auxiliary engine in the glider, the pilot is guaranteed a safe return to the airport. Since it is a training glider, and routes are mainly flown by student pilots and instructors, the guarantee of returning to the airport allows flights in more challenging thermal conditions, which contributes to better pilot training. In case of worsening weather, the pilot has a reliable return option, which prevents time loss due to field landings and saves money by avoiding delays in training. The glider uses the NOVA 15 LW engine, a solar installation, and technical modifications to reduce the glider's weight. This includes the Misztal spar solution, previously used in the PZL 19 aircraft. Additionally, the use of lighter coverings and materials that handle loads from pulling, straining, and sharing improves the aerodynamic performance of the glider, enhancing its overall efficiency. Every component added to the glider's construction (battery, engine, etc.) has been placed to avoid shifting loads along the axis, thus preventing unintended spins and flat spins. Safety concerns were also addressed. In the event of a battery or engine fire, the pilot's cabin is designed as a detachable part of the structure and is made of composites covered with non-flammable resin. The batteries are also enclosed in separate boxes located in the former "luggage" compartment. Access to the installation connecting the engine, panel, and battery is convenient due to the detachable cabin from the structure and the fact that the entire installation runs under the structure. The batteries also have easy access due to the current closed hatch. Cooling for the battery is provided this way.

Keywords: engineering, girder, glider, solar, spar

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772 Wear Progress and -Mechanisms in Torpedo Ladles in Steel Industry

Authors: Mattahias Maj, Fabio Tatzgern, Karl Adam, Damir Kahrimanovic, Markus Varga


Torpedo ladles are necessary transport carriages in steel production to move the molten crude iron from the blast furnace to the steel refining plant. This requires the ladles to be high temperature resistant and insulate well to preserve the temperature and hold the risk of solidification at bay. Therefore, the involved refractories lining the inside of the torpedo ladles are chosen mostly according to their thermal properties, although wear of the materials by the liquid iron is also of major importance. In this work, we combined investigations of the thermal behaviour with wear studies of the lining over the whole lifetime of a torpedo ladle. Additional numerical simulations enabled a detailed model of the mechanical loads and temperature propagation at the various stations (heating, filling, emptying, cooling). The core of the investigation were detailed 3D measurements of the ladle’s cavity and thereby quantitative information of the wear progress at different time intervals during the lifetime of the ladles. The measurements allowed for a separation of different wear zones according to severity, namely the “splash zone” where the melt directly hits the ladle, the “melt zone” where during transport always liquid melt is present, and the “slag zone”, where the slag floats on the melt causing the most severe wear loss. Numerical simulations of the filling process were taken to calculate stress levels and temperature gradients, which led to the different onset of wear on those zones. Thermal imaging and punctual temperature measurements allowed for a study of the thermal consequences entailed by the wear onset. Additional “classical” damage analysis of the worn refractories complete the investigation. Thereby the wear mechanisms leading to the substantial wear loss were disclosed.

Keywords: high temperature, tribology, liquid-solid interaction, refractories, thermography

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771 Geotechnical Properties and Compressibility Behavior of Organic Dredged Soils

Authors: Inci Develioglu, Hasan Firat Pulat


Sustainable development is one of the most important topics in today's world, and it is also an important research topic for geoenvironmental engineering. Dredging process is performed to expand the river and port channel, flood control and accessing harbors. Every year large amount of sediment are dredged for these purposes. Dredged marine soils can be reused as filling materials, road and foundation embankments, construction materials and wildlife habitat developments. In this study, geotechnical engineering properties and compressibility behavior of dredged soil obtained from the Izmir Bay were investigated. The samples with four different organic matter contents were obtained and particle size distributions, consistency limits, pH and specific gravity tests were performed. The consolidation tests were conducted to examine organic matter content (OMC) effects on compressibility behavior of dredged soil. This study has shown that the OMC has an important effect on the engineering properties of dredged soils. The liquid and plastic limits increased with increasing OMC. The lowest specific gravity belonged to sample which has the maximum OMC. The specific gravity values ranged between 2.76 and 2.52. The maximum void ratio difference belongs to sample with the highest OMC (De11% = 0.38). As the organic matter content of the samples increases, the change in the void ratio has also increased. The compression index increases with increasing OMC.

Keywords: compressibility, consolidation, geotechnical properties, organic matter content, dredged soil

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770 Freedom of Speech and Involvement in Hatred Speech on Social Media Networks

Authors: Sara Chinnasamy, Michelle Gun, M. Adnan Hashim


Federal Constitution guarantees Malaysians the right to free speech and expression; yet hatred speech can be commonly found on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. In Malaysia social media sphere, most hatred speech involves religion, race and politics. Recent cases of racial attacks on social media have created social tensions among Malaysians. Many Malaysians always argue on their rights to freedom of speech. However, there are laws that limit their expression to the public and protecting social media users from being a victim of hate speech. This paper aims to explore the attitude and involvement of Malaysian netizens towards freedom of speech and hatred speech on social media. It also examines the relationship between involvement in hatred speech among Malaysian netizens and attitude towards freedom of speech. For most Malaysians, practicing total freedom of speech in the open is unthinkable. As a result, the best channel to articulate their feelings and opinions liberally is the internet. With the advent of the internet medium, more and more Malaysians are conveying their viewpoints using the various internet channels although sensitivity of the audience is seldom taken into account. Consequently, this situation has led to pockets of social disharmony among the citizens. Although this unhealthy activity is denounced by the authority, netizens are generally of the view that they have the right to write anything they want. Using the quantitative method, survey was conducted among Malaysians aged between 18 and 50 years who are active social media users. Results from the survey reveal that despite a weak relationship level between hatred speech involvement on social media and attitude towards freedom of speech, the association is still considerably significant. As such, it can be safely presumed that hatred speech on social media occurs due to the freedom of speech that exists by way of social media channels.

Keywords: freedom of speech, hatred speech, social media, Malaysia, netizens

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769 Field Study on Thermal Performance of a Green Office in Bangkok, Thailand: A Possibility of Increasing Temperature Set-Points

Authors: T. Sikram, M. Ichinose, R. Sasaki


In the tropics, indoor thermal environment is usually provided by a cooling mode to maintain comfort all year. Indoor thermal environment performance is sometimes different from the standard or from the first design process because of operation, maintenance, and utilization. The field study of thermal environment in the green building is still limited in this region, while the green building continues to increase. This study aims to clarify thermal performance and subjective perception in the green building by testing the temperature set-points. A Thai green office was investigated twice in October 2018 and in May 2019. Indoor environment variables (temperature, relative humidity, and wind velocity) were collected continuously. The temperature set-point was normally set as 23 °C, and it was changed into 24 °C and 25 °C. The study found that this gap of temperature set-point produced average room temperature from 22.7 to 24.6 °C and average relative humidity from 55% to 62%. Thermal environments slight shifted out of the ASHRAE comfort zone when the set-point was increased. Based on the thermal sensation vote, the feeling-colder vote decreased by 30% and 18% when changing +1 °C and +2 °C, respectively. Predicted mean vote (PMV) shows that most of the calculated median values were negative. The values went close to the optimal neutral value (0) when the set-point was set at 25 °C. The neutral temperature was slightly decreased when changing warmer temperature set-points. Building-related symptom reports were found in this study that the number of votes reduced continuously when the temperature was warmer. The symptoms that occurred by a cooler condition had the number of votes more than ones that occurred by a warmer condition. In sum, for this green office, there is a possibility to adjust a higher temperature set-point to +1 °C (24 °C) in terms of reducing cold sensitivity, discomfort, and symptoms. All results could support the policy of changing a warmer temperature of this office to become “a better green building”.

Keywords: thermal environment, green office, temperature set-point, comfort

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768 Numerical Investigation of a New Two-Fluid Model for Semi-Dilute Polymer Solutions

Authors: Soroush Hooshyar, Mohamadali Masoudian, Natalie Germann


Many soft materials such as polymer solutions can develop localized bands with different shear rates, which are known as shear bands. Using the generalized bracket approach of nonequilibrium thermodynamics, we recently developed a new two-fluid model to study shear banding for semi-dilute polymer solutions. The two-fluid approach is an appropriate means for describing diffusion processes such as Fickian diffusion and stress-induced migration. In this approach, it is assumed that the local gradients in concentration and, if accounted for, also stress generate a nontrivial velocity difference between the components. Since the differential velocity is treated as a state variable in our model, the implementation of the boundary conditions arising from the derivative diffusive terms is straightforward. Our model is a good candidate for benchmark simulations because of its simplicity. We analyzed its behavior in cylindrical Couette flow, a rectilinear channel flow, and a 4:1 planar contraction flow. The latter problem was solved using the OpenFOAM finite volume package and the impact of shear banding on the lip and salient vortices was investigated. For the other smooth geometries, we employed a standard Chebyshev pseudospectral collocation method. The results showed that the steady-state solution is unique with respect to initial conditions, deformation history, and the value of the diffusivity constant. However, smaller the value of the diffusivity constant is, the more time it takes to reach the steady state.

Keywords: nonequilibrium thermodynamics, planar contraction, polymer solutions, shear banding, two-fluid approach

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767 Development of Bioactive Medical Textiles by Immobilizing Nanoparticles at Cotton Fabric

Authors: Munir Ashraf, Shagufta Riaz


Personal protective equipment (PPE) and bioactive textiles are highly important for the health care of front line hospital workers, patients, and the general population to be safe from highly infectious diseases. This was even more critical in the wake of COVID-19 outbreak. Most of the medical textiles are inactive against various viruses and bacteria, hence there is a need to wash them frequently to avoid the spread of microorganisms. According to survey conducted by the world health organization, more than 500 million people get infected from hospitals, and more than 13 million died due to these hospitals’ acquired deadly diseases. The market available PPE are though effective against the penetration of pathogens and to kill bacteria but, they are not breathable and active against different viruses. Therefore, there was a great need to develop textiles that are not only effective against bacteria, fungi, and viruses but also are comfortable to the medical personnel and patients. In the present study, waterproof breathable, and biologically active textiles were developed using antiviral and antibacterial nanomaterials. These nanomaterials like TiO₂, ZnO, Cu, and Ag were immobilized at the surface of cotton fabric by using different silane coupling agents and electroless deposition that they retained their functionality even after 30 industrial laundering cycles. Afterwards, the treated fabrics were coated with a waterproof breathable film to prevent the permeation of liquid droplets, any particle or microorganisms greater than 80 nm. The developed cotton fabric was highly active against bacteria and viruses. The good durability of nanomaterials at the cotton surface after several industrial washing cycles makes this fabric an ideal candidate for bioactive textiles used in the medical field.

Keywords: antibacterial, antiviral, cotton, durable

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766 A Photoemission Study of Dye Molecules Deposited by Electrospray on rutile TiO2 (110)

Authors: Nouf Alharbi, James O'shea


For decades, renewable energy sources have received considerable global interest due to the increase in fossil fuel consumption. The abundant energy produced by sunlight makes dye-sensitised solar cells (DSSCs) a promising alternative compared to conventional silicon and thin film solar cells due to their transparency and tunable colours, which make them suitable for applications such as windows and glass facades. The transfer of an excited electron onto the surface is an important procedure in the DSSC system, so different groups of dye molecules were studied on the rutile TiO2 (110) surface. Currently, the study of organic dyes has become an interest of researchers due to ruthenium being a rare and expensive metal, and metal-free organic dyes have many features, such as high molar extinction coefficients, low manufacturing costs, and ease of structural modification and synthesis. There are, of course, some groups that have developed organic dyes and exhibited lower light-harvesting efficiency ranging between 4% and 8%. Since most dye molecules are complicated or fragile to be deposited by thermal evaporation or sublimation in the ultra-high vacuum (UHV), all dyes (i.e, D5, SC4, and R6) in this study were deposited in situ using the electrospray deposition technique combined with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) as an alternative method to obtain high-quality monolayers of titanium dioxide. These organic molecules adsorbed onto rutile TiO2 (110) are explored by XPS, which can be used to obtain element-specific information on the chemical structure and study bonding and interaction sites on the surface.

Keywords: dyes, deposition, electrospray, molecules, organic, rutile, sensitised, XPS

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765 Distribution and Community Structure of Fish in Relation with Water Physico-chemical Parameters of Floodplain Rivers in the Alitash National Park, Ethiopia

Authors: Alamrew Eyayu


Riverine ecosystems are highly exposed to different forms of human activities, and different water features can affect fish distribution in such habitats. Tributaries of the Abbay and Tekeze Basins are supporting all life-requesting activities in Ethiopia. Fisheries of these habitats are also the mainstay of livelihoods. However, brutal human activities are affecting these ecosystems and the fish therein. This study was thus undertaken to examine fish distribution and community structure in relation to water parameters in Ayima, Gelegu and Shinfa Rivers. 2719 fish specimens identified into 43 species were sampled using gillnets, cast nets and electro-fishing on a seasonal campaign. Based on frequency of occurrence (%FO), 5 species fell in the ‘euconstant occurrence’ category or their FO was ≥75%, while many species were in the ‘constant occurrence’ category. Among others, site depth, total phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, and river channel diameter were key environmental factors determining fish community structure. Similarity percentage produced an overall average Bray-Curtis dissimilarity of 60.8% between the fish communities of the three rivers. The final model accounted for 77.2% of the total variance in fish composition, and all canonical axes were significant (Monte Carlo test 499, p =0.002). Generally, this study was conducted in areas where no ecological studies are undertaken, and the results obtained from this study could be important for the sustainable utilization of Ethiopian fisheries.

Keywords: fish biology, fisheries socioeconomics, aquatic biodiversity, fisheries management

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764 Numerical Analysis of Fluid Mixing in Three Split and Recombine Micromixers at Different Inlets Volume Ratio

Authors: Vladimir Viktorov, M. Readul Mahmud, Carmen Visconte


Numerical simulation were carried out to study the mixing of miscible liquid at different inlets volume ratio (1 to 3) within two existing mixers namely Chain, Tear-drop and one new “C-H” mixer. The new passive C-H micromixer is developed based on split and recombine principles, combining the operation concepts of known Chain mixer and H mixer. The mixing performances of the three micromixers were predicted by a preliminary numerical analysis of the flow patterns inside the channel in terms of the segregation or distribution of path lines. Afterward, the efficiency and the pressure drop were investigated numerically, taking into account species transport. All numerical calculations were computed at a wide range of Reynolds number from 1 to 100. Among the presented three micromixers, tear-drop provides fairly good efficiency except in the middle range of Re numbers but has high-pressure drop. In addition, inlets flow ratio has a significant influence on efficiency, especially at the Re number range of 10 to 50, Moreover maximum increase of efficiency is almost 10% when inlets flow ratio is increased by 1. Chain mixer presents relatively low mixing efficiency at low and middle range of Re numbers (5≤Re≤50) but has reasonable pressure drop. Furthermore, Chain mixer shows almost no dependence on inlets flow ratio. Whereas, C-H mixer poses excellent mixing efficiency (more than 93%) for all range of Re numbers and causes the lowest pressure drop, On top of that efficiency has slight dependency on inlets flow ratio. In addition, C-H mixer shows respectively about three and two times lower pressure drop than Tear-drop and Chain mixers.

Keywords: CFD, micromixing, passive micromixer, SAR

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763 Kriging-Based Global Optimization Method for Bluff Body Drag Reduction

Authors: Bingxi Huang, Yiqing Li, Marek Morzynski, Bernd R. Noack


We propose a Kriging-based global optimization method for active flow control with multiple actuation parameters. This method is designed to converge quickly and avoid getting trapped into local minima. We follow the model-free explorative gradient method (EGM) to alternate between explorative and exploitive steps. This facilitates a convergence similar to a gradient-based method and the parallel exploration of potentially better minima. In contrast to EGM, both kinds of steps are performed with Kriging surrogate model from the available data. The explorative step maximizes the expected improvement, i.e., favors regions of large uncertainty. The exploitive step identifies the best location of the cost function from the Kriging surrogate model for a subsequent weight-biased linear-gradient descent search method. To verify the effectiveness and robustness of the improved Kriging-based optimization method, we have examined several comparative test problems of varying dimensions with limited evaluation budgets. The results show that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms some model-free optimization algorithms like genetic algorithm and differential evolution algorithm with a quicker convergence for a given budget. We have also performed direct numerical simulations of the fluidic pinball (N. Deng et al. 2020 J. Fluid Mech.) on three circular cylinders in equilateral-triangular arrangement immersed in an incoming flow at Re=100. The optimal cylinder rotations lead to 44.0% net drag power saving with 85.8% drag reduction and 41.8% actuation power. The optimal results for active flow control based on this configuration have achieved boat-tailing mechanism by employing Coanda forcing and wake stabilization by delaying separation and minimizing the wake region.

Keywords: direct numerical simulations, flow control, kriging, stochastic optimization, wake stabilization

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762 High Temperature Oxidation of Additively Manufactured Silicon Carbide/Carbon Fiber Nanocomposites

Authors: Saja M. Nabat Al-Ajrash, Charles Browning, Rose Eckerle, Li Cao, Robyn L. Bradford, Donald Klosterman


An additive manufacturing process and subsequent pyrolysis cycle were used to fabricate SiC matrix/carbon fiber hybrid composites. The matrix was fabricated using a mixture of preceramic polymer and acrylate monomers, while polyacrylonitrile (PAN) precursor was used to fabricate fibers via electrospinning. The precursor matrix and reinforcing fibers at 0, 2, 5, or 10 wt% were printed using digital light processing, and both were simultaneously pyrolyzed to yield the final ceramic matrix composite structure. After pyrolysis, XRD and SEAD analysis proved the existence of SiC nanocrystals and turbostratic carbon structure in the matrix, while the reinforcement phase was shown to have a turbostratic carbon structure similar to commercial carbon fibers. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) in the air up to 1400 °C was used to evaluate the oxidation resistance of this material. TGA results showed some weight loss due to oxidation of SiC and/or carbon up to about 900 °C, followed by weight gain to about 1200 °C due to the formation of a protective SiO2 layer. Although increasing carbon fiber content negatively impacted the total mass loss for the first heating cycle, exposure of the composite to second-run air revealed negligible weight chance. This is explained by SiO2 layer formation, which acts as a protective film that prevents oxygen diffusion. Oxidation of SiC and the formation of a glassy layer has been proven to protect the sample from further oxidation, as well as provide healing of surface cracks and defects, as revealed by SEM analysis.

Keywords: silicon carbide, carbon fibers, additive manufacturing, composite

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761 The Combination of Porcine Plasma Protein and Maltodextrin as Wall Materials on Microencapsulated Turmeric Oil Powder Quality

Authors: Namfon Samsalee, Rungsinee Sothornvit


Turmeric is a natural plant herb and generally extracted as essential oil and widely used in food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical products including insect repellent. However, turmeric oil is a volatile essential oil which is easy to be lost during storage or exposure to light. Therefore, biopolymers such as protein and polysaccharide can be used as wall materials to encapsulate the essential oil which will solve this drawback. Approximately 60% plasma from porcine blood contains 6-7% of protein content mainly albumin and globulin which can be a good source of animal protein at the low-cost biopolymer from by-product. Microencapsulation is a useful technique to entrap volatile compounds in the biopolymer matrix and protect them to degrade. The objective of this research was to investigate the different ratios of two biopolymers (PPP and maltodextrin; MD) as wall materials at 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100 at a fixed ratio of wall material: core material (turmeric oil) at 3:1 (oil in water) on the qualities of microencapsulated powder using freeze drying. It was found that the combination of PPP and MD showed higher solubility of microencapsules compared to the use of PPP alone (P < 0.05). Moreover, the different ratios of wall materials also affected on color (L*, a* and b*) of microencapsulated powder. Morphology of microencapsulated powder using a scanning electron microscope showed holes on the surface reflecting on free oil content and encapsulation efficiency of microencapsules. At least 50% of MD was needed to increase encapsulation efficiency of microencapsulates rather than using only PPP as the wall material (P < 0.05). Microencapsulated turmeric oil powder can be useful as food additives to improve food texture, as a biopolymer material for edible film and coating to maintain quality of food products.

Keywords: microencapsulation, turmeric oil, porcine plasma protein, maltodextrin

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760 A System Dynamics Approach for Assessing Policy Impacts on Closed-Loop Supply Chain Efficiency: A Case Study on Electric Vehicle Batteries

Authors: Guannan Ren, Thomas Mazzuchi, Shahram Sarkani


Electric vehicle battery recycling has emerged as a critical process in the transition toward sustainable transportation. As the demand for electric vehicles continues to rise, so does the need to address the end-of-life management of their batteries. Electric vehicle battery recycling benefits resource recovery and supply chain stability by reclaiming valuable metals like lithium, cobalt, nickel, and graphite. The reclaimed materials can then be reintroduced into the battery manufacturing process, reducing the reliance on raw material extraction and the environmental impacts of waste. Current battery recycling rates are insufficient to meet the growing demands for raw materials. While significant progress has been made in electric vehicle battery recycling, many areas can still improve. Standardization of battery designs, increased collection and recycling infrastructures, and improved efficiency in recycling processes are essential for scaling up recycling efforts and maximizing material recovery. This work delves into key factors, such as regulatory frameworks, economic incentives, and technological processes, that influence the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of battery recycling systems. A system dynamics model that considers variables such as battery production rates, demand and price fluctuations, recycling infrastructure capacity, and the effectiveness of recycling processes is created to study how these variables are interconnected, forming feedback loops that affect the overall supply chain efficiency. Such a model can also help simulate the effects of stricter regulations on battery disposal, incentives for recycling, or investments in research and development for battery designs and advanced recycling technologies. By using the developed model, policymakers, industry stakeholders, and researchers may gain insights into the effects of applying different policies or process updates on electric vehicle battery recycling rates.

Keywords: environmental engineering, modeling and simulation, circular economy, sustainability, transportation science, policy

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759 Traditional Ceramics Value in the Middle East

Authors: Abdelmessih Malak Sadek Labib


The Stability in harsh environments thanks to excellent electrical, mechanical and thermal properties is what ceramics are all about selected materials for many applications despite advent of new materials such as plastics and composites. However, ceramic materials have disadvantages, including brittleness. Fragility is often attributed to pottery strong covalent and ionic bonds in the ceramic body. There is still much to learn about brittle cracks in a attention to detail, hence the fragility of the ceramic and its catastrophic failure of a frequently studied topic, particularly in charging applications. One of the most commonly used ceramics for load-bearing applications such as veneers is porcelain. Porcelain is a type of traditional pottery. Traditional pottery consists mainly of three basic ingredients: clay, which gives plasticity; silica which maintains the shape and stability of the ceramic body over temperature high temperature; and feldspar affecting glazing. In traditional pottery, the inversion of quartz during cooling the process can create microcracks that act as a stress concentration centers. Consequently, subcritical crack growth is caused due to quartz inversion origins unpredictable catastrophic failure of the work of ceramic bodies when reloading. In the case of porcelain, however, this is what the mullite hypothesis says the strength of porcelain can be significantly increased with felt Interlocking of mullite needles in the ceramic this way realistic assessment of the role of quartz and mullite Porcelain with a strength of is needed to grow stronger and smaller fragile porcelain. Currently,the lack of reports on Young's moduli in the literature leads to erroneous conclusions in this regard mechanical behavior of porcelain. Therefore, the current project uses the Young's modulus approach for the investigation the role of quartz and mullite on the mechanical strength of various porcelains, in addition to reducing particle size, flexural strength fractographic forces and techniques.

Keywords: materials, technical, ceramics, properties, thermal, stability, advantages

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