Search results for: copy number variant
10058 A Method for solving Legendre's Conjecture
Authors: Hashem Sazegar
Legendre’s conjecture states that there is a prime number between n^2 and (n + 1)^2 for every positive integer n. In this paper we prove that every composite number between n2 and (n + 1)2 can be written u^2 − v^2 or u^2 − v^2 + u − v that u > 0 and v ≥ 0. Using these result as well as induction and residues (modq) we prove Legendre’s conjecture.Keywords: bertrand-chebyshev theorem, landau’s problems, goldbach’s conjecture, twin prime, ramanujan proof
Procedia PDF Downloads 36110057 Sinusoidal Roughness Elements in a Square Cavity
Authors: Muhammad Yousaf, Shoaib Usman
Numerical studies were conducted using Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) to study the natural convection in a square cavity in the presence of roughness. An algorithm basedon a single relaxation time Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook (BGK) model of Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) was developed. Roughness was introduced on both the hot and cold walls in the form of sinusoidal roughness elements. The study was conducted for a Newtonian fluid of Prandtl number (Pr) 1.0. The range of Ra number was explored from 103 to 106 in a laminar region. Thermal and hydrodynamic behavior of fluid was analyzed using a differentially heated square cavity with roughness elements present on both the hot and cold wall. Neumann boundary conditions were introduced on horizontal walls with vertical walls as isothermal. The roughness elements were at the same boundary condition as corresponding walls. Computational algorithm was validated against previous benchmark studies performed with different numerical methods, and a good agreement was found to exist. Results indicate that the maximum reduction in the average heat transfer was16.66 percent at Ra number 105.Keywords: Lattice Boltzmann method, natural convection, nusselt number, rayleigh number, roughness
Procedia PDF Downloads 52810056 A New Approach for Improving Accuracy of Multi Label Stream Data
Authors: Kunal Shah, Swati Patel
Many real world problems involve data which can be considered as multi-label data streams. Efficient methods exist for multi-label classification in non streaming scenarios. However, learning in evolving streaming scenarios is more challenging, as the learners must be able to adapt to change using limited time and memory. Classification is used to predict class of unseen instance as accurate as possible. Multi label classification is a variant of single label classification where set of labels associated with single instance. Multi label classification is used by modern applications, such as text classification, functional genomics, image classification, music categorization etc. This paper introduces the task of multi-label classification, methods for multi-label classification and evolution measure for multi-label classification. Also, comparative analysis of multi label classification methods on the basis of theoretical study, and then on the basis of simulation was done on various data sets.Keywords: binary relevance, concept drift, data stream mining, MLSC, multiple window with buffer
Procedia PDF Downloads 58610055 Incremental Learning of Independent Topic Analysis
Authors: Takahiro Nishigaki, Katsumi Nitta, Takashi Onoda
In this paper, we present a method of applying Independent Topic Analysis (ITA) to increasing the number of document data. The number of document data has been increasing since the spread of the Internet. ITA was presented as one method to analyze the document data. ITA is a method for extracting the independent topics from the document data by using the Independent Component Analysis (ICA). ICA is a technique in the signal processing; however, it is difficult to apply the ITA to increasing number of document data. Because ITA must use the all document data so temporal and spatial cost is very high. Therefore, we present Incremental ITA which extracts the independent topics from increasing number of document data. Incremental ITA is a method of updating the independent topics when the document data is added after extracted the independent topics from a just previous the data. In addition, Incremental ITA updates the independent topics when the document data is added. And we show the result applied Incremental ITA to benchmark datasets.Keywords: text mining, topic extraction, independent, incremental, independent component analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 30910054 The Influence of Emotion on Numerical Estimation: A Drone Operators’ Context
Authors: Ludovic Fabre, Paola Melani, Patrick Lemaire
The goal of this study was to test whether and how emotions influence drone operators in estimation skills. The empirical study was run in the context of numerical estimation. Participants saw a two-digit number together with a collection of cars. They had to indicate whether the stimuli collection was larger or smaller than the number. The two-digit numbers ranged from 12 to 27, and collections included 3-36 cars. The presentation of the collections was dynamic (each car moved 30 deg. per second on the right). Half the collections were smaller collections (including fewer than 20 cars), and the other collections were larger collections (i.e., more than 20 cars). Splits between the number of cars in a collection and the two-digit number were either small (± 1 or 2 units; e.g., the collection included 17 cars and the two-digit number was 19) or larger (± 8 or 9 units; e.g., 17 cars and '9'). Half the collections included more items (and half fewer items) than the number indicated by the two-digit number. Before and after each trial, participants saw an image inducing negative emotions (e.g., mutilations) or neutral emotions (e.g., candle) selected from International Affective Picture System (IAPS). At the end of each trial, participants had to say if the second picture was the same as or different from the first. Results showed different effects of emotions on RTs and percent errors. Participants’ performance was modulated by emotions. They were slower on negative trials compared to the neutral trials, especially on the most difficult items. They errored more on small-split than on large-split problems. Moreover, participants highly overestimated the number of cars when in a negative emotional state. These findings suggest that emotions influence numerical estimation, that effects of emotion in estimation interact with stimuli characteristics. They have important implications for understanding the role of emotions on estimation skills, and more generally, on how emotions influence cognition.Keywords: drone operators, emotion, numerical estimation, arithmetic
Procedia PDF Downloads 11710053 Probiotics’ Antibacterial Activity on Beef and Camel Minced Meat at Altered Ranges of Temperature
Authors: Rania Samir Zaki
Because of their inhibitory effects, selected probiotic Lactobacilli may be used as antimicrobial against some hazardous microorganisms responsible for spoilage of fresh minced beef (cattle) minced meat and camel minced meat. Lactic acid bacteria were isolated from camel meat. These included 10 isolates; 1 Lactobacillus fermenti, 4 Lactobacillus plantarum, 4 Lactobacillus pulgaricus, 3 Lactobacillus acidophilus and 1 Lactobacillus brevis. The most efficient inhibitory organism was Lactobacillus plantarum which can be used as a propiotic with antibacterial activity. All microbiological analyses were made at the time 0, first day and the second day at altered ranges of temperature [4±2 ⁰C (chilling temperature), 25±2 ⁰C, and 38±2 ⁰C]. Results showed a significant decrease of pH 6.2 to 5.1 within variant types of meat, in addition to reduction of Total Bacterial Count, Enterococci, Bacillus cereus and Escherichia coli together with the stability of Coliforms and absence of Staphylococcus aureus.Keywords: antibacterial, camel meat, inhibition, probiotics
Procedia PDF Downloads 29910052 Effect an Axial Magnetic Field in Co-rotating Flow Heated from Below
Authors: B. Mahfoud, A. Bendjagloli
The effect of an axial magnetic field on the flow produced by co-rotation of the top and bottom disks in a vertical cylindrical heated from below is numerically analyzed. The governing Navier-Stokes, energy, and potential equations are solved by using the finite-volume method. It was observed that the Reynolds number is increased, the axisymmetric basic state loses stability to circular patterns of axisymmetric vortices and spiral waves. In mixed convection case the axisymmetric mode disappears giving an asymmetric mode m=1. It was also found that the primary thresholds Recr corresponding to the modes m=1and 2, increase with increasing of the Hartmann number (Ha). Finally, stability diagrams have been established according to the numerical results of this investigation. These diagrams giving the evolution of the primary thresholds as a function of the Hartmann number for various values of the Richardson number.Keywords: bifurcation, co-rotating end disks, magnetic field, stability diagrams, vortices
Procedia PDF Downloads 35010051 A Comparative Study of Multi-SOM Algorithms for Determining the Optimal Number of Clusters
Authors: Imèn Khanchouch, Malika Charrad, Mohamed Limam
The interpretation of the quality of clusters and the determination of the optimal number of clusters is still a crucial problem in clustering. We focus in this paper on multi-SOM clustering method which overcomes the problem of extracting the number of clusters from the SOM map through the use of a clustering validity index. We then tested multi-SOM using real and artificial data sets with different evaluation criteria not used previously such as Davies Bouldin index, Dunn index and silhouette index. The developed multi-SOM algorithm is compared to k-means and Birch methods. Results show that it is more efficient than classical clustering methods.Keywords: clustering, SOM, multi-SOM, DB index, Dunn index, silhouette index
Procedia PDF Downloads 59910050 Developing House’s Model to Assess the Translation of Key Cultural Texts
Authors: Raja Al-Ghamdi
This paper aims to systematically assess the translation of key cultural texts. The paper, therefore, proposes a modification of the discourse analysis model for translation quality assessment introduced by the linguist Juliane House (1977, 1997, 2015). The data for analysis has been chosen from a religious text that has never been investigated before. It is an overt translation of the biography of Prophet Mohammad. The book is written originally in Arabic and translated into English. A soft copy of the translation, entitled The Sealed Nectar, is posted on numerous websites including the Internet Archive library which offers a free access to everyone. The text abounds with linguistic and cultural phenomena relevant to Islamic and Arab lingua-cultural context which make its translation a challenge, as well as its assessment. Interesting findings show that (1) culturemes are rich points and both the translator’s subjectivity and intervention are apparent in mediating them, (2) given the nature of historical narration, the source text reflects the author’s positive shading, whereas the target text reflects the translator’s axiological orientation as neutrally shaded, and, (3) linguistic gaps, metaphorical expressions and intertextuality are major stimuli to compensation strategies.Keywords: Arabic-English discourse analysis, key cultural texts, overt translation, quality assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 28310049 Experimental Investigation of Boundary Layer Transition on Rotating Cones in Axial Flow in 0 and 35 Degrees Angle of Attack
Authors: Ali Kargar, Kamyar Mansour
In this paper, experimental results of using hot wire anemometer and smoke visualization are presented. The results obtained on the hot wire anemometer for critical Reynolds number and transitional Reynolds number are compared by previous results. Excellent agreement is found for the transitional Reynolds number. The results for the transitional Reynolds number are also compared by previous linear stability results. The results of the smoke visualization clearly show the cross flow vortices which arise in the transition process from a laminar to a turbulent flow. A non-zero angle of attack is also considered. We compare our results by linear stability theory which was done by Garret et. Al (2007). We just emphasis, Also the visualization and hot wire anemometer results have been compared graphically. The goal in this paper is to check reliability of using hot wire anemometer and smoke visualization in transition problems and check reliability of linear stability theory for this case and compare our results with some trusty experimental works.Keywords: transitional reynolds number, wind tunnel, rotating cone, smoke visualization
Procedia PDF Downloads 30710048 Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Drops Suspended in Poiseuille Flow: Effect of Reynolds Number
Authors: A. Nourbakhsh
A finite difference/front tracking method is used to study the motion of three-dimensional deformable drops suspended in plane Poiseuille flow at non-zero Reynolds numbers. A parallel version of the code was used to study the behavior of suspension on a reasonable grid resolution (grids). The viscosity and density of drops are assumed to be equal to that of the suspending medium. The effect of the Reynolds number is studied in detail. It is found that drops with small deformation behave like rigid particles and migrate to an equilibrium position about half way between the wall and the center line (the Segre-Silberberg effect). However, for highly deformable drops there is a tendency for drops to migrate to the middle of the channel, and the maximum concentration occurs at the center line. The effective viscosity of suspension and the fluctuation energy of the flow across the channel increases with the Reynolds number of the flow.Keywords: suspensions, Poiseuille flow, effective viscosity, Reynolds number
Procedia PDF Downloads 35510047 On the Basis Number and the Minimum Cycle Bases of the Wreath Product of Paths with Wheels
Authors: M. M. M. Jaradat
For a given graph G, the set Ԑ of all subsets of E(G) forms an |E(G)| dimensional vector space over Z2 with vector addition X⊕Y = (X\Y ) [ (Y \X) and scalar multiplication 1.X = X and 0.X = Ø for all X, Yϵ Ԑ. The cycle space, C(G), of a graph G is the vector subspace of (E; ⊕; .) spanned by the cycles of G. Traditionally there have been two notions of minimality among bases of C(G). First, a basis B of G is called a d-fold if each edge of G occurs in at most d cycles of the basis B. The basis number, b(G), of G is the least non-negative integer d such that C(G) has a d-fold basis; a required basis of C(G) is a basis for which each edge of G belongs to at most b(G) elements of B. Second, a basis B is called a minimum cycle basis (MCB) if its total length Σ BϵB |B| is minimum among all bases of C(G). The lexicographic product GρH has the vertex set V (GρH) = V (G) x V (H) and the edge set E(GρH) = {(u1, v1)(u2, v2)|u1 = u2 and v1 v2 ϵ E(H); or u1u2 ϵ E(G) and there is α ϵ Aut(H) such that α (v1) = v2}. In this work, a construction of a minimum cycle basis for the wreath product of wheels with paths is presented. Also, the length of the longest cycle of a minimum cycle basis is determined. Moreover, the basis number for the wreath product of the same is investigated.Keywords: cycle space, minimum cycle basis, basis number, wreath product
Procedia PDF Downloads 28010046 Core Number Optimization Based Scheduler to Order/Mapp Simulink Application
Authors: Asma Rebaya, Imen Amari, Kaouther Gasmi, Salem Hasnaoui
Over these last years, the number of cores witnessed a spectacular increase in digital signal and general use processors. Concurrently, significant researches are done to get benefit from the high degree of parallelism. Indeed, these researches are focused to provide an efficient scheduling from hardware/software systems to multicores architecture. The scheduling process consists on statically choose one core to execute one task and to specify an execution order for the application tasks. In this paper, we describe an efficient scheduler that calculates the optimal number of cores required to schedule an application, gives a heuristic scheduling solution and evaluates its cost. Our proposal results are evaluated and compared with Preesm scheduler results and we prove that ours allows better scheduling in terms of latency, computation time and number of cores.Keywords: computation time, hardware/software system, latency, optimization, multi-cores platform, scheduling
Procedia PDF Downloads 28410045 Computational Analysis of the Scaling Effects on the Performance of an Axial Compressor
Authors: Junting Xiang, Jörg Uwe Schlüter, Fei Duan
The miniaturization of gas turbines promises many advantages. Miniature gas turbines can be used for local power generation or the propulsion of small aircraft, such as UAV and MAV. However, experience shows that the miniaturization of conventional gas turbines, which are optimized at their current large size, leads to a substantial loss of efficiency and performance at smaller scales. This may be due to a number of factors, such as the Reynolds-number effect, the increased heat transfer, and manufacturing tolerances. In the present work, we focus on computational investigations of the Reynolds number effect and the wall heat transfer on the performance of axial compressor during its size change. The NASA stage 35 compressors are selected as the configuration in this study and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is used to carry out the miniaturization process and simulations. We perform parameter studies on the effect of Reynolds number and wall thermal conditions. Our results indicate a decrease of efficiency, if the compressor is miniaturized based on its original geometry due to the increase of viscous effects. The increased heat transfer through wall has only a small effect and will actually benefit compressor performance based on our study.Keywords: axial compressor, CFD, heat transfer, miniature gas turbines, Reynolds number
Procedia PDF Downloads 41610044 Pre-Grade R Numerosity Levels and Gaps: A Case of South African Learners in the Eastern Cape
Authors: Nellie Nosisi Feza
Developing young students' number sense is a priority if the aim is to build a rich mathematical foundation for successful schooling and future innovative careers. Capturing students’ interests is crucial while mediating counting concepts. This paper reports South African young children number concepts demonstrated before entering the reception class. It indicates the diverse knowledge attained in different settings before entering formal schooling. The findings indicate that their start is uneven with fully and partly attained number concepts. The findings suggest pre-schooling stimulation that provides rich mathematical experiences and purposeful play towards the attainment of core foundational concepts. Literature directs practice on important core concepts that are foundational in developing number sense.Keywords: numeracy, learning trajectories, innate abilities, counting, Grade R/reception class
Procedia PDF Downloads 11410043 Macroscopic Anatomy of the Nutrient Foramina of Human Scaphoid Bone
Authors: B. V. Murlimanju
Background: Scaphoid bone is commonly fractured among all the bones of the wrist. The fracture can damage the arteries and would cause avascular necrosis of the scaphoid. In this present study, the goal was to study the topography and number of nutrient foramina in the scaphoid bones of South Indian population. Methods: We studied 46 human scaphoid bones, among them 20 were left sided and 26 belonged to the right side. The scaphoid bones were available at the department of anatomy of our institution. The scaphoid bones were macroscopically observed for the topography and number of nutrient foramina. The data was collected, tabulated and analyzed. Results: The nutrient foramina were observed in all the scaphoid bones (100%). The locations of the foramina were over the non-articular surfaces in all these scaphoids. They were distributed over the palmar and dorsal surfaces. The foramina were found proximal as well as distal to the mid waist of the scaphoid bone. Their number ranged between 9 and 54 in each scaphoid bone. The number ranged between 2-24 over the palmar surface and 7-36 over the dorsal surface. They ranged between 2-24 proximal to the waist and 3-39 distal to the waist. Conclusion: The knowledge of arterial supply, topography of nutrient foramen and their number is essential to understand the concepts of avascular necrosis of scaphoid bone. It will be enlightening to understand the non-union of the fracture of waist of the scaphoid. The morphological data is required to the operating hand surgeon. We do believe that the present study has provided additional information about the topography and number of nutrient foramina of the human scaphoid bones.Keywords: avascular necrosis, nutrient foramen, scaphoid, vascular
Procedia PDF Downloads 27110042 A New Aggregation Operator for Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers Based On the Geometric Means of the Left and Right Line Slopes
Authors: Manju Pandey, Nilay Khare, S. C. Shrivastava
This paper is the final in a series, which has defined two new classes of aggregation operators for triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy numbers based on the geometrical characteristics of their fuzzy membership functions. In the present paper, a new aggregation operator for trapezoidal fuzzy numbers has been defined. The new operator is based on the geometric mean of the membership lines to the left and right of the maximum possibility interval. The operator is defined and the analytical relationships have been derived. Computation of the aggregate is demonstrated with a numerical example. Corresponding arithmetic and geometric aggregates as well as results from the recent work of the authors on TrFN aggregates have also been computed.Keywords: LR fuzzy number, interval fuzzy number, triangular fuzzy number, trapezoidal fuzzy number, apex angle, left apex angle, right apex angle, aggregation operator, arithmetic and geometric mean
Procedia PDF Downloads 47610041 Relay Node Placement for Connectivity Restoration in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Genetic Algorithms
Authors: Hanieh Tarbiat Khosrowshahi, Mojtaba Shakeri
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of a set of sensor nodes with limited capability. WSNs may suffer from multiple node failures when they are exposed to harsh environments such as military zones or disaster locations and lose connectivity by getting partitioned into disjoint segments. Relay nodes (RNs) are alternatively introduced to restore connectivity. They cost more than sensors as they benefit from mobility, more power and more transmission range, enforcing a minimum number of them to be used. This paper addresses the problem of RN placement in a multiple disjoint network by developing a genetic algorithm (GA). The problem is reintroduced as the Steiner tree problem (which is known to be an NP-hard problem) by the aim of finding the minimum number of Steiner points where RNs are to be placed for restoring connectivity. An upper bound to the number of RNs is first computed to set up the length of initial chromosomes. The GA algorithm then iteratively reduces the number of RNs and determines their location at the same time. Experimental results indicate that the proposed GA is capable of establishing network connectivity using a reasonable number of RNs compared to the best existing work.Keywords: connectivity restoration, genetic algorithms, multiple-node failure, relay nodes, wireless sensor networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 24310040 A Computational Study of Very High Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in Circular Duct with Hemispherical Inline Baffles
Authors: Dipak Sen, Rajdeep Ghosh
This paper presents a computational study of steady state three dimensional very high turbulent flow and heat transfer characteristics in a constant temperature-surfaced circular duct fitted with 900 hemispherical inline baffles. The computations are based on realizable k-ɛ model with standard wall function considering the finite volume method, and the SIMPLE algorithm has been implemented. Computational Study are carried out for Reynolds number, Re ranging from 80000 to 120000, Prandtl Number, Pr of 0.73, Pitch Ratios, PR of 1,2,3,4,5 based on the hydraulic diameter of the channel, hydrodynamic entry length, thermal entry length and the test section. Ansys Fluent 15.0 software has been used to solve the flow field. Study reveals that circular pipe having baffles has a higher Nusselt number and friction factor compared to the smooth circular pipe without baffles. Maximum Nusselt number and friction factor are obtained for the PR=5 and PR=1 respectively. Nusselt number increases while pitch ratio increases in the range of study; however, friction factor also decreases up to PR 3 and after which it becomes almost constant up to PR 5. Thermal enhancement factor increases with increasing pitch ratio but with slightly decreasing Reynolds number in the range of study and becomes almost constant at higher Reynolds number. The computational results reveal that optimum thermal enhancement factor of 900 inline hemispherical baffle is about 1.23 for pitch ratio 5 at Reynolds number 120000.It also shows that the optimum pitch ratio for which the baffles can be installed in such very high turbulent flows should be 5. Results show that pitch ratio and Reynolds number play an important role on both fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics.Keywords: friction factor, heat transfer, turbulent flow, circular duct, baffle, pitch ratio
Procedia PDF Downloads 37210039 Effectiveness of Multi-Business Core Development Policy in Tokyo Metropolitan Area
Authors: Takashi Nakamura
In the Tokyo metropolitan area, traffic congestion and long commute times are caused by overconcentration in the central area. To resolve these problems, a core business city development policy was adopted in 1988. The core business cities, which include Yokohama, Chiba, Saitama, Tachikawa, and others, have designated business facilities accumulation districts where assistance measures are applied. Focusing on Yokohama city, this study investigates the trends in the number of offices, employees, and commuters at 2001 and 2012 Economic Census, as well as the average commute time in the Tokyo metropolitan area from 2005 to 2015 Metropolitan Transportation Census. Surveys were administered in 2001 and 2012 Economic Census to participants who worked in Yokohama, according to their distribution in the city's 1,757 subregions. Four main findings emerged: (1) The number of offices increased in Yokohama when the number of offices decreased in the Tokyo metropolitan area overall. Additionally, the number of employees at Yokohama increased. (2) The number of commuters to Tokyo's central area increased from Saitama prefecture, Tokyo Tama area, and Tokyo central area. However, it decreased from other areas. (3) The average commute time in the Tokyo metropolitan area was 67.7 minutes in 2015, a slight decrease from 2005 and 2010. (4) The number of employees at business facilities accumulation districts in Yokohama city increased greatly.Keywords: core business city development policy, commute time, number of employees, Yokohama city, distribution of employees
Procedia PDF Downloads 14510038 The Nutrient Foramen of the Scaphoid Bone – A Morphological Study
Authors: B. V. Murlimanju, P. J. Jiji, Latha V. Prabhu, Mangala M. Pai
Background: The scaphoid is the most commonly fractured bone of the wrist. The fracture may disrupt the vessels and end up as the avascular necrosis of the bone. The objective of the present study was to investigate the morphology and number of the nutrient foramina in the cadaveric dried scaphoid bones of the Indian population. Methods: The present study included 46 scaphoid bones (26 right sided and 20 left sided) which were obtained from the gross anatomy laboratory of our institution. The bones were macroscopically observed for the nutrient foramina and the data was collected with respect to their number. The tabulation of the data and analysis were done. Results: All of our specimens (100%) exhibited the nutrient foramina over the non-articular surfaces. The foramina were observed only over the palmar and dorsal surfaces of the scaphoid bones. The foramina were observed both proximal and distal to the mid waist of the scaphoid bone. The foramen ranged between 9 and 54 in each scaphoid bone. The foramina over the palmar surface ranged between, 2-24 in number. The foramina over the dorsal surface ranged between, 7-36 in number. The foramina proximal to the waist ranged between 2 and 24 in number and distal to the waist ranged between 3 and 39. Conclusion: We believe that the present study has provided additional data about the nutrient foramina of the scaphoid bones. The data is enlightening to the orthopedic surgeon and would help in the hand surgeries. The morphological knowledge of the vasculature, their foramina of entry and their number is required to understand the concepts in the avascular necrosis of the proximal scaphoid and non-union of the fracture at the waist of the scaphoid.Keywords: avascular necrosis, nutrient, scaphoid, vascular
Procedia PDF Downloads 34510037 Improvement a Lower Bound of Energy for Some Family of Graphs, Related to Determinant of Adjacency Matrix
Authors: Saieed Akbari, Yousef Bagheri, Amir Hossein Ghodrati, Sima Saadat Akhtar
Let G be a simple graph with the vertex set V (G) and with the adjacency matrix A (G). The energy E (G) of G is defined to be the sum of the absolute values of all eigenvalues of A (G). Also let n and m be number of edges and vertices of the graph respectively. A regular graph is a graph where each vertex has the same number of neighbours. Given a graph G, its line graph L(G) is a graph such that each vertex of L(G) represents an edge of G; and two vertices of L(G) are adjacent if and only if their corresponding edges share a common endpoint in G. In this paper we show that for every regular graphs and also for every line graphs such that (G) 3 we have, E(G) 2nm + n 1. Also at the other part of the paper we prove that 2 (G) E(G) for an arbitrary graph G.Keywords: eigenvalues, energy, line graphs, matching number
Procedia PDF Downloads 23410036 Number Variation of the Personal Pronoun We in American Spoken English
Language variation signals the newest usage of language community, which might become the developmental trend of that language. The personal pronoun we is prescribed as a plural pronoun in grammar, but its number value is more flexible in actual use. Based on the homemade Friends corpus, the present research explores the number value of the first person pronoun we in nowadays American spoken English. With consideration of the subjectivity of we, this paper used ‘we+ PCU (Perception-cognation-utterance) verbs’ collocations and ‘we+ plural categories’ as the parameters. Results from corpus data and manual annotation show that: 1) the overall frequency of we has been increasing; 2) we has been increasingly used with other plural categories, indicating a weakening of its plural reference; and 3) we has been increasingly used with PCU (perception-cognition-utterance) verbs of strong subjectivity, indicating a strengthening of its singular reference. All these seem to support our hypothesis that we is undergoing the process of further grammaticalization towards a singular reference, though future evidence is needed to attest the bold prediction.Keywords: number, PCU verbs, personal pronoun we,
Procedia PDF Downloads 23510035 Morphological Properties in Ndre Mjeda's Works
Authors: Shyhrete Morina
This paper deals with morphological features in Mjeda's works. To make such a distinction, these features will be compared to standard Albanian language, considering the linguistic structure in the morphological field, which represent an all-important segment of Albanian language. Therefore, the study will focus mainly on the description and construction of these paradigms, which will give a linguistic insight into the entire work of Mjeda as the author who wrote in the dialect of northwestern Geg. Therefore, we have tried to distinguish different parts of the author's language, as well as the distinctive features or even the similarities of these paradigms that arise in the literary work of Mjeda. By constructing the corpus of this phonetic and grammar segment from the whole of Mjeda's work, we have seen that in these fields has built a variety of grammar structures, which for the history of Albanian are of special importance, that in the full variant of the work, as far as we can investigate, we will point out in all the distinctive features. Therefore, our study aims to highlight the linguistic features, namely the author's deep knowledge toward the language, the authenticity of its use, and its mutual relationship with it.Keywords: distinctive morpholgy, nouns, adjetives, pronouns, Albanian standard language
Procedia PDF Downloads 16210034 Ensemble-Based SVM Classification Approach for miRNA Prediction
Authors: Sondos M. Hammad, Sherin M. ElGokhy, Mahmoud M. Fahmy, Elsayed A. Sallam
In this paper, an ensemble-based Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification approach is proposed. It is used for miRNA prediction. Three problems, commonly associated with previous approaches, are alleviated. These problems arise due to impose assumptions on the secondary structural of premiRNA, imbalance between the numbers of the laboratory checked miRNAs and the pseudo-hairpins, and finally using a training data set that does not consider all the varieties of samples in different species. We aggregate the predicted outputs of three well-known SVM classifiers; namely, Triplet-SVM, Virgo and Mirident, weighted by their variant features without any structural assumptions. An additional SVM layer is used in aggregating the final output. The proposed approach is trained and then tested with balanced data sets. The results of the proposed approach outperform the three base classifiers. Improved values for the metrics of 88.88% f-score, 92.73% accuracy, 90.64% precision, 96.64% specificity, 87.2% sensitivity, and the area under the ROC curve is 0.91 are achieved.Keywords: MiRNAs, SVM classification, ensemble algorithm, assumption problem, imbalance data
Procedia PDF Downloads 34910033 Bubbling in Gas Solids Fluidization at a Strouhal Number Tuned for Low Energy Dissipation
Authors: Chenxi Zhang, Weizhong Qian, Fei Wei
Gas solids multiphase flow is common in many engineering and environmental applications. Turbulence and multiphase flows are two of the most challenging topics in fluid mechanics, and when combined they pose a formidable challenge, even in the dilute dispersed regime. Dimensionless numbers are important in mechanics because their constancy can imply dynamic similarity between systems, despite possible differences in medium or scale. In the fluid mechanics literature, the Strouhal number is usually associated with the dimensionless shedding frequency of a von Karman wake; here we introduce this dimensionless number to investigate bubbling in gas solids fluidization. St=fA/U, which divides stroke frequency (f) and amplitude (A) by forward speed (U). The bubble behavior in a large two-dimensional bubbling fluidized bed (500mm×30mm×6000mm) is investigated. Our result indicates that propulsive efficiency is high and energy dissipation is low over a narrow range of St and usually within the interval 0.210032 The Potential of Dinar (Gold) Currency as the Main Object Transaction in Indonesia
Authors: Muhammad Ilham Agus Salim, Mohammad Ali
In this article, we have elaborated a study over the nature of Islamic financial transaction by comparing between Dinar and IDR currency in Indonesia. We have found the interesting issue among scholars and practitioners in which Dinar would be a single currency ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), then becoming motivation and added value research. The assessment among dinar volatility analysis for three years ago and IDR fluctuation as well as outlook qualitative test regarding dinar are components of analysis that weak Indonesian currency should be altered to be better coinage. The value of dinar more stable than IDR and also eligible as a currency e.g. limited quantities, easy to carry, durable, easy to saved, and has the same quality. On the other hand, the existing of IDR has defeated by inflation. The EViews program explained that Dinar at current level still fluctuate, but in the first different have fixed variant. The result of analysis describing that dinar has potential as the medium exchange, because the material of dinar is relevant and feasible since 14 century until present. Therefore, dinar should be considered to solve Indonesia crisis today.Keywords: medium of exchange, dinar & IDR currency, volatility analysis, EViews program
Procedia PDF Downloads 36310031 Searching the Stabilizing Effects of Neutron Shell Closure via Fusion Evaporation Residue Studies
Authors: B. R. S. Babu, E. Prasad, P. V. Laveen, A. M. Vinodkumar
Searching the “Island of stability” is a topic of extreme interest in theoretical as well as experimental modern physics today. This “island of stability” is spanned by superheavy elements (SHE's) that are produced in the laboratory. SHE's are believed to exist primarily due to the “magic” stabilizing effects of nuclear shell structure. SHE synthesis is extremely difficult due to their very low production cross section, often of the order of pico barns or less. Stabilizing effects of shell closures at proton number Z=82 and neutron number N=126 are predicted theoretically. Though stabilizing effects of Z=82 have been experimentally verified, no concluding observations have been made with N=126, so far. We measured and analyzed the total evaporation residue (ER) cross sections for a number of systems with neutron number around 126 to explore possible shell closure effects in ER cross sections, in this work.Keywords: super heavy elements, fusion, evaporation residue, compund nucleus
Procedia PDF Downloads 47710030 Cloud-Based Dynamic Routing with Feedback in Formal Methods
Authors: Jawid Ahmad Baktash, Mursal Dawodi, Tomokazu Nagata
With the rapid growth of Cloud Computing, Formal Methods became a good choice for the refinement of message specification and verification for Dynamic Routing in Cloud Computing. Cloud-based Dynamic Routing is becoming increasingly popular. We propose feedback in Formal Methods for Dynamic Routing and Cloud Computing; the model and topologies show how to send messages from index zero to all others formally. The responsibility of proper verification becomes crucial with Dynamic Routing in the cloud. Formal Methods can play an essential role in the routing and development of Networks, and the testing of distributed systems. Event-B is a formal technique that consists of describing the problem rigorously and introduces solutions or details in the refinement steps. Event-B is a variant of B, designed for developing distributed systems and message passing of the dynamic routing. In Event-B and formal methods, the events consist of guarded actions occurring spontaneously rather than being invoked.Keywords: cloud, dynamic routing, formal method, Pro-B, event-B
Procedia PDF Downloads 42510029 Heat Transfer Characteristics on Blade Tip with Unsteady Wake
Authors: Minho Bang, Seok Min Choi, Jun Su Park, Hokyu Moon, Hyung Hee Cho
Present study investigates the effect of unsteady wakes on heat transfer in blade tip. Heat/mass transfer was measured in blade tip region depending on a variety of strouhal number by naphthalene sublimation technique. Naphthalene sublimation technique measures heat transfer using a heat/mass transfer analogy. Experiments are performed in linear cascade which is composed of five turbine blades and rotating rods. Strouhal number of inlet flow are changed ranging from 0 to 0.22. Reynolds number is 100,000 based on 11.4 m/s of outlet flow and axial chord length. Three different squealer tip geometries such as base squealer tip, vertical rib squealer tip, and camber line squealer tip are used to study how unsteady wakes affect heat transfer on a blade tip. Depending on squealer tip geometry, different flow patterns occur on a blade tip. Also, unsteady wakes cause reduced tip leakage flow and turbulent flow. As a result, as strouhal number increases, heat/mass transfer coefficients decrease due to the reduced leakage flow. As strouhal number increases, heat/ mass transfer coefficients on a blade tip increase in vertical rib squealer tip.Keywords: gas turbine, blade tip, heat transfer, unsteady wakes
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