Abstracts | Educational and Pedagogical Sciences
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 3646

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

[Educational and Pedagogical Sciences]

Online ISSN : 1307-6892

3436 Online Formative Assessment Challenges Experienced by Grade 10 Physical Sciences Teachers during Remote Teaching and Learning

Authors: Celeste Labuschagne, Sam Ramaila, Thasmai Dhurumraj


Although formative assessment is acknowledged as crucial for teachers to gauge students’ understanding of subject content, applying formative assessment in an online context is more challenging than in a traditional Physical Sciences classroom. This study examines challenges experienced by Grade 10 Physical Sciences teachers when enacting online formative assessment. The empirical investigation adopted a generic qualitative design and involved three purposively selected Grade 10 Physical Sciences teachers from three different schools and quintiles within the Tshwane North District in South Africa. Data were collected through individual and focus group interviews. Technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) was utilised as a theoretical framework underpinning the study. The study identified a myriad of challenges experienced by Grade 10 Physical Sciences teachers when enacting online formative assessment. These challenges include the utilisation of Annual Teaching Plans, lack of technological knowledge, and internet connectivity. The Department of Basic Education faces the key imperative to provide continuous teacher professional development and concomitant online learning materials that can facilitate meaningful enactment of online formative assessment in various educational settings.

Keywords: COVID-19, challenges, online formative assessment, physical sciences, TPACK

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3435 Teamwork of Teachers in Kindergarten and School Heads Implementing Focused Leadership

Authors: Vilma Zydziunaite, Simona Kersiene


The concept of focused leadership means that the leader gathers the entire community in various ways to communicate and cooperate with each other, to share their knowledge and responsibility, to get involved in problem-solving, to create a safe and trusting environment and to satisfy the needs and interests of each community member. The study's aim is to analyze the teamwork of teachers working in kindergartens and schools and its CEOs by implementing confused leadership. A mixed research design was used for the research study. Quantitative research used the teamwork test "Team-Puls" (2003). Data is processed by the IBM SPSS version 29.0 software package. Semi-structured interviews were used for data collection, and qualitative content analysis was applied for data analysis. The results of quantitative research show that there is no statistically significant difference between the evaluation averages of kindergarten and school teachers. Likewise, the effectiveness and evaluation of teacher teamwork in educational institutions depend on different characteristics and processes, such as the number of participating teachers, the involvement of the institution's administration or the stages of team formation. In the qualitative research, the components of the focused leadership categories applied by the kindergarten and school CEOs emerged. The categories reflect the components of shared leadership. In the study, the sharing of responsibilities and cooperation among teachers and the sharing of knowledge among themselves is distinguished. This shows that the action takes place between the teachers when they participate in the processes voluntarily, according to their wishes or for certain reasons. Distributed leadership components occurs when leadership responsibility is extended beyond the school CEO. The components of servant leadership are expressed when the CEO achieves organizational goals in the service of others. Servant leadership is helping and striving for others, creating a safe environment. The level of the educational institution does not affect working teachers in the evaluation of working in a team. Giving freedom to teachers, the role of the CEO is dividing responsibilities and creating cooperation between teachers as well as ensuring teachers' interests, needs, emotional well-being and professional development.

Keywords: teamwork, school, teacher, school CEO, school environment, mixed research, Team-Puls test, semi-structured interview, questioning survey, qualitative content analysis, focused leadership, teacher leadership

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3434 Structure and Dimensions Of Teacher Professional Identity

Authors: Vilma Zydziunaite, Gitana Balezentiene, Vilma Zydziunaite


Teaching is one of most responsible profession, and it is not only a job of an artisan. This profes-sion needs a developed ability to identify oneself with the chosen teaching profession. Research questions: How teachers characterize their authentic individual professional identity? What factors teachers exclude, which support and limit the professional identity? Aim was to develop the grounded theory (GT) about teacher’s professional identity (TPI). Research methodology is based on Charmaz GT version. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews with the he sample of 12 teachers. Findings. 15 extracted categories revealed that the core of TPI is teacher’s professional calling. Premises of TPI are family support, motives for choos-ing teacher’s profession, teacher’s didactic competence. Context of TPI consists of teacher compli-ance with the profession, purposeful preparation for pedagogical studies, professional growth. The strategy of TPI is based on teacher relationship with school community strengthening. The profes-sional frustration limits the TPI. TPI outcome includes teacher recognition, authority; professional mastership, professionalism, professional satisfaction. Dimensions of TPI GT the past (reaching teacher’s profession), present (teacher’s commitment to professional activity) and future (teacher’s profession reconsideration). Conclusions. The substantive GT describes professional identity as complex, changing and life-long process, which develops together with teacher’s personal identity and is connected to professional activity. The professional decision "to be a teacher" is determined by the interaction of internal (professional vocation, personal characteristics, values, self-image, talents, abilities) and external (family, friends, school community, labor market, working condi-tions) factors. The dimensions of the TPI development includes: the past (the pursuit of the teaching profession), the present (the teacher's commitment to professional activity) and the future (the revi-sion of the teaching profession). A significant connection emerged - as the teacher's professional commitment strengthens (creating a self-image, growing the teacher's professional experience, recognition, professionalism, mastery, satisfaction with pedagogical activity), the dimension of re-thinking the teacher's profession weakens. This proves that professional identity occupies an im-portant place in a teacher's life and it affects his professional success and job satisfaction. Teachers singled out the main factors supporting a teacher's professional identity: their own self-image per-ception, professional vocation, positive personal qualities, internal motivation, teacher recognition, confidence in choosing a teaching profession, job satisfaction, professional knowledge, professional growth, good relations with the school community, pleasant experiences, quality education process, excellent student achievements.

Keywords: grounded theory, teacher professional identity, semi-structured interview, school, students, school community, family

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3433 The Importance of Visual Communication in Artificial Intelligence

Authors: Manjitsingh Rajput


Visual communication plays an important role in artificial intelligence (AI) because it enables machines to understand and interpret visual information, similar to how humans do. This abstract explores the importance of visual communication in AI and emphasizes the importance of various applications such as computer vision, object emphasis recognition, image classification and autonomous systems. In going deeper, with deep learning techniques and neural networks that modify visual understanding, In addition to AI programming, the abstract discusses challenges facing visual interfaces for AI, such as data scarcity, domain optimization, and interpretability. Visual communication and other approaches, such as natural language processing and speech recognition, have also been explored. Overall, this abstract highlights the critical role that visual communication plays in advancing AI capabilities and enabling machines to perceive and understand the world around them. The abstract also explores the integration of visual communication with other modalities like natural language processing and speech recognition, emphasizing the critical role of visual communication in AI capabilities. This methodology explores the importance of visual communication in AI development and implementation, highlighting its potential to enhance the effectiveness and accessibility of AI systems. It provides a comprehensive approach to integrating visual elements into AI systems, making them more user-friendly and efficient. In conclusion, Visual communication is crucial in AI systems for object recognition, facial analysis, and augmented reality, but challenges like data quality, interpretability, and ethics must be addressed. Visual communication enhances user experience, decision-making, accessibility, and collaboration. Developers can integrate visual elements for efficient and accessible AI systems.

Keywords: visual communication AI, computer vision, visual aid in communication, essence of visual communication.

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3432 Virtual Academy Next: Addressing Transition Challenges Through a Gamified Virtual Transition Program for Students with Disabilities

Authors: Jennifer Gallup, Joel Bocanegra, Greg Callan, Abigail Vaughn


Students with disabilities (SWD) engaged in a distance summer program delivered over multiple virtual mediums that used gaming principles to teach and practice self-regulated learning (SRL) through the process of exploring possible jobs. Gaming quests were developed to explore jobs and teach transition skills. Students completed specially designed quests that taught and reinforced SRL and problem-solving through individual, group, and teacher-led experiences. SRL skills learned were reinforced through guided job explorations over the context of MinecraftEDU, zoom with experts in the career, collaborations with a team over Marco Polo, and Zoom. The quests were developed and laid out on an accessible web page, with active learning opportunities and feedback conducted within multiple virtual mediums including MinecraftEDU. Gaming mediums actively engage players in role-playing, problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration. Gaming has been used as a medium for education since the inception of formal education. Games, and specifically board games, are pre-historic, meaning we had board games before we had written language. Today, games are widely used in education, often as a reinforcer for behavior or for rewards for work completion. Games are not often used as a direct method of instruction and assessment; however, the inclusion of games as an assessment tool and as a form of instruction increases student engagement and participation. Games naturally include collaboration, problem-solving, and communication. Therefore, our summer program was developed using gaming principles and MinecraftEDU. This manuscript describes a virtual learning summer program called Virtual Academy New and Exciting Transitions (VAN) that was redesigned from a face-to-face setting to a completely online setting with a focus on SWD aged 14-21. The focus of VAN was to address transition planning needs such as problem-solving skills, self-regulation, interviewing, job exploration, and communication for transition-aged youth diagnosed with various disabilities (e.g., learning disabilities, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, intellectual disability, down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder).

Keywords: autism, disabilities, transition, summer program, gaming, simulations

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3431 Transforming Mindsets and Driving Action through Environmental Sustainability Education: A Course in Case Studies and Project-Based Learning in Public Education

Authors: Sofia Horjales, Florencia Palma


Our society is currently experiencing a profound transformation, demanding a proactive response from governmental bodies and higher education institutions to empower the next generation as catalysts for change. Environmental sustainability is rooted in the critical need to maintain the equilibrium and integrity of natural ecosystems, ensuring the preservation of precious natural resources and biodiversity for the benefit of both present and future generations. It is an essential cornerstone of sustainable development, complementing social and economic sustainability. In this evolving landscape, active methodologies take a central role, aligning perfectly with the principles of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and emerging as a pivotal element of teacher education. The emphasis on active learning methods has been driven by the urgent need to nurture sustainability and instill social responsibility in our future leaders. The Universidad Tecnológica of Uruguay (UTEC) is a public, technologically-oriented institution established in 2012. UTEC is dedicated to decentralization, expanding access to higher education throughout Uruguay, and promoting inclusive social development. Operating through Regional Technological Institutes (ITRs) and associated centers spread across the country, UTEC faces the challenge of remote student populations. To address this, UTEC utilizes e-learning for equal opportunities, self-regulated learning, and digital skills development, enhancing communication among students, teachers, and peers through virtual classrooms. The Interdisciplinary Continuing Education Program is part of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Department of UTEC. The main goal is to strengthen innovation skills through a transversal and multidisciplinary approach. Within this Program, we have developed a Case of Study and Project-Based Learning Virtual Course designed for university students and open to the broader UTEC community. The primary aim of this course is to establish a strong foundation for comprehending and addressing environmental sustainability issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Upon completing the course, we expect students not only to understand the intricate interactions between social and ecosystem environments but also to utilize their knowledge and innovation skills to develop projects that offer enhancements or solutions to real-world challenges. Our course design centers on innovative learning experiences, rooted in active methodologies. We explore the intersection of these methods with sustainability and social responsibility in the education of university students. A paramount focus lies in gathering student feedback, empowering them to autonomously generate ideas with guidance from instructors, and even defining their own project topics. This approach underscores that when students are genuinely engaged in subjects of their choice, they not only acquire the necessary knowledge and skills but also develop essential attributes like effective communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. These qualities will benefit them throughout their lifelong learning journey. We are convinced that education serves as the conduit to merge knowledge and cultivate interdisciplinary collaboration, igniting awareness and instigating action for environmental sustainability. While systemic changes are undoubtedly essential for society and the economy, we are making significant progress by shaping perspectives and sparking small, everyday actions within the UTEC community. This approach empowers our students to become engaged global citizens, actively contributing to the creation of a more sustainable future.

Keywords: active learning, environmental education, project-based learning, soft skills development

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3430 The Effects of Adlerian Supervision on Enhancing Career Consultants’ Case Conceptualization

Authors: Lin Shang Neng


Due to rapid changes in the societal environment, career development and planning have become increasingly crucial, leading more individuals to seek the assistance of career consultations. However, the training process for career consultants often emphasizes the application of assessment tools and guidance in job-seeking behavior. The abilities of case conceptualization and consulting skills require further in-service supervision. This study aims to inquire about the supervised experiences of employment specialists at the Employment Service Center of the Taiwan Ministry of Labor or career consultants who held private clinics for at least three years. The research participants were continuously supervised by the Adlerian approach twice a month for at least one year, helping them integrate the whole picture of the client through Lifestyle Assessment (the qualitative way, specific diagnosis) and other Adlerian assessment tools (the quantitative way, general diagnosis.) The supervisor was familiar with Adlerian Psychology and certified by the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology. The research method involves semi-structured interviews and qualitative analysis. For the ethical considerations, the participants were invited to interview after the supervision sessions finished. The findings of this research were discussed with possible implications, like how they applied Adlerian Psychology to their career consultations, especially to case conceptualizations and consulting skills. Recommendations for further research and training for career consultants are also discussed.

Keywords: supervision, Adlerian psychology, case conceptualization, career consultant

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3429 Exploring the Effective Learning Strategies for the Adult Learners in India: An Exploratory Study of Malcolm Knowls Principles and Their Use in the Education Policies of India with a Special Focus on the New India Literacy Programme

Authors: Km Tanu


It has been widely accepted that the learning style of adults and children is different, the learning motivation among adults vary, and even their learning preferences cannot be predetermined. In India, where the population is widely diverse and socio-economic and cultural disparities are there, the learning strategies should also be according to their needs and preferences. The present study explores the concept of adult learners in India in order to understand their needs and styles better. The adult learning principles of Malcolm Knowles have been analyzed, and its presence in the different policies and programs has been traced. To what extent these principles and other such concepts would be beneficial for the Indian population and for effective learning strategies, and what contextual understanding is needed, has been argued in the study. Descriptive research methodology, along with content and thematic analyses, has been used for the paper. It has been argued that there are four areas that play crucial roles in making learning effective. These are the learner, the facilitator, the resources and the policy. The prior experiences of the learners, their motivation, the group to which they belong (i.e., the learning styles and the strategies can be varied for the group of farmers and migrant laborers), and their expected outcome play an important role in making any adult education program successful but along with this, the role of facilitator or the educator is also very important as it is not easy to deal with the adult learners, the understanding that the task is not to teach the adult learners but to make them learn and to use their prior knowledge is a task in itself, proper training is needed for that matter. Many times, it has been seen that adult education programs are poorly funded, or even if they are funded, the fund is not utilized well; the unavailability of the resources is one of the reasons for the failure of adult education programs, and if we see these four points as a triangle, at the bottom, there is a policy document. A well-stated and described doable policy document is also equally important.

Keywords: adult education, Indian adult learner, effective learning styles, Malcolm Knowles learning principles, adult education policies and program

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3428 Demystifying Board Games for Teachers

Authors: Shilpa Sharma, Lakshmi Ganesh, Mantra Gurumurthy, Shweta Sharma


Board games provide affordances of 21st-century skills like collaboration, critical thinking, and strategy. Board games such as chess, Catan, Battleship, Scrabble, and Taboo can enhance learning in these areas. While board games are popular in informal child settings, their use in formal K-12 education is limited. To encourage teachers to incorporate board games, it's essential to grasp their perceptions and tailor professional development programs accordingly. This paper aims to explore teacher attitudes toward board games and propose interventions to motivate teachers to integrate and create board games in the classroom. A user study was conceived, designed, and administered with teachers (n=38) to understand their experience in playing board games and using board games in the classroom. Purposive sampling was employed as the questionnaire was floated to teacher groups that the authors were aware of. The teachers taught in K-12 affordable private schools. The majority of them had experience ranging from 2-5 years. The questionnaire consisted of questions on teacher perceptions and beliefs of board game usage in the classroom. From the responses, it was observed that ~90% of teachers, though they had experience of playing board games, rarely did it translate to using board games in the classroom. Additionally, it was observed that translating learning objectives to board game objectives is the key factor that teachers consider while using board games in the classroom. Based on the results from the questionnaire, a professional development workshop was co-designed with the objective of motivating teachers to design, create and use board games in the classroom. The workshop is based on the principles of gamification. This is to ensure that the teachers experience a board game in a learning context. Additionally, the workshop is based on the principles of andragogy, such as agency, pertinence, and relevance. The workshop will begin by modifying and reusing known board games in the learning context so that the teachers do not find it difficult and daunting. The intention is to verify the face validity and content validity of the workshop design, orchestration and content with experienced teacher development professionals and education researchers. The results from this study will be published in the full paper.

Keywords: board games, professional development, teacher motivation, teacher perception

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3427 Advancing Inclusive Curriculum Development for Special Needs Education in Africa

Authors: Onosedeba Mary Ayayia


Inclusive education has emerged as a critical global imperative, aiming to provide equitable educational opportunities for all, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. In Africa, the pursuit of inclusive education faces significant challenges, particularly concerning the development and implementation of inclusive curricula tailored to the diverse needs of students with disabilities. This study delves into the heart of this issue, seeking to address the pressing problem of exclusion and marginalization of students with disabilities in mainstream educational systems across the continent. The problem is complex, entailing issues of limited access to tailored curricula, shortages of qualified teachers in special needs education, stigmatization, limited research and data, policy gaps, inadequate resources, and limited community awareness. These challenges perpetuate a system where students with disabilities are systematically excluded from quality education, limiting their future opportunities and societal contributions. This research proposes a comprehensive examination of the current state of inclusive curriculum development and implementation in Africa. Through an innovative and explicit exploration of the problem, the study aims to identify effective strategies, guidelines, and best practices that can inform the development of inclusive curricula. These curricula will be designed to address the diverse learning needs of students with disabilities, promote teacher capacity building, combat stigmatization, generate essential data, enhance policy coherence, allocate adequate resources, and raise community awareness. The goal of this research is to contribute to the advancement of inclusive education in Africa by fostering an educational environment where every student, regardless of ability or disability, has equitable access to quality education. Through this endeavor, the study aligns with the broader global pursuit of social inclusion and educational equity, emphasizing the importance of inclusive curricula as a foundational step towards a more inclusive and just society.

Keywords: inclusive education, special education, curriculum development, Africa

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3426 Enhancing Academic and Social Skills of Elementary School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder by an Intensive and Comprehensive Teaching Program

Authors: Piyawan Srisuruk, Janya Boonmeeprasert, Romwarin Gamlunglert, Benjamaporn Choikhruea, Ornjira Jaraepram, Jarin Boonsuchat, Sakdadech Singkibud, Kusalaporn Chaiudomsom, Chanatiporn Chonprai, Pornchanaka Tana, Suchat Paholpak


Objective: To develop an Intensive and comprehensive program (ICP) for the Inclusive Class Teacher (ICPICT) to teach elementary students (ES) with ASD in order to enhance the students’ academic and social skills (ASS) and to study the effect of the teaching program. Methods: The purposive sample included 15 Khon Kaen inclusive class teachers and their 15 elementary students. All the students were diagnosed by a child and adolescent psychiatrist to have DSM-5 level 1 ASD. The study tools included 1) an ICP to teach teachers about ASD, a teaching method to enhance academic and social skills for ES with ASD, and an assessment tool to assess the teacher’s knowledge before and after the ICP. 2) an ICPICT to teach ES with ASD to enhance their ASS. The project taught 10 sessions, 3 hours each. The ICPICT had its teaching structure. Teaching media included: pictures, storytelling, songs, and plays. The authors taught and demonstrated to the participant teachers how to teach with the ICPICT until the participants could display the correct teaching method. Then the teachers taught ICPICT at school by themselves 3) an assessment tool to assess the students’ ASS before and after the completion of the study. The ICP to teach the teachers, the ICPICT, and the relevant assessment tools were developed by the authors and were adjusted until consensus agreed as appropriate for researching by 3 curriculum of teaching children with ASD experts. The data were analyzed by descriptive and analytic statistics via SPSS version 26. Results: After the briefing, the teachers increased the mean score, though not with statistical significance, of knowledge of ASD and how to teach ES with ASD on ASS (p = 0.13). Teaching ES with ASD with the ICPICT could increase the mean scores of the students’ skills in learning and expressing social emotions, relationships with a friend, transitioning, and skills in academic function 3.33, 2.27, 2.94, and 3.00 scores (full scores were 18, 12, 15 and 12, Paired T-Test p = 0.007, 0.013, 0.028 and 0.003 respectively). Conclusion: The program to teach academic and social skills simultaneously in an intensive and comprehensive structure could enhance both the academic and social skills of elementary students with ASD. Keywords: Elementary students, autism spectrum, academic skill, social skills, intensive program, comprehensive program, integration.

Keywords: academica and social skills, students with autism, intensive and comprehensive, teaching program

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3425 Children’s Perception of Conversational Agents and Their Attention When Learning from Dialogic TV

Authors: Katherine Karayianis


Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have trouble learning in traditional classrooms. These children miss out on important developmental opportunities in school, which leads to challenges starting in early childhood, and these problems persist throughout their adult lives. Despite receiving supplemental support in school, children with ADHD still perform below their non-ADHD peers. Thus, there is a great need to find better ways of facilitating learning in children with ADHD. Evidence has shown that children with ADHD learn best through interactive engagement, but this is not always possible in schools, given classroom restraints and the large student-to-teacher ratio. Redesigning classrooms may not be feasible, so informal learning opportunities provide a possible alternative. One popular informal learning opportunity is educational TV shows like Sesame Street. These types of educational shows can teach children foundational skills taught in pre-K and early elementary school. One downside to these shows is the lack of interactive dialogue between the TV characters and the child viewers. Pseudo-interaction is often deployed, but the benefits are limited if the characters can neither understand nor contingently respond to the child. AI technology has become extremely advanced and is now popular in many electronic devices that both children and adults have access to. AI has been successfully used to create interactive dialogue in children’s educational TV shows, and results show that this enhances children’s learning and engagement, especially when children perceive the character as a reliable teacher. It is likely that children with ADHD, whose minds may otherwise wander, may especially benefit from this type of interactive technology, possibly to a greater extent depending on their perception of the animated dialogic agent. To investigate this issue, I have begun examining the moderating role of inattention among children’s learning from an educational TV show with different types of dialogic interactions. Preliminary results have shown that when character interactions are neither immediate nor accurate, children who are more easily distracted will have greater difficulty learning from the show, but contingent interactions with a TV character seem to buffer these negative effects of distractibility by keeping the child engaged. To extend this line of work, the moderating role of the child’s perception of the dialogic agent as a reliable teacher will be examined in the association between children’s attention and the type of dialogic interaction in the TV show. As such, the current study will investigate this moderated moderation.

Keywords: attention, dialogic TV, informal learning, educational TV, perception of teacher

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3424 Reproductive Health Education (RHE) Toolkit for Science Teachers

Authors: Ivy Jeralyn T. Andres, Eva B. Macugay


Using a descriptive research design utilizing the Research and Development (R&D) methodology, this study focused on the development of Reproductive Health Education (RHE) Toolkit for Science Teachers that provides a guide in teaching reproductive health. Based on the findings, the teacher-respondents identified nine topics that can be included in the development of the RHE toolkit. The topics included are The Male Reproductive System, The Female Reproductive System, The Roles of Hormones in Male and Female Reproductive System, Menstrual Cycle, Fertilization, Pregnancy and Childbirth, Breastfeeding, Human Reproductive and Developmental Concerns and Reproductive Health Management and Diseases. The developed RHE Toolkit is remarked as very highly valid and very highly acceptable learning material. The validators and evaluators acknowledged the developed RHE toolkit as clear, creative, and academically useful supplemental material for educating reproductive health. Moreover, it follows the principles of SMART objectives, factual, timely, and relevant content for both learners and the community as a whole. Science teachers should employ the RHE Toolkit in teaching reproductive health education into their respective classes. It is also suggested that the developed RHE toolkit can be implemented to elementary pupils and the community, particularly in rural areas.

Keywords: reproductive health education, toolkit, science teachers, supplemental material

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3423 The Politics and Consequences of Decentralized Vocational Education: The Modified System of Vocational Studies in Ghana

Authors: Nkrumak Micheal Atta Ofori


The Vocational System is a decentralized Studies System implemented in Ghana as vocation studies strategy for grassroot that focuses on providing individuals with the specific skills, knowledge, and training necessary for a particular trade, craft, profession, or occupation. This article asks how devolution of vocational studies to local level authorities produces responsive and accountable representation and sustainable vocational learning under the vocational Studies System. It focuses on two case studies: Asokore Mampong and Atwima kwanwoma Municipal. Then, the paper asks how senior high school are developing new material and social practices around the vocational studies System to rebuild their livelihoods and socio-economic wellbeing. Here, the article focusses on Kumasi District, drawing lessons for the two other cases. The article shows how the creation of representative groups under the Vocational Studies System provides the democratic space necessary for effective representation of community aspirations. However, due to elite capture, the interests of privilege few people are promoted. The state vocational training fails to devolve relevant and discretionary resources to local teachers and do not follow the prescribed policy processes of the Vocational Studies System. Hence, local teachers are unable to promote responsive and accountable representation. Rural communities continue to show great interest in the Vocational Studies System, but the interest is bias towards gaining access to vocational training schools for advancing studies. There is no active engagement of the locals in vocational training, and hence, the Vocational Studies System exists only to promote individual interest of communities. This article shows how ‘failed’ interventions can gain popular support for rhetoric and individual gains.

Keywords: vocational studies system, devolution of vocational studies, local-level authorities, senior high schools and vocational learning, community aspirations and representation

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3422 Examination of Teacher Candidates Attitudes Towards Disabled Individuals Employment in terms of Various Variables

Authors: Tuna Şahsuvaroğlu


The concept of disability is a concept that has been the subject of many studies in national and international literature with its social, sociological, political, anthropological, economic and social dimensions as well as with individual and social consequences. A disabled person is defined as a person who has difficulties in adapting to social life and meeting daily needs due to loss of physical, mental, spiritual, sensory and social abilities to various degrees, either from birth or for any reason later, and they are in need of protection, care, rehabilitation, counseling and support services. The industrial revolution and the rapid industrialization it brought with it led to an increase in the rate of disabilities resulting from work accidents, in addition to congenital disabilities. This increase has resulted in disabled people included in the employment policies of nations as a disadvantaged group. Although the participation of disabled individuals in the workforce is of great importance in terms of both increasing their quality of life and their integration with society and although disabled individuals are willing to participate in the workforce, they encounter with many problems. One of these problems is the negative attitudes and prejudices that develop in society towards the employment of disabled individuals. One of the most powerful ways to turn these negative attitudes and prejudices into positive ones is education. Education is a way of guiding societies and transferring existing social characteristics to future generations. This can be maintained thanks to teachers, who are one of the most dynamic parts of society and act as the locomotive of education driven by the need to give direction and transfer and basically to help and teach. For this reason, there is a strong relationship between the teaching profession and the attitudes formed in society towards the employment of disabled individuals, as they can influence each other. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine teacher candidates' attitudes towards the employment of disabled individuals in terms of various variables. The participants of the study consist of 665 teacher candidates studying at various departments at Marmara University Faculty of Education in the 2022-2023 academic year. The descriptive survey model of the general survey model was used in this study as it intends to determine the attitudes of teacher candidates towards the employment of disabled individuals in terms of different variables. The Attitude Scale Towards Employment of Disabled People was used to collect data. The data were analyzed according to the variables of age, gender, marital status, the department, and whether there is a disabled relative in the family, and the findings were discussed in the context of further research.

Keywords: teacher candidates, disabled, attitudes towards the employment of disabled people, attitude scale towards the employment of disabled people

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3421 Forecasting the Future Implications of ChatGPT Usage in Education Based on AI Algorithms

Authors: Yakubu Bala Mohammed, Nadire Chavus, Mohammed Bulama


Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT) represents an artificial intelligence (AI) tool capable of swiftly generating comprehensive responses to prompts and follow-up inquiries. This emerging AI tool was introduced in November 2022 by OpenAI firm, an American AI research laboratory, utilizing substantial language models. This present study aims to delve into the potential future consequences of ChatGPT usage in education using AI-based algorithms. The paper will bring forth the likely potential risks of ChatGBT utilization, such as academic integrity concerns, unfair learning assessments, excessive reliance on AI, and dissemination of inaccurate information using four machine learning algorithms: eXtreme-Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), Support vector machine (SVM), Emotional artificial neural network (EANN), and Random forest (RF) would be used to analyze the study collected data due to their robustness. Finally, the findings of the study will assist education stakeholders in understanding the future implications of ChatGPT usage in education and propose solutions and directions for upcoming studies.

Keywords: machine learning, ChatGPT, education, learning, implications

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3420 The Role of Muslim Scholars in Promoting Islamic Education in Katsina State, Nigeria

Authors: Abdulbasit Musa Ahmad Karkarku


Knowledge is the best asset you can leave for your child, especially the knowledge of Islam because it facilitates success in this life and the next. This made it necessary for every Muslim male and female to acquire Islamic education. The objective of this research is to highlight the role played by Muslim scholars in promoting Islamic education in Katsina State, Nigeria. There are so many problems facing Muslim scholars in the area of study; some of these problems include a lack of government support for Muslim scholars, a lack of community support, and a lack of financial support from wealthy individuals and philanthropists. In this research, two methods were used concurrently, i.e., library and interview methods. In the library method, the researcher consulted books and other academic works. In the course of this research, parents and religious leaders were interviewed in order to collect needed data information from them. The major findings of this research have shown that the Muslim scholars in area of study have contributed tremendously toward the development of Islamic education. Also, Muslim scholars played a vital role in the promotion of Islamic education in the area of study and beyond. In view of the above, some suggestions were highlighted with the view toward solving the associated problems; the government at every level should come to the aid of these Muslim scholars in order to provide them with basic amenities. The Philanthropists and wealthy individuals should help the Muslim scholars by giving them financial assistance. Also, communities have a vital role to play in order to improve the condition of Muslim scholars by giving them more donations.

Keywords: education, Islamic, Muslim, scholars

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3419 The Role of Teacher Candidates' Beliefs in Their Development of Inclusive Teaching Practices

Authors: Charlotte Brenner, Fisayo Latilo, McKenna Causey


This study explores the transformation of teacher candidates' beliefs regarding inclusion and inclusive teaching practices during their instructional and practicum experiences in the Canadian context. With the increasing diversity of schools, the study investigates how teacher candidates' beliefs impact their implementation of inclusive teaching practices, which are essential for meeting diverse student needs. The research examines the influence of teacher education programs, transformative learning experiences, and inclusive practicum placements on teacher candidates' beliefs about inclusion. Using a multiple case study approach, the study assesses teacher candidates' initial beliefs, documents changes in these beliefs after coursework on inclusion, and explores the supports and constraints affecting belief development in both university and practicum settings. Preliminary findings suggest that teacher candidates generally hold positive beliefs about inclusion at the outset of their teacher education programs. However, coursework and practicum experiences significantly shape their understanding of diversity, strategies for inclusion, and awareness of broader social issues related to inclusive classrooms. The research underscores the critical role of teacher education programs in shaping teacher candidates' beliefs about inclusion and highlights the value of transformative learning experiences and inclusive practicum placements in enhancing their understanding of equity and inclusion. Continued research is necessary to identify specific elements within courses and practicum experiences that promote positive beliefs about inclusive teaching practices, ultimately contributing to the creation of more equitable classrooms and improved student outcomes.

Keywords: inclusion, beliefs, teacher candidates, inclusive teaching practices

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3418 Teacher in Character Strengthening for Early Childhood

Authors: Siti Aisyah


This article discusses character education which is a very basic education for early childhood with the aim of instilling moral values to prevent unacceptable behaviours. Children can absorb good character when they are in a supportive environment, for that schools should understand and implement character education in the learning process. In the school environment, good character education and habituation can be developed. All parties in the school should be involved, especially the teachers. This research discusses how teachers apply characters on the values of responsibility, honesty, discipline, love and compassion, caring, courage, independence, hard work, mutual cooperation, courtesy, justice, self-control and tolerance. The respondents of this study were teachers involving 200 children from all over Indonesia. The methodology used was a survey method with the result that more than 80% of teachers have been able to exhibit the expected behaviours. The survey was conducted based on observations, types of tasks and assessed performance. The character values can be optimally taught in the school environment based on the teacher's ability to implement them. Through the character education in schools, children can also instil a positive outlook on life.

Keywords: teachers, character strengthening, early childhood, behavior

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3417 The Influence of E-Learning on Teachers and Students Educational Interactions in Tehran City

Authors: Hadi Manjiri, Mahdyeh Bakhshi, Ali Jafari, Maryam Salati


This study investigates the influence of e-learning on teacher-student instructional interactions through the mediating role of computer literacy among elementary school teachers in Tehran. The research method is a survey that was conducted among elementary school students in Tehran. A sample size of 338 was determined based on Morgan's table. A stratified random sampling method was used to select 228 women and 110 men for the study. Bagherpour et al.'s computer literacy questionnaire, Elahi et al.'s e-learning questionnaire, and Lourdusamy and Khine's questionnaire on teacher-student instructional interactions were used to measure the variables. The data were analyzed using SPSS and LISREL software. It was found that e-learning affects teacher-student instructional interactions, mediated by teachers' computer literacy. In addition, the results suggest that e-learning predicts a 0.66 change in teacher-student instructional interactions, while computer literacy predicts a 0.56 change in instructional interactions between teachers and students.

Keywords: e-learning, instructional interactions, computer literacy, students

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3416 An Exploration of the Integration of Guided Play With Explicit Instruction in Early Childhood Mathematics

Authors: Anne Tan, Kok-Sing Tang, Audrey Cooke


Play has always been a prominent pedagogy in early childhood. However, there is growing evidence of success in students’ learning using explicit instruction, especially in literacy in the early years. There is also limited research using explicit instruction in early childhood mathematics, and play is usually prominently mentioned. This proposed research aims to investigate the possibilities and benefits of integrating guided play with explicit instruction in early childhood mathematics education. While play has traditionally been a prominent pedagogy in early childhood, there is growing evidence of success in student learning through explicit instruction, particularly in literacy. However, limited research exists on the integration of explicit instruction in early childhood mathematics, where play remains prominently mentioned. This study utilises a multiple case study methodology to gather data and provide immediate opportunities for curriculum improvement. The research will commence with semi-structured interviews to gain insights into educators' background knowledge. Highly structured observations will be conducted to record the frequency and manner in which guided play is integrated with specific elements of explicit instruction during mathematics teaching in early childhood. To enhance the observations, video recordings will be made using cameras with video settings and Microsoft Teams meeting recordings. In addition to interviews and observations, educators will maintain journals and use the Microsoft Teams platform for self-reflection on the integration of guided play and explicit instruction in their classroom practices and experiences. The study participants will include educators with early childhood degrees and students in years one and two. The primary goal of this research is to inform the benefits of integrating two high-impact pedagogies, guided play, and explicit instruction, for enhancing student learning outcomes in mathematics education. By exploring the integration of these pedagogical approaches, this study aims to contribute to the development of effective instructional strategies in early childhood mathematics education.

Keywords: early childhood, early childhood mathematics, early childhood numbers, guided play, play-based learning, explicit instruction

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3415 Training for Search and Rescue Teams: Online Training for SAR Teams to Locate Lost Persons with Dementia Using Drones

Authors: Dalia Hanna, Alexander Ferworn


This research provides detailed proposed training modules for the public safety teams and, specifically, SAR teams responsible for search and rescue operations related to finding lost persons with dementia. Finding a lost person alive is the goal of this training. Time matters if a lost person is to be found alive. Finding lost people living with dementia is quite challenging, as they are unaware they are lost and will not seek help. Even a small contribution to SAR operations could contribute to saving a life. SAR operations will always require expert professional and human volunteers. However, we can reduce their time, save lives, and reduce costs by providing practical training that is based on real-life scenarios. The content for the proposed training is based on the research work done by the researcher in this area. This research has demonstrated that, based on utilizing drones, the algorithmic approach could support a successful search outcome. Understanding the behavior of the lost person, learning where they may be found, predicting their survivability, and automating the search are all contributions of this work, founded in theory and demonstrated in practice. In crisis management, human behavior constitutes a vital aspect in responding to the crisis; the speed and efficiency of the response often get affected by the difficulty of the context of the operation. Therefore, training in this area plays a significant role in preparing the crisis manager to manage the emotional aspects that lead to decision-making in these critical situations. Since it is crucial to gain high-level strategic choices and the ability to apply crisis management procedures, simulation exercises become central in training crisis managers to gain the needed skills to respond critically to these events. The training will enhance the responders’ ability to make decisions and anticipate possible consequences of their actions through flexible and revolutionary reasoning in responding to the crisis efficiently and quickly. As adult learners, search and rescue teams will be approaching training and learning by taking responsibility of the learning process, appreciate flexible learning and as contributors to the teaching and learning happening during that training. These are all characteristics of adult learning theories. The learner self-reflects, gathers information, collaborates with others and is self-directed. One of the learning strategies associated with adult learning is effective elaboration. It helps learners to remember information in the long term and use it in situations where it might be appropriate. It is also a strategy that can be taught easily and used with learners of different ages. Designers must design reflective activities to improve the student’s intrapersonal awareness.

Keywords: training, OER, dementia, drones, search and rescue, adult learning, UDL, instructional design

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3414 College Readiness Outcomes of No Child Left Behind: A Critical Analysis

Authors: Tianyu Chen


The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 was a major federal education policy that aimed to improve academic outcomes for all students in the United States. This study examines whether NCLB improved college readiness, measured by access to higher education, for different demographic groups. Using data from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) from 2003-2008, regression analyses explore the relationship between gender, race, family income, and region with occupational education score. The results indicate that NCLB implementation had a positive effect on college access for women and Asian students compared to other groups. Higher family income was also associated with an increased likelihood of pursuing higher education, especially for families in the South. While NCLB intended to close achievement gaps, disparities in college readiness remained five years after implementation. Further research could examine longer-term trends and additional factors influencing the policy's effectiveness across student subgroups. This study provides evidence that simply holding schools accountable for test scores may not sufficiently improve equitable educational outcomes. More targeted support of disadvantaged groups may be needed to fulfill the goal of "no child left behind."

Keywords: no child left behind act, college readiness, achievement gaps, educational equity

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3413 The Need For Higher Education Stem Integrated into the Social Science

Authors: Luis Fernando Calvo Prieto, Raul Herrero Martínez, Mónica Santamarta Llorente, Sergio Paniagua Bermejo


The project that is presented starts from the questioning about the compartmentalization of knowledge that occurs in university higher education. There are several authors who describe the problems associated with this reality (Rodamillans, M) indicating a lack of integration of the knowledge acquired by students throughout the subjects taken in their university degree. Furthermore, this disintegration is accentuated by the enrollment system of some Faculties and/or Schools of Engineering, which allows the student to take subjects outside the recommended curricular path. This problem is accentuated in an ostentatious way when trying to find an integration between humanistic subjects and the world of experimental sciences or engineering. This abrupt separation between humanities and sciences can be observed in any study plan of Spanish degrees. Except for subjects such as economics or English, in the Faculties of Sciences and the Schools of Engineering, the absence of any humanistic content is striking. At some point it was decided that the only value to take into account when designing their study plans was “usefulness”, considering the humanities systematically useless for their training, and therefore banishing them from the study plans. forgetting the role they have on the capacity of both Leadership and Civic Humanism in our professionals of tomorrow. The teaching guides for the different subjects in the branch of science or engineering do not include any competency, not even transversal, related to leadership capacity or the need, in today's world, for social, civic and humanitarian knowledge part of the people who will offer medical, pharmaceutical, environmental, biotechnological or engineering solutions to a society that is generated thanks to more or less complex relationships based on human relationships and historical events that have occurred so far. If we want professionals who know how to deal effectively and rationally with their leadership tasks and who, in addition, find and develop an ethically civic sense and a humanistic profile in their functions and scientific tasks, we must not leave aside the importance that it has, for the themselves, know the causes, facts and consequences of key events in the history of humanity. The words of the humanist Paul Preston are well known: “he who does not know his history is condemned to repeat the mistakes of the past.” The idea, therefore, that today there can be men of science in the way that the scientists of the Renaissance were, becomes, at the very least, difficult to conceive. To think that a Leonardo da Vinci can be repeated in current times is a more than crazy idea; and although at first it may seem that the specialization of a professional is inevitable but beneficial, there are authors who consider (Sánchez Inarejos) that it has an extremely serious negative side effect: the entrenchment behind the different postulates of each area of knowledge, disdaining everything. what is foreign to it.

Keywords: STEM, higher education, social sciences, history

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3412 Approaches to Integrating Entrepreneurial Education in School Curriculum

Authors: Kofi Nkonkonya Mpuangnan, Samantha Govender, Hlengiwe Romualda Mhlongo


In recent years, a noticeable and worrisome pattern has emerged in numerous developing nations which is a steady and persistent rise in unemployment rates. This escalation of economic struggles has become a cause of great concern for parents who, having invested significant resources in their children's education, harboured hopes of achieving economic prosperity and stability for their families through secure employment. To effectively tackle this pressing unemployment issue, it is imperative to adopt a holistic approach, and a pivotal aspect of this approach involves incorporating entrepreneurial education seamlessly into the entire educational system. In this light, the authors explored approaches to integrating entrepreneurial education into school curriculum focusing on the following questions. How can an entrepreneurial mindset among learners be promoted in school? And how far have pedagogical approaches improved entrepreneurship in schools? To find answers to these questions, a systematic literature review underpinned by Human Capital Theory was adopted. This method was supported by the three stages of guidelines like planning, conducting, and reporting. The data were specifically sought from publishers with expansive coverage of scholarly literature like Sage, Taylor & Francis, Emirate, and Springer, covering publications from 1965 to 2023. The search was supported by two broad terms such as promoting entrepreneurial mindset in learners and pedagogical strategies for enhancing entrepreneurship. It was found that acquiring an entrepreneurial mindset through an innovative classroom environment, resilience, and guest speakers and industry experts. Also, teachers can promote entrepreneurial education through the adoption of pedagogical approaches such as hands-on learning and experiential activities, role-playing, business simulation games and creative and innovative teaching. It was recommended that the Ministry of Education should develop tailored training programs and workshops aimed at empowering educators with the essential competencies and insights to deliver impactful entrepreneurial education.

Keywords: education, entrepreneurship, school curriculum, pedagogical approaches, integration

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3411 Transforming Educational Leadership With Innovative Administrative Strategies

Authors: Kofi Nkonkonya Mpuangnan, Samantha Govender, Hlengiwe Romualda Mhlongo


Educational leaders are skilled architects crafting a vibrant environment where growth, creativity, and adaptability can flourish within schools. Their journey is one of transformation, urging them to explore administrative strategies that align seamlessly with evolving educational models and cater to the specific needs of students, educators, and stakeholders. Through this committed effort to innovate, they seek to enhance the effectiveness and influence of educational systems, paving the way for a more inclusive and forward-thinking educational environment. In this context, the authors explored the concept of transforming educational leadership with administrative strategies in alignment with the following research objectives. To find the strategies that can be adopted by transformation leaders to promote effective administrative practices in an educational setting and to explore the roles of educational leaders in promoting collaboration in education. To find answers to these questions, a systematic literature review underpinned by the transformational leadership model was adopted. Therefore, concepts integrated from a variety of outlets, including academic journals, conference proceedings, and reports found within SCOPUS, WoS, and IBSS databases. A search was aided using specific themes like innovative administrative practices, the roles of educational leaders, and interdisciplinary approaches to administrative practices. The process of conducting the search adhered to the five-step framework, which was subjected to inclusion and exclusion of studies. It was found that transformational leadership, agile methodologies, employee wellbeing, seminars and workshops could foster a culture of innovation and creativity among teachers and staff to transform administrative practices in education settings. It was recommended that professional development programs be organized periodically for educational leaders in educational institutions to help them revitalize their knowledge and skills in educational administration.

Keywords: educational leadership, innovative strategies, administrative practices, professional development, stakeholder engaement, student outcome

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3410 Active Learning Strategies to Develop Student Skills in Information Systems for Management

Authors: Filomena Lopes, Sandra Fernandes


Active learning strategies are at the center of any change process aimed to improve the development of student skills. This paper aims to analyse the impact of teaching strategies, including problem-based learning (PBL), in the curricular unit of information system for management, based on students’ perceptions of how they contribute to develop the desired learning outcomes of the curricular unit. This course is part of the 1st semester and 3rd year of the graduate degree program in management at a private higher education institution in Portugal. The methodology included an online questionnaire to students (n=40). Findings from students reveal a positive impact of the teaching strategies used. In general, 35% considered that the strategies implemented in the course contributed to the development of courses’ learning objectives. Students considered PBL as the learning strategy that better contributed to enhance the courses’ learning outcomes. This conclusion brings forward the need for further reflection and discussion on the impact of student feedback on teaching and learning processes.

Keywords: higher education, active learning strategies, skills development, student assessment

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3409 Using Storytelling Tasks to Enhance Language Acquisition in Young Learners

Authors: Sinan Serkan Çağlı


This study explores the effectiveness of incorporating storytelling tasks into language acquisition programs for young learners. The research investigates how storytelling, as a pedagogical tool, can contribute to the enhancement of language acquisition skills in children. Drawing upon relevant literature and empirical data, this article examines the impact of storytelling on vocabulary development, comprehension, and overall language proficiency in early childhood education in Turkey. The study adopts a qualitative approach, including classroom observations and interviews with teachers and students. Findings suggest that storytelling tasks not only foster linguistic competence but also stimulate cognitive and socio-emotional development in young learners. Additionally, the article explores various storytelling techniques and strategies suitable for different age groups. It is evident that integrating storytelling tasks into language learning environments can create engaging and effective opportunities for young learners to acquire language skills in a natural and enjoyable way. This research contributes valuable insights into the pedagogical practices that promote language acquisition in early childhood, emphasizing the significance of storytelling as a powerful educational tool, especially in Turkey for EFL students.

Keywords: storytelling, language acquisition, young learners, early childhood education, pedagogy, language proficiency

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3408 An Evaluation of 6th Grade History Curriculum in Ghana

Authors: Abigail Amoako Kayser, Brian Kayser


This study aimed to examine Ghana's 6th-grade Basic School history curriculum to determine how Ghanaian history is taught. We used qualitative methods and document analysis. The document analysis served two primary purposes: (1) To gain insight into what the curriculum materials covered and from whom's perspectives, and (2) To triangulate with teacher interview data. Documents obtained included: (1) Textbooks used by 6th-grade students, (2) Teacher pacing guide provided by the Department of Education in Ghana, and (3) Student work samples. This study was guided through Post-colonial theory and criticisms to explore the remnants of colonial power and hegemony that persist in history curricula used in public schools in Ghana. We also applied African Feminist Thought and Black Feminist Thought to unpack the extent to which issues of patriarchy, race, traditions, underdevelopment, and sexuality impact how we see the experiences of people on the continent. The findings indicated that the remnant of colonial rule persisted in the contents of the history curriculum, and the atrocities of slavery were overlooked or eliminated from the curriculum. The findings also indicated that Ghana's history centered on men's experiences.

Keywords: history, curriculum, decolonialization, culturally relevant pedagogy

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3407 A Low-Cost Experimental Approach for Teaching Energy Quantization: Determining the Planck Constant with Arduino and Led

Authors: Gastão Soares Ximenes de Oliveira, Richar Nicolás Durán, Romeo Micah Szmoski, Eloiza Aparecida Avila de Matos, Elano Gustavo Rein


This article aims to present an experimental method to determine Planck's constant by calculating the cutting potential V₀ from LEDs with different wavelengths. The experiment is designed using Arduino as a central tool in order to make the experimental activity more engaging and attractive for students with the use of digital technologies. From the characteristic curves of each LED, graphical analysis was used to obtain the cutting potential, and knowing the corresponding wavelength, it was possible to calculate Planck's constant. This constant was also obtained from the linear adjustment of the cutting potential graph by the frequency of each LED. Given the relevance of Planck's constant in physics, it is believed that this experiment can offer teachers the opportunity to approach concepts from modern physics, such as the quantization of energy, in a more accessible and applied way in the classroom. This will not only enrich students' understanding of the fundamental nature of matter but also encourage deeper engagement with the principles of quantum physics.

Keywords: physics teaching, educational technology, modern physics, Planck constant, Arduino

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