Abstracts | Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 1147

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

[Animal and Veterinary Sciences]

Online ISSN : 1307-6892

997 Assessing the Ecological Status of the Moroccan Mediterranean Sea: An Ecopath Modeling Study

Authors: Salma Aboussalam, Karima Khalil, Khalid Elkalay


In order to understand the structure, functioning, and current state of the Moroccan Mediterranean Sea ecosystem, an Ecopath mass balance model was applied. The model was based on 31 functional groups, which included 21 fish species, 7 invertebrates, 2 primary producers, and one detritus group. The trophic interactions between these groups were analyzed, and the system's average trophic transfer efficiency was found to be 23%. The total primary production and total respiration were calculated to be greater than 1, indicating that the system produces more energy than it respires. The ecosystem was found to have a high level of respiration and consumption flows, and indicators of stability and development showed low values for the Finn cycle index (13.97), system omnivory index (0.18), and average Finn path length (3.09), indicating that the ecosystem is disturbed and has a linear rather than web-like trophic structure. Keystone species were identified using the keystone index and mixed trophic impact analysis, with other demersal invertebrates, zooplankton, and cephalopods found to have a significant impact on other groups.

Keywords: ecopath, food web, trophic flux, moroccan mediterranean sea

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996 Benefits of a Topical Emollient Product in the Management of Canine Nasal Hyperkeratosis

Authors: Christelle Navarro, Sébastien Viaud, Carole Gard, Bruno Jahier


Background: Idiopathic or familial nasal hyperkeratosis (NHK) may be considered a cosmetic issue in its uncomplicated form. Nevertheless, prevention of secondary lesions such as fissures or infections could be advised by proper management. The objective of this open-field study is to evaluate the benefits of a moisturizing balm in privately owned dogs with NHK, using an original validation grid for both investigator and owner assessments. Methods: Dogs with idiopathic or familial NHK received a vegetable-based ointment (Sensiderm® Balm, MP Labo, France) BID for 60 days. A global dermatological score (GDS) was defined using the sum of 4 criteria (“dryness,” “lichenification”, “crusts,” and “affected area”) on a 0 (no) to 3 (severe or > 2/3 extension) scale. Evaluation of this GDS (0-12) on D0, D30, and D60, by owners and investigators was the main outcome. The score’s percentage decrease versus D0, the evolution of each individual score, the correlation between observers, and the evaluation of clinical improvement and animal discomfort on VAS (0-10) during follow-up were analysed. Results: The global dermatological score significantly decreased over time (p<0.0001) for all observers. The decrease reached 44.9% and 54.3% at D30 and 54.5% and 62.3% at D60, for investigators and owners, respectively. “Dryness”, “Lichenification,” and “Affected area scores” decreased significantly and steadily over time compared to Day 0 for both investigators and owners (p < 0.001 and p = 0.001 for investigator assessment of dryness). All but one score (lichenification) were correlated at all times between observers (only at D60 for crusts). Whoever the observer, clinical improvement was always above 7. At D30 and until D60, “animal discomfort” was more than halved. Owner satisfaction was high as soon as D30 (8.1/10). No adverse effects were reported. Conclusion and clinical importance: The positive results confirm the benefits and safety of a moisturizing balm when used in dogs with uncomplicated NHK.

Keywords: hyperkeratosis, nose, dog, moisturizer

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995 The Detection of Antibodies Against Shuni Virus in Cattle From Western Kenya

Authors: Barbra Bhebhe, Melvyn Quan


A serological survey was done to detect antibodies against Shuni virus (SHUV) from cattle in Western Kenya. In Kenya the disease status of SHUV in cattle has never been established. It is a zoonotic virus and even though studies have been carried out as early as the 1960s, little research has been published and SHUV is still not a well-recognised Orthobunyavirus. One hundred serum samples were collected from healthy cattle in Kenya and tested for antibodies against SHUV by a serum neutralization assay. All antibody titre values were greater than 1:160, with most of the samples greater than 1:320. Of the samples tested, 87 % had titres greater than 1:320, 12% had a titre of 1:320 and 2% had a titre of 1:160. Samples were classified as positive if the antibody titre was ≥ 1:10 and negative if < 1:10. This study suggests that cattle are exposed commonly to SHUV, which may be endemic in Kenya.

Keywords: Shuni virus, Orthobunyavuruses, serum neutralization test, cell-culture

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994 Immunostimulatory Response of Supplement Feed in Fish against Aeromonas hydrophila

Authors: Shikha Rani, Neeta Sehgal, Vipin Kumar Verma, Om Prakash


Introduction: Fish is an important protein source for humans and has great economic value. Fish cultures are affected due to various anthropogenic activities that lead to bacterial and viral infections. Aeromonas hydrophila is a fish pathogenic bacterium that causes several aquaculture outbreaks throughout the world and leads to huge mortalities. In this study, plants of no commercial value were used to investigate their immunostimulatory, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and disease resistance potential in fish against Aeromonas hydrophila, through fish feed fortification. Methods: The plant was dried at room temperature in the shade, dissolved in methanol, and analysed for biological compounds through GC-MS/MS. DPPH, FRAP, Phenolic, and flavonoids were estimated following standardized protocols. In silico molecular docking was also performed to validate its broad-spectrum activities based on binding affinity with specific proteins. Fish were divided into four groups (n=6; total 30 in a group): Group 1, non-challenged fish (fed on a non-supplemented diet); Group 2, fish challenged with bacteria (fed on a non-supplemented diet); Group 3 and 4, fish challenged with bacteria (A. hydrophila) and fed on plant supplemented feed at 2.5% and 5%. Blood was collected from the fish on 0, 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th days. Serum was separated for glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT), serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT), alkaline phosphatase assay (ALP), lysozyme activity assay, superoxide dismutase assay (SOD), lipid peroxidation assay (LPO) and molecular parameters (including cytokine levels) were estimated through ELISA. The phagocytic activity of macrophages from the spleen and head kidney, along with quantitative analysis of immune-related genes, were analysed in different tissue samples. The digestive enzymes (Pepsin, Trypsin, and Chymotrypsin) were also measured to evaluate the effect of plant-supplemented feed on freshwater fish. Results and Discussion: GC-MS/MS analysis of a methanolic extract of plant validated the presence of key compounds having antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory activities along with disease resistance properties. From biochemical investigations like ABTS, DPPH, and FRAP, the amount of total flavonoids, phenols, and promising binding affinities towards different proteins in molecular docking analysis helped us to realize the potential of this plant that can be used for investigation in the supplemented feed of fish. Measurement liver function tests, ALPs, oxidation-antioxidant enzyme concentrations, and immunoglobulin concentrations in the experimental groups (3 and 4) showed significant improvement as compared to the positive control group. The histopathological evaluation of the liver, spleen, and head kidney supports the biochemical findings. The isolated macrophages from the group fed on supplemented feed showed a higher percentage of phagocytosis and a phagocytic index, indicating an enhanced cell-mediated immune response. Significant improvements in digestive enzymes were also observed in fish fed on supplemented feed, even after weekly challenges with bacteria. Hence, the plant-fortified feed can be recommended as a regular feed to enhance fish immunity and disease resistance against the Aeromonas hydrophila infection after confirmation from the field trial.

Keywords: immunostimulation, antipathogen, plant fortified feed, macrophages, GC-MS/MS, in silico molecular docking

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993 Morphometry of Cervical Spinal Cord in Rabbit Using Design-Based Stereology

Authors: Hamed Chavoshi Pour, Javad Sadeghinejad


The spinal cord is a long structure that starts at the end of the medulla oblongata and is located within the vertebral canal. Physiologically, the spinal cord connects the brain with the peripheral nervous system for sensory and motor activities. The cervical spinal cord is an area of particular interest in medicine and veterinary medicine due to the high prevalence of diseases in this region. This study describes the morphometric features of the cervical spinal cord in rabbits using design-unbiased stereology. The cervical spinal cords of five male rabbits were dissected, and slabs were taken according to systematic uniform random sampling. Each slab was embedded in paraffin and cut into a 6-µm thick section, and stained with cresyl violet 0.1% for stereological estimations. The total spinal cord volume, volume fraction of grey and white matter, and also dorsal and ventral horns were estimated using point counting and Cavalieri's estimator. The total cervical spinal cord volume was 0.98 ± 0.07 cm³. The relative volume of white matter and grey matter was 70.6 ± 1.7% and 29.31 ± 1.67%, respectively. The dorsal horn and ventral horn volume were 13.86 ± 1.36% and 14.9 ± 0.62% of the whole cervical spinal cord. This knowledge of rabbit spinal cord findings may serve as a foundation for a translational model in spinal cord experimental research and provide basic findings for the diagnosis and treatment of spinal cord disorders.

Keywords: stereology, spinal cord, rabbit, cervical

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992 A Comparative Study on Fish Raised with Feed Formulated with Various Organic Wastes and Commercial Feed

Authors: Charles Chijioke Dike, Hugh Clifford Chima Maduka, Chinwe A. Isibor


Fish is among the products consumed at a very high rate. In most countries of the world, fish are used as part of the daily meal. The high cost of commercial fish feeds in Africa has made it necessary the development of an alternative source of fish feed processing from organic waste. The objective of this research is to investigate the efficacy of fish feeds processed from various animal wastes in order to know whether those feeds shall be alternatives to commercial feeds. This work shall be carried out at the Research Laboratory Unit of the Department of Human Biochemistry, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University (NAU), Nnewi Campus, Anambra State. The fingerlings to be used shall be gotten from the Agricultural Department of NAU, Awka, Anambra State, and allowed to acclimatize for 14 d. Animal and food wastes shall be gotten from Nnewi. The fish shall be grouped into 1-13 (Chicken manure only, cow dung only, pig manure only, chicken manure + yeast, cow dung + yeast, pig manure + yeast, chicken manure + other wastes + yeast, cow dung + other wastes + yeast, and pig manure + other wastes + yeast. Feed assessment shall be carried out by determining bulk density, feed water absorption, feed hardness, feed oil absorption, and feed water stability. The nutritional analysis shall be carried out on the feeds processed. The risk assessment shall be done on the fish by determining methylmercury (MeHg), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) in the fish. The results from this study shall be analyzed statistically using SPSS statistical software, version 25. The hypothesis is that fish feeds processed from animal wastes are efficient in raising catfish. The outcome of this study shall provide the basis for the formulation of fish feeds from organic wastes.

Keywords: assessment, feeds, health risk, wastes

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991 From the Perspective of a Veterinarian: The Future of Plant Raw Materials Used in the Feeding of Farm Animals

Authors: Ertuğrul Yılmaz


One of the most important occupational groups in the food chain from farm to fork is a veterinary medicine. This occupational group, which has important duties in the prevention of many zoonotic diseases and in public health, takes place in many critical control points from soil to our kitchen. It has important duties from mycotoxins transmitted from the soil to slaughterhouses or milk processing facilities. Starting from the soil, which constitutes 70% of mycotoxin contamination, up to the TMR made from raw materials obtained from the soil, there are all critical control points from feeding to slaughterhouses and milk production enterprises. We can take the precaution of mycotoxins such as Aflatoxin B1, Ochratoxin, Zearalenone, and Fumonisin, which we encounter on farms while in the field. It has been reported that aflatoxin B1 is a casenerogen and passes into milk in studies. It is likely that many mycotoxins pose significant threats to public health and will turn out to be even more dangerous over time. Even raw material storage and TMR preparation are very important for public health. The danger of fumonisin accumulating in the liver will be understood over time. Zoonotic diseases are also explained with examples. In this study, how important veterinarians are in terms of public health is explained with examples. In the two-year mycotoxin screenings, fumonisin mycotoxin was found to be very high in corn and corn by-products, and it was determined that it accumulated in the liver for a long time and remained cornic in animals. It has been determined that mycotoxins are present in all livestock feeds, poultry feeds, and raw materials, not alone, but in double-triple form. Starting from the end, mycotoxin scans should be carried out from feed to raw materials and from raw materials to soil. In this way, we prevent the transmission of mycotoxins to animals and from animals to humans. Liver protectors such as toxin binders, beta-glucan, mannan oligosaccharides, activated carbon, prebiotics, and silymarin were used in certain proportions in the total mixed ratio, and positive results were obtained. Humidity and temperature controls of raw material silos were made at certain intervals. Necropsy was performed on animals that died as a result of mycotoxicosis, and macroscopic photographs were taken of the organs. We have determined that the mycotoxin screening in experimental animals and the feeds made without detecting the presence and amount of bacterial factors affect the results of the project to be made. For this, a series of precautionary plans have been created, starting from the production processes.

Keywords: mycotoxins, feed safety, processes, public health

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990 Colour Change and melenophores response in ateleost: Balantiochilous melenopterus (Bleeker) with Certain Chemicals and Drugs

Authors: Trapti Pathak


Fishes can change their body colour according to their surroundings by. They do so by either aggregation or dispersion of melanosomes within the skin. These movements can regulate by means of sympathetic nerves with the help of cytoskeleton. Employing the melanophores on isolated scales of the fingerling of teleost fish, it is attempted to characterise the concerned nerves and the receptors located on melenocytes along with implication of microtubules a part of cytoskeleton in the pigmentary translocation in the fish. The scales from dorso-lateral trunk of the fish represented the sympathetic– neuromelanophore preparations which were stimulated by chemical means, such as adrenergic agonist, antagonist and the microtubule-disrupting drugs such as yuhombine, dopamine, colchicine etc. Adrenaline is an adrenergic agonist which is strongly induced the dorse-dependent concentration of pigment in innervated melanophores while Yohimbine is an adrenergic antagonist which is known to block effectively the α2-adrenoceptors inhibited the action of adrenaline. Colchicine effectively interferes with melanosome aggregating action of adrenaline. From these results it is concluded that the chromatic fibres of adrenergic nature innervate the melanophores and these cells do possess α2-adrenoceptors which mediate the melanosome aggregation and the movements of pigment granules through microtubules means of transport within the cell. These movements of pigment are linked to paling or darkening achieved of teleost fish respectively when they approach to their background.

Keywords: melenophores, agonists, antagonist, colour change

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989 Characterization of Practices among Pig Smallholders in Cambodia and Implications for Disease Risk

Authors: Phalla Miech, William Leung, Ty Chhay, Sina Vor, Arata Hidano


Smallholder pig farms (SPFs) are prevalent in Cambodia but are vulnerable to disease impacts, as evidenced by the recent incursion of African swine fever into the region. As part of the ‘PigFluCam+’ project, we sought to provide an updated picture of pig husbandry and biosecurity practices among SPFs in south-central Cambodia. A multi-stage sampling design was adopted to select study districts and villages within four provinces: Phnom Penh, Kandal, Takeo, and Kampong Speu. Structured interviews were conductedbetween October 2020 - May 2021 among all consenting households keeping pigs in 16 target villages. Recruited SPFs (n=176) kept 6.8 pigs on average (s.d.=7.7), with most (88%) keeping cross-bred varieties of sows (77%), growers/finishers (39%), piglets/weaners (22%), and few keeping boars (5%). Chickens (83%) and waterfowl (56%) were commonly raised and could usually contact pigs directly (79%). Pigs were the primary source of household income for 28% of participants. While pigs tended to be housed individually (40%) or in groups (33%), 13% kept pigs free-ranging/tethered. Pigs were commonly fed agricultural by-products (80%), commercial feed (60%), and, notably, household waste (59%). Under half of SPFs vaccinated their pigs (e.g., against classical swine fever, Aujesky’s, and pasteurellosis, although the target disease was often unknown). Among 20 SPFs who experienced pig morbidities/mortalities within the past 6 months, only 3 (15%) reported to animal health workers, and disease etiology was rarely known. Common biosecurity measures included nets covering pig pens (62%) and restricting access to the site/pens (46%). Boot dips (0.6%) and PPE (1.2%) were rarely used. Pig smallholdings remain an important contributor to rural livelihoods. Current practices and biosecurity challenges increase risk pathways for a range of disease threats of both local and global concern. Ethnographic studies are needed to better understand local determinants and develop context-appropriate strategies.

Keywords: smallholder production, swine, biosecurity practices, Cambodia, African swine fever

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988 Aspects of the Reproductive Biology of the Reticulate Knife Fish, Papyrocranus afer (Gunther, 1868) In Lekki Lagoon, Nigeria

Authors: Adiaha A. A. Ugwumba, Femi V. Oluwale


Sizes at maturity (Lₘ₅₀), fecundity, sex ratio, and gonadosomatic indices (GSI) of the reticulate knife fish, Papyrocranus afer, collected from Lekki Lagoon, were investigated. A Total of 1154 specimens with standard lengths of 5.2-75.9 cm (mean = 34.86±17.2cm) and body weight of 7.9-1, 958.8g (mean = 249.12±28.56g) were collected by means of artisanal passive and active gears (traps, long lines, and nets) and examined. Sexes of fish specimens were determined macroscopically and microscopically after dissection. The length at which 50% of the fish population reached sexual maturity (Lₘ₅₀) was considered as length at sexual maturity. Fecundity was determined by total counts of eggs; sex ratio by the proportion of males to females, while GSI was determined as gonad weight expressed as a percentage of total body weight. Results showed that the most frequently caught fish was 34.5cm long, while the sizes at maturity were 49.1cm (males) and 53.4cm (females). Matured specimens had characteristic urinogenital papillae prominent in males but vestigial in females. Sex ratio (1: 0.6; Male: female) was significantly different (X² (1) = 32.21, p < 0.0001). Fecundity was low (mean 49 ± 17 eggs for a fish of 52.86 ±7.53cm); it increased with fish size (r = 0.71). Higher GSI during the rainy season with a peak in July (female: 0.44 ± 0.14 %; male: 0.22 ± 0.01 %) indicated seasonal/annual spawning. Low fecundity and annual spawning underlined the need for sustainable management of this species in Lekki Lagoon.

Keywords: breeding season, fecundity, gonad maturity, Lekki lagoon, Papyrocranus afer, sex ratio

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987 Legume Grain as Alternative to Soya Bean Meal in Small Ruminant Diets

Authors: Abidi Sourour, Ben Salem Hichem, Zoghlemi Aziza, Mezni Mejid, Nasri Saida


In Tunisia, there is an urgent need to maintain food security by reversing soil degradation and improving crop and livestock productivity. Conservation Agriculture (CA) can be helpful in enhancing crop productivity and soil health. However, the demand for crop residues as animal feed are among the major constraints for the adoption of CA. Thus, the objective of this trial is to test the nutritional value of new forage mixture hays as alternative to cereal residues. Two tri-specific cereal-legume mixture were studied and compared to the classic Vetch-Oat one. They were implemented at farm level in four regions characterized by sub-humi climatic: V70-A15-T15 (Vetch70% - Oat15% -Triticale15%) installed in two sites (Zhir and safasaf), V60-A7-T33 (Vetch60% - Oat7% -Triticale33%) and V70-A30 (Vetch70%-Oat30%). Results revealed a significant variation between mixtures V70-A15-T15 installed at Safsafa, recorded the highest forage yield with 12t DM ha-1 than V60A7T33 and V70A30 installed, respectively in ksar cheikh and Fernana with 11.6 and 11.2.tMSha-1. The same mixture installed in Safsafa gave 22% less yields than the one installed in Safsafa. In fact, the month of March was dry in Z'hir. Moreover, these yields in DM can be comparable to those observed by Yucel and Avci (2009). The CP contents of the samples studied vary significantly between the mixtures (P<0.0003). V70-A15-T15 installed in Safsaf and V70A30 present higher contents of CP (respectively 14.4 and 13.7% DM) compared to the other mixtures. These contents are explained by the high proportion of vetch in the fourth mixture and by the low proportion of weeds in the second. In all cases, the hay produced from these mixtures is significantly richer in protein than that of oats in pure culture (Abdelraheem et al., 2019). The positive correlation between the CP content and the proportion of vetch explains this superior quality. The NDF and ADF contents were similar for all mixtures. These values were similar to those reported in the literature (Abidi and Benyoussef, 2019; Haj-Ayed and al., 2000). In general, the Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) was significantly greater than 1 for the vetch-oat-triticale mixture at Zhiir and Safsafa and also for the vetch-oat a at Fernana, proving that they are more productive in intercropping than in pure culture. For the Ksar Cheikh site, the LER value of the vetch-oat-triticale mixture is maintained at around 1. Proving the absence of the advantage of mixture culture compared to pure culture. This proves the massive presence of weeds interferes with the two partners of the mixture increases. The LER for the vetch-oat mixture reached its maximum in March 13 and decreases in April but remained above 1. This proves that the tutoring power of oats showed itself in a constant way until an advanced stage since the variety used is characterized by very thick stems, protecting it from the risk of lodging. These forages mixture present a promising option, a high nutritional quality that could reduce the use of concentrate and, therefore, the cost of feed. With such feed value, these mixtures allow good animal performance.

Keywords: soybean, lupine, vetch, lamb-ADG, meat

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986 Analysis of Fish Preservation Methods for Traditional Fishermen Boat

Authors: Kusno Kamil, Andi Asni, Sungkono


According to a report of the World Food and Agriculture Agency (FAO): the post-harvest fish losses in Indonesia reaches 30 percent from 170 trillion rupiahs of marine fisheries reserves, then the potential loss reaches 51 trillion rupiahs (end of 2016 data). This condition is caused by traditionally vulnerable fish catches damaged due to disruption of the cold chain of preservation. The physical and chemical changes in fish flesh increase rapidly, especially if exposed to the scorching heat in the middle of the sea, exacerbated by the low awareness of catch hygiene; many unclean catches which contain blood are often treated without special attention and mixed with freshly caught fish, thereby increasing the potential for faster fish spoilage. This background encourages research on traditional fisherman catch preservation methods that aim to find the best and most affordable methods and/or combinations of fish preservation methods so that they can help fishermen increase their fishing duration without worrying that their catch will be damaged, thereby reducing their economic value when returning to the beach to sell their catches. This goal is expected to be achieved through experimental methods of treatment of fresh fish catches in containers with the addition of anti-bacterial copper, liquid smoke solution, and the use of vacuum containers. The other three treatments combined the three previous treatment variables with an electrically powered cooler (temperature 0~4 ᵒC). As a control specimen, the untreated fresh fish (placed in the open air and in the refrigerator) were also prepared for comparison for 1, 3, and 6 days. To test the level of freshness of fish for each treatment, physical observations were used, which were complemented by tests for bacterial content in a trusted laboratory. The content of copper (Cu) in fish meat (which is suspected of having a negative impact on consumers) was also part of the examination on the 6th day of experimentation. The results of physical observations on the test specimens (organoleptic method) showed that preservation assisted by the use of coolers was still better for all treatment variables. The specimens, without cooling, sequentially showed that the best preservation effectiveness was the addition of copper plates, the use of vacuum containers, and then liquid smoke immersion. Especially for liquid smoke, soaking for 6 days of preservation makes the fish meat soft and easy to crumble, even though it doesn't have a bad odor. The visual observation was then complemented by the results of testing the amount of growth (or retardation) of putrefactive bacteria in each treatment of test specimens within similar observation periods. Laboratory measurements report that the minimum amount of putrefactive bacteria achieved by preservation treatment combining cooler with liquid smoke (sample A+), then cooler only (D+), copper layer inside cooler (B+), vacuum container inside cooler (C+), respectively. Other treatments in open air produced a hundred times more putrefactive bacteria. In addition, treatment of the copper layer contaminated the preserved fresh fish more than a thousand times bigger compared to the initial amount, from 0.69 to 1241.68 µg/g.

Keywords: fish, preservation, traditional, fishermen, boat

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985 Unconventional Strategies for Combating Multidrug Resistant Bacterial Biofilms

Authors: Soheir Mohamed Fathey


Biofilms are complex biological communities which are hard to be eliminated by conventional antibiotic administration and implemented in eighty percent of humans infections. Green remedies have been used for centuries and have shown obvious effects in hindering and combating microbial biofilm infections. Nowadays, there has been a growth in the number of researches on the anti-biofilm performance of natural agents such as plant essential oil (EOs) and propolis. In this study, we investigated the antibiofilm performance of various natural agents, including four essential oils (EOs), cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia), tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), and clove (Syzygium aromaticum), as well as propolis versus the biofilm of both Gram-positive pathogenic bacterium Staphylococcus aureus and Gram-negative pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa which are major human and animal pathogens rendering a high risk due to their biofilm development ability. The antibiofilm activity of the tested agents was evaluated by crystal violet staining assay and detected by scanning electron and fluorescent microscopy. Antibiofilm performance declared a potent effect of the tested products versus the tested bacterial biofilms.

Keywords: biofilm, essential oils, electron microscopy, fluorescent

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984 Physiological Indicators and Stress Index of Scavenging Chickens at Lafarge and Dangote Cement Factory Areas of Ogun State

Authors: Oluwadele Joshua Femi, Akinlabi Ebenezer Yemi, Onaopemipo Adeitan, Kazeem Bello, Anthony Ekeocha, Miraim Tawose


This study was carried out to determine the physiological and stress index of scavenging chickens in LAFARGE (Ewekoro) and Dangote (Ibese) Cement Factories Area of Ogun State. One hundred adult scavenging chickens comprising of 25 chickens from LAFARGE, Dangote and respective adjourning communities (Imasayi and Wasimi) were used. Experimental birds were caught at night on their perch and kept in cages till the next morning. Data were collected on rectal temperature, pulse rate, and respiratory rate of the birds. Also, 5ml blood was collected through the wing vein of the chickens in each location using a sterilized needle and syringe and transported to laboratory for analysis. Significant (P<0.05) highest pulse rate (215.64 beat/minute) and respiratory rate (19.90 breaths/minute) were recorded among scavenging chickens at LAFARGE (Ewekoro) Area and the least (198.61 beat/minute and 16.93 breaths/minute, respectively) at Imasayi. There was no significant (P>0.05) difference in the rectal temperature of the birds in the study area. Significant (P<0.05) differences were also recorded in the Packed Cell Volume (PCV), Hemoglobin (Hb), White Blood Cell (WBC), Monocyte, and Glucose level of the chickens in study area with the highest (P<0.05) Packed Cell Volume (28.06%) and Haemoglobin (4.01g/dl) recorded in Ibese and the least Packed Cell Volume (22.00%) and Haemoglobin (288g/dl) in Imasayi. Highest (P<0.05) Monocyte (4.28%) and glucose (256.53g/dl) were recorded among scavenging chickens at Dangote (Ibese) while the least Monocyte (0.00%) and Glucose (194.53g/dl) was recorded among chickens at Wasimi. Highest (P<0.05) White Blood Cell (6488.89×103µl) was recorded among chickens at Ewekoro and the lowest value in Ibese (4388.44×103µl). There was no significant (P>0.05) difference in the Heterophyl, Lymphocyte, Basophyl and Heterophyl/Lymphocyte ratio of the chickens in the study Area. The study concluded that chickens reared at LAFARGE (Ewekoro) were stressed and had comprised welfare and health status compared to Dangote (Ibese) cement area and other agrarian communities. Effective environmental mitigation programme should be put in place to enhance the welfare of the scavenging chickens in LAFARGE Cement Factory Area.

Keywords: blood, chicken, poisonous substances, pack cell volume, communities

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983 Foot-and-Mouth Virus Detection in Asymptomatic Dairy Cows without Foot-and-Mouth Disease Outbreak

Authors: Duanghathai Saipinta, Tanittian Panyamongkol, Witaya Suriyasathaporn


Animal management aims to provide a suitable environment for animals allowing maximal productivity in those animals. Prevention of disease is an important part of animal management. Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious viral disease in cattle and is an economically important animal disease worldwide. Monitoring the FMD virus in farms is useful management for the prevention of the FMD outbreak. A recent publication indicated collection samples from nasal swabs can be used for monitoring FMD in symptomatic cows. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine the FMD virus in asymptomatic dairy cattle using nasal swab samples during the absence of an FMD outbreak. The study was conducted from December 2020 to June 2021 using 185 asymptomatic signs of FMD dairy cattle in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. By random cow selection, nasal mucosal swabs were used to collect samples from the selected cows and then were to evaluate the presence of FMD viruses using the real-time rt-PCR assay. In total, 4.9% of dairy cattle detected FMD virus, including 2 dairy farms in Mae-on (8 samples; 9.6%) and 1 farm in the Chai-Prakan district (1 sample; 1.2%). Interestingly, both farms in Mae-on were the outbreak of the FMD after this detection for 6 months. This indicated that the FMD virus presented in asymptomatic cattle might relate to the subsequent outbreak of FMD. The outbreak demonstrates the presence of the virus in the environment. In conclusion, monitoring of FMD can be performed by nasal swab collection. Further investigation is needed to show whether the FMD virus presented in asymptomatic FMD cattle could be the cause of the subsequent FMD outbreak or not.

Keywords: cattle, foot-and-mouth disease, nasal swab, real-time rt-PCR assay

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982 Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer Using Synthetic Cationic Peptide

Authors: D. J. Kalita


Cancer is one of the prime causes of early death worldwide. Mutation of the gene involve in DNA repair and damage, like BRCA2 (Breast cancer gene two) genes, can be detected efficiently by PCR-RFLP to early breast cancer diagnosis and adopt the suitable method of treatment. Host Defense Peptide can be used as blueprint for the design and synthesis of novel anticancer drugs to avoid the side effect of conventional chemotherapy and chemo resistance. The change at nucleotide position 392 of a -› c in the cancer sample of dog mammary tumour at BRCA2 (exon 7) gene lead the creation of a new restriction site for SsiI restriction enzyme. This SNP may be a marker for detection of canine mammary tumour. Support vector machine (SVM) algorithm was used to design and predict the anticancer peptide from the mature functional peptide. MTT assay of MCF-7 cell line after 48 hours of post treatment showed an increase in the number of rounded cells when compared with untreated control cells. The ability of the synthesized peptide to induce apoptosis in MCF-7 cells was further investigated by staining the cells with the fluorescent dye Hoechst stain solution, which allows the evaluation of the nuclear morphology. Numerous cells with dense, pyknotic nuclei (the brighter fluorescence) were observed in treated but not in control MCF-7 cells when viewed using an inverted phase-contrast microscope. Thus, PCR-RFLP is one of the attractive approach for early diagnosis, and synthetic cationic peptide can be used for the treatment of canine mammary tumour.

Keywords: cancer, cationic peptide, host defense peptides, Breast cancer genes

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981 Exploring Symptoms, Causes and Treatments of Feline Pruritus Using Thematic Analysis of Pet Owner Social Media Posts

Authors: Sitira Williams, Georgina Cherry, Andrea Wright, Kevin Wells, Taran Rai, Richard Brown, Travis Street, Alasdair Cook


Social media sources (50) were identified, keywords defined by veterinarians and organised into 6 topics known to be indicative of feline pruritus: body areas, behaviors, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments. These were augmented using academic literature, a cat owner survey, synonyms, and Google Trends. The content was collected using a social intelligence solution, with keywords tagged and filtered. Data were aggregated and de-duplicated. SL content matching body areas, behaviors and symptoms were reviewed manually, and posts were marked relevant if: posted by a pet owner, identifying an itchy cat and not duplicated. A sub-set of 493 posts published from 2009-2022 was used for reflexive thematic analysis in NVIVO (Burlington, MA) to identify themes. Five themes were identified: allergy, pruritus, additional behaviors, unusual or undesirable behaviors, diagnosis, and treatment. Most (258) posts reported the cat was excessively licking, itching, and scratching. The majority were indoor cats and were less playful and friendly when itchy. Half of these posts did not indicate a known cause of pruritus. Bald spots and scabs (123) were reported, often causing swelling and fur loss, and 56 reported bumps, lumps, and dry patches. Other impacts on the cat’s quality of life were ear mites, cat self-trauma and stress. Seven posts reported their cats’ symptoms caused them ongoing anxiety and depression. Cats with food allergies to poultry (often chicken and beef) causing bald spots featured in 23 posts. Veterinarians advised switching to a raw food diet and/or changing their bowls. Some cats got worse after switching, leaving owners’ needs unmet. Allergic reactions to flea bites causing excessive itching, red spots, scabs, and fur loss were reported in 13 posts. Some (3) posts indicated allergic reactions to medication. Cats with seasonal and skin allergies, causing sneezing, scratching, headshaking, watery eyes, and nasal discharge, were reported 17 times. Eighty-five posts identified additional behaviors. Of these, 13 reported their cat’s burst pimple or insect bite. Common behaviors were headshaking, rubbing, pawing at their ears, and aggressively chewing. In some cases, bites or pimples triggered previously unseen itchiness, making the cat irritable. Twenty-four reported their cat had anxiety: overgrooming, itching, losing fur, hiding, freaking out, breathing quickly, sleeplessness, hissing and vocalising. Most reported these cats as having itchy skin, fleas, and bumps. Cats were commonly diagnosed with an ear infection, ringworm, acne, or kidney disease. Acne was diagnosed in cats with an allergy flare-up or overgrooming. Ear infections were diagnosed in itchy cats with mites or other parasites. Of the treatments mentioned, steroids were most frequently used, then anti-parasitics, including flea treatments and oral medication (steroids, antibiotics). Forty-six posts reported distress following poor outcomes after medication or additional vet consultations. SL provides veterinarians with unique insights. Verbatim comments highlight the detrimental effects of pruritus on pets and owner quality of life. This study demonstrates the need for veterinarians to communicate management and treatment options more effectively to relieve owner frustrations. Data analysis could be scaled up using machine learning for topic modeling.

Keywords: content analysis, feline, itch, pruritus, social media, thematic analysis, veterinary dermatology

Procedia PDF Downloads 183
980 Current Epizootic Situation of Q Fever in Polish Cattle

Authors: Monika Szymańska-Czerwińska, Agnieszka Jodełko, Krzysztof Niemczuk


Q fever (coxiellosis) is an infectious disease of animals and humans causes by C. burnetii and widely distributed throughout the world. Cattle and small ruminants are commonly known as shedders of C. burnetii. The aims of this study were the evaluation of seroprevalence and shedding of C. burnetii in cattle. Genotypes of the pathogen present in the tested specimens were also identified using MLVA (Multiple Locus Variable-Number Tandem Repeat Analysis) and MST (multispacer sequence typing) methods. Sampling was conducted in different regions of Poland in 2018-2021. In total, 2180 bovine serum samples from 801 cattle herds were tested by ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). 489 specimens from 157 cattle herds such as: individual milk samples (n=407), bulk tank milk (n=58), vaginal swabs (n=20), placenta (n=3) and feces (n=1) were subjected to C. burnetii specific qPCR. The qPCR (IS1111 transposon-like repetitive region) was performed using Adiavet COX RealTime PCR kit. Genotypic characterization of the strains was conducted utilizing MLVA and MST methods. MLVA was performed using 6 variable loci. The overall herd-level seroprevalence of C. burnetii infection was 36.74% (801/2180). Shedders were detected in 29.3% (46/157) cattle herds in all tested regions. ST 61 sequence type was identified in 10 out of 18 genotyped strains. Interestingly one strain represents sequence type which has never been recorded previously. MLVA method identified three previously known genotypes: most common was J but also I and BE were recognized. Moreover, a one genotype has never been described previously. Seroprevalence and shedding of C. burnetii in cattle is common and strains are genetically diverse.

Keywords: Coxiella burnetii, cattle, MST, MLVA, Q fever

Procedia PDF Downloads 83
979 Poultry as a Carrier of Chlamydia gallinacea

Authors: Monika Szymańska-Czerwińsk, Kinga Zaręba-Marchewka, Krzysztof Niemczuk


Chlamydiaceae are Gram-negative bacteria distributed worldwide in animals and humans. One of them is Chlamydia gallinacea recently discovered. Available data show that C. gallinacea is dominant chlamydial agent found in poultry in European and Asian countries. The aim of the studies was screening of poultry flocks in order to evaluate frequency of C. gallinacea shedding and genetic diversity. Sampling was conducted in different regions of Poland in 2019-2020. Overall, 1466 cloacal/oral swabs were collected in duplicate from 146 apparently healthy poultry flocks including chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese and quails. Dry swabs were used for DNA extraction. DNA extracts were screened using a Chlamydiaceae 23S rRNA real-time PCR assay. To identify Chlamydia species, specific real-time PCR assays were performed. Furthermore, selected samples were used for sequencing based on ompA gene fragments and variable domains (VD1-2, VD3-4). In total, 10.3% of the tested flocks were Chlamydiaceae-positive (15/146 farms). The presence of Chlamydiaceae was confirmed mainly in chickens (13/92 farms) but also in turkey (1/19 farms) and goose (1/26 farms) flocks. Eleven flocks were identified as C. gallinacea-positive while four flocks remained unclassified. Phylogenetic analysis revealed at least 16 genetic variants of C. gallinacea. Research showed that Chlamydiaceae occur in a poultry flock in Poland. The strains of C. gallinacea as dominant species show genetic variability.

Keywords: C. gallinacea, emerging agent, poultry, real-time PCR

Procedia PDF Downloads 102
978 Isolation and Identification of Sarcocystis suihominis in a Slaughtered Domestic Pig (Sus scrofa) in Benue State, Nigeria

Authors: H. I. Obadiah, S. N. Wieser, E. A. Omudu, B. O. Atu, O. Byanet, L. Schnittger, M. Florin-Christensen


Sarcocystis sp. are Apicomplexan protozoan parasites with a life cycle that involves a predator and a prey as final and intermediate hosts, respectively. In tissues of the intermediate hosts, the parasites produce sarcocysts that vary in size and morphology according to the species. When a suitable predator ingests sarcocyst-containing meat, the parasites are released in the intestine and undergo sexual reproduction producing infective sporocysts, which are excreted with the feces into the environment. The cycle is closed when a prey ingests sporocyst-contaminated water or pasture; the parasites gain access to the circulation, and eventually invade tissues and reproduce asexually yielding sarcocysts. Pig farming is a common practice in Nigeria as well as in many countries around the world. In addition to its importance as protein source, pork is also a source of several pathogens relevant to humans. In the case of Sarcocystis, three species have been described both in domestic and wild pigs, namely, S. miescheriana, S. porcifelis and S. suihominis. Humans can act both as final and aberrant intermediate hosts of S. suihominis, after ingesting undercooked sarcocyst-infested pork. Infections are usually asymptomatic but can be associated with inappetence, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, or with muscle pain, fever, eosinophilia and bronchospasm, in humans acting as final or intermediate hosts, respectively. Moreover, excretion of infective forms with human feces leads to further dissemination of the infection. In this study, macroscopic sarcocysts of white color, oval shape and a size range of approximately 3-5 mm were observed in the skeletal muscle of a slaughtered pig in an abattoir in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria, destined to human consumption. Sarcocysts were excised and washed in distilled water, and genomic DNA was extracted using a commercial kit. The near-complete length of the 18S rRNA gene was analyzed after PCR amplification of two overlapping fragments, each of which were submitted to direct sequencing. In addition, the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (cox-1) gene was PCR-amplified and directly sequenced. Two phylogenetic trees containing the obtained sequences along with available relevant 18S rRNA and cox-1 sequences were constructed by neighbor joining after alignment, using the corresponding sequences of Toxoplasma gondii as outgroup. The results showed in both cases that the analyzed sequences grouped with S. suihominis with high bootstrap value, confirming the identity of this macroscopic sarcocyst-forming parasite as S. suihominis. To the best of our knowledge, these results represent the first demonstration of this parasite in pigs of Nigeria and the largest sarcocysts described so far for S. suihominis. The close proximity between pigs and humans in pig farms, and the frequent poor sanitary conditions in human dwellings strongly suggest that the parasite undergoes the sexual stages of its life cycle in humans as final hosts. These findings provide an important reference for the examination and control of Sarcocystis species in pigs of Nigeria.

Keywords: nigeria, pork, sarcocystis suihominis, zoonotic parasite

Procedia PDF Downloads 80
977 Agent-Based Modelling to Improve Dairy-origin Beef Production: Model Description and Evaluation

Authors: Addisu H. Addis, Hugh T. Blair, Paul R. Kenyon, Stephen T. Morris, Nicola M. Schreurs, Dorian J. Garrick


Agent-based modeling (ABM) enables an in silico representation of complex systems and cap-tures agent behavior resulting from interaction with other agents and their environment. This study developed an ABM to represent a pasture-based beef cattle finishing systems in New Zea-land (NZ) using attributes of the rearer, finisher, and processor, as well as specific attributes of dairy-origin beef cattle. The model was parameterized using values representing 1% of NZ dairy-origin cattle, and 10% of rearers and finishers in NZ. The cattle agent consisted of 32% Holstein-Friesian, 50% Holstein-Friesian–Jersey crossbred, and 8% Jersey, with the remainder being other breeds. Rearers and finishers repetitively and simultaneously interacted to determine the type and number of cattle populating the finishing system. Rearers brought in four-day-old spring-born calves and reared them until 60 calves (representing a full truck load) on average had a live weight of 100 kg before selling them on to finishers. Finishers mainly attained weaners from rearers, or directly from dairy farmers when weaner demand was higher than the supply from rearers. Fast-growing cattle were sent for slaughter before the second winter, and the re-mainder were sent before their third winter. The model finished a higher number of bulls than heifers and steers, although it was 4% lower than the industry reported value. Holstein-Friesian and Holstein-Friesian–Jersey-crossbred cattle dominated the dairy-origin beef finishing system. Jersey cattle account for less than 5% of total processed beef cattle. Further studies to include re-tailer and consumer perspectives and other decision alternatives for finishing farms would im-prove the applicability of the model for decision-making processes.

Keywords: agent-based modelling, dairy cattle, beef finishing, rearers, finishers

Procedia PDF Downloads 91
976 Molecular and Genetic Characterization of Diacylglycerol Acyltransferase1 Gene in Sudanese Dairy Cattle Kenana and Butana

Authors: Safa Abusara Mohammed Ali, Mohammed Khair Abdallah, Gurdon A. Brockmann, M. Reissmann


The aim of the study was the characterization of DGAT1 variants in Sudanese dairy cattle breeds. In this study, we examined 94 Kenana and 91 Butana dairy cattle from two regions of Sudan. We genotyped the DGAT1 sequence variant AJ318490.1:g.10433/10434 AA>GC that leads to the Lysine – Alanine substitution at position 232 (K232A) in the protein and the VNTR polymorphism in the promoter region. Genotyping was performed by allele specific PCR and PCR fragment lengths determination, respectively. In both breeds, the DGAT1 Lysine variant (232K) that is associated with high fat and protein content as well as high fat yield in other breeds is the high frequent allele. The frequencies of the 232K allele were 96.3% and 84.6% in Kenana and Butana breeds, respectively. At the DGAT1 promoter VNTR locus, four alleles containing four to seven repeats of the 18 bp motif were found in both breeds. The highest frequent allele was the VNTR allele 3 containing five repeats with 60.4 % and 57.5 % in Kenana and Butana breeds, respectively. In conclusion, the two examined Sudanese dairy cattle breeds do not differ in allele frequencies at the DGAT1 locus.

Keywords: dairy cattle, DGAT1, Kenana, Butana.

Procedia PDF Downloads 116
975 Study the Effect of Lipoid Acid as a Protective Against Rheumatoid Arthritis Through Diminishing Pro-inflammatory Markers and Chemokine Expression

Authors: Khairy Mohamed Abdalla Zoheir


One of the most severe complications of Rheumatoid arthritis is delayed recovery. lipoic acid possesses antioxidant, hypoglycemic, and anti-inflammatory activity. In the present study, the effects of lipoic acid were investigated on the key mediators of Rheumatoid arthritis, namely, CD4+CD25+ T cell subsets, GITR expressing cells, CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells, T-helper-17 (Th17) cells and pro-inflammatory cytokines Interleukin-1β (IL-1β), Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and Tumor Necrosis Factor- α (TNF-α)] through flow-cytometry and qPCR analyses. Lipoic acid-treated mice showed a significant decrease in Rheumatoid arthritis, the frequency of GITR-expressing cells, and Th1 cytokines (IL-17A, TNF-αand Interferon- γ (IFN-γ) compared with positive and negative controlled mice. Lipoic acid treatment also downregulated the mRNA expression of the inflammatory mediators compared with the Rheumatoid arthritis mouse model and untreated mice. The number of Tregs was also found to be significantly upregulated in lipoic acid-treated mice. Our results were confirmed by the histopathological examination. This study showed the beneficial role of lipoic acid in promoting a well-balanced tool for the therapy of Rheumatoid arthritis.

Keywords: lipoic acid, inflammatory markers, rheumatoid arthritis, qPCR

Procedia PDF Downloads 95
974 Prediction of Fillet Weight and Fillet Yield from Body Measurements and Genetic Parameters in a Complete Diallel Cross of Three Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Strains

Authors: Kassaye Balkew Workagegn, Gunnar Klemetsdal, Hans Magnus Gjøen


In this study, the first objective was to investigate whether non-lethal or non-invasive methods, utilizing body measurements, could be used to efficiently predict fillet weight and fillet yield for a complete diallel cross of three Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) strains collected from three Ethiopian Rift Valley lakes, Lakes Ziway, Koka and Chamo. The second objective was to estimate heritability of body weight, actual and predicted fillet traits, as well as genetic correlations between these traits. A third goal was to estimate additive, reciprocal, and heterosis effects for body weight and the various fillet traits. As in females, early sexual maturation was widespread, only 958 male fish from 81 full-sib families were used, both for the prediction of fillet traits and in genetic analysis. The prediction equations from body measurements were established by forward regression analysis, choosing models with the least predicted residual error sums of squares (PRESS). The results revealed that body measurements on live Nile tilapia is well suited to predict fillet weight but not fillet yield (R²= 0.945 and 0.209, respectively), but both models were seemingly unbiased. The genetic analyses were carried out with bivariate, multibreed models. Body weight, fillet weight, and predicted fillet weight were all estimated with a heritability ranged from 0.23 to 0.28, and with genetic correlations close to one. Contrary, fillet yield was only to a minor degree heritable (0.05), while predicted fillet yield obtained a heritability of 0.19, being a resultant of two body weight variables known to have high heritability. The latter trait was estimated with genetic correlations to body weight and fillet weight traits larger than 0.82. No significant differences among strains were found for their additive genetic, reciprocal, or heterosis effects, while total heterosis effects were estimated as positive and significant (P < 0.05). As a conclusion, prediction of prediction of fillet weight based on body measurements is possible, but not for fillet yield.

Keywords: additive, fillet traits, genetic correlation, heritability, heterosis, prediction, reciprocal

Procedia PDF Downloads 178
973 Antibacterial Activity of Copper Nanoparticles on Vancomycin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in Vitro and Animal Models

Authors: Sina Gharevali


Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most important factors for nosocomial infections and infections acquired in a hospital setting role as is. Drug-resistant bacteria methicillin, which in 1961 was reported in many parts of the world, Made the role as the last drug, vancomycin, in the treatment of infections caused by the Staphylococcus aureus chain be taken into consideration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effects of copper nanoparticles and compared it with antibiotics on Staphylococcus aureus resistant to vancomycin in vitro and animal model. In this study, this test was performed, and the most effective antibiotic for vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was determined by disk diffusion method. After various concentrations of copper nanoparticles and antibiotics were prepared and vancomycin resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria with serial dilution method for determining antibiotic ciprofloxacin. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration and Minimum Bactericidal Concentrationcopper nanoparticles was performed. The agar dilution method for bacterial growth in different concentrations of copper nanoparticles and antibiotics ciprofloxacin was performed. The agar dilution method for bacterial growth in different concentrations of copper nanoparticles and antibiotics ciprofloxacin was performed. Then the broth dilution method for the antibiotic ciprofloxacin, nano-particles, and nano-particles of copper and copper-established antibiotic synergy MIC and MBC were obtained. MBC was obtained from the experimental animal model test method, and the results were compared. The results showed that copper nanoparticles compared with the antibiotic ciprofloxacin in vitro and animal model more effective in inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus resistant to vancomycin and ciprofloxacin and extent of the impact of the Synthetic effect of lower copper nanoparticles. Which can then be used to treat clinical research as a candidate.

Keywords: nanoparticles, copper, staphylococcus, aureus

Procedia PDF Downloads 93
972 Prevalence and Molecular Characterization of Extended-Spectrum–β Lactamase and Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacterales from Tunisian Seafood

Authors: Mehdi Soula, Yosra Mani, Estelle Saras, Antoine Drapeau, Raoudha Grami, Mahjoub Aouni, Jean-Yves Madec, Marisa Haenni, Wejdene Mansour


Multi-resistance to antibiotics in gram-negative bacilli and particularly in enterobacteriaceae, has become frequent in hospitals in Tunisia. However, data on antibiotic resistant bacteria in aquatic products are scarce. The aims of this study are to estimate the proportion of ESBL- and carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales in seafood (clams and fish) in Tunisia and to molecularly characterize the collected isolates. Two types of seafood were sampled in unrelated markets in four different regions in Tunisia (641 pieces of farmed fish and 1075 mediterranean clams divided into 215 pools, and each pool contained 5 pieces). Once purchased, all samples were incubated in tubes containing peptone salt broth for 24 to 48h at 37°C. After incubation, overnight cultures were isolated on selective MacConkey agar plates supplemented with either imipenem or cefotaxime, identified using API20E test strips (bioMérieux, Marcy-l’Étoile, France) and confirmed by Maldi-TOF MS. Antimicrobial susceptibility was determined by the disk diffusion method on Mueller-Hinton agar plates and results were interpreted according to CA-SFM 2021. ESBL-producing Enterobacterales were detected using the Double Disc Synergy Test (DDST). Carbapenem-resistance was detected using an ertapenem disk and was respectively confirmed using the ROSCO KPC/MBL and OXA-48 Confirm Kit (ROSCO Diagnostica, Taastrup, Denmark). DNA was extracted using a NucleoSpin Microbial DNA extraction kit (Macherey-Nagel, Hoerdt, France), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Resistance genes were determined using the CGE online tools. The replicon content and plasmid formula were identified from the WGS data using PlasmidFinder 2.0.1 and pMLST 2.0. From farmed fishes, nine ESBL-producing strains (9/641, 1.4%) were isolated, which were identified as E. coli (n=6) and K. pneumoniae (n=3). Among the 215 pools of 5 clams analyzed, 18 ESBL-producing isolates were identified, including 14 E. coli and 4 K. pneumoniae. A low isolation rate of ESBL-producing Enterobacterales was detected 1.6% (18/1075) in clam pools. In fish, the ESBL phenotype was due to the presence of the blaCTX-M-15 gene in all nine isolates, but no carbapenemase gene was identified. In clams, the predominant ESBL phenotype was blaCTX-M-1 (n=6/18). blaCPE (NDM1, OXA48) was detected only in 3 isolates ‘K. pneumoniae isolates’. Replicon typing on the strains carring the ESBL and carbapenemase gene revelead that the major type plasmid carried ESBL were IncF (42.3%) [n=11/26]. In all, our results suggest that seafood can be a reservoir of multi-drug resistant bacteria, most probably of human origin but also by the selection pressure of antibiotic. Our findings raise concerns that seafood bought for consumption may serve as potential reservoirs of AMR genes and pose serious threat to public health.

Keywords: BLSE, carbapenemase, enterobacterales, tunisian seafood

Procedia PDF Downloads 102
971 Prevalence of Rabbit Coccidia in Medea Province, Algeria

Authors: Mohamed Sadek Bachene, Soraya Temim, Hassina Ainbaziz, Asma Bachene


Coccidiosis has an economic impact for poultry and livestock. The current study examined the prevalence ofEimeria infections in domestic rabbits in Medea province, North of Algeria. A total of 414 faecal samples were collected from 50 farms in six regions of the province. Each faecal sample was subjected to oocyst counting andisolation. The Eimeria species from samples containing isolated and sporulatedoocysts were morphologically identified microscopically. The overall prevalence of coccidial infections was 47.6% (197/414). Weaners had the highest prevalence (77%, 77/100, p<0.0001), followed by growing rabbits (46.8%, 30/64), and the adult rabbits showed the lowest prevalence (36 %, 18/50). In breeding rabbits, females were more infected with a prevalence of40% (p<0.0001). Eleven rabbit Eimeria’s species were present and identified from oocyst positive samples. Eimeriamagna and Eimeria media were the most prevalent species (47.6% and 47.3%). Sulfonamides showed a better protection against rabbit coccidiosis than colistin and trimethoprim association (p< 0.0001, the prevalence of 23.3% vs.65.3%, respectively). These results indicated that the prevalence of coccidiosis is high among the rabbit population inMedea province, North of Algeria. As a conclusion, it seems that the epidemiological situation of rabbit coccidiosisin Medea province must be taken into consideration in order to minimize the economic losses caused by this parasitosis.

Keywords: eimeria, oryctolagus cuniculus, rabbit, sulfonamides

Procedia PDF Downloads 101
970 Consumer Health Risk Assessment from Some Heavy Metal Bioaccumulation in Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio) from Lake Koka, Ethiopia

Authors: Mathewos Temesgen, Lemi Geleta


Lake Koka is one of the Ethiopian Central Rift Valleys lakes, where the absorbance of domestic, agricultural, and industrial waste from the nearby industrial and agro-industrial activities is very common. The aim of this research was to assess the heavy metal bioaccumulation in edible parts of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Lake Koka and the health risks associated with the dietary intake of the fish. Three sampling sites were selected randomly for primary data collection. Physicochemical parameters (pH, Total Dissolved Solids, Dissolved Oxygen and Electrical Conductivity) were measured in-situ. Four heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Pb, and Zn) in water and bio-accumulation in the edible parts of the fish were analyzed with flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The mean values of TDS, EC, DO and pH of the lake water were 458.1 mg/L, 905.7 µ s/cm, 7.36 mg/L, and 7.9, respectively. The mean concentrations of Zn, Cr, and Cd in the edible part of fish were also 0.18 mg/kg, ND-0.24 mg/kg, and ND-0.03 mg/kg, respectively. Pb was, however, not identified. The amount of Cr in the examined fish muscle was above the level set by FAO, and the accumulation of the metals showed marked differences between sampling sites (p<0.05). The concentrations of Cd, Pb and were below the maximum permissible limit. The results also indicated that Cr has a high transfer factor value and Zn has the lowest. The carcinogenic hazard ratio values were below the threshold value (<1) for the edible parts of fish. The estimated weekly intake of heavy metals from fish muscles ranked as Cr>Zn>Cd, but the values were lower than the Reference Dose limit for metals. The carcinogenic risk values indicated a low health risk due to the intake of individual metals from fish. Furthermore, the hazard index of the edible part of fish was less than unity. Generally, the water quality is not a risk for the survival and reproduction of fish, and the heavy metal contents in the edible parts of fish exhibited low carcinogenic risk through the food chain.

Keywords: bio-accumulation, cyprinus carpio, hazard index, heavy metals, Lake Koka

Procedia PDF Downloads 108
969 Effects of Pharmaceutical Drugs on Fish (koi) Behaviour and Muscle Function

Authors: Gayathri Vijayakumar, Preethi Baskaran


The effluents that are let down by the industries mix with the water bodies and drastically affect the aquatic life, which leads to pollution and bio magnifications. Effluents mostly contain chemicals, heavy metals etc., and cause toxicity to the environment. The pharmaceutical industries too contribute. The by-products and other unwanted waste are discharged without any treatment; these causes DNA damage and affect behavior of aquatic life. The study was conducted on koi carp (Cyprinus carpio) the ornamental variety of common carp. A two week long study was conducted on them using common anti-depressant drug (Diazepam) in various concentrations. These drugs are known to cause behavioral damage and organ malfunctions (muscle twitch). The histopathological study conducted showed permanent muscle twitching and lesions in the fish samples studied. The sociability was also affected in the span of 14 days. Higher concentrations of this drug showed severe damage in the muscle structures. Thus, this drug can cause adverse effects on marine ecosystem and eventually cause bio magnification of drug by running through the food chain.

Keywords: pollution, toxicity, bio-magnifications, koi carp, muscle twitch, diazepam, histopathology

Procedia PDF Downloads 96
968 Collection, Cryopreservation, and Fertilizing Potential of Bovine Spermatozoa Collected from the Epididymis Evaluated by Conventional Techniques and by Flow Cytometry

Authors: M. H. Moreira da Silva, L. Valadao, F. Moreira da Silva


In the present study, the fertilizing capacity of bovine spermatozoa was evaluated before and after its cryopreservation. For this, the testicles of 100 bulls slaughtered on Terceira Island were dissected, the epididymal tails were separated, and semen was recovered by the flotation method and then evaluated by phase contrast microscopy and by flow cytometry. For phase contrast microscopy, a drop of semen was used to evaluate the percentage of motile spermatozoa (from 0 to 100%) and motility (from 0 to 5). After determining the concentration and the abnormal forms, semen was diluted to a final concentration of 50 x 106 spz/ml and evaluated by flow cytometer for membrane and acrosome integrity using the conjugation of fluorescent probes propidium iodide (PI) and Arachis hypogea agglutinin (FITC-PNA). Freezing was carried out in a programmable semen freezer, using 0.25 ml straws, in a total of 20 x 106 viable sperm per straw with glycerol as a cryoprotectant in a final concentration of 0.58 M. It was observed that, on average, a total of 7.25 ml of semen was collected from each bull. The viability and vitality rates were respectively 83.22 ± 7.52% and 3.8 ± 0.4 before freezing, decreasing to 58.81 ± 11.99% and 3.6 ± 0.6, respectively, after thawing. Regarding cytoplasmic droplets, it was observed that a high percentage of spermatozoa had medial cytoplasmic droplets (38.47%), with only 3.32% and 0.15% presenting proximal and distal cytoplasmic drops, respectively. By flow cytometry, it was observed that before freezing, the percentage of sperm with the damaged plasma membrane and intact acrosome was 3.61 ± 0.99%, increasing slightly to 4.21 ± 1.86% after cryopreservation (p<0.05). Regarding spermatozoa with damaged plasma membrane and acrosome, the percentage before freezing was 3.37±1.87%, increasing to 4.34 ±1.16% after thawing, and no significant differences were observed between these two values. For the percentage of sperm with the intact plasma membrane and damaged acrosome, this value was 2.04 ± 2.34% before freezing, decreasing to 0.89 ± 0.48% after thawing (p<0.05). The percentage of sperm with the intact plasma membrane and acrosome before freezing was 90.99±2.75%, with a slight decrease to 90.57±3.15% after thawing (p<0.05). From this study, it can be clearly concluded that, after the slaughtering of bulls, the spermatozoa can be recovered from the epididymis and cryopreserved, maintaining an excellent rate of sperm viability and quality after thawing.

Keywords: bovine semen, epididymis, cryopreservation, fertility assessment

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