Search results for: the creative learning process
18959 Engaging Teacher Inquiry via New Media in Traditional and E-Learning Environments
Authors: Daniel A. Walzer
As the options for course delivery and development expand, plenty of misconceptions still exist concerning e-learning and online course delivery. Classroom instructors often discuss pedagogy, methodologies, and best practices regarding teaching from a singular, traditional in-class perspective. As more professors integrate online, blended, and hybrid courses into their dossier, a clearly defined rubric for gauging online course delivery is essential. The transition from a traditional learning structure towards an updated distance-based format requires careful planning, evaluation, and revision. This paper examines how new media stimulates reflective practice and guided inquiry to improve pedagogy, engage interdisciplinary collaboration, and supply rich qualitative data for future research projects in media arts disciplines.Keywords: action research, inquiry, new media, reflection
Procedia PDF Downloads 30818958 Multilocal Youth and the Berlin Digital Industry: Productive Leisure as a Key Factor in European Migration
Authors: Stefano Pelaggi
The research is focused on youth labor and mobility in Berlin. Mobility has become a common denominator in our daily lives but it does not primarily move according to monetary incentives. Labor, knowledge and leisure overlap on this point as cities are trying to attract people who could participate in production of the innovations while the new migrants are experiencing the lifestyle of the host cities. The research will present the project of empirical study focused on Italian workers in the digital industry in Berlin, trying to underline the connection between pleasure, leisure with the choice of life abroad. Berlin has become the epicenter of the European Internet start-up scene, but people suitable to work for digital industries are not moving in Berlin to make a career, most of them are attracted to the city for different reasons. This point makes a clear exception to traditional migration flows, which are always originated from a specific search of employment opportunities or strong ties, usually families, in a place that could guarantee success in finding a job. Even the skilled migration has always been originated from a specific need, finding the right path for a successful professional life. In a society where the lack of free time in our calendar seems to be something to be ashamed, the actors of youth mobility incorporate some categories of experiential tourism within their own life path. Professional aspirations, lifestyle choices of the protagonists of youth mobility are geared towards meeting the desires and aspirations that define leisure. While most of creative work places, in particular digital industries, uses the category of fun as a primary element of corporate policy, virtually extending the time to work for the whole day; more and more people around the world are deciding their path in life, career choices on the basis of indicators linked to the realization of the self, which may include factors like a warm climate, cultural environment. All indicators that are usually eradicated from the hegemonic approach to labor. The interpretative framework commonly used seems to be mostly focused on a dualism between Florida's theories and those who highlight the absence of conflict in his studies. While the flexibility of the new creative industries is minimizing leisure, incorporating elements of leisure itself in work activities, more people choose their own path of life by placing great importance to basic needs, through a gaze on pleasure that is only partially driven by consumption. The multi localism is the co-existence of different identities and cultures that do not conflict because they reject the bind on territory. Local loses its strength of opposition to global, with an attenuation of the whole concept of citizenship, territory and even integration. A similar perspective could be useful to search a new approach to all the studies dedicated to the gentrification process, while studying the new migrations flow.Keywords: brain drain, digital industry, leisure and gentrification, multi localism
Procedia PDF Downloads 24918957 Impact of Pedagogical Techniques on the Teaching of Sports Sciences
Authors: Muhammad Saleem
Background: The teaching of sports sciences encompasses a broad spectrum of disciplines, including biomechanics, physiology, psychology, and coaching. Effective pedagogical techniques are crucial in imparting both theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for students to excel in the field. The impact of these techniques on students’ learning outcomes, engagement, and professional preparedness remains a vital area of study. Objective: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of various pedagogical techniques used in the teaching of sports sciences. It seeks to identify which methods most significantly enhance student learning, retention, engagement, and practical application of knowledge. Methods: A mixed-methods approach was employed, including both quantitative and qualitative analyses. The study involved a comparative analysis of traditional lecture-based teaching, experiential learning, problem-based learning (PBL), and technology-enhanced learning (TEL). Data were collected through surveys, interviews, and academic performance assessments from students enrolled in sports sciences programs at multiple universities. Statistical analysis was used to evaluate academic performance, while thematic analysis was applied to qualitative data to capture student experiences and perceptions. Results: The findings indicate that experiential learning and PBL significantly improve students' understanding and retention of complex sports science concepts compared to traditional lectures. TEL was found to enhance engagement and provide students with flexible learning opportunities, but its impact on deep learning varied depending on the quality of the digital resources. Overall, a combination of experiential learning, PBL, and TEL was identified as the most effective pedagogical approach, leading to higher student satisfaction and better preparedness for real-world applications. Conclusion: The study underscores the importance of adopting diverse and student-centered pedagogical techniques in the teaching of sports sciences. While traditional lectures remain useful for foundational knowledge, integrating experiential learning, PBL, and TEL can substantially improve student outcomes. These findings suggest that educators should consider a blended approach to pedagogy to maximize the effectiveness of sports science education.Keywords: sport sciences, pedagogical techniques, health and physical education, problem-based learning, student engagement
Procedia PDF Downloads 3418956 The Importance of Organized and Non-Organized Bildung for a Comprehensive Term of Bildung
Authors: Christine Pichler
The German word Bildung in a comprehensive understanding can be defined as the development of the personality and as a process, which lasts from birth, or even before birth, until death. Gaining experience, acquiring abilities and knowledge as a lifelong learning process is what Bildung means. The development of the personality is intransitive because of the personality’s development itself, and transitive because of influences on the formation of a person by individuals and institutions. In public and political discussions, the term Bildung is understood with a constricted usage as education at schools. This leads to the research question, which consequences this limited comprehension of the term Bildung implies and how a comprehensive term of Bildung has to be defined. In discussions, Bildung is limited to its formal part. The limited understanding prevents from accurate analyses and discussions as well as adequate actions. This hypothesis and the research issue will be processed by theoretical analyses of the factors of Bildung, guideline-controlled expert interviews and a qualitative content analysis. The limited understanding on the term Bildung is a methodological problem. This results in inaccuracies in the analysis of the processes of Bildung and their effects on the development of personality structures. On the one hand, an individual is influenced by formal structures in the system of Bildung (e.g. schools) and on the other hand an individual is influenced by gained individual and informal personality and character attributes. In general, too little attention is given to these attributes and individual qualifications. The aim of this work is to demonstrate informative terms so the educational process with all its facets could be considered and applicable analyses can be made. If the informative terms can be defined, it´s also possible to identify and discuss the components of a comprehensive term Bildung to enable correct action.Keywords: Bildung, development of personality, education, formative process, organized and non-organized Bildung
Procedia PDF Downloads 12518955 Multilingualism in Medieval Romance: A French Case Study
Authors: Brindusa Grigoriu
Inscribing itself in the field of the history of multilingual communities with a focus on the evolution of language didactics, our paper aims at providing a pragmatic-interactional approach on a corpus proposing to scholars of the international scientific community a relevant text of early modern European literature: the first romance in French, The Conte of Flore and Blanchefleur by Robert d’Orbigny (1150). The multicultural context described by the romance is one in which an Arab-speaking prince, Floire, and his Francophone protégée, Blanchefleur, learn Latin together at the court of Spain and become fluent enough to turn it into the language of their love. This learning process is made up of interactional patterns of affective relevance, in which the proficiency of the protagonists in the domain of emotive acts becomes a matter of linguistic and pragmatic emulation. From five to ten years old, the pupils are efficiently stimulated by their teacher of Latin, Gaidon – a Moorish scholar of the royal entourage – to cultivate their competencies of oral expression and reading comprehension (of Antiquity classics), while enjoying an ever greater freedom of written expression, including the composition of love poems in this second language of culture and emotional education. Another relevant parameter of the educational process at court is that Latin shares its prominent role as a language of culture with French, whose exemplary learner is the (Moorish) queen herself. Indeed, the adult 'First lady' strives to become a pupil benefitting from lifelong learning provided by a fortuitous slave-teacher with little training, her anonymous chambermaid and Blanchefleur’s mother, who, despite her status of a war trophy, enjoys her Majesty’s confidence as a cultural agent of change in linguistic and theological fields. Thus, the two foreign languages taught at Spains’s court, Latin and French – as opposed to Arabic -, suggest a spiritual authority allowing the mutual enrichment of intercultural pioneers of cross-linguistic communication, in the aftermath of religious wars. Durably, and significantly – if not everlastingly – the language of physical violence rooted in intra-cultural solipsism is replaced by two Romance languages which seem to embody, together and yet distinctly, the parlance of peace-making.Keywords: multilingualism, history of European language learning, French and Latin learners, multicultural context of medieval romance
Procedia PDF Downloads 14218954 Identification of Biological Pathways Causative for Breast Cancer Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
Authors: Karthik Mittal
This study performs an unsupervised machine learning analysis to find clusters of related SNPs which highlight biological pathways that are important for the biological mechanisms of breast cancer. Studying genetic variations in isolation is illogical because these genetic variations are known to modulate protein production and function; the downstream effects of these modifications on biological outcomes are highly interconnected. After extracting the SNPs and their effect on different types of breast cancer using the MRBase library, two unsupervised machine learning clustering algorithms were implemented on the genetic variants: a k-means clustering algorithm and a hierarchical clustering algorithm; furthermore, principal component analysis was executed to visually represent the data. These algorithms specifically used the SNP’s beta value on the three different types of breast cancer tested in this project (estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer, estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer, and breast cancer in general) to perform this clustering. Two significant genetic pathways validated the clustering produced by this project: the MAPK signaling pathway and the connection between the BRCA2 gene and the ESR1 gene. This study provides the first proof of concept showing the importance of unsupervised machine learning in interpreting GWAS summary statistics.Keywords: breast cancer, computational biology, unsupervised machine learning, k-means, PCA
Procedia PDF Downloads 14918953 Improved Super-Resolution Using Deep Denoising Convolutional Neural Network
Authors: Pawan Kumar Mishra, Ganesh Singh Bisht
Super-resolution is the technique that is being used in computer vision to construct high-resolution images from a single low-resolution image. It is used to increase the frequency component, recover the lost details and removing the down sampling and noises that caused by camera during image acquisition process. High-resolution images or videos are desired part of all image processing tasks and its analysis in most of digital imaging application. The target behind super-resolution is to combine non-repetition information inside single or multiple low-resolution frames to generate a high-resolution image. Many methods have been proposed where multiple images are used as low-resolution images of same scene with different variation in transformation. This is called multi-image super resolution. And another family of methods is single image super-resolution that tries to learn redundancy that presents in image and reconstruction the lost information from a single low-resolution image. Use of deep learning is one of state of art method at present for solving reconstruction high-resolution image. In this research, we proposed Deep Denoising Super Resolution (DDSR) that is a deep neural network for effectively reconstruct the high-resolution image from low-resolution image.Keywords: resolution, deep-learning, neural network, de-blurring
Procedia PDF Downloads 51918952 Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Employing Teaching Learning Based Optimization
Authors: Anam Gopi
The undesired torque and flux ripple may occur in conventional direct torque control (DTC) induction motor drive. DTC can improve the system performance at low speeds by continuously tuning the regulator by adjusting the Kp, Ki values. In this Teaching Learning Based Optimization (TLBO) is proposed to adjust the parameters (Kp, Ki) of the speed controller in order to minimize torque ripple, flux ripple, and stator current distortion. The TLBO based PI controller has resulted is maintaining a constant speed of the motor irrespective of the load torque fluctuations.Keywords: teaching learning based optimization, direct torque control, PI controller
Procedia PDF Downloads 58818951 Visualization-Based Feature Extraction for Classification in Real-Time Interaction
Authors: Ágoston Nagy
This paper introduces a method of using unsupervised machine learning to visualize the feature space of a dataset in 2D, in order to find most characteristic segments in the set. After dimension reduction, users can select clusters by manual drawing. Selected clusters are recorded into a data model that is used for later predictions, based on realtime data. Predictions are made with supervised learning, using Gesture Recognition Toolkit. The paper introduces two example applications: a semantic audio organizer for analyzing incoming sounds, and a gesture database organizer where gestural data (recorded by a Leap motion) is visualized for further manipulation.Keywords: gesture recognition, machine learning, real-time interaction, visualization
Procedia PDF Downloads 35818950 Evaluation of Classification Algorithms for Diagnosis of Asthma in Iranian Patients
Authors: Taha SamadSoltani, Peyman Rezaei Hachesu, Marjan GhaziSaeedi, Maryam Zolnoori
Introduction: Data mining defined as a process to find patterns and relationships along data in the database to build predictive models. Application of data mining extended in vast sectors such as the healthcare services. Medical data mining aims to solve real-world problems in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This method applies various techniques and algorithms which have different accuracy and precision. The purpose of this study was to apply knowledge discovery and data mining techniques for the diagnosis of asthma based on patient symptoms and history. Method: Data mining includes several steps and decisions should be made by the user which starts by creation of an understanding of the scope and application of previous knowledge in this area and identifying KD process from the point of view of the stakeholders and finished by acting on discovered knowledge using knowledge conducting, integrating knowledge with other systems and knowledge documenting and this study a stepwise methodology followed to achieve a logical outcome. Results: Sensitivity, Specifity and Accuracy of KNN, SVM, Naïve bayes, NN, Classification tree and CN2 algorithms and related similar studies was evaluated and ROC curves were plotted to show the performance of the system. Conclusion: The results show that we can accurately diagnose asthma, approximately ninety percent, based on the demographical and clinical data. The study also showed that the methods based on pattern discovery and data mining have a higher sensitivity compared to expert and knowledge-based systems. On the other hand, medical guidelines and evidence-based medicine should be base of diagnostics methods, therefore recommended to machine learning algorithms used in combination with knowledge-based algorithms.Keywords: asthma, datamining, classification, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 45118949 Comparison Learning Vocabulary Implicitly and Explicitly
Authors: Akram Hashemi
This study provided an empirical evidence for learners of elementary level of language proficiency to investigate the potential role of contextualization in vocabulary learning. Prior to the main study, pilot study was performed to determine the reliability and validity of the researcher-made pretest and posttest. After manifesting the homogeneity of the participants, the participants (n = 90) were randomly assigned into three equal groups, i.e., two experimental groups and a control group. They were pretested by a vocabulary test, in order to test participants' pre-knowledge of vocabulary. Then, vocabulary instruction was provided through three methods of visual instruction, the use of context and the use of conventional techniques. At the end of the study, all participants took the same posttest in order to assess their vocabulary gain. The results of independent sample t-test indicated that there is a significant difference between learning vocabulary visually and learning vocabulary contextually. The results of paired sample t-test showed that different teaching strategies have significantly different impacts on learners’ vocabulary gains. Also, the contextual strategy was significantly more effective than visual strategy in improving students’ performance in vocabulary test.Keywords: vocabulary instruction, explicit instruction, implicit instruction, strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 33818948 An Efficient Machine Learning Model to Detect Metastatic Cancer in Pathology Scans Using Principal Component Analysis Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm, and Classification Algorithms
Authors: Bliss Singhal
Machine learning (ML) is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) where computers analyze data and find patterns in the data. The study focuses on the detection of metastatic cancer using ML. Metastatic cancer is the stage where cancer has spread to other parts of the body and is the cause of approximately 90% of cancer-related deaths. Normally, pathologists spend hours each day to manually classifying whether tumors are benign or malignant. This tedious task contributes to mislabeling metastasis being over 60% of the time and emphasizes the importance of being aware of human error and other inefficiencies. ML is a good candidate to improve the correct identification of metastatic cancer, saving thousands of lives and can also improve the speed and efficiency of the process, thereby taking fewer resources and time. So far, the deep learning methodology of AI has been used in research to detect cancer. This study is a novel approach to determining the potential of using preprocessing algorithms combined with classification algorithms in detecting metastatic cancer. The study used two preprocessing algorithms: principal component analysis (PCA) and the genetic algorithm, to reduce the dimensionality of the dataset and then used three classification algorithms: logistic regression, decision tree classifier, and k-nearest neighbors to detect metastatic cancer in the pathology scans. The highest accuracy of 71.14% was produced by the ML pipeline comprising of PCA, the genetic algorithm, and the k-nearest neighbor algorithm, suggesting that preprocessing and classification algorithms have great potential for detecting metastatic cancer.Keywords: breast cancer, principal component analysis, genetic algorithm, k-nearest neighbors, decision tree classifier, logistic regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 9118947 Estimating Gait Parameter from Digital RGB Camera Using Real Time AlphaPose Learning Architecture
Authors: Murad Almadani, Khalil Abu-Hantash, Xinyu Wang, Herbert Jelinek, Kinda Khalaf
Gait analysis is used by healthcare professionals as a tool to gain a better understanding of the movement impairment and track progress. In most circumstances, monitoring patients in their real-life environments with low-cost equipment such as cameras and wearable sensors is more important. Inertial sensors, on the other hand, cannot provide enough information on angular dynamics. This research offers a method for tracking 2D joint coordinates using cutting-edge vision algorithms and a single RGB camera. We provide an end-to-end comprehensive deep learning pipeline for marker-less gait parameter estimation, which, to our knowledge, has never been done before. To make our pipeline function in real-time for real-world applications, we leverage the AlphaPose human posture prediction model and a deep learning transformer. We tested our approach on the well-known GPJATK dataset, which produces promising results.Keywords: gait analysis, human pose estimation, deep learning, real time gait estimation, AlphaPose, transformer
Procedia PDF Downloads 12218946 The Mentoring in Professional Development of University Teachers
Authors: Nagore Guerra Bilbao, Clemente Lobato Fraile
Mentoring is provided by professionals with a higher level of experience and competence as part of the professional development of a university faculty. This paper explores the characteristics of the mentoring provided by those teachers participating in the development of an active methodology program run at the University of the Basque Country: to examine and to analyze mentors’ performance with the aim of providing empirical evidence regarding its value as a lifelong learning strategy for teaching staff. A total of 183 teachers were trained during the first three programs. The analysis method uses a coding technique and is based on flexible, systematic guidelines for gathering and analyzing qualitative data. The results have confirmed the conception of mentoring as a methodological innovation in higher education. In short, university teachers in general assessed the mentoring they received positively, considering it to be a valid, useful strategy in their professional development. They highlighted the methodological expertise of their mentor and underscored how they monitored the learning process of the active method and provided guidance and advice when necessary. Finally, they also drew attention to traits such as availability, personal commitment and flexibility in. However, a minority critique is pointed to some aspects of the performance of some mentors.Keywords: higher education, mentoring, professional development, university teachers
Procedia PDF Downloads 24518945 Learner Autonomy Transfer from Teacher Education Program to the Classroom: Teacher Training is not Enough
Authors: Ira Slabodar
Autonomous learning in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) refers to the use of target language, learner collaboration and students’ responsibility for their learning. Teachers play a vital role of mediators and facilitators in self-regulated method. Thus, their perception of self-guided practices dictates their implementation of this approach. While research has predominantly focused on inadequate administration of autonomous learning in school mostly due to lack of appropriate teacher training, this study examined whether novice teachers who were exposed to extensive autonomous practices were likely to implement this method in their teaching. Twelve novice teachers were interviewed to examine their perception of learner autonomy and their administration of this method. It was found that three-thirds of the respondents experienced a gap between familiarity with autonomous learning and a favorable attitude to this approach and their deficient integration of self-directed learning. Although learner-related and institution-oriented factors played a role in this gap, it was mostly caused by the respondents’ not being genuinely autonomous. This may be due to indirect exposure rather than explicit introduction of the learner autonomy approach. The insights of this research may assist curriculum designers and heads of teacher training programs to rethink course composition to guarantee the transfer of methodologies into EFL classes.Keywords: learner autonomy, teacher training, english as a foreign language (efl), genuinely autonomous teachers, explicit instruction, self-determination theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 6118944 Enhancing Learning for Research Higher Degree Students
Authors: Jenny Hall, Alison Jaquet
Universities’ push toward the production of high quality research is not limited to academic staff and experienced researchers. In this environment of research rich agendas, Higher Degree Research (HDR) students are increasingly expected to engage in the publishing of good quality papers in high impact journals. IFN001: Advanced Information Research Skills (AIRS) is a credit bearing mandatory coursework requirement for Queensland University of Technology (QUT) doctorates. Since its inception in 1989, this unique blended learning program has provided the foundations for new researchers to produce original and innovative research. AIRS was redeveloped in 2012, and has now been evaluated with reference to the university’s strategic research priorities. Our research is the first comprehensive evaluation of the program from the learner perspective. We measured whether the program develops essential transferrable skills and graduate capabilities to ensure best practice in the areas of publishing and data management. In particular, we explored whether AIRS prepares students to be agile researchers with the skills to adapt to different research contexts both within and outside academia. The target group for our study consisted of HDR students and supervisors at QUT. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used for data collection. Gathering data was by survey and focus groups with qualitative responses analyzed using NVivo. The results of the survey show that 82% of students surveyed believe that AIRS assisted their research process and helped them learn skills they need as a researcher. The 18% of respondents who expressed reservation about the benefits of AIRS were also examined to determine the key areas of concern. These included trends related to the timing of the program early in the candidature and a belief among some students that their previous research experience was sufficient for postgraduate study. New insights have been gained into how to better support HDR learners in partnership with supervisors and how to enhance learning experiences of specific cohorts, including international students and mature learners.Keywords: data management, enhancing learning experience, publishing, research higher degree students, doctoral students
Procedia PDF Downloads 27618943 Simulation-Based Optimization Approach for an Electro-Plating Production Process Based on Theory of Constraints and Data Envelopment Analysis
Authors: Mayada Attia Ibrahim
Evaluating and developing the electroplating production process is a key challenge in this type of process. The process is influenced by several factors such as process parameters, process costs, and production environments. Analyzing and optimizing all these factors together requires extensive analytical techniques that are not available in real-case industrial entities. This paper presents a practice-based framework for the evaluation and optimization of some of the crucial factors that affect the costs and production times associated with this type of process, energy costs, material costs, and product flow times. The proposed approach uses Design of Experiments, Discrete-Event Simulation, and Theory of Constraints were respectively used to identify the most significant factors affecting the production process and simulate a real production line to recognize the effect of these factors and assign possible bottlenecks. Several scenarios are generated as corrective strategies for improving the production line. Following that, data envelopment analysis CCR input-oriented DEA model is used to evaluate and optimize the suggested scenarios.Keywords: electroplating process, simulation, design of experiment, performance optimization, theory of constraints, data envelopment analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 10618942 Treatment of Cutting Oily-Wastewater by Sono-Fenton Process: Experimental Approach and Combined Process
Authors: Pisut Painmanakul, Thawatchai Chintateerachai, Supanid Lertlapwasin, Nusara Rojvilavan, Tanun Chalermsinsuwan, Nattawin Chawaloesphonsiya, Onanong Larpparisudthi
Conventional coagulation, advance oxidation process (AOPs), and the combined process were evaluated and compared for its suitability to treat the stabilized cutting-oil wastewater. The 90% efficiency was obtained from the coagulation at Al2(SO4)3 dosage of 150 mg/L and pH 7. On the other hands, efficiencies of AOPs for 30 minutes oxidation time were 10% for acoustic oxidation, 12% for acoustic oxidation with hydrogen peroxide, 76% for Fenton, and 92% sono-Fenton processes. The highest efficiency for effective oil removal of AOPs required large amount of chemical. Therefore, AOPs were studied as a post-treatment after conventional separation process. The efficiency was considerable as the effluent COD can pass the standard required for industrial wastewater discharge with less chemical and energy consumption.Keywords: cutting oily-wastewater, advance oxidation process, sono-fenton, combined process
Procedia PDF Downloads 35918941 A Team-Based Learning Game Guided by a Social Robot
Authors: Gila Kurtz, Dan Kohen Vacs
Social robots (SR) is an emerging field striving to deploy computers capable of resembling human shapes and mimicking human movements, gestures, and behaviors. The evolving capability of SR to interact with human offers groundbreaking ways for learning and training opportunities. Studies show that SR can offer instructional experiences for fostering creativity, entertainment, enjoyment, and curiosity. These added values are essential for empowering instructional opportunities as gamified learning experiences. We present our project focused on deploying an activity to be experienced in an escape room aimed at team-based learning scaffolded by an SR, NAO. An escape room is a well-known approach for gamified activities focused on a simulated scenario experienced by team-based participants. Usually, the simulation takes place in a physical environment where participants must complete a series of challenges in a limited amount of time. During this experience, players learn something about the assigned topic of the room. In the current learning simulation, students must "save the nation" by locating sensitive information stolen and stored in a vault of four locks. Team members have to look for hints and solve riddles mediated by NAO. Each solution provides a unique code for opening one of the four locks. NAO is also used to provide ongoing feedback on the team's performance. We captured the proceeding of our activity and used it to conduct an evaluation study among ten experts in related areas. The experts were interviewed on their overall assessment of the learning activity and their perception of the added value related to the robot. The results were very encouraging on the feasibility that NAO can serve as a motivational tutor in adults' collaborative game-based learning. We believe that this study marks the first step toward a template for developing innovative team-based training using escape rooms supported by a humanoid robot.Keywords: social robot, NAO, learning, team based activity, escape room
Procedia PDF Downloads 7118940 Intrusion Detection Based on Graph Oriented Big Data Analytics
Authors: Ahlem Abid, Farah Jemili
Intrusion detection has been the subject of numerous studies in industry and academia, but cyber security analysts always want greater precision and global threat analysis to secure their systems in cyberspace. To improve intrusion detection system, the visualisation of the security events in form of graphs and diagrams is important to improve the accuracy of alerts. In this paper, we propose an approach of an IDS based on cloud computing, big data technique and using a machine learning graph algorithm which can detect in real time different attacks as early as possible. We use the MAWILab intrusion detection dataset . We choose Microsoft Azure as a unified cloud environment to load our dataset on. We implement the k2 algorithm which is a graphical machine learning algorithm to classify attacks. Our system showed a good performance due to the graphical machine learning algorithm and spark structured streaming engine.Keywords: Apache Spark Streaming, Graph, Intrusion detection, k2 algorithm, Machine Learning, MAWILab, Microsoft Azure Cloud
Procedia PDF Downloads 15218939 Heart Attack Prediction Using Several Machine Learning Methods
Authors: Suzan Anwar, Utkarsh Goyal
Heart rate (HR) is a predictor of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and all-cause mortality in the general population, as well as in patients with cardio and cerebrovascular diseases. Machine learning (ML) significantly improves the accuracy of cardiovascular risk prediction, increasing the number of patients identified who could benefit from preventive treatment while avoiding unnecessary treatment of others. This research examines relationship between the individual's various heart health inputs like age, sex, cp, trestbps, thalach, oldpeaketc, and the likelihood of developing heart disease. Machine learning techniques like logistic regression and decision tree, and Python are used. The results of testing and evaluating the model using the Heart Failure Prediction Dataset show the chance of a person having a heart disease with variable accuracy. Logistic regression has yielded an accuracy of 80.48% without data handling. With data handling (normalization, standardscaler), the logistic regression resulted in improved accuracy of 87.80%, decision tree 100%, random forest 100%, and SVM 100%.Keywords: heart rate, machine learning, SVM, decision tree, logistic regression, random forest
Procedia PDF Downloads 14518938 Polarity Classification of Social Media Comments in Turkish
Authors: Migena Ceyhan, Zeynep Orhan, Dimitrios Karras
People in modern societies are continuously sharing their experiences, emotions, and thoughts in different areas of life. The information reaches almost everyone in real-time and can have an important impact in shaping people’s way of living. This phenomenon is very well recognized and advantageously used by the market representatives, trying to earn the most from this means. Given the abundance of information, people and organizations are looking for efficient tools that filter the countless data into important information, ready to analyze. This paper is a modest contribution in this field, describing the process of automatically classifying social media comments in the Turkish language into positive or negative. Once data is gathered and preprocessed, feature sets of selected single words or groups of words are build according to the characteristics of language used in the texts. These features are used later to train, and test a system according to different machine learning algorithms (Naïve Bayes, Sequential Minimal Optimization, J48, and Bayesian Linear Regression). The resultant high accuracies can be important feedback for decision-makers to improve the business strategies accordingly.Keywords: feature selection, machine learning, natural language processing, sentiment analysis, social media reviews
Procedia PDF Downloads 14918937 The Subcategories of Folklore Dance for Children as Didactic Games for Developing Musical Ability in the Preschool Period
Authors: Eudjen Cinc, Mircea Maran, Jasmina Stolic
Viewed through the prism of folkloristics – ethnomusicology, the majority of didactic musical games belong to the category of folklore creative work of children, such games can be extremely useful for the development of musical ability in the preschool age. The paper gives a number of examples from the Romanian children folklore which were used in practice.Keywords: musical games, children folklore, rhythmical system, melodica
Procedia PDF Downloads 70718936 Open Educational Resource in Online Mathematics Learning
Authors: Haohao Wang
Technology, multimedia in Open Educational Resources, can contribute positively to student performance in an online instructional environment. Student performance data of past four years were obtained from an online course entitled Applied Calculus (MA139). This paper examined the data to determine whether multimedia (independent variable) had any impact on student performance (dependent variable) in online math learning, and how students felt about the value of the technology. Two groups of student data were analyzed, group 1 (control) from the online applied calculus course that did not use multimedia instructional materials, and group 2 (treatment) of the same online applied calculus course that used multimedia instructional materials. For the MA139 class, results indicate a statistically significant difference (p = .001) between the two groups, where group 1 had a final score mean of 56.36 (out of 100), group 2 of 70.68. Additionally, student testimonials were discussed in which students shared their experience in learning applied calculus online with multimedia instructional materials.Keywords: online learning, open educational resources, multimedia, technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 38018935 Parametric Studies of Ethylene Dichloride Purification Process
Authors: Sh. Arzani, H. Kazemi Esfeh, Y. Galeh Zadeh, V. Akbari
Ethylene dichloride is a colorless liquid with a smell like chloroform. EDC is classified in the simple hydrocarbon group which is obtained from chlorinating ethylene gas. Its chemical formula is C2H2Cl2 which is used as the main mediator in VCM production. Therefore, the purification process of EDC is important in the petrochemical process. In this study, the purification unit of EDC was simulated, and then validation was performed. Finally, the impact of process parameter was studied for the degree of EDC purity. The results showed that by increasing the feed flow, the reflux impure combinations increase and result in an EDC purity decrease.Keywords: ethylene dichloride, purification, edc, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 32118934 Optimised Path Recommendation for a Real Time Process
Authors: Likewin Thomas, M. V. Manoj Kumar, B. Annappa
Traditional execution process follows the path of execution drawn by the process analyst without observing the behaviour of resource and other real-time constraints. Identifying process model, predicting the behaviour of resource and recommending the optimal path of execution for a real time process is challenging. The proposed AlfyMiner: αyM iner gives a new dimension in process execution with the novel techniques Process Model Analyser: PMAMiner and Resource behaviour Analyser: RBAMiner for recommending the probable path of execution. PMAMiner discovers next probable activity for currently executing activity in an online process using variant matching technique to identify the set of next probable activity, among which the next probable activity is discovered using decision tree model. RBAMiner identifies the resource suitable for performing the discovered next probable activity and observe the behaviour based on; load and performance using polynomial regression model, and waiting time using queueing theory. Based on the observed behaviour αyM iner recommend the probable path of execution with; next probable activity and the best suitable resource for performing it. Experiments were conducted on process logs of CoSeLoG Project1 and 72% of accuracy is obtained in identifying and recommending next probable activity and the efficiency of resource performance was optimised by 59% by decreasing their load.Keywords: cross-organization process mining, process behaviour, path of execution, polynomial regression model
Procedia PDF Downloads 33718933 The Factors Affecting the Development of the Media and Animations for Vocational School in Thailand
Authors: Tanit Pruktara
The research aimed to study the students’ learning achievement and awareness level on electrical energy consumption and conservation and also to investigate the students’ attitude on the developed multimedia supplemented instructional unit for learning household electrical energy consumption and conservation in grade 10 Thailand student. This study used a quantitative method using MCQ for pre and post-achievement tests and Likert scales for awareness and attitude survey questionnaires. The results from this were employed to improve the multimedia to be appropriate for the classroom and with real life situations in the second phase, the main study. The experimental results showed that the developed learning unit significantly improved the students’ learning achievement as well as their awareness of electric energy conservation. Additional we found the student will enjoy participating in class activities when the lessons are taught using multimedia and helps them to develop the relevance between the course and real world situations.Keywords: lesson plan, media and animations, training course, vocational school in Thailand
Procedia PDF Downloads 18318932 Augmented Reality for Children Vocabulary Learning: Case Study in a Macau Kindergarten
Authors: R. W. Chan, Kan Kan Chan
Augmented Reality (AR), with the affordance of bridging between real world and virtual world, brings users immersive experience. It has been applied in education gradually and even come into practice in student daily learning. However, a systematic review shows that there are limited researches in the area of vocabulary acquisition in early childhood education. Since kindergarten is a key stage where children acquire language and AR as an emerging and potential technology to support the vocabulary acquisition, this study aims to explore its value in in real classroom with teacher’s view. Participants were a class of 5 to 6 years old kids studying in a Macau school that follows Cambridge curriculum and emphasizes multicultural ethos. There were 11 boys, 13 girls, and in a total of 24 kids. They learnt animal vocabulary using mobile device and AR flashcards, IPad to scan AR flashcards and interact with pop-up virtual objects. In order to estimate the effectiveness of using Augmented Reality, children attended vocabulary pre-posttest. In addition, teacher interview was administrated after this learning activity to seek practitioner’s opinion towards this technology. For data analysis, paired samples t-test was utilized to measure the instructional effect based on the pre-posttest data. Result shows that Augmented Reality could significantly enhance children vocabulary learning with large effect size. Teachers indicated that children enjoyed the AR learning activity but clear instruction is needed. Suggestions for the future implementation of vocabulary acquisition using AR are suggested.Keywords: augmented reality, kindergarten children, vocabulary learning, Macau
Procedia PDF Downloads 15418931 Voting Representation in Social Networks Using Rough Set Techniques
Authors: Yasser F. Hassan
Social networking involves use of an online platform or website that enables people to communicate, usually for a social purpose, through a variety of services, most of which are web-based and offer opportunities for people to interact over the internet, e.g. via e-mail and ‘instant messaging’, by analyzing the voting behavior and ratings of judges in a popular comments in social networks. While most of the party literature omits the electorate, this paper presents a model where elites and parties are emergent consequences of the behavior and preferences of voters. The research in artificial intelligence and psychology has provided powerful illustrations of the way in which the emergence of intelligent behavior depends on the development of representational structure. As opposed to the classical voting system (one person – one decision – one vote) a new voting system is designed where agents with opposed preferences are endowed with a given number of votes to freely distribute them among some issues. The paper uses ideas from machine learning, artificial intelligence and soft computing to provide a model of the development of voting system response in a simulated agent. The modeled development process involves (simulated) processes of evolution, learning and representation development. The main value of the model is that it provides an illustration of how simple learning processes may lead to the formation of structure. We employ agent-based computer simulation to demonstrate the formation and interaction of coalitions that arise from individual voter preferences. We are interested in coordinating the local behavior of individual agents to provide an appropriate system-level behavior.Keywords: voting system, rough sets, multi-agent, social networks, emergence, power indices
Procedia PDF Downloads 39818930 Can the Intervention of SCAMPER Bring about Changes of Neural Activation While Taking Creativity Tasks?
Authors: Yu-Chu Yeh, WeiChin Hsu, Chih-Yen Chang
Substitution, combination, modification, putting to other uses, elimination, and rearrangement (SCAMPER) has been regarded as an effective technique that provides a structured way to help people to produce creative ideas and solutions. Although some neuroscience studies regarding creativity training have been conducted, no study has focused on SCAMPER. This study therefore aimed at examining whether the learning of SCAMPER through video tutorials would result in alternations of neural activation. Thirty college students were randomly assigned to the experimental group or the control group. The experimental group was requested to watch SCAMPER videos, whereas the control group was asked to watch natural-scene videos which were regarded as neutral stimulating materials. Each participant was brain scanned in a Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine while undertaking a creativity test before and after watching the videos. Furthermore, a two-way ANOVA was used to analyze the interaction between groups (the experimental group; the control group) and tasks (C task; M task; X task). The results revealed that the left precuneus significantly activated in the interaction of groups and tasks, as well as in the main effect of group. Furthermore, compared with the control group, the experimental group had greater activation in the default mode network (left precuneus and left inferior parietal cortex) and the motor network (left postcentral gyrus and left supplementary area). The findings suggest that the SCAMPER training may facilitate creativity through the stimulation of the default mode network and the motor network.Keywords: creativity, default mode network, neural activation, SCAMPER
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