Search results for: dual action hybrids
3199 High Rate of Dual Carriage of Hepatitis B Surface and Envelope Antigen in Gombe in Infants and Young Children, North-East Nigeria: 2000-2015
Authors: E. Isaac, I. Jalo, Y. Alkali, A. Ajani, A. Rasaki, Y. Jibrin, K. Mustapha, S. Charanchi, A. Kudi, H. Danlami
Introduction: Hepatitis B infection is endemic in sub-Saharan Africa, where transmission predominantly occurs in infants and children by perinatal and horizontal routes. The risk of chronic infection peaks when infection is acquired early. Materials and Methods: Records of Hepatitis B surface and envelope antigen results in Federal Teaching Hospital, Gombe between May 2000 and May 2015 were retrieved and analyzed. Results: Paediatric outpatient visits and in-patient admissions were 64,193 accounting for 13% of total. Individuals tested for Hepatitis B surface antigenaemia were 23,866. Children aged 0-18 years constituted 11% (2,626). Among children tested, males accounted for 52.8% (1386/2626) and females 47.2% (1240/2626). Infants contributed 65 (2.3%); 1-4 year old children 309 (11.7%); 5-9 year old children 564 (21.4%) and adolescents 1717 (65.1%). HbSAg sero-positivity was 18% (496/2626) among children tested. The highest number of children tested per year was in 2009 (518) and 2014 (569) and the lowest, in the first study year (62). The highest sero-positivity rate was in 2010; 21.7% (54/255). Children aged 0-18years accounted for 10.5% (496/4720) of individuals with Hepatitis B surface antigenaemia. Sero-positivity was 3.1% (2/65); 12.9% (40/309); 18.1% (102/564); and 20.5% (352/1717) in infants, children ages 1-4years, 5-9years and adolescents respectively. 2.5% (1/40) and 4% (1/25) of male and female infants respectively had HbSAg. Among children aged 1-4years, 15.1% (30/198) of males and 9.0% (10/111) of females were seropositive; 14.8% (52/350) and 22% (50/224) of male and female 5-9year old children respectively has HbSAg. 14.3% (138/943) of adolescent females had Hepatitis B surface antigenaemia. Adolescent males demonstrated the highest sero-positivity rate 27.6% (214/774). 97.3% (483/496) of children who demonstrated Hepatitis B surface antigenaemia were tested for dual carriage with the e antigen. Males accounted for 296/483 (63.1%) and females 187/483 (36.9%). Infants constituted 0.97% (4/482); children aged 1-4years, 5-9years and adolescents were 6.8% (33/483); 20.9% (100/483) and 71.3% (342/483) respectively. 17.6% (85/483) of children tested had HBe antigenaemia. Of these, males accounted for 69.4% (59/85). 1.2% (1/85) were infants; 9.4% (8/85%) 1-4years; 22.3% (19/85) 5-9years and 68.2% (58/85) adolescents. 25% (1/4) infants; 24% (8/33) children aged 1-4 years; 19% (19/100) 5-9 year old children and 16.9% (58/342) adolescents had dual carriage. Infants and young children demonstrated the highest rate of dual carriage but were less likely to be tested for dual carriage 37/42 (88%) than their 5-9 year old 98% (100/102) and adolescent 342/352 (97%) counterparts. HB e antigen positivity rate was 45.4% (59/130) males and 36.0% (27/75) in females. Conclusion: Hepatitis B surface antigenaemia is high among adolescent males. Infants and young children who had HBSAg had the highest rate of envelope antigen carriage. Testing in pregnancy, vaccination programmes and prophylaxis need to be strengthened.Keywords: children, dual carriage, Gombe, hepatitis B
Procedia PDF Downloads 3103198 A Dual-Mode Infinite Horizon Predictive Control Algorithm for Load Tracking in PUSPATI TRIGA Reactor
Authors: Mohd Sabri Minhat, Nurul Adilla Mohd Subha
The PUSPATI TRIGA Reactor (RTP), Malaysia reached its first criticality on June 28, 1982, with power capacity 1MW thermal. The Feedback Control Algorithm (FCA) which is conventional Proportional-Integral (PI) controller, was used for present power control method to control fission process in RTP. It is important to ensure the core power always stable and follows load tracking within acceptable steady-state error and minimum settling time to reach steady-state power. At this time, the system could be considered not well-posed with power tracking performance. However, there is still potential to improve current performance by developing next generation of a novel design nuclear core power control. In this paper, the dual-mode predictions which are proposed in modelling Optimal Model Predictive Control (OMPC), is presented in a state-space model to control the core power. The model for core power control was based on mathematical models of the reactor core, OMPC, and control rods selection algorithm. The mathematical models of the reactor core were based on neutronic models, thermal hydraulic models, and reactivity models. The dual-mode prediction in OMPC for transient and terminal modes was based on the implementation of a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) in designing the core power control. The combination of dual-mode prediction and Lyapunov which deal with summations in cost function over an infinite horizon is intended to eliminate some of the fundamental weaknesses related to MPC. This paper shows the behaviour of OMPC to deal with tracking, regulation problem, disturbance rejection and caters for parameter uncertainty. The comparison of both tracking and regulating performance is analysed between the conventional controller and OMPC by numerical simulations. In conclusion, the proposed OMPC has shown significant performance in load tracking and regulating core power for nuclear reactor with guarantee stabilising in the closed-loop.Keywords: core power control, dual-mode prediction, load tracking, optimal model predictive control
Procedia PDF Downloads 1623197 The Standard of Reasonableness in Fundamental Rights Adjudication under the Indian Constitution
Authors: Nandita Narayan
In most constitutional democracies, courts have been the gatekeepers of fundamental rights. The task of determining whether a violation is in fact justified, therefore, is judicial. Any state action, legislative or administrative, has to be tested by the application of two standards – first, the action must be within the scope of the authority conferred by law and, second, it must be reasonable. If any action, within the scope of the authority conferred by law is found to be unreasonable, it will be struck down as unconstitutional or ultra vires. This paper seeks to analyse the varying standards of reasonableness adopted by the Supreme Court of India where there is a violation of fundamental rights by state action. This is sought to be done by scrutinising case laws and classifying the legality of the violation under one of three levels of judicial scrutiny—strict, intermediate, or weak. The paper concludes by proving that there is an irregularity in the standards adopted, thus resulting in undue discretionary power of the judiciary which strikes at the very concept of reasonableness and ultimately becomes arbitrary in nature. This conclusion is reached by the comparison of reasonableness review of fundamental rights in other jurisdictions such as the USA and Canada.Keywords: constitutional law, judicial review, fundamental rights, reasonableness, India
Procedia PDF Downloads 1503196 Science of Social Work: Recognizing Its Existence as a Scientific Discipline by a Method Triangulation
Authors: Sandra Mendes
Social Work has encountered over time with multivariate requests in the field of its action, provisioning frameworks of knowledge and praxis. Over the years, we have observed a transformation of society and, consequently, of the public who deals with the social work practitioners. Both, training and profession have had need to adapt and readapt the ways of doing, bailing up theories to action, while action unfolds emancipation of new theories. The theoretical questioning of this subject lies on classical authors from social sciences, and contemporary authors of Social Work. In fact, both enhance, in the design of social work, an integration and social cohesion function, creating a culture of action and theory, attributing to its method a relevant function, which shall be promoter of social changes in various dimensions of both individual and collective life, as well as scientific knowledge. On the other hand, it is assumed that Social Work, through its professionalism and through the academy, is now closer to distinguish itself from other Social Sciences as an autonomous scientific field, being, however, in the center of power struggles. This paper seeks to fill the gap in social work literature about the study of the scientific field of this area of knowledge.Keywords: field theory, knowledge, science, social work
Procedia PDF Downloads 3573195 Human Action Recognition Using Variational Bayesian HMM with Dirichlet Process Mixture of Gaussian Wishart Emission Model
Authors: Wanhyun Cho, Soonja Kang, Sangkyoon Kim, Soonyoung Park
In this paper, we present the human action recognition method using the variational Bayesian HMM with the Dirichlet process mixture (DPM) of the Gaussian-Wishart emission model (GWEM). First, we define the Bayesian HMM based on the Dirichlet process, which allows an infinite number of Gaussian-Wishart components to support continuous emission observations. Second, we have considered an efficient variational Bayesian inference method that can be applied to drive the posterior distribution of hidden variables and model parameters for the proposed model based on training data. And then we have derived the predictive distribution that may be used to classify new action. Third, the paper proposes a process of extracting appropriate spatial-temporal feature vectors that can be used to recognize a wide range of human behaviors from input video image. Finally, we have conducted experiments that can evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The experimental results show that the method presented is more efficient with human action recognition than existing methods.Keywords: human action recognition, Bayesian HMM, Dirichlet process mixture model, Gaussian-Wishart emission model, Variational Bayesian inference, prior distribution and approximate posterior distribution, KTH dataset
Procedia PDF Downloads 3553194 Activation of Mirror Neuron System Response to Drumming Training: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
Authors: Manal Alosaimi
Many rehabilitation strategies exist to aid persons with neurological disorders relearn motor skills through intensive training. Evidence supporting the theory that cortical areas involved in motor execution can be triggered by observing actions performed by others is attributed to the function of the mirror neuron system (MNS) indicates that activation of the MNS is associated with improvements in physical action and motor learning. Therefore, it is important to investigate the relationship between motor training (in this case, playing the drums) and the activation of the MNS. To achieve this, 15 healthy right-handed participants received drum-kit training for 21 weeks, during which time blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signals were monitored in the brain using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Participants were required to perform action–observation and action–execution fMRI tasks. The main results are that BOLD signals in classical regions of the MNS such as supramarginal gyri, inferior parietal lobule, and supplementary motor area increase significantly over the training period. Activation of these areas indicates that passive-observation of others performing these same skills may facilitate recovery of persons suffering from neurological disorders, and complement conventional rehabilitation programs that focus on action execution or intense training.Keywords: fMRI, mirror neuron system, magnetic resonance imaging, neuroplasticity, drumming, learning, music, action observation, action execution
Procedia PDF Downloads 393193 Investigation of Overstrength of Dual System by Non-Linear Static and Dynamic Analyses
Authors: Nina Øystad-Larsen, Miran Cemalovic, Amir M. Kaynia
The nonlinear static and dynamic analysis procedures presented in EN 1998-1 for the structural response of a RC wall-frame building are assessed. The structure is designed according to the guidelines for high ductility (DCH) in 1998-1. The finite element packages SeismoStruct and OpenSees are utilized and evaluated. The structural response remains nearly in the elastic range even though the building was designed for high ductility. The overstrength is a result of oversized and heavily reinforced members, with emphasis on the lower storey walls. Nonlinear response history analysis in the software packages give virtually identical results for displacements.Keywords: behaviour factor, dual system, OpenSEES, overstrength, seismostruct
Procedia PDF Downloads 4073192 Dual Carriage of Hepatitis B Surface and Envelope Antigen in Adults in the Poorest Region of Nigeria: 2000-2015
Authors: E. Isaac, I. Jalo, Y. Alkali, A. Ajani, A. Rasaki, Y. Jibrin, K. Mustapha, A. Ayuba, S. Charanchi, H. Danlami
Introduction: Hepatitis B infection continues to be a serious global health problem with about 2 billion people infected worldwide, many of these in sub-Saharan Africa. Nigeria is one of the countries with the highest incidence, with a prevalence of 10-15%. Methods: Records of Hepatitis B surface and envelope antigen test results in adults in Federal Teaching Hospital, Gombe between May 2000 and May 2015 were retrieved and analyzed. Findings: Adult out-patient consultations and in-patient admissions were 343,083 and 67,761 respectively, accounting for 87% of total. Hepatitis B surface antigenaemia was tested for in 23,888 adults and children. 88.9% (21240) were adults. Males constituted 56% (11902/21240) and females 44% (9211/21240). 5104 (24.0%) of tested individuals were 19-25years; 12,039 (56.7%) 26-45years; 21119 (9.0%) 46-55years; 2.8% (590/21240) and 766 (3.6%) >65years. Among adult males, 17% (2133/11902) was contributed by ages 19-25. 58% (7017/11902), 11.9% (1421/11902), 6.4% (765/11902) and 4.7% (563/11902) of males were 26-45 years old, 46-55 years old and 56-65 years and >65year old respectively. Adults aged 19-25years, 26-45 years, 46-55years, 56-65 and > 65years each constituted 32% (2966/9211); 54.4% (5009/9211); 7.4% (684/9211), 3.8% (350/9211) and 2.2% (201/9211) of females respectively. 16.2% (3431/21,240) demonstrated Hepatitis B surface antigenaemia. The sero-positivity rate was 16.9% (865//5104) between 19-25years, 21.2% (2559/12,039) among 26-45year old individuals. 17.9% (377/2111); 14.1% (83/590) and 7.3% (56/766) of 46-55year old, 56-65year old and >65year old individuals screened were seropositive. The highest sero-positivity rate was found in male young adults aged 19-25years 27.9% (398/1426) and lowest in elderly males 7.4% (28/377). HBe antigen testing rate among HbSAg seropositive individuals was 97.3% (3338/3431). Males constituted 59.7% (1992/3338) and females 40.3% (1345/3338). 25.3% (844/3338) were aged 19-25years; 61.1% (2039/3338) 26-45years; 10.2% (340/3338) 46-55years; 2.7% (90/3338) 56-65years and 0.7% >65years old. HB e antigenaemia was positive in 8.2% (275/3338) of those tested. 41% (113/275); 50.2% (138/275); 5.4% (15/275); 1.8% (5/275) and 1.1 (3/275) of HB e sero-positivity was among age groups 19-25, 26-45, 46-55, 56-65 and > 65year old individuals. Dual sero-positivity rate was highest 13% (113/844) in young adults 19-25years and lowest between 46-55years; 15/340 (4.4%). 4.2% (15/360); 13.5% (69/512); 6.7% (90/1348); 4.6% (10/214); 5% (2/40) and 6.7% (1/15) of males aged 19-25; 26-45; 46-55; 56-65; and >65years had HB e antigenaemia respectively. Among females - 27/293 (9.2%) aged 19-25; 26/500 (5.2%) 26-45; 2/84 (2.4%) 46-55; 1/12 (8.3%) 56-65 and 1/9(11.1%) >65years had dual antigenaemia. In women of childbearing age, 6.9% (53/793) had a dual carriage. Conclusion: Dual hepatitis B surface and envelope antigenaemia are highest in young adult males. This will have significant implications for the development of chronic liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma.Keywords: adult, Hepatitis B, Nigeria, dual carriage
Procedia PDF Downloads 2613191 Linking Work-Family Enrichment and Innovative Workplace Behavior: The Mediating Role of Positive Emotions
Authors: Nidhi Bansal, Upasna Agarwal
Innovation is a key driver for economic growth and well-being of developed as well as emerging economies like India. Very few studies examined the relationship between IWB and work-family enrichment. Therefore, the present study examines the relationship between work-family enrichment (WFE) and innovative workplace behavior (IWB) and whether it is mediated by positive emotions. Social exchange theory and broaden and build theory explain the proposed relationships. Data were collected from 250 full time dual working parents in different Indian organizations through a survey questionnaire. Snowball technique was used for approaching respondents. Mediation analysis was assessed through PROCESS macro (Hayes, 2012) in SPSS. With correlational analysis, it was explored that all three variables were significantly and positively related. Analysis suggests that work-family enrichment is significantly related to innovative workplace behavior and this relationship is partially mediated by positive emotions. A cross-sectional design, use of self-reported questions and data collected only from dual working parents are few limitations of the study. This is one of the few studies to examine the innovative workplace behavior in response to work-family enrichment and first attempt to examine the mediation effect of emotions between these two variables.Keywords: dual working parents, emotions, innovative workplace behavior, work-family enrichment
Procedia PDF Downloads 2583190 Integrated Environmental Management System and Environmental Impact Assessment in Evaluation of Environmental Protective Action
Authors: Moustafa Osman
The paper describes and analyses different good practice examples of protective levels, and initiatives actions (“framework conditions”) and encourages the uptake of environmental management systems (EMSs) to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Most of industries tend to take EMS as tools leading towards sustainability planning. The application of these tools has numerous environmental obligations that neither suggests decision nor recommends what a company should achieve ultimately. These set up clearly defined criteria to evaluate environmental protective action (EEPA) into sustainability indicators. The physical integration will evaluate how to incorporate traditional knowledge into baseline information, preparing impact prediction, and planning mitigation measures in monitoring conditions. Thereby efforts between the government, industry and community led protective action to concern with present needs for future generations, meeting the goal of sustainable development. The paper discusses how to set out distinct aspects of sustainable indicators and reflects inputs, outputs, and modes of impact on the environment.Keywords: environmental management, sustainability, indicators, protective action
Procedia PDF Downloads 4433189 Positive Behaviour Management Strategies: An Action Research Conducted in a Kindergarten Classroom in Remote Regional Queensland
Authors: Suxiang Yu
As an early childhood teacher in a socially and economically highly disadvantaged suburb in regional QLD, the author endeavors to find out effective positive approaches to behavior management for a classroom that is overwhelmed with challenging behaviors. After evaluating the first-hand data collected from the action research, the author summarizes a few innovative, positive behavior management strategies. The research also implies that behavior management opportunities are actually great social and emotional teachable moments, and by tapping into those teachable moments effectively, the teacher and children will have a closer relationship.Keywords: action research, behavior management, classroom strategies, social and emotional teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 1703188 Federalism, Dual Sovereignty, and the Supreme Court of Nigeria
Authors: Edoba Bright Omoregie
Nigeria became a federation in 1954 six years before it gained independence away from British colonial rule. The country has remained a federation since then despite the challenging circumstances of military rule and civil strife which have tasked its federal credentials. Since 1961, when it first decided a federalism dispute, cases over vertical and horizontal powers have inundated the country’s Supreme Court. In its current practice of federalism after democratic rule was resumed in 1999, the country has witnessed a spell of intergovernmental disputes over a good number of federalism issues. Such conflicts have eventually found their way to the Supreme Court for resolution, not as a final appellate court (which it is in other non-federal matters) but as a court of first and final instance following the constitutional provision granting the court such power. However, in April 2014 one of such disputes was denied hearing by the court when it declined original jurisdiction to determine the matter. The suit was instituted by one state of the federation against the federal government and the other 35 states challenging the collection of value added tax (a consumption tax)on certain goods and services within the state. The paper appraises the rationale of the court’s decision and reason that its decision to decline jurisdiction is the result of an avoidable misunderstanding of the dual sovereignty instituted by the federal system of Nigeria as well as a misconception of the role which the court is constitutionally assigned to play in resolving intergovernmental schisms in the federal system.Keywords: dual sovereignty, federalism, intergovernmental conflict, Supreme Court
Procedia PDF Downloads 5553187 Mixed Method Analysis to Propose a Policy Action against Racism and Xenophobia in India
Authors: Anwesha Das
There are numerous cases of racism and discriminatory practices in India against the northeast citizens and the African migrants. The right-wing extremism of the presently ruling political party in India has resulted in increased cases of xenophobia and Afrophobia. The rigid Indian caste system contributes to such practices of racism. The establishment of the ‘Hindu race’ by the present right-wing government, leading to instilling pride among Hindus being of a superior race, has resulted in more atrocious racist practices. This paper argues that policy action is required against racist, discriminatory practices. Policy actors in India do not ask the right questions and fail to give the needed redirection. It critically analyses Acts 14 and 15 of the Indian constitution in order to examine the cause of a policy action. In proposing the need for policy action, this paper places its arguments as a vital extension of the existing scholarship on public policy studies in India. It uses mixed-method analysis to examine the factors responsible for the policy problem and aims to suggest specific points of intervention in a policy progression. The study finds that despite anti-discriminatory policies in the mentioned Acts of the Indian constitution, there are rampant cases of racism owing to religious and cultural factors. The major findings of the study show how the present right-wing government violated the constitution in aggravating xenophobia. This paper proposes a policy action required to stop such further practices.Keywords: India, migrants, policy action, racism, xenophobia
Procedia PDF Downloads 513186 Developing Speaking Confidence of Students through Communicative Activities
Authors: Yadab Giri
Confidence is considered a power of a good speaker, and it also can be taken as a tool for speaking. The paper entitled ‘Developing Speaking Confidence of Students through Communicative Activities’ has been written with the purpose of developing the speaking confidence of the students of the Seventh grade of our context in mind. The research is designed under the interpretive paradigm of action research. During my research, thirteen students from class seven were chosen for the study. It was seen a lot of improvement in their confidence while communicating with other speakers by the end of the eighth week. Though there is a positive result of the invention, some students still did not develop the level of confidence that they could have developed to get a satisfactory response. Therefore, the outcome of my action research is positive because students are eager and interested in speaking daily in the initiation of their English class, and they have improved in their speaking.Keywords: confidence, speaking skills, action research, reflection with feedback and observation, finally endeavour
Procedia PDF Downloads 763185 Impact of Mixing Parameters on Homogenization of Borax Solution and Nucleation Rate in Dual Radial Impeller Crystallizer
Authors: A. Kaćunić, M. Ćosić, N. Kuzmanić
Interaction between mixing and crystallization is often ignored despite the fact that it affects almost every aspect of the operation including nucleation, growth, and maintenance of the crystal slurry. This is especially pronounced in multiple impeller systems where flow complexity is increased. By choosing proper mixing parameters, what closely depends on the knowledge of the hydrodynamics in a mixing vessel, the process of batch cooling crystallization may considerably be improved. The values that render useful information when making this choice are mixing time and power consumption. The predominant motivation for this work was to investigate the extent to which radial dual impeller configuration influences mixing time, power consumption and consequently the values of metastable zone width and nucleation rate. In this research, crystallization of borax was conducted in a 15 dm3 baffled batch cooling crystallizer with an aspect ratio (H/T) of 1.3. Mixing was performed using two straight blade turbines (4-SBT) mounted on the same shaft that generated radial fluid flow. Experiments were conducted at different values of N/NJS ratio (impeller speed/ minimum impeller speed for complete suspension), D/T ratio (impeller diameter/crystallizer diameter), c/D ratio (lower impeller off-bottom clearance/impeller diameter), and s/D ratio (spacing between impellers/impeller diameter). Mother liquor was saturated at 30°C and was cooled at the rate of 6°C/h. Its concentration was monitored in line by Na-ion selective electrode. From the values of supersaturation that was monitored continuously over process time, it was possible to determine the metastable zone width and subsequently the nucleation rate using the Mersmann’s nucleation criterion. For all applied dual impeller configurations, the mixing time was determined by potentiometric method using a pulse technique, while the power consumption was determined using a torque meter produced by Himmelstein & Co. Results obtained in this investigation show that dual impeller configuration significantly influences the values of mixing time, power consumption as well as the metastable zone width and nucleation rate. A special attention should be addressed to the impeller spacing considering the flow interaction that could be more or less pronounced depending on the spacing value.Keywords: dual impeller crystallizer, mixing time, power consumption, metastable zone width, nucleation rate
Procedia PDF Downloads 2963184 Leveraging the Power of Dual Spatial-Temporal Data Scheme for Traffic Prediction
Authors: Yang Zhou, Heli Sun, Jianbin Huang, Jizhong Zhao, Shaojie Qiao
Traffic prediction is a fundamental problem in urban environment, facilitating the smart management of various businesses, such as taxi dispatching, bike relocation, and stampede alert. Most earlier methods rely on identifying the intrinsic spatial-temporal correlation to forecast. However, the complex nature of this problem entails a more sophisticated solution that can simultaneously capture the mutual influence of both adjacent and far-flung areas, with the information of time-dimension also incorporated seamlessly. To tackle this difficulty, we propose a new multi-phase architecture, DSTDS (Dual Spatial-Temporal Data Scheme for traffic prediction), that aims to reveal the underlying relationship that determines future traffic trend. First, a graph-based neural network with an attention mechanism is devised to obtain the static features of the road network. Then, a multi-granularity recurrent neural network is built in conjunction with the knowledge from a grid-based model. Subsequently, the preceding output is fed into a spatial-temporal super-resolution module. With this 3-phase structure, we carry out extensive experiments on several real-world datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, which surpasses several state-of-the-art methods.Keywords: traffic prediction, spatial-temporal, recurrent neural network, dual data scheme
Procedia PDF Downloads 1173183 Preparation of Core-Shell AgBr/Cationic Polymer Nanocomposite with Dual Biocidal Modes and Sustained Release of Ag+ Ions
Authors: Rongzhou Wang
Research on designing nano-antibacterial agent with potent and long-lasting antibacterial property is demanding and provoking work. In this study, a core-shell AgBr/cationic polymer nanocomposite (AgBr/NPVP-H10) were synthesized and its structure confirmed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FT-IR), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), and the cationic polymer contents were determined with Thermal Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA). The morphology was directly observed by Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) which showed that the nanoparticle contains single core and organic shell and had an average diameter of 30.1 nm. The antibacterial test against Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Gram-negative Escherichia coli illuminated that this nanocomposite had potent bactericidal activity, which can be attributed to the contact-killing of cationic polymers and releasing-killing of Ag+ ions. In addition, cationic polymer encapsulating AgBr cores gave the resin discs sustained release of Ag+ ions, which may result in long-lasting bactericidal activity. The AgBr/NPVP-H10 nanoparticle with the dual bactericidal capability and long term antimicrobial effect is a promising material aimed at preventing bacterial infection.Keywords: core-shell nanocomposite, cationic polymer, dual antibacterial capability, long-lasting antibacterial activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1923182 In silico Designing and Insight into Antimalarial Potential of Chalcone-Quinolinylpyrazole Hybrids by Preclinical Study in Mice
Authors: Deepika Saini, Sandeep Jain, Ajay Kumar
The quinoline scaffold is one of the most widely studied in the discovery of derivatives with various heterocyclic moieties due to its potential antimalarial activities. In the present study, a chalcone series of quinoline derivatives clubbed with pyrazole were synthesized to evaluate their antimalarial property by in vitro schizont maturation inhibition assay against both chloroquine sensitive, 3D7 and chloroquine resistant, RKL9 strain of Plasmodium falciparum. Further, top five compounds were studied for in vivo preclinical study for antimalarial potential against P. berghei in Swiss albino mice. To understand the mechanism of synthesized analogues, they were screened computationally by molecular docking techniques. Compounds were docked into the active site of a protein receptor, Plasmodium falciparum Cysteine Protease Falcipain-2. The compounds were successfully synthesized, and structural confirmation was performed by FTIR, 1H-NMR, mass spectrometry and elemental analysis. In vitro study suggested that the compounds 5b, 5g, 5l, 5s and 5u possessed best antimalarial activity and further tested for in vivo screening. Compound 5u (CH₃ on both rings) with EC₅₀ 0.313 & 0.801 µg/ml against CQ-S & CQ-R strains of P. falciparum respectively and 78.01% suppression of parasitemia. The molecular docking studies of the compounds helped in understanding the mechanism of action against falcipain-2. The present study reveals the binding signatures of the synthesized ligands within the active site of the protein, and it explains the results from in vitro study in their EC₅₀ values and percentage parasitemia.Keywords: antimalarial activity, chalcone, docking, quinoline
Procedia PDF Downloads 4093181 Learning Vocabulary with SkELL: Developing a Methodology with University Students in Japan Using Action Research
Authors: Henry R. Troy
Corpora are becoming more prevalent in the language classroom, especially in the development of dictionaries and course materials. Nevertheless, corpora are still perceived by many educators as difficult to use directly in the classroom, a process which is also known as “data-driven learning” (DDL). Action research has been identified as a method by which DDL’s efficiency can be increased, but it is also an approach few studies on DDL have employed. Studies into the effectiveness of DDL in language education in Japan are also rare, and investigations focused more on student and teacher reactions rather than pre and post-test scores are rarer still. This study investigates the student and teacher reactions to the use of SkELL, a free online corpus designed to be user-friendly, for vocabulary learning at a university in Japan. Action research is utilized to refine the teaching methodology, with changes to the method based on student and teacher feedback received via surveys submitted after each of the four implementations of DDL. After some training, the students used tablets to study the target vocabulary autonomously in pairs and groups, with the teacher acting as facilitator. The results show that the students enjoyed using SkELL and felt it was effective for vocabulary learning, while the teaching methodology grew in efficiency throughout the course. These findings suggest that action research can be a successful method for increasing the efficacy of DDL in the language classroom, especially with teachers and students who are new to the practice.Keywords: action research, corpus linguistics, data-driven learning, vocabulary learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 2513180 Using Action Research to Digitize Theses and Journal Articles at the Main Library, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Authors: Nabhan H. N. Al-Harrasi
Action Research (AR) plays an important role in improving the problematical situation. It is a process that enhances thinking and practise and bridges the gap between abstract and concrete thinking. Nowadays, AR as a methodology is wildly used to implement projects based on understanding the needs of owners, considering the organizational culture, meeting the requirements, encouraging partnership, representing different viewpoints, and building the project. This research describes the whole processes of digitizing Post-graduate theses and all articles published in 6 Journals at Sultan Qaboos University. AR implemented to respond to the university needs to enhance accessibilities to its information resources and make them available through the national repository. In order to prepare the action plan, the library administration met to discuss several points related to the proposed project, the most important of which are: • Providing digitalization devices. • Locating a specific part of the Library as a Digitization Unit. • Choosing a team. • Defining tasks. • Implementing the proposed project and evaluating the whole processes.Keywords: action research, digitization, Theses, Journal articles, open access, Oman
Procedia PDF Downloads 1813179 Analysis of Labor Behavior Effect on Occupational Health and Safety Management by Multiple Linear Regression
Authors: Yulinda Rizky Pratiwi, Fuji Anugrah Emily
Management of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) are appropriately applied properly by all workers and pekarya in the company. K3 management application also has become very important to prevent accidents. Violation of the rules regarding the K3 has often occurred from time to time. By 2015 the number of occurrences of a violation of the K3 or so-called unsafe action tends to increase. Until finally in January 2016, the number increased drastically unsafe action. Trigger increase in the number of unsafe action is a decrease in the quality of management practices K3. While the application of K3 management performed by each individual thought to be influenced by the attitude and observation guide the actions of each of the individual. In addition to the decline in the quality of K3 management application may result in increased likelihood of accidents and losses for the company as well as the local co-workers. The big difference in the number of unsafe action is very significant in the month of January 2016, making the company Pertamina as the national oil company must do a lot of effort to keep track of how the implementation of K3 management on every worker and pekarya, one at PT Pertamina EP Cepu Field Asset IV. To consider the effort to control the implementation of K3 management can be seen from the attitude and observation guide the actions of the workers and pekarya. By using Multiple Linear Regression can be seen the influence of attitude and action observation guide workers and pekarya the K3 management application that has been done. The results showed that scores K3 management application of each worker and pekarya will increase by 0.764 if the score pekarya worker attitudes and increase one unit, whereas if the score Reassurance action guidelines and pekarya workers increased by one unit then the score management application K3 will increase by 0.754.Keywords: occupational safety and health, management of occupational safety and health, unsafe action, multiple linear regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 2303178 An Approach to Integrated Water Resources Management, a Plan for Action to Climate Change in India
Authors: H. K. Ramaraju
World is in deep trouble and deeper denial. Worse, the denial is now entirely on the side of action. It is well accepted that climate change is a reality. Scientists say we need to cap temperature increases at 2°C to avoid catastrophe, which means capping emissions at 450 ppm .We know global average temperatures have already increased by 0.8°C and there is enough green house gas in the atmosphere to lead to another 0.8°C increase. There is still a window of opportunity, a tiny one, to tackle the crisis. But where is the action? In the 1990’s, when the world did even not understand, let alone accept, the crises, it was more willing to move to tackle climate change. Today we are in reverse in gear. The rich world has realized it is easy to talk big, but tough to take steps to actually reduce emissions. The agreement was that these countries would reduce so that the developing World could increase. Instead, between 1990 and 2006, their carbon dioxide emissions increased by a whopping 14.5 percent, even green countries of Europe are unable to match words with action. Stop deforestation and take a 20 percent advantage in our carbon balance sheet, with out doing anything at home called REDD (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) and push for carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies. There are warning signs elsewhere and they need to be read correctly and acted up on , if not the cases like flood –act of nature or manmade disaster. The full length paper orient in proper understanding of the issues and identifying the most appropriate course of action.Keywords: catastrophe, deforestation, emissions, waste water
Procedia PDF Downloads 2873177 Assessment of Breast, Lung and Liver Effective Doses in Heart Imaging by CT-Scan 128 Dual Sources with Use of TLD-100 in RANDO Phantom
Authors: Seyedeh Sepideh Amini, Navideh Aghaei Amirkhizi, Seyedeh Paniz Amini, Seyed Soheil Sayyahi, Mohammad Reza Davar Panah
CT-Scan is one of the lateral and sectional imaging methods that produce 3D-images with use of rotational x-ray tube around central axis. This study is about evaluation and calculation of effective doses around heart organs such as breast, lung and liver with CT-Scan 128 dual sources with TLD_100 and RANDO Phantom by spiral, flash and conventional protocols. In results, it is showed that in spiral protocol organs have maximum effective dose and minimum in flash protocol. Thus flash protocol advised for children and risk persons.Keywords: X-ray computed tomography, dosimetry, TLD-100, RANDO, phantom
Procedia PDF Downloads 4763176 From Values to Sustainable Actions: A Dual-Theory Approach to Green Consumerism
Authors: Jiyeon Kim
This conceptual paper examines the psychological drivers of green consumerism and sustainable consumption by integrating the Value-Belief-Norm (VBN) Theory and the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA). With growing environmental concerns, green consumerism promotes eco-friendly choices such as purchasing sustainable products and supporting environmentally responsible companies. However, there remains a need for research that effectively guides strategies to encourage sustainable behaviors. This paper evaluates VBN Theory’s role in driving pro-environmental behaviors. By incorporating TRA, the paper proposes an enhanced model that improves understanding of the factors driving sustained pro-environmental actions. Focusing on values, beliefs, and norms, this integrated model provides a deeper understanding of the cognitive and motivational factors that influence sustainable consumption. The findings offer valuable theoretical and practical insights for developing strategies to support long-term responsible consumer behavior.Keywords: green consumerism, sustainable behavior, TRA, VBN
Procedia PDF Downloads 203175 The Locus of Action - Tinted Windows
Authors: Devleminck Steven, Debackere Boris
This research is about the ways artists and scientists deal with (and endure) new meaning and comprehend and construct the world. The project reflects on the intense connection between comprehension and construction and their place of creation – the ‘locus of action’. It seeks to define a liquid form of understanding and analysis capable of approaching our complex liquid world as discussed by Zygmunt Bauman. The aim is to establish a multi-viewpoint theoretical approach based on the dynamic concept of the Flâneur as introduced by Baudelaire, replacing single viewpoint categorization. This is coupled with the concept of thickening as proposed by Clifford Geertz with its implication of interaction between multi-layers of meaning. Here walking and looking is introduced as a method or strategy, a model or map, providing a framework of understanding in conditions of hybridity and change.Keywords: action, art, liquid, locus, negotiation, place, science
Procedia PDF Downloads 2813174 Role of Microbial Pesticides in Pest Control and Their Advantages and Disadvantages in Nature
Authors: Fatimah M. Alshehrei
For many years, synthetic pesticides have been used to kill pests; due to their toxicity and pollution, they are now a risk to human and environmental health. Lately, biopesticides have emerged as possible substitutes for petrochemical pesticides. The sources of biopesticides are widely accessible, easily biodegradable, have a variety of modes of action, are less expensive, and have little toxicity toward humans and other creatures that aren't the intended targets. Plants, bacteria, and insects are used to create biopesticides, they used in controlling diseases in crops. Microbial pesticides are produced from different microorganisms such as Trichoderma, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and Beauveria. Also, botanical pesticides have already been commercialized; they are extracted from neem, pyrethrum, azadirachtin, etc. This paper describes biopesticide categories, their sources, mode of action, advantages and disadvantages, and their role in sustainable agriculture.Keywords: biopesticides categories, formulation, mode of action, pest control
Procedia PDF Downloads 673173 The Amount of Information Processing and Balance Performance in Children: The Dual-Task Paradigm
Authors: Chin-Chih Chiou, Tai-Yuan Su, Ti-Yu Chen, Wen-Yu Chiu, Chungyu Chen
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of reaction time (RT) or balance performance as the number of stimulus-response choices increases, the amount of information processing of 0-bit and 1-bit conditions based on Hick’s law, using the dual-task design. Eighteen children (age: 9.38 ± 0.27 years old) were recruited as the participants for this study, and asked to assess RT and balance performance separately and simultaneously as following five conditions: simple RT (0-bit decision), choice RT (1-bit decision), single balance control, balance control with simple RT, and balance control with choice RT. Biodex 950-300 balance system and You-Shang response timer were used to record and analyze the postural stability and information processing speed (RT) respectively for the participants. Repeated measures one-way ANOVA with HSD post-hoc test and 2 (balance) × 2 (amount of information processing) repeated measures two-way ANOVA were used to test the parameters of balance performance and RT (α = .05). The results showed the overall stability index in the 1-bit decision was lower than in 0-bit decision, and the mean deflection in the 1-bit decision was lower than in single balance performance. Simple RTs were faster than choice RTs both in single task condition and dual task condition. It indicated that the chronometric approach of RT could use to infer the attention requirement of the secondary task. However, this study did not find that the balance performance is interfered for children by the increasing of the amount of information processing.Keywords: capacity theory, reaction time, Hick’s law, balance
Procedia PDF Downloads 4533172 Action Plans to Prevent Negative Attitudes Towards Gay and Lesbian Parents: A Systemic Analysis of Health-Care Interventions in Belgium
Authors: Therese Scali
Over the years, the European Union has continued to extend its action on lesbian, gay men, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights to a range of areas including access to justice, asylum, freedom of expression and assembly, parenting, and mutual recognition of civil status within the EU. The European Parliament has been a driving force behind such action adopting a range of resolutions calling for continued progress in this field. In particular, Belgium has been one of the first countries to legalize same-sex parenting and to create a general framework for action against negative attitudes towards gay and lesbian parents. The present paper aims at highlighting public healthcare workers’ attitudes towards different types of same-sex headed families in Belgium, and the content of their interventions in schools. Results revealed that attitudes can go from supportive to unsupportive, and participants do not show the same degree of support towards the different types of same-sex parenting. This contribution highlights work’s implication for public policy by understanding the resources and challenges that health-care professionals face in their work.Keywords: attitudes, gay and lesbian parents, health-care workers, homophobia, prevention
Procedia PDF Downloads 1523171 Translation, War and Humanitarian Action: A Case Study of the Kindertransporte to Switzerland
Authors: Lisa Mockli, Chelsea Sambells
By combining the methodologies of history and translation studies, this study will explore the interplay between humanitarian action, politics, and translation within the advertising for a lesser-known Swiss child evacuation project of some 60.000 Belgium and French children to Switzerland for three month periods from 1940 to 1945. Inspired by Descriptive-Explanatory Translation Studies, this project compares Swiss speeches published between May and September 1942 (the termination of the evacuations). Radio broadcasts, leaflets and newspapers will triangulate the data. First, linguistic and content-related differences will be identified and described. Second, based on findings from the Swiss Federal Archives, the evidence from the comparative textual analysis will then be evaluated in order to explore how the speeches were modified, for what purpose, and which key issues were raised during their modification. By exploring these questions, this paper provides new insights into (I) Switzerland’s understanding of Swiss neutrality and humanitarianism during the Second World War, (II) the role of children in war and (III) the role of translation in shaping political discourse and humanitarian action. Moreover, this interdisciplinary approach also demonstrates how scholarly collaboration may help to make some elements of humanitarian action more self-reflexive and effective.Keywords: children, history, humanitarianism, politics, translation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2953170 Comparison Of Virtual Non-Contrast To True Non-Contrast Images Using Dual Layer Spectral Computed Tomography
Authors: O’Day Luke
Purpose: To validate virtual non-contrast reconstructions generated from dual-layer spectral computed tomography (DL-CT) data as an alternative for the acquisition of a dedicated true non-contrast dataset during multiphase contrast studies. Material and methods: Thirty-three patients underwent a routine multiphase clinical CT examination, using Dual-Layer Spectral CT, from March to August 2021. True non-contrast (TNC) and virtual non-contrast (VNC) datasets, generated from both portal venous and arterial phase imaging were evaluated. For every patient in both true and virtual non-contrast datasets, a region-of-interest (ROI) was defined in aorta, liver, fluid (i.e. gallbladder, urinary bladder), kidney, muscle, fat and spongious bone, resulting in 693 ROIs. Differences in attenuation for VNC and TNV images were compared, both separately and combined. Consistency between VNC reconstructions obtained from the arterial and portal venous phase was evaluated. Results: Comparison of CT density (HU) on the VNC and TNC images showed a high correlation. The mean difference between TNC and VNC images (excluding bone results) was 5.5 ± 9.1 HU and > 90% of all comparisons showed a difference of less than 15 HU. For all tissues but spongious bone, the mean absolute difference between TNC and VNC images was below 10 HU. VNC images derived from the arterial and the portal venous phase showed a good correlation in most tissue types. The aortic attenuation was somewhat dependent however on which dataset was used for reconstruction. Bone evaluation with VNC datasets continues to be a problem, as spectral CT algorithms are currently poor in differentiating bone and iodine. Conclusion: Given the increasing availability of DL-CT and proven accuracy of virtual non-contrast processing, VNC is a promising tool for generating additional data during routine contrast-enhanced studies. This study shows the utility of virtual non-contrast scans as an alternative for true non-contrast studies during multiphase CT, with potential for dose reduction, without loss of diagnostic information.Keywords: dual-layer spectral computed tomography, virtual non-contrast, true non-contrast, clinical comparison
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