Search results for: ontological view
1128 Design Thinking and Requirements Engineering in Application Development: Case Studies in Brazil
Authors: V. Prodocimo, A. Malucelli, S. Reinehr
Organizations, driven by business digitization, have in software the main core of value generation and the main channel of communication with their clients. The software, as well as responding to momentary market needs, spans an extensive product family, ranging from mobile applications to multilateral platforms. Thus, the software specification needs to represent solutions focused on consumer problems and market needs. However, requirements engineering, whose approach is strongly linked to technology, becomes deficient and ineffective when the problem is not well defined or when looking for an innovative solution, thus needing a complementary approach. Research has cited the combination of design thinking and requirements engineering, many correlating design thinking as a support technique for the elicitation step, however, little is known about the real benefits and challenges that this combination can bring. From the point of view of the development process, there is little empirical evidence of how Design Thinking interactions with requirements engineering occur. Given this scenario, this paper aims to understand how design thinking practices are applied in each of the requirements engineering stages in software projects. To elucidate these interactions, a qualitative and exploratory research was carried out through the application of the case study method in IT organizations in Brazil that work in the development of software projects. The results indicate that design thinking has aided requirements engineering, both in projects that adopt agile methods and those that adopt the waterfall process, bringing a complementary thought that seeks to build the best software solution design for business problems. It was also possible to conclude that organizations choose to use design thinking not based on a specific software family (e.g. mobile or desktop applications), but given the characteristics of the software projects, such as: vague nature of the problem, complex problems and/or need for innovative solutions.Keywords: software engineering, requirements engineering, design thinking, innovative solutions
Procedia PDF Downloads 1261127 Engineering Academics’ Strategies of Modelling Mathematical Concepts into Their Teaching of an Antenna Design
Authors: Vojo George Fasinu, Nadaraj Govender, Predeep Kumar
An Antenna, which remains the hub of technological development in Africa had been found to be a course that is been taught and designed in an abstract manner in some universities. One of the reasons attached to this is that the appropriate approach of teaching antenna design is not yet understood by many engineering academics in some universities in South Africa. Also, another problem reported is the main difficulty encountered when interpreting and applying some of the mathematical concepts learned into their practical antenna design course. As a result of this, some engineering experts classified antenna as a mysterious technology that could not be described by anybody using mathematical concepts. In view of this, this paper takes it as its point of departure in explaining what an antenna is all about with a strong emphasis on its mathematical modelling. It also argues that the place of modelling mathematical concepts into the teaching of engineering design cannot be overemphasized. Therefore, it explains the mathematical concepts adopted during the teaching of an antenna design course, the Strategies of modelling those mathematics concepts, the behavior of antennas, and their mathematics usage were equally discussed. More so, the paper also sheds more light on mathematical modelling in South Africa context, and also comparative analysis of mathematics concepts taught in mathematics class and mathematics concepts taught in engineering courses. This paper focuses on engineering academics teaching selected topics in electronic engineering (Antenna design), with special attention on the mathematical concepts they teach and how they teach them when teaching the course. A qualitative approach was adopted as a means of collecting data in order to report the naturalistic views of the engineering academics teaching Antenna design. The findings of the study confirmed that some mathematical concepts are being modeled into the teaching of an antenna design with the adoption of some teaching approaches. Furthermore, the paper reports a didactical-realistic mathematical model as a conceptual framework used by the researchers in describing how academics teach mathematical concepts during their teaching of antenna design. Finally, the paper concludes with the importance of mathematical modelling to the engineering academics and recommendations for further researchers.Keywords: modelling, mathematical concepts, engineering, didactical, realistic model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1861126 Role of Family in Child Behavior Problems: A General Overview of Dissertations and Thesis at Turkey
Authors: Selen Demirtas Zorbaz, Ozlem Ulas
Examining the reasons of child behaviour problems has been one of the focus of psychology and related disciplines for so long. It can be said there is a lot of reasons of child behaviour problems and familial factors might be the leading ones. When taking into account the prevalence of the children having behaviour problems in Turkey, it can be said that it is important to carry out studies putting forward the reasons of behaviour problems. From this point of view, the aim of this study is to examine dissertations and thesis putting forward the relationship between problem behaviour of the children (12-year-old and younger) and teenagers (12-18 years old), and familial factors. For that purpose, 46 dissertations that were chosen according to the study criteria out of 141 dissertations scanned by using the keywords of ‘behaviour problems’ and ‘behaviour disorder’ at Higher Education Thesis Centre between the years of 1989 and 2016 have been taken into the scope of the study. ‘Thesis Examination Draft Form’ has been prepared for the purpose of being used for data collecting tool. For the analysis of the data, percentage, and frequency analysis methods have been used. When the results of these studies are evaluated on the whole, it is seen that all the dissertations and thesis done are descriptive study, and it was not encountered any studies designed as experimental. When looked at the distribution of dissertations by years, it is seen that the first thesis was done in 1989 and the most number of dissertations were done in the years of 2014 and 2016. When looked at the department in which the dissertations were done, it can be said that dissertations and thesis were done in many different fields of disciplines ranging from psychology and special education. In addition to this, when investigated the group taken into the scope of dissertations and thesis research, it is seen that the children mostly worked with are below the age of 12 and types of studies are master’s thesis. When the dissertations and thesis are examined by means of topics, it is seen that mostly-studied topics are demographic variables such as gender, whether the family is fragmented or not, education level of the family and the parents’ attitude. Obtained findings have been examined in the light of literature.Keywords: family, child behaviour problem, dissertations, thesis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2331125 A Study of Teachers’ View on Modern Methods of Teaching Regarding the Quality of Instruction in Shiraz High Schools
Authors: Nasrin Badrkhani
Teaching is an interaction between the teacher, student, and the concept being taught, especially within the classroom setting. As society increasingly values thoughtful and creative individuals, there is a growing need to adopt modern, active teaching methods. These methods should engage students in activities that foster problem-solving, creativity, cooperation, and scientific thinking skills. Modern teaching methods emphasize student involvement, gradual and continuous learning (process-centered approaches), and holistic evaluation of students' abilities and talents. A shift from teacher-centered to student-centered teaching is crucial. Among these modern methods are group work, role-playing, group discussions, and activities that engage students in evaluating societal values. This research employs a survey and a 38-question Likert scale questionnaire to explore teachers' perspectives on the impact of modern teaching methods on the quality of education. The study also examines the relationship between these perspectives and variables such as gender, major, and teaching experience. The statistical population consists of high school teachers in Shiraz, Iran, with sampling done using the Morgan table. Discriminant analysis was used for the initial analysis of the questions, and Cronbach's Alpha test was employed for the final examination. SPSS Software was used for statistical analysis, including T-tests and one-way ANOVA. The results indicate that teachers in this city generally have positive attitudes towards the use of modern teaching methods, except when it comes to engaging in judgments concerning societal values. There is no significant difference in viewpoints based on gender or educational background. The findings are consistent with similar studies conducted both within Iran and internationally.Keywords: learning, modern methods, student, teacher, teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 251124 Assessment of Risk Factors in Residential Areas of Bosso in Minna, Nigeria
Authors: Junaid Asimiyu Mohammed, Olakunle Docas Tosin
The housing environment in many developing countries is fraught with risks that have potential negative impacts on the lives of the residents. The study examined the risk factors in residential areas of two neighborhoods in Bosso Local Government Areas of Minna in Nigeria with a view to determining the level of their potential impacts. A sample of 378 households was drawn from the estimated population of 22,751 household heads. The questionnaire and direct observation were used as instruments for data collection. The data collected were analyzed using the Relative Importance Index (RII) rule to determine the level of the potential impact of the risk factors while ArcGIS was used for mapping the spatial distribution of the risks. The study established that the housing environment of Angwan Biri and El-Waziri areas of Bosso is poor and vulnerable as 26% of the houses were not habitable and 57% were only fairly habitable. The risks of epidemics, building collapse and rainstorms were evident in the area as 53% of the houses had poor ventilation; 20% of residents had no access to toilets; 47% practiced open waste dumping; 46% of the houses had cracked walls while 52% of the roofs were weak and sagging. The results of the analysis of the potential impact of the risk factors indicate a RII score of 0.528 for building collapse, 0.758 for rainstorms and 0.830 for epidemics, indicating a moderate to very high level of potential impacts. The mean RII score of 0.639 shows a significant potential impact of the risk factors. The study recommends the implementation of sanitation measures, provision of basic urban facilities and neighborhood revitalization through housing infrastructure retrofitting as measures to mitigate the risks of disasters and improve the living conditions of the residents of the study area.Keywords: assessment, risk, residential, Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 581123 Efficiency on the Enteric Viral Removal in Four Potable Water Treatment Plants in Northeastern Colombia
Authors: Raquel Amanda Villamizar Gallardo, Oscar Orlando Ortíz Rodríguez
Enteric viruses are cosmopolitan agents present in several environments including water. These viruses can cause different diseases including gastroenteritis, hepatitis, conjunctivitis, respiratory problems among others. Although in Colombia there are not regulations concerning to routine viral analysis of drinking water, an enhanced understanding of viral pollution and resistance to treatments is desired in order to assure pure water to the population. Viral detection is often complex due to the need of specialized and time-consuming procedures. In addition, viruses are highly diluted in water which is a drawback from the analytical point of view. To this end, a fast and selective detection method for detection enteric viruses (i.e. Hepatitis A and Rotavirus) were applied. Micro- magnetic particles were functionalized with monoclonal antibodies anti-Hepatitis and anti-Rotavirus and they were used to capture, concentrate and separate whole viral particles in raw water and drinking water samples from four treatment plants identified as CAR-01, MON-02, POR-03, TON-04 and located in the Northeastern Colombia. Viruses were molecularly by using RT-PCR One Step Superscript III. Each plant was analyzed at the entry and exit points, in order to determine the initial presence and eventual reduction of Hepatitis A and Rotavirus after disinfection. The results revealed the presence of both enteric viruses in a 100 % of raw water analyzed in all plants. This represents a potential health hazard, especially for those people whose use this water for agricultural purposes. However, in drinking water analysis, enteric viruses was only positive in CAR-01, where was found the presence of Rotavirus. As a conclusion, the results confirm Rotavirus as the best indicator to evaluate the efficacy of potable treatment plant in eliminating viruses. CAR potable water plant should improve their disinfection process in order to remove efficiently enteric viruses.Keywords: drinking water, hepatitis A, rotavirus, virus removal
Procedia PDF Downloads 2331122 The Untold Story of the Importance of ‘Insignia Imprinted’ for the Heritage Clay Roof Tiles in Malaysia
Authors: M. S. Sulaiman, N. Hassan, M. A. Aziz, M. S. A. Haron, J. H. A. Halim
The classic profile of heritage clay roof tiles gives unique characteristics and timeless style to the almost historical building. It is not only designed to meet basic construction needs, offering great performance and durability but also highlights unnoticed stamp impressions, known as ‘insignia imprinted.’ It seems that the insignia imprinted is not significant to all stakeholders, especially in preserving heritage clay roof tiles in Malaysia. They are not even realized the existence and importance of that element, where it represents the cognitive and social character of that particular era. It creates a sense of belongings for the manufacturers regarding their most elementary features, such as a fortress, crown, fauna and etc. This research aims to identify and analyze the late stamp marks on heritage interlocking clay roof tiles in a government heritage building in Malaysia. The methodology used is literature reviews (desktop study), observation on sites, and interviews. Initial findings from the preliminary observation on-site in Peninsular Malaysia show some evidence that the stamp marks appear on the front and back sides of the tile that indicates the year, manufacturer, code numbers, and logos. Almost more than 30 samples of different types of stamp marks were found and collected. Some of which had been described Guichard & Carvin Cie Marsielle St Andre France, Pierre Sacoman St Henry Marsielle, Tuileries Aixoises Les Milles B.D.R France, The Calicut Tile Co Feroke, And B. Pinto & Co Mangalore dated 1865, 1919 and 1936. In view of this abundance of materials, it will lead to the establishment of a comprehensive database consisting of detailed specifications and material performance for future conservation works and maintenance purposes that will sustain for future references.Keywords: clay roof tiles, insignia imprinted, interlocking, stamp mark
Procedia PDF Downloads 721121 Significance of Personnel Recruitment in Implementation of Computer Aided Design Curriculum of Architecture Schools
Authors: Kelechi E. Ezeji
The inclusion of relevant content in curricula of architecture schools is vital for attainment of Computer Aided Design (CAD) proficiency by graduates. Implementing this content involves, among other variables, the presence of competent tutors. Consequently, this study sought to investigate the importance of personnel recruitment for inclusion of content vital to the implementation of CAD in the curriculum for architecture education. This was with a view to developing a framework for appropriate implementation of CAD curriculum. It was focused on departments of architecture in universities in south-east Nigeria which have been accredited by National Universities Commission. Survey research design was employed. Data were obtained from sources within the study area using questionnaires, personal interviews, physical observation/enumeration and examination of institutional documents. A multi-stage stratified random sampling method was adopted. The first stage of stratification involved random sampling by balloting of the departments. The second stage involved obtaining respondents’ population from the number of staff and students of sample population. Chi Square analysis tool for nominal variables and Pearson’s product moment correlation test for interval variables were used for data analysis. With ρ < 0.5, the study found significant correlation between the number of CAD literate academic staff and use of CAD in design studio/assignments; that increase in the overall number of teaching staff significantly affected total CAD credit units in the curriculum of the department. The implications of these findings were that for successful implementation leading to attainment of CAD proficiency to occur, CAD-literacy should be a factor in the recruitment of staff and a policy of in-house training should be pursued.Keywords: computer-aided design, education, personnel recruitment, curriculum
Procedia PDF Downloads 2121120 Socio-Cultural Representations through Lived Religions in Dalrymple’s Nine Lives
Authors: Suman
In the continuous interaction between the past and the present that historiography is, each time when history gets re/written, a new representation emerges. This new representation is a reflection of the earlier archives and their interpretations, fragmented remembrances of the past, as well as the reactions to the present. Memory, or lack thereof, and stereotyping generally play a major role in this representation. William Dalrymple’s Nine Lives: In Search of the Sacred in Modern India (2009) is one such written account that sets out to narrate the representations of religion and culture of India and contemporary reactions to it. Dalrymple’s nine saints belong to different castes, sects, religions, and regions. By dealing with their religions and expressions of those religions, and through the lived mysticism of these nine individuals, the book engages with some important issues like class, caste and gender in the contexts provided by historical as well as present India. The paper studies the development of religion and accompanied feeling of religiosity in modern as well as historical contexts through a study of these elements in the book. Since, the language used in creation of texts and the literary texts thus produced create a new reality that questions the stereotypes of the past, and in turn often end up creating new stereotypes or stereotypical representations at times, the paper seeks to actively engage with the text in order to identify and study such stereotypes, along with their changing representations. Through a detailed examination of the book, the paper seeks to unravel whether some socio-cultural stereotypes existed earlier, and whether there is development of new stereotypes from Dalrymple’s point of view as an outsider writing on issues that are deeply rooted in the cultural milieu of the country. For this analysis, the paper takes help from the psycho-literary theories of stereotyping and representation.Keywords: stereotyping, representation, William Dalrymple, religion
Procedia PDF Downloads 3111119 Emotional Intelligence and Sports Coaches
Authors: Stephens Oluyemi Adetunji, Nel Norma Margaret, Krogs Sozein
There has been a shift in the role of sports from being a form of entertainment and relaxation to becoming a huge business concern and high money spinning venture. This shift has placed a greater demand on sport coaches as regards expectations for high performance from investors as well as other stake holders. The responsibility of sports coaches in ensuring high performance of sports men and women has become increasingly more demanding from both spectators and sports organisers. Coaches are leaders who should possess soft skills such as emotional intelligence aside from employing skills and drills to ensure high performance of athletes. This study is, therefore, designed to determine the emotional intelligence of sports coaches in South Africa. An assessment of the emotional intelligence of sports coaches would enable the researchers to identify those who have low emotional intelligence and to design an intervention program that could improve their emotional intelligence. This study will adopt the pragmatic world view of research using the mixed methods research design of the quantitative and qualitative approach. The non-probability sampling technique will be used to select fifty sports coaches for the quantitative study while fifteen sports coaches will be purposively selected for the qualitative study. One research question which seeks to ascertain the level of emotional intelligence of sports coaches will be raised to guide this study. In addition, two research hypotheses stating that there will be no significant difference in the level of emotional intelligence of sports coaches on the basis of gender and type of sports will be formulated and statistically analysed at 0.05 level of significance. For the quantitative study, an emotional intelligence test will be used to measure the emotional intelligence of sport coaches. Focus group interviews and open ended questions will be used to obtain the qualitative data. Quantitative data obtained will be statistically analysed using the SPSS version 22.0 while the qualitative data will be analysed using atlas ti. Based on the findings of this study, recommendations will be made.Keywords: emotional intelligence, high performance, sports coaches, South Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 4541118 A Study on Al-Riba Al-Hukmi and Its Instances from View of Islam
Authors: Abolfazl Alishahi Ghalehjoughi, Bi Bi Zeinab Hoseni
Islam is a comprehensive religion, and has rules for any thing. Islam attaches respect and importance to properties as well, and outlaws some types of transaction. A type of transaction that is strictly forbidden by the Islam is riba (usury), for which special punishments is considered in the Qur’an and hadiths. Usury is divided into (riba qarzi) loan usury and riba muamili (transaction usury); sometimes, in transaction and interest free loan contracts, ziyadah aini (interest in kind and of the same kind as that of the object of transaction) is not stipulated, but performance of work, provision of an advantage or a service, or a respite is stipulated, in which case although no ziyadah aini is in place, the transaction still constitutes usury and is outlaw. For instance, if a bank stipulates in an interest free loan contract that it pays a person the interest free loan only if he/she deposits a sum in the bank, this is an instance of riba hukmi. Or, for muamilah sarfi (transaction is which object of transaction and consideration is gold or silver) to be legitimate, it necessary that both the object of transaction and the consideration be handed over between the parties, because if a party takes delivery of the considered or object of transaction while the other party does not, the party who has taken delivery will accrue a benefit, as he/she wins time until he/she makes delivery to the other party, and this tantamount to usury in muamilah sarfi. Or, if a person lends a sum to another person, while the lender is indebted to the borrower, if the lender stipulates that he/she lends such amount only if the borrower postpones the maturity date of the lender’s debt to borrower, which is in one month, for a particular period of time, such loan will constitute usury. This research first provides views on riba hukmi, and then proceeds to analysis of views, trying to study fundamentals and proof regarding prohibition of riba hukmi, and to analyze instances of riba hukmi according to religious and hadith books.Keywords: Islam, riba, prohibition, riba hukmi
Procedia PDF Downloads 3711117 Assessment of Dimensions and Gully Recovery With GPS Receiver and RPA (Drone)
Authors: Mariana Roberta Ribeiro, Isabela de Cássia Caramello, Roberto Saverio Souza Costa
Currently, one of the most important environmental problems is soil degradation. This wear is the result of inadequate agricultural practices, with water erosion as the main agent. As the runoff water is concentrated in certain points, it can reach a more advanced stage, which are the gullies. In view of this, the objective of this work was to evaluate which methodology is most suitable for the purpose of elaborating a project for the recovery of a gully, relating work time, data reliability, and the final cost. The work was carried out on a rural road in Monte Alto - SP, where there is 0.30 hectares of area under the influence of a gully. For the evaluation, an aerophotogrammetric survey was used with RPA, with georeferenced points, and with a GNSS L1/L2 receiver. To assess the importance of georeferenced points, there was a comparison of altimetric data using the support points with altimetric data using only the aircraft's internal GPS. Another method used was the survey by conventional topography, where coordinates were collected by total station and L1/L2 Geodetic GPS receiver. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the F test (p<0.05), and the means between treatments were compared using the Tukey test (p<0.05). The results showed that the surveys carried out by aerial photogrammetry and by conventional topography showed no significant difference for the analyzed parameters. Considering the data presented, it is possible to conclude that, when comparing the parameters of accuracy, the final volume of the gully, and cost, for the purpose of elaborating a project for the recovery of a gully, the methodologies of aerial photogrammetric survey and conventional topography do not differ significantly. However, when working time, use of labor, and project detail are compared, the aerial photogrammetric survey proves to be more viable.Keywords: drones, erosion, soil conservation, technology in agriculture
Procedia PDF Downloads 1161116 Simultaneous Interpreting and Meditation: An Experimental Study on the Effects of Qigong Meditation on Simultaneous Interpreting Performance
Authors: Lara Bruno, Ilaria Tipà, Franco Delogu
Simultaneous interpreting (SI) is a demanding language task which includes the contemporary activation of different cognitive processes. This complex activity requires interpreters not only to be proficient in their working languages; but also to have a great ability in focusing attention and controlling anxiety during their performance. Effects of Qigong meditation techniques have a positive impact on several cognitive functions, including attention and anxiety control. This study aims at exploring the influence of Qigong meditation on the quality of simultaneous interpreting. 20 interpreting students, divided into two groups, were trained for 8 days in Qigong meditation practice. Before and after training, a brief simultaneous interpreting task was performed. Language combinations of group A and group B were respectively English-Italian and Chinese-Italian. Students’ performances were recorded and rated by independent evaluators. Assessments were based on 12 different parameters, divided into 4 macro-categories: content, form, delivery and anxiety control. To determine if there was any significant variation between the pre-training and post-training SI performance, ANOVA analyses were conducted on the ratings provided by the independent evaluators. Main results indicate a significant improvement of the interpreting performance after the meditation training intervention for both groups. However, group A registered a higher improvement compared to Group B. Nonetheless, positive effects of meditation have been found in all the observed macro-categories. Meditation was not only beneficial for speech delivery and anxiety control but also for cognitive and attention abilities. From a cognitive and pedagogical point of view, present results open new paths of research on the practice of meditation as a tool to improve SI performances.Keywords: cognitive science, interpreting studies, Qigong meditation, simultaneous interpreting, training
Procedia PDF Downloads 1601115 Analyzing the Efficiency of Initiatives Taken against Disinformation during Election Campaigns: Case Study of Young Voters
Authors: Fatima-Zohra Ghedir
Social media platforms have been actively working on solutions and combined their efforts with media, policy makers, educators and researchers to protect citizens and prevent interferences in information, political discourses and elections. Facebook, for instance, deleted fake accounts, implemented fake accounts and fake content detection algorithms, partnered with news agencies to manually fact check content and changed its newsfeeds display. Twitter and Instagram regularly communicate on their efforts and notify their users of improvements and safety guidelines. More funds have been allocated to media literacy programs to empower citizens in prevision of the coming elections. This paper investigates the efficiency of these initiatives and analyzes the metrics to measure their success or failure. The objective is also to determine the segments of population more prone to fall in disinformation traps during the elections despite the measures taken over the last four years. This study will also examine the groups who were positively impacted by these measures. This paper relies on both desk and field methodologies. For this study, a survey was administered to French students aged between 17 and 29 years old. Semi-guided interviews were conducted on a similar audience. The analysis of the survey and of the interviews show that respondents were exposed to the initiatives described above and are aware of the existence of disinformation issues. However, they do not understand what disinformation really entails or means. For instance, for most of them, disinformation is synonymous of the opposite point of view without taking into account the truthfulness of the content. Besides, they still consume and believe the information shared by their friends and family, with little questioning about the ways their closed ones get informed.Keywords: democratic elections, disinformation, foreign interference, social media, success metrics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1111114 The Influence of Chinese Philosophic-Religious Traditions on Chinese Consumption Behaviour: Findings from the Taoist Case Study
Authors: Haiping Zhu
The purpose of this work-in-progress paper is to explore how the Chinese philosophic-religious tradition of Taoism impacts on the consumption behaviour of contemporary Chinese consumers. Although much cultural research has been conducted on Chinese consumption behaviours, most studies have approached the subject from Western perspectives. Examination of the limited literature indicates a gap in the knowledge of the relationship of traditional Chinese Taoism philosophy and Chinese consumption behaviour. To bridge this gap, this study examines Chinese consumption behaviour at a Taoist-related Chinese religious festival - the DuanWu festival - in order to seek some understanding of how the Taoism philosophic-religious tradition influences Chinese consumption behaviour from the point of view of the individuals involved. It focuses attention on their expression of Taoism cultural values, purchasing experience and subsequent consumption behaviours. This study undertook multiple methods for Taoist case study data collection: accompanied shopping with Taoists before DuanWu Festival; participant observations during DuanWu Festival; and in-depth interviews in order to explore Taoists consumption behaviours at the end of the Festival. Specifically, the finding from the Taoist case study corroborates and details the influence of the Taoism doctrine: man–nature orientation, Fenshui, ecological effect, and ecological knowledge, on their attitudes toward green purchasing behaviour. Findings from this Taoist case study - one of a series of three Chinese philosophic religious tradition case studies - contribute to the deeper understanding of contemporary Chinese consumers from a non-Western viewpoint and offer initial insights for global marketers to differentiate consumer needs and develop effective marketing strategies.Keywords: consumer behaviour, culture values, green purchase behaviour, Taoism
Procedia PDF Downloads 2531113 Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational Intelligence in an R and D Organization
Authors: Akriti Srivastava, Soumi Awasthy
One of the disciplines that provoked increased interest in the importance of intelligence is the management and organization development literature. Organization intelligence is a key enabling force underlying many vital activities and processes dominating organizational life. Hence, the factors which lead to organizational intelligence and the result which comes out of the whole procedure is important to be understood with the understanding of OI. The focus of this research was to uncover potential antecedents and consequences of organizational intelligence, thus a non-experimental explanatory survey research design was used. A non-experimental research design is in which the manipulation of variables and randomization of samples are not present. The data was collected with the help of the questionnaire from 321 scientists from different laboratories of an R & D organization. Out of which 304 data were found suitable for the analysis. There were 194 males (age, M= 35.03, SD=7.63) and 110 females (age, M= 34.34, SD=8.44). This study tested a conceptual model linking antecedent variables (leadership and organizational culture) to organizational intelligence, followed by organizational innovational capability and organizational performance. Structural equation modeling techniques were used to analyze the hypothesized model. But, before that, confirmatory factor analysis of organizational intelligence scale was done which resulted in an insignificant model. Then, exploratory factor analysis was done which gave six factors for organizational intelligence scale. This structure was used throughout the study. Following this, the final analysis revealed relatively good fit of data to the hypothesized model with certain modifications. Leadership and organizational culture emerged out as the significant antecedents of organizational intelligence. Organizational innovational capability and organizational performance came out to be the consequent factors of organizational intelligence. But organizational intelligence did not predict organizational performance via organizational innovational capability. With this, additional significant pathway emerged out between leadership and organizational performance. The model offers a fresh and comprehensive view of the organizational intelligence. In this study, prior studies in related literature were reviewed to offer a basic framework of organizational intelligence. The study proved to be beneficial for organizational intelligence scholarship, seeing its importance in the competitive environment.Keywords: leadership, organizational culture, organizational intelligence, organizational innovational capability
Procedia PDF Downloads 3441112 Linguistics and Islamic Studies in Historical Perspective: The Case of Interdisciplinary Communication
Authors: Olga Bernikova, Oleg Redkin
Islamic Studies and the Arabic language are indivisible from each other starting from the appearance of Islam and formation of the Classical language. The present paper demonstrates correlation among linguistics and religion in historical perspective with regard to peculiarities of the Arabic language which distinguish it from the other prophetic languages. Islamic Studies and Linguistics are indivisible from each other starting from the invent of Islam and formation of the Classical language. In historical perspective, the Arabic language has been and remains a tool for the expression of Islamic rhetoric being a prophetic language. No other language in the world has preserved its stability for more than 14 centuries. Islam is considered to be one of the most important factors which secure this stability. The analysis and study of the text of Qurʾān are of special importance for those who study Islamic civilization, its role in the destinies of the mankind, its values and virtues. Without understanding of the polyphony of this sacred text, indivisible unity of its form and content it is impossible to understand social developments both in the present and the past. Since the first years of Islam Qurʾān had been in the center of attention of Muslim scholars, and in the center of attention of theologians, historians, philologists, jurists, mathematicians. Only quite recently it has become an object of analysis of the specialists of computer technologies. In Arabic and Islamic studies mediaeval texts i.e. textual documents are considered the main source of information. Hence the analysis of the multiplicity of various texts and finding of interconnections between them help to set scattered fragments of the riddle into a common and eloquent picture of the past, which reflects the state of the society on certain stages of its development. The text of the Qurʾān like any other phenomenon is a multifaceted object that should be studied from different points of view. As a result, this complex study will allow obtaining a three-dimensional image rather than a flat picture alone.Keywords: Arabic, Islamic studies, linguistics, religion
Procedia PDF Downloads 2231111 Analysis of Farmer's Involvement in Public and Private Extension Services in Southwestern Nigeria
Authors: S. O. Ayansina, R. A. Oyeyinka, K. K. Bolarinwa
There is an increasing demand for a functional extension delivery services in Nigeria with a view to meet up with the food and fiber needs of the ever growing population of human and animal respectively. This study was designed to examine farmers’ involvement in public and private extension services in southwestern Nigeria, specifically to explore the farmers’ participation in the two types of organizations involved. It also evaluates the performances of personnel in the organizations. A multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 30 respondents from each of the three selected organizations in Ogun, Osun and Oyo states in Southwestern Nigeria. Data was collected with interview schedule and analyzed both at descriptive and inferential levels. Kruskal Wallis one-way Analysis of variance was used to test the differences between the participation of beneficiaries who are farmers under the public and private extension services and the level of benefit accrued to them from the various extension organizations involved in the study. Results revealed that private extension organizations were performing better and were more preferred by the beneficiaries. Results of the tested hypotheses as shown by Kruskal Wallis test of difference (x2 = 0.709) S no significant difference between farmers’ participation in the extension services of public and private organizations but however showed significant difference (X2 =12.074) in the benefits achieved by respondents in the two organizations. These include: increased quantity of crop produced, farm income, skill acquisition, and improved education in private extension organizations. Based on this result, it could be inferred that beneficiaries generally preferred private extension organizations because of their effectiveness and vibrancy in programme administration. Public extension is therefore recommended for general overhauling and possibly privatization in order to cater for teeming population of farmers demanding for efficient and functional extension services to better their lots in production, processing and marketing of agricultural produce.Keywords: public and private involvement, extension services, farmers' participation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4061110 Empirical Measures to Enhance Germination Potential and Control Browning of Tissue Cultures of Andrographis paniculata
Authors: Nidhi Jindal, Ashok Chaudhury, Manisha Mangal
Andrographis paniculata, (Burm f.) Wallich ex. Nees (Family Acanthaceae) popularly known as King of Bitters, is an important medicinal herb. It has an astonishingly wide range of medicinal properties such as anti-inflammatory,antidiarrhoeal, antiviral, antimalarial, hepatoprotective, cardiovascular, anticancer, and immunostimulatory activities. It is widely cultivated in southern Asia. Though propagation of this herb generally occurs through seeds, it has many germination problems which intrigued scientists to work out on the alternative techniques for its mass production. The potential of tissue culture techniques as an alternative tool for AP multiplication was found to be promising. However, the high mortality rate of explants caused by phenolic browning of explants is one of the difficulties reported. Low multiplication rates were reported in the proliferation phase, as well as cultures decline characterized by leaf fall and loss of overall vigor. In view of above problems, a study was undertaken to overcome seed dormancy to improve germination potential and to investigate further on the possible means for successful proliferation of cultures via preventive approaches to overcome failures caused by phenolic browning. Experiments were conducted to improve germination potential and among all the chemical and mechanical trials, scarification of seeds with sand paper proved to be the best method to enhance the germination potential (82.44%) within 7 days. Similarly, several pretreatments and media combinations were tried to overcome browning of explants leading to the conclusion that addition of 0.1% citric acid and 0.2% of ascorbic acid in the media followed by rapid sub culturing of explants controlled browning and decline of explants by 67.45%.Keywords: plant tissue culture, empirical measure, germination, tissue culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 4151109 Prototype Development of ARM-7 Based Embedded Controller for Packaging Machine
Authors: Jeelka Ray
Survey of the papers revealed that there is no practical design available for packaging machine based on Embedded system, so the need arose for the development of the prototype model. In this paper, author has worked on the development of an ARM7 based Embedded Controller for controlling the sequence of packaging machine. The unit is made user friendly with TFT and Touch Screen implementing human machine interface (HMI). The different system components are briefly discussed, followed by a description of the overall design. The major functions which involve bag forming, sealing temperature control, fault detection, alarm, animated view on the home screen when the machine is working as per different parameters set makes the machine performance more successful. LPC2478 ARM 7 Embedded Microcontroller controls the coordination of individual control function modules. In back gone days, these machines were manufactured with mechanical fittings. Later on, the electronic system replaced them. With the help of ongoing technologies, these mechanical systems were controlled electronically using Microprocessors. These became the backbone of the system which became a cause for the updating technologies in which the control was handed over to the Microcontrollers with Servo drives for accurate positioning of the material. This helped to maintain the quality of the products. Including all, RS 485 MODBUS Communication technology is used for synchronizing AC Drive & Servo Drive. These all concepts are operated either manually or through a Graphical User Interface. Automatic tuning of heaters, sealers and their temperature is controlled using Proportional, Integral and Derivation loops. In the upcoming latest technological world, the practical implementation of the above mentioned concepts is really important to be in the user friendly environment. Real time model is implemented and tested on the actual machine and received fruitful results.Keywords: packaging machine, embedded system, ARM 7, micro controller, HMI, TFT, touch screen, PID
Procedia PDF Downloads 2751108 Larger Diameter 22 MM-PDC Cutter Greatly Improves Drilling Efficiency of PDC Bit
Authors: Fangyuan Shao, Wei Liu, Deli Gao
With the increasing speed of oil and gas exploration, development and production at home and abroad, the demand for drilling speed up technology is becoming more and more critical to reduce the development cost. Highly efficient and personalized PDC bit is important equipment in the bottom hole assembly (BHA). Therefore, improving the rock-breaking efficiency of PDC bits will help reduce drilling time and drilling cost. Advances in PDC bit technology have resulted in a leapfrogging improvement in the rate of penetration (ROP) of PDC bits over roller cone bits in soft to medium-hard formations. Recently, with the development of PDC technology, the diameter of the PDC tooth can be further expanded. The maximum diameter of the PDC cutter used in this paper is 22 mm. According to the theoretical calculation, under the same depth of cut (DOC), the 22mm-PDC cutter increases the exposure of the cutter, and the increase of PDC cutter diameter helps to increase the cutting area of the PDC cutter. In order to evaluate the cutting performance of the 22 mm-PDC cutter and the existing commonly used cutters, the 16 mm, 19 mm and 22 mm PDC cutter was selected put on a vertical turret lathe (VTL) in the laboratory for cutting tests under different DOCs. The DOCs were 0.5mm, 1.0 mm, 1.5 mm and 2.0 mm, 2.5 mm and 3 mm, respectively. The rock sample used in the experiment was limestone. Results of laboratory tests have shown the new 22 mm-PDC cutter technology greatly improved cutting efficiency. On the one hand, as the DOC increases, the mechanical specific energy (MSE) of all cutters decreases, which means that the cutting efficiency increases. On the other hand, under the same DOC condition, the larger the cutter diameter is, the larger the working area of the cutter is, which leads to higher the cutting efficiency. In view of the high performance of the 22 mm-PDC cutters, which was applied to carry out full-scale bit field experiments. The result shows that the bit with 22mm-PDC cutters achieves a breakthrough improvement of ROP than that with conventional 16mm and 19mm cutters in offset well drilling.Keywords: polycrystalline diamond compact, 22 mm-PDC cutters, cutting efficiency, mechanical specific energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 2051107 Relationship between Employee Welfare Practices and Performance of Non-Governmental Organizations in Kenya
Authors: Protus A. Lumiti, Susan O. Wekesa, Mary Omondi
Performance is a key pillar to the accomplishment of the goals of all organizations, whether private, public or non- profit. Employees are the intellectual assets of the organization and they are an avenue to the achievement of competitive advantage. An employee welfare service in an organization is vital in fostering employee motivation and improving their productivity. In view of this, the main goal of this research was to determine the relationship between employee welfare practices and the performance of non-governmental organizations in Kenya. The study was guided by four objectives, namely: to establish, determine, evaluate and assess the relationship between employee welfare practices and the performance of non-governmental organizations in Kenya. The study utilized a survey design using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. In this study, a purposive, stratified and simple random sampling technique was used to arrive at a sample of 355 respondents who comprised senior managers, middle level managers and operational employees out of the targeted population of 14,283 employees of non-governmental organizations working in Nairobi County. The primary data collection tools were questionnaires supplemented by an interview schedule, while secondary data was obtained from reviewed journals, published books and articles. Data analysis was done using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences Software version 23. The study utilized multiple linear regression and a structural equation model. The findings of the study were that: employee welfare practices had a positive and significant relationship with the performance of Non-governmental organizations in Kenya. In addition, there was also a linear relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable and the study concluded that there was a relationship between the predictor variable and the dependent variable of the study. The study recommended that management of No-governmental organization boards in Kenya should come up with a comprehensive policy document on employee welfare practices in order to enhance the performance of non-governmental organizations in Kenya.Keywords: employee, economic, performance, welfare
Procedia PDF Downloads 1821106 Job Satisfaction and Motivation as Predictors of Lecturers' Effectiveness in Nigeria Police Academy
Authors: Bibire Abdulkareem Hussein
Job satisfaction and motivation are considered as major tools in sustaining institutional development, they are also the machinery used to achieve an institutional goals and objectives. However, it has been observed that some institutions failed in motivating and stimulating their workers; in contrast, workers may be motivated but not satisfied with the job and failed to perform efficiently and effectively. It is hoped that the study of this nature would be of significance value to all stakeholders in education specifically, lecturers in higher institutions in Nigeria. Also it significances will enhance lecturers’ effectiveness and performance in discharging their duties. It is against this backdrop that, this study investigated whether job satisfaction and motivation predict lecturers’ effectiveness in Nigeria Police Academy, Wudil, KanoState. The correlational research method was adopted for the study while purposive sampling technique was used to choose the institution and the sampled lectures (70). Simple random sampling technique was used to select one hundred cadets across the academy. Two instruments were used to elicit information from both lecturers and cadets. These were job satisfaction and motivation; and lecturers’ effectiveness Questionnaires. The instruments were subjected to pilot testing and found to have reliability coefficient of 0.69 and 0.71 respectively. The results of the study revealed that there was a significance relationship among job satisfaction, motivation and lecturers effectiveness in Nigeria Police Academy, Job satisfaction had a Beta weight (β) of .125, t = 3.253, p<0.05, Job motivation had a Beta weight (β) of .185, t = 3.849, p<0.05. There was a significance relationship between job satisfaction and lecturers’ effectiveness in Nigeria Police Academy the cal r is 0.21 while the crt r is 0.19. at p<0.05 and; there was a significance relationship between job motivation and lecturers effectiveness in Nigeria Police Academy the cal r is 0.20 while the crt r is 0.19 at p<0.05This study therefore concluded that there was a significance relationship among job satisfaction, motivation and lecturers effectiveness in Nigeria Police Academy s,In view of the findings of this study, the paper recommends that lecturers should be more pro-active and more effective in their primary assignment (teaching) in order to make meaningful impacts and inputs in the life of cadets and boost the standard of the academy. In the same vein, it is recommended that management should intensify efforts to improve lecturers’ welfares by providing more motivational techniques to enhance more productivity.Keywords: academy, lecturers effectiveness, motivation, satisfaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 4721105 Smart Wheel Chair: A Design to Accommodate Vital Sign Monitoring
Authors: Stephanie Nihan, Jayson M. Fadrigalan, Pyay P. San, Steven M. Santos, Weihui Li
People of all ages who use wheelchairs are left with the inconvenience of not having an easy way to take their vital signs. Typically, patients are required to visit the hospital in order to take the vital signs. VitalGO is a wheel chair system that equipped with medical devices to take vital signs and then transmit data to a mobile application for convenient, long term health monitoring. The vital signs include oxygen saturation, heart rate, and blood pressure, breathing rate and body temperature. Oxygen saturation and heart rate are monitored through pulse oximeter. Blood pressure is taken through a radar sensor. Breathing rate is derived through thoracic impedance while body temperature is measured through an infrared thermometer. The application receives data through bluetooth and stores in a database for review in a simple graphical interface. The application will have the ability to display this data over various time intervals such as a day, week, month, 3 months, 6 months and a year. The final system for the mobile app can also provide an interface for both the user and their physician(s) to record notes or keep record of daily symptoms that a patient might be having. The user’s doctor will be granted access by the user to view the patient information for assistance with a more accurate diagnosis. Also, this wheelchair accessory conveniently includes a foldable table/desk as somewhere to place an electronic device that may be used to access the app. The foldable table will overall contribute to the wheelchair user’s increased comfort and will give them somewhere to place food, a book, or any other form of entertainment that would normally be hard to juggle on their lap.Keywords: wheel chair, vital sign, mobile application, telemedicine
Procedia PDF Downloads 3321104 Electrospun Conducting Polymer/Graphene Composite Nanofibers for Gas Sensing Applications
Authors: Aliaa M. S. Salem, Soliman I. El-Hout, Amira Gaber, Hassan Nageh
Nowadays, the development of poisonous gas detectors is considered to be an urgent matter to secure human health and the environment from poisonous gases, in view of the fact that even a minimal amount of poisonous gas can be fatal. Of these concerns, various inorganic or organic sensing materials have been used. Among these are conducting polymers, have been used as the active material in the gassensorsdue to their low-cost,easy-controllable molding, good electrochemical properties including facile fabrication process, inherent physical properties, biocompatibility, and optical properties. Moreover, conducting polymer-based chemical sensors have an amazing advantage compared to the conventional one as structural diversity, facile functionalization, room temperature operation, and easy fabrication. However, the low selectivity and conductivity of conducting polymers motivated the doping of it with varied materials, especially graphene, to enhance the gas-sensing performance under ambient conditions. There were a number of approaches proposed for producing polymer/ graphene nanocomposites, including template-free self-assembly, hard physical template-guided synthesis, chemical, electrochemical, and electrospinning...etc. In this work, we aim to prepare a novel gas sensordepending on Electrospun nanofibers of conducting polymer/RGO composite that is the effective and efficient expectation of poisonous gases like ammonia, in different application areas such as environmental gas analysis, chemical-,automotive- and medical industries. Moreover, our ultimate objective is to maximize the sensing performance of the prepared sensor and to check its recovery properties.Keywords: electro spinning process, conducting polymer, polyaniline, polypyrrole, polythiophene, graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide, functionalized reduced graphene oxide, spin coating technique, gas sensors
Procedia PDF Downloads 1881103 Management of Obstructive Hydrocephalus Secondary to a Posterior Fossa Tumor in Children: About 24 Cases Operated at the Central Hospital of Army
Authors: Hakim Derradji, M’Hammedi Yousra, Sabrou Abdelmalek, Tabet Nacer
Introduction: This is a retrospective study carried out at the Central Hospital of Army from 2017 to 2022. Its objective is to demonstrate the best surgical method for the management of obstructive hydrocephalus secondary to a posterior fossa tumor in children, in pre, per, and post-operative. Patients and Methods: During this period, 24 children (over 1 year old) were admitted for treatment of the posterior fossa tumor with obstructive secondary hydrocephalus and the majority of whom benefited from VCS followed by surgery and excision, the rest, received after evacuation from other hospital structures, were managed there beforehand with ventriculoperitoneal diversion or external drainage. We found that the way hydrocephalus is managed has implications for subsequent management, hence the need for this study to determine the effectiveness of different surgical procedures used in the treatment of hydrocephalus in these patients. The evaluation is made on the basis of revision rate, complications, survival, and radiological evaluation. Results: 6 patients (25%) received a ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VPD), 15 patients (62%) underwent a ventriculocysternostomy (VCS), and 3 patients (12.5%) received temporary ventricular drainage before or during tumor excision. The post-operative results were almost similar. Nevertheless, a high failure rate (25%) was observed. No deaths are recorded. In total, 75% of children who had a DVP were reoperated. The revision by VCS was performed, in addition to the 4 patients benefiting from a DVP, with one patient having received external drainage, and only one revision of a VCS was recorded. In the two patients who received external drainage, restoration of CSF outflow was observed following tumor resection. Conclusion: VCS is indicated in the first intention in the treatment of hydrocephalus secondary to a posterior fossa tumor, in view of the satisfactory results obtained and the high failure rate in DVP, especially with the presence of metastatic cells in the peritoneum, but can be considered as a second-line treatment.Keywords: posterior fossa tumor, obstructive hydrocephalus, DVP, VCS
Procedia PDF Downloads 1171102 Total Life Cycle Cost and Life Cycle Assessment of Mass Timber Buildings in the US
Authors: Hongmei Gu, Shaobo Liang, Richard Bergman
With current worldwide trend in designs to have net-zero emission buildings to mitigate climate change, widespread use of mass timber products, such as Cross Laminated Timber (CLT), or Nail Laminated Timber (NLT) or Dowel Laminated Timber (DLT) in buildings have been proposed as one approach in reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Consequentially, mass timber building designs are being adopted more and more by architectures in North America, especially for mid- to high-rise buildings where concrete and steel buildings are currently prevalent, but traditional light-frame wood buildings are not. Wood buildings and their associated wood products have tended to have lower environmental impacts than competing energy-intensive materials. It is common practice to conduct life cycle assessments (LCAs) and life cycle cost analyses on buildings with traditional structural materials like concrete and steel in the building design process. Mass timber buildings with lower environmental impacts, especially GHG emissions, can contribute to the Net Zero-emission goal for the world-building sector. However, the economic impacts from CLT mass timber buildings still vary from the life-cycle cost perspective and environmental trade-offs associated with GHG emissions. This paper quantified the Total Life Cycle Cost and cradle-to-grave GHG emissions of a pre-designed CLT mass timber building and compared it to a functionally-equivalent concrete building. The Total life cycle Eco-cost-efficiency is defined in this study and calculated to discuss the trade-offs for the net-zero emission buildings in a holistic view for both environmental and economic impacts. Mass timber used in buildings for the United States is targeted to the materials from the nation’s sustainable managed forest in order to benefit both national and global environments and economies.Keywords: GHG, economic impact, eco-cost-efficiency, total life-cycle costs
Procedia PDF Downloads 1411101 Digital Content Strategy (DCS) Detailed Review of the Key Content Components
Authors: Oksana Razina, Shakeel Ahmad, Jessie Qun Ren, Olufemi Isiaq
The modern life of businesses is categorically reliant on their established position online, where digital (and particularly website) content plays a significant role as the first point of information. Digital content, therefore, becomes essential – from making the first impression to the building and development of client relationships. Despite a number of valuable papers suggesting a strategic approach when dealing with digital data, other sources often do not view or accept the approach to digital content as a holistic or continuous process. Associations are frequently made with merely a one-off marketing campaign or similar. The challenge is to establish an agreed definition for the notion of Digital Content Strategy, which currently does not exist, as DCS is viewed from an excessive number of different angles. A strategic approach to content, nonetheless, is required, both practically and contextually. The researchers, therefore, aimed at attempting to identify the key content components comprising a digital content strategy to ensure all the aspects were covered and strategically applied – from the company’s understanding of the content value to the ability to display flexibility of content and advances in technology. This conceptual project evaluated existing literature on the topic of Digital Content Strategy (DCS) and related aspects, using the PRISMA Systematic Review Method, Document Analysis, Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria, Scoping Review, Snow-Balling Technique and Thematic Analysis. The data was collected from academic and statistical sources, government and relevant trade publications. Based on the suggestions from academics and trading sources related to the issues discussed, the researchers revealed the key actions for content creation and attempted to define the notion of DCS. The major finding of the study presented Key Content Components of Digital Content Strategy and can be considered for implementation in a business retail setting.Keywords: digital content strategy, key content components, websites, digital marketing strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1461100 Internal Auditing and the Performance of State-Owned Enterprises in Emerging Markets
Authors: Jobo Dubihlela, Kofi Boamah
The inimitable role of the internal auditing, challenges and the predicament of state-owned enterprises in emerging markets are acknowledged. Study sought to address the inter-related questions, about how does IAF complement the performance and sustainability of SOEs? How can effective IA control systems be implemented to improve the performance results and culture of SOEs in Namibia? The weaknesses inherent in the SOE sector, unfortunately, impacts on the IAF ability to effectively support the SOEs. Despite these challenges, the study has unearthed IAF potential capabilities to contribute to SOE survival in Namibia by complementing the governance practices of the sector. Using a quantitative research approach, the dataset was collected and analysed from SOEs to confirm the role of the internal auditing function (IAF) as an indispensable concomitant of SOE performance. The study adopted a data approach supported by the literary evidence, which enabled generalisation and connectedness of the issues being addressed. The outcome of the data analysis contributed to achieving the results, which are discussed and eventually support the conclusions reached. Results show that the intractable task of internal auditing depends on the leadership of the board of directors of the SOEs. Study also revealed critical priorities needed to influence policymakers and oversight bodies to overcome the iniquities influencing SOE operations, understand and embrace IAF to salvage a sector that has a lot to offer and yet is severely mismanaged. Results support literature on IA’s contribution to SOE development from a developing country’s point of view and is the first of its kind in Namibia. Findings suggest ways to possibly enhance knowledge development of future researchers and ‘wet their appetite’ for further research in emerging markets and on a global scale.Keywords: internal auditing activity, state-owned enterprises, emerging markets, auditing function
Procedia PDF Downloads 1031099 Usability Evaluation of a Self-Report Mobile App for COVID-19 Symptoms: Supporting Health Monitoring in the Work Context
Authors: Kevin Montanez, Patricia Garcia
The confinement and restrictions adopted to avoid an exponential spread of the COVID-19 have negatively impacted the Peruvian economy. In this context, Industries offering essential products could continue operating, but they have to follow safety protocols and implement strategies to ensure employee health. In view of the increasing internet access and mobile phone ownership, “Alerta Temprana”, a mobile app, was developed to self-report COVID-19 symptoms in the work context. In this study, the usability of the mobile app “Alerta Temprana” was evaluated from the perspective of health monitors and workers. In addition to reporting the metrics related to the usability of the application, the utility of the system is also evaluated from the monitors' perspective. In this descriptive study, the participants used the mobile app for two months. Afterwards, System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire was answered by the workers and monitors. A Usefulness questionnaire with open questions was also used for the monitors. The data related to the use of the application was collected during one month. Furthermore, descriptive statistics and bivariate analysis were used. The workers rated the application as good (70.39). In the case of the monitors, usability was excellent (83.0). The most important feature for the monitors were the emails generated by the application. The average interaction per user was 30 seconds and a total of 6172 self-reports were sent. Finally, a statistically significant association was found between the acceptability scale and the work area. The results of this study suggest that Alerta Temprana has the potential to be used for surveillance and health monitoring in any context of face-to-face modality. Participants reported a high degree of ease of use. However, from the perspective of workers, SUS cannot diagnose usability issues and we suggest we use another standard usability questionnaire to improve "Alerta Temprana" for future use.Keywords: public health in informatics, mobile app, usability, self-report
Procedia PDF Downloads 118