Search results for: generalized Riemann– Liouville and Erdélyi–Kober fractional integral operators
520 Moderation Role of Effects of Forms of Upward versus Downward Counterfactual Reasoning on Gambling Cognition and Decision of Nigerians
Authors: Larry O. Awo, George N. Duru
There is growing public and mental health concerns over the availability of gambling platforms and shops in Nigeria and the high level of youth involvement in gambling. Early theorizing maintained that gambling involvement driven by the quest for resource gains. However, evidences show that the economic model of gambling tend to explain the involvement of the gambling business owners (sport lottery operators: SLOs) as most gamblers lose more than they win. This loss, according to the law of effect, ought to discourage decisions to gamble. However, the quest to recover loses has often initiated and prolonged gambling sessions. Therefore, the need to investigate mental contemplations (such as counterfactual reasoning (upward versus downward) of what “would, should, or could” have been, and feeling of the illusion of control; IOC) over gambling outcome as risk or protective factors in gambling decisions became pertinent. The present study sought to understand the differential contributions and conditional effects of upward versus downward counterfactual reasoning as pathways through which the association between IOC and gambling decision of Nigerian youths (N = 120, mean age = 18.05, SD = 3.81) could be explained. The study adopted a randomized group design, and data were obtained by means of stimulus material (the Gambling Episode; GE) and self-report measures of IOC and Gambling Decision. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) result showed that participants in the upward counterfactual reasoning group (M = 22.08) differed from their colleagues in the downward counterfactual reasoning group (M = 17.33) on the decision to gamble, and this difference was significant [F(1,112) = 23, P < .01]. HAYES PROCESS macro moderation analysis results showed that 1) IOC and upward counterfactual reasoning were positively associated with the decision to gamble (B = 14.21, t = 6.10, p < .01 and B = 7.22, t = 2.07, p < .01), 3) upward counterfactual reasoning did not moderate the association between IOC and gambling decision (p > .05), and 4) downward counterfactual reasoning negatively moderated the association between IOC and gambling decision (B = 07, t = 2.18, p < .05) such that the association was strong at a low level of downward counterfactual, but wane at high levels of downward counterfactual reasoning. The implication of these findings are that IOC and upward counterfactual reasoning were risk factors and promote gambling behavior, while downward counterfactual reasoning protects individuals from gambling activities. Thus, it is concluded that downward counterfactual reasoning strategies should be included in gambling therapy and treatment packages as it could diminish feelings of both IOC and negative feelings of missed positive outcomes and the urge to gamble.Keywords: counterfactual reasoning, gambling cognition, gambling decision, nigeria, youths
Procedia PDF Downloads 109519 Applied Canonical Correlation Analysis to Explore the Relationship between Resourcefulness and Quality of Life in Cancer Population
Authors: Chiou-Fang Liou
Cancer has been one of the most life-threaten diseases worldwide for 30+ years. The influences of cancer illness include symptoms from cancer itself along with its treatments. The quality of life among patients diagnosed with cancer during cancer treatments has been conceptualized within four domains: Functional Well-Being, Social Well-Being, Physical Well-Being, and Emotional Well-Being. Patients with cancer often need to make adjustments to face all the challenges. The middle-range theory of Resourcefulness and Quality of life has been applied to explore factors contributing to cancer patients’ needs. Resourcefulness is defined as sets of skills that can be learned and consisted of Person and Social Resourcefulness. Empirical evidence also supported a possible relationship between Resourcefulness and Quality of Life. However, little is known about the extent to which the two concepts are related to each other. This study, therefore, applied a multivariate technique, Canonical Correlation Analysis, to identify the relationship between the two sets of variables with multi-dimensional measures, the Resourcefulness and Quality of Life in Cancer patients receiving treatments. After IRB approval, this multi-centered study took place at two medical centers in the Central Region of Taiwan. Sample A total of 186 patients with various cancer diagnoses and either receiving radiation therapy or chemotherapy consented to and answered questionnaires. The Import findings of the Generalized F test identified two typical sets with several linear relations and explained a total of 79.1% of the total variance. The first typical set found Personal Resourcefulness negatively related to Social Well-being, Functional being, Emotional Well-being, and Physical, in that order. The second typical set found Social Resourcefulness negatively related to Functional Well-being and Physical-being yet positively related to Social Well-being and Emotional Well-being. Discussion and Conclusion, The results of this presented study supported the statistically significant relationship between two sets of variables that are consistent with the theory. In addition, the results are considerably important in cancer patients receiving cancer treatments.Keywords: cancer, canonical correlation analysis, quality of life, resourcefulness
Procedia PDF Downloads 87518 Static Test Pad for Solid Rocket Motors
Authors: Svanik Garg
Static Test Pads are stationary mechanisms that hold a solid rocket motor, measuring the different parameters of its operation including thrust and temperature to better calibrate it for launch. This paper outlines a specific STP designed to test high powered rocket motors with a thrust upwards of 4000N and limited to 6500N. The design includes a specific portable mechanism with cost an integral part of the design process to make it accessible to small scale rocket developers with limited resources. Using curved surfaces and an ergonomic design, the STP has a delicately engineered façade/case with a focus on stability and axial calibration of thrust. This paper describes the design, operation and working of the STP and its widescale uses given the growing market of aviation enthusiasts. Simulations on the CAD model in Fusion 360 provided promising results with a safety factor of 2 established and stress limited along with the load coefficient A PCB was also designed as part of the test pad design process to help obtain results, with visual output and various virtual terminals to collect data of different parameters. The circuitry was simulated using ‘proteus’ and a special virtual interface with auditory commands was also created for accessibility and wide-scale implementation. Along with this description of the design, the paper also emphasizes the design principle behind the STP including a description of its vertical orientation to maximize thrust accuracy along with a stable base to prevent micromovements. Given the rise of students and professionals alike building high powered rockets, the STP described in this paper is an appropriate option, with limited cost, portability, accuracy, and versatility. There are two types of STP’s vertical or horizontal, the one discussed in this paper is vertical to utilize the axial component of thrust.Keywords: static test pad, rocket motor, thrust, load, circuit, avionics, drag
Procedia PDF Downloads 386517 Comparison of Anthropometric Measurements Between Handball and Basketball Female Players
Authors: Jasmina Pluncevic Gligoroska, Sanja Manchevska, Vaska Antevska, Lidija Todorovska, Beti Dejanova, Sunchica Petrovska, Ivanka Karagjozova, Elizabeta Sivevska
Introduction: Anthropometric measurements are integral part of regular medical examinations of athletes. In addition to the quantification of the size of the body, these measurements indicate the quality of the physical status, because of its association with sports performance. The purpose of this study was to examine whether there are differences in anthropometric parameters and body mass components in female athletes who participate in two different types of sports. Methods: A total of 27 athletes, 15 handball players and 12 basketball players, at the average age of 22.7 years (age span from 17 to 30 years) entered the study. Anthropometric method by Matiegka was used for determination of body components. Sixteen anthropometric measures were taken: height, weight, four diameters of joints, four circumferences of limbs and six skin folds. Results: Handball players were 169.6±6.7 cm tall and 63,75±7.5 kg heavy. Their average relative muscle mass (absolute mass in kg) was 51% (32.5kg), while bone component was 16.8% (10.7kg) and fat component was 14.3% (7.74kg). The basketball players were 177.4±8.2cm tall and 70.37±12.1kg heavy. Their average relative muscle mass (absolute mass in kg) was 51.9 % (36.6kg), bone component was 16.37% (11.5kg) and fat component was 15.36% (9.4kg). The comparison of anthropometric values showed that basketball players were statistically significantly higher and heavier than handball players (p<0.05). Statistically significant difference (p<0.05) was observed in the range of upper leg circumference (higher in basketball players) and the forearm skin fold (higher in the basketball players). Conclusion: Handball players and basketball players significantly differed in basic anthropometric measures (height and weight), but the body components had almost identical values. The anthropometric measurements that have been taken did not show significant difference between handball and basketball female players despite the different physical demands of the games.Keywords: anthropometry, body components, basketball, handball female players
Procedia PDF Downloads 463516 Implementing Education 4.0 Trends in Language Learning
Authors: Luz Janeth Ospina M.
The fourth industrial revolution is changing the role of education substantially and, therefore, the role of instructors and learners at all levels. Education 4.0 is an imminent response to the needs of a globalized world where humans and technology are being aligned to enable endless possibilities, among them the need for students, as digital natives, to communicate effectively in at least one language besides their mother tongue, and also the requirement of developing theirs. This is an exploratory study in which a control group (N = 21), all of the students of Spanish as a foreign language at the university level, after taking a Spanish class, responded to an online questionnaire about the engagement, atmosphere, and environment in which their course was delivered. These aspects considered in the survey were relative to the instructor’s teaching style, including: (a) active, hands-on learning; (b) flexibility for in-class activities, easily switching between small group work, individual work, and whole-class discussion; and (c) integrating technology into the classroom. Strongly believing in these principles, the instructor deliberately taught the course in a SCALE-UP room, as it could facilitate such a positive and encouraging learning environment. These aspects are trends related to Education 4.0 and have become integral to the instructor’s pedagogical stance that calls for a constructive-affective role, instead of a transmissive one. As expected, with a learning environment that (a) fosters student engagement and (b) improves student outcomes, the subjects were highly engaged, which was partially due to the learning environment. An overwhelming majority (all but one) of students agreed or strongly agreed that the atmosphere and the environment were ideal. Outcomes of this study are relevant and indicate that it is about time for teachers to build up a meaningful correlation between humans and technology. We should see the trends of Education 4.0 not as a threat but as practices that should be in the hands of critical and creative instructors whose pedagogical stance responds to the needs of the learners in the 21st century.Keywords: active learning, education 4.0, higher education, pedagogical stance
Procedia PDF Downloads 115515 Single Tuned Shunt Passive Filter Based Current Harmonic Elimination of Three Phase AC-DC Converters
Authors: Mansoor Soomro
The evolution of power electronic equipment has been pivotal in making industrial processes productive, efficient and safe. Despite its attractive features, it has been due to nonlinear loads which make it vulnerable to power quality conditions. Harmonics is one of the power quality problem in which the harmonic frequency is integral multiple of supply frequency. Therefore, the supply voltage and supply frequency do not last within their tolerable limits. As a result, distorted current and voltage waveform may appear. Attributes of low power quality confirm that an electrical device or equipment is likely to malfunction, fail promptly or unable to operate under all applied conditions. The electrical power system is designed for delivering power reliably, namely maximizing power availability to customers. However, power quality events are largely untracked, and as a result, can take out a process as many as 20 to 30 times a year, costing utilities, customers and suppliers of load equipment, a loss of millions of dollars. The ill effects of current harmonics reduce system efficiency, cause overheating of connected equipment, result increase in electrical power and air conditioning costs. With the passage of time and the rapid growth of power electronic converters has highlighted the damages of current harmonics in the electrical power system. Therefore, it has become essential to address the bad influence of current harmonics while planning any suitable changes in the electrical installations. In this paper, an effort has been made to mitigate the effects of dominant 3rd order current harmonics. Passive filtering technique with six pulse multiplication converter has been employed to mitigate them. Since, the standards of power quality are to maintain the supply voltage and supply current within certain prescribed standard limits. For this purpose, the obtained results are validated as per specifications of IEEE 519-1992 and IEEE 519-2014 performance standards.Keywords: current harmonics, power quality, passive filters, power electronic converters
Procedia PDF Downloads 301514 Main Tendencies of Youth Unemployment and the Regulation Mechanisms for Decreasing Its Rate in Georgia
Authors: Nino Paresashvili, Nino Abesadze
The modern world faces huge challenges. Globalization changed the socio-economic conditions of many countries. The current processes in the global environment have a different impact on countries with different cultures. However, an alleviation of poverty and improvement of living conditions is still the basic challenge for the majority of countries, because much of the population still lives under the official threshold of poverty. It is very important to stimulate youth employment. In order to prepare young people for the labour market, it is essential to provide them with the appropriate professional skills and knowledge. It is necessary to plan efficient activities for decreasing an unemployment rate and for developing the perfect mechanisms for regulation of a labour market. Such planning requires thorough study and analysis of existing reality, as well as development of corresponding mechanisms. Statistical analysis of unemployment is one of the main platforms for regulation of the labour market key mechanisms. The corresponding statistical methods should be used in the study process. Such methods are observation, gathering, grouping, and calculation of the generalized indicators. Unemployment is one of the most severe socioeconomic problems in Georgia. According to the past as well as the current statistics, unemployment rates always have been the most problematic issue to resolve for policy makers. Analytical works towards to the above-mentioned problem will be the basis for the next sustainable steps to solve the main problem. The results of the study showed that the choice of young people is not often due to their inclinations, their interests and the labour market demand. That is why the wrong professional orientation of young people in most cases leads to their unemployment. At the same time, it was shown that there are a number of professions in the labour market with a high demand because of the deficit the appropriate specialties. To achieve healthy competitiveness in youth employment, it is necessary to formulate regional employment programs with taking into account the regional infrastructure specifications.Keywords: unemployment, analysis, methods, tendencies, regulation mechanisms
Procedia PDF Downloads 379513 Evaluating the Opioid Epidemic in a Large County Jail and Determining Who Is Most at Risk
Authors: Conchita Martin de Bustamante, Christopher S. Kung, Brianne Lacy, Eunsol Park, Hien Piotrowski, Mustafa Husain, Waseem Ahmed
Objective: To explore the comorbidity of mental health conditions (major depressive disorder, borderline personality disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and schizophrenia) with opioid use disorder in people incarcerated at a large urban jail. Background Schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety are all serious mental health conditions that are highly prevalent amongst incarcerated patients. However, it is seldom the only disorder these patients are suffering from. According to the US Department of Justice, about half of US prisoners, both at the state and federal level, suffer from substance use disorders. Although the opioid epidemic has been studied greatly in the recent years amongst the general population, little has been explored on how the opioid crisis has affected incarcerated patients in local jails, particularly regarding which of these patients are most susceptible. Method The cohort consisted of 507 people incarcerated at a large county jail who were evaluated by mental health providers in December 2020. A retrospective review was performed to evaluate associations between mental health diagnoses, substance use disorder, and other demographic variables. Results Participants had been diagnosed with various mental health conditions, including MDD (22.6%, n = 115), GAD (33.7%, n = 171), Schizophrenia (15.2%, n = 77) and BPD (27%, n = 137). Preliminary Chi square tests were conducted for these conditions against marijuana, alcohol, cocaine, opioid, methamphetamine, benzodiazepines, and sedative use disorders. The results showed significant associations between Schizophrenia (p = 0.013), GAD (p M 0.001), and MDD (p = 0.029) with opioid use disorders. Conclusions Determining the extent of these comorbid substance use and mental health disorders within an incarcerated population can help influence treatment plans for future incarcerated patients. Many federal and state jail systems lack pharmacological substance use intervention and the prevalence of these co-morbid conditions can shed light on the importance of treating conditions concurrently upon intake.Keywords: mental health conditions, opioids, substance use disorder, comorbidity
Procedia PDF Downloads 154512 Genetic Algorithm for In-Theatre Military Logistics Search-and-Delivery Path Planning
Authors: Jean Berger, Mohamed Barkaoui
Discrete search path planning in time-constrained uncertain environment relying upon imperfect sensors is known to be hard, and current problem-solving techniques proposed so far to compute near real-time efficient path plans are mainly bounded to provide a few move solutions. A new information-theoretic –based open-loop decision model explicitly incorporating false alarm sensor readings, to solve a single agent military logistics search-and-delivery path planning problem with anticipated feedback is presented. The decision model consists in minimizing expected entropy considering anticipated possible observation outcomes over a given time horizon. The model captures uncertainty associated with observation events for all possible scenarios. Entropy represents a measure of uncertainty about the searched target location. Feedback information resulting from possible sensor observations outcomes along the projected path plan is exploited to update anticipated unit target occupancy beliefs. For the first time, a compact belief update formulation is generalized to explicitly include false positive observation events that may occur during plan execution. A novel genetic algorithm is then proposed to efficiently solve search path planning, providing near-optimal solutions for practical realistic problem instances. Given the run-time performance of the algorithm, natural extension to a closed-loop environment to progressively integrate real visit outcomes on a rolling time horizon can be easily envisioned. Computational results show the value of the approach in comparison to alternate heuristics.Keywords: search path planning, false alarm, search-and-delivery, entropy, genetic algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 360511 Impact of Individual Resilience on Organizational Resilience: An Exploratory Study
Authors: Mitansha, Suzanne Wilkinson, Regan Potangaroa
The built environment is designed, maintained, operated, and decommissioned by construction organisations, which play a significant role in providing physical resources and rebuilding infrastructures during major crises and disasters. It is evident that enhancing the resilience of construction organisations allows better responding ability and speedy recovery from disasters and acts as a boon for the nation in the face of significant disruptions. As individuals are the integral component of any organisation, hence, individual resilience is considered a critical aspect, which may boost organisational resilience of construction sector. It has been observed that individual resilience is indirectly supported by organisation’s citizenship behaviour, job performance, and career success. Not only this, it also tends to hold a directly proportional relation with job satisfaction, physical and emotional well-being affected by organisation’s work culture, whereas the resilience of organisation increases as a result of positive adaption, growth and collective learning of the employees as an entity. Moreover, indicators like Situation awareness in staff and crisis related issues, effective vulnerability management, organisational leadership and culture ensured by approachable, encouraging and people-oriented leaders, are prominent for achieving organisational resilience. It, thus, becomes perceptible that both, organisational and individual resiliencies have the potential to influence each other. Consequently, it arises a major question that how these characteristics are associated and tend to behave with respect to each other The study, thus, aims to explore the overlapping dimensions of organisational and individual resilience to determine the impact boundaries. The research methodology of the paper would be based on systematic literature review specifically focused on the resilience of construction industry. This would provide a direct comparison of characteristics influencing individual and organisational resilience and will present the most significant indicators of individual resilience, that can eventually help to enhance the resilience of construction organisations amidst any disaster or crisis.Keywords: construction industry, individual resilience, organizational resilience, overlapping dimension
Procedia PDF Downloads 103510 Communicating Through Symbolisms in Anthropoligical Medicine with Reference to Traditional Performances of Wayang Kulit, Main Puteri and Kuda Kepang
Authors: M. G. Nasuruddin, S. Ishak
In anthropological medicine (traditional therapeutic healing) symbolic interface are used to connect with the cognitive and metacognitive mechanisms to activate conscious and unconscious response of patients or other recipients. At the same time they are used to communicate with the inhabitants of the nether world to whom are ascribed almost all cases of psychosomatic illness. The symbols, which are cultural specific, are divided into verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. The verbal forms are chanting of mantra and doa and the invocation to invoke the spirits while the non-verbal ones are the physical materials such as the offerings, props and decorative elements, music, movements, olfactory sensation and the performance space. The process of communication through these symbols is affected by the Shaman who is a link or intermediary between the healer (Shaman) and the patients and between the healer and the spirits of the nether world. The paper also examines the scientific perspective of the traditional healing through the use of these symbols. The response to these symbols as external stimuli is embedded in the genes that are linked to the hereditary factor in the person’s DNA. When the patients are tuned in to external stimuli such as music, chanting and singing (sonic orders), it can triggers a response from the brain, which may activate its inner pharmacy by releasing drugs such as dopamine and/or opiodsto ameliorate pain and counter depression, anxiety and create a feel good feeling. These symbols act like placebo, evoking the power of the mind over the body and triggering the innate self-healing energy. At the same time they could also be used as nocebo, for example black magic, which has the opposite effect of placebo. In whatever capacity they operate these symbols, which are either visual or auditory, is an integral part of anthropological medicine. For they communicate and conjure emotional responses that are conducive to healing by activating the internal brain pharmacy.Keywords: communication, healing, placebo, nacebo, symbol
Procedia PDF Downloads 443509 Association of Glutathione S-transferase M1 and T1 Gene Polymorphisms with Vitiligo in Saudi Population
Authors: Ghaleb Bin Huraib, Fahad Al Harthi, Mohammad Mustafa, Abdulrahman Al-Asmari
Introduction: Vitiligo is an acquired pigmentary skin disorder with the regional disappearance of melanocytes. Vitiligo affects 0.1 to 2% of the global population, and the incidence varies substantially depending on ethnicity. Glutathione S-transferase (GST) is a multigene family of enzymes that detoxify oxidative stress products. The oxidative stress-related GSTM1/GSTT1 genes deletion may cause epidermal melanocytes destruction and the development of vitiligo. Hence, the present study aimed to investigate the association of GST gene polymorphisms with vitiligo in the Saudi population, if any. Materials and Methods: The present study includes 129 vitiligo cases and 130 age-matched healthy controls. The proportion of male and female patients with vitiligo is almost equal. The multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method was used for polymorphic analysis. Results: Increased odds of generalized vitiligo was observed with the null genotypes of GSTT1- gene (OR = 1.91, 95% CI = 1.07-3.42, p = 0.019). The possible genetic combinations of GSTM1/GSTT1 and their genotypic distribution showed the frequency of GSTM1+/GSTT1+ 62/130 (47.69%) and GSTM1-/GSTT1+ 52/130 (40.00%) were higher in controls than in cases 44/129 (34.11%), 43/129 (33.34%), respectively while GSTM1+/GSTT1- and GSTM1-/GSTT1- null genotypes were higher 22/129 (17.05%) and 20/129 (15.50%) in vitiligo patients as compared to controls 11/130 (8.46%), 5/130 (3.84%), respectively. The strength of association of different genetic combinations with cases have shown GSTM1+/GSTT1- (OR = 2.81, 95% CI = 1.24-6.40, p = 0.009) and GSTM1-/GSTT1- (OR = 5.63, 95% CI = 1.96 - 16.16, p = 0.0004) were significantly higher in vitiligo cases as compared to controls. We did not observe any significant association of age and gender of patients with GST gene polymorphisms. Conclusions: The GSTT1-, GSTM1+/GSTT1- and GSTM1-/GSTT1- null genotypes were significantly associated with vitiligo. These genetic polymorphisms may be the associative genetic risk factor for vitiligo among Saudis. It could be used as a genetic marker for screening vitiligo patients among Saudis. Further studies on GSTs gene polymorphism in larger sample sizes from different geographical areas and ethnicity are needed to strengthen the present findings.Keywords: vitiligo, GSTM1, GSTT1, gene polymorphism, oxidative stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 125508 A U-shaped Relationship between Body Mass Index and Dysmenorrhea: A Longitudinal Study
Authors: H. Ju, M. Jones, G. D. Mishra
Introduction: Limited longitudinal studies have examined the relationship between BMI and dysmenorrhea, resulting in mixed results. This study aims to investigate the long-term association between BMI and dysmenorrhea. Methods: 9,688 women from Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health (ALSWH), a prospective population-based cohort study, were followed for 13 years. Data were collected through self-reported questionnaires repeatedly on all variables, including dysmenorrhea, weight and height. The longitudinal association between dysmenorrhea and BMI or BMI transition (change of BMI categories between two successive surveys) was investigated by generalized estimating equations. Results: When the women were aged 22 to 27 years, approximately 11% were obese, 7% underweight, and 25% reported dysmenorrhea. Over the study period, the prevalence of obesity doubled whereas that of underweight declined substantially. The prevalence of dysmenorrhea remained relatively stable. Compared to women with a normal weight, significantly higher odds of reporting dysmenorrhea were detected for both women who were underweight (odds ratio (OR) 1.25, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.09, 1.43) and obese (OR 1.20, 95% CI 1.10, 1.31). Being overweight was not associated with increased risk of dysmenorrhea. Compared to women who remained at normal weight or overweight over time, significant risk was detected for women who: remained underweight or obese (OR 1.35, 95% CI 1.23, 1.49), were underweight but became normal or overweight (OR 1.29, 95% CI 1.11, 1.50), became underweight (OR 1.24, 95% CI 1.01, 1.52). However, the higher risk among obese women disappeared when they lost weight and became normal weight or overweight (OR 1.07, 95% CI 0.87, 1.30). Conclusions: A U-shaped association was revealed between dysmenorrhea and BMI, revealing higher risk of dysmenorrhea for both underweight and obese women. Further, the risk disappeared when obese women lost weight and acquired a healthier BMI. However obesity certainly poses a greater burden of disease from the public health perspective, thus requires greater effort to tackle the increasing problem at the population level. It is important to maintain a healthy weight over time for women to enjoy a better reproductive health.Keywords: body mass index, dysmenorrhea, obesity, painful period, underweight
Procedia PDF Downloads 329507 Association between Anemia and Maternal Depression during Pregnancy: Systematic Review
Authors: Gebeyaw Molla Wondim, Damen Haile Mariam, Wubegzier Mekonnen, Catherine Arsenault
Introduction: Maternal depression is a common psychological disorder that mostly occurs during pregnancy and after childbirth. It affects approximately one in four women worldwide. There is inconsistent evidence regarding the association between anemia and maternal depression. The objective of this systematic review was to examine the association between anemia and depression during pregnancy. Method: A comprehensive search of articles published before March 8, 2024, was conducted in seven databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar. The Boolean operators “AND” or “OR” and “NOT” were used to connect the MeSH terms and keywords. Rayyan software was used to screen articles for final retrieval, and the PRISMA diagram was used to show the article selection process. Data extraction and risk bias assessment were done by two reviewers independently. JBI critical appraisal tool was used to assess the methodological quality of the retrieved articles. Heterogenicity was assessed through visual inspection of the extracted result, and narrative analysis was used to synthesize the result. Result: A total of 2,413 articles were obtained from seven electronic databases. Among these articles, a total of 2,398 were removed due to duplication (702 articles), by title and abstract selection criteria (1,678 articles), and by full-text review (18 articles). Finally, in this systematic review, 15 articles with a total of 628,781 pregnant women were included: seven articles were cohort studies, two were case-control, and six studies were cross-sectional. All included studies were published between 2013 and 2022. Studies conducted in the United States, South Korea, Finland, and one in South India found no significant association between anemia and maternal depression during pregnancy. On the other hand, studies conducted in Australia, Canada, Finland, Israel, Turkey, Vietnam, Ethiopia, and South India showed a significant association between anemia and depression during pregnancy. Conclusion: The overall finding of the systematic review shows the burden of anemia and antenatal depression is much higher among pregnant women in developing countries. Around three-fourths of the studies show that anemia is positively associated with antenatal depression. Almost all studies conducted in LMICs show anemia positively associated with antenatal depression.Keywords: pregnant, women, anemia, depression
Procedia PDF Downloads 43506 Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Modelling to Support Alternative Fuels Maritime Operations Incident Planning & Impact Assessments
Authors: Chow Jeng Hei, Pavel Tkalich, Low Kai Sheng Bryan
Due to the growing demand for sustainability in the maritime industry, there has been a significant increase in focus on alternative fuels such as biofuels, liquefied natural gas (LNG), hydrogen, methanol and ammonia to reduce the carbon footprint of vessels. Alternative fuels offer efficient transportability and significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions, a critical factor in combating global warming. In an era where the world is determined to tackle climate change, the utilization of methanol is projected to witness a consistent rise in demand, even during downturns in the oil and gas industry. Since 2022, there has been an increase in methanol loading and discharging operations for industrial use in Singapore. These operations were conducted across various storage tank terminals at Jurong Island of varying capacities, which are also used to store alternative fuels for bunkering requirements. The key objective of this research is to support the green shipping industries in the transformation to new fuels such as methanol and ammonia, especially in evolving the capability to inform risk assessment and management of spills. In the unlikely event of accidental spills, a highly reliable forecasting system must be in place to provide mitigation measures and ahead planning. The outcomes of this research would lead to an enhanced metocean prediction capability and, together with advanced sensing, will continuously build up a robust digital twin of the bunkering operating environment. Outputs from the developments will contribute to management strategies for alternative marine fuel spills, including best practices, safety challenges and crisis management. The outputs can also benefit key port operators and the various bunkering, petrochemicals, shipping, protection and indemnity, and emergency response sectors. The forecasted datasets provide a forecast of the expected atmosphere and hydrodynamic conditions prior to bunkering exercises, enabling a better understanding of the metocean conditions ahead and allowing for more refined spill incident management planningKeywords: clean fuels, hydrodynamics, coastal engineering, impact assessments
Procedia PDF Downloads 70505 The Risk and Prevention of Peer-To-Peer Network Lending in China
Authors: Zhizhong Yuan, Lili Wang, Chenya Zheng, Wuqi Yang
How to encourage and support peer-to-peer (P2P) network lending, and effectively monitor the risk of P2P network lending, has become the focus of the Chinese government departments, industrialists, experts and scholars in recent years. The reason is that this convenient online micro-credit service brings a series of credit risks and other issues. Avoiding the risks brought by the P2P network lending model, it can better play a benign role and help China's small and medium-sized private enterprises with vigorous development to solve the capital needs; otherwise, it will bring confusion to the normal financial order. As a form of financial services, P2P network lending has injected new blood into China's non-government finance in the past ten years, and has found a way out for idle funds and made up for the shortage of traditional financial services in China. However, it lacks feasible measures in credit evaluation and government supervision. This paper collects a large amount of data about P2P network lending of China. The data collection comes from the official media of the Chinese government, the public achievements of existing researchers and the analysis and collation of correlation data by the authors. The research content of this paper includes literature review; the current situation of China's P2P network lending development; the risk analysis of P2P network lending in China; the risk prevention strategy of P2P network lending in China. The focus of this paper is to try to find a specific program to strengthen supervision and avoid risks from the perspective of government regulators, operators of P2P network lending platform, investors and users of funds. These main measures include: China needs to develop self-discipline organization of P2P network lending industry and formulate self-discipline norms as soon as possible; establish a regular information disclosure system of P2P network lending platform; establish censorship of credit rating of borrowers; rectify the P2P network lending platform in compliance through the implementation of bank deposition. The results and solutions will benefit all the P2P network lending platforms, creditors, debtors, bankers, independent auditors and government agencies of China and other countries.Keywords: peer-to-peer(P2P), regulation, risk prevention, supervision
Procedia PDF Downloads 167504 Issues and Challenges of Information and Communication Technology Adoption and Application for Business-Related Performance among Agro-Based Small and Medium Entrepreneurs in the State of Selangor, Malaysia
Authors: Mohd Nizam Osman
This study explores issues and challenges of information and communication technology (ICT) adoption and application for business-related performance of Agro-based small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. Globally, SMEs have championed the socio-economic development of nations across the globe, including Malaysia. Thus, the objectives of this study explore issues and challenges of agro-based SMEs' adoption and usage of ICT, the business-related performance of SMEs via the adoption of ICT, and the impact of incentives on SMEs' adoption and use of ICT. The study was conducted in Selangor, Malaysia. A qualitative research approach was deployed for the study. Data for the study emanated from semi-structured interviews and field note observation of 14 informants who are registered as small-scale business owners and operators. Based on thematic analysis, data were triangulated to ensure consistency and validation of findings for the study. Findings revealed that SMEs are faced with a lack of funding, low expertise, and lack of storage, leading to an unsustainable supply of goods and services. Although effective communication, ease of business activities/transactions, and information search by way of research were among the business performance experienced by SMEs' adoption of ICT. Further findings showed that loan conditions and personal and business interests hindered SMEs' reception and access to programs, schemes, and incentives geared at aiding the continuous growth and development of agro-based SMEs. The study suggests the need for policy change in terms of diversification of channels of funding and access to funds to enable credit guarantee schemes and peer or community-based financing. Consequently, the study recommends the engagement of SMEs in policy decision-making to ascertain the type of incentives relevant to their business operations. Likewise, from a technological standpoint, the study suggests the expansion of the framework of technology acceptance with focuses on affordability, type of users, and level of usage.Keywords: ICT adoption, business related performance, agro-based SMEs, ICT application for SMEs
Procedia PDF Downloads 76503 An Event-Related Potential Investigation of Speech-in-Noise Recognition in Native and Nonnative Speakers of English
Authors: Zahra Fotovatnia, Jeffery A. Jones, Alexandra Gottardo
Speech communication often occurs in environments where noise conceals part of a message. Listeners should compensate for the lack of auditory information by picking up distinct acoustic cues and using semantic and sentential context to recreate the speaker’s intended message. This situation seems to be more challenging in a nonnative than native language. On the other hand, early bilinguals are expected to show an advantage over the late bilingual and monolingual speakers of a language due to their better executive functioning components. In this study, English monolingual speakers were compared with early and late nonnative speakers of English to understand speech in noise processing (SIN) and the underlying neurobiological features of this phenomenon. Auditory mismatch negativities (MMNs) were recorded using a double-oddball paradigm in response to a minimal pair that differed in their middle vowel (beat/bit) at Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario, Canada. The results did not show any significant structural and electroneural differences across groups. However, vocabulary knowledge correlated positively with performance on tests that measured SIN processing in participants who learned English after age 6. Moreover, their performance on the test negatively correlated with the integral area amplitudes in the left superior temporal gyrus (STG). In addition, the STG was engaged before the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) in noise-free and low-noise test conditions in all groups. We infer that the pre-attentive processing of words engages temporal lobes earlier than the fronto-central areas and that vocabulary knowledge helps the nonnative perception of degraded speech.Keywords: degraded speech perception, event-related brain potentials, mismatch negativities, brain regions
Procedia PDF Downloads 109502 Effectiveness of Using Multiple Non-pharmacological Interventions to Prevent Delirium in the Hospitalized Elderly
Authors: Yi Shan Cheng, Ya Hui Yeh, Hsiao Wen Hsu
Delirium is an acute state of confusion, which is mainly the result of the interaction of many factors, including: age>65 years, comorbidity, cognitive function and visual/auditory impairment, dehydration, pain, sleep disorder, pipeline retention, general anesthesia and major surgery… etc. Researches show the prevalence of delirium in hospitalized elderly patients over 50%. If it doesn't improve in time, may cause cognitive decline or impairment, not only prolong the length of hospital stay but also increase mortality. Some studies have shown that multiple nonpharmacological interventions are the most effective and common strategies, which are reorientation, early mobility, promoting sleep and nutritional support (including water intake), could improve or prevent delirium in the hospitalized elderly. In Taiwan, only one research to compare the delirium incidence of the older patients who have received orthopedic surgery between multi-nonpharmacological interventions and general routine care. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to address the prevention or improvement of delirium incidence density in medical hospitalized elderly, provide clinical nurses as a reference for clinical implementation, and develop follow-up related research. This study is a quasi-experimental design using purposive sampling. Samples are from two wards: the geriatric ward and the general medicine ward at a medical center in central Taiwan. The sample size estimated at least 100, and then the data will be collected through a self-administered structured questionnaire, including: demographic and professional evaluation items. Case recruiting from 5/13/2023. The research results will be analyzed by SPSS for Windows 22.0 software, including descriptive statistics and inferential statistics: logistic regression、Generalized Estimating Equation(GEE)、multivariate analysis of variance(MANOVA).Keywords: multiple nonpharmacological interventions, hospitalized elderly, delirium incidence, delirium
Procedia PDF Downloads 79501 Comparative Study on the Social Behaviour of Sambar Deer (Rusa unicolor) in Captive Facilities in Peninsular Malaysia
Authors: Kushaal Selvarajah, Geetha Annavi, Mohd Noor Hisham Mohd Nadzir
Sambar deer (Rusa unicolor) was uplisted from Least Concern to Vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red list in 2015 due to drastic population decline in the wild throughout its geographical range. Sambar deer is a valued prey for the highly endangered species such as the Malayan tiger. Ex-situ conservation efforts, i.e., captive breeding, initiated by local government to boost sambar deer numbers in captivity and to reintroduce into the wild to support a higher number of tigers, consistent with the goal of our National Tiger Conservation Action Plan. The reproductive success of sambar deer and their welfare management practices in captivity are important components for effective captive breeding programs. However, there is a lack of study carried out on sambar deer in recent years and their behavior in captivity. Three captive sites (Zoo Negara, Zoo Taiping, and Sungkai Conservation Centre) were selected and observed for an average of 40 days each site (6 hours/day). A Generalized Linear Model (GLM) was used to determine the correlation between social behavior and extrinsic parameters. A comparison between all three captive sites showed the strongest correlation in behavioral variability, followed by a time of observation. This proves that there is a difference between in behavioral consistency and frequency between herds across captive sites rising to the possibility of external factors that are influential. Time of day of observation also had significant influence on certain extrinsic parameters being skewed to morning observations and this could be due to an adaptive behavior to the feeding time in the captive sites being in the morning which caused the deer to be resting towards the afternoon. Extensive study need to be done on sambar deer to pinpoint the specifics and better understanding of these possible influential factors in their behavior.Keywords: behaviour ecology, captivity, ex-situ conservation, husbandry
Procedia PDF Downloads 159500 Ways to Effectively Use Tourism Potential Through International Marketing and PR Communication Strategy in the Post-pandemic Period (On the Example of Georgia)
Authors: Marine Kobalava
The article analyzes the level of Georgia's tourism potential usage during the pandemic. The conclusion is drawnthat Georgia, as a tourism brand, is in a significant crisis at this stage, revenues from this sector have been substantially reduced, communication with potential customers is interrupted, no international marketing and PR communication strategies have been developed for the post-pandemic period. In order to rehabilitate the tourism industry of Georgia, it is considered vital to take measures using international marketing and PR communication strategies adjusted to the needs of the sectorthat will improve the use of tourism potential and stimulate the development of the sector. The goal of the research is to identify the factors hindering the use of tourism potential in the direction of international marketing and PR communication strategies in the post-pandemic period and to develop recommendations on ways to solve them. Research methods. The paper uses various theoretical and methodological tools of research, including Bibliographic research has been conducted on the main research issues; Analysis, synthesis, induction, and other methods are used to select and group data, identify similarities and differences, and identify trends; Endogenous and exogenous factors affecting the field of tourism have been studied by means of SWOT and PESTEL analyzes. A comparison model is used to analyze the strategy documents. Primary accounting materials are obtained from the National Statistics Office and the relevant ministries. Based on the results of the research, the directions of correct positioning of tourism products and marketing communication in the post-pandemic period have been developed. It is substantiated that a short-term international marketing strategy should include: probable goals of communication, maintaining a position on a potential traveler's “radar,” focusing communication on key motivating factors (gastronomy, winemaking, folklore, protected areas, mountainous regions). From a marketing point of view, it is important: holding international marketing events, compiling a list of target countries, formation of stimulus mechanisms, development of incentive programs for international tour operators, etc. The paper draws conclusions about the problems of using the tourism potential, recommendations on ways to solve this problems through international marketing and PR communication strategies are offeredKeywords: PR communication, international marketing strategy, tourism potential, post-pandemic period
Procedia PDF Downloads 173499 Effectiveness of a Sports Nutrition Intervention for High-School Athletes: A Feasibility Study
Authors: Michael Ryan, Rosemary E. Borgerding, Kimberly L. Oliver
The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a sports nutrition intervention on body composition in high-school athletes. The study aimed to improve the food and water intake of high-school athletes, evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the intervention, and assess changes in body fat. Data were collected through observations, questionnaires, and interviews. Additionally, bioelectrical impedance analysis was performed to assess the body composition of athletes both before and after the intervention. Athletes (n=25) participated in researcher-monitored training sessions three times a week over the course of 12 weeks. During these sessions, in addition to completing their auxiliary sports training, participants were exposed to educational interventions aimed at improving their nutrition. These included discussions regarding current eating habits, nutritional guidelines for athletes, and individualized recommendations. Food was also made available to athletes for consumption before and after practice. Meals of balanced macronutrient composition were prepared and provided to athletes on four separate occasions throughout the intervention, either prior to or following a competitive event such as a tournament or game. A paired t-test was used to determine the statistical significance of the changes in body fat percentage. The results showed that there was a statistically significant difference between pre and post-intervention body fat percentage (p= .006). Cohen's d of 0.603 was calculated, indicating a moderate effect size. In conclusion, this study provides evidence that a sports nutrition intervention that combines food availability, explicit prescription, and education can be effective in improving the body composition of high-school athletes. However, it's worth noting that this study had a small sample size, and the conclusions cannot be generalized to a larger population. Further research is needed to assess the scalability of this study. This preliminary study demonstrated the feasibility of this type of nutritional intervention and laid the groundwork for a larger, more extensive study to be conducted in the future.Keywords: bioelectrical impedance, body composition, high-school athletes, sports nutrition, sports pedagogy
Procedia PDF Downloads 96498 Creation of Computerized Benchmarks to Facilitate Preparedness for Biological Events
Introduction: Communicable diseases and pandemics pose a growing threat to the well-being of the global population. A vital component of protecting the public health is the creation and sustenance of a continuous preparedness for such hazards. A joint Israeli-German task force was deployed in order to develop an advanced tool for self-evaluation of emergency preparedness for variable types of biological threats. Methods: Based on a comprehensive literature review and interviews with leading content experts, an evaluation tool was developed based on quantitative and qualitative parameters and indicators. A modified Delphi process was used to achieve consensus among over 225 experts from both Germany and Israel concerning items to be included in the evaluation tool. Validity and applicability of the tool for medical institutions was examined in a series of simulation and field exercises. Results: Over 115 German and Israeli experts reviewed and examined the proposed parameters as part of the modified Delphi cycles. A consensus of over 75% of experts was attained for 183 out of 188 items. The relative importance of each parameter was rated as part of the Delphi process, in order to define its impact on the overall emergency preparedness. The parameters were integrated in computerized web-based software that enables to calculate scores of emergency preparedness for biological events. Conclusions: The parameters developed in the joint German-Israeli project serve as benchmarks that delineate actions to be implemented in order to create and maintain an ongoing preparedness for biological events. The computerized evaluation tool enables to continuously monitor the level of readiness and thus strengths and gaps can be identified and corrected appropriately. Adoption of such a tool is recommended as an integral component of quality assurance of public health and safety.Keywords: biological events, emergency preparedness, bioterrorism, natural biological events
Procedia PDF Downloads 425497 Enhancing Intercultural Competencies Through Digital Integration in South Africa
Authors: Naziema Begum Jappie
In higher education, particularly within South African universities engaged in regional and global collaborations, the integration of intercultural competencies into teaching, learning, and assessment is essential for student success. Intercultural competencies and the digital platform are intwined in the fabric of teaching, learning, and assessments for student success in higher education. These are integral to virtual learning and exchange within higher education, which are expected to develop these competencies. However, this is not always the case because these are not always explicitly integrated into the academic agenda. Despite the prevalence of international students and exchange programmes, there is often a lack of deliberate integration of these competencies into academic agendas, even for South African students from different cultural, ethnic and language groups. This research addresses this gap by examining the impact of infusing intercultural activities into both face-to-face and digital learning platforms. Adopting an intersectional perspective, the study recognizes how social identities interact to shape individuals' self-perceptions and experiences in a university. Methodologically, this study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to assess the effectiveness of integrating intercultural competencies into digital platforms. Surveys administered to students and faculty measure changes in intercultural skills and attitudes before and after the implementation of targeted interventions. In-depth interviews with participants will provide further insights into the qualitative aspects of these changes, including their experiences and perceptions of the integration process. The research evaluates whether the strategic integration of intercultural competencies into digital platforms enhances students' intercultural skills and social justice awareness. The findings provide valuable insights for higher education academics and internationalization practitioners seeking to develop effective strategies for cultivating intercultural competencies among students.Keywords: digital platform, higher education, intercultural competencies, interventions
Procedia PDF Downloads 28496 Voltage and Frequency Regulation Using the Third-Party Mid-Size Battery
Authors: Roghieh A. Biroon, Zoleikha Abdollahi
The recent growth of renewables, e.g., solar panels, batteries, and electric vehicles (EVs) in residential and small commercial sectors, has potential impacts on the stability and operation of power grids. Considering approximately 50 percent share of the residential and the commercial sectors in the electricity demand market, the significance of these impacts, and the necessity of addressing them are more highlighted. Utilities and power system operators should manage the renewable electricity sources integration with power systems in such a way to extract the most possible advantages for the power systems. The most common effect of high penetration level of the renewables is the reverse power flow in the distribution feeders when the customers generate more power than their needs. The reverse power flow causes voltage rise and thermal issues in the power grids. To overcome the voltage rise issues in the distribution system, several techniques have been proposed including reducing transformers short circuit resistance and feeder impedance, installing autotransformers/voltage regulators along the line, absorbing the reactive power by distributed generators (DGs), and limiting the PV and battery sizes. In this study, we consider a medium-scale battery energy storage to manage the power energy and address the aforementioned issues on voltage deviation and power loss increase. We propose an optimization algorithm to find the optimum size and location for the battery. The optimization for the battery location and size is so that the battery maintains the feeder voltage deviation and power loss at a certain desired level. Moreover, the proposed optimization algorithm controls the charging/discharging profile of the battery to absorb the negative power flow from residential and commercial customers in the feeder during the peak time and sell the power back to the system during the off-peak time. The proposed battery regulates the voltage problem in the distribution system while it also can play frequency regulation role in islanded microgrids. This battery can be regulated and controlled by the utilities or a third-party ancillary service provider for the utilities to reduce the power system loss and regulate the distribution feeder voltage and frequency in standard level.Keywords: ancillary services, battery, distribution system and optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 131495 Consumer Protection Law For Users Mobile Commerce as a Global Effort to Improve Business in Indonesia
Authors: Rina Arum Prastyanti
Information technology has changed the ways of transacting and enabling new opportunities in business transactions. Problems to be faced by consumers M Commerce, among others, the consumer will have difficulty accessing the full information about the products on offer and the forms of transactions given the small screen and limited storage capacity, the need to protect children from various forms of excess supply and usage as well as errors in access and disseminate personal data, not to mention the more complex problems as well as problems agreements, dispute resolution that can protect consumers and assurance of security of personal data. It is no less important is the risk of payment and personal information of payment dal am also an important issue that should be on the swatch solution. The purpose of this study is 1) to describe the phenomenon of the use of Mobile Commerce in Indonesia. 2) To determine the form of legal protection for the consumer use of Mobile Commerce. 3) To get the right type of law so as to provide legal protection for consumers Mobile Commerce users. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Primary and secondary data sources. This research is a normative law. Engineering conducted engineering research library collection or library research. The analysis technique used is deductive analysis techniques. Growing mobile technology and more affordable prices as well as low rates of provider competition also affects the increasing number of mobile users, Indonesia is placed into 4 HP users in the world, the number of mobile phones in Indonesia is estimated at around 250.1 million telephones with a population of 237 556. 363. Indonesian form of legal protection in the use of mobile commerce still a part of the Law No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions and until now there is no rule of law that specifically regulates mobile commerce. Legal protection model that can be applied to protect consumers of mobile commerce users ensuring that consumers get information about potential security and privacy challenges they may face in m commerce and measures that can be used to limit the risk. Encourage the development of security measures and built security features. To encourage mobile operators to implement data security policies and measures to prevent unauthorized transactions. Provide appropriate methods both time and effectiveness of redress when consumers suffer financial loss.Keywords: mobile commerce, legal protection, consumer, effectiveness
Procedia PDF Downloads 365494 Single-Molecule Optical Study of Cholesterol-Mediated Dimerization Process of EGFRs in Different Cell Lines
Authors: Chien Y. Lin, Jung Y. Huang, Leu-Wei Lo
A growing body of data reveals that the membrane cholesterol molecules can alter the signaling pathways of living cells. However, the understanding about how membrane cholesterol modulates receptor proteins is still lacking. Single-molecule tracking can effectively probe into the microscopic environments and thermal fluctuations of receptor proteins in a living cell. In this study we applies single-molecule optical tracking on ligand-induced dimerization process of EGFRs in the plasma membranes of two cancer cell lines (HeLa and A431) and one normal endothelial cell line (MCF12A). We tracked individual EGFR and dual receptors, diffusing in a correlated manner in the plasma membranes of live cells. We developed an energetic model by integrating the generalized Langevin equation with the Cahn-Hilliard equation to help extracting important information from single-molecule trajectories. From the study, we discovered that ligand-bound EGFRs move from non-raft areas into lipid raft domains. This ligand-induced motion is a common behavior in both cancer and normal cells. By manipulating the total amount of membrane cholesterol with methyl-β-cyclodextrin and the local concentration of membrane cholesterol with nystatin, we further found that the amount of cholesterol can affect the stability of EGFR dimers. The EGFR dimers in the plasma membrane of normal cells are more sensitive to the local concentration changes of cholesterol than EGFR dimers in the cancer cells. Our method successfully captures dynamic interactions of receptors at the single-molecule level and provides insight into the functional architecture of both the diffusing EGFR molecules and their local cellular environment.Keywords: membrane proteins, single-molecule tracking, Cahn-Hilliard equation, EGFR dimers
Procedia PDF Downloads 419493 A Case Study of Determining the Times of Overhauls and the Number of Spare Parts for Repairable Items in Rolling Stocks with Simulation
Authors: Ji Young Lee, Jong Woon Kim
It is essential to secure high availability of railway vehicles to realize high quality and efficiency of railway service. Once the availability decreased, planned railway service could not be provided or more cars need to be reserved. additional cars need to be purchased or the frequency of railway service could be decreased. Such situation would be a big loss in terms of quality and cost related to railway service. Therefore, we make various efforts to get high availability of railway vehicles. Because it is a big loss to operators, we make various efforts to get high availability of railway vehicles. To secure high availability, the idle time of the vehicle needs to be reduced and the following methods are applied to railway vehicles. First, through modularization design, exchange time for line replaceable units is reduced which makes railway vehicles could be put into the service quickly. Second, to reduce periodic preventive maintenance time, preventive maintenance with short period would be proceeded test oriented to minimize the maintenance time, and reliability is secured through overhauls for each main component. With such design changes for railway vehicles, modularized components are exchanged first at the time of vehicle failure or overhaul so that vehicles could be put into the service quickly and exchanged components are repaired or overhauled. Therefore, spare components are required for any future failures or overhauls. And, as components are modularized and costs for components are high, it is considerably important to get reasonable quantities of spare components. Especially, when a number of railway vehicles were put into the service simultaneously, the time of overhauls come almost at the same time. Thus, for some vehicles, components need to be exchanged and overhauled before appointed overhaul period so that these components could be secured as spare parts for the next vehicle’s component overhaul. For this reason, components overhaul time and spare parts quantities should be decided at the same time. This study deals with the time of overhauls for repairable components of railway vehicles and the calculation of spare parts quantities in consideration of future failure/overhauls. However, as railway vehicles are used according to the service schedule, maintenance work cannot be proceeded after the service was closed thus it is quite difficult to resolve this situation mathematically. In this study, Simulation software system is used in this study for analyzing the time of overhauls for repairable components of railway vehicles and the spare parts for the railway systems.Keywords: overhaul time, rolling stocks, simulation, spare parts
Procedia PDF Downloads 337492 Evaluation of Nuts as a Source of Selenium in Diet
Authors: Renata Markiewicz-Żukowska, Patryk Nowakowski, Sylwia K. Naliwajko, Jakub M. Bołtryk, Katarzyna Socha, Anna Puścion-Jakubik, Jolanta Soroczyńska, Maria H. Borawska
Selenium (Se) is an essential element for human health. As an integral part of glutathione peroxidase, it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities. Unfortunately, Se dietary intake is often insufficient, especially in regions where the soil is low in Se. Therefore, in search for good sources of Se, the content of this element in food products should be monitored. Food product can be considered as a source of Se when its standard portion covers above 15% of recommended daily allowance. In the case of nuts, 42g is recognized as the standard portion. The aim of this study was to determine the Se content in nuts and to answer the question of whether the studied nuts can be considered as a source of Se in the diet. The material for the study consisted of 10 types of nuts (12 samples of each one): almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts. The nuts were mineralized using microwave technique (Berghof, Germany). The content of Se was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry method with electrothermal atomization in a graphite tube with Zeeman background correction (Hitachi, Japan). The accuracy of the method was verified on certified reference material: Simulated Diet D. The statistical analysis was performed using Statistica v. 13.0 software. Statistical significance was determined at p < 0.05 level. The highest content of Se was found in Brazil nuts (4566.21 ± 3393.9 µg/kg) and the lowest in almonds (36.07 ± 18.8 µg/kg). A standard portion (42g) of almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts covers the recommended daily allowance for Se respectively in: 2, 192, 28, 2, 16, 7, 4, 3, 12, 6%. Brazil nuts, cashews and macadamia nuts can be considered as a good source of Se in diet.Keywords: atomic absorption spectrometry, diet, nuts, selenium
Procedia PDF Downloads 185491 Contraceptive Uptake among Women in Low Socio-Economic Areas in Kenya: Quantitative Analysis of Secondary Data
Authors: J. Waita, S. Wamuhu, J. Makoyo, M. Rachel, T. Ngangari, W. Christine, M. Zipporah
Contraceptive use is one of the key global strategies to alleviate maternal mortality. Global efforts through advocating for contraceptive uptake and service provision has led improved contraceptive prevalence. In Kenya maternal mortality rate has remained a challenged despites efforts by government and non-governmental organizations. Objective: To describe the uptake of contraceptives among women in Tunza Clinics, Kenya. Design and Methods: Ps Kenya through health care marketing fund is implementing a family planning program among its 350 Tunza fractional franchise facilities. Through private partnership, private owned facilities in low socio-economic areas are recruited and trained on contraceptive technology update. The providers are supported through facilitative supervision through a mobile based application Health Network Quality Improvement System (HNQIS) and interpersonal communication through 150 community based volunteers. The data analyzed in this paper was collected between January to July 2017 to show the uptake of modern Contraceptives among women in the Tunza franchise, method mix, age and distribution among the age bracket. Further analysis compares two different service delivery strategies; outreach and walk ins. Supportive supervision HNQIS scores was analyzed. Results: During the time period, a total of 132121 family planning clients were attended in 350 facilities. The average age of clients was 29.6 years. The average number of clients attended in the facilities per month was 18874. 73.7 %( n=132121) of the clients attended in the Tunza facilities were aged above 25 years while 22.1% 20-24 years and 4.2% 15-19 years. On contraceptive method mix, intra uterine device insertions clients contributed to 7.5%, implant insertions 15.3%, pills 11.2%, injections 62.7% while condoms and emergency pills had 2.7% and 0.6% respectively. Analysis of service delivery strategy indicated more than 79% of the clients were walk ins while 21% were attended to during outreaches. Uptake of long term contraceptive methods during outreaches was 73% of the clients while short term modern methods were 27%. Health Network Quality Improvement system assessment scores indicated 51% of the facilities scored over 90%, 25% scoring 80-89% while 21% scored below 80%. Conclusion: Preference for short term methods by women is possibly associated to cost as they are cheaper and easy to administer. When the cost of intra uterine device Implants is meant affordable during outreaches, the uptake is observed to increase. Making intra uterine device and implants affordable to women is a key strategy in increasing contraceptive prevalence hence averting maternal mortality.Keywords: contraceptives, contraceptive uptake, low socio economic, supportive supervision
Procedia PDF Downloads 169