Search results for: estimation of properties of the model
24052 The Influence of Strengthening on the Fundamental Frequency and Stiffness of a Confined Masonry Wall with an Opening for а Window
Authors: Emin Z. Mahmud
Shaking table tests are planned in order to deepen the understanding of the behavior of confined masonry structures with or without openings. The tests are realized in the laboratory of the Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) – Skopje. The specimens were examined separately on the shaking table, with uniaxial, in-plane excitation. After testing, samples were strengthened with GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic) and re-tested. This paper presents the observations from a series of shaking-table tests done on a 1:1 scaled confined masonry wall model, with opening for a window – specimens CMWuS (before strengthening) and CMWS (after strengthening). Frequency and stiffness changes before and after GFRP wall strengthening are analyzed. Definition of dynamic properties of the models was the first step of the experimental testing, which enabled acquiring important information about the achieved stiffness (natural frequencies) of the model. The natural frequency was defined in the Y direction of the model by applying resonant frequency search tests. It is important to mention that both specimens CMWuS and CMWS are subjected to the same effects. The initial frequency of the undamaged model CMWuS is 18.79 Hz, while at the end of the testing, the frequency decreased to 12.96 Hz. This emphasizes the reduction of the initial stiffness of the model due to damage, especially in the masonry and tie-beam to tie-column connection. After strengthening the damaged wall, the natural frequency increases to 14.67 Hz. This highlights the beneficial effect of strengthening. After completion of dynamic testing at CMWS, the natural frequency is reduced to 10.75 Hz.Keywords: behaviour of masonry structures, Eurocode, frequency, masonry, shaking table test, strengthening
Procedia PDF Downloads 12124051 Non-Destructive Prediction System Using near Infrared Spectroscopy for Crude Palm Oil
Authors: Siti Nurhidayah Naqiah Abdull Rani, Herlina Abdul Rahim
Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has always been of great interest in the food and agriculture industries. The development of predictive models has facilitated the estimation process in recent years. In this research, 176 crude palm oil (CPO) samples acquired from Felda Johor Bulker Sdn Bhd were studied. A FOSS NIRSystem was used to tak e absorbance measurements from the sample. The wavelength range for the spectral measurement is taken at 1600nm to 1900nm. Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR) prediction model with 50 optimal number of principal components was implemented to study the relationship between the measured Free Fatty Acid (FFA) values and the measured spectral absorption. PLSR showed predictive ability of FFA values with correlative coefficient (R) of 0.9808 for the training set and 0.9684 for the testing set.Keywords: palm oil, fatty acid, NIRS, PLSR
Procedia PDF Downloads 20924050 The Joint Properties for Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium Tubes
Authors: Ahbdelfattah M. Khourshid, T. Elabeidi
Friction Stir Welding (FSW), a solid state joining technique, is widely being used for joining Al alloys for aerospace, marine automotive and many other applications of commercial importance. FSW were carried out using a vertical milling machine on Al 5083 alloy pipe. These pipe sections are relatively small in diameter, 5mm, and relatively thin walled, 2mm. In this study, 5083 aluminum alloy pipe were welded as similar alloy joints using (FSW) process in order to investigate mechanical and microstructural properties .rotation speed 1400 r.p.m and weld speed 10,40,70 mm/min. In order to investigate the effect of welding speeds on mechanical properties, metallographic and mechanical tests were carried out on the welded areas. Vickers hardness profile and tensile tests of the joints as a metallurgical investigation, Optic Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were used for base and weld zones.Keywords: friction stir welding (FSW), Al alloys, mechanical properties, microstructure
Procedia PDF Downloads 53724049 An Investigation of the Fracture Behavior of Model MgO-C Refractories Using the Discrete Element Method
Authors: Júlia Cristina Bonaldo, Christophe L. Martin, Martiniano Piccico, Keith Beale, Roop Kishore, Severine Romero-Baivier
Refractory composite materials employed in steel casting applications are prone to cracking and material damage because of the very high operating temperature (thermal shock) and mismatched properties of the constituent phases. The fracture behavior of a model MgO-C composite refractory is investigated to quantify and characterize its thermal shock resistance, employing a cold crushing test and Brazilian test with fractographic analysis. The discrete element method (DEM) is used to generate numerical refractory composites. The composite in DEM is represented by an assembly of bonded particle clusters forming perfectly spherical aggregates and single spherical particles. For the stresses to converge with a low standard deviation and a minimum number of particles to allow reasonable CPU calculation time, representative volume element (RVE) numerical packings are created with various numbers of particles. Key microscopic properties are calibrated sequentially by comparing stress-strain curves from crushing experimental data. Comparing simulations with experiments also allows for the evaluation of crack propagation, fracture energy, and strength. The crack propagation during Brazilian experimental tests is monitored with digital image correlation (DIC). Simulations and experiments reveal three distinct types of fracture. The crack may spread throughout the aggregate, at the aggregate-matrix interface, or throughout the matrix.Keywords: refractory composite, fracture mechanics, crack propagation, DEM
Procedia PDF Downloads 8124048 Comparative Study of Titanium and Polyetheretherketone Cranial Implant Using Finite Element Model
Authors: Khaja Moiduddin, Sherif Mohammed Elseufy, Hisham Alkhalefah
Recent advances in three-dimensional (3D) printing, medical imaging, and implant design may alter how craniomaxillofacial surgeons construct individualized treatments using patient data. By utilizing medical image data, medical professionals can obtain detailed information about a patient's injuries, enabling them to conduct a thorough preoperative assessment while ensuring the implant's accuracy. However, selecting the right implant material requires careful consideration of various mechanical properties. This study aims to compare the two commonly used implant material for cranial reconstruction which includes titanium (Ti6Al4V) and Polyetheretherketone (PEEK). Biomechanical analysis was performed to study the implant behavior, by keeping the implant design and fixation constant in both cases. A finite element model was created and analyzed under loading conditions. The finite element analysis proves that although Ti6Al4V is stronger than PEEK but, its mechanical strength is adequate to bear the loads of the adjacent bone tissue.Keywords: cranial reconstruction, titanium implants, PEEK, finite element model
Procedia PDF Downloads 6824047 Investigation of Moisture Management Properties of Cotton and Blended Knitted Fabrics
Authors: N. S. Achour, M. Hamdaoui, S. Ben Nasrallah, A. Perwuelz
The main idea of this work is to investigate the effect of knitted fabrics characteristics on moisture management properties. Wetting and transport properties of single jersey, Rib 1&1 and English Rib fabrics made out of cotton and blended Cotton/Polyester yarns were studied. The dynamic water sorption of fabrics was investigated under same isothermal and terrestrial conditions at 20±2°C-65±2% by using the Moisture Management Tester (MMT) which can be used to quantitatively measure liquid moisture transfer in one step in a fabric in multi directions: Absorption rate, moisture absorbing time of the fabric's inner and outer surfaces, one-way transportation capability, the spreading/drying rate, the speed of liquid moisture spreading on fabric's inner and outer surfaces are measured, recorded and discussed. The results show that fabric’s composition and knit’s structure have a significant influence on those phenomena.Keywords: knitted fabrics characteristics, moisture management properties, multi directions, the moisture management tester
Procedia PDF Downloads 48924046 Deep Learning Based Fall Detection Using Simplified Human Posture
Authors: Kripesh Adhikari, Hamid Bouchachia, Hammadi Nait-Charif
Falls are one of the major causes of injury and death among elderly people aged 65 and above. A support system to identify such kind of abnormal activities have become extremely important with the increase in ageing population. Pose estimation is a challenging task and to add more to this, it is even more challenging when pose estimations are performed on challenging poses that may occur during fall. Location of the body provides a clue where the person is at the time of fall. This paper presents a vision-based tracking strategy where available joints are grouped into three different feature points depending upon the section they are located in the body. The three feature points derived from different joints combinations represents the upper region or head region, mid-region or torso and lower region or leg region. Tracking is always challenging when a motion is involved. Hence the idea is to locate the regions in the body in every frame and consider it as the tracking strategy. Grouping these joints can be beneficial to achieve a stable region for tracking. The location of the body parts provides a crucial information to distinguish normal activities from falls.Keywords: fall detection, machine learning, deep learning, pose estimation, tracking
Procedia PDF Downloads 18924045 Effects of Interfacial Modification Techniques on the Mechanical Properties of Natural Particle Based Polymer Composites
Authors: Bahar Basturk, Secil Celik Erbas, Sevket Can Sarikaya
Composites combining the particulates and polymer components have attracted great interest in various application areas such as packaging, furniture, electronics and automotive industries. For strengthening the plastic matrices, the utilization of natural fillers instead of traditional reinforcement materials has received increased attention. The properties of natural filler based polymer composites (NFPC) may be improved by applying proper surface modification techniques to the powder phase of the structures. In this study, acorn powder-epoxy and pine corn powder-epoxy composites containing up to 45% weight percent particulates were prepared by casting method. Alkali treatment and acetylation techniques were carried out to the natural particulates for investigating their influences under mechanical forces. The effects of filler type and content on the tensile properties of the composites were compared with neat epoxy. According to the quasi-static tensile tests, the pine cone based composites showed slightly higher rigidity and strength properties compared to the acorn reinforced samples. Furthermore, the structures independent of powder type and surface modification technique, showed higher tensile properties with increasing the particle content.Keywords: natural fillers, polymer composites, surface modifications, tensile properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 46924044 Mechanical, Physical and Durability Properties of Cement Mortars Added with Recycled PP/PE-Based Food Packaging Waste Material
Authors: Livia Guerini, Christian Paglia
In Switzerland, only a fraction of plastic waste from food packaging is collected and recycled for further use in the food industry. Therefore, reusing these waste plastics for building applications can be an attractive alternative to disposal in order to reduce the problem of waste management and to make up for the depletion of raw materials needed for construction. In this study, experiments were conducted on the mechanical properties (compressive and flexural strength, elastic modulus), physical properties (density, workability, porosity, and water permeability) and durability (freeze/thaw resistance) of cementitious mortars with additions of recycled low-/high-density polyethylene (LDPE/HDPE)/ polypropylene (PP) regrind (addition of 5% and 10% by weight) and LDPE sheets (addition of 0.5% and 1.5% by weight) coming from food packaging. The results show that as the addition of plastic material increases, the density and mechanical properties of the mortars decrease compared to conventional ones. Porosity is similar in all the mixtures made, while the workability and the permeability are affected not only by the amount added but also by the shape of the plastic aggregate. Freeze/thaw resistance, on the other hand, is significantly higher in mortars with plastic aggregates than in traditional mortar. This feature may be interesting for the realization of outdoor mortars in cold environments.Keywords: food packaging waste, durability properties, mechanical properties, mortar, recycled PE, recycled PP
Procedia PDF Downloads 14524043 A Composite Beam Element Based on Global-Local Superposition Theory for Prediction of Delamination in Composite Laminates
Authors: Charles Mota Possatti Júnior, André Schwanz de Lima, Maurício Vicente Donadon, Alfredo Rocha de Faria
An interlaminar damage model is combined with a beam element formulation based on global-local superposition to assess delamination in composite laminates. The variations in the mechanical properties in the laminate, generated by the presence of delamination, are calculated as a function of the displacements in the interface layers. The global-local superposition of displacement fields ensures the zig-zag behaviour of stresses and displacement, and the number of degrees of freedom (DOFs) is independent of the number of layers. The displacements and stresses are calculated as a function of DOFs commonly used in traditional beam elements. Finally, the finite element(FE) formulation is extended to handle cases of different thicknesses, and then the FE model predictions are compared with results obtained from analytical solutions and commercial finite element codes.Keywords: delamination, global-local superposition theory, single beam element, zig-zag, interlaminar damage model
Procedia PDF Downloads 11824042 Study of Transport Phenomena in Photonic Crystals with Correlated Disorder
Authors: Samira Cherid, Samir Bentata, Feyza Zahira Meghoufel, Yamina Sefir, Sabria Terkhi, Fatima Bendahma, Bouabdellah Bouadjemi, Ali Zitouni
Using the transfer-matrix technique and the Kronig Penney model, we numerically and analytically investigate the effect of short-range correlated disorder in random dimer model (RDM) on transmission properties of light in one dimension photonic crystals made of three different materials. Such systems consist of two different structures randomly distributed along the growth direction, with the additional constraint that one kind of these layers appears in pairs. It is shown that the one-dimensional random dimer photonic crystals support two types of extended modes. By shifting of the dimer resonance toward the host fundamental stationary resonance state, we demonstrate the existence of the ballistic response in these systems.Keywords: photonic crystals, disorder, correlation, transmission
Procedia PDF Downloads 47824041 Physical and Rheological Properties of Asphalt Modified with Cellulose Date Palm Fibers
Authors: Howaidi M. Al-Otaibi, Abdulrahman S. Al-Suhaibani, Hamad A. Alsoliman
Fibers are extensively used in civil engineering applications for many years. In this study, empty fruit bunch of date palm trees were used to produce cellulose fiber that were used as additives in the asphalt binder. Two sizes (coarse and fine) of cellulose fibers were pre-blended in PG64-22 binder with various contents of 1.5%, 3%, 4.5%, 6%, and 7.5% by weight of asphalt binder. The physical and rheological properties of fiber modified asphalt binders were tested by using conventional tests such as penetration, softening point and viscosity; and SHRP test such as dynamic shear rheometer. The results indicated that the fiber modified asphalt binders were higher in softening point, viscosity, and complex shear modulus, and lower in penetration compared to pure asphalt. The fiber modified binders showed an improvement in rheological properties since it was possible to raise the control binder (pure asphalt) PG from 64 to 70 by adding 6% (by weight) of either fine or coarse fibers. Such improvement in stiffness of fiber modified binder is expected to improve pavement resistance to rutting.Keywords: cellulose date palm fiber, fiber modified asphalt, physical properties, rheological properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 33324040 CFD Simulation of a Large Scale Unconfined Hydrogen Deflagration
Authors: I. C. Tolias, A. G. Venetsanos, N. Markatos
In the present work, CFD simulations of a large scale open deflagration experiment are performed. Stoichiometric hydrogen-air mixture occupies a 20 m hemisphere. Two combustion models are compared and are evaluated against the experiment. The Eddy Dissipation Model and a Multi-physics combustion model which is based on Yakhot’s equation for the turbulent flame speed. The values of models’ critical parameters are investigated. The effect of the turbulence model is also examined. k-ε model and LES approach were tested.Keywords: CFD, deflagration, hydrogen, combustion model
Procedia PDF Downloads 50424039 Theoretical Investigation on Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Cubic PrMnO3 Perovskite
Authors: B. Bouadjemi, S. Bentata, W. Benstaali, A. Abbad, T. Lantri, A. Zitouni
The purpose of this study was to investigate the structural,electronic and magnetic properties of the cubic praseodymium oxides perovskites PrMnO3. It includes our calculations based on the use of the density functional theory (DFT) with both generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and GGA+U approaches, The spin polarized electronic band structures and densities of states as well as the integer value of the magnetic moment of the unit cell (6 μB) illustrate that PrMnO3 is half-metallic ferromagnetic. The study prove that the compound is half-metallic ferromagnetic however the results obtained, make the cubic PrMnO3 a promising candidate for application in spintronics.Keywords: cubic, DFT, electronic properties, magnetic moment, spintronics
Procedia PDF Downloads 46524038 A Case Study on the Estimation of Design Discharge for Flood Management in Lower Damodar Region, India
Authors: Susmita Ghosh
Catchment area of Damodar River, India experiences seasonal rains due to the south-west monsoon every year and depending upon the intensity of the storms, floods occur. During the monsoon season, the rainfall in the area is mainly due to active monsoon conditions. The upstream reach of Damodar river system has five dams store the water for utilization for various purposes viz, irrigation, hydro-power generation, municipal supplies and last but not the least flood moderation. But, in the downstream reach of Damodar River, known as Lower Damodar region, is severely and frequently suffering from flood due to heavy monsoon rainfall and also release from upstream reservoirs. Therefore, an effective flood management study is required to know in depth the nature and extent of flood, water logging, and erosion related problems, affected area, and damages in the Lower Damodar region, by conducting mathematical model study. The design flood or discharge is needed to decide to assign the respective model for getting several scenarios from the simulation runs. The ultimate aim is to achieve a sustainable flood management scheme from the several alternatives. there are various methods for estimating flood discharges to be carried through the rivers and their tributaries for quick drainage from inundated areas due to drainage congestion and excess rainfall. In the present study, the flood frequency analysis is performed to decide the design flood discharge of the study area. This, on the other hand, has limitations in respect of availability of long peak flood data record for determining long type of probability density function correctly. If sufficient past records are available, the maximum flood on a river with a given frequency can safely be determined. The floods of different frequency for the Damodar has been calculated by five candidate distributions i.e., generalized extreme value, extreme value-I, Pearson type III, Log Pearson and normal. Annual peak discharge series are available at Durgapur barrage for the period of 1979 to 2013 (35 years). The available series are subjected to frequency analysis. The primary objective of the flood frequency analysis is to relate the magnitude of extreme events to their frequencies of occurrence through the use of probability distributions. The design flood for return periods of 10, 15 and 25 years return period at Durgapur barrage are estimated by flood frequency method. It is necessary to develop flood hydrographs for the above floods to facilitate the mathematical model studies to find the depth and extent of inundation etc. Null hypothesis that the distributions fit the data at 95% confidence is checked with goodness of fit test, i.e., Chi Square Test. It is revealed from the goodness of fit test that the all five distributions do show a good fit on the sample population and is therefore accepted. However, it is seen that there is considerable variation in the estimation of frequency flood. It is therefore considered prudent to average out the results of these five distributions for required frequencies. The inundated area from past data is well matched using this flood.Keywords: design discharge, flood frequency, goodness of fit, sustainable flood management
Procedia PDF Downloads 20324037 Electrical and Piezoelectric Properties of Vanadium-Modified Lead-Free (K₀.₅Na₀.₅)NbO₃ Ceramics
Authors: Radhapiyari Laishram, Chongtham Jiten, K. Chandramani Singh
During the last decade, there has been a significant growth in developing lead-free piezoelectric ceramics which have the potential to replace the currently dominant but highly superior lead-based piezoelectric materials such as PZT. Among the lead-free piezoelectrics, (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 - based piezoceramics are promising candidates due to their superior piezoelectric properties and high Curie temperatures. In this work, (K0.5Na0.5)(Nb1-xVx)O3 powders with x varying the range 0 to 0.05 were synthesized from the raw materials K2CO3, Na2CO3, Nb2O5, and V2O5. These powders were ball milled with high-energy Retsch PM 100 ball mill using isopropanol as the medium at the speed of 200rpm for a duration of 8h. The milled powders were sintered at 1080oC for 1h. The crystalline phase of all the calcined powders and corresponding ceramics prepared was found to be perovskite with orthorhombic symmetry. The ceramic with V5+ content of x=0.03 exhibits the maximum values in density of 4.292 g/cc, room temperature dielectric constant (εr) of 432, and piezoelectric charge constant (d33) of 93pC/N. For this sample, the dielectric tan δ loss remains relatively low over a wide temperature range. The temperature dependence of P-E hysteresis loops has been investigated for the ceramic composition with x = 0.03.Keywords: dielectric properties, ferroelectric properties, perovskie, piezoelectric properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 33624036 Functional Properties of Sunflower Protein Concentrates Extracted Using Different Anti-greening Agents - Low-Fat Whipping Cream Preparation
Authors: Tamer M. El-Messery
By-products from sunflower oil extraction, such as sunflower cakes, are rich sources of proteins with desirable functional properties for the food industry. However, challenges such as sensory drawbacks and the presence of phenolic compounds have hindered their widespread use. In this study, sunflower protein concentrates were obtained from sunflower cakes using different ant-greening solvents (ascorbic acid (ASC) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC)), and their functional properties were evaluated. The color of extracted proteins ranged from dark green to yellow, where the using of ASC and NAC agents enhanced the color. The protein concentrates exhibited high solubility (>70%) and antioxidant activity, with hydrophobicity influencing emulsifying activity. Emulsions prepared with these proteins showed stability and microencapsulation efficiency. Incorporation of protein concentrates into low-fat whipping cream formulations increased overrun and affected color characteristics. Rheological studies demonstrated pseudoplastic behavior in whipped cream, influenced by shear rates and protein content. Overall, sunflower protein isolates showed promising functional properties, indicating their potential as valuable ingredients in food formulations.Keywords: functional properties, sunflower protein concentrates, antioxidant capacity, ant-greening agents, low-fat whipping cream
Procedia PDF Downloads 5024035 Deposition and Properties of PEO Coatings on Zinc-Aluminum Alloys
Authors: Linlin Wang, Guangdong Bian, Jifeng Shen, Jingzhu Zeng
Zinc-aluminum alloys have been applied as alternatives to bronze, aluminum alloys, and cast iron due to their distinguishing features such as high as-cast strength, excellent bearing properties, as well as low energy requirements for melting. In this study, oxide coatings were produced on ZA27 zinc-aluminum alloy by a plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) method. Three coatings were deposited by using three various electrolytes, i.e. silicate, aluminate and aluminate/borate composite solutions. The current density is set at 0.1A/cm2, deposition time is 40 mins for all the deposition processes. The surface morphology and phase structure of the three coatings were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Pin-on-disc sliding wear tests were conducted to test the tribological properties of coatings. The results indicated that the coating produced using the aluminate/borate composite electrolyte had the highest deposition rate and best wear resistance among the three coatings.Keywords: oxide coating, PEO, tribological properties, ZA27
Procedia PDF Downloads 49524034 A Framework for Consumer Selection on Travel Destinations
Authors: J. Rhodes, V. Cheng, P. Lok
The aim of this study is to develop a parsimonious model that explains the effect of different stimulus on a tourist’s intention to visit a new destination. The model consists of destination trust and interest as the mediating variables. The model was tested using two different types of stimulus; both studies empirically supported the proposed model. Furthermore, the first study revealed that advertising has a stronger effect than positive online reviews. The second study found that the peripheral route of the elaboration likelihood model has a stronger influence power than the central route in this context.Keywords: advertising, electronic word-of-mouth, elaboration likelihood model, intention to visit, trust
Procedia PDF Downloads 45924033 Preparation and Functional Properties of Synbiotic Yogurt Fermented with Lactobacillus brevis PML1 Derived from a Fermented Cereal-Dairy Product
Authors: Farideh Tabatabei-Yazdi, Fereshteh Falah, Alireza Vasiee
Nowadays, production of functional foods has become very essential. Inulin is one of the most functional hydrocolloid compounds used in such products. In the present study, the production of a synbiotic yogurt containing 1, 2.5, and 5% (w/v) inulin has been investigated. The yogurt was fermented with Lactobacillus brevis PML1 derived from Tarkhineh, an Iranian cereal-dairy fermented food. Furthermore, the physicochemical properties, antioxidant activity, sensory attributes, and microbial viability properties were investigated on the 0th, 7th, and 14th days of storage after fermentation. The viable cells of L. brevis PML1 reached 108 CFU/g, and the product resisted to simulated digestive juices. Moreover, the synbiotic yogurt impressively increased the production of antimicrobial compounds and had the most profound antimicrobial effect on S. typhimurium. The physiochemical properties were in the normal range, and the fat content of the synbiotic yogurt was reduced remarkably. The antioxidant capacity of the fermented yogurt was significantly increased (p<0:05), which was equal to those of DPPH (69:18±1:00%) and BHA (89:16±2:00%). The viability of L. brevis PML1 was increased during storage. Sensory analysis showed that there were significant differences in terms of the impressive parameters between the samples and the control (p<0:05). Addition of 2.5% inulin not only improved the physical properties but also retained the viability of the probiotic after 14 days of storage, in addition to the viability of L. brevis with a viability count above 6 log CFU/g in the yogurt. Therefore, a novel synbiotic product containing L. brevis PML1, which can exert the desired properties, can be used as a suitable carrier for the delivery of the probiotic strain, exerting its beneficial health effects.Keywords: functional food, lactobacillus brevis, symbiotic yogurt, physiochemical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 9224032 Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Structural, Electrical and Photocatalytic Properties of K₀.₅Na₀.₅NbO₃ Lead- Free Ceramics Prepared via Different Synthesis Routes
Authors: Manish Saha, Manish Kumar Niranjan, Saket Asthana
The K₀.₅Na₀.₅NbO₃ (KNN) system has emerged as one of the most promising lead-free piezoelectric over the years. In this work, we perform a comprehensive investigation of electronic structure, lattice dynamics and dielectric/ferroelectric properties of the room temperature phase of KNN by combining ab-initio DFT-based theoretical analysis and experimental characterization. We assign the symmetry labels to KNN vibrational modes and obtain ab-initio polarized Raman spectra, Infrared (IR) reflectivity, Born-effective charge tensors, oscillator strengths etc. The computed Raman spectrum is found to agree well with the experimental spectrum. In particular, the results suggest that the mode in the range ~840-870 cm-¹ reported in the experimental studies is longitudinal optical (LO) with A_1 symmetry. The Raman mode intensities are calculated for different light polarization set-ups, which suggests the observation of different symmetry modes in different polarization set-ups. The electronic structure of KNN is investigated, and an optical absorption spectrum is obtained. Further, the performances of DFT semi-local, metal-GGA and hybrid exchange-correlations (XC) functionals, in the estimation of KNN band gaps are investigated. The KNN bandgap computed using GGA-1/2 and HSE06 hybrid functional schemes are found to be in excellant agreement with the experimental value. The COHP, electron localization function and Bader charge analysis is also performed to deduce the nature of chemical bonding in the KNN. The solid-state reaction and hydrothermal methods are used to prepare the KNN ceramics, and the effects of grain size on the physical characteristics these ceramics are examined. A comprehensive study on the impact of different synthesis techniques on the structural, electrical, and photocatalytic properties of ferroelectric ceramics KNN. The KNN-S prepared by solid-state method have significantly larger grain size as compared to that for KNN-H prepared by hydrothermal method. Furthermore, the KNN-S is found to exhibit higher dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties as compared to KNN-H. On the other hand, the increased photocatalytic activity is observed in KNN-H as compared to KNN-S. As compared to the hydrothermal synthesis, the solid-state synthesis causes an increase in the relative dielectric permittivity (ε^') from 2394 to 3286, remnant polarization (P_r) from 15.38 to 20.41 μC/cm^², planer electromechanical coupling factor (k_p) from 0.19 to 0.28 and piezoelectric coefficient (d_33) from 88 to 125 pC/N. The KNN-S ceramics are also found to have a lower leakage current density, and higher grain resistance than KNN-H ceramic. The enhanced photocatalytic activity of KNN-H is attributed to relatively smaller particle sizes. The KNN-S and KNN-H samples are found to have degradation efficiencies of RhB solution of 20% and 65%, respectively. The experimental study highlights the importance of synthesis methods and how these can be exploited to tailor the dielectric, piezoelectric and photocatalytic properties of KNN. Overall, our study provides several bench-mark important results on KNN that have not been reported so far.Keywords: lead-free piezoelectric, Raman intensity spectrum, electronic structure, first-principles calculations, solid state synthesis, photocatalysis, hydrothermal synthesis
Procedia PDF Downloads 5224031 Damage Cost for Private Property by Extreme Wind over the past 10 Years in Korea
Authors: Gou-Moon Choi, Woo-Young Jung, Chan-Young Yune
Recently, the natural disaster has increased worldwide. In Korea, the damage to life and property caused by a typhoon, heavy rain, heavy snow, and an extreme wind also increases every year. Among natural disasters, the frequency and the strength of wind have increased because sea surface temperature has risen due to the increase of the average temperature of the Earth. In the case of extreme wind disaster, it is impossible to control or reduce the occurrence, and the recovery cost always exceeds the damage cost. Therefore, quantitative estimation of the damage cost for extreme wind needs to be established beforehand to install proactive countermeasures. In this study, the damage cost for private properties was analyzed based on the data for the past 10 years in Korea. The damage cost curve was also suggested for the metropolitan cities and provinces. The result shows the possibility for the regional application of the damage cost curve because the damage cost of the regional area is estimated based on the cost of cities and provinces.Keywords: damage cost, extreme wind, natural disaster, private property
Procedia PDF Downloads 30624030 Quality Assessment and Classification of Recycled Aggregates from CandDW According to the European Standards
Authors: M. Eckert, D. Mendes, J P. Gonçalves, C. Moço, M. Oliveira
The intensive extraction of natural aggregates leads to both depletion of natural resources and unwanted environmental impacts. On the other hand, uncontrolled disposal of Construction and Demolition Wastes (C&DW) causes the lifetime reduction of landfills. It is known that the European Union produces, each year, about 850 million tons of C&DW. For all the member States of the European Union, one of the milestones to be reached by 2020, according to the Resource Efficiency Roadmap (COM (2011) 571) of the European Commission, is to recycle 70% of the C&DW. In this work, properties of different types of recycled C&DW aggregates and natural aggregates were compared. Assays were performed according to European Standards (EN 13285; EN 13242+A1; EN 12457-4; EN 12620; EN 13139) for the characterization of there: physical, mechanical and chemical properties. Not standardized tests such as water absorption over time, mass stability and post compaction sieve analysis were also carried out. The tested recycled C&DW aggregates were classified according to the requirements of the European Standards regarding there potential use in concrete, mortar, unbound layers of road pavements and embankments. The results of the physical and mechanical properties of recycled C&DW aggregates indicated, in general, lower quality properties when compared to natural aggregates, particularly, for concrete preparation and unbound layers of road pavements. The results of the chemical properties attested that the C&DW aggregates constitute no environmental risk. It was concluded that recycled aggregates produced from C&DW have the potential to be used in many applications.Keywords: recycled aggregate, sustainability, aggregate properties, European Standard Classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 67724029 Missing Link Data Estimation with Recurrent Neural Network: An Application Using Speed Data of Daegu Metropolitan Area
Authors: JaeHwan Yang, Da-Woon Jeong, Seung-Young Kho, Dong-Kyu Kim
In terms of ITS, information on link characteristic is an essential factor for plan or operation. But in practical cases, not every link has installed sensors on it. The link that does not have data on it is called “Missing Link”. The purpose of this study is to impute data of these missing links. To get these data, this study applies the machine learning method. With the machine learning process, especially for the deep learning process, missing link data can be estimated from present link data. For deep learning process, this study uses “Recurrent Neural Network” to take time-series data of road. As input data, Dedicated Short-range Communications (DSRC) data of Dalgubul-daero of Daegu Metropolitan Area had been fed into the learning process. Neural Network structure has 17 links with present data as input, 2 hidden layers, for 1 missing link data. As a result, forecasted data of target link show about 94% of accuracy compared with actual data.Keywords: data estimation, link data, machine learning, road network
Procedia PDF Downloads 51024028 A Combined AHP-GP Model for Selecting Knowledge Management Tool
Authors: Ahmad Sarfaraz, Raiyad Herwies
In this paper, a multi-criteria decision making analysis is used to help any organization selects the best KM tool that fits and serves its needs. The AHP model is used based on a previous study to highlight and identify the main criteria and sub-criteria that are incorporated in the selection process. Different KM tools alternatives with different criteria are compared and weighted accurately to be incorporated in the GP model. The main goal is to combine the GP model with the AHP model to ensure that selecting the KM tool considers the resource constraints. Two important issues are discussed in this paper: how different factors could be taken into consideration in forming the AHP model, and how to incorporate the AHP results into the GP model for better results.Keywords: knowledge management, analytical hierarchy process, goal programming, multi-criteria decision making
Procedia PDF Downloads 38624027 Chemical Functionalization of Graphene Oxide for Improving Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Polyurethane Composites
Authors: Qifei Jing, Vadim V. Silberschmidt, Lin Li, ZhiLi Dong
Graphene oxide (GO) was chemically functionalized to prepare polyurethane (PU) composites with improved mechanical and thermal properties. In order to achieve a well exfoliated and stable GO suspension in an organic solvent (dimethylformamide, DMF), 4, 4′- methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) and polycaprolactone diol, which were the two monomers for synthesizing PU, were selectively used to functionalize GO. The obtained functionalized GO (FGO) could form homogeneous dispersions in DMF solvent and the PU matrix, as well as provide a good compatibility with the PU matrix. The most efficient improvement of mechanical properties was achieved when 0.4 wt% FGO was added into the PU matrix, showing increases in the tensile stress, elongation at break and toughness by 34.2%, 27.6% and 64.5%, respectively, compared with those of PU. Regarding the thermal stability, PU filled with 1 wt% FGO showed the largest extent of improvement with T2% and T50% (the temperatures at which 2% and 50% weight-loss happened) 16 °C and 21 °C higher than those of PU, respectively. The significant improvement in both mechanical properties and thermal stability of FGO/PU composites should be attributed to the homogeneous dispersion of FGO in the PU matrix and strong interfacial interaction between them.Keywords: composite, dispersion, graphene oxide, polyurethane
Procedia PDF Downloads 26324026 Nanocomposite Metal Material: Study of Antimicrobial and Catalytic Properties
Authors: Roman J. Jedrzejczyk, Damian K. Chlebda, Anna Dziedzicka, Rafal Wazny, Agnieszka Domka, Maciej Sitarz, Przemyslaw J. Jodlowski
The aim of this study was to obtain antimicrobial material based on thin zirconium dioxide coatings on structured reactors doped with metal nanoparticles using the sonochemical sol-gel method. As a result, dense, uniform zirconium dioxide films were obtained on the kanthal sheets which can be used as support materials in antimicrobial converters with sophisticated shapes. The material was characterised by physicochemical methods, such as AFM, SEM, EDX, XRF, XRD, XPS and in situ Raman and DRIFT spectroscopy. In terms of antimicrobial activity, the material was tested by ATP/AMP method using model microbes isolated from the real systems. The results show that the material can be potentially used in the market as a good candidate for active package and as active bulkheads of climatic systems. The mechanical tests showed that the developed method is an efficient way to obtain durable converters with high antimicrobial activity against fungi and bacteria.Keywords: antimicrobial properties, kanthal steel, nanocomposite, zirconium oxide
Procedia PDF Downloads 20224025 Long Short-Time Memory Neural Networks for Human Driving Behavior Modelling
Authors: Lu Zhao, Nadir Farhi, Yeltsin Valero, Zoi Christoforou, Nadia Haddadou
In this paper, a long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network model is proposed to replicate simultaneously car-following and lane-changing behaviors in road networks. By combining two kinds of LSTM layers and three input designs of the neural network, six variants of the LSTM model have been created. These models were trained and tested on the NGSIM 101 dataset, and the results were evaluated in terms of longitudinal speed and lateral position, respectively. Then, we compared the LSTM model with a classical car-following model (the intelligent driving model (IDM)) in the part of speed decision. In addition, the LSTM model is compared with a model using classical neural networks. After the comparison, the LSTM model demonstrates higher accuracy than the physical model IDM in terms of car-following behavior and displays better performance with regard to both car-following and lane-changing behavior compared to the classical neural network model.Keywords: traffic modeling, neural networks, LSTM, car-following, lane-change
Procedia PDF Downloads 26324024 Water Diffusivity in Amorphous Epoxy Resins: An Autonomous Basin Climbing-Based Simulation Method
Authors: Betim Bahtiri, B. Arash, R. Rolfes
Epoxy-based materials are frequently exposed to high-humidity environments in many engineering applications. As a result, their material properties would be degraded by water absorption. A full characterization of the material properties under hygrothermal conditions requires time- and cost-consuming experimental tests. To gain insights into the physics of diffusion mechanisms, atomistic simulations have been shown to be effective tools. Concerning the diffusion of water in polymers, spatial trajectories of water molecules are obtained from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations allowing the interpretation of diffusion pathways at the nanoscale in a polymer network. Conventional MD simulations of water diffusion in amorphous polymers lead to discrepancies at low temperatures due to the short timescales of the simulations. In the proposed model, this issue is solved by using a combined scheme of autonomous basin climbing (ABC) with kinetic Monte Carlo and reactive MD simulations to investigate the diffusivity of water molecules in epoxy resins across a wide range of temperatures. It is shown that the proposed simulation framework estimates kinetic properties of water diffusion in epoxy resins that are consistent with experimental observations and provide a predictive tool for investigating the diffusion of small molecules in other amorphous polymers.Keywords: epoxy resins, water diffusion, autonomous basin climbing, kinetic Monte Carlo, reactive molecular dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 6724023 The Optimal Order Policy for the Newsvendor Model under Worker Learning
Authors: Sunantha Teyarachakul
We consider the worker-learning Newsvendor Model, under the case of lost-sales for unmet demand, with the research objective of proposing the cost-minimization order policy and lot size, scheduled to arrive at the beginning of the selling-period. In general, the New Vendor Model is used to find the optimal order quantity for the perishable items such as fashionable products or those with seasonal demand or short-life cycles. Technically, it is used when the product demand is stochastic and available for the single selling-season, and when there is only a one time opportunity for the vendor to purchase, with possibly of long ordering lead-times. Our work differs from the classical Newsvendor Model in that we incorporate the human factor (specifically worker learning) and its influence over the costs of processing units into the model. We describe this by using the well-known Wright’s Learning Curve. Most of the assumptions of the classical New Vendor Model are still maintained in our work, such as the constant per-unit cost of leftover and shortage, the zero initial inventory, as well as the continuous time. Our problem is challenging in the way that the best order quantity in the classical model, which is balancing the over-stocking and under-stocking costs, is no longer optimal. Specifically, when adding the cost-saving from worker learning to such expected total cost, the convexity of the cost function will likely not be maintained. This has called for a new way in determining the optimal order policy. In response to such challenges, we found a number of characteristics related to the expected cost function and its derivatives, which we then used in formulating the optimal ordering policy. Examples of such characteristics are; the optimal order quantity exists and is unique if the demand follows a Uniform Distribution; if the demand follows the Beta Distribution with some specific properties of its parameters, the second derivative of the expected cost function has at most two roots; and there exists the specific level of lot size that satisfies the first order condition. Our research results could be helpful for analysis of supply chain coordination and of the periodic review system for similar problems.Keywords: inventory management, Newsvendor model, order policy, worker learning
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