Search results for: continuous wavelet analysis
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 29670

Search results for: continuous wavelet analysis

28380 Wearable Antenna for Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease Using a Deep Learning Pipeline on Accelerated Hardware

Authors: Subham Ghosh, Banani Basu, Marami Das


Background: The development of compact, low-power antenna sensors has resulted in hardware restructuring, allowing for wireless ubiquitous sensing. The antenna sensors can create wireless body-area networks (WBAN) by linking various wireless nodes across the human body. WBAN and IoT applications, such as remote health and fitness monitoring and rehabilitation, are becoming increasingly important. In particular, Parkinson’s disease (PD), a common neurodegenerative disorder, presents clinical features that can be easily misdiagnosed. As a mobility disease, it may greatly benefit from the antenna’s nearfield approach with a variety of activities that can use WBAN and IoT technologies to increase diagnosis accuracy and patient monitoring. Methodology: This study investigates the feasibility of leveraging a single patch antenna mounted (using cloth) on the wrist dorsal to differentiate actual Parkinson's disease (PD) from false PD using a small hardware platform. The semi-flexible antenna operates at the 2.4 GHz ISM band and collects reflection coefficient (Γ) data from patients performing five exercises designed for the classification of PD and other disorders such as essential tremor (ET) or those physiological disorders caused by anxiety or stress. The obtained data is normalized and converted into 2-D representations using the Gabor wavelet transform (GWT). Data augmentation is then used to expand the dataset size. A lightweight deep-learning (DL) model is developed to run on the GPU-enabled NVIDIA Jetson Nano platform. The DL model processes the 2-D images for feature extraction and classification. Findings: The DL model was trained and tested on both the original and augmented datasets, thus doubling the dataset size. To ensure robustness, a 5-fold stratified cross-validation (5-FSCV) method was used. The proposed framework, utilizing a DL model with 1.356 million parameters on the NVIDIA Jetson Nano, achieved optimal performance in terms of accuracy of 88.64%, F1-score of 88.54, and recall of 90.46%, with a latency of 33 seconds per epoch.

Keywords: antenna, deep-learning, GPU-hardware, Parkinson’s disease

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28379 Reviewing Special Education Preservice Teachers' Reflective Practices over Two Field Experiences: Topics and Changes in Reflection

Authors: Laurie U. deBettencourt


During pre-service field experiences teacher candidates are often asked to reflect as part of their training and in this investigation candidates’ reflective journal entries were reviewed, coded and analyzed with results suggesting teacher candidates need more direct instruction on how to describe, analyze, and make judgements on their instructional practices so that their practices improve over time. Teacher education programs often incorporate reflective-based activities during field experiences. The purpose of this investigation was to determine if special education teacher candidate’s reflective practices changed as they completed their two supervised field experiences and to determine what topics the candidates focused on in their reflections. The six females graduate students were completing two field experiences in special education classrooms within one academic year as part of their coursework leading to a master’s degree and special education teacher state certification. Each candidate wrote 15 reflection journal entries (approximately 200 words each) per field experience. Each of the journal entries were reviewed sentence by sentence to determine a reflective practice score and to determine the topics discussed. The reflective practice score was calculated using four dimensions of reflection (describe, analyze, judge, and apply) in order to create a continuous variable representing their reflective practice across four points of time. A One-way Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) suggested that special education teacher candidates did not change their reflective practices over time (i.e., at time-point one the practitioner’s mean score was 56.0 out of 100 (SD = 7.6), 53.8 (SD = 4.3) at time-point two, 51.2 (SD = 4.5) at time-point three, and 57.7 (SD = 8.2) at time-point four). Qualitative findings suggest candidates focused mostly on themselves in their reflections. Conclusions suggest the need for teacher preparation programs to provide more direct instruction on how a teacher should reflect. Specific implications are provided for teacher training and future research.

Keywords: field experiences, reflective practices, special educators, teacher preparation

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28378 Exploring SSD Suitable Allocation Schemes Incompliance with Workload Patterns

Authors: Jae Young Park, Hwansu Jung, Jong Tae Kim


Whether the data has been well parallelized is an important factor in the Solid-State-Drive (SSD) performance. SSD parallelization is affected by allocation scheme and it is directly connected to SSD performance. There are dynamic allocation and static allocation in representative allocation schemes. Dynamic allocation is more adaptive in exploiting write operation parallelism, while static allocation is better in read operation parallelism. Therefore, it is hard to select the appropriate allocation scheme when the workload is mixed read and write operations. We simulated conditions on a few mixed data patterns and analyzed the results to help the right choice for better performance. As the results, if data arrival interval is long enough prior operations to be finished and continuous read intensive data environment static allocation is more suitable. Dynamic allocation performs the best on write performance and random data patterns.

Keywords: dynamic allocation, NAND flash based SSD, SSD parallelism, static allocation

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28377 Synthesis of Highly Valuable Fuel Fractions from Waste Date Seeds Oil

Authors: Farrukh Jamil, Ala'A H. Al-Muhtaseb, Lamya Al-Haj, Mohab A. Al-Hinai


Environmental problems and the security of energy supply have motivated the attention in the expansion of alternatives for fossil based fuels. Biomass has been recognized as a capable resource because it is plentifully available and in principle carbon dioxide neutral. Present study focuses on utilization date seeds oil for synthesizing high value fuels formulations such as green diesel and jet fuel. The hydrodeoxygenation of date seeds oil occurred to be highly efficient at following operating conditions temperature 300°C pressure 10bar with continuous stirring at 500 rpm. Products characterization revealed the efficiency of hydrodeoxygenation by formation of linear hydrocarbons (paraffin) in larger fraction. Based on the type of components in product oil it was calculated that maximum fraction lies within the range of green diesel 72.78 % then jet fuel 28.25 % by using Pt/C catalyst. It can be concluded that waste date seeds oil has potential to be used for obtaining high value products.

Keywords: date seeds, hydrodeoxygenation, paraffin, deoxygenation

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28376 Hand Hygiene Habits of Ghanaian Youths in Accra

Authors: Cecilia Amponsem-Boateng, Timothy B. Oppong, Haiyan Yang, Guangcai Duan


The human palm has been identified as one of the richest habitats for human microbial accommodation making hand hygiene essential to primary prevention of infection. Since the hand is in constant contact with fomites which have been proven to be mostly contaminated, building hand hygiene habits is essential for the prevention of infection. This research was conducted to assess the hand hygiene habits of Ghanaian youths in Accra. This study used a survey as a quantitative method of research. The findings of the study revealed that out of the 254 participants who fully answered the questionnaire, 22% had the habit of washing their hands after outings while only 51.6% had the habit of washing their hands after using the bathroom. However, about 60% of the participants said they sometimes ate with their hands while 28.9% had the habit of eating with the hand very often, a situation that put them at risk of infection from their hands since some participants had poor handwashing habits; prompting the need for continuous education on hand hygiene.

Keywords: hand hygiene, hand hygiene habit, hand washing, hand sanitizer use

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28375 Towards Sustainable Evolution of Bioeconomy: The Role of Technology and Innovation Management

Authors: Ronald Orth, Johanna Haunschild, Sara Tsog


The bioeconomy is an inter- and cross-disciplinary field covering a large number and wide scope of existing and emerging technologies. It has a great potential to contribute to the transformation process of industry landscape and ultimately drive the economy towards sustainability. However, bioeconomy per se is not necessarily sustainable and technology should be seen as an enabler rather than panacea to all our ecological, social and economic issues. Therefore, to draw and maximize benefits from bioeconomy in terms of sustainability, we propose that innovative activities should encompass not only novel technologies and bio-based new materials but also multifocal innovations. For multifocal innovation endeavors, innovation management plays a substantial role, as any innovation emerges in a complex iterative process where communication and knowledge exchange among relevant stake holders has a pivotal role. The knowledge generation and innovation are although at the core of transition towards a more sustainable bio-based economy, to date, there is a significant lack of concepts and models that approach bioeconomy from the innovation management approach. The aim of this paper is therefore two-fold. First, it inspects the role of transformative approach in the adaptation of bioeconomy that contributes to the environmental, ecological, social and economic sustainability. Second, it elaborates the importance of technology and innovation management as a tool for smooth, prompt and effective transition of firms to the bioeconomy. We conduct a qualitative literature study on the sustainability challenges that bioeconomy entails thus far using Science Citation Index and based on grey literature, as major economies e.g. EU, USA, China and Brazil have pledged to adopt bioeconomy and have released extensive publications on the topic. We will draw an example on the forest based business sector that is transforming towards the new green economy more rapidly as expected, although this sector has a long-established conventional business culture with consolidated and fully fledged industry. Based on our analysis we found that a successful transition to sustainable bioeconomy is conditioned on heterogenous and contested factors in terms of stakeholders , activities and modes of innovation. In addition, multifocal innovations occur when actors from interdisciplinary fields engage in intensive and continuous interaction where the focus of innovation is allocated to a field of mutually evolving socio-technical practices that correspond to the aims of the novel paradigm of transformative innovation policy. By adopting an integrated and systems approach as well as tapping into various innovation networks and joining global innovation clusters, firms have better chance of creating an entire new chain of value added products and services. This requires professionals that have certain capabilities and skills such as: foresight for future markets, ability to deal with complex issues, ability to guide responsible R&D, ability of strategic decision making, manage in-depth innovation systems analysis including value chain analysis. Policy makers, on the other hand, need to acknowledge the essential role of firms in the transformative innovation policy paradigm.

Keywords: bioeconomy, innovation and technology management, multifocal innovation, sustainability, transformative innovation policy

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28374 Fault Tree Analysis and Bayesian Network for Fire and Explosion of Crude Oil Tanks: Case Study

Authors: B. Zerouali, M. Kara, B. Hamaidi, H. Mahdjoub, S. Rouabhia


In this paper, a safety analysis for crude oil tanks to prevent undesirable events that may cause catastrophic accidents. The estimation of the probability of damage to industrial systems is carried out through a series of steps, and in accordance with a specific methodology. In this context, this work involves developing an assessment tool and risk analysis at the level of crude oil tanks system, based primarily on identification of various potential causes of crude oil tanks fire and explosion by the use of Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), then improved risk modelling by Bayesian Networks (BNs). Bayesian approach in the evaluation of failure and quantification of risks is a dynamic analysis approach. For this reason, have been selected as an analytical tool in this study. Research concludes that the Bayesian networks have a distinct and effective method in the safety analysis because of the flexibility of its structure; it is suitable for a wide variety of accident scenarios.

Keywords: bayesian networks, crude oil tank, fault tree, prediction, safety

Procedia PDF Downloads 664
28373 A Supervised Goal Directed Algorithm in Economical Choice Behaviour: An Actor-Critic Approach

Authors: Keyvanl Yahya


This paper aims to find a algorithmic structure that affords to predict and explain economic choice behaviour particularly under uncertainty (random policies) by manipulating the prevalent Actor-Critic learning method that complies with the requirements we have been entrusted ever since the field of neuroeconomics dawned on us. Whilst skimming some basics of neuroeconomics that might be relevant to our discussion, we will try to outline some of the important works which have so far been done to simulate choice making processes. Concerning neurological findings that suggest the existence of two specific functions that are executed through Basal Ganglia all the way down to sub-cortical areas, namely 'rewards' and 'beliefs', we will offer a modified version of actor/critic algorithm to shed a light on the relation between these functions and most importantly resolve what is referred to as a challenge for actor-critic algorithms, that is lack of inheritance or hierarchy which avoids the system being evolved in continuous time tasks whence the convergence might not emerge.

Keywords: neuroeconomics, choice behaviour, decision making, reinforcement learning, actor-critic algorithm

Procedia PDF Downloads 397
28372 Fatigue Evaluation of Link Slab for Continuous Girder-Type Precast Modular Bridges

Authors: Jae-Joon Song, Sang-Yoon Lee, Bong-Chul Joo


The girder-type precast modular bridge has been developed as a simply supported bridge. The girder-type precast modular bridge could be applied to the multi-span bridges through the continuity method. The continuity of the girder-type precast modular bridge is achieved by using the link slab which is easy to construction and appropriate to the rapid construction. In this study, the link slab with transition zone was used for the continuity of the precast modular bridges, and the construction detail of link slab was modified. In addition, the modified iterative design method of link slab was proposed in this study. To verify the proposed design method, the fatigue test using the mock-up specimen was conducted with cycle loading condition up to two million cycles.

Keywords: precast, modular bridge, link slab

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28371 A Study on Sentiment Analysis Using Various ML/NLP Models on Historical Data of Indian Leaders

Authors: Sarthak Deshpande, Akshay Patil, Pradip Pandhare, Nikhil Wankhede, Rushali Deshmukh


Among the highly significant duties for any language most effective is the sentiment analysis, which is also a key area of NLP, that recently made impressive strides. There are several models and datasets available for those tasks in popular and commonly used languages like English, Russian, and Spanish. While sentiment analysis research is performed extensively, however it is lagging behind for the regional languages having few resources such as Hindi, Marathi. Marathi is one of the languages that included in the Indian Constitution’s 8th schedule and is the third most widely spoken language in the country and primarily spoken in the Deccan region, which encompasses Maharashtra and Goa. There isn’t sufficient study on sentiment analysis methods based on Marathi text due to lack of available resources, information. Therefore, this project proposes the use of different ML/NLP models for the analysis of Marathi data from the comments below YouTube content, tweets or Instagram posts. We aim to achieve a short and precise analysis and summary of the related data using our dataset (Dates, names, root words) and lexicons to locate exact information.

Keywords: multilingual sentiment analysis, Marathi, natural language processing, text summarization, lexicon-based approaches

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28370 Development of High Temperature Eutectic Oxide Ceramic Matrix Composites

Authors: Yağmur Can Gündoğan, Kübra Gürcan Bayrak, Ece Özerdem, Buse Katipoğlu, Erhan Ayas, Rifat Yılmaz


Eutectic oxide based ceramic matrix composites have a unique microstructure that does not include grain boundary in the form of a continuous network. Because of this, these materials have the properties of perfect high-temperature strength, creep strength, and high oxidation strength. Mechanical properties of them are much related to occurring solidification structures during eutectic reactions. One of the most important production methods of this kind of material is the process of vacuum arc melting. Within scope of this studying, it is aimed to investigate the production of Al₂O₃-YAG-based eutectic ceramics by Arc melting and Spark Plasma Sintering methods for use in aerospace and defense industries where high-temperature environments play an important role and to examine the effects of ZrO₂ and LiF additions on microstructure development and mechanical properties.

Keywords: alumina, composites, eutectic, YAG

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28369 Environmental Sustainability Practice in Resort Hotels: Case of Resort Hotels in Bishoftu, Ethiopia

Authors: Mohammed Aman Kassim


This study aims to investigate attitudes of resort hotel managers toward environmental sustainability practice in Bishoftu Town, Ethiopia. Six resorts were selected out of twelve by using systematic sampling method and totally fifty-six managers were taken for the survey. The findings revealed that more than 99% of hotel managers possess positive attitudes but low level of performance. Owners’ attitudes and personal beliefs, government regulation and incentives for good achievement were the most important factors that motivate or influence the adoptions of environmental sustainability practices. Hotel managers’ environmental attitudes more significantly influenced by their social demographics, such as level of education and age. Therefore, in order to increase hotels commitment to become more sustainable, some measurement should be implemented, such as vigorous support of the government, cooperation with hotel associations, continuous behaviors of hotel environmental protection, and local community participation in environmental practice.

Keywords: environmental attitude, environmental sustainability, hotel managers, resorts

Procedia PDF Downloads 243
28368 Future of Electric Power Generation Technologies: Environmental and Economic Comparison

Authors: Abdulrahman A. Bahaddad, Mohammed Beshir


The objective of this paper is to demonstrate and describe eight different types of power generation technologies and to understand the history and future trends of each technology. In addition, a comparative analysis between these technologies will be presented with respect to their cost analysis and associated performance.

Keywords: conventional power generation, economic analysis, environmental impact, renewable energy power generation

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28367 Design On Demand (DoD): Spiral Model of The Lifecycle of Products in The Personal 3D-Printed Products' Market

Authors: Zuk Nechemia Turbovich


This paper introduces DoD, a contextual spiral model that describes the lifecycle of products intended for manufacturing using Personal 3D Printers (P3DP). The study is based on a review of the desktop P3DPs market that shows that the combination of digital connectivity, coupled with the potential ownership of P3DP by home users, is radically changing the form of the product lifecycle, comparatively to familiar lifecycle paradigms. The paper presents the change in the design process, considering the characterization of product types in the P3DP market and the possibility of having a direct dialogue between end-user and product designers. The model, as an updated paradigm, provides a strategic perspective on product design and tools for success, understanding that design is subject to rapid and continuous improvement and that products are subject to repair, update, and customization. The paper will include a review of real cases.

Keywords: lifecycle, mass-customization, personal 3d-printing, user involvement

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28366 Penetration Analysis for Composites Applicable to Military Vehicle Armors, Aircraft Engines and Nuclear Power Plant Structures

Authors: Dong Wook Lee


This paper describes a method for analyzing penetration for composite material using an explicit nonlinear Finite Element Analysis (FEA). This method may be used in the early stage of design for the protection of military vehicles, aircraft engines and nuclear power plant structures made of composite materials. This paper deals with simple ballistic penetration tests for composite materials and the FEA modeling method and results. The FEA was performed to interpret the ballistic field test phenomenon regarding the damage propagation in the structure subjected to local foreign object impact.

Keywords: computer aided engineering, finite element analysis, impact analysis, penetration analysis, composite material

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28365 Factors Related to Teachers’ Analysis of Classroom Assessments

Authors: Hussain A. Alkharusi, Said S. Aldhafri, Hilal Z. Alnabhani, Muna Alkalbani


Analysing classroom assessments is one of the responsibilities of the teacher. It aims improving teacher’s instruction and assessment as well as student learning. The present study investigated factors that might explain variation in teachers’ practices regarding analysis of classroom assessments. The factors considered in the investigation included gender, in-service assessment training, teaching load, teaching experience, knowledge in assessment, attitude towards quantitative aspects of assessment, and self-perceived competence in analysing assessments. Participants were 246 in-service teachers in Oman. Results of a stepwise multiple linear regression analysis revealed that self-perceived competence was the only significant factor explaining the variance in teachers’ analysis of assessments. Implications for research and practice are discussed.

Keywords: analysis of assessment, classroom assessment, in-service teachers, self-competence

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28364 Temperature Control Improvement of Membrane Reactor

Authors: Pornsiri Kaewpradit, Chalisa Pourneaw


Temperature control improvement of a membrane reactor with exothermic and reversible esterification reaction is studied in this work. It is well known that a batch membrane reactor requires different control strategies from a continuous one due to the fact that it is operated dynamically. Due to the effect of the operating temperature, the suitable control scheme has to be designed based reliable predictive model to achieve a desired objective. In the study, the optimization framework has been preliminary formulated in order to determine an optimal temperature trajectory for maximizing a desired product. In model predictive control scheme, a set of predictive models have been initially developed corresponding to the possible operating points of the system. The multiple predictive control moves have been further calculated on-line using the developed models corresponding to current operating point. It is obviously seen in the simulation results that the temperature control has been improved compared to the performance obtained by the conventional predictive controller. Further robustness tests have also been investigated in this study.

Keywords: model predictive control, batch reactor, temperature control, membrane reactor

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28363 Effect of Transmission Distance on the Performance of Hybrid Configuration Using Non Return to Zero (NRZ) Pulse Format

Authors: Mais Wa'ad


The effect of transmission distance on the performance of hybrid configuration H 10-40 Gb/s with Non-Return to Zero (NRZ) pulse format, 100 GHz channel spacing, and Multiplexer/De-Multiplexer Band width (MUX/DEMUX BW) of 60 GHz has been investigated in this study. The laser Continuous Wave (CW) power launched into the modulator is set to 4 dBm. Eight neighboring DWDM channels are selected around 1550.12 nm carrying different data rates in hybrid optical communication systems travel through the same optical fiber and use the same passive and active optical modules. The simulation has been done using Optiwave Inc Optisys software. Usually, increasing distance will lead to decrease in performance; however this is not always the case, as the simulation conducted in this work, shows different system performance for each channel. This is due to differences in interaction between dispersion and non-linearity, and the differences in residual dispersion for each channel.

Keywords: dispersion and non-linearity interaction, optical hybrid configuration, multiplexer/de multiplexer bandwidth, non-return to zero, optical transmission distance, optisys

Procedia PDF Downloads 560
28362 Clinical Advice Services: Using Lean Chassis to Optimize Nurse-Driven Telephonic Triage of After-Hour Calls from Patients

Authors: Eric Lee G. Escobedo-Wu, Nidhi Rohatgi, Fouzel Dhebar


It is challenging for patients to navigate through healthcare systems after-hours. This leads to delays in care, patient/provider dissatisfaction, inappropriate resource utilization, readmissions, and higher costs. It is important to provide patients and providers with effective clinical decision-making tools to allow seamless connectivity and coordinated care. In August 2015, patient-centric Stanford Health Care established Clinical Advice Services (CAS) to provide clinical decision support after-hours. CAS is founded on key Lean principles: Value stream mapping, empathy mapping, waste walk, takt time calculations, standard work, plan-do-check-act cycles, and active daily management. At CAS, Clinical Assistants take the initial call and manage all non-clinical calls (e.g., appointments, directions, general information). If the patient has a clinical symptom, the CAS nurses take the call and utilize standardized clinical algorithms to triage the patient to home, clinic, urgent care, emergency department, or 911. Nurses may also contact the on-call physician based on the clinical algorithm for further direction and consultation. Since August 2015, CAS has managed 228,990 calls from 26 clinical specialties. Reporting is built into the electronic health record for analysis and data collection. 65.3% of the after-hours calls are clinically related. Average clinical algorithm adherence rate has been 92%. An average of 9% of calls was escalated by CAS nurses to the physician on call. An average of 5% of patients was triaged to the Emergency Department by CAS. Key learnings indicate that a seamless connectivity vision, cascading, multidisciplinary ownership of the problem, and synergistic enterprise improvements have contributed to this success while striving for continuous improvement.

Keywords: after hours phone calls, clinical advice services, nurse triage, Stanford Health Care

Procedia PDF Downloads 176
28361 Numerical Investigation of Pressure and Velocity Field Contours of Dynamics of Drop Formation

Authors: Pardeep Bishnoi, Mayank Srivastava, Mrityunjay Kumar Sinha


This article represents the numerical investigation of the pressure and velocity field variation of the dynamics of pendant drop formation through a capillary tube. Numerical simulations are executed using volume of fluid (VOF) method in the computational fluid dynamics (CFD). In this problem, Non Newtonian fluid is considered as dispersed fluid whereas air is considered as a continuous fluid. Pressure contours at various time steps expose that pressure varies nearly hydrostatically at each step of the dynamics of drop formation. A result also shows the pressure variation of the liquid droplet during free fall in the computational domain. The evacuation of the fluid from the necking region is also shown by the contour of the velocity field. The role of surface tension in the Pressure contour of the dynamics of drop formation is also studied.

Keywords: pressure contour, surface tension, volume of fluid, velocity field

Procedia PDF Downloads 405
28360 Expert-Based Validated Measures for Improving Quality Healthcare Services Utilization among Elderly Persons: A Cross-Section Survey

Authors: Uchenna Cosmas Ugwu, Osmond Chukwuemeka Ene


Globally, older adults are considered the most vulnerable groups to age-related diseases including diabetes mellitus, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and osteoporosis. With improved access to quality healthcare services, these complications can be prevented and the incidence rates reduced to the least occurrence. The aim of this study is to validate appropriate measures for improving quality healthcare services utilization among elderly persons in Nigeria and also to determine the significant association within demographic variables. A cross-sectional survey research design was adopted. Using a convenient sampling technique, a total of 400 experts (150 registered nurses and 250 public health professionals) with minimum of doctoral degree qualification were sampled and studied. A structured instrument titled “Expert-Based Healthcare Services Utilization Questionnaire (EBHSUQ) with .83 reliability index was used for data collection. All the statistical data analysis was completed using frequency counts, percentage scores and chi-square statistics. The results were significant at p≤0.05. It was found that quality healthcare services utilization by elderly persons in Nigeria would be improved if the services are: available (83%), affordable (82%), accessible (79%), suitable (77%), acceptable (77%), continuous (75%) and stress-free (75%). Statistically, significant association existed on quality healthcare services utilization with gender (p=.03<.05) and age (p=.01<.05) while none was observed on work experience (p=.23>.05), marital status (p=.11>.05) and employment category (p=.09>.05). To improve quality healthcare services utilization for elderly persons in Nigeria, the adoption of appropriate measures by Nigerian government and professionals in healthcare sectors are paramount. Therefore, there is need for collaborative efforts by the Nigerian government and healthcare professionals geared towards educating the general public through mass sensitization, awareness campaign, conferences, seminars and workshops for the importance of accessing healthcare services.

Keywords: elderly persons, healthcare services, cross-sectional survey research design, utilization.

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28359 CSR Practices in Bali: An Exploratory Study on the Environmental Aspect

Authors: Trianasari, Gede Adi Yuniarta


The tourism industry has been widely recognized as one of the world’s largest industries and is expected to have continuous growth. While it has positive impacts especially on the job markets and economic aspect, this industry also brings serious environmental impacts that may not be neglected. As such, the tourism industry is faced with increasing demands and challenges to deal with the environmental issues. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a way to show the firms’ concern on the societal and environmental aspects. In line with the increasing pressure on such responsibilities, a growing number of firms have involved in CSR activities. In Bali, the majority of both chained and locally owned hotels have shown their efforts on CSR practices. However, little is known about what and how they perform or implement such program especially within the environmental aspect. The importance of understanding what they focus on lays in the identification of areas that have received sufficient treatment and those that require more attention. Furthermore, also, it is especially essential considering that Bali is one of the worldly known destinations that have been facing numerous crucial issues on environment that may threaten the sustainability of the island and its people. This paper reports on the results of a study exploring the practices of CSR in hotels in Bali. Data were collected from 49 hotel managers and human resource managers in Bali across four major tourist areas, using semi structured interview method. The analysis was conducted qualitatively. The results showed that all hotels under study have implemented CSR activities in which environment was found to be the second key aspect, following the activities directly related to community aspect. Moreover, there were five major types of environmental action identified: beach cleaning, replantation, marine conservation, turtle conservation, mangrove, and garbage management. These findings suggest that hotels in Bali under study have shown their concern on the environment, however, less attention was given on attempt to reduce the environmental impacts of their operations. Mapping the types of environmental related CSR activities enhances the knowledge of and gives lights into the CSR literature especially from the perspective of Eastern practice.

Keywords: CSR, exploratory study, sustainable tourism, tourist object

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28358 Waste from Drinking Water Treatment: The Feasibility for Application in Building Materials

Authors: Marco Correa


The increasing reduction of the volumes of surface water sources supplying most municipalities, as well as the rising demand for treated water, combined with the disposal of effluents from washing of decanters and filters of water treatment plants generates a continuous search for correct environmentally solutions to these problems. The effluents generated by the water treatment industry need to be suitably processed for return to the environment or re-use. This article shows alternatives for sludge dehydration from the water treatment plants (WTP) and eventual disposal of sludge drained. Using the simple design methodology, it is presented a case study for drainage in tanks geotextile, full-scale, which involve five sledge drainage tanks from WTP of the city of Rio Verde. Aiming to the reutilization of drained water from the sledge and enabling its reuse both at the beginning of the treatment process at the WTP and in less noble services as for watering the gardens of the local town hall. The sludge will be used to in the production of building materials.

Keywords: dehydration, effluent discharges, re-use, sludge, WTP sludge

Procedia PDF Downloads 312
28357 Discretization of Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm for Solving Quadratic Assignment Problems

Authors: Elham Kazemi


Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) is one the combinatorial optimization problems about which research has been done in many companies for allocating some facilities to some locations. The issue of particular importance in this process is the costs of this allocation and the attempt in this problem is to minimize this group of costs. Since the QAP’s are from NP-hard problem, they cannot be solved by exact solution methods. Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm is a Meta-heuristicmethod which has higher capability to find the global optimal points. It is an algorithm which is basically raised to search a continuous space. The Quadratic Assignment Problem is the issue which can be solved in the discrete space, thus the standard arithmetic operators of Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm need to be redefined on the discrete space in order to apply the Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm on the discrete searching space. This paper represents the way of discretizing the Cuckoo optimization algorithm for solving the quadratic assignment problem.

Keywords: Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP), Discrete Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm (DCOA), meta-heuristic algorithms, optimization algorithms

Procedia PDF Downloads 517
28356 Using Analytical Hierarchy Process and TOPSIS Approaches in Designing a Finite Element Analysis Automation Program

Authors: Ming Wen, Nasim Nezamoddini


Sophisticated numerical simulations like finite element analysis (FEA) involve a complicated process from model setup to post-processing tasks that require replication of time-consuming steps. Utilizing FEA automation program simplifies the complexity of the involved steps while minimizing human errors in analysis set up, calculations, and results processing. One of the main challenges in designing FEA automation programs is to identify user requirements and link them to possible design alternatives. This paper presents a decision-making framework to design a Python based FEA automation program for modal analysis, frequency response analysis, and random vibration fatigue (RVF) analysis procedures. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) are applied to evaluate design alternatives considering the feedback received from experts and program users.

Keywords: finite element analysis, FEA, random vibration fatigue, process automation, analytical hierarchy process, AHP, TOPSIS, multiple-criteria decision-making, MCDM

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28355 Combustion and Emission Characteristics in a Can-Type Combustion Chamber

Authors: Selvakuma Kumaresh, Man Young Kim


Combustion phenomenon will be accomplished effectively by the development of low emission combustor. One of the significant factors influencing the entire Combustion process is the mixing between a swirling angular jet (Primary Air) and the non-swirling inner jet (fuel). To study this fundamental flow, the chamber had to be designed in such a manner that the combustion process to sustain itself in a continuous manner and the temperature of the products is sufficiently below the maximum working temperature in the turbine. This study is used to develop the effective combustion with low unburned combustion products by adopting the concept of high swirl flow and motility of holes in the secondary chamber. The proper selection of a swirler is needed to reduce emission which can be concluded from the emission of Nox and CO2. The capture of CO2 is necessary to mitigate CO2 emissions from natural gas. Thus the suppression of unburned gases is a meaningful objective for the development of high performance combustor without affecting turbine blade temperature.

Keywords: combustion, emission, can-type combustion chamber, CFD, motility of holes, swirl flow

Procedia PDF Downloads 376
28354 Quantile Coherence Analysis: Application to Precipitation Data

Authors: Yaeji Lim, Hee-Seok Oh


The coherence analysis measures the linear time-invariant relationship between two data sets and has been studied various fields such as signal processing, engineering, and medical science. However classical coherence analysis tends to be sensitive to outliers and focuses only on mean relationship. In this paper, we generalized cross periodogram to quantile cross periodogram and provide richer inter-relationship between two data sets. This is a general version of Laplace cross periodogram. We prove its asymptotic distribution under the long range process and compare them with ordinary coherence through numerical examples. We also present real data example to confirm the usefulness of quantile coherence analysis.

Keywords: coherence, cross periodogram, spectrum, quantile

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28353 Overview of the Public Service Executive Training System in Hungary

Authors: Csilla Paksi-Petró


The Hungarian national public administration training system providing continuous, lifelong further training to some ten thousand executives in public administration was launched in 2014, adding skills and competency development to the previous training solutions, which had a mainly legal and professional approach. The executive training system is being continuously developed since tackling the existing qualitative, and quantitative challenges calls for the introduction of novel, innovative solutions. With a gap-filling character, this study presents, in brief, the last eight years of system of executive training in public administration, supported by the outcomes of the author's empirical research, makes suggestions for the possible directions of its further development. Through this article, the reader may obtain an overview of the current Hungarian civil service further training system, its institution system, the method of its application, its target groups, its results, and its development prospects. By reading the article, the reader will get acquainted with the good practices of the Hungarian civil service further training system.

Keywords: coaching, e-learning, executive development, further-training

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28352 Glaucoma with Normal IOP, Is It True Normal Tension glaucoma or Something Else!

Authors: Sushma Tejwani, Shoruba Dinakaran, Kushal Kacha, K. Bhujang Shetty


Introduction and aim: It is not unusual to find patients with glaucomatous damage and normal intraocular pressure, and to label a patient as Normal tension glaucoma (NTG) majority of clinicians depend on office Intraocular pressures (IOP) recordings; hence, the concern is that whether we are missing the late night or early morning spikes in this group of patients. Also, ischemia to the optic nerve is one of the presumed causes of damage in these patients, however demonstrating the same has been a challenge. The aim of this study was to evaluate IOP variations and patterns in a series of patients with open angles, glaucomatous discs or fields but normal office IOP, and in addition to identify ischemic factors for true NTG patients. Materials & Methods: This was an observational cross- sectional study from a tertiary care centre. The patients that underwent full day DVT from Jan 2012 to April 2014 were studied. All patients underwent IOP measurement on Goldmann applanation tonometry every 3 hours for 24 hours along with a recording of the blood pressure (BP). Further patients with normal IOP throughout the 24- hour period were evaluated with a cardiologist for echocardiography and carotid Doppler. Results: There were 47 patients and a maximum number of patients studied was in the age group of 50-70 years. A biphasic IOP peak was noted for almost all the patients. Out of the 47 patients, 2 were excluded from analysis as they were on treatment.20 patients (42%) were diagnosed on DVT to have an IOP spike and were then diagnosed as open angle glaucoma and another 25 (55%) were diagnosed to have normal tension glaucoma and were subsequently advised a carotid Doppler and a cardiologists consult. Another interesting finding was that 9 patients had a nocturnal dip in their BP and 3 were found to have carotid artery stenosis. Conclusion: A continuous 24-hour monitoring of the IOP and BP is a very useful albeit mildly cumbersome tool which provides a wealth of information in cases of glaucoma presenting with normal office pressures. It is of great value in differentiating between normal tension glaucoma patients & open angle glaucoma patients. It also helps in timely diagnosis & possible intervention due to referral to a cardiologist in cases of carotid artery stenosis.

Keywords: carotid artery disease in NTG, diurnal variation of IOP, ischemia in glaucoma, normal tension glaucoma

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28351 Family Management, Relations Risk and Protective Factors for Adolescent Substance Abuse in South Africa

Authors: Beatrice Wamuyu Muchiri, Monika M. L. Dos Santos


An increasingly recognised prevention approach for substance use entails reduction in risk factors and enhancement of promotive or protective factors in individuals and the environment surrounding them during their growth and development. However, in order to enhance the effectiveness of this approach, continuous study of risk aspects targeting different cultures, social groups and mixture of society has been recommended. This study evaluated the impact of potential risk and protective factors associated with family management and relations on adolescent substance abuse in South Africa. Exploratory analysis and cumulative odds ordinal logistic regression modelling was performed on the data while controlling for demographic and socio-economic characteristics on adolescent substance use. The most intensely used substances were tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, heroin and alcohol in decreasing order of use intensity. The specific protective or risk impact of family management or relations factors varied from substance to substance. Risk factors associated with demographic and socio-economic factors included being male, younger age, being in lower education grades, coloured ethnicity, adolescents from divorced parents and unemployed or fully employed mothers. Significant family relations risk and protective factors against substance use were classified as either family functioning and conflict or family bonding and support. Several family management factors, categorised as parental monitoring, discipline, behavioural control and rewards, demonstrated either risk or protective effect on adolescent substance use. Some factors had either interactive risk or protective impact on substance use or lost significance when analysed jointly with other factors such as controlled variables. Interaction amongst risk or protective factors as well as the type of substance should be considered when further considering interventions based on these risk or protective factors. Studies in other geographical regions, institutions and with better gender balance are recommended to improve upon the representativeness of the results. Several other considerations to be made when formulating interventions, the shortcomings of this study and possible improvements as well as future studies are also suggested.

Keywords: risk factors, protective factors, substance use, adolescents

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