Search results for: device characterization
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 4416

Search results for: device characterization

3156 Effective Apixaban Clearance with Cytosorb Extracorporeal Hemoadsorption

Authors: Klazina T. Havinga, Hilde R. H. de Geus


Introduction: Pre-operative coagulation management of Apixaban prescribed patients, a new oral anticoagulant (a factor Xa inhibitor), is difficult, especially when chronic kidney disease (CKD) causes drug overdose. Apixaban is not dialyzable due to its high level of protein binding. An antidote, Andexanet α, is available but expensive and has an unfavorable short half-life. We report the successful extracorporeal removal of Apixaban prior to emergency surgery with the CytoSorb® Hemoadsorption device. Methods: A 89-year-old woman with CKD, with an Apixaban prescription for atrial fibrillation, was presented at the ER with traumatic rib fractures, a flail chest, and an unstable spinal fracture (T12) for which emergency surgery was indicated. However, due to very high Apixaban levels, this surgery had to be postponed. Based on the Apixaban-specific anti-factor Xa activity (AFXaA) measurements at admission and 10 hours later, complete clearance was expected after 48 hours. In order to enhance the Apixaban removal and reduce the time to operation, and therefore reduce pulmonary complications, CRRT with CytoSorb® cartridge was initiated. Apixaban-specific anti-factor Xa activity (AFXaA) was measured frequently as a substitute for Apixaban drug concentrations, pre- and post adsorber, in order to calculate the adsorber-related clearance. Results: The admission AFXaA concentration, as a substitute for Apixaban drug levels, was 218 ng/ml, which decreased to 157 ng/ml after ten hours. Due to sustained anticoagulation effects, surgery was again postponed. However, the AFXaA levels decreased quickly to sub-therapeutic levels after CRRT (Multifiltrate Pro, Fresenius Medical Care, Blood flow 200 ml/min, Dialysate Flow 4000 ml/h, Prescribed renal dose 51 ml-kg-h) with Cytosorb® connected in series into the circuit was initiated (within 5 hours). The adsorber-related (indirect) Apixaban clearance was calculated every half hour (Cl=Qe * (AFXaA pre- AFXaA post/ AFXaA pre) with Qe=plasma flow rate calculated with Ht=0.38 and system blood flow rate 200 ml-min): 100 ml/min, 72 ml/min and 57 ml/min. Although, as expected, the adsorber-related clearance decreased quickly due to saturation of the beads, still the reduction rate achieved resulted in a very rapid decrease in AFXaA levels. Surgery was ordered and possible within 5 hours after Cytosorb initiation. Conclusion: The CytoSorb® Hemoadsorption device enabled rapid correction of Apixaban associated anticoagulation.

Keywords: Apixaban, CytoSorb, emergency surgery, Hemoadsorption

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3155 Controlling Shape and Position of Silicon Micro-nanorolls Fabricated using Fine Bubbles during Anodization

Authors: Yodai Ashikubo, Toshiaki Suzuki, Satoshi Kouya, Mitsuya Motohashi


Functional microstructures such as wires, fins, needles, and rolls are currently being applied to variety of high-performance devices. Under these conditions, a roll structure (silicon micro-nanoroll) was formed on the surface of the silicon substrate via fine bubbles during anodization using an extremely diluted hydrofluoric acid (HF + H₂O). The as-formed roll had a microscale length and width of approximately 1 µm. The number of rolls was 3-10 times and the thickness of the film forming the rolls was about 10 nm. Thus, it is promising for applications as a distinct device material. These rolls functioned as capsules and/or pipelines. To date, number of rolls and roll length have been controlled by anodization conditions. In general, controlling the position and roll winding state is required for device applications. However, it has not been discussed. Grooves formed on silicon surface before anodization might be useful control the bubbles. In this study, we investigated the effect of the grooves on the position and shape of the roll. The surfaces of the silicon wafers were anodized. The starting material was p-type (100) single-crystalline silicon wafers. The resistivity of the wafer is 5-20 ∙ cm. Grooves were formed on the surface of the substrate before anodization using sandpaper and diamond pen. The average width and depth of the grooves were approximately 1 µm and 0.1 µm, respectively. The HF concentration {HF/ (HF + C₂H5OH + H₂O)} was 0.001 % by volume. The C2H5OH concentration {C₂H5OH/ (HF + C₂H5OH + H₂O)} was 70 %. A vertical single-tank cell and Pt cathode were used for anodization. The silicon roll was observed by field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM; JSM-7100, JEOL). The atomic bonding state of the rolls was evaluated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS; ESCA-3400, Shimadzu). For straight groove, the rolls were formed along the groove. This indicates that the orientation of the rolls can be controlled by the grooves. For lattice-like groove, the rolls formed inside the lattice and along the long sides. In other words, the aspect ratio of the lattice is very important for the roll formation. In addition, many rolls were formed and winding states were not uniform when the lattice size is too large. On the other hand, no rolls were formed for small lattice. These results indicate that there is the optimal size of lattice for roll formation. In the future, we are planning on formation of rolls using groove formed by lithography technique instead of sandpaper and the pen. Furthermore, the rolls included nanoparticles will be formed for nanodevices.

Keywords: silicon roll, anodization, fine bubble, microstructure

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3154 Surface Functionalization of Chemical Vapor Deposition Grown Graphene Film

Authors: Prashanta Dhoj Adhikari


We report the introduction of the active surface functionalization group on chemical vapor deposition (CVD) grown graphene film by wet deposition method. The activity of surface functionalized group was tested with surface modified carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and found that both materials were amalgamated by chemical bonding. The introduction of functional group on the graphene film surface and its vigorous role to bind CNTs with the present technique could provide an efficient, novel route to device fabrication.

Keywords: chemical vapor deposition, graphene film, surface functionalization

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3153 Algebraic Characterization of Sheaves over Boolean Spaces

Authors: U. M. Swamy


A compact Hausdorff and totally disconnected topological space are known as Boolean space in view of the stone duality between Boolean algebras and such topological spaces. A sheaf over X is a triple (S, p, X) where S and X are topological spaces and p is a local homeomorphism of S onto X (that is, for each element s in S, there exist open sets U and G containing s and p(s) in S and X respectively such that the restriction of p to U is a homeomorphism of U onto G). Here we mainly concern on sheaves over Boolean spaces. From a given sheaf over a Boolean space, we obtain an algebraic structure in such a way that there is a one-to-one correspondence between these algebraic structures and sheaves over Boolean spaces.

Keywords: Boolean algebra, Boolean space, sheaf, stone duality

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3152 Energy Complementary in Colombia: Imputation of Dataset

Authors: Felipe Villegas-Velasquez, Harold Pantoja-Villota, Sergio Holguin-Cardona, Alejandro Osorio-Botero, Brayan Candamil-Arango


Colombian electricity comes mainly from hydric resources, affected by environmental variations such as the El Niño phenomenon. That is why incorporating other types of resources is necessary to provide electricity constantly. This research seeks to fill the wind speed and global solar irradiance dataset for two years with the highest amount of information. A further result is the characterization of the data by region that led to infer which errors occurred and offered the incomplete dataset.

Keywords: energy, wind speed, global solar irradiance, Colombia, imputation

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3151 Characterization of Articular Cartilage Based on the Response of Cartilage Surface to Loading/Unloading

Authors: Z. Arabshahi, I. Afara, A. Oloyede, H. Moody, J. Kashani, T. Klein


Articular cartilage is a fluid-swollen tissue of synovial joints that functions by providing a lubricated surface for articulation and to facilitate the load transmission. The biomechanical function of this tissue is highly dependent on the integrity of its ultrastructural matrix. Any alteration of articular cartilage matrix, either by injury or degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis (OA), compromises its functional behaviour. Therefore, the assessment of articular cartilage is important in early stages of degenerative process to prevent or reduce further joint damage with associated socio-economic impact. Therefore, there has been increasing research interest into the functional assessment of articular cartilage. This study developed a characterization parameter for articular cartilage assessment based on the response of cartilage surface to loading/unloading. This is because the response of articular cartilage to compressive loading is significantly depth-dependent, where the superficial zone and underlying matrix respond differently to deformation. In addition, the alteration of cartilage matrix in the early stages of degeneration is often characterized by PG loss in the superficial layer. In this study, it is hypothesized that the response of superficial layer is different in normal and proteoglycan depleted tissue. To establish the viability of this hypothesis, samples of visually intact and artificially proteoglycan-depleted bovine cartilage were subjected to compression at a constant rate to 30 percent strain using a ring-shaped indenter with an integrated ultrasound probe and then unloaded. The response of articular surface which was indirectly loaded was monitored using ultrasound during the time of loading/unloading (deformation/recovery). It was observed that the rate of cartilage surface response to loading/unloading was different for normal and PG-depleted cartilage samples. Principal Component Analysis was performed to identify the capability of the cartilage surface response to loading/unloading, to distinguish between normal and artificially degenerated cartilage samples. The classification analysis of this parameter showed an overlap between normal and degenerated samples during loading. While there was a clear distinction between normal and degenerated samples during unloading. This study showed that the cartilage surface response to loading/unloading has the potential to be used as a parameter for cartilage assessment.

Keywords: cartilage integrity parameter, cartilage deformation/recovery, cartilage functional assessment, ultrasound

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3150 Mechanical Characterization of Banana by Inverse Analysis Method Combined with Indentation Test

Authors: Juan F. P. Ramírez, Jésica A. L. Isaza, Benjamín A. Rojano


This study proposes a novel use of a method to determine the mechanical properties of fruits by the use of the indentation tests. The method combines experimental results with a numerical finite elements model. The results presented correspond to a simplified numerical modeling of banana. The banana was assumed as one-layer material with an isotropic linear elastic mechanical behavior, the Young’s modulus found is 0.3Mpa. The method will be extended to multilayer models in further studies.

Keywords: finite element method, fruits, inverse analysis, mechanical properties

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3149 Characterization and Modelling of Aerosol Droplet in Absorption Columns

Authors: Hammad Majeed, Hanna Knuutila, Magne Hillestad, Hallvard F. Svendsen


Formation of aerosols can cause serious complications in industrial exhaust gas CO2 capture processes. SO3 present in the flue gas can cause aerosol formation in an absorption based capture process. Small mist droplets and fog formed can normally not be removed in conventional demisting equipment because their submicron size allows the particles or droplets to follow the gas flow. As a consequence of this aerosol based emissions in the order of grams per Nm3 have been identified from PCCC plants. In absorption processes aerosols are generated by spontaneous condensation or desublimation processes in supersaturated gas phases. Undesired aerosol development may lead to amine emissions many times larger than what would be encountered in a mist free gas phase in PCCC development. It is thus of crucial importance to understand the formation and build-up of these aerosols in order to mitigate the problem. Rigorous modelling of aerosol dynamics leads to a system of partial differential equations. In order to understand mechanics of a particle entering an absorber an implementation of the model is created in Matlab. The model predicts the droplet size, the droplet internal variable profiles and the mass transfer fluxes as function of position in the absorber. The Matlab model is based on a subclass method of weighted residuals for boundary value problems named, orthogonal collocation method. The model comprises a set of mass transfer equations for transferring components and the essential diffusion reaction equations to describe the droplet internal profiles for all relevant constituents. Also included is heat transfer across the interface and inside the droplet. This paper presents results describing the basic simulation tool for the characterization of aerosols formed in CO2 absorption columns and gives examples as to how various entering droplets grow or shrink through an absorber and how their composition changes with respect to time. Below are given some preliminary simulation results for an aerosol droplet composition and temperature profiles.

Keywords: absorption columns, aerosol formation, amine emissions, internal droplet profiles, monoethanolamine (MEA), post combustion CO2 capture, simulation

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3148 Growth and Morphological Characterization in Two Accessions of Sesame Plant

Authors: Ahmed Ibrahim Galadima, Abdullahi Muhammed Bello, Abdullateef Akintunde Raji, Ruqayyah Mujahidah Abdullateef, Hajara Sani Labaran


Sesamum indicium is an erect, herbaceous, branched, and warm-season annual crop. It differs in growth habit, form and shape, seed size and color, composition, size, and color of flowers. The experiments were performed by collecting two accessions of Sesamum indicum (white and black varieties). The morphological parameters like plant height and leaf size were measured using a ruler, while stem girth was observed using a vernier caliper. Germinability assessments were conducted by placing 100 seeds from each of the two sesame varieties and presoaked in 5 per cent sodium hypochlorite for 15 min., followed by rinse with distilled water. Germinability was assessed by placing the seeds in moist conditions and analyzing the outcome accordingly. The results from the experiments showed that the plant height (41.98 cm), stem girth (3.23 cm), and size of leaves (13.89 cm2) were higher in the white sesame variety when compared to the sesame black variety where 34.30 cm, 2.68 cm, and 7.47 cm2, respectively were obtained. But, from the black sesame variety, the number of leaves and the number of branches high values (105.06 cm) and (10.41), respectively were discovered. And significant differences were recorded in all the analyzed morphological parameters between the two sesame accessions, except stem girth. More so, the white variety of the sesame plant has demonstrated a good reproductive capability with the number of flowers (7.18), number of capsules (17.44), 100 seeds weight (1.67 g), and 1000 seeds weight (16.67 g). However, none of the analyzed reproductive parameters was observed from the black sesame variety. The white sesame variety was observed to have a higher number of Trichomes per microscopic view by almost 7 folds when compared to the black variety. But, improved size of stomata was detected in the black sesame variety by over 1.5 folds compared to the white variety. The germinability analysis had shown that from the sesame white variety, 98 seeds out of the 100 seeds sown were able to germinate, which signifies 98 percent germinability. Whereas 86 seeds out of the 100 seeds sown have germinated in petri dishes from the black sesame variety, which suggests 86 per cent germinability. Therefore, this research obviously showed that the white sesame variety displayed remarkable morphological qualities and, accordingly could be employed for farming purposes.

Keywords: accessions of sesame plant, characterization, growth, morphology

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3147 Preparation and Characterization of Chitosan / Polyacrylic Acid / Ag-nanoparticles Composite Membranes

Authors: Abdel-Mohdy, A. Abou-Okeil, S. El-Sabagh, S. M. El-Sawy


Chitosan polyacrylic acid composite membranes were prepared by a bulk polymerization method in the presence of N, N'-methylene bisacrylamide (crosslinker) and ammonium persulphate as initiator. Membranes prepared from this copolymer in presence and absence of Ag nanoparticles were characterized by measuring mechanical and physical properties, water up-take and antibacterial properties. The results obtained indicated that the prepared membranes have antibacterial properties which increases with adding Ag nanoparticles.

Keywords: Ag nanoparticles , antimicrobial, Membrane, composites, mechanical properties, physical properties

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3146 Measurement of Rheologic Properties of Soft Tissue (Muscle Tissue) by Device Called Myotonometer

Authors: Petr Sifta, Vaclav Bittner, Martin Kysela, Matej Kolar


The purpose of the research described in this work is to answer how to measure the rheologic (viscoelastic) properties tendo–deformational characteristics of soft tissue. The method would also resemble muscle palpation examination as it is known in clinical practice. For this purpose, an instrument with the working name “myotonometer” has been used. At present, there is lack of objective methods for assessing the muscle tone by viscous and elastic properties of soft tissue. That is why we decided to focus on creating or finding quantitative and qualitative methodology capable of specifying muscle tone.

Keywords: rheologic properties, tendo–deformational characteristics, viscosity, elasticity, hypertonus

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3145 Hydrogen Production By Photoreforming Of n-Butanol And Structural Isomers Over Pt Doped Titanate Catalyst

Authors: Hristina Šalipur, Jasmina Dostanić, Davor Lončarević, Matej Huš


Photocatalytic water splitting/alcohol photoreforming has been used for the conversion of sunlight energy in the process of hydrogen production due to its sustainability, environmental safety, effectiveness and simplicity. Titanate nanotubes are frequently studied materials since they combine the properties of photo-active semiconductors with the properties of layered titanates, such as the ion-exchange ability. Platinum (Pt) doping into titanate structure has been considered an effective strategy in better separation efficiency of electron-hole pairs and lowering the overpotential for hydrogen production, which results in higher photocatalytic activity. In our work, Pt doped titanate catalysts were synthesized via simple alkaline hydrothermal treatment, incipient wetness impregnation method and temperature-programmed reduction. The structural, morphological and optical properties of the prepared catalysts were investigated using various characterization techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), N2 physisorption, and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS). The activities of the prepared Pt-doped titanate photocatalysts were tested for hydrogen production via photocatalytic water splitting/alcohol photoreforming process under simulated solar light irradiation. Characterization of synthesized Pt doped titanate catalysts showed crystalline anatase phase, preserved nanotubular structure and high specific surface area. The result showed enhancement of activity in photocatalytic water splitting/alcohol photoreforming in the following order 2-butanol>1-butanol>tert-butanol, with obtained maximal hydrogen production rate of 7.5, 5.3 and 2 mmol g-1 h-1, respectively. Different possible factors influencing the hole scavenging ability, such as hole scavenger redox potential and diffusivity, adsorption and desorption rate of the hole scavenger on the surface and stability of the alcohol radical species generated via hole scavenging, were investigated. The theoretical evaluation using density functional theory (DFT) further elucidated the reaction kinetics and detailed mechanism of photocatalytic water splitting/alcohol photoreforming.

Keywords: hydrogen production, platinum, semiconductor, water splitting, density functional theory

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3144 Harnessing the Power of Mixed Ligand Complexes: Enhancing Antimicrobial Activities with Thiosemicarbazones

Authors: Sakshi Gupta, Seema Joshi


Thiosemicarbazones (TSCs) have garnered significant attention in coordination chemistry due to their versatile coordination modes and pharmacological properties. Mixed ligand complexes of TSCs represent a promising area of research, offering enhanced antimicrobial activities compared to their parent compounds. This review provides an overview of the synthesis, characterization, and antimicrobial properties of mixed ligand complexes incorporating thiosemicarbazones. The synthesis of mixed ligand complexes typically involves the reaction of a metal salt with TSC ligands and additional ligands, such as nitrogen- or oxygen-based ligands. Various transition metals, including copper, nickel, and cobalt, have been employed to form mixed ligand complexes with TSCs. Characterization techniques such as spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, and elemental analysis are commonly utilized to confirm the structures of these complexes. One of the key advantages of mixed ligand complexes is their enhanced antimicrobial activity compared to pure TSC compounds. The synergistic effect between the TSC ligands and additional ligands contributes to increased efficacy, possibly through improved metal-ligand interactions or enhanced membrane permeability. Furthermore, mixed ligand complexes offer the potential for selective targeting of microbial species while minimizing toxicity to mammalian cells. This selectivity arises from the specific interactions between the metal center, TSC ligands, and biological targets within microbial cells. Such targeted antimicrobial activity is crucial for developing effective treatments with minimal side effects. Moreover, the versatility of mixed ligand complexes allows for the design of tailored antimicrobial agents with optimized properties. By varying the metal ion, TSC ligands, and additional ligands, researchers can fine-tune the physicochemical properties and biological activities of these complexes. This tunability opens avenues for the development of novel antimicrobial agents with improved efficacy and reduced resistance. In conclusion, mixed ligand complexes of thiosemicarbazones represent a promising class of compounds with potent antimicrobial activities. Further research in this field holds great potential for the development of novel therapeutic agents to combat microbial infections effectively.

Keywords: metal complex, thiosemicarbazones, mixed ligand, selective targeting, antimicrobial activity

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3143 RFID Logistic Management with Cold Chain Monitoring: Cold Store Case Study

Authors: Mira Trebar


Logistics processes of perishable food in the supply chain include the distribution activities and the real time temperature monitoring to fulfil the cold chain requirements. The paper presents the use of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology as an identification tool of receiving and shipping activities in the cold store. At the same time, the use of RFID data loggers with temperature sensors is presented to observe and store the temperatures for the purpose of analyzing the processes and having the history data available for traceability purposes and efficient recall management.

Keywords: logistics, warehouse, RFID device, cold chain

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3142 Detailed Investigation of Thermal Degradation Mechanism and Product Characterization of Co-Pyrolysis of Indian Oil Shale with Rubber Seed Shell

Authors: Bhargav Baruah, Ali Shemsedin Reshad, Pankaj Tiwari


This work presents a detailed study on the thermal degradation kinetics of co-pyrolysis of oil shale of Upper Assam, India with rubber seed shell, and lab-scale pyrolysis to investigate the influence of pyrolysis parameters on product yield and composition of products. The physicochemical characteristics of oil shale and rubber seed shell were studied by proximate analysis, elemental analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The physicochemical study showed the mixture to be of low moisture, high ash, siliceous, sour with the presence of aliphatic, aromatic, and phenolic compounds. The thermal decomposition of the oil shale with rubber seed shell was studied using thermogravimetric analysis at heating rates of 5, 10, 20, 30, and 50 °C/min. The kinetic study of the oil shale pyrolysis process was performed on the thermogravimetric (TGA) data using three model-free isoconversional methods viz. Friedman, Flynn Wall Ozawa (FWO), and Kissinger Akahira Sunnose (KAS). The reaction mechanisms were determined using the Criado master plot. The understanding of the composition of Indian oil shale and rubber seed shell and pyrolysis process kinetics can help to establish the experimental parameters for the extraction of valuable products from the mixture. Response surface methodology (RSM) was employed usinf central composite design (CCD) model to setup the lab-scale experiment using TGA data, and optimization of process parameters viz. heating rate, temperature, and particle size. The samples were pre-dried at 115°C for 24 hours prior to pyrolysis. The pyrolysis temperatures were set from 450 to 650 °C, at heating rates of 2 to 20°C/min. The retention time was set between 2 to 8 hours. The optimum oil yield was observed at 5°C/min and 550°C with a retention time of 5 hours. The pyrolytic oil and gas obtained at optimum conditions were subjected to characterization using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR).

Keywords: Indian oil shale, rubber seed shell, co-pyrolysis, isoconversional methods, gas chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

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3141 Design and Evaluation of a Prototype for Non-Invasive Screening of Diabetes – Skin Impedance Technique

Authors: Pavana Basavakumar, Devadas Bhat


Diabetes is a disease which often goes undiagnosed until its secondary effects are noticed. Early detection of the disease is necessary to avoid serious consequences which could lead to the death of the patient. Conventional invasive tests for screening of diabetes are mostly painful, time consuming and expensive. There’s also a risk of infection involved, therefore it is very essential to develop non-invasive methods to screen and estimate the level of blood glucose. Extensive research is going on with this perspective, involving various techniques that explore optical, electrical, chemical and thermal properties of the human body that directly or indirectly depend on the blood glucose concentration. Thus, non-invasive blood glucose monitoring has grown into a vast field of research. In this project, an attempt was made to device a prototype for screening of diabetes by measuring electrical impedance of the skin and building a model to predict a patient’s condition based on the measured impedance. The prototype developed, passes a negligible amount of constant current (0.5mA) across a subject’s index finger through tetra polar silver electrodes and measures output voltage across a wide range of frequencies (10 KHz – 4 MHz). The measured voltage is proportional to the impedance of the skin. The impedance was acquired in real-time for further analysis. Study was conducted on over 75 subjects with permission from the institutional ethics committee, along with impedance, subject’s blood glucose values were also noted, using conventional method. Nonlinear regression analysis was performed on the features extracted from the impedance data to obtain a model that predicts blood glucose values for a given set of features. When the predicted data was depicted on Clarke’s Error Grid, only 58% of the values predicted were clinically acceptable. Since the objective of the project was to screen diabetes and not actual estimation of blood glucose, the data was classified into three classes ‘NORMAL FASTING’,’NORMAL POSTPRANDIAL’ and ‘HIGH’ using linear Support Vector Machine (SVM). Classification accuracy obtained was 91.4%. The developed prototype was economical, fast and pain free. Thus, it can be used for mass screening of diabetes.

Keywords: Clarke’s error grid, electrical impedance of skin, linear SVM, nonlinear regression, non-invasive blood glucose monitoring, screening device for diabetes

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3140 Novel Low-cost Bubble CPAP as an Alternative Non-invasive Oxygen Therapy for Newborn Infants with Respiratory Distress Syndrome in a Tertiary Level Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in the Philippines: A Single Blind Randomized Controlled Trial

Authors: Navid P Roodaki, Rochelle Abila, Daisy Evangeline Garcia


Background and Objective: Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) among premature infants is a major causes of neonatal death. The use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) has become a standard of care for preterm newborns with RDS hence cost-effective innovations are needed. This study compared a novel low-cost Bubble CPAP (bCPAP) device to ventilator driven CPAP in the treatment of RDS. Methods: This is a single-blind, randomized controlled trial done on May 2022 to October 2022 in a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in the Philippines. Preterm newborns (<36 weeks) with RDS were randomized to receive Vayu bCPAP device or Ventilator-derived CPAP. Arterial Blood Gases, Oxygen Saturation, administration of surfactant, and CPAP failure rates were measured. Results: Seventy preterm newborns were included. No differences were observed between the Ventilator driven CPAP and Vayu bCPAP on the PaO2 (97.51mmHg vs 97.37mmHg), So2 (97.08% vs 95.60%) levels, amount of surfactant administered between groups. There were no observed differences in CPAP failure rates between Vayu bPCAP (x̄ 3.23 days) and ventilator-driven CPAP (x̄ 2.98 days). However, a significant difference was noted on the CO2 level (40.32mmHg vs 50.70mmHg), which was higher among those hooked to Ventilator-driven CPAP (p 0.004). Conclusion: This study has shown that the novel low-cost bubble CPAP (Vayu bCPAP) can be used as an efficacious alternate non invasive oxygen therapy among preterm neonates with RDS, although the CO2 levels were higher among those hooked to ventilator driven CPAP, other outcome parameters measured showed that both devices are comparable. Recommendation: A multi-center or national study to account for geographic region, which may alter the outcomes of patients connected to different ventilatory support. Cost comparison between devices is also suggested. A mixed-method research assessing the experiences of health care professionals in assembling and utilizing the gadget is a second consideration.

Keywords: bubble CPAP, ventilator-derived CPAP; infant, premature, respiratory distress syndrome

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3139 Nanorods Based Dielectrophoresis for Protein Concentration and Immunoassay

Authors: Zhen Cao, Yu Zhu, Junxue Fu


Immunoassay, i.e., antigen-antibody reaction, is crucial for disease diagnostics. To achieve the adequate signal of the antigen protein detection, a large amount of sample and long incubation time is needed. However, the amount of protein is usually small at the early stage, which makes it difficult to detect. Unlike cells and DNAs, no valid chemical method exists for protein amplification. Thus, an alternative way to improve the signal is through particle manipulation techniques to concentrate proteins, among which dielectrophoresis (DEP) is an effective one. DEP is a technique that concentrates particles to the designated region through a force created by the gradient in a non-uniform electric field. Since DEP force is proportional to the cube of particle size and square of electric field gradient, it is relatively easy to capture larger particles such as cells. For smaller ones like proteins, a super high gradient is then required. In this work, three-dimensional Ag/SiO2 nanorods arrays, fabricated by an easy physical vapor deposition technique called as oblique angle deposition, have been integrated with a DEP device and created the field gradient as high as of 2.6×10²⁴ V²/m³. The nanorods based DEP device is able to enrich bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein by 1800-fold and the rate has reached 180-fold/s when only applying 5 V electric potential. Based on the above nanorods integrated DEP platform, an immunoassay of mouse immunoglobulin G (IgG) proteins has been performed. Briefly, specific antibodies are immobilized onto nanorods, then IgG proteins are concentrated and captured, and finally, the signal from fluorescence-labelled antibodies are detected. The limit of detection (LoD) is measured as 275.3 fg/mL (~1.8 fM), which is a 20,000-fold enhancement compared with identical assays performed on blank glass plates. Further, prostate-specific antigen (PSA), which is a cancer biomarker for diagnosis of prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy, is also quantified with a LoD as low as 2.6 pg/mL. The time to signal saturation has been significantly reduced to one minute. In summary, together with an easy nanorod fabrication and integration method, this nanorods based DEP platform has demonstrated highly sensitive immunoassay performance and thus poses great potentials in applications for early point-of-care diagnostics.

Keywords: dielectrophoresis, immunoassay, oblique angle deposition, protein concentration

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3138 Evaluation of Microbial Accumulation of Household Wastewater Purified by Advanced Oxidation Process

Authors: Nazlı Çetindağ, Pelin Yılmaz Çetiner, Metin Mert İlgün, Emine Birci, Gizemnur Yıldız Uysal, Özcan Hatipoğlu, Ehsan Tuzcuoğlu, Gökhan Sır


Water scarcity is an unavoidable issue impacting an increasing number of individuals daily, representing a global crisis stemming from swift population growth, urbanization, and excessive resource exploitation. Consequently, solutions that involve the reclamation of wastewater are considered essential. In this context, household wastewater, categorized as greywater, plays a significant role in freshwater used for residential purposes and is attributed to washing. This type of wastewater comprises diverse elements, including organic substances, soaps, detergents, solvents, biological components, and inorganic elements such as certain metal ions and particles. The physical characteristics of wastewater vary depending on its source, whether commercial, domestic, or from a hospital setting. Consequently, the treatment strategy for this wastewater type necessitates comprehensive investigation and appropriate handling. The advanced oxidation process (AOP) emerges as a promising technique associated with the generation of reactive hydroxyl radicals highly effective in oxidizing organic pollutants. This method takes precedence over others like coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration due to its avoidance of undesirable by-products. In the current study, the focus was on exploring the feasibility of the AOP for treating actual household wastewater. To achieve this, a laboratory-scale device was designed to effectively target the formed radicals toward organic pollutants, resulting in lower organic compounds in wastewater. Then, the number of microorganisms present in treated wastewater, in addition to the chemical content of the water, was analyzed to determine whether the lab-scale device eliminates microbial accumulation with AOP. This was also an important parameter since microbes can indirectly affect human health and machine hygiene. To do this, water samples were taken from treated and untreated conditions and then inoculated on general purpose agar to track down the total plate count. Analysis showed that AOP might be an option to treat household wastewater and lower microorganism growth.

Keywords: usage of household water, advanced oxidation process, water reuse, modelling

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3137 Pilot Scale Production and Compatibility Criteria of New Self-Cleaning Materials

Authors: Jonjaua Ranogajec, Ognjen Rudic, Snezana Pasalic, Snezana Vucetic, Damir Cjepa


The paper involves a chain of activities from synthesis, establishment of the methodology for characterization and testing of novel protective materials through the pilot production and application on model supports. It summarizes the results regarding the development of the pilot production protocol for newly developed self-cleaning materials. The optimization of the production parameters was completed in order to improve the most important functional properties (mineralogy characteristics, particle size, self-cleaning properties and photocatalytic activity) of the newly designed nanocomposite material.

Keywords: pilot production, self-cleaning materials, compatibility, cultural heritage

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3136 Structural Characterization and Application of Tio2 Nano-Partical

Authors: Maru Chetan, Desai Abhilash


The structural characteristics & application of TiO2 powder with different phases are study by various techniques in this paper. TTIP, EG and citric acid use as Ti source and catalyst respectively synthesis for sol gel synthesis of TiO2 powder. To replace sol gel method we develop the new method of making nano particle of TiO2 powder. It is two route method one is physical and second one is chemical route. Specific aim to this process is to minimize the production cost and the large scale production of nano particle The synthesis product work characterize by EDAX, SEM, XRD tests.

Keywords: mortal and pestle, nano particle , TiO2, TTIP

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3135 Identification and Characterization of in Vivo, in Vitro and Reactive Metabolites of Zorifertinib Using Liquid Chromatography Lon Trap Mass Spectrometry

Authors: Adnan A. Kadi, Nasser S. Al-Shakliah, Haitham Al-Rabiah


Zorifertinib is a novel, potent, oral, a small molecule used to treat non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). zorifertinib is an Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) inhibitor and has good blood–brain barrier permeability for (NSCLC) patients with EGFR mutations. zorifertinibis currently at phase II/III clinical trials. The current research reports the characterization and identification of in vitro, in vivo and reactive intermediates of zorifertinib. Prediction of susceptible sites of metabolism and reactivity pathways (cyanide and GSH) of zorifertinib were performed by the Xenosite web predictor tool. In-vitro metabolites of zorifertinib were performed by incubation with rat liver microsomes (RLMs) and isolated perfused rat liver hepatocytes. Extraction of zorifertinib and it's in vitro metabolites from the incubation mixtures were done by protein precipitation. In vivo metabolism was done by giving a single oral dose of zorifertinib(10 mg/Kg) to Sprague Dawely rats in metabolic cages by using oral gavage. Urine was gathered and filtered at specific time intervals (0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 48, 72,96and 120 hr) from zorifertinib dosing. A similar volume of ACN was added to each collected urine sample. Both layers (organic and aqueous) were injected into liquid chromatography ion trap mass spectrometry(LC-IT-MS) to detect vivozorifertinib metabolites. N-methyl piperizine ring and quinazoline group of zorifertinib undergoe metabolism forming iminium and electro deficient conjugated system respectively, which are very reactive toward nucleophilic macromolecules. Incubation of zorifertinib with RLMs in the presence of 1.0 mM KCN and 1.0 Mm glutathione were made to check reactive metabolites as it is often responsible for toxicities associated with this drug. For in vitro metabolites there were nine in vitro phase I metabolites, four in vitro phase II metabolites, eleven reactive metabolites(three cyano adducts, five GSH conjugates metabolites, and three methoxy metabolites of zorifertinib were detected by LC-IT-MS. For in vivo metabolites, there were eight in vivo phase I, tenin vivo phase II metabolitesofzorifertinib were detected by LC-IT-MS. In vitro and in vivo phase I metabolic pathways wereN- demthylation, O-demethylation, hydroxylation, reduction, defluorination, and dechlorination. In vivo phase II metabolic reaction was direct conjugation of zorifertinib with glucuronic acid and sulphate.

Keywords: in vivo metabolites, in vitro metabolites, cyano adducts, GSH conjugate

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3134 Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Some Acid Dyes Derived from 1-Amino-4 Bromo-Anthraquine-2-Sulphonic Acid

Authors: Nuradeen Abdullahi Nadabo, Kasali Adewale Bello, Istifanus Chindo, Nurudeen Ayeni


Ten acid dyes were synthesized from 1-amino-4-bromo anthraghinone-2 sulphuric acid by condensation with different substituted amilines. These dyes were characterized by IR Spectroscopy and the results revealed an incorporation of various substituents. Application of these dyes were carried out on Nylon and wool fabrics using standard procedure melting point, percentage yield, molar extinction coefficient, wash, light and staining of adjacent fibre, of these dyes were also evaluated and the results obtained are within a reasonable range acceptable for commercial dyes.

Keywords: acid dyes, dyeing, exhaustion, extinction co-efficient

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3133 Development of the Web-Based Multimedia N-Screen Service System for Cross Platform

Authors: S. Bae, J. Shin, S. Lee


As the development of smart devices such as Smart TV, Smartphone, Tablet PC, Laptop, the interest in N-Screen Services that can be cross-linked with heterogeneous devices is increasing. N-Screen means User-centric services that can share and constantly watch multimedia contents anytime and anywhere. However, the existing N-Screen system has the limitation that N-Screen system has to implement the application for each platform and device to provide multimedia service. To overcome this limitation, Multimedia N-Screen Service System is proposed through the web, and it is independent of different environments. The combination of Web and cloud computing technologies from this study results in increasing efficiency and reduction in costs.

Keywords: N-screen, web, cloud, multimedia

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3132 Annealing of the Contact between Graphene and Metal: Electrical and Raman Study

Authors: A. Sakavičius, A. Lukša, V. Nargelienė, V. Bukauskas, G. Astromskas, A. Šetkus


We investigate the influence of annealing on the properties of a contact between graphene and metal (Au and Ni), using circular transmission line model (CTLM) contact geometry. Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) and Raman spectroscopy are applied for characterization of the surface and interface properties. Annealing causes a decrease of the metal-graphene contact resistance for both Ni and Au.

Keywords: Au/Graphene contacts, graphene, Kelvin force probe microscopy, NiC/Graphene contacts, Ni/Graphene contacts, Raman spectroscopy

Procedia PDF Downloads 318
3131 Structural and Electrical Characterization of Polypyrrole and Cobalt Aluminum Oxide Nanocomposites

Authors: Sutar Rani Ananda, M. V. Murugendrappa


To investigate electrical properties of conducting polypyrrole (PPy) and cobalt aluminum oxide (CAO) nanocomposites, impedance analyzer in frequency range of 100 Hz to 5 MHz is used. In this work, PPy/CAO nanocomposites were synthesized by chemical oxidation polymerization method in different weight percent of CAO in PPy. The dielectric properties and AC conductivity studies were carried out for different nanocomposites in temperature range of room temperature to 180 °C. With the increase in frequency, the dielectric constant for all the nanocomposites was observed to decrease. AC conductivity of PPy was improved by addition of CAO nanopowder.

Keywords: polypyrrole, dielectric constant, dielectric loss, AC conductivity

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3130 Characterization of an Extrapolation Chamber for Dosimetry of Low Energy X-Ray Beams

Authors: Fernanda M. Bastos, Teógenes A. da Silva


Extrapolation chambers were designed to be used as primary standard dosimeter for measuring absorbed dose in a medium in beta radiation and low energy x-rays. The International Organization for Standardization established series of reference x-radiation for calibrating and determining the energy dependence of dosimeters that are to be reproduced in metrology laboratories. Standardization of the low energy x-ray beams with tube potential lower than 30 kV may be affected by the instrument used for dosimetry. In this work, parameters of a 23392 model PTW extrapolation chamber were determined aiming its use in low energy x-ray beams as a reference instrument.

Keywords: extrapolation chamber, low energy x-rays, x-ray dosimetry, X-ray metrology

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3129 Perovskite Nanocrystals and Quantum Dots: Advancements in Light-Harvesting Capabilities for Photovoltaic Technologies

Authors: Mehrnaz Mostafavi


Perovskite nanocrystals and quantum dots have emerged as leaders in the field of photovoltaic technologies, demonstrating exceptional light-harvesting abilities and stability. This study investigates the substantial progress and potential of these nano-sized materials in transforming solar energy conversion. The research delves into the foundational characteristics and production methods of perovskite nanocrystals and quantum dots, elucidating their distinct optical and electronic properties that render them well-suited for photovoltaic applications. Specifically, it examines their outstanding light absorption capabilities, enabling more effective utilization of a wider solar spectrum compared to traditional silicon-based solar cells. Furthermore, this paper explores the improved durability achieved in perovskite nanocrystals and quantum dots, overcoming previous challenges related to degradation and inconsistent performance. Recent advancements in material engineering and techniques for surface passivation have significantly contributed to enhancing the long-term stability of these nanomaterials, making them more commercially feasible for solar cell usage. The study also delves into the advancements in device designs that incorporate perovskite nanocrystals and quantum dots. Innovative strategies, such as tandem solar cells and hybrid structures integrating these nanomaterials with conventional photovoltaic technologies, are discussed. These approaches highlight synergistic effects that boost efficiency and performance. Additionally, this paper addresses ongoing challenges and research endeavors aimed at further improving the efficiency, stability, and scalability of perovskite nanocrystals and quantum dots in photovoltaics. Efforts to mitigate concerns related to material degradation, toxicity, and large-scale production are actively pursued, paving the way for broader commercial application. In conclusion, this paper emphasizes the significant role played by perovskite nanocrystals and quantum dots in advancing photovoltaic technologies. Their exceptional light-harvesting capabilities, combined with increased stability, promise a bright future for next-generation solar cells, ushering in an era of highly efficient and cost-effective solar energy conversion systems.

Keywords: perovskite nanocrystals, quantum dots, photovoltaic technologies, light-harvesting, solar energy conversion, stability, device designs

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3128 Management of Pressure Ulcer with a Locally Constructed Negative Pressure Device (NPD) in Traumatic Paraplegia Patients: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

Authors: Mukesh K. Dwivedi, Rajeshwar N. Srivastava, Amit K. Bhagat, Saloni Raj


Introduction: Management of Pressure Ulcer (PU) is an ongoing clinical challenge particularly in traumatic paraplegia patients in developing countries where socio economic conditions often dictate treatment modalities. When negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) was introduced, there were a series of devices (V.A.C., KCI, San Antonio, TX) manufactured. These devices for NPWT are costly and hard to afford by patients in developing countries like India. Considering this limitation, this study was planned to design an RCT to compare NPWT by an indigenized locally constructed NPD and conventional gauze dressing for the treatment of PU. Material and Methods: This RCT (CTRI/2014/09/0050) was conducted in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at King George’s Medical University (KGMU), India. Thirty-four (34) subjects of traumatic paraplegia having PU of stage 3 or 4, were enrolled and randomized in two treatment groups (NPWT Group & Conventional dressing group). The outcome measures of this study were surface area and depth of PU, exudates, microorganisms and matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8) during 0 to 9 weeks follow-ups. Levels of MMP-8 were analyzed in the tissues of PU at week 0, 3, 6 and week 9 by Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA). Results: Significantly reduced length of PU in NPWT group was observed at week 6 (p=0.04) which further reduced at week 9 (p=0.001) as compared to conventionally treated group. Similarly significant reduction of width and depth of PU was observed in NPWT at week 9 (p<0.05). The exudate became significantly (p=0.001) lower in NPWT group as compared with conventionally treated group from 6th to 9th week. Clearance and conversion of slough into red granulation tissue was significantly higher in NPWT group (p=0.001). At week 9, the wound culture was negative in all the subjects of NPWT group, while it was positive in 10 (41⋅6%) subjects of conventional group. Significantly lower level of MMP-8 was observed in subjects of NPWT group at week 6 (0.006**), and continually more reduction was observed at week 9 (<0.0001**) as compared to the conventional group. Conclusion: NPWT by locally constructed NPD is better wound care procedure for management of PU. Our device gave similar results as commercially available devices. Reduction of level of MMP-8 and increased rate of healing was achieved by negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) as compared to conventional dressing.

Keywords: NPWT, NPD, MMP8, ELISA

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3127 Nitriding of Super-Ferritic Stainless Steel by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation in Radio Frequency and Microwave Plasma System

Authors: H. Bhuyan, S. Mändl, M. Favre, M. Cisternas, A. Henriquez, E. Wyndham, M. Walczak, D. Manova


The 470 Li-24 Cr and 460Li-21 Cr are two alloys belonging to the next generation of super-ferritic nickel free stainless steel grades, containing titanium (Ti), niobium (Nb) and small percentage of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N). The addition of Ti and Nb improves in general the corrosion resistance while the low interstitial content of C and N assures finer precipitates and greater ductility compared to conventional ferritic grades. These grades are considered an economic alternative to AISI 316L and 304 due to comparable or superior corrosion. However, since 316L and 304 can be nitrided to improve the mechanical surface properties like hardness and wear; it is hypothesize that the tribological properties of these super-ferritic stainless steels grades can also be improved by plasma nitriding. Thus two sets of plasma immersion ion implantation experiments have been carried out, one with a high pressure capacitively coupled radio frequency plasma at PUC Chile and the other using a low pressure microwave plasma at IOM Leipzig, in order to explore further improvements in the mechanical properties of 470 Li-24 Cr and 460Li-21 Cr steel. Nitrided and unnitrided substrates have been subsequently investigated using different surface characterization techniques including secondary ion mass spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive x-ray analysis, Vickers hardness, wear resistance, as well as corrosion test. In most of the characterizations no major differences have been observed for nitrided 470 Li-24 Cr and 460Li-21 Cr. Due to the ion bombardment, an increase in the surface roughness is observed for higher treatment temperature, independent of the steel types. The formation of chromium nitride compound takes place only at a treatment temperature around 4000C-4500C, or above. However, corrosion properties deteriorate after treatment at higher temperatures. The physical characterization results show up to 25 at.% of nitrogen for a diffusion zone of 4-6 m, and a 4-5 times increase in hardness for different experimental conditions. The samples implanted with temperature higher than 400 °C presented a wear resistance around two orders of magnitude higher than the untreated substrates. The hardness is apparently affected by the different roughness of the samples and their different profile of nitrogen.

Keywords: ion implantation, plasma, RF and microwave plasma, stainless steel

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