Search results for: scattering problem
6311 Influential Factors Affecting the Creativity Scientific Problem Finding Ability of Social Science Ph.D. Students
Authors: Yuanyuan Song
For Ph.D. students, the skill of formulating incisive inquiries holds immense importance, as adept questioning can significantly unravel research complexities. Social Science Ph.D. students should possess specific abilities to formulate creative research questions, and identifying the most influential factors is essential. To respond to these questions, in this study, we engaged with Ph.D. candidates with social sciences backgrounds through interviews and questionnaires. Our objective was to identify the predominant determinants influencing their capacity to formulate inventive research queries, ultimately aiming to enhance the academic journey of social science doctoral candidates. Insights gleaned from semi-structured interviews and questionnaires with 15 doctoral scholars from different universities around the world highlighted that mentorship and scholarly exchanges, prior knowledge, positive mindset, and personal interests played pivotal roles in catalyzing these students' contemplation of research inquiries.Keywords: Ph.D. education, higher education, creativity cultivation, creativity scientific problem finding ability
Procedia PDF Downloads 686310 A Machine Learning Approach for Detecting and Locating Hardware Trojans
Authors: Kaiwen Zheng, Wanting Zhou, Nan Tang, Lei Li, Yuanhang He
The integrated circuit industry has become a cornerstone of the information society, finding widespread application in areas such as industry, communication, medicine, and aerospace. However, with the increasing complexity of integrated circuits, Hardware Trojans (HTs) implanted by attackers have become a significant threat to their security. In this paper, we proposed a hardware trojan detection method for large-scale circuits. As HTs introduce physical characteristic changes such as structure, area, and power consumption as additional redundant circuits, we proposed a machine-learning-based hardware trojan detection method based on the physical characteristics of gate-level netlists. This method transforms the hardware trojan detection problem into a machine-learning binary classification problem based on physical characteristics, greatly improving detection speed. To address the problem of imbalanced data, where the number of pure circuit samples is far less than that of HTs circuit samples, we used the SMOTETomek algorithm to expand the dataset and further improve the performance of the classifier. We used three machine learning algorithms, K-Nearest Neighbors, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine, to train and validate benchmark circuits on Trust-Hub, and all achieved good results. In our case studies based on AES encryption circuits provided by trust-hub, the test results showed the effectiveness of the proposed method. To further validate the method’s effectiveness for detecting variant HTs, we designed variant HTs using open-source HTs. The proposed method can guarantee robust detection accuracy in the millisecond level detection time for IC, and FPGA design flows and has good detection performance for library variant HTs.Keywords: hardware trojans, physical properties, machine learning, hardware security
Procedia PDF Downloads 1486309 Investigation into Relationship between Spaced Repetitions and Problems Solving Efficiency
Authors: Sidharth Talan, Rajlakshmi G. Majumdar
Problem-solving skill is one the few skills which is constantly endeavored to improve upon by the professionals and academicians around the world in order to sustain themselves in the ever-growing competitive environment. The given paper focuses on evaluating a hypothesized relationship between the problems solving efficiency of an individual with spaced repetitions, conducted with a time interval of one day over a period of two weeks. The paper has utilized uni-variate regression analysis technique to assess the best fit curve that can explain the significant relationship between the given two variables. The paper has incorporated Anagrams solving as the appropriate testing process for the analysis. Since Anagrams solving involves rearranging a jumbled word to form a correct word, it projects to be an efficient process to observe the attention span, visual- motor coordination and the verbal ability of an individual. Based on the analysis for a sample population of 30, it was observed that problem-solving efficiency of an individual, measured in terms of the score in each test was found to be significantly correlated with time period measured in days.Keywords: Anagrams, histogram plot, moving average curve, spacing effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 1656308 Temporal and Spatio-Temporal Stability Analyses in Mixed Convection of a Viscoelastic Fluid in a Porous Medium
Authors: P. Naderi, M. N. Ouarzazi, S. C. Hirata, H. Ben Hamed, H. Beji
The stability of mixed convection in a Newtonian fluid medium heated from below and cooled from above, also known as the Poiseuille-Rayleigh-Bénard problem, has been extensively investigated in the past decades. To our knowledge, mixed convection in porous media has received much less attention in the published literature. The present paper extends the mixed convection problem in porous media for the case of a viscoelastic fluid flow owing to its numerous environmental and industrial applications such as the extrusion of polymer fluids, solidification of liquid crystals, suspension solutions and petroleum activities. Without a superimposed through-flow, the natural convection problem of a viscoelastic fluid in a saturated porous medium has already been treated. The effects of the viscoelastic properties of the fluid on the linear and nonlinear dynamics of the thermoconvective instabilities have also been treated in this work. Consequently, the elasticity of the fluid can lead either to a Hopf bifurcation, giving rise to oscillatory structures in the strongly elastic regime, or to a stationary bifurcation in the weakly elastic regime. The objective of this work is to examine the influence of the main horizontal flow on the linear and characteristics of these two types of instabilities. Under the Boussinesq approximation and Darcy's law extended to a viscoelastic fluid, a temporal stability approach shows that the conditions for the appearance of longitudinal rolls are identical to those found in the absence of through-flow. For the general three-dimensional (3D) perturbations, a Squire transformation allows the deduction of the complex frequencies associated with the 3D problem using those obtained by solving the two-dimensional one. The numerical resolution of the eigenvalue problem concludes that the through-flow has a destabilizing effect and selects a convective configuration organized in purely transversal rolls which oscillate in time and propagate in the direction of the main flow. In addition, by using the mathematical formalism of absolute and convective instabilities, we study the nature of unstable three-dimensional disturbances. It is shown that for a non-vanishing through-flow, general three-dimensional instabilities are convectively unstable which means that in the absence of a continuous noise source these instabilities are drifted outside the porous medium, and no long-term pattern is observed. In contrast, purely transversal rolls may exhibit a transition to absolute instability regime and therefore affect the porous medium everywhere including in the absence of a noise source. The absolute instability threshold, the frequency and the wave number associated with purely transversal rolls are determined as a function of the Péclet number and the viscoelastic parameters. Results are discussed and compared to those obtained from laboratory experiments in the case of Newtonian fluids.Keywords: instability, mixed convection, porous media, and viscoelastic fluid
Procedia PDF Downloads 3416307 Preparation of Nano-Scaled linbo3 by Polyol Method
Authors: Gabriella Dravecz, László Péter, Zsolt Kis
Abstract— The growth of optical LiNbO3 single crystal and its physical and chemical properties are well known on the macroscopic scale. Nowadays the rare-earth doped single crystals became important for coherent quantum optical experiments: electromagnetically induced transparency, slow down of light pulses, coherent quantum memory. The expansion of applications is increasingly requiring the production of nano scaled LiNbO3 particles. For example, rare-earth doped nanoscaled particles of lithium niobate can be act like single photon source which can be the bases of a coding system of the quantum computer providing complete inaccessibility to strangers. The polyol method is a chemical synthesis where oxide formation occurs instead of hydroxide because of the high temperature. Moreover the polyol medium limits the growth and agglomeration of the grains producing particles with the diameter of 30-200 nm. In this work nano scaled LiNbO3 was prepared by the polyol method. The starting materials (niobium oxalate and LiOH) were diluted in H2O2. Then it was suspended in ethylene glycol and heated up to about the boiling point of the mixture with intensive stirring. After the thermal equilibrium was reached, the mixture was kept in this temperature for 4 hours. The suspension was cooled overnight. The mixture was centrifuged and the particles were filtered. Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) measurement was carried out and the size of the particles were found to be 80-100 nms. This was confirmed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) investigations. The element analysis of SEM showed large amount of Nb in the sample. The production of LiNbO3 nano particles were succesful by the polyol method. The agglomeration of the particles were avoided and the size of 80-100nm could be reached.Keywords: lithium-niobate, nanoparticles, polyol, SEM
Procedia PDF Downloads 1356306 SC-LSH: An Efficient Indexing Method for Approximate Similarity Search in High Dimensional Space
Authors: Sanaa Chafik, Imane Daoudi, Mounim A. El Yacoubi, Hamid El Ouardi
Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) is one of the most promising techniques for solving nearest neighbour search problem in high dimensional space. Euclidean LSH is the most popular variation of LSH that has been successfully applied in many multimedia applications. However, the Euclidean LSH presents limitations that affect structure and query performances. The main limitation of the Euclidean LSH is the large memory consumption. In order to achieve a good accuracy, a large number of hash tables is required. In this paper, we propose a new hashing algorithm to overcome the storage space problem and improve query time, while keeping a good accuracy as similar to that achieved by the original Euclidean LSH. The Experimental results on a real large-scale dataset show that the proposed approach achieves good performances and consumes less memory than the Euclidean LSH.Keywords: approximate nearest neighbor search, content based image retrieval (CBIR), curse of dimensionality, locality sensitive hashing, multidimensional indexing, scalability
Procedia PDF Downloads 3226305 The Improved Laplace Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Non-integrable PDEs
Authors: Noufe H. Aljahdaly
The Laplace homotopy perturbation method (LHPM) is an approximate method that help to compute the approximate solution for partial differential equations. The method has been used for solving several problems in science. It requires the initial condition, so it solves the initial value problem. In physics, when some important terms are taken in account, we may obtain non-integrable partial differential equations that do not have analytical integrals. This type of PDEs do not have exact solution, therefore, we need to compute the solution without initial condition. In this work, we improved the LHPM to be able to solve non-integrable problem, especially the damped PDEs, which are the PDEs that include a damping term which makes the PDEs non-integrable. We improved the LHPM by setting a perturbation parameter and an embedding parameter as the damping parameter and using the initial condition for damped PDE as the initial condition for non-damped PDE.Keywords: non-integrable PDEs, modified Kawahara equation;, laplace homotopy perturbation method, damping term
Procedia PDF Downloads 1036304 Autonomous Rendezvous for Underactuated Spacecraft
Authors: Espen Oland
This paper presents a solution to the problem of autonomous rendezvous for spacecraft equipped with one main thruster for translational control and three reaction wheels for rotational control. With fewer actuators than degrees of freedom, this constitutes an underactuated control problem, requiring a coupling between the translational and rotational dynamics to facilitate control. This paper shows how to obtain this coupling, and applies the results to autonomous rendezvous between a follower spacecraft and a leader spacecraft. Additionally, since the thrust is constrained between zero and an upper bound, no negative forces can be generated to slow down the speed of the spacecraft. A combined speed and attitude control logic is therefore created that can be divided into three main phases: 1) The orbital velocity vector is pointed towards the desired position and the thrust is used to obtain the desired speed, 2) during the coasting phase, the attitude is changed to facilitate deceleration using the main thruster, 3) the speed is decreased as the spacecraft reaches its desired position. The results are validated through simulations, showing the capabilities of the proposed approach.Keywords: attitude control, spacecraft rendezvous, translational control, underactuated rigid body
Procedia PDF Downloads 2926303 Comprehensive Evaluation of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology in "COVID-19"
Authors: Sahar Heidary, Ramin Ghasemi Shayan
The recent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) occurrence has carried considerabletrials to the world health system, comprising the training of dental and maxillofacial radiology (DMFR). DMFR will keep avital role in healthcare throughout this disaster. Severe acute breathing disease coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus producing the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, is not only extremely contagious but can make solemn consequences in susceptible persons comprising dental patients and dental health care personnel (DHCPs). Reactions to COVID-19 have been available by the Cores for Infection Switch and Inhibition and the American Dental Association, but a more detailed answer is necessary for the harmless preparation of oral and maxillofacial radiology. Our goal is to evaluation the existing information just how the illness threatens patients and DHCPs and how to define which patients are possible to be SARS-CoV-2 infected; study how the usage of private shielding utensils and contamination control measures based on recent top observes, and knowledge can decrease the danger of virus spread in radiologic trials; and scrutinize how intraoral radiography, with its actually superior danger of scattering the infection, might be changed by extraoralradiographic methods for definite diagnostic jobs. In the pandemic, teleradiology has been extensively recycled for diagnostic determinations of COVID-19 patients, for discussions with radiologists in crisis cases, or managing of distance among radiology clinics. Dentists can have the digital radiographic images of their emergency patients through online service area also by electronic message or messaging applications to view in their smart phones, laptops, or other electronic devices.Keywords: radiology, dental, oral, COVID-19, infection
Procedia PDF Downloads 1736302 A Deterministic Approach for Solving the Hull and White Interest Rate Model with Jump Process
Authors: Hong-Ming Chen
This work considers the resolution of the Hull and White interest rate model with the jump process. A deterministic process is adopted to model the random behavior of interest rate variation as deterministic perturbations, which is depending on the time t. The Brownian motion and jumps uncertainty are denoted as the integral functions piecewise constant function w(t) and point function θ(t). It shows that the interest rate function and the yield function of the Hull and White interest rate model with jump process can be obtained by solving a nonlinear semi-infinite programming problem. A relaxed cutting plane algorithm is then proposed for solving the resulting optimization problem. The method is calibrated for the U.S. treasury securities at 3-month data and is used to analyze several effects on interest rate prices, including interest rate variability, and the negative correlation between stock returns and interest rates. The numerical results illustrate that our approach essentially generates the yield functions with minimal fitting errors and small oscillation.Keywords: optimization, interest rate model, jump process, deterministic
Procedia PDF Downloads 1616301 Finite Element Simulation of Embankment Bumps at Bridge Approaches, Comparison Study
Authors: F. A. Hassona, M. D. Hashem, R. I. Melek, B. M. Hakeem
A differential settlement at the end of a bridge near the interface between the abutment and the embankment is a persistent problem for highway agencies. The differential settlement produces the common ‘bump at the end of the bridge’. Reduction in steering response, distraction to the driver, added risk and expense to maintenance operation, and reduction in a transportation agency’s public image are all undesirable effects of these uneven and irregular transitions. This paper attempts to simulate the bump at the end of the bridge using PLAXIS finite element 2D program. PLAXIS was used to simulate a laboratory model called Bridge to Embankment Simulator of Transition (B.E.S.T.) device which was built by others to investigate this problem. A total of six numerical simulations were conducted using hardening- soil model with rational assumptions of missing soil parameters to estimate the bump at the end of the bridge. The results show good agreements between the numerical and the laboratory models. Important factors influencing bumps at bridge ends were also addressed in light of the model results.Keywords: bridge approach slabs, bridge bump, hardening-soil, PLAXIS 2D, settlement
Procedia PDF Downloads 3506300 [Keynote Talk]: From Clinical Practice to Academic Setup, 'Quality Circles' for Quality Outputs in Both
Authors: Vandita Mishra
From the management of patients, reception, record, and assistants in a clinical practice; to the management of ongoing research, clinical cases and department profile in an academic setup, the healthcare provider has to deal with all of it. The victory lies in smooth running of the show in both the above situations with an apt solution of problems encountered and smooth management of crisis faced. Thus this paper amalgamates dental science with health administration by means of introduction of a concept for practice management and problem-solving called 'Quality Circles'. This concept uses various tools for problem solving given by experts from different fields. QC tools can be applied in both clinical and academic settings in dentistry for better productivity and for scientifically approaching the process of continuous improvement in both the categories. When approached through QC, our organization showed better patient outcomes and more patient satisfaction. Introduced in 1962 by Kaoru Ishikawa, this tool has been extensively applied in certain fields outside dentistry and healthcare. By exemplification of some clinical cases and virtual scenarios, the tools of Quality circles will be elaborated and discussed upon.Keywords: academics, dentistry, healthcare, quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 1016299 Renal Complications in Patients with Falciparum Malaria
Authors: Saira Baloch, Mohsin Ali Baloch
Background: Malaria is a potentially life-threatening disease and also a major public health problem in Pakistan. Renal failure is an emerging problem correlated with morbidity and mortality, however can be diagnosed and treated in the early stages. Objectives: To elucidate the biochemical renal parameters in patients with falciparum malaria and comparison with healthy control subjects. Method: 80 patients, who were diagnosed to be affected by falciparum malaria. Detailed history, general physical and systemic examination and necessary pathological, biochemical renal laboratory parameters and investigations were done. Results: Among the 80 patients, 43 were males and 37 were females. All patients were infected with P. falciparum. All patients had increased serum creatinine and urea levels and urine output of less than 400 ml/day were categorized as suffering from renal failure. Conclusion: Patients infected with P. falciparum are at an increased risk of developing renal failure when compared to patients infected with other complications. P. vivax has massive potential to cause life threatening complications and even death. Further research is required to understand the exact pathogenesis of various complications encountered in vivax malaria.Keywords: falciparum malaria, renal failure, biochemical parameters, pathogenesis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3906298 A Solution for Production Facility Assignment: An Automotive Subcontract Case
Authors: Cihan Çetinkaya, Eren Özceylan, Kerem Elibal
This paper presents a solution method for selection of production facility. The motivation has been taken from a real life case, an automotive subcontractor which has two production facilities at different cities and parts. The problem is to decide which part(s) should be produced at which facility. To the best of our knowledge, until this study, there was no scientific approach about this problem at the firm and decisions were being given intuitively. In this study, some logistic cost parameters have been defined and with these parameters a mathematical model has been constructed. Defined and collected cost parameters are handling cost of parts, shipment cost of parts and shipment cost of welding fixtures. Constructed multi-objective mathematical model aims to minimize these costs while aims to balance the workload between two locations. Results showed that defined model can give optimum solutions in reasonable computing times. Also, this result gave encouragement to develop the model with addition of new logistic cost parameters.Keywords: automotive subcontract, facility assignment, logistic costs, multi-objective models
Procedia PDF Downloads 3676297 Academic Success, Problem-Based Learning and the Middleman: The Community Voice
Authors: Isabel Medina, Mario Duran
Although Problem-based learning provides students with multiple opportunities for rigorous instructional experiences in which students are challenged to address problems in the community; there are still gaps in connecting community leaders to the PBL process. At a south Texas high school, community participation serves as an integral component of the PBL process. Problem-based learning (PBL) has recently gained momentum due to the increase in global communities that value collaboration and critical thinking. As an instructional approach, PBL engages high school students in meaningful learning experiences. Furthermore, PBL focuses on providing students with a connection to real-world situations that require effective peer collaboration. For PBL leaders, providing students with a meaningful process is as important as the final PBL outcome. To achieve this goal, STEM high school strategically created a space for community involvement to be woven within the PBL fabric. This study examines the impact community members had on PBL students attending a STEM high school in South Texas. At STEM High School, community members represent a support system that works through the PBL process to ensure students receive real-life mentoring from business and industry leaders situated in the community. A phenomenological study using a semi-structured approach was used to collect data about students’ perception of community involvement within the PBL process for one South Texas high school. In our proposed presentation, we will discuss how community involvement in the PBL process academically impacted the educational experience of high school students at STEM high school. We address the instructional concerns PBL critics have with the lack of direct instruction, by providing a representation of how STEM high school utilizes community members to assist in impacting the academic experience of students.Keywords: phenomenological, STEM education, student engagement, community involvement
Procedia PDF Downloads 916296 Resolving Partisan Conflict: A Dialectical Approach
Authors: Michael F. Mascolo
Western democratic traditions are being strained. Western nations are losing the common agonistic ground needed to engage in traditional forms of democracy – adversarial debate, voting, and the peaceful transfer of power. Political polarization among party elites has become commonplace. Because it seeks to resolve conflict through the integration of opposites, a dialectical approach to resolving partisan conflict offers the promise of helping political partisans bridge ideological divides. This paper contains an analysis of dialectical engagement as a collaborative alternative to adversarial politics. Dialectical engagement involves two broad phases: collaborative political problem-solving and dialectical problem-solving. The paper contains a description of an 18-month longitudinal study assessing the effectiveness of dialectical engagement as a method for bridging divides on contentious socio-political issues. The study shows how dialectical engagement produced dramatic consensus among a small group of individuals from different political orientations as they worked together to resolve the issue of capital punishment.Keywords: collaborative democracy, dialectical thinking, capital punishment, partisan conflict
Procedia PDF Downloads 716295 Maintenance Optimization for a Multi-Component System Using Factored Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes
Authors: Ipek Kivanc, Demet Ozgur-Unluakin
Over the past years, technological innovations and advancements have played an important role in the industrial world. Due to technological improvements, the degree of complexity of the systems has increased. Hence, all systems are getting more uncertain that emerges from increased complexity, resulting in more cost. It is challenging to cope with this situation. So, implementing efficient planning of maintenance activities in such systems are getting more essential. Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) are powerful tools for stochastic sequential decision problems under uncertainty. Although maintenance optimization in a dynamic environment can be modeled as such a sequential decision problem, POMDPs are not widely used for tackling maintenance problems. However, they can be well-suited frameworks for obtaining optimal maintenance policies. In the classical representation of the POMDP framework, the system is denoted by a single node which has multiple states. The main drawback of this classical approach is that the state space grows exponentially with the number of state variables. On the other side, factored representation of POMDPs enables to simplify the complexity of the states by taking advantage of the factored structure already available in the nature of the problem. The main idea of factored POMDPs is that they can be compactly modeled through dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs), which are graphical representations for stochastic processes, by exploiting the structure of this representation. This study aims to demonstrate how maintenance planning of dynamic systems can be modeled with factored POMDPs. An empirical maintenance planning problem of a dynamic system consisting of four partially observable components deteriorating in time is designed. To solve the empirical model, we resort to Symbolic Perseus solver which is one of the state-of-the-art factored POMDP solvers enabling approximate solutions. We generate some more predefined policies based on corrective or proactive maintenance strategies. We execute the policies on the empirical problem for many replications and compare their performances under various scenarios. The results show that the computed policies from the POMDP model are superior to the others. Acknowledgment: This work is supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) under grant no: 117M587.Keywords: factored representation, maintenance, multi-component system, partially observable Markov decision processes
Procedia PDF Downloads 1366294 Social Network Analysis as a Research and Pedagogy Tool in Problem-Focused Undergraduate Social Innovation Courses
Authors: Sean McCarthy, Patrice M. Ludwig, Will Watson
This exploratory case study explores the deployment of Social Network Analysis (SNA) in mapping community assets in an interdisciplinary, undergraduate, team-taught course focused on income insecure populations in a rural area in the US. Specifically, it analyzes how students were taught to collect data on community assets and to visualize the connections between those assets using Kumu, an SNA data visualization tool. Further, the case study shows how social network data was also collected about student teams via their written communications in Slack, an enterprise messaging tool, which enabled instructors to manage and guide student research activity throughout the semester. The discussion presents how SNA methods can simultaneously inform both community-based research and social innovation pedagogy through the use of data visualization and collaboration-focused communication technologies.Keywords: social innovation, social network analysis, pedagogy, problem-based learning, data visualization, information communication technologies
Procedia PDF Downloads 1486293 Comparison between Hardy-Cross Method and Water Software to Solve a Pipe Networking Design Problem for a Small Town
Authors: Ahmed Emad Ahmed, Zeyad Ahmed Hussein, Mohamed Salama Afifi, Ahmed Mohammed Eid
Water has a great importance in life. In order to deliver water from resources to the users, many procedures should be taken by the water engineers. One of the main procedures to deliver water to the community is by designing pressurizer pipe networks for water. The main aim of this work is to calculate the water demand of a small town and then design a simple water network to distribute water resources among the town with the smallest losses. Literature has been mentioned to cover the main point related to water distribution. Moreover, the methodology has introduced two approaches to solve the research problem, one by the iterative method of Hardy-cross and the other by water software Pipe Flow. The results have introduced two main designs to satisfy the same research requirements. Finally, the researchers have concluded that the use of water software provides more abilities and options for water engineers.Keywords: looping pipe networks, hardy cross networks accuracy, relative error of hardy cross method
Procedia PDF Downloads 1696292 Improvement of Performance of Anti-Splash Device for Cargo Oil Tank Vent Pipe Using CFD Simulation
Authors: Sung-Min Kim, Joon-Hong Park, Hyuk Choi
This study is focused on the comparative analysis and improvement to grasp the flow characteristic of the anti-splash device located under the P/V valve and new concept design models using the CFD. The P/V valve located upper deck to solve the pressure rising and vacuum condition of inner tank of the liquid cargo ships occurred oil outflow accident by transverse and longitudinal sloshing force. Anti-splash device is fitted to improve and prevent this problem in the shipbuilding industry, but the oil outflow accidents are still reported by ship owners. Thus, 4 types of new design model are presented by this study, and then comparative analysis is conducted with new models and existing model. Mostly the key criterion of this problem is flux in the outlet of the anti-splash device. Therefore, the flow and velocity are grasped by transient analysis, and then it decided optimum model and design parameters to develop model. Later, it is needed to develop an anti-splash device by flow test to get certification and verification using experiment equipments.Keywords: anti-splash device, P/V valve, sloshing, CFD
Procedia PDF Downloads 6356291 Plastic Degradation Activity of Bacillus Sp. Isolated from the Gut of Plastic-Fed Yellow Mealworm
Authors: Najat El-Kurdi, Sherif Hammad, Mohamed Ghazi, Sahar El-Shatoury, Khaled Zakaria
The increasing number of plastic production and its importance to humanity in daily life made it a headache to the planet earth. The persistence of plastic wastes in the environment formed a serious problem. They are prominent with their capability to resist microbial degradation for decades. Thus, it was crucial to find ways to eliminate the plastics without depending on conventional recycling methods, which causes the formation of more hazardous compounds and doubles the problem. In this paper, mealworms were fed with a mixture of plastic wastes such as plastic bags, Styrofoam, PE foam, and plastic tarpaulins film as the sole food source for a month. Frass was collected at the end of the test and examined using FTIR analysis. Also, the gut bacteria were isolated and identified using 16S rRNA. The results show the mineralization of plastic in the frass of plastic-fed worms when compared to control. The 16S rRNA and the BLAST analysis showed that the obtained isolate belongs to the genus Bacillus Sp especially Bacillus subtilis. Phylogenetic analysis showed their relatedness to the other Bacillus species in the NCBI database.Keywords: mealworm, waste management, plastic-degrading bacteria, gut microbiome, Bacillus sp
Procedia PDF Downloads 1476290 The Development Practice and SystemConstruction of Low- Carbon City in China
Authors: Xu Xiao China, Xu Lei China
After the 1990s, the concept of urban sustainable development has been increasing attention in urban planning and urban design. High carbon city, not a sustainable city construction model, has become an important problem which restricts the sustainable development of the city. Therefore, low-carbon city construction is the urgent need to solve the problem, and China is one of the core areas of low-carbon city construction in the world. The research work of low-carbon cities were participated by the Chinese government and academic institutes on theory and practice since 2007, and nowadays it comes to a practice stage with six low-carbon pilot provinces and 36 low-carbon pilot cities identified. To achieve the low-carbon target, developing low-carbon energy, adopting non-pollution technique, constructing green buildings and adopting ecolife-style are suggest by the government. Meanwhile, besides a new standard system and a new eco-environmental status evaluation method, the government also established the Chinese urban development institute including the Low-Carbon City Group. Finally, we want to transform the modern industrial civilization into an ecological civilization and realize sustainable urban development.Keywords: low-carbon city, China, development practice, system construction, urban sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 5296289 An Optimal Control Method for Reconstruction of Topography in Dam-Break Flows
Authors: Alia Alghosoun, Nabil El Moçayd, Mohammed Seaid
Modeling dam-break flows over non-flat beds requires an accurate representation of the topography which is the main source of uncertainty in the model. Therefore, developing robust and accurate techniques for reconstructing topography in this class of problems would reduce the uncertainty in the flow system. In many hydraulic applications, experimental techniques have been widely used to measure the bed topography. In practice, experimental work in hydraulics may be very demanding in both time and cost. Meanwhile, computational hydraulics have served as an alternative for laboratory and field experiments. Unlike the forward problem, the inverse problem is used to identify the bed parameters from the given experimental data. In this case, the shallow water equations used for modeling the hydraulics need to be rearranged in a way that the model parameters can be evaluated from measured data. However, this approach is not always possible and it suffers from stability restrictions. In the present work, we propose an adaptive optimal control technique to numerically identify the underlying bed topography from a given set of free-surface observation data. In this approach, a minimization function is defined to iteratively determine the model parameters. The proposed technique can be interpreted as a fractional-stage scheme. In the first stage, the forward problem is solved to determine the measurable parameters from known data. In the second stage, the adaptive control Ensemble Kalman Filter is implemented to combine the optimality of observation data in order to obtain the accurate estimation of the topography. The main features of this method are on one hand, the ability to solve for different complex geometries with no need for any rearrangements in the original model to rewrite it in an explicit form. On the other hand, its achievement of strong stability for simulations of flows in different regimes containing shocks or discontinuities over any geometry. Numerical results are presented for a dam-break flow problem over non-flat bed using different solvers for the shallow water equations. The robustness of the proposed method is investigated using different numbers of loops, sensitivity parameters, initial samples and location of observations. The obtained results demonstrate high reliability and accuracy of the proposed techniques.Keywords: erodible beds, finite element method, finite volume method, nonlinear elasticity, shallow water equations, stresses in soil
Procedia PDF Downloads 1306288 On Boundary Value Problems of Fractional Differential Equations Involving Stieltjes Derivatives
Authors: Baghdad Said
Differential equations of fractional order have proved to be important tools to describe many physical phenomena and have been used in diverse fields such as engineering, mathematics as well as other applied sciences. On the other hand, the theory of differential equations involving the Stieltjes derivative (SD) with respect to a non-decreasing function is a new class of differential equations and has many applications as a unified framework for dynamic equations on time scales and differential equations with impulses at fixed times. The aim of this paper is to investigate the existence, uniqueness, and generalized Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stability (UHRS) of solutions for a boundary value problem of sequential fractional differential equations (SFDE) containing (SD). This study is based on the technique of noncompactness measures (MNCs) combined with Monch-Krasnoselski fixed point theorems (FPT), and the results are proven in an appropriate Banach space under sufficient hypotheses. We also give an illustrative example. In this work, we introduced a class of (SFDE) and the results are obtained under a few hypotheses. Future directions connected to this work could focus on another problem with different types of fractional integrals and derivatives, and the (SD) will be assumed under a more general hypothesis in more general functional spaces.Keywords: SFDE, SD, UHRS, MNCs, FPT
Procedia PDF Downloads 426287 Multiple Version of Roman Domination in Graphs
Authors: J. C. Valenzuela-Tripodoro, P. Álvarez-Ruíz, M. A. Mateos-Camacho, M. Cera
In 2004, it was introduced the concept of Roman domination in graphs. This concept was initially inspired and related to the defensive strategy of the Roman Empire. An undefended place is a city so that no legions are established on it, whereas a strong place is a city in which two legions are deployed. This situation may be modeled by labeling the vertices of a finite simple graph with labels {0, 1, 2}, satisfying the condition that any 0-vertex must be adjacent to, at least, a 2-vertex. Roman domination in graphs is a variant of classic domination. Clearly, the main aim is to obtain such labeling of the vertices of the graph with minimum cost, that is to say, having minimum weight (sum of all vertex labels). Formally, a function f: V (G) → {0, 1, 2} is a Roman dominating function (RDF) in the graph G = (V, E) if f(u) = 0 implies that f(v) = 2 for, at least, a vertex v which is adjacent to u. The weight of an RDF is the positive integer w(f)= ∑_(v∈V)▒〖f(v)〗. The Roman domination number, γ_R (G), is the minimum weight among all the Roman dominating functions? Obviously, the set of vertices with a positive label under an RDF f is a dominating set in the graph, and hence γ(G)≤γ_R (G). In this work, we start the study of a generalization of RDF in which we consider that any undefended place should be defended from a sudden attack by, at least, k legions. These legions can be deployed in the city or in any of its neighbours. A function f: V → {0, 1, . . . , k + 1} such that f(N[u]) ≥ k + |AN(u)| for all vertex u with f(u) < k, where AN(u) represents the set of active neighbours (i.e., with a positive label) of vertex u, is called a [k]-multiple Roman dominating functions and it is denoted by [k]-MRDF. The minimum weight of a [k]-MRDF in the graph G is the [k]-multiple Roman domination number ([k]-MRDN) of G, denoted by γ_[kR] (G). First, we prove that the [k]-multiple Roman domination decision problem is NP-complete even when restricted to bipartite and chordal graphs. A problem that had been resolved for other variants and wanted to be generalized. We know the difficulty of calculating the exact value of the [k]-MRD number, even for families of particular graphs. Here, we present several upper and lower bounds for the [k]-MRD number that permits us to estimate it with as much precision as possible. Finally, some graphs with the exact value of this parameter are characterized.Keywords: multiple roman domination function, decision problem np-complete, bounds, exact values
Procedia PDF Downloads 1096286 Multi-Objective Production Planning Problem: A Case Study of Certain and Uncertain Environment
Authors: Ahteshamul Haq, Srikant Gupta, Murshid Kamal, Irfan Ali
This case study designs and builds a multi-objective production planning model for a hardware firm with certain & uncertain data. During the time of interaction with the manager of the firm, they indicate some of the parameters may be vague. This vagueness in the formulated model is handled by the concept of fuzzy set theory. Triangular & Trapezoidal fuzzy numbers are used to represent the uncertainty in the collected data. The fuzzy nature is de-fuzzified into the crisp form using well-known defuzzification method via graded mean integration representation method. The proposed model attempts to maximize the production of the firm, profit related to the manufactured items & minimize the carrying inventory costs in both certain & uncertain environment. The recommended optimal plan is determined via fuzzy programming approach, and the formulated models are solved by using optimizing software LINGO 16.0 for getting the optimal production plan. The proposed model yields an efficient compromise solution with the overall satisfaction of decision maker.Keywords: production planning problem, multi-objective optimization, fuzzy programming, fuzzy sets
Procedia PDF Downloads 2156285 The Types of Annuities with Flexible Premium
Authors: Deniz Ünal Özpalamutcu, Burcu Altman
Actuaria uses mathematics, statistic and financial information when analyzing the financial impacts of uncertainties, risks, insurance and pension related issues. In other words, it deals with the likelihood of potential risks, their financial impacts and especially the financial measures. Handling these measures require some long-term payment and investments. So, it is obvious it is inevitable to plan the periodic payments with equal time intervals considering also the changing value of money over time. These series of payment made specific intervals of time is called annuity or rant. In literature, rants are classified based on start and end dates, start times, payments times, payments amount or frequency. Classification of rants based on payment amounts changes based on the constant, descending or ascending payment methods. The literature about handling the annuity is very limited. Yet in a daily life, especially in today’s world where the economic issues gained a prominence, it is very crucial to use the variable annuity method in line with the demands of the customers. In this study, the types of annuities with flexible payment are discussed. In other words, we focus on calculating payment amount of a period by adding a certain percentage of previous period payment was studied. While studying this problem, formulas were created considering both start and end period payments for cash value and accumulated. Also increase of each period payment by r interest rate each period payments calculated with previous periods increases. And the problem of annuities (rants) of which each period payment increased with previous periods’ increase by r interest rate has been analyzed. Cash value and accumulated value calculation of this problem were studied separately based on the period start/end and their relations were expressed by formulas.Keywords: actuaria, annuity, flexible payment, rant
Procedia PDF Downloads 2226284 Product Line Design with Customization in the Presence of Demand Uncertainty
Authors: Parisa Bagheri Tookanlou
In this paper, we analyze a product line design problem faced by a manufacturing firm where the product line consists of a customized product in addition to a standard product and is offered in a market in which customers are heterogeneous on aesthetic attributes of the product. The customization level of a product is defined by the fraction of aesthetic attributes of the product that the manufacturer chooses to customize. In contrast to the existing literature on product line design that predominantly assumes deterministic demand, we consider the presence of demand uncertainty and frame the product line design problem in a single period (news vendor) setting. We examine the effect of demand uncertainty on product line decisions. Furthermore, we also examine how product line decisions are influenced by channel structure. While we use the centralized channel as a benchmark, we consider the decentralized dual channel where the customized product is sold through an online channel owned by the manufacturer and the standard product is sold through a retailer. We introduce a supply contract between the manufacturer and the retailer for improving channel efficiency and coordinate the distribution channel.Keywords: product line design, demand uncertainty, customization level, distribution channel
Procedia PDF Downloads 1876283 Integration of Big Data to Predict Transportation for Smart Cities
Authors: Sun-Young Jang, Sung-Ah Kim, Dongyoun Shin
The Intelligent transportation system is essential to build smarter cities. Machine learning based transportation prediction could be highly promising approach by delivering invisible aspect visible. In this context, this research aims to make a prototype model that predicts transportation network by using big data and machine learning technology. In detail, among urban transportation systems this research chooses bus system. The research problem that existing headway model cannot response dynamic transportation conditions. Thus, bus delay problem is often occurred. To overcome this problem, a prediction model is presented to fine patterns of bus delay by using a machine learning implementing the following data sets; traffics, weathers, and bus statues. This research presents a flexible headway model to predict bus delay and analyze the result. The prototyping model is composed by real-time data of buses. The data are gathered through public data portals and real time Application Program Interface (API) by the government. These data are fundamental resources to organize interval pattern models of bus operations as traffic environment factors (road speeds, station conditions, weathers, and bus information of operating in real-time). The prototyping model is designed by the machine learning tool (RapidMiner Studio) and conducted tests for bus delays prediction. This research presents experiments to increase prediction accuracy for bus headway by analyzing the urban big data. The big data analysis is important to predict the future and to find correlations by processing huge amount of data. Therefore, based on the analysis method, this research represents an effective use of the machine learning and urban big data to understand urban dynamics.Keywords: big data, machine learning, smart city, social cost, transportation network
Procedia PDF Downloads 2626282 Solving Weighted Number of Operation Plus Processing Time Due-Date Assignment, Weighted Scheduling and Process Planning Integration Problem Using Genetic and Simulated Annealing Search Methods
Authors: Halil Ibrahim Demir, Caner Erden, Mumtaz Ipek, Ozer Uygun
Traditionally, the three important manufacturing functions, which are process planning, scheduling and due-date assignment, are performed separately and sequentially. For couple of decades, hundreds of studies are done on integrated process planning and scheduling problems and numerous researches are performed on scheduling with due date assignment problem, but unfortunately the integration of these three important functions are not adequately addressed. Here, the integration of these three important functions is studied by using genetic, random-genetic hybrid, simulated annealing, random-simulated annealing hybrid and random search techniques. As well, the importance of the integration of these three functions and the power of meta-heuristics and of hybrid heuristics are studied.Keywords: process planning, weighted scheduling, weighted due-date assignment, genetic search, simulated annealing, hybrid meta-heuristics
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