Search results for: vulnerability intelligence
1090 A Short Survey of Integrating Urban Agriculture and Environmental Planning
Authors: Rayeheh Khatami, Toktam Hanaei, Mohammad Reza Mansouri Daneshvar
The growth of the agricultural sector is known as an essential way to achieve development goals in developing countries. Urban agriculture is a way to reduce the vulnerability of urban populations of the world toward global environmental change. It is a sustainable and efficient system to respond to the environmental, social and economic needs of the city, which leads to urban sustainability. Today, many local and national governments are developing urban agriculture as an effective tool in responding to challenges such as poverty, food security, and environmental problems. In this study, we follow a perspective based on urban agriculture literature in order to indicate the urban agriculture’s benefits in environmental planning strategies in non-western countries like Iran. The methodological approach adopted is based on qualitative approach and documentary studies. A total of 35 articles (mixed quantitative and qualitative methods studies) were studied in final analysis, which are published in relevant journals that focus on this subject. Studies show the wide range of positive benefits of urban agriculture on food security, nutrition outcomes, health outcomes, environmental outcomes, and social capital. However, there was no definitive conclusion about the negative effects of urban agriculture. This paper provides a conceptual and theoretical basis to know about urban agriculture and its roles in environmental planning, and also conclude the benefits of urban agriculture for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers who seek to create spaces in cities for implementation urban agriculture in future.Keywords: urban agriculture, environmental planning, urban planning, literature
Procedia PDF Downloads 1451089 Development of Non-Intrusive Speech Evaluation Measure Using S-Transform and Light-Gbm
Authors: Tusar Kanti Dash, Ganapati Panda
The evaluation of speech quality and intelligence is critical to the overall effectiveness of the Speech Enhancement Algorithms. Several intrusive and non-intrusive measures are employed to calculate these parameters. Non-Intrusive Evaluation is most challenging as, very often, the reference clean speech data is not available. In this paper, a novel non-intrusive speech evaluation measure is proposed using audio features derived from the Stockwell transform. These features are used with the Light Gradient Boosting Machine for the effective prediction of speech quality and intelligibility. The proposed model is analyzed using noisy and reverberant speech from four databases, and the results are compared with the standard Intrusive Evaluation Measures. It is observed from the comparative analysis that the proposed model is performing better than the standard Non-Intrusive models.Keywords: non-Intrusive speech evaluation, S-transform, light GBM, speech quality, and intelligibility
Procedia PDF Downloads 2601088 A Congenital Case of Dandy-Walker Malformation
Authors: Neerja Meena, Paresh Sukhani
Dandy walker malformation is a generalised disorder of mesenchymal development that affect both the cerebellum and overlying meninges. Classically dandy-walker malformation consists of a triad of- 1:vermian and hemispheric cerebellar hypoplasia 2:cystic dilatation of 4th ventricle 3: enlarged posterior fossa with the upward migration of tentorium(lambdoid- torcular inversion). Clinical presentation: four months old female child with hydrocephalus and neurological symptoms. Generally- early death is common in classic dandy walker malformation. However, if it is relatively mild and uncomplicated by other CNS anomalies, intelligence can be normal and neurologic deficits minimal. Usually, VP shunting is the treatment of choice for this hydrocephalus. Conclusion: MRI is the modality of choice to diagnose posterior fossa malformation. However, it can be ruled out through using during the antenatal check as the prognosis of this malformation is not good; it's better to diagnose it inutero.Keywords: Dandy Walker, Mri, Earlydaignosis, Treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 771087 Challenges beyond the Singapore Future-Ready School ‘LEADER’ Qualities
Authors: Zoe Boon Suan Loy
An exploratory research undertaken in 2000 at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic examined the changing roles of Singapore school leaders as they lead teachers in developing future-ready learners. While it is evident that ‘LEADER’ qualities epitomize the knowledge, competencies, and skills required, recent events in an increasing VUCA and BANI world characterized by massively disruptive Ukraine -Russian war, unabating tense US-Sino relations, issues related to sustainability, and rapid ageing will have an impact on school leadership. As an increasingly complex endeavour, this requires a relook as they lead teachers in nurturing holistically-developed future-ready students. Digitalisation, new technology, and the push for a green economy will be the key driving forces that will have an impact on job availability. Similarly, the rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, including ChatGPT, will aggravate and add tremendous stress to the work of school leaders. This paper seeks to explore the key school leadership shifts required beyond the ‘LEADER’ qualities as school leaders respond to the changes, challenges, and opportunities in the 21st C new normal. The research findings for this paper are based on an exploratory qualitative study on the perceptions of 26 school leaders (vice-principals) who were attending a milestone educational leadership course at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. A structured questionnaire is designed to collect the data, which is then analysed using coding methodology. Broad themes on key competencies and skills of future-ready leaders in the Singapore education system are then identified. Key Findings: In undertaking their leadership roles as leaders of future-ready learners, school leaders need to demonstrate the ‘LEADER’ qualities. They need to have a long-term view, understand the educational imperatives, have a good awareness of self and the dispositions of a leader, be effective in optimizing external leverages and are clear about their role expectations. These ‘LEADER’ qualities are necessary and relevant in the post-Covid era. Beyond this, school leaders with ‘LEADER’ qualities are well supported by the Ministry of Education, which takes cognizance of emerging trends and continually review education policies to address related issues. Concluding Statement: Discussions within the education ecosystem and among other stakeholders on the implications of the use of artificial intelligence and ChatGPT on the school curriculum, including content knowledge, pedagogy, and assessment, are ongoing. This augurs well for school leaders as they undertake their responsibilities as leaders of future-ready learners.Keywords: Singapore education system, ‘LEADER’ qualities, school leadership, future-ready leaders, future-ready learners
Procedia PDF Downloads 721086 Seismic Microzoning and Resonant Map for Urban Planning
Authors: F. Tahiri, F. Grajçevci
The cities are coping with permanent demands to extend their residential and economical capacity. The new urban zones are sometimes induced to be developed in more vulnerable environments. This study is aimed to identify and mitigate the seismic hazards in the stage of urban planning for new settlements, including the existing urban environments which initially have not considered the seismic hazard. Seismic microzoning shall study the amplification/attenuation of seismic excitations from the bedrock to the ground surface. Modification of the seismic excitation is governed from the site specific ground conditions, presented on ground surface as mean values of the ratio of maximum accelerations at the surface versus acceleration of subsoil media – presented with dynamic amplification factors (DAF). The values shall be used to create the maps with isolines of DAF and then seismic microzoning with expected maximum mean surface acceleration as a product of DAF with maximum accelerations at bedrock. Development of resonant map shall conglomerate the information’s obtained from seismic microzoning in regard to expected predominant ground periods of seismic excitation and periods of vibrations of designed/built structures. These information’s shall be used as indispensible tool in early stages of urban planning to determine the most optimal zones for construction, the constructive materials, structural systems, range of buildings height, etc. so the resonance of soil media with built structures is avoided. The information’s could be used also for assessment of seismic risk and vulnerability-damageability of existing urban environments.Keywords: vulnerable environment, mitigation, seismic microzoning, resonant map, urban planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 5121085 Role of Artificial Intelligence in Nano Proteomics
Authors: Mehrnaz Mostafavi
Recent advances in single-molecule protein identification (ID) and quantification techniques are poised to revolutionize proteomics, enabling researchers to delve into single-cell proteomics and identify low-abundance proteins crucial for biomedical and clinical research. This paper introduces a different approach to single-molecule protein ID and quantification using tri-color amino acid tags and a plasmonic nanopore device. A comprehensive simulator incorporating various physical phenomena was designed to predict and model the device's behavior under diverse experimental conditions, providing insights into its feasibility and limitations. The study employs a whole-proteome single-molecule identification algorithm based on convolutional neural networks, achieving high accuracies (>90%), particularly in challenging conditions (95–97%). To address potential challenges in clinical samples, where post-translational modifications affecting labeling efficiency, the paper evaluates protein identification accuracy under partial labeling conditions. Solid-state nanopores, capable of processing tens of individual proteins per second, are explored as a platform for this method. Unlike techniques relying solely on ion-current measurements, this approach enables parallel readout using high-density nanopore arrays and multi-pixel single-photon sensors. Convolutional neural networks contribute to the method's versatility and robustness, simplifying calibration procedures and potentially allowing protein ID based on partial reads. The study also discusses the efficacy of the approach in real experimental conditions, resolving functionally similar proteins. The theoretical analysis, protein labeler program, finite difference time domain calculation of plasmonic fields, and simulation of nanopore-based optical sensing are detailed in the methods section. The study anticipates further exploration of temporal distributions of protein translocation dwell-times and the impact on convolutional neural network identification accuracy. Overall, the research presents a promising avenue for advancing single-molecule protein identification and quantification with broad applications in proteomics research. The contributions made in methodology, accuracy, robustness, and technological exploration collectively position this work at the forefront of transformative developments in the field.Keywords: nano proteomics, nanopore-based optical sensing, deep learning, artificial intelligence
Procedia PDF Downloads 1031084 Flood Risk Assessment in the Niger River Basin in Support of the Conception of a Flood Risk Management Plan: Case Study of the District of Malanville, Benin
Authors: Freddy Houndekindo
A study was carried out to evaluate the flood risk in the district of Malanville located along the Niger River. The knowledge produce by this study is useful in the implementation of adaptation and/or mitigation measures to alleviate the impact of the flooding on the populations, the economy and the environment. Over the course of the study, the lack of data in the area of interest has been one of the main challenges encountered. Therefore, in the analysis of the flood hazard different sources of remotely sensed data were used. Moreover, the flood hazard was analysed by applying a 1D hydraulic model: HEC-RAS. After setting up the model for the study area, the different flood scenarios considered were simulated and mapped using ArcGIS and the HEC-GEORAS extension. The result of the simulation gave information about the inundated areas and the water depths at each location. From the analysis of the flood hazard, it was found that between 47% and 50% of the total area of the district of Malanville would be flooded in the different flood scenarios considered, and the water depth varies between 1 and 7 m. The townships of Malanville most at risk of flooding are Momkassa and Galiel, located in a high-risk and very high-risk zone, respectively. Furthermore, the assessment of the flood risk showed that the most vulnerable sector to the inundations is the agricultural sector. Indeed, the cultivated floodplains were the most affected areas by the floodwater in every flood scenarios. Knowing that a high proportion of the population of the district relies on their farmlands in these floodplains for their livelihood, the floods pose a challenge not only to the food security in the area but also to its development.Keywords: flood risk management, Niger, remote sensing, vulnerability
Procedia PDF Downloads 1541083 The Correspondence between Self-regulated Learning, Learning Efficiency and Frequency of ICT Use
Authors: Maria David, Tunde A. Tasko, Katalin Hejja-Nagy, Laszlo Dorner
The authors have been concerned with research on learning since 1998. Recently, the focus of our interest is how prevalent use of information and communication technology (ICT) influences students' learning abilities, skills of self-regulated learning and learning efficiency. Nowadays, there are three dominant theories about the psychic effects of ICT use: According to social optimists, modern ICT devices have a positive effect on thinking. As to social pessimists, this effect is rather negative. And, regarding the views of biological optimists, the change is obvious, but these changes can fit into the mankind's evolved neurological system as did writing long ago. Mentality of 'digital natives' differ from that of elder people. They process information coming from the outside world in an other way, and different experiences result in different cerebral conformation. In this regard, researchers report about both positive and negative effects of ICT use. According to several studies, it has a positive effect on cognitive skills, intelligence, school efficiency, development of self-regulated learning, and self-esteem regarding learning. It is also proven, that computers improve skills of visual intelligence such as spacial orientation, iconic skills and visual attention. Among negative effects of frequent ICT use, researchers mention the decrease of critical thinking, as permanent flow of information does not give scope for deeper cognitive processing. Aims of our present study were to uncover developmental characteristics of self-regulated learning in different age groups and to study correlations of learning efficiency, the level of self-regulated learning and frequency of use of computers. Our subjects (N=1600) were primary and secondary school students and university students. We studied four age groups (age 10, 14, 18, 22), 400 subjects of each. We used the following methods: the research team developed a questionnaire for measuring level of self-regulated learning and a questionnaire for measuring ICT use, and we used documentary analysis to gain information about grade point average (GPA) and results of competence-measures. Finally, we used computer tasks to measure cognitive abilities. Data is currently under analysis, but as to our preliminary results, frequent use of computers results in shorter response time regarding every age groups. Our results show that an ordinary extent of ICT use tend to increase reading competence, and had a positive effect on students' abilities, though it didn't show relationship with school marks (GPA). As time passes, GPA gets worse along with the learning material getting more and more difficult. This phenomenon draws attention to the fact that students are unable to switch from guided to independent learning, so it is important to consciously develop skills of self-regulated learning.Keywords: digital natives, ICT, learning efficiency, reading competence, self-regulated learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 3621082 Cryptographic Protocol for Secure Cloud Storage
Authors: Luvisa Kusuma, Panji Yudha Prakasa
Cloud storage, as a subservice of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) in Cloud Computing, is the model of nerworked storage where data can be stored in server. In this paper, we propose a secure cloud storage system consisting of two main components; client as a user who uses the cloud storage service and server who provides the cloud storage service. In this system, we propose the protocol schemes to guarantee against security attacks in the data transmission. The protocols are login protocol, upload data protocol, download protocol, and push data protocol, which implement hybrid cryptographic mechanism based on data encryption before it is sent to the cloud, so cloud storage provider does not know the user's data and cannot analysis user’s data, because there is no correspondence between data and user.Keywords: cloud storage, security, cryptographic protocol, artificial intelligence
Procedia PDF Downloads 3581081 Artificial Intelligence Based Meme Generation Technology for Engaging Audience in Social Media
Authors: Andrew Kurochkin, Kostiantyn Bokhan
In this study, a new meme dataset of ~650K meme instances was created, a technology of meme generation based on the state of the art deep learning technique - GPT-2 model was researched, a comparative analysis of machine-generated memes and human-created was conducted. We justified that Amazon Mechanical Turk workers can be used for the approximate estimating of users' behavior in a social network, more precisely to measure engagement. It was shown that generated memes cause the same engagement as human memes that produced low engagement in the social network (historically). Thus, generated memes are less engaging than random memes created by humans.Keywords: content generation, computational social science, memes generation, Reddit, social networks, social media interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1411080 Sustainable Reconstruction: Towards Guidelines of Post-Disaster Vulnerability Reduction for Permanent Informal Housing in Malaysia Due to Flooding
Authors: Ruhizal Roosli, Julaihi Wahid, Abu Hassan Abu Bakar, Faizal Baharum
This paper reports on the progress of a study on the reconstruction project after the ‘Yellow Flood’ disaster in Kelantan, Malaysia. Malaysia still does not have guidelines to build housing after a disaster especially in disaster-prone areas. At the international level, many guidelines have been prepared that is found suitable for post-disaster housing. Which guidelines can be adapted that best describes the situation in Malaysia? It was reported that the houses should be built on stilts, which can withstand certain level of impact during flooding. Unfortunately, until today no specific guideline was available to assist homeowners to rebuild their homes after disaster. In addition, there is also no clear operational procedure to monitor the progress of this construction work. This research is an effort to promoting resilient housing; safety and security; and secure tenure in a prone area. At the end of this study, key lessons will be emerged from the review process and data analysis. These inputs will then have influenced to the content that will be developed and presented as guidelines. An overall objective is to support humanitarian responses to disaster and conflicts for resilience house construction to flood prone area. Interviews with the field based staff were from recent post-disaster housing workforce (disaster management mechanism in Malaysia especially in Kelantan). The respondents were selected based on their experiences in disaster response particularly related to housing provision. These key lessons are perhaps the best practical (operational and technical) guidelines comparing to other International cases to be adapted to the national situations.Keywords: disaster, guideline, housing, Malaysia, reconstruction
Procedia PDF Downloads 5231079 Enhancing AI for Global Impact: Conversations on Improvement and Societal Benefits
Authors: C. P. Chukwuka, E. V. Chukwuka, F. Ukwadi
This paper focuses on the advancement and societal impact of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. It explores the need for a theoretical framework in corporate governance, specifically in the context of 'hybrid' companies that have a mix of private and government ownership. The paper emphasizes the potential of AI to address challenges faced by these companies and highlights the importance of the less-explored state model in corporate governance. The aim of this research is to enhance AI systems for global impact and positive societal outcomes. It aims to explore the role of AI in refining corporate governance in hybrid companies and uncover nuanced insights into complex ownership structures. The methodology involves leveraging the capabilities of AI to address the challenges faced by hybrid companies in corporate governance. The researchers will analyze existing theoretical frameworks in corporate governance and integrate AI systems to improve problem-solving and understanding of intricate systems. The paper suggests that improved AI systems have the potential to shape a more informed and responsible corporate landscape. AI can uncover nuanced insights and navigate complex ownership structures in hybrid companies, leading to greater efficacy and positive societal outcomes. The theoretical importance of this research lies in the exploration of the role of AI in corporate governance, particularly in the context of hybrid companies. By integrating AI systems, the paper highlights the potential for improved problem-solving and understanding of intricate systems, contributing to a more informed and responsible corporate landscape. The data for this research will be collected from existing literature on corporate governance, specifically focusing on hybrid companies. Additionally, data on AI capabilities and their application in corporate governance will be collected. The collected data will be analyzed through a systematic review of existing theoretical frameworks in corporate governance. The researchers will also analyze the capabilities of AI systems and their potential application in addressing the challenges faced by hybrid companies. The findings will be synthesized and compared to identify patterns and potential improvements. The research concludes that AI systems have the potential to enhance corporate governance in hybrid companies, leading to greater efficacy and positive societal outcomes. By leveraging AI capabilities, nuanced insights can be uncovered, and complex ownership structures can be navigated, shaping a more informed and responsible corporate landscape. The findings highlight the importance of integrating AI in refining problem-solving and understanding intricate systems for global impact.Keywords: advancement, artificial intelligence, challenges, societal impact
Procedia PDF Downloads 561078 Improvement Image Summarization using Image Processing and Particle swarm optimization Algorithm
Authors: Hooman Torabifard
In the last few years, with the progress of technology and computers and artificial intelligence entry into all kinds of scientific and industrial fields, the lifestyles of human life have changed and in general, the way of humans live on earth has many changes and development. Until now, some of the changes has occurred in the context of digital images and image processing and still continues. However, besides all the benefits, there have been disadvantages. One of these disadvantages is the multiplicity of images with high volume and data; the focus of this paper is on improving and developing a method for summarizing and enhancing the productivity of these images. The general method used for this purpose in this paper consists of a set of methods based on data obtained from image processing and using the PSO (Particle swarm optimization) algorithm. In the remainder of this paper, the method used is elaborated in detail.Keywords: image summarization, particle swarm optimization, image threshold, image processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1351077 Optimal Injected Current Control for Shunt Active Power Filter Using Artificial Intelligence
Authors: Brahim Berbaoui
In this paper, a new particle swarm optimization (PSO) based method is proposed for the implantation of optimal harmonic power flow in power systems. In this algorithm approach, proportional integral controller for reference compensating currents of active power filter is performed in order to minimize the total harmonic distortion (THD). The simulation results show that the new control method using PSO approach is not only easy to be implanted, but also very effective in reducing the unwanted harmonics and compensating reactive power. The studies carried out have been accomplished using the MATLAB Simulink Power System Toolbox.Keywords: shunt active power filter, power quality, current control, proportional integral controller, particle swarm optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 6161076 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Rights Development
Authors: Romany Wagih Farag Zaky
The relationship between development and human rights has long been the subject of academic debate. To understand the dynamics between these two concepts, various principles are adopted, from the right to development to development-based human rights. Despite the initiatives taken, the relationship between development and human rights remains unclear. However, the overlap between these two views and the idea that efforts should be made in the field of human rights have increased in recent years. It is then evaluated whether the right to sustainable development is acceptable or not. The article concludes that the principles of sustainable development are directly or indirectly recognized in various human rights instruments, which is a good answer to the question posed above. This book therefore cites regional and international human rights agreements such as , as well as the jurisprudence and interpretative guidelines of human rights institutions, to prove this hypothesis.Keywords: sustainable development, human rights, the right to development, the human rights-based approach to development, environmental rights, economic development, social sustainability human rights protection, human rights violations, workers’ rights, justice, security
Procedia PDF Downloads 571075 A Comparative Assessment of the FoodSupply Vulnerability to Large-Scale Disasters in OECD Countries
Authors: Karolin Bauer, Anna Brinkmann
Vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure can cause significant difficulties for the affected population during crises. Securing the food supply as part of the critical infrastructure in crisis situations is an essential part of public services and a ground stone for a successful concept of civil protection. In most industrialized countries, there are currently no comparative studies regarding the food supply of the population during crisis and disaster events. In order to mitigate the potential impact in case of major disasters in Germany, it is absolutely necessary to investigate how the food supply can be secured. The research project aims to provide in-depth research on the experiences gathered during past large-scale disasters in the 34 OECD member countries in order to discover alternatives for an updated civil protection system in Germany. The basic research question is: "Which international approaches and structures of civil protection have been proven and would be useful to modernize the German civil protection with regards to the critical infrastructure and food supply?" Research findings should be extracted from an extensive literature review covering the entire research period as well as from personal and online-based interviews with experts and responsible persons from involved institutions. The capability of the research project insists on the deliberate choice to investigate previous large-scale disasters to formulate important and practical approaches to modernize civil protection in Germany.Keywords: food supply, vulnerabilty, critical infratstructure, large-scale disaster
Procedia PDF Downloads 3381074 Innovations in the Lithium Chain Value
Authors: Fiúza A., Góis J. Leite M., Braga H., Lima A., Jorge P., Moutela P., Martins L., Futuro A.
Lepidolite is an important lithium mineral that, to the author’s best knowledge, has not been used to produce lithium hydroxide, necessary for energy conversion to electric vehicles. Alkaline leaching of lithium concentrates allows the establishment of a production diagram avoiding most of the environmental drawbacks that are associated with the usage of acid reagents. The tested processes involve a pretreatment by digestion at high temperatures with additives, followed by leaching at hot atmospheric pressure. The solutions obtained must be compatible with solutions from the leaching of spodumene concentrates, allowing the development of a common treatment diagram, an important accomplishment for the feasible exploitation of Portuguese resources. Statistical programming and interpretation techniques are used to minimize the laboratory effort required by conventional approaches and also allow phenomenological comprehension.Keywords: artificial intelligence, tailings free process, ferroelectric electrolyte battery, life cycle assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1231073 Comparative Study between Classical P-Q Method and Modern Fuzzy Controller Method to Improve the Power Quality of an Electrical Network
Authors: A. Morsli, A. Tlemçani, N. Ould Cherchali, M. S. Boucherit
This article presents two methods for the compensation of harmonics generated by a nonlinear load. The first is the classic method P-Q. The second is the controller by modern method of artificial intelligence specifically fuzzy logic. Both methods are applied to an Active Power Filter shunt (APFs) based on a three-phase voltage converter at five levels NPC topology. In calculating the harmonic currents of reference, we use the algorithm P-Q and pulse generation, we use the intersective PWM. For flexibility and dynamics, we use fuzzy logic. The results give us clear that the rate of Harmonic Distortion issued by fuzzy logic is better than P-Q.Keywords: fuzzy logic controller, P-Q method, pulse width modulation (PWM), shunt active power filter (sAPF), total harmonic distortion (THD)
Procedia PDF Downloads 5491072 Improving Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song (CKKS) Performance with Vector Computation and GPU Acceleration
Authors: Smaran Manchala
Homomorphic Encryption (HE) enables computations on encrypted data without requiring decryption, mitigating data vulnerability during processing. Usable Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) could revolutionize secure data operations across cloud computing, AI training, and healthcare, providing both privacy and functionality, however, the computational inefficiency of schemes like Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song (CKKS) hinders their widespread practical use. This study focuses on optimizing CKKS for faster matrix operations through the implementation of vector computation parallelization and GPU acceleration. The variable effects of vector parallelization on GPUs were explored, recognizing that while parallelization typically accelerates operations, it could introduce overhead that results in slower runtimes, especially in smaller, less computationally demanding operations. To assess performance, two neural network models, MLPN and CNN—were tested on the MNIST dataset using both ARM and x86-64 architectures, with CNN chosen for its higher computational demands. Each test was repeated 1,000 times, and outliers were removed via Z-score analysis to measure the effect of vector parallelization on CKKS performance. Model accuracy was also evaluated under CKKS encryption to ensure optimizations did not compromise results. According to the results of the trail runs, applying vector parallelization had a 2.63X efficiency increase overall with a 1.83X performance increase for x86-64 over ARM architecture. Overall, these results suggest that the application of vector parallelization in tandem with GPU acceleration significantly improves the efficiency of CKKS even while accounting for vector parallelization overhead, providing impact in future zero trust operations.Keywords: CKKS scheme, runtime efficiency, fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), GPU acceleration, vector parallelization
Procedia PDF Downloads 271071 Gradient-Based Reliability Optimization of Integrated Energy Systems Under Extreme Weather Conditions: A Case Study in Ningbo, China
Recent extreme weather events, such as the 2021 European floods and North American heatwaves, have exposed the vulnerability of energy systems to both extreme demand scenarios and potential physical damage. Current integrated energy system designs often overlook performance under these challenging conditions. This research, focusing on a regional integrated energy system in Ningbo, China, proposes a distinct design method to optimize system reliability during extreme events. A multi-scenario model was developed, encompassing various extreme load conditions and potential system damages caused by severe weather. Based on this model, a comprehensive reliability improvement scheme was designed, incorporating a gradient approach to address different levels of disaster severity through the integration of advanced technologies like distributed energy storage. The scheme's effectiveness was validated through Monte Carlo simulations. Results demonstrate significant enhancements in energy supply reliability and peak load reduction capability under extreme scenarios. The findings provide several insights for improving energy system adaptability in the face of climate-induced challenges, offering valuable references for building reliable energy infrastructure capable of withstanding both extreme demands and physical threats across a spectrum of disaster intensities.Keywords: extreme weather events, integrated energy systems, reliability improvement, climate change adaptation
Procedia PDF Downloads 291070 Fostering Students’ Cultural Intelligence: A Social Media Experiential Project
Authors: Lorena Blasco-Arcas, Francesca Pucciarelli
Business contexts have become globalised and digitalised, which requires that managers develop a strong sense of cross-cultural intelligence while working in geographically distant teams by means of digital technologies. How to better equip future managers on these kinds of skills has been put forward as a critical issue in Business Schools. In pursuing these goals, higher education is shifting from a passive lecture approach, to more active and experiential learning approaches that are more suitable to learn skills. For example, through the use of case studies, proposing plausible business problem to be solved by students (or teams of students), these institutions have focused for long in fostering learning by doing. Though, case studies are no longer enough as a tool to promote active teamwork and experiential learning. Moreover, digital advancements applied to educational settings have enabled augmented classrooms, expanding the learning experience beyond the class, which increase students’ engagement and experiential learning. Different authors have highlighted the benefits of digital engagement in order to achieve a deeper and longer-lasting learning and comprehension of core marketing concepts. Clickers, computer-based simulations and business games have become fairly popular between instructors, but still are limited by the fact that are fictional experiences. Further exploration of real digital platforms to implement real, live projects in the classroom seem relevant for marketing and business education. Building on this, this paper describes the development of an experiential learning activity in class, in which students developed a communication campaign in teams using the BuzzFeed platform, and subsequently implementing the campaign by using other social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter…). The article details the procedure of using the project for a marketing module in a Bachelor program with students located in France, Italy and Spain campuses working on multi-campus groups. Further, this paper describes the project outcomes in terms of students’ engagement and analytics (i.e. visits achieved). the project included a survey in order to analyze and identify main aspects related to how the learning experience is influenced by the cultural competence developed through working in geographically distant and culturally diverse teamwork. Finally, some recommendations to use project-based social media tools while working with virtual teamwork in the classroom are provided.Keywords: cultural competences, experiential learning, social media, teamwork, virtual group work
Procedia PDF Downloads 1811069 An Investigation of the Association between Pathological Personality Dimensions and Emotion Dysregulation among Virtual Network Users: The Mediating Role of Cyberchondria Behaviors
Authors: Mehdi Destani, Asghar Heydari
Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the association between pathological personality dimensions and emotion dysregulation through the mediating role of Cyberchondria behaviors among users of virtual networks. Materials and methods: A descriptive–correlational research method was used in this study, and the statistical population consisted of all people active on social network sites in 2020. The sample size was 300 people who were selected through Convenience Sampling. Data collection was carried out in a survey method using online questionnaires, including the "Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale" (DERS), Personality Inventory for DSM-5 Brief Form (PID-5-BF), and Cyberchondria Severity Scale Brief Form (CSS-12). Data analysis was conducted using Pearson's Correlation Coefficient and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Findings: Findings suggested that pathological personality dimensions and Cyberchondria behaviors have a positive and significant association with emotion dysregulation (p<0.001). The presented model had a good fit with the data. The variable “pathological personality dimensions” with an overall effect (p<0.001, β=0.658), a direct effect (p<0.001, β=0.528), and an indirect mediating effect through Cyberchondria Behaviors (p<.001), β=0.130), accounted for emotion dysregulation among virtual network users. Conclusion: The research findings showed a necessity to pay attention to the pathological personality dimensions as a determining variable and Cyberchondria behaviors as a mediator in the vulnerability of users of social network sites to emotion dysregulation.Keywords: cyberchondria, emotion dysregulation, pathological personality dimensions, social networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 1051068 Input Data Balancing in a Neural Network PM-10 Forecasting System
Authors: Suk-Hyun Yu, Heeyong Kwon
Recently PM-10 has become a social and global issue. It is one of major air pollutants which affect human health. Therefore, it needs to be forecasted rapidly and precisely. However, PM-10 comes from various emission sources, and its level of concentration is largely dependent on meteorological and geographical factors of local and global region, so the forecasting of PM-10 concentration is very difficult. Neural network model can be used in the case. But, there are few cases of high concentration PM-10. It makes the learning of the neural network model difficult. In this paper, we suggest a simple input balancing method when the data distribution is uneven. It is based on the probability of appearance of the data. Experimental results show that the input balancing makes the neural networks’ learning easy and improves the forecasting rates.Keywords: artificial intelligence, air quality prediction, neural networks, pattern recognition, PM-10
Procedia PDF Downloads 2331067 Impact and Risk Assessment of Climate Change on Water Quality: A Study in the Errer River Basin, Taiwan
Authors: Hsin-Chih Lai, Yung-Lung Lee, Yun-Yao Chi, Ching-Yi Horng, Pei-Chih Wu, Hsien-Chang Wang
Taiwan, a climatically challenged island, has always been keen on the issue of water resource management due to its limitations in water storage. Since water resource management has been the focal point of many adaptations to climate change, there has been a lack of attention on another issue, water quality. This study chooses the Errer River Basin as the experimental focus for water quality in Taiwan. With the Errer River Basin being one of the most polluted rivers in Taiwan, this study observes the effects of climate change on this river over a period of time. Taiwan is also targeted by multiple typhoons every year, the heavy rainfall and strong winds create problems of pollution being carried to different river segments, including into the ocean. This study aims to create an impact and risk assessment on Errer River Basin, to show the connection from climate change to potential extreme events, which in turn could influence water quality and ultimately human health. Using dynamic downscaling, this study narrows the information from a global scale to a resolution of 1 km x 1 km. Then, through interpolation, the resolution is further narrowed into a resolution of 200m x 200m, to analyze the past, present, and future of extreme events. According to different climate change scenarios, this study designs an assessment index on the vulnerability of the Errer River Basin. Through this index, Errer River inhabitants can access advice on adaptations to climate change and act accordingly.Keywords: climate change, adaptation, water quality, risk assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 3541066 Impact of Television on the Coverage of Lassa Fever Disease in Nigeria
Authors: H. Shola Adeosun, F. Ajoke Adebiyi
This study appraises the impact of television on the coverage of Lassa Fever disease. The objectives of the study are to find out whether television is an effective tool for raising awareness about Lassa fever shapes the perception of members of the public. The research work was based on the theoretical foundation of Agenda – setting and reinforcement theory. Survey research method was adopted in the study to elicit data from the residents of Obafemi Owode Local Government, area of Ogun state. Questionnaire and oral interview were adopted as a tool for data gathering. Simple random sampling techniques were used to draw a sample for this study. Out of filled 400 questionnaires distributed to the respondents. 37 of them were incorrectly filled and returned at the stipulated time. This is about (92.5% Tables, percentages, and figures were used to analyse and interpret the data and hypothesis formulation for this study revealed that Lassa fever diseases with higher media coverage were considered more serious and more representative of a disease and estimated to have lower incidents, than diseases less frequently found in the media. Thus, 92% of the respondents agree that they have access to television coverage of Lassa fever disease led to exaggerated perceptions of personal vulnerability. It, therefore, concludes that there is a need for relevant stakeholders to ensure better community health education and improved housing conditions in southwestern Nigeria, with an emphasis on slum areas and that Nigeria need to focus on the immediate response, while preparing for the future because a society or community is all about the people who inhabit. Therefore every effort must be geared towards their society and survival.Keywords: impact, television, coverage, Lassa fever disease
Procedia PDF Downloads 2131065 Trajectory Planning Algorithms for Autonomous Agricultural Vehicles
Authors: Caner Koc, Dilara Gerdan Koc, Mustafa Vatandas
The fundamental components of autonomous agricultural robot design, such as having a working understanding of coordinates, correctly constructing the desired route, and sensing environmental elements, are the most important. A variety of sensors, hardware, and software are employed by agricultural robots to find these systems.These enable the fully automated driving system of an autonomous vehicle to simulate how a human-driven vehicle would respond to changing environmental conditions. To calculate the vehicle's motion trajectory using data from the sensors, this automation system typically consists of a sophisticated software architecture based on object detection and driving decisions. In this study, the software architecture of an autonomous agricultural vehicle is compared to the trajectory planning techniques.Keywords: agriculture 5.0, computational intelligence, motion planning, trajectory planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 781064 Slovenia Rider/Driver Gaze Behavior Comparative Analysis
Authors: Tomaž Tollazzi, Matjaž Šraml, Chiara Gruden, Marko Renčelj
Motorcycle riders are an increasing group of road users. The intrinsic characteristics of powered two-wheelers (PTW) allow them to be particularly flexible, both in urban and extra-urban environments. Nevertheless, crash statistics indicate that riders involved in road accidents are highly likely to suffer severe injuries, underlining the vulnerability of this group of road users. An element that can greatly affect the safety of PTW users is road design, as roads are usually designed for two-track vehicles (cars, buses, and lorries) and usually do not consider the needs of PTWs. Additionally, handling a motorcycle is quite different from driving a car; thus, the behavior of riders is different from that of drivers. The aim of this research was to compare how different road designs are perceived by riders and drivers and to preliminarily assess if riders’ behavior and attention allocation are related. For this research, an eye-tracking experiment was developed outdoors. Both drivers and riders travelled along a route comprising four different road designs and various road layouts, and the output was analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Although it was not possible to carry out a statistical analysis due to the limited number of participants, the results demonstrate that there is a difference in the gaze behavior of drivers and riders, with the latter being far more focused on the left-hand side of the road and concentrating on defined elements of road design. Furthermore, the experiment demonstrated that a higher number of fixations is related to lower speeds. Finally, it was noted that both kinds of road users focus well on the carriageway, leading to the conclusion that the indications given through road markings may be much more effective than vertical signalization, which has rarely been observed.Keywords: road safety, powered two-wheelers, eye-tracking, gaze behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 831063 Probabilistic-Based Design of Bridges under Multiple Hazards: Floods and Earthquakes
Authors: Kuo-Wei Liao, Jessica Gitomarsono
Bridge reliability against natural hazards such as floods or earthquakes is an interdisciplinary problem that involves a wide range of knowledge. Moreover, due to the global climate change, engineers have to design a structure against the multi-hazard threats. Currently, few of the practical design guideline has included such concept. The bridge foundation in Taiwan often does not have a uniform width. However, few of the researches have focused on safety evaluation of a bridge with a complex pier. Investigation of the scouring depth under such situation is very important. Thus, this study first focuses on investigating and improving the scour prediction formula for a bridge with complicated foundation via experiments and artificial intelligence. Secondly, a probabilistic design procedure is proposed using the established prediction formula for practical engineers under the multi-hazard attacks.Keywords: bridge, reliability, multi-hazards, scour
Procedia PDF Downloads 3751062 People Experiencing Economic Disadvantages and Access to Justice System: The Case of Unemployed People in Australia
Authors: M. Shahadat Hossain
People experiencing economic disadvantages have limited access to justice system. Employment status is a key indicator of economic disadvantage. There is a link between employment status and vulnerability to legal problems. This paper addresses the obstacles unemployed people experience to secure justice in Australia. This paper further explores exiting services for economically disadvantaged people to secure justice where these unemployment people can get access. It reveals that unemployed people are vulnerable to multifaced crime and violence. Due to high cost of legal services, these unemployed people are unable to afford legal services to access justice. They are often found higher levels of nonactions in terms of access to justice also due to lack of their initiatives. This paper further reveals that legal aid commissions are state and territory statutory agencies in Australia which provide free legal information, advice, duty lawyers, and legal representation services. Community legal centres are independent, non-profit government organizations with a focus of early advice, problem solving, and working with other agencies to address connected, financial, and health problems. Moreover, the private profession helps people who cannot afford to pay for a lawyer in several ways. But there are problems of shortage of funding for these legal services and making available to economically disadvantaged people. However, this paper argues that people experiencing long-term unemployment face barriers to secure justice due to their economic disadvantages. It further argues that services available for them to access to justice is inadequate.Keywords: economic disadvantages, unemployment, access to justice, Australia
Procedia PDF Downloads 1411061 Multi-Dimension Threat Situation Assessment Based on Network Security Attributes
Authors: Yang Yu, Jian Wang, Jiqiang Liu, Lei Han, Xudong He, Shaohua Lv
As the increasing network attacks become more and more complex, network situation assessment based on log analysis cannot meet the requirements to ensure network security because of the low quality of logs and alerts. This paper addresses the lack of consideration of security attributes of hosts and attacks in the network. Identity and effectiveness of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) are hard to be proved in risk assessment based on alerts and flow matching. This paper proposes a multi-dimension threat situation assessment method based on network security attributes. First, the paper offers an improved Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) calculation, which includes confident risk, integrity risk, availability risk and a weighted risk. Second, the paper introduces deterioration rate of properties collected by sensors in hosts and network, which aimed at assessing the time and level of DDoS attacks. Third, the paper introduces distribution of asset value in security attributes considering features of attacks and network, which aimed at assessing and show the whole situation. Experiments demonstrate that the approach reflects effectiveness and level of DDoS attacks, and the result can show the primary threat in network and security requirement of network. Through comparison and analysis, the method reflects more in security requirement and security risk situation than traditional methods based on alert and flow analyzing.Keywords: DDoS evaluation, improved CVSS, network security attribute, threat situation assessment
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