Search results for: line voltage stability indices (LVSI)
6671 A Case Study on the Long-Term Stability Monitoring of Underground Powerhouse Complex Using Geotechnical Instrumentation
Authors: Sudhakar Kadiyala, Sripad R. Naik
Large cavern in Bhutan Himalayas is being monitored since the construction period. The behavior of the cavern is being monitored for last 16 years. Instrumentation includes measurement of convergence of high walls by geodetic monitoring, load on the support systems with load cells and instrumented bolts. Analysis of the results of instrumentation showed that during the construction period of the cavern, the convergence of the cavern varied from 181 - 233 mm in the unit bay area with maximum convergence rate of 2.80mm/day. Whereas during the operational period the total convergence observed was in the range of 21 to 45 mm during a period of 11.30 years with convergence rate of 0.005 to 0.011 mm/day. During the last five years, there were no instances of high tensile stress recorded by the instrumented bolts. Load on the rock bolts have shown stabilization trend at most of the locations. This paper discusses in detail the results of long-term monitoring using the geotechnical instruments and how the data is being used in 3D numerical model to confirm the stability of the cavern.Keywords: convergence, displacements, geodetic monitoring, long-term stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 1806670 The Haemoglobin, Transferrin, Ceruloplasmin and Glutathione Polymorphism of Native Goat Breeds of Turkey, I-Angora and Hair
Authors: Ayse Ozge Demir, Nihat Mert
This study has been carried out in order to determine the polymorphic traits of various biochemical parameters in goat breeds which are native to Turkey. For this purpose, Angora and Hair goats breeds were chosen as live materials. Two different herds for each breed were selected from Ankara and Antalya, respectively. Blood samples were taken from a total of 120 goats aged between 2 and 4 which was made up of 60 Angora goats and 60 Hair goats. All which derived equally from 4 lots of herds. Analyses were performed for the polymorphic determination of the Haemoglobin (Hb), Transferrine (Tf), Ceruloplasmin (Cp) and Glutathione (GSH). Hb types were determined by starch gel electrophoresis and Tf types were detected by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. Furthermore, Cp and GSH analyses were performed by spectrophotometrically. Following the analysis, Hb types were found as 3 genotypes (AA, AB, BB) controlled by 2 allel genes. Tf types were found as 6 genotypes (AA, AB, AC, BB, BC, CC) controlled by 3 allele genes. Findings for Hb was in line with the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) in Angora goats while the Hair goat was not found to be in line. Moreover, Tf was found in line with the HWE for 2 separate goat breeds. The levels of Cp and GSH of two breeds were significantly different from other (P<0.0001). The findings are recorded as a source of reference for prospective polymorphism studies.Keywords: electrophoresis, genetic resources, goats, spectrophotometer
Procedia PDF Downloads 2996669 Evaluation of External Costs of Traffic Accident in Slovak Republic
Authors: Anna Dolinayova, Jozef Danis, Juraj Camaj
The report deals with comparison of traffic accidents in Slovak republic in road and rail transport since year 2009 until 2014, with evaluation of external costs and consequently with the possibilities of their internalization. The results of road traffic accidents analysis are realized in line with after-effects they have caused; in line with main cause, place of origin (within or out of town) and in accordance to age of people they were killed or hard, eventually easy injured in traffic accidents. Evaluation of individual after-effects is carried in terms of probability of traffic accidents occurrence.Keywords: external costs, traffic accident, rail transport, road transport
Procedia PDF Downloads 5956668 Power Management Strategy for Solar-Wind-Diesel Stand-Alone Hybrid Energy System
Authors: Md. Aminul Islam, Adel Merabet, Rachid Beguenane, Hussein Ibrahim
This paper presents a simulation and mathematical model of stand-alone solar-wind-diesel based hybrid energy system (HES). A power management system is designed for multiple energy resources in a stand-alone hybrid energy system. Both Solar photovoltaic and wind energy conversion system consists of maximum power point tracking (MPPT), voltage regulation, and basic power electronic interfaces. An additional diesel generator is included to support and improve the reliability of stand-alone system when renewable energy sources are not available. A power management strategy is introduced to distribute the generated power among resistive load banks. The frequency regulation is developed with conventional phase locked loop (PLL) system. The power management algorithm was applied in Matlab®/Simulink® to simulate the results.Keywords: solar photovoltaic, wind energy, diesel engine, hybrid energy system, power management, frequency and voltage regulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4556667 Measurement of Magnetic Properties of Grainoriented Electrical Steels at Low and High Fields Using a Novel Single
Authors: Nkwachukwu Chukwuchekwa, Joy Ulumma Chukwuchekwa
Magnetic characteristics of grain-oriented electrical steel (GOES) are usually measured at high flux densities suitable for its typical applications in power transformers. There are limited magnetic data at low flux densities which are relevant for the characterization of GOES for applications in metering instrument transformers and low frequency magnetic shielding in magnetic resonance imaging medical scanners. Magnetic properties such as coercivity, B-H loop, AC relative permeability and specific power loss of conventional grain oriented (CGO) and high permeability grain oriented (HGO) electrical steels were measured and compared at high and low flux densities at power magnetising frequency. 40 strips comprising 20 CGO and 20 HGO, 305 mm x 30 mm x 0.27 mm from a supplier were tested. The HGO and CGO strips had average grain sizes of 9 mm and 4 mm respectively. Each strip was singly magnetised under sinusoidal peak flux density from 8.0 mT to 1.5 T at a magnetising frequency of 50 Hz. The novel single sheet tester comprises a personal computer in which LabVIEW version 8.5 from National Instruments (NI) was installed, a NI 4461 data acquisition (DAQ) card, an impedance matching transformer, to match the 600 minimum load impedance of the DAQ card with the 5 to 20 low impedance of the magnetising circuit, and a 4.7 Ω shunt resistor. A double vertical yoke made of GOES which is 290 mm long and 32 mm wide is used. A 500-turn secondary winding, about 80 mm in length, was wound around a plastic former, 270 mm x 40 mm, housing the sample, while a 100-turn primary winding, covering the entire length of the plastic former was wound over the secondary winding. A standard Epstein strip to be tested is placed between the yokes. The magnetising voltage was generated by the LabVIEW program through a voltage output from the DAQ card. The voltage drop across the shunt resistor and the secondary voltage were acquired by the card for calculation of magnetic field strength and flux density respectively. A feedback control system implemented in LabVIEW was used to control the flux density and to make the induced secondary voltage waveforms sinusoidal to have repeatable and comparable measurements. The low noise NI4461 card with 24 bit resolution and a sampling rate of 204.8 KHz and 92 KHz bandwidth were chosen to take the measurements to minimize the influence of thermal noise. In order to reduce environmental noise, the yokes, sample and search coil carrier were placed in a noise shielding chamber. HGO was found to have better magnetic properties at both high and low magnetisation regimes. This is because of the higher grain size of HGO and higher grain-grain misorientation of CGO. HGO is better CGO in both low and high magnetic field applications.Keywords: flux density, electrical steel, LabVIEW, magnetization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2916666 In situ High Temperature Characterization of Diamond-Like Carbon Films
Authors: M. Rouhani, F. C. N. Hong, Y. R. Jeng
The tribological performance of DLC films is limited by graphitization at elevated temperatures. Despite of numerous studies on the thermal stability of DLC films, a comprehensive in-situ characterization at elevated temperature is still lacking. In this study, DLC films were deposited using filtered cathodic arc vacuum method. Thermal stability of the films was characterized in-situally using a synchronized technique integrating Raman spectroscopy and depth-sensing measurements. Tests were performed in a high temperature chamber coupled with feedback control to make it possible to study the temperature effects in the range of 21 – 450 ̊C. Co-located SPM and Raman microscopy maps at different temperature over a specific area on the surface of the film were prepared. The results show that the thermal stability of the DLC films depends on their sp3 content. Films with lower sp3 content endure graphitization during the temperature-course used in this study. The graphitization is accompanied with significant changes in surface roughness and Raman spectrum of the film. Surface roughness of the films start to change even before graphitization transformation could be detected using Raman spectroscopy. Depth-sensing tests (nanoindentation, nano-scratch and wear) endorse the surface roughness change seen before graphitization occurrence. This in-situ study showed that the surface of the films is more sensitive to temperature rise compared to the bulk. We presume the changes observed in films hardness, surface roughness and scratch resistance with temperature rise, before graphitization occurrence, is due to surface relaxation.Keywords: DLC film, nanoindentation, Raman spectroscopy, thermal stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2006665 Strategic Evaluation of Existing Drainage System in Apalit, Pampanga
Authors: Jennifer de Jesus, Ares Baron Talusan, Steven Valerio
This paper aims to conduct an evaluation of the drainage system in a specific village in Apalit, Pampanga using the geographic information system to easily identify inadequate drainage lines that needs rehabilitation to aid in flooding problem in the area. The researchers will be utilizing two methods and software to be able to strategically assess each drainage line in the village– the two methods were the rational method and the Manning's Formula for Open Channel Flow and compared it to each other, and the software to be used was Google Earth Pro by 2020 Google LLC. The results must satisfy the statement QManning > QRational to be able to see if the specific line and section is adequate; otherwise, it is inadequate; dimensions needed to be recomputed until it became adequate. The use of the software is the visualization of data collected from the computations to clearly see in which areas the drainage lines were adequate or not. The researchers were then able to conclude that the drainage system should be considered inadequate, seeing as most of the lines are unable to accommodate certain intensities of rainfall. The researchers have also concluded that line rehabilitation is a must to proceed.Keywords: strategic evaluation, drainage system, as-built plans, inadequacy, rainfall intensity-duration-frequency data, rational method, manning’s equation for open channel flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 1316664 Application of Proper Foundation in Building Construction
Authors: Chukwuma Anya
Foundation is popularly defined as the lowest load-bearing part of a building typically below the ground level. It serves as an underlying base which acts as the principle on which every building stands. There are various types of foundations in practice which includes the strip, pile, pad, and raft foundations, and each of these have their various applications in building construction. However due to lack of professional knowledge, cost, or scheduled time frame to complete a certain project, some of these foundation types are some times neglected or used interchangeably resulting to a misuse or abuse of the building materials, man power, and sometimes altering the stability, balance and aesthetics of most buildings. This research work is aimed at educating the academic community on the proper application of the various foundation types to suit different environments such as the rain forest, desert, swampy area, rocky area etc. A proper application of the foundation will ensure the safety of the building from acid grounds, damping and weakening of the foundation, and even building settlement and stability. In addition to those, it will improve aesthetics and maintain cost effectiveness, both construction cost and maintenance cost. Finally, it will ensure the safety of the building and its inhabitants.Keywords: foundation, stability, balance, aesthetic
Procedia PDF Downloads 116663 Braille Code Matrix
Authors: Mohammed E. A. Brixi Nigassa, Nassima Labdelli, Ahmed Slami, Arnaud Pothier, Sofiane Soulimane
According to the world health organization (WHO), there are almost 285 million people with visual disability, 39 million of these people are blind. Nevertheless, there is a code for these people that make their life easier and allow them to access information more easily; this code is the Braille code. There are several commercial devices allowing braille reading, unfortunately, most of these devices are not ergonomic and too expensive. Moreover, we know that 90 % of blind people in the world live in low-incomes countries. Our contribution aim is to concept an original microactuator for Braille reading, as well as being ergonomic, inexpensive and lowest possible energy consumption. Nowadays, the piezoelectric device gives the better actuation for low actuation voltage. In this study, we focus on piezoelectric (PZT) material which can bring together all these conditions. Here, we propose to use one matrix composed by six actuators to form the 63 basic combinations of the Braille code that contain letters, numbers, and special characters in compliance with the standards of the braille code. In this work, we use a finite element model with Comsol Multiphysics software for designing and modeling this type of miniature actuator in order to integrate it into a test device. To define the geometry and the design of our actuator, we used physiological limits of perception of human being. Our results demonstrate in our study that piezoelectric actuator could bring a large deflection out-of-plain. Also, we show that microactuators can exhibit non uniform compression. This deformation depends on thin film thickness and the design of membrane arm. The actuator composed of four arms gives the higher deflexion and it always gives a domed deformation at the center of the deviceas in case of the Braille system. The maximal deflection can be estimated around ten micron per Volt (~ 10µm/V). We noticed that the deflection according to the voltage is a linear function, and this deflection not depends only on the voltage the voltage, but also depends on the thickness of the film used and the design of the anchoring arm. Then, we were able to simulate the behavior of the entire matrix and thus display different characters in Braille code. We used these simulations results to achieve our demonstrator. This demonstrator is composed of a layer of PDMS on which we put our piezoelectric material, and then added another layer of PDMS to isolate our actuator. In this contribution, we compare our results to optimize the final demonstrator.Keywords: Braille code, comsol software, microactuators, piezoelectric
Procedia PDF Downloads 3566662 Electrical Tortuosity across Electrokinetically Remediated Soils
Authors: Waddah S. Abdullah, Khaled F. Al-Omari
Electrokinetic remediation is one of the most influential and effective methods to decontaminate contaminated soils. Electroosmosis and electromigration are the processes of electrochemical extraction of contaminants from soils. The driving force that causes removing contaminants from soils (electroosmosis process or electromigration process) is voltage gradient. Therefore, the electric field distribution throughout the soil domain is extremely important to investigate and to determine the factors that help to establish a uniform electric field distribution in order to make the clean-up process work properly and efficiently. In this study, small-sized passive electrodes (made of graphite) were placed at predetermined locations within the soil specimen, and the voltage drop between these passive electrodes was measured in order to observe the electrical distribution throughout the tested soil specimens. The electrokinetic test was conducted on two types of soils; a sandy soil and a clayey soil. The electrical distribution throughout the soil domain was conducted with different tests properties; and the electrical field distribution was observed in three-dimensional pattern in order to establish the electrical distribution within the soil domain. The effects of density, applied voltages, and degree of saturation on the electrical distribution within the remediated soil were investigated. The distribution of the moisture content, concentration of the sodium ions, and the concentration of the calcium ions were determined and established in three-dimensional scheme. The study has shown that the electrical conductivity within soil domain depends on the moisture content and concentration of electrolytes present in the pore fluid. The distribution of the electrical field in the saturated soil was found not be affected by its density. The study has also shown that high voltage gradient leads to non-uniform electric field distribution within the electroremediated soil. Very importantly, it was found that even when the electric field distribution is uniform globally (i.e. between the passive electrodes), local non-uniformity could be established within the remediated soil mass. Cracks or air gaps formed due to temperature rise (because of electric flow in low conductivity regions) promotes electrical tortuosity. Thus, fracturing or cracking formed in the remediated soil mass causes disconnection of electric current and hence, no removal of contaminant occur within these areas.Keywords: contaminant removal, electrical tortuousity, electromigration, electroosmosis, voltage distribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 4216661 Cascade Multilevel Inverter-Based Grid-Tie Single-Phase and Three-Phase-Photovoltaic Power System Controlling and Modeling
Authors: Syed Masood Hussain
An effective control method, including system-level control and pulse width modulation for quasi-Z-source cascade multilevel inverter (qZS-CMI) based grid-tie photovoltaic (PV) power system is proposed. The system-level control achieves the grid-tie current injection, independent maximum power point tracking (MPPT) for separate PV panels, and dc-link voltage balance for all quasi-Z-source H-bridge inverter (qZS-HBI) modules. A recent upsurge in the study of photovoltaic (PV) power generation emerges, since they directly convert the solar radiation into electric power without hampering the environment. However, the stochastic fluctuation of solar power is inconsistent with the desired stable power injected to the grid, owing to variations of solar irradiation and temperature. To fully exploit the solar energy, extracting the PV panels’ maximum power and feeding them into grids at unity power factor become the most important. The contributions have been made by the cascade multilevel inverter (CMI). Nevertheless, the H-bridge inverter (HBI) module lacks boost function so that the inverter KVA rating requirement has to be increased twice with a PV voltage range of 1:2; and the different PV panel output voltages result in imbalanced dc-link voltages. However, each HBI module is a two-stage inverter, and many extra dc–dc converters not only increase the complexity of the power circuit and control and the system cost, but also decrease the efficiency. Recently, the Z-source/quasi-Z-source cascade multilevel inverter (ZS/qZS-CMI)-based PV systems were proposed. They possess the advantages of both traditional CMI and Z-source topologies. In order to properly operate the ZS/qZS-CMI, the power injection, independent control of dc-link voltages, and the pulse width modulation (PWM) are necessary. The main contributions of this paper include: 1) a novel multilevel space vector modulation (SVM) technique for the single phase qZS-CMI is proposed, which is implemented without additional resources; 2) a grid-connected control for the qZS-CMI based PV system is proposed, where the all PV panel voltage references from their independent MPPTs are used to control the grid-tie current; the dual-loop dc-link peak voltage control.Keywords: Quzi-Z source inverter, Photo voltaic power system, space vector modulation, cascade multilevel inverter
Procedia PDF Downloads 5486660 Application of Universal Distribution Factors for Real-Time Complex Power Flow Calculation
Authors: Abdullah M. Alodhaiani, Yasir A. Alturki, Mohamed A. Elkady
Complex power flow distribution factors, which relate line complex power flows to the bus injected complex powers, have been widely used in various power system planning and analysis studies. In particular, AC distribution factors have been used extensively in the recent power and energy pricing studies in free electricity market field. As was demonstrated in the existing literature, many of the electricity market related costing studies rely on the use of the distribution factors. These known distribution factors, whether the injection shift factors (ISF’s) or power transfer distribution factors (PTDF’s), are linear approximations of the first order sensitivities of the active power flows with respect to various variables. This paper presents a novel model for evaluating the universal distribution factors (UDF’s), which are appropriate for an extensive range of power systems analysis and free electricity market studies. These distribution factors are used for the calculations of lines complex power flows and its independent of bus power injections, they are compact matrix-form expressions with total flexibility in determining the position on the line at which line flows are measured. The proposed approach was tested on IEEE 9-Bus system. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed approach is very accurate compared with exact method.Keywords: distribution factors, power system, sensitivity factors, electricity market
Procedia PDF Downloads 4756659 The Role of Moringa oleifera Extract Leaves in Inducing Apoptosis in Breast Cancer Cell Line
Authors: V. Yurina, H. Sujuti, E. Rahmani, A. R. Nopitasari
Breast cancer has the highest prevalence cancer in women. Moringa leaves (M. oleifera) contain quercetin, kaempferol, and benzyl isothiocyanate which can enhance induction of apoptosis. This research aimed to study the role of the leaf extract of Moringa to increase apoptosis in breast cancer cell line, MCF-7 cells. This research used in vitro experimental, post-test only, control group design on breast cancer cells MCF-7 in vitro. Moringa leaves were extracted by maceration method with ethanol 70%. Cells were treated with drumstick leaves extract on 1100, 2200, and 4400 μg/ml for Hsp27 and caspase-9 expression (immunocytochemistry) and apoptosis (TUNEL assay) test. The results of this study found that the IC50 2200 µg/ml. Moringa leaves extract can significantly increase the expression of caspase-9 (p<0.05) and decreased Hsp 27 expression (p<0.05). Moreover it can increase apoptosis (p<0.05) significantly in MCF-7 cells. The conclusion of this study is Moringa leaves extract is able to increase the expression of caspase-9, decrease Hsp27 expression and increase apoptosis in breast cancer cell-line MCF-7.Keywords: apoptosis, breast cancer, caspase-9, Hsp27, Moringa oleifera
Procedia PDF Downloads 5456658 Chemical Stability and Characterization of Ion Exchange Membranes for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries
Authors: Min-Hwa Lim, Mi-Jeong Park, Ho-Young Jung
Imidazolium-brominated polyphenylene oxide (Im-bPPO) is based on the functionalization of bromomethylated poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide) (BPPO) using 1-Methylimdazole. For the purpose of long cycle life of vanadium redox battery (VRB), the chemical stability of Im-bPPO, sPPO (sulfonated 2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide) and Fumatech membranes were evaluated firstly in the 0.1M vanadium (V) solution dissolved in 3M sulfuric acid (H2SO4) for 72h, and UV analyses of the degradation products proved that ether bond in PPO backbone was vulnerable to be attacked by vanadium (V) ion. It was found that the membranes had slightly weight loss after soaking in 2 ml distilled water included in STS pressure vessel for 1 day at 200◦C. ATR-FT-IR data indicated before and after the degradation of the membranes. Further evaluation on the degradation mechanism of the menbranes were carried out in Fenton’s reagent solution for 72 h at 50 ◦C and analyses of the membranes before and after degradation confirmed the weight loss of the membranes. The Fumatech membranes exhibited better performance than AEM and CEM, but Nafion 212 still suffers chemical degradation.Keywords: vanadium redox flow battery, ion exchange membrane, permeability, degradation, chemical stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 3026657 Electro-Optic Parameters of Ferroelectric Particles- Liquid Crystal Composites
Authors: T. D. Ibragimov, A. R. Imamaliyev, G. M. Bayramov
Influence of barium titanate particles on electro-optic properties of liquid crystal 4-cyano-4′-pentylbiphenyl (5CB) with positive dielectric anisotropy and the liquid crystalline (LC) mixture Н-37 consisting of 4-methoxybezylidene-4'–butylaniline and 4-ethoxybezylidene-4'–butylaniline with negative dielectric anisotropy was investigated. It was shown that a presence of particles inside 5СВ and H-37 decreased the clearing temperature from 35.2 °С to 32.5°С and from 61.2 oC to 60.1oC, correspondingly. The threshold voltage of the Fredericksz effect became 0.3 V for the BaTiO3-5CB colloid while the beginning of this effect of the pure 5СВ was observed at 2.1 V. Threshold voltage of the Fredericksz effect increased from 2.8 V to up 3.1 V at additive of particles into H-37. A rise time of the BaTiO3-5CB colloid improved while a decay time worsened in comparison with the pure 5CB at all applied voltages. The inverse trends were observed for the H-37 matrix, namely, a rise time worsened and a decay time improved. Among other things, the effect of fast light modulation was studied at application of the rectangular impulse with direct bias to an electro-optical cell with the BaTiO3 particles+5CB and the pure 5CB. At this case, a rise time of the composite worsened, a decay time improved in comparison with the pure 5CB. The pecularities of electrohydrodynamic instability (EHDI) formation was also investigated into the composite with the H-37 matrix. It was found that the voltage of the EHDI formation decreased, a rise time increased and a decay time decreased in comparison with the pure H-37. First of all, experimental results are explained by appearance of local electric fields near the polarized ferroelectric particles at application of external electric field and an existence of the additional obstacles (particles) for movement of ions.Keywords: liquid crystal, ferroelectric particles, composite, electro-optics
Procedia PDF Downloads 7036656 Ultrahigh Thermal Stability of Dielectric Permittivity in 0.6Bi(Mg₁/₂Ti₁/₂)O₃-0.4Ba₀.₈Ca₀.₂(Ti₀.₈₇₅Nb₀.₁₂₅)O₃
Authors: Kaiyuan Chena, Senentxu Lanceros-Méndeza, Laijun Liub, Qi Zhanga
0.6Bi(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3-0.4Ba0.8Ca0.2(Nb0.125Ti0.875)O3 (0.6BMT-0.4BCNT) ceramics with a pseudo-cubic structure and re-entrant dipole glass behavior have been investigated via X-ray diffraction and dielectric permittivity-temperature spectra. It shows an excellent dielectric-temperature stability with small variations of dielectric permittivity (± 5%, 420 - 802 K) and dielectric loss tangent (tanδ < 2.5%, 441 - 647 K) in a wide temperature range. Three dielectric anomalies are observed from 290 K to 1050 K. The low-temperature weakly coupled re-entrant relaxor behavior was described using Vogel-Fulcher law and the new glass model. The mid- and high-temperature dielectric anomalies are characterized by isothermal impedance and electrical modulus. The activation energy of both dielectric relaxation and conductivity follows the Arrhenius law in the temperature ranges of 633 - 753 K and 833 - 973 K, respectively. The ultrahigh thermal stability of the dielectric permittivity is attributed to the weakly coupling of polar clusters, the formation of diffuse phase transition (DPT) and the local phase transition of calcium-containing perovskite.Keywords: permittivity, relaxor, electronic ceramics, activation energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1026655 Effect of Electric Stimulation on Characteristic Changes in Hot-Boned Beef Brisket of Different Potential Tenderness
Authors: Orose Rugchati, Kanita Thanacharoenchanaphas, Sarawut Wattanawongpitak
In this study, the effect of electric stimulation on the quality of hot-boned beef brisket muscles was evaluated, including the tenderness, pH, temperature change, and colorant. Muscles were obtained from steers in the local slaughter house. (3 steers for each muscle), removed from the carcasses 4-hour postmortem and variable time to treated with direct current electric 1 and 5 minutes, respectively. Six different electric intensities (direct current voltage of 50, 70 and 90 Volt, pulse with 10, 20 and 40 ms) plus a control were applied to each muscle to determine the optimum treatment conditions. Hot-boned beef brisket was found to get tender with increasing treatment direct current voltage and reduction in the shear force with pulsed with electric treatment. But in a long time to treated with electric current get fading in red color and temperature increase whereas pH quite different compared to non-treated control samples.Keywords: electric stimulation, characteristic changes, hot-boned beef brisket, potential tenderness
Procedia PDF Downloads 3426654 Synchronization of Chaotic T-System via Optimal Control as an Adaptive Controller
Authors: Hossein Kheiri, Bashir Naderi, Mohamad Reza Niknam
In this paper we study the optimal synchronization of chaotic T-system with complete uncertain parameter. Optimal control laws and parameter estimation rules are obtained by using Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) technique and Lyapunov stability theorem. The derived control laws are optimal adaptive control and make the states of drive and response systems asymptotically synchronized. Numerical simulation shows the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method.Keywords: Lyapunov stability, synchronization, chaos, optimal control, adaptive control
Procedia PDF Downloads 4896653 Exploring Coordination between Monetary and Macroprudential Policies Using a Monetary Policy Procyclicality Ratio
Authors: Lukasz Kurowski, Paweł Smaga
We explore the procyclicality of monetary policy decisions towards the financial cycle in the 1995−2015 period on a sample of six central banks. Using interest rate paths and the credit-to-GDP gap to construct a monetary policy procyclicality ratio, we provide evidence that monetary policy procyclicality was high in BoE and CNB and low in Riksbank and ECB. The results support the need for coordination between macroprudential and monetary policies, for example, by including financial stability considerations to the inflation targeting strategy.Keywords: central bank, financial stability, macroprudential policy, monetary policy
Procedia PDF Downloads 3736652 Creating Legitimate Expectations in International Energy Investments: Role of the Stability Provisions
Authors: Rahmi Kopar
Legitimate expectations principle is considered one of the most dominant elements of the Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard which is today’s most relied upon treaty standard. Since its utilization by arbitral tribunals is relatively new, the contours of the legitimate expectations concept under investment treaty law have not been precisely defined yet. There are various fragmented views arising both from arbitral tribunals and scholarly writings with respect to its limits and use even though the principle is ‘firmly rooted in arbitral practice.’ International energy investments, due to their characteristics, are more prone to certain types of risks, especially the political risks. Thus, there are several mechanisms to protect an energy investment against those risks. Stabilisation is one of these investment protection methods. Stability provisions can be found under domestic legislations, as a contractual clause, or as a separate legal stability agreement. This paper will start by examining the roots of the contentious concept of legitimate expectations with reference to its application in domestic legal systems from where the doctrine under investment treaty law context was transplanted. Then the paper will turn to the investment treaty law and analyse the main contours of the doctrine as understood and applied by arbitral tribunals. 'What gives rise to the investor’s legitimate expectations?' question is answered mainly by three categories of sources: the general legal framework prevalent in a host state, the representations made by the officials or organs of a host state, and the contractual commitments. However, there is no unanimity among the arbitral tribunals and the scholars with respect to the form these sources should take. At this point, the study will discuss the sources of a stability provision and the effect of these stability provisions found in various legal sources in creating a legitimate expectation for the investor. The main questions to be discussed in this paper are as follows: a) Do the stability provisions found under different legal sources create a legitimate expectation on the investor side? b) If yes, what levels of legitimate expectations do they create? These questions will be answered mainly by reference to investment treaty jurisprudence.Keywords: fair and equitable treatment standard, international energy investments, investment protection, legitimate expectations, stabilization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2156651 Assessing Influence of End-Boundary Conditions on Stability and Second-Order Lateral Stiffness of Beam-Column Elements Embedded in Non-Homogeneous Soil
Authors: Carlos A. Vega-Posada, Jeisson Alejandro Higuita-Villa, Julio C. Saldarriaga-Molina
This paper presents a simplified analytical approach to conduct elastic stability and second-order lateral stiffness analyses of beam-column elements (i.e., piles) with generalized end-boundary conditions embedded on a homogeneous or non-homogeneous Pasternak foundation. The solution is derived using the well-known Differential Transformation Method (DTM), and it consists simply of solving a system of two linear algebraic equations. Using other conventional approaches to solve the governing differential equation of the proposed element can be cumbersome and the solution challenging to implement, especially when the non-homogeneity of the soil is considered. The proposed formulation includes the effects of i) any rotational or lateral transverse spring at the ends of the pile, ii) any external transverse load acting along the pile, iii) soil non-homogeneity, and iv) the second-parameter of the elastic foundation (i.e., shear layer connecting the springs at the top). A parametric study is conducted to investigate the effects of different modulus of subgrade reactions, degrees of non-homogeneities, and intermediate end-boundary conditions on the pile response. The same set of equations can be used to conduct both elastic stability and static analyses. Comprehensive examples are presented to show the simplicity and practicability of the proposed method.Keywords: elastic stability, second-order lateral stiffness, soil-non-homogeneity, pile analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2116650 Optical and Near-UV Spectroscopic Properties of Low-Redshift Jetted Quasars in the Main Sequence in the Main Sequence Context
Authors: Shimeles Terefe Mengistue, Ascensión Del Olmo, Paola Marziani, Mirjana Pović, María Angeles Martínez-Carballo, Jaime Perea, Isabel M. Árquez
Quasars have historically been classified into two distinct classes, radio-loud (RL) and radio-quiet (RQ), taking into account the presence and absence of relativistic radio jets, respectively. The absence of spectra with a high S/N ratio led to the impression that all quasars (QSOs) are spectroscopically similar. Although different attempts were made to unify these two classes, there is a long-standing open debate involving the possibility of a real physical dichotomy between RL and RQ quasars. In this work, we present new high S/N spectra of 11 extremely powerful jetted quasars with radio-to-optical flux density ratio > 1000 that concomitantly cover the low-ionization emission of Mgii𝜆2800 and Hbeta𝛽 as well as the Feii blends in the redshift range 0.35 < z < 1, observed at Calar Alto Observatory (Spain). This work aims to quantify broad emission line differences between RL and RQ quasars by using the four-dimensional eigenvector 1 (4DE1) parameter space and its main sequence (MS) and to check the effect of powerful radio ejection on the low ionization broad emission lines. Emission lines are analysed by making two complementary approaches, a multicomponent non-linear fitting to account for the individual components of the broad emission lines and by analysing the full profile of the lines through parameters such as total widths, centroid velocities at different fractional intensities, asymmetry, and kurtosis indices. It is found that broad emission lines show large reward asymmetry both in Hbeta𝛽 and Mgii2800A. The location of our RL sources in a UV plane looks similar to the optical one, with weak Feii UV emission and broad Mgii2800A. We supplement the 11 sources with large samples from previous work to gain some general inferences. The result shows, compared to RQ, our extreme RL quasars show larger median Hbeta full width at half maximum (FWHM), weaker Feii emission, larger 𝑀BH, lower 𝐿bol/𝐿Edd, and a restricted space occupation in the optical and UV MS planes. The differences are more elusive when the comparison is carried out by restricting the RQ population to the region of the MS occupied by RL quasars, albeit an unbiased comparison matching 𝑀BH and 𝐿bol/𝐿Edd suggests that the most powerful RL quasars show the highest redward asymmetries in Hbeta.Keywords: galaxies, active, line, profiles, quasars, emission lines, supermassive black holes
Procedia PDF Downloads 606649 Species Diversity and Relative Abundance of Migratory Waterbirds in Abijata Lake, Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia
Authors: Teklebrhan Kidane
The aim of this study is to investigate the species diversity and relative abundance of migratory waterbirds in Abijata Lake, an Important Bird Area and potential Ramsar site located in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. The study was carried out, using line transect method along the shoreline and open area of the Lake. The data was analyzed with different diversity indices; t-Test and descriptive statistics. Thirty-two migratory waterbird species grouped into twelve families consisting of globally threatened birds were identified and recorded. Family Scolopacidae (12 species) had the highest number of species. The lowest number of species was observed under the families Ciconidae, Accipitridae, Laridae and Falconidae with one species each. The recorded bird species comprised 19 Palearctic, 5 Intra-African, 2 local migrants as well as 6 resident Palearctic migratory waterbird species. The dry season had higher species diversity (H'=1.01) compared to the wet season (H'=0.76). The highest and lowest diversity of migratory waterbirds were recorded during January (H'= 1.28) and June (H'= 0.52), respectively. However, the highest evenness (E) of bird species was recorded during wet season (E=0.21) and lower during the dry season (E=0.09). The computed seasonal effect reveals that there is significant effect of seasons on species diversity (t=2.80, P < 0.05), but the effect of seasons on individuals of migratory bird species was not significant (t=1.42, P > 0.05). Even though Lake Abijata is the sanctuary of several migratory waterbirds, anthropogenic activities are rigorously threatening their survival. Therefore, it needs an urgent conservation concern.Keywords: migration, important bird area, species diversity, wetland birds
Procedia PDF Downloads 2066648 Dependence of Free Fatty Acid and Chlorophyll Content on Thermal Stability of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Authors: Yongjun Ahn, Sung Gyu Choi, Seung-Yeop Kwak
Selective removal of free fatty acid (FFA) and chlorophyll in extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is necessary to enhance the thermal stability in the condition of the deep frying. In this work, we demonstrated improving the thermal stability of EVOO by selective removal of free fatty acid and chlorophyll using (3-Aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane (APTMS) functionalized mesoporous silica with controlled pore size. The adsorption kinetics of free fatty acid and chlorophyll into the mesoporous silica were quantitatively analyzed by Freundlich and Langmuir model. The highest chlorophyll adsorption efficiency was shown in the pore size at 5 nm, suggesting that the interaction between the silica and the chlorophyll could be optimized at this point. The amino-functionalized mesoporous silica showed drastically improved removal efficiency of FFA than the bare silica. Moreover, beneficial compounds like tocopherol and phenolic compounds maintained even after adsorptive removal. Extra virgin olive oil treated by aminopropyl-functionalized silica had a smoke point high enough to be used as commercial frying oil. Based on these results, it is expected to attract the considerable amount of interest toward facile adsorptive refining process of EVOO using pore size controlled and amino-functionalized mesoporous silica.Keywords: mesoporous silica, extra virgin olive oil, selective adsorption, thermal stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2416647 Execution of Optimization Algorithm in Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter
Authors: M. Suresh Kumar, K. Ramani
This paper proposed the harmonic elimination of Cascaded H-Bridge Multi-Level Inverter by using Selective Harmonic Elimination-Pulse Width Modulation method programmed with Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm. PSO method determine proficiently the required switching angles to eliminate low order harmonics up to the 11th order from the inverter output voltage waveform while keeping the magnitude of the fundamental harmonics at the desired value. Results demonstrate that the proposed method does efficiently eliminate a great number of specific harmonics and the output voltage is resulted in minimum Total Harmonic Distortion. The results shown that the PSO algorithm attain successfully to the global solution faster than other algorithms.Keywords: multi-level inverter, Selective Harmonic Elimination Pulse Width Modulation (SHEPWM), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
Procedia PDF Downloads 6046646 Diversity Indices as a Tool for Evaluating Quality of Water Ways
Authors: Khadra Ahmed, Khaled Kheireldin
In this paper, we present a pedestrian detection descriptor called Fused Structure and Texture (FST) features based on the combination of the local phase information with the texture features. Since the phase of the signal conveys more structural information than the magnitude, the phase congruency concept is used to capture the structural features. On the other hand, the Center-Symmetric Local Binary Pattern (CSLBP) approach is used to capture the texture information of the image. The dimension less quantity of the phase congruency and the robustness of the CSLBP operator on the flat images, as well as the blur and illumination changes, lead the proposed descriptor to be more robust and less sensitive to the light variations. The proposed descriptor can be formed by extracting the phase congruency and the CSLBP values of each pixel of the image with respect to its neighborhood. The histogram of the oriented phase and the histogram of the CSLBP values for the local regions in the image are computed and concatenated to construct the FST descriptor. Several experiments were conducted on INRIA and the low resolution DaimlerChrysler datasets to evaluate the detection performance of the pedestrian detection system that is based on the FST descriptor. A linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used to train the pedestrian classifier. These experiments showed that the proposed FST descriptor has better detection performance over a set of state of the art feature extraction methodologies.Keywords: planktons, diversity indices, water quality index, water ways
Procedia PDF Downloads 5196645 Effect of Anionic Lipid on Zeta Potential Values and Physical Stability of Liposomal Amikacin
Authors: Yulistiani, Muhammad Amin, Fasich
A surface charge of the nanoparticle is a very important consideration in pulmonal drug delivery system. The zeta potential (ZP) is related to the surface charge which can predict stability of nanoparticles as nebules of liposomal amikacin. Anionic lipid such as 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) is expected to contribute to the physical stability of liposomal amikacin and the optimal ZP value. Suitable ZP can improve drug release profiles at specific sites in alveoli as well as their stability in dosage form. This study aimed to analyze the effect of DPPG on ZP values and physical stability of liposomal amikacin. Liposomes were prepared by using the reserved phase evaporation method. Liposomes consisting of DPPG, 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), cholesterol and amikacin were formulated in five different compositions 0/150/5/100, 10//150/5/100, 20/150/5/100, 30/150/5/100 and 40/150/5/100 (w/v) respectively. A chloroform/methanol mixture in the ratio of 1 : 1 (v/v) was used as solvent to dissolve lipids. These systems were adjusted in the phosphate buffer at pH 7.4. Nebules of liposomal amikacin were produced by using the vibrating nebulizer and then characterized by the X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, particle size and zeta potential analyzer, and scanning electron microscope. Amikacin concentration from liposome leakage was determined by the immunoassay method. The study revealed that presence of DPPG could increase the ZP value. The addition of 10 mg DPPG in the composition resulted in increasing of ZP value to 3.70 mV (negatively charged). The optimum ZP value was reached at -28.780 ± 0.70 mV and particle size of nebules 461.70 ± 21.79 nm. Nebulizing process altered parameters such as particle size, conformation of lipid components and the amount of surface charges of nanoparticles which could influence the ZP value. These parameters might have profound effects on the application of nebules in the alveoli; however, negatively charge nanoparticles were unexpected to have a high ZP value in this system due to increased macrophage uptake and pulmonal clearance. Therefore, the ratio of liposome 20/150/5/100 (w/v) resulted in the most stable colloidal system and might be applicable to pulmonal drug delivery system.Keywords: anionic lipid, dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol, liposomal amikacin, stability, zeta potential
Procedia PDF Downloads 3396644 3D Structuring of Thin Film Solid State Batteries for High Power Demanding Applications
Authors: Alfonso Sepulveda, Brecht Put, Nouha Labyedh, Philippe M. Vereecken
High energy and power density are the main requirements of today’s high demanding applications in consumer electronics. Lithium ion batteries (LIB) have the highest energy density of all known systems and are thus the best choice for rechargeable micro-batteries. Liquid electrolyte LIBs present limitations in safety, size and design, thus thin film all-solid state batteries are predominantly considered to overcome these restrictions in small devices. Although planar all-solid state thin film LIBs are at present commercially available they have low capacity (<1mAh/cm2) which limits their application scenario. By using micro-or nanostructured surfaces (i.e. 3D batteries) and appropriate conformal coating technology (i.e. electrochemical deposition, ALD) the capacity can be increased while still keeping a high rate performance. The main challenges in the introduction of solid-state LIBs are low ionic conductance and limited cycle life time due to mechanical stress and shearing interfaces. Novel materials and innovative nanostructures have to be explored in order to overcome these limitations. Thin film 3D compatible materials need to provide with the necessary requirements for functional and viable thin-film stacks. Thin film electrodes offer shorter Li-diffusion paths and high gravimetric and volumetric energy densities which allow them to be used at ultra-fast charging rates while keeping their complete capacities. Thin film electrolytes with intrinsically high ion conductivity (~10-3 do exist, but are not electrochemically stable. On the other hand, electronically insulating electrolytes with a large electrochemical window and good chemical stability are known, but typically have intrinsically low ionic conductivities (<10-6 S cm). In addition, there is the need for conformal deposition techniques which can offer pinhole-free coverage over large surface areas with large aspect ratio features for electrode, electrolyte and buffer layers. To tackle the scaling of electrodes and the conformal deposition requirements on future 3D batteries we study LiMn2O4 (LMO) and Li4Ti5O12 (LTO). These materials are among the most interesting electrode candidates for thin film batteries offering low cost, low toxicity, high voltage and high capacity. LMO and LTO are considered 3D compatible materials since they can be prepared through conformal deposition techniques. Here, we show the scaling effects on rate performance and cycle stability of thin film cathode layers of LMO created by RF-sputtering. Planar LMO thin films below 100 nm have been electrochemically characterized. The thinnest films show the highest volumetric capacity and the best cycling stability. The increased stability of the films below 50 nm allows cycling in both the 4 and 3V potential region, resulting in a high volumetric capacity of 1.2Ah/cm3. Also, the creation of LTO anode layers through a post-lithiation process of TiO2 is demonstrated here. Planar LTO thin films below 100 nm have been electrochemically characterized. A 70 nm film retains 85% of its original capacity after 100 (dis)charging cycles at 10C. These layers can be implemented into a high aspect ratio structures. IMEC develops high aspect Si pillars arrays which is the base for the advance of 3D thin film all-solid state batteries of future technologies.Keywords: Li-ion rechargeable batteries, thin film, nanostructures, rate performance, 3D batteries, all-solid state
Procedia PDF Downloads 3386643 Application of Generalized Taguchi and Design of Experiment Methodology for Rebar Production at an Integrated Steel Plant
Authors: S. B. V. S. P. Sastry, V. V. S. Kesava Rao
In this paper, x-ray impact of Taguchi method and design of experiment philosophy to project relationship between various factors leading to output yield strength of rebar is studied. In bar mill of an integrated steel plant, there are two production lines called as line 1 and line 2. The metallic properties e.g. yield strength of finished product of the same material is varying for a particular grade material when rolled simultaneously in both the lines. A study has been carried out to set the process parameters at optimal level for obtaining equal value of yield strength simultaneously for both lines.Keywords: bar mill, design of experiment, taguchi, yield strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 2426642 Assessment of Diagnostic Enzymes as Indices of Heavy Metal Pollution in Tilapia Fish
Authors: Justina I. R. Udotong, Essien U. Essien
Diagnostic enzymes like aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were determined as indices of heavy metal pollution in Tilapia guinensis. Three different sets of fishes treated with lead (Pb), iron (Fe) and copper (Cu) were used for the study while a fourth group with no heavy metal served as a control. Fishes in each of the groups were exposed to 2.65 mg/l of Pb, 0.85 mg/l of Fe and 0.35 mg/l of Cu in aerated aquaria for 96 hours. Tissue fractionation of the liver tissues was carried out and the three diagnostic enzymes (AST, ALT, and ALP) were estimated. Serum levels of the same diagnostic enzymes were also measured. The mean values of the serum enzyme activity for ALP in each experimental group were 19.5±1.62, 29.67±2.17 and 1.15±0.27 IU/L for Pb, Fe and Cu groups compared with 9.99±1.34 IU/L enzyme activity in the control. This result showed that Pb and Fe caused increased release of the enzyme into the blood circulation indicating increased tissue damage while Cu caused a reduction in the serum level as compared with the level in the control group. The mean values of enzyme activity obtained in the liver were 102.14±6.12, 140.17±2.06 and 168.23±3.52 IU/L for Pb, Fe and Cu groups, respectively compared to 91.20±9.42 IU/L enzyme activity for the control group. The serum and liver AST and ALT activities obtained in Pb, Fe, Cu and control groups are reported. It was generally noted that the presence of the heavy metal caused liver tissues damage and consequent increased level of the diagnostic enzymes in the serum.Keywords: diagnostic enzymes, enzyme activity, heavy metals, tissues investigations
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