Search results for: MR image of brain
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 3878

Search results for: MR image of brain

2858 Recognition of Gene Names from Gene Pathway Figures Using Siamese Network

Authors: Muhammad Azam, Micheal Olaolu Arowolo, Fei He, Mihail Popescu, Dong Xu


The number of biological papers is growing quickly, which means that the number of biological pathway figures in those papers is also increasing quickly. Each pathway figure shows extensive biological information, like the names of genes and how the genes are related. However, manually annotating pathway figures takes a lot of time and work. Even though using advanced image understanding models could speed up the process of curation, these models still need to be made more accurate. To improve gene name recognition from pathway figures, we applied a Siamese network to map image segments to a library of pictures containing known genes in a similar way to person recognition from photos in many photo applications. We used a triple loss function and a triplet spatial pyramid pooling network by combining the triplet convolution neural network and the spatial pyramid pooling (TSPP-Net). We compared VGG19 and VGG16 as the Siamese network model. VGG16 achieved better performance with an accuracy of 93%, which is much higher than OCR results.

Keywords: biological pathway, image understanding, gene name recognition, object detection, Siamese network, VGG

Procedia PDF Downloads 292
2857 Characterization of Optical Systems for Intraocular Projection

Authors: Charles Q. Yu, Victoria H. Fan, Ahmed F. Al-Qahtani, Ibraim Viera


Introduction: Over 12 million people are blind due to opacity of the cornea, the clear tissue forming the front of the eye. Current methods use plastic implants to produce a clear optical pathway into the eye but are limited by a high rate of complications. New implants utilizing completely inside-the-eye projection technology can overcome blindness due to scarring of the eye by producing images on the retina without need for a clear optical pathway into the eye and may be free of the complications of traditional treatments. However, the interior of the eye is a challenging location for the design of optical focusing systems which can produce a sufficiently high quality image. No optical focusing systems have previously been characterized for this purpose. Methods: 3 optical focusing systems for intraocular (inside the eye) projection were designed and then modeled with ray tracing software, including a pinhole system, a planoconvex, and an achromatic system. These were then constructed using off-the-shelf components and tested in the laboratory. Weight, size, magnification, depth of focus, image quality and brightness were characterized. Results: Image quality increased with complexity of system design, as did weight and size. A dual achromatic doublet optical system produced the highest image quality. The visual acuity equivalent achieved with this system was better than 20/200. Its weight was less than that of the natural human crystalline lens. Conclusions: We demonstrate for the first time that high quality images can be produced by optical systems sufficiently small and light to be implanted within the eye.

Keywords: focusing, projection, blindness, cornea , achromatic, pinhole

Procedia PDF Downloads 132
2856 A Robust Spatial Feature Extraction Method for Facial Expression Recognition

Authors: H. G. C. P. Dinesh, G. Tharshini, M. P. B. Ekanayake, G. M. R. I. Godaliyadda


This paper presents a new spatial feature extraction method based on principle component analysis (PCA) and Fisher Discernment Analysis (FDA) for facial expression recognition. It not only extracts reliable features for classification, but also reduces the feature space dimensions of pattern samples. In this method, first each gray scale image is considered in its entirety as the measurement matrix. Then, principle components (PCs) of row vectors of this matrix and variance of these row vectors along PCs are estimated. Therefore, this method would ensure the preservation of spatial information of the facial image. Afterwards, by incorporating the spectral information of the eigen-filters derived from the PCs, a feature vector was constructed, for a given image. Finally, FDA was used to define a set of basis in a reduced dimension subspace such that the optimal clustering is achieved. The method of FDA defines an inter-class scatter matrix and intra-class scatter matrix to enhance the compactness of each cluster while maximizing the distance between cluster marginal points. In order to matching the test image with the training set, a cosine similarity based Bayesian classification was used. The proposed method was tested on the Cohn-Kanade database and JAFFE database. It was observed that the proposed method which incorporates spatial information to construct an optimal feature space outperforms the standard PCA and FDA based methods.

Keywords: facial expression recognition, principle component analysis (PCA), fisher discernment analysis (FDA), eigen-filter, cosine similarity, bayesian classifier, f-measure

Procedia PDF Downloads 426
2855 Development of Star Image Simulator for Star Tracker Algorithm Validation

Authors: Zoubida Mahi


A successful satellite mission in space requires a reliable attitude and orbit control system to command, control and position the satellite in appropriate orbits. Several sensors are used for attitude control, such as magnetic sensors, earth sensors, horizon sensors, gyroscopes, and solar sensors. The star tracker is the most accurate sensor compared to other sensors, and it is able to offer high-accuracy attitude control without the need for prior attitude information. There are mainly three approaches in star sensor research: digital simulation, hardware in the loop simulation, and field test of star observation. In the digital simulation approach, all of the processes are done in software, including star image simulation. Hence, it is necessary to develop star image simulation software that could simulate real space environments and various star sensor configurations. In this paper, we present a new stellar image simulation tool that is used to test and validate the stellar sensor algorithms; the developed tool allows to simulate of stellar images with several types of noise, such as background noise, gaussian noise, Poisson noise, multiplicative noise, and several scenarios that exist in space such as the presence of the moon, the presence of optical system problem, illumination and false objects. On the other hand, we present in this paper a new star extraction algorithm based on a new centroid calculation method. We compared our algorithm with other star extraction algorithms from the literature, and the results obtained show the star extraction capability of the proposed algorithm.

Keywords: star tracker, star simulation, star detection, centroid, noise, scenario

Procedia PDF Downloads 97
2854 Fahr Dsease vs Fahr Syndrome in the Field of a Case Report

Authors: Angelis P. Barlampas


Objective: The confusion of terms is a common practice in many situations of the everyday life. But, in some circumstances, such as in medicine, the precise meaning of a word curries a critical role for the health of the patient. Fahr disease and Fahr syndrome are often falsely used interchangeably, but they are two different conditions with different physical histories of different etiology and different medical management. A case of the seldom Fahr disease is presented, and a comparison with the more common Fahr syndrome follows. Materials and method: A 72 years old patient came to the emergency department, complaining of some kind of non specific medal disturbances, like anxiety, difficulty of concentrating, and tremor. The problems had a long course, but he had the impression of getting worse lately, so he decided to check them. Past history and laboratory tests were unremarkable. Then, a computed tomography examination was ordered. Results: The CT exam showed bilateral, hyperattenuating areas of heavy, dense calcium type deposits in basal ganglia, striatum, pallidum, thalami, the dentate nucleus, and the cerebral white matter of frontal, parietal and iniac lobes, as well as small areas of the pons. Taking into account the absence of any known preexisting illness and the fact that the emergency laboratory tests were without findings, a hypothesis of the rare Fahr disease was supposed. The suspicion was confirmed with further, more specific tests, which showed the lack of any other conditions which could probably share the same radiological image. Differentiating between Fahr disease and Fahr syndrome. Fahr disease: Primarily autosomal dominant Symmetrical and bilateral intracranial calcifications The patient is healthy until the middle age Absence of biochemical abnormalities. Family history consistent with autosomal dominant Fahr syndrome :Earlier between 30 to 40 years old. Symmetrical and bilateral intracranial calcifications Endocrinopathies: Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism, secondary hypoparathyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, pseudohypoparathyroidism ,pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism, e.t.c The disease appears at any age There are abnormal laboratory or imaging findings. Conclusion: Fahr disease and Fahr syndrome are not the same illness, although this is not well known to the inexperienced doctors. As clinical radiologists, we have to inform our colleagues that a radiological image, along with the patient's history, probably implies a rare condition and not something more usual and prompt the investigation to the right route. In our case, a genetic test could be done earlier and reveal the problem, and thus avoiding unnecessary and specific tests which cost in time and are uncomfortable to the patient.

Keywords: fahr disease, fahr syndrome, CT, brain calcifications

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2853 Imperial/Royal Renewal in Byzantium and Medieval Georgia: Case of Alexios I Komnenos (r. 1081–1118) and Davit IV the Builder (r. 1089–1125)

Authors: Sandro Nikolaishvili


The end of the eleventh and the beginning of the twelfth century was a transitional period for the Byzantine empire as well as for the Caucasus. The empire was struggling for its survival under Alexios I Komnenos while Medieval Georgia was emerging as a dominant player in the Caucasus under Davit IV the Builder. The reigns of these two rulers were periods of renewal and transformation. I aim to compare the imperial image of Alexios I Komnenos with the renewed kingship ideology under Davit IV. I will hypothesize about the possible translation of the Byzantine political culture into the Medieval Georgia.

Keywords: Byzantium, Georgia, imperial, image

Procedia PDF Downloads 418
2852 An Examination of the Relationship between Adolescents' Social Media Use and Social Appearance Anxiety

Authors: Aynur Bütün Ayhan, Utku Beyazıt


Adolescents can be heavily influenced by social media content as they develop their identities and body images. Therefore, the intensive use of social media platforms may have important effects on their body image beliefs. In this context, the objective of the present study was to assess the relationship between adolescents' social media use and their body image concerns. The study included 265 adolescents (133 girls and 132 boys) between the ages of 15 and 17 who were attending a high school in Ankara, Türkiye. In the study, the adolescents were administered the Social Media Addiction Scale to assess their level of social media use and the Social Appearance Anxiety Scale to assess their social appearance anxiety. Prior to analysis, a normality test was applied, and it was determined that the data displayed a non-parametric distribution. As a result, a significant positive relationship (r=.322, p<.01) was found between adolescents' level of social use and social appearance anxiety. It was also determined that social media addiction and social appearance anxiety significantly differed (p<.05) according to adolescents' opinions about their own bodies, being influenced by body images they see on social media and weight perceptions. The findings suggest that social media use should be managed carefully for adolescents to develop a healthy body image.

Keywords: social media, adolescent, social appearence, anxiety

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2851 Implementation of Edge Detection Based on Autofluorescence Endoscopic Image of Field Programmable Gate Array

Authors: Hao Cheng, Zhiwu Wang, Guozheng Yan, Pingping Jiang, Shijia Qin, Shuai Kuang


Autofluorescence Imaging (AFI) is a technology for detecting early carcinogenesis of the gastrointestinal tract in recent years. Compared with traditional white light endoscopy (WLE), this technology greatly improves the detection accuracy of early carcinogenesis, because the colors of normal tissues are different from cancerous tissues. Thus, edge detection can distinguish them in grayscale images. In this paper, based on the traditional Sobel edge detection method, optimization has been performed on this method which considers the environment of the gastrointestinal, including adaptive threshold and morphological processing. All of the processes are implemented on our self-designed system based on the image sensor OV6930 and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), The system can capture the gastrointestinal image taken by the lens in real time and detect edges. The final experiments verified the feasibility of our system and the effectiveness and accuracy of the edge detection algorithm.

Keywords: AFI, edge detection, adaptive threshold, morphological processing, OV6930, FPGA

Procedia PDF Downloads 230
2850 Self-serving Anchoring of Self-judgments

Authors: Elitza Z. Ambrus, Bjoern Hartig, Ryan McKay


Individuals’ self-judgments might be malleable and influenced by comparison with a random value. On the one hand, self-judgments reflect our self-image, which is typically considered to be stable in adulthood. Indeed, people also strive hard to maintain a fixed, positive moral image of themselves. On the other hand, research has shown the robustness of the so-called anchoring effect on judgments and decisions. The anchoring effect refers to the influence of a previously considered comparative value (anchor) on a consecutive absolute judgment and reveals that individuals’ estimates of various quantities are flexible and can be influenced by a salient random value. The present study extends the anchoring paradigm to the domain of the self. We also investigate whether participants are more susceptible to self-serving anchors, i.e., anchors that enhance participant’s self-image, especially their moral self-image. In a pre-reregistered study via the online platform Prolific, 249 participants (156 females, 89 males, 3 other and 1 who preferred not to specify their gender; M = 35.88, SD = 13.91) ranked themselves on eight personality characteristics. However, in the anchoring conditions, respondents were asked to first indicate whether they thought they would rank higher or lower than a given anchor value before providing their estimated rank in comparison to 100 other anonymous participants. A high and a low anchor value were employed to differentiate between anchors in a desirable (self-serving) direction and anchors in an undesirable (self-diminishing) direction. In the control treatment, there was no comparison question. Subsequently, participants provided their self-rankings on the eight personality traits with two personal characteristics for each combination of the factors desirable/undesirable and moral/non-moral. We found evidence of an anchoring effect for self-judgments. Moreover, anchoring was more efficient when people were anchored in a self-serving direction: the anchoring effect was enhanced when supporting a more favorable self-view and mitigated (even reversed) when implying a deterioration of the self-image. The self-serving anchoring was more pronounced for moral than for non-moral traits. The data also provided evidence in support of a better-than-average effect in general as well as a magnified better-than-average effect for moral traits. Taken together, these results suggest that self-judgments might not be as stable in adulthood as previously thought. In addition, considerations of constructing and maintaining a positive self-image might interact with the anchoring effect on self-judgments. Potential implications of our results concern the construction and malleability of self-judgments as well as the psychological mechanism shaping anchoring.

Keywords: anchoring, better-than-average effect, self-judgments, self-serving anchoring

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2849 Deep Brain Stimulation and Motor Cortex Stimulation for Post-Stroke Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Authors: Siddarth Kannan


Objectives: Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Motor Cortex stimulation (MCS) are innovative interventions in order to treat various neuropathic pain disorders such as post-stroke pain. While each treatment has a varying degree of success in managing pain, comparative analysis has not yet been performed, and the success rates of these techniques using validated, objective pain scores have not been synthesised. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of pain relief offered by MCS and DBS on patients with post-stroke pain and to assess if either of these procedures offered better results. Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted in accordance with PRISMA guidelines (PROSPEROID CRD42021277542). Three databases were searched, and articles published from 2000 to June 2023 were included (last search date 25 June 2023). Meta-analysis was performed using random effects models. We evaluated the performance of DBS or MCS by assessing studies that reported pain relief using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Data analysis of descriptive statistics was performed using SPSS (Version 27; IBM; Armonk; NY; USA). R statistics (Rstudio Version 4.0.1) was used to perform meta-analysis. Results: Of the 478 articles identified, 27 were included in the analysis (232 patients- 117 DBS & 115 MCS). The pooled number of patients who improved after DBS was 0.68 (95% CI, 0.57-0.77, I2=36%). The pooled number of patients who improved after MCS was 0.72 (95% CI, 0.62-0.80, I2=59%). Further sensitivity analysis was done to include only studies with a minimum of 5 patients in order to assess if there was any impact on the overall results. Nine studies each for DBS and MCS met these criteria. There seemed to be no significant difference in results. Conclusions: The use of surgical interventions such as DBS and MCS is an upcoming field for the treatment of post-stroke pain, with limited studies exploring and comparing these two techniques. While our study shows that MCS might be a slightly better treatment option, further research would need to be done in order to determine the appropriate surgical intervention for post-stroke pain.

Keywords: post-stroke pain, deep brain stimulation, motor cortex stimulation, pain relief

Procedia PDF Downloads 139
2848 Digital Image Correlation: Metrological Characterization in Mechanical Analysis

Authors: D. Signore, M. Ferraiuolo, P. Caramuta, O. Petrella, C. Toscano


The Digital Image Correlation (DIC) is a newly developed optical technique that is spreading in all engineering sectors because it allows the non-destructive estimation of the entire surface deformation without any contact with the component under analysis. These characteristics make the DIC very appealing in all the cases the global deformation state is to be known without using strain gages, which are the most used measuring device. The DIC is applicable to any material subjected to distortion caused by either thermal or mechanical load, allowing to obtain high-definition mapping of displacements and deformations. That is why in the civil and the transportation industry, DIC is very useful for studying the behavior of metallic materials as well as of composite materials. DIC is also used in the medical field for the characterization of the local strain field of the vascular tissues surface subjected to uniaxial tensile loading. DIC can be carried out in the two dimension mode (2D DIC) if a single camera is used or in a three dimension mode (3D DIC) if two cameras are involved. Each point of the test surface framed by the cameras can be associated with a specific pixel of the image, and the coordinates of each point are calculated knowing the relative distance between the two cameras together with their orientation. In both arrangements, when a component is subjected to a load, several images related to different deformation states can be are acquired through the cameras. A specific software analyzes the images via the mutual correlation between the reference image (obtained without any applied load) and those acquired during the deformation giving the relative displacements. In this paper, a metrological characterization of the digital image correlation is performed on aluminum and composite targets both in static and dynamic loading conditions by comparison between DIC and strain gauges measures. In the static test, interesting results have been obtained thanks to an excellent agreement between the two measuring techniques. In addition, the deformation detected by the DIC is compliant with the result of a FEM simulation. In the dynamic test, the DIC was able to follow with a good accuracy the periodic deformation of the specimen giving results coherent with the ones given by FEM simulation. In both situations, it was seen that the DIC measurement accuracy depends on several parameters such as the optical focusing, the parameters chosen to perform the mutual correlation between the images and, finally, the reference points on image to be analyzed. In the future, the influence of these parameters will be studied, and a method to increase the accuracy of the measurements will be developed in accordance with the requirements of the industries especially of the aerospace one.

Keywords: accuracy, deformation, image correlation, mechanical analysis

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2847 The Need for Career Education Based on Self-Esteem in Japanese Youths

Authors: Kumiko Inagaki


Because of the rapidly changing social and industrial world, career education in Japan has recently gained in popularity with the government’s support. However, it has not fostered proactive mindsets and attitudes in the youths. This paper first provides a background of career education in Japan. Next, based on the International Survey of Youth Attitude, Japanese youths’ views of themselves and their future were identified and then compared to the views of youths in six other countries. Assessments of the feelings of self-satisfaction and future hopes of Japanese youths returned very low scores. Suggestions were offered on career education in order to promote a positive self-image.

Keywords: career education, self-esteem, self-image, youth attitude

Procedia PDF Downloads 478
2846 Subjective Time as a Marker of the Present Consciousness

Authors: Anastasiya Paltarzhitskaya


Subjective time plays an important role in consciousness processes and self-awareness at the moment. The concept of intrinsic neural timescales (INT) explains the difference in perceiving various time intervals. The capacity to experience the present builds on the fundamental properties of temporal cognition. The challenge that both philosophy and neuroscience try to answer is how the brain differentiates the present from the past and future. In our work, we analyze papers which describe mechanisms involved in the perception of ‘present’ and ‘non-present’, i.e., future and past moments. Taking into account that we perceive time intervals even during rest or relaxation, we suppose that the default-mode network activity can code time features, including the present moment. We can compare some results of time perceptual studies, where brain activity was shown in states with different flows of time, including resting states and during “mental time travel”. According to the concept of mental traveling, we employ a range of scenarios which demand episodic memory. However, some papers show that the hippocampal region does not activate during time traveling. It is a controversial result that is further complicated by the phenomenological aspect that includes a holistic set of information about the individual’s past and future.

Keywords: temporal consciousness, time perception, memory, present

Procedia PDF Downloads 78
2845 A Pragmatic Approach of Memes Created in Relation to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors: Alexandra-Monica Toma


Internet memes are an element of computer mediated communication and an important part of online culture that combines text and image in order to generate meaning. This term coined by Richard Dawkings refers to more than a mere way to briefly communicate ideas or emotions, thus naming a complex and an intensely perpetuated phenomenon in the virtual environment. This paper approaches memes as a cultural artefact and a virtual trope that mirrors societal concerns and issues, and analyses the pragmatics of their use. Memes have to be analysed in series, usually relating to some image macros, which is proof of the interplay between imitation and creativity in the memes’ writing process. We believe that their potential to become viral relates to three key elements: adaptation to context, reference to a successful meme series, and humour (jokes, irony, sarcasm), with various pragmatic functions. The study also uses the concept of multimodality and stresses how the memes’ text interacts with the image, discussing three types of relations: symmetry, amplification, and contradiction. Moreover, the paper proves that memes could be employed as speech acts with illocutionary force, when the interaction between text and image is enriched through the connection to a specific situation. The features mentioned above are analysed in a corpus that consists of memes related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This corpus shows them to be highly adaptable to context, which helps build the feeling of connection and belonging in an otherwise tremendously fragmented world. Some of them are created based on well-known image macros, and their humour results from an intricate dialogue between texts and contexts. Memes created in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic can be considered speech acts and are often used as such, as proven in the paper. Consequently, this paper tackles the key features of memes, makes a thorough analysis of the memes sociocultural, linguistic, and situational context, and emphasizes their intertextuality, with special accent on their illocutionary potential.

Keywords: context, memes, multimodality, speech acts

Procedia PDF Downloads 203
2844 Image Segmentation: New Methods

Authors: Flaurence Benjamain, Michel Casperance


We present in this paper, first, a comparative study of three mathematical theories to achieve the fusion of information sources. This study aims to identify the characteristics inherent in theories of possibilities, belief functions (DST) and plausible and paradoxical reasoning to establish a strategy of choice that allows us to adopt the most appropriate theory to solve a problem of fusion in order, taking into account the acquired information and imperfections that accompany them. Using the new theory of plausible and paradoxical reasoning, also called Dezert-Smarandache Theory (DSmT), to fuse information multi-sources needs, at first step, the generation of the composites events witch is, in general, difficult. Thus, we present in this paper a new approach to construct pertinent paradoxical classes based on gray levels histograms, which also allows to reduce the cardinality of the hyper-powerset. Secondly, we developed a new technique for order and coding generalized focal elements. This method is exploited, in particular, to calculate the cardinality of Dezert and Smarandache. Then, we give an experimentation of classification of a remote sensing image that illustrates the given methods and we compared the result obtained by the DSmT with that resulting from the use of the DST and theory of possibilities.

Keywords: segmentation, image, approach, vision computing

Procedia PDF Downloads 278
2843 The Neurofunctional Dissociation between Animal and Tool Concepts: A Network-Based Model

Authors: Skiker Kaoutar, Mounir Maouene


Neuroimaging studies have shown that animal and tool concepts rely on distinct networks of brain areas. Animal concepts depend predominantly on temporal areas while tool concepts rely on fronto-temporo-parietal areas. However, the origin of this neurofunctional distinction for processing animal and tool concepts remains still unclear. Here, we address this question from a network perspective suggesting that the neural distinction between animals and tools might reflect the differences in their structural semantic networks. We build semantic networks for animal and tool concepts derived from McRae and colleagues’s behavioral study conducted on a large number of participants. These two networks are thus analyzed through a large number of graph theoretical measures for small-worldness: centrality, clustering coefficient, average shortest path length, as well as resistance to random and targeted attacks. The results indicate that both animal and tool networks have small-world properties. More importantly, the animal network is more vulnerable to targeted attacks compared to the tool network a result that correlates with brain lesions studies.

Keywords: animals, tools, network, semantics, small-worls, resilience to damage

Procedia PDF Downloads 545
2842 Prognostic Value in Meningioma Patients’: A Clinical-Histopathological Study

Authors: Ilham Akbar Rahman, Aflah Dhea Bariz Yasta, Iin Fadhilah Utami Tamasse, Devina Juanita


Meningioma is adult brain tumors originating from the meninges covering the brain and spinal cord. The females have approximately twice higher 2:1 than male in the incidence of meningioma. This study aimed to analyze the histopathological grading and clinical aspect in predicting the prognosis of meningioma patients. An observational study with cross sectional design was used on 53 meningioma patients treated at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo hospital in 2016. The data then were analyzed using SPSS 20.0. Of 53 patients, mostly 41 (77,4%) were female and 12 (22,6%) were male. The distribution of histopathology patients showed the meningothelial meningioma of 18 (43,9%) as the most type found. Fibroplastic meningioma were 8 (19,5%), while atypical meningioma and psammomatous meningioma were 6 (14,6%) each. The rest were malignant meningioma and angiomatous meningioma which found in respectively 2 (4,9%) and 1 (2,4%). Our result found significant finding that mostly male were fibroblastic meningioma (50%), however meningothelial meningioma were found in the majority of female (54,8%) and also seizure comprised only in higher grade meningioma. On the outcome of meningioma patient treated operatively, histopathological grade remained insignificant (p > 0,05). This study can be used as prognostic value of meningioma patients based on gender, histopathological grade, and clinical manifestation. Overall, the outcome of the meningioma’s patients is good and promising as long as it is well managed.

Keywords: meningioma, prognostic value, histopathological grading, clinical manifestation

Procedia PDF Downloads 171
2841 Algorithm for Automatic Real-Time Electrooculographic Artifact Correction

Authors: Norman Sinnigen, Igor Izyurov, Marina Krylova, Hamidreza Jamalabadi, Sarah Alizadeh, Martin Walter


Background: EEG is a non-invasive brain activity recording technique with a high temporal resolution that allows the use of real-time applications, such as neurofeedback. However, EEG data are susceptible to electrooculographic (EOG) and electromyography (EMG) artifacts (i.e., jaw clenching, teeth squeezing and forehead movements). Due to their non-stationary nature, these artifacts greatly obscure the information and power spectrum of EEG signals. Many EEG artifact correction methods are too time-consuming when applied to low-density EEG and have been focusing on offline processing or handling one single type of EEG artifact. A software-only real-time method for correcting multiple types of EEG artifacts of high-density EEG remains a significant challenge. Methods: We demonstrate an improved approach for automatic real-time EEG artifact correction of EOG and EMG artifacts. The method was tested on three healthy subjects using 64 EEG channels (Brain Products GmbH) and a sampling rate of 1,000 Hz. Captured EEG signals were imported in MATLAB with the lab streaming layer interface allowing buffering of EEG data. EMG artifacts were detected by channel variance and adaptive thresholding and corrected by using channel interpolation. Real-time independent component analysis (ICA) was applied for correcting EOG artifacts. Results: Our results demonstrate that the algorithm effectively reduces EMG artifacts, such as jaw clenching, teeth squeezing and forehead movements, and EOG artifacts (horizontal and vertical eye movements) of high-density EEG while preserving brain neuronal activity information. The average computation time of EOG and EMG artifact correction for 80 s (80,000 data points) 64-channel data is 300 – 700 ms depending on the convergence of ICA and the type and intensity of the artifact. Conclusion: An automatic EEG artifact correction algorithm based on channel variance, adaptive thresholding, and ICA improves high-density EEG recordings contaminated with EOG and EMG artifacts in real-time.

Keywords: EEG, muscle artifacts, ocular artifacts, real-time artifact correction, real-time ICA

Procedia PDF Downloads 181
2840 Counting People Utilizing Space-Time Imagery

Authors: Ahmed Elmarhomy, K. Terada


An automated method for counting passerby has been proposed using virtual-vertical measurement lines. Space-time image is representing the human regions which are treated using the segmentation process. Different color space has been used to perform the template matching. A proper template matching has been achieved to determine direction and speed of passing people. Distinguish one or two passersby has been investigated using a correlation between passerby speed and the human-pixel area. Finally, the effectiveness of the presented method has been experimentally verified.

Keywords: counting people, measurement line, space-time image, segmentation, template matching

Procedia PDF Downloads 453
2839 The Democratization of 3D Capturing: An Application Investigating Google Tango Potentials

Authors: Carlo Bianchini, Lorenzo Catena


The appearance of 3D scanners and then, more recently, of image-based systems that generate point clouds directly from common digital images have deeply affected the survey process in terms of both capturing and 2D/3D modelling. In this context, low cost and mobile systems are increasingly playing a key role and actually paving the way to the democratization of what in the past was the realm of few specialized technicians and expensive equipment. The application of Google Tango on the ancient church of Santa Maria delle Vigne in Pratica di Mare – Rome presented in this paper is one of these examples.

Keywords: the architectural survey, augmented/mixed/virtual reality, Google Tango project, image-based 3D capturing

Procedia PDF Downloads 152
2838 Image Processing Approach for Detection of Three-Dimensional Tree-Rings from X-Ray Computed Tomography

Authors: Jorge Martinez-Garcia, Ingrid Stelzner, Joerg Stelzner, Damian Gwerder, Philipp Schuetz


Tree-ring analysis is an important part of the quality assessment and the dating of (archaeological) wood samples. It provides quantitative data about the whole anatomical ring structure, which can be used, for example, to measure the impact of the fluctuating environment on the tree growth, for the dendrochronological analysis of archaeological wooden artefacts and to estimate the wood mechanical properties. Despite advances in computer vision and edge recognition algorithms, detection and counting of annual rings are still limited to 2D datasets and performed in most cases manually, which is a time consuming, tedious task and depends strongly on the operator’s experience. This work presents an image processing approach to detect the whole 3D tree-ring structure directly from X-ray computed tomography imaging data. The approach relies on a modified Canny edge detection algorithm, which captures fully connected tree-ring edges throughout the measured image stack and is validated on X-ray computed tomography data taken from six wood species.

Keywords: ring recognition, edge detection, X-ray computed tomography, dendrochronology

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2837 Formation and Development of Polyspecies Biofilm on the Surface of Ti-7.5Mo Nanotubes Growth

Authors: Escada A. L. A., Pereira C. A., Jorge A. O. C., Alves Claro A. P. R.


In the present work, a susceptibility and efficacy of the Ti–7.5Mo alloy nanotube and Ti–7.5Mo alloy to bacterial biofilm formation after surface treatment was evaluated. The Ti–7.5Mo alloy was obtained in arc furnace under an argon atmosphere. Ingots were then homogenized under vacuum at 1100 ◦C for 86.4 ks to eliminate chemical segregation and after cold worked discs were cutting. Nanotubes were processed using anodic oxidation in 0.25% NH4F electrolyte solution. Biofilms were grown in discs immersed in sterile brain heart infusion broth (BHI) containing 5% sucrose, inoculated with microbial suspension (106 cells/ml) and incubated for 5 days. Next, the discs were placed in tubes with sterile physiological solution 0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl) and sonicated for to disperse the biofilms. Tenfold serial dilutions were carried and aliquots seeded in selective agar, which were then incubated for 48 h. Then, the numbers CFU/ml (log 10) were counted and analyzed statistically. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on discs with biofilms groupswas performed, atomic force microscope (AFM) and contact angle. The results show that there is no difference in bacterial adhesion between Ti–7.5Mo alloy nanotube pure titanium and Ti–7.5Mo alloy.

Keywords: biofilm, titanium alloy, brain heart infusion, scanning electron microscopy

Procedia PDF Downloads 318
2836 Derivation of Bathymetry Data Using Worldview-2 Multispectral Images in Shallow, Turbid and Saline Lake Acıgöl

Authors: Muhittin Karaman, Murat Budakoglu


In this study, derivation of lake bathymetry was evaluated using the high resolution Worldview-2 multispectral images in the very shallow hypersaline Lake Acıgöl which does not have a stable water table due to the wet-dry season changes and industrial usage. Every year, a great part of the lake water budget has been consumed for the industrial salt production in the evaporation ponds, which are generally located on the south and north shores of Lake Acıgöl. Therefore, determination of the water level changes from a perspective of remote sensing-based lake water by bathymetry studies has a great importance in the sustainability-control of the lake. While the water table interval is around 1 meter between dry and wet season, dissolved ion concentration, salinity and turbidity also show clear differences during these two distinct seasonal periods. At the same time, with the satellite data acquisition (June 9, 2013), a field study was conducted to collect the salinity values, Secchi disk depths and turbidity levels. Max depth, Secchi disk depth and salinity were determined as 1,7 m, 0,9 m and 43,11 ppt, respectively. Eight-band Worldview-2 image was corrected for atmospheric effects by ATCOR technique. For each sampling point in the image, mean reflectance values in 1*1, 3*3, 5*5, 7*7, 9*9, 11*11, 13*13, 15*15, 17*17, 19*19, 21*21, 51*51 pixel reflectance neighborhoods were calculated separately. A unique image has been derivated for each matrix resolution. Spectral values and depth relation were evaluated for these distinct resolution images. Correlation coefficients were determined for the 1x1 matrix: 0,98, 0,96, 0,95 and 0,90 for the 724 nm, 831 nm, 908 nm and 659 nm, respectively. While 15x5 matrix characteristics with 0,98, 0,97 and 0,97 correlation values for the 724 nm, 908 nm and 831 nm, respectively; 51x51 matrix shows 0,98, 0,97 and 0,96 correlation values for the 724 nm, 831 nm and 659 nm, respectively. Comparison of all matrix resolutions indicates that RedEdge band (724 nm) of the Worldview-2 satellite image has the best correlation with the saline shallow lake of Acıgöl in-situ depth.

Keywords: bathymetry, Worldview-2 satellite image, ATCOR technique, Lake Acıgöl, Denizli, Turkey

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2835 Liver and Liver Lesion Segmentation From Abdominal CT Scans

Authors: Belgherbi Aicha, Hadjidj Ismahen, Bessaid Abdelhafid


The interpretation of medical images benefits from anatomical and physiological priors to optimize computer- aided diagnosis applications. Segmentation of liver and liver lesion is regarded as a major primary step in computer aided diagnosis of liver diseases. Precise liver segmentation in abdominal CT images is one of the most important steps for the computer-aided diagnosis of liver pathology. In this papers, a semi- automated method for medical image data is presented for the liver and liver lesion segmentation data using mathematical morphology. Our algorithm is currency in two parts. In the first, we seek to determine the region of interest by applying the morphological filters to extract the liver. The second step consists to detect the liver lesion. In this task; we proposed a new method developed for the semi-automatic segmentation of the liver and hepatic lesions. Our proposed method is based on the anatomical information and mathematical morphology tools used in the image processing field. At first, we try to improve the quality of the original image and image gradient by applying the spatial filter followed by the morphological filters. The second step consists to calculate the internal and external markers of the liver and hepatic lesions. Thereafter we proceed to the liver and hepatic lesions segmentation by the watershed transform controlled by markers. The validation of the developed algorithm is done using several images. Obtained results show the good performances of our proposed algorithm

Keywords: anisotropic diffusion filter, CT images, hepatic lesion segmentation, Liver segmentation, morphological filter, the watershed algorithm

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2834 Bacterial Causes of Cerebral Abscess and Impact on Long Term Patient Outcomes

Authors: Umar Rehman, Holly Roy, K. T. Tsang, D. S. Jeyaretna, W Singleton, B. Fisher, P. A. Glew, J. Greig, Peter C. Whitfield


Introduction: A brain abscess is a life-threatening condition, carrying significant mortality. It requires rapid identification and treatment. Management involves a combination of antibiotics and surgery. The aim of the current study was to identify common bacteria responsible for cerebral abscesses as well as the long term functional and neurological outcomes of patients following treatment in a retrospective series at a single UK neurosurgical centre. Methodology: We analysed patients that had received a diagnosis of 'cerebral abscess' or 'subdural empyema' between June 2002 and June 2018. This was done in the form of a retrospective review. The search resulted in a total of 180 patients; with 37 patients being excluded (spinal abscess, below 18 or non-abscess related admissions). Data were collected from medical case notes including information about demographics, comorbidities, immunosuppression, presentation, size/location of lesions, pathogens, treatment, and outcomes. Results: In total, we analysed 143 patients between the ages of 18-90. Focal neurological deficit and headaches were seen in 84% and 68% of patients respectively. 108 positive brain cultures were seen; with the largest proportion, 59.2% being gram-positive cocci, with strep intermedius being the most common pathogen identified in 13.9% of patients. Of the patients with positive blood cultures (n=11), 72.7% showed the same organism both in the blood and on the brain cultures. Long term outcomes (n=72) revealed that 48% of patients seizure-free without requiring anti-epileptics, 51.3% of patients had full recovery of their neurological symptoms. There was a mortality rate of 13.9% in the series. Conclusion: In conclusion, the largest bacterial cause of abscess within our population was due to gram-positive cocci. The majority of the patient demonstrated full neurological recovery with close to half of patients not requiring anti-epileptics following discharge.

Keywords: bacteria, cerebral abscess, long term outcome, neurological deficit

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2833 Low Frequency Sound Intervention: Therapeutic Impact and Applications

Authors: Heidi Ahonen


Since antiquity, many cultures have seemingly known the power of low frequencies, incorporating them in healing practices through drumming, singing, humming, etc. Many music therapists recognize there is something in music that is transformative enough to make a difference in people’s lives. This paper summarizes the key findings of several low-frequency research with various client populations conducted by the author. Utilizing low-frequency sound (30 or 40 Hz) may have diverse therapeutic impacts: (1) Calming effect – decreased agitation (autism, brain injury, AD, dementia) (2) Muscle relaxation (CP & spasticity & pain/after surgery patients, MS, fibromyalgia) (3) Relaxation/stress release (anxiety, stress, PTSD, trauma, insomnia) (4) Muscular/motor functioning/ decrease of tremor (CP, MS, Parkinson) (5) Increase in alertness, cognitive awareness & short-term memory function (brain injury, severe global developmental delay, AD) (6) Increased focus (AD, PTSD, trauma). The paper will conclude by presenting ideas informing the clinical practice. Future studies need to investigate what frequencies are effective for particular client populations and why, what theories can explain the effect, and finally, something that has been long debated - is it auditive or kinaesthetic stimulation or the combination of both that is effective?

Keywords: low frequency, 40 Hz, sound, neuro disability

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2832 Stereotypes in Perception of Otherness in Balkans Literature from the Last Part of 20ᵗʰ Century

Authors: Magdalena Kostova-Panayotova, Neda-Maria Panayotova


The article is focused on a problem that tends to be extremely characteristic and essential to European literature – the relations between the Balkan Peninsula and Europe and the stereotypes the Balkans evoke – a melting pot, a powder keg, a bridge, a crossroads, along with other negative definitions. The stereotypes and visions are examined as the layered images of a particular nation. The work deals with the Balkan writers’ way of confronting stereotypes by reversing the image of the ‘dark’ Balkans and the ‘bright’ Europe and thus establishing the Balkans as a place of beauty, music, and poetry. In many aspects, the European image of the Balkans (the so-called Balkanism) is comparable to the European attitude to the Orient (the so-called Orientalism). On the basis of the analysis of specific texts by Balkan authors, the article proves that the identity of the person of the late 20th and early 21st century is something individual and much more complicated than a patriotic self-definition because the identity of the contemporary person is multilayered. It is not flattering to be a bridge, a crossroads or a corner. However, a person is a creature of transition. Our idea demonstrates that the state of transition always brings both weakness and strength – it is the Balkans that connect Europe to the world.

Keywords: image, Slavs, Balkans, identity of the modern Balkan person

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2831 Isolation and Classification of Red Blood Cells in Anemic Microscopic Images

Authors: Jameela Ali Alkrimi, Abdul Rahim Ahmad, Azizah Suliman, Loay E. George


Red blood cells (RBCs) are among the most commonly and intensively studied type of blood cells in cell biology. The lack of RBCs is a condition characterized by lower than normal hemoglobin level; this condition is referred to as 'anemia'. In this study, a software was developed to isolate RBCs by using a machine learning approach to classify anemic RBCs in microscopic images. Several features of RBCs were extracted using image processing algorithms, including principal component analysis (PCA). With the proposed method, RBCs were isolated in 34 second from an image containing 18 to 27 cells. We also proposed that PCA could be performed to increase the speed and efficiency of classification. Our classifier algorithm yielded accuracy rates of 100%, 99.99%, and 96.50% for K-nearest neighbor (K-NN) algorithm, support vector machine (SVM), and neural network ANN, respectively. Classification was evaluated in highly sensitivity, specificity, and kappa statistical parameters. In conclusion, the classification results were obtained for a short time period with more efficient when PCA was used.

Keywords: red blood cells, pre-processing image algorithms, classification algorithms, principal component analysis PCA, confusion matrix, kappa statistical parameters, ROC

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2830 Effect of Mindfulness-Based Self-Care Training on Self-Esteem and Body Image Concern on Candidate Patients of Orthognathic Surgery

Authors: Hamide Azimi Lolaty, Fateme Alsadat Ghanipoor, Azar Ramzani, Reza Ali Mohammadpoor, Alireza Babaei


Background and Objective: Despite the merits behind orthognathic surgery, self-care training in such patients seems logical. The current research was performed pursuing the goal of outlining the effect of training mindfulness-based self-care on Self-Esteem (SE) and Body Image Concern (BIC) of orthognathic surgery candidate patients. Material and Methods: The present study was performed using a semi-experimental method with pre-and post-design in the control and intervention groups. The eligible patients to enter the Babol-based Shahid Beheshti Orthognathic Surgery Clinic were conveniently divided into two 25-person groups. The variables of Self-Esteem and Body Image Concern were measured before and after executing the eight 90-minute training sessions and in the follow-up period done three months after executing the intervention using Cooper Smith’s Self-Esteem Inventory (CSEI) and Body Image Concern Inventory (BICI). The data were analyzed using ANOVA and the independent t-test and using SPSS-26, the data were analyzed at a 0.05 level. Results: As a result of the intervention, the intervention group’s SE score critically changed on average from 25.4±7.31 in the pre-intervention to 31.16±7.05 in the post-intervention and to 40.45±3.51 in the follow-up period (P=0.01), the intervention group’s BIC score changed on average from 60.28±16.47 in the pre-intervention to 47.15±80.47 in the post-intervention and to 32.20 ± 10.73 in the follow-up period. This difference was meaningful (P=0.001). But due to time and the intervention interaction, the control group underwent this significant reduction with a delay. The study revealed the scores of the SE as 32± 6.84 and that of the BIC as 43.32±10.64 in the control group didn’t result in any meaningful statistical difference (P<0.05). Conclusion: Training mindfulness-based self-care exerts an effect on the SE and BIC of the patients undergoing orthognathic surgery. Therefore, it’s recommended to train mindfulness-based self-care for orthognathic surgery candidate patients.

Keywords: self-care, mindfulness, self-esteem, body image concern, orthognathic surgery

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2829 Local Spectrum Feature Extraction for Face Recognition

Authors: Muhammad Imran Ahmad, Ruzelita Ngadiran, Mohd Nazrin Md Isa, Nor Ashidi Mat Isa, Mohd ZaizuIlyas, Raja Abdullah Raja Ahmad, Said Amirul Anwar Ab Hamid, Muzammil Jusoh


This paper presents two technique, local feature extraction using image spectrum and low frequency spectrum modelling using GMM to capture the underlying statistical information to improve the performance of face recognition system. Local spectrum features are extracted using overlap sub block window that are mapping on the face image. For each of this block, spatial domain is transformed to frequency domain using DFT. A low frequency coefficient is preserved by discarding high frequency coefficients by applying rectangular mask on the spectrum of the facial image. Low frequency information is non Gaussian in the feature space and by using combination of several Gaussian function that has different statistical properties, the best feature representation can be model using probability density function. The recognition process is performed using maximum likelihood value computed using pre-calculate GMM components. The method is tested using FERET data sets and is able to achieved 92% recognition rates.

Keywords: local features modelling, face recognition system, Gaussian mixture models, Feret

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