Search results for: virtual object
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 2404

Search results for: virtual object

2344 Deep Learning Application for Object Image Recognition and Robot Automatic Grasping

Authors: Shiuh-Jer Huang, Chen-Zon Yan, C. K. Huang, Chun-Chien Ting


Since the vision system application in industrial environment for autonomous purposes is required intensely, the image recognition technique becomes an important research topic. Here, deep learning algorithm is employed in image system to recognize the industrial object and integrate with a 7A6 Series Manipulator for object automatic gripping task. PC and Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) are chosen to construct the 3D Vision Recognition System. Depth Camera (Intel RealSense SR300) is employed to extract the image for object recognition and coordinate derivation. The YOLOv2 scheme is adopted in Convolution neural network (CNN) structure for object classification and center point prediction. Additionally, image processing strategy is used to find the object contour for calculating the object orientation angle. Then, the specified object location and orientation information are sent to robotic controller. Finally, a six-axis manipulator can grasp the specific object in a random environment based on the user command and the extracted image information. The experimental results show that YOLOv2 has been successfully employed to detect the object location and category with confidence near 0.9 and 3D position error less than 0.4 mm. It is useful for future intelligent robotic application in industrial 4.0 environment.

Keywords: deep learning, image processing, convolution neural network, YOLOv2, 7A6 series manipulator

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2343 Combining Real Actors with Virtual Sets: The Future of Immersive Virtual Reality Fiction Cinema

Authors: Nefeli Dimitriadi


This paper aims to present immersive cinema where real actors are filmed and integrated in Virtual Reality environments and 360 cinematic narrative, in comparison to 360 filming of real actors and sets and to fully computer graphics animation movies with 3D avatars. Objectives: This reseach aims to present immersive cinema where real actors are integrated in Virrual Reality environments and 360 cinematic narrative as the future of immersive cinema. Meghdology: A comparative analysis is conducted between real actors filming combined with Virtual Reality sets, to 360 filming of real actors and sets, and to fully computer graphics animation movies with 3D avatars, using as case study Virtual Reality movie Neurosynapses and others. Contribution: This reseach contributes in defining the best practices leading to impactful Immersive cinematic narratives.

Keywords: virtual reality, 360 movies, immersive cinema, directing for virtual reality

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2342 An Agent-Service Oriented Framework for Online Contracts in Virtual Organizations

Authors: Zahra Raeisi, Reza Akbari


Contracting is known as one of the important tasks in virtual organization creation. Contracting is a costly process in terms of time and effort. One way to cut the time and effort is conducting contract electronically. The online contracting enable us to form virtual organization (VO) dynamically. This work presents an agent-service oriented framework for online contracting in virtual organizations. The proposed framework considers the main aspects and steps of traditional contracting process and uses the efficiency of service and agent based methodologies in order to provide a flexible and efficient way to establish contracts electronically in a VO.

Keywords: service oriented architecture, online contracts, agent-oriented architecture, virtual organization

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2341 A Simulation Model to Analyze the Impact of Virtual Responsiveness in an E-Commerce Supply Chain

Authors: T. Godwin


The design of a supply chain always entails the trade-off between responsiveness and efficiency. The launch of e-commerce has not only changed the way of shopping but also altered the supply chain design while trading off efficiency with responsiveness. A concept called ‘virtual responsiveness’ is introduced in the context of e-commerce supply chain. A simulation model is developed to compare actual responsiveness and virtual responsiveness to the customer in an e-commerce supply chain. The simulation is restricted to the movement of goods from the e-tailer to the customer. Customer demand follows a statistical distribution and is generated using inverse transformation technique. The two responsiveness schemes of the supply chain are compared in terms of the minimum number of inventory required at the e-tailer to fulfill the orders. Computational results show the savings achieved through virtual responsiveness. The insights gained from this study could be used to redesign e-commerce supply chain by incorporating virtual responsiveness. A part of the achieved cost savings could be passed back to the customer, thereby making the supply chain both effective and competitive.

Keywords: e-commerce, simulation modeling, supply chain, virtual responsiveness

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2340 An Approach from Fichte as a Response to the Kantian Dualism of Subject and Object: The Unity of the Subject and Object in Both Theoretical and Ethical Possibility

Authors: Mengjie Liu


This essay aims at responding to the Kant arguments on how to fit the self-caused subject into the deterministic object which follows the natural laws. This essay mainly adopts the approach abstracted from Fichte’s “Wissenshaftslehre” (Doctrine of Science) to picture a possible solution to the conciliation of Kantian dualism. The Fichte approach is based on the unity of the theoretical and practical reason, which can be understood as a philosophical abstraction from ordinary experience combining both subject and object. This essay will discuss the general Kantian dualism problem and Fichte’s unity approach in the first part. Then the essay will elaborate on the achievement of this unity of the subject and object through Fichte’s “the I posits itself” process in the second section. The following third section is related to the ethical unity of subject and object based on the Fichte approach. The essay will also discuss the limitation of Fichte’s approach from two perspectives: (1) the theoretical possibility of the existence of the pure I and (2) Schelling’s statement that the Absolute I is a result rather than the originating act. This essay demonstrates a possible approach to unifying the subject and object supported by Fichte’s “Absolute I” and ethical theories and also points out the limitations of Fichte’s theories.

Keywords: Fichte, identity, Kantian dualism, Wissenshaftslehre

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2339 Active Space Debris Removal by Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation

Authors: A. Anandha Selvan, B. Malarvizhi


In recent year the problem of space debris have become very serious. The mass of the artificial objects in orbit increased quite steadily at the rate of about 145 metric tons annually, leading to a total tally of approximately 7000 metric tons. Now most of space debris object orbiting in LEO region about 97%. The catastrophic collision can be mostly occurred in LEO region, where this collision generate the new debris. Thus, we propose a concept for cleaning the space debris in the region of thermosphere by passing the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) radiation to in front of space debris object from the re-orbiter. So in our concept the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) radiation will create the thermosphere expansion by reacting with atmospheric gas particles. So the drag is produced in front of the space debris object by thermosphere expansion. This drag force is high enough to slow down the space debris object’s relative velocity. Therefore the space debris object gradually reducing the altitude and finally enter into the earth’s atmosphere. After the first target is removed, the re-orbiter can be goes into next target. This method remove the space debris object without catching debris object. Thus it can be applied to a wide range of debris object without regard to their shapes or rotation. This paper discusses the operation of re-orbiter for removing the space debris in thermosphere region.

Keywords: active space debris removal, space debris, LEO, extreme ultraviolet, re-orbiter, thermosphere

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2338 Virtual Practical Work as Formation of Physics Concept for Student

Authors: Sepdiana W. Rahmawati, Santi A. P. Anggraini


The world of education has made progress with the various new technologies with help of computer. No exception physics education, especially virtual physics practical work. By doing practical work, memory of physics concept will be more advantageous for student and they will understand the essence of actual physics, not only spiked formula. With help of computers, created a variety of applications that can be used by students to perform virtual practical work and students will start thinking systematically to be able find its own concepts and understand the application of physics.

Keywords: essence of physics, formation concept, physics concept, virtual practical work

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2337 Increasing Creativity in Virtual Learning Space for Developing Creative Cities

Authors: Elham Fariborzi, Hoda Anvari Kazemabad


Today, ICT plays an important role in all matters and it affects the development of creative cities. According to virtual space in this technology, it use especially for expand terms like smart schools, Virtual University, web-based training and virtual classrooms that is in parallel with the traditional teaching. Nowadays, the educational systems in different countries such as Iran are changing and start increasing creativity in the learning environment. It will contribute to the development of innovative ideas and thinking of the people in this environment; such opportunities might be cause scientific discovery and development issues. The creativity means the ability to generate ideas and numerous, new and suitable solutions for solving the problems of real and virtual individuals and society, which can play a significant role in the development of creative current physical cities or virtual borders ones in the future. The purpose of this paper is to study strategies to increase creativity in a virtual learning to develop a creative city. In this paper, citation/ library study was used. The full description given in the text, including how to create and enhance learning creativity in a virtual classroom by reflecting on performance and progress; attention to self-directed learning guidelines, efficient use of social networks, systematic discussion groups and non-intuitive targeted controls them by involved factors and it may be effective in the teaching process regarding to creativity. Meanwhile, creating a virtual classroom the style of class recognizes formally the creativity. Also the use of a common model of creative thinking between student/teacher is effective to solve problems of virtual classroom. It is recommended to virtual education’ authorities in Iran to have a special review to the virtual curriculum for increasing creativity in educational content and such classes to be witnesses more creative in Iran's cities.

Keywords: virtual learning, creativity, e-learning, bioinformatics, biomedicine

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2336 Genetic Algorithm Based Deep Learning Parameters Tuning for Robot Object Recognition and Grasping

Authors: Delowar Hossain, Genci Capi


This paper concerns with the problem of deep learning parameters tuning using a genetic algorithm (GA) in order to improve the performance of deep learning (DL) method. We present a GA based DL method for robot object recognition and grasping. GA is used to optimize the DL parameters in learning procedure in term of the fitness function that is good enough. After finishing the evolution process, we receive the optimal number of DL parameters. To evaluate the performance of our method, we consider the object recognition and robot grasping tasks. Experimental results show that our method is efficient for robot object recognition and grasping.

Keywords: deep learning, genetic algorithm, object recognition, robot grasping

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2335 Urban Land Cover from GF-2 Satellite Images Using Object Based and Neural Network Classifications

Authors: Lamyaa Gamal El-Deen Taha, Ashraf Sharawi


China launched satellite GF-2 in 2014. This study deals with comparing nearest neighbor object-based classification and neural network classification methods for classification of the fused GF-2 image. Firstly, rectification of GF-2 image was performed. Secondly, a comparison between nearest neighbor object-based classification and neural network classification for classification of fused GF-2 was performed. Thirdly, the overall accuracy of classification and kappa index were calculated. Results indicate that nearest neighbor object-based classification is better than neural network classification for urban mapping.

Keywords: GF-2 images, feature extraction-rectification, nearest neighbour object based classification, segmentation algorithms, neural network classification, multilayer perceptron

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2334 Virtua-Gifted and Non-Gifted Students’ Motivation toward Virtual Flipped Learning from L2 Motivational Self-System Lense

Authors: Kamal Heidari


Covid-19 has borne drastic effects on different areas of society, including the education area, in that it brought virtual education to the center of attention, as an alternative to in-person education. In virtual education, the importance of flipped learning doubles, as students are supposed to take the main responsibility of teaching/learning process; and teachers play merely a facilitative/monitoring role. Given the students’ responsibility in virtual flipped learning, students’ motivation plays a pivotal role in the effectiveness of this learning method. The L2 Motivational Self-System (L2MSS) model is a currently proposed model elaborating on students’ motivation based on three sub-components: ideal L2 self, ought-to L2 self, and L2 learning experience. Drawing on an exploratory sequential mixed-methods research design, this study probed the effect of virtual flipped learning (via SHAD platform) on 112 gifted and non-gifted students’ motivation based on the L2 MSS. This study uncovered that notwithstanding the point that virtual flipped learning improved both gifted and non-gifted students’ motivation, it differentially affected their motivation. In other words, gifted students mostly referred to ideal L2 self, while non-gifted ones referred to ought-to L2 self and L2 learning experience aspects of motivation.

Keywords: virtual flipped learning, giftedness, motivation, L2MSS

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2333 Software Defined Storage: Object Storage over Hadoop Platform

Authors: Amritesh Srivastava, Gaurav Sharma


The purpose of this project is to develop an open source object storage system that is highly durable, scalable and reliable. There are two representative systems in cloud computing: Google and Amazon. Their storage systems for Google GFS and Amazon S3 provide high reliability, performance and stability. Our proposed system is highly inspired from Amazon S3. We are using Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) Java API to implement our system. We propose the architecture of object storage system based on Hadoop. We discuss the requirements of our system, what we expect from our system and what problems we may encounter. We also give detailed design proposal along with the abstract source code to implement it. The final goal of the system is to provide REST based access to our object storage system that exists on top of HDFS.

Keywords: Hadoop, HBase, object storage, REST

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2332 Structural Analysis on the Composition of Video Game Virtual Spaces

Authors: Qin Luofeng, Shen Siqi


For the 58 years since the first video game came into being, the video game industry is getting through an explosive evolution from then on. Video games exert great influence on society and become a reflection of public life to some extent. Video game virtual spaces are where activities are taking place like real spaces. And that’s the reason why some architects pay attention to video games. However, compared to the researches on the appearance of games, we observe a lack of theoretical comprehensive on the construction of video game virtual spaces. The research method of this paper is to collect literature and conduct theoretical research about the virtual space in video games firstly. And then analogizing the opinions on the space phenomena from the theory of literature and films. Finally, this paper proposes a three-layer framework for the construction of video game virtual spaces: “algorithmic space-narrative space players space”, which correspond to the exterior, expressive, affective parts of the game space. Also, we illustrate each sub-space according to numerous instances of published video games. Hoping this writing could promote the interactive development of video games and architecture.

Keywords: video game, virtual space, narrativity, social space, emotional connection

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2331 The Effect of Virtual Reality Meditation on Science Education Students Academic Achievement

Authors: Cecilia Obi Nja


The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of virtual reality meditation on science education undergraduate students’ academic achievement. It was in two parts: it compared the impact of meditation via virtual reality against video, as accessed by students’ mean scores. Secondly, the study examined the usefulness of meditation on the overall well-being of students through video or virtual reality. All the science education undergraduate students of the University of Calabar constituted the population of the study. Two research questions and hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study employed a pretest–posttest design with the participants being randomly assigned to two groups. The sample size was 120. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) results showed that virtual reality meditation had a significantly higher benefit than video meditation. The results of the analysis also indicated that undergraduate students with both meditation techniques employed had decreased pre-exam anxiety. It was concluded that virtual reality meditation plays a major role in students’ academic achievement and test anxiety levels.

Keywords: consciousness, academic achievement, meditation, anxiety

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2330 Enhancing Critical Thinking through a Virtual Learning Environment

Authors: Diana Meeks


The use of a virtual learning environment (VLE), via the Second Life Platform has been a positive experience to enhance critical thinking, for executive graduate nursing practicum students. Due to the interest of faculty and students, the opportunity to immerse students via a virtual learning environment to enhance critical thinking related to the nurse executive role was explored. The College of Nursing realized the potential to enhance critical thinking and incorporated the Second Life, virtual learning environment platform into their graduate nursing program within their executive practicum course. The results from students and faculty regarding this experience have been positive. Students state the VLE platform has enhanced their critical thinking and interaction with peers. To date, course refinement incorporating a Second Life, virtual learning environment for the nurse executive practicum students continues. As a result, a designated subject matter expert has been designated for this course. The development and incorporation of the VLE approach will be presented.

Keywords: nursing, virtual learning environment, critical thinking, VLE

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2329 The Impact of Virtual Learning Strategy on Youth Learning Motivation in Malaysian Higher Learning Instituitions

Authors: Hafizah Harun, Habibah Harun, Azlina Kamaruddin


Virtual reality has become a powerful and promising tool in education because of their unique technological characteristics that differentiate them from the other ICT applications. Despite the numerous interpretations of its definition, virtual reality can be concisely and precisely described as the integration of computer graphics and various input and display technologies to create the illusion of immersion in a computer generated reality. Generally, there are two major types based on the level of interaction and immersive environment that are immersive and non-immersive virtual reality. In the study of the role of virtual reality in built environment education, Horne and Thompson were reported as saying that the benefits of using visualization technologies were seen as having the potential to improve and extend the learning process, increase student motivation and awareness, and add to the diversity of teaching methods. Youngblut reported that students enjoy working with virtual worlds and this experience can be highly motivating. The impact of virtual reality on youth learning in Malaysia is currently not well explored because the technology is still not widely used here. Only a handful of the universities, such as University Malaya, MMU, and Unimas are applying virtual reality strategy in some of their undergraduate programs. From the literature, it has been identified that there are several virtual reality learning strategies currently available. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the impact of Virtual Reality strategy on Youth Learning Motivation in Malaysian higher learning institutions. We will explore the relationship between virtual reality (gaming, laboratory, simulation) and youth leaning motivation. Another aspect that we will explore is the framework for virtual reality implementation at higher learning institution in Malaysia. This study will be carried out quantitatively by distributing questionnaires to respondents from sample universities. Data analysis are descriptive and multiple regression. Researcher will carry out a pilot test prior to distributing the questionnaires to 300 undergraduate students who are undergoing their courses in virtual reality environment. The respondents come from two universities, MMU CyberJaya and University Malaya. The expected outcomes from this study are the identification of which virtual reality strategy has most impact on students’ motivation in learning and a proposed framework of virtual reality implementation at higher learning.

Keywords: virtual reality, learning strategy, youth learning, motivation

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2328 The Impact of Self-Viewing in Virtual Teamwork on Team Creativity: The Mediating Effect of Objective Self-Awareness and the Moderating Effect of Psychological Safety

Authors: Xueyang Li


This thesis investigates the impact of self-viewing on team creativity in virtual teamwork and examines the role of objective self-awareness and psychological safety in this context. The study uses a quantitative research approach and collects data from 304 participants working in virtual teams. We hypothesized that observing oneself in online meetings would lead to a heightened sense of objective self and thus lower team creativity and that psychological safety would moderate their relationship. We tested these hypotheses in a laboratory experiment manipulating whether participants were able to observe themselves during the completion of an online team creativity task and manipulating whether participants were subjected to a psychological safety intervention. The results indicate that self-observation has a negative effect on team creativity in virtual teamwork, while objective self-awareness mediates this relationship, and psychological safety plays a moderating role. We discuss several aspects of the theoretical explanation of the findings. This study contributes to the existing literature by highlighting the importance of self-observation in virtual teamwork and provides practical implications for managers and team leaders to promote creativity in virtual teams.

Keywords: objective self-awareness, psychological safety, self-viewing, team creativity, virtual teamwork

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2327 Object-Oriented Programming for Modeling and Simulation of Systems in Physiology

Authors: J. Fernandez de Canete


Object-oriented modeling is spreading in the current simulation of physiological systems through the use of the individual components of the model and its interconnections to define the underlying dynamic equations. In this paper, we describe the use of both the SIMSCAPE and MODELICA simulation environments in the object-oriented modeling of the closed-loop cardiovascular system. The performance of the controlled system was analyzed by simulation in light of the existing hypothesis and validation tests previously performed with physiological data. The described approach represents a valuable tool in the teaching of physiology for graduate medical students.

Keywords: object-oriented modeling, SIMSCAPE simulation language, MODELICA simulation language, cardiovascular system

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2326 Assessment of the Efficiency of Virtual Orthodontic Consultations during COVID-19

Authors: R. Litt, A. Brown


Aims: We aimed to assess the efficiency of ‘Attend Anywhere’ orthodontic clinics within a district general hospital during COVID- 19. Our secondary aim was to pilot a questionnaire to assess patient satisfaction with virtual orthodontic appointments. Design: The study design is a service evaluation including pilot questionnaire. Methods: The average number of patients seen per virtual clinic and the number of patients failing to attend was compared to face-to-face clinics. The capability of virtual appointments to be successful in preventing the need for a face-to-face appointment was assessed. Patients were invited to complete a telephone pilot questionnaire focusing on patient satisfaction and accessibility. Results: There was a small increase in the number of patients failing to attend virtual appointments, with a third of the patients who did not attend failing to receive the appointment link. 81.9% of virtual clinic appointments were successful and prevented the need for a face-to-face appointment. Overall patients were very satisfied with their virtual orthodontic appointment and the majority required no assistance to access the service. Conclusions: The use of ‘Attend Anywhere’ clinics in orthodontics offers patients and clinicians an effective and efficient alternative to face-to-face appointments that patients on average find easy to use and completely satisfactory.

Keywords: clinics, COVID, orthodontics, patient satisfaction, virtual

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2325 Theoretical Approaches to Graphic and Formal Generation from Evolutionary Genetics

Authors: Luz Estrada


The currents of evolutionary materialistic thought have argued that knowledge about an object is not obtained through the abstractive method. That is, the object cannot come to be understood if founded upon itself, nor does it take place by the encounter between form and matter. According to this affirmation, the research presented here identified as a problematic situation the absence of comprehension of the formal creation as a generative operation. This has been referred to as a recurrent lack in the production of objects and corresponds to the need to conceive the configurative process from the reality of its genesis. In this case, it is of interest to explore ways of creation that consider the object as if it were a living organism, as well as responding to the object’s experience as embodied in the designer since it unfolds its genesis simultaneously to the ways of existence of those who are involved in the generative experience.

Keywords: architecture, theoretical graphics, evolutionary genetics, formal perception

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2324 A Real-Time Moving Object Detection and Tracking Scheme and Its Implementation for Video Surveillance System

Authors: Mulugeta K. Tefera, Xiaolong Yang, Jian Liu


Detection and tracking of moving objects are very important in many application contexts such as detection and recognition of people, visual surveillance and automatic generation of video effect and so on. However, the task of detecting a real shape of an object in motion becomes tricky due to various challenges like dynamic scene changes, presence of shadow, and illumination variations due to light switch. For such systems, once the moving object is detected, tracking is also a crucial step for those applications that used in military defense, video surveillance, human computer interaction, and medical diagnostics as well as in commercial fields such as video games. In this paper, an object presents in dynamic background is detected using adaptive mixture of Gaussian based analysis of the video sequences. Then the detected moving object is tracked using the region based moving object tracking and inter-frame differential mechanisms to address the partial overlapping and occlusion problems. Firstly, the detection algorithm effectively detects and extracts the moving object target by enhancing and post processing morphological operations. Secondly, the extracted object uses region based moving object tracking and inter-frame difference to improve the tracking speed of real-time moving objects in different video frames. Finally, the plotting method was applied to detect the moving objects effectively and describes the object’s motion being tracked. The experiment has been performed on image sequences acquired both indoor and outdoor environments and one stationary and web camera has been used.

Keywords: background modeling, Gaussian mixture model, inter-frame difference, object detection and tracking, video surveillance

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2323 The Role of Virtual Geographic Environment (VGEs)

Authors: Min Chen, Hui Lin


VGEs are a kind of typical web- and computer-based geographic environment, with aims of merging geographic knowledge, computer technology, virtual reality technology, network technology, and geographic information technology, to provide a digital mirror of physical geographic environments to allow users to ‘feel it in person’ by a means for augmenting the senses and to ‘know it beyond reality’ through geographic phenomena simulation and collaborative geographic experiments. Many achievements have appeared in this field, but further evolution should be explored. With the exploration of the conception of VGEs, and some examples, this article illustrated the role of VGEs and their contribution to currently GIScience. Based on the above analysis, questions are proposed for discussing about the future way of VGEs.

Keywords: virtual geographic environments (VGEs), GIScience, virtual reality, geographic information systems

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2322 Automatic Verification Technology of Virtual Machine Software Patch on IaaS Cloud

Authors: Yoji Yamato


In this paper, we propose an automatic verification technology of software patches for user virtual environments on IaaS Cloud to decrease verification costs of patches. In these days, IaaS services have been spread and many users can customize virtual machines on IaaS Cloud like their own private servers. Regarding to software patches of OS or middleware installed on virtual machines, users need to adopt and verify these patches by themselves. This task increases operation costs of users. Our proposed method replicates user virtual environments, extracts verification test cases for user virtual environments from test case DB, distributes patches to virtual machines on replicated environments and conducts those test cases automatically on replicated environments. We have implemented the proposed method on OpenStack using Jenkins and confirmed the feasibility. Using the implementation, we confirmed the effectiveness of test case creation efforts by our proposed idea of 2-tier abstraction of software functions and test cases. We also evaluated the automatic verification performance of environment replications, test cases extractions and test cases conductions.

Keywords: OpenStack, cloud computing, automatic verification, jenkins

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2321 Object-Oriented Multivariate Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control of Hydraulic Systems

Authors: J. Fernandez de Canete, S. Fernandez-Calvo, I. García-Moral


This paper presents and discusses the application of the object-oriented modelling software SIMSCAPE to hydraulic systems, with particular reference to multivariable proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control. As a result, a particular modelling approach of a double cylinder-piston coupled system is proposed and motivated, and the SIMULINK based PID tuning tool has also been used to select the proper controller parameters. The paper demonstrates the usefulness of the object-oriented approach when both physical modelling and control are tackled.

Keywords: object-oriented modeling, multivariable hydraulic system, multivariable PID control, computer simulation

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2320 An Adaptive Virtual Desktop Service in Cloud Computing Platform

Authors: Shuen-Tai Wang, Hsi-Ya Chang


Cloud computing is becoming more and more matured over the last few years and consequently the demands for better cloud services is increasing rapidly. One of the research topics to improve cloud services is the desktop computing in virtualized environment. This paper aims at the development of an adaptive virtual desktop service in cloud computing platform based on our previous research on the virtualization technology. We implement cloud virtual desktop and application software streaming technology that make it possible for providing Virtual Desktop as a Service (VDaaS). Given the development of remote desktop virtualization, it allows shifting the user’s desktop from the traditional PC environment to the cloud-enabled environment, which is stored on a remote virtual machine rather than locally. This proposed effort has the potential to positively provide an efficient, resilience and elastic environment for online cloud service. Users no longer need to burden the platform maintenances and drastically reduces the overall cost of hardware and software licenses. Moreover, this flexible remote desktop service represents the next significant step to the mobile workplace, and it lets users access their desktop environments from virtually anywhere.

Keywords: cloud computing, virtualization, virtual desktop, VDaaS

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2319 Human Connection over Technology: Evidence, Pitfalls, and Promise of Collaboration Technologies in Promoting Full Spectrum Participation of the Virtual Workforce

Authors: Michelle Marquard


The evidence for collaboration technologies (CTs) as a source of business productivity has never been stronger, and grows each day. At the same time, paradoxically, there is an increasingly greater concern about the challenge CTs present to the unity and well-being of the virtual workforce than ever before, but nowhere in the literature has an empirical understanding of these linkages been set out. This study attempted to address by using virtual distance as a measure of the efficacy of CTs to reduce the psychological distance among people. Data from 350 managers and 101 individual contributors across twelve functions in six major industries showed that business value is related to collaboration (r=.84, p < .01), which, in turn, is associated with full spectrum participation (r=.60, p < .01), a summative function of inclusion, integration, and we-intention. Further, virtual distance is negatively related to both collaboration (r=-.54, p < .01) and full spectrum participation (r=-.26, p < .01). Additionally, CIO-CDO relationship is a factor in the degree to which virtual distance is managed in the organization (r=-.26, p < .01). Overall, the results support the positive relationship between business value and collaboration. They also suggest that the extent to which collaboration can be fostered may depend on the degree of full spectrum participation or the level of inclusion, integration, and we-intention among members. Finally, the results indicate that CTs, when managed wisely to lower virtual distance, are a compelling concomitant to collaboration and full spectrum participation. A strategic outcome of this study is an instrumental blueprint of CTs and virtual distance in relation to full spectrum participation that should serve as a shared dashboard for CIOs, CHROs, and CDOs.

Keywords: business value, collaboration, inclusion, integration, we-intention, full spectrum participation, collaboration technologies, virtual distance

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2318 A Virtual Electrode through Summation of Time Offset Pulses

Authors: Isaac Cassar, Trevor Davis, Yi-Kai Lo, Wentai Liu


Retinal prostheses have been successful in eliciting visual responses in implanted subjects. As these prostheses progress, one of their major limitations is the need for increased resolution. As an alternative to increasing the number of electrodes, virtual electrodes may be used to increase the effective resolution of current electrode arrays. This paper presents a virtual electrode technique based upon time-offsets between stimuli. Two adjacent electrodes are stimulated with identical pulses with too short of pulse widths to activate a neuron, but one has a time offset of one pulse width. A virtual electrode of twice the pulse width was then shown to appear in the center, with a total width capable of activating a neuron. This can be used in retinal implants by stimulating electrodes with pulse widths short enough to not elicit responses in neurons, but with their combined pulse width adequate to activate a neuron in between them.

Keywords: electrical stimulation, neuroprosthesis, retinal implant, retinal prosthesis, virtual electrode

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2317 An Optimal Path for Virtual Reality Education using Association Rules

Authors: Adam Patterson


This study analyzes the self-reported experiences of virtual reality users to develop insight into an optimal learning path for education within virtual reality. This research uses a sample of 1000 observations to statistically define factors influencing (i) immersion level and (ii) motion sickness rating for virtual reality experience respondents of college age. This paper recommends an efficient duration for each virtual reality session, to minimize sickness and maximize engagement, utilizing modern machine learning methods such as association rules. The goal of this research, in augmentation with previous literature, is to inform logistical decisions relating to implementation of pilot instruction for virtual reality at the collegiate level. Future research will include a Randomized Control Trial (RCT) to quantify the effect of virtual reality education on student learning outcomes and engagement measures. Current research aims to maximize the treatment effect within the RCT by optimizing the learning benefits of virtual reality. Results suggest significant gender heterogeneity amongst likelihood of reporting motion sickness. Females are 1.7 times more likely, than males, to report high levels of motion sickness resulting from a virtual reality experience. Regarding duration, respondents were 1.29 times more likely to select the lowest level of motion sickness after an engagement lasting between 24.3 and 42 minutes. Conversely, respondents between 42 to 60 minutes were 1.2 times more likely to select the higher levels of motion sickness.

Keywords: applications and integration of e-education, practices and cases in e-education, systems and technologies in e-education, technology adoption and diffusion of e-learning

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2316 Electromagnetic Source Direction of Arrival Estimation via Virtual Antenna Array

Authors: Meiling Yang, Shuguo Xie, Yilong Zhu


Nowadays, due to diverse electric products and complex electromagnetic environment, the localization and troubleshooting of the electromagnetic radiation source is urgent and necessary especially on the condition of far field. However, based on the existing DOA positioning method, the system or devices are complex, bulky and expensive. To address this issue, this paper proposes a single antenna radiation source localization method. A single antenna moves to form a virtual antenna array combined with DOA and MUSIC algorithm to position accurately, meanwhile reducing the cost and simplify the equipment. As shown in the results of simulations and experiments, the virtual antenna array DOA estimation modeling is correct and its positioning is credible.

Keywords: virtual antenna array, DOA, localization, far field

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2315 Drape Simulation by Commercial Software and Subjective Assessment of Virtual Drape

Authors: Evrim Buyukaslan, Simona Jevsnik, Fatma Kalaoglu


Simulation of fabrics is more difficult than any other simulation due to complex mechanics of fabrics. Most of the virtual garment simulation software use mass-spring model and incorporate fabric mechanics into simulation models. The accuracy and fidelity of these virtual garment simulation software is a question mark. Drape is a subjective phenomenon and evaluation of drape has been studied since 1950’s. On the other hand, fabric and garment simulation is relatively new. Understanding drape perception of subjects when looking at fabric simulations is critical as virtual try-on becomes more of an issue by enhanced online apparel sales. Projected future of online apparel retailing is that users may view their avatars and try-on the garment on their avatars in the virtual environment. It is a well-known fact that users will not be eager to accept this innovative technology unless it is realistic enough. Therefore, it is essential to understand what users see when they are displaying fabrics in a virtual environment. Are they able to distinguish the differences between various fabrics in virtual environment? The purpose of this study is to investigate human perception when looking at a virtual fabric and determine the most visually noticeable drape parameter. To this end, five different fabrics are mechanically tested, and their drape simulations are generated by commercial garment simulation software (Optitex®). The simulation images are processed by an image analysis software to calculate drape parameters namely; drape coefficient, node severity, and peak angles. A questionnaire is developed to evaluate drape properties subjectively in a virtual environment. Drape simulation images are shown to 27 subjects and asked to rank the samples according to their questioned drape property. The answers are compared to the calculated drape parameters. The results show that subjects are quite sensitive to drape coefficient changes while they are not very sensitive to changes in node dimensions and node distributions.

Keywords: drape simulation, drape evaluation, fabric mechanics, virtual fabric

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