Search results for: fuzzy genetic network programming
6750 Intelligent Path Tracking Hybrid Fuzzy Controller for a Unicycle-Type Differential Drive Robot
Authors: Abdullah M. Almeshal, Mohammad R. Alenezi, Muhammad Moaz
In this paper, we discuss the performance of applying hybrid spiral dynamic bacterial chemotaxis (HSDBC) optimisation algorithm on an intelligent controller for a differential drive robot. A unicycle class of differential drive robot is utilised to serve as a basis application to evaluate the performance of the HSDBC algorithm. A hybrid fuzzy logic controller is developed and implemented for the unicycle robot to follow a predefined trajectory. Trajectories of various frictional profiles and levels were simulated to evaluate the performance of the robot at different operating conditions. Controller gains and scaling factors were optimised using HSDBC and the performance is evaluated in comparison to previously adopted optimisation algorithms. The HSDBC has proven its feasibility in achieving a faster convergence toward the optimal gains and resulted in a superior performance.Keywords: differential drive robot, hybrid fuzzy controller, optimization, path tracking, unicycle robot
Procedia PDF Downloads 4636749 A Fuzzy Inference System for Predicting Air Traffic Demand Based on Socioeconomic Drivers
Authors: Nur Mohammad Ali, Md. Shafiqul Alam, Jayanta Bhusan Deb, Nowrin Sharmin
The past ten years have seen significant expansion in the aviation sector, which during the previous five years has steadily pushed emerging countries closer to economic independence. It is crucial to accurately forecast the potential demand for air travel to make long-term financial plans. To forecast market demand for low-cost passenger carriers, this study suggests working with low-cost airlines, airports, consultancies, and governmental institutions' strategic planning divisions. The study aims to develop an artificial intelligence-based methods, notably fuzzy inference systems (FIS), to determine the most accurate forecasting technique for domestic low-cost carrier demand in Bangladesh. To give end users real-world applications, the study includes nine variables, two sub-FIS, and one final Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System utilizing a graphical user interface (GUI) made with the app designer tool. The evaluation criteria used in this inquiry included mean square error (MSE), accuracy, precision, sensitivity, and specificity. The effectiveness of the developed air passenger demand prediction FIS is assessed using 240 data sets, and the accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, and MSE values are 90.83%, 91.09%, 90.77%, and 2.09%, respectively.Keywords: aviation industry, fuzzy inference system, membership function, graphical user interference
Procedia PDF Downloads 746748 Quantitative Comparison Complexity and Robustness of Supply Chain Network Based on Different Configurations
Authors: Ahmadreza Rezaei, Qiong Liu
Supply chain network made based on suppliers and product architecture design. these networks are complex and vulnerable that may be expose disruption risks. any supply chain network configuration has its own related complexity and robustness that can have direct effect on its efficiency. So it's necessary to evaluate any configuration with considering complexity and robustness aspects together. However, there is a lack of research about this subject to managers can evaluate their supply chain configurations and choose configuration with balanced complexity and robustness together. In this study, developed indicators improve robustness of supply chain with using framework to evaluate relationships between complexity and robustness of supply chain network under different network configurations . this framework includes Investigation and analysis of quantitative indicators based on network characteristics. Moreover, overall metrics of Shannon entropy is presented to evaluate network topological complexity. So we will analyze two factor of complexity and robustness of networks based on supply chain configurations As result, Complexity and Robustness are two integral components of network that show network resistances under disruption. It's necessary to attain a balanced level of complexity and robustness in network configurations. the proposed framework could be used in supply chain network to improve efficiency.Keywords: supply chain design, structural complexity, robustness, supply chain configuration, Shannon entropy
Procedia PDF Downloads 106747 An MIPSSTWM-based Emergency Vehicle Routing Approach for Quick Response to Highway Incidents
Authors: Siliang Luan, Zhongtai Jiang
The risk of highway incidents is commonly recognized as a major concern for transportation authorities due to the hazardous consequences and negative influence. It is crucial to respond to these unpredictable events as soon as possible faced by emergency management decision makers. In this paper, we focus on path planning for emergency vehicles, one of the most significant processes to avoid congestion and reduce rescue time. A Mixed-Integer Linear Programming with Semi-Soft Time Windows Model (MIPSSTWM) is conducted to plan an optimal routing respectively considering the time consumption of arcs and nodes of the urban road network and the highway network, especially in developing countries with an enormous population. Here, the arcs indicate the road segments and the nodes include the intersections of the urban road network and the on-ramp and off-ramp of the highway networks. An attempt in this research has been made to develop a comprehensive and executive strategy for emergency vehicle routing in heavy traffic conditions. The proposed Cuckoo Search (CS) algorithm is designed by imitating obligate brood parasitic behaviors of cuckoos and Lévy Flights (LF) to solve this hard and combinatorial problem. Using a Chinese city as our case study, the numerical results demonstrate the approach we applied in this paper outperforms the previous method without considering the nodes of the road network for a real-world situation. Meanwhile, the accuracy and validity of the CS algorithm also show better performances than the traditional algorithm.Keywords: emergency vehicle, path planning, cs algorithm, urban traffic management and urban planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 826746 Genetic Algorithm Based Deep Learning Parameters Tuning for Robot Object Recognition and Grasping
Authors: Delowar Hossain, Genci Capi
This paper concerns with the problem of deep learning parameters tuning using a genetic algorithm (GA) in order to improve the performance of deep learning (DL) method. We present a GA based DL method for robot object recognition and grasping. GA is used to optimize the DL parameters in learning procedure in term of the fitness function that is good enough. After finishing the evolution process, we receive the optimal number of DL parameters. To evaluate the performance of our method, we consider the object recognition and robot grasping tasks. Experimental results show that our method is efficient for robot object recognition and grasping.Keywords: deep learning, genetic algorithm, object recognition, robot grasping
Procedia PDF Downloads 3536745 Extending the AOP Joinpoint Model for Memory and Type Safety
Authors: Amjad Nusayr
Software security is a general term used to any type of software architecture or model in which security aspects are incorporated in this architecture. These aspects are not part of the main logic of the underlying program. Software security can be achieved using a combination of approaches, including but not limited to secure software designs, third part component validation, and secure coding practices. Memory safety is one feature in software security where we ensure that any object in memory has a valid pointer or a reference with a valid type. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a paradigm that is concerned with capturing the cross-cutting concerns in code development. AOP is generally used for common cross-cutting concerns like logging and DB transaction managing. In this paper, we introduce the concepts that enable AOP to be used for the purpose of memory and type safety. We also present ideas for extending AOP in software security practices.Keywords: aspect oriented programming, programming languages, software security, memory and type safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 1286744 Pavement Management for a Metropolitan Area: A Case Study of Montreal
Authors: Luis Amador Jimenez, Md. Shohel Amin
Pavement performance models are based on projections of observed traffic loads, which makes uncertain to study funding strategies in the long run if history does not repeat. Neural networks can be used to estimate deterioration rates but the learning rate and momentum have not been properly investigated, in addition, economic evolvement could change traffic flows. This study addresses both issues through a case study for roads of Montreal that simulates traffic for a period of 50 years and deals with the measurement error of the pavement deterioration model. Travel demand models are applied to simulate annual average daily traffic (AADT) every 5 years. Accumulated equivalent single axle loads (ESALs) are calculated from the predicted AADT and locally observed truck distributions combined with truck factors. A back propagation Neural Network (BPN) method with a Generalized Delta Rule (GDR) learning algorithm is applied to estimate pavement deterioration models capable of overcoming measurement errors. Linear programming of lifecycle optimization is applied to identify M&R strategies that ensure good pavement condition while minimizing the budget. It was found that CAD 150 million is the minimum annual budget to good condition for arterial and local roads in Montreal. Montreal drivers prefer the use of public transportation for work and education purposes. Vehicle traffic is expected to double within 50 years, ESALS are expected to double the number of ESALs every 15 years. Roads in the island of Montreal need to undergo a stabilization period for about 25 years, a steady state seems to be reached after.Keywords: pavement management system, traffic simulation, backpropagation neural network, performance modeling, measurement errors, linear programming, lifecycle optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 4616743 Qualitative Measurement of Literacy
Authors: Indrajit Ghosh, Jaydip Roy
Literacy rate is an important indicator for measurement of human development. But this is not a good one to capture the qualitative dimension of educational attainment of an individual or a society. The overall educational level of an area is an important issue beyond the literacy rate. The overall educational level can be thought of as an outcome of the educational levels of individuals. But there is no well-defined algorithm and mathematical model available to measure the overall educational level of an area. A heuristic approach based on accumulated experience of experts is effective one. It is evident that fuzzy logic offers a natural and convenient framework in modeling various concepts in social science domain. This work suggests the implementation of fuzzy logic to develop a mathematical model for measurement of educational attainment of an area in terms of Education Index. The contribution of the study is two folds: conceptualization of “Education Profile” and proposing a new mathematical model to measure educational attainment in terms of “Education Index”.Keywords: education index, education profile, fuzzy logic, literacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 3176742 Prenatal Genetic Screening and Counselling Competency Challenges of Nurse-Midwife
Authors: Girija Madhavanprabhakaran, Frincy Franacis, Sheeba Elizabeth John
Introduction: A wide range of prenatal genetic screening is introduced with increasing incidences of congenital anomalies even in low-risk pregnancies and is an emerging standard of care. Being frontline caretakers, the role and responsibilities of nurses and midwives are critical as they are working along with couples to provide evidence-based supportive educative care. The increasing genetic disorders and advances in prenatal genetic screening with limited genetic counselling facilities urge nurses and midwifery nurses with essential competencies to help couples to take informed decision. Objective: This integrative literature review aimed to explore nurse midwives’ knowledge and role in prenatal screening and genetic counselling competency and the challenges faced by them to cater to all pregnant women to empower their autonomy in decision making and ensuring psychological comfort. Method: An electronic search using keywords prenatal screening, genetic counselling, prenatal counselling, nurse midwife, nursing education, genetics, and genomics were done in the PUBMED, SCOPUS and Medline, Google Scholar. Finally, based on inclusion criteria, 8 relevant articles were included. Results: The main review results suggest that nurses and midwives lack essential support, knowledge, or confidence to be able to provide genetic counselling and help the couples ethically to ensure client autonomy and decision making. The majority of nurses and midwives reported inadequate levels of knowledge on genetic screening and their roles in obtaining family history, pedigrees, and providing genetic information for an affected client or high-risk families. The deficiency of well-recognized and influential clinical academic midwives in midwifery practice is also reported. Evidence recommended to update and provide sound educational training to improve nurse-midwife competence and confidence. Conclusion: Overcoming the challenges to achieving informed choices about fetal anomaly screening globally is a major concern. Lack of adequate knowledge and counselling competency, communication insufficiency, need for education and policy are major areas to address. Prenatal nurses' and midwives’ knowledge on prenatal genetic screening and essential counselling competencies can ensure services to the majority of pregnant women around the globe to be better-informed decision-makers and enhances their autonomy, and reduces ethical dilemmas.Keywords: challenges, genetic counselling, prenatal screening, prenatal counselling
Procedia PDF Downloads 2026741 Phytoadaptation in Desert Soil Prediction Using Fuzzy Logic Modeling
Authors: S. Bouharati, F. Allag, M. Belmahdi, M. Bounechada
In terms of ecology forecast effects of desertification, the purpose of this study is to develop a predictive model of growth and adaptation of species in arid environment and bioclimatic conditions. The impact of climate change and the desertification phenomena is the result of combined effects in magnitude and frequency of these phenomena. Like the data involved in the phytopathogenic process and bacteria growth in arid soil occur in an uncertain environment because of their complexity, it becomes necessary to have a suitable methodology for the analysis of these variables. The basic principles of fuzzy logic those are perfectly suited to this process. As input variables, we consider the physical parameters, soil type, bacteria nature, and plant species concerned. The result output variable is the adaptability of the species expressed by the growth rate or extinction. As a conclusion, we prevent the possible strategies for adaptation, with or without shifting areas of plantation and nature adequate vegetation.Keywords: climate changes, dry soil, phytopathogenicity, predictive model, fuzzy logic
Procedia PDF Downloads 3246740 Optimized and Secured Digital Watermarking Using Fuzzy Entropy, Bezier Curve and Visual Cryptography
Authors: R. Rama Kishore, Sunesh
Recent development in the usage of internet for different purposes creates a great threat for the copyright protection of the digital images. Digital watermarking can be used to address the problem. This paper presents detailed review of the different watermarking techniques, latest trends in the field of secured, robust and imperceptible watermarking. It also discusses the different optimization techniques used in the field of watermarking in order to improve the robustness and imperceptibility of the method. Different measures are discussed to evaluate the performance of the watermarking algorithm. At the end, this paper proposes a watermarking algorithm using (2, 2) share visual cryptography and Bezier curve based algorithm to improve the security of the watermark. The proposed method uses fractional transformation to improve the robustness of the copyright protection of the method. The algorithm is optimized using fuzzy entropy for better results.Keywords: digital watermarking, fractional transform, visual cryptography, Bezier curve, fuzzy entropy
Procedia PDF Downloads 3686739 Blockchain-Resilient Framework for Cloud-Based Network Devices within the Architecture of Self-Driving Cars
Authors: Mirza Mujtaba Baig
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is evolving rapidly, and one of the areas in which this field has influenced is automation. The automobile, healthcare, education, and robotic industries deploy AI technologies constantly, and the automation of tasks is beneficial to allow time for knowledge-based tasks and also introduce convenience to everyday human endeavors. The paper reviews the challenges faced with the current implementations of autonomous self-driving cars by exploring the machine learning, robotics, and artificial intelligence techniques employed for the development of this innovation. The controversy surrounding the development and deployment of autonomous machines, e.g., vehicles, begs the need for the exploration of the configuration of the programming modules. This paper seeks to add to the body of knowledge of research assisting researchers in decreasing the inconsistencies in current programming modules. Blockchain is a technology of which applications are mostly found within the domains of financial, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, and artificial intelligence. The registering of events in a secured manner as well as applying external algorithms required for the data analytics are especially helpful for integrating, adapting, maintaining, and extending to new domains, especially predictive analytics applications.Keywords: artificial intelligence, automation, big data, self-driving cars, machine learning, neural networking algorithm, blockchain, business intelligence
Procedia PDF Downloads 1206738 A Genetic Algorithm for the Load Balance of Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics Computation with Multi-Block Structured Mesh
Authors: Chunye Gong, Ming Tie, Jie Liu, Weimin Bao, Xinbiao Gan, Shengguo Li, Bo Yang, Xuguang Chen, Tiaojie Xiao, Yang Sun
Large-scale CFD simulation relies on high-performance parallel computing, and the load balance is the key role which affects the parallel efficiency. This paper focuses on the load-balancing problem of parallel CFD simulation with structured mesh. A mathematical model for this load-balancing problem is presented. The genetic algorithm, fitness computing, two-level code are designed. Optimal selector, robust operator, and local optimization operator are designed. The properties of the presented genetic algorithm are discussed in-depth. The effects of optimal selector, robust operator, and local optimization operator are proved by experiments. The experimental results of different test sets, DLR-F4, and aircraft design applications show the presented load-balancing algorithm is robust, quickly converged, and is useful in real engineering problems.Keywords: genetic algorithm, load-balancing algorithm, optimal variation, local optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1856737 Optimization of Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times Using Genetic Algorithm Approach
Authors: Sanjay Kumar Parjapati, Ajai Jain
This paper presents optimization of makespan for ‘n’ jobs and ‘m’ machines flexible job shop scheduling problem with sequence dependent setup time using genetic algorithm (GA) approach. A restart scheme has also been applied to prevent the premature convergence. Two case studies are taken into consideration. Results are obtained by considering crossover probability (pc = 0.85) and mutation probability (pm = 0.15). Five simulation runs for each case study are taken and minimum value among them is taken as optimal makespan. Results indicate that optimal makespan can be achieved with more than one sequence of jobs in a production order.Keywords: flexible job shop, genetic algorithm, makespan, sequence dependent setup times
Procedia PDF Downloads 3336736 The Genetic Diversity and Conservation Status of Natural Populus Nigra Populations in Turkey
Authors: Asiye Ciftci, Zeki Kaya
Populus nigra is one of the most economically and ecologically important forest trees in Turkey, well known for its rapid growth, good ability to vegetative propagation and the extreme uses of its wood. Due to overexploitation, loss of natural distribution area and extreme hybridization and introgression, Populus nigra is one of the most threatened tree species in Turkey and Europe. Using 20 nuclear microsatellite loci, the genetic structure of European black poplar populations along the two largest rivers of Turkey was analyzed. All tested loci were highly polymorphic, displaying 5 to 15 alleles per locus. Observed heterozygosity (overall Ho = 0.79) has been higher than the expected (overall He = 0.58) in each population. Low level of genetic differentiation among populations (FST= 0,03) and excess of heterozygotes for each river were found. Human-mediated dispersal, phenotypic selection, high level of gene flow and extensive circulations of clonal materials may cause those situations. The genetic data obtained from this study could provide the basis for efficient in situ and ex-situ conservation and restoration of species natural populations in its natural habitat as well as having sustainable breeding and poplar plantations in the future.Keywords: populus, clonal, loci, ex situ
Procedia PDF Downloads 2976735 Budget Optimization for Maintenance of Bridges in Egypt
Authors: Hesham Abd Elkhalek, Sherif M. Hafez, Yasser M. El Fahham
Allocating limited budget to maintain bridge networks and selecting effective maintenance strategies for each bridge represent challenging tasks for maintenance managers and decision makers. In Egypt, bridges are continuously deteriorating. In many cases, maintenance works are performed due to user complaints. The objective of this paper is to develop a practical and reliable framework to manage the maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation (MR&R) activities of Bridges network considering performance and budget limits. The model solves an optimization problem that maximizes the average condition of the entire network given the limited available budget using Genetic Algorithm (GA). The framework contains bridge inventory, condition assessment, repair cost calculation, deterioration prediction, and maintenance optimization. The developed model takes into account multiple parameters including serviceability requirements, budget allocation, element importance on structural safety and serviceability, bridge impact on network, and traffic. A questionnaire is conducted to complete the research scope. The proposed model is implemented in software, which provides a friendly user interface. The framework provides a multi-year maintenance plan for the entire network for up to five years. A case study of ten bridges is presented to validate and test the proposed model with data collected from Transportation Authorities in Egypt. Different scenarios are presented. The results are reasonable, feasible and within acceptable domain.Keywords: bridge management systems (BMS), cost optimization condition assessment, fund allocation, Markov chain
Procedia PDF Downloads 2926734 Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System Model Based on Support Vector Regression for Stock Time Series Forecasting
Authors: Anita Setianingrum, Oki S. Jaya, Zuherman Rustam
Forecasting stock price is a challenging task due to the complex time series of the data. The complexity arises from many variables that affect the stock market. Many time series models have been proposed before, but those previous models still have some problems: 1) put the subjectivity of choosing the technical indicators, and 2) rely upon some assumptions about the variables, so it is limited to be applied to all datasets. Therefore, this paper studied a novel Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) time series model based on Support Vector Regression (SVR) for forecasting the stock market. In order to evaluate the performance of proposed models, stock market transaction data of TAIEX and HIS from January to December 2015 is collected as experimental datasets. As a result, the method has outperformed its counterparts in terms of accuracy.Keywords: ANFIS, fuzzy time series, stock forecasting, SVR
Procedia PDF Downloads 2496733 Data Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network Implemented on Self-Organization Feature Map (SOFM) Neural Network
Authors: Krishan Kumar, Mohit Mittal, Pramod Kumar
Wireless sensor network is one of the most promising communication networks for monitoring remote environmental areas. In this network, all the sensor nodes are communicated with each other via radio signals. The sensor nodes have capability of sensing, data storage and processing. The sensor nodes collect the information through neighboring nodes to particular node. The data collection and processing is done by data aggregation techniques. For the data aggregation in sensor network, clustering technique is implemented in the sensor network by implementing self-organizing feature map (SOFM) neural network. Some of the sensor nodes are selected as cluster head nodes. The information aggregated to cluster head nodes from non-cluster head nodes and then this information is transferred to base station (or sink nodes). The aim of this paper is to manage the huge amount of data with the help of SOM neural network. Clustered data is selected to transfer to base station instead of whole information aggregated at cluster head nodes. This reduces the battery consumption over the huge data management. The network lifetime is enhanced at a greater extent.Keywords: artificial neural network, data clustering, self organization feature map, wireless sensor network
Procedia PDF Downloads 5186732 Optimal Design of Substation Grounding Grid Based on Genetic Algorithm Technique
Authors: Ahmed Z. Gabr, Ahmed A. Helal, Hussein E. Said
With the incessant increase of power systems capacity and voltage grade, the safety of grounding grid becomes more and more prominent. In this paper, the designing substation grounding grid is presented by means of genetic algorithm (GA). This approach purposes to control the grounding cost of the power system with the aid of controlling grounding rod number and conductor lengths under the same safety limitations. The proposed technique is used for the design of the substation grounding grid in Khalda Petroleum Company “El-Qasr” power plant and the design was simulated by using CYMGRD software for results verification. The result of the design is highly complying with IEEE 80-2000 standard requirements.Keywords: genetic algorithm, optimum grounding grid design, power system analysis, power system protection, single layer model, substation
Procedia PDF Downloads 5376731 Neuro-Fuzzy Based Model for Phrase Level Emotion Understanding
Authors: Vadivel Ayyasamy
The present approach deals with the identification of Emotions and classification of Emotional patterns at Phrase-level with respect to Positive and Negative Orientation. The proposed approach considers emotion triggered terms, its co-occurrence terms and also associated sentences for recognizing emotions. The proposed approach uses Part of Speech Tagging and Emotion Actifiers for classification. Here sentence patterns are broken into phrases and Neuro-Fuzzy model is used to classify which results in 16 patterns of emotional phrases. Suitable intensities are assigned for capturing the degree of emotion contents that exist in semantics of patterns. These emotional phrases are assigned weights which supports in deciding the Positive and Negative Orientation of emotions. The approach uses web documents for experimental purpose and the proposed classification approach performs well and achieves good F-Scores.Keywords: emotions, sentences, phrases, classification, patterns, fuzzy, positive orientation, negative orientation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3816730 JaCoText: A Pretrained Model for Java Code-Text Generation
Authors: Jessica Lopez Espejel, Mahaman Sanoussi Yahaya Alassan, Walid Dahhane, El Hassane Ettifouri
Pretrained transformer-based models have shown high performance in natural language generation tasks. However, a new wave of interest has surged: automatic programming language code generation. This task consists of translating natural language instructions to a source code. Despite the fact that well-known pre-trained models on language generation have achieved good performance in learning programming languages, effort is still needed in automatic code generation. In this paper, we introduce JaCoText, a model based on Transformer neural network. It aims to generate java source code from natural language text. JaCoText leverages the advantages of both natural language and code generation models. More specifically, we study some findings from state of the art and use them to (1) initialize our model from powerful pre-trained models, (2) explore additional pretraining on our java dataset, (3) lead experiments combining the unimodal and bimodal data in training, and (4) scale the input and output length during the fine-tuning of the model. Conducted experiments on CONCODE dataset show that JaCoText achieves new state-of-the-art results.Keywords: java code generation, natural language processing, sequence-to-sequence models, transformer neural networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 2886729 Literature Review: Application of Artificial Intelligence in EOR
Authors: Masoumeh Mofarrah, Amir NahanMoghadam
Higher oil prices and increasing oil demand are main reasons for great attention to Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). Comprehensive researches have been accomplished to develop, appraise and improve EOR methods and their application. Recently Artificial Intelligence (AI) gained popularity in petroleum industry that can help petroleum engineers to solve some fundamental petroleum engineering problems such as reservoir simulation, EOR project risk analysis, well log interpretation and well test model selection. This study presents a historical overview of most popular AI tools including neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic and expert systems in petroleum industry and discusses two case studies to represent the application of two mentioned AI methods for selecting an appropriate EOR method based on reservoir characterization in feasible and effective way.Keywords: artificial intelligence, EOR, neural networks, expert systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 4106728 Parameter Estimation of Additive Genetic and Unique Environment (AE) Model on Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Using Bayesian Method
Authors: Andi Darmawan, Dewi Retno Sari Saputro, Purnami Widyaningsih
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease in human that occurred if pancreas cannot produce enough of insulin hormone or the body uses ineffectively insulin hormone which causes increasing level of glucose in the blood, or it was called hyperglycemia. In Indonesia, DM is a serious disease on health because it can cause blindness, kidney disease, diabetic feet (gangrene), and stroke. The type of DM criteria can also be divided based on the main causes; they are DM type 1, type 2, and gestational. Diabetes type 1 or previously known as insulin-independent diabetes is due to a lack of production of insulin hormone. Diabetes type 2 or previously known as non-insulin dependent diabetes is due to ineffective use of insulin while gestational diabetes is a hyperglycemia that found during pregnancy. The most one type commonly found in patient is DM type 2. The main factors of this disease are genetic (A) and life style (E). Those disease with 2 factors can be constructed with additive genetic and unique environment (AE) model. In this article was discussed parameter estimation of AE model using Bayesian method and the inheritance character simulation on parent-offspring. On the AE model, there are response variable, predictor variables, and parameters were capable of representing the number of population on research. The population can be measured through a taken random sample. The response and predictor variables can be determined by sample while the parameters are unknown, so it was required to estimate the parameters based on the sample. Estimation of AE model parameters was obtained based on a joint posterior distribution. The simulation was conducted to get the value of genetic variance and life style variance. The results of simulation are 0.3600 for genetic variance and 0.0899 for life style variance. Therefore, the variance of genetic factor in DM type 2 is greater than life style.Keywords: AE model, Bayesian method, diabetes mellitus type 2, genetic, life style
Procedia PDF Downloads 2856727 Evolutionary Methods in Cryptography
Authors: Wafa Slaibi Alsharafat
Genetic algorithms (GA) are random algorithms as random numbers that are generated during the operation of the algorithm determine what happens. This means that if GA is applied twice to optimize exactly the same problem it might produces two different answers. In this project, we propose an evolutionary algorithm and Genetic Algorithm (GA) to be implemented in symmetric encryption and decryption. Here, user's message and user secret information (key) which represent plain text to be transferred into cipher text.Keywords: GA, encryption, decryption, crossover
Procedia PDF Downloads 4476726 Lego Mindstorms as a Simulation of Robotic Systems
Authors: Miroslav Popelka, Jakub Nožička
In this paper we deal with using Lego Mindstorms in simulation of robotic systems with respect to cost reduction. Lego Mindstorms kit contains broad variety of hardware components which are required to simulate, program and test the robotics systems in practice. Algorithm programming went in development environment supplied together with Lego kit as in programming language C# as well. Algorithm following the line, which we dealt with in this paper, uses theoretical findings from area of controlling circuits. PID controller has been chosen as controlling circuit whose individual components were experimentally adjusted for optimal motion of robot tracking the line. Data which are determined to process by algorithm are collected by sensors which scan the interface between black and white surfaces followed by robot. Based on discovered facts Lego Mindstorms can be considered for low-cost and capable kit to simulate real robotics systems.Keywords: LEGO Mindstorms, PID controller, low-cost robotics systems, line follower, sensors, programming language C#, EV3 Home Edition Software
Procedia PDF Downloads 3756725 Design and Implementation of a Cross-Network Security Management System
Authors: Zhiyong Shan, Preethi Santhanam, Vinod Namboodiri, Rajiv Bagai
In recent years, the emerging network worms and attacks have distributive characteristics, which can spread globally in a very short time. Security management crossing networks to co-defense network-wide attacks and improve the efficiency of security administration is urgently needed. We propose a hierarchical distributed network security management system (HD-NSMS), which can integrate security management across multiple networks. First, we describe the system in macrostructure and microstructure; then discuss three key problems when building HD-NSMS: device model, alert mechanism, and emergency response mechanism; lastly, we describe the implementation of HD-NSMS. The paper is valuable for implementing NSMS in that it derives from a practical network security management system (NSMS).Keywords: network security management, device organization, emergency response, cross-network
Procedia PDF Downloads 1696724 Establishing Quality Evaluation Indicators of Early Education Center for 0~3 Years Old
Authors: Lina Feng
The study aimed at establishing quality evaluation indicators of an early education center for 0~3 years old, and defining the weight system of it. Expert questionnaire and Fuzzy Delphi method were applied. Firstly, in order to ensure the indicators in accordance with the practice of early education, 16 experts were invited as respondents to a preliminary Expert Questionnaire about Quality Evaluation Indicators of Early Education Center for 0~3 Years Old. The indicators were based on relevant studies on quality evaluation indicators of early education centers in China and abroad. Secondly, 20 scholars, kindergarten principals, and educational administrators were invited to form a fuzzy Delphi expert team. The experts’ opinions on the importance of indicators were calculated through triangle fuzzy numbers in order to select appropriate indicators and calculate indicator weights. This procedure resulted in the final Quality Evaluation Indicators of Early education Center for 0~3 Years Old. The Indicators contained three major levels, including 6 first-level indicators, 30 second-level indicators, and 147 third-level indicators. The 6 first-level indicators were health and safety; educational and cultivating activities; development of babies; conditions of the center; management of the center; and collaboration between family and the community. The indicators established by this study could provide suggestions for the high-quality environment for promoting the development of early year children.Keywords: early education center for 0~3 years old, educational management, fuzzy delphi method, quality evaluation indicator
Procedia PDF Downloads 2636723 Packet Analysis in Network Forensics: Insights, Tools, and Case Study
Authors: Dalal Nasser Fathi, Amal Saud Al-Mutairi, Mada Hamed Al-Towairqi, Enas Fawzi Khairallah
Network forensics is essential for investigating cyber incidents and detecting malicious activities by analyzing network traffic, with a focus on packet and protocol data. This process involves capturing, filtering, and examining network data to identify patterns and signs of attacks. Packet analysis, a core technique in this field, provides insights into the origins of data, the protocols used, and any suspicious payloads, which aids in detecting malicious activity. This paper explores network forensics, providing guidance for the analyst on what to look for and identifying attack sites guided by the seven layers of the OSI model. Additionally, it explains the most commonly used tools in network forensics and demonstrates a practical example using Wireshark.Keywords: network forensic, packet analysis, Wireshark tools, forensic investigation, digital evidence
Procedia PDF Downloads 86722 Generalization of Clustering Coefficient on Lattice Networks Applied to Criminal Networks
Authors: Christian H. Sanabria-Montaña, Rodrigo Huerta-Quintanilla
A lattice network is a special type of network in which all nodes have the same number of links, and its boundary conditions are periodic. The most basic lattice network is the ring, a one-dimensional network with periodic border conditions. In contrast, the Cartesian product of d rings forms a d-dimensional lattice network. An analytical expression currently exists for the clustering coefficient in this type of network, but the theoretical value is valid only up to certain connectivity value; in other words, the analytical expression is incomplete. Here we obtain analytically the clustering coefficient expression in d-dimensional lattice networks for any link density. Our analytical results show that the clustering coefficient for a lattice network with density of links that tend to 1, leads to the value of the clustering coefficient of a fully connected network. We developed a model on criminology in which the generalized clustering coefficient expression is applied. The model states that delinquents learn the know-how of crime business by sharing knowledge, directly or indirectly, with their friends of the gang. This generalization shed light on the network properties, which is important to develop new models in different fields where network structure plays an important role in the system dynamic, such as criminology, evolutionary game theory, econophysics, among others.Keywords: clustering coefficient, criminology, generalized, regular network d-dimensional
Procedia PDF Downloads 4126721 Iterative Dynamic Programming for 4D Flight Trajectory Optimization
Authors: Kawser Ahmed, K. Bousson, Milca F. Coelho
4D flight trajectory optimization is one of the key ingredients to improve flight efficiency and to enhance the air traffic capacity in the current air traffic management (ATM). The present paper explores the iterative dynamic programming (IDP) as a potential numerical optimization method for 4D flight trajectory optimization. IDP is an iterative version of the Dynamic programming (DP) method. Due to the numerical framework, DP is very suitable to deal with nonlinear discrete dynamic systems. The 4D waypoint representation of the flight trajectory is similar to the discretization by a grid system; thus DP is a natural method to deal with the 4D flight trajectory optimization. However, the computational time and space complexity demanded by the DP is enormous due to the immense number of grid points required to find the optimum, which prevents the use of the DP in many practical high dimension problems. On the other hand, the IDP has shown potentials to deal successfully with high dimension optimal control problems even with a few numbers of grid points at each stage, which reduces the computational effort over the traditional DP approach. Although the IDP has been applied successfully in chemical engineering problems, IDP is yet to be validated in 4D flight trajectory optimization problems. In this paper, the IDP has been successfully used to generate minimum length 4D optimal trajectory avoiding any obstacle in its path, such as a no-fly zone or residential areas when flying in low altitude to reduce noise pollution.Keywords: 4D waypoint navigation, iterative dynamic programming, obstacle avoidance, trajectory optimization
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