Search results for: Social Networking Sites (SNSs)
10903 Geographic Information System Application for Predicting Tourism Development in Gunungkidul Regency, Indonesia
Authors: Nindyo Cahyo Kresnanto, Muhamad Willdan, Wika Harisa Putri
Gunungkidul is one of the emerging tourism industry areas in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia. This article describes how GIS can predict the development of tourism potential in Gunungkidul. The tourism sector in Gunungkidul Regency contributes 3.34% of the total gross regional domestic product and is the economic sector with the highest growth with a percentage of 18.37% in the post-Covid-19 period. This contribution makes researchers consider that several tourist sites need to be explored more to increase regional economic development gradually. This research starts by collecting spatial data from tourist locations tourists want to visit in Gunungkidul Regency based on survey data from 571 respondents. Then the data is visualized with ArcGIS software. This research shows an overview of tourist destinations interested in travellers depicted from the lowest to the highest from the data visualization. Based on the data visualization results, specific tourist locations potentially developed to influence the surrounding economy positively. The visualization of the data displayed is also in the form of a desire line map that shows tourist travel patterns from the origin of the tourist to the destination of the tourist location of interest. From the desire line, the prediction of the path of tourist sites with a high frequency of transportation activity can figure out. Predictions regarding specific tourist location routes that high transportation activities can burden can consider which routes will be chosen. The route also needs to be improved in terms of capacity and quality. The goal is to provide a sense of security and comfort for tourists who drive and positively impact the tourist sites traversed by the route.Keywords: tourism development, GIS and survey, transportation, potential desire line
Procedia PDF Downloads 6610902 Key Affecting Factors for Social Sustainability through Urban Green Space Planning
Authors: Raziyeh Teimouri, Sadasivam Karuppannan, Alpana Sivam, Ning Gu
Urban Green Space (UGS) is one of the most critical components of urban systems to create sustainable cities. UGS has valuable social benefits that closely correlate with people's life quality. Studying social sustainability factors that can be achieved by green spaces is required for optimal UGS planning to increase urban social sustainability. This paper aims to identify key factors that enhance urban social sustainability through UGS planning. To reach the goal of the study international experts’ survey has been conducted. According to the results of the survey analysis, factors of proper distribution, links to public transportation, walkable access, sense of place, social interactions, public education, safety and security, walkability and cyclability, physical activity and recreational facilities, suitability for all ages, disabled people, women, and children are among the key factors that should consider in UGS planning programs to promote urban social sustainability.Keywords: UGS, planning, social sustainability, key factors
Procedia PDF Downloads 7910901 The Using of Social Marketing Approach for Conducting Anti-Corruption Campaign: A Review of Literature
Authors: Rosidah Rosidah
The paper aims to identify and examine the effectiveness of social marketing as an approach for conducting anti-corruption campaign. Social marketing has been widely used to promote social change for the benefit of individual and society; such as for promoting healthy foods consumption, encouraging breastfeeding, reducing smoking, solving alcohol problem and drunk driving. Therefore, it is believed that this approach can be promising to be used in anti-corruption campaign. It is because social marketing can be useful of prompting people to act in accordance to the existing norms that denounce corruption, or help to establish new norms that more averse to corruption. It has established into evidence and insight based approaches to social campaign that focus on changing people’s behavior. Qualitative approach will be used in this study, with the using of literature review and secondary data analysis as the research methods. This paper is still on preliminary stage, which its results is expected to provide fundamental basis for designing model of intervention (anti-corruption campaign) using social marketing approaches.Keywords: anti-corruption campaign, behavioral change, social influence, social marketing
Procedia PDF Downloads 33310900 Analyzing the Perception of Students and Faculty Members on Social Media Use in Academic Activities: A Case Study of Beijing Normal University
Authors: Mcjerry A. Bekoe, Emile Uwamahoro
Social media has become the order of the day, in particular among the youth. It is widely used both formally and informally in the university communities with varied definitions both in the academic circles and in the public domain. In simple terms, it is a media upon which social interactions are carried. In this work social media denote mobile phones, and web-base applications use by students and institutions to construct, partake, and distribute both existing and new information in a digital setting through internet communication. The basic aim of conducting this study was to analyze the perception of students and faculty members Beijing Normal University on social media use in the academic setting and to contribute to the understanding of how university students use social media, the advantages and disadvantages of social media in education. The study was qualitative and employed open-ended interview questions developed to seek students’ perception of the effects of social media and administered based on purposive sampling. Document analysis was also done because of triangulation to ensure validity and reliability. The results show there are positive and negative impacts of social media use depending on how one uses it. Social media have the capability to become a priceless asset to aid their educational communication.Keywords: academics, high education, interactions, social media
Procedia PDF Downloads 34210899 Amplitude and Latency of P300 Component from Auditory Stimulus in Different Types of Personality: An Event Related Potential Study
Authors: Nasir Yusoff, Ahmad Adamu Adamu, Tahamina Begum, Faruque Reza
The P300 from Event related potential (ERP) explains the psycho-physiological phenomenon in human body. The present study aims to identify the differences of amplitude and latency of P300 component from auditory stimuli, between ambiversion and extraversion types of personality. Ambivert (N=20) and extravert (N=20) undergoing ERP recording at the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) laboratory. Electroencephalogram data was recorded with oddball paradigm, counting auditory standard and target tones, from nine electrode sites (Fz, Cz, Pz, T3, T4, T5, T6, P3 and P4) by using the 128 HydroCel Geodesic Sensor Net. The P300 latency of the target tones at all electrodes were insignificant. Similarly, the P300 latency of the standard tones were also insignificant except at Fz and T3 electrode. Likewise, the P300 amplitude of the target and standard tone in all electrode sites were insignificant. Extravert and ambivert indicate similar characteristic in cognition processing from auditory task.Keywords: amplitude, event related potential, p300 component, latency
Procedia PDF Downloads 37810898 Empowering Rangatahi: Amplifying Youth Voices on Smartphone and Social Media Use in Aotearoa New Zealand
Authors: Melissa L Gould
The uptick in social media users during the COVID-19 lockdowns has accelerated concerns about cellphone addiction, cyberbullying, and exposure to harmful content, particularly mis- and disinformation and extremist content. The validity of these concerns is synthesized for media technologists to expose the strategies behind social media and search platform technology and explain why they restrict their children from using it. Banning cell phones in schools, increasing age limits on social media accounts, and putting warning labels on social media are some of the solutions proposed to protect young people from smartphones and social media. Largely missing from these conversations are the voices of young people (rangatahi). Instead, their lived experiences are being told and managed by adults. This presentation will outline my research that amplified the voices and lived experiences of young people by positioning them as experts. Using The Social Dilemma as a discussion prompt, the focus groups of rangatahi in Aotearoa, New Zealand, provide a space for young people to articulate their own lived experiences and respond to the dominant narratives on their generation's use of smartphones and social media.Keywords: social media, smart phones, young people, social dilemma
Procedia PDF Downloads 3410897 The Idea of Making of Corporate Social Responsibility Compulsory in India
Authors: Jagannath Mohanty, Shiv Nath Sinha
India is the first country in the world, where spending on Corporate Social Responsibily (CSR) has been made mandatory. Predominantly Indian enterprises have been philanthrophic for hundreds of years, where giving back to the society is the religious duty of the rich. Therefore Indian businesses have been voluntarily spending on CSR activities, while several businesses kept spending on non business activities a significant number of entrepreneurs abstained from social spending, leading Government of India to take the lesgislative route by mandating 2% spend of net profit on CSR activities failing which companeis will be dealt legally. While the legislation on suface appers progressive and pro social, yet the consequences of making a rather volutary action a legally binding act is yet to be seen. This paper examines the possible social impact of the legislation and potential response of the corporate to a legislation of this kind.Keywords: corporate social responsibility (CSR), companies act 2013, corporate citizenship, social spending
Procedia PDF Downloads 38110896 The Use of Facebook as a Social Media by Political Parties in the June 7 Election in Konya
Authors: Yasemin Gülşen Yılmaz, Süleyman Hakan Yılmaz, Muhammet Erbay
Social media is among the most important means of communication. Social media offers individuals and groups with an opportunity for participatory socialization over the internet, which is free of any time and place restrictions. Social media is a kind of interactive communication and bilateral social network. Various communication contents can be shared and put into mass circulation easily and quickly through social media. These sharings are not only limited to individuals but also happen to groups, institutions, and different constitutions. Their contents consist of any type of written message, audio and video files. We are living in the social media era now. It is not surprising that social media which has extensive communication facilities and massive prevalence is used in politics. Therefore, the use of social media (Facebook) by political parties during the Turkish general elections held on June 7, 2015, has been chosen as our research subject. Four parties namely, AKP, CHP, MHP and HDP who have the majority of votes in Turkey and participate in elections in Konya have been selected for our study. Their provincial centers’ and parliamentary candidates` use of social media (Facebook) on the last three days prior to the election have been examined and subjected to a qualitative analysis by means of content analysis.Keywords: social media, June 7 general elections, politics, Facebook
Procedia PDF Downloads 40410895 Towards a Goal-Question-Metric Based Approach to Assess Social Sustainability of Software Systems
Authors: Rahma Amri, Narjès Bellamine Ben Saoud
Sustainable development or sustainability is one of the most urgent issues in actual debate in almost domains. Particularly the significant way the software pervades our live should make it in the center of sustainability concerns. The social aspects of sustainability haven’t been well studied in the context of software systems and still immature research field that needs more interest among researchers’ community. This paper presents a Goal-Question-Metric based approach to assess social sustainability of software systems. The approach is based on a generic social sustainability model taken from Social sciences.Keywords: software assessment approach, social sustainability, goal-question-metric paradigm, software project metrics
Procedia PDF Downloads 39710894 Novel Marketing Strategy To Increase Sales Revenue For SMEs Through Social Media
Authors: Kruti Dave
Social media marketing is an essential component of 21st-century business. Social media platforms enable small and medium-sized businesses to enhance brand recognition, generate leads and sales. However, the research on social media marketing is still fragmented and focuses on specific topics, such as effective communication techniques. Since the various ways in which social media impacts individuals and companies alike, the authors of this article focus on the origin, impacts, and current state of Social Media, emphasizing their significance as customer empowerment agents. It illustrates their potential and current responsibilities as part of the corporate business strategy and also suggests several methods to engage them as marketing tools. The focus of social media marketing ranges from defenders to explorers, the culture of Social media marketing encompasses the poles of conservatism and modernity, social media marketing frameworks lie between hierarchies and networks, and its management goes from autocracy to anarchy. This research proposes an integrative framework for small and medium-sized businesses through social media, and the influence of the same will be measured. This strategy will help industry experts to understand this new era. We propose an axiom: Social Media is always a function of marketing as a revenue generator.Keywords: social media, marketing strategy, media marketing, brand awareness, customer engagement, revenue generator, brand recognition
Procedia PDF Downloads 19810893 Comprehensive Strategy for Healthy City from Local Practice Networking among Citizens, Industry, University and Municipality
Authors: Yuki Hara
Healthy assets are recognized as important for all people in the world through experiencing COVID-19. Each part of life and work is important to be changed against the preceding wide-spreading of COVID-19. Furthermore, it is necessary to innovate the whole structure of a city upon the sum of the parts. This study aims at creating a comprehensive strategy from a small practice of making healthier lives with collaborating local actors for a city. This paper employs action research as the research framework. The core practice is the 'Ken’iku Festival' at Ken’iku Festival Committee. The field locates the urban-rural fringe in the northwest part of Fujisawa city, Kanagawa prefecture, Japan. The data is collected through the author's practices for three years from the observations and interviews at meetings and discussions among stakeholders, texts in municipal reports, books, and movies, 3 questionnaires for customers and stakeholders at the Ken’iku Festival. These data are analysed by qualitative methods. The results show that couples in their 40s with children and couples or friends over the 70s are at the heart of promoting healthy lifestyles. In contrast, 40% of the visitors at the festival are the people who have no idea or no interest in healthier actions, which the committee has to suggest healthy activities through more pleasing services. The committee could organize staff and local actors as the core parties involved through gradually expanding its tasks relating to the local practices. This private sectoral activity from health promotion is covering a part of the whole-city planning of Fujisawa municipality by including many people over organisations into one community. This paper concludes from local practice networking through the festival that a comprehensive strategy for a healthy city is both a practical approach easily applied to each partner and one of the holistic services.Keywords: communal practice network, healthy cities, health & development, health promotion, with and after COVID-19
Procedia PDF Downloads 13310892 Effects of Social Stories toward Social Interaction of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Authors: Sawitree Wongkittirungrueang
The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the effect of social stories on social interaction of students with autism. The sample was Pratomsuksa level 5 student with autism, Khon Kaen University Demonstration School, who was diagnosed by the Physician as High Functioning Autism since he was able to read, write, calculate and was studying in inclusive classroom. However, he still had disability in social interaction to participate in social activity group and communication. He could not learn how to develop friendship or create relationship. He had inappropriate behavior in social context. He did not understand complex social situations. In addition, he did seemed not know time and place. He was not able to understand feeling of oneself as well as the others. Consequently, he could not express his emotion appropriately. He did not understand or express his non-verbal language for communicating with friends. He lacked of common interest or emotion with nearby persons. He greeted inappropriately or was not interested in greeting. In addition, he did not have eye contact. He used inadequate language etc. He was elected by Purposive Sampling. His parents were willing to allow them to participate in this study. The research instruments were the lesson plan of social stories, and the picture book of social stories. The instruments used for data collection, were the social interaction evaluation of autistic students. This research was Quasi Experimental Research as One Group Pre-test, Post-test Design. For the Pre-test, the experiment was conducted by social stories. Then, the Post-test was implemented. The statistic used for data analysis, included the Mean, and Standard Deviation. The research findings were shown by Graph. The findings revealed hat the autistic students taught by social stories indicated better social interaction after being taught by social stories.Keywords: social story, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), autism, social interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 24610891 Social Perspectives on Population of People Living Postively; An Indian Scenario, Evidence from Tiruchirappalli
Authors: Uwonkunda Jeanne, J. Godwin Prem Singh, Anjaneyalu Subbiah
HIV/AIDS is known to affect an individual not only physically but also mentally, socially, and financially. It is a syndrome that builds a vacuum in a person affecting his/her life as a whole.Keywords: People living with HIV, social dysfunction, stigma, and Social support.
Procedia PDF Downloads 51010890 A Decision Support System for the Detection of Illicit Substance Production Sites
Authors: Krystian Chachula, Robert Nowak
Manufacturing home-made explosives and synthetic drugs is an increasing problem in Europe. To combat that, a data fusion system is proposed for the detection and localization of production sites in urban environments. The data consists of measurements of properties of wastewater performed by various sensors installed in a sewage network. A four-stage fusion strategy allows detecting sources of waste products from known chemical reactions. First, suspicious measurements are used to compute the amount and position of discharged compounds. Then, this information is propagated through the sewage network to account for missing sensors. The next step is clustering and the formation of tracks. Eventually, tracks are used to reconstruct discharge events. Sensor measurements are simulated by a subsystem based on real-world data. In this paper, different discharge scenarios are considered to show how the parameters of used algorithms affect the effectiveness of the proposed system. This research is a part of the SYSTEM project (SYnergy of integrated Sensors and Technologies for urban sEcured environMent).Keywords: continuous monitoring, information fusion and sensors, internet of things, multisensor fusion
Procedia PDF Downloads 11610889 Social Innovation Rediscovered: An Analysis of Empirical Research
Authors: Imen Douzi, Karim Ben Kahla
In spite of the growing attention for social innovation, it is still considered to be in a stage of infancy with minimal progress in theory development. Upon examining the field of study, one would have to conclude that, over the past two decades, academic research has focused primarily on establishing a conceptual foundation. This has resulted in a considerable stream of conceptual papers which have outnumbered empirical articles. Nevertheless, despite its growing popularity, scholars and practitioners are far from reaching a consensus as to what social innovation actually means which resulted in competing definitions and approaches within the field of social innovation and lack of unifying conceptual framework. This paper reviews empirical research studies on social innovation, classifies them along three dimensions and summarizes research findings for each of these dimensions. Preliminary to the analysis of empirical researches, an overview of different perspectives of social innovation is presented.Keywords: analysis of empirical research, definition, empirical research, social innovation perspectives
Procedia PDF Downloads 38410888 Analysis of Buddhist Rock Carvings in Diamer Basha Dam Reservoir Area, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Authors: Abdul Ghani Khan
This paper focuses on the Buddhist rock carvings in the Diamer-Basha reservoir area, Gilgit-Baltistan, which is perhaps the largest rock art province of the world. The study region has thousands of rock carvings, particularly of the stupa carvings, engraved by artists, devotees or pilgrims, merchants have left their marks in the landscape or for the propagation of Buddhism. The Pak-German Archaeological Mission prepared, documented, and published the extensive catalogues of these carvings. Though, to date, very little systematic or statistically driven analysis was undertaken for in-depth understandings of the Buddhist rock carving tradition of the study region. This paper had made an attempt to examine stupa carvings and their constituent parts from the five selected sites, namely Oshibat, Shing Nala, Gichi Nala, Dadam Das, and Chilas Bridge. The statistical analyses and classification of the stupa carvings and their chronological contexts were carried out with the help of modern scientific tools such as STATA, FileMaker Pro, and MapSource softwares. The study had found that the tradition of stupa carvings on the surfaces of the rocks at the five selected sites continued for around 900 years, from the 1st century BCE to 8th century CE. There is a variation within the chronological settings of each of selected sites, possibly impacted by their utilization within particular landscapes, such as political (for example, change in political administrations or warfare) landscapes and geographical (for example, shifting of routes). The longer existence of the stupa carvings' tradition at these specific locations also indicates their central position on the trade and communication routes, and these were possibly also linked with religious ideologies within their particular times. The analyses of the different architectural elements of stupa carvings in the study area show that this tradition had structural similarities and differences in temporal and spatial contexts.Keywords: rock carvings, stupa, stupa carvings, Buddhism, Pak-German archaeological mission
Procedia PDF Downloads 22610887 Development of Wave-Dissipating Block Installation Simulation for Inexperienced Worker Training
Authors: Hao Min Chuah, Tatsuya Yamazaki, Ryosui Iwasawa, Tatsumi Suto
In recent years, with the advancement of digital technology, the movement to introduce so-called ICT (Information and Communication Technology), such as computer technology and network technology, to civil engineering construction sites and construction sites is accelerating. As part of this movement, attempts are being made in various situations to reproduce actual sites inside computers and use them for designing and construction planning, as well as for training inexperienced engineers. The installation of wave-dissipating blocks on coasts, etc., is a type of work that has been carried out by skilled workers based on their years of experience and is one of the tasks that is difficult for inexperienced workers to carry out on site. Wave-dissipating blocks are structures that are designed to protect coasts, beaches, and so on from erosion by reducing the energy of ocean waves. Wave-dissipating blocks usually weigh more than 1 t and are installed by being suspended by a crane, so it would be time-consuming and costly for inexperienced workers to train on-site. In this paper, therefore, a block installation simulator is developed based on Unity 3D, a game development engine. The simulator computes porosity. Porosity is defined as the ratio of the total volume of the wave breaker blocks inside the structure to the final shape of the ideal structure. Using the evaluation of porosity, the simulator can determine how well the user is able to install the blocks. The voxelization technique is used to calculate the porosity of the structure, simplifying the calculations. Other techniques, such as raycasting and box overlapping, are employed for accurate simulation. In the near future, the simulator will install an automatic block installation algorithm based on combinatorial optimization solutions and compare the user-demonstrated block installation and the appropriate installation solved by the algorithm.Keywords: 3D simulator, porosity, user interface, voxelization, wave-dissipating blocks
Procedia PDF Downloads 10410886 The Late Bronze Age Archeometallurgy of Copper in Mountainous Colchis (Lechkhumi), Georgia
Authors: Nino Sulava, Brian Gilmour, Nana Rezesidze, Tamar Beridze, Rusudan Chagelishvili
Studies of ancient metallurgy are a subject of worldwide current interest. Georgia with its famous early metalworking traditions is one of the central parts of in the Caucasus region. The aim of the present study is to introduce the results of archaeometallurgical investigations being undertaken in the mountain region of Colchis, Lechkhumi (the Tsageri Municipality of western Georgia) and establish their place in the existing archaeological context. Lechkhumi (one of the historic provinces of Georgia known from Georgian, Greek, Byzantine and Armenian written sources as Lechkhumi/Skvimnia/Takveri) is the part of the Colchian mountain area. It is one of the important but little known centres of prehistoric metallurgy in the Caucasian region and of Colchian Bronze Age culture. Reconnaissance archaeological expeditions (2011-2015) revealed significant prehistoric metallurgical sites in Lechkhumi. Sites located in the vicinity of Dogurashi Village (Tsageri Municipality) have become the target area for archaeological excavations. During archaeological excavations conducted in 2016-2018 two archaeometallurgical sites – Dogurashi I and Dogurashi II were investigated. As a result of an interdisciplinary (archaeological, geological and geophysical) survey, it has been established that at both prehistoric Dogurashi mountain sites, it was copper that was being smelted and the ore sources are likely to be of local origin. Radiocarbon dating results confirm they were operating between about the 13th and 9th century BC. More recently another similar site has been identified in this area (Dogurashi III), and this is about to undergo detailed investigation. Other prehistoric metallurgical sites are being located and investigated in the Lechkhumi region as well as chance archaeological finds (often in hoards) – copper ingots, metallurgical production debris, slag, fragments of crucibles, tuyeres (air delivery pipes), furnace wall fragments and other related waste debris. Other chance finds being investigated are the many copper, bronze and (some) iron artefacts that have been found over many years. These include copper ingots, copper, bronze and iron artefacts such as tools, jewelry, and decorative items. These show the important but little known or understood the role of Lechkhumi in the late Bronze Age culture of Colchis. It would seem that mining and metallurgical manufacture form part of the local agricultural yearly lifecycle. Colchian ceramics have been found and also evidence for artefact production, small stone mould fragments and encrusted material from the casting of a fylfot (swastika) form of Colchian bronze buckle found in the vicinities of the early settlements of Tskheta and Dekhviri. Excavation and investigation of previously unknown archaeometallurgical sites in Lechkhumi will contribute significantly to the knowledge and understanding of prehistoric Colchian metallurgy in western Georgia (Adjara, Guria, Samegrelo, and Svaneti) and will reveal the importance of this region in the study of ancient metallurgy in Georgia and the Caucasus. Acknowledgment: This work has been supported by the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (grant FR # 217128).Keywords: archaeometallurgy, Colchis, copper, Lechkhumi
Procedia PDF Downloads 13610885 Issues and Challenges in Social Work Field Education: The Field Coordinator's Perspective
Authors: Tracy B.E. Omorogiuwa
Understanding the role of social work in improving societal well-being cannot be separated from the place of field education, which is an integral aspect of social work education. Field learning provides students with knowledge and opportunities to experience solving issues in the field and giving them a clue of the practice situation. Despite being a crucial component in social work curriculum, field education occupies a large space in learning outcome, given the issues and challenges pertaining to its purpose and significance in the society. The drive of this paper is to provide insight on the specific ways in which field education has been conceived, realized and valued in the society. Emphasis is on the significance of field instruction; the link with classroom learning; and the structure of field experience in social work education. Given documented analysis and experience, this study intends to contribute to the development of social work curriculum, by analyzing the pattern, issues and challenges fronting the social work field education in the University of Benin, Nigeria.Keywords: challenges, curriculum, field education, social work education
Procedia PDF Downloads 30110884 A Feasibility and Implementation Model of Small-Scale Hydropower Development for Rural Electrification in South Africa: Design Chart Development
Authors: Gideon J. Bonthuys, Marco van Dijk, Jay N. Bhagwan
Small scale hydropower used to play a very important role in the provision of energy to urban and rural areas of South Africa. The national electricity grid, however, expanded and offered cheap, coal generated electricity and a large number of hydropower systems were decommissioned. Unfortunately, large numbers of households and communities will not be connected to the national electricity grid for the foreseeable future due to high cost of transmission and distribution systems to remote communities due to the relatively low electricity demand within rural communities and the allocation of current expenditure on upgrading and constructing of new coal fired power stations. This necessitates the development of feasible alternative power generation technologies. A feasibility and implementation model was developed to assist in designing and financially evaluating small-scale hydropower (SSHP) plants. Several sites were identified using the model. The SSHP plants were designed for the selected sites and the designs for the different selected sites were priced using pricing models (civil, mechanical and electrical aspects). Following feasibility studies done on the designed and priced SSHP plants, a feasibility analysis was done and a design chart developed for future similar potential SSHP plant projects. The methodology followed in conducting the feasibility analysis for other potential sites consisted of developing cost and income/saving formulae, developing net present value (NPV) formulae, Capital Cost Comparison Ratio (CCCR) and levelised cost formulae for SSHP projects for the different types of plant installations. It included setting up a model for the development of a design chart for a SSHP, calculating the NPV, CCCR and levelised cost for the different scenarios within the model by varying different parameters within the developed formulae, setting up the design chart for the different scenarios within the model and analyzing and interpreting results. From the interpretation of the develop design charts for feasible SSHP in can be seen that turbine and distribution line cost are the major influences on the cost and feasibility of SSHP. High head, short transmission line and islanded mini-grid SSHP installations are the most feasible and that the levelised cost of SSHP is high for low power generation sites. The main conclusion from the study is that the levelised cost of SSHP projects indicate that the cost of SSHP for low energy generation is high compared to the levelised cost of grid connected electricity supply; however, the remoteness of SSHP for rural electrification and the cost of infrastructure to connect remote rural communities to the local or national electricity grid provides a low CCCR and renders SSHP for rural electrification feasible on this basis.Keywords: cost, feasibility, rural electrification, small-scale hydropower
Procedia PDF Downloads 22510883 Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Organisational Performance
Authors: Jagbir Singh Kadyan, C. A. Suman Kadyan
The researchers attempts to establish whether a relationship exists between the social activities undertaken & the funds that has been spent by the selected corporate organisations. Corporate listed on the (NSE) National Stock Exchange of India, under different categories shall be selected as a sample for the purpose of this study. The researches shall also study the dynamics of corporate social responsibility funding, financing & management of corporate social responsibility funds by the above selected organisations in the Indian context. The rationale behind selecting & undertaking specific corporate social responsibility activities shall be analysed & interpreted to discover the real drivers of corporate social responsibility. Besides above, an attempt shall further make an effort to understand & analyse the nature of impact on the selected corporate organisations on its overall performances due to the activities undertaken under their specific corporate social responsibility programs.Keywords: corporate social responsibility, organisational performance, national stock exchange, sustainability, society, health, education, sanitation, environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 60010882 Education for Social Justice: University Teachers’ Conceptions and Practice: A Comparative Study
Authors: Digby Warren, Jiri Kropac
While aspirations of social justice are often articulated by universities as a “feel good” mantra, what is meant by education for social justice deserves deeper consideration. Based on in-depth interviews with academics (voluntary participants in this research) in different disciplines and institutions in the UK, Czech Republic, and other EU countries, this comparative study presents thematic findings regarding lecturers’ conceptions of education for social justice -what it is, why it is important, why they are personally committed to it, how it connects with their own values- and their practice of it- how it is implemented through curriculum content, teaching and learning activities, and assessment tasks. It concludes by presenting an analysis of the challenges, constraints, and enabling factors in practising social justice education in different subject, institutional and national contexts.Keywords: higher education, social justice, inclusivity, diversity
Procedia PDF Downloads 12710881 The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure on the Accuracy of Analysts' Earnings Forecasts
Authors: Xin-Hua Zhao
In recent years, the growth rate of social responsibility reports disclosed by Chinese corporations has grown rapidly. The economic effects of the growing corporate social responsibility reports have become a hot topic. The article takes the chemical listed engineering corporations that disclose social responsibility reports in China as a sample, and based on the information asymmetry theory, examines the economic effect generated by corporate social responsibility disclosure with the method of ordinary least squares. The research is conducted from the perspective of analysts’ earnings forecasts and studies the impact of corporate social responsibility information disclosure on improving the accuracy of analysts' earnings forecasts. The results show that there is a statistically significant negative correlation between corporate social responsibility disclosure index and analysts’ earnings forecast error. The conclusions confirm that enterprises can reduce the asymmetry of social and environmental information by disclosing social responsibility reports, and thus improve the accuracy of analysts’ earnings forecasts. It can promote the effective allocation of resources in the market.Keywords: analysts' earnings forecasts, corporate social responsibility disclosure, economic effect, information asymmetry
Procedia PDF Downloads 15910880 The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Citizens’ Perceptions of Social Justice in China
Authors: Yan Liu
The Gini coefficient indicates that the inequality of income distribution is rising in China. How individuals viewing the equality of current society is an important predicator of social turbulence. Perceptions of social justice may vary according to the social stratification. People usually use socioeconomic status to identify divisions between social stratifications. The objective of this study is to explore the potential influence of socioeconomic status on citizens’ perceptions of social justice in China. Socioeconomic status (SES) is usually reflected by either an SES indicator or a composite of three core dimensions: education, income and occupation. With data collected in the 2010 Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS), this study uses OLS regression analyses to examine the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and citizens’ perceptions of social justice. This study finds that most Chinese citizens believe that the current society is fair or more than fair. Socioeconomic status (SES) has a positive impact on citizens’ perceptions of social justice, which means individuals with higher indicator of socioeconomic status prefer to believe current society is fair. However, the three core dimensions which are used to measure socioeconomic status (SES) have different influences on perceptions of social justice: First, income helps enhance citizens’ sense of social justice. Second, education weakens citizens’ sense of social justice. Third, compared to the middle occupational status, people of both higher occupational status and lower occupational status have higher levels of perceptions of social justice. Though education creates a negative influence on perceptions of social justice, its effect is much weaker than that of income, which indicates income is a determining factor for enhancing people’s perceptions of social justice in China’s market society. Policy implications are discussed.Keywords: education, income, occupation, perceptions of social justice, social stratification, socioeconomic status
Procedia PDF Downloads 31310879 Exploring the Characteristics of Three Elements of the Mountainous Cultural Landscape in Yemen: Mountainous Cities, Mountainous Villages, and Cultivated Terraces
Authors: Abdulfattah A. Q. Alwah, Amal Al‑Attar, Sumyah M. Al-Fanini, Ellen Fetzer
Cultural landscapes enhance the spiritual relationship between people and their environment. They represent civilized evidence of peoples' interaction with nature and the exploitation of its resources to build their civilization. Yemeni urban and rural environments are rich in many cultural landscape elements that reflect the ingenuity of Yemeni people in interacting with nature. Yemen's mountain cities and villages appear in harmony with mountains, with vertical tower building patterns, local building materials, and unique architectural and urban elements and features. Such cities and villages are still full of life today, such as the cities of Taiz, Ibb, Lahj, and historical Jableh and hundreds of mountain villages in the provinces of the mountainous highlands. The cultivated mountain terraces reflect the ability of Yemenis to create arable areas in the tall mountains and to use successful means of irrigation and rainwater drainage. Unfortunately, there is a severe shortage of research studies that discuss the cultural landscapes in Yemen and the mechanisms for their preservation. Therefore, this study aimed to shed light on the types of mountain cultural landscapes in Yemen and discuss the means of their preservation. The study achieved its objectives through a theoretical review of available studies and field visits to some sites in Ibb, Jableh, and Taiz cities. The study highlighted the human contribution to these sites and elements and showed the Yemenis’ skills in adapting to nature and benefiting from it ideally. This study can guide the competent authorities to assess, develop, and protect cultural landscape sites in Yemen.Keywords: civilization, urban environment, Yemeni mountain architecture, human heritage conservation, cultural identity
Procedia PDF Downloads 10310878 Prey Selection of the Corallivorous Gastropod Drupella cornus in Jeddah Coast, Saudi Arabia
Authors: Gaafar Omer BaOmer, Abdulmohsin A. Al-Sofyani, Hassan A. Ramadan
Drupella is found on coral reefs throughout the tropical and subtropical shallow waters of the Indo-Pacific region. Drupella is muricid gastropod, obligate corallivorous and their population outbreak can cause significant coral mortality. Belt transect surveys were conducted at two sites (Bohairat and Baydah) in Jeddah coast, Saudi Arabia to assess prey preferences for D. cornus with respect to prey availability through resource selection ratios. Results revealed that there are different levels of prey preferences at the different age stages and at the different sites. Acropora species with a caespitose, corymbose and digitate growth forms were preferred prey for recruits and juveniles of Drupella cornus, whereas Acropora variolosa was avoided by D. cornus because of its arborescent colony growth form. Pocillopora, Stylophora, and Millipora were occupied by Drupella cornus less than expected, whereas massive corals genus Porites were avoided. High densities of D. cornus were observed on two fragments of Pocillopora damicornis which may because of the absence of coral guard crabs genus Trapezia. Mean densities of D. cornus per colony for each species showed significant differentiation between the two study sites. Low availability of Acropora colonies in Bayadah patch reef caused high mean density of D. cornus per colony to compare to that in Bohairat, whereas higher mean density of D. cornus per colony of Pocillopora in Bohairat than that in Bayadah may because of most of occupied Pocillopora colonies by D. cornus were physical broken by anchoring compare to those colonies in Bayadah. The results indicated that prey preferences seem to depend on both coral genus and colony shape, while mean densities of D. cornus depend on availability and status of coral colonies.Keywords: prey availability, resource selection, Drupella cornus, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Procedia PDF Downloads 14910877 Social Media, Networks and Related Technology: Business and Governance Perspectives
Authors: M. A. T. AlSudairi, T. G. K. Vasista
The concept of social media is becoming the top of the agenda for many business executives and public sector executives today. Decision makers as well as consultants, try to identify ways in which firms and enterprises can make profitable use of social media and network related applications such as Wikipedia, Face book, YouTube, Google+, Twitter. While it is fun and useful to participating in this media and network for achieving the communication effectively and efficiently, semantic and sentiment analysis and interpretation becomes a crucial issue. So, the objective of this paper is to provide literature review on social media, network and related technology related to semantics and sentiment or opinion analysis covering business and governance perspectives. In this regard, a case study on the use and adoption of Social media in Saudi Arabia has been discussed. It is concluded that semantic web technology play a significant role in analyzing the social networks and social media content for extracting the interpretational knowledge towards strategic decision support.Keywords: CRASP methodology, formative assessment, literature review, semantic web services, social media, social networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 45210876 CO₂ Storage Capacity Assessment of Deep Saline Aquifers in Malaysia
Authors: Radzuan Junin, Dayang Zulaika A. Hasbollah
The increasing amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere recently has become one of the discussed topics in relation with world’s concern on climate change. Developing countries’ emissions (such as Malaysia) are now seen to surpass developed country’s emissions due to rapid economic development growth in recent decades. This paper presents the potential storage sites suitability and storage capacity assessment for CO2 sequestration in sedimentary basins of Malaysia. This study is the first of its kind that made an identification of potential storage sites and assessment of CO2 storage capacity within the deep saline aquifers in the country. The CO2 storage capacity in saline formation assessment was conducted based on the method for quick assessment of CO2 storage capacity in closed, and semi-closed saline formations modified to suit the geology setting of Malaysia. Then, an integrated approach that involved geographic information systems (GIS) analysis and field data assessment was adopted to provide the potential storage sites and its capacity for CO2 sequestration. This study concentrated on the assessment of major sedimentary basins in Malaysia both onshore and offshore where potential geological formations which CO2 could be stored exist below 800 meters and where suitable sealing formations are present. Based on regional study and amount of data available, there are 14 sedimentary basins all around Malaysia that has been identified as potential CO2 storage. Meanwhile, from the screening and ranking exercises, it is obvious that Malay Basin, Central Luconia Province, West Baram Delta and Balingian Province are respectively ranked as the top four in the ranking system for CO2 storage. 27% of sedimentary basins in Malaysia were evaluated as high potential area for CO2 storage. This study should provide a basis for further work to reduce the uncertainty in these estimates and also provide support to policy makers on future planning of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) projects in Malaysia.Keywords: CO₂ storage, deep saline aquifer, GIS, sedimentary basin
Procedia PDF Downloads 36110875 Recovery of Local Materials in Pavements in Areas with an Arid Climate
Authors: Hocini Yousra, Medjnoun Amal, Khiatine Mohamed, Bahar Ramdane
The development of the regions of southern Algeria require the construction of numerous road, rail, and airport infrastructures. However, this development is very expensive given the very severe climatic conditions, the difficulty of reusing local materials, and the unavailability of water on the project sites; these regions are characterized by an arid or semi-arid climate, which means that water sources are very limited. The climatic conditions and the scarcity of water make soil compaction work very difficult and excessively expensive. These constraints related to the supply of water for irrigation of these construction sites make it necessary to examine the solution of compaction with low water content. This work studies the possibility of improving the compaction with a low water content of the soils of southern Algeria and this by using natural or recycled ecological materials. Local soils are first subjected to a series of laboratory characterization tests, then mixed with varying amounts of natural additives. The new materials are, in turn, subjected to road tests.Keywords: compaction, low water content, sand, natural materials
Procedia PDF Downloads 12210874 Internal and External Influences on the Firm Objective
Authors: A. Briseno, A, Zorrilla
Firms are increasingly responding to social and environmental claims from society. Practices oriented to attend issues such as poverty, work equality, or renewable energy, are being implemented more frequently by firms to address impacts on sustainability. However, questions remain on how the responses of firms vary across industries and regions between the social and the economic objectives. Using concepts from organizational theory and social network theory, this paper aims to create a theoretical framework that explains the internal and external influences that make a firm establish its objective. The framework explains why firms might have a different objective orientation in terms of its economic and social prioritization.Keywords: organizational identity, social network theory, firm objective, value maximization, social responsibility
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